« The Dan Bongino Show

“Don’t Doubt Me” (1460)

2021-02-18 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss a personal story about Rush Limbaugh and his impact on the country. I also address the stunning amount of misinformation being propagated about the January 6 incident on Capitol Hill. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ready to hear the truth about Amerika on a show, that's not immune to the banks, with your host Dan Bone G, no hopes we ve been doing this here over the day segment. At the end of every show every day and Tom you know it's meant kind of put a smile on your face, no one that, even with all the bad news, there are some good people. they're. Doing really good things. I'm today, when I can end the show, with a hero with a day segment, we're gonna start to show what a hero of this century segment. It's obvious, given the untimely passing of my here. with a century rush, limber that that's, who we're gonna start the shell, acknowledging his efforts to really change the country for the better I've got a lot to say on that. I've got a lot more as well as a lot of information. It came out. Yes, the ongoing disaster in Texas, the honor attacks on Florida and a start
peace by Glenn Green Wild about all the misinformation making its way into the mainstream media about January six and what happened on that day, Facial Barton, I express bbn. Ladies and gentlemen, dont. Let big tat track what you do online anonymize your online activity today, gonna Vps go to express Vps DOT, TK slash bond GINO Go today welcome, let's get right to it. There's a lot to discuss today today show brought you Brick, ass nutrition, mice, about habits. We ve been more fully than ever on the health of us than the ones we love. But what happens after? How do you play? and in the future, to ensure your bodies. Immune system is ready for winter and beyond. I pay what I do. I use off the other means of brick house intrusion is an empty bottle. Here you can see it There simply bought, because I drank it all my miles once accompanied sent me some more what's great about the other. Greece is packed with eighteen, clinically research, essential fruits and vegetables plus green tea, ginger, turmeric and beats.
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oh, are you folks yesterday was a really devastating day when we rap recording the show. Sadly, we ve doubt the awful news that Thou Ruslan BAR was taken from us. Wait you soon use only seventy probably had a good solid. Thirty, more years of transforming the political landscape and now are left without em. There have been relative, A few people in the history of the republic, if they have had such a profound effect on the politics of the country than rush limber, he changed everything. I say the other day. It's not that rush limb. By said it lives in multiple fox appearances, and I meant it it's not that russian Limbaugh change the game. Rush Limbaugh invented the game, you know Michael Jordan was a really spectacular basketball player, the most dominant. Athlete of his time in any sport anyhow, about a ten to fifteen year, run. where he was the most talented, most value.
player in the game. I think in any sport a game changer in every respect, but Michael Jordan did. red basketball. not only was Limbaugh the envy p of talk radio for thirty years number, one, the bats player on any team anywhere. He invented Dickens. Every national talk radio platform- please stand that for all the left, this lunatics who are piling on brush piling on and the death of Russia, because you're evil people even has not place here? That's Leslie. No no evil has a place right in your hearts, and we ve seen it over and over. When conservatives pass and are taken from us wait, you should understand that the liberals, hissing and others, even the younger folks out their liberal or otherwise, who don't understand the profound nature of what Russia did rush invented the game.
Talk radio existed before rush, you didn't invent radio in advance. Talk! Radio didn't even political talk, radio, but what he did invent. Is national conservative talk, radio, the meat potatoes. You are all used to have talk, radio, you Would not Joe Joe listen producer job has been involved in radio, for but as long as I've been alive, he's station. They carried rush, they carried Sean. Carried Marcie. We should now be you see, be m forever. Stella great station in the Baltimore area got a lot of friends of the Joe. Is there a long time, Joe witty? proper to say that you DR fifty miles almost anywhere in the United States without get Signal where Ruslan by beyond the heirs additives that a fair assessment, I think, so then he was everywhere. Every everywhere nationwide realized it was well worth, but I think even fifty miles, I am I being
probably closer to fifteen miles. You couldn't dr anywhere. That was what was the the triumvirate the titans of radio from choice. two nine pm eastern time. It was rushed. Limbaugh, Hannity, live in, you come telling you. Not a place in that country. Probably fifteen twenty miles where you couldn't drive, and you wouldn't hear one of those three on the radio and rush started it all yet. Forgive me yesterday for knock. Hurdy past rob. I mean I'm not telling you five minutes after we got off the air and I d Added to what do I do I do a facebook live? Do I parlor video, do I back on the air and do a special, and I thought the only way to do this right to college. The greatness of this titan of the conservative movement is to take a while and put together a proper segment. So let me do my best. You remember
didn't change the game. He invented the game. Here is the opening of Russia's show. Yesterday and you'll notice. Waste that opens the shower play about forty five seconds of it. It was. It was a very eloquent, the opening, The voice show here at the opening of rational and by show yesterday, sadly, was not rush number Check this out, everyone I know that I am most certainly not remember that you Tunisians, who to yesterday, I like you very much wish rush was behind this golden microphone right now welcoming to another exceptional three hours of broadcasting firms, thirty two years, rushed his cherished you, his loyal audience and always look for, what's that every single show it is with found sadness,
