« The Dan Bongino Show

Get Prepared, The Police State Is Here (Ep 2080)

2023-09-01 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the police state’s latest shocking move to take your guns and throw you in prison. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host Dan VON. Why isn't the Democrats? Why do they hate Voters so much why you ever you ever wonder that two years ago I was here Come on the air? You may see me in the chat their early. I really enjoyed Chad with you all and attend to eleven hour. I read what you orkut about there, but that occurred to me because here is another attack. Of course, on clarence thomas and I thought to myself, you may have been taken the same thing as the left just ruthlessly for decades attacks this man what exists? greedy clarence thomas do wrong. He go up in a segregated area, was attacked with vicious de jure and de facto racism is entire life? The old, comes. It becomes one of the most powerful important smartest judicial figures in american history. What exactly
bothers, be democrats so much about clarence, thomas and I got to thinking about it, and I thought the answers are these answers these black? That's when what we What use is it true? What else about clarence Thomas bothers you these black? You I, like the response wire democrats, such races. They talked a black Well, I d or influence they actually have no agency over their lives whatsoever, paying at the lies and that every where they lord over black communities, they run the community down into shit. What do what is that? What what part simple explanation? Good you have other than democrats, really don't like black people anyone have an answer of africa: black and servants. That's like a deep, seated vitriolic like sphere he'll, kill or like hatred, but he did really dislike the black community
It's not part of the show the giza there's no element for there's, no there's not every. I really was just chatting with you before and I'm scrolling through social media and, as is another attack on parents thomas and I'm thinking like clarence thomas Alan west. You know too, skype. I'm if you happen the black. Even if your even really conservative like congolese rice, who is definitely not a conservative morbus of a establishment darien, it doesn't matter all the matters you're, not a liberal and your black, and they hate you even if you are a liberal and your black, they still age, you they ruin communities. It's just amazing how little speck people have the black community on the left are ours. You saw my mind. I got a big show for you today on a lot going on they have absolutely double down on the police state double down. something happened yesterday. It is. Mean even in the realm of what we're talking about now. With this grotesquerie awful police state, this is really bad stuff got
I got some audio and also I want to show you how your constitutional liberties are being just dissipated way today show brought you but beam dream boast, stuff, is a real deal. You ready scum incredible benefits of a good night's sleep tom making your senses and embrace the importance of a restful slumber dive into the world to sleep and introduce yourself through an amazing product, revolutionise your nighttime routine beam drew it's a game, a game, changer the dream, powders and high cocoa, designed specifically for sleep country, swarm unites us of his good, which flavour like cinnamon, cocoa, chocolate, vienna, butter, get a tree to separate before bed tat is a sea it lies in dreams, powerful, all natural blend of re. She, magnesium l, the aim which I swear by Abidjan. These ingredients work synergistic to help, you fall faster, say sleep, blogger and help you wake up, feeling, rested and refreshed. We know, rognes is Es barbara listeners. Beam is offering exclusive. This calendar dream powder, subs amazing for them
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by geno report. Muggy still here I just stop that's for Jim. What a burgers got. Some amazing bird like five guys too, so you gotta give a shout out to in and out, but what a burden upon us from your job and your long pintos. The original shows the o g original gangster. so folks, listen cutesy times over. I saw a couple people in the czech gucci times out. Only over qt time is so on You need to understand that the only going forward to return do. Some, even normal semblance of a constitutional republic is going to have that we're going to make the lab drink this europe of hypocrites, you understand this. What the left, down to us they're, going to have to experience themselves, nothing for change. Here's a problem and hears why for all these, ablishn swampy, republicans out there, who want to take this mackay mitt romney approach. Again all these plain. I still eventually realize they overstep. Please shut up
an exit states live. You have no idea what you're talking about and you have zero zero comprehend of actual human behavior. Listen to me. once human beings feel the pain our being able to subjugate cancel others. They will never give that up. You understand that everybody in the chat everybody listening delayed. Everyone understand you. Beings are naturally prone to corruption of power. Lord acting as right power corrupts absolute power, corrupts absolutely the Liberals have now experience for decades. The power we're being able to weapon eyes. The government subjugate their enemies sense of their enemies. Listen look beam in. They will now ever give that up. You understand. I know you all get it here, but there are people. They're in the republican party, who trust me on this still don't get this. Until you feed them the syrup prolific, epic and they see how awful it tastes they will never understand. I bring that up. Election of job friend section ways on twitter nash. Ever members, pretty cool account says,
the los angeles city council voted to pursue a lawsuit and criminal probe against governor abbott. The state of texas for busing illegal aliens to the city sounds it sounds except that I says how now there they ve got in there. They ve the taste it's like. I want someone. You ever see interview with a vampire the kirsten dunce. Little vampire kid. I want some warm. Today's blood they will never stop now. That they know they can lock up their enemies and at the media there, scumbag media, we'll gonna, do nothing but celebrate the tv the garbage felt in the media will do thing, but celebrate the police state. These absent, losers, they will never stop You will now see political figures getting locked up left and right. You may say, while it started, we tromp. Actually it didn't started before that, but the hard have scott perry cellphone the target you ve, never nunez the locking up abandoned and navarro of man for four It is never going to stop I need everyone understand that it was
