« The Dan Bongino Show

Elon Musk's Bombshell Revelation (Ep 2122)

2023-11-01 | 🔗

"Republicans were suppressed at ten times the rate of Democrats". In this episode, I address the shocking information Elon Musk just exposed.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON G, no, I'm going to need a new supply of conspiracy theories because I'm clear out of I'm clear every conspiracy theory, I was told, was a conspiracy of mystery or radical in the past, is now a fact, maybe conspiracy, but it certainly was in theoretical, because her now facts. Major conspiracy. Theory update show, as we again make complete fools out of the s holes in the media. It's just that It is so easy over that the seven these with it so easy just show you remember. We know saying that you have no idea whether they're gonna jump culture guy we get their children, shows visor. My black coffee staff can be new money. Well, companies in age, you does. It blew
our coffee, the council, s budget over the best coffee use, coupon code by gino or twenty percent off. First, when I get a stack show for you today, I met a lighted up. Beginning how it is NBC guy. Just in an for to own the conservatives. That's all he wanted to do maiden s all out of himself yet again at its aid. So simple, they just like a bunch every single time functional discover the incredible benefits of a good night's sleep. I had one last night, you know my secret beam dream You got to embrace a restful slumber rejuvenates. Your body is a product revolutionise your nighttime routine beam dream is a game changer, their dream powders, a hot cocoa designed specifically for sleep, could transform your today. My wishes get a special. This count on beams dream powder, their best selling our coke oversleep, with no added sugar now available delicious flavors like cinnamon cocoa, yes called chocolate
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forgiven major conspiracy theory up day. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are really really bad at this. You know the media sucks. Let me say something right now. If you into mainstream media news. I promise you I'm an Making this solemn promised you as your friend the near buddy. You are get yourself harder, killed, nothing these We'll tell you what's true, you know my gypsy do: flipper er theory. Whatever these well tell you is false. Urge conspiracy theory is most obviously true and they're, usually covering up for liberals and democrats. Remember when the jerk quantity and be seen news just a few weeks ago, three, this out talking about me by the way serve active social media influencers, a shared speculation. no evidence that it in Israel would soon be followed by similar attacks of the. U s. Every. I says it has no information indicating credit, credible terrorist threat again the? U s all you remember that one
I said to you that a lot of people I know in the business can be see news that alone if the people I told you in the business who are in the business of actually keeping you secure, were telling me that that is in fact, bullshit and before I had said it, they were telling me that, yes, the heightened elevated threat level in the united states is through the roof right now. You remember that, NBC news. We'll get you kill, listen through these a holes at your own risk. These people will get you kill now. What I basing this on that the three level you across the southern border and with these two attacks around the world was elevated, one, Internal contacts I'd had with experts in the space who told me your threat, Level is elevated, also on The deep shit NBC news- you don't know a damn thing about a damn thing: I've listened do the actual terrors. telling us that, where a target NBC news, I know this is a shocker. I
This is hard to do. here was the iranians. Foreign ambassador the u n, just the other day. This is one of the little ted bits of information, though it happened after this article that the traffic was elevated because they're just saying right now, you're a target show me we should listen to them. Assholes at NBC news. Take a look at this. One If the genocide in Gaza continues, David, not speak, spares form this five, it is all home and west asia is our region. We do not compromise with any party and any site, and we have no reservations when it comes to other homes, security. Ok, iranian foreign investor. Yes, we will kill you mother at the first
opportunity we can We see those eighty year old, with the journalists in degree who probably voted for Joe Biden, has no bombers sticker HOPI change eating in his bedroom with a palestinian flag throw bro deserve to approach. Everything's, cool everything's, fine, What are you gonna? Listen to listen to me, Your friend is pretty much nailed every single major story of our time. Sorry, it's true. It sounds cocky. I actually boxer We actually wrote them or you. this may be serious has been on the wrong side of every single one lay said he's dead sheds we'll get you kill. Why am I about this today we haven't even got it out. Yet I haven't even got that. It goes to show you cannot trust the fbi and you cannot. Ass the media. These people will get you kill
They have zero allegiance to this country. They have zero allegiance to your public safety. They only care about liberalism and progressive ideas. That is it that's. It. I also listened the more on it. Nbc news, a man Putting this on a tree by the way you save this, because god forbid something happens here and I'm afraid it's going to make sure I never let these pieces a shit, live it down ever these people will get you kill Here's hamas, This was right around the time they put this street out in that little space. This trap It was all over the place, here's. My people talking about our targets all over the world are viable targets for them. Go tell NBC pc check this out.
