« The Dan Bongino Show

Interview Special With James O’Keefe & Dr. Quay (Ep 1685)

2022-01-17 | 🔗

In this episode, I interview James O’Keefe from Project Veritas and Dr. Steven Quay. Don’t miss this show for some eye-opening information about coronavirus.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bonn, Why have a stats loaded show for you today? No, no! Really! I have two enemies for you Doktor Stephen Clay and James Oki from project very will get updates from James you're gonna wanna hear on the FBI rate on yes, the f. The irate on James O Keefe after he got a hold of Ashley by. styrene, which had some weird stuff in it. You're not gonna want to miss that also Doktor Stephen QUIET expert, on the origins of corona virus folks, I promise you and I'm out over selling this interview, He is a man of few words we got down, but the interview he is now corroborating and doubling when I'm telling you it is worth your time Some of this stuff he's gonna talk about about Nepe a virus. Deadly
iris is the one that this ORF protein that the corona virus releases, natural immunity and all the things this thing does just eye opening. Go anywhere. Tracer much may express Bbn protect your data in IRAN. Activity from prying eyeballs get a vpn got to expressvpn dot com, Bongino welcomed it thereby GINO show on fine by let's get to the sponsors, I'm going to read to the sponsors back. I appreciate your patients they pay to be here. They keep the show free for you, so we can t be uninterrupted between the interview. So I really appreciate it. First, the sponsor day is Jenny. So you know what the real secret to effective world ass skin carries, ladies and gentlemen. It's the goodness of creamy of a kind base it absorbs easily into the skin to target those forehead. Wrinkle laugh lines crows feet under I bags and puffing. And yes, even a sagging jolliffe Jenny cells, cow do foul. Flower base was formulated by far
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that's. Why they of over sixty thousand five star views we people hawsers that calm, Slash Dan. We, the people, holsters dot com, Slash Dan thanks. We, the people now for a stunning interview with Doktor Steve, quite check this out. I'm excited to welcome to the pod guess. For the first time, a guy I've come to have great respect for real truth teller, given this dread corona virus covered pandemic, we're going through Doktor Stephen Doktor. Welcome to the show, for the first time is great Abbe. Here, it's great to be your dad thanks. Very much you're. Very welcome. Have had you my fox show my radio show. You know I had you on the factual while ago, and you discuss that some of the home working the clean up you were doing on some of the things that are happening over in the war on lab, and one of the things you had noted was in the war. On my there was some evidence, they may not have only been working on corona viruses in the series of corona viruses, but also more deadly viruses
one of em, notably called me Bob within an and that the vitality rate of this virus is anywhere from fifty to eighty percent when you had said that on my fox YO, I got a load of emails from people who are understandably terrified and grown. A virus has been awful, but it certainly thankfully nowhere near fifty two eighty percent lethality should we be concerned about another super virus coming out of. is this lab, but other labs. Why think we always should be a we were, is its horrible to talk about getting yourself. Lucky with cool with, but this virus has a point. Seventy one percent lethality read now, though it we settled into going about it, but rashly right in patients, samples that were sent to the whip. The one is gerardi December. Two thousand ninety they were sequence on a machine that looks very deeply at not only within the patient sample what sort of everything in the lab, because it it picks up. You know a single dirt flakes, so you can end eyes. Fifty five million reads from them:
genes that were uploaded into the database. The bottom line is that the lavish widely contaminated with the leap, a virus- and it's not just the plain old infectious nippers neuber virus. What is in cloning vectors? So, the tools that that biotechnology is used to move things around to gain a function. Research make things more airborne, etc. There is both the vector that you can buy I for my catalogue and do your genetics with and the virus itself. So this is perhaps the most dangerous thing I have seen in laboratory because it was de the leopard. We were aware patient samples were, it was by death they should not be also for the highest safety level was either two or three, so you ve got you know. A very the virus being experimented with perhaps to engage a function? All I know is removing the genes around in the way you do with gain a functional and be careful about what I say, but, as you say, a fifty two eighty percent lethal virus,
it is really is. Is horrifying information You know we have viruses other, I know there's a respiratory virus irish grown of, but this is not the be all and end all in viruses. You know you have Hanta, you have me by you have Ebola. I mean these viruses transmit the factors. Obviously you know you can ever waterborne illness and SEC born illness, but the fact that they are working on this stuff on there was evidence of some manipulation. You know you would think the unit states government, and I hope they are dark out there just start telling us has been really focused on this, but thank you for updating us on that. One of the other things discussed about previously, which have been getting a lot of questions on if you had said something in a radio interview did with me about corona virus, yeah it a a form of protein which which that's something to supplies this press either? The immune or inflammatory response- and I thought that was was odd- was a fast in point, if you could just now that we have some more time when I compressed by radio commercial. I minds you what
You mean by that wise. It so unusual, ok, well back in and learn a little bit about viruses and then get into it. There are three kinds of proteins: in the run a virus for them. Would end up in the baby viruses it go on you not to further infections about a dozen inside the sell that are making the making the virus particles themselves, but there are two of them that our secreted by the virus into the bloodstream they circulate in your bloodstream and their designed to do things in the immune to suppress the immune system. So it's it's very unusual for a virus, the sort of put out this kind of of your false flag, as it were almost from approaching point of view. When you look at
