« The Dan Bongino Show

Did You Pay to Have the Trump Team Spied on (Ep 1103)

2019-11-05 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the stunning information I believe is about to be revealed in the IG Spygate report. I also address an explosive Fox News panel fight which is a microcosm of the Ukraine, Biden, “whistleblower,” story. Finally, I address some terrific poll numbers for President Trump in these key states and what it means for the 2020 election. 

News Picks:Troubling new revelations emerge about Joe Biden’s son.


More stunning information about the role of Spygate player Stefan Halper


Was the US government paying a spy to report on the Trump team?


Troubling story out of Mexico where US citizens were murdered by drug cartels.


The latest swing state polls are great news for President Trump. 


Are working-class voters preparing to send the President on to a second term?


The fake “whistleblower” is running away from answering these questions.


Debunking the myth of the “concealed carry killers.”


Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ready to hear the truth about America on his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bone, Jean Lambert GINO show on this fine Tuesday. Another stack loaded show today producer Joe. How are you today my friend? It is a fine and wonderful day to be here with you, Daniel, the Irish, Joe armoured cars. They believe you are scottish, correct, Yarmouth, cause coat of arms stuff like that city we all know has climbed a very of harm reduction. Folks, listen! We, are loaded up. Today's Joe knows he's been doing to cut a lot of video and audio. First, I've got a ton of stories for you. Let me go and tell you where we're going to go crazy. New connections come out and I'm basically going to expose the you for you so get ready. We the g as we used to call the signature of the government. The insiders swamp rights are really worried about,
allow me to make a prediction here: I'm gonna predict. What's gonna come out this energy report, that's gonna freak your administration, average you're gonna love that I got some video from them yesterday's got. Liberals head, spinning Reagan, style from the exorcist, not Ronald. Of course, Linda Blair style gonNA, throw three the boy might answer project very task. Video had Tipp James O Keefe decree of a about all Jeff. The Epstein had probably gonna blow your mind. The little bit don't go anywhere: let's go to Indonesia, you by a body that power She genius policy genius dot com folks go to pass. She genius Dotcom, compare life insurance quotes a tumor. This nobody likes to go and shop for life insurance, what are those things we procrastinate we put up, but it's one of the most important things you can do for the safety and security financially of your own It's the season now to elect benefits to your workplace. Most people know open Romans decision time for healthcare coverage. But
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thereby life insurance. Are I Joe? Let's go nice first. I'd start up one of the law story before we dig into the really heavy stuff boy tonight today, folks, because this is gonna absolutely scramble. Your marbles you're, how liberals or so easily triggered these snowflake snug e wearing marshmallow eating, sophomores, roasting level mood jobs cannot at the bottom of the guys. Tweet, I'm into shows responds, isn't really technically illiberal, but he's acting like went out the White House yesterday, President Trump. Great ceremony. Further I'm serious champion washing to nationals of one of their better players. Kurds Suzuki comes up dates, a few words there's something interesting. Is these walking up the bank, which definitely surprises President Trump check this video
come and say a couple words come. I love you. All I love you all. Thank you. What a job we did. I didn't know that what's gonna happen, nobody saw here about what is going to happen. The president's Suzuki walks up and puts a bag had on wage, clearly enraged a bunch of anti trappers? Liberals snowflakes just go to twitter. Yes, it's almost comical only put this on here. To show you how just crazy the opposition is here, the hoax loving Democrats look here's nor more Steen yeah I at nor and see who's completely. Tromp broke this man completely. He broke him like he broke Macbook MAX boot. Formerly respected people who are in any more very
sad or instances. I love Kurt Suzuki as a player, but here I beg your hat to the White House, so I will a cheer him John Series horrified, not quite as at variety Zimmermann. Brian Zimmermann praised her, but his praise for tromp is hard to take listen norm before I move on, I promise she called Suzuki is one of the most talented athletes in the world. He is in a great marriage with a great wife. He loves his family and he's one of the most respected athletes in baseball. I sincerely doubt he gives a rat's ass. What norm ornstein over there yeah. I think hard pass Right John hard pass far norm or instead go back to your think, take norm your marshmallows in your snug ie and enjoying yourself curtsey Suki, we'll be just fine. I promise you nor married woman understood more serious. How did you like me to vote against my Steve
who glow Mr Olympia make body. Building grand again love this shirt. Soon, it's great to work out to supersede. I folks this is, I know I tell you what's important I say is important, is sometimes I a stuffs important, like you say, it's important lives, because a lot of things are important this? What I'm about to tell you this segment is very important. The deep staters than the swamp rats involved in the whole spying operation on trumped. That's about to be exposed. Henceforth the reason for the impeachment probe the fake whistle Our gate Mahler Gay Color didn't gave all the fake gates used against trumped the hawks. These hopes is keep happening for reasons they don't want something to come out. I'm going to start with the leaky, I'm not going to bury it and then I'm going to get into it. I'm going to explain to you what the weed is the lead. Is this? What the deep state or the government don't want you to know,
Is that the spying operation on President Trump may have been financed by the? U S: government itself: oh wait forever. So I laid out for your work go there. We get to set it up, but how does that differ? Why is that a big deal and how is it different from what we ve heard before? What we ve been told, pray Yes, we base thought a tremendous amount of research done by me and others and I've been holding for a long time, but I'm comfortable with it now was that This operation with, despite on trumped the FBI, the FISA Court, Hillary Hillary Clinton, infusion a lot of it was financed by Hillary Clinton. Right our payments to a law, firm, Perkins Kuwait only turn paid fusion. Ladies gentlemen,
