« The Dan Bongino Show

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Bongino's Best of 2022

2022-12-23 | 🔗

Please enjoy this special compilation of the best segments from The Dan Bongino Show that you may have missed but are definitely worth your time. We will be back with brand new episodes on Monday, January 02, 2023.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a showed, its not immune to the banks. With your host dan Bonn Gina, thanks for children into this special edition of the devil. On geno show this So we ve compile some of the best segments from the show this year, including our last interview. President trumpet just happened. It was really spots of enemy recovered a lot of territory, the mid term zealand mosque, his campaign lots of stuff on there. I believe it was his first one since announcing his candidacy, I also have the worst fact checks of the year how I became the less public enemy number one. And what I think is one of the biggest mistakes of my life. They show, but you may express bbn privacy. It's a right, not approve Let's get a vp under way: go to express bbn, dot, com, slash bond, gino and just a reminder. The pod guest We back with regular, daily episode, sorting january. Second. So like a paper, opportunity. Wish you all a very merry christmas and a healthy price
risk new year now before we get to my conversation with president trump. A quick word. From our show a sponsor Do you notice that the big tech companies today are masquerading as privacy companies? We supposed to believe that the big bad tech wolf's now turned into our sweet grandma come on collecting and selling off your data is in big text, nature, it's what they do to protect myself. I use express bbn, against big tax prying eyeballs. Will you express bbn you're, hiding your unique ip address websites can't find out your location or track what you do online a top. Expressly beyond encryption rewrites one under percent of your online activity, so you're in They provide a wifi administrators and hackers can't see it. just takes one click to protect all your devices, one express bbn subscription covers up to five devices at the same time, so your entire family to as well express me: peons raided number one by cnet, wired tech radar, countless others so they get that vp and that I trust to protect my online privacy when big bad taxes at the door, physics three p m dot com slashed by gino newgate
for three months free and a one year package has expired, vpn dot com slashed by slashed by gino e ex pr. Yes, s express vpn, dot, consolation, slash bonjela, to learn more rights, Guess, president donald J tromp. Mr president, thanks rejoining the showing again, we appreciate its great dan. I are you doing doing. Ok, how you feeling, since a campaign started well, I feel good, I mean where you know that two years ago somebody said why isn't he out campaigning to the you know? The fake news they said well, we do have two years to go, but it's now a aging less than that and it'll all of a sudden, be upon us and I think, we're in very good shape. We had great paul numbers as you only some really good for paul numbers and that's a big factor that is being factor. So it's a big news dated eight twitter file drop number seven's happening today. None of its gonna be news to you, but I'm get your thoughts on it as they come out. As the news breaks
so we now know that twitter had a back channel with the fbi. We now that's confirmed and hunter Biden story which, in my question, based on my my assertions based on data polling data. Definitely screwed up there. one when twenty election we know that the fbi interfered openly and we know they use Jim baker. Who was a form Fbi lawyer, then add twitter to info, twitter to pull that story down. Did it sort your election chances it it's a lot of you, Oh Paul later on said they would change your vote if they would have known about that. As I make you feel well, it was one of many things that happen during the election between d. You know all the different Ellen said you ve seen a we ve been reading about and talking about the fur. If you take a look at they jammed in the votes they they did. Things in this election use covered to cheat the mail and balance are always going to be done.
someone I can do whatever they want and they can change whatever laws they have to have. You have melon ballots, they going to be they gonna be, does honest and then dinner. They stuff ballot boxes you so that with two thousand meals, yet thousands of ours of tapes showing them stuffing ballot boxes is really it's really share. We like a thief,
the world country between the borders and the elections were like a third world country dan. It's very terrible now this one, though, is very amazing because I'm a little surprised, although I think it's one of the biggest stories ever and the as you know, the lame stream media doesn't cover it. This one has really caught the grip of a lot of people, people that aren't into it so much and they said this election was rigged a. I guess, John Mclaughlin, a couple of really great pollsters said. Ah, it could have made a seventeen to twenty point. Difference. That's a lot! We didn't need that we didn't need anything. Frankly, we had an honest account, but it could have made a big big difference and, ah you know we're talking about millions of votes and, I think they said. Thirty thousand is all you needed a, but millions, and millions of us now are very corrupt. Our country is very corrupt. I said well, MR president, how do you respond to people who say? Listen, we're stuck with mail in ballots. It sucks. I get it. The new york times covered it in the past,
how the fraud reigns in the rejection rates are double there's an article out, thereby Adam lip tack and twenty ten they covered it honestly when it was republicans voting, largely by absentee when it's stove, largely democrats in new york times made the story kind of disappear, never covered it again. the heart realities. We are stuck with this process. And, given that you're running for president again, a lot of critics will say and I'll be answering presiding, misrepresenting myself. Sometimes too we're we're, stuck with it now. If we get an office- and we can do you know some of these changes at the same level, but we're so with it. So the more we talk about it, the more we kind of this wade, people from voting view that way, and we have almost no chance of winning that. Well, I think this. I think that we have to get a big strong three somewhere along the line. We have to get a very powerful victory and that we have to change it to paper ballots in same day voting- and you know voter idea and all the things that you want. Who would not want vote
