« The Dan Bongino Show

George Soros’ Shocking New Plans (Ep 1820)

2022-08-01 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking George Soros’ article about his future plans. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags. With your host dan Ben je know. Folks, I got the most touching email from a listener. It's a sad email address it at the end of the show so stay tuned. sandy mail, but it I want you to know. I listen. You feed back in its from a lesser had a real problem. And something we showed no self defense exhibition on. My fox show She says, may have helped save her life ology that at the end the today show what I'm gonna do about. It just happened before I got on the year. I forgive me if I open sound that a little kind of disjointed it's because I didn't plan on it being the open. I just read the email before I get on the air and it was up to say I open. It is we understatement I'll get to that in a little bit. I also wanted today about the post truth. This toby in future were in it right now.
But a really big things happened this week in which are really really starting to concern mutation by show about you by express my savvy listeners have BP and protect against prying eyeballs, get when yourself could express gps dot com, so bon gino welcome the damn bonds, you know, show you always excited and Monday show lots, but today we also got a segment coming up on george soros he's back it possibly be single dumbest up ad in the history of opinion, you'll africa, its I'm not kidding these things the dumbest stop at which is probably par for the course resource. I've ever read today Alberta by express vpn. Let me ask you some: what? If there is someone out there kept a log of every single thing, you did every minute of the day, be weird right pretty. Beware what if I told you it's exactly what happens every time you go online, Your internet providers allowed to store logs of every website, you've ever visited and can legally sell the data to anyone. That's why I use express vpn. must we and re route, your internet connection through a secure servers, so
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find out how you can get three months free. That's express, vpn, dot com, slash bond geno, express bbn, bow com, slash bon gino to learn more rachel. let's go de, be damned we're here, be a big day tomorrow, tomorrow's my or my wife's birthday, Paula huge day tomorrow. It is a week, long extravaganza. It's also my father's birthday happy. Seventy first, then my father, John, but paula's birthday is an international cosmic level. Celebration takes a week. Of a celebratory activities. I started this weekend. I may have had a couple of glasses of vino tinto this weekend to celebrate the week long activity, so I just wanted you to know that it mate should be a national holiday. Why it isn't is a disgrace. Paul is very upset about that. Ah back to the show, so we're living in this post posts. Truth. This tell in future right and you know that is nothing new. We have this concern a consortium, I call the simba media liberal activists, groups
elected politicians and academics the symbiotic they all feed, each other they all feed off each other. Push narratives narratives into force, a gaslight. You write, or we already get that watching it happen and multiply it light speed the tracing of just false, fake information that is now openly celebrated nobody? These depend Well, I just told you about academics, lips, liberals, Media leads Hollywood sports figures, their willingness to debate themselves, to humiliate themselves in public and openly lie is grown geometrically. They just don't in care anymore. They ve given up any attachment to the truth. Here's what I mean this is true This turned into a dangerous place. Now, when I say we I mean, when I say this toby on the left this figure it out? Oh, they figured out a long time. There are fake it powers, the military. Yes, I use that word deliberately parts the military
of liberty minded folks who have an allegiance to the constitutional republic, and all purge the police department of people who swear an oath to their constitution and state constitutions and get on comply in people in charge, then can use while they attacked the police, they can use the police at the same time to enforce thought crimes in the future. Tribes over here, as you be dramatic, am I am I being dramatic as this video emerge this weekend? This is a hampshire police in the united kingdom kid. You not arresting someone on video, I'm not joking. Free thought crime it. a guy who posted a meme. Apparently, the trans flag shaped like the swastika, maybe be saying oh my gosh day and that's important. Ok, fine! It's a thought crime about it's just that we're arresting people forethought crimes. You know you forget him,
our sharp did and others you said horrible things in the past, about jews and things like that. Had they been arrested for thought times. The reason we don't addressed people forethought crimes in political stupidity is because the way we address political stupidity is weak Nicole sanity, and open free speech. Here, the video yourself. The arrests for thought crimes have begun check. This out How sure flags would realise how would take lessons it what's come today? What what do you know? What did indeed come to explain its slow? Is I don't understand why closely somethin, I e. How? If you come to rest me, you don't know, asked him. Why is a context why mining talks because is something he said, the knight someone is because of the authority upon your social media. I don't know how long you been allow enough. So what
but this all together for you just quickly had that the bury the lead right up from the media, the lips the entertainment community, the academics, the symbol of the far left communist symbols use those words deliberately. It's not an accident, communist symbols, to usher in an era in the united states have thought crimes because thought crimes are important to enforcing the narrative of the shore, the narrative of the day. Why? Because, if you, speak out against things that go against our believe, liberal narrative, you know it's a lie. Recession is in two corridors: growth. The vaccine hence transmission of covert. Whatever they lie about. If you speak up, they have to stop when crush you. While they catches are you by telling you to stop you're gonna, given the double barreled family friendly middle finger, you need the weapon of force to get them to stop I have always been eager to weapon ice of police, hence there call the vaccine mandate and the war