When we speak about the army of Jerusalem and the battle of the promise of the hereafter, how do we are not talking about liberating or land alone that we believe in what our prophet Mohammed said? Allah drew the ends of the world one another, for my sake enough, and I have seen at eastern and western ends some of the entire five hundred and ten million square kilometers of planet earth will come under a system where there is no injustice is whether all of creation no treachery knows ion is well known, treacherous christianity of Europe just list. In general terms, is how hard resists now. I hope, Up to show telling you this was going to be a major cause. We theory up day, with everything that NBC news and the f b, I tells you coming out of the conservative ecosystem- is a conspiracy is almost one hundred per cent true ever our tracks. record of success is impeccable and the
opposite is likely. True. Three? If they say conservatives, social media influences are elevating the threat, it doesn't exist, it means conservatives, social media and live with limits is no about a threat that exists and we're trying to hide it to protect your by. Oh look so stated october, twelve its november first, and we know that costs holloway was yesterday christopher ray F b. I director, who I think now knows that that was all bullshit and knows his f b. I was covering for Biden, and let me tell you what's happening in case you think before I play this clip the christopher wray had an epiphany. the threat level in the united states right now, according to my sources, is catastrophic likelihood something happening is very high. I'm sure and b c news or write another there social media, for them by hypes hives.
Existing threat to get I'm sure they'll do that because they probably want to get you killed at this point, but the in christopher ray this yesterday on capital hale is because, I guarantee you his internal information catastrophic right now and he does not want to be on the record, say Oh yeah, listen, everything's, fine, no problem! Nobody worry about a thing is when it does, he knows who the infamous for that exact, sound by someone, we're gonna get a correction from NBC news. If the re said this yesterday check this out, but, as I said a few moments ago, on top of the home grown violent extremists and domestic violence extreme threat, we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or another foreign terrorist organization makes quite the current conflict to conduct attacks here. on our own soil. He asked the drawing, of course, the domestic right
to make you believe the mega guileless around the coroner's gonna join Hamas gauge and a mass terrorist strike in the united states. Of course, he's make it all that up, because that's He does this amount, I've been doing this a long time. Ok, maintain a really solid, showing network. A people is the best network around. I dont know always in a good one yeah the reason I wrote ivy the money and exonerated these other books, because sources had reached out to me and I have always been candid about it. Some of might end even trust, ran away. One guy thought was totally fulla shit. I do I just thought the story was too incredible turned His story was absolutely correct. He was an fbi agent. maintain a good network people, please man, I'm just begging you right now, please, please, keep your eyes open, heap your eyes open for the threat. The threat is right.
No, it is out there listen, ran scheme of things. The likelihood of you being involved in terror attacks, thankfully, is relatively low. However, that does not mean the likelihood of a terror attacks. slow. You understand, I write a note, your very smart on the more runs in the media at this, Not me, it means, sadly, how many people we've got watching right now that of the fifty five thousand people we have. I watch and just eleven medicine at least someone will be impacted by them. However, the chances of it being you directly are still very low, No reason to panic, there's no reason a freak out is a reason, however, to be prepared and keep your eyes open and be vigilant, he's p, all at NBC will get. You kill. christopher re only said that yesterday, because the threat level is catastrophic right now. That's why? Folks, when I was
acting secret service investigations into counterfeit was an eye opener about the border. What is counterfeit money? What the hell does that have to do with the border whoops! We had these columbia notes from colombia, a country of colombia, the brunt of the bus. Very these colombia down south now where they met the country c, o alone. We had these notes and become they were really really good, high quality, counterfeit notes, and when I can, we didn't astrogation said we figure out that this people deal, drugs were dealing counterfeit. Why? Because they were deal With the same mules and the same sources crossing it in over the southern border, the exactly people who are trafficking, kids, trafficking, counterfeit trafficking, drugs trap, king weapons across the border, the eggs the same people? are the same ones that are trafficking terrorists. What do you think all of a sudden develop a set of morals when it comes to people want to kill. You. it open my eyes and folks, the fbi.
