« The Dan Bongino Show

Fauci Exposes The Whole Scam In This Video (Ep 1781)

2022-06-02 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the latest piece of video evidence blowing up the left’s mask scam. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about amerika upon a showed its, not immune to the banks with your host dan bonds. You know it's really is even harder and more eggs. I've been telling you over the past few years. The left is just there not hiding or many more when I say the left. I drove out you in that group too, they're? Not hide it just coming out and saying it right out the quiet, our being set out loud, I gotta cut from forty about exactly that. An update on dreaded mask story which just continues amassed. Illusion and another mass delusion here about what is a woman, and what the daily wire and Matt walsh, very, very scary stuff happens for two thousand meals to loaded shell for you. They don't go anywhere. They show by two by express vp n your online activity free. The prying eyes, a big tack and the government get a vps, don't wait, you're to express
vpn dot com, slash bungee, know today welcome the damn by gino, show big. Jubilee! Congratulations! Queen Elizabeth! Seventy years on, Thrown today a little comment on that the beginning, Joe, was very excited about that this morning, sir. Let me very said memory. Through the I do. I have a comment on that. I think you may find interesting. Even even gale disagrees with everything was, like. You know what you maybe up a point there About you buy beam, organic, say, Juno, poor, sleep guided weight, gain mood, issues, poor mental health and lower productivity, or downright I was just nepal, a bit as forty we just I've? Really? I was just talking to Paul about this. This boarding about she was and how she slept so well. It's a deep good restorative sleep. There matters some reports sleeping lesson, six or seven hours, and I could be linked to reduce white blood cell camp by blood cells. Protector against illness and disease. Fighting viruses, bacteria, more now many people realize is but
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Be more gan x, dot com, slash bond, geno, b, o n g, I n m and use code VON geno for up to thirty five percent off beam, organics dot com, slash bond gino check it out. It works Joe dino, so just a bit of a no, not typically my topic royal watching. I am. I have a natural revulsion, decentralized power and monarchy, although its largely ceremonial friends in the united kingdom, we have a large audience over there and I know there's a lot of reverence offer. The queen seventy years law. Time. Ninety six years old, has been through a lot lot a loss. I guess is that a lot of us libertarian conservatives out there. We have this natural kind of revulsion. You know centralize power monarchy, even if it is ceremony I get there, but I'm watching the jubilee this morning at a couple came to mind for a moment
You know it is a ceremonial monarchy. It mean we understand that would put us. For a moment, this kind of natural- you know, I, like the america I obviously obviously do me a big fan to say the least, show of the constitutional republic, another parliamentarian system right its fairly obvious, when I got there You know, I think, that Joel inclination for a lot of us is the kind of poke fun at this hour. Look at all right, Joe wegg fee, queen whatever I say really. Nobody will generally have any power, the queen ass, well ass, pomp and certain. What a waste of time. and here I may get some negative feedback on this. Then it's ok, I'm not here. I lie you. I just how I genuinely feel. Maybe the order of folks, the pageantry of right, the respect for the history of it, a reverence for the history of the monarchy in the united kingdom,.
you know, maybe this suspension of disbelief for a moment. We know where watch a movie, we know they're, just people way did all they ve their share, a scandal, their family, like everyone else in our superhuman powers. They use Bathroom and burp, like everyone else, does. but when we see the royal, so we see what's happening right now and over in the united kingdom suspend disbelief when you say. here we pretend were watching a marvel movie with people with superhuman powers, and we suspend our disbelief like we do at a movie theatre for just a moment and maybe just believing we can be something superhuman and better for a moment is something we need to get back to you know I'll. Tell you and I mean a ten years ago, when a scarf the miller so stupid. What a waste of time. But maybe we can use a little bit more that suspension at this point. I believe- and we can be something better.
if we quietly no, you know we're all centres in the end and are not just my thought, order, pageantry respect for history, it maybe someone to that. I think you're right. I want just think you're right on charlie duty sovereignty, which is stock as key disagrees with everything. You know what I think you're right, that by the way I m not suggesting we should revert to a ceremonial monarchy in the united states There was a revolution brought over that simply suggesting that they are ready for their own history, even if it is ceremonial pageantry and largely use suspending disbelieved believing these people are somehow superhuman right, maybe there's something that tradition is that's right and maybe our broken culture- is because we, we constantly tell ourselves how awful we are right a terrible. We are we're all and horrible people love. Maybe if we go back to challenge of you, what right There are people who can strive to be better, and maybe we should suspend this billy from a maybe we should go back just a thought now, and I spent a lot of time on that.
