« The Dan Bongino Show

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Best of The Dan Bongino Show

2022-11-25 | 🔗

Please enjoy this special compilation of the best segments from The Dan Bongino Show that you may have missed but are definitely worth your time. We will be back with brand new episodes on Monday, Nov. 28th.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Protect your online privacy today give vps go to express BP end dot com, slang, spawn geno welcome to the dampen gino shelf good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know. The welcome to dampen gino's show on this black friday, albeit a great thanksgiving yesterday, and you get caught up in too many lines today in the stores. This is a special episode of the podcast, my team and I, What together featuring some hand, pig segments some of our efforts from the radio shop and the pod, as you may have miss, but I promise the horror the your time? Some of these are classics. Sale price thinks I get it, but it's worth your time, but first a word. a sponsor. You gotta check out mizzen in may. The inventors of the performance fabric, dress, sure
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It sound bites and snapshot so the career jean Pierre, who is easily the worse press secretary. I've ever seen this position just entirely in over her head was: ass. The bat an obviously exploding scandal, ongoing scandal of the present united states selling access via his son, enemies of the united states and foreign governments as the big guy. And green job here, you'll see here instead of having a polished ready to go talking point she had it, but she struggled to find it. I want you to listen to short club, but I want you to find. but the talking point was and see if you can pick it out, I'm sure he can do good at this check this out. Can you address what the president was involved in any of your sun lounger or his brother's foreign business? So look at you know, there's there's some a little bit of interesting. You know.
I have one brand of thinking here, because you're congressional republicans ran up saying that they were going to fight inflation. They said they were going to make that a priority. They were very clear about that these past several months and instead What they're doing is their focusing ito, their focusing they're, making their typewriter priority? They get the majority in their type priorities, actually not focusing on the american families but focusing on the president's family you see the word salad and beginning to yeah, but a little bit and then all of a sudden like she's, buying time it's a verbal device she's using by the time we all do it. Some people. Do it on talk, radio. You forget, where you're going to say it: try that's what the arms and the eyes a little verbal takes it by you type. She doesn't have she forgot the answer you they all right, what's the talking point
public goods are worried about binds family, not yours, that's the talking for pretty clever, ran, pretty clever stuff. while bs nonsense. your family got screwed over when these I suppress the united states where your country a consented of governed constitutional republic. Your family got screwed over when buying decided to use his son as a con. with three international business deals with enemies of the united states overseas, humiliating and embarrassing us in front of our enemies and creating a blackmail file, probably seven, to ten feet, all that's. Neither talking point going forward and the republican counterpoint should be. While it's interesting, because it seems Joe Biden who is more didn't enriching his family that actually taking yours? I e the inflation criteria that are as a kick him in Now I heard my guys should have put a cup on for thou.
Republicans, that's how it's done you Right back at that, If Joe Biden was worried about enriching is family, maybe you wouldn't be paying six dollars a gallon for gas in california stung boy out one stung by three, I remember the coach or beavis and butt the jeremy. Does a one hard won her everything my aging myself, kids, who, like rebels beavis a butter, was the greatest show ever bad the greatest show or caught doing stopped by MR andersson. They get caught and his camper tearing the place up and they'd walk out and he walked inside to look at the damage. Would you guys doing the hood? That was other kids, who I just saw you guys? That's by it was other kids. This is the their kids presidency. It was other it's here someone should make a monologue fox, the other its presidency that's. What this is everything their kids prudent, did it should I do that for the weekend chauvelin fox woody, they should I Jim
I just get over that mike. What do you think she we do that The other kids presidency, like standing by inflation putin. Did it while high oil prices, the mom and pop gas stations. That is everything the other kids presents. This guy get a move on, but they're not really moving, and it's kind of related to that. Unfortunately, the bs never stops with this administration. They lie to you all the time. It's not just that they lie to you it's offensive because they have this group of gullible, suckers just never ask any questions on the left and its. public. It's your pausing, how you keep again played for fools so. And up the show today- and I said you, man, the almighty that. Joe Biden, solve that railroad, strike crisis before the election did a big white house press conference about it? You doubt me you should you should doubt everything doubting is important. I love the fact that you double check and triple check everything. I do keeps me for us. The and all I want to be is for us, the washington post september, fifth,
in twenty twenty two. That is right before the election headline by scores a deal on rail strike, but why or discontent emerges so score to deal on a rail strike. That is really fascinating, because when I tuned into fox today right before I came on the year, there was Cairo and for the lives, that's the lower one. Third of the screen there. cairo on the screen, it said rail shrike looming. That's so strange because I was told before the election by the media people I've I told that he had averted a strike of what I had a text them right now, a lot of texts in my project. We're going to conclude this well hold on. Will Tune in to my rating So this is how we gonna do my workmen radio show now it's ford. Ok, I'm almost done almost authorities. I promise I won't. We break them. Ok
who's gonna wait for where the tune it so This is another one where the messaging before the election and asked after the election is. The same is different right. So I said about hunter premium. action, I don't know, that's definitely a conspiracy theory it's a conspiracy after the election, CBS news, I break news hotter laptop is verified, studying how you were able to do that right after the election. This is another example right here, pre action Joe Biden is the negotiations. Messiah The railway unions we're gonna shrike, which was going to shut down the whole country. It's like shutting off someone's hard mean without our railways and our truckers, you ve got nothing without the rails. Forget it. How do you think it gets to the trucks so pray? election, the washed imposed narrative is binding. scores a deal on the rail strike or we did.
