« The Dan Bongino Show

Fauci Collapses Under Oath (Ep 1903)

2022-11-29 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the disgusting liberal fascination with sexualizing young kids. I explain the grotesque reasons why they’re doing it. Also, I address disturbing comments from the White House which sum up why we’re fighting against them. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je know. Why is with the plebs and the sexualizing of the kids? It's disgusting, Gross, it's just plain disgusting, but there's a reason for it: I've got a video from the view, that's hard to really get your arms around a piece of the war. In ports. It's just a major it's getting worse. The sexual asean of children. This is just you're, unadulterated, evil. I've got that. Allow me today show brought you by expressly pm folks We and protect your online privacy protect your online activity from prying eyeballs get one today go to express vp, dot com, slash bond gino, don't wait! Welcome the damned mancino show I've got that segregation is back, wish it warrants
but liberals zone only want to sexual eyes. Kids, they want to re segregate society. I I am old enough to remember. When liberals I pretended to think that was a bad thing, segregation which it is good that an update China Biden loves china gimme the reasons and a whole lot more traditional somebody by I target at the websites. I target pro dot com for years. You've heard me talk about I target. If you have the I target system, I'm going to take you to the next level. They have a new product and it's something you need to get it. Competitive, shooters, a practice, timing, drills on the range imagine being able to do that at home. Anytime you want without spending a dime, went ammo, that's what they all knew I target cube. Does the eye target cube is fully compatible with your existing ways around You can buy one or upgrade to the three pack for a truly unique training experience. I have it. I love it. It'll make you a much better, safer, more she user firearms compete with friends, practice clearing, jerseys, random mode to test your ability react all by this Sometimes every shot you take right now save temperature.
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There is no objective: two, that's a heavy open, but it's true. So one of the best ways to annihilate the idea of objective truth and the governor and a government by consent to the governor is secure. These factions and one of the best ways to divide up a society and wore them against each other. To create chaos is to create division within the family and the is no better way to create division in the family dentist. actualize, kids and confuse them at an early age and use them as objects, see in terms of marriage and the union of a man and a woman to create a family and procreative, that's something the left, the mosque as its source of values,. it's a source of values, independent of the state. Left doesn't want that. The left only wants your values of mistake, not from a sexual union and a family. They can't stand that the best way to divide MR confused kids about their sexuality and that there are some sex is just some kind of a toy
we played with this and post it just never stops. What is with these people down state play about pedophiles. It's all brilliant, softening the sub folks body blows every time it moving other window each and every time bring us of the star, because this is a hugely important story. Ladies and gentlemen, the view also did a segment yesterday and this growing scandal, with this fashion brand call balenciaga view heard about this. They did the photo shoot not even going to show you cause it's disgusting, it kids and end with teddy bears a mean young young kids teddy bears bondage This is a famous fashion house, all kinds of celebrities where this stuff, so the view asked about this, an balenciaga claiming now that the they navigate to do with it that the fridge. forget it there's showing the photographer over this. They add a supreme court
report case sitting there on a counterweight teddy bears in bondage and kids. Just this, scots thing, grotesque eve, immoral staff ripe? So here the view yesterday that left wing lunatic shell and their support conservative, the biggest grip they're in the history of political griff. There I mean makes an call wallace and principled right are less of a fairer who Unfortunately, I've had the unfortunate. Pleasure of dealing with some of her family members just an awful awful human being used. So far on the view we get a load of this this balenciaga scandal. These are republicans pounds. It's not about balenciaga, doing a grotesque bondage thing with kids, it's about giving
republicans ammunition and then saudi Hoss than the view uk condemning either? She just condemns balenciaga ugly ugly clothing. This is the love for check this this. I am this an campaign, particularly just tasteful, I'm in this moment since there's this there's a growing anti growing, anti algebra, ciccu sentiment right now and at what, how its being framed as as portraying you know, trans people as rumours. This is a terminal here on the far right. There grew rumours. This is where you get the anti drag queen steps that were dying so balenciaga playwright into their hands by having kids in a sexual eyes manner carrying something that represents. You know sex acts. I think it was a really bad misstep at a moment where it's just kind of a dangerous time to even give credence to those kind of insane take their may. We can't even show the picture because it so distasteful or what's also very distasteful balance jago. Lately it declares its officers bag that bag that their little girl is huddled up. If we have to remember one kim K was dressed for the for the giant lovers alike, but it looks like a bad image.
