« The Dan Bongino Show

Ep. 719 The Swamp Is Panicking

2018-05-14 | 🔗
Summary: In this episode I address the panic breaking out in the Swamp as the truth about the operation to take down Trump comes out.    I also debunk liberal myths about health care and economics using some troubling current news stories.   News Picks: This piece nails it. It breaks down the inconsistent statements from players involved in the scheme to take down Donald Trump.    This older piece covers the attempts of players in the scheme to cover up their tracks.    Why did this UN nuclear inspector suddenly resign after Trump’s Iran deal decision?   Single-payer health care continues to be a disaster.    This isn’t a debate; the Left sees it as a fight.      .Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks. With your host Dan Bonn Jean. I want the damn bond GINO show on this file. Actually, you know it's not fine Monday. It is a complete disaster South Florida, where it hardly Ever rains for more than a half an hour an hour, it has been raining animals, are lining up two by two I see an arc floating down. The street has been raining forever and on the weakest, because I never get out of the House Little Damn Bonn, GINO trivia for those you who care to now. It may be too information for others, but whatever You know I love. You also have feel like we have a personal relationship, I'd like to go at the weekend and hang out. Like an hour outside and get some son. It's good, it's good for you medea it. I never get out of my house ever because I'm always working and
We got nothing, no sun, nothing arcs come by animals line and up there's a mean. It is just as water everywhere snow is: we can already you know, he's up their railway to go yet a little pressing. I gotta tell you Joe: it's dark outside everything. Usually Joe behind you see the the light Gratitude when thou art I aren't. I got a real it stacked show for you today. I have it piece of audio and now Joe it's just wouldn't you say, being a knee radio business almost belongs. I've been alive. A customary to play a clip say over what forty five seconds to a minute. I mean you try to avoid it because you know lose your audience. Riah you're gonna stick tune, usually more than a minute unless it's a particularly interesting well, when I sent you want this week, this clip that we're about to play in a few minutes. Wouldn't you This is worth de one minute and forty seconds two minutes or so it is you want. I started listenin to it to see what you wanted at most
get stop and get to work on the cut, but I had to finish advantage this year, is incredible. Now It is a club clip of Henry Davis just to be clear. If you have, young ones. Listening now, Jody it's best to creatively bleep out there's a lot of export is- and I am certainly not condoning that, although I've been known to drop quite a few problems myself, the bite job leave them out. So, but if you have young ones listening it still, I get it. I just warning you the cliff Here'S- some it's a little room, but it's worth hearing I'm going to explain that to you in a minute. Why? Because it's really important some of you may have already heard it's a guy named Henry Davis and, as I say it is a red pill, neutron bomb going off everywhere, arbitration body nobody's wax rx how to use
this week when your ears re queen, they can get really uncomfortable that itch their painful and get plugged up making it harder to hear what happened to me. I was getting the ear. I hate the ear itches, People use cotton, swabs, cancelling or drug store remedies to clean the ribs, but they really don't do the job. They can even be dangerous and get a real solution for stubborn EU acts. The wax or x you wash system is doctor developed in work safely when other products fail. The wax rx system is the method, physicians, trust the most, and it's just like the system. These neurons feels really good to Joe when you clean your ears. Equities appeals also lacks arrangements with everything you need to safely clean out. You waxing condition your ears conveniently at home for less than the cost of a doctor's visit. The doktor develop Wax Eric,
system uses special wax softening drops to break down earwax inside the ear it has a specially engineered pump fitted with a unique tip. The jet li deliver the perfect amount of cleansing pressure to flush wax away. Finally, the ph condition formula rinses and sues your ears make you for the ultimate most complete your wax removal system. Visit, go wax our acts that come to order. You reusable you wash system today. We love these guys. Go wax. Are acts that calm, that's go. W acts are extra com, go wax our eggs tat come off Rico. Dan free shipping is really works. It's a greener but it works better than of dorky yeah, the dorky. Definitely energy have no so, I'm shop in the public's this weekend and I see candy someone's is tweet. We follow each other on Twitter. I see a tweet from her and its.
