« The Dan Bongino Show

I Want The Truth About The Vaccine (Ep 2038)

2023-06-23 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the most troubling piece of evidence yet to surface, indicating the Biden crime family was shaking people down. I also discuss a new study about the COVID vaccine. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee. No wonder they like what happened. Why we admit it laid be surprised how, when you're on these tight deadlines is always some gremlin unassisted somewhere, we had a reset itself. Forgive me, folks, are you spot on on time made it lay Donna. Why not welcome to the chair for the first time Gillian? So you there to always see you in the chat big show today, of course, whistleblower kemal. Yesterday, with just more information about the Biden crime family, I mean I've got a attacks they gotta, basically lay out the whole big shaken you down for money and my dad sit right next to me, I mean in the actual debts in the text we got there. And a very serious topic is vaccine thing is freaking me out spoken by this alive,
This study came out yesterday said all this and it may not be that bad. Listen. I want. I took this thing, the biggest medical mistake of my life. I want it to be true, I was somewhat of yours from other people. I trust. Can someone just tell us to freak untruth? Someone anyone please big showed outraged studies show you what I mean a first relief back This is really bad. This is my actual leap and help me get through came therapy swear by this product. chemo succeed. Nauseous is the agenda a terrible and sometimes the anti nausea drugs didn't work. That great. For me, I put on the relief and you turned it on turn it up right there. It's a number one f d, a clear and anti nausea wristband sprinkling We prove how quickly relieve and effectively prevent origin, vomiting associated motions, sickness, chemo, anxiety, migraines hangovers morning, sickness and more. I can see first hand. Relief that actually works is sponsor, but is more of a personal story than I got me through really
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right, a you'll be hearing for the next two weeks whose joy in key and taken a little bit kids or next friday will be off, will be here monday through tears in a way about that in the text now manasses ike unusual joe, you ever said Joe, and I worked Why five years straight maybe no, we days off right If christmas was on a wednesday Joe and I were we work, every single week day. Five years? No days off, it was Chris so it's kind of not stabbed schedule an hour week incarnate. without good shows, but take a breather? You deserving of labour law itself, nap the definite bigtime first. here's obama yesterday calling out Joe Biden, saying: hey, listen man nobody's. of the law by dag fully Obama steps up fine. Why does the right thing knows violence in trouble. No, Biden pub probably took a bunch of bright. He speaking here with the very sophisticated fellas
Cristiano mom, who give this a very fast clearly laying out the fact that there are not two systems of justice in this current good for a bomb and speak up check. This out you cannot ignore Norms and guard rules that have been put in place to assure that, your self interest, isn't they are what drives these institutions, but rather than the interests of the american people, and so, if you have anybody who, zogg by many others who disregards that higher, that higher purpose, then you're gonna have problems. Finally, Obama's speaks up from probably is mansion and marthas vineyard allows a big class warrior college jets jets. Of course,
I had nothing to do with Joe Biden obama- does it give a rat's ass about Joe Biden, corruption, of course he's talking about one donald. A job who exposed his eruption, obama, the second most corrupt present in history, the united states for marshalling the whole spy gating standing behind only Biden, the most corrupt present history, they say is expecting obama to do the right thing. Sakes I think, expecting elephant do physics is never going to happen bomb is nothing more than a race, hustler and a wire and end just basically a loser. His attack on TIM, Scott, this regional, most racist things. I've ever seen this issue. Obama is obama, comes in at select moments in american history when tender on the ground? gasoline throws match and runs away because he's a coward and a loser, That's who obama is, and the left loves him, of course, because they love cowards and losers. But getting back to the show today there's a lot of speculation about what
happen yesterday with a story that led to the wall street journal in case you missed it here. It is what is this I do with the whole Biden whistle blower thing I dunno. If it has anything to do with somebody be clear from the start. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but I dunno you guys, but believing coincidences in washington, any more so reported yesterday by the journal and exclusive story: the rocketed around the internet that, the? U s navy, heard what it but It was the explode implosion. Excuse me implosion of the Agnes submersible go into the titanic as it happens right after it happen apparently was picked up. By an underwater microphone system designed to attract detect incoming enemy. Subs. Now, there's, Two sides to this story: some people- on tat of ngo? Why did we hold the story than to let people believe these people are going to survive? We had suggests count. Downs run a non news, nation and elsewhere. If there
we knew right away or had a good idea what they were listening to, and it sounded like an implosion. Then why the new cycle and the navy. Just knock em out, say something so about people out there take while the by the administration the hell did. So we could come yesterday after the oxygen they had to take the oxygen, no pun intended out of the room on the hunter Biden story. folks it's possible, I don't get out ahead of my squeeze on these things and I don't believe in coincidences makes me believe kind of pro rather than com? There may have been the case. Is it story leaked out to the wall street journal from an anonymous source and gave up eventually classified programme. Why they do dad. Why would they do that It sounds to me like they did it, because I knew something nefarious was going on deep inside another. Then you don. You, though, always harshly
printing. It might explain an hour. I ok somebody leaked it, in other words, saying hey, I'm giving but classified programme and I'm taking on a real risk here, because we did something really nefarious what it sounds like, however, the other side of it is, A lot of assumptions built in there. A lot of assumptions that this made it all the way to the white house. I'm not sure I just believing coincidences, but it is rocketing around the internet would be malfeasance for me not to cover it that they might. How this story now Better, not be an effort to keep this spoke of whistleblower story about the Biden case that blue yesterday, to hide the hunter Biden story, because I For us, the bite administration, as far as I can throw em, they are obviously bad cops, obvious, a corrupt, the crowds, obviously- and I think the we heard is something did go on there trying to manipulate the new cycle, but I'm not sure about it.