I let me move on to the real world. We have to deal with right now, not pageantry, unfortunately, but you know I hate to say it because it's so like a we sell praise, thinks it is nothing worse than self praise. As aunt, Jane god, rest his soul. My godmother, my mother's sister, you tell me or that there is nothing worse than self praise, but I never ever ever You think you're wasting your time here when Joe and I put together the idea for the show up, as the original idea of during That's a reason it's an hour or less. That was a reason. It was originally about a half an hour. We wanted you during the commute to get the most important stories of the day. some cholera about what it means for conservative right. Some opinions from cholera- I was our all of tat- I never want to waste your time, a crap. It's why we, we'll talk about a lot of stupid stuff. You see in the media, it's why spend almost zero time and the juicy small acres, because I don't care- and neither should you it doesnt really by EL all spoke to us- is dopey guys feeling.
but I have insisted you that the story about mask mandates, fouche The federal bureaucracy in vaccine mandates, ladies and gentlemen, has nothing to do with science. It is He's been about control the reason the law Is in love with the mask and the vaccine believe me. When I tell you, I have studied these people over a decade of my life. I have dealt with them up, close and personal, it nothing to do with the efficacy of masks or the efficacy of vaccine. We have science on that I'll get to witness. Second, it is almost at this point. This positive these things. Do not do what the left tells us they do. We are right: do it being I'd I'd, say almost conclusive solvents About the science and the efficacy, what is it about it? Is centralized government power, the left cannot
Have you questioning government, even when government tells you something that is science fiction, not science. Because that's our whole governing ideology, you suck governments better. It's simple as that That's why they're in love with the mandates? That's all they want to talk about is masks and the vaccine. No matter what now here's vouchers yesterday on fox, I quit you know, my producer sabrina, my factual this to me right away. I beg oh here you go. You been the whole time. Here's found, on fox history. Admitting that federal government fighting for a red for the mask mandate on planes to get masks back on planes- and rotation. Here's him admitting that this really does your masks and it has everything to do with who the power to tell you two. Where best this is glorious check this out. One of the issues nail that I have I have articulated in the past and I will, in the future it's less about mandates on the plain that it is about.
who has the right and the authority and the capability of making public health decisions, and I believe that the department of justice is operating the principal decisions that our public health decisions belong with the public. The agency in this case the cdc, it's more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies than it is whether or not there's gonna be a mandate on the plane or not kick back you sorry, we gotta get key unjust microphone Joe as what they better as a joe. He could hear Joe. You can hear these keys. You totally dale that yeah. Why, through totally, he said now, but I have to at a little hyperbole them. I didn't ellen I told you. This has nothing to do with the size notice. He never mentioned at all that whole thing The science of masks because they have a new study about mask, which is horrible. Josie does mention that.
he is solely concerned about one thing: what does he say like two or three times who has the authority who, as the authority somebody saying, is health, this is about your health or not yours. There there's it's, you wasting your time here. This is Nothing to do with the damn masks. All it has to do is with. Is you not being able to question government authority period? The judges ruled that the verdict is in where right. The left is wrong. How do I know this that this is all about mandates and authority and has nothing to do with actual science, which We think a scientists like grouchy would kind of be into you know the whole science eating. folks, town. All. Please read this article to my news letter. I don't bother you a lot with reading articles, I'll put them there for you, but I need you to read this town hall,
You know that calm, slash newsletter. If you subscribe, it's free us any these articles. Every morning, the simple nothing's erratic The new lancet, which used to be a respected medical journal left, loves his chair before they ruin their credibility. New lancet study destroys the cdc justification for school mask mandate, ladies and gentlemen, this is called science studies where actually went back and looked at the cdc data on masks quote now: keep in mind screw tube suspended me for saying exactly this- that about the who always out about was about screw tube, fighting back against conservatives on their site. They don't like them. Nothing do with science here lancet study, so they replicated the cdc study, show similar results replicating the cdc study show similar results. However,
Operating a larger sample and longer period showed showed, showed no significant relationship between mandates, encase rates monterrey on so in other words, he looked at the cdc study at expanded, so was even more powerful. No relationship these cells- persisted when using regression methods to control for differences across districts. Reputation. School districts that choose to mandate masks are likely to be systematically different from those that do not multiple, often unobserved ways. We failed to establish a relationship between school, masking and pediatric cases using the same methods, but a larger, more nationally diverse population over longer interval. When we interpret that, for you again may interpret the interpretation.