FR. I am a gentleman who happens to be black. It's only relevant because of the ongoing debate about the black Community Democrat Party started by can do so and from turning point USA and Conway West. Now, for those you miss the story for some quick background, and this Owens, who I know you know what a full disclosure I got- a full disclosure I'd know canvas eddies great. She, with an ethical turning point, USA that focuses on Charlie Kirk's group on college campuses, advancing free market ideology on college campuses. And this always because she's black has become a target, of course, of identity. Politics, Democrats, Joe who can't stand anybody who is black and not espousing me liberal, the greatest everybody else shut your mouth line? Ok, yeah! Can this risk the tweet from famous rap artist, cognate west, who said I like
awakened the someone's thinks this happened about three weeks ago, Joe all hell broke loose shared when I was in one time, the secret service. I was doing a the true story. I was doing a job for the g7 down a Georgia was yet in which seven on sea islander some I was doing some border k, training for a local police, the farmer. It is their culture and we're trading like the Georgia stay, troopers and others on how to handle transportation, motorcade type assaults and I'll. Never forget we we would do these mock attacks, reduce like roman candles and everything like death, dissimulate, mortar fire things, after every so after every attack, if they did something wrong, we do a debrief and it was this one guy. He was asleep. I could use a state trooper a local cup, he would say, hey man. What do you think happens in every single sinner he'd say we would five and down
and it all hell broke loose every single scenario. He would say the same thing we tweak and we thought it was the funniest thing, but all hell broke loose after Kanye said this week, because the demo, let's have a monopoly right now on the black vote upwards of ninety percent of black voters will, for the Democrats, despite the fact that the Democrats policies are actively harming the black community. This is in a really troubling component, I believe, of politics for a long time. The fact that they have so managed to persuade so many people that their doing things in their best interests, even though their not. I had said to you I dont know Kanye West I've never met a man in my life. I don't know him politics. I dont know his wife Kim Kardashian. I know nothing about him. I am not suggesting he's a conservative because I don't know I haven't spoken too. I'm simply six I think, too, that the kind Yea West Tweet was a very important moment because Joe it
something we haven't been able to do in IE odds, etc. We need a real conversation where some Poland, the black community, are out there saying maybe colonies right, Joe, maybe Public ins are the answer, but maybe Democrats certainly are in either. Maybe we start looking at something else, having sex that this guy's name is Henry Davis, don't know the guy, I don't know anything about him. All I know is. I saw this video. Can this when's is twitter page, and it is again give the language we're going to play it in about ten seconds. So if you have kids, we bleed it out. But I understand if you want to come a fast forward ahead, but I you to listen? This is two minutes worth your time of an adult. Male black voter whose finally had enough of the democratic garbage play that cut yeah? First of all, we can call you do downright Kai. You make America godly again make a mark of great gave. You say,
the right. Damn thing it's about time: some black people store stand up from rich black people, star, stand up and start talking about what he's gone, oh, what all of us are. The black people stop honest plantation say a solitary figure it out like dollar twelve vote. You till you just listen to the weighty talk. He sounds Alternatively, just listen to the way he talks. He sounds stupid as a mother to Al Qaeda. The right thing when you say all went on both talk about cracked one on poles talk about your breach, what I'm talkin about killing each other causes Karlsruhe right, isn't that don't know party one or did somebody I'm only worried us while we lived in a black, we have no more time to turn on the radio Talkin about either to work in a body or kill a new job.
I will add this we're really piecemeal. We talk about Donald Trump, represent white supremacy in June. Sat repulsive, forget about all that. It man sit Joe Scope. It is now, genocide is everytime. You turn your tv. You see a young black men, all young black woman dead in the street at the hands of another black parts of new data. Yeah a car, yea I call you out with your brother and just what I'll put you in my new book called the co man. The low turnout, Antuco wedding went like what the USA Summit about What you go, the risk you gonna lose somebody like that South Africa has grown. As brag people. Tat is well as me before. Aid slavery. I never been more sleigh I'll know no flight
no, but I know burying our unease, mother Fleet Street, trying to make it as it is old poet, says, block a Democrat. Right. Click dough, trough of crap. Three. Well, it is a family friendly showing you have to understand. I really tortured myself over this and I fully understand if you get to send me some negative emails. You know I read them my wife and I both we emails on the website, but I really feel important put that on their despite the language. I not want to be appropriate again. You know I've been known to you. I grew up in New York and just being can then I I'm not suggesting it's right. I'm just saying you. That's pretty com it into your people. Talk I get all time and it's not people talk business weeks in New York. The lot of you from New York to stand the reason it's an important moment by the way that their clip is gone viral. Now, the reason
What is important is because I've do you repeatedly folks at the Republican Party, more importantly, the conservative movement design of a message problem It has a messaging problem, it has. We're getting problem the republic. In party message is quite popular. I know this. I ran for office and I used to knock on doors in the black community foxes This is like a talking I'm trying to impress you are says you knocked no. I actually did it Joe noses I actually went out and not on doors we have. We were known in Maryland for our grassroots campaigning, Marylin has a significant black population and in talking to people not just one or two folks, hundreds, if not thousands, of black voters, male theme EL teenage. Adult seniors, I was always pleasantly. Surprised. How not only right, leaning their ideology. Weren't am, I don't mean they and like a collective says, I just mean, proportionately speaking, the over well
A number of black voters I spoke to had not We right leaning, but very leaning, ideological beliefs, give me my own money get out of the way. Let me work, you know the sanctity of life, faith Gus ever been to a largely black church. I mean there passed on a Sunday. Which one was a biomass mass on a Sunday less than two hours. I was a while. This is what my church vote, five it is you're out the door I used to go I played in the praise ban. I all right. I know the church you're talking about only white guy in the church, shivers right above the road from my house, where you, gentlemen, must become there from my house on Sunday. We did the show on Sunday love folks. I can't I'm not trying to make universal United liberals do stereo, because comments. I've just telling you in my experience the percentage of black voters that had right, leaning, faith based work based family based police was overwhelming. So if I'm,
argue that those are largely conservative beliefs. I'm also questioning too, and I have for awhile why there we keep losing the fight for black voters, despite the fact where four things: black voters, the ones I ran into large. We believe in the air Sir is because the conversations never even started. There is never been a conversation about the viability of conservative values, because Democrats and media have been so effective, it saying don't even talked. Conservatives there, a bunch erases that, understandably, when you're back If in this in this propaganda, the idea We ve been talking to a conservative in hearing what they have to say. Joe, is stop. That's why I'm How are you the con yea moment and moments like this report, despite the fact that I don't know this guy Henry Davis, you may not even be a conservative annoyed you, I don't I don't
nor can the west as a conservative. He may not be I'm telling you folks The important point here is not did Kostiei is a conservative or that this, the guy you just heard Henry Davis, is concerned by the way he was too about tee. I who another rapporteur, soup after conduit for his, I like how can the so instincts whose canvas who happened to be conserved tee? I went after so he was written on, but how grown up in the street I saw it on with so much I'd- be a tough guy in or out of need and care much our press. Anyone right thing: everybody get over. Self sooner with that stuff, I own group industry, but I did, I grew up on the streets in New York, I you know sixty fourth place. Myrtle avenue wasn't like. Ah, you know wasn't I how all of us know middle lower middle class neighbour, Matrona, press anybody that I'm just trying to make the point that the people who work break through into those communities.
