« The Dan Bongino Show

Impeach Now! (Ep 2053)

2023-07-25 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the explosive new revelations from a Biden insider that could lead to an impeachment. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know what I can't even like the day off. they are, as you can tell by excite excitement, love with you. What back? off too much news currently like hotter, I'd business part is going to test maintained that they get bigger they all these days, but I gotta take I've. Just use a thing. So please forgive me all, because a couple people understand the audience this is. This is all about you to show right. So a couple of folks I go to my website. You can email us and I have someone who answers them, and sometimes we check them out if it's something we need to see personally right, but they followed. Most of the cobble people complain there it taken too much time of folks, we didn't job you convey For me, as you ve been, the free were the first person who worked they ever. We did not.
Good day off for what six years, literally not a day off, like not ace. If christmas was on a wednesday, we were so. I got a lot of catching up to do. I pray I'm not gonna make towards your habit, a habit we're can be to next monday to that is all for family kid stuff that I can't miss. So my sins, apologies, but I do feel like I've got a lot to get to I'll. Show you what I did crazy stories out. There are a lot of bad about our coffee dot com flesh bond gino. The show today stop giving you monies well garbage companies, don't care about. You go with a coffee option that take great and law. the country, black our coffee, our com. Slash bond gino use coupon code bungee, no for twenty percent of your first door, sniff together all right away. Oh now, I'm ready to roll. I big showed it. I'm gonna cover are the walls close again member the famous line they use about trump alla time on by I think binds real trouble. May you be two reasons with this story here: real trouble this time, not legal.
Problem, no one's gonna to arrest. This is a democrat Democrats. Don't get arrested political trouble This we control the politics, because we ultimately vote many get to that and assigned to impeach sky, ok, we'll get it anyway tunnel. Impeach arbitration, right you by innovation reference I come. You may seem to see yo howard macular on tv explaining how they hope so many small businesses with their ear seat, actually, funds, the usa, easy employee retention credit every year. The The US government sets aside over a billion dollars for economic incentives, but it's reported only about four percents claimed. If you own a business more than four employees, you can have money waiting to be claimed innovation refunds, independent tax attorneys, dedicated helping business owners navigate the complex your see filing process for different kinds of companies they also are the highest coveted associates to certification, specifies how trusted organizations should match. Customer data and a euro security processing greedy confidentiality in privacy, so they know how to handle serious company. An employee information, innovate,
has been helping eligible businesses claim their ear seek actually fund. Since twenty twenty one billion up your business to maybe do that, green innovation give us our common terminology eligibility few Fine, you could be on your way to receiving money, for your business is no upfront charge. They don't get paid unless you get paid good innovation funds that come innovation, reference dot com without one eight, three refunds: that's innovation, refunds, outcome, or one a for three reasons. Or I Joseph tuesday feels like Monday opening. We missed a lot this we're years or interesting, wake up. Eight. We are sir. Yes, we are, and there is a lot going on. So forgive me if I take it. brief aside and do a lot of personal stuff. It's usually left in my local accounts, but some quick photos whatever do this weekend so I was out in the exuberance problems and in the bahamas, are not really a beach guy, but I want wait a couple friends hours: we do so at the first leiva. There's me impala daughter, Amelia swim,
with the sharks. There are violating my don't get dead rule where no sharks. There's me in nepal. The short I didn't Obviously I was worried about you didn't because a guy next to me said: don't worry about we'll get ahead of them I get it you. They won't eat you today, maybe tomorrow, if they get hungry, so I decided to jump and with a sharp spouted everyone else violating that they'll get dead rule. Are you A picture of all of us: that's on the lizard island. It's me and my dentist unorthodox this friend both dude and all the kids we walked. over the years and from the boat, the water cbc. Those lizards behind a say. Look, I t radish cool. Let me I don t like the coolest partner photo joe you looking between us is a pig in a water, That's the swimming pigs island over in the bahamas. Word a pig swim out that about because everybody gets some food. So lots of sun that a good time I learned Lessons, though, I gotta be a better swimmer, it's hot who enjoy like a beach kind of watery vacation when you not,
their great of a swimmer saw I gotta work on those skills. I learned to swim actually in secret service school and I'm pretty go with the breathing in starve, but I'm just too what heavy man I gotta like swim with? Martin this? I had a better my swimmin, those guys regrets remit, so we had a lot of fun either get to the serious. Now that's a week it up, they are the was close again go Biden. Family has got a real problem. Now for the thousand time. I don't really think it's a legal problem. I wish it was. There is nothing I like to see more than this clown joker and his corrupt kids and family in handcuffs to what they did to screw over the united states. However, we don't, live in a fair country. We live in their country, where justice is blind to damage They don't see Democrat, but there may be a political penalty to pay and the reason is the media is getting sick, abiden right now and it's not because they media get signals and want to do the right thing now