when we return the favour so that it can servitude, prosecutors around the country. There are more than enough actual violations of the law, the left these been engaged it you need to go and start filing criminal complaints and diamonds against What, if you, do it were absolutely laws we have chance, you understand that we have no chance. Look at this yesterday, postcolonial proud boys, leader, Joe big, sends to seventeen years in prison over January. Six right folks regard This would show big state or didn't do regardless of what he did or didn't do. hard reality here, and so we got a movie coming out about just this real soon and I'm telling you This thing is gonna, bring a tiered her eye when you're done god listen! What bigs didn't I didn't do in the proud boys on January six, there is nothing. They did. was worse than what and tea and be a lamb did in
in murdering people in trying to burn down federal buildings in looting and attacking people with Batson weapons is not even comparable exciting close most of these people, we had a fire bombing with two lawyers up in new york, throwing them lots of cocktail in the name of the eliminate tita get seventeen years? The answer is none of them got close, and if going to say to yourself, because you are left in the chat, meaning you're, probably an imbecile loads. about? Is your damn breakin right. It's what about ism. It's! What about justice. Yes, sir, what about? Isn't it About justice. The absence of just this is what about is. Is it not? If I play secure jobs for a bank robbery and give him forty years, political body, ronnie bagger doughnuts commits a bank robbery as well, and I talk
we're prosecutor and get him off with probation your damn right to say: well, hey, why joe in jail? What about ronnie, because that's Just as the essence of justice is what about ism listen anyone, running for office right now for the presidency, I told you I don't care who you support on this show. You know why support we ve been open and honest about that for everyone gets a fair shakier. Anyone running for office if they do not support, be full and extensive use of the pardon power and the presidency to correct this. Miscarriage of justice. Yet the f word this because the verdict is in and you suck get I've dead serious day one. I want all these, pardon sorry you see tribes over, but then they attacked. people, the capital, some of us might up. Some of us might have some of them that I don't know the details of every single persons cases. I certainly not support any attack on police and yet
which things would have went down. Different, the hard reality as they didn't go down different and they didn't go down different it. The court house in portland they didn't go down different or the george floyd riots, either than you know one of those people, jack squat, jack, left town. So until you can tell me that the department of justice, engaged in a full, throated defence, a blind justice than what about, is and will continue and so will the pardons? If you're not, committed to that eggs stage left man right now, right now is this gonna happen? Folks, I worked in a couple, a white house as I guarantee it, they're gonna get an office at some point: typical hack, goon type is gonna, myriad, say sorry, I said this in front of a focus group like some big woods: bag loser they're, going to lick their fingers where the wind is going they're going to say. The focus group says that this is going to make you look like a partisan item. give a shit about that. A new should neither what you should care all. Right now is the implementation of justice, and we don't have it anymore. until we can get justice. We need a corrective mechanism in this system right now and that correctly
mechanism is given to us by our founding fathers. It is the part which will be a big double barreled F, you two are now fully corrupt justice system. Until we can fire all these people and to the left, these say oh, my gosh, you mean have trump or someone else gets in power. They gonna swap. The government for a new government, that's got an ape guys. You know what it's called its core. freaking elections, dip shits, you should try it sometime without cheating, folks, the police states, metastasized man, The signs are everywhere not going to miss him on this issue because I watch this shit, like a hawk. I see all this stuff going down in lifetime. Do you remember this? A few months back, we warn people about this new rule. The by demonstration was trying to implement to make every a new transfers are gone, a federal firearms licensee. Do you remember the story? There was a long ago it all now,
I'd say on flag joe, but I'm not sure of reflagged, because the flag at least make a lost in transport already Jim. If you could check that out, but I read amber, saying, watch this story. This is good to be folks. If this story, well complicated, I'm sorry, but trust me you need to Hear- because it's how the police state is working right now we don't have a lot of time left to disarm. You too, sir, you to shut you down and to lock you up it's here now, not tomorrow, item industries has been working on this new rule for a while and the gist of the rules. Is they don't want any want to be able to transfer a firearm to anyone else without going the background checks system. You may say, oh my gosh, then, while that sounds like common sense, really folks, you didn't criminals who sell guns go through the background check system. If you think that you're, probably a liberal or an imbecile, but I just said the same thing twice august out: look iraqis all over august there, they begged so here
it's. The rules already out now so now You want to give your firearm to say your son, your daughter, your son in law, you getting older, you want to transfer it to someone, persons not a prohibited possessor, because that would be against the law, europe? to do that now. Here's the problem. when the government shows up to your house because they want to raise your house because they want to take everybody's guns away. You have a legal out, your legal out as I don't have the gun. I gave it away well there's no record of that transaction costs. It's none of the governments. Damn freaking basin is the guy a has to walk away and go oh shit. We don't have any options here. Johnny said he gave the gun to his son. You got the sun, but the sun can say the same thing I transferred to someone else you get point already tracking. This is a complicated right, so the gun, made has been pushing liberal goons for a long time should say the government liberal good. Been pushing for a long time frame
universal background check system. Ladies and gentlemen, this has nothing to do with keeping guns out of the hands of people who don't who would do bad things with them. That sounds like this is. It is a way to collect a list of gun owners so you can't say any more, oh, I don't have it anymore. Would you gotta do johnny? Are you gave it a johnny where's? The background check all of the rules out the rule the rules out the ruler get. I wrote it out just as we predicted changing now the definition of a federal firearms, licensee quote, engaged in the business of dealing with firearms at its someone who could have even engage in a quote single firearm transaction or an offer to engage in a transaction combined with other evidence, maybe the first requirement may be sufficient.
