« The Dan Bongino Show

Here's What You Need To Know About The GOP Debate (Ep 2098)

2023-09-28 | 🔗

How bad was last night's debate? In this episode, I discuss the real winners and losers.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know the man I'm very dispassionate about this, but I've got to tell you and give you an objective kind of evaluation of what happened last night during the debate. That's my job! That's! Why you're here, a lot of people what a lot of different candidates jump into the show adopt. Just tell the objectively last night I was just not good result. Good for the candidates was not good for the moderators, not good for fun. So this is not a good debate. I mean that's, much universal, I'm getting from just about everyone out there, which is not a really great debate. Let me take to write. A great debate would help the network the moderators and would help the candidates. It would be a good, healthy form, correct in my crazy give you my reasons why I'm in a basin? In again,
given analysis. I can take my heart out of this for a minute and talk about it objective, even though you know where my heart is I'm gonna tell you I think last and I went wrong for a lot of people. Folks, roma stakes. They have all the fall cravings covered, gonna to high stakes, dot com, Local bonn gino check out for an extra thirty dollars off your router minimum water may be required. Thinks about stakes folks, also, I got an update on the studio thing you want to do live studio, stuff right. Forget the chad you'll be there for a chat like live, live chat like in the chat chat right. I got a bit of an update a particularly good one, but you see what Folks, almost all americans are no taxes for this year or from previous years, unless, of course, you this the president or the wife of an ex president, the irs and binds government want your money more than ever, as you know, and it reported there hiring thousands of eight cemetery about attacks mitigation, company called America first tax group. First tax lawyers are experts routinely routinely stand up to the iris. They save taxpayers, you thousands, give them a call. Here's the number you ready
two seven, two, seven six one three whether you already o taxes. Are you going to o this year? America first can help. You put. Those style was back in your pocket when they belong america. First actual professionals are also experts. It stay taxes and can protect you from levies. Means and garnish meant here's a number call eight hundred to seventy seven six, one. Three, by using the same tax laws at the global global elite use america first tax rules could be your own. Private tax army call eight hundred to seventy seven six, one three ada the two: seventy seven six one three or go to america. First tax group thou come again all aid, reduce seventy seven, six, one three or go to america. First tax group tat come out right, Joseph skull. Showtime, so we just they d like having this many people, the studio so good
Did the showtime for Joe and she stopped her guys. I appreciate it. Ready to say it again. Let's hear it again skip one more shot. What do you think? Obviously it's showtime, I love you, but this is alright. mess with it for a couple days, while we figure out the ceding arrangement here, the studio, the way quick studio up day so after the debacle yesterday, where I live in march county florida, that's trying to become the tax capital of the south by hiking taxes down here I haven't told you: but there are also given us some headaches with a studio. We would poor billions of dollars into the studio, but, of course, we're getting a bunch of headaches, so I'm really starting to reconsider our relocating out of this place to somewhere else am. I can invest billions of dollars in a non this friendly county? That seems only concern with fleecing
expires. So I'm sorry to reconsider and saw keeping up. Data may delay the studio opening, but it's not a business friendly county anymore. It's not like I'm not going whitey, so I don't want to I'm never going to relocate, build a multimillion dollar studio in a place that doesn't give a shit about business. Am I going to do it so quick update on that, so that right amounts we're not doing it forget it. He died at that game and that's how good he is. If he's talking about star wars, he'd be really should be a showtime baby. He'd come in here and do a dance this star wars show you know what I saw About last night's debate. You know it's true it listen. Here's the thing about the debate there were. Three components to debate there. the candidate there's the candidate component. There's the network component and then there's the moderator component. Folks, This is one of those rare things where I think
the moderators of one of them at least look really bad, which made the network look even worse. The viewers ship apparently was not great and then don't take any of the candidates did what they needed to do to change the narrative. I think there are a couple They didn't necessarily heart themselves last night, but I guess My point is: when you were in a race and folks from just given you the math, listen. You know where my heart is in the race. I've already set it at your own opinion. I gave it to you. However, I am. I like a lot of the candidates up their genuinely because of what they stand for and have done. I do I feel like. I can really be objective on this. I don't think anybody did what they needed to do to clothes. What in some states is a thirty two forty point gap between them and donald trump. I just stone. It looked like a race for number two. Now listen costs is a left, leaning guy, but I've met with this guy. Before of all the left, leaning guys like he's
Crazy is most of em. I got a bunch of text this morning saying this exacting. You may satisfy some left all right, fine, but I'm Tom just telling you I got almost Zack same text so the words verbatim out of this business, ass. He says this and lots of eggs tonight about my top geo pieces about the debate donors. Concern flurry of tax questions where the waste race goes from here. They wonders anyone could have a break out moment. Meanwhile, ah, but ignores the scene at shrugs off the diamonds folks wrong. You have to ask yourself of your a. What do you want? to do to make a difference right and when you are up the stage with seven people. Honestly, three or four of them who have no business being up there at all. They did this ship three people on stage right now, right now. It should be the sand this. It should be vacant. Nicky Hayley me, beat him scott might