cut, tat off decapitate tax this stupidity right away. It's not! because the media is trying to do the right thing. It's free the media needs that defend liberalism and if Joe Biden becomes a lie, ability to liberalism like Jimmy carter, did and david thinking zeal They new york, here's the boat, they'll throw em right off the guy. They don't No one else is out there. So here's what broke yesterday, I missed I was dying to get on the areas. Even gonna do a video for this. Just now, found a throw out there. What do the business partners to buy given archers miranda divine reports in explosive piece of elba, my newsletter bunch. You know that consular newsletter, so new york, post peace, hunter Biden put. And vp dad on the phone. business associates at these two dozen times. According new ex partner devon archer
That sounds to me like a leo dicaprio. Give me problem: if you know you know, that's you guys know do you know tat gives me eagerly you'd. Gotta, suggesting you gotta. Give me that's a huge effort to give that's it up If the promoter bought a time in hollywood, that's a problem folks to pro there are they doing that? I love that. That's my favorite! I gotta look right at my text by area now we're back at a chat, hey! Let's go there good to see you all yeah welcome everyone's swamp, we stop or day of no one. That's true swamper stop here. They do have no one to Kamila. Harris is the backup this is a problem for two big reasons: the depth. Larger testimony is gonna, be really tough for lunatic lunatic democrats to refute, because archer is connected to prominent Democrats outside of the Biden circle? In other words, I can't go out there tromp lawyer or a trump appointed attorney or trump appointed usa. Doing this guy
connected to Democrats from array. The divine I thought Joe Biden never spoke to his son about business, partner or parent He's gonna say: corner miranda divine that hunt abide with them. Was that on the phone very pub talk on speaker, you, my business, show me how important we all are. whose facing jail time for his role and in in a bond fraud, scheduled to testify next week that Joe Biden either in person or vs speak of phone. When when hunter would call his father and introduce him to far business partners perspective inventors that investors that he witnesses binding in person on speaker from getting involved in the deal. Ladies and gentlemen, there are two two big take away: This is where you gonna get pay. Attention was about? part of the show presuming to sound reuben number one. They start thinking to yourselves politically again. What's the deal it's gonna to beat devon archer who is connected to denmark.
Its notably john carriages, carry your I'm. What would pass we be this guy's motive, her lying in front of congress about Joe Biden being involved in these business deal. What would pay Should we be as part of another charge for perjury what would be his motive? democrats motive, the guy's connected the Democrats. degrees. Whole life is like a life. Long friend of John Kerry stepped son. However, on the motive front, this is to take way. Motive always think motor on the motive for what's Joe Biden motive for lying about. Oh no! No. I wasn't part of these business deals while its obviously wants to stay in office for reelection. Right now has a motive to lie. Archer has none archer Archer as a moat, actually archers
be lying and isn't touch does deal sounds to me like it. Here's the second problem, the deuce for the Democrats. There's electronic backup evidence to this folks. This guy screwed miranda device, continues in our peace, devon archer Parenting is going to say if he shows up if he makes it that that is beating about suggesting. Like anything horribly nough, various or lower. You know we can eliminate anything with these crazy people. I would suggest The guy could change changes, mine, which sounds would be a big mistake at this point. If he shows up at he talks about this meeting that was conducted in georgetown in these other meeting. What ukrainians there's an email, one hundred Biden laptop from a burmese mode. thank
Madam president, ski banking hunter for introducing him, too, is that quote dear hunter. Thank you for inviting me to DC and giving me an opportunity, be your father and spend some time together, bizarre ski road. It's really an honour and a pleasure there is ever. backing the sub, not to mention pictures of buying at meetings with business, associates people cosmic stand and elsewhere there a trip state look together there are tape. I've already play Are you on the show thereof, smells left to his son. I think you're in the clear now son, ladies and gentlemen, there is a mound of evidence backing up archers william. It's not gonna be easy for them to away. Now you may be saying in the chat right fairly enough, someone saying all dams are no good. That's all I get it. Here's the problem! Folks, the dams will lie they'll, make up
The thing to make this go away: it's not the Democrats that matter anymore, it's convincing a skeptical public, and I want to make one last point on this too. I read through your guys comments in there. Folks, the media will never come clean on this. because this is as much as scandal just like spygate about the media, the media, knew full well and the meat I understood that Wine was involved in an international bribery scheme. The media hid it that's. Why Media can never come clean about this story and I don't think they ever will however, I want to assure you not everyone in america's stupid, like lives. There are not philip, not every there's egg thereon add swaths of American voted even unto democrat side who eventually turn on this guy and they have no back our plan media wants this guy out, they know he's dead weight at this point. They know that cognitive- we not dairies trip and all over himself, he kids
you get normal senses and their amounts of information that this is the single most corrupt piece of human garbage to ever. Walk in the white house. Folks, saving What about this? The whole time here Twenty four team wall street journal, Biden, son John, harry's family friend, join ukrainian gas produces born, appointment came a few weeks after devon archer that dates gotta be run away this time for teens array, his what's right. Really, that's His appointment came a few weeks after devon archer college roommate. The secretary states stepson behind catch up air christopher heinz joined aboard to help the gazprom attract. U S, investors! Folks, these eyes are all connected. The Democrats, oh easy way. Out of this keep keep. The heat on Biden is not going to exit