I cannot be trusted. We did this hope We state movie- I was in the chat this morning talking to some of you, wanted a them grinds this morning about you guys bought the dvd. If you are so the movie in virtual premier in the movie theater, the fbi been totally distracted folks, they are not prepared for this threat at the border. They are not send to me. They are not prepare the enemy. already here. If you listen to the fbi and NBC, you will probably get hurt. Someone in this chat will probably get her on yesterday was joe rogan show either mosque, of course, talking about when he took over twitter out just a train wreck of an operation of what this is. What the fbi has been up to and focusing on folks. The fbi is. Not that big you really
the n Y p. Probably right now has more police officers than the amount. Then the fbi my duty in one city in america. But we as more it is what force red zambia, fbi does someone gonna waste. Your time, censoring people and working with twitter under jack before elon bought body to go in sensor, people, which is what the fbi was absolutely doing. You are not doing what we should be doing which is cutting off the terrorist sources of all about that. This source of new blood into the country at the southern border and you're elevating the terrorist threat. Listen I, on yesterday on the rogan show talking about how twitter, which is basically of a fund the united states, governments, big censorship apparatus, you're worse than I
arr come true take a law degree to which twitter was simply an arm of the government was not a well understood by the public, and it was there was no, it was whatever the official gao area was like pravda. Basically, and you know it's a state publication is the way to think of all twitter as a state publication and was the justification from there. back to that they are progressive liberals. They have the right intentions, it's important that they stay in power. The progressive liberal stay in government in power, because this is the this is there that there was there was, is basically oppression of
are any any views that would even I would say, could be considered middle of the road, but certainly anything honored. The right aren't talking about like like far right, I'm just talking mildly right. The people, like republicans, were suppressed a ten times the rate of democrat, and now that's because old twitter was fundamentally controlled by the far left. It was like completely controlled the content of the far left, your worst police state nightmare. This is why we did the film and as a whole, part at the end. If you want to pick up the dvd by the way, is police state fail I that, up to you your call, we will be at the law. For tonight. At our more alive we want. in a movie again there's a section at the end where they talk about is how the police state is working with tech companies. I google and twitter and elsewhere to censor you now. Do you see why I'm so frightened about? What's going on? I can't even imagine doing
Presidential security operation in a high thread country- and someone comes to you- it's a dan I need to to your advanced, seem guys offer what we ve got a guy named Joe arm of cost any posted about how mass I don't work, so we're going to have a meeting in san francisco with twitter and we're going to make sure we get all that stuff pulled out and you'd be like what the what are you talking get about we're doing a president, security operation here this year stay, and this is what the f b I did where's the over twitter. executive. Yoll, roth, you remember this guy he gave a sworn declaration. Eddie talked about regular meetings, it's right here with the fbi, the age ass, an industry peers regarding all since security? He notes They communicated pretty regularly, and I expected, and weak operations to happen. This was the have to be based
we warning twitter, wiki wiki, not not you better sense or anything becomes out about the laptop. They know. Tat expectations that they would do something about it by the way. What this let throughout do our twenty twenty and they learned in these meetings that there were rumours that a hack and leak operation would involve all hundred by focusing on not safe man. He's not safe. We are totally and completely distracted right now, the fbi is not big enough to play. f around games with censoring conservatives and simultaneously keepin terrorist out of the country on the southern border. I have been warning you about this stuff forever I was told did by the way. This is the conspiracy theory up. Do not done, because We see terry number, one damn bonds, you know said, there's an elevated threat level. All christopher ages said the same thing yesterday and we see news concern
gary number to their censoring conservatives? That's a conspiracy theory! Really you just heard you on Moscow actually owns the company and by the way, is that even a conservative saying exactly what I told you you still. I you think, you're wasting your time in the show. Here you understand, you guys have been a year six months, three months ahead of the new cycle and ladys out there. If you listen to the show now man, I pray braver about what lot of radio hosts have gotten the same for such as me. I think you have really good sources. So you it's now, seventy thousand people here. You are now wasting your time. I love you all, I'm never going to waste your freak in time. We do. Trafficking conspiracy theories on the show here traffic. In truth, we suppose these assholes in the media over and over. What is it going to take for you to completely gaff these people off? They are worthless. Nothing
I tell you it's true. By the way, something else I warned about it. You might do this again. I buy it, don't buy, I get it from the library, I really don't care. I just am proud of my work and I wrote this book follow the money. It's not my latest book, but I wrote it a couple of years. ago. The first chapter in the book is called. Insane in ukraine, it's right here both the whole thing, I'd make circle. The sorrow circle. It goes over how corruption in uk, I wrote this tuna have three years ago may be more the first after the book insane in ukraine describes. How you create is a hotbed of corruption for swampy, republicans, Democrats, george, soros and the fbi. It ties in order gather in about twenty pages. The whole thing ever look at ukraine? The same again, I was told that