I must share with you directly At our beloved rash, my careful husband. pass away this morning, do too complex since from lung cancer I mean goosebumps, look can use, it has a bad goose bumps. I don't think I've had goose ear bumps, then that I mean a piece of all of us right was, Ripped out like a collective bandy that we all war just ripped off at one time I mean we rush was the godfather a lot of in this business and in politics, and just you know, I give a working Americans who found some sanity and Russia's three hour broadcast every day. You know us tuned in Tehran. Sometimes when we just couldn't put couldn't put to you, there, how we were supposed to see things? Sometimes
with this in a rush and be like what did we mess and you watch and listen to the show. Some of you watch the ditto common you'd say you know. Now I get it now. It makes more sense. You know Russia, wasn't kidding, jail. Remember, Russia's Joker rub respirator did to be on the air. A big guy kind of arrogant. Guy he put to it was an act. Rush in real life is anybody who knew him? I did not know rush person, I know many people who did on a very personal level well tell you rush was. It was an act that, in the end, is real life rush was the most humble down to earth, stacked. humility guy, you would ever meet and is, is charitable endeavours are legit. I talk about one of a second Bobby had heard of, but to do what he did for as long as he did to transform the movement it just have to grasp power
we're gonna go forward without without having his voice there. Can I tell you. I'm sorry because I do I feel, like I'm doing the man a disservice, like we all learned from rush, we every single person in this space, when it when he I almost lost myself there, I'm sorry Joe remember when he used the joke that sometimes I get off on tangents in we used to say, and it shows a whole host what you're show you, the all talk, radio show host out there and let your show prep begin with John, but there was Keeps pretend, in other words what he was saying is all you others, second rate and believe me. We were all second rate compared the rash. All you second rate be tumors. Here's what are going to talk about today, because I'm rational and phenomena dictated conversation. It was Joke was followed evardo. He did ass a joke. It was a stick, but joy,
I think you can acknowledge it really wasn't. He wasn't. People- did listen to rush limb by this industry job making this up. You know the people, listen irrational Emma to save themselves yet, ok, what am I going? about today, and how should I frame it matter of fact, one of the reasons Joe and I little now story and it's true One of the reasons Joe and I just randomly decided to recall how shall we start at ten, a M eastern time and show goes, live around noon or south eastern time. Then it is broadcast on terrestrial radio later. What are the reasons Joe and I picked that time is because we didn't want temptation. To listen to Russian, be like we gotta, just repeat that right, We want to get out ahead because they cannot pay should because he was so good. I am not Bessie.
you Joe knows the temptation he was so good rush to listen a rush. I just do what rusted with so great the only way to avoid it was they get out before rush knows in China, beat right. Nobody beats rushed, nobody. We Substantial audience rush with the king. Why dears out of us? Let your show prep figure. He wasn't caring That's why they show where's early, because the temptation listen to him and repeat, it was so great. You know I never get distracted and you can probably tell today that I'm just I I I want to tell my right. story? If I could just quake, you know we all to make the first time you heard rash right. I remain, DR enough to Queens College, where I was gonna, obviously to college at the time- and I forget,
What's goin on it, tat dreadful Hillary Clinton, Hilary care disaster, whatever was needed, arming college with a bunch of liberal professors at meat is a city university in New York, Queens College. You know, there's no conservatives there very few at least. and I just did never been exposed to conservative thought in my life and I'm a member of trying to park my car. He can't park anywhere near Queens College, now used to be able to on a radio, and here in this guy MIKE I didn't know we was but take it man, this had really make science like what have I wonder? What have I been misled. it's not just those rush stories. We all have a when you first heard Limbaugh right. we all have these stories to if your life Joe and I drew, Others in this space who produce content or been on the back end of it
Joe, can probably tests and do we all have a story of when you were first mention on Russia Limbaugh, whether it is your station, where Joe was W C b him w. CBS, the fifth Thousand watch them average out that they had will embody frames rower right. That's right, that's right, but we all have a rush story to in the business of the first time you mentioned on the show. I was at all he could castle in New York. I don't know I was doing. I was up there for an event I doubt, a segment on Fox NEWS that morning on Bank Gaza is a long time ago, thereby such ring it off the hook. Gee Rush Limbata, let us talk bout you right now. They think that they they found going crazy right. We all have stories like that. When members first mentioned your article, if you wrote a town hall or conservative review, a bright barred or whatever it may be, Lombardy up your article that article promptly God
Seventy two million clicks and shut the website. We all had. We all had stories like that. It was a godfather, irreplaceable. Loathing about rush, you know, folksy, never I'll get in, and if we- dial it in. You never knew Joan I've been a radio a long time I guess hosted the largest shows in the world. Never limb, Bob Hannity Levin millions and millions of people times you just really tired. What are the tricks Jara, Tell me if I'm wrong in any of these, when you get when you just do your sick come on I mean he has been Jaime Engineering Board for thirty you are you're sick, you! You know, you have a house, scare, you just tired, you didn't sleep. Are one of the tracks take a lot of callers right? What else that echo I would have taken thinkers. Kicker is right their stories, they give you a canker, sterile sound, carries eyes and Joe knows all the trail kicker stories