Middle, lower middle class, poor communities that are minority hispanic, another set of traditionally voted Democrat only because they believe Republicans are evil, are going to need people who talk the language of the streets to break through. Do you understand what I'm saying Joe you casual or one of my biggest complaints, has been the republican Party. We I can tell like a methadone clinic and we want to talk about the laugh or curve. Listen. I love the laffer curve the idea that there's a sweet spot tax rate where you can generate the most amount of revenue. It's a zero percent tax rate. You re zero, zero dollars because you're not taxing anyone at a hundred years, tax rate, you re zero dollars to because you ve take everybody's he's and I have nothing left to investor earned and they have no business lap. That's a great point. The problem is when you talking to people in that don't clinic you may want to start talking about their problems and travails on the street with drugs, and if you ve, grown up with
Silver Spoon in your mouth is: a lot of politicians have Joe they ve never learn to talk tat language, I get it. I guess the languages is is is tough, I understand, and I certainly want for as much as I I get it. I understand I you know using the Lord's name in vain, always bothers me, and I am not lecture and Henrietta Henry I'm, not anybody's preacher. But I'm simply suggesting to you that sometimes you know not, everybody talks about the wrong curve and the laffer curve. Sometimes people need what are we ready Hall Joe Little, but a tough love. You call that you know p in the real world, where people work really hard. Sometimes people need to hear it in here. Tough, a little reckoning, you here and I think, that's important. I think that could buzz. I sent it to Joe when I was kind of questioning myself, my for another reason
The group has long, do we play it? I mean no one surely heard of the sky that now that I know of yet, but I think it's a critical moment. Understand this I'll some leave at this cause, I got a lot to get you to have been some more just into unbelievably explosive developments. In this case the people- oh and up but the minority coalition the Democrats have assembled to fortify poppy without victories in the country. Gave odors black voters, hispanic voters, women, voters, young voters, that's their coalition, largely that will end. I collapse if they lose the black community and I'm telling you that voters, Ivy Eagle, eyed, large body of experienced talking to real people on the ground when the converse we should actually starts a K. You sure these Democrats are fixed in our problems or try to maybe the problem is, and you know that less maybe the promised to much government right. What's that
of rotation starts its over them. Crap parties- we know it is finished, and this guy I that that's quite a ran right there and it is now a viral, so go check that, out its honest, the twitter feed is Henry Davis. If you check out came the summons it's on air and if you're on Twitter, you check out my feet. I retreated it as well. Ok, I got a lot to get you today to get some really terrific girl the store. Falling apart there trying to desperately cover up the source in and it's not working Joe, and I guess I got a great story for you from any Mccarthy today. That puts again time line shows you. These people are in a panic right now DC swap are today show You brought you by bodies. I target the item you The system is one of the finest systems out their fur upping your proficiency with a firearm, that's important! A body can pull the trigger on a firearm. God forbid you have to do so in a self defence in area. You have to be able to hear What's your firing at now, one of the best way
do go to the range, but the range can get expensive. You have to clean your weapon if they get to the range dont, you don't have a range conveniently located close your house. So what do we? we can try fire now. Try far, you got the safely unload your weapon. You check it and check it twice to check it three times you make sure it's a safely unloaded weapon and one of the things we used to do on the secret service in the Nypd. Is you with the with that safely unloaded weapon? You would pull the trigger on a safe. We unloaded weapon always point, of course, in a safe direction and you would practice your trigger pull you to practice your sight alignment, but there's a problem: Absolutely no idea where the round would have gone because as an empty weapon, the eye argue pro system has fixed that they will send you a laser around Europe. That leaves around any safely unloaded weapon. It you don't have to make any manipulations. I can hurt your gun anything like if you have a nine millimeter firearms I'll, send you a nine millimeter around. I have a clock. Forty three! I love this thing. You put it in there and when you press the trigger on at least around it'll emit chow.