so a whistle blower comes out yesterday after the hunter Biden announcement of the police eel, he hasn't it hasn't going to court to play out yeah. But after the announcement of a plea, deal This is congressmen, jason smith he's a reply. Look look into this whole thing this The second is just astonishing that a whistle our came out and said: there's a what's app message from hunter Biden: basely given up all the cookies cookie jar and at the dad was there at every step to be a search warrant served which would have happened. Anyone else other cases magnitude the J beta go away. This is just shocking news that, if it wasn't for the submersible, should have been everywhere take a look yourself. including an author authenticating, a whatsapp message in which Your biden demand payment from I need officials notice,
that his father is in the room, the whistleblowers rebuild irs in instigators were told by us attorney as we work, but because the evidence, but he found in the guest house of former vice president Biden, there is no way close- quotes a search war. for evidence would ever get approved. Nobody is questioning the authenticity of the genuineness of the whistle bore, it's. An irish supervisor with a spectacular work history with the united states government again. What, though,. You need to hear Do you need to hear what it is? greed shot at this hunter Biden tax I'm sitting you're my father. We like to understand why the commitment made hasn't been fulfilled. Tell them rector I'd like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight, and if I,
call or text from anyone involved in this other than you Zhang or the chairman I'll make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with Father case Closed what else could you possibly meet you here. ladies and gentlemen, we're not even in beyond reasonable doubt territory anymore, worryin like factually a gourd we absolutely true beyond beyond reasonable doubt the guy, The white house is a core of his prison. We're we're stay! It's it's right! Your face, bro right! There by the way. Why did this come out yesterday? After the announcement of the deal, I dont want to cry
on the republicans in zimbabwe, but a sitting on it. So what we do get going here. We gotta get frosty here and a guy in a wider crook here. obviously criminal, this boy? It's beyond beyond a reasonable doubt. I That's ingesting view that there's anything that's going to convince the left the door. Dependence and moderate democrats. We may be convince some of them, don't ever Please don't be one of those Debbie downers, I'm begging, you folks. You know, I love you man. I lived to talk you every day in this hour, my favorite time of the day I forward to this. Are you have no idea does not work. This is a joke but for me I love this shop, but I'm begging you as a friend. Please trust me don't be one of these Debbie downers, like all whatever we should stop talking about nothing's going to happen? You are correct nothing legally is going to happen. Why, as I've said forever- and nothing legally did happen, he pled guilty we're going to plead guilty to two bullshit. Mr me,
attacks, charges is gonna. Go is able to each other what they are worried about. is the seventeen percent of people who, after the twenty twenty election, said nepal, they would have voted differently if they had known about the biden- corruption, that's our job here! That's what we're doing will you to pull that punish these people. If the legal system is going to do it's free and jobs are not given up. The story gets even worse and I tell you as much as I love my former colleagues secret service. I am a government hack. What then, I'll go on with the secret service here. bonci, whose terrific red stay. This because in the news that read, it punch I newsletter service route. Greeted please read, Shell new information shows department of justice, worn hotter, binds lawyers of coming. Searches refused to allow the? U s attorney, to file felony charges, folks,
finally, got a secret service detail. What what's going on with this? What's going on with this where they warned in advance. I mean understanding a hunter Biden. obviously, as lawyers are gonna tell me, get rid of the evidence. Folks, I really hope they didn't, then I'm not suggesting I did but they got to answer some questions to was a seat serve as a part of this, were they Willingly or unwittingly cooperate into this I'm he's gettin ridiculous now folksy evidence is everywhere. The guy in the white house is a freak in cross command. The guy a card core criminal This again for, like the fifth time, here is by non tape and someone tweeted at me yesterday all day and those tapes must be fake because no one's playing them, but you keep telling yourself that keep the,
and yourselves that their fate, you re, realise the biden. Why does as never disavowed these tapes, then the people recorded them on the ukrainian sign. swear that these are absolutely real. No one in the white house has ever been confronted with these tapes, the way, I'm not the only one who has been you just these tapes. Everywhere servant of media people, apply them for what you seven art, all the shows. These are real. Here's biden looking to the ukrainian president and ukraine, in presence very concerned about the fbi looking into all this stuff, the bribery and seven want you to listen to what Biden says check this out or, if you're, if it is true that the iraqi with him at least that one another. No, no, they are not I'd. Call you the f b. I concluded he had nothing on a stop, and that was it. There is no reason to talk to him again