conspiracy, theory to look: something happened yesterday another, thereby gino spirit. He very becomes a conspiracy fact. You're wasting your time, man, I'm never going to waste your time. I love you too much and I'm honored to spend your time. It may take a quick breakin Get back to that. Folks have been stressed out a little bit lately feel the greens. You know a rock and roll with this stuff. I love it. I had actually a big hand in the company creating this, because I said to miles who bones brick house nutritionist miles. I need a solid brother. I said: I love you my fruits and vegetables, because they are the key to good health. I know that why does my underwrote alot in his eye Is garbage products out there. You d creates a better about a year later, he came up with the other greens. I've been hoped ever since
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counter offensive and made allegations of widespread corruption. This is From the time report, but time magazine folks, not bright boy, not one gino dot com if are not accurate, but I could this is the here, a top ukrainian presidential visor warranted people stealing like there's no tomorrow when asked about bribes and corruption. Folks, Not suggesting the ukrainians deserve what's happening to them at all. I am very sympathetic to the car. I am also a realist. There is a limited amount of money. We are in massive debt and, if we're paying for stuff and it's not going to weapons and it's going to corruption. I don't know you, but I'd, be kind of pissed off. They know TAT the south east Fifty ukraine, where the population is predominantly russian. Speakers remains at the russian control. That's all He's close advisers warning him that he deludes himself we're out of options, we're not winning try telling him that and ukraine shortage of soldiers is more dire than its deficit in arms and ammunition, draft off
there's poor men of trains in buses and send them to the front. Folks, I don't deserve any. They don't let em your putin is a piece of garbage he's an international terrorist and is a nuclear powered enemy. The united states, however, in its pre clear right now that the mission in ukraine is unclear and we don't know where them he's going and now that hi magazine- is reporting on it. Now all of a sudden people, even in the moderate democratic republic, insider start to say, where's our money going. It gets worse folks Corruption remains widespread, despite so firing numerous officers in the defence minister. What are we paying for? What are we paying? for? Why are they saw him under the bus? Cannot cover notes in the street. I don't know, I don't have an answer for that there's the article right there in case you think again, I can't Oh, it's a conspiracy deciding that time magazine article I holes
well- are stealing like there's no tomorrow there, it is from the actual article folks, you rain was kneedeep in the plot to take out donald trump. Ukraine knows things about Joe Biden. Let me be clear here: I am speculate. Nobody track in, but I owe you don't like leave anyone and I dont know, because I have an idea, thought you Frank clearly knows a lot about Joe Biden, corruption, He's comin release today a yet another video showing how money was paid to Biden. Joe Biden, checking account after being wandered to multiple other accounts. Oh Biden was clearly need deepening ukrainian mass using his son hunter to collect money from a natural gas company. While Joe Biden was appointment in ukraine. The natural company was under investigation. Investigator. The prosecutor general was fired and biden push. that is the admitted on tape. The ukrainians,
I candidly threatening Joe Biden out: if we don't get our money, we're gonna release the cracking really the hounds really the dogs of war. I dont know make a whole lot of sense that the media would be trying to discredit the ukrainians now in case that did happen before the election These people lie all the time. I need you to understand that these media people democrats. Swampy republicans to their no different. You have begun They are lying to you all the time everything their pushing is a conspiracy theory is probably true, Now the problem there have is the media is losing control by the day you are now has ownership over twitter, which has gotten better, not grape a better in the free speech, space. You lot appears to be at least this wise committed to and let's see how deep it goes you ve also platforms. Ike rumble you ve got true social. You
blogs out there. You ve got a search engines that don't revolve around Google anymore, they are losing control of the narrative and their biggest. You're right now, while they control this. In the past, they were able to squash two hundred Biden story before the election is ass. We never have. We didn't have truth. We didn't rumble as it is now we didn't have a twitter. The left is folks there. Loading up their diapers right now. They are too, a fine of running an election with a free speech ecosystem out there because they are not going to be able to do so. if you off as a conspiracy dearest anymore and their biggest here is an efficient. Now I am concerned about artificial intelligence. To with the thing artificial intelligence freaks them out his folks, artificial intelligence. If it works as advertised, would be a fact, checked
the left endless stream of nonsense a match, ay- I you know You know twitter work, some of you may some of you may not. So I just for those you know. No, we twitter feed put up something blatantly false and it gets any traction there. Community, no we're a bunch of Poking gawayne and basically say hey: this treaty is bullshit, here's why they could put sources to it Biden administration's fear about ai is all of this I told you about before that they were able to squash the hunter Biden story. You know or attack me for being a cunt she dearest and spy gay. All this ukraine's, not corrupt. All this others, would they are afraid of visit a I is going to come in and act like one big community, no, which will decide. The Democrats because, as I started this segment, they King lie all the time, folks, the demo That's why about everything all the time.