and says no business being up there. I'm sorry the guy It's not pulling significantly in any of the states. It is waste of assets in time I think he's a nice guy. You may think he's a mean guy. He does and belong to stage chris Christy Just stop there to be an asshole. That's all where's Christy's doing chris Christy Given marching orders by his daughters, go it s? oh that's all he does. He jumped up there and says done stuff I'll. Show you what I mean. We have the donald duck thing that I sent their clip. I didn't send well good, I probably ignored because research, but he's like we're, gonna call you donald duck. This is dumb bitch, you stupid, I don't don't bargain, I don't welcomes. Was the governor north Dakota? Isn't even a conservative? barely if ever supported anything conservative outside of attacks cut. What is Do we no one, even those who is it your way? of time. Maybe
You had a debate between dissent is vague nicky. And maybe TIM Scott. You could spend some I'm with these guys and people who don't like trump and listen? There are people out there, folks, I'm a term supporter, but there are people you weren't, let's up, are you naive about it? No everybody! Now everybody does a love of their people. All love em ends november conservatives and they like to say that so they like someone else, if they're trying make a choice right now. It's not helping when I was a mess, what are they political merit is it make a difference? Come on you guys already you- and you know this man to compromise so insulting. I'm sorry you know what I'm talking to like people. Maybe you know who do I get? This is a break into the Only only political, it does make a difference of ones. It change your preexisting notion of who a candidate for the better. For the worse, change, the political now You gave what I'm saying If you love someone and they say something that makes you think better of them in a race than you really gonna love em
If they, you love someone in a race and they say something that changes the political narrative cause. You changes your perception who they are and you the men is going to change momentum in the other direction when static like us pile of water, which is breeds mosquitos and stop this? No good! Here's! What I mean. First, the moderator on the moderator front seemed moderator network. Why did fox picked? sleep, I'm so confused. Why this unit vision. Lady was there. She seemed did ass. She was asking questions that word questions at all. They were statements here is blaming the united states somehow for gun violence ignoring the play of gun violence and south american countries in some years, I mean this isn't even a coincide. If it's serious, nobody should have even answered this question. They should have said ma'am, that's not a question. It's a ridiculous statement claiming the united states somehow has a monopoly on gun violence. It's so silly. I absolutely refuse to answer it.
We're just lady into the bay for check this out? We ve seen in topic crime because it affects all of us. Governor burden for the first time ever, univee shampoo found that that shootings and guns safety are one of the most important issue for tina? Voters? health concerns are not unique. What does is dies. What kind of stupid question is I've. There? Was this varied by fox? How did you let that question get out there She has no evidence to back them up at all. That is not unique to the united states. At all It's even close as future, hold the south america any idea. What you're talking about factoring in suicides and we would achieve in talking about Iraq Worse is the second question this again. This is not a crime This is a statement here check this out
the customs and border protection about ninety percent of sentinel is ceased. official border crossings and fifty percent of the smugglers. Are you a citizens? How would you stop sentinel brought the country mostly by eu citizens through ports of entry there's two sites, and so we have to be very honest and Why again today, answer this question: are you seriously blaming the fed no crisis on? U S, citizens on an american network knowing there's a border crisis, even if our data was correct, which I dont believe at all, because how do you know how much front in those coming into the country when you don't catch a lot of it? I don't fellas job, just the statistical question out there if a bunch of fan mail to the country you didn't caught. How do you know a guy the country because you didn't catch it, you don't because you didn't catch it, It's on the sri, but
Nobody, quite what I'm stunned about is that these candidates even answer the question they should have. like again, man would do. Back time out, where'd you you're, ridiculous statistics. Fifty. Three percent is smuggle by americans. Where did you How would you know a lot of federal and the country is in caught the smuggling process. So how would you know the smugglers our view? No catch him. I don't know. I'm just asking questions. Oh, we Moses steadied that this is the moderator. This is like a republic in debate the kind of shit, reside. It just one down from here listening. This was not a good cause I'm sorry! It made a lot of the candidates and comfortable. Ah, this Question did not go over well with anyone. Dissent is shut it down. I think you did the right thing. This I just did not reflect well on the night, but check this out. My station. I should
I voted off the island. The please use your marker to write your choice on a notepad in front of you fifteen seconds, starting now of the people on the stage where you should be, but all due respect I mean we're here, we're happy to debate this reason below the navy. Won't answer that question. Let me ask you this: what do this and above all, for having a little bit of fun at these things. We have to be steps all the time you know, I think that's it. reputation, republican party and moderating debates is tough. I mean I think you're China make anybody look. Stupid is probably by the way some met. Somebody behind the scenes threw up. You know sidney right all these things yourself, but