Kingly, Joe laser onto a target. They send. You worked with a phone app and you will see exactly where those rounds would have gone. It is a great just my people, they semi pictures of their groupings. On Monday and and like a Friday or next week in you're like while in a week, look at what happened, there shoot the wings offer fireflies the best system out there, the websites I target programme com. That's I target! oh dotcom the letter. I target proto commies Promo Code, Dan D, Anne and you'll get ten percent off. Of course, if you ever forget, sponsors of their websites go to Gabon GINO, Dot, com, slash sponsors and you can see them all their with the promo code as well, but check it out. I target pro dot com promo code Dan for ten percent, are ok, the big big question, Joe who's, the sore says we ve sat now. I have a pretty decent idea who this person is, but the store is falling apart and collapsing everywhere. There is an incredible peace, national review by Anti Mccarthy,
I haven't the show notes today at bungee dot com. If you subscribe to my email list, I will send you these articles good at around nine hundred plus words, but it is worth reading because it describes something that has archly I escaped the screw. Of the hacks and the mainstream media. Now we know based on some inquiries by Devon, new Ness and and the House of the house, select permanent committee on intelligence. We know There was a human intelligence asset. Think about what I'm going to tell you here, and there it somehow in the Trump campaign. Now know Joe they weren't just spying on them. Using Pfizer surveillance and of the word signals intelligence. We would in the no in the arena. Here we call it. You know humane incipient right and signals intelligence, emails phone calls, tax, you're, you're in you're setting signals from Joe to his.
His criminal handler or terrorist handler poor now. That in this case was bad enough, because there is still no evidence. Anyone on the Trump team actually committed any kind of collusion with the Russian, so its effect case altogether. Doubling on this we now find out thanks to new and that there was a human intelligence asset, meaning somebody. Who dealing with Joe spying on job for the FBI. My spy, who bugged me this Joe with it the James Bond analogies, I love I've seen every movie is actually not the last few, but breathing I don't like to Daniel Craig movies. I'm sorry, my eye, like Roger more, he was my eye. I love Sean Coterie. Of course, the icon, but I grew up with Roger more so now, it's bad enough. You already know that from a swedish nope did the breaking news last week was there was a human source, and last week shows we discussed who those sources may be. I'm relative
confident I know who it is its troubling deeply troubling. Here's the problem not only the F B, I have a source, it appears the FBI. Although they had a source of human source working in an opposite political campaign, the Trump team for the bridge- Obama, justice. Pirate, it appears show that they pass this information to a foreign spy working for Hillary Clinton. Yes, yes, I not I'm not making any of this up. Ok really and the Mccarthy peace. Now, how do we know this? Ok, I have this framed out because I like to take it out to thirty thousand feet to keep you all, and you know it at ground than on we're. We're going. Is the question here: did you Fbi actually passed sensitive information to a british spy working for keep, in other words
They tell the spy that they had a source in the trunk campaign. Give do you want they out? How devastating that piece of information is better or a bureau of investigation at a human spy in the Trump team pass that on to The first steel former am I six foreign spy who was working on after the Clinton operation to nail the trompe that you say well, what makes you think the F b I did that. Well, bizarre screenshot of eighty Mccarthy's peace again, which will be in the show notes, go Glenn, Simpson test. If I remember these dates is gonna be important. On August, twenty second of two thousand seventeen testified in front of the Senate, he said in their testimony. Listen up! This is a quote. Essentially. What Christopher Steel told me with that FBI had other intelligence about this matter from an end Donald Trump campaign source? This is Chris.
Four was running fusion GPS, who hired Christopher the oldest british farmers, spy to nail the Trump tee. So just to be clear, Simpsons tell the Senate. That's Theo although I that the FBI, told the that it there's an internal trump campaign source I continue and that they, my understanding, was it. They believe Chris at this point, because Chris Christine, a negative information on trumped do, but why did they of course, the FBI they believe precise information might be credible because they had other intelligence. That indicated the same thing and one of those pieces of intelligence The human source from inside the Trump campaign who Why so? Not only is the FBI, signals, intelligence, intercepting information, phone calls, emails, all kinds of things. On the Trump campaign there
buying with a human spy on the Trump campaign they political upon her Barack Obama and then their sharing. The information with a former foreign spy working for the Colinton team to basically drag Donald Trump along the bottom of the sea floor. Folks, howdy the first. How did Simpson know that now. Simpson immediately tried to walk this back now. When did he walked back, follow the dates this testimony, folks August, twenty seventeen in January of twenty seventy. The testimony becomes public, the somebody becomes public and immediately a so ordinary washed in times towards close diffusion, GPS, said Simpson: Miss characterize the source
in other words out on all we were talking about a human spy in sub. Why? Why why we were talking about a human spy inside? They can't pay. Why Would they do this? Why does this matter for The entire time? The entire russian collusion narrative has been fed by a stream of bs from, the FBI and the deal J that these contacts with the Trump team where information was exchange. There was talk of russian emails. The entire time Joe. This has been portrayed, This accidental contacts this australian diplomat met with George Papadopoulos in a bar, unable just haven't beers and Woe Papadopoulos said but about russian emails. This has been portrayed to us the whole time as a series of accidental, not deliberate contacts. If you're a regular listener. This show you know That's garbage the trumpet
was framed and they were set up. I said this morning on Fox in France. If a guy s, they told Brian, kill me if you're sitting, park bench and a guy approaches. You want apartment. You ve never seen before and asked you gotta go rob a bank with him at any time again, the next day. There's only two solutions to this: either he wants you to rob a bank or he's a frame you for robbing a bank. It's, the latter, with the Trump team. Now, There was a human source. Follow me here, ace Human spy inside the Trump team working for the FBI. And this all happen before the Papa that police meeting, which was look. This is all accidental Joe. This Austrian just met with its Trump guy and they said something about males and look look bingo. That's what whenever the investigation started the Trump. If