Like you talk about a sports thing that happened stories that don't require you to think anything through repression ever did there he now, he had opened line Friday and that wasn't here, dialing today that wishes him interacting with his audience and given them is so thing on his shop, but Russia never dialed it in we did dilated. You never knew because that's how talented rush was Russia could take to pickers like what would be a kicker today, a kick or something about it. you know some dope story, like you know now don't say: dopey, not duplicate biggest story that doesn't require that. I can see these all time. You know you PS guy witnesses, someone need a fall in the street. Help sum up. This is greatly that's cool story, but it's not something you can go on all night about, It's really nice video, you PS, guy, helpfulness, young, give Rachel but Joe Rush. We take the kicker and make it It's like the most fascinating story. Ever, let me tell you by my time at you, piazzas amiably, like the guys
Judy is four guys, like you know, dial did in nobody? Did you didn't even know you go out of the car right. You'd have to get on the yap. You want to hear the ended, a european story you interested this skill. We paid to do that. You have any idea folks, it's just that act, it's not any kind of like a baby. It's out the diver that I've filled it a big big. Shows alive. Radios really hard three hours you have today marks. All the time. Joe knows about horrid out. You know what a horrid out me means you have to This is, I can be very pleased. Maybe a two or three second window. You have created. The second you can't stop mid thought tell you a story about Russian, the you PETE, that's what's gonna happen
you'll, never guess ass. You pay, as still cut you off here, that is the view theirs script? There's no prompter. Speaking to markets, while the chickens I make them, I gotta get to my second sponsor, because I don't have to throw a lot about packing. There's no more! I do whatever I wanna. It's that we as an added seventeen minutes. Fifty I do what I want. You can't do that radio before I get that a second sponsor, I don't even ten that can ignore about having remarks as a story about the marks. I will never for At the time in a green room- and she I lied to say who it was, but she's a really Old parson she was asked in four Levine on radio and One of the producers in the Van giving a test to this during its you fail to add a couple. We after I run into an agreement awesome pursued by the way they superstar Rockstar Edwards in about levantin radio- and she goes oh, my gosh- I I can't
leave. It was that hard. Unlike what what happened. I've been doing radio for a while, and oh my god, what happened? Somebody message me: no, no! No! It's not I just didn't realize how hard it is to talk about stuff for three hours of my fire. You dig, but you go on Box, you're lucky. If they had five minutes, they call him hits and we heard said Emily appearances They call me if you gonna, hit minutes are more, in fact, that's an e on that's like an apple that's like a thousand years on tv debts. radio, Britain, three hours to our twenty minutes, you gotta talk constantly keep it in your head marks. Cues everything I got ten seconds How do I wrap it up? What happened? Do you get out early? That's happened to me a few times where not a soft break is a heartbreak and you have to fill ten more seconds believe
folks, ten seconds asylum, is a lot that you want to try to say you can't vague left a little, but Europe should keep us from going well. I've still got restore galling decide even done yet to why that's ten seconds Can you imagine if I remember a producer Levine shown one time when I missed the mark, and we have twenty seconds ago. He was like this. If you watch your rumble, he wasn't He wasn't meeting doll. He was like stretch to stretch just say something, and I was like this is like the first time I did it. I wasn't forget what I said, but it was so stupid because I could not do this. I think I was forget about Sarah Silverman, who made a dumb comment. The comedian and I was like, let's talk more about sorry sorrowfully women, still fifty more sex. I, like you, know Sarah Silverman. Let me spell it, for you, turn
farmers are, God not cured that certainly still out there somewhere some genius or find it. That's because I let the market rush never missed the mark thirty years ago. part about rush russian. So good at hitting the marks that later his career, Joe Joe. You listen. Do you know what do later? In the year, career rush got so good, a hidden Mars. He just caring about the marks of my best right Rushworth talk right through the more about because he missed it because he was right. What about that, because he could write reverie J producer James both. Thirdly, I think he would laugh Rushworth talk right through the mark.
Forty five Russia got five more seconds, yeah sure. Let me start this. Outta here didn't care. Russia began with whoever it was because he was, he was rush. Freak in limbo Erica, do whatever he wanted. The man didn't just once just the envy pit BBC envy for thirty years and a game he invented. This adds been sitting there forever. Hot called It's ok. I will get one that when they add goes up on my teleprompter. Please read the yet already your d already twenty minutes past your mark, I will get to it. This is just important. Stop. Everybody's got a bucket list right, public, dumb term, but you know what it is. You got lest the stuff. You really liked to do before you pass and give some of the scarce I've had myself. That bucket list means a lot to me and one of a man. never be fail. This meeting.
A slumber, and I thought why not a job again, not hyperbole, for a fact about making this story, because we lost rush, I'm telling you this is real I don't really care about meeting a lot of people. The role of disappointment really worked for three president. Spin on fox, for I read, most people will disappoint you. Just don't care accept brush. I really wanted to be russian. I we start what I would say to Russian. I thought the one I wouldn't say to Russia's how much he changed my life. You know why, Joe because everyone tells rush that, because he did he's told that was told that every day that, didn't mean it meant a lot to him. It's just. I thought. It's almost selfishly like. How would I be memorable, rushed like I would want to forget me in that transaction even only took a second. and I thought I wouldn't say anything- I just shake his head and give him a nod.