raise. The man is to freaking stupid, he's too arrogant, and he is the perfect example I a stupid smart person, a guy who thinks He's a smart, the agreed intelligent because of his work history and is occasion, but is really a moron Biden. What drop. This is going to be. Or of attrition on the Democrats it's gonna. Take a real real black The left now this story gets worse story gets worse because it keeps change and it's going to enraged the media. They don't know what else is out there here. I want to play. I rarely plate requests from the same interview, but this is so good with Peter schweitzer, whose written just did
damning expose a along with miranda divines laptop from Hell, which we published disclosure, but these books are damning. Schweitzer has been all over government corruption forever. He gave just a killer interview with jesse waters on fox three short parser. Here's the first part that these geysers absolutely screwed on binding story. Keeps changing, even though they Consisting they're telling the same story, the first story We had nothing to do with business at all. I did know anything. The next story is wasn't personally involved now well. I wasn't involved directly in the business this all folks, all of it. Here's cod Peter Schweitzer, on how the story just can't be true because he keeps telling
fr in storage stimulus, he's gonna have to be able to put Joe Biden on phone calls in meetings. He's gonna have to talk about what people knew and when they knew it. What is it tell you now? The white house is changing their defence strategy. Its no longer Joe didn't talk about business is now Joe was in in business, yeah! We ve been out of this in twenty eighteen. They initially said there were no foreign deals, then they shifted and said there were. There might have been formed deals, but the binds made no money. Then it became Joe Biden didn't know about any of the deal's. Then it became Biden didn't participate in any of the deals, and now it's that heat? It was not in business with his son. Folks, listen man. The media is gonna turn on this guy because they are absolutely convinced there are more stuff out there. They are true to save liberalism, they are never gonna, do the right thing because they don't know the right thing
people who are just wrong, who have almost sociopath they value systems, don't give a damn about the right thing. They gotta protect themselves at this point the only way for the media to protect themselves and their role in covering up massive scandal, the only way to do it is to make Biden go away. The problem getting through to these idiots thick skull by. He really believe he's, the Democrat Messiah their folks listen. I know people who know this guy, He is a severely morally compromise, genuinely evil guy. He will lie about anything if you have any doubt about that look: it is back story with his family and this story: He told afterwards. not say it anymore. You look it up yourself
and you'll see exactly what I mean how this guy has no moral compass at all. He wants power. He is craved power. His whole life. He is not going to leave. Here's part to this. This is the biggest problem of all folks. We go beyond the cost, but where war, three I've covered for the last month and a half the growing perilous threat of china. That's shamefully, I've been brought up in a while. better than that would discounting russia. They have you, no five thousand plus nuclear warheads there currently at war with ukraine like this, is a really big deal. We need to make this stopped somehow before it escalates even worse The conditions are up for debate on what we be willing to accept, the ukrainians. The problem is Biden's already been I, by people in ukraine. How do we know binds me
the right decisions for the country and not the right decisions for Biden, knowing that all this information is out there and the ukrainians probably have a black a file on this guy schweitzer? Maybe one of the only people talk about this The list of the applications for this are huge jesse. If you look at that, ten, twenty three form that the fbi released. If that talk him in his true, that document reveals that one of the people that was at those meetings that heard the conversations about bribing the vines work for present the landscape who really wants to believe if that meeting took place in that document is accurate, that that individual did not go into report to president Zelensky, what he heard and again, if that document is true, who wants to believe that president Zelensky and his administration have not used that as leverage over
Joe Biden when it comes to negotiations on ukraine policy, we may all have to start learning the ukrainian word for compromise, because this is a very clear indication of how this is shaped, this administrations policy towards ukraine and also towards china. Folks, I just I need to think this through with me for a second, even if who are the most and listen order, a varied various different opinions on the topic, I respect you all coarser, all This is the united states of america you're free to have any opinion. You want on foreign intervention as long as you aren't breaking the law or anything like that and threat in someone else's life. That's fine! I'm just walked me through with this, for a second let's say: there's some major breakthrough: ukraine, fractures of russian front and wines. Have king back pieces of crimea, and some reasonable peace deal appear appears on the table where we say: ok,
No I'm not suggesting this is a good or bad deal. I'm just walked. Walk with me for a second tried think some that what a peace, both sides- ok ukraine will be admitted to NATO, we're gonna go A quarter of this part of crimes, russia. Ukraine gets its port back and its. Stern territory. The worst tomorrow. Trade resumes russia that baby it That applies to all party, some ukraine's gas it. When I get back when I give him any crimea way, fine. The point is a lot of people would say. Well that sounds like a reasonable deal to avoid nuclear war. The question becomes. I have ask you to walk. We walk through with me. What, if someone in ukraine who, as is bribery, file and has the damn tapes, are they take Biden on the phone, talking about all these corrupt deal, some of my been playing what somebody Creates is not on our we're not going there we're gonna take this thing all the way to the end, even if it results in a nuclear war. We want all of our our property back and binds ike the tapes out there as everybody