was a human spy embedded in the trunk team. Before that moment, these content swear deliberate, Trump team was set up. Do you understand the idea, the neutron bomb that would go off? Let me get this straight. We're not accidental contacts. The FBI was actively trying to entrapped the Trump team the most significant consequential entrapment case in american history. Jody, you see what I'm go with this year, the reason, Direct Simpson, now Reverend January this the testimony becomes public, even though he said it in August. He says August twenty seventeen that there was a human source. I just read you the court, since and tells the Senate there was a human source inside the Trump deep. How do we Oh that, while he's as Christopher Steel was told that by the FBI, steals working with Simpson. The gin up negative information on drop the test
body becomes public, Syn or a grass washed in times is a source close. The Simpson immediately dials this back as a sort of that was Miss characterize. Why? Why? Because I'll bet there was pressure from people up on the hill who know this? Wasn't entrapment operation the entire time and former Obama people said: listen Chris, we can, not acknowledged it was a source inside the campaign. If we acknowledge it was a source people know these were not accidental context, these or deliberate. We were trying to attract them. You have to take that back now. Here's where the timeline get screwy and here's where Mccarthy is really onto something in his peace. How did Simpson in August? Oh, when he testified TAT, it was downer reset. What you talking about
Simpson testifies in August there's a human source inside the campaign August. Twenty seventeen in Janni the testimony becomes public somewhat close the Simpson immediately. Does it back and says? No, no, we miss characterize at Joe. The source we were talking about was probably downer or the pop Apple is me, you had some do with the pop up in this meeting in May of twenty. Sixteen here's, the problem. How would Simpson no during during his August, testimony about Papadopoulos or down Papadopoulos Adopt Downer Joe The whole Papadopoulos down her story, there's not a here in the media or in the look domain until December of twenty seventy. When did Simpson testify in front a Congress August how'd it off
the words Simpson had inside information. Here Bob inside information. The whole papa, it was down or meeting where they talk at the emails and a bar in London, the whole hurry Joe, doesn't come out till December thirty, you may say how will he found he found out about it somewhere else it be in some kind of congressional testimony. Nope, not err pop up name is nowhere to be found out. It was in the dossier, they create no Papadopoulos. Its name is in an air either matter of fact. This is it Think from me the Mccarthy piece on November of twenty seventeen after poor August? Obviously, rubber Simpson says: there's a human source inside the Trump campaign in August in anywhere you that of the following year. He does that back when it becomes public
but any says oh no, I just must have been talking about puppet apples. He had no way of knowing about Papa Dappling. Do you see what I'm getting at Joe? When Simpson talked about a source and attempting to human source, he was talking about an actual spy bohme them rise. He was not, think about Papadopoulos, apples had no way of knowing about it. You doubt me from me Mccarthy Peace, two weeks After the information became public, Simms was asked about Papadopoulos in a fleeting exchange during testimony this time before the House Joe November of toys. Seventeen after his his testimony saying, there's a source Autonoe. I met Papadopoulos really interest. We show the subject came up in context of Trump related research. Simpson had done separate and apart- from his collaboration would steal. This is great. Simpson claim that he had been looking at Papadopoulos for a while. And regarded him as a clone of Carter page, but he admitted
that actually knew nothing significant help. Papadopoulos beyond what Mahler had included in the information filed in court at the time of the guilty plea. She was way after his testimony in earnest. Someone's lying now the information Mahler filed in October October again after August Their Simpson testifies logs about a source in a trap camp. And he's now alleging I've. Just talk about Papadopoulos up Then he says all I just learned about Papadopoulos from the Miller found the butler filing was it Labour and four may be Mccarthy's. Pre show said nothing about Papadopoulos is meeting with downer or the subsequent purported transmission of Papadopoulos claims from australian authorities to the FBI. He is making this up simply
and is making this up. It is clear as day now. This is where it gets even more harry. Remember after the testimony Diane Feinstein one point releases, the testimony of of Christopher of Christopher Simpson. Yes She doesn't unauthorized release as Ryan Bystanders Democrats senator. We now know former staffer Feinstein Guide by the name of Dan Jones is still apparently according to some public reporting is working on an opposition research campaign against the trompe team Stanford from Feinstein Feinstein release. The transcripts of simpsons testimony around January now people all over said why? Why would she do that? Why would Diane Feinstein go around the back of
Publicans and dissent and release the transcripts of Christopher since testimony folks, I told you a long time ago to Sir so they could coordinate their store. I spent I'm starting to wonder now was well. If there's another angle of this. It Feinstein release Simpsons testimony the war in the source folks, if this. This is why this is so troubling if the source is can did to the establishment GEO P along with the Democrats and was working from the beginning and potentially pay by the government, to take down Donald Trump. We have when it biggest crisis crises in modern american history did I Feinstein release the testimony about Simpson and the source. I'll stay, in other words, to warn the public and the source to get their stories straight. No one, it was gonna, become public. You understand what I'm saying, folks, simple
out of the source in August. It was behind closed There is nobody knew about it, except the Senate, Joe Right Annie. The gang of eight members who oversee the intelligence community. Whilst I knows the Republicans around to something he knows dines Dice use me, she knows Diane Feinstein knows by the way she knows one of her former staffers yeah, they ain't George. She knows it. We see a former staffer joy. This is now working on an anti tromp projects still funded by world donors, largely liberal donors, from the coasts Feinstein terrified about our role in this she's Prob we also terrified that a source out there has some really damaging information about Democrats, involvement in the spying operation and Trump she as then release it. In other words, hey everybody, We get a nod, you been it simpson- and this thing that there's a spy inside the Trump campaign.