I do so in the way it is you have to where you have to win literally in a landslide, and you have to have tremendous people watching, and I think we have that one thing we as we have a lot of spirit, but the republicans zone cheat the same way. I mean these people are cheaters. What they ve done is so bed when you look at shift. The city was to have russia, russia, russia, to these honor with more nonsense. All nonsense, if you look at my statements by statements, were beautiful and compare them to the statements of max in the waters and many other people on the other side, they were vicious statements vicious and you know just horrible statements what they serve up. So you have to. We have to win baghdad. Look after one big, you know what goes on. You know you're one of the people that really does get it and you saw what happened at the election- is a disgrace for weeks. MR president, I get because I got screwed over. I ran for office and in my race I lost by one percentage point, and we- found out weeks later. That rough,
I don't know. Ten thousand people voted in my election who, two jury duty. Mr president, an injury duty said they weren't citizens You can't have voted if you aren't a citizen, so I get it believe me. Voter fraud is real. I understand I just have instances where you have more votes than you have voters, then you've got the votes, but you didn't have that many voters and areas that you know really were meaningful. You have more votes than voters, and people don't want to do it and- and I will tell you the court system is in the judges- are just I dunno what their problem is. You show evidence it'll be interesting to see what happens with the carry lake situation because he had, the machines were all broken. A large portion of the machines were but there were public a machine, so you know in republican areas. Now we have to win dan and we have to when we win and when we have enough strength. We have to go and have our system change, because our system is a disgrace and you know democratic want that to if they love our country. They want that
to learn that syria, that's a big heavy, so demanding sorry. The present donald jade shrub. We have, MR president, your thoughts what's going on which winter Iran must take over the twitter files which have vindicated you question. The deep state exists not only want to hear it from the goons on the left anymore. It's obviously real. They obvious. He targeted you in two thousand and sixteen targeted again in twenty twenty ellen. Suppose this by kind of an interesting relationship because over the Again, he put out a tweet banning links to true social, which I thought was kind of an odd decision near your thoughts and all that. Well, I think it really what is happening is true. Social has become very successful and I find that it's you know. I mean I just find that it's absolutely outstanding You know. I think twitter is not doing well, let's face it. It's not doing! Well, I like what he's doing. I think it's great, what he's doing but twitter
not doing well and it's sort of strange I he doesn't want to manage it or any and he's about putting it into bed. group, since I I don't know, what's going on with twitter twitter, even the way you made the dealers a strange she sued, because you want to get out of the deal and then he agreed to make the exact same deal that he made. So a lot of people don't quite understand what's going on with twitter, but I will say that true social has been amazing management. as I am now having a good time over there, so they did twitter again, if completely vindicated you, you have learned victim of a deep state that again it am I going to argue it left. This there's no question. It's real. The only question is how deepest rabbit. All that's the only question, but that the f b I set up a back channel with twitter apparent, the target- you specifically your fbi, a lot of people there are saying today high. from you, when you were the president, because we christopher I believe, was recommended you. It was a Chris Christie has been told disaster, where they keeping
information from you violated tell me and bill bar was gutless. You know was in doing his job. He was afraid he was afraid it offers them. He was fraid. He was afraid he was gonna, be impeached. Yeah, you know just didn't do his job. He didn't have the energy to do at it and he didn't have the courage to do it and I would have been the place you could have done now. This took place before, though, if you look at it, this was during the obama administration. I came into a hornets nest with the obama they spied on my campaign. During the campaign there was flying a my camp. and you know all this. A lot of this is deep seated, and this goes back a long way and it's been in there and they've been in there for a long time, but Barr had a chance to break it up. He had a chance to show the election fraud and he didn't want to get involved. If you look at him six, seven months before toward the middle, he was he was all for. He knew it was election fraud. He was very strong on it and making statements, but in the end they scared him
instead they going to impeach him and they were they were making plans to impeach him. They didn't know why, but they were going to do it anyway, and he was afraid that we can have people that are afraid. That's the problem. The republicans do not fight a guy like rich Mcconnell is a disaster for the republican party is a disaster including his omnibus bill, which should not pass it's, incredible that they want to pass stuff, but he- and can I ask you about it? I was already interrupted- You better not centre Mcconnell, so they listened election was in great for us. We did good on the outside the mid term. Obviously we ok on outside it should be more precise. We didn't do well in the set aside and Mcconnell faction of the G. O p is founded convenient to blame. You now find that sure thing, because a lot of these people I know part my anchorage have kiss your ass over the years for support. I know that, because you and I I've been through these fides before and then when it those sent over a couple losses week. You can't run from that, but you're in
can gonna, go seven hundred, no ok to people sometimes like a candidate. Sometimes they don't maybe someone candidates then perform great, that's fine. It happens. Some of these same people were begging. You first support. You its other than they turned around and jammed it right now, the language for a later date, and that's got kind of. Take you off a little bit well, I haven't seen too many of the ones I supported so saying. You know what you're but I will say this ted bud J d vans many others. I supported many many and I was twelve and all against Mcconnell, but many people I supported that work tremendous now I've got a final run down, because every time I read it, I just put out the number so weak. I had two hundred and thirty three victories and they had twenty two losses. now imagine the general election on the primary school,