guy see our tv. I instruction two cops in the military, you get it now The way to get anyone out who wouldn't comply with their new initiative to be weapon eyes was to push them. Like a vaccine mandate and woke train Knowing is an arc on the wall street journal. This weaken our military recruiting is down dramatically. Why? down dramatically because conservatives from the south is the article indicates, who form the bedrock of the military is You know, Joe, you know this while a genocide says upwards of forty percent of recruits recovery for specific areas of the south, I'm going to deal with a walk mother. This was intentional This is how you get the cops to do things like this. You attack at the same time you use them. I did a segment in the summer fox show this weekend. Folks, are you getting? This is so important, the less
russian of our institutions. Bringing in this woke this toby imposed. Truth future was I'm sorry if this is a little deep open in the show, but it is the most critical segment have done in a long time. None of this is accident. You can't have these, who believe and enforcement of the constitution and free speech or them military you can't have that so they're sitting there, and I think it may be the best way to remedy How do we get these people out of the military? How do we get leaders in the military outer respect the constitution and liberty? How do we? leaders at police. Permanent I've got an idea what about a vaccine mandate for a vaccine that doesn't stop the transmission of covert way? is that the transmission? Why would be mandated? That's not the point. Forget the vaccine, the pointed
People who believe in body you taught me: liberty and freedom will be the first ones, not to do it and we can fire them. First ethic has bad faith there. It is you sure, really what's the size by that. Exactly it's a conspiracy theory then show me. The science show me the science behind your vaccine mandate, either stopping the spread of covert or or producing a more effective military and police department show me the science. If it's a conspiracy, you're obligated to show me what your data is. I didn't push a vaccine mandate. You did you're obligated to show me what you intend to do with it now You understand also the pushing a the diversity, equity and inclusion woke agenda on our military and police. Recruiting being down in the military and police departments across the country who are seeing mass resignations is not an accident. do you understand this is being done on purpose with
useful idiots in the middle carrying this all out, they did this purpose. It also explains why the lunatics george soros and their people to corrupt prosecutors offices as well. If you can woke up the military and get out to patriots. If you can woke up the police department and get out the patriots and the supporters of the constitution, you can use them as your as you're thug enforcement force they want. like police officers, to lack like political enforces? What happened over here in the uk. This is why soros once prosecutor's office is corrupted too. our police officer and you dare arrest someone enforcing the actual constitution. The prosecutors soros wants in charge are there to make sure that case never reaches a court room. So soros started, starting a panic as people had killed precisely because of prosecutors he's
reported that will not enforce the law start in a panic. He wrote this humiliating disgusting are bad working a piece up at bon gino dot com by map colombo, who wrote the book the man behind the curtain about George soros, and I have a piece of their later and Madame I radio- show later in the week to talk about this- the peace, the journal by george soros is called why I support reform prosecutors, you to listen to this humiliating disgusting effort by this guy to burn this country to the ground. He is the most damaging liberal activist anywhere in the world right now committed to this action, the united states. He says this though If, as you read, this is sources words. Some politicians and pundits have tried to blame recent spikes in crime on the policies of reform minded prosecuted, people, let people out of jail for committing crimes the research I've seen says otherwise ha as
the most rigorous academic study, analyzing data cross, thirty five jurisdictions shows no connection between the election of reform, minded prosecutors and local crime rate. That's hilarious, that you want to talk about gas lighting next year, the police, arrest! You and people like me for telling you battle? Damned about this I'll, just show you, the data just making this up here Or did gas goaded ally crimes gone mad aberdeen in san francisco crimes gone mad came fox. All mean everywhere. He supported some crime is gone crazy. Now, san francisco gay which is a pretty pretty lean to the left outfit, to say the least. To help soros out a while back with a fact check. In january about this we factual coming claims about the san francisco crab notice notice, how
but in their fracture, their forced to admit that homicides have got up and their defence isn't now keep my burden the burden, the prosecutor for San francisco keep in mind now soros. Is peace said there is no connection between him and rising rates across the. Average ds, F, k fact check As we all know, there actually has been wrought rising crime, but listen to this is hilarious, but don't worry it's not bad. As other places. Liberals are prosecuted either where the crime of the rising crime and homicides even worse to that's their fracture therefrom Check is yes, the date is correct, but it could be worse. In other places,. Yeah yeah. Exactly habits are here on the sides of ticked up on their burdens tender. the sale on the tenure? The city saw fifty six homicides and twenty seventeen forty six in two thousand and eighteen, forty one in two thousand and eighteen. Forty twenty twenty and fifty six and twenty twenty one. When traceability. Is a charge,
but listen to this. One here is is hilariously stupid, but homicides have increased nationally over the past few years, and data from the university of Pennsylvania shows that san francisco's, two thousand and twenty increase did not pace. Other cities, the other cities, all have liberal mayors, look up, this goes. Homicide re folkestone worries only up. Thirty, seven point: three: six percent, I mean you could be in minneapolis the whole george floyd thing where this took place over the last two years, the attacks on police or portland or seattle or atlanta. Or new york, city or Houston. run by lefties left, yes, that's a fact check, but soros wasn't up that says it's up by thirty. Seven percent! Don't work could be a worse like other liberal city. here's the part of their frank check where they dead, many property crimes in san Francisco go unreported make difficult to gauge the level of decline for reach.
