« The Dan Bongino Show

Enough Already! Can We Get A Straight Answer About This Swing State? (Ep 1415)

2020-12-15 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the stunning allegations about Election Day troubles in this key swing state, as revealed in a new court finding. I also discuss the latest in a long list of examples of Trump defying media expectations. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks. With your host Dan Bungee know, somebody show you a video of white real heroism. This expression, when I was an instructor in our secret Service Academy, called get big. You know it get big meant, get means it still means now, if you're God forbid. Ever in a scenario where someone's attacking you, God forbid, someone shooting at you the natural link inclination is obviously to survive. Right, of course, should be, if not seek help immediately. So what do you do? doc you get behind cover you try to get away from the person attack and That's not the inclination we train and our recruits to the secret service got me. We treat, we teach them not to get small, but to get big. I want to show you a video today of these heroes. My pity him what they did. I also have a lot to do
two on the election front, just there really starvation. Stunning cord filing out of Michigan, The error rate voting of somewhere close this sixty eight percent of all processing, when you get to that and also trump doing impossible things, If he's doing them, they can't be impossible. Their dna sentence makes no sense. You say you like logic and reason, not at all. I dont think their impact, they happened. He did the did. Them means possible right, impossible, what the media declare. An advance trump? Couldn't do it's impossible that he, in fact it loaded, show that isolation, to express BP and, ladies and gentlemen, protect your online very from prying eyeballs today get a Vps go to express VP end our complex punch, well, to the damp GINO show? How are you today
Sergio sorry about that extended opening their voting, showing a lot of great video. I want to make sure everybody knew what was calm and how are you doing good man, but it's it's your shows. You do what you want to do so they related matters at the deference while you're a part of its own interests, Day get is thereby GINO. Chemo day will see how to MAR works. Let's hope we don't have the hiccups again. Chemo hiccups, worthy really horrible go laugh. a really really a pain in the bud. I had a lie. Take advanced pharmaceutical first to stop the chemo hiccups. So let's hope that crossed we. What have the keyboard hiccups tomorrow you will take. That would be the least your worries writing heads They hiccups worthy worst poor. My lady sit through that any of you mean that all native nor Georgia withdrew at an up.
all aids live under these. What are you gonna drive, Georgia both? What are you going to? What are you gonna? Do it, as what do you do? That was that there was a dark brown A let me get right to right to an unusual today is a loaded show. Ladys Jabber brought three by friends at break our situation life's about abbot. This is my break. Ass. Nutrition while bury fear the good you know something it's empty, because I drink the hell out of this that this year we ve been more focused than ever on the health of ourselves and the ones we love. But what happens after we do. You played a mature EU bodies. Immune system is ready for the fight this winter. And beyond? I recommend, because I take it multiple times today feel the greens by, a constitution. Here's mine everyday miles. You gotta, send me more loaded with eight the accident feel the greens is packed with eighteen, clinically research, essential fruits and vegetables plus green tea, ginger turmeric and beat this power Four combination not only could support heartfelt support to help you mean system, metabolism, blood pressure and digestion complete with pre in probe.
Alex feel the greens are really good for you, good for entire family, my kids, my wife, taken notice on the back its nutrition facts. Why is that because it doesn't say supplement facts. Why because this is real food than, I have to say, supplement fact its ground up healthy fruits and vegetables. How do you get it? I love it's whereby go to break out nutrition that Complex Dan get. Fifteen percent off your first order with proper goddammit check to How do you get it again? You gotta brick house nutrition. Calm Dan, Brick House neutral in the conflict and promo Code Dan today only let's go, let's get right it. This video latest German. This is what real heroism heroism looks like not Hollywood, heroism, more fake heroism or these academics academia Amy. I want you to believe that their their field and their genuine thing before liberal ideology makes them heroes in the face of history. These are real heroes. Right there play a video just quick. I had it Joe attitude. some fancy editing here, because I know
you to see the whole part of its family. Friends. Shall I describe to you for your radio listers, but here's tense hence the m. I pity they get calls of shots fired at Saint John Church in Manhattan. They spawned immediately. There is a couple hunkered down behind. a telephone call with a call I mean at the worst kind of cover possible as this Man is firing at people, and the am, I pity, jumps right through the scene, and I want you to see what they do and I want you to listen to the guy narrating. This active Stephen Wilson. This is his video narrating in the background. What's going on check this out, begun maybe you start define the police. I only could play And secondly, that, because the shoot out does have footage not not safer for work or fair
we friendly viewing you. So why are you so wanted the fund? The please that's a thing ass, a great idea. What what are you gonna do the defined the police, the alarm and anti for terrorists, the race terrorists from black lives matter and eighty four: what are you going to do in that scenario and gun with multiple firearms. Gasoline and weapons take shots at that least on video. A guy catches on video is shooting at innocent civilians in people the police show up and don't run from the scene like any sane person. What no one Gonna blame you for doing that farm with my fair, I'm getting out of their to know. We would blame you for doing that and what are the police do they run to the gunman? Take the worst cover possible, Second worst cover pass wife did the poor couple had stuck bind the telephone Paul D take cover? behind one of those New York City, garbage cans, which candidly folks provides very little covered, all more concealment than anything. They agent I gunfight with this programme has real
by the way the perpetrate. If you want to watch the video rumbled outcomes I find you know, watch it. Certainly ten I can you can why they watch multiple times. The gunman shooting at the MIT media officers has real cover. He's behind a solid, concrete, structure in the middle of the church at the front of the charge on the steps fire down by the way, from an alibi. it vantage point which is always better. Why? Because, when you are firing down, you can fire over the person's cover who their firing at you. They can't do this, to you, the elevated position and real cover, and you have these two heroes. I believe it joints later running right away, engages bad guy, take em down new Here lies the target.