it was almost ninety nine percent who I endorse one, but in in terms of my vote, I had two hundred and thirty three victories and twenty two losses and that's you know most people would say trump had an incredible night. I would say I had an incredible night, but you look at some of the senators who is their replacement? Ok tell me who did Mcconnell have to run for the senate in georgia? Is anybody wasn't like you know they could come and urge all were very artes. A good person is a great person, but herschel work so hard and dumping Mcconnell was given the money to some of these candidates. He wasn't what he did in alaska was. There in order to get a lousy person elected. They give somebody good. He spent a lot of money on republican against republic
instead of working in arizona and other places where they could have one races, but they weren't giving the money. So I only say that two hundred and thirty two or two hundred and thirty three against twenty two- and that was the record and Who was that record the endorse? But now I was and I understand like you're not going to win every race and no not every candidate ran the best race and that's fine. I know that's okay and almost all yeah, but if you look at what I what happened may. I want most of the races now tat was from me and euro. They had to do in candidate they wanted he would have lost. I find it odd, MR president, that you know take they called pennsylvania fool's gold forever, you the first president to win it in eons. Kid sidelined. It's always kind of an effort to just dump on you all the time, and
I I want. I want to ask you somoza, because I don't want to. I don't want to just get bogged down but doesn't know it is at pennsylvania, something I should have been one. I think the no exceptions for your governor I'm very badly, and I think that hurt I had heard our senate candidate. Does it hurt us any candidate, but the no exceptions when the governor went- and I said you know- you're going to have to have exceptions, because I think it's very hard, if not impossible, except in certain sections to win without having the exceptions on the abortion, and if you don't do that I think it's a very difficult situation, and you know he god why I'd be amiss aside. I disagree. I love you, MR president, now you and I do so now. I know you do, I think it's very hard to but, don't count and we re getting ronald reagan again. Ronald Reagan had the exceptions. I had the exceptions and yellow you get through I think the abortion issue was a tough issue for a lot of people.
I do think that wine listen you're, not wrong about the politics of it? However, there you, I believe this vigorous, should have been the january six committee these. was adam, kinsey or hasn't cried yet mister president. Not yet he's going to soon, I'm sure he will it's one. He will later cheney's up. There are no dads going to come rescue her soon, but are anything on it on again about these suppose. It insurrection, where you told people go margin fully and patriotically, which is a bizarre way to start an insurrection. But having said that, they're, making some back channel claims about, potentially an indictment for you, for. I can't imagine, but your comments on that only that I had tweets put out were fantastic. I don't love. You saw that, but we had we on twitter, I put out statements and I put out other statements that were so beautiful and nobody uses them, nobody brings it up. That name well read- are you
I did a documentary more or less. I did a statement from the lawn on camera that was deleted and it was a you know, go home and go peacefully and do all of the things you know that it wasn't even talked about now. They don't talk about. If you look at this, I call it the unselect committee. They don't talk about the troops that I recommended that be sent before january six. I said centrists and the third, I believe, january third, ten thousand to twenty thousand troops with a lot of people, agreeing that was good and nancy Pelosi and the mayor turned it down. They don't talk about that and they don't talk at all. They'd spend zero time dan. Talking about the reason for that huge number of people going down, and I'm not talking about the cat I'm talking about. When I made the speech, I believe it was the largest crowd I ever spoke before it. I've spoken before the biggest crowds. It was the biggest crowd. I've ever
we'll get went back to the washington monument and those are not people the walk down. Did they cover a very tiny proportion of that walked down to the capital, but I will say this: they don't talk about the reason that everybody was there. It was because of the election and because of election fraud. And they passed the size of a belgian satan spent one minute's speaking about that the january scam. Essentially, we have all Democrats and republicans in very poor standing to of mixed with the whole thing. It's a kangaroo court. What can I say Consumers talking now noble talking now. If anyone going to stand for the people are die ass, an anymore Now this has gone over like a cinderblock on bare toes this january. Sixteen, when you, MR president, I gotta run. I really want to thank you for your time. Coming back to the show, and I want to wish you have the bottom, my hard candidly grew. The best of luck in the election is country, but it's not going to save itself. Mr president, so we need
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big bad folks. She had the big sads yesterday, apparently she's some kind of like whatever market he market political farce, the embarrassing a so called fact checking site, which we know has been discredited so many times. We are I guess you can tell us. We actually had a hard time putting together a list that their most embarrassing epic fails. We had it. Time Jim was edna. Now, after the show, mad colombo are there's so many of whom we had a tough time. They do this their yesterday politically reporters face online harassment. We keep fact check again. this all out before I do this. This is freaking hilarious a political force brimley lies about me. Conservatives, massages democrat talking point does everything they deem due to destroy the constitutional republic and act like propaganda on for the left, this hapless disgusting site and yet you call them out on their obvious lies and we now them to the wall.