What about this? We got a president in office whose currently compromise by a country engaged in a war with a nuclear power where funding with billy the dollars, as everybody thought this through the left, how bad this could get home Moses man, you understand I'm off. the situation we are in right now with this clown rotting old your brain and the white ass we were in right now. It's perilous me take a quick breakin when you get there, Third, the shortest part is interview, but another part honestly, I haven't addressed enough about honor Biden and how exactly he made money, because a famous way to launder money is by do This one day, I'll show you let me come and next bj, your patient, sponsored here, talk you re the durban accords. They get it back. U s dollars global dominance of the past eight years. it's been reported that an august twenty second brazil, russia,
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The journey of financial pressure before making investment decision message and data rates by good company I've twice folks, my prior line of work involved heavily. If financial investigations, one of the most part. below are ways to launder money is right there Yes, the art world, sad, but true folks, arts night people, love it look it's in pressure, is painting its brutal star whereby we get lost in all these terms I don't even know what have me always strict or what does that mean libyans is glistening over the winter snow and ski around. That's funny, it looks like a booger. Oh no, now that somebody and you see a white canvas of people looking to go. Oh my god, it speaks to the emptiness. A void
in his face. Meanwhile, the guy who sold that cycle me sell a blank slate to these dumb ass. So, let's see what they say, abstract or so the art world sellers that some arch really cool. I got a pizza in my house. I always tell people I paid fifty five thousand dollars for that piece of art they're, like really it looks like some cheap art. You got an affair. It's a joke of going really pay. Fifty five thousand. When I was by the house, I wanted fifty five Now, of course, the windows had trouble. The lady said no. I said I leave that piece of art but and we'll settle on the internet. So I joker before a time that peace, our cars Fifty five thousand, now, probably three, isn't your butt other bees. Are you gonna god, like a garage sale, but I leave school. So that's it is the most popular way, one of whom to launder money. It's so crazy. What world did the bite in family guy? you next the art or they want their body, it's almost as if the buyer and when they are not sniffing kids rights, theirs.
Thing ways to make money in illegal illicit protection illegal ways check this here's peters schweitzer target about the art purchases with airports? now listen to this business. Insider just revealed one of the people who paid for hunters artwork her name's Elizabeth Natali, not an art collector at all. She said Mccrae donor and friend of the violence she donated to the Biden campaign and Joe appointed or do a cushion. government post shortly after hunters. Art show, that surprise, you peter no jesse, it's it's the graft, I mean look the question that we ve always ass. In that I know you vast is what is the binds business are getting all this money from overseas they're? Getting all this money for our work than frankly is not worth half a million dollars. What is the business? What's the product? The product
Joe Biden. Let's remember with charisma. The ukrainian energy company huh turbine, was getting eighty three thousand dollars a month when his father was vice. President of the united states, when his father became the ex vice president of the united states, hunters take from charisma was cut in half so everybody knows what the product is and why this is being done. And the Democrats, I think that continue to cling to the notion that there's nothing here, there's nothing to see, are making a big strategic mistake. In my mind, they're getting hung out to dry. Yes, they are getting hung out to dry what a grip! This is the guy points. Now do is blowhole like no stride blows. What does he blow his nose on two things? I was This is like I don't know, I don't know jack shit about items or, but the guy
like a strop. His nose are innocent and he's blowing our pain or somebody I dunno what else is going to, but I got an idea just started since he's getting five hundred k I have are two: other remedies are oh. This is scary here we're gonna make a lot of money. I want to sit on this okay. This is my famous. It aired on fox lived guide to loan repayment I can like many did so it doesn't come up. I wanted all these four five hundred thousand dollars, because this actually took creativity and skill room close to a job. To make money, don't be a bum. I will sell this for five hundred grand and donated to charity. I promise I will, if you're and then I'm convinced the police don't bite as if I wouldn't even let you waste five hundred I'll come over your house or for for twenty, give it an edge. It is a big on a white book. But did syria we ban? That's the big scam. Every guy puts it can t shirts blow it. A dollar
gosh like you, that five hundred thousand who, besides Joe kind of a skill like that like a loser like when we were cosmic scales because they were such losers, he could take of light. You want to call MIKE really bad words. What kind of scale right. Go you go and arousing hey. Look at an abstract paper. It's a picture of the morning. Rooster the father morning russa. It looks to me, like a red blowhole hole that they now it's the head of the rooster, at the right. I'd like you to change to the agrarian values of the halcyon days of when we all seem Biden group on and you are like these sanctions, the big red dot at any one time. Goes. Ok. Maybe I accept you stupid explanation, but then they go oh, by the way it it's an original, it's a hundred by rapid he's like, but we do. You gave me like you
what the hell are you to always a hundred by its regional hunter by that that they guessed at the party must be taken. What is that a crack guy is out there Do you ever see guy? You know like you're like without a leg. What's going on out there that there's a good, fellows what about julia pursuant to stuff in a dead guy? It's like it's a wing you ever see. Two hundred laptop you like what is, is that an arm is zero appendage. What we ask. Is that a leg what's going on there? Why is europe weather ahead should be what's going on. Oh look. It's one hunter Biden wow. This is so great, so wonderful yeah. I like the velvety clown stuff myself now you're going to fit right in in florida. Thank you. Bro.