but the reason covered cases go up and down and school districts have nothing to do with mask and everything to do with other factors that are very difficult to control, Kind of sounds like something we said Scattered sounds, I guess you To spend on us for saying that we then quit youtube and if we quit youtube treasure you quit? We fired you good luck, that's gonna findings, our less video on youtube was why here's? Why we're leaving you too I see because of this Cause you're not interested at all in science lancet which, by the way is is, is is destroyed its own credibility for a number of reasons is now admitting in their science. The data they ve journey this there's no science here at all. does it matter, it is about content, are, will wear the damn mask because I told you to show
your mouth Need a visual symbol of the fact Therein charge the mask on your face and you are not you're not in charge. They are. They'll, never it doesn't matter how many reports come out of this mess thing. They will go to the grave with this. Ladies and gentlemen, it is one of the biggest mass delusions in american history and forgive me for harping on this. I know this story drive some of you, nuts. If we allow this stuff they continue, we will we invite government to do it again? This was a mass delusion. In another, mass delusion is totally detached from science. In reality, the idea that a woman can become a man and a man can become a woman. That's a delusion our true it's up, than any science just like the mask thing, but it's a mess
Delusion liberals tell themselves, and not only is this: if you want to live in a mass delusion you do you daddy yo, apply one with the mass delusion is there. Force you to believe the mast illusion. It reminds me of some of the prophetic box. You know it's not good enough that you say two plus two week was five, so good enough Joe. They want you to believe that they need you to believe it. So it's not good enough for you on that conservative sane right to say: wait a man, Can't become a woman and a woman can become a man god they are due. Categories, that's not true, of the euro would say that you better believe you better believe the opposite is true, where they will punish you now What do I mean? Where am I going with this six, the daily wires mouthwash who's gonna, be on my radio show. Next week
as a movie out called what is a woman, we asked a very simple question: what is a woman? It's a very simple answer, folks, it's an adult female human. It's none of It is complicated That's what a woman is everything in person knows, but mass delusion. Now is that anybody, some woman. Anyone who says there are women who feels like a woman is one. That's ridiculous, and absurd so they have a movie come now called. What is a woman will get a story that this morning. oh yes, money should ideally wire comes under sustain deed, ass attack it's a disrupt the premier of what is a woman. forces- is a serious story. It's close to my heart, because when rumble and locals were why me equity stakeholder and when we supported the launch of two thousand mules. the two thousand and movie by movie by Dinesh D'Souza. We came under a very sophisticated. tribute denial of service attack. That's a deed. Ass attack,
these are not easy to do. They're not They require sophistication and effort this, I would argue to you the same cabal of leftist, fascist, idiots, I don't want you to see. Two thousand mules were likely the same people trying to wipe the daily wire off the map. So you couldn't see this movie. Folks, I want to be sure you understand this cause. I led this every day. This is not a joke. is a very serious people. They are violent authority authoritarian thugs violent, are exactly who we think they are there. You keep your head, on a swivel around these people met a player. they smell for you come up in a minute I got. These people are not kidding. Our violent. They are too article there
Authoritarian and they are willing to do anything- and I mean anything to enforce destructive cancerous agenda. Now there's two reasons: they don't want you to see this movie. What is a woman and there's two reasons? They don't want you to ask this question: what is a woman. the first reasons. One of discussed, often the lead need subjectivity anything that creates an objective category, a god given category they hate because they want values to come from government Something's objective, like god, given rights, woman man, you get your to defend yourself from god than the government can get him between. So this thing the left hates more than objectivity, because activity requires the government to treat people differently and that's the essence of totalitarianism. Like rich people. Just freedom differently take their money. Ok, that's it Don't don't get that off its
The bigger sixty four thousand foot view you but a view, but I'm telling you it's true you is anything objective: faith, family god, given I'd stay hated because it can interpret in disrupted. Second, women's category immutable. They don't like that. Second division. folks. The left needs division. They need categories to set those categories against each other, black versus. Why union versus non union immigrant versus non immigrant. Because I want to be the one in the middle telling me victimized that they are protecting them, but not If your victimized, you need division, so if they want you to believe you're trans and that you are, you can't be. You are not a woman you're, a man even though you're a biological woman. They want you to believe the republicans are definitely coming for you even you have got given rights too, and that they are going to protect you