Blame you for online harassment that they directed your way turned the corner on this. I'm blaming left these further voice, males and emails. I get every day that death threats. It's your fault same logic, say my You lie about me, You lie about me people than target me so clearly I should read chase outlet, thereby Juno faces online harassment. He keeps fact checking the fact checkers anyway, worse same logic, J Angie drama call and worked for me right, J, mgh works same headline, otherwise the hapless ridiculous, andy drop, they call it outside this absurd griff de peace, this, why look at it
but if ex primary attackers of ladys panderma gino Your house, popular and social media, social media, if nothing else. It's always is a social media. His chief, walking points are conspiracy theories that the twenty twenty election was stolen, attacks on carbon nineteen prevention measures such as masking none of that that's actually true notice. How, ironically, all only that I notice how they leave the contacts out there. The context, repeatedly you can't prove a counterfactual, that's the problem. My twenty twenty election is, will never know what happened if there was in all the malfeasance, including the blocking of the hunter Biden, information, the pennsylvania unconstitutional changes, the ballot harvesting. I've said there see. Angie doesn't want you to know that, because she's a disgrace to humankind tax on prevention measures such as masking? That's weird guys. Didn't I tell you there is some evidence that a k, a ninety five properly faded may what you guys remember that, yes, I do when I said that, yes, you, and remember what I said: they cloth mass still work beyond the
I can see the surgical mask is lacking, which, ironically, now is the actual science. So it's kind of weird how that's a conspiracy theory angie dropping the collar edgier goes. She says it's really not a surprise that he hates fact checkers. He said insult to be called the journalist. It is an even bigger. Atheists are easily flattered ps. Yes, yes, yes, I totally agree with you. That is definitely a triple motley moment and you drop the cup melting down, so in honor of Angie Drobny Colin and this joke embarrassment of a psych. Sorry, here we go have enjoyed this, so much cycle worked out, might break it out to a sweat here. Here is a political force in age. You drop in their college greatest his number one thing: they dig bill, mccarthy, this joke of a human being who got his fact checking degree I think, from a certificate at banning jerry's
he said this, dan bond gino stated his keys kind. Enough stated on his five february. Twenty twenty two tv show. Then they go on to say something. I stated this spell Mccarthy. Now, I offered bill Mccarthy one hundred thousand dollars cash care I'm not joking! Listen to me They end up, I swear. Do it, I'm not kidding I will give you a hundred thousand cash, not a check. You can show where I stated that on my shop. we are now bill. Mccarthy is yet to collect money. Why bill Mccarthy lied. I know stated that, on my shall ever He just made that up there graphic, I had nothing to do with. We already talked about this. I didn't stated that, on my show, I actually nothing to do with it, but bill. Carthage, whose an alleged fact checker, twenty
must have never watched the actual show. He was fact jacket. Right right right, odd, that the average critic keynotes notice crazy, how they catch fly, they they're going broke and they got to seventy g gosh. What nobody's paying attention to us anymore? Maybe if you told the truth once in a while, I mean erotically crucial fact: checkers, here's another one thanks to give put together. These are all areas this was honourable mention, John. Greenberg bullet of ours. This is from April twenty twenty two looming food shortages- probably not in the? U S, thatcher grey type of job, but before that whole baby formula crisis, then you may have missed the fact. Checking Joe there right here is another one is by highly babbler from September twenty twenty five checking donald trump says its false: that a video shows call rittenhouse.
that he was trying to get away from them. Fellowmen violently attacked him talking about trumps data, which is, if you watch the video exactly what happened: kind of weird kind of probably hardly now watching the show it's like halley babble, are never actually watch. The video strange here's that actual now, therefore, checking the definition of a handful going? can said virginia is only one of a handful of states that actually taxes are veterans. Retirement they noted fifteen states, tax, military pensions, that's a minority, but it's more than a handful by Warren Fiske. He, ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine this motley crew of dip wads sitting around a table, a handful of as fifteen a handful auto at sixty point five as a handful apps? Is there a form of these a fact checker? yeah. What's the override robots, you will hear personal sports it here. What's the over under a handful, this is there
Oh jago briars this one's a classic debate. This one may maybe this we're going in descending order, although it's hard to read them. This is What three this could have, this, I ve been easily number one. Where you breyer's again? It's hard rating, the dumbest fact chakra pellet of forest, but dude is always in the running. Here's all areas, one. He frowned checks maria barter roma says what she said was mostly false. When she said we ve a bold our oil imports from russia last year. Literally in the piece you know, I hate the word, he writes. Do you did double the amount of crude oil imported from russia last year. These guys are wherever this is just reforms this gee. I wonder why you guys have to grief for body it she's so crazy using another one. This is a classic there's. This! by Tom Carter worlds, dumbest fact checker tom cause this guy.