Now here's the post election truth that comes out again here the jobs and they waited till after the election and said spread m kids boom right there. Election breaks their way in some respects and others not. Here's the new story out today. Axis no way strike glooms over holidays after major union rejects the deal. How did they rejected deal to wash imposed? Told us by? scores a deal on the rail I'm reading it right there, for the vaccination musical there it is we printed up. I'm looking at a writer. Has this possible. well. If you manage to tuna- and we need to add this to the show one our story for my monologue on my saturday show romantic cover how everything pre election changes post election, although nothing changed at all. Just a media angle.
I thought you told us Biden, the messiah save the day I tell you, told us that there are. You told us that. keep in mind by the way. If this were trump, I get it. I get again, it's not hypocrisy. Let's stop that its hierarchy. I can't say that enough: the media his power and they'll abuse. It is that's what totalitarians do. if this story about a rail strike or a been during the trump administration that their headline would read this and washed imposed pre election time, Try to strike a deal on rail strike fails miserably because he's a moron and we hate him would be the headlines, the wash the impose instead the pre election headline was Biden, scores a deal on the rail strike, despite the fact that there was never a deal at all and now the threatening to strike, because it was never a deal. But it's not just that folks.
How the bs never stops us, not just the rail strike story. There began, we were told by and save the day. He loves taking victory lapse Biden. things he has yet to do and the first Did the media? Let him get away with this? Is I mean it Yet there is tragically hilarious because of you even pay a little bit of attention to the news. I knew out of the liberal, talking head dopey bubble for a minute use. To realize that you're being why'd you all the time constantly remember the student loathing bind brigade stood laws and the kids who who ran up a one hundred thousand dollars in debt, doing no urban studies, degrees or whatever they were like. yeah Joe lunchbox, Joe this script. Kid he's back is grabber it'll. Take you
find. The german kick your ass or something he's so he's such a tough guy joba, I said: I'd take a bat and a jib, a jack. You want to do a push up contest honestly joe know, I'm a nice guy. I don't want to see you get hurt. Please no push up contests, you may you may go listen! The going down part on the pushup is either it's the apart as an Nobody can neil once you get also getting back up part this. Please we're good job, don't do any era, but joe by the young kids. You voted for by a neighbor like yeah. He forgets our students? Everybody took a victory that here I got the headlines for you right here: market watch, Acta, twenty first, twenty twenty two jim was out before the november elections. This is not a trick. Question She was Jim, took a mandate which is little disturbing. My can you back in the future, when he struggles like that police market watch activities,
anyway october twenty first, two first, twenty twenty two will make an assurance of that will donate press. It's your favorite charity and now I can't be. small company Biden, celebrates court decisions favouring his plan to forgive student loads. Wow, look dad everybody before the election Biden celebrates again. So look at these two outlines. Here's washington, postal market watch pre election, And celebrates court decisions on student Biden scores deal unrestrained, here's the problem, not a that, was actually true. The court decisions were temporary because people The election on reading this crazy headline here right there, it's right, my grill, AP u s judge in texas, shrikes down by loan forgiveness, but now Those kids rely yeah. Why why why why anybody me when you me area?