It's going to be the truth. We should not all be in the same studio together is going to be very bad folks, but hopefully, by the end, yeah we'll all be together in a studio with multiple cameras. Hopefully this is going to be big trouble. Okay, this is not going to be good. The show is going to degenerate, It did just a total mass, but a good, ass, when I heard that that diamond rio. What a beautiful messroom listen before I get to the next one. We got it. I'm telling you this story is gonna, get even ugly. On a very serious and time to impeach sky. I am very careful with that. To the chagrin of many of my audience. But you gotta, remember you still to go to a trial in the senate, which right now will lose. We don't have the votes. So why do it? Because? Folks- Listen? The Democrats have set a new standard for impeachment. We now have enough evidence that this guy committed high crimes and misdemeanours, and if the democrats want to go on the record before an election that this guy,
be the president in a trial with the supreme with the yard. The chief justice of supreme court assented trial, would all evidence is going to come out. Let him do it, man. It is way past time to impeach sky, and I I've been hysterical on. You know that in the audience I'm telling you some of them I just don't like it Impeach anyway. No, you gotta be tactical about it, but cutesy time is over a peach tree four bs nonsense in ukraine when he was trying to get. The truth. Now we ve got the truth and it's a real impeachment. The catches its by ah, oh yes, just said it was impossible before this infamous absolute. Now you got that you got. This is Oh a business partners coming forward purposes. Order already came forward. We already have all its key just address the second business partner, how many more frequent basis As you know, the number on the bed ass, like tat, jack right,
we already had a first strike is already better. First strike. Itunes committees and the biggest stooges industry. I would assure you is killer video by the media, but its media part. This is good stuff. I promise. I found this morning- and it made me think of how important censorship is that of how important to make this thing go away because they know Ben I tired of the same old, monotonous, liberal flavoured coffee brands. Just stop well give your buddies craft companies go, my favorite got a mid show snare for the blackout. Copies unaware, Joe Biden, two black out copies. Why smell like america, coffee and that here too, as an affront. That's that section at the second, a member, Why is a guy ones accompany cares about two things: the country in coffee? He loves you
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with a some listen to the shift in the story. because there were about to get who now. The story is or they were never in business. Also they we ve talked about business, but they would ever in business. Here's the dance check this out german games homer. Today's isn't oversight makes me has evidence that If the president, in the past, communicated directly with foreign business associates of his son hunter Biden, many times curious, the white house and the president still stand behind his comment. That he's never been involved in has never even spoken to his son about this. So I've been I've been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son. I just don't have anything else to add I don't think you do. She is
totally sergeant shelter, but my favorite part of this club, because you guy see before we had on the show, is she such a horrendous liar. This is why she's no good at this jenny saki, who hopefully we'll, will get to later and showed a different clip, saki peppermint patty, what I don't even off the compliment her. She was a very good liar yeah. She was very quick, our fear. She lie about anything, but it was believable right, get a mature that's a compliment? Maybe this is come creature We are just not a good lawyer, she's. Just really jimmy. Had this I don't know any other way to say it. She's like I've. Answered this a million times unnecessary, hyperbole number one, and then she goes this story is not going to change. You didn't need the qualifiers, because A fire sets up the. Why? Because You changed the story. The story was never discuss business with the sun. There was no evidence about at all so, She draws attention, maybe I'm getting to deepen its now,
drawing attention to the fact that she changed story by insisting that story never change. You see, I never be my wife problem. She created this. here's. What I mean. Now she sang stories they whenever in business, because that's not the story, the story told before is there's not a single piece of evidence that they ever had anything to do with each take a listen yourself. The president's accusation against you stems from your son hunter binding, working on the board of an energy company in ukraine's while you were vice president? Do you agree that that could at least create the appearance of a conflict Look when I agrees with that. There's not a single solitary thing. Anyone said that was done wrong. I don't discuss business of my son I didn't know that was the case and in moment when, in fact I found out after the fact and because
I don't discuss things with my son or my family, because I don't want to have any knowledge of any. I don't want to be accused of all your talk with your son or your talk with your whomever and so fact is, though, everybody's looked at that He did nothing wrong. Zero period never talked about it, not a single piece of eta. He did nothing wrong, not a single thing period. The stories over folks, it's over and peaches guy now impeach him now get every Democrats senator on record during a reelection cycle for many, but not all the centres, but a lot of get him on. record, now get him on record. Now that you want this guy to continuous present this corrupt rotting bag of oatmeal. This disgrace, not just and I d space, but to humankind: basing moral free ethics. Free life loser who holds no redeeming characteristics at all the biggest Huge in this whole story, however, to two people once a group of people once a purse,