didn't go over well, and I thought the scientists did good job when I can, if it turns out by the way, Chris Christie did you guys catch it the road in a bowed and christie was they gonna play not is as either did you see it? Indeed, as you said, the judge. You caught? A Chris Christie writes a name that is a ploy, but you just did what you did there you just you just wrote it as they should. You know what happened. Dude tell me However, my crazy someone should have walked up on stage like about sir and grabbed it, but, like you say he played deployed the game everybody's going to ask now who's the neighbors. It's you know it just didn't go over well, but again here. You see it see you know that the first thing I you good coffee, folks into chad at every player. All cool play to go this guy, he's. The designated asshole therefore see that show designated survivor
about you know in the event of an emergency hit designated surviving to govern christy's the designated asshole. That's what he's? to do he's the one god stage gotta, be de jerk, donald duck. I get it trump uses nicknames too that's funny. I mean some others. everyone. Trumps nicknames was a huge event, but some of which is forty, the little marco lower jab donald duck. We're just crimes is dub these stupid I use where just like, I said I looked for the network, it wasn't really. The debate was It was not a great night for it really for anyone. It was like a trifecta asking and maybe listen. The debate was on rumble to its platform. Iona good chunk of soda They got my door when someone under the bar there's flax guy screwed up, and we were on rumble, do I don't think it was a great need for us either. Candidly. I don't think that many people are interested. So again, I'm not. I don't tell me like, oh you're, just bitter,
better at all? I've already told you still got. Friends are good people in I'm I'm I'm just given you my honest opinion about what happened it just one good night. Sometimes we have shitty shows, and we tell you a story shows how good the nation, fires venom loved the ratio here? I mean it doesn't help at all So this is, they scarred scars screaming over each other got to cuts. It is I want you tell me again view. Agnes as an open minded republican voter, wasn't selected a candidate. Yet that's why they're talking to Is any of this change your mind? Take a lesson. Pure speculation is founded on the pursuit of perfection, What makes amerika great americans every tat is why we will end up once we win this election.
John. I have to jump in here. I'm sorry. I lobbying is thinking, there's ones, growth and creating, because tik tok is one of the most dangerous social media ass we could have and what you ve got. I honestly every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say, because I can't talk situation. What they're doing is these a hundred and fifty million people are on Tik tok. That means they can get your contacts thinking you are he by them why that's Nicky hayley intervene going out and put our covered out to hold on just keep that hold that thought for a second. I was going to go into this anyway. although my fine without one m a little better water now, but whatever will go back to the second, is hayley vaguer clearly play for the number to spot In my humble opinion- and I am not saying this- based on any inside information. There, I'm telling you what I think their candidates thinking, not what I want. So, if you're interested
this guy- don't come screaming down my terms, gonna block! You are mute, you for stoop examined, I'm saying you should drop out or anything like that. Simply suggesting I think Nicky Hayley invades campaigns, thing to say this is done. That's what I think they think you got me I think they think his campaign is done the reason for vague mickey hayley are going out of after over Tik tok data, measured, they'll make up anything to fight each other right now, their fight and for the number to spot right now, based to say at this. Gonna drop out, I don't think he's gonna do that, but they think he's gonna he's got enough support to stay and at least or south carolina and if he shows a competitive second and a couple of these states a lot longer, but I think that's exactly what they think. I'm trying to explain to you what I think one arm with that to now back to this- This is the screaming overnight to cuts. It is. None of this helps any the candidates again? How does change your mind about a candidate from the stage. It doesn't take a look
What time zone is we find that was that happened all night And listen again, you can if fault the moderator, but the reality is nobody gives a shit about the moderate they dont they're going to do. It happened to a thousand debate. Congress races, senate races. Local raises this happens everywhere, Candidate has an incentive to try to get their point in and no longer they talk, they figure someone's going to shut up first. So then, this is what happened. So Is that so much on a moderate islamic candidates? Ok, didn't this has an help. Anyone it up! again later your check this out your honor rolled. I asked you, we had two gees, we don't get the cannon people any and the child want a job and you have anyone. Chat apply and we need a nuisance. producer, I'm kidding, I just
here. We have another one of these. You said yes, no, you didn't. You said. Yes, you definitely said. Yes, I heard you say yes Vague at one point said this too, and the new york times. This is how you know vague was causing trouble, is in new york times jumped all over europe. Transgender ism, especially in kids, is a mental health disorder. Vague rama, swami new york times this false, being transgender? Is not a mental health disorder? Many transgender people experience gender disorder, or psychological distress as a result of the incongruence between their sex in their gender identity this, for you is diagnosis in the psyche. Drink, diagnostic and statistical manual, mental disorders Have we given to children and adolescents are adult how How is that a fracture hours Balls you just the same thing twice:
we gotta, which it was a really bad day for the bite administration yesterday as it emerged that the Biden house in delaware was the worst ip address of a quarter million dollar payment from the chinese communist party connected individual quarter. Your box. Here's cloud show he had sam's works for the Biden team. Imagine arguing that if someone state of their parents house a list of their dress for work and got a paycheck Parents are responsible at the bare somehow worked for the employer, community note is awesome. They know, he didn't even live there. Hunter binding lived in California and the funds transferred happen well before the pandemic. Yes, bad wait for team a hole in the white house really bad day. Just rapid that segment a good night for anyone? I dont believe for the network for the moderator really for russia I for the candidates. I just know
They get help, and at this point. A lot of these candidates have to seriously think about drop out to tell you why just fast folks, every amount of money donated to them as a dollar. That's not going to go to a serious candidate every You leather, you know our walked by a volunteer for a candidate who has no shot, is in time for a candidate. It does its time. Doug bergen burger whatever his name is the pants chris Christy when TIM's scarred to consider drop in, I know scab wants to stable south carolina he's Moving in nepal, they're just did you're not doing anything. It's time to go like yesterday, I got some more bad enough. Yet did you see this thing in the chair? see this ninety five year old this vet. If you don't think that three is asked watched, video and you're going to change your mind. Take a quick break. Em it can financing dot net? a car bounces, have risen from five consecutive quarters, increasing its.
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why visit american financing dot net american financing, dot net animal s, money to treat reform, animal, less consumer access, dot, org! Ok, as if they really really bad awful weak for Biden than the Democrats, poles inflation numbers real, waged on everything's, get worse for the binding couldn't get any worse. I ask you always, is it bad enough? Yet, ladies and gentlemen, is a bad enough. Yet, let's take a chat way, chat. Paul time. Do You think it's bad enough, yet that people are going to do in their voting behaviour in the next election? Let me for about chatbots chat, bad guy. Can you had been appointed? No ok! I have so tat, bad, guys, suitable age, the biggest bad enough. Yet, what's gonna be rubber band on a watermelon moment, see Europe With me, you are with me: yes, how'd it go baby. We and he s p admiringly. It's a joke. I get, as he has been
We gotta mine, let go on aids. bad enough. Yet what's gonna be the watermelon ladder, the rubber band and watermelon its exports. The answer hell. I know I don't know. I'm telling you it's going to be some like this ninety five year old veteran doubt of a nursing home ninety five, our hero to make ro ro illegal step, broken. war this guy put his life on the line to the further. Why you to listen to the sky and see how far our countries fallen into the did the best? This is a disgrace check this out very displacement. What they did to the people and I m sure, was They gave us time today. but they never said when and they never say they work longer- sal and then one day,
on the board. No, the son of war. You gotta be out by and large the day that gave us like a month delay here. How were we going to go? I got my Cases will want beyond be the curb because I'm not I finished my daughter, they would have been out of the current, but that wouldn't happen and that was it I said no, no, no! No! You don't move me and they said yes. Yes, yes, we'll all and thing was done behind closed doors and we did which he had still actually make any attempt because it was a long time now. I'm chinese up on the language after yesterday, because I just like I'm like losing my mind anna, but some
in the chad said it so hard me for a moment, but fucking disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful You know my grandfather, frank, is, I don't have a lot of heroes, but he was one of them. He was a tough italian kid from new york. it's kind of a pool hustler when he was younger workers store? He went over to fine well, where two he, my dad you, my father, John after his battle body, died. My grandfather find the battle. He came back a different guy. He was a young kind of brash italian kid from new york slipped back, hair pool hustler it's cat. You gotta see the pictures on when he was young. He slick looking dude man with a you know that, top, I'm back in the you know I love my you know, talk about your! I love my grandfather, man. He was the greatest sky ever, but he came back a different guy man, We talk about, were award to and talk about the battle at all when saving
I've ryan came out. People would ask em, we call him papa pipe because you smoke a pipe member pied schools, tobacco into pipe music cadman. This guy could have been in like one of those five, these new are movies. You know you just sit there. How can a pi be asking about where more to talk about it? That's who those guys were man that was a different generation. Now this guy was a veteran of alec of korea, the war in korea. Take this cairo out hotel for a bunch of illegals, what the rubber band moment. Folks, I don't know Surely it's right around the corner? I'm telling you when it happens, is gonna happen fast, so get ready. These medical revolutions. They have gradually just like bankruptcies and then all of a sudden stay ferocity. and by the way, what was the number gay eighty eight percent
Eighty percent of the chad agrees with me that no it's up add enough. Yet we could they'll lose this next election in a landslide. Even now, I'm telling you now, if you. for a second all these people sucks so bad, we're gonna steamroller em. You got another thing coming we ain't there yet. We'll get? No! Don't you see this, Here's a venezuelan woman, putting her infant child through cod thirteen a wire sheet. The thing about concertina wire is you're not supposed to go through it. That's why, it's supposed to heart. If you go through it, so I'd I everyone like the way to not get hurt to concertina wire is don't go to concertina. Why its kind? I cannot let on a wall like the owl Well, if you stick a fork in, it is going to shock you and you could die in short out your whole house, so just don't do it so that we're concertina, wires, the weight and not get hurt is to not get hurt by dont going through the wire we'll get this video.