You get what I'm saying, everybody us exactly or get your stories straight, yeah yeah. I get it right. The scrap this think that now listen to me. Timeline does not add up. He could not possibly have known about that because it just and I'm going to move on to the second, I got some other stuff to get through, but it's important. They are desperately now Trying to change the story and change the story rapidly the initial story, was at the dossier. As the start of this entire counter intelligence investigation, its trump, that's it. Real change when it came out the dossier is paid for by Hillary Clinton and false information. Then Story became known all this back bencher staffer but the hapless told this australian diplomats, something who passed at the? U S, Intel now at stories up in the air as well, because Simpson, already out the fact,
there's a source inside the campaign which there I'll try and thou back again. They can get their stories straight. How this instigation actually starts or to final bullet points. In other words, is eighty Mccarthy says the edifice peace. When Simpson said he had a source that they had to say inside the trumpet, that's actually what they meant, start assuringly? They shared this information with a former. This by working for the Hillary Clinton T. Second, what are they cover their covering a chicken and egg problem. They have now Joe because, how they keep saying while the dossier started the investigation, but what started the dossier A human source about are not a human source to Papadopoulos me. Why did that happened? Did somebody? No? events, maybe because Simpson already said you guys had a source of the F B. I said they had a source and apparently
on bread and said there's a source and, as you see the select on a communication which started this thing. Here's the problem, this fake dossier. Incentivize, probably by an investigation, started by source inside the trump may have started, If a are surveillance, operation and human spying on the trumpet and the Democrats can't find any way out of this. Now there's no way out folks. They cannot go their way out of this day. You know how I saw an article. That was it I forget. What was forgive me. But they brought up a point ever bring up over and over the chick. An egg problem there having Joe that there is no predicate cry. No man, how hard they try to spin this thing the invest Any investigation is supposed to start. You would think because crime happen. I can't
investigate Joe for nothing and find a crime later. The problem there have over and over the Democrats with this case and why they keep changing the initial Wade started is because didn't start with a crime. It started with Trump it started. With somebody initiating an investigation against Donald Trump, with no, I'm attach no matter how much they dig. No matter How many times they change their story? They can Marty Mcfly this and back to the future, go back in the pan and change history. No crime happen to you. Tell me you understand this. This is the political component of this whole thing. There was no predicate crime, Can change this story? They can change how it started over and over. They can never get past the fact TAT, there was no crime. There was an invite the Geisha Donald Trump. For one reason he was Donald Trump. They,
Manufactured the crime later, that's why they keep changing the genesis story because Genesis story in an actual investigation. Joe would be. We saw Joe I'm a cost break into a bank. Okay, we so get em for bank robbery. If I'm instigating Joe for bank robbery. Any never rob a bank. I can. The story: a million times- it's not going to change the fact that Joan ever rob the damp bank. That's why the story keep changing. That's why, in conclusion,. The identity of this source is critical. Because if the source fabricated, this whole thing and these contacts with the Trump team were set up. They were not accidental. We. Of a major league crisis on our hands and the Democrats. No it big trouble ahead are
You're not going to get you today. Some other stories today show finally brought you by bodies Cows, nutrition, big fan of these guys they came through for me this week and I had a busy. We cannot get really weakens off anymore. So it's tough for me, my fruits and vegetables on a week, and so they came to it the greens, my favorite supplement these real food to Israel for, say, crap extracts a garbage stuff. It's fresh, rational, ground up into a powder. They obviously take the water out waters, but good significant portion of fruits and vegetables and its great tasting fruity flavoured fruit and actual powder. It's delicious, I put in Green T, put it for you Sometimes aren't you sometimes just plain or water: it tasted and it's your fruit and vegetable insurance. Everybody knows the key to a long, productive life or fruits and vegetables. I love this stuff. It tastes malicious. My kids, like my daughter's, like anything anything she likes like chicken,
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ok. I have a couple: others do is probably very suspicious resignation, Joe the? U ends internal actions, MIA International Atomic Energy Agency, their top inspector, Sir suspiciously resign, less, regaining terror vera hunter, suddenly resigned without reason right after the I deal was signed, whom? What would that be Maura mad Cummings shoe. I have some theories on that. One there have been some, trustingly enough sub tweets by the Iranians about ass, a very suspicious activity surrounding the signing of the area. The also I have that story from ABC News and shown us and check it out. It's it's. It's an interesting I don't wanna leave you hang it on that, but you gotta be very careful with things like this and I want to impunity, character. Obviously, without