The biggest stooge in this is obama obama. new folks, you're telling me, one arm Joe Biden was vice president. Obama didn't know, give me a free can break pleas of obama knew any. Let it happen. Focusing on their more in the coming days and weeks, but the second stooge in this group of em, are the media. They absolutely new this corruption and covered it up, and that's why they will never come clean. I want you to remember this. This is the meeting is how disgusting garbage phil. Human waste. These people are these me your goons will attack conservatives for this. information when they speak. The truth we, while when the meal your wise. They will now We're attach that label to themselves. Remember this clip university chicago's student over there. He asked
journalists and apple bomb about the hunter Biden case at the time, which was real, remember sensor check this out and there are no schmidt's. I'm a freshman at university chicago, question is for miss apple bomb zones. Twenty twenty wrote: those who live outside the fox news bubble do not, of course, I need to learn any of the stuff about one hundred biden, referring to his laptop of curse. Upon later after that found that if voters knew about the content of the laptop sixteen percent of jobs, voters would have acted differently course. We know a few weeks ago, the near times confirmed that the content is real disease media acted in appropriately wendy instantly. Dismissed hundred I've taught by russian this information, and what can we learn from That's in ensuring that what we label as this information is truly this information, and I reality I might I probably hundred Biden's laptop, is, I think, a totally irrelevant. I mean it. Whether its disinflation or am. I didn't think the
hunter Biden's. Business relationships have anything to do with who should be president united states. So I fine. I don't find it to be interesting. I mean that that would be my problem with that is as a major new story. They don't have anything to do with should be present in united states evil. The guy running for president is a key player. I e, the chairman, according to business partners of a major international corruption scheme, you imbecile now why my playing this collapse of this specific when there are hundreds of media people whose the same. They have a calf heresy theory, because it's an apple who sits on an advisory panel of the sin formation, whatever governance in group or this information ink that gets the create illusionary less about who? Can advertise on the internet and who can't hear new york post.
Some toy very left wing information groups rake in cash with a black list of conservative news outlets. Folks, we live in the freaking dark ages. Were a bunch of starch by propagandists wire tyrants, like apple bouwman, others get to sit on a wafted pedestal. and ban all of us deplorable smelling from Evan, you want a internet for having our website see for being allowed to speak on twitter while lying to the. population. Over and over. This sounds like an orwellian nightmare. That's because it is and to companies playing along with these exclusionary list. You should be making a shame and embarrassed that you playing into this tyranny. You are the useful idiots History is warned about. I want you to know that, and I will never forget this, and nor should any other conservative that you
I've been on the right side on the war for freedom and liberty and free speech and big, are god given rights, while the law Scum, these tyrant soviet propagandist. Why to your face? Here's apple bomb again, look at this series of tweets ears are but up against, not just on the hunter Biden case. Someone ass in or whatever emphasising ass part of our common cause, reiterate this suggestion that the corona virus originated that originated in a super lab and move on which you did for me: have twenty twenty here's, an apple bob quote: tweeting it. While just like the soviet propagandists who tried to convince the world that the cia invented aids all really that's. Saving, say Stephen Miller put out there hey guys. where are we on this one about an apple bombs? Tweet? Are we kevin, williamson level, grovelling for apology and a firing or no by
ministration moves to ban funding for one o adapt. Isn't it just takes a headline earlier and at all? Where are we well well, what we, what are we doing about, but he does admit apology if we miss it and it's not enter his apology issued yeah. You should look up her husband by the way in the all ukrainian, the russian. Why thing we covered thou months? That's fascinating!. Also explains the Democrats with just given stand. Why now they're married to information, control and information laundering, information, control and laundering is the only way these people will prevent themselves from being exposed as the communist here. Scum may are that's why they have a sensor. You it
so explains the war on our. If came running for president against by I don't fall for Democrats, I dont support are of K. I support his ability to speak. It's not the same. I'm guy and facebook semi amounts to some very sensitive to you, criticism of the show is the shows for you, even if it's one person and I can't believe, you're promoting sky for the thousand time. I promote free speech, I don't care if you're alive, well a democrat. Even a communist zones, not breaking the law, they attempt to block this guy out and shot him up or of k, and the Democrats because it channel is the media's information laundering scheme is disgusting: here's peppermint paddy a mud, more skilled wire, now on amazon bc, full time attacking our f k, junior, even always a fellow Democrat, because why he insults their information, in control thing by saying what he wants to say, regardless of the fall out, take a listener this, maybe it's really.