Talking about what you could arguably make the case is child pornography, bring about in terms of republicans pouncing like this. Loser elisa ferreira does and then sunny hoskin distasteful, but let's go to switch topic so the cloth and by the way I want you to notice them by their collapse. If you want to remind that, I'm rumble watch it again. You can bet of Kim kardashian air with that, whatever, with that, whatever she had on the suit or whatever sued whatever was. It was ugly by the way, there's nothing to do with the topic, though, do guys catch gear and tv you. What will the eager to see where I'm going with this? they had to have that element. Pre packaged for the show, meaning That's funny, hoss in an already kind of vetted. These talking points we don't think for a second. I always used to slip and she just changed her mind and want to talk about the clothing and spur of the moment. They thought sound advance at element was already written into the show she was no question in my mind she was thinking about a way to divert
away from the less disgusting fascination with child pornography and had the clothing argument ready to go in advance. The elements here. Look at the video you listen outlines. Watch the rumble you'll see just write their absolute freak and eve absolutely costs thing. Task folks, we weak or divided. The left knows that they need us divide. They cannot have a powerful liberty, loving capitalistic, contrary based on prince of freedom in liberty, where everyone is equal under the eyes of god and the government could derive, derives its power from the people. They cannot because it's an example the rest of the world by socialism, socks. They need us divided. This is a feature not above I'd kids from parents, black from white women for men, gave from sri union from non meaning union. This is the We think they know is division. We are we
divided, I cannot emphasise to you again in strong enough terms. This is a feature it is not. Bugger their system. harping on yesterday's show which, if you mess, was a good one check that out in the santer, but he's coming back from vacation. So please check our yesterday's podcast through its words, your time here again hard evidence. The left loves the idea of the vision and segregation princeton tory can read this in my newsletter today. Mancino that complex user Joe again, you and I are old enough to remember- Racial segregation was consider really genuinely evil thing that is bad by genuinely evil colored waterfowl in here colored? counter here. Why counter. Here, then, It's a really bad idea. Folks, that's it! us thing idea, let's go gay melanin sample from your skin you're too dark for this counter. You sit over there.
I really like that idea, a lot Others say people like that idea either because it genuinely evil rising people by the melanin level of their skin? Why not the linked to their hair, I can see the left the racists now that's different, that's different as the difference and other physical characteristic. That has absolutely nothing to do with your character. Its back The princeton tory princeton, is forbes residential college starts melanin monday's ray, steam study, breaks. So here is the one of their use that people think this is a good idea. Doctor Monica Johnson said doors during a study breakin november. Seven melanin monday is, of course the pigment in our skin melanin. Monday's is something that elise and I have talked about, and the goal is to provide a space for bypath black indigenous and people of college students on campus that may or may not already exist. regaining by parts of indonesia bypass. They have accurate,
so everything why they love the vision and they loved to give you label segregations back, no left this bringing back. Ladies, Gentlemen, they love this stuff division, Is there any game there In kids from parents, black from why women for men union from non union immigrant from not only if this is the wrangling me a weaker divide, they want us weak. This is just right. it's a good point uses italy prevention. Why? This is some kind of tactical advantage for by why? I don't understand thought. The idea of tolerance and diversity of others, regardless of physical characteristics, was the left school all that crap They can't segregate people quick enough is the same these. By the way I try to keep asians another minority group. Of colleges, because there's too many asians
keep Jews out of college still before agents. So back you can look it up. You're never gonna destroy the united states without fostering a sense of internal division in creating this division. Cancer, the division, because they want to bring the china model here. They want that china top down model here The only way to do it is to destroy the model we have now, where you are supposed to have constitutional rights, Enshrined in our constitution but granted to you by god, regardless of these false categories. They want to stick you and they don't. Why dad man it is the model. You notice yesterday, when given the opportunity there are now mass protests breaking out all over china, china torturing their citizens using covered lockdown as an excuse to imprison em. So, kill them.