This guy, always takes the golden. The dumbest fact checker olympics are political energy. Why can't they raise? Why, like not sure I'd sure miss holland. I got your here, lumber gas. We call in corn costs more in April twenty twenty two and Joe Biden american. They did a year earlier said a facebook posts, Tom Kurt. fractured and all we have josie notes. Yes, prices are higher under Biden but because tags god tags robes cod, Betty Johnson says otherwise got it from Gertrude the world. thomas black checker of course, number one. The happily Tom carter, again hilarious when he faction, a prediction deaf it. Prediction for infrastructure bill varies widely from estimates. I had noted a facebook posts that nothing Biden was telling. You is true, and the liberals will continue to fall for this, noting that the after spending with equal the deficit, which is taught illogical, well tom cards,
course fact check prediction. Now It is john wisest number one. Really require explanation of how the hell do you frank check, a prediction? It has it happened. Yet? What are you This is we're going back you're with word doc. How do you watch your it's out of If it has happened yet how Would you run out of you? Looming food shortage is probably not the? U S, john grey areas. In other words, how do you fact check? I predict How is that even possible? How a possible the answers you tom culture, John, green, burke and political part, this is you see why they hate my guts. I own these guys, I own these guys and let me just tell you some right now on a very serious note. Never ever stop you we're going to lie you. To manipulate and I'm to call you out everywhere. My audience is far bigger. You will never stop me ever you shut us down. spoke. We will go to other platforms, we'll go to church
Let us down a truth, will be on to shut us down on be on locals you. thou locals will be on rumble you. down and rumble I'll start. My own plan might have more than enough money to do it. You will never ever ever us ever by the way is not just the polluter. First led stories is another. The biggest I'd say this, the second biggest scam site out there. It was a gem by alan, duke news. still need stories fact check by stresses that funding crack pipes heroin for drug use. Remember that one there washed in free bacon went out actually applied in the programme and got the actual crack pipes hours. Alan duke it led stories, gem of a site, never gonna, stop more you hit me, the more I double down combined you're only adding to my case later rod, proving that I and the thing on your mind, not fat. Checking your obsessed with me and Ben Shapiro, your obsessed with both
Vice because you wanna censored a case becomes transparent every day in your email. Only added to it was a huge tactical effort you just made yesterday one of the greatest days of my life you know, damn horowitz. He writes for conservative review, he's been a guest on my radio show multiple times he is, on exhaustive work along with phil carbon and alex parents and in others, on the now failing vaccine and by failing to meet its inability to stop transmission of a virus which Generally considered to be the purpose of a vaccine. stop transmission or at least mitigate transmission of a virus again, Joe I'm, not a doctor, but that was a common understanding of a vaccine, correct that take his aunts. Ok, thank you! So, gino, neither Joe weight and stay in holiday and express less aid either, but we did we didn't, but but the poppies, It's not exactly doing that. Horowitz as a piece, that's even worse, Server reveal
the coverage shots erase unnatural immunity. Well, I would be bad, so he's got charts up in this piece about the latest study, showing how the gradual waning of immunity among on vaccinated children that's a figure on the left with prior infection, so on vaccines. the figure on the right, but you can see it rumble I'll explain a second, it's not hard to explain rumbled council ash punch. You know if you like the walk or just read the article, The figure on the right shows a precipitous waiving of immunity among children who god covered, but then Vaccinated were hit wave that I read. Right. Yes, you did among those infected november of twenty twenty one and the vaccine group their level of. catch and went down to zero within it, Every year even though they already had the virus. Now, ladies and gentlemen,.
oh no albert einstein, level, stephen hawking genius, but some limited circles are. We call. A clue that there's a so. Just to be clear. There is now some evidence indicating that, even if you had the virus before and then subs whom we get the vaccine, may mitigate the immune response to the the virus and wipe some of that out. Does it sound like a vaccine to be that sounds like fertilizer. He has an explanation as to what he thinks it could be. Any site The stanford study in the cell cell Location early this year, Searchers observed the decreased immune response to new variants of covered among those vaccinated for the original strain, because the shots are teaching the body to respond in properly. They know
This is a quote sure, it'll be censored biting idiots in big tack, because you know science and quotes cannot do that stuff shortly. jump right on this as their boxing. location quote we in their prior vested, maybe even the f b, I probably show up at my door after that too, but we get back to this quote we find a prior vaccination with war on a week ago, age. You won the first one like antigens, followed by. Action without for a delta variants gives rise to plasma anybody responses with apparent with a pair of boots on age. You, one specific, imprinting manner. Thing is relatively decrease responses in the variant virus epitaphs compared with on vaccinated patients infected with those variant viruses observed the stamper pathologists they notice, stand to which causes with debts is known, is original aunt. Janet sin will be an important topic of ongoing studies again twitter facebook youtube. This is called science, science is an evolving process. That's an actual quote. You have a beef with the quote. You can,
get up. Would Stanford we're just relaying two people, actual science, unlike you, weigh holes, I'm alive suppress the science, you don't really care of people die. I do. However, ladies and gentlemen, this sounds like a serious problem. If you got a vaccine that teaches your body to respond and properly to new variant which are now predominant. That's to me, like you're, in real trouble. Folks, you know I got the vaccine again ever. I do not ever try to fate the funk with you When I make a mistake, it's for the world to see we all do. It is no excuse for stupid, but I got a was dumb. I believe in science, not thus science, because is no thus science site. It is a process there's all the science. Why is that? So Science is always evolving in changing, but the change takes time.