No regard whatsoever for their own personal safety, zero. They got big folks, that's we're getting big is getting big just as it making your body big to take rounds further, the president are protected when you're a secret services get in big is running into the fight taking it to that target right away and she didn't notice. What one of those officers does right way the minute they detect that that target may be neutralized. What does he do? He doesn't back to his car. He runs through the couple standing behind the telephone Paul trying to save their own lives and stem added their right away, and what does he do? He goes right. Into the fire dead still want to define the police. Pathetic any politician associated himself like
I feel Warnock and others running for Senate Georgia, with this defined. The police movement should the immediately discounted from polite society and public life again Your position is so ridiculously stupid and indefensible. I'm sorry, but you don't deserve to be heard amongst smart people. You have the big, our God given right to free speech, and I hope you use it, but mark people should never listened to you again, you're a moron, thank God for these heroes. Sorry, but I wanted to start to show some good news. Badness. These guys aren't get rich off this. Yet there put in their life I just think about that. For a moment, ladys german I've got very very we ve done very well off what I do. I don't put my I found the line anymore, my life now, and they did whatever folk there's no courage involved in what it none. I like what I I'm proud of what I do. I put a lot of work into it. There's no career involved than this. I'm sorry, those guys answer real courage
sixty seventy thousand dollars a year to go? Stick your face your face in the middle of a gun, fight to save someone you ve never met your entire life. That's real courage! That's real! That's we're getting big looks like I forced more We got a lot to cover today. I want to get I'm a. Why load I'm a little loaded up today, content. I promise you I'm gonna get to what the hell is going on in Michigan this court filing yesterday. I promise you I'm want to get to it. Just stay tuned. There's this the tawny material. To get too, we can't even get the vaccine distribution. Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, I totally understand there are some people who are positive and negative feelings about vaccines. all sane adult you can make your own decisions, but I want to talk about the facts. now is a vaccine, multiple vaccines, and as a result of president tribes operation more speed- and I want to talk about this
but the reason I waited- and I wanted to put in the context of a larger argument I wanted to make to you and it took a lot to do and therefore, never a lot of time on yesterday. Shall we do today? This it's gonna be called Trump doing impossible. Things which again, as I stated in the opening, because we do logic and reason here seems to be a sentence devoid of any logic. How can you Do something that's impossible. If it's impossible at me It's not possible measure can be done if trumpeted that would meet its dynamism. Saying we thought it was impossible. I'm saying has done a lot of things. Vaccine it's right in this segment. The media and lunatics in the scientific and academic community have declared impossible Where have you some reference to impossibility? Why is Trump and able to do this?.
First that's another reason: disregard media and the experts they're. Usually, experts are nothing but their own self aggrandizing behavior. But this is other reason, we as if you needed one I mean this- is kind of a stupid point- is by tee frontiers. Oh the media's opinions in the garbage. Can they are typically the opinions of losers. You couldn't get real degrees in college, so settled on journalists I'll leave that they're gonna We had enough of that yesterday in the intro, when we discuss MR potato head at sea in it, but why has trump? Not just once we have what one for four examples here, was only because I was limited on time and production for the show, for example, of trumped doing things everyone's They were impossible. Why is Trump and able to do it while very few Publicans and Democrats in the path sitting in the past in Europe. We have been able to do this. Do these things put out Seen in a year, rebuilding me on a really on the US where you get mentally
peace deals, everybody declared were impossible. I'll show you the tape. If you don't believe me, why is tat? This is a very important question. I want you oughta put horse blinders I consider it a job as the audience. Ombudsman fun or explain this well. Stop me sure, because this critical will do so and its critical for a reason, It doesn't only explain the trump phenomenon. It explain going forward now that chances of diminished severely if tromp runs again or of a candidate like Trump ones, and what branching, and why there the answer and not old established politician. I want to explain this a couple ways again how why trumps able to bypass impossible things do him? number one troop hasn't learn to fail. He has not been part of a hierarchical political structure me having run for office, even though we didn't succeed. I saw this up close and personal is very ugly. When you run typically what people do if they make it to. The presidency's, is a hierarchy they'll run first
they delegate. Maybe it said it graduating. Congress of the? U S, senator maybe governor, run for president once and lose then run again and when that's the typical- even for someone like Obama, he didn't do it although I did it was a senator first that that's kind of his the standard trajectory Reagan was Governor California, ran for president lost ran again. You get the point that there is a hierarchy in your dues. That's that's about! What's jumpy, hang the radio do you know what I'm glad you said then did not coordinated at all, but it is the quote: pay you're doing is armor costs just said: that's not really we paying. But it's really a circle. You get the point. I keep a family friendly of favours you give to each other to get at Amazon. You run for state delegate, Unita guys endorsement whose state Senator kind of the local kingmaker you pay you're doing. If, if you know what I mean