can get my neighbors money to pay for my soon learn what I hear we step for you, fox our nation viewers and almost a whip. This thing out to get your head out of the gutter. It's disgusting, I'm talking about a sign here. For those of you out there for fox nation. You could see this at home for our radio listeners I'll, explain to you. We already have a student loan repayment programme. I am I like it out for everyone. It's very fancy is: what's call they a white paper, although its bored in this case My plan is called get ready for it. It's called the alone repayment plan. This is such a ball ballplayer Jim. It applies not just to student loans. To all laws So here's the plan c thing this? is called the rump you the ass, the blood the was who I don't really care. What you call this is turned into an hour. Family friendly show a sap, but that's ok, sometimes you take.
a thing called the rump and even as a direction up. So you, take the rump and you remove it from the sea you're sitting in because you're, a lazy, bijou, ok, Get your ass up off the chair, stapi in a bum, I'd like it, stop being a bum, get up! Remove your ram furniture, then there's another line, see The rub is up from the chair and you stop vienna lazy. Bum. You go this way. thing here? I've even diagram that up It looks like a house, but it's actually a job It's a j o b. Three letter were if you're Joe Biden. It's a three letter. Word, J o bs three led some of you get the job that J J. I asked you so here it is Joe binds even telling you go to this thing called the three that a word job jail, bs, red and here This is what happens you can see in the diagram. The final part is you get, they never their him.
add out of the gutter, and once you go to the job, once you go to the job, you get this thing called money, and you We pay your own damn loans at an you. Don't have to worry about things like Joe Biden taken his case to court, to try to steal money from bob to give to tony's kid to pay for the woman studies there you see how easy that is. Look at tat, we'll get there the advantages of being vienna. Conservative you for your own money and you pay your own. Damn loans are instead of drifting off. Other people are being a lazy bob, as I work out there like that plan I, like plan better more coming up after them it will be They show also brought you by all form the listener, my shell for a while, you know I'm talking about helix mattresses and love em. I have one myself now they ve gone beyond the bedroom. Helix, making self is too
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They have a forever warranty, literally forever find your perfect sulphur check out all formed our council S. Damn that's all Dot com, slash there or form is offering twenty percent all orders at the off round listeners at all form aol, a forum that calm, slash the and that's all form dotcom, slash there. There are three things we really care about: god, family and country. The damned bond gino show yeah? It's not breaking news that CBS broke canoes. Air quote yesterday that the hunter Biden laptop is real. That's not news! Man you're, not a news channel! Just stop! you call it CBS opinion, CBS activism, CBS pack, you call or whatever you want this sea bs.
they are CBS at, please don't call it CBS, plus they'll go down the path of cnn plus did see an unpleasant make it a scary movie that they make it eleven days. They didn't write, didn't even go. One scary movie did that did they go on for you star, trek fancy. They make it a quarter of parsec or something like that to me. but CBS news is. I mean it's aids, embarrassing. They call themselves a news channel. So again in the broke the story. Yesterday, seven hundred and sixty nine days after the new york post actually broke the story that David act verified the laptop and, as I said to you, they did absolutely nothing. They couldn't have done seven hundred and sixty nine days ago. Nothing. it's the weirdest thing like, and we had this idea. We sent computer, forensic sky, analyze the laptop which, by the way, the laptop repairman again we had in the radio show yesterday's had four since
Twenty nineteen we sent computer repair, computer forensics expert to go, look at it and they said it Israel. They did. Oh yeah wow. Why you? gosh you guys you're, so talented. What journalists? You are, man, you guys, cracked, that they wide open so good job. Aren't you and bear you ever see that comedian, it's about your go out. You would bear. Are you embarrassed like why at this army seriously? Folks, I'm not s unworthy arriving at this boy. Why bother why? why blob wipe? Why would you bother. Jim, I'm serious. Why? Why just let it go at this point. then why say that the story needs to get out there. Now I get that this job, I bid. You think I've only been talking about it for two years. But I'm saying like is a news outlet, but we do a news reported CBS, as I just can't marking for CBS.