we require a license. You get you guys, get that the main part. What do you think that means fellows? Why do you think they put that may in there yeah yeah yeah as yours. Thank you, Joe. Even on friday, Still sharp even scale themselves, still sharp. Yes, that gives the government legal room to say. Oh, listen. I johnny you you're firearms. You saw joey yeah yeah yeah. My kid listen! I think you need a licence, doesn't say that the law, no it right here that may be sufficient one transaction, maybe maybe sufficient. You see you see that. get gauges said it's a hundred, a page rule data. Bury it in their sulphur needed see it walks, This is all a scam there come for your guns, they're coming your guns? They want to be able to show up at your house right now if you're some. A pro life advocate or parent out of school board, something like that and they were
to be sure that they know exactly who as the guns, so they can be sure to remove them from you first and theirs I be any out, that's why their pushing for this stuff. Now here's where it gets even worse. You want to see that other gipsy, you flip a router up you right now not only want to make sure they have a list of where every gun is over. You you're, not gonna. Have it out I can be able to say you gave it away. You better deal well beyond that listed the background checks, they're gonna take all the forms, or is it a forty four? Seventy three is going to make sure they compile it into a list of who has the guns and they're gonna do is they're gonna start shutting down the federal firearms licensees which it did the gun dealers we're gonna, be everyone, because if you sold more than one gunnar offered a year ago, the other two I want you to listen to the activists, disguise a pretty smart guy marco leave on away em. talking about exactly this step to get everybody analysed,
everyone a federal firearms dealer and then shot the federal firearms licensees doubt by pulling their licences, it's happening every I told you in yesterday's, shall I said, was gonna happen is happening right now. Listen to this, This is something that we warned about at the beginning of the election campaign, when, when then candidate Biden and candidate by errors, rollicking patriots are saying that even a weapon eyes, the eighty up again it's. The industry never used as a sledgehammer to to take it apart. Nor to have done has gone back and they have used those rules and regulations at that. Really how the you have powers us as an industry and regulate ass. He said, you know if there's a wilful violation will now take a look at the use of wilful it kind of twisted. So there is a clear glare in the books. If there's a misplaced decimal point, If there is an entry wrong column now their open, your actually closed investigations going in and opening those up in rome looking licences of people who are trying to do the right thing for me,
should there be able to provide services in the community for those one exercise of second hand rights, protect themselves and their families in closing those businesses down in these were odg of just time, but those licences or revoke their oars pressuring these be wants just momentarily, giving up their licences in those. included in those numbers are being reported Dear dear dow, the police stay is here now. It's ok tomorrow, next week, next month, even an hour from now. It's here now they're doing is now that's. Why, Biden is compiling these records, forcing everyone to create a record if they try to go to someone send a chat I was reading Doorn I like to read it during the clubs. I've seen him already Someone said, ah, you know you can always say your gun is lost or no no. you think they're gonna ask anyone when they show up at your door the police report. you didn't you didn't fire one now
order. Oh I'll just file a police report and say I lost my gun, even though I didn't really is that when they re just and find a gun, you said you lost, but you didn't going to charge you with one filing a false report which are maverick my big anyone due to be clear. You understand there's no way out of this. There is no the boat say: oh it did the record of that where's, the you report: why is the gun and where you would waited stolen or lost property would go fires why? Why is it in their folks, this man, These Democrats day of thought of everything take away people's right to speak freely online, create ngos to attack them cheap actions. This on everyone get everyone on a list they have. all this through. You haven't before you get down and and and and hang your head and he had sat on a friday dawn.