senator who do that our favour. He that has a crap bill that really sucks you vote for it anyway cause you owe him a favor. You then become the state senator when he leaves you need the governors endorsement. The governor needs support and a crap bill. You vote for it because the governor endorsed you and knew the state senator the state. Senator now becomes a lobbyist whose position you talk he now bijou. When you run for governor, it says, remember the favourite for you when you were state delegate now you owe me a favor now you run for president there's. A bunch of rich donors run these big corporations. They need something. They lobbyists day lobby you you get elected, maybe not the first time, but the second time they save, remember the money we gave. You me bundle for you by the time you become President United States, you given out. So many favours and if you know what I mean favours, dad. You rode have a pure political thought of your own to save your own life. Thank you. Thank you. Arrow hand arm now
Here's your pay, your duties, the providing that they pay. You pay your dues, and by the time Your ledger is even you paid. So many do. You cannot give an honest political opinion because you don't know who would offend and whose do you all Trump did not know that zero He ran entirely outside of the political infrastructure. Entirely did its own thing Didn't really give a damn about what donors other said Andrews did his own thing. that is enabled him to bypass political, wooden Paul holders who think they're above him move told him now, you can't do and here's why you got no offense. this guy, that guy this guy, that guy this get trumps like wheelbarrow middle finger. Doll, really care number two, so trumpet learn to fail and what I said
say fail. I mean he has learned to play the favour game, which is a failure when favours. Aren't you people elected who elected you, then you're, not doing favours you not represent a representative democracy. It's a bought off democracy. He has learned any of that he has learned that game makes me there this famous story of this fire out west decades ago, where the fire new, tragically password, taught to hold onto their equipment, so they couldn't flee fast enough. Keziah equipment was heavy. They had some These new guys were brought into our train that way. Dump there men and ran they were the ones who survive it. It's a really terrible stew, but some of the lessons from it a real makes me think of a time when I was when I was in prior liner works, are two key, bring it up we do site advances in the secret service. I remember doing this factory that at all I mean it was a security nightmare power. Or tools around things that could have been used as projectiles. They were like we can possibly sick
or this factory it was in Ohio. Daylight forget if we're going to bring her. of Agency and urge cops- and I said I've got a crazy idea because can't secure the whole factory. Why don't we build a box within the factory and leave the rest of the floor out there? So we- really did that we built a box with, barks, almost a factory within the factory using these car parts, nobody could shoot to regulate. That would be the explosive resistant and that's where we held the event and they used it later on. In some training there was a boy I called at the box within a box approach is relatively new. At the time I hadn't learned much the old way of doing things. Now, let's get to the point, That's gonna, video one had to media. search Centre news fosters for this fantastic video of again me. The people who don't understand Trump. Don't it stand Trump, hasn't, learn to families an outsider and they don't understand trump. Think outside the box, with his box inside a box approach, here's the meat
italian Trump repeatedly House you. It is to promise a vaccine by years in jail was the year and did you twenty twenty have just checking is a general thank you Bozman Joe for that brilliant analysis even set. It is worse. Ninety six, these gameshow voice, not yet there thanks wink not it out, it hasn't it did, and we do have a vaccine injected into people's arms. Yesterday, here's the meat I tell you that's absolutely impossible check this out and out a vaccine we'd love to see if we could do it prior to the end of the year, but many scientists, including the president's ousted former top vaccine official, say that is overly optimistic. That's an ambitious timeline
and many health experts aren't so sure it's achievable. So many experts and doctors today immediately cast doubt on the experts say: Gideon need a miracle be right. It would take me over year. Experts are warning that kind of time line, maybe overly ambitious health experts pushing back so many experts with every seated did a fact check on this today that a clarifies vaccine trumps Attica come up this year. This sort of veto happy talk that he's doing about a vaccine. You cannot talk yourself into a vaccine. Faster, so vaccine has ever been produced from start to finish is five years previous vaccines have taken years to develop. history actually hold a lot of different lessons on for us about politicians rushing to science when it comes to vaccines, will we get the best vaccine and this timetable, or will we just get a vaccine? This kind of promise is clearly political, but it's also remarkably dangerous sum of even argued its perhaps dangerous. So we say when I can't really get this vaccine. The science is questionable,
now, where the negative Nancy's all look at a always trying to kill our optimist. You understand these are some of the dumbest people on planet earth. Yet These are the quote, serious people and where, rather, can spare here trumps the tribes stupid. What right there? The smart. Once you have now very oh evidence that these people are morons. And yet what do they do? Nothing? The think they don't change. They don't retract data, say they don't even fain embarrassment nope just move on like nothing happened, This was my show. There would be endless pieces by those lunatic clown basement dwellers, media matters, media, I'd elsewhere? If that was I show saying that was a democrat president who had done Operation works, we got a vaccine and there would be endless loops of me on media matter, say: oh, my god. This is impossible. This isn't possible. Those people are it's in the wider, but because its
democratic press nobody cares. They just move on like thing happened now, wait what so, there's evidence piece of evidence, number one of Trump doing impossible things possible, declared the median Tellson S which really impossible watching going to happen now at the vaccine that goal Postal will shift because they do not want to give up control the goalposts dishonest, separate, no quick before I get back to other impossible things There will be stories now. I'm the stories about the new strains popping up endless during major method. That is it real, but Joe, you know nobody. These democrat and republican lunatic like Larry, Hogan and Others Larry Home in Gaza, Newsome drew Cuomo up a New York Data want to give up this control to shut down the economy and shut you down on a moment's notice. They loved anger, because this Lord ACT and said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely watch now that the Trump operation warp, speed vaccines are out there. They don't want