ok, you got me confirm that were here is binding on tape again admitting he was going to quote. Double check with the fbi and that they weren't talking to this ukrainian, who was ready to give up the cookies about the bribe. Folks, it's real I'm sorry, boats to that twitter, guy weather believe it's real or not is irrelevant. Asking it, although it is a three times three, while nine do you believe it's real their real one of the white house has ever come out said these tapes are fake. this same line all their edited every things edited there edited for context. There edited for time. Those calls go on forever. It's like watching news during the day you footing of a police shooting he, then they play the entire traffic stop that goes on for two hours before the jason. Everything know is that edited there edited for cod and where you disorders they complete on Biden
fearing on tape with the fbi about investigation into his bride, there's no longer any serious question. The guy is a crime in the white house now, Any claims you still may bizarrely have of you're left this watching the show that, oh Biden doesn't know anything about his sons, illicit business in china and ukraine, and all over the world bar at sea research. Here here is a minute and twenty seconds of Joe Biden knee deep in the muck,
His sons, businesses, even after the tech saying, hey my dad sitting right next to me, check this out. I never discuss my son, my brother or anyone else in the prisons. President Biden met with at least fourteen of hunters as business associates while he was vice president and vice president Joe Biden at dinner with his son, one hundred along with hundreds of business associates from ukraine, russia and kazakhstan, and the day after the dinner, a breeze mma executive, said a note to one hundred, quoting deer hunter. Thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. Hunters lucrative business dealings often included giving as much as fifty percent of his earnings to his dad. The texts read quote. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for thirty years really hard, but don't worry. Unlike pop, I will make you give me half your salary, his son hunter, joining the then vice president on the official visit to beijing unknown to press back. Then hunter Biden was forming a chinese private equity fund planning to raise money, including through chinese investors. Ten days after the Biden's trip, shanghai authorities issued the fund's business license to one hunter. Introduce me as a tony to the the individual. I told you about that's helping us with the business that we're working on and the chinese female reads. This way quote at the moment there's a provisional agreement. The equity will be distributed as follows: ten held by hunter for the big guy, a thousand percent sit here and know that the big guy is referencing Joe Biden that
Ro I dont know what I mean I hear you need dude, I dont know. What are you regan bad luck! You data be like that. They will be written broken down- oh, we need barney five unheard of what I'll shoot you ve got it I'm sitting next to my dad scumbags give us the chinese money. You got by non tape. Got the fbi handling. This, don't worry I'll double check. You got the business in all probability. Yes, I'm a thousand percent sure binds the big guy you. An email, ten percent for the big guy. You got hunter complaining of emails, gotta, give half his salary to. Is that what the we're all one else. I don't Oh, No, what are you gonna do Oh no again, Why do I tell you this to frustrate you now, because it's your job,
the word whether you share this show or someone else's show that covers the same stuff. I dont care obviously prefer my show, but it matters not I'm an activist first. You need to get this information, so we don't run into another election snag we're up. The twenty percent of people. You are not as smart as you don't know. Any of this happen. The guy The white house is a frequent crook, joker bribe. It is clear as day and not a small one. Either. oh you to see how the left wing media's trying to frame this by the way, including this hat, coming up in a second. Let me take a quick break here and we'll get back If this is just hilarious folks, I liked it Out relax, especially after a long work day, and you know I'm into life hacks one of my favorite life hacks is the power of Whole showers Emmy, those heat, shocking, called shock, proteins. Man, I swear by change your life. What am I feel for products,
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claiming that the right wing messaging machine is lying about Biden, even though she tried to griffith being the messaging machine on the rhine. Do not trust any of these clowns, you take listen it's because they don't have. Else? They are, As someone who is the titular head of their party, who has the woman support by their base, who has been priming his entire life, and now that level of climbing is actually at like national security, international level, espionage act, real indictment type crimes, and they don't want you to pay. tensions that pay no attention to the man crying behind our curtain. Let's talk about, let's go after Joe Biden, tragic son he's had troubles his whole life, which a lot of families have had people in their favour. struggled with drugs and haven't gotten together and let's go after him on things?