Is wrong. Oh thank you, gemma, thereby Juno here reporting for CBS breaking news. Folks. in a major upset and game six. The nineteen eighty six metz have defeated Whilst the red sox, inner headed a game, seven it's going to happen. Folks, standing play at the end. First baseman bill, buckner botches a ground ball in the first place, your mukhi wilson move ray knight scores hands in the air to match when the mets win. What what's the difference? No laugh, I'm not kidding. What's the difference, what's in it then, that's all booze shows hunter binds laptop. We know, two years ago, Can you call movie see welcome a movie. I know he had an feel. How does it feel I game winning error down the first baseline. What were you thinking when you at that slow roller down? First, happened. Nineteen, eighty six, ninety he said I was twelve.
In political terms. political like dog years every year, seven years it's about this, time two years is pass, you had the damn laptop. All you had to do was go and ask the guy to look at it. you waited. This strategy was perfect. You, till after after the mid terms, not just so after the mid term. You waited till after The big races were called- and you put this story out yesterday early enough- that you don't think it'll impact twenty twenty four and its key said this morning: the podcast gas producer, because then they just so conspicuously flip. You the middle finger thinking stupid that no one will pick up on that like wake eyes, you waited till after the mid term, elections were called in now right before it would do any damage for twenty twenty four like so conveniently time anything we didn't notice he's after they spent two years, journalists
tending that they couldn't actually go and talk to the laptop repairman John Paul mac isaac that you, actually go to him. He was willing to give you guys a copy of the laptop and do the work to verify yourself, which wouldn't have been difficult. I mean you are a new zelda correct, I mean it's not as if the business his partner to deal who we see seat on the emails, actually said the emails are all he did. He yeah, He may I forgot about dad yeah, that's right Tony popper moose gay obama lids key priorities what a popular skate from what job? No! No! That's soda, poppins key tony papa linsky. Never heard the day before
you know- I mean no one heard of this guy. It's not like. You actually get an interview on a major cable news, channel and prompt all that happened to me. If guiding ticker pharrell said I mean Tucker cause the crazy. That's it's crazy Nods. it's not as if Joe Biden was actually asked on the pain trail either if he spoken suicide about as international possess. All that happened to that happen through oh that's right normally see otherwise known as Peter doocy actually is on video asking him that question pain, miss Biden here, your son about his busiest. I never talk to my status if that happened either either.
couldn't verify that. It's, not as if there's actual voicemail of Joe Biden, calling his son and telling it may take season. They clear, oh ah happen through tat have two, we actually, we actually hard dad yeah yeah. We heard the voice mail, That's right. as if we actually have photos of Joe Biden and his son hunter waiting. far better way. Are you a series of yours? bosses. Here's the actual picture that I, circle a year ago on jesse water, show up Joe Biden
it is a business deal. So that is if we. Actually have a receipt for the laptop. sign by hunter Biden build two hundred Biden. On this issue by hunter Biden, with hotter bind. So how are we going what we got. What the how we got that through work. rigour. We got through So that is if we have a lap prepare guy who actually witnessed hunter Biden come at all? Oh yes! Yes, he was Stop michel piastres aid
he's got a name. Shame on small zack ties. Ink. I mean John back isaac or you just gotta, looked it up. You just got a point computer repair dude heiner Biden, yeah, you could you, you could have done that. Journalism is so body journal. If this is it a course, a journalism school in the future about what not to do? I don't know what is theirs: of course, in anti journalist right. Here's what you learn through his real or not to do this has to be day one. What not to do you gotta, I'll bet. You gotta, laugh where you're gonna cry this is this That's why we would deadline, or we have sought a joke to call.