the proteins the virus is making in the first twelve hours after an affection, so you got to the virus is doing the things it that thinks most important, in particular timeframe the the largest amount of protein. It's making is this ORF, eight o r f aid, which is secreted in the bloodstream, and what does two things it suppresses interfere on response, an suppresses. The presentation of Anna to the immune system, soulless that's dissect, those two. When you get a viral infection, you get a fever and it gets worse than you feel. Like you know, you have that eighty feeling that virus doing that, it's your own interference and it probably relates to a time when we didn't have medicines, of course. So this is a signal that you need to go away from your tribe, to go off in the woods and either live or die, and then come back to your tribes. Who became a signal of infection or fate is the only one
you ve ever seen in a virus that suppresses this. The consequence is that Sars copy to is the first new respiratory virus that was asymptomatic symptomatic from the beginning. Thereon usual was the other thing it does. The other thing it does. Is it suppresses the present haitian of antigens to the immune system. So when you get an affection, when you want your antibodies be made or you get a vaccine, you want your antibodies to me. They'd want your t cells to respond, there's a temptation process, so there's a whole said a mechanism where this foreign protein is presented to the immune system? It says immune system. This is something you need me you need to make an about his against. You need to make tee cells against because its form this protein suppresses there. Now we see that before, where what virus does that? The most each ivy
what they may be. Do you can never get an annabel response. You can never get yours immune system going with HIV causes costly being tapped down so that a groan of ours, you gotta vaccine you're, getting about twelve. Another whole virus genome in the back see you're only getting a piece of spite protein under three other protein the virus that you're not getting antibodies too and you're not getting anything with respect or fate so proud. a fundamental reason. Why infected patients have such a better immune response to vaccinate patients? Is there actually making alibis against Orpheus final data point? Is when you look at the german antibodies in an infected patient against, despite protein the other member proteins in the virus or orphaned, or fears about an order of magnitude higher. So the true wait, the true in full
Sean caused a very strong immune response, with his very were approaching again, I know other data, faxes or fate was being studied really only one place three years from twenty six to twenty eight. Those are the ones who stood around so they were doing paper after paper on what does worthy do. How do we make it stronger? Having make weaker even some of the? U S, scientists were cutting edge top of the top of the team. For the rest, it run a virus. Research were not looking at orphan likely; one is to Roger, was While I have to take away from that and infirm, please correct me: if I'm wrong, I think it would be naughty. Oswald to surmise that if they we know we're doing their homework on manipulation of viruses in the war on lad. That's not a controversial point. That's accepted his fact. You know whether conclusive that this was a lovely to specific virus is lacking.
So a lot of evidence in that regard, but die If I were doing experimentation with what I wanted to be a contagious respiratory virus, is creating some kind of a buyer weapon. What I would do is I was make. I would make sure early on that patients are worried, symptomatic and where, in fact, spreading it widely What you're saying about the human immune response is correct and not an immunology, but even faster. By signs from early on. You know it's: it's mechanisms that, where you present as an illness, that some of them are from your own body to make sure you are aware you in fact ill and you're right a more of a sociological responses on fact the rest of the community as well, but what better way spread: respiratory pathogen that this suppressed response at least temporarily to make sure you're as infectious as possible as many p was possible. I mean that that that's Conspiracy theory that sap and with this virus
absolutely- and so your example- is the Sars one which is a which is a related virus about ninety percent related, don't knowest, asymptomatic, patient whatsoever. Out of the eight thousand, those acting one, and it was so unusually, they publish it as a key report. One asymptomatic pace. Here we had about forty to fifty percent of the of the patient Recent dramatic, again. That's death has never been seen before any natural krona virus. That's that so bizarre. The second thing I take away from that, as we are seeing a lot of data and data matters where data driven people we should be, but some of the data coming from foreign. trees where the data sets are sadly more complete. We're seeing natural immunity seems to be not perfect, but more potent than some of the vaccine derived immunity from either the MRI Renee or the whole virus. J J T vaccines, which are a little differently technology there
not because of what you just said. A developed immunity to this this. This separate protein that suppresses the response is out. Will you That is why the natural immunity may long term, be more effective than the vaccines we have now we're the enemy. I think it's a second layer of the bottle Mary The bottom layer of all you ology is that a natural infection Give you better immunity, then taxi I mean vaccines are wonderful and they probably been next to clean water. I want to let one of the greatest successes of the last two hundred years, but a natural infection will, by nature, be a better, be a better immune response. You'll get a broad array, Be cells brought a range of tea cells. The memory the memory cells are lovin stronger. You like it's, like you when you're in basic training- and yet you know you have you- have a war exercise, that's great, but if you know, hardened by real bad. That's, that's the different. That's a great analogy, accurate one doktor one!