the evidence of just saying the timing of the tweets in and the timing, the resignation or extremely suspicious, and you rabies he was leaves the details. I read it anyway because I don't think this is the last we're gonna hear this. Carry another one. So here Clinton's running around the world again on her blame everybody, but Hilary tore at its interest. She heaved about the short termism thing. This is a. Listen, it's not! It's not a major problem to be fair to Hilary which you'll never never to arson people. She calls deplorable she's give speech a little while ago, just talk about short Termism, how Joe Corporate America's basically failing us, because they're interested in the stock price of the company and not the long term growth, I've uh, you know of the american economy, well, I believe in evidence, facts and data, so there's issuing peace and wash your journalists we can again refuting
parking lot of these talking points at liberals. Go around talking about this important. You know this because it's it's a pretty common attack on capital is Joe Short Termism. Nobody really cares about long term growth, the american economy in the american worker, James Free, peace and wash your journal this weekend, I says I was excited peace from the journals, James Mackintosh Sheep, were it's a peace within a peacemaker, he notes a capital expenditure. Is a big public companies show a rising faster than for business as a whole and large corporate These are funding research and development at a historic pay. So what is it dams? I don't understand, Is this short termism or thirty funding long term growth of their companies in the economy? Again, evidence is not there for you just making this up here we got are indeed spent Joe by us and p five hundred companies at the highest proportion of sale. Since at least ninety ninety is business RD is the highest proportion of GDP. Since the government started tracking it one thousand nine hundred and fifty nine. Its short termism is a prop
They obviously isn't hurting overall aren t spending. This is what drives me not Democrats. This is being a liberal involves living in an intellectual vacuum almost nothing, they say, is backed up by any kind of sound, solid facts and data at all. Termism was something he developed into focus group, it sounded catchy shorter companies. Short term is not investing in the american work in the american economy. They are at the greatest pay. Nineteen, fifty nine dub type out time out no good. You're, a racist, you're right, I'm Roy. What we're talking about short term. It doesn't matter you're, obviously arrays. Ok, I capitals of Americans with thy. Thousands of America's will clearly die too because of this dynamic short termism, medicine happening or indeed this is based on actual numbers taken from the actual economy in the real world folks I'm not telling you. We don't have issues economic issues to overcome. We do clearly
be great if you know if, if american companies productivity would expand that a greater pace and wages will move faster, I get it, but the real Economy is real challenges. I've just suggesting to you that these short Termism speeches they keep giving because, as a catchy focus group talking point, are nonsense. Drop based in any sense of reality. It all now, one of the ceremony getting before we leave why this is important productivity, Folks, productivity is the essence of a growing economy. Productivity is everything product the ability to produce products, the abyss what do you have an economy to produce? a growing number of products These same or fewer inputs is how we get richer, in other words, are we produce more food at the same price or cheaper? How do we produce more food on the same amount of land or better, even less land. We need a quarter of the land to produce twice the food.
Bang. Bang Bang score this what productivity is widgets. Food, medical supplies. How do we produce more of it now that does only apply to products that applies to services to raise our services are without work and other would show a doctor's time is limited, here's providing you, no medical consultation services to patients who come in the office Why is he going to serve twice the number of patients while to answer telemedicine? Oh now, all of a sudden. He for an hour a day you can serve. You know people in India and Vietnam and all over the world over the internet doing consultation online. Even purposes, get it back and have their productivity enhance more power. That's more services at the same or lesser costs. This impasse and these capital expenditures in r and d matters, because the way we develop more products and services, we
Fewer inputs is by investing in technology to produce more widgets I'm trying to tell you is we're in a great spot right now, the EC. Best motoring along were below four percent unemployment. We looks like we're. Gonna have three percent growth this year were approaching. Percent growth quarter after quarter after quarters and Trump since Trump got an office if we're investing now investing meaning next year we may have better equipment to produce even more stuff and product. Could we could be looking at three four five percent growth, this good news if we could just get a hold on our darned spending life would be peachy right now. Instead, these these there these idiots in Congress? Why can't stand they kick it? when a splendid, you see that story and political democracy this package. I was all excited about recent thirteen billion in spending essentially cuts money they're not going to spend now back to Congress. Fifteen billion was nothing I said to you.