On my life, I thought about that hundreds of times by ever met rush. I would just shake his hand and not by head move on nothing to say to a guy like Russia that he hadn't heard a thousand not that it had met the world to him the world them anyway, I can tell you that. I just arm again almost selfishly thought: how would I be member border such a great guy, like rush because would I wanted it to matter to him as much as it matter to me, and I thought maybe not saying anything. Your story. I want to get some videos after this just quicker their quick one minute videos, but one. We need to see again and another one from a speech he gave. Thousand nine at sea pack which, if you watch the whole thing, It was an hour and about twenty minutes long. If you watch the whole speech- and I encourage you to do it- it's one of the best speeches YO not just political speeches, one of the best speeches you'll ever here in your life.
I remember like it was yesterday sittin in my living room and sovereign apart with the worst seated lay out ever you couldn't. Even it was an policy thing, because the living room was like it was designed to make you uncomfortable. but I remember sitting there on the chaise, the chaise. I remember watching the whole speech saying Nepal a holy Was it a basic speech? I traced Brought you buy a power air friar. This des listen, I told you I'm gonna get sky, I love chicken nuggets, whatever I love em. I don't care, I loved nuggets. That's why got the power Excel AIR friar girl. Why? Because we had about five million different appliances on our kitchen counter with the power air fry, you can replace a kitchen appliances
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Use promo code, bungee no saved a pizza, say Then I'll gets power sailor fiery I'll check it out. So folks? Sadly em you know, my bucket list listing, I said- will never be filled because I really just wanted to me rush you know. I don't like to repeat things I sat on Fox, but given the adjective losing rush Limbata godfather. porn. I repeat again that people of me often, you know what do you think made rush so popular and I always give these ample, the french expression. We pull them the English. You know that the genocide quite the Jenin, require. Use it all the time, and it do I addicted translation, I don't speak French is I dont know what and what it means it's it's a way. To sum up, the x factor like what may Ruslan by so great, and the answer is no could tell you if they know what they'd be Ruslan by what was it that are used, and you know that he is funny. A lot of people are funny, Levine could be hilarious. Limber was funny
wasn't just that lot of radio hoster funny no audience at all was eddied under good conservatism we all they conservatism was at any time. Cool stories. I don't know I think we all tell cool stories. What was it? was here. As he said all the time the big lovable fastball was gazetted. Member that I don't know. I have no idea Jessica. but rush had the claw whenever the choir is Russia. The choir. I knew it was a bottle it and sell. It might be a trillion her. I have no idea, I know we have a special and I know he's not replaceable. He will be replaced, but he's not replaceable. There's a difference.
alright? This is a quick video. This is worth play and again today, the great president, No J Trump, giving the gray rush Limbaugh, the presidential metal of freedom is just a minute of that, and it is worth checking out again today. Take a look Almost every american family knows the pain when a loved one is dying with a serious illness here tonight is a special man below by millions of Americans who just received a stage for advanced cancer diagnosis. This is not good news, but what is Hers is that he is the greatest fighter in winter that you will ever me rush limbo
thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country and rush in recognition of all that you have done for our nation millions of people a day that you speak too and that you inspire and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity. proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our countries highest civilian honour, the presidential metal,
freedom. I need you to watch that, I need you to watch. It is what Video version of the show either you listening to me- I terrestrial radio or some digital, I form audio, only watch the shell rumbled dotcom, slash bungee knock as I need the views of the click soon that solve secondary nonsense. I want you to watch Russia's face. that's not an act rush GIS was. So uncomfortable with public attention. directed at him. He was a very private guy that its that he really doesn't know how to respond. He doesn't get up and do a dance and take Victory lap he's almost uncomfortable when all the attention, so he does gesture, said I think I or other people who can uncomfortable public attention would do you give them the salute you. You know
Now, what have you don't know what to do, but thank you. You, people clapping, because its rational embodied just want them to stop because you're someone comfortable the attention that was brush there was rush ears more one of the greatest speeches. I've ever heard. Two thousand nine see pack I lived in Maryland. Let me tell you some. I kick myself in the teeth forever for not going to see this live. I gotta drove right down think this was a national harbour at the time. At a fact, I know it was our national harbor? It was in the other one, the yard, the Yom these to have it now and they say they moved international harbour. This is two thousand nice bt back. I was watching from my dreadfully laid out living room in sovereign apart. There purposely made you uncomfortable. I think the designers quietly hated me, but I watched and this was just one small snippet at sea, back speech, which is the stuff of legend too. As a nine, rational and by sea.
For those of you just tuning in on the Fox NEWS, journalists, man, I am rush. Limbaugh am I want everyone in this room and every one of you around the read to succeed, I want everyone who believes in life, liberty, pursuit of happiness to succeed, and I want any force any person, any moment of an overarching, big government. That would stop you success. I want that organization that element of that person to fail? I want telling you that's one of probably again goose pump out here. This is really weird like I'm telling you, this is a goose, yes, goosebumps! That's one of problem! we two hundred applause lines in air that speech totally off
coffee's. Anyone looking notes that I'll just blow your mind as a nine russian embassy pack, just an amazing speech when a rapid up, I'm kind of it down. Note I mean. Obviously this is a whole down segment, given that we ve lost rush, but it is a celebration of all contributions. I just want you to remember the evil people you're dealing with on the other side. You know when Baker Ginsburg another real science of past Sarah my show in jail can attest to input and anyone else who has been involved. You know we don't ever ever celebrate or stamp on the graves of the dead. You know I take vote. I have some listers. Actually, you were upset at me because I I'm gonna get. It meant a lot as a few, but they think that these people did so much measure we yeah, you know what I'm they'll be time for that, but they have families to and knows families That means that not all of those people have terrible bad
This right is inappropriate. I'm sorry, I'm not. We don't do that, but that's not the laugh. Nautical bright part, you'll, see in the show notes today. But you know that complex newsletters, hey, subscribed to a show notes for free. How we would celebrity celebrate Rational advised that saying quote cancer killed the cancer. I just beg of you humbly and with the greatest of respect, I understand your political opponents many of them are genuinely evil evil, evil people who would wish you dead too. And all of their nonsense and bumper sticker love trumped hate hate has no place here. evil has no place here at all, it is, is a bumper sticker. The reality is, they are filled with hate and rage and we celebrate your death two. I have an x duration, they'd folks. I don't know when that is.