subjectivity and division hallmarks of the leftist use. Whence you keep those two in your head, you look for them, you'll, see them everywhere, you'll see it everywhere. That's why they can't have you say so. In order to help Matt while shout and the like. steed us attack I'm sorry about a minute of the trail of what is a woman, and I want to show you how crazy the people dealing with are- and I want you to keep in your head- they are exactly who we think they are. They are crazy. They are violent. They storage area and ensure better donwell. Keep your head of a swivel around these people cause they're not kidding, play that cut What did you say that you are doing is marginal? Social media plays a second time. What is that? My husband and father for
to talk. Show I give speeches. I write books I like to make sense of it if a woman is not anything in particular, there is not one particular thing. It can be many things to many people. Some women have penises right. Some men have vaginas garlic, scented candles. I've watched sex in the city yeah. How do I know if I'm alone, Scientists are not a gender studies, major know. How do you know where your man, I guess, Because I got a kind of sums it up that it because I got easier They do burma the website for us for the daily wire analysis and a spot, but was a daily Daily wire that calm, slash bond gino. If you want to check that out- and you should mouthwash me on the radio show next week- folks is a bigger and more important point here. when a play for you. Let me get to I'm going to take a quick break here, but after this I want to play a voicemail for you. I got to my phone yesterday, it's not a joke. It's not a setup, I get these all the time- and I now put them on the air, because I just don't. This is not the first time I have.
But I want to show you because I think it's important who would dealing with keep your head on a swivel around these people. They are exactly the violent thugs you think they are. Some good news, first folds of honor folks essay in and it's my unbelievable charity. It's my personal favorite chaired because education it can change your life, I'm I'm asking you, I'm practically begging you to support them, american flags waving on headstones is memorial day remind this. If, comes at the highest price. confident. My listeners will link arms of me and honour those who bravely preserve it as members of the folds of honor squadron, while the lift the cost education off the shoulders, a military families who gave us so much. The folds of honor awards they, I folds of honor ward. Scholarships can change lives folks, the spouses and children of fallen or disabled us service members.
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people they are sophisticated. They did this deed ass attack on two thousand mules doing it now and what is a woman. these are the same anti for people to be Elam people, the people who support them. They are exactly who you think they're. I got this little gem, Deep out the middle, because the debate It is my actual home address. I get these all the time. And I want you to hear what we deal with every day, because he's left this media time ever noticed Joe and the left this meat, don't you dare call us out for lying. We get death threats. You notice how I never bring europe, even though we get more than they do because I'm not a victim or public figure. And if you come to my house and threatened my family with serious physical injury or death, I will kill you instantly and I will now think twice about it, won't be proud of it. I will be happy about anyone anyone's blood on my hands, or am I driveway, I'm a christian, I believe and forgiveness But I bet you are my family. Believe me, it's you am. I will kill you. And believe me, I won't think twice about it.
I want you to hear what people like me and I'm not the only one, by the way, my conservative friends get these all the time too. This came over on my phone yesterday during the show, and again the beep is my address, which, for obvious reasons, I don't want to put out there check this out: hey Dan bungie, no overdress, there's a facebook page, something all patriot meet at your home to come arm. So you can make sure review thanks, bye There's a facebook page calling all patriots to meet at my home armed somebody saying folks: they sell facebook page I get these all the time. What they do is you see how gettin kid to cute by half. He if he threatens me and find out who he is and we and I, of course I would prosecute here's one threatened you directly. So what they do They do with a wink at and I get these all the time. Hey. We told us patriots to meet at your home. Here's your address, armed, you get it. Happens all the time. They are who you think they are
their living in a mass delusion. and violence is their currency. Make no mistake, sad, but true. Here again from the file of they, are exactly who we think they are here's a guy named rom fillipovsky. I I can't we have no idea who this guy is I should sat on a wee years. I've seen him on twitter and social media, but he's some like hero to the left. They loved this guy. I dont know why I dont know what he did, but they love em back It would probably say the same thing about me. I guess I've got it owed their budget, but I genuinely don't know who the dude is other than besides social media, but run a pussy it. What does he. Oh he's a current. Oh yeah, of course, is the current thing and he's got the euchre yeah. Of course, at fox sports with a germ, even though you are the pie, pull up your mom Jim support the currently we are we here to the current they survive.