not about our escape junior at all, but stared about Joe Biden like that saying goes. The you have my enemy is my friend that may make more strategic sense, but it would be incredibly cynical if republicans were elevating a conspiracy theories to spews false in it. lies some and even be damaging to the public and public health just to create trouble further political upon it. I mean validly leap. even for the right to embrace a candidate enamoured with conspiracies just as a means to advance their own political objectives. They ve, never son, bowed low before or have they you said the president obama was born in the union states by really that when we are, we urge world prior to oswald was being democrats.
Here's a warning for you. I have democrats who listen to these show I get their emails, they will come for you next. if you think for a second, the media, the propaganda scum out there, you think for us Second, there here to protect the democratic party in your in it. You are wrong. You're in the wrong guy was a. They are not here to protect you they're here to britain. Liberalism. They will throw you all bored in a second. This gas lighting information laundering doesn't just stop here either it transfers directly to global warming, nonsense to. Ladies and gentlemen, the democratic issue just discovered this phenomenon, Joe to sit This thing happens once in a while. So often like haley's common. I love you ve heard of it in just in may not have hardly justin's young avi seen this before
It's called summer its summer. It prince, occasionally view out of this. Rarely but the Democrats, just discovered this low, so they just discovered that in city I know Joe it's alive, they told minded shows like I. I went down visit a florida florence where Joe wasn't it was. This weird thing is sensation. It was like it was water. Skinner. What happened? Jos confuse so give him some time. Trying to adjust. You know geese I don't know I'm new to this. Just like you know, I lived in florida. My whole life and I've seen once in a while a couple days: you're there can we get a factory building. give us a fact check on this going kessler we're gonna get for pinocchio, it is a unique for dams just discovered this summer. Of course they love summers, summers a new thing now, so the gaslight scheme is all they need
summer heatwave add this year, which is unusual, but not highly unusual. They needed to promote their propaganda. Here's the worse governor in their country stay katy, hobbs, so the second worst initially J as summing up, they want to come after you Aids is now to say that so is causing the global warming nonsense right. So here's nz trying to tie this whole thing together, like hey, we gotta keep this gripped going. This stuff creates all kinds of jobs, making people throw out perfectly good appliances and build new ones people hate you ever try to wash your clothes these they send an efficient washer. You gotta watch him three times or try to dishwasher, say then we'll get a city. And again the good news is all around my stay. I can't turn over iraq without seeing new jobs associated with clean aviation fuel with new tie of batteries very exciting. What's going on right now in inventing a new economy and we're doing that right, wash and stained people get great jobs because the so there's two parts. This story
This thing is now the age of consequences. The bomb has gone off, but we we have the ability to restrain fossil fuels if we're making commitments we need to but I'm blind governors dated doing that. Did you see how he fits this this, and I know that clip it's not like going to set the world on fire, but I picked that clip for a reason, because he fits that you scams in air scam, number This is some big moneymaker, so just to be clear. Folks, rid of fossil fuels for solar, wind and other key? renewables is so profitable that only the government figured it out. That's a good one! That's it! That's really funny at second, oh yeah, but What are its over we're all gonna die. If we don't get rid of fossil fuels, we get ten more years. That's why they want you to throw your appliances folks do not do it, your water heaters, your air conditioners, bigamy strange is making this move towards green appliances, here's the kicker, they don't work, you have to wash you can
a hundred times ever go to allow flow or loaf love. Was it in an airport. Wash your hands for like two hours to get the. So what's the freaking point, You need a volume of water to remove soap from your hands, whether at in a minute or thirty. actions. It doesn't matter, don't shit on the left, seem to understand their ears. Green job here and why we need to start banning new appliances, including water heaters, but don't worry fellows a second app until twenty twenty nine. She says it like its thirty. Twenty nine is just. You years away figure, listen except from this administration. We've seen them go after gas stoves air conditioning units of regulation, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters, how many more home appliances will americans eventually have to replace them? So just to be clear when it comes to water heaters and it is, it is
It is proposed what has been put forward and if it is enacted, it would not take it into effect until two thousand and twenty nine. So, let's not forget that, so we want to make sure that we have the facts out there. These guys africa zig we got a massive inflation crisis. Still going up, we ve got a bit Joe for china invasion that Taiwan we ve got a war going on in ukraine. We got a border crisis, a crime crisis go on, and this is what does about banning your water heater. This is it. You want to talk about the definition of a useful idiots. Joe Biden is it she only reason, even some people in the media are still defending this rotting bag of oatmeal, here's their real plan. the seller times headline wooden occasional black out. An occasional blackouts used me help solve climate change. This is the only occasional but also kill a bunch of people who rely on oxygen machines and air conditioning because our elderly, but who knows, who really cares? We lack a few dozen