But I'll tell you right now. I fully expect my family to have to deal with that too, because that's the sickness we're dealing with on the left there, the real cancer on our society, Now that are leaving you with an overly dour note rash, always loved parity, he love the good parity in his show. Well, sometimes already becomes real life. Babylon B is apparently site, but the boy, but I'd be yesterday, decided the unparalleled themselves and put it headline on parity site? That is, in fact real. The Babylon be Russia would love this the Party of love and progress rejoices over the death of political opponent, I think rush would love that headline. That's a satire site not engaged in satire meant to be satire, but unfortunately, very real.
No you're political opponents, folks user, genuinely evil people. I was gonna cover this content later in the shell, but I believe it's a really important story. Just moving on. I hear into another segment It will be in the show notes, and I need you to read this again upon gino- that coms. newsletter. Our newsletter is the show notes. I will email you these stories. Every morning I try to pick five or six. stories. You must read police this one's worth your time. Glenn Green Walled is egg conservative again I hate to keep saying this, but its critical to understanding the all of modern journalism in America that a guy who's, a mute self proclaimed leftist on many issues. Glenn Green, while this one of the few real journalists left in America whose actually covering facts Glenn Greenwell, there's not a concern. He has a sub stack. I strongly recommend you subscribe to scottish substandard I'm putting green walls, name and you'll get
actual journalism again he's not a conservative. But he has respect for his craft and what are they? he's going green while their Tucker Karlsson have been highlighting, is listen. You can't all into this trap about the January sixth incident of promoting misinformation, because you're afraid of tell the truth. You'll be accused of pudding, lipstick on what happened. I'm not doing Nobody, I know is doing that. That was a very serious, tragic event. What happened and it should have happened there were people who were heard, there was a woman who was killed, people did die, but that is not and will never ever ever be an excuse for lying to people ever ever. And we will not do it on this show. You will listen to me this golden rule, artist, tautological fact. You will never ever ever be on the wrong side of history. If you just speak the truth, tuckers is it every night. He says that
the truth. The truth matters even It involves. You know why being a stink bomb into my room, a journalist who just lying to you and have an essay hey. I'm sorry, everybody needs to wake up and smell. What's going on here, Greenwater. In this peace today does just that point, more February, sixteen the false and exaggerated claims still being spread about the capital riot in? This thing on factual accuracy does not make one an apology for the protesters fall Reporting is never justify, especially to inflate threatened fear levels, a man, the facts matter, the truth man there's so what fall stories is green while talking about stories with no basis, in fact whatsoever that so
People believe our true, because the media made them up. Here's one highlight from the peace. it covers the New York Times headline about the tragic death a fellow brother in Blue, hero, none, the less Brian sick Nick, I don't care how he died. Listen. He is I'm talking about in relationship to the tragic, but how we died is important for the facts. that is heroism. Here's our times headline her was received For itself- and you swear in. He dreamed of being a police officer near Times headline there Was killed by approach for a mob? They go on Mr Sidney. Forty two. They say the proprietors attack, the Citadel democracy overpowered MR sick, make forty two and struck him in the head. With a fire extinguisher accord,
The two law enforcement officials with a bloody guy His head, Mr Sit make was rushed to the hospital placed on life support. He died on Thursday evening folks, you're never ever wrong. If you speak the truth, unfortunately, story is not true. So why why would the New York Times harm the family. spout untruth about officer, officers, ethnic. Why why? Why would they? Why would they do that man died. The tragedy speaks for itself. Why make up a story that story? ladies and gentlemen, is not true. It's gotTa Screechin to wear. Greenwell expounds a little bit on why this made up story. made its way all around the world and is still out there. He talks about
The deaths of the protesters uses, but none of the other four deaths were at the hands of protesters the on other person killed with deliberate violence, was approach on protesters, Ashley, Babbitt Unarmed, when shot the net. A police officer at close range, the other three, das, we're all pro Trump protesters Kevin Greece into died of a heart attack outside the capital, Benjamin Philips, the founder, Tromp website, called from Peru, died of a stroke that day and rose. boil and fanatical trump supporter whom the time says was inadvertently killed in a crash. Fellow rioters during their attempt to fight to a police life, goes on this. why the fire extinguisher story became so vital to those intent on depicting these events in the most violent menacing light possible without Nick having his skull bashed him with a fire extinguisher. There were no debts that day that could be attributed to deliberate violence by trow Tromp proton protestors. can never ever go wrong with the truth. You will be vilified, you will be attacked by car.