I told you that some of this may have been financed by the. U S, government itself. Ok, let's go so: let's go to this peace and the Federalist by an excellent researcher, a fantastic investigative journalist on this Margo Cleveland, whose broken a lot of information as folks the show notes. I must read today go to bond. You know that calm subscribed to the newsletter. This story will be in their it'll, be up attached to the pod, gets on my website. You bunch, you know that come scoop. Margo leave on the Federalist, see I ate of b I inform it was a wash the post source for Russia, gate smears, talking about Stefan help now remember them. Indeed I laid out in Advance- was the you s government actually financing and pay for spying operation against political opponents, Barack Obama, who we haven't heard now on yet have we.
Is that what their hiding Why are they hiding Stefan Halper now from the Margo Cleveland he's where they write about the font: helper, the Federalist Islam, set. The now outed CIA Fbi informants define. How would we know the guy, who is spying on behalf of the government on the Trump team tried to spy on pop up some page that he also served as a source for Washington Post reported David Ignatius? Remember the same guy, who wrote the story about MIKE when call with the Russians, David Ignatius seems to know a lot of people job, yes, providing more evidence that the intelligence can but he is co, opt in the press to push anti trump conspiracy theories in a day Should an email recently obtained by the federalists from the Emma five connected crystal Andrew brag. That is long time friend if it has the inside track on Flynn, which adds further confirmation of this conclusion.
So we now know according to Margo Cleveland reporting, that's the fine helper a year. Wes governments spy, who we know with interacting with the Trump team for the purpose of gaining information on the Trump team to by on them for the Obama administration? We know that how per as well They have not only been involved in the operation to take down trump, but also in the operation to take down Flynn. That we knew. Why? Don't we ve already enough, you listen to show how poor an integral figure in the attempt to take down a Mite Flynn as well, but what's new here is How per may have been a source for David Ignatius from the Washington Post David Ignatius from the Washington Post by the way who again printed a story, and had access to wines phone call to the russian ambassador? Now, how does this all too?
and to my lead here? That was the government actually financing some of this stuff. What is the additional suspected sources producer Joseph for if it Ignatius of the Washington Post one of the suspects, I named James Baker, nah nah, that James Baker, at the FBI, who was commies, lawyer, loyalty, the guy in the FBI, not that James Baker. So another James Baker, a military, official, who works at the office of net assessments, which is a cue title, for an operation that basic, We pays intelligence figures. They basically are like a prop arm for the sea. See, I I don't know any other way to say no, but our cutesy name, Joe Office of that assessment, societal ovarian sounds like their runnin spreadsheets or something on itself. You know spreadsheets other number dog toys, someone so long
I've noticed, but they always have those candidates. There are never I call knaves right can, like a boy corporations, fire twenty two It is obvious that assessment, so you don't pay attention of. What's going on, it's good name, so tat pride. So now we know that, guy runs the Office of NET assessment, which, worse with the CIA, to pay people like helper also may have been a source in the take down of MIKE when using media tools like David Ignatius of the washed imposed oh, how poor been source to again. What's the lead here, government, actually paying for this operation. Why are they hiding helper As everybody in the media so obsessed, with hiding how per member that, when it, when the story first broke out in your country, is not really a spy again he's an undocumented government foreman member all these are
calls them left this freaking out helpers, not a spy he's, not a spy, isn't on doc. Work place in former than ever. Euphemism game bag. He just Firefox introduced Piper every year Remember that the old aunts helpers helpers, help yourself. We re very good. Why were they hiding helper? Let's go to this Washington Times. This would you be in the shower notice in all their peace, at the benefit, to my showed out by the way we don't know me today's articles. We include all their articles that are now relevant again today by roads. Our bureau, whose done tremendous work at the Washington Times on this headline loose contracting Practices the Pentagon office waste millions, whistleblower punished tat what the heck you're talkin about the government paying spy on Trump. We thought it was Hilary, do what it has. Any of this relate men.
Let's take a little different from that peace by Rowan, Scarborough and Wash defines times and see how this may in fact be related to the government. Payments used to spy on Donald Trump quote from there Scarborough PE seven up, or the professor became an FBI form to spy on the Trump campaign failed? document, the research she did as a contract or on four Pentagon studies worth one million dollars and investigation found wow help or has gained a lot of money. It's crazy aired the department of the FAO inspector generals report exposes loose contracting practices at the panic as office of that assessment crazy. How that keeps creep up this I'm kind of problems reported by an analysed Adam lovingly, reported on the past. The office of net assessments later accused this whistle blower lavender reporting on these payments to help others of mishandling sensitive data and he's been system
did without pay. Wow, so the I have met assessments where this guy Baker Works, James Baker, who suspected to be a source in the attack on MIKE, went through the Washington Post paying helper who is also suspected of being a source for David Ignatius washed imposed crazy. How that would happen, Baker how poor NED assessments we? office of net assessments, which pay our money and that a way so blower name Adam lovingly, who expose some of these payments for these faulty reports that help was giving them that so blower was suspended in a job. I thought we were told. Whistleblowers are to be Beata Fight in Saint and they are inevitably question whistleblowers. Now. Why should you do suspended to spend whistleblowers we're just Polwarth this whistle