with natural immunity. Some concerns me I had been vaccinated early on after about with them, for I was one of the early vaccinations and floor, and I was one of the first pass folks who got it. I had it He severe case- I I dont know if other people at mile cases I can speak, and I can only tell you my own personal anecdote. My was really bad. I'm an three and a half fever, just shells the whole panoply of awful things. I had them criminals. I also met a doctor gave me I've met and I Clark when a decision, my decision, I'm an adult, will you do you? Folks, I'm not your doktor, my also You know of vitamin c vitamin d, zinc, corset, just over the counter things as well, are melatonin as well doc. I had it for basically thirty six hours and I was done with it. I never miss work. I got it on Friday. I was back to work on Monday, but having said Saturday and Sunday we're really awful and what what worried me they started doing a little but a homework on re infection for personal
I don't want to get re infected with this thing, but It's not unheard of. Sadly, what that is I mean just explaining it mean article difference between say chicken pox swear. You know when I was a kid they had chicken pox parties The kids now get it done, will buy their healthy any really here and you don't get em again, most probably heresy doctors, but I know that's what have we ever, but why do you think the difference you were there are re infections are not very common, but it does happen. You know they're there are. There are some issues with this with this particular virus thumb part of it is that you know it is its changing, so quick, play because we're both growing and we're doing. Three hundred million probably gained a function, experiments right. Every person that gets infected the virus you know plays with a particular that person's immune system and then when it leaves efforts over and over its head, it's done again a function experiment. So it's rapidly evolve
being away from the immune system. It's it's dodging the antibodies at your forming. So it's going to have to burn through its own rapid we know it has a relatively limited repertoire terms of of possible changes that that can can still bind the receptor and strong way but get around the immune system. So I think alma crime not unworthy. It looks to me like it's going to be the last major wave before this truly becomes endemic. something that we don't talk about. We don't hear about much at all. In the news because it's so infectious, but also so some minimally minimally lethal nonlethal pathogenic it's it's quite a good virus in that point of you driving from your mouth to God's ears. I hope you're right. I mean I really thought the Alta down here in Florida was going to be the end of it. I mean I have a friend who is a healthcare professional work, someone a local hospital and then
Malta was was bad down here and then I thought gosh. They must be run it out of people do in fact, at some point, the simple arithmetic doesn't work so do hope. You're right. That leads me to my next question. essential, but the perfect sideways given alma crime. It appear at least from there from the early data we don't again ever conclusive data set yet, but then Amr Crowd appears incredibly can t Jesus high or knots here, but the Lord less lethal. We haven't seen the degree of Lee and very serious side effects. Why, Is that why the upper respiratory, rather than lower respiratory lung base symptoms, which are more severe, that we saw what then, the original very wet. What's that it's it's! The same or virus granted some genetic differences? Why did disparity, thankfully in fatality red he also so first, let's talk about the in effectiveness, so
when all grown came out. One of the remarkable things was there although it here it was missing a year worth of background mutations says if it had been ripped when Winkler often on your often lab somewhere it the ability to get around every single Anna body that the general population had I guess, run all my clothes, except for one. This really unusual, finding it's a kind of thing that you would the unusual that nature, just it just doesn't happen in nature, usually there's a there's, a short back and forth between the immune system. So as a virus drifts immune system drifts and you start to keep up with it. But in this case it is again escaped a whole year worth of human experience, but does, but in March of this last year there was a paper from South Africa where there are purposely taking the virus in the mid from July twenty twenty
you with convalescent serum pooled sera, from patients who had gotten over Sars Cove. You too to see if the virus could still in fact cells you don't even the presence of this pulled antibodies from the world's human population. Of course, that's that's again a function of getting around around alibis, so That's why it's so infectious? Why do the upper respite? Zita? Is it in receptor thing is. It did just targets, different tissue types, why? Not there again, thankfully, the lower body more serious in flight a tory long symptoms that have been like I mean literally suffocating people to death, and me people been dying. Necessarily due to the virus, but The bodies responds to the virus so to three and none will make conclusions from those number one is it grows about eight times faster,
in the upper AIR Way and the nasal pharynx. Then the delta, where it grows about one fourth, is fast in the deep lungs as a delta variant and that's probably the reason it gives you an upper. You know a nasal unequal discharge discharge sneezing sore throat, not but not the pneumonia, but the other fact is that, while it has the fear and cleavage site that we ve talked about so much the sand at activated this thing that makes it go to the brain and the heart and the liver, and, although all the the additional organs that it goes to in addition to infecting a given human, the you're inside and only crime, which is kind of crazy. almost hard for me to say it is not cleaved. So one of the other things that the cleave Egypt of of the