We anything anything. I have ended Immaculate amount of self control when it comes to that stuff. Just don't call me a journalist. I may lose it on you. I may shoot a double leg on the street. If you call me a journalist, I can there's no bigger insult. I would rather, you accuse me of fleecing money from people as it three card monti scammer in the middle and nineteen eighty times square than for you to call me a journalist. Never ever ever, ass. These people assume every single thing they tell you is a making. Why? Because it is here, the super caught again had tip Tom elliot over a gravy, and you should be following him: social media has some of the best collapse:
just nailing. These idiots to the wall here is a minute swell by the way. Again we cut this early because I could let display for five minutes of people. I want you to believe their serious journalists here they are in a twelve compilation regurgitating deep state lies? The hunter Biden laptop signed for by one hundred Biden, but one hundred Biden's emails, hunter Biden's texts, hunter Biden, sex tapes with pictures of Joe Biden with hunter Biden, with voicemails of Joe Biden and with Joe Biden lying about his buy son's business deals and with a business partner telling you that the emails are real. Here is a minute twelve seconds of the media telling you your eyeballs and your earlobes are lying to you check this out. Obviously, we're not going with the story right now. This is really one of the stupidest october surprises I've ever seen that helps to really view this as storytelling now what news coverage, but as political entertainment and pierre explained,
We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really story feel even to make that story. This story that many intelligence experts say has all the hallmarks of a foreign interference campaign. Looks like it's time to learn. Repugnant in moscow is, is a russian intelligence. Disinformation campaigns for an intelligence operations, foreign intelligence operation, russian, intelligent giuliani- was not fed passively. if russian disinformation he order off the menu. This is a classic example of the right wing media machine and he's in the midst of a scandal he's not taking these courses, which you know hunter Biden isn't running for president. That argument has been debunked. There is no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong and for all we know these emails are made up. It just lacks credibility. You guys had the idea to start doing that they're not going to do your work for you. There are about one. I loved the junior, the compilation of idiots,
can the lady in the christianity Amanpour at the end, to hear Lesley stalinist do here and her in there jared her Europe, Brian stout, there's still looking for a job price, Well, there is zero. Harvard do teach a class on like journalists doing that was it. Did we get a job at harvard, but the thing is that you remember that story. Brian still, there are getting a job and also university of journalism, That was brides. They do your brains, tell them Who else is in there that bald guy at MSNBC does some of the dumbest analysis I've ever seen with the glasses? I don't even remember his name. Was it heilman or whatever is serious Not even worth considering russia, this information. we gotta do this. Well, we'll get the green job here in a second turbid, you got decision that leslie stall sixty minutes interview. Where trumps I k you know, maybe I should look in a hunters laptop. I mean the deeds happened like crazy sex on these videos and smoke and crack
welcome to your all glass, sheer all I mean like a video. Maybe you guys should look at that considering the dad's involving a business deals unless, Star was like we can't fire why, of course, you care because you're not actual journalists, you're idiots, but he was, as he stalled, the same interview when trump says a known fact. We have the name of the spy that his campaign was spied. We have the actual name of the spy, multiple spies. By the way here's lousy stall again, this is the framers sir interview check this out of biggest scandal was when they spider. My campaign they spied on. My there is no real evidence of that. Was the original over the flows leslie, says right my campaign and again I say something: You know this is sixty minutes and weak. put it on things we can't hired on because it's bad for bide. We can't learn things. We can't vera leslie cobbled shrub writer.
And donald trump right again. Example, number one thousand six hundred and seventy two you all put it on, because it's bad for us that we so we can put this on This is sixty minutes. Lesley, no truer words were ever spoken, just not for the reasons you think les, just not for the reasons you think idiots budget tools how do we get stuck with these more of outdated? Most people on planet earth all lined up in two spheres: politics into media. How is it you, by chance a smart person once in a while. We get elected wind up in the media. How does that is that at the outset, abbot,
today selectively, like pig people will likely they do it? Twenty three in me jean test, or something like that. I guess this person's moron he's perfect for the media space is our blood work. They do We still do blood work before she got hired and sixty minutes yes, she has the missile jean bringer aboard right side. It's just as it is. that is to be played at least twice a week. You understand from this point on I'm sorry to add to the deck johnson of and other things and pan terror and joan jet and the many liners we have to do. But based on these at least three times a week, says on this point: these words, though, of a job How is this Ok, I'm way over. I gotta take