At our you know, like you said, may or may not have have been consequential. If he wasn't the son of a president, I mean it's, it's pathetic really, but unfortunately they have a very strong messaging machine that is unified. That they've created this. This biology around hunter Biden. You want stand there is that this is how desperate these rift. Losers are in Washington DC. What mythology is Oh Paul, not real, you have any evidence, is real the white asses disavowing phone call? What about the text the whistle bar what about the bag records, What about the charisma contract? about hunters emails. What about the laptop? you do not have. This is mythology. This is real. You just don't have an answer for it. through losers, While she goes back folkestone for this drug argument by the way do not ask for this, Biden? Had a drug issue? Clearly
What does it say about his grief? Their rotting bag of oatmeal, dad that did I knew he was a crackhead and sent him out cut international deals with nuclear powered enemies. You didn't, I state its My four hundred binds crack problem is a national security issue. It's yours, deep shit. We didn't do it. You did. Notice nobody's talking about anyone else's. There's a lot of people in congress by the way up on the hill, who have kids were drug problems. You notice, nobody's bringing them into the news and press conferences autumn. Why? Maybe, Is our kids are in cutting illicit international blackmail? Deals and bribery deals with the child the communist party, just a guess, John browsers, that out there might be rolling, occur again here stock. Is kid out there? I, spoken on michel repeatedly about the play.
Joe you, noblesse, oblige, always enemy whose expect haseman heard about a guy who seem everyday shows that actual musician mitochondrial yeah. That's how we wind up at a radio- oh my god, guy knows more about this stuff This is a sad thing. Man, you watch me becomes zombies in front of your fate. You're, not even the same person at sandel steal your tv when you're not looking. the same one who would have given you a tv ten years ago for your birthday is not an excuse for the day the stick, the guy in the middle of an international bribery deal. we're supposed to ignore or because terrorists admire griff their guys got drug problem. Maybe they were The actual mythology insurance, all mythology for greek- I guess zeus at the other said, difference like everything about trump is mythological would buy actually real items
wanted his vaccine story now. Let me preface this we're going gonna. Do I'm gonna open this up and I'm going to show you a video by A guy is going to be on my radio show later a guy. I have a lot of respect for it world renowned, cardiologist, doktor, Peter Mccullough? probably heard from before folks. Related gate this over and over, because someone big long, Story, however, I feel an obligation to share with you my successes and my failures. I mean I've got Hoboken out about my failures. I got tired of human rights. Their success and solemn write a book about my fear. one of my biggest medical failures and when I was going through, is limited I think that a sob story out you know we're ok, its edge, don't need you ve there. I need you to understand the context, because you matter to me. People. I get this all the time I guy dumb ass. You took the vaccine you're so stupid and fair enough. I that's. Ok, I get it, I'm not mad at you. I you mad at me. You're allowed to be. Madam, you don't owe me anything.
but it you understand, I you thought I was gonna die. I mean really thought I was going to die. Was only forty, seven may forty six or so the time I remember a couple years ago, know what kind of cancer I had when I did, I did know if it was ever going to go away. I kept britney statistics that lymphoma caught at my stage as an eighty percent five year survival rate, which you probably say in yourselves. That sounds great. You survive. You ve been eighty percent chance of survival for five years I don't want you folks, but I read it the other way. A twenty percent share of not surviving five years? So I'm gonna scared, you don't Do drugs. I I work out drink, occasionally friday, maybe saturday night eat, I always have and I felt like if I cancer, like my body after all that, if it couldn't fight this that I was deaf we to die. So when Cobain heads
and nobody knows anything about it, long terms because only been around a year and a couple doctors are like hey, you gotta, take this or you might not get treatment or this other stuff you make it, A dumb decision. Freaked me out the s a mile, because I don't know what's inside me. And I dont know what he's doing. And I dont know if one day I'm just gonna go couple. set up some kind of heart attack it scares the shit out of me every day. And as from the hard man, I don't want this thing to be deadly. This is one of those lights on the lives by me having a heart attack. So when I read something it says, I look, we did a met analysis and it seems that actually may not be so bad homage to let you know about the past.