of the few inciting dealt in the virus virus did was. Was this really really vicious thing which is called forming a sensation? So when the when the spike protein is cleaved, the second half of it is like this. This battering ram that can go in the cells. very very easily and when its pre caught like it was in the original virus and indulged up. It goes the neighbouring cells. So when you look at it, not topsy along along prohibition. What you see is you'll see like a hundred cells in one circle, because the virus is infected, a hundred cells right next to it, but it didn't do that by going out and coming back in through the surface, it went through the sides. This is called US incision virus and does, of course, of Asia immune system. This is this completely evades immune system because it never sees the outside, but it requires the cleavage of fear and sight. So
alma crime cannot form a sensation. All I can do is go out deal with the immune system and go into a cell in the traditional fashion, and this shows the fundamental difference of the cleavage of the fewer incite, both respect transmission, but also path. initially it you're, not getting ammonia and you're, not getting it, of course, in the brain and the heart and the long in the inner vascular system, all because of the poor, since ravenous, cleave of them for me, now ass, a peace that was put in in the one is gerardi fast document very generously times couple more questions for you, the trajectory of this virus going forward. I listen. I know Zol predictive, but you you're a doctor. That's what we do. I mean you don't know where cancers gonna go either then stop you from treating it you know we ve seen with respiratory viruses in the past, notably the nineteen eighteen spanish flu, which was particularly dangerous, that that the people who were in
acted with that later, on, eventually burned itself out. You know we still I've influenza, but we see virus as severe the reasons Eddie, clearly and evolutionary one you kill all your house there's nothing left to. In fact, any viruses, don't obviously there not alive, you know it's a dna. Data protein these aids, I doesn't think, but it more effective via this virus, moving forward to become like alma cron highly contagious and more contagious, but yes yet Leslie and do you know of any examples, in India, in the research you seen a viruses It's that have become the opposite say. Maybe maybe maintaining their infection level but becoming more lethal, because that that would be scary. That's that's what concerns me. Well, you I think I didn't delta was approaching that kind of event, but on the ground. Clearly very very different. I mean I think that I want to get some good news.
out for your audience there. So there's a nice day out of de Keyser system in California. Fifty two thousand overcrowding patients, eighteen thousand delta patients from November person, I've ever first of January. So it's a nice. population. There was a seventy five percent reduction hospitalizations with Amr Crime versus Delta misspoke, a fifty percent hospitalization. Seventy five percent, I see you are in a ninety one percent death reduction, one person, fifty three thousand died of overcrowding in that in the study. So that's the thing I use with patients is. I try to put some in this context, can understand your lifetime westminster. By lightning one in fifteen thousand, so your risk of being killed by on the crown one and fifty two thousand. I think we can. I think we can go back to normal life with that kind of risk, Rob probability are now. I can current. I think a lot of people are you ve seen
regardless, I know this, they say you're a scientist, not a politician rescue political questions, but thankfully, we ve seen some people on both sides of the massive political divide say the same and even gale king was on a night. We show this week saying: listen, I'm on them with this. It's time to just go back. Take your meeting Some measures wash your hands eat right, lose some weight. If you need to the common sense advice. Doctors like yourself been given people. Since you know I saw pediatrician doktor, Susskind, God rest his soul. You know, forty years each apples Daniel Drink, a lot of water. I mean comments The last question: doc I get along if ye on this obviously mean not being a doctor, medical professional people, concerned about some of the reports of my car died as they are rare, thankfully, but they are there they're not non existent. And the question I get a lot is you know, listen, I'm a young man, young woman. I know I can so the myths about their doctor, but you always is it worth it? For me, a lot of a majority had corona virus. In other words, is it worked their worth?
risk and I'm not asking you to give just ask you to comment on the general trend. For some of these folks to get microcredit, as they are concerned. Some of them had coronavirus, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen their athletic. Their young are like you know. What is this for me? It was enough. You make a lot of these reports about this inflammatory art condition. Well, it's it's it's real and it occurs with both the virus and vaccines. It occurs typically and young men more than women about three two one men mailed whim mid male female its typically mildly, typically recover from a completely but button If you know the herself can reproduce so to that extent, you lose one percent to presenting your carried out what it's gone through an athlete as a really big deal. So if you ve had enough, if you ve had been the infection now I think you fully immunized on it. I'm I have looked at the data on the boosters, I mean, if you
to get when they're fine, especially if you're over sixty probably, but you know, I think I think we ve got this much cannot be original original vaccines because Omicron has now moved away. We know scientifically that, despite protein, that the vaccines make is no longer recognised The innovation union setbacks in are no longer effective, gives all the council I really I think that I have just pointed out. We should stop that in terms of the of what you do. I think there's also there's also the strange increasing orchestra reality now in many insurance companies, where they have read check when somebody you ok, is in their life insurance, so their their journey and spot on this particular topic. There seems to be, in my opinion, as this is not going a little off the reservation, but that there is there a sort of way. How can I say at an increase in the in the coalition?