Five specifically classified as larceny theft in the city. A category typically makes up more than half of the city's total reporting, since many stores of sad it's not worth reporting the faster the police, this hell areas, soldier, to be clear, this idiot soros. Listen, we appoint these people they're not going to prosecute anymore retail thefts they're, going to leave it alone. So ass a result. Companies stores get robbed and burglarized right, because they nothing will happen. They dont reported because they don't reported this statistics, go down. George Soros this buffoon takes up, victory lap. You have got to be kidding me. You have got to be kidding. Besides go up. People are literally dying because of this guy's people, people dying and their defences. Well, they went up thirty. plus per se, but they could have been a lot worse
this george soros mega donor for the left, he'd maths book, the man behind the curtain I published it was best seller still out there. About george Soros he'll be on my radio show later in the week. Man is. It did disaster. He is a forest fire committee destroying the united states I want to make sure you this all fits in? I don't wanna get lost here. Remember we're talking about today? We are talking about this post. True this toby, and how the liberals tactically, move to enact it clean out police departments using training, clean out the military clean out the path security is offices using liberal money, get rid of patriots in the liberty lovers and the abiding by the constitution that way What's left behind is gonna, be here: you're you're, you're, jack, booted, thug police force. You can you
to enforce thought crimes exactly the kind of thought crime we opened up. The show with its not have winning in the future? It's, Happening right now and thought crime enforcement is impossible because the left then can bull hit you with an estimated. Can be ass. You and I You dare speak out the threat force can be used against you happening, we ve seen it just Ass God project varietals james o keys group. When Had that journalists, the exposure of the the Biden granddaughter the diary. Just ask Alex parents just ask anyone is edge, it ask roger stone asked: of the january six folks s eastman the trump lawyer, these earth what crimes they need, thought crime, enforcement or the beer big or the b s full. Stop
not this guy get this video coming up I'll show you exactly what I mean right here courchamp here, who is unquestionably be worse for anybody. Changing the vote, worse, press secretary of the history and no one, no one, no one jestingly known allocates areas, keeping the worst press secretary in there. United states I'll show what I mean coming out will to my second sponsor your first item. One hour break this segment up, it's important. eric financing this in interest rates Gonna continue to rise until inflation is contained, sk gonna happen. You gotta remain on top you're spending and your dad make sure you not wasting money and high interest starfleet's special credit rage and they are going to cause you get it radio, right now by calling our friends over american financing spoke through these people, more them They are really good folks who care about customer service, Israel, who for american financing, I'll get you a free mortgage review from a salary based consult, meaning no pressure. Again, no up front or hidden fees, no tricks just a simple conversation about
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finish off donald trump sport or why we abstained. not messing with use is not as satire shows up the babylon be ok green job here was asked this question. My peter do see way way. You guys are building border wall, and you might that you said it was racism Didn't Joe Biden swear, he was never going to build any border wall like what's going on what folks it's happening I promise you I'll prove it to you in a second watch green jump here in the post truth this toby. We live in just blake
lee lie and tried it, but they are building, there's, no doubt their building and poverty. At a second check. This out, why is divided administration building all arizona, so we're not we're not finishing the one. We are cleaning up the mess the prior administration left behind in their in their failed attempt to build a wall, and I just want to be very, very clear here on day one: we returned the money, eight billion dollars the prime administration took from our military. We gave that back to the military, for military families, for schools from bases. That's that's what that money was being used, that's what it was taken away from, and so again what are doing doing is cleaning up the mess that the minister nation has done. This is u stunning again. I can't say this enough about career up here.
jen, saki and biden in the rest of the people in the administration, even kirby, admiral kirby, just disgrace themselves, and now just lying for these people. It's out that they're stupid abiden but the rest we sought that they're stupid creature years are stupid. It's at she thinks you're stupid just inside there's no way Biden taller than she's doing this honour our no. No. I disagree with the bottoms at night. Be. This is absolutely a pay, by the bye demonstration, knowing we're in a post truth future in for it's by the media and their soon to be corrupted, law enforcement and elsewhere in their f b. I they know they're in a post truth future We can lie, get the media to repeat the lie and get law enforcement, hopefully right down the road to enforce people who call them out for lying, dug up underestimate. What I just told you at your own peril. I have I have rarely been wrong on this show predicting these things I said, I wish. I had been wrong they are rebuilding portions, of the missing border wall in Numa. Now you may be saying it does
make any sense. Why would the by demonstration that call that racist and all this other crap and swore to never build a wall? Why would they do that? Well here our posts make sense of it. All white house to fill gaps in transport, a wall after Biden pledge not to build any more it's about election, twenty, twenty, two of course, or thought about. Actually stopping illegal immigration hell to the no it's about saving senator more kelly, far left article Democrat from arizona, whose having a lot of trouble and his re election race looks like it's gonna be against. Blake masters was leading in the polls primaries coming up. The people decide our kelly's in real trouble. That himself as a moderate turned out to be a far left. The now we realize he's in trouble, so Kelly wanted the by administration. So you have the backstory Qaeda winked at nodded. and said I need
it'd do me a favor. I need to look tough to get reelected, because I'm a big fraud and a phony, and in order for me to look tough, you really gotta do something in yuma, Yuma arizona where they're having a real problem of people coming in and they were like. Alright. Is it we're going to do we're going to is trump's wall little pieces of it there. But then, when you get to say we're not finishing it, Kelly was all so I can campaign on finishing the wall while Biden campaign says it's not happening. You like, they can't be stupid. No It's just play. Judah video, that's We would actually using your posts a day earlier kelly praise the d, a chest for filling in the offerings. Look at those favorite: I am not bessie with you for tools marilla stem area has been an operational challenge for border patrol, probably screw the border and keep our community safe. Kelly said the statement you made a statement Do you think it's not happening we know what's happening. by the administration, saying it's not happening while
Kelly in an effort to get reelected is telling you what is happening: and the media. There are no fact, checkers fact because you're doing squad to build mccarthy's. The tom urges the word the louis Jacob since will do nothing because apparatchik communist for the administration by the way, his career. up here. This is this- is just still here's his green job here and a tweet in February. Twenty ninety real donald trump, we're the pesos for your bigoted wall. You mean the one you just lied about that you guys are building a new arizona. You mean you mean our just just checking encourage of you or you have just a by the way, be a real shame if you want to at K underscore shop here and found this and re tweeted this and asked her a question about this. Bigoted Broadwell is this. What, though, is just a bigoted border wall mark Kelly's talking about building an arizona? I'm just asking? I'm it'd be a real shame if you did that real shame, real shame. If you been alright, I got a lot more to get to. A b s folks is never going to stop member these
what is gaslighting said it a thousand times lie. Lie often lie confidently and isolate people from the church corrupting military prosecutors offices and law enforcement is necessary to ensure you isolate people from the truth. The truth tat This will be harassed. The true tellers will be investigated. This was their goal. the whole time I need to lie and lie often, and they can't lie often in face in the face. The people who will call them out. So this happiness we can. I warned you that. I now one people mansion is a phoney west. Virginia They ve been warning you for ten years now. This guy is the biggest eg you ve ever seen. He was a governor he's a centre. He is a fake. He has zero credible I've. I've heard so many awful things about the phone. This guy is so mansion democrat. Radical left this Democrat, that's what he is stopped. The nonsense. Radical this Democrat from west Virginia has.