Innocent, probably media people by propagate this and others, but you can. Early criticized the disaster that happen that day and the fall out from it without having to light a people. That is not what happened officer Sidney. He was not hit with a fire extinguisher. Just tell the truth. Will here is another one knew it another lie. Is a headline from the New York Times again FBI arrest, a man who carried zip ties into the capital. You think going Greenwell says but on January, twenty first, the zip time and own prosecutors admitted none of that. It's true he did not. Pigs ties with him from home or carry them into the capital is He found them on a table and took them to prevent their use by the police. No one's excusing anyone's
behavior inside the capital. It's not what's happening at all kind of relevant no to the story. but he didn't take supplies into the capital with em. Why would that be relevant? Gillette's think this through firm Why would the New York Times been eager to lie to you again like with the sick? Next, Are you there version of that story. And tell you that this guy found inside the capital brought those ties in well. It landed to their narrative with some premeditated kidnapping event in the sky. Had these ties to take lawmakers and sit tight, hands and take him away whatever the problem is the prosecutors in the case didn't say that. He found the ties inside and see that excusing it. Please, misinterpret at all. I'm saying he found
the ties inside and took him, I don't dominated by the police to get or whatever was not smart. What kind of kills you premeditation narrative? Doesn't it can never go wrong with the truth? Folks ever you'll be attacked for the truth,. You no real truth. Teller you'll never have a safe space ever that's! Ok. I've accepted that. but you'll, never be on the wrong side. A right. If you tell the truth, I normally Get to my last sponsor an n me say: where do we go to the next. you know what can we do the Texas that guys, the video other Republicans that news story? We do their video next and unless do the Wall Street Journal story about the year. The Texas situation can it's important
I mean you call that we had a whole new team here, get the thumbs up Jenny, Sal, listen, Ladies and gentlemen, Shalmaneser extended their Valentine's day sail for one more week. Thank you by the way how many for sending us a bunch of Jane you sell products. My mother in law, loves them call or go to Jane. You sell a dot com to get the brand new, so teak, deep, correcting serum free, with your order of genuine self for those dreaded bags and parvenus around the eyes say goodbye to it. back me, redness stress, break out and how low the increase firmness smooth this and visibly longer. Looking looking you how wasn t combined the purest vitamin c, with brightening benefits of lack dick acid. For a younger, healthier happier, looking appearance with its immediate effects results in twelve hours or less Germany, Mrs result, you fall in love with all your money back guarantee hearsay. You get this great you gonna Jenny Cell Backup, genuine,
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and an form in your head, responsible opinions about what you think happened or didn't, but you're never going to be able to do that and we're never gonna be able to fix these problems. If we don't have the darned facts, because we don't understand the problem to begin with happening again with this ongoing disaster in Texas, with their melt, of their energy grid. People are freezing people died. We want to solve this problem Joe. Do we not? Is that not the goal of public policy? he is to look at problems and get some smart people who can figure things out and some hands on people with expertise in the room and say what happened. What led to the failure on January six. How do we fix it? What ll to this failure. The electric grid. How do we fix it? It's impossible to do that. If, when you get to the question, what led to this failure, everybody lies to you
hired of these spin and the fairy tales about the Texas Electric GRID Meltdown, given their cold temperatures covered yesterday just quickly today, here we go again monopoly, quick video for you. What did I tell you that, when for the left as a narrative, their uncomfortable with that their wind farm dreams failed in Texas. They immediately make the story not about their failures or the failed. Of wind farms in taxes they make story about conservatives and Republicans and their response to it. once you see the headlines, you'll, never unseen Republican, Pounce republic in season Republicans jump conservatives jump conservative sees here, we go again Is a story from newsy or whatever it may be, is a quick video? Listen beginning about how the stories not about win its about Republicans, jumping or pouncing.
Or seizing why, each year it never on here again a perfect example what the left does to distract from their failures and make the story about the Republican spot check this out, as millions tried desperately to survive the bitter cold water, lawmakers and commentators are jumping and a chance to supercharged. The debate over Texas Power GRID List shows the green new deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America are when, in our cellar, the guts down in, and they were collectively more than ten percent of our power grid the governor, arguing that put straight on the natural gas power supply to reduce. Your conversation about renewable energy at this point in time is is, is outrageous and taxes the push for deregulation. So right there is no incentive at that point for people to do to do what it takes to be over the hardness system she catch it.
She gets the Republicans job republics. Jumping up pouncing now, you're jumping next it'll be leaping and seizing you getting this. I've been covered this for four you you'd be were four years. I myself the Republicans paths, you're you'll see it everywhere now no one in the media is really interested in diving into what happened. So they talk about. the republican response for publicans pounds, Republicans job, and then they go into protection mode. Where that other liberal lawmaker comes on it. This is really deregulation. Now, it's about: turbines, not working, because we have actual video of the turbine not spinning. We can see it. So again, let's get to some facts here because facts matter: yes there
failures in the natural gas, energy infrastructure in Texas and then Clear one as well, but who really at fault, and let's look at risk. performance numbers and data because I thought the left believed you know science job I thought they believed in size. Will science evolves? Data ripe, informed opinions are based on data. In fact, let's go to war, your journal article again today, where we have some actual facts and numbers about who really fail than this. One the general opinion Texas spins into the wind and electricity grid that relies on renewables also needs nuclear, a coal power by the way the Wall Street Journal Zactly some far right outlet here, ok go to this little chart Are these changes and power output from February Eighth, two February? Sixteen measured strict by the way, the source folks with a state of you watching on rumble rumbled that com select Mancino you can see the chart right in front of your face right now.