And me being a believer in science having practice science in my educational experience in psychology and elsewhere believing in the scientific method. Good, robust testing and then re testing and re analyzing. Your results I should have waited. Because the hard reality is when the vaccine first came out, we didn't have chronological data because it just came out. There was no time that had passed I should have waited it's one of the greatest regrets in my life I freaked out man. I had cancer. I thought I was dying. I just wanted to see my youngest daughter's wedding. I don't expect to any view to Forgive me for being stupid about I dont order. Forget it. But gosh it was the biggest mistake of my life. I just should have waited I thought to myself that I've been told tee. I said you know, there's no doubt I feel like this was created in at this virus. In it, lab and move on, china have little doubt about that figured. You know I'd rather
my chances with something we created than something they create member. When I told you that key without scared I can I buy, you know my doctor told me with lymphoma and being under chemo that if I got this thing, I could be ugly. Let's just leave it at that stupid. Why I watches clear from the tucker crossing show signing some research coming out in time, Now pass them are starting to see thing. It's really most troubling minute, twenty seconds have had to listen to a long time, because I'm scared of what's coming. Had a little while ago and I'm afraid it's. The repercussions of this, for a lot of people have not been felt here check this out. To neuro degenerative disease mile cardenas bells palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive, community impair dna damage, response et cetera, show its possible. In fact, it's looking likely that the vat
seen, might suppress the immune system. This fact the authors will quote, have a wide range of consequences, not the least of which include the we activation of weight and viral infections and reduced ability to effectively combat future infection. And quote the again: we sincerely hope that's not true, but it's not just the conclusion of one scientific journal. The way it's maybe the most scientific journal in the world really similar findings. In february the lance its peace was entitled quote: risk of infection, hospitalization endeth up to nine months after a second dose of covert nineteen vaccine. A physician called hendry yamamoto made this observation that the data from the lancet you at this in a letter to journalists urology more quoting the studies that immune function among backs and individuals. Eight months after the administration to doses of covert nineteen vaccine
Was lower than that among the non vaccinated individuals, sciences, patients, science is long term sciences, chronological science is the repeating and replicating of data through process through control groups. science is the elimination of confounding variables. All these things take time now, whereas I understand we were in an emergency situation with covert. No emergency situation should leave a company or a government to force people to take something the forest to take something that may, in the long run, damage their bodies. greatest regret in my life, my have real I could you not. I I'm getting covert anyway. I'm getting covered twice, I wound up contrary to what people are telling you, I
What are some of whom say, while the cases are milder, which is a counterfactual, you can never prove worthy of the vaccine. It could have been what you don't know that it's a counterfactual number one and I can't see two other people situations, you told me many people got over that they got it severely after having vaccines. My friends, I can't speak to others, I don't know I can only tell you about me: of corporate. I got the first time was severe, so much so it's the only fox show I ever miss of cold. I got this second time after vocs being vaccinated was was was very tolerable. I had to deal with it anyway and now I may have to deal with some long term consequences which I pray talkers Of course correct. He hopes these wrong and I hope that data is wrong to.
No, I hope have millions of people will suffer if it is. I hope it's wrong. The hard segments do it's tough to admit you did something dumb, but part of the business is not sitting here and pretending you know above at all and that the people are your minions armada. Leftist big mistake: proxy inveteracy. Oh, my pillows, always looking for ways to solve everyday problems ever picked up a towel set I felt really soft at the store. But then you got to use it and it's not that absorbent, it's a towel that leaves you out to dry. Towel doesn't dry. Then, what's the point so my pillow developed, then my pillow towels towels actually work. I know mind blowing towels that actually dry. You dry well, the six piece tallassee includes two bath towels, two hand towels and two washcloths. They come in a variety of colors and right now you can receive a six piece towel set for only thirty nine. Ninety six with promo code, Dan Yan, I use
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and I notice immediately. There's choose there's two deputies there to do: vehicles too from the shares department to adapt is there and block blocking off some spots and I'm thinkin whatsapp. Something must have happened so I drive, I see one by poland spot. I see what these people sitting by their car and I walked by and I say what happened. I should five cars a broken into? They must. Use the window punch asked all pocketbooks bags everything out of people's cars tool. Kids, whatever I mean keep in mind Joe, this is, Paul in the lot of ten fifteen in the morning. Not at I am this. Is it church where the parking lot faces. faces a main road. It's not even like a parking in the middle of nowhere, where you're in this spot airport all the way back. That's that's not. It is parking lot, where its exposed meno five cars, not just one so clearly must have taken their time in doing this,.
this poor woman. I see her she's crying in older, older woman, she's she's crying. and a husband recognizes me and comes over his talking. This is the wife is crying and you haven't seen her a long time. I just remember, being a police officer when you would risk the scenes I dad fifteen twenty times a day on a busy friday night and eventually folks, I hate to say it, but you must become always feel bad, for people buy you become almost immune to it. After a while, you have you to do. Your job are also just collapse yourself but I haven't seen on awhile, I wasn't there responding deputy. I was just a guy going to church and it really hurt me- and it reminded me of you- know that the damning, how Oh that's at sea there! That's again, that's that's just the existence of genuine evil right there do. You have to be to pay on a bunch of charge going people on a sunday in mid morning.