Got together, which humour in this quiet deal are trying to pass this week to get the binds desk. It is eight. acts hide package for seven hundred billion a new tax. she show mentions idea. he single, handedly push. This thing through would chuck tumor on his amid single handling absolute humour. That would be that we would make I mean on his he's, claiming to represent the moderate which is hilarious because they're the ones it puts the seven hundred billion a new taxes. Now his mansion this week and called out by bread, bear Making body you say in this: isn't gonna raise taxes, this new or cause inflation? Didn't you Is that when you pass the american rescue rescue plan help us pass that help the descended pass
that led to this inflation that nearly two trillion in new spending like. Why should we believe you now listen to this dancers response? It's quick, but it's hilarious check this out in two thousand and ten. You said this. I don't think during a time of recession, you mess with any of the taxes or increase any taxes. This bill does that. But here you are earlier this month you can be raising taxes. You can't make anything inflationary. You can close some loopholes. You can find out where there are some things that should be done. That should have been done before, but it won't be inflationary at all technically we're in a recession and technically coordinate multiple different organizations. This bill does raise taxes the wrong. It does not raise tax the wrong here. I don't know what else to tell you other than like what I said about green jump here, he's just making it up just like she was building the wall they just put- statement about building a wall Y know Joe majors lying line because the
leaning congressional joint committee on taxation, which believe me is not full of milton friedman acolytes. It's full of keynesians. Their joint committee on taxation already told them that access would go up even worse for the middle class. I say even worse, because avidly against higher taxes for anyone. You understand that. but some people in the higher income bracket brackets. At least it wouldn't have a devastating impact on their income. It's going a devastating impact on the economy. But the middle class. It's gonna hammer he's just lying new york post. We always bring the facts. Folks, ever gonna to your wheels David proper because in my newsletter today I read it yourself on gene dot com, slash newsletter, humor mansion deal raises taxes on earners under four hundred thousand dollars. Study shows that
Joint committee on taxation found taxes would jump by sixteen point. Seven billion on merit in taxpayers, making less than two hundred thousand and it will raise another fourteen billion on taxpayers make between two hundred and five hundred. I thought they said they weren't hiking taxes on people making over four hundred. I can for precise enough. I am against any. And all forms of excessive taxation because they crushed the productive impulse on any income level. But fact is Joe Biden is so I'm Joe mansion with Joe Biden is for crap is a technically wasn't even slip. that he so full of crap and own joint committee on taxation is told that shows you. This man has no dignity it all. He is a liar here the official joint committee on taxation report, the average tax rates Look at all the income bracket go up. Ten point: four
in point five. Thirteen at thirteen point. Fifteen point: eight. Sixteen nineteen point, one nineteen point for twenty: A boy one to twenty four point: four new tax. You're going up. That's there report. Folks, their own report. The I is a lie or we are living in a post truth. This topic where, because they have now the police, federal law enforcement, the media, academics, entertainers and everyone on the side of their lies, there increase really comfortable juice, bull immunity. Face raising. Access by seven hundred billion dollars during a recession. Can you think of Anything dumber. What's your journal notes by the way your manufacturer actually building stuff. so we know inflation is what fellows more Chasing fewer products. let's make it even simpler, more money. Chaser
Fewer stuffs. So the way to combat inflation is to produce more stuff to suck up the money. are the wall street journal notes that Evidence is emerging that mansions tax hike on corporate got. Income is especially harm, brought a u s manufacturing firms an analysis by the joint committee on taxation. Which is hardly a nest of supply. Siders found forty seven, forty nine point: seven percent of the tax would hit you S, manufacturers, a bunch, jerk, wads, dumbest people on planet earth upon the and media people, where the fact checkers where's Louis Jacobson where's bill Mccarthy where's tom culture, where the fact Hackers on the wall lies where the fact checkers are mansions lies. Where are you idiots disgraceful family must be embarrassed. Spawn people like this.
Nothing more than communist propagandists. Where are they? Where are they? Alright? Let me get to this, and next I want to get to this video Paul krugman, again academic, just humiliating himself with MR potato head on cnn, I got that How are these stories related eminent needs? You for this segment and Add to that email. I got from the listener. You'll see why it's important god portance they june for the rest, folks we've all read the headlines about the economy. It's getting bad out there. We know it. Inflation is out of control. You gotta protect your income. What does the inflation? What is inflation? Do? It destroys the value of money. You keep one hundred dollar bill in your wallet with inflation. It's less and less and less every week. What am I doing the myself against inflation? I'm doing it is I'm a client brcko, ba or r c. I'm buying holds the second, how my debt and I'm buying gold from birch gold. Now I just bought some more. It's too late for you to take action. How do you
contact with birch gold and find out how to protect your income and usa text dan the eight ninety eight ninety you'll get a free information kit on how to diversify and protect your savings with precious metals. I just did this again hedge yourself, with yourself when a plus rating from the better business bureau countless five serve you thousands of satisfy customers me included. Brcko this right investment to make right now, don't wait text then Ninety eight ninety eight. Ninety I get real advice from brcko tat. I again text and the nine eight ninety nine a claim, your free, No obligation information can and how to protect your harder and savings with gold brcko past form. It is not a guarantee future results. Messaging data rate supply thanks, brcko, appreciated So here's what I mean I want to beat this thing up too much, but here's paul krugman nobel prize winner in economics, noted left this buffoon. If you ever want to make an economic prediction and your money's on the line find What paul crude means doing fell, as do the
Opposite and you stand a better than fifty percent chance at your investment will win in the end, they will keep my disguise a phd doktor philosophy in economics. He's a phd in economics and won the nobel prize. This is one of the dumbest human beings. This is the stupid is smart person on planet earth. You know my problem, stupid, smart people right this. Is this do, but is smart person on planet earth, Paul krugman on which you stayed stooped person and general bryce other on cnn about again the redefinition of a recession, away from two quarters of negative growth, which we just experience in order to protect the by administration. We are in a post truth, this toby here right now exhibit number forty six check this out. Are we in a recession and does the term matter, now we are in no way does it. I mean the one sentence, everything that was it I it's! It's