does that the nice part about these rules and these executive orders that are not laws that are not let me say again are not. Laws is we get someone in office, a conservative. All these rules can be wide down immediately because they're, not laws. Give orders we can get an atm director in their who actually believes. In the second amendment which they swear noted the friend by the way and all stuff goes away. but this is why these elections are so important and I keep saying to people don't give up There's no given up, because this could have a direct impact on your life. My gosh, sixty thousand. It would be worth twenty minutes in on friday, so good to have you here. Folks. Now here's the kicker to this whole thing. They want you disarmed and on a list while they simultaneously engaging big blue liberal policies in these cities, so that Europe's sheep as tk,
completely breaks out why they love chaos. Liberals love I ask as fears they're going to the round, because when you're scared, your crave a gun, Meant to solve your problem, you look for big, daddy government, a space of video about what I'm coming up. Next and folks. no fence sitting in this election, I'm going to show you a couple quick where's. Our every single one of your constitutional rights is under direct attack. Environs You see, got choosing their purifier like your life depends on it because it s my folks the thirty five thousand wildfires have devastated the. U s issue the toxins and particles and while far smoking penetrate our lungs and threaten or how I enviro clans developed the military. Great air purification, for your home. I have one running right now: they just announced answer biggest sale of the year, save an incredible a massive eighty percent off there are new labour. They sell you gonna, buy now environment specifically design to help wipe out some airborne chemicals and viruses known across illness, allergies in difficulty breed even some tea.
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when break a window in an abandoned factory, do nothing about it. They break more windows. Next thing, you know the chaos spreads disorder spread in windows works. Broken windows is real, the broken window style of policing, Israel, you let small property crimes. Go. They matter the size into violence and chaos? Will you look This is a cell phone video taken out of new york, my where I grew up I've mundane The new yorker myself. This is, watch it is again choose you see almost all, but it is now for there, where the sneakers and like a thousand dollars a pair, fleecing the fire alarm or store there. This is your scene is everywhere folks its. I can show you these every day, because it not bad enough. Yet it's not bad enough, yet Liberals to see what's going on that this police state care One thing only essential, organization of power, given the middle finger to everyone in america, they don't care. No,
The sitting in the selection, no fat sitting, their selection, no offense sitting no friend sitting lists enemy. I am not trying to kiss anybody's s, and this shows the show. Said. The supporters points. We need you to transport, said this with: we need you to TIM Scott The vague promise. Swamis word. We need you new primaries over. There is no dick in around I'm I'm sorry to have to pass this genre, you fight all you want now. Staying out of this stuff. I care about conservatism, and I don't believe in republican on republican violence. You know who I support. I've said it over and over. I think we got a lot of great people, this race, there's no fence sitting in this election taken around this is too important. They police, state is metastasize in right now, Every single right, you thought you had is disappearing. You want just run through a few quick ones we even to put this in the shop actually but some of the show together last night, we are like
I promise you, it is eleven. Twenty four! fifty five seconds eastern time right now. and if we ever do, we call them when we do to a live show by the way we caught a live. Premier will typically let you know so, but that's rare. We rarely do that, but since live right now so last night, to put together a lot of his enemies. up here my office right here and I thought about. As I heard this Joe big sensing come down, seventeen years Oh, my gosh, we live like north korea right now. This is crazy and I thought right, isn't under attack right now and then this segment with took me. I kid you know: maybe five minutes to put together. I can prove it on email that easy, it is to show you we live in a police state. You think you have right to assemble yeah? Then we have right to assemble it's in the constitution. That's a good one! That's really funny? I'm problem Life news that come from Pro life advocates found guilty of rescuing babies from abortion assembling in front of an abortion clinic face eleven years in prison
Have the right to tools to assemble you. You do good luck with that. Its work enough for those peoples they spend years in prison. I that they had the right you do. of the god, given right fortunately, men polluted disgusting, filthy men, destroying everything right now. What about this violent if you had the right to asia, speedy trial and you have the right to due process and the right to review evidence against you hacked that's a good one. That's a good one, the gun I can't even identify one case in the district Donald trump is being tried. Washington DC, where they won from trotted with I've, been in five months, violating completely done. Jobs due process right to a fair trial, you think they give a shit what I thought he had due process right, yeah, that's funny! That's good! That's a good one! I thought you had that too. I thought the constant should matter unfortunate. Dealing with a bunch of communist level, now heavily of the right to an attorney. I mean it was laid out in marine.
Tat, even fortier, you terry, you have the right to an authority bloomberg the most things, His job for lawyers is being trumps legally. Why preserve being arrested for doing what for giving him legal advice. I thought that was maribor. You have the right to remain salad, you're, the writer editor yeah yeah. I thought we had that too. I thought we had that too. Still believe. We live in a constitution republic. Well, I mean chosen a back. Anything. Is peace, I think it's like. We definitely have the breeze beach. Rachel had good job. That's good due to wall street journal drugs. Free speech runs up against courtroom decorum as their job. Donald trump is prosecuted for exercising his three speed, zhao right the challenge and election. You don't you had free speech rights through that. That's aware, well at least you have the right to self protection and the second amendment good luck with that time.