Give up control they'll, be news stories about every new strains, and you may see some of them already, the stories are real they'll be meant to induce panic, not get you fact, Joe, the sex story. Watch I guarantee you will see these soon with just because you vaccinated, doesn't mean you can't asymptomatic, we spread it to others and it again not it will not be met to inform you it'll be meant to drive you into redline panic again as an impetus to keep empowered Lunatics, like Cuomo how hidden Newsome in charge watch. They will also, hopefully, as I'll get you later in this red state article, which is in the show notes. If you want to read it to make it through tomorrow, they will rewrite history and credit Biden for the vaccine. That'll happen to authority happening right now are let me get the second video no go on, is blocking and then get my second sponsor. This is important too other thing. Trump did trumps secure
multiple, normalization peace deals between Israel and some arab countries. We now have Rocco. We have not arab country. Bhutan. Now you ain t you seen this. These are big piece, the we worked by exports. This is impossible, repeated more both times by people like on carry John Kerry, expert and fire. Policy. John Kerry, you believe me, they said this was impossible, just like they say the vaccines possible. Yet these are serious people folks and we're all the areas here. John carry on video saying these p, Deals are impossible unless you take care of the palestinian issue. First check this out. There be no separate peace between Israel and the arab world, I want to make that very clear to all of you. I've heard several prominent politicians in Israel
I'm saying well the arab world in a different place. Now we just have to reach out to them and we could works and things with the arab world and with it with Palestinians. No, no! No, and no, I can tell you that reaffirmed. Even in the last week as I have talked to leaders of the arab community, there will be no advance and separate peace with the arab world without the palestinian process in palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that That is a hard reality cloud you're, not bozo crusty. This is Stevie Cloud: Shell, Remember, ladies gentlemen: visa the serious people trump trumps, the stupid. Why we're all set a trump and his supporters. These are the serious people got to more, I'm gonna get you to a number of on some other stuff, including in the election, a great peace. By Friedman, given
current economic climate and the stupid arguments. Gonna don't go anywhere today, show also by by friends at axon. Ladies and gentlemen, personal security matters, you know this has been my line of work for a long time, so the peace at taser. They believed that safe or self defense is better self defense. Tasters wine of non lethal self protection devices are small and they are lightweight. I have one enough to carry You are in your glove compartment or in your purse, yet there powerful enough to incapacitating attacker taser product are safer and easy to use the use in electrical charge to mobilise attackers for thirty seconds, allowing new time doing. ape and send emergency dispatched your gps location taser, It has come loaded with features like laser, assisted targeting very easy to use and emerges the dispatch which will send a response team to your gps location upon discharge more than two Thirty seven thousand lives have been saved with the taser network of devices apps and personnel. Now
you can on your own taser device, the number one choice of law enforcement agency. You can only protect yourself in family with retainers line of smart self defence products. Measures available without a permit. In most, U S, states get the taser pulse plus. That's when I have We're taser strike like TASER T S, Artie S, yard dot, com with promo code, bungee, no bioenergy. I save fifteen percent now at taser dot com. Taser dotcom use, promo code bungee, no spout tee a s e r dot com using promo code, bungee, no restrictions apply seaside for details. I thanks taser prescience, sportsmanship so here s another example here just a day, let's go to the way back Jeanne here here are the. steam than a use that term extremely loosely Chris Silesia. Who's been wrong about just about everything and his colleague cowardly, the washed imposed declaring another letter. Impossibility if you want Stan logic in the air
In twenty sixteen outcome check this out from the worst deposed member. This germ the fix washed imposts October, twenty four twenty six. Donald Trump chances of winning are approaching zero, zero, which would mean Joe and impossibility correct. Yes, gagged another there had lotta joke, put that any search engine and look up that headline that article still up there. Urging zero. I still don't think he lost this election, twenty twenty, but that's just quickly. One more here is the Steam, so we point the two esteem by esteemed I mean not esteem dictionary, dot, com definition. If you know what I mean, you want to show that we we ve now point How media lunatics consistently get things wrong about Trump? How esteem secretaries of state, an international diplomats in presidential candidates, like John Kerry, get things wrong all the time declaring an possibilities that are then possible and Trump doesn't here is a Nobel Prize winner litter. were you economics, not figurative? We ve now steam this team, Paul crew,
and at the New York Times declaring right after the election of twenty? Sixteen that it's almost impossible for they try, the economy and the economy to recover after his election. This was written. The rock just days after tat when the elections of twenty sixteen poor, Krugman, noble prize winner, folks, very serious man and economics. It really does now look like. President tribe and markets, are plunging when might be ask them to recover frank, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty that disaster for Mark the world has so many aspects that the economic- applications are weighed down my list of things to fear still. I guess people want an answer He is a Phd in economic vote. If the quest is when markets will recover a first pass answer is never markets in the economy far surpass the performance of the Obama administration until the dreadful play that hit the United States again.