Well them into their apartments? China has been using covered as an excuse to enforce totalitarianism for a long time ass was given an opportunity yesterday critique that and they wouldn't to that in a minute. I want you to listen here. This sir tyburn, see research witness together. I want you to listen to hear this super cut of, oh by the way talks about china, he too about him in this water tory celebre tory way. Why? Because he is it. for two reasons: Joe Biden loves china number one his sons alleged to have some significant, potentially corrupt business dealings with china, given ass that's and money on behalf of people connected to the chinese communist party are damn serious allegations and Joe Biden needs to protect them. What kind of black they'll follow, they haven't Joe Biden, but the second reason about shockingly is even worse
Joe Biden than the left? Ladies and gentlemen in my or china I covered the storm yesterday showed you they consider that china top down system a role model censorship. surveillance, political imprisonment, attacking political enemies. The left wants to do that here, You on my story is there is a perfect example. I get to that in a minute to use it what kind of Joe Biden listen to how we talk about china, he ll china, they work their system check this out. China is not our enemy, I believe, then, I'm even more convinced now that arise in china is an incredibly positive vote, for china, the united states and the rest. It is in our self interest the channel we continue to prosper. China is a great nation and we should hope for the continued expansion. We want to see china right arising, china. It can be a significant asset through the region of the world. China is going to eat our lunch. Kumar They're, not bad folk spoke, but guess what we're not
whether or not there's competition for china is not our problem. We can hope that china's not a problem, ideally chinese, your lunch is bizarre. So what are we? What are we worried about china? A soccer player We don't think in retrospect that you were naive about china. No folks, it's been said over and over by enemies that I say sports or enemies, the united states, internal and external. The united it will not be taken out militarily from the outside. Not now, maybe in the future. Sadly- and I hope not- but not- now The united states have always understood that the united states has to be taken out from the inside from a cancerous wrought like a metastasize in cancer from within. It's the only way. The only way to take them down I understand that bats they foster this internal division and that's why Biden was this what top down model? It is always been a desire of the left. This
to destroy individual liberty and Letty Why did once the brilliant ones in government dictate the conditions of your life? Always again, this is a feature a bug. I am very sorry if I'm annoying you with this by saying this over and over, but one greatest revelations. I ever had that open my eyes and I ever turn back after that None of what's happening is by mistake by the left, its up bad policy, its animals stake it started? acts code change. They did, they thought would help that backfired. It is being done on purpose to destroy the governing system. We have now and usher in this china model signed, sealed delivered, he's yours every time and got a brother they I had the opportunity yesterday, the white house to come out and
if a bold public statement from Joe Biden himself about china, china's freedom fighters, dear in the streets with blank pieces of paper which represent them being silence, because they can't hobart protests eyes, they could have come Yesterday and the right thing, not the easy thing for them. said. We stand with these protesters. The chinese communist party, what they're doing to their citizens is immoral and evil, and what's a basic, do they trot out this? This discredited hack at this point John kirby, an embarrassment at this point- the guy Well, we was previously known as a decent guy. Who's just become a parrot a bit governments. Socialists talking points he's ass yesterday, I listen. What do you think about these freedom protests therein? China? Listen to this rule, ridiculous milk, toast dodge showing how pathetic this,
ass, kissing china regime we have in the white house is listen to this. What is it As an its reaction, when he hears protesters in china, chant freedom war raging set down for that is not going to speak for protesters around the world, there are speaking for themselves what I'm going to speak, protesters around the world. They'll say for anyone else around the world, they speak up for Venezuela's well production to speak. For china's ability to do? You know dodge any kind of their so called green new deal. Southern build more coal plants, they'll speak up any communist regime. In me, brok obama wanted to speak up for cuba, but they can't speak cup or and protestors and protestors in china when it matter from other groups,. revolution- that it's really strange they'll speak up: for ukraine, but they won't he got for china. Why beak as love child all day.