they were coming and going one step has stuck together like gunnar mama. Really. I know the guy said the story was probably towards everything else around here. Right now and nobody liberals have any questions about this. At all liberals, that shows more. What's your moral, Austria,
stop people from entering the country illegally, who choose to put them in their kids, endanger. We didn't make the woman walked through the concertina. Why did we that someone an norm guard synagogue, walk through the concertina wire. Why Are they doing it because? Biden, has set up a set of incentives and they don't think you'll be kicked out. No one walks through sardine a wire with their infant crawl, Stuart, risking shredding their skin, their hair, no does that if they think they're gonna be king, doubt the media and the immediately when they get to the other side. Joe Biden did that what's the moment, ladies and gentlemen, I have idea what we gotta be getting there soon? Is it better yet for binding to step aside. I don't but yesterday was not a good data. The impeachment hearings going on right now honestly, its is so far it's it's not. I mean it's ok there's nothing? You haven't heard before, however, a lot of people if they're going to cover this impeachment hearing,
covered and mainstream media is gonna, be a lot of people on the left. You receive stuff for the first time it just got gotta what things it came out about the team yesterday and I got the good this video ever of them do what they do all the time, accusing trump of what they do and watched the mainstream media just suck it up. Big show left, don't go anywhere. You can live video and mac gates. But, the greatest lines I've ever seen on the house. Would you say it if you saw it, you know what I'm talking about. Ok, this next sponsor. Please. right this down the website. First, because I get a thousand emails after. I love that you love this company, but we spent well day answering emails contingency medical dotcom because everybody loves his company and they forget website during a red, so many real contingency, medical backup, I guess, stress the importance of being prepared enough. Imagine you were emergency and you need lifesaving medications. Could look at a pharmacy, probably alluded. contingency medical ensures, you have medicines when the unexpected happens. They have three
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We re because I love it. I am a coffee fanatic. This is all I drifts, take it extra slip. It smells like coffee tastes like coffee. I personally recommend that there are one or two percent committed to conservative eggs sourcing, the beans customer service, the roasting they got in ukraine, work ethic, their dedicated to promoting conservative principles. They accept no compromise on tape, to quality check out blackout. Coffee, dotcom, slash bond, gino use, coupon code bulging for twenty percent of your first order. I can partially vouch for his coffee. Is damn good me up all of it did choose other guys. Blackout if he remains true to arise its black, our coffee darker. slash: mancino use, coupon code mancino for twenty percent of your first started: banks- black, our coffee banks, contingency metal, ok so just quickly. Yesterday was not a good day for team Biden more formation emerged more information here. Is it yet you guys were alright eyes. Illegal! Ok, here is
email from. a usa, assisted united states attorney involved than the case wisely wolf, where she says, and I quote there be nothing about political figure, one in here apparently protecting Joe Biden against the Farrah evidence. What is it fair evidence for an agent registration Joe Biden aft folks, Joe Biden is being protected by the department just as this email is devastated way. Keep that up a second these system. United states attorney or the united states attorney on this case was we would in any email was domino, to say the political figure, one by the ways, Joe Biden, nobody questions at this be nothing about political figure wanted here. Why is she concerned about Joe Biden? Be invention, income action with fair evidence. Why,
The judges rule, because Biden would be that's why. ladies and gentlemen, it appears Joe Biden was selling access to his name and information to his son and was not She stood as a foreign lobbyists That is why this their leslie wolf doesn't binds name in anything with a fairer charge. Polluted we'll figure one. It's real They're all locked submerged yesterday drew from binds apple icloud back up, here's honour by. bullshit james all around bullshit plain to me, one thing tony brings to my table that I desperately need that I'm willing to sign over my family's brand He notes later the keys to my family's only asset. I thought there selling access. I guy got their word.