Gesine in macao right now, trial self defense, the centre stage. just tell me what constitutional rights you still have, so I can, I can laugh, you don't have any of them now we have an opportunity for a big, bald turnaround and I think the fact that many of you are starting to when I'm talking about a real. These are not elections any more from to political parties. Are elections, fighting for but the essence of what america really means it, and if you don't see that your fence sitting at this election, I'm sorry but your part of the problem, I'm seeing a bunch of this on, and I am really getting soap stop on starting the mute black people and mass on twitter, I'm very sorry every gets elected about. He hurt my feelings he hurt by my panties or in a bunch. I got my delicate sensibilities as they cut the bullshit. Man got the bulls I'm tired of hearing it so to be clear, like you know, like the other guy,
I try, but I don't like this guy or I don't like the other guy, so I'm gonna it admit this one. I had good luck with that. Your luggage, your kids, in prison for ten years for standing in front of an abortion clinic trying to say babies left the said, I actually knew about this respect in you. I love my audience and I know you guys get it. I know it, but you would be because I have to do show pretzel. So I'm on social media, probably. for five hours a day, maybe more folks an absolute cesspool of stupid, the back and forth. it's gotten so ridiculous. I swear to you. It is tough to even do show prep. I have to mute people. I can't take it anymore. I can't take this stupid. Keep you the eyes on the prize. Tell us why your candidate is good. I love the santas. I love the vague, I loved him scott. I love trump. I love Nikki haley, tell us why craving their debts and was happening on twitter intruder truth know what's happening all
It's a shit fast. This guy socks disguised mom socks, this guy's kid socks. This guy's press secretary sought this one socks tat, one sucks, that's all it is all there as if one dealing with the biggest manichaean fight of our times against most evil administration. American history. The good news is the Democrats, you're in and I during even more chaos, and we are I'll show you what I mean coming up in a second everything I told you I was gonna happen is happening. The Democrats to start to realise that they are real, problems right now with rotting oatmeal brains in the white house. kid sniffing woman feeling bride taking loser. They know they ve got a problem, quick brachyura, less couple sponsors and we're right back to the show. I love this product? I am a huge believer in the just health benefits of sana, a good, sweat folks, temperature therapy, is the way to go for me in these crazy days. One recharging, refresh that's right. Disk red bone charge. The holistic
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eight hundred sixty seven four ninety two in use, promo code, then to say fifty percent on my pillow six packed house. It thirty, nine. Ninety nine for a set, the the won't last long and promo code dan. For this special and many thanks, my pillow here's a good news. Yes, some chaos on the right. Now people are pissed off his primary this guy, tat, mac, idas guy staffs. Thank you knock, I say five primaries or ugly, you know is as bill Clinton allegedly said one time when he was asked about as vicious attack aids against bob tall by bill Clinton. You gotta do what you gotta do. It happens in a primer when a private. is over it's time for us to coalesce around liberty in freedom and our candidate, the good news is the Democrats, don't know what to do right here problem there having I don't you know this but the filing deadlines for individual primary states are right around the corner, so in other words, if you're gonna get by off the ballot or put your name on the ballot you have weeks,
not months to get your name on some of these early stay out. That's it! That's it you're out there. So there is there's this myth out there all there's a year ago. The Democrats have time now, they don't. That's. Why you're starting to see articles like this, brawls, raise alarms, calling on binding, do sharp and his re election pitch. Where resist was ripe, art, conservative review no, the washington post, as I said to you last week, liberals our turning on buying because they know that kid sniffing woman feeling pride Taking loser cannot win they I understand that and they don't know what, you, because no one's got the balls right now to step up as filing deadlines are coming up folks here, why they need to get rid of this guy. They don't What else is out there all all of the negative brightened crime, family information, it's creeped up his popped into them.
eco ecosystem. Only in the last few months calmer and then start sending out subpoenas the banks not only that the guy is lost yet again clearly not mentally there. He is out of it. He is rotting that, though oatmeal in his brain, is now decrepit. It's not people and brown sugar right It's like motor oil harry is yesterday at FEMA. in another one of his atrocious extemporaneous speeches, wages even know, is and again he gets lost again. He asked the asked the staff where he needs to go, despite the fact that, as I have told you a million times good service serve him, breathe some extensively on work they go, but he can't remember because he's writing oatmeal brains. Take
Are we going to going to Florida saturday morning when I right. The river viva phrasing a chat, but fever, and checked him out on locals, then either rumble rumbled, shout you're away. You're missing the best web homey homey Bobby rather good to see the guy, don't know what he's doing move even even a second Joe Biden roddy we'll brains. What are you doing this to me? I did this job the twelve reagan years. They are Given a very simple guard, you the skull of five minutes. I remarked speak, which are, we beg, adona shake six had they are detail decay
Remember that's why riding over your brains is always getting lost, also I, as the social I q of in a member, has zero ability to emotionally relate to any crowds. What does he do? the says he makes every story about him. He lies and he starts with cringey jokes, hey here. He is yesterday started off his speech at FEMA. Keep in mind. This is about a hurricane that destroyed people's lives. He thinks it's choky. Joking time here watches in a situation where you know we're, How can I said? There are still some deniers out there. In terms of whether or not climate change anything to do with any of this, and we're going to need a whole hell of a lot more money to deal with emergency appropriations to deal with you all you're, taking care of that's abroad.