fillipovsky is like a hero icon to the lab and again these people are exactly who you think they are so Michael specimen, the Clinton connected lawyer, despite again overwhelming evidence overweight. Wing evidence, that. He deceive the fbi with his text. Right gets off, how you would think a guy like phillip booski, it was overwhelming evidence of law breaking woodward, you like well, you know just this was denied this get another. They think it's hilarious. The up here he's actually ha ha ha ha ha. What is it? I've laughing. I emerges their and our way. Exclamation is what five exclamation point six my eyes He's is john dorm goes down to the feed assessment has acquitted today a trial that trump and Magda, followed daily argue is going to lead to the prosecution of Hillary Clinton. We argued that that's funny gas, because I thought
We argued that, did we not argue the exact opposite? Yes, we did. I think we did yet we we have video and audio evidence, but at that don't count on philippoussis who trust Nothing's happening, Hillary Clinton precisely because the people I grant fillipovsky, who support the new banana republic we live in. third world republic. We live in right now, which is seeing where justice is dead, philip whisky love. They think it's hilarious that even put the laughing guy emoji. this is really funny that the debt- crap nominee for president paid a lawyer to hijack the fbi to investigate their opponents and into a special council, others they take. This great. They think this is great. They are who we think they are folks. Your head, swivel around these people, these the people when the violent starts, who telling you cheer it on the table. what should they will love it here, man,
he's a good guy acting turning general Matt. Whittaker was on fox talking about assessment, case energy. That's what I brought up the other day. How did they That's love this thing: are you think just justice is dead. If you he had tried in a dc court. That's ninety six percent! They d c at columbia, Democrat you have no chance is a republican. free trial and if you're a Democrat, its wallace, we'll go into court and you will likely, if you're, a prominent democratic, get off. Why this a real trial, its start chamber, everybody goes. It goes bay, Michael sussman plead your case, chaff. here's whittaker talking about the new jury notification DC, totally lawless for democrats, justice his blind today crash in DC, you can do whatever you want and it was a strategy here, I'm at issue
his strategy to move. This is nothing new. The Democrats have known this for a long time. Yeah play whitaker. How much did the fact that it happened in Washington d c, where something like ninety percent of the electorate voted for Hillary Clinton and three of the people on the jury not only voted for, but apparently contributed her campaign, that's crazy! It is crazy. You know four percent of washington DC voted for donald trump, and so obviously this is going to be a pro democratic. Pro Clinton jury, my boy, concern is that the jury foreman came out and really gave up what the jury was discussing, which is that they thought this case should have never been brought to their attention in the first place and that That's a little concerning this looks more like a jury. Nullification were even though the evidence was overwhelmed even though they, the government prove their case that the jury just decided that this was a case worth pursuing and therefore they were
Remember twelve of them voted unanimously, not guilty. So that means that even, though the evidence as we know it, which is he said in that text message, but he had also gone up and testify capitol hill under oath that he was represent decline and his building workers show that. So I mean this this case to me, factually and legally was slammed on key. Spokes! Listen! I have been. I did this for over a decade of my life. at the local level in the federal level have testified trials before Multiple indictments is why this kid, was a slam doc, I'm telling you that I am an opinion guy I get it. I am a conservative, I'm telling you that with every single bit of objectivity I can muster this. Wasn't open and shut case. The evidence was overwhelming, and yet what is it tell you that jurists agreed to hear the abbots, in other words, Said to the idea that the court- yes, we will serve on this court in this key,