I thought they weren't selling. I what Don't let's go brand! The girl we have invested a lot of time. Thank you to the person who said that its role its role they're talking selling access it's right there, where you know run it again today. It is about the average is kicking you with walls, media goons. It's right in front of you, you dipshit. there's another one that came out yesterday, proving my again, that this is Biden scandal as much as its. What what is it? What is it? oh bombers scanned all the lot stuff happen. Weighty was the president under burma? Oh look at this one: by obama's border of guys joy on sand. Wig.
On average, where one hundred binds pardner asking about how they expert die albert spare executives, research into the united states, charisma there many Joe Biden, kid worked for. Why widens guy? Why is guy doing that? That's all guy, why are they? Why are they doing that? Why they doing that? The answer is as obama knew the entire time what was going on the only Question is that obama profit from this to all the obama team didn't know, know anything. Oh really, Do we have to introduce this article again at the wall street journal? We found you know what are you bring up this article so many times I said the be a german a run down yesterday I say: remember: tat wall street journal, the gym, texted me and like two minutes you mean this one, look at the look at this. Finds. Ukraine were raised, concerns with obama officials geo lead rob confirms to obey
officials raise concerns to the white house in twenty fifty one. If you show what years report twenty toy its twenty twenty three Am I renounce sort of yeah, so it's a while ago, so back in two thousand and fifteen obama people raised concerns about hunter Biden serving on the board of barbarism, his dad was leading policy efforts in the country a Senate investigation found it's almost like this everything I've told you to show some us. Like one thing I've told you all combat are weary of the fluids to show unflagging stuff now left and right. Now you're, probably say, but he's a screen. Joe Biden these are working. Kid is working class guy man he's one of us. guy hates you Joe Biden, is a griffin who's, kid sniffing woman feeling bride, taking plagiarized loser, that's what he's he's been as what he will always be. He is
gross disgusting human being just check out the diary of one of his kids. I don't want to talk because it's that disgusting, he is a making weirdo you understand, he's a weirdo any case. You think that rift in the bride taking in the brand selling and all this stuff is new hat maize on on twitter. I saw this yesterday. Their account do in some chopin. Here's tom broke I think this is from two thousand and eight again, that's a while ago corrected is that even before twenty fifteen It is sheer just checking the mayor's checks out this romania be too that's two thousand, and eight here is to thank in a calm broker. A right Jeanne lefty, a raging lefty. Shooting vine about another deal where he appears to have been bought off with his son hunter in case, you think any this is new check this out. You're Sunday hired right out of work bye,
big company here in delaware, that isn't a credit card business and b n a he about. a hundred thousand dollars a year, as I recall, be received. Two hundred and fourteen thousand hours, encamping contribution from the company and from its employees at us in time, you were fighting for a bankruptcy bill that envy and I really wanted to get past the senate. Making as much offer for everyone to file bankruptcy, Obama was opposed to the bill. Among other things, you couldn't in fact, claim that you had a problem because a big medical bills that you voted against an amendment that would call for a warning on predatory lending, you also called for You oppose efforts to strengthen the protection of people in paper, this is an issue that you about before your son was working for the company this at the same time, in retrospect, wasn't it
an appropriate for someone, like you know about this, to have your son collecting money from this big a car company. While you run off protecting its interest, absolutely not my sunrise, the law school starting salary, was to be a hundred forty thousand dollars a year. If you went to lawyer options, he had He came home to work for a night Surprise, surprise, folks. This guy has been scum, his entire life and everybody knows it? This clip is banned. Out there since two thousand and freaking aids. The guy the garbage person he's always been garbage He is a sociopath bribe, taking brain selling loser by the way I like new record folks. Eighty six thousand people.
Eighty six thousand people watch it fill them. college football stadium. Seven thousand people, I've haven't refresh ooh. I love you guys so much. I love you guys, man! Thank you, especially after the regime. You know what god works and funny ways I had a rough weak man had been super depressed fuck soul, thou betrayed by people. I trusted in what you guys Bon gino army man comes to the rescue. Every time found out today, we saw some might for out and more books less. We do you guys. You just do the best man. I would give you a pound and a heart, but my elbows don't work. So you know it's there. After pretend love you so much you're the best man. You reckon its game. I get the ninety the sea we get tonight they'll be frigate, bananas, listen on a serious. Now we get this right. Take
Kid sniffing loser in the white house. Right we better still getting serious by the way. This is tough medicine. that applies to everyone. By newsome the santa's scott donald trump, everyone folks I in really serious about this. China think as if this thing goes down there, Not everyone around china right now, something I've been warning you at the gym. What do you know what number we're up to Jim? Can you text me four thousand seven hundred and eighty six or something I've, only watched as I can? I can only warn you so many times. How much trouble wherein with china. If this war breaks out, I say that as a man ignorant of the consequences myself because I'm not a stupid smart person. Ok stupid. People don't know the limits to the row now. I understand I have not been to war. No, the horrors of war. I'd rather not know Only an idiot wants to go to war.