front of a bunch of traffic out there to go out just steal from people. We are dealing with an emptiness, so profound But the only way to fight it is gonna, be do an organised generational effort into recognize it. It's not going anywhere, but the problem. I think we keep pretending some, not all of us, that this evil is going to go away and that, oh, my gosh, if we didn't win this last election and we all got to give up, no, this fight is never going to stop. We could win the next twenty presidential elections and you know what twenty one twenty one of twenty first one we lost. This thing could turn around like that. What may the disparity of what happened to be going into a church and watching these evil sons of bitches in the parking lot right. Steal all this stuff from these people's cars right is going to church in the hamleys given by a deacon, runs a prison ministry I tell you it was hard to listen to. He was right he was saying, I knows a bad time. None of you want to hear about speed The criminals
after having cars broken into in the parking lot, but he's correct it's up to us. To understand and did do, do you know to try to redeem the centre by birth? They must pay for the sin. First, We can redeem them from the prison, they belong. Folks who takes a genuinely evil person to do that and rip the hard right atoms me thinking about it, the entire time and in church, we have a great chair of dounia, he's all the case but it was hard to wash. which is fascinating because over the weekend I was reading this thing. I mean imperfect, perfect timing. If you know what I mean, This wall street journal up at about J are talking, author, the and the lord of the rings series and it's called jarrod tokens lessons about evil in our time. He saw going about how he used fiction, need
this obviously created very tell the shire and the lord of the rings and habits. And he talks about how he used all these to speak to larger human narratives, about evil and how he wrote them around the time. With the with the the fascism do. Nazi, germany is less than a year later. Britain was at war with nazi germany and its policy of appeasement and tatters. Asking of the wizard from tokens. How series explained- frodo bag in the harbor there she's, ok, after the feet, no respite. The shadow takes another shape and grows again Whereas l, the lord of ribbon down in tones and the elderly, that evil was ended forever. not so. It is never going to disappear. I I bring it up. and you know knotted to philosophic among plato. Here To explain to you the practical nature of what he saying,
at this Awad. Oh my communications, I leave my facebook page open for messages on the back and then I get a lot from people. When I have the reader disappointing story, I cheating in elections about denmark Stealing people's money about january six, people being thrown in jail for trespassing, while a bunch of people show up at the supreme court this morning and tell the gum what he's going to shut down the street and nothing so far as happened to them and they say something like hey. Listen, I'm ready to give up. It's not fair. I can't I can explain to you how poor I don't want to sound like I'm insulting anyone I understand your frustration Left is relying on you to say that
genuinely evil people in this world which the radical far left is there's. No, that's just watch a bunch of videos of a drag parade. A bunch of naked people like trying to groom kids and of its discuss come on. They are hoping you give up. They are hoping that you, like the the hobbits in the shire just pretend the world out. There doesn't exist and you can separate yourself from it. You can't do that. They did you, No, you can try to avoid politics. What did he say? Politics will never avoid you. They want you to disengage. They want you to disengage. purpose of the show, was been an eager plea on bended knee to get you to re, engage no matter how bed gets, because Evil will never disappear both evil hates that's one of the essence. If you will but hey not dislike, but hey here's a
sure I told you they were going to need a new enemy have to the road decision comes down which may happen today. We're not sure but there are already left wing lunatics in front. Supreme court, which was looks like an insurrection me folks need to break the law because they don't like a political decision, sounds like it by the less definition, sounds like an insurrection. They need a new enemy, and I told you during last week show what of most important shows. We didn't along time how the I now is going to move from identity. Politics focused on race. Do idea Politics focus on race and religion, producer Jim just over the weekend, the new enemy folks airports is gonna, be the white christian national. Here's a screenshot jim did over the weekend. He said now. I see it everywhere, christian nationalism, is a threat to democracy. New york magazine mesa bc. Why christian nationalism is suddenly at the forefront because you eddie it's are telling people it's at the forefront, washington post with the buffalo.