state. So if you were to measure the quaint was parameters in any given, patients can be saying you do a hundred thousand pay. There might be a tiny difference on a population basis, for what this means is that the second standard deviations are gonna, have more coagulation So what does it mean? I mean stroke in his heart attacks. It means nor any sort of quiet. Nation renal failures in those sorts of things, there's actually been studies. Where high very, very good. Migration in postal patients reduces repeats, dropped by fifteen twenty thirty percent, and so on. everyone. I know look at it in a let's stay, really well hydrated for the next six nine. I'm not good at that. I dont like that. I don't want to drink water alive is, is not my name Your but a year. I think, probably right now we should keep our we should keep our blood is. Is this guy says we can, I think, a lot of people, something
take a barrier aspirin earth. I say: Johnson's aspirin at bedtime began to kind of major blood. A little bit slick are bought. Blood thickest between two and five in the morning, and that's why you get your strokes and how to tax in their time frame. So on the common sense things, but scene, I think there's a coordination change that may be fundamental now in the population of completely manageable, but good enough in my opinion over the last year, have really focused on migration too, and I think will on their dark because it just there is this kind of where we came in reminds me of again when I was a kid how these standard medical advice care professionals for decades have been giving you still applies, get a beat balanced diet, work out, don't let this Corona virus attack. You know fatty tissue. She no work out, try to lose some way to hydrate yourselves
These are all old standard tips that never ever get old doktor. You are just a well a fantastic information. I have tremendous respect. We been an asset to this show and our audience. Thank you. So much respect some time, unless you are welcome back any time thanks a lot they stand thinks they are very much. Told you. I told you that interview wouldn't disappoint Oh gee, and I were listening to that with rapt attention. Stunning information right thanks, Doktor, Stephen, quite we'll get him back sometimes on a radio show off it. Let me get you a couple sponsors before it gets. May next interview with James O Keefe again another remade second interview, this the whole update and what happened to him and the ridiculous ray on his house by the FBI. After he got a hold of the final phase. the diary there before yet that get upside, get upside. It's an incredible app and everyone who buys gas needs to hear about called get outside,
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Eric and mock raker you can see here is a cover right here. You can pick it up now what's coming out January, twenty fifth, but you can pre order wherever you get your books, American Mock Raker, James, O, Keefe James. the subtitles rethinking journalism for the twenty first century. This is kind of an open book question for you here, but what's wrong, with journalism in the twenty first. I didn't do it such a great job. Up until now get you ve gone. What isn't wrong with journalism? I mean feel like that. But everyone knows to be true issues that people in power have a relationship with media, and you saw this week with darker than he found she everyone's defending him when you're supposed to be speaking truth to power, but to be a journalist in modern times, you really have to accept. You really have to suffer. You have to endure lotta defamation. You have to use undercover techniques, which is what we do. It does so allows us a degree of independence and we have to use whistleblowers.
to find people inside the government corporations like Pfizer and the department, defence and the marine corps. These are all people that work with project there at us and they all say to me there is nowhere else for them to go. The story broke this week that the I can't tell you the sources. It wasn't the marine corps, major inside DARPA, but all These people have one thing in common: they all believe that the system is broken and there's no that will represent them, so this book american mock rigour it tells in and livable nonfiction story of what we ve been through and what it takes to do this. The preface of the book is actually called suffering, which might surprise people, but whether its David delight nor Andy, no or my colleagues being raided by the F B. I know you of the F b I working in conjunction with the New York Times. That's ironic user, extraordinary times, and even though its tough, I
I am hopeful, I'm not a cynic. I believe that we are going to succeed in telling the truth as long as we don't stop doing. What it is that we do James Retard James, O Keefe here, author of the terrific new book american muckraker, you see the cover right there. Folks, you know J. You ve done some really groundbreaking working and, oddly enough, is you state become kind of a target which is strange. You would think people who profess to be of journalism are the uncovering of facts. Would say whether they like you personally or not. I mean they hate me. That's no secret! Either They would say you know what I don't really like the guy, but my gosh, I mean these facts she Collins email with this guy press scandal you guys just uncovered about them. Apparently trying to suppress any information about a devastating deadly lab league from who, on you know, you make a serious person and journalism would put aside their personal feelings and say a o Keefe project worth
congrats on break at a huge story and and be call you have read of use, but no, staying James? You find yourself the subject of targeting I under libel and FBI raids, yeah, that's death, reality and that's why people don't do what I do, but if you keep going, if you don't stop you're going to send a message to other people that they in fact can do it too. In this book I talked about, I wasn't in DC on January. Sixth, I was in a hotel where I wasn't under the capitol grounds. I was in a hotel room and I was meeting with a source, someone inside the customs and border patrol, and I write this story about how he was watching events unfold and said: that's it, I'm blowing the whistle it's not classified on releasing the documents
are you afraid, and this man said, will James as long as you don't stop, I'm not going to stop. So I really do believe that the only thing that can stop patriots is patriots, stopping what the F b I did was unconscionable. Ok, it was a disgrace. They came to my apartment with a battering ram they're, putting american journalists now in handcuffs, and then there was a brief moment after this house. the Europeans, renders the acl you defend me. Now I have ever nearer. We talk about it on our show, James Wheat, which stunned by go ahead of us are sure that the dean back of the head in your time did not like Ben Smith. At the New York Times dependent Witherspoon sort of a civil war within the New York Times one that later, but there was if there is then diagram of left and right, and there still is a sliver of overlap between left and right this country, and that was a moment then putting me in handcuffs ten, ten, twelve FBI agents at six, a m banging on my door.