break up play, the white house responds afterwards creature, Pierre forgot or no cards is class suggests know what to say. This is the best word salad you ever heard coming next will be right. the lack of a red wave during the mid term, lead to more emboldened Biden. I hope not more, or barrel spending higher taxes deepening of inflation if you're unsure how the next two years, one unfold talk today, too urge go group about protecting your savings. We call it I bought gold from there multiple times from birch golden you can't you. Birch gold makes it easy to convert an ira or four one k into an ira in precious metals. That's right, they'll help you own gold and silver and a tax sheltered account Here's what you need to do! Tax dan D and the ninety nine ninety, to claim your free and focus on gold and to one of their precious metals, precious metal specialists. They hold your hand to the whole process, protectors. The gold today by taxing dan tonight, nine, eight nine it with
plus rating with a better business bureau and thousands of happy customers birch gold? Is why trust to protect my future and yours? customer to tax dan to nine eight, nine, eight nine aid today ass before it's not a guarantee of future results. Messaging data rights apply. One of the great chunks of news came out of last night's, relatively ok new cycle for the province was the scientists Rubio absolute route in florida, I mean around for the ages. There is no good news out of law for the Democrats, none usually there's a couple stories: Joe they're, like wow euro, let us stick on the pig, is now there's a listing theirs. It's just a pig, This is the pay. It's actually just bacon it. This way over. It's done. The florida is a total train wreck and absent the collapse of the Democrats. Was a collapse for the Democrats, because spain speaking, voters, hispanic vote The cubans venezuelans porter
begins spam voters in Florida in droves voted for republicans over Democrats, which does not bode well for them. Playbook is trying to already take the edge this. They know what happened. Many the plausible outcomes predicted by top geo people. Gb officials did materialised. There was no massive shift. The hispanic moved towards a geo p, that's freakin hilarious! Really, You see how, though, already downplaying what happened, in florida there, when you do this. Are there isn't a massive shift in hispanic foresters gnp, then how did run santas when miami dade by for ten points miami counting euro in miami area down there. Of course, oh well, bingley hispanic hilary Clinton did one thereby over twenty points, closer to them, what points how to run the same this when it by ten, if they county is overwhelmingly hispanic, if there was no massive shift, its think about that sounds like
oh dear to me now, There's a lesson from this: there was a massive shift of hispanic voters, but why folks It is clear that the border alone is not an issue powerful enough to flip hispanic, voted I know that sounds counter intuitive right. Many of you may be same while the border issue Democrats told us for years it hispanic voters want open borders. No, they don't the santa's sent some illegals tomorrow is vineyard and just one florida by almost twenty points. Which in florida isn't even a landslide, it's like a crack that's how I like volcano, Nobody wins Florida by more than one or two points on the republican side. Nobody. win by twenty points. That's krakatoa for the Democrats.
I thought they said rhonda to ship the ship. The legal support. This really gonna play bad, but they see what then you make any opposite point: the borders who does work for because then hispanic worse, it does. But it's not enough. Folks Had to border seeds, we lost my flores race lost her seat and cassie garcia. Who are, didn't when that race on the border. Monica della crews did when, which is great news, but clearly, says to me the border issues. Not enough What did run the scientists do different that wound up shifting this he made the eve is campaign cases campaign, not just the border issues, but the bat Against woke media mediaevalism, while companies, the culture wars, made it about schools any made about business, I'm not suggesting those other two candidates didn't do that I've, just suggesting that this isn't to be: maybe they didn't have the money or the assets, and maybe it just is the culture shift isn't ready yet on the southern border. Maybe the border just isn't a big enough issue, but the key take away from this. The left's culture war.
Is grossly unpopular with their hispanic community so with socialism, so is anti capitalism. So we see our tee in schools. U r c! get down here in florida, bowed scientists I mean there's no question the winner in the knife: there were winners and losers. The winner of the night is unquestionably round the santa's. the biggest loser than I mean. How do you not say, charlie, crest and and and florida Democrats how do you not say that now, And I may have been the biggest round the santa strikes again ever so in honour of round the sent this less. I this is a double run. This anti strikes again and again, The double round the santa striking and for the first time you ve ever done first it maybe the less I'm ever. Do that There are the elbow around this here is right to set this lesson. I again take You write to the left
culture warriors out there trying to destroy our culture. Our sexual doktor nation is schools, see our tee and all the southern nonsense. Harry is less night. It is. It is visionary speech. Basic we're telling you why he won by twenty points and handily won with hispanic. Voters check this out. Why fight the hulk in the legislature? We fight the work in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never ever surrender to the woke mob florida where the people have come here, because our policies work. Folks who fought the lock He fought disney fought the media, and he handily with hispanic voters. Polyte playbook just wrong? It just says twisted the borders, a great issue for us to fight on, because the santa stayed there too, but it's not enough. It's not enough.