Trump doing things a Phd in economics declared impossible. The markets will never his words, never never never recover Natalie, they recover their work, better than they recovered of the Obama administration. The bite, despite worst economic conditions, being left to him for a recovery that is at least the dialogue. We have a real problem in this respect, my article and over the single about disgrace. We, what does that have also new listers, have no idea, you gotta, look it up. You gotta! Look it I've, gotta research, it there's a long running rivalry between Motley Paula job. It's got money, w w eating where to tag dream about people are in a ring to it in a guy, but to say that you gotta check it out. You gotta check moving right, it's an old library derives its like the clan Cinema, Clarice folks echoes way back Gub Dead herb. Send the cowboys way way back or I'll. Moving on
because there were some serious, a very serious new Jesse. What what the Haiti's. Is going on in Michigan. Let me give you bottom line from a Michigan judge has now allowed us to get a look into it. Law suit. Tat was brewing. We're forensic analysed looked into what happened in this county in Michigan Antrim, Michigan, and here I am. Ensure Michigan. There were votes that were changed from Biden, the Trump now the words they were initially declared Biden, votes and then found out later they were how a change to the vote, change them new? Who change them?. That's why they show always titled what they going on in Michigan in this week's state we're getting at thousand different answers. There
It was human error. Now we ve been allowed by this judge to get a look into this auditor. This guy right say they grams on his name. Is we ve we put on the shelf before it is some of his video clips who It is this and is king some onboard. viable allegations in this or that we now being allowed to see. Let's put up this epic times peace. They cover really well yesterday be up in the shone out, but you know that consultation newsletter. Please, please check it out. Epic times Can we finally get some kind of a straight answer and would happen and Antrim County court headline Zakharino? we're dominion software. Here we go again intention we decide influence election result. Forensic forensics report says this came out yesterday. There are two stutters from this report. Everybody track in me this forensic analysis done of these voting systems. That switch devotes the vote, didn't switch votes
the machines switch devout and the allegations are according to this guy Ramstein that these words, essential hours, dominion, denied this to give both sides even comment on this epoch times report and the Fischler statement state of Michigan. As this is human error, that's operate. Sought it said: can we get It's your on this kind of report, no quota big time thrust. Ramstein cofounder, valid security operations group said in this parliamentary report. We gotta look at yesterday, ladys German gaped. Assessing these. What do these stories can't be sure this guy's alleging intentional fraud, and Michigan saying about human error. One of these stories is false, quote from this report. This system. intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots were then transferred for adjudication the tension errors led to bulk adjudication of balance, with no oversight, no transparency and oh, what a trap wipe
leads to vote or election fraud based on. study. We conclude that the dominion voting system should not be used in Michigan. We farther the results of an interim county should not have been certified, Ramstein added vote Again. Dominion denies this state of Michigan denies this they're saying it was human error. Rams lenders putting his reputation on the line and we're quoting from him is saying the opposite. Ladies, Both of these stories cannot be true. Was the votes Jeanne human error, or was it, rams one intentional error, but take away from screenshot number one intentional errors with no but a trail meaning the machines, according to Ramstein, these intentional screw ups on me, they voted one person did vote for the other one that they then switch.
And then later on, there's no way to order it. These are very serious charges, both at the store. You can't be true. They can't Is it human error or is intentionally flawed system with malfeasance We gotta get an answer on this. Here's take away number two the error rate for this system. According to the allegations in this rams. This report from this, Mr Rams, LINEAR, quote epic times. Rams were noted that Antrim County officials first report on election night that democratic, financial nominee, Joe Biden, received out of twelve thousand feet. One hundred thirty, three. Twenty three votes. Nearly seven thousand eight hundred. Ok, election night Antrim counties in Joe Biden got offers seven thousand of twelve thousand votes, everybody track and well today later they said, President Tromp actually won the county receiving night, thousand eight hundred out of over seventy
thousand votes, folks their Biden one seven thousand, a twelve thousand or Trump one. Nine thousand of seventy thousand votes. Those spoken, stories can't be true math, but on over First, the officials, I again updated the figures, removing thirteen hundred votes from Biden Ray when's Ramstein, said the tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for the county showed fifth thousand six in seventy six individual events of those Sums- Sixty eight percent were recorded error, so why that's I didn't read that wrong I didn't mean that an up my sharply, pens and paper for liberals right now. I only have a pen thanks to the due to give us this one independent right, bold enough for you to see if you'll just get like flash off the paper, that's not six points. Eight percent
report is alleging. Sixty eight percent, like six eight decimal point. Can we get an answer on that is accurate? You no false, again I'll, give you dominion side there denying this their say, data, Michigan, saying its human error. You can determine now that I've, given you both sides, what you believe What you don't based on your own homework, it all. I'm simply suggested view. These are allegations that a court document there not just some Willy nilly made up garbage is this true. because we know on the record that prominent Democrats have already cited Dominion voting systems and it made clear about them. That would make someone sceptical. Are we ignoring all this and why? Why didn't you about this story. Last night. Why is mainstream media, which why are these outlets ignoring this story today?
I want you to hear the truth. Read the report its length in the. Big times peace at my news letter, which is my show. No it's bonds. You know that conflict newsletters where you subscribe. I let me get to my third spies. Here's they got to the other side of this I've got a little bit of a media madness segment. I know it's like a play. Our aim, but I care I love it because they are it's just total like for. I can sky like level of madness. With these media idiot, you can't shred their own credibility and I've got Killer video by Friedman, I want to discuss unlighted something else of these. She Journal Argos, Paul, they'll, panic, I'm just gonna talk about this. It is started me upon the Wall Street Journal and an extra viewers she hates when I give her stuff the process, and we never president I'm gonna break it up and I don't want to Missus segmented, also bite you, our friends at lifelike,. A lot of online shopping Owen during the holidays, some experts say that consumers may be at a high risk of identity theft.