And here this evidence, because we want to do this now and that In my opinion, they misled them. They sled the court, They knew the whole time that they were. no matter what we said and cordial there was going to be inaccurate. Diverting the jury or woman you're sorry I a bigger things to do. We have bigger things. Do there's better ways to spend their time. Then? Why did you agree to serve on the jury? makes wallace d c, They wanted washington d c, the democrats to be lawless for them, so they could do whatever they want. I'm gonna show this a part of their plight. This is not new. The Democrats had plan for a long time make wash. Linked in DC for a very specific reason, a play. Where Democrats can do whatever they want and report gains will be prosecuted for doing nothing like MIKE excellent listening Yesterday's episode of you want to full take on that. To my mind, explanation
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enforcement, they wanted the courts and, as I said, they wanted the jury all to make sure that Democrats would never be process that be prosecuted in that successfully in the nations capital. Let me go back to this article. Twenty thirty the difference that we do on the show you I can see elsewhere. You think this is new. We're twenty. First, twenty thirteen washed imposed parking. Harry read the Democrats trigger the nuclear option and eliminate most filibusters anomalies. What does this have to do with a lawless washington dc arena for a second but folks, for nearly our entire modern existence. We, They filibuster option on the nominees for the YAP for the circuit, appeals and supreme court. A buster, meaning you would need to muster together sixty votes in the senate out of one hundred harry. reed was a senate majority leader. At the time. I thought it so important that they see
the washington d c court of appeals that he threw. out our entire history and our protocol and he said no more filibuster on nominees to the dc circuit court. It's gonna be just fifty fifty One instead of sixty votes here, there's the pieces from twenty thirteen. crash used a rare parliamentary move to change the rules federal judicial nominees? executive office appointments can advance a confirmation boats by a simple majority of senators rather than the sixty boat. Super majority has been the standard for nearly four decades for liberals forty years the idiot rationale for the move: listen to allow for the confirmation of three picks by obama to the? U s: court of appeals for the distance give colombia circuit the most recent example of what democrats of long considered unreasonably partisan obstruction by republic really forty years
obstruction, that's kind of weird considered Democrats were a charge for a lot of that. They threw the rules out forty years of proto they threw out to me. Sure and twenty thirteen that they could stack what court but their nominees. the washington dc court of appeals. Now, why is Why did they want DC, lawless, lawless juries, a lawless fbi and alone? dc court of appeals in case you appeal the case and get to the court of appeal. Why did they want to make sure was stacked with low, ro. Partisans are not actual judges. because, what's in washington, DC all petitions and politicians on the Democrats. Side and some swampy republicans too, are typically really really corrupt. What's also in washington, DC think tank. step work with Democrats like brookings Go and attack donald trump, so if they
it prosecuted jurisdictional where they want to go to court Joe Washington, d, c, baby yeah. Yeah and that agree. regulations that are challenged by the way? Liberal regulations about the environment de unconstitutional regulations, where are they challenge to I'll wash did you say: that's right because that's where the regulators are both nothing the left as they do by accident, and I gotta tell ya it's way past the damn time we get used to this. These p, the plan for keeps man. We been plant checkers for generation talking about tax cuts. I love tat cause I talk about it all the time. Folks, tax cuts, don't matter if we lose the culture and the system breaks down, they have wanted forever the jury's, corrupted judges and corrupted law enforcement, and its Working we're losing its time. We all of us
the swamp. I'm tired of this that the slogan hearing. Every body, the next president who gets in everyone, should be polygraph at the law enforcement level. Everyone should have another background check done at the management level and if you can't profess to then the constitution, united states, I dont, want conservatives, I don't liberals, I non partisan, then get that wow. not only they want to corrupt the jury pole, not only they wanted that by the way. That's why I didn't want to move any the agency's out of washington d c, I only want to corrupt corrupt, the judges and the courts. One people out of the fbi, not of the vaccine, mandates time to begin to show, makes sense If you dont support a vaccine mandate, new support, the god given right, the body sovereignty, your likelier, what conservative, which means you're out of a job in the military or federal law enforcement? We are right given.