This system- they love it, but they absolutely no problem speaking out against free speech here at home,. So they do nothing to back up the protesters over in china, nothing of substance. But when free speech at home matters and elon musk buys twitter and commits to free speech. They have no problem: attacking that. Why? Because there too, solitary and smokes. That's why it is so obvious this ain't going to get, but just before we do. Please turn this off a second listen! I get. It hasn't been the greatest couple of years. I understand inflation Biden, twenty twenty twenty twenty two. I get it this fight, wherein is noble. What you're doing is noble, which you're fighting between this kiddie porn cry. internal division, china. sick offensive
kissing of totalitarian regimes around the world. What you're fighting is genuine evil and if you, We believe there is an after life. I want you to understand. You are on the right side of the curve of history and there is zero doubt my mom and you bring your resonated pearly gates that they'll look at it and give you that second look don't say that lively role centres I get it for you are fighting in are you are fighting a noble fight, and it's an honor to have you here and join you in it get to more of this in a second cause. This is a incredibly important topic. Folks, right now, seasonal excitement or dreads really started to settle, and especially for small businesses. Why you want to. through traffic to the post office, of course, inbox more like a blizzard Then a winner wonderland, rushing sound cards and gifts to your loyal clients sat too late, your holiday mailing and shipping, under control with stamps that come stamps dot, com sign up now and you'll be printing your own postage and minutes stamps
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representative of this constitution- republic, kissed the yes of china. When I get to speak for the pro, so to speak of his wide art. Why not Why aren't you speaking for the protesters? You don't believe in their righteous cause. But the liberals in their basement calling for boycotts and censorship here, acting like they're real renegades, your pieces of garbage those are real freedom fighters over there in china, many of them are going to be killed for protesting. so: what's the white house up do yeah there is attacking you on mosque thou. Why? While of course because they're communists their socialist baby. It's right! There of totalitarian governments. Twitters censorship vehicle before they were are bought out by EU law, must was away to gaslight people and I'll. Tell you what's really go and from what I hear from people. lines about to release the goodies on suppression of the hunter Biden story. He said
on twitter and he's gonna release it on twitter hasn't happened, yes, yet as of the recording of the spot gas, but it does of course, we're going to cover it what I am hearing from sources, the white house is terrified: material that will likely be used in a lawsuit to sue the government on first member grounds for pushing a private company twitter. Be advising them to censor free speech which is clearly unconstitutional. They are paid do about it here. Here green job here. Make no mistake: this is done, deliberately pay we got our eye on you, elon musk, we're watching you throwing the first amendment out the window and just letting you know she's a communist with kirby and others as well. They love the idea of the scaring people using government power to do a check this out. Thing that we certainly keeping an eye on and look we We have always been very clear and
that too. When it comes to social media platforms, it is their responsibility to make sure that when it comes to misinformation, always when we come to the hate that we're seeing that they they take action, that they continue, big action again we're all keeping a close eye on this. We all monitoring. What's what currently occurring- and we see you know- we see it with our own eyes of of what you all are reporting in just four for ourselves. What's happening on twitter, make no mistake absent. lee no mistake there- Is one political movement in this country that you is the tools of fascism to enact a authoritarian top down state which deprives you of your civil liberties similarities only one there's no doubt about this- and it is the left that is it.
green. Jean pierre does not care that you know she's an authoritarian, I d ministration does not care that you know their practices, the principles fascists of use forever. To suppress political opposition. They do Care, how do you know that their because- talking about it in front of the press as if their proud of it, because they are, they don't care what you think. the only way to stop these people is using the process and using our votes ourselves, we had a decent mid term, not a great one. We have got to get these people out of power. There is no other option, you fighting a righteous fight. It's not going to be easy. It took a lot long time to get to the point where the left is softened up their own party to make them comfortable with censorship and kiddie porn. It's gonna, be
a long time to rip this out, root and branch. It's not gonna happen overnight. Unfortunately, china is not the only communists, socialist fascist state The administration admires loves. I wish they were. There are still seeking a deal with the death to america. Iranians who have given the family friendly middle finger to the administration. They love the iranians obama love them. Biden loves him. The Democrats love the iranians. they ve the cubans, yad bob abiden and no bomber, the member that your bomb administration with Cuba had an over to cuba. Let's go watch a baseball game with it with a murderous regime. They love this starve another murderous regime. They stall around the world. Are Venezuela that's right, yeah yeah! We see one right there, venezuela. So it's kind of strange how Biden made an effort here? to destroy the oil industry.