And putting me in my hallway of my apartment, building from my neighbors are barely clothed and and day they executed. for him and the attorney general, the United States that in July Merit girl and said you are not to execute search warns against journalists in this room She certainly a Watergate level scandal who approve this raid against me, the? U S attorneys in the southern district of you were Dan. I know used to work in New York. Now enforcement throw you as it turns the prosecutors argued before the judge they said. Will James a cape has not a journalist, your honour, the judge said with a federal judge said why not and the prosecutors it well you're honour, because James O Keefe doesn't get consent from the people can reports on which is an argument. That is so. I thing absurd that this matter will judge rejected. That argument is Dana Bomber appointed judge and in his Torres and the judge ordered the F B. I stop going through
I believe we have crossed a new Rubicon and it was, I afraid I was afraid for a day or two. I would do its slightly terrifying. I couldn't. I couldn't believe that this was happening. It felt like I was living in a dream state that morning, but we're but you know what even more sources are coming to project our right now, because they're all saying James, you must be doing something right if, if you're gettin flag you're over the target, I just hope that I'm calling on all journalists. Two to take a stance and Dan just one more better news, monopolies more on this more documents? Next, couple days we just learned. Yesterday we obtain a document that the FBI has apparently been in communication with Pfizer Pharmaceutical about me. Why is Pfizer talking to the FBI about Project Loretta? So you have you have a corporations like Pfizer?
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York Times all working in harmony with each other, and that's just not how I should done how it supposed to supposed to work. So it's up to independent people. Citizens now have to do the journalism, but the New York Times in these other organizations. Do you know James? I attach the acl you who once defended the clue. Klux clan- I mean an important organisation, but they say. Oh you once understood that dangers of suppressing speech. You didn't like that. The approach to speech you dont, like is more- speech in counteracting speech. You know, like would speech you may like that, Miss they got away from an Irish, really, stunned and and and quite happy when they defended you gay member. We talked about it. On that day, he gave them a round of applause. I got a good for you guys for doing that, but story about what happened you with the Ashley Biden diary, is so deeply disturbing that
If I'm getting at ease factual information source gives you a copy of it or some notes. Whenever baby, you know you do that: you the proper thing with it. You re by the FBI, then the New York Times proceeds to write a piece. It appears they had an insider either justice or the FBI League. materials that appear to be privileged between you and your attorney, I read the story. It I'm thinking to myself this gate. we're going over with the producers like. I myself I'm getting this right, because even for these by gay Russia, hoax kind of FBI, leadership and the press
it sounded third world to me. It is it's. It's it's very nineteen. Eighty four and I talk about this in American migrated that the object of persecution is persecution. Some have told me that the nature of that rate was to intimidate news to scare me am, I have not been charged letting down, but the the search warrant people say were: how did they get? You have to get a magistrate. Judgments is a lower federal, John trying to prove an FBI rate for the FBI to ask you to search warrant against anyway predicted. Europe is a very aggressive. That is a very aggressive thing for them to do and when, after this happen, that just curious understands someone summit sent a document to Mere saw a source transmitted. The diary to us and you are protected under the Supreme Court case, called Bart Nicky offer a journalist is allowed to receive a document even if the document was stolen.
I didn't know that it was stolen and even if it what we don't know, whether was stone if it was stolen, we would be protected under Supreme Court precedent and by the way, if your audience is not familiar with this, you know it's called when a journalism organization, Atwood New York Times or washing opposed publishes a stolen document. That's called Tuesday,
It happens every day, so I'm sitting there and they show me this up this search warrant and it lists crimes such as accessory after the fact transporting stolen documents across state lines Miss Prison Other Phelan. These are absurd, absurd pretences by which to search a journalists home if it's a crime to transport stolen documents across state lines that have to put all the people of the New York Times in prison when they publish thirst and by the way when they did the store and trumps tat return. The irish no documents they had no on the record sources. So what this is really about is it's about power. It's about.