may, as you read through the study, and it seems about as flawed as every other study and I'm not sure that science is even science anymore, because it sounds like politics or share what I mean. Let me take a quick break with noctis. I will get back to this, because this is really important. Companies pay to talk to you and I really appreciate it, but want to set that up where we stand right now. Folks, with a good new serials for grown ups, are so bland. They need a little magic time just to try magic spoon. The wholesome cereal that tastes delicious. Remember that you sit in front of at t v on Saturday morning, will your cartoons a bowl of cereal? But you know the series world garbage you are all sugar will magic spoon. I replicated your favorite childhood cereal that tastes great, but each serving get a load of this contains zero grams of sugar, thirteen or fourteen grams of protein, and only forty five net grams of carbs magics His great for low carb lifestyles, kido friendly gluten free grain, free free enjoy free personally, a hundred forty delicious calories, a serving Here are some of the flavors. You can build a custom bundle with cocoa fruity frosted,
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Ok, you don't owe me anything. I owe you some you here? I owe you a great show: you are perfectly entitled. Put in the chad dumb ass, you stupid it's! Ok, it was stupid, so saw this kemal yesterday kind of made its way around the internet a little bit. that there's a new method. Net analysis is from selling gown the remedy. I met analysis on the risk of my car. Diet is hard inflammation from covert infection. Vaccination the risk- our diet- is the study. Note she sums it up into bullets. You can read the study yourself in between course. There. It is there you go back to the year, go back to the tweet. If you were She puts too bullet points in their that, after the covert vaccines, the risk cardenas in teens, was no higher than after other vaccinations, and the cove infection was significantly higher than if the covert vat meaning there. You know obviously pushing accede, saying you're, better off get the vaccine, because you got a better chance of my cardenas if you're a teen after a covert fetch. Now folks, I read through the study, not
higher thing: the abstract results in the analysis and. Study appears to have some issues here. here's. The problem Ladies and gentlemen, like you, you, probably want to believe this. There are a lot of you out there that were forced to take the vaccine because of work required. Its people in your life, pressured you into it. You have this thing in yeah, you don't want to go like. Oh, no, I'm right. Let me have a heart attack to prove it got me right. I praise on right. We all want believed that this thing, what events we're gonna have some positive effect. The problem is people actually trust our shredding. This saying this man? This is more propaganda rather than actual scientific research and candidly folks, I don't know who to trust anyone. That's what The title of today show is: I want the truth, because I really do want the truth. I want this stuff to be true. Here's a problem
a guy, I trust who's been ruthlessly censored by the left which says to me their hiding? Something is doctor. Peter Mccullough he'll be phobia. My radio show later by the way to pm eastern here's doktor mccullough. in a in appearance he did not that long ago, talking about a card, this vaccine, this vaccine just want you to understand both stories care be true either. Accede sometime the cause is my own. Car diet is and can be detrimental to. people in a way greater than covered, or it is it they kept each one. The these stories can't be true. Take now the mild cardenas that occurs with the natural infection is usually those sick enough to be in the ice. You and it's you, Opponent, elevation only is very different than the my car tyres that were seen with the vaccines which will get to, cardenas uncovered. Nineteen is mild. Its income sequential in a sparsely each opponent elevation. I don't want anybody to think that the
Cardenas of natural infection is anything like what we're seemed the vaccines equally, the vaccine produces. The inflammatory type process is on the hardy in the vaccine is directly there. Now this pre clinical studies, suggesting the lip of nanoparticles, actually go right into the heart. The heart expresses despite protein, the body attacks the heart. There are dramatic, you can't you changes the proponents of the just for heart injury with the vaccine, macrobiosis is tender, you're far higher than japan and we see with the natural infection. Is it totally different syndrome about but when the kids get my Kronos after the vaccine, ninety percent be hospitalized, they have anarchy, cagey changes, chest pain, early, hard fire. They need bacardi grams. If ejection fractious low, they need medications to prevent heartfelt, so vaccine. Induced mark heroditus is a big deal, and in children. Its way more serious folks lesson, Both of those stories can't be true.