Spending leases in the gulf spending oil leases in alaska cancelling keystone. record low numbers permits in the united states to drill on federal land, have done nothing but annihilate the oil and gas industry here, making your gas prices more expensive so it is strange that the by demonstration just again took their surgically attach them to the ass of the communist murderous terrorist regime in venezuela, and so you know, we're gonna, let you guys open up royal production again we're gonna. Let chevron go in there and doing so Bobby again discredited, told live zero at this point. Kirby gets. shit about this yesterday at the white house and just straight up We kirby at the bide white ass does
Just like you guess why you here, listen to this sanctions relief for venezuela wise at the present time. We rather land use companies drilling for oil in Venezuela than here. In the? U S, that's Not an accurate take, president's view. Earlier this month he said no more drilling bear more drilling as decided that's out of it, I found an accurate view. I understood that You did romania behind a simple question right: it's not ok! again. I just wanted enter web in this joke all of about thirty seven point five seconds, maybe lass either to their famous This site, Google, to make sure like it wasn't crazy or anything rightly you can't be accuse. You got some right, leaning search engine and what First, article came up so binds not cancelling oil leases. CNBC. Emma Newberg Biden suspends island gas leasing in a sort of executive orders on climate change that a fake news.
look at the day january, twenty seven, twenty twenty all right. When he got an office twenty twenty one january, they do their. Someone said that the kirby please. What about his recent suspension of golfer ghastly sweat about that, but that happen either. what about this is just a few weeks ago binds the question in pennsylvania right before the mid term about on gas leases. What about This answer we make in this up to someone should send this to John Kirby. Your check this out wardrobe no more drilling form any new, no drilling folks, you know why they one of the best parts about the shows. We only regurgitate where they have already told you. But what are you gonna do fact check that always missing contacts. What what context deserted there'll be no more drilling. What context is there
he met there'll be no more drilling, except he didn't mean there'll, be no more drilling. but there will be drilling in Venezuela. There will be. Coal plants can dog constructed in china metaphor record numbers of coal plants they'll be Christa oil production in the future out of saudi Arabia just probably not go and ask the russians her producing a bunch of oil. So what then what happened there? Saudis are actually degree similar production now just to stick it, thereby because they can't stand them and think he's a loser. What happened. this administration. Ladies and gentlemen, lies they lie. all the time I've reply Lee stated to you: it doesn't it that they lie, there really bothers me and gets to me it's they lie about everything all the time. Everything. I got another one coming of next. You want a firearm for self defence. be wary folks
they're lying to you again about their intentions, your farms. I get that I've got a la bore, don't go anywhere. They get to my next sponsor. First, See you got here highlights many receiving hillocks matters should be obsessed with him. I have one, I got the midnight locks lubbock sleep like a champion downsides. You must sleep anywhere else: hotels, Where can we back to my heel existence, quick and for non box? You absolutely love it. You believe how well you sleep, waking up, feeling, rested and refreshed helix sleep is a quick ways. It matches your body type In sleep preferences, The perfect mattress for you or someone else, Everybody is unique and he must know that they have several different matters. Models to choose from and the mattress comes right, Theodore ship for free. you don't ever need to grow manchester again soon. He'll sleep, doc, arms less than eighty alikes ever you won t get the tradeoff rendre nights risk free, leaving for you, if you don't love it, but you will hear
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sky amongst politicians is most unreal. Didn't character free individual, I have ever seen he a wire Harry was just the other day. He said the question about semi automatic firearm, where's anything, that's not a revolver. that functions at a semi automatic years really said again, just his words folks. The idea we still allow semi automatic weapons we purchase is sick, just sick. It has no both socially revalued none, so there This attack on semi automatic firearms, of which a large portions audience probably owns, That's his real feelings on it by the way, which should concern all of you, Can I have the votes to get that through, but he's gonna push and if he did have the votes believe me he would get rid of all firearms if he could. As always is words. You all fact checks you want a missing context or whatever, but that's what he said here.