It is super easy to read it's complicated. Even for liberals, the source, your job is U S, energy information, ministries and again, a government entity under the binding ministries. This is not some bastion of right wing values. The sources in Bonn GINO dot com, not that we would find the numbers. But there's no saying all I got that's a right wing goes a right wing numbers dodo there. U S! Government numbers under the by demonstration, so here The changes in power output during this unfolding tragedy, a tragedy in Texas February aid to the sixteen, so gas. Of course, the the it wants to make this all about values and the natural gas industry not about their own failures too in wind power. That's why Joe because in the charts I see this crazy thing that gas production was up four hundred and fifty percent For the new over the trip that you see you Gdp and that we get the member policy through the okay, we get three to six, really weird now to be clear, there were natural gas pipes that fro
the rolling blackouts, stop natural gas compressed, is that now run on electricity from pressing out pushing out the gas than the public. There were failures, but only a very because natural gas produce so much they could produce anymore. They produce four hundred and fifty percent more nuclear. Was down twenty six percent. So clearly a failure. There call was forty seven percent near production of energy during this disaster, but look at win at sets as as weird above imposing a passing I'm definitely jumping in season. being seizing and passing at the same time. This is really weird Joe. You look at it the same chart. I am win, down ninety three percent and ninety: three: that's a lot armor caught genius. There is a worldwide. That is what I thought we do, not Are we doing numbers member
we'll fairly now old school, the greater awareness that trust Frida. When the trust remember, we have to trust me. I'm just looking at numbers from Biden Zone Administration, this? U S, energy information, administration win, ninety three percent. Would natural gas was up? go to fifty percent and somehow again we shouldn't blame wind at all. They should be absolved of anything because Republicans are pouncing seizing and jumping at the same time, I'm a butt again. The left is the science of party or the Party of Science in the science its party facts, data mattered left. The left is totally fully folks, totally totally an oblique myself, These people are liars, they wake up every meaning and they lied EU every, Single day of your life, there is a leftist plotting on a wide of you and make you look like a buffoon whether it was the train. The sixth and their false meda.
stories or whether it story about how wind was grey. It was real. we just: U deregulating natural gas lunatics that did not have the date backs any that up your just making it up. We just read this little segment below its as between They have one February eighth in February, Sixteen, when Platt, when power plunged ninety three percent, while calling Greece, forty seven percent gas for under fifty percent, according to the Yea yet Knowable industry and its medium out pieces are tarring gas, coal and nuclear because they didn't operate at a hundred percent of their expected potential during the arctic place. Even though wind turbines fail, nearly a hundred percent. Keep it up a liberal lunatic dances. Keep it up. Keep lie there where this is where I'll never be rush. Limber rush had a nicer way a say in this: they took the edge of this. I don't have that capability that genocide. Quite on of the clock. I just call right for it, because I am so sick of lip. Communist liars
So tired of it Why do people through their lying media mouthpieces and people live the lie every day of their lives?. Let me get someone my story about again continued liberal wise. We stated on the show not to highlight how liberals are liars. You know that that's not news, but the deacons The liberalized give you the the facts when you're done with this show. Unlike liberals, you can can lived informed, meaningful lives. Now you know that wind had a catastrophic fair. And now you know we have to fix it, the icing heated blade maybe not an over reliance on windows on windmills, maybe more Natural gas infrastructure, those are problems that can be fixed, but not if we lie a marking, a lie to you, here's, another media narrative, the strange driving me absolutely nuts that finally
the Donald Trump out of office. The media's waken up a little bit. Why? Because their phony for daddy. I give them no credit whatsoever for doing this, but here's a media person at MSNBC who finally start asking questions about hey, I'm. Why is it that California, in Florida Florida performing even a little better. She says similar numbers are not floors performing a lot better, but why is that a forty has these draconian lockdown. It isn't doing any better than Florida that doesn't have any of that stuff. This is an m s and be seaports and keep in mind. She deserves no credit whatsoever. She's only doing this could trumps out of office and they feel like any damage done to Biden, has for years away. So now the sudden they start doing. Media thing here: and journalism. This is interviewing eighty slavic by abiden RAP on the corona virus check this out stance, fight Florida in California and California, basically in lock down and their numbers, aren't that different from Florida well good Morning, Stephanie looking so much of this virus.
that. We think we understand that we think we can predict the judge beyond a little but be under explanation. Thank you. Thank you. By the way it goes you may why'd, you cut that so short because Joe caught it eagerly it just cause. I just dopey better. He does actually answer the question. He just as the key take away my wife, California, the lockdown, not Florida. Any florid is performing better than Calphurnia. Does you to make Us- and he says you know this quote- there is still so much. We don't know. Thank you exactly the we can see if you read hijack the eye, here, that you know things and Put out government why dick tax to impact people's lies? There will destroy their businesses and you only find out after you destroy them. That quote, there's still! So we don't know yeah maybe you should have thought about that before you decimated the entire economy of the United States, just a thought, just a thought.