none of the usual criteria that real expertise- says that we're in recession right now and what does matter one with the state, If the economy is what it is, this is it folks this is Jeff. I am not even going to play for you again. The media montage bill clinton Pelosi just about every demo, brad with a profile how their say, repeatedly. How're recession is too negative quarters growth, which were in right. Now. We just got the numbers because this is your point anymore This issue, these filthy disgusting people. I can't, I can't imagine, having spawn these losers. This is what counts. This propaganda looks like right in front of your face. Get Louis Jacobson from political back again their full blown communist supporter and your PA promoter. Writing a piece tackling these liars by the wages
he's paul croup that you had a be whatever get on the opposite side of whatever this guy says. Paul krugman, former nineteen. Twenty twenty making the most of the coming biden, both that the verdict is in Paul krugman's, stupid, smart person. I work out, while banks had perfect here's another web, I do your times new york times, blogger, why I was wrong about inflation, polychrome been July. Twenty twenty two votes. I could do this all day: it's This deliberate, I told you, it's a symbiotic. Academics, entertainers liberals activists media fact checkers all of em scrub, each other's backs. They are all communis. They irrigation a propaganda effort right now and a perch. The government of two tower at us, exactly what's happening pay attention to this next story to buy just moving on kind of a bad, but. I want you? I'm gonna put these
I used to go in and white you to figure out how all of these stories are related here. Okay, important we're moving on to syrian army and it was a kind of a an weird segue way, but it's kind of related to this toby imposed truth future were living in, but the stories are related for reason here, story number, one jerry done they and the wash them examiner lobby. In my new secretary inside tick, army of lobbyists? Subject: senators congressmen staffers this article is about by dance, voting pro china content and an internal tik tok messaging document on how to quote downplay the china association. We know Tik tok the video app right. They noted this p that the video up, which which appears according report and have some connection to chinese propaganda, they say is increasingly clear that sets a people inside tik, tok or sending our red flares in terms of the company's ties back to the chinese communist party. Folks is app. Is real trial
it's real trouble, tik tok! I did a segment. Oh my fox show this week about it. Now we abbot count over there we dont use much. It's random social media team. I've got him. the decision on that soon. This company is real, genuine trouble the just that this article is in what we already know about the trouble we tik tok and the potential aggregation, dado corner multiple allegations in reporting what do you make a lot of the skull way? Republicans and democrats both have been fired, got that's hired excuse me have been hired as lobbyists keep that story. Your had got it again: you're you're we're gets in interactive showed. How is story related senator RON Johnson is on my fox show this weekend. We are talking about the hunter Biden case, which is now exploded. Him ran the divine
wrote laptop from Hell about hunters laptop. Has more information come out? I hear from good source here they confirm this week that Joe Biden is in fact the big guy and may have been party to a corrupt deal hunter by mad with the chinese communist party. Where, the big guy got a ten percent kick up of money. We now know that big guy was Joe Biden, so them the blackmail file against Joe Biden and the chair The communist party may have it here's. What RON Johnson said about the case this weekend, on my show where he said, I am pretty sure they're going to make this year the carpet folks, nice and the carpenters, the we, the people are god coaster here. Thank you, paris for my coffee. My carpet pretended to carpet
ron johnson thinks you're going to sweep it under the carpet. Make the whole Biden thing go away. Tell me how this is related to the first story. After you hear this check this out. Do you think, there's potential that the mainstream media finds Joe Biden useless because of his low poll, a poll numbers and turns on Joe Biden and finally opens up about this? To get him out of office? That's pretty much. Our prediction, I remember my prediction is that they they may indeed how turbine, but your price seal, yellow, dude they'll see all the information. The american public will never get the full truth. That's what I'm afraid of two that isn't I'm afraid of to hold that story in your head. Chinese communist party, allegedly connected company hires, a bunch of republicans and Democrats, the lobby for them hunter Biden story where he s an allegedly corrupt deal in conjunction with this bad Joe Biden with the chinese communist party from U s, senator thinks he's be swept under the carpet. How is
stan related to that this is twenty twenty. This is my clapper, who is that, the former. I would have our big time intelligence heads under the by demonstration, a big pee, pee tape, hoaxer right, Deanna, this guy was a total train wreck. Jim clapper right here is Him clapper on with cnn's, was his ladies Erin Burnett, I believe on cnn or MSNBC or whatever. I don't even know the difference. Who cares? As the same thing, but here it is back in twenty twenty talking about the hundred by laptop how's. This related to that story. How much justice worse matter right to hear the story of this laptop. We don't know a lot. We do know that. The way that this information is getting out is through steve ban, an unruly giuliani. How much do that that does the source matter here? We'll shoot matters a lot of time in matters I think than to me. This is the classic
textbooks soviet russian trade granted work. The russians have analyzed the They understand the president and his enablers crave door on vice president Biden, whether its real contrived it doesnt matter to them and so all of a sudden to two and a half weeks before the election of this laptop appears, somehow and emails on without any many data. Ah yes, it's all very curious. Okay, so I got one more story, but in order not dragged on too much because I don't want it to become annoying you're, obviously very smart, you're, the smart, smart people, not the stupid, smart people like krugman, so you probably figure this out the chinese communist party is very simple. Narrative figured out a long time ago that corrupt
admin officials in the swamp from both sides of the isle will easily be corrupted by a little bit of cheese like little rats. Your g is achieved. is that dollar bill, but about a fire? You don't even need a five. These people, such loses they'll, do a single, eager, tik tok, paying off me, swamp by partisan group of lobbyists to advocate for what appears to be some kind of a chinese communist party, according to multiple reports, connected app. RON Johnson says hunter Biden is corrupt deal with the chinese communist party. It doesn't appear that a lot of people outside of RON Johnson really seemed to care about this they're eager to make it go away, especially in the J, why to cover- up for the chinese communist party buying for a government clapper former director of national intelligence under obama when the tat came out. There would indicate hunter Biden in the Biden family had problems with china
to tell you that its facon russian, this information as if one story makes sense. wash them examiner nancy Pelosi to visit taiwan during tour evasion, but why by the way the Biden wide subject to this. Why The chinese communist party thinks taiwan is part of china and caesar visit as an attack on what they believe their sovereignty over taiwan is below if he's going to go there and the Biden administration is freaking out because they have their lips surgically attached to the ass of the chinese communist party. Let me ask you this: Why is it by an administration go into bad for china? Here they are. something autumn not asking yourself this question your journal, journalist you're, doing it wrong. You see all those stories are connected,