how do you understand this in the wall street journal James Freeman this new power grab line should be scrapped. Something else I asia, not just kids, he's anxiously people and grab and women. The journals, John mckinnon and these others reported early monday, the pines in place to invoke emergency federal powers,. Aimed at reining in the risks of artificial intelligence. they're gonna have to notify the government when developing any system, It poses a serious risk to national security nest. Economic security or national public Health and safety, then they say the same thing about covered, said formation like if you dared report that lead from the lab which or if you report that covered surgical masks, don't actually protecting its covered, which they don't work
dared report that the vaccine was having issues and likely wooden, protect you against covered. didn't they guys they, they say that was a pub public health. see why there so afraid of artificial intelligence. Now, they're afraid it is gonna work cut their bullshit off and no going right back where they always go. Every single time and a place it take a quick break nearby, here's comma harris! Yesterday. I want you to listen very carefully. The word she uses when talking about their efforts to censor artificial intelligence check this out, all to help make sure that the benefits of a our shared equitably and to address predictable threats such as algorithmic discrimination. We named it the blueprint for an
I bill of rights. Oh algorithmic discrimination noticed the focus group tested insertion of the word discrimination in their. Why do you think that is there, terrified that if the white house say there's another incident with a white, he saw, and a and subject who happens to be black their terrified that they won't be able to such not about covetous about other. So that when they tell you police officers or hunting unarmed black man in the street. With there Is it a eyes? Gonna come in actual fact check that which stats and what call that a so called that discrimination you're, not telling people the truth. About race in america, ay I guy. you see what they're doing They are so freaking terrified of a free speech ecosystem, in fact, checks them on their bullshit that the autumn adequate moving to regulate the government, an algorithm
discrimination. I folks these peoples are predictable. They want to be able to pump. Is propaganda out, not stop. I got to come back to back from my york settle. Show you exactly what I mean a man. In a fact checking our hundred my org is our data secretary when he says something like the porters secure, Can you imagine the hilarity of ay. I fact checking that it would be a total ro meltdown online; they want to be able to say it all I'll show you what I mean. Covenant broke away where our last break priests, patients e k, pure dot com, guesswork, cos It is about eleven billion dollars algae if Lucy said, which is now kids kismet school, they get sick parents miss work and they get sick too now. You can add in a covert very into the mix. That's why haven't viral cleanse my home? It's running right now, the new science at home, air purification. They worked, invite
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sleep dot, com slashed and helix, H, l, alikes e, H, e l. I x helix sleep dot, com, slash them with helix, better sleep starts tonight, check them out. Alright. Back to this is the perfect example of what I am talking about. It could spear c recharge. They use against us all the time that always turns out to be fed the fact that they pump again that in the past they control twitter. Facebook in Google have been able to pump that propaganda unchallenged that in time thing is falling apart right now they why They lie to you all the time: nothing, the devil, rats in the media activists. Operation tell you are nothing else, everything is bullshit, scares them because they don't want stuff like this to happen. Here's we are talking about here. I orchestra yesterday upon capitol hill r D hs secretaries should have been a piece a long time ago. This guy can. just does not want to come clean idea, just
efforts to work with social media to censor elon musk, just told you that an extensive censorship operation, a twitter working with the government, the just in the fbi. told you would happen. We know it happen. People are on the right we're talking about it happening. I just showed you the yellow rough guy from twitters sworn deposition. What else could you possibly need to see? Here's my or this is the deal just secretary who still want to face up to. The spencer censorship operation. They been engaging, and this is why I freaks about check this out of breath. homeland is a discussion of vaccine advocacy. I do not I remember polly, oh, if you know, if you have your staff reed and I think could be good for you to read. Also them Sorry versus Biden case it last time and again discussion of. constitutionally protected speech that has nothing to do with national security. So when you say you didn't mean to do
Yes, you were meeting just disagree with the characterisation of it Where are you meeting with social media companies to discuss content moderation? And your answer to that is no. What I my answer that that's the specific question: did you meet with them and were you meeting with them to discuss content on the internet? My answer remains the same ranking member for all that we met on a periodic basis with other federal agencies and a group of social media companies. speak with them about the thread environment that the homeland faced right, and it's include discussion of vaccine advocacy, mask efficacy. Hunter turbines laptop arthur meeting still occurring member Paul. They are not. We do not participate in any I await understands reduced admitted