The vaccine doesn't stop the latest variants at all and that's why you get people like this. Another fbi, manager, busted, read this story and the newsletter throw its duty, I begin centre. Chuck grassy raises alarm over partisan social media posts linked to an fbi official. Where does he work he's in a sack folks assistant, special agent in charge very powerful guy, in where the washington field office by gosh famous people plan was always to stack. The court corrupt. The leadership in the military and law enforcement, and now you have the central portion of governments power in d c, which is get out of jail, free card for democrats and a star chamber for Republicans what a deal here. Here's this guy sky was in a sack a very powerful man in the washington field office people like the february tweet from the left wing midas touch group that criticized
Carson. fbi, measure also liked another lincoln project. We A good project he like in october, we calling call rittenhouse a murderer less than a month Where he was found guilty of those charges and he liked the September We criticising governor rabbit for his response to poverty. It goes on and on and on. This. Guy was a manager in the fbi, washington field office. supposedly, according to this report, had a role in what job public Corruption monitoring about corruption. Oh you mean like politicians, none of this. None of this is by accident. None. They want to start chamber for republicans in d c: get out of jail, free card for democrats, and it's working. Play cupboard covered yesterday, even though that died. I got a lot of good feedback, which I was happy because I was very worried about bringing up the flynn case again, but I wanted to For you, the contrast of what
happened to my flynn. Despite no evidence, he did anything wrong at all versus happened? Michael assessment, hilary connected guy, despite overwhelming evidence. some injury, the flint, judge, Emmett Sullivan The eye supervisor you think you're going Get a fair trial as a republican in Washington dc. Please, IRAN, fillipovsky ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Five emerges, five exclamation point: we get it things on the left, east stunning incompetence out of the white house continues when I say stunning in I mean like in your face, you don't even have to dig for its like you got a lock and read through. Let me advance again to page twenty two in the book. It's in forward to the book like this park. Is owing to be about a guy who really socks
competence out of this white house is stunning. I don't I. I candidly don't know if we can handle another, plus years in the sky. I've got a monologue coming up on my show on foot talks on Saturday night by the way, thanks for making this number one again, I love you hope with the bottom. My heart, you are so amazing. The show has been just kick ass. Thanks to you but I've got a monologue coming up the beginning, Michele Joe Biden is a child. Is an infant show you every example, this guy not taking credit for anything ever. He either blames or he misses the signs every single time. The failure, this guy's epic we get to my last sponsor I'm going to do that going to go through this, showing you the latest example where he actually slept. And for once, admitted that he state again total slip on his part Finally, you hear them at the beginning of every show express vpn.
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Why would they be formula? Be a problem? Gee, I don't know Joe. Maybe the substitution effect, or lack thereof, in other words, yeah mistake: shortage Bobby a bad thing, right. You like stakes, they restaurants, you're gonna, suffer. Nobody wants to see that But it's not a catastrophe existential catastrophe because you can eat chicken. You can eat pork meat fish salmon, whatever you'd like you die because of a stake. Sure it's not good. It's a bad thing for the economy. Babies, don't have that option. Folks, you don't have baby formula. You have death and the dull. The golden rule that thereby Juno shows what fellows dog dead, don't get dead, definitely don't get dead. You don't want to get tat. Anything that helps you get dead is a bad thing, so when someone goes through the president's as listen, we a shortage of the only food source babies have and if they don't have it, they'll get dead. You would- if would say, damn that sounds like a prob near new new
Just Sunday warned them, but this incompetent stunningly income. in buffoon of a human being. Currently, just after off Here he is yesterday on t park, back to the good old days. Joe tape does not take any more on tape. Slept being admitted admitting that they did what This was a problem and whatever First you're going to hear him explained the crisis away, try to, and then you get to hear him say after question: yeah yeah, they told me what buffoon listen to this?
so for you, place our nobody anticipated it. and then he says it's the end, everybody anticipated except Me- I beg you, let that I hear that wrong method that at odds edited for time. But it's a complete thought again Nobody's messing with you here I play old thing, but it's the same nonsense again. Nobody yet
dissipated except everyone in the industry who told me and me you guessed it off folks, this guy It is a very- and I am not exaggerating here- is a very real existential threat to the constitutional republic. Is a stunningly incompetent human being stunningly. the inflation crisis he was warned about too. He was told by just about recombinant Republican and a number of democrats, including larry summers, the former Clinton treasury secretary, he was warned if you print a bunch of money we don't haven't spent in this. and stimulus package. You want to pass Joe Biden you're going to get inflation has a matter he did it anyway, because he's a buffoon, HU jia. Loves the left wing celebrating him because he has so little character a dignity. I mean that.