Brave person may want to defend this country, but no smart person wants to go to war. If you can avoid it, you should there's a You know there's those rules of war, the fox conor rules war. Encourage you to remember these things, you can look them up. box. Connor was a famous military strategies, never go to war alone, never go to war for long and never go to war. Unless you absolutely have to if you remember those three rules, you'll be ok and it's not an over simplification, there's, a reason for all three of those rules. This with china is about to get ugly and if it it's ugly, look at this report in the army. War college. Is this industry newsletter today budget, our consolation newsletter. We it man because we better do everything we can to stay the hell out of this war unless we absolutely have to their predicting sustained rate of casualties so
staying not acute of three thousand six hundred per day. Do you have any idea the tree Formation or change to society that would cause for, thousand six hundred people a day. folks say, will be mostly men. I want to tell you something had happened to me when I was an agent overseas, true story, believe it or not, I noticed a lot of guys when I was the weapon t asked. The whip is like the guy who kinds are run the treasuries transportation second tier We do the motorcade, so I went by. Is kind of like a clause. I supervisor there's a g s. Fourteen runs the unit to whip. Is the guy who's like the sergeant righty canada, so I back is the whip, which was a great honor ts. Whip was kind of Cool thing- and I loved it, but we had this to a lot of these european countries.
ukraine and elsewhere forget if it was busher obama, then really matter, and I know All these young single guys volunteer indigo drive the cars over there by it does everybody body wanna go to budapest, somewhat Joseph already laughing. He knows what This guy. Can I tell you this? I just know this violence. Are you got an idea? Well, apparently, the word over. There absolutely study. I've never been to budapest. I have been a ukraine. I did all these, so all these guys were. It was hard to get people to drive overseas on some of these jobs, but it was like. I have like I've spots and like seven hundred volunteers is exaggerated, but not that much. I said to one of the guys who's a big history buff in it, it just unrelated that he was a history buff, but he happened to know the answer by saying family the guy's volunteer to go on to trim he's. Like me, gosh, you ever see like the women over there. You know have any site there, like stunningly beautiful, likes stunningly beautiful all. I said, oh really, any egos wonder why I survive.
There's gonna tell me some weird thing he said during world war. Two. He said one of the men that were sent to the front lines that the casualty numbers were just ups obscene obscene. And were dying by the tens of thousands and a week it was a meat ride. So happen. Is it were very few men available when war is over. So only the best look and women You know I found a guy to start a family with and that's. Why worsened I don't know of any of this is true or not all I'm telling you is mass scale casualties like this one bringing out a population of young men better literally going to create the next generation is going to cause a my graphic time bomb. Like you, ve, never seen in your life, there will be nobody to pay taxes. There will be nobody to marry and start families. This would be a making disaster like you have never seen, and I don't think anybody
an eighty, nine nine, seventy two, always Yet ramos their ninety thousand, could we can we go it? Can we do it? For the first time listen. No one is even considering the fact that we, lose this war. You have all these people after we ve got better technology and ships. We do we, a more competent dave, even though they ve got larger ships, we are combat training. They do we bid in war. They have it. They they bid in a storm and should be india there in the of on line over there with them. But that's about it. They ve been a warlike. We have. We got a bad s, military, ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake. We could lose this war We read out of afghanistan. Joe Biden embarrassed our military, making us run out of afghanistan. Like that, we thought to two people who don't have one million through the capabilities of the chinese army. we could lose. Is everybody needs,
get down on your head. We're teaching such changes and see your tea and why gives some bullshit, you know what they are, teaching death death, their teaching out a dance with lady death. every single day we could lose. You have that yet that what pull up the wall street journal article though first deal with the one at the next one about the china think this is important, if we lose. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to see the united states living under, were essentially a chinese occupation. Oh, that's! Ever get. Are you sure? That's ever gonna happen hope it doesn't. I pray tat and we got a bad s, military, The chances are, we would win it's not a chance. I want to take if we can avoid this china,
just passed a law. Did you read this does in actual article folks, I'm not screwing around Benjamin q china's grinned ready to pass a law against her feelings. This is real. if you weren t shirt or clothing that quote, bears symbols in public detrimental to the spirit of the chinese people and hard the feelings of the chinese people. The legislation by the way it even classify what counts as offending them. You could be objective, detention for fifteen days, jail or police custody. What ninety three thousand people well. We should regret. he's very ever I love you guys so much stag. You know a thousand. A hundred thousand here. Here's what foreign governments are putting out for recruiting videos, I'm not suggesting these aren't militias a whole governments with armies. I would do bad things, I'm sure I'm telling you out,
terry right now, despite the bravery, these awesome men and women is teaching bullshit about Castration, cotton, boobs off, woke ism pronouns. While this is the kind of stuff far governments are dj, watch this norwegian, studies, nash, isabel still displeasure with liberalism with us, that's a visibly it if not as it was nice to sleep was most distinguished. You have to do. Anything is worrying by getting some measure with leaves eighty stabilization, it begins in California. The little girl raised by two moms and also marched for equality to think I've been defending freedom from an early age.