There. I want doktor mccullough to be wrong, are better denmark collar wants doktor mccullough to be right and one people have hard problem. So there s your lies. All I can tell you, is it now suggesting their related, I'm suggesting their correlated that doesn't mean causal. I'm telling you was real, I monitor my biomarkers with these with this or a ring and other things. My heart rate, very ability reach our score, which is a measure of your hearts. Responsiveness distress was, for the same after the vaccine ever It was a correlated was a causal, it was correlate, was a call I don't know But this is real and the cases out there this stuff a real too. and I just wish that the government and public health authorities we do the right thing and just tell people the truth. I feel like we're being lied to about one.
Biggest public health, the bottles of our time- and I live in fear about it every single day, meaning that the lumber kind, aids and not a kindness, baby aspirin, I'm just from this is freaked out. I am about this. bobby see to my eyes, talk like this much. I wish They would just tell us the truth, but try to get the truth later from doktor mccullough radio show will put that in if you, by the way on the weekend, podcast to offer for next from the next time. Maybe what who knows? Maybe I'll, throw it in this way, I'll talk to him about. I folks, on a lighter note, it is friday, so I want to leave you with be bad news. So this is out of a funny one this is gonna, be today and confuse Joe Biden yesterday, Joe was plethora of new. Material for our cognitive lee in disrepair, present united states who was oddly hole
People's hands walking around asking where we are and again again this is our thing on this show is enough what I tell you the president, time before he goes on stage gets a car. You deliver remarks. You will work apply right to let you will stage, lap ripe. Why does pay it a whereby go with this key. Why does he never know where gotta go ever The answer is because the guy right now does not have a neuron axon, that's connected to a dangerous he's, got some frontal the measure or something going on areas at the end of the speech yesterday. I want you to listen for it, especially if we listen to an audio on the e- speech with the prime minister. Modi from india and he goes. Where are we again doesn't know? to do as he's walking off the stage? Take a look. Thank you. Your your mail?
Did you the items you cut it out, no answer you heard it's there, ok we're he doesn't know worry is I did you the cringing thing at the end, like Joe not even aware, like two speeches over uneasy enjoy your meal. Where are we the guy, is lose. It is wide. Faulty has no grass bobo where he has even said. Where are we here? the ocean trade is back to what's the in train. Nobody has any breaking idea. Barely Joe, Why didn't god with doc from back to the future? and as some new technology for a train over the ocean that nobody knows about what have out there? That's from weeks ago, though, it's from yesterday again, I'll show you yesterday and we he keeps talking this trade. Nobody knows what he's talking about baby sort. A movie like snow fiercer here, take a look
if railway gone way across the sudden, my third observation from the atlantic ocean. so the indian ocean in africa, be able to transport and do it cheaper and do it with less most. How can I say this? carbon emissions gable I have a good boy, Joe, maybe angelo from amtrak, knows this. Nobody knows what this guy said here. He is from a couple of weeks ago. Talking about the train across the pacific are folks Nobody knows with these guys talk about, take a look. We have plans to build a railroad from the pacific all the way across the indian ocean. We have plans to build in gaol one the largest solar plants in the world I could go on, but I'm not I'm goin off script and we get in trouble. So I don't this, then. Is it an indian train of african train opposite negotiate train and indeed what talking about the answer is no
Nobody knows here's! This the cringey one of all if you're listening audio you gotta watch us on rumble. Mobility is on radio show he's downward, speech, eddies holding the indian prime minister's hen like it a date or something it is wise, jill, doktor, jill she's. A surgeon of course does does what to do what why you and what this one six by this is also the list. What you stayed this bad, here's the beginning reminded if a little rascals scene, whereas it is good. You said a right it does. It is food. Always look like you.