the culture wars the economy to now see an is an absolute shock. Cnn is in shock that florida was, I mean again Krakatoa. Like event last night for the Democrats floor, been now, at least in this in any foreseeable future, is now the map for the Democrats, for national races and obviously for state raises by the fall to theirs that is not a state wide now elected Democrat anywhere, in florida like that on this day, why level they care believe it here check this out. I was taxing whether a source in florida, political? source? Who pointed out to me that this will be the first time since reconstruction Florida won't have any Democrats and statewide office period. So and the is the tree. The mess miami day, the miami dade white, like thirty points were greek, glinda, bulgaria. I can't believe I get over goodbye, abbe dade, my
today. Date is a very densely populated county. the old joke in florida. I live down here. I've said often Joe is what more nor If you go in florida, the more south you again, in other words, south voting patterns, alabama tennessee, georgia's public and voting patterns to kick in up north in florida, as you get the south florida miami, it used to be blue Not anymore. open, a roman, it's your folks enemies, now's the time to take charge of your health care decisions. We all know the system is working, but thanks to crowd hell, we can do. Something about it. crowd held for your health care back in your hands. The middle man. They save money, find your health care costs without relying on big government or big insurance. Companies, us be honest He assures models. Broken crowd. Health has a better way to fund your health care costs, see any Do you wanna know, deductibles exclusions or co pays only pay the first five hundred hours of any health care event. The crown
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was of everything else. Part of the problem is how this generation that kid's exists mostly online. They see, actual violence, as is portrayed in the movies. I watched the music they listened to in the games of video games, a play I plead war. Growin up my friends, the boys were allowed to be boys I said to my friend, eighty bang you're dead, but differences. We knew what was fake I really got up afterwards and we want. jumped in the fire hydrant I've had a pool. Why First of all, why do I feel like Andy's, fake and second of all, what does this lose? A talking about, kids know the games of fake my man known as turning off grandiflorum like shit. Just run over eighty pedestrians. Should I get a lawyer? Oh my god, I'm so we don't jail. One am going to the argument. American music and video games causes gun. Violence totally falls apart when you realize the entire world listens to american music and plays american video games,
noticeably does there what is the again the luck red object, squirrel act. I get a loser thing in a second which did? She really does there. everybody last barking seals in the audience well I'll. Tell you what you keep immersing your kids, if you hadn't, even know if he's married or whatever I have no idea, I really don't care you keep sticking, your kids in the basement surround the nome with rap music column, women hose and bitches, and whatever you keep doing, that talking about shewed, nobby old tech by you keep doing that. sitting. There have a mob beaten, hell out of people and video games all day smoke Adobe Gavin do that, while watching you know hard core, Porn and you keep doing that just do us one favor trevor, I'm begging you I'm not kidding you, see if they'll comedian and by the numbers are clearly a failed host as well just keep those kids away from me. You keep doing that
and if he would have listened to the whole thing, which is clearly not capable of comprehension. Scales aren't allowed you to set it, I'm not trying to prescribe any kind of a ban on content. I'm a free speech, absolutist, I'm, sick just think that fatherless homes with abuse child children who are bullied immerse than this violence twenty four hours a day, if you That's helping trevor? Just do me a favor, keep those kids away from us. You send your kid to school with them, see how much you like that by the way trevor thinks I'm a loser. Law. As such, I b, we only have the number one show it saturday mommy. What news, then, too conservative podcast A radio show that reaches eight million people, but don't worry we can't keep up with trevor. This is a great article. I read about trevor by the way hollywood in toto by christian to the daily show ratings plummet to shocking new lows, trevor Noah, far, smaller showcases crumbling without trump and with by
I'm just saying I mean if I'm a loser and you correct and my gosh What are the losers scale? What does that make you? If I am peak loser that my gosh. So I love is rating system for is scupper. We school may twenty. Third, the twenty nine. here: the late nightsy be ready. I could read them all off, but to be a while before we get the trevor. Obviously, but if this there are eleven people who are rated before him, so The be being after down lemon and then you get to the bottom draggers real time. Last tat. I would John Oliver and below that you have trevor. No ratings are excited when whose by giving a bag was at least whose ratings are so bad. That he gets it s. A meeting I don't even think they get countless ratings which are so low and what we know they're below two hundred and thirty betta, and he gets it in a hurry which he is