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than we expected you're gonna, start to see arguments being pursued that are nonsensical when it comes to economics there, their arguments, pursued on flowery rhetoric, but not based on facts? one of em. I saw this Wall Street Journal peace, others quickly, some are for you. You can see the article by economic multiplies again, I'm not gonna, be death would walk right, but this is an important argument. Whenever you see the word about government multiply, for government spending run for the hills. Fast, fair rapidly as quickly, as you can. how you style It is a moral there s civil multiplier, is based on this fair, the economic theory by a guy named John Maynard Keynes decades ago, whose jested ridiculously so that government spending through things like
the marginal propensity to consume marginal propensity to save its aid think unnecessarily complicated formula is suggestion. Is simply this government spending They spend money in the economy, then multiplies and creates more value from there. The theory is total garbage at is stupid and its creeping up again. If you read the Wall Street Journal up at page everyday you'll see it. Liberals are can about it again as an excuse to do what Joe to expand the government budget government control over your life to increase your tax. Take more of your money and give it to other people, the more supplier is garbage when gum spends money by taking it from you. It doesn't multiply. It divides. Why? Because, when remained, spends money on other people. As I showed you from the great Milton Friedman video last week, government ass, they take money from those same people first they take me me from Adam and give it to Bobby. You may
wow. That's really bad that we set out the zero no even worse because it doesn't that out the zero it sets out the negatives because, as the gun, it takes money from Bobby to give to Joey the Governor takes its own car to leave Bobby with less money that it took from Tony and they would have been better off they just what a left Bobby with his own money himself, because Bobby's ain't gonna give his money to Tony too, because that's where taxes do, but left, will lose you in their flowery language this young man from this Milton Friedman, video up about a minute of this- this young ecologists decades. All he does. He taught you. It s free, been a question about how come but all this is so unfair and what we really should pursue is equality really when you pursue equality through the government, you have two inherently treat people unequally and no one ever
sorry for other Friedman lately, but economically important. No one has ever explained it better than Milton Friedman. check this out their society, their aims, first for labour will not end up with equality, but it will end up with a closer approach to equality they're kind of system that has ever been developed that conclusion is based both on evidence from history across history, and also, I believe, on reasoning, which, if you try to follow through the implications of aiming first equality. Become cleared you can only aim and equality by giving some people are right to take things from others, and what ultimately happens when you aim at equality is today and they decide what say shall do for do.
Except that they take a little bit of a commission off on the one God rest said man, so I'm not kidding you change my very few people. I can literally change a person's life where you're a different person. Afterwards, after I discovered Friedman, my life was never the same. You can't you just can't. the world the same way, and he was the genius he was a genius not only in its ability to think but his ability to teach. That is very rare. Ladies and gentlemen, how many think about how many great athletes truly great asked went on to become great managers, extremely rare. Why? Because they were great athletes, because they had great genetics and typically skills came easier to them than other sitting after teach themselves. Little tricks, its typically the worst athletes that become the best coaches, they teach themselves way to make themselves better because they don't have the genetic. It's very
to be a great thinker, like Friedmann, and a great teacher to the ability to exercise a skill and a teacher to others. Friedman change my whole life. I've never been able think about the world. The same way again. Think about that when you left his friends talk about the multiplier, our government spending is gonna, make poor people richer and be better for the entire economy that to pursue that type of equality using force and government means because government has a monopoly and force to pursue that type of equality with the dreaded airports requires you by nature to treat people unequally, unequally because, as Friedman beautifully state aid- You decide what she's gonna do for the state. Even simpler, you have to take for me by treating me unfairly by using force. The car escape when I worked for by give it to other begging,
get to others who have not worked for one day while taking a cut the whole time yourself. You can see these arguments, ladies and gentlemen, creep up again. It does not create net worth the government They destroyer of value, a destroyer of worth. The government provides basic and should provide basic constitutional roles are military. Our court system, there is nothing there. Government can do for you that works a value in your life outside of those basic mass consensus roles. Nothing, the government does nothing but destroy value, nothing, don't ever forget them. It only decides what a and b will do to see and sea will do for de by treating people unequally free to choose the net by them.
Is where you can see those just libraries, videos I'll be play a more those as time goes on, because, if free and as for you, what you did for me I'll, never be the same person you'll be better for you know it. Let me get My last point: I want to get this media man because important how differently these people work and what's going on right now with the Joe Biden controversy. Oh my god, you didn't call her doktor Joe Biden, I'll call people Never. I want and I want to show you how the media is taken that same tat. I find a sponsor friends, a patriot mobile, ladies and gentlemen, the season for giving a patriot mobiles back with a brand new Christmas promotion, just for you until December nineteenth get a Samsung Eleven for you and for some close the that's too phones, absolutely free or bring your own fault and get a free. the service we Patriot Mobile, get the same nation wide coverage because they use the same powers as everyone else, plus they have the plans to fit anyway. Patriot Mobiles America's only
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how liberals live in this parallel knowledge universe, parallel knowledge universe. Liberals Ivan Withers, no knowledge with a diligent I'm, not making fun. Do make fun of MILAN in the show I get up and not here I being Series the liberal knowledge universe. They pay attention to media figures and others and people like John Kerry and others. Where what they know is wrong and what they don't know, they don't know because they're not told it by the media. They literally don't know things. If you look at the pole about the Hunter Biden scandal for example, again we covered last week in yesterday, we're upwards of thirty send a Democrats voted, had no idea Hunter Biden and Joe Biden more involved than a massive scandal before the election. They literally three out of ten didn't know anything about it. we voted based on incomplete information because you were ignorant that blaming you for it. I am suggesting you are ignored because you listen to the wrong people, which is ignorant. These people have been
discredited. These media acts multiple times the vaccine, the palestinian issue, spiky debate. Out election, twenty, sixteen Paul Krugman on economics. These people don't know anything the keynesian multiplier they just make it up and continue to listen to them. Here's how little credibility, these people out, I don't we, we ve all women, I thought that, what's that liberal said that I said to you know we don't believe all women, we believe all evidence when its credible in no society anywhere should we believe anyone, woman man, child adult senior, without appropriate vetted evidence. Nowhere That is not justice, that's hackers, but the left insisted Joe, that that's not the standard believe evidence that we should believe all women, no matter what USA today, credible media Outlets- talk basis.