Phone calls working well the GEO Peace working on it now, because this is what they do sell out the worst while keeping up there what that I'm hoping they sign it, but Mcconnell courses like we don't want to go Gunnar promise. What progress, the Bankrupt, the United States. Are you kidding me all right? my story, it's in the show notes a good one. Please check it out, oh by the way before either might there's another story, insurance from the american thinker, it's a short one, but it's a good about how we're not under debate? Right now, with the left, you were in a fight yet the are the ones defining the fight, not us, and NATO, meaning, if course, in a violent way for the media matters goons who listened to by the left? This aspect is an interesting peace there in a fight right on that, the baker uninterested. In fact, I have that peace up the emerge. Think about it, it's red it! It's a pretty good one! How what you read? nice at how the radical far left you're not interested in that no matter what you say, the guy brings up the point and one of what fact you bring up they'll change the topic there,
interesting, refuting fatuous, instant fighting you confrontation, that's all so finest they ve single pay or scam? You no single pay. Your hair, here's a disaster, the bottle it doesnt work because of the third party pay a problem: when is the third party pay a problem? There are two parties to a transaction, a buyer and seller a doctor and a patient Sumer car salesman. Those too parties work out a price. They both agree on. When you have a third party payers, the government paying for stuff screw up the entire economic agreement process. Where there's some kind of a clearing price, you both agree on why consumers not paying directly at least they're paying through taxes, any provider or the services of saying healthcare. The doktor ass well knows you're, not paying. So this a reason to try to be competitive on price. This is a single payer, is it's a third party pair disaster.
Just think peace Avenue shown us today about the single party pay. Your government run healthcare system in the United Kingdom, the age ass, their lead smell cancellation show for proper medical appointments, are the highest. In twenty five years they had twenty. Five thousand four hundred and seventy five cancellations between you and you, as it's not funny about, laugh and folks? It just amazing people get suckered by single Para: twenty five thousand Orange seventy five cancellations between January and March alone. They have a target, show, You know! He's government plans he loved targets. Their target was to treat ninety two percent of patients within within eighteen weeks that ninety two percent, that their targets now been missed for two years. This is an issue of this numbers just gonna blow you might about crappy single parents to thousands.
A hundred and fifty five people waited more than fifty two weeks for medical services. Folks, fifty two ways you You'Re- probably dead by that this is The problem with single pay or health care is a single payer disaster, faster. Is that there's? No, when you disconnected consumer from the provider, Product the incentives for both sides to seek efficiency equality go out the window. That's what transfer products and services is about its about cod. Quality. Never forget that if, by a sweater from Joe. I care about the cost of the sweater and I care about the quality. That's, ultimately Determine the price unwilling to pay Joe ass? They air about the costs of the sweater because of its too expensive competitors. Dr met a business, and he has we care about the quality, or else the consumers of the sweat of the people who buy it will not return the business and Joe will be out of business shortly. Right. Do you understand?
third party intervene. This is this: if there was one I get a hammer through to my socialist listeners out there I know you're there cuz, I get your emails and the liberals ice Well, don't you ve, never explain to me why you think the government, as a third party payers, gonna, solve that cost equality problem the government doesn't care about the cost of the service, because we are not spending their money, their spending, taxpayer more. You will always care more. The government there you care about the quality of the service they are buying for you, Joe Either, because its for them. It's for you. Why but they care, Liberals can never ever adequately answer that question the cost then quality problem cannot be overcome. If can't there is. No way you can frame to me in common sense terms that you will have a
better grasp of the cost and quality of health care service, of what it means to me. If you ve, never met me my life, how do you know. You know Milton Friedman for ways to spend money right. What's government government is people spending other people's money on other people there Bending other people's money taxpayer it also they care about the costs. Their spending in opera actually buying for other people that not even buying it. For themselves, they don't care. There is cost equality problem. Ladies gentlemen, that simply cannot be overcome. Look at this, single payers, article about the DNA and you'll see what I'm talking about. It is a scam. It has always been a scam. It's been a scam from the start, don't fall for the trap. They ration by time. You know that each other. She all we don't ration care. We allow everybody access when well. In some cases the two weeks later, some of em are dead
This isn't funny cancellation by a trick cancellation by a true you're right cancellation by death, that's rationing by time now for those you coming back, say all will, in United States ration by price Ghana market The price down unless the government gets involved, don't you find it slightly ironic, that the two speed The government has the help. The heaviest involvement in are the two spheres, where prices refused to come down health care, where the government for about forty percent of it. Education, where the government runs the student loan operation and public schools, the prices for everything else that require sophisticated assembly, I phoned the prices for error flat screen tvs. That's all come down the prices.
Play elevated when the government injects itself because it cost and quality problems, the government doesn't care about the cost and they don't care about the quality there for the cost doesn't come down and the quality stays like crap, don't be a sucker for this I thought I hope, on the beginning of the show, you're. Ok with that, I put that in air again, I know it's a family friendly show, but that was a red pill, atomic bomb going off and I think you know sometimes even the horse language. We we have the that's enough and other people need the year to appreciate support for the chum store we, by GINO show merchandise, so you re asked for it. We put it out. There's been sellen like crazy. Go to the web. Type. You know that complex pick something up today, a check out the show notes, don't miss the stories and I'll be in full of internet by the six need a nine p markov info
radio so check that out I'll see, you all lay huge reserves in Bonn GINO. She did more have been online in time and conservative review dot com. You can also get dance, podcast zone, Itunes or sound cloud and follow then on twitter. Twenty four seven at De Bonn, GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-03.