That's about the climate that are that matters, the same point: none the less people not honour that it to be able planet. but why we're on the climate in ireland this issue this guy? Is I understand folks Social intelligence is a thing. I'm not here to give a psychology Souci sociology lesson. That's how would I do, however, so show. Intelligence is a real thing the essence of social, I q is the ability to see yourself, as others, see you and interaction, you have it: you don't understand how people don't it you don't have it you'll never get it binds guy he doesn't it. Stand that maybe it's not an appropriate time, given that people's lies, we're just destroyed and big benda begun area florida to start pope, a climate deniers, which is a holocaust type reference which is disgusting. He doesn't get that because he has no ability again to see himself as others see him, so Intelligence is a big deal,
he doesn't see himself in a mirror he's in capable of empathizing with other human beings like a normal human being, what would he does you stay? Rubbing? Women, shoulders and sniffing kids is inappropriate. Now you Never do that. You don't understand how that would ever be appropriate. You like that's it discussing. How could someone do that? You understand. He says the same thing, he doesn't see how it's not appropriate at the joke. Things player for the whole of exposure to play this role. Those whose release you guys appears only remember how can decide by my mother would say. I apologise for my back Your mother never said that it's an fyi. I don't know why. I'm standing up here talking to you just shut up and talk to your mom Never said that all your stories about your group, father, Ambrose Vinny, getting the forty fifty there Bullshit you just, makes this stuff up because he has zero social intelligence and the way quality people want.
The president is relate ability. They were really inability and I'd argue leadership. Second I'd tell you that, but I think it's true they want. Able to relate to the guy thrive, Clinton left with sixty percent approval. So I trust got this loyal base. How is drop a billionaire. The runs is a middle class guy. How is that? Does that even freak incense he's what two billion dollars, because people can relate to one. That's. Why. how is it that a guy who's work? Maybe two three hundred grand comes off like a rich pompous ale, because people can't relate to Nobody relates to buy here, cringing cringey good, this environmental deny or start pulling holocaust type references by the way which is disgusting? This denier crap? I waited viva leave twenty bush, he said I can tell by the hair that review I have to leave twenty bucks. I saw by sea or bar by your beer, a bible.
What these are better, we'll get a shadow like really the thirteenth or something about that period is more than twenty bucks. Obey back, listen, I don't care who you voted for in a primary. I get it there some hard feelings about a lot of candidates. Somebody when all like run dissent is somebody I didn't scott. I'm honestly not a huge tim scatter Nicky early fan, but then, when the nominee there far better than the abomination they're far better than the alternative. I wanted to give a look to this guy vague. He said, things. We all got to keep our eyes on. No doubt Listen, I again disclosure I visit investor and strive, which was this fund which he stepped away from, but that doesn't get Do you pass on the show that forget it's not gonna happen and rapid. some questionable kind of flip flops, no doubt about it and some questionable kind of stuff. We need to look into no doubt about that it's only fair to vet candidates. Now before it happens later. However, The guy's unquestionably very good at putting live.
will a holds back on their heels, especially when they don't know what you're talking about this An absolute master class on to engage with the real climate deniers. The left these. he's ahmed Andrea Mitchell's, two parts, first part about a minute ten in about thirty seconds. After that, he's already Andrea mitchell and absolute moron. Who knows nothing about environmental science, nothing about the climate, nothing about anthropogenic progenitor, human climate change or if it even exist, she doesn't know anything about it. She, When she's been told by our producers in a few can talking point such each. to get into a with vague on the environment and just gets absolutely wrecked complete we destroy here's far one check this out. I let's talk about The hurricane that is now approaching you ve called climate change and that agenda a hoax. You said more p. are dying from bad climate change policies and there are of actual climate. But according to a un agency, extreme weather events, compounded by climate change, caused the death of two million people between
nineteen, seventy and twenty twenty one came up shred of evidence and more than two million people die from converting to clean energy, can offer clear evidence that the number of climate disaster. Related deaths is down by ninety eight percent to over the last century. The number of people who die hurricanes, tornadoes, heatwaves and other weather related events in nineteen twenty every one hundred that died dead, then to die too and the reason why is more plentiful, abundant access to fossil fuels and technology powered by fossil fuels? I can also tell today it is a hard fact. Now. These things are disputed eight times as many people die of cold temperatures then die of warm once the writing. or to all temperature related deaths is more plentiful. Abundant access to fossil fuels the earth is covered. More green surface area today than it was half a century or a century ago, because carbon
oxide is plant food and carbon dioxide, as a percentage of the atmosphere, is still at a relatively low through mandatory those right artifice? the geese had arrived here. Then europe, at a time, Andrea Mitchell's actually want an argument with Child over the age of thirty? No, never She is worse than leslie's Jeez what was or she is worse than leslie sovereign. Sixty minutes. Andrea Mitchell is an idiot. She doesn't know, anything about it. She has been fed d. We had a show and cable news used to deal with ease help, our fire people feed, you see, all the time the differences I drew my own show up together in conjunction with a series of really awesome producers. I would say stories hey. What do you think about this, but I knew about this story because I didn't send them a story unless I ready andrea Mitchell, those nothing some. Why producer fetters
Probable warming is bad and that's all she knows. So what funny thing is she uses? A one person anecdote. Hey some guy told me: global warming is bad for vacant. sometimes with a series of indisputable fact about the environment and then she his back and says. Well, you know single person anecdotes. You know don't really matter. Edra vague says this tour. This is really great check this out there. in fact, of the hurricane that is now approaching the mayor through three generations: saint petersburg resident,
says, he's never seen anything like this. The ocean warming, but let me move on to some andrea, remain mere respectfully offer response to that, and I mean this with due respect. If someone on the other side were an uneducated person from arkansas who didn't go to college and offered one whether event as an end of one anecdote to help support where you re of global climate change, you'd left off masters, ages, rube forcing didn't follow data, the same issue has to fit the other foot on the actual date. I'm not talking about one person's opinion. Leave we talk to professor is academic. Juvenile, just wasn't one person's opinion with due respect. That's exactly what you just quoted, and I think that that's what's driving this kind of false narrative, as opposed to the facts that I'm sorry out intact, Michael man, whom we interview, often and other other professionals, You literally just cited one person's of it so the woman. The area it. She does it anything else.