their crap is pan or uses confused as to. Why is there like? was it a zero go, and you are the president that sea in the implementation of an I gotta, tell him every ten minutes ivy or like he's like a big loudness draws up here. This is, This is the barriers they hear. This is if this The coup de gras he's at the thing he puts his hand on his heart for the national anthem it takes I had to cut out the first Joe had to cut it, because I didn't want it to go on too long. I cut out the first thirty seconds of this okay This goes on forever. It does seem a realize it's not our national, where it is the be load and watch him due to slick, baby. Don't let alone is picked up, get this
clothes it's not even close inside, even like god, save queen or some it's not even close at ease. Ike Why go real slow at jars? Maybe ro I dislike when we pretend damaging is what is wrong. This guy going to space dude, I again he looks like he crapped episode. Maybe you should ask jerry nadler how to handle that in public we gotta play that video. Can we do that? He put an order. We have to play the jerry, neither when where everybody thinks he crapped himself on the stage capital and he waddles off. Like a penguin mad,
maybe he ate some of those only potato chips. Eight years ago, lanka wording. They will give you explosives. Couple listen only on a friday, but a serious show like oh and corruption. accede all that stuff, but is friday only out of friday, when I cover a topic like this, it's pretty light but There's a story going around? He probably seen that mark Zuckerberg from facebook and elon musk are gonna get in some kind of cage fight. It's not a joke. I parent started out as a joke. Dana wife. From the? U have ceased trying to set this up elon, for Zuckerberg. So it's a friday. I've I have something to say about this political background on first here's ilan a while back full, send podcast talking these guys he's talking to fighting or something like that. Any special technique has which he refers to as I've never heard It's before I've heard of the rear, naked choke the triangle choke the arba I've never heard of the walrus. Listen to elon, explain it. I haven't
for the war us that which I use on a friend of mine who is right, like she's, like very bad agile and and went on I would like to explain to you why there are weighed classes in enemy, armoury user immovable war us where I just like you- you just get away just like us, africa, further laura visas and your stuff, ok, You know I, like you, learn by that date. Debts thing is Looking the walrus is not a move for if anyone's ever lying on top eu and doesn't get often doesn't do anything. It's quite simple, no matter how much they our way you to get out all you the do is embrace your arms, basically put him against the side of the neck and This gives out even harm. I mean you, kids,
your guy in five minutes. How to do it, so I'm not really sure that's an actual movie, you lot, but here's the thing. First, cs, I dislike! What's going on at facebook, they evolve plagued me for a long time with their brutal attacks listen man zone, work fight. You come on, you breathe. Oh I'm not kidding evokes at I not messing with you zuckerberg can fight the jujitsu guys learn. Jujitsu plus you gotta remember this guy's got like a twenty five billion dollars, or whatever, probably more you can train with the best fighters in a world that is house all day. I've seen little ninety pound guys in jujitsu beat the living shit out of two hundred pound. Guys who committed the work of five years actual ready. The guy's got good stand up you'll see. Does it was a triangle choke here take down. This is this? Is I watch this I've. I've done this discussion. The real deal check this out
Why listen man! I don't like the guy's company at all, but our model the bs you lie to you, the guy stand up in bed, the guides shows pretty good. Take down the fancy, pulled a half guard their mean. You know, I've been fighting thirty years now, since I'm a kid These guys actually want jujitsu tournaments trust me. No one's forfeit the mark Zuckerberg, the guy, when you I beat the facebook. I made love to say that
But my point, the whole thing is: if this fight goes down very much, I prefer you on over zaka bird It's gonna, be over probably pretty fast Zuckerberg. And they got a member to you on fifty two sucker borg- is why, like in its forties or something? and you know, even if we want our ways and by about ten pounds or so you know Zuckerberg in bulk up pretty quick, so just throw that out, key were found by the way. Focuses its special gift for you gift the jerry nether crap them. Our video. I want you to Just tell me this guided drop, a huge loudness diaper. Take a look at this I would reply in a right of veto on, as you say, way way. I'm busy! You see one of my mother now the face like these. Go shit. That was that what I thought it was now: here's the wattle, here's, the what'll, you see you see? these like, I should need those all lean. Potato genes is identity like a dog member that commercial there like besides fact is oily stools July way. Why way?
doesn't sell like so my wanted sight of me. There's another video, that's ezra, Joe Biden looks like all the time every site we'll time that's gonna played up. I say that for the misconduct It's going to questions were there if south ice on friday? Oh good avenue here, oh no question number one at stroke, shriver locals just wait and aids a danger of the joy of weapon on duty, yes, a couple times couple days. I was a cop couple times that I was an agent the time when I was a cop, though, when I got Four pursued on halloween are thousand or so ninety. Ninety nine I was the only warmer I thought automatic get shot here. Like a guy. at around go and I was at a foot pursuit with him with against hard to run with a gun, which you know, obviously a finger down on the trigger. It's hard there? It's not easy! It's it's actually kind of weird
now because you get tunnel vision, sovereignty that a breath in your tunnel vision gets worse and worse and worse. So I am couple alive at lone: wolf, zero, zero, five, five on local, say Dan, kay Tromp when's your offer. Three jobs headed the age s fbi, director, cia director, what he a pick and what would you do? First FBI direct their hands that what would I do? First? I or every single person at the top who know what happened did absolutely nothing about polygraph all they want. They want national security updates and every single one of what you know about all this stuff right the door right out the door, there's the door, europe, other side of it. Leave your weapon. Leave. You It's your in your idea card see later jack might aim is a jack. I don't give a shit leave door. Other side, definitely fbi right. at some meals, zealot from rumble a dan. I noticed you get it.