We reiterated this nonsense when they pose This absurd tweet had Tipp Reagan Battalion for this cabinet and the ridiculous charges levelled against him. Democratic presidential candidates are calling for cabin oughta, be impeached after the New York Times. can I say, containing new allegations of sexual misconduct. Most of those alligator. All of those allegations, I believe, were thoroughly discredit. Didn't stop. U S idea today from throwing out there yet a very credible sexual harassment charges levelled against Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York, I'm sure they handled it. The same way right notes need all USA. Can I just put the New York Times article out there and put your day. We provide erotic here. You are sitting here both the allegations against Cuomo noted Democrat same USA. Today Quote the aid is now this is the aim of alleged sexual harassment has not yet provided any validating evidence for the allegations are specified details on the harassment Cuomo
office has denied declaimed, oh so now it's about you, gotta get Quabos denial and their number one, and you have to produce number two that there's no verified evidence. Great Lloyd. I am I not kidding, because I'm not a hypocrite. Like you, phony d bags, USA today, forgive the language but it's necessary. I agree with you. If someone's been accused of something serious as sexual harassment, and they deny the claim you should give both sides and if the effort, hasn't he s been vote yet been verified. You should say that, like you did, Bravo non! Bravo, may not clapping what it I've been through a republican army in Cavanaugh, where you Willy nilly again through it. There was no evidence to back up any these allegations and didn't included all the new tweet about his denial, which
turned out to be correct. and you'd listen to these idiots, and you wonder why you're wandering around they d, visa and shaded forest of stupidity is a liberal. Why you live on a parallel track of stupidity. Next, the conservatives who have to defend their ideas every single day to be clear. The new standard is sexual harassment against Democrats makes you put in a denied the claim and demand evidence, sexual or Some charges against anyone who is a non democrat makes You only put the allegations of air and deny any claims that the counterparty makes like I didn't do it, such as that The media madness goes on. It is actual lunacy? Here's this peace by piano The washed in examiner I wanna, put up to be in the show notes that I ve about the Doktor Jill Biden, controversy, here's a piece First
headline Pianola washed in his amateur melt down over doc. Joe Biden, a preview of media civility toward by suggests to me clear. There was an opinion peace written in the Wall Street Journal by Joseph Epstein in opinion peace Epstein suggests that Joe Biden, wife, Joe Biden, being we're Are you a doctor is a little bit ridiculous because she has in education degree not my take pasty not knocking people, education degrees, I'm simply suggesting that efforts. Opinion is fair enough that the Doktor, maybe shouldn't be so widely used. I think out of the running jokes about doktor, actually in the Washington Post. I might add weird in it. I think you said, you could actually check this out at a search. Engine is basically we care, open my chest and prescribe me medicine when I can use the title doktor, oh Harry.
The point that I wanted to postpone, it might be too needs to be clear. The leftist take now How is, if you have a phd or Education, doktor endeavoured, as you should be referred to, as Doktor now someone else. We all know has a p. each day, not a medical doctor, Joe I'm. You made him. Your work are right. Doesn't Sebastian Gorka Phd visual worker smashing you in his was at work a voice. Besides that echo is a friend disclosure, I'm Sebastian Gore I'm not in love, is warranted. Suppose you go, you guys got a great joy to support our laughable so I know to be so good friend the by good man. He has a phd too, so the liberal rules rules always come with the air quotes, are
any Phd. If you dont dear referred to them is doctor, is a grotesque. It's a girl. Test kitty to make up a were a grotesque, the state on humankind. Well, let's see How noted academic Samantha baby, joking she's, a clown comedian, but the liberals lover. Let's watch this little. Clip of Tibet, Samantha be absolutely melting down on her show when Gorka, wanting to be referred to as Doktor Gorka check this out, despite Goerck as insistence that everyone call him doktor, which is the universal mark of a real non fraudulent intellectuals MAR person it turns out. Doktor Gorka has published as many papers in peer reviewed academic journals as to mix toughens zero Gorka by the way was an iq, probably forty to fifty points higher than Samantha B. subjective withering criticism from this idiot? Who just to be clear
our principal everybody's laughing to the DE clapping seals in the audience members here who but none of them actually have Phds, thinks it's hilarious. That's it. Jim Gorka would prefer use of and on eyed man into those, but whatever he's a friend of mine. I respect him for. So we are now that you're changing the rules again, just we're clear again, media not so many people in the media, the people they a the liberals when it was worker and it was Doktor Carson, which I'm gonna get to it. A second and actual an actual medical doctor. Movies have been made about his medical expertise, Ben Carson, a gene in every sense of the word when it them down there? the term doctor, but Doktor Jill by
who has an education degree. Don't you dare not referred hours, doktor job, I taught refer to people over. I choose you, don't like it really, sorry, you're gonna find a new. Shall I a title once It was special agent. Then your budget, that was my actual tile sodden as polar remembers. What are these days? I tell you that there is a great story who the hell some, I gotta tell you I'm sorry. I sent a fact that my wife, once she was working, the city, and If- and I had on the thing, ass, a sprint, latent, thereby Jean our friend pulls. The facts often goes whose sky, so snouts a dime special way suddenly it was best it up. I never What's estimate Please call me agent. That was cause. I don't care, you wanna, do your thing to your thing, but liberals or look at this from the wash them is amateur peace that Vienna Loki, so
Two thousand fifteen, our Street Institute scholar, R J Lindeman, tackle the question of who gets the coveted designation of doktor in the pages of the New York Times. This was back when world renowned, neurosurgeon bed, Carson with notably snub, seems to be clear. The left you want. Refer to everybody is doktor now, because we don't call Doktor Joe Biden, Doktor. Here's how they felt about an actual doktor bed. Carson quote, is the New York Times head to head. We see that the Times blog refers, the doktor Joe Biden, ass, doktor, nearly half the time, forty eight percent, while referring to Ben Carson, ass, doktor, just eight point: nine percent of the time Layman wrote she's MRS Biden just six point six point: nine percent of time why he is called Mr Carson, thirty four percent of the time, so just to be clear Joe Biden he's got a degree in education is called doktor, more and then Ben Carson, who is one of the prominent neurosurgeons in the history of humankind.