Who here and there? What's the big deal, rights wooden, occasional black outside clap solve climate it? This is the great reason. This is it an action right here, sir, Airbus out, freeze us out, you will all or nothing you will plant your lips on our asses and we will give you from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs. The old communist line right there now here's. This patrick, more at ego sense now on twitter to good account here. Regard the ridiculous claims of this summer's, but but the hottest days in the history of the planet, he notes its instructive. Note: the planet is more in just one hundred and fifty years old, like wow, it does right to know that he says four point six billion years all because it's true edward, interglacial period of the the scene ice age today, here's the global measures for the past five hundred million years. While look at that
seems to have been a whole lot better, so crazy. I thought this summer when a Democrat discovered. Some are for. The first was the hottest its ever been ever in the history of humankind. Here's a dude The two sides right trust the sides he says rather not done at its dolly justice. When a composer you're, stupid narrative, that's the Democrats. I trust this sides at that size. Here's a guy's ever my factual, I good dude mark murano is unfostered steward vonny. They got to a little back and forth This here mark whereon sums it up perfectly about these heat waves. They are, even knew. Now we ve got bigger heat wave. This is all nonsense, don't believe the hype with them trying to eddie, you're, hot water heater because we had summer etc new phenomenon tiggle look heat waves, grip, three continents as climate change, warms earth end quote ma, morocco from a climate depot joins me now we just
from casey steagall in phoenix bad? nineteen straight days above one hundred and ten degrees? Now why you you're a climate sceptics this not as the result of climate change, This is not outside the normal bounds of hot summer weather yeah, it's a record year. It can be one of the hottest, but here's the thing Joe Biden's e P. A has a chart of the heatwave index going back to the nineteen thirties and nineteen thirties are probably eight ten twelve times hotter in the united states than anything, were currently sing. Seventy five percent of all State temperature records were broken before the nineteen fifties. These records still stand now. This is a way that the statistics when you heard things like cnn new york times others have said this- is the hardest and urge history. Those were based on climate models, which either the not know a national oceanic atmospheric administration backed away from their weapon icing hot summer heatwave,
to turn it into some kind of climate action. This is outside the bounds of normal, whether I'm sorry post, it's not even abnormal in the last hundred years, man. It's all summer. It happen once in awhile wholly Moses man get used to it. Hey. I want to end with this. One then go to the tweets. The last story, all the way, the a tweet and then the wall street journal story went a little out of water again, just quickly folks you're, never wasting your time on this shell. The damned bond gino liberalism at liberalism equals anabolism theory, how liberalism, will eventually eat itself alive because you're fighting for a fixed that a spoils, whereas in any capitalism, you're, always expanding the pie, you're not fighting for eight slices of peace. because the eight slices of pizza multiply into sixteen and thirty two. So there's never a fight liberally When communism, it's a fix pie once you're dead.
with the eight slices everybody stars, so I've had this. For a while that liberals will eventually start eating themselves. A lie here again we're evidence. Eric Adams, we gotta protect their immigrants period, New york will remain a sanctuary city under an Adams administration. I was Eric atoms and twenty twenty one. Eric Adams eric out of the close, a state of emergency over new york's immigration crisis. We did it For this there was every the agreement that they got. The job is supporting thousands of asylum seekers. You see is here that the liberal interest group and illiberal mayor in our study. Edith cells alive. What about this wall street journal? A ne progressive cage match new jersey, from new jersey, suing liberal new york. Why new york wants a commuter tax? That's good! affect people from new jersey commuting get to new york and justice.
Wait. That's our money did you're not wasted time. Let's give it time, eventually the lead themselves alive. So much for two hundred and please join us every day. With the chat, it's so good to be back, there miss you all rumble dot com, slash bond gino. Do me one favor click that follow button. It's free, you'll, get a notification. When we go live concert on your phone download the rumble app, it's even easier. the app store. We really appreciate rumbled our complex bungee, no other rumble app join us today show goes, live at eleven. Am eastern time set up a free account. No problem met a bunch of people on vacation, told him to do it and then add they love it they're going to. I think I saw one. Oh you liked. The wide shot oh, that new outlets purdue like that, it's up on the screen, a chat, room, people geese gonna. The answer is everyone's: do you like that? We I got shot in now to kind of switch off the camera angle. You all big daddy, wanted back to straight on July,
now, if you're in the chat, you guys decide to choke as it's. Your shop are just and keep your eye on this cause. I'm curious till he brooded, ok, good lahti. They call an you could always joined a chat early at ten, a m eastern time, just energy answer. All your questions I pop in about ten minutes early to. I think I'm at de bungee no show or what you you'll see me in there thanks again folks, a sea back here, mom you just heard in bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-27.