algae are a little less self censored, as the years have gone on. I like the passion but as the show, still family, friendly, lesser brother or sister, I'm not really sure. I again, I am not here to the bs and the show on rumble is probably not that family friendly. I know a lot of you know I just a much added in an intentional thing that just happened. It's just Rumbles been my home for a long time. and it's how I talk in aids. It's been too tough battle, it's a long battle, What me the radio show is probably a little bit more family friendly, but that, sadly I don't want to lie to you. I'd love to say yeah, but this is probably an adult show. Now that's why we put the label on it. It's not intentional. I promise you Do try to curb that believe me be a lot worse, some real life as a whole lot worse now. Thank you
Joe known to have been here the longest george. but I've had some moments where you are real. Non family friendly damage. Other would show like that one day, you'll be like oh crap, really, oh man, I mean it. I have to tone it down even on, what would be as the game eater even unto shows. We go all the way to like dark bogged down with the eyeballs on a black coffee meters finger it's worse than that. Then the balls I dont say: that's good about aids got up to say it is the ball viking. I just read the names hey dan. Who takes care of the audio for your show? They do a fantastic job. He probably of the year that thank you for everything. Do the mighty Joe arm accosted. Thank you bought vital Here's how it works. I seven audio file on recording right here, Joe ass, his own audio file. Jim. What your hearing on the audio version with your hearing now is Joe. Would you hearing in the audio with the show is not me talking to Joe.
Your hearing, my audio file Therein were jos and it sounds like me, talk in a jar, weird ridable, but it's not the job as the blunder bear. It's not It's a good idea, but now you hear us can here. Obviously it's you gave him say, but their audio is at stoves little special. Makes a staff to make it sound, really tight. Why do we do away because it sounds, it's called a double enter upon? Cast you get a clean audio file for everyone. So that's where jos special talents come it. Thank you, sir. Thank you all. You got a dan at doktor bar I'd! Love to see behind the scenes look at the studio, as seen from my point of view, I know, the camera shy, but I'd love to see what you're taping, what it was like when you taping. Would you flip the camera? Do you did that right at its all, gizmos people sent coins challenge coins baseball my old producer foxy me a damagingly bobble babo. Had this is the f around and find out? That's the
lee drink while producer fox gave me a public enemy number one award its pride. american pride, so there's my pride flag a picture Jesus right here. You're. My daughter. I have Jesus. again is another Jesus. I love Jesus I have another cross, someone sent me from Jerusalem say I go here. The archangel patron saint of police officers. I've got Mary here, lotta religious study, the secret service, canine coin. New field office coin. This is my favorite one from the secret service, a white house. easter egg from two thousand and seven port, the current thing mug crazy, like all people a child in the womb and when we hit two point five million subs on rumble. They send us, it's nice cool statue and am I bought. You know from all
oh and then, of course, all on lion might lay lion monthly. Get that might lead. You gotta we on the ground who drop one and then of course, becomes why in that stays on geese desk, but when Joe decides its motley time, bodily comes so there you got. Nine next question. How is alive long as that was all good I was running out of time? I think about me back area goes. I hit the law, Did you see that light? I just hit the light May I add that satisfied, we should do that more of the ever want to see behind the scenes stuff too. I subscribe to my locals account. Go to, goes download the app or mattie bungee know like three or four times a week, sometimes more. I do these videos geese seems to like them. I do them for my patio, my studio just stuff, I'm thinking about any given time. I you probably dig it check it out. I spent a great weak thanks. A lot thinks for join us on alive tat. We ve been knocking of that every single day and live chat. Join us the chat sites, at ten a m easter time at rumbled, accomplish bungee nokia and just an ordinary start trouble
join the show. This joint show like it's their show. At eleven. A m love to see you and please quickly. although button on rumble you'll get a notification when we go live every time. It's really that simple spread the word china three million followers are almost there a sea back here on Monday. Good day, sir just born gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-27.