He just said by the way I encourage you to look up is factually accurate. global warming thing in the hysteria surrounding it is there biggest scam you have ever seen in human history. It is a scam. It is a huge huge, enormous scam and, by the way, you're not allowed to say that, for those you out through aren't on this platform, rumble right now, you're, not To say that other places you know that right see you can big freely here it is scam and you're getting worse. When I, you know Joe Biden, says: oh my mother, in law and father and my mother and dad grandfather used to say this. When I tell you, people used to say something they used to say some. When I was growing up in queens I had a couple friends that dude you got work you're getting worked, the global warming nonsense. The hysteria is scam, sweet, The scams are all morons on the left. Not just answer mitchell, leslie stall. Bernie sanders, tumor bowman, all these other morons. hurry. Job here is the queen and the morons.
Course. He knows nothing about nothing. She said the other day in an interview. You seek eyes. She gets up before thirty in the morning to prepare for what That's how you she has no answer to the question or refer you to the d J. What does she exactly prepare she's, not answered a single question in two years. After a rare you, two hundred binds lawyers, so I ski awhile ago suppress the actually followed up. Somebody asked me with someone I think they forget. I say: need to put together a month shrugs. I have not seen this. I have not seen this I've, given you my word: so this is a key special gaed put together a montage green job hears server finest than by finest. I mean lowest moments. He, if you would
The president loves his son. He is proud of how his son is rebuilding his life and, as far as anything specific about any investigation, any criminal investigation we just are going to be consistent and just knock on. It's been a devastating devastation, as we have seen you've just mentioned, and our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack. Right now, I've been asked this question a million times. Dancer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son. I just don't have anything else to add that arena wasted president spoke to just last night. He thanked the president for the immediate support of federal agencies, have delivered for residents of hawaii, and so does has so has SEN short short short shots. Is the norad is part of like a part of it? Would you call it an attack exactly, and so that's why we were able to do that again. We didn't do it on our own. We did in in in a clearly in in in in step with the canadian canadian okay. So today, as you all saw just an hour or so ago, president obama announced that primary person invited wow that, as news of the iceberg
Oh actually, you, sir, Forges I very good very, is over probably wasn't an hour. I did you have to cut down, could really. oh yeah. I it's hard because of the duration upon yes, because you had a narrow it down to the greatest tat right. we started to happen like africa, avatar part three, the way of the more on that security security too happy club for three hours. Folks they ve. Never, with these idiots here, why did it again yesterday shower? Do these people say anything here we go again with the trick about economics trickle there, we could all banks progress, prosperity, but failed america. You want there is no. Such thing right is the post. Again, listen, I need you in the chair, ok and then adjournment of the studio, I I love you almost and passionate about it. I've this allowed. This talk point. Pisses me off more than eighty because again get to having the post peace. The left talks,
about an economic model. You understand, it doesn't exist, is no such thing as trickle down economics. Ladies and gentlemen, it is, nothing more than a series of words put together to invent this phrase. to make. You believe that there's this evil thing democrats, and especially black american, should be fighting against It's like a sword weapon. one knows what it is, so you have the tom assaulting. Man. I've debated play in this august. I play it all the time I Oh I just I am in Chad. Do you want to hear it? Yes, or you were it just about a minute long. But how trickle down economics is not a thing saw. You ve heard it a million times. You dont want to hear it. I tell me now- and I won't do it by engaging. Yes. Ok! No! No! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, a lot more! Yes, it's all right! There! You got it.