zero decency, racist, so hilarious in very few people can blow a white house correspondence dinner when, like the whole world, this watch there's no loser parts, this kind of funny- and I don't mind europe, obviously my message getting out on their their platforms at all. I appreciate that I wish you'd continue to do that because I'm helping a bunch of saint people, listen. That said, you know what oh, by the way- and these very real andy knows who he is. I promise you I don't make up stories. I try function. I got the vaccine again every I do not ever try to fate the fuck with you. When I make a mistake, it's for the world to see. We all do. It is no excuse for stupid, but I gotta tell it was dumb. I believe in science not thus It's because there is no, thus science site it is a process, there's all the science. Why is that Science is always evolving and changing, but the chain, takes time,
and me being a believer in science having practised science in my educational experience in psychology and elsewhere. Believing in the scientific method. Good, robust testing and then re testing and re analyzing. Your results. I should have waited. Because the hard reality is When the vaccine first came out, we didn't have chronological data because it just came out. There was no time that had passed, I should have waited it's one of the greatest regrets in my life I freaked out man. I had cancer. I thought I was dying. I just wanted to see my youngest daughter's wedding. I don't expect to any view Forgive me for being stupid about it. I dont order. Forget it. But gosh was the biggest mistake of my life. I just should have waited thought to myself of the thai even told tee. I said you know, there's no doubt I feel like this was created in at this virus. Anna lab and move on china have little doubt about that. and I figured you, know I'd rather
my chances with something we created than something they create. Member. When I told you edgy without scared, I can I buy. You know my doctor told me with lymphoma and being under chemo that if I got this thing, I could be ugly. That's just leave it at that stupid. Why? I watches club from the tucker karlsson, show signing some research coming out and time is now past and restarting seething. It's really most troubling minute twenty seconds. I've had to listen to a long time, because I'm scared of what's coming Had a little while ago, and I'm afraid it's the repercussions of this for a lot of people have not been felt here. Check this out To neuro degenerative disease mile car data spells palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive, immunity, impaired dna, damage response, etc, show its possible. In fact, it's looking likely that the vat
seen, might suppress the immune system. This fact the authors will quote, have a wide range of consequences, not the least of which include the we activation of weight and viral infections and reduced ability to effectively combat future infection. End quote again. We sincerely hope. That's not true, but it's not just the conclusion of one scientific journal, the wind Maybe the most famous scientific journal in the world really similar findings. In february the lancet's its peace was entitled quote: risk of infection hospitalization and death up to nine months after a second dose of covered nineteen vaccine a physician called tangier yamamoto made this observation that the data from the lancet you at this in a letter to the journal of morality and more quickly, The study showed that immune function among backs and individuals. Eight months after the administration to doses of covered nineteen vaccine,
was lower than that among the on vaccinated individuals. sciences. Patients, science is long term. Science is colonel, logical, science is the repeating and replicating of data through process through control groups. science is the elimination of confounding variables. All these things take time. Now, whereas I understand we were in an emergency situation, would covert. No emergency situation should leave a company or a government to force people to take something the force to take something that may in the long run, damage their bodies. Greatest regret in my life, my have real I could you not. I wanna getting covert anyway, I'm getting covered twice. I wound up contrary to what people are telling you? I
What are some of them say? Well, the cases are milder, which is a counterfactual. You can never prove. While, if you have the vaccine, it could have been what you don't know that it's a counterfactual number one and I can't speak to other people's situations. I ve told me many people got cover that they got it severely after having vaccines. My friends, I can't speak to others. I don't know I can only tell you about me of corporate. I got the first time was severe so much so it's the only fox show ever miss of covert. I got this second time after backs being vaccinated was was I was very tolerable. I had to deal with it anyway and now I may have to deal with some long term consequences which I pray talkers. of course correct. He hopes he's wrong and I hope that data is wrong too.
No, I owe you a brief. Millions of people will suffer if it is now the the hard segment. It's tough to admit it, something dumb, but part of the business is not sit here. Pretending europe! You know about at all and that the people are your minions armada. Leftist big mistake thanks for listening. This special edition of the damn boy gino show featuring the best segments from the podcast radio show over the past few weeks. We hope you enjoyed it, be back with a brand new episode, this monday, the twenty eighth until then happy thanksgiving and a great week day, sir, you just heard in Bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.