these communist party povey as blackmail files and dirt on boatloads of? U S, politicians and swamp rats whose really making the cause your folks By the way, this pelosi to taiwan thing is very serious. Keep your eyes on it. There's been some videos, I can't confirm, but they are there. You can see my social media. Why am I plan them? I can confirm them the chinese communist party moving some weaponry around china in anticipation of this policy visit. Keep your eyes this could have got a couple more things coming up, including I gotta debunk, something I've got a ton of questions. Speaking about a story about fox news tromp, you know To tell her I appreciate you came to me, I can I give you my experience, a fox obviously, and I work in the office around there I'd I have a remote studio, but I do speak with go, and the story doesn't comport with my my story at all,
saw handle that I'll get to end the second and that the email, omar stakes folks, almost they should be here me talk about him for a long time. I was growing up my stakes in my back yard and sovereign apart marilyn over a decade ago, virtual josie, only one who see this avert apart, but when I go along, but remember I brought a little deck in the backyard grill back. There puts a moment. Of course, he remembers viet a lot of fun at the omaha steaks man. We've been grilling him for a long time, because I love him you're not going to get a better set steaks meat for the value in food Delicious, how do you get a good omaha steaks dot com, an urban gino in the search bar gets bioenergy iona you get us she'll price on this terrific deal, the all american assortment, and is it The bonus you also get he's. Favorite twelve of ultra juicy. Oh my ass, burgers for free at Gee over ill had right over a few grown up somewhat hamburgers worries at all. Yet he loves the grill lie than those babies you all
I can assortment include sixteen mouth. Watering entrees, with four famously for tender, doubled, butchers cod philemon yards for pork chops for bonus. Press, you get hungry like me, always you're. My mouth watering during this at the end. Downside the reading this spot, I get hungry, twilight yet at the end, sometimes zagging go we there's a reason why almost there's been a leader, gourmet stations, nineteen, seventy, no one! no one comes close to matching their flavor tender and the value of maastricht. What are the all american assortment today? Failure your freezer with enough gourmet, delicious mouth watering food, keep your cookouts going strong all summer law, and don't forget for a limited time, I listeners get twelve twelve omar stakes burgers when they ordered you all american assort post up a little bond for those bits to. This enormous thinks that come bon gino in the search bar. That's almost ass thinks that come here
And you know in the search bar get that all american assortment today actual plastics get going trap it up. Singui, I'm kidding, we ve got a little bit more. We gotta do these are important source just quickly to lead the redemption of carmella harris begin the media understands I've got a problem with that problem. Fellas called the Joe Biden problem, the maid approval rating is negative. Forty six point: seven, they ve got a real problem, all of a sudden conveniently august. First, today is a local august. First, twenty twenty two, the com- a conundrum by the far left wing, radical new york magazine or new york or wherever they hack. It is gabrielle, intelligence or get bree old, be better daddy. Here we go They realize their only possible viable replacement right now. For Joe Biden in what I say viable. I only mean someone with if national? Why may my data run effectively against trump, Kamel harris
so because they know what people can't, though, my kamel Harris just as much as they don't like Joe Biden. What are they gonna do a mute. Some of the criticism here we go fellows harris is the most scrutinise. Vice president member really she met the end and those around her have no doubts. Her coverage has been heavily war by sexism and racing gas area bared there it areas where Tom our active, the great tom, are hindering. Sepia me since left wetter. Every time, every time they need to mute, criticism, age or age as they got into it, got to the great part about this whole thing is: that's crap. Everybody knows it's crap. It's seriously nobody's paying attention to that anymore. I mean exactly zero. People are paying attention to this garbage about everything being racist, all the time it the It's it's at new york, Gabriel demented whenever it is that only for waste, your time, no one's paying attention. Ok, I got a tonne.
Mean a ton of emails about this, and I understand I preach, I'm a house that fox. Ah, I don't work for them. I work with but I love my show. Their people are really good to me and they we do. It shows call unfiltered for a reason we do What I want so I got a lot of questions this weekend. and I'll. Listen, I don't you know Screw up, I admit it myself if I there was real I'd. Tell you I'm going to sacrifice. My credibility for, for you know, did did to protect He was just that's not what we do here. I hope you understand that after spending eight nine years with us here in the podcast. However long it's been I saw this article making a way around. It was on the new york times or something it said. The donald trump has been banned from fox news, which is funny, because I have a show on fox news. Is the number one show on Saturday night use ban from fox news. I found that kind of weird, because I also have a show on fox nation which A fox news product
and we literally just had donald trump. Aren't we I mean you guys, don't do the radio show, but you remember that right to me, yeah? You, dear readers, this last just this last week. Matter of fact, it's going to be on the rumble channel the interview we did on fox nation on my show, richest simulcasts on fox nation this weekend. So a strange I'll drop is four fox news. Yet he was I estimated that was Today's europe is banned from parts of foxes. Debts thank you, because I haven't heard that I haven't heard that either we was banned, Some would say we're like him, wink or not, or something like you can have done a good job. I haven't even heard that so how we kurds, who have at some disagreements with two over it fox, but he works at fort. his media I'd articles as he takes umbrage with the new york times report that trump is persona non grata whenever he says no Edith whatsoever. Guess it wasn't. I can speak for how are you or anyone else, but I dont know there's an edict or bricks persona non grata. I can tell you is I
there you asked me, I owe you the truth. I and told nothing of the sort and joy Had him on my fox nation show this past week I owe you an answer: that's it I've been heard anything like that. If I did rearing I tat, I would definitely tell you supporter of the present. I think you know that when work at a place that told me You can have as someone on the shell when not doing that port story before we wrap it up with the email, folks, you know I'm an investor and rumble I have been there is. An enormously important break that happen this past week, the end of the week. rumble sued, google. I don't know if you know about this: Google owns Youtube ball. Who is the leading competitor to youtube and the video space out there. We have now
forty million users. The platform has exploded, rumble sued google, alleging that in their search payment lies their search. Engine dominance, make sure misgiving example. Be simple wicked. oh likes cars and bikes- So if you wanted to go to say ali davidson fix for this engine whatever and puts it in Google. The chances, are there's probably a video on rumble too The rumble lawsuit basically alleged google was using search monopoly to push everyone towards youtube and away from rumble and other competitors the lawsuit. This past week made it passed the dismissal stage a big deal. Ladies gentlemen, if your lawyer listening, you know the proof how profound what I just said, it. the overwhelming majority of these cases sadly get through?