yo, l, roth and others in the line of already told you that they been meeting with social media companies. and censoring you and then he says, you're not doing it anymore. Why you're not doing it anymore? Ok, A court order why? Because you guys got smack down for violating americans constitutional rights? That's why you to stay what's going on you. This is why the artificial intelligence thing freaks about and by the way, I'm not telling you it's not a big risk. Today I there is, we discussed at length, I'm sorry We telling you why the Democrats in the media are afraid of ay. I has nothing to do with destruction of the world and launching a nuclear weapon in terminator like takeovers. It has everything to do with Their ability to bullshit you going away every single search engine would be subjected that use day I, which would be a competitive advantage which shut these people down with basic facts. If the eyes actually working. If you said something like. can. I give you an example. What folks
the challenge, because we got a lot of people watching? This is boring you. Yes, it's boring. You know it's not because this is super report. You understand that this isn't the future. It's here right now. I need you to understand how much this freaks them out. They want to be to go out there and say we did not with social media companies to censor people and anti we'll go online and put it in a search engine. Did the age Do it and it's all human beings pearl censuring, it's an ay I person and I entity whenever you want to call it a person, obviously saying yes, they did here's the evidence this what they're afraid this is. What buying he's, got his frequent tentacles in a iron out what he talks about algorithmic discrimination, what he means is we're not gonna. Have our liberal. Genuine sensors filtering out shitty information for us any more. That's what he's too king about.
He wants. Our my york is to be able to go up on capital and tell you the borders secure. Then people are gonna go to church. He pity is the borders secure. It's gonna come back. If its and honesty I say apps, Will we not here? Are the numbers now hear the numbers historically here why yorkers yesterday up on capitol hill? Yesterday again, when asked how many people are light in the country tie it about. The show always has connections get back to the beginning of a show and we he news, tells you it's a conspiracy theory that there's a the united states Here's our hundred my yorkists yesterday, I love the keep that up and I ve never been able to see this keep you belly. Eighty, these pieces Our budget, a basic here's, our own depart of homeland security guy. Who has no? idea how many Well, I've been led in the country; none could they be? Hizbollah terrorist folks
Israel has been operating in mexico since at least two thousand. I did you know that cap. You think they are not here to send yourself. I don't need exact number sorta. We got said our limit, lemme lemme. I need numbers. I again don't feel about sri how many people his administration led into the country that, let me say at the outset that our job would be allowed yeah it's broken. Immigration system was another sector. I wanted a number how many people have you lead into this country? I should also okay, I'll give you the is about six million. He doesn't even know I get he's right. He does now folks but mine. He knows what when understand he asked the why here bullshit you to make. You believe that the present united states is doing something to keep you in your family, alive and brain out of a terrorist attack. Licit.
But I ask you a question again. I put, on twitter and truth. This morning,. If the president of the united states in the chat, please help me out here. I want This is a serious question. Please think about don't just instinctively respond. This is serious about me. I don't mean it is hyperbole. Ok enough for the qualify. if you were intentionally trying to destroy the united states, but why The recover it up why you want to get reelected Biden cake now tomorrow? I? What do you think of this practically it's? Why she don't respond right away, You are trying to destroy the united states, but how to hide it? Could you want to keep job as president get reelected, you obviously can run but a campaign slogan, Joe Biden on destroying the united states, you are trying to do with tactically passively but efficiently.
Would you do anything different than Joe Biden doing anything at all If you would, what would you Do different. Tell me in the check, because I'm telling you as a friend of yours I can Think of a single thing I do differently, first with the base, the currency and why the currencies being debased to inflation. I would spend even more money. I covered that yet They were paying out there. You go, I mean. Oh, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No absolute capital now is now oh, no! No! No! No! No! No. Ladies and gentlemen, I am one hundred percent with you. I wouldn't do anything differently. Destroy the currency and as much money as you can before you leave office, ensuring a bankruptcy open up the border inside of terror attack overseas by distracting here and tell our law enforcement agencies, then, when the happens, cry cry islamophobia and pretend this is all about. John muslims when, in fact it was an anti semitic attack what else
you do differently what else Let me show you why a right now, why asked this question. member. I represented timber merchant love this guy good guy. He's the ufo guy, we vat on very interesting guy. We had a modern alive. Nashville show each this out the other day protest once with the present united states wants more money for border security? Oh he does this. What I would do again, if I'm tactically put that are put to put up with this, is for, if I'm tax, we destroy trying to destroy the united states. I come out with big press release that divide white ass, wants more money for border security to make you believe, I'm trying to keep terrorists out of the country. All look timbered should note here. The actual fact she about what the border security air quotes. Money is for quote.