Ask her white christian nationalism strikes again time: time to stop giving christianity a pass on white supremacy. Here we go folks the parking lot. You have a homily inside with a deacon Jim forgiveness and empathy for the criminal bat is us conservatives and the these matter. You should be punished, but we believe in the power of redemption. Then you have the far left this in the park and not defined. The police characters supporting the criminal, so there's no police to stop them from breaking into cars at church ass, the evil that is not going to go away, the media again in a meltdown, two thousand mules, they don't know. what to do about it s the susie's new film, about mules, election meals, carrying what appeared to be illegal votes and stuffing ballot boxes. The evidence in the film overwhelming now one of the ways they found. These mules was by geo tracking
True the vote. Catherine angle breaks great group greg upset investigator. They bought a huge tranche of cell phone data, they said phone ideas and they try those cell phones around these ballot boxes, it irrefutable that these cell phone ideas, these people carrying me cellphones. They have the video to match it, we're going to these ballot boxes multiple times, folks, that is illegal in any state to accede. The money to carry a ballot to a ballot box. There is no state where that's legal, We have now hard evidence of what peers to be criminality and multiple states. What's be ideal j doing the answer. They are doing nothing because they are democrat party operatives. Now course. The media film
karthi Joe strikes again the world's second worst fact. Checker after Tom culture did a fact check for polit of forrest. A kid with this certificate from Dennys mccarthy did in fact check. on the danish, the susa film and he kept saying with the fact check sake, listen man, you know Experts are saying that this geo tracking data is really not that accurate. It isn't. Wow kind of weird, because if you go to domestic d'souza tweet about that, he says I keep reading fact. ex by a p impolite effect these reference in a clown mccarthy and they say cellphone geometry. king is not very precise, are accurate. Well, here's the new york times on how it pinpoints a person's exact location. Here's the photo path- new york times, king cell phone data, a single appeared on the screen, representing the precise, precise, precise
slow location of someone in president trumps entourage, seven, ten, a m it lingered around the grounds of moral logo and palm beach. Where the present we stay for about an hour. It's too easy folks. It's too is the precise. Keep that up, the precise location. So that's really strange. So we know new york times when they're doing an attack. It piece on donald trump deems geo tracking information, Joe quote precise back twenty to say that again for the tenth on precise location, really weird two fellows of you know this, but I got a lot of friends and law enforcement from my prior line of work. You know that was geo tracking data as well because of its noted precision carry in the cell phone they can deem from above. They can deal precise location from yourself on phone data, you, no law enforcement uses that you I'll tell you who also uses it bill Mccarthy, with his certificate from then he's noted, debunked,
credited humiliated liar, who I called I still lying about me. Why, who had a immediately rescind is nonsense or corral updated it. The second I sent him any mail, noting he was lying miller, are evokes use of two because its precision, you know they use for killing people. You want to talk get a foreign enemy. You could find a cell phone. Your military folks use it to kill people press uses it to me, if cherry uses and law enforcement uses it because of geo tracking precision, but it's really weird the facts: like no? No, no, I won't. It comes to people going a ballot boxes, it's just not precise enough. Maybe you should tell the new york times and law enforcement military. That's it. It'll kill people because of its lack of precision. Filmmaker total clown hundred thousand dollars bill cash. If you can produce to me
digital video evidence of me stating what you said, I quote stated you're alive. You're a buffoon you've always been a buffoon you're, a goon and a hack, and you been humiliated again. You gonna to challenge the new york times, Donald trump article about the precision of the cell phone date. Of course, you know you're a guph and a clown. Your parents should be embarrassed spawned such a life zero precisely per se By the way, this is only going to get better. So what is the D J and the fbi doing about two thousand meals which by, a blue away: all expectations is weakened and our locals still out there by the way you can watch it this week, the web, It is two thousand mules that locals dot com. Two thousand meals that local start com. You can also purchase the dvd if you want to buy the the film but two thousand euros that local stockholm please check it out. The group through the vote, catherine angle, back cattle,
angle: brackish excuse me gregg philips. They have this. A phone ideas of all of these mules who carried what appear to be unquestionably illegal ballots at this point add the cell phone ids. These people they'd be easy to find. Why? What is it? What is it? The o j and the f b I doing about it? if you're doing absolutely nothing, but is the of justice is a branch of the democratic party and the fbi. Leadership has been entirely completely corrupted corrupted you're, not willing. When you come into office to correct this and fight Everyone at the top who acts like a politician rather than a public servant, don't run for office, because you'll never getting my vote of my support. they're, going to be hard decisions, be hack action stealing left is gonna lose their minds, but everyone the d o j and the fbi, who is it politician first and a public servant second must be fired immediately. If you're not willing to do it. Step aside, get out of the way they have cell phone ideas
again I been asking for a lot of favours. Lately, I'm always hesitant to do that, but it's not really a favor. For me, it's a favour for the country If you would email or call your congressmen and senators today, I would really appreciate it and demand a review of the film two thousand meals and I also ask a very specific thing, a very specific thing: Are you going to demand that the f b I and the d o J look at the cell phone ids of the mules in two thousand meals to determine what they were doing and who was paying them? Are you going to do that because, if you're going to do it. You're not worthy of that seat. In congress you have do that today, The red state article by the great jennifer van are to be in the newsletter. Please read it and you know that consular newsletter, please check it out. after the two thousand mules premier, true devote promises to quote, pull the rip cord and release all the data. So this true, the vote. I know catherine angle brac by the way, should very good patently they have more when,
talk about releasing all of it. The data presumably it Jennifer's commenting, presumably includes the names and addresses the five or one c, three nonprofits there label. This quote: stash houses in the film according to chew, devotes investigation, these non profit served as a place for balance to be stashed. After, were collected from voters and a boy he's from which mules were assigned to deliver ballads through the ballot boxes at various times and in quantities wooden caused alarm. When. put it on the drop boxes, chain, custody reports and They were the organizations through which the mules were paid per ballot, illegal, delivered to the drop boxes. Angle, break says: the mules were paid around ten dollars per ballot. That for the georgia Senate run off the price was much higher at crime. What's the fbi doing, he answers you, FBI is doing nothing. I will ask again: email
call your congress person senator today do not wait Did you see the film to what are you doing with this cell phone ideas? three. What are you doing to ban ballot boxes nationwide immediately immediately hard evidence of ballot boxes? Being co opted for what looks the criminality these the band immediately, immediately immediate, I wasn't in special episode of them by gino, show we'll be back with brand new episodes. On Monday january, merry christmas and a very happy new year you just heard in bonn. Gino share.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-10.