To marry, my other more with such powerful role models. I finish. I spoke at the top of my class and after meeting with an honor, I found it away to prove my inner strength. I'm? U s. Army core brought, I'm alone lard, and I answered my call it. What does your star you. Gotta go to war with these people with bullshit force. This is The one thing you know every political, I get it, but my gosh with the Democrats can we. windshields on this one thing: we'll fight about all this other stuff. We think guys are wrapped up do when this stuff in the schools. You take its great we're, gonna fight about can't we just we the military out of it. So we stay alive. Can democrats and republicans on this just one link arms ago. Listen,
We got a train, our guys, we ban asses and go and kill bad guys like that's. It dates lady death fellows, that's it can reach. I agree on this, of course, not because democrats are nihilists and they want to destroy every single thing they touch and they know when they wreck sports and the military. Every ounce of masculinity you'd be drained from the society and it'll collapse on top of itself under its own pressure fact. Let me end on a good note today Ninety one that we had. Ninety two. This is freaking crazy. I should keep this When the radio show or get two hundred thousand six figures, first time rise as you. I stride to the radio show what do you think folks who just keep it going? The whole time they're in a radio show that'd, be awesome, but stop at us right I would add this. As colleagues have good stuff, it's been a you know has been allowed to data with the allied yesterday was heavy it. I appreciate everybody reaching our man, so many people are so my instagram balmy being a bit of a funk, and you know I'm though by
evict a man, I'm all looking for some way to go. You know you need to understand that you don't need them. So you've got your own problems. You don't need my problem, but I always going to be frank with you. That's why I was kind of banged out the last few days, managers star so many fake phoney republicans is pathetic. But this is kind of hilarious. You see maggie, on CNN abbe fellow is turning into like a laughing stock she's, but on the show. Why do you like for five times in the last few weeks is wrong. I see it. It is just that we bright she keeps We got here. She doesn't even do basic homework, this clip with back aids as prices and by the way I just want to tell you there no educational value in this clip whatsoever. It just funny and I just hate cnn check this out. You you didn't vote against the defence of preparation spell this week that the rule you right now, we also have to be. This is gonna, be a very embarrassing moment with the internet. Corrects you on this. I voted for the defense rules both times
Whilst I stand corrected congressmen appreciate you joining us tonight. Thank you so much thank you go on We all do it all she had to do was gone The roll call and look this is a hard she dodgy out, o god your boat, the booger like a freaking idiot on the air, What do you know about a tv show? I don't. I had the number one tv show and saturday night for two years a little bit we literally number one like it. You got I do your homework, we screwed up one time and it was Even me, it was a graphic I didn't even know was on the screen, because you do. Your homework gates is going to make a two fer on today's show this. I gotta tell you whether you love mac aids or you don't love back aids. This is freedom, hilarious, he's
the floor congress is given a speech about bob and end as the Democrats. Senator is alleged to have taken a bribe in gold bars. Brother. This is one of the funniest things. I think ever heard of the house, swore about the state of the culture and we, I can't even bribe a guy right because of inflation about big illicit erect in this country. Right now is thirty. Three trillion dollars in debt facing Two trillion dollar annual deficits. We're in so much debt were driving up deficit so fast we are d, valuing american money so rapidly bitterness. Today. You can't even bribe Democrat senators with cash alone. You need to bring gold bars to get the job done, just so that the bribes hold value,
D. You know we're doing added that every year sign for set a target by their yourself. You gotta go. that that is a definite edge rid into the end of the year, maybe quote of the year. Maybe we'll do categories clip of the year the quota year, forty moment of the year touching moment of the year. I believe that's gotta, be it that is when you get a hilarious good job Bad gates, sometimes a little but a comedy. What's the solid ski rule, folks ridicule there's no answer for ridicule, these people. What are we gonna? Ninety two thousand, seven hundred people. Folks, thank you! So much! Gosh, I love you so much. You bring so much to my life, and are you know? I said you yesterday said Ahmad ok, but I'm ok and went on, ok and Ahmad. Ok I'll, let you know the reason I'm not ok, but I'm ok, because eu aid- come on here every day? Talking to you guys in the fact that ninety two thousand seven hundred plus people join us today, this once more
or join us in the chat every day at eleven am eastern time rumble dot com slashed by gino super easy set up. A free account takes two seconds to do and join us in the chat. Thank you. So much. I see on the radio show and a little bit and see you back here tonight. you just heard in bonn Jean ojo
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.