Fast processing for recent arrivals present. You mean intricate. I thought this is for security. to sri line the processing of eligible refugees and use zestfully resettle people in the united states oaks that it's right. There. just read it you take. administration More money for their work, more money for insecurity, yet Job here is absolutely was performed of a moron, we'll go up one of the party may go republic your block and our border security measures and all money, not if this involves security involves insecurity. So what's it yes, She does not of this right. There.
And all the time, ladies and gentlemen, the ep eyes distracted distracted. They are not doing what you think they're doing? They are watch police stay man pick up dvd or something, and you ll see the actual victims of these people. The FBI, there out there investigating Hamas and others Do it anyway their investigating pro lifers their investigating school board. Parents joy. You worry six people and their waste in your freak in time. all of your money is going for insecurity to process people, to the country who have no business being here. get outta I'm getting confused. I went ass. Your favorite a I should have said this yesterday, maybe for next week or so.
Can you guys put together for me a handy chart, you see he table and accounting can you? together a handy chart for me folks. What do you think about this in the shadows of these are good idea, getting confused about the term domestic terrorism. I'm serious. I'm really. I mean I know what it is. It's a terrorist is on our soil, some using terror for some on a political cause, ok, however, I've been too by the by an administration that so many people are domestic terrors, while they refused to call people who are posting and screaming about from the river to the sea and jewish genocide? Domestic terrorist? That I I honestly don't know what they mean by domestic carers, so I was thinking about this the put together a little chart for me. I really appreciate so on one side you could put something like you know, this guide handy guide to domestic terror parents at school boards. keeping porn libraries, the mess
terrorism, scale, ten onawandah definitely attend Think of this as it gives the sun was gonna work this guy and we could pull it. Remember like the young, but I'm thinking, remember the ex jaunting the shooters, if its wider this black black for us is whether you had all the experts. We need something like this because I'm losing track if with ten latin mass and you're a christian domestic terror. One Ten scale risk. Definitely- and I definitely not pro lifers, percent of ten may the crowd seven and eight plus qualifiers. If you want to stop the steel rally you're at at the bar you asked the categorize it for me to the domestic terror scale, I know this is why I'm going with this now you'll see where I'm going with this. Those are the easy ones. That's nothing new you'll, be like damn. That's not a big deal, we've already known that you're a domestic terrorism, but I'm confused because if you re maga supporter anywhere
want to college campuses and tragically- and you be you're, not you not part of our movement, but if you claim it and more to say something like death to the Jews gaiety, you'd be a domestic terrorists. Ten. No no maggie supporter. Very obvious showcase even gives this proves my point. If you didn't hear the qualifying to begin this proves by ports. I did not intend that an act and play wiki he's like not cause. You too. I know what you thought. I was going to say now I'll go to what you thought I was going to say I could almost reader bites. If you, or a guy with a palestinian flag, and you claim the muslim faith. a new walk on a college campuses say I to the Jews from the river to see. Are you that domestic terrorist? Ok, you prove my boy you're, just oppressed the deputies that domestic care europa? Thank you. That's if you got, put together for me. Why am I bring this up because I was
all by newsweek just a couple weeks, in an article that we sent out that the if the ai has deemed what they know it If the government and the authority violent extremists to be a huge domestic terror threat, the amateur skip over that red center that they're dead. That this is the guess, threat to the country. The federal I believe this is rose folks. our donald trump followers targeted by f b, I 's two thousand and twenty four election years. This is what they're doing while the terror threat around the world goes crazy way back to the first one. The federal government believes the threat of violence, civil disturbances before the elections. So great. Its created a new category of extremists. It seeks to track and counter donald the army, of mega followers. This do we brought. This is why'd, you do that com. This is loose week, you guys Mugabe, anti government at the authority, violent extremists, meta. No, you the prompt video. Now, if
maggie group were to go to college campus again and scream from the river to the sea, which is a call for jewish genocide than most. Definitely those maga people would be in the d c gulags with the january six folks correct. but this is why I am a little so little confused here. So John kirby whitehouse spoke City whose almost as bad as corinne job here these days, just the basing its credibility second by second John Kirby was asked a simple question: I have problem with you protesting support for Israel as a matter of first amendment. I disagree with you as a matter of principle. However the first amendment right. I do have a real problem. However, with you, go and on a college campuses or anywhere else and calling for the rich to the sea and for jewish genocide, because that makes you a terrorist and a murderer, and a supporter of that so that we can kind of a hard pass on, not okay with that, but really strange. John Kirby, who had no problem sicking there