The words used corinne jean Pierre again trying to clean up this guy's mess and he answers whose right mean job here by the answer is idle no, because a lie. All the time check this out did the president speak or does he impact want to ban all semi automatic guns or no? He was. He was talking about assault weapons. That's what he was talking about. On the morning or that afternoon, when, when he was asked a question, That would be any better, because there's no such thing as salt weapons is a made up category a firearm by law because it sounds scary- wouldn't be any better there's somebody said: ok, nobody said and why, is keep happening again. The guy lies all the time. Nobody trusts him folks, as I said before, just about ten minutes ago, you're involved in a noble fight, but whenever back away, so whenever back down the whenever get for us when the greatest generation centre, eighteen and twenty erodes the ghost-
I mean you, Tom, aha beach, many from working by german nazi machine gun us we're not asking you to do that. Yet, who knows what will happen with china?. but the pants, the administration kissing there ass a biologist acquiesce, but this fight matters fighting cancerous ideological curse plaguing our country with every single mom, a queue of dna in your body and everything you have. You not relent. This cancerous rod from the inside, that's destroying our country through division is being done intentionally and the epoch. Entered. The disaster is in america's blue cities: new york, saint louis los angeles, Chicago, you are seeing our blue cities the epicenter of the inch destruction decaying our society from the inside out
the crime wave happening now now in these blue cities is a perfect example. This structure. They want wrought throughout the united states. Here's the thing about them. although they loved this destruction and the vision because its intentional they will try to pay The bach and suggests is Michael Anton says outside happening, but it's I did it is what he calls the celebration parallax. Depending on an angle, you look at it if you said a bright, the phenomenon you're, one of them. If you dont celebrate it, you are to be attacked. Teeth the police, they loved it. when you highlighted it. You were cause that can call a conspiracy theories. How is I thought you guys loved it. An article James Freeman, is up in the wall. Street journal call bloody blue cities. Do not all for this scam. Not free infringements, highlighting scamp. This left this scam, cabin newsome and other hacks, a governor of California, trying to pull this now. What they're doing is
Gus thing and pernicious, and just as evil is your child pornography love affair with there trying to do is. Pointing out blue cities that exist in red states the blue cities are where the massive crimes spike is happening. The red state governors there have nothing to do with it. blue cities in these states. They point out Example, in this piece of ST louis Missouri, where the missouri their crime way, the Missouri crime rate would be down dramatically if it wasn't for blue saint louis. So what the liberal talking point all of this crime spike now step, a red stayed phenomenon ball. That's the case. It's abiden phenomenon, the charge of oliver frames? This is called bloody blue city. It's worth your time. he notes how the washington, post again that disgusting, fake news allen did exists We this
highlighting the spike in murder rates in these nine places around the country now What are those nine places have all in common germany, you venture a guess. Are those places with exploding primates, you'd, think they're, led by republic. no democrat, may I just take a gas, throw it out if you wrong. It's ok! Now I think, from what I've experienced, probably with the blue, guys, the terrible guy. He hath amazing how you got that right is a fifty fifty sharp explore gas by JO, of course, so the washington post rights is peace but these nine places with redeem it. Spiking murder rate. And freeman notes to really weird how they left something out. The posts row quote. the post visited nine of these places, which have seen some of the nation's highs, recent murderer, it so freemen, follows along. He says it merely a coincidence the mayors of all mine of these places are democrats,
because the washed imposed story doesn't make. The connection is Joe, would say here. Instead, the news paper simply observes that the featured cities are quote, Spread mostly across the south in mid west salvage, identical where there's a lot of republican government. Do you see the gas lighting you see why they attack ilan because, if isla ask on twitter if we had an actual fact Check or to fact check this story it would, the liberals would like idiots it would make it look like what it is a blue cry wave and blue cities around the country and their use of the south in MID west. Is very deliberately Gentlemen, none of this is by accident. None of it removed Of this liberal cancer from our society, you are involved in a noble fight. Your life has meaning be proud, What you're doing this? What's your fighting.
sexual liberation of kids crime waves in inner cities, china, communist party, torture, state- this is you are fighting, or on the right side of this, be proud of what you're doing spend given, meaning in emission. Take it run with its scope, A wider story, but an important story. Nonetheless, another store in the wall street journal, I'm gonna, get to video and foul Gee. That's just damning. He was deposed the other day under oath. Very interesting but found she didn't say, but I want to get this One story: I got a lot more, please I'll go anywhere. We got a loaded show for you to. Let me get to my last sponsor the holidays spokes in the most exciting furmity of russia family! If you want to enjoy them the foolish you need to get the best night's sleep every night it's easier than it sounds, do what I do get ball and branches the soft. This most luxurious organic cotton sheets from poland branch. We love them here. ball b, o
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the story again a little bit of a lighter story, but folks is something going on with the child tax credit right now bear with me again. I get it it's not the most like punch in the god? I got explosive story about this other stuff, but again it points to the cancerous liberal rod, how they're, using the tax code to create a welfare state to create a state of workers and state of people who don't have to work or supported by the people who work the child tax credit, but by the way I am Listen, you know I love facts and date on the show. This was a public and supported idea to. It is because, a disaster. The Democrats are, searching for a massive multi thousand dollar child tax credit they give away to people to make it refundable. Would you get the money if you have kids weather? Pay taxes are not what what's a problem with that one The wall street journal notes. Folks, it allows democrat had to raise rates on any income in the upper income. The visions and allow people at the bottom end of the time code
work at all and take the money that sounds fair does sound frere. Why does One wise anyone else entitled to your money at no cost to them? You really on a california style system here, worries a percentage of taxpayers are paying all of the taxes and everyone else just free loads off them. Do you want that? now? Maybe the easy answer of your level is. Of course I want that. Screw those rich people they deserve it. Why do you want that? You can't work You don't want to work too lazy to work you and cable, of working ever ask yourself. I'm not suggesting people who are wealthy shouldn't paid, Since we do have a military to fund the court system to fund, we have a constitutional government. that suggesting that at all. over the idea that Large swathes of society should pay nothing at all for policing Fire military cord, sanitation, roads all and Every one else should pay for them.