A symbiotic relationship between the paper of record and their governments sources and they can't bite the hand that feeds them, but they, but they all always overplay their hand. Let leads me to another another issue, which is our defamation lawsuit against the New York Times and by the way we winning that defamation losses and while we are currently winning that defamation lawsuit, the New York Times publishes my attorney client privileged memos within minutes of me being out of handcuffs after the FBI rate, I got a text message from the New York Times, MIKE Schmidt, national security, or for how the hell did MIKE Schmidt. No, the contents of a secret weapon jury subpoena minutes after F B, I read: well you got to figure that out yourself yeah, it's so troubling judge for targeted James O, Keefe, again, author of us spectacular new book folks pick it up wherever you get ebooks it's coming out January, twenty fair, but or computer it now american MA,
greater here's, a cover right here by James O Keefe, were speaking, do right now. You know what a federal agent James. mistakes get made all the time. But I honestly, I can't imagine walking into a frontline supervisor, GS fourteen and say: hey, listen up! I'm writing up the details of an arrest warrant for alone a journalist who may have gotten their hands on some very sensitive information, I am handling I he would have looked at me like. I was crazy, like that, would never ever passed. last year, with an assistant, United Sates attorney better they be wondering why you were harassing local journalists. The fact not only love that happen with you, but you found yourself quite literally, you know in handcuffs at way. The rays I mean this is got to be so deeply disturbing and I think a lot of what's playing into his what you just said. You have no person in America's done more damage to the credibility of CNN than you. What really they ve done it to themselves, but you ve exposed it and tat
but you ve done a lot of homework on the by demonstration found she and otherwise This is a purely political case. Has nothing to do with the law at all. Right. Well, you're, right about that, and I mean you have to kind of get into political philosophy to understand how we ve gotten this far. We did a story about Facebook and Facebook said. Even if the information is true, we're still going to censor it. They use this term misinformation in such a misleading way. They call we did. The stormy did this week Dan honour that the doktor the documents within the department fenced. It was the number one story. It's with number one running story on twitter by the way I'm banned on twitter? Yet our videos continued his friend, but it was taken down and you know one may be made a phone call and ask them to do them. A favor and seal tour took that down and you have to wonder how do we get here and I think it's about power.
about you know who you're allowed, which side was ox. Your goring is what matters the term misinformation. What is that even me That means the audience drawings the draws the wrong conclusion from facts, even if their true and a project our tasks in the last decade. I will give anybody a ten thousand dollar check if they can give me one example of a situation which have led to my audience, do I use undercover techniques? Of course I do because it's a question of relative deception. If I'm honest, if I presented myself as a journalist to the Department of Justice, are they gonna be honest with you? If I did present myself to it
and ass to a twitter engineer. They can tell the truth now composer. That's why he's undercover techniques, because people are more honest when they dont know we're talking to, and yet these people these journalists go to these organizations and go to these people and authority and present themselves as who they are and become corrupted, because the people inside the government are sharing lies with those journal. So we ve gotten to appoint an american history where it is completely up to us and I will not be intimidated. these organisations. I was scared for about a day or two because who wouldn't you're a human, and it's like that wars by, but I am very emboldened by your audience- support thus sharing our videos, distribution by proxy There's a lot a lot, a great reporting that were doing in and in fact, another story here next week, while one I applaud you, for you know for not backing down there, is frightening James. Anyone who tells you otherwise its candidature for crap
the FBI power to take your life in your freedom that only the most powerful federal law enforced Entity anywhere in the known cosmos, cars should be frightened and men. people odyssey, probably would back down. You have not only not back down you ve double down and that's why I want you on the show and I want people to go check out your work project where thousands of sport, again american Mock Raker title James, this book. These guys need our support. Folks, there get it done there, not just talkers there, yours James, your thoughts on this current trend with big tack. Obviously you ve seen it. You just addressed that they're using the big umbrella title of this information or misinformation to politically target people like yourself, but find the more they target. People like you, I'm it's almost the beach ball effect. You know they try to keep the beach ball underwater and keep your explosive videos next possessed from being seen. But Jesus is now working I mean the beach ball, pops out you, I've got
radio show. Why have you on I've got a tv show your on Hannity you're on talker you're on Fox have the massive profile you have. I email list, they D, gets working hours. The Streisand effect happening here. Where you know I don't take a picture. My house and everybody flock. The barbarous tries, is asked to take a picture afterwards causing their own demise here. I think that I feel strongly about this. I think the content is king. What does that mean? I think of the story is good enough. It'll force people talk about it even if we abandoned, but I want to repeat myself: I haven't been on twitter since April, a project heard us was banned on Twitter in February.
And we ve done some. I don't have fourteen trending stories Hunt Twitter. Now, where I disagree with any other right is I don't think we should go to these other platforms exclusively because we end up creating an echo chamber. I'm not single platforms are powerful, they are and will use them and we do use them. But my ultimate metric of whether our story, successful, is whether it does trend number one on twitter. This one this week did. That means people on the left or forced to confront the facts that were fighting and often they attack us after me, give them to print retraction, but I ultimately believe we have to full form for it. For us to save our republic, there has to be some consensus on the facts. Okay, so I believe strongly that we have two still debate. People.