out in the early stages and met it, met it and I'll never make it placid discovery stage. I should say I'm sorry, precise language matter. They never make it that far they beat it and it was no obama judge to rumble- beat Google they're going to discovery face now, folks go and the trial now is gonna be forced if they say, It was trial and I have no inside baseball on that. My conversations have been limited, attended to adjust stuff. It's in the public. Of course, But if this gets past the discovery forget, it was made a pass in the discovery stage. If this gets into trial, Google is going to be forced to show exactly how it uses its algorithm. To make sure other sites don't make it into their search. Keep your eyes on this folks. This gonna be a really
really big deal. The articles reclaim the net rumbles anti trust lawsuit against Google will proceed to discovery. So on the sum this up, I got an email from a lesser smart and I want to give away too many details, but it was a female listener. She said dan. You know watch your show. I appreciate it. I like it, but she said your show is become valuable for me. For another reason, she said you been doing a lot of these segments and paraphrasing phrasing, oversee alot of email for obvious reasons, about self defence. On your factual, I do about once a month I have had her gracie come on. He is a world class mixed Shall arts jujitsu fighter come come on and watch some of these horrible videos of people can be knob, cops, get assaulted, people be an attack, and I haven't on and show people common sense, self defense tipsy can use lady said she watched it. She was brutally assaulted by someone again I'll leave out details and she remembered one of the tips and it basically saved your life that hinder gracie, put on my unfiltered shell
so because the segments her long there about four minutes each. I can't make em part of today's formal shop because I think it's really important, like this woman, that you see Hannah graces demonstration? once a segment Ahmad law enforcement can do too an arrest without violating people civil rights. It is a fantastic segment on how to tackle one, how to handcuff a bad guy? How to void. Diaphragm stress so people on suffocate for enforcement, so that's gonna, be one and the other one is a video of a woman getting assaulted in cell phone store and its henry take on how you can all the things go wrong when people get attacked and some common sense things you can do to stay alive in a fight, a very practical tips woman took advantage of it that will be at the end you can hear. The ended today show stay tuned Don't go anywhere. If you want to see them, they will be the end were just going to include em like like a trailer.
at the end. You can watch the full length segments there, just it would be ten minutes a today show which would take away from the other content. So if you'd like wait for the and right after this play them info. You can check them out. So thanks Unfortunately, for tuning against stay tuned for that, if you want to see it and please- with humility and respect? I asked you subscribe to my podcast. It help stay on the top charge. You got us up to like number four, so on spotify this past week on apple spy, fi and rumble. If you would subscribe in all three places, it is absolutely free. It helps us enormously. You have no idea. Rumbled outcome, slash bond mancino! Thank you very much for those videos, our sea on the radio show later you just ten von gino, workable and filter? The shocking video of a brawl between a teenager and m Y p officer got me thinking how our officers posted defend themselves when they again in every fight therein, Aragon, luckily brazilian and
joshua instructor had a racing returns to unfiltered to help us talk. Salad, hanner, police officer, have a gun in every five very gone. They are I've used to force restrictions. Is there a way to Situations like this can be handled correctly and safely. well, you know as well as I know, damn that in America most officers get less than four hours of training per year when it comes to empty defensive tactics controls so really there are on no or low very low fuel when it comes to their skills to handle these type of threatening situation, they simply need more training but I have been given that and that's why we see the disaster like we saw on the subway, so I'd love to show you a technique today. A two man, takedown technique is very effective, reduces injuries to suspects, reduces injuries to officers, and, in contrast to what we saw on the subway, where you had two officers at a period during the altercation two officers trying to control the limbs and the challenges were both going for the same thing, the suspect is going to make his exit and he's going to get out because we're both fighting
same thing with other limbs that were not immobilizing their ability to move we're not taking out their base. So instead, when one officer goes high, the contact officer goes high. The cover officer has to go up, so we engage the suspect. We control is nice. We lay him down and we get to right here now. The number one mistake made again from this situation is officers get scared because they are undertrained and the punitive suspect right away recently, but he can't hold them because we prone him too. So, let's go back more time. So instead, as I tie up a suspect upper body and Alex goes low, we lay him down. We can show right here and look into reading groups right here in a position called the straitjacket from gracie survival tactics. I got them here, go give it a go. Zack come on Zack! and what we are trying to do here. Dns keep them position, this aid, that you want to immediately prone to suspect is the wrong. I did the faster you product, the faster you hanker, no, the faster you, probably the faster they build a house and get away. So five minutes superposition, potentially for two one hundred seconds or until their spirit is broken, I don't want to fight the suspect, I'm going to fight the suspects will to fight. So after you,
go and eventually saucer relaxing the situation and, by the way, not us he'd my weight off. The torso is because the diaphragm bill, ass, just building new york, or rather not, the law, the disasters law that restricts officers for laying hens, your honor near the diaphragm that affects breathing? This is terrible for your police officers. I think it was one of the biggest missed The intention was good, but the outcome was terrible because the at least violent controls are now criminal act by police officers, so they can't lay and control. So here in new york, an officer. I'm sorry! If you're any, in the country and you can use body controls. This is where you would do it, but let's assume We can't I'm using would call twisting on control from here I'm not saying we feel it aren't getting arrested by feel good. he's good, but there's. No next regulation is vascular structures are not annoyed impeded, but one is times