Ok, while he's gettin out together, many figure questions after that boy. Folks, I just you understand this is done is nothing more than a tactical focus group tested talking point to me, you believe, there's some economic system out there right called trickled down where rich people are benefiting and you're getting screwed over. There is no such thing here list in the thomas soul again prove reject this out present obama in december of last year. The market will take care of everything they tell us. Jobs and prosperity will eventually trickled down to everyone else. In april of this here during the bush years. The wealthy got wealthier bought, prosper, in short, an trickled down in July this past summer, bronco bomber, we ve tried it there. It didn't work. We were told that prosperity would start at the top and then trickle down close quote: where does this trickled? Where does phrase trickled down. Come from. Oh, I don't know. I was as far back as a as the as the fresh as the roosevelt administration.
there is absolutely. It is incredible thing. Is there is a non existent theory that is constantly being Some years ago, in my newspaper column challenged anybody site any kind. Outside when insane asylum. Whoever made that argument, nobody else ever came up with a single person, so when Barack Obama says in this special I quote, we were told that process who told us nobody told him nobody economist has ever held. No, no politicians never said, and I don't know anybody who's. There was that vat. When I put this out, I wouldn't work without nationalism. They collect data column very people wrote me, it is a well so and so that the citizens, those that it but find me the prisoner. I don't wanna hear how you is that it be and may be and show me where he said it and now years ago, not one example has been offered. by the way. Still now one exists, was offered, but it doesn't matter because you dealing with people
with the intellect of Andrea Mitchell, corinne jumpy air, rotting we arrange brains, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders is the more on class and their speaking people as if their more as we had a fight. took about economics. What is hell if I know we made it up, and it just sounds bad our eyes, couple weeks. I know some of you like questions for damn. Some of you know, so I have limited it twice among Bobby If you end before the end of the show time for questions for death, alright, we only got a couple of it: hey dan, we did it political environment. You recommend the next generation and law enforcement yes You may disagree in the chat Why do I say? Yes Ladies and gentlemen, you may not like politics, but politics likes you, and that applies to law enforcement. To what are we they do let a bunch of liberal lunatics get their crazies in there. We don't have a role in the whole law enforcement, badges and guns enforcement of the law mechanism. Your desk, to be governed and law enforcement run by people lesser than you.
a crazy idea what I recommended it depends, I mean if someone you like to do, but I definitely wooden on recommended at a fixed system not give up on it dad. You know the relax young lady, texas, ass tickler,. I just read than aims folks, texas, under specks, ass underscore tickler ha. I just read that our readers you put as always is that something you know really bad so after all many asses ridiculous access by the nazi germany. Do I know the relaxing m lady I personally, but you the nice message from my wife, birthday, they are than a radio show. Her name is ratio A real name is rachel and she's really a trip. We lover, I'm telling you I don't know about it ever matter, but she sounds really cool. I need him, a crime by the way
there's a number of trickled down names of able, including trickle down magruin. If you have enough, is enough picked up yet how someone hasn't picked up on their yet. The chatter resent already taken some jump on. That's that when you, ass, the, u only drink water or you have tea or feel the greens I do now the other greens, because it has calories very infinitesimally, small. Amount of calories, but it does you, know, the trigger and these when I first any insolent secretion at all? For me, I drink nothing. We howard matter of fact, I dont even in visual pills, nothing I drink area, depleted water and I have black with absolutely no calories in Iraq and the media. by our sixty yoda fast. I was dying Paul and I are going to do it again in the very near future, but it was hard, but I'm telling you I got ripped manner. Like veins common out my arms after that that's fast The best thing I ever did, but you gotta
Is it series if you have something like diabetic issue or something like that, then talk to your doctor? If you're going to have real problems, your glucose can get whaler, alright, one more question follow up. He said a Dan ryan, six, five, one, six, zero, six, five one six! I want to follow up on a question months ago about how get your name out. There is an unknown, an election, long story short. I received the nomination and endorsement. Thank you, your vote. Welcome. I know it's a real pain in the ass to run for obvious way where it. This is a real question. He wants one hey dad! This paula have a sister round single at the more she dies. But she's, not single pause, pretty hard right. Someone told me, actually I could get reported to each arm. Apologies, hr, Jazzy complained, yeah she's, actually a jar in their company, They bought you way, she's, really hot, so she hasn't father. He hr capades. Yet, but There is already taken on board by tat, base rask and pass on the message: hey you guys, the gray, but bang up we, seventy two.
Has anyone had seventy three to at some point? I love you so much man. Seventy three thousand people are afraid of you. All the best join us every day, eleven o clock. We make the time change I'll. Let you know we'll be back eleven o clock. He should time next week, rumbled calm, slash, bungee! No, please quick tat follow buttons up there on the right, we would love to have you although it you get a notification when we go live and please follow us an apple in spite of as well with the number two conservative parties in a country would like to be number one ramos there. Thanks for all your help. Folks, I see back here on Monday. Oh you just heard bungee notion,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-03.