fbi on maggie supporters as the government of the authority round extremists. They have a real problem when you base the scream, kill the Jews on a college campuses. Your check this out on this country, violent, anti semitic threats are late domestic terrorists. I don't know that for classifying people as domestic tears. For that I mean I'd, that's really a question better! Left alone foresman! I'm not aware that there has been such a characterisation of that he can back to the news regarding over second first. But what about the transport donald trump followers targeted by b? I is twenty twenty four election year. problem, calling them a quote. New category of extremists it see,
stupid, track encounter donald trumps, army megaphone. yeah john corbies s, specifically about people threatening jews all over the country and care It and it's strange john kirby's, like I really don't, want to go that far call them. You know: extremists and domestic terrorists, mostly peaceful, mostly peaceful, mostly peaceful calls for jewish genocide. It was better, I feel like once we kill the Jews, will think about being mostly peaceful. Explains that sums it right up a thank you for being, as for being clear on that folks were living in a police state right now. It's why we did the film you think I'm messing around with you and uses hyperbole when you're sitting here, trying to spin your wheels or something you're living in a damn police state man Right now, these people are targeting you
you're not hiding it and the terrorist threat. Is I hear it's here right now is belies in mexico unlikely in the united states. They are probably com in our border right now the media. Working with them to downplay the threat morons like NBC news, and if you listen to them, you're, probably going to get yourself hurt or kill. I want to admit this today and go to that fox news clip if you would, because I, like games again throughout the shell. Ladies gentlemen of Joe Biden were trying to destroy the united states, but do it in a way that was quiet and tactical enough that useful idiots would vote for it. this has happened throughout human history fast tyrants and losers get in charge in the short run, a country into the ground. If Joe Biden were trying to do it, would you do it any differently?
it is absolutely not. You have never seen a destructive force like this in politics in your lifetime. Fox news covered this. Do the first step to the showing your country, economic nearly every single time. If you read history book is debasing in destroying the currency. Finally, someone cover set on fire said it is not there. inflation, is levelling off folks its. Prices have never gone down. Inflation compounds, if prices go up ten sent one year, ten percent the next year and three percent. The next, and never go negative in any year. Those prices are compounded each year, in other words, the three percent. All look. We cut it by a third does. matter their skill up by the ten percent in the eleven percent from a year before fox covered. This part yesterday checked
the price of following candy soaring thirteen percent from last year, but that's on top of the fourteen percent gained the year before that comes from data from a company called dad assembly. So if you take a look at the most recent sepia report, they showed that annually sugar is up six and a half percent candy at seven and a half percent cakes cupcakes, seeing a near five percent increase, but those it's: halloween candies we're talking about a twenty seven percent increase in two This time now. This segments meant to be a lighter one on fire about halloween candy place to everything. Folks, if a gown, a gas is ten dollars and it goes up ten percent, it's eleven dollars They never goes down inflation, three percent, the next year, three percent on top of the eleven, not the ten, that's What people are doing right now, the guy, was trying to wreck the country, he would.
Absolutely nothing different, nothing! Nothing I folks are some Appreciate: listen our film police state available now the dvd I I urge you to check it out. You want, if not up to you, you're, not by the death of a salesman guy, whatever Police state film, that that is the website. I promise you your time don't take my word, for it read the reviews on social media. Just you need to see the stuff police. They found that net and it's always join us for the chat I get in there today about ten o clock I used to get in there. A little earlier serves doing something this morning was chatting with some of you, debug gino show and they're gonna show I saw the snow man and this one is very upset. I know a lot of you seem like he ran out alone should or whatever happened. She was very upset this morning at a chat, but we do trawls. You're welcome his wrist.
that do and be a geo get a good laugh out of it. So you're welcome in the chad any time the show starts at eleven a m eastern time every single day, rumbled accomplish punch, you know, but the people, get in the shadowy some as early as nine thirty. So we love your thanks. So much. Please follow the shell click that green follow, but non rumble download the rumble app pressure. I see you back here. Mark you just ten bungee notion
Transcript generated on 2023-11-02.