If overdone from this position, I'm going to say, Alex laced them up, he'll go under over under under and on one to three ready. We roll them over to a prone position. Now, from your alex tangled leg to step into a single, I told them gracie survival tactics at this point don't hear clear. Also in this point, Zach has the decision. If he tries to build the house, we're going to peel those hands right away and we're taking him into custody with no further se from here. If he doesn't bring his hands out and keeps them tucked. This is common right. How many times have you seen the viral videos of a suspect, prom with hands hidden and you got sick officers. looms shrinking from here, just hitting in every possible way. Is there not trained so instead, these hidden on technique, lesson twenty two greasy survival tactics hook to shoulder breach the hip need price and insertion shoulder dip, walk, walk, walk and then isolate the arm, and then from here we can use some joint manipulation to get the other hand out, but we won't need much. You know why, once we break the spirit, we don't have to break their bodies So I call it overhand. Maybe he pulls up his hand out Alice Alison, go in their private hand right back and we can take him into custody without further incident. Of course, depending on the state determines how
pressure we can apply on the traffic have any here. So this is their debt. Here's, the wild port sir. It's a disaster in American. The americans dont know how under train officers are and those Oh yeah, you know we can get the training because we will have the budget for it. Now. Here's the irony, the agencies, that done gracie survival tactics and then have implemented the weekly one hour, her officer per week, training regimen, what they ve seen in terms of results. Forty eight percent reduction in office are injuries, fifty three percent reduction in civilian hospitalizations during encounters. So the irony is that money will be slaves from situations like this, the money that is saved action, comes in the reduction in workers, com claims and in the reduction in excessive force lawsuits against the agencies, so them its income and better training com from having better trained officers. Therein lies the solution chiefs when you're out there and you're ready hit us at grace university dot com, slash gst. We got your back
thanks so much. It's ironic glad. You know, I ran into the law enforcement academy, the secret service, you teaching our guy. She says thanks for your time than I really appreciate, welcome back to unfiltered tragic, crimes on the rise around the country, with democratic leaders, It is more important than ever to know what it is. And yourself Let me now it's himself. Defence steps is cheap. Brazilian jujitsu instructor success on the show Good man had her gracie header thanks so much. Spend some time with us. We see some really horrible videos, people be an attack. Their places from the street, you gotta keep your head on a swivel. You have Basic self defense tips for our audience if you can't get away in you're stuck yet thanks a lot honour to be here yet again, but unfortunately, in this situation talking about a very tragic situation, it happened in phoenix arizona on june. Fourth, maria Coronado. working in a cell phone store when a man enters the story goes behind the checkout counter punches her face. She loses her balanced, falls to the ground curls up and protects her head, while them
stands over her, throwing countless thanks to her head, then he stands up and start star. taking her from standing position and she's, upon the ground. Eventually, he leaves at the back of the store she gets up and gets to safety, but not without several lacerations and potentially bone broken in her face. So she didn't know injuries, but she survived the situation. She did what she had to do to survive, but people are out there asking. What can I do in a situation like this? What can someone? I love, do in a situation like this, so we want to show you three critical safety tips and it's all based on the concept that we've talked about before dam, which is whoever manages the distance, manages the damage that can be done so the first tip is environmental obstacles can be a resource to you. So in this situation, when the man entered the store- if he was here, what she can do is use the checkout counter or it could be a car, it could be a table and, as I'm moving she's moving around the obstacle, so you have something between us, so I can't even access eve. So what this is doing is buying her time right buying her time to plan,
skip to assess the threat and ultimately get to safety. So, using obstacles to maintain distance between new an attacker can be an incredible tool. What's the problem, though, what if we can maintain the dish, you're in a store confined space. Maybe there is no large object. It. You can use to maintain the distance and the attacker closer the distance on you. If you don't know what to do. Put your hands up in back up and be at the end of their strikes so ass. I approached what does she doesnt step? She closed the distance and now she's chris against. We re here now, crease by being disclosed in
she neutralizes ninety five percent of the power of my punches, because these are just flailing arm strikes and they're, not going to be effective at knocking her out. So she'll get bruised but she's going to get out safe and sound from this position. He was already assessing, whereas the excess water she does. She can pit in the clinch and then push off and make her exit and because the exit was on her clock, she controlled the timing. She also controls the amount of damage that I can do as she makes the exit abruptly and surprisingly to me so you're in that clinch stay tight. Keep your head close circle, look for your exit, then push off and disengage when the time and the opportunity presents itself, but problem get clipped lose your balance and follow the crown bone. If you follow the ground, the natural tendency to curl up turn away and hector yourself now again this This is human, protect your face, feudal position, the concern is that the attacker has full control over the distance of these shrikes. So what you might stop one or two Firstly, the strikes are coming through or in the case that we saw here they start standing stepping in striking there's nothing that restricts my distance from here so check this out when even up and
This is her balancing the fight. She falls down because she knows right away. She wants to keep her legs between her head and the attacker. She can strike breaking his you're pressure has me moving in a circle. He can get access we're facing when we attacked she stopped my hips. She talk me into stage one of the points block series and then from here. What are you doing in managing the distance and managing the damage and people to understand this? This is called the gore and if the sea weapon of greece's jujitsu, because it allows you to maintaining the bottom control not getting plans saving energy and burning the attackers. all the while problem, what its past. Your legs is over you're to turn block and shoot and get right back to them. so the rule is even from here in future classes, get rid of me how to get away stood away, potentially strike strike again and then ultimately get back to her feet and get to safety, but what you have to stand it just because you're on the bottom of the fight, does it mean you're losing be down their control. The head the distance, save your energy and ultimately get out to safety. When you have a two percent itself,
had a gracie last time you were on, I said it was the greatest appearance we ve ever done on television. I take that back. That was never to. This is number one thanks for your time. We really appreciate it. Always a pleasure. Thank you. Did
Transcript generated on 2022-08-10.