here's larry summers! Ahmad David Ignatius yesterday saying listen! This is ridiculous. Like the fed? There's gotta be some accountability. the federal reserve which, by the way by loves to blame the federal reserve? Yes, The federal reserve did digitally imprint this money and physically printed too that led to this inflation, but why did they do it? Folks, did it because Joe Biden, the democrats in a bunch of swampy republicans, demanded they print the money to pay for their programs. Don't give Joe Biden a pass either. Just was just defending the feds, a big part of it, but oh Biden and the swamp are almost as big a part of it? If not bigger, here's Larry are saying fed ever going to look back at what today's or any accountability here at all check this out. I do say dear me, to be considerable soul searching the bag. As to how they miss this as badly as they did
they were declaring that inflation would be transitory through most of twenty twenty one. It was becoming clearer to clearer and clearer, too growing number of observers. Inflation was not ass. Being purely trade The jury. Remember this biden and peppermint and others how inflation is gonna be transitory too. Despite that gentlemen, right there, it's a Democrat, Larry where's, he was literally bill Clinton treasury secretary, despite the fact he and others he and others was it. You and firmness. While was firm and democrats and brad appointees had worn them. You print this money to be inflationary chaos. They did it anyway on them. They ignore it. Inflation
warn them. Baby formula beg nor it. You're being warned again, listen, listen book, market job market, thursday june; second Now nine forty three m eastern flag carrier. Thank you. You don't acknowledged verbally with your flag. It then I won't no, it doesn't happen, chose gotta flag mark my words. They're being warned again, A nasty energy crisis coming this summer, syn, street journal. We covered it the other day there will be rolling, blackouts this summer, we Where did the other day this end you god, this energy thing nerve? This barbarous border is warning them There is not enough energy to go around this summer and roughly two thirds. so the country will be subject to rolling blackouts. We put this right up the other day. The north american electric reliability corporation? It's right!
your folks is warning them quote. Two thirds of the united states. Could experience blackouts this summer. These are not cripple signs, Joe the baby formula, people told them we're out a baby formula deployed nerve, it's going to be blackouts. larry summers, Going to be mass, inflation, These are not crib. Signs. This is not the rosetta stone where peace, we're broke. It made it hard to get a cypher right. This is not that much we contact or the guys here's the proba jody foster, you don't need a tremor their way we black out. We have oh baby formula print money, there inflation
Brimmer there will be inflation. What does that mean? Can I have the language problem there too? Judas, telling you now and what when there are blackouts this summer and people Food goes bad at it. People get heat stroke We could also do what you they'll blame the damp juno show or someone else Could we did it. My whole model on the fox show Saturday night. It's gonna be about this and how much longer we can take. Finally, one last story: men at a time today, I again, the Democrats, this absolute stunning incompetence folks, they are now here. We are now in a public safety crisis in liberal cities. Why? Because again We warned them the signs, weren't cryptic He told them Joe. This was crazy. We said you know if you pursue this, define the police, anti police, anti public safety attitude. She
or with no police, you're gonna get more crime and democratically. With scratch has ignored. Now, that's not gonna happen. We're gonna, send social, workers out. Are you are for a barricade of gdp with a knife emotionally this their personal good luck with that have fun. So we warned them cops more crime course they, Britain, to be puzzled just like we want them about baby food inflation becoming blackouts in the summer. That matter we You probably don't want to cut. The cops, is going to be a surging crime. So now there's a surging crime. People are dying and wash the examiner's. Sarah westwood Democrats now want to reframe it as a gun, control issue. Joan chicago new york, l a Seattle, very liberal citys. You think, pretty strict going control. If you need a minute, I understand you. I think they would,
and, I think, he's thinking Josie she says I can see he doesn't want to commit- is a little nervous about the answer she doesn't want to commit, but he's guessing- and that's a very good guess, because he's correct that. Yes, there is very strict gun control, so the strictest in the nation and yet the crime rates. They are outta control, which would say to me that there is zero matter of fact: a negative correlation, more gun control, more your jaw equals less public safety or the direct correlation. More gun control equals more crime. So, of course, because liberals were born and failed again now they're going to try to switch it to a gun control issue again because they don't want to admit the real problem. Is the liberal goons running these places that are getting your people killed, Sarah westward notes of violent crime in seattle is up thirty, two percent in the first quarter, where the first quarter of twenty twenty one when it was already surging. By the way, the surge in crime followed the passage of a gun, control, packaging, twenty eighteen, when one These states voters approve the Bela a ballot initiative, among other things
raising the minimum age at which an individual could purchase a semiautomatic firearm and required a ten day waiting period for customers looking to purchase a gun, Morgan control caps, lock is a causal knots, Just think that is a correlation. You seen it right there are you not seattle, it is he put up their lives. You ve been warned by tomorrow. Questions right there friday. I see you didn't forget questions. If like to some questions for tomorrow, show we do a block of the ankle questions for Dan. Please go to my locals account. I post a lot of just unique material there, you not going to see in the podcast, Download the locals app or go to locals dot com. I am debug gino at tea, bungee. No, there you can subscribe we'd appreciate it, but they post. If you want to post a question, go there I'll, have a post questions for dan I'll see you on the radio show Sarah payments gonna, be a guess latest amount to check that out see the radio show it. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-18.