are perfectly capable of working. Get off your ass and go to work. yet skin in the game to your government to see what happens when you let the left, get ahold of tax code and swampy republicans by into it you came over not frowsy false found, he's back he's back, retired he did. But there Law suit going on right now, thankfully, a bunch of republican attorney general's or showing the government on the story. We were talking about before the ilan story, about how the federal government is obvious. If the first amendment they are prohibited, From engaging in anti free speech behaviour by this thing, the constitution, you heard of it job once or twice was. It makes on the showing yes, random, conifers averted, they sent me up one type, so there's Stig about the right to free speech in this country, government can establish laws to infringe on free speech and what the government
so I can do is because they can't attack free speech. because we have constitutional god, given protections enshrined in our constitution, they can't deputize others to do it either. They can't do that. I can deputize Joe and make him immune from lawsuits if he goes and sanctions other people speeches. I can't do that no work around no workarounds has run claim by the chief of staff famously claim we? go on every like that. We could call yes, you can't do that. So found. She was depose because there was a bunch of self censorship going on early days of cove and you aren't allowed to put out the science unless factually approve of it, found she was being deposing court and what The questions that came up was about his changing of his opinion on mass Joe. Let me do this universe play the video first, here's doc. Anthony found she for telling you the truth that mask stone. The
surgical, masks at least do almost nothing to stop the spread of covert at all and then you're going to see a little back and forth the heap changing his mind on messed. He was asked about this in court. Arguably this answer in a minute watch a video for people should know walking around with mass. Let me just state for the record that masks are not theatre wearing a mask might make people feel a little. it better. It asks, are protective and what is not providing the perfect protection that people think that it has not been any indication that pudding, has gone and wearing a mask for considerable It is time as any allow serious effects thereof on and the consequences people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face. Then can yet some schmuck staying inside their horse first Gee dollar a mask worm ass, though, where a mask, whereas a some switzer development Of course, we know there is no science backing up the use of cloth and surgical mass to stop kuwait, or I for one I know any respiratory disease whatsoever.
doesn't stop. The crazy left, of course, was thinking ask on your face: why? Because it's a mandate, they love mandates and they ate eliza chinese communist party which less mandates to that's it. That's the reason there is no science you at all, which is ironic, because factually com He claims he is the site, so this gets really read this peace read this peace. Please read this peace by news. Today, but you know that council slash newsletter, follow its free check it out epic times cyber so was deposed honor. and it was asked a very simple question. First, she said nowhere mass Joe science. Then he said, wear masks. So what changed you are? scientists right? He said he is the science show. I am science, remember said: yeah yeah So he was asked what studies did you read the changed your mind they noted up, times asked about this change, while under oath on november. Twenty third
she couldn't provide any studies, accordant lawyers representing plainness in a case against the federal government, so strange with. I thought he was the science quote. He was What studies or study changed his mind and that interim which is where he claimed he claims It was study, took him at the mask issue. He couldn't name adding yet in europe, You know one of the lawyers told the epic times about the science right. It's all about emulating that china top down commune Authoritarian state telling you what to do if they ve, let you If they let you object to their mandate, you will object to other mandates coming down the pipeline in the future. Don't ever let a crisis go to waste that is their guiding every single time got a couple other stories and update america county coming up in a second to none.