the knowledge problem. What knowledge problem that people governments have no knowledge, that's the problem. Maybe you should have taught Die before the blaze Artic the blaze stand Horowitz with no mandate in schools, open Florida rights, eleventh lowest uncovered deaths per capita among seniors. Why I thought there caught him: the governor, said this. Of course, they are the great around the sides of Florida, because the left are lunatic lie or fraud, disgusting, filthy people- they don't want to admit it there there God Andrew Cuomo, and gave a new sum of California. Your have totally failed and it concerns we live in Florida made them all look stupid. You want. your numbers. I know you're left this tuna now I know you don't care for same people. Democrats- Otherwise, republic is interested in the facts here the numbers about death, Santas run, who
as decimated California, in New York in performance. It on in this draw dreaded scenario, quote the heart, peace in a blaze being shown us what Striking- is that if you rank the number of covert nineteen deaths among seniors by state per one hundred thousand Florida eleven blog wisdom, the nation Florida suffered forged. Seventy four covered deaths per one hundred thousand more California suffered five hundred. Seventy three four hundred thousand Florida beat even some smaller lockdown states as well, despite the Ladies and gentlemen, the Florida has an older population. That's very population tense. We still did better look The chart right here up at the blaze You watch it on rumble, that's Florida in yellow at the bottom. But of course you lied to you still being lied to because your life is a lie, liberalism is alive. It's a board on the caboose.
of Human kind. It's a forest fire that destroys everything. It's a bad ferry they never made it the publication at that. Sadly, people fell pray. Do it's it's! It's the Hester Printing Scarlet Letter of society, the shaming and cancel culturing, a true tellers. It's the! If it's the driving them. art spaces of the internet because they dared to speak truth they'll, never be safe spaces for true tellers ever and I'm ok with that. Let me end with this video another left wing Brad Go propaganda, promoting media outlets? That's fine! Lee starting realize now that they can't damage trump anymore, that their ultimately going to have to tell the american people the truth about the disastrous performance of liberal governors in the corona virus era, where living I think this is John Berman from CNN, but he's questioning Simone Sanders, a spokesman for the Biden Administration spokeswoman. I should say
he's asking area, why aren't teachers back in school? I'm asking you a simple question: yes or no. This is like a three minutes segment. We cut down to a minute because again, just like the prior segment, she just babbles on endeavours answers the question any Cnn now again, now that the They deserve no credit because they can't her trunk even Burma, I think, that's him at CNN. I like this is. If you decide answering anything check, this up. Prioritize is one thing I think is wide agreement. They should be prioritize and why not is necessary? though that's the question. It really is a yes no question. Well, John, I think the real question frankly, if I can be frank here, is what you're getting too is? Is it safe for kids to go back to school and the positive move? Actually not in this case? That's not the question the question: is it safe for teachers to go back to school and that in the event that a very specific question in this case,
I'm not sure I dont understand why it's a hard question to answer. It may be that you want every teacher to be vaccinated. It may be. The answer is yes, teachers should if they can be vaccinated before they return to school, but it's not necessary long. John, I think the president has been cleared. The vice president has been clear and I think I was really clear- just Now that it is the administrations position, the president and vice president believe the teachers should be priorities for vaccinations and in twenty two states, at least in the District of Columbia. That what is happening. You know look after our lifetime of our laws, Thirdly, does the present feel that their teachers have to be vaccinated in order professionals to the open safely for now you'll, never get it. I'm I didn't even waste your time with the rest of that, because there's no yes, sir, now or answer anything even resembling an answer by users. so will be no reason for teachers to be back at school. None none I have worked through this job always work. Do this and you
For all those out there, I get some comments. Sometimes you know especially people and social media. Now, no one all the broke. You know angry losers, the same people celebrating the rest, limber That's easy for you to say you work from home, really what you think I was doing in a hotel room for two weeks: falling? In doing other event, you suggesting those are all made up like a doctor, those pictures by In a hotel, getting treatment coming to a hostile What people are working in a hotel where people were working taking cars with people who are working and olbers? Who people who are working with pilots? Who superfluous Houston with people who are working with flight attendants, you're working on the plains, with people who work in any efforts. But yes, teachers, unions, keep telling your folks we're not going back. despite having the lowest risk, we know about now
you don't have to go back. We just all have to go back to work and by the way we can, because you don't want your teachers going back in the classrooms, so we have no way to pay for day care for kids. So we should do your job pay their taxes. It pay for your job, not be able to go back to work ourselves, but yet just stick to it by administration. That's a real winter. In the long run, great call. Teachers, unions call our folks thanks again for tuna. In again, the loss of rational embossed is really going to be a game changer for us going forward absolute Irreplaceable unique is the most over used. Ironically enough, really over used word meaningless language, not in this case he was a unique human being and he said
always always align Joe talent on loan from awe, and he did that all the time guys got talent back now and I love the guy. Not the guy always gave him his proper respect on the show. I leave you with this. Most of you get it. Don't doubt I folks, I see our mark. You just born GINO.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-18.