who don T agree with us. We have to have conversations of them. A bare task should go into the street with microphones. We do that because we force ourselves. We force them to engage with us and we will continue to do that, so I now instagram they recently made it so that you can't tag us. That's hurt our ability to new followers and the reason they give when they when they made it. So you can't tell us, as we spread quote false information about covert now. Here's the interesting thing about that and is I've. Never myself actually made a claim about covered with a battle for departure. Analysing quoting people inside Pfizer. Saying we called is one day in Cyprus who said that the anti bodies are more effective than their own back seen. That's a fighter scientists saying that
Did that the reason we got banned from Twitter and April was a CNN controlling director, trolley, Chester, saying, sea and on his propaganda. That's CNN Control Room Director saying that why they banned me for quoting someone at sea and end makes no sense, but I believe strongly that we shouldn't wine and complain about the censorship we have to go out and get compelling video content that forces its way to a fuse throughout the algorithms and and and distribution by proxy. You you have our stop, even though a banner you spread our stop, even though a ban. That is the way to do tat and a bob. You been very generous your time again we're going James O Keefe offer author the new book American Macgregor check it out. I thank you for that
question. For I agree with you are as someone who is fully invested, both emotionally monetarily in a lot of these alternative platforms. I've said the same thing. Can people believe me James other benefits we financially more than you said. I get off those platforms come over us. I've said repeatedly that I think you should make your home base for video rumble your home base for microblogging. Whatever you choose getter parlor locals, I don't care what it but I've. I've been closed. My twitter account I dont posts there. My team uses it. I posed parlor, but I've been close it and I In close, my Youtube account So I videos on Youtube, because I agree with you the creation of this parallel economy should be where our home bases, because, eventually what happened to you is going to happen to us too, and therefore you ve already built you can judge seamlessly Walker. I have more followers on rumble more than twice as many I do on Youtube. I have two million subscribers. I only have eight hundred thousand on Youtube, but
you're right. I don't suppose there at all the fact that my videos discover Bonn Youtube still. Will I changed some eyes. I fully agree with you on that, but thought on this together. Midterms come up, I know you, journalists, but here listen. You're journalists recovers politics, clearly gone downhill for the by diminished and they ve been enveloped in scandal to us wondered why an organization like yours and get more like Department of Education, insiders whose gout when in the truck administration, you know Everyone in their mother was leaking James. You think it's just that Brill loyalists are in like a cult where they like, no matter how corrupt the nest, School Scoreboard Association, the only is they don't care They worshipped the golden calf. You know we had all these leakers in the troubled ministration. I guess better, summed up where are they all now? Well stationing point, and I read about this in this chapter of American Macgregor called propaganda.
You know in the Soviet Union, people knew what the truth was, but they had a kind of yet only talk about within their own household and and roaring were increasingly seeing. This phenomenon did no democratic party. We have covered stories on the mid term elections in purple states, aura read it were the cracks are running in a conservative state where they can actually say allowed what they actually believe they have to. We ve, actually hidden cameras, record Democrats running first Senate without sake, don't tell voters what your actual positions on you saw that recently in the film are furious. Berytus Ikey was very close. We caught Filmer running for Democrat in New Jersey. Governors raised and his people saying don't tell her that I was a great idea when Thou isn't going Aisy video, sorry, readers rob this. This phenomenon is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, What they do is they don't say anything at all and that's why you're seeing that phenomenon
you're saying there is all those Lakers, but there are a lot leaguers at this added recently there was a a leaguer inside the California education system. who believed us audio and video, Gabriel Guy, a communist teacher in California saying he want to send students antivirals and he was fire. He was fired, which is very difficult thing to do, to get teacher firing California and created a absolute sensation at school board meetings in Sacramento, and I want to say about whistleblowing: it's not easy Daniel. We want to refer to it like spacewalk. It is really there's nowhere else for people to go but project vera task, and it is important that we have with us ours and I believe that a lot of cynical people homeless, people most of them
Men's under our video path. Nothing will ever happen to these people. I think they're wrong. Something will happen to these people and it's up to us, and there is. We have sources everywhere Dan, I mean everywhere that I will be marketed vents now, so I believe, there's going to be a mass movement, a thousand plus people out this year and next year, and this is the only in our world of illusion and quasi illusion. These people give us hope these are the people that can actually change things. Filming, what's going on trust, the evidence of your eyes and ears a lot George Orwell. Nineteen. Eighty four, the party tells you the not trust the evidence of your eyes and ears, but a project. The parents us believe we believe the truth will set you free and it's a required brave insiders and heroes to come out, and you can do that their task tips, it proton, they'll dotcom, we ve never lost a lawsuit. We dont therefore witnessed we're not going to be intimidated. We want you to come to us this project, aerosols,
No one, does it better than you guys James Emma, proud too heavy on the show? One last saw plug for the book here, folks, American Ma breaker. You see it right. There's argued in the camera American Macgregor James, O Keefe, the author James, the release stage, energy. Twenty fifth, you can priolo now Let's have you on the radio show when it comes out. If you're not loaded with media appearance, Israel will lock proudly get this out. for people to read, they need the support you and support project worth us thanks for spend some time in the city really appreciate. Thank you thanks for June. It invokes, I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy those interviews as much as I enjoyed conduct an implicit scribe to our rumble account rumble. Are you M Bialy rumbled accomplish punch, know it's free trying to get the three men in subscribers. At the end of the year, we just cross two million. Thank you for your support. Rumble thou com, slash mancino thanks a lot. see you tomorrow, just heard it in GINO.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-17.