ladies and gentlemen, if your head is spinning right now rig from the exorcist style and the peace soups come at our next, because you don't don't expect, don't try to logic on liberals. They don't have any. they don't have any rules about believe all women it's all made up. They don't believe anything They don't have any rules about going to call people doktor they weapon eyes the language daily and changed the rules to attack and servants. That is the only reason they do any of this. These are spineless buffoons, with not a shred of character and don't ever forget it wait before we do the dramatic turn again. It ok Scared more dramatic by the day I wanna be sure some on the second page of mature enough to run a ladder.
Who's, a long story. I would have had a pass I'd be remiss. We didn't cover the store. The New York Post Bill Barr submitted his letter of resignation. Yesterday I want to just give you a couple: take away from the sun. Stan every folks. I'm asking you to seriously open your minds fermented on this one. It's tough for all of us, be too. We all have our meeting pre existing view of what happened and how she, what the lens we should view at the New York posed attorney general. BAR zine story of being the shone out. You can read the details, as Number of my audience you desire for me and should demand for me, you're gonna be general Enough with your time how I feel about these things, Some withholding judgment on bar outrageous, you gotta tell us if you know I'm withholding agenda, because I can give a third. Informed opinion on bars positives and negatives and the contributions to the Trump Administration a couple of things happen and we don't know yet, despite all
I wouldn't bring it up for sure. Why would you probably just not talk about about bringing it up to duck it bringing it up, and I'm asking you also to withhold judgment on bars tenure until we see a couple things number first, the letter he wrote and resignation was very laudatory about President Trump and president, Rob was very complimentary on the way out, which says too that there is not the friction here the media wants to paint and for all Knox on Donald Trump, with the media when he smells a rat and his administration believe me he'll tell you when they go out the door at somewhat have and we're bar. So I put Polio trump knows something we down clearly and if we don't something Trump does. Everybody should, with all judgment on the positive or negative contribution to bar until we can get a full picture. Fair, that's number one. trump knows something here that we don't know, and I don't know, I'm not being coy sound like someone slipped in my ear and I'm passing it to you to be
economic, no, that's not of doing it all. Secondly, We don't know what's going to happen with the Durham investigation at the Spidey. I wanna be crystal clear here. I am not optimistic about that. Please ice these things are ready. They drive me nuts. I gotta think skin, thereby don't say it everyday he'd letters that I'm not saying anything. I've said repeatedly I've zero faith of the Justice Department zero, but they could surprise us. We get some prosecutions at a with the door, I'm now special Council who bar appointed spam The council on the way out the door to protect Durham from a potential income, by an administration here, if Durham gives us what we need, which is justice. Obviously the bar legacy will be totally different. and, ladies and gentlemen, we don't know that yet.
Finally, I want to see on the way out the door what bar does with Hunter Biden. If a special council is not appointed to investigate the Hunter Biden, far in collusion scandal by bar out the door or biased Sesar justice is dead, so and I brought up the topic, not the doktor, to say to you, everybody hold your breath a moment. I am not optimistic, but they could surprise us Trump know something they were very complimentary. Second, Let's see what happens with the dorm investigation and third, let's see what happens if there's a hundred by a special council appointed, I think its critical or I folks I'll get some other stuff tomorrow. The red state article so I, but it would have fitted nicely today, but it's a great way to bring this up tomorrow again, how the media is constantly wrong and the so called smart people about things that are possible and impossible now when Trump did them the economy, whereas we have the vaccines
how they're gonna now try to guess light you in credit by don't go anywhere Marshall. Please turn it. There's gotta be a great piece. It's in the shadows. If you want to read it had bunch, you know that consolation user folks Please use by GINO report dot com, for your news, Dub Drudge, they want left the long term but go GINO Report. That com is where it's out our traffic with fire. Yesterday, thanks to you, we really appreciate- and please subscribe to, video show it's all free at rumble. We're almost half a million subscribers, unbelievable already passed, Youtube, rumbled, dot, com, slash sponging! I really appreciate I'll, see you all, hopefully with back tomorrow. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-20.