to get to this joe- I don't love. You remember this story about a bird doing the shell from palm city, which is like now to house feel like we ve been like Joe. I'm writing a book book and have it available soon for pre sail out. Somebody last night of Joe came up again. I was review in the chapter, but I'm gonna get you a copy, Joe you gonna like it. How we first met boca and die Sometimes I wonder if you remember seventy sued baboons over the senses so trumpeting. Tromp administration, there's gonna, be a census count and Proper administration wanted a very logical question put on the census they want, question. Are you a citizen or not very simple, check the box or not laugh freaked out. We talk about it, for a couple days. Why the left freak out because the left was afraid that go here illegally? I wouldn't spawned the census then and the left loves illegal immigration. Why? Because it boosts. Population in liberal state. which does what
It gives a more members in the house of representatives which does what which gives a more votes in the electoral college, to see why the loves illegal immigration now when illegal immigrants, some of them may become legal in the future. Due to you know what I do, the leftists love affair with legal immigration. If they start voting republican, all this will change. I want to kick everybody out cause. That's how the left is remember the left as written op eds. You can look it up in the new york eyes about. We can replace them at demographic destiny, put it in a search engine dicta and he's illiberal demographic destiny. Talk. This all the time, so the hated the idea putting a sense, a citizenship question on the on the census. There is a great op by a former congressmen, jason louis from Minnesota daily collar chin. The newsletter today talking about it- Zactly what happen as we predicted go back and listen folks, the left's! I
here here, people are moving out of liberal states and they are moving too conservative states, florida and taxes which is causing a major problem for the left, It's giving Florida extra congressmen and women tax Is the same Creating a powerhouse in the presidential election because it's giving the more electoral college votes you need to seventy to win the electoral college. Every congressmen, plus your two centres, gives you a certain amount of electoral votes, can't have that. So Jason louis notes that you know a lot of people were leaving Minnesota minnesota should have lost the congressional see, but they didn't the title these two great one how the senses saved the democrats he talks about over accounting in eight states, over counting of people and the senses, Joe again another, just eared for now
we all, but one of those over counted states or blue states here said. Minnesota would have lost the congressional with a seat during the senses if it had twenty six fewer residents. Survey shows the state was over counted by two hundred and sixteen thousand people Little miss wilma rhode island, would have lost the seat of the senses, had counted. Nineteen thousand fewer residents turn them. Stay was over countered by more than fifty five thousand individuals texas in florida should have received an additional seat. Mouse rhode island. The minnesota should have lost the sea, but they didn't colorado was given an additional see, it didn't deserve bingo again folks. We warn you you're not wasting your time here, warned you. This was gonna happen.
Speaking of elections went to wrap up with. This is a single best explanation. I have heard maricopa county has outrageously certified the vote, arizona in a failed election. There zero question about that. The problems were manifest, We need a thorough analysis of how we got to this point. Voting machines broke in america, county arizona, printers, not working just they grotesquely operated alike. and here is the best explanation I have heard of what went wrong headed this guy, who spoke at the elections board check this out what we saw on election day was outrageous and to say that it was anything, but that is You think we're stupid or you're just that arrogant what we ve seen from you in the election office. In your response, very simple questions needed to be ass. Twenty twenty was a disaster. How is twenty? Twenty? Two worse, you I cannot say that you can certifying election when half of the voting machines were down was it a thousand
Well, that we're disenfranchise was a ten thousand of the people that were there in line or the people that didn't show up, because they saw in the news action machines didn't work. The fact that you ve already made up your mind you already made the decision you this is. This is all semantics. All of us coming up here speaking is semantics. You ve already major vote. You ve got, This is a new said. The world is watching in your right. There was hang in there watching this disaster play out in front of them. You responded to the hiv with the most most pathetic inept. Bonds. I've ever seen, you have not redress The grievances of these people went in german. You damn well now. This happened in a liberal state a republican and won the governorship let's say LISA than one in new york and they were videos of liberals waiting on long lines. Turning around going home and not voting. You know damn well. There would be an international uproar right now and paper pieces all over the front page of the new york times. left only cares about the integrity of elections when they went and that's a fact,
Thanks again for tuna, really appreciated my dear request. If you wouldn't mind, please subscribed to the pod gas. I deeply appreciate housekeepers on the top charge. skype, apple and spotify. If I appreciate its free also on rumble rattle, five million up to get the three sorry was reset nego. We do rumble dotcom. Slash bond gino, really appreciate your time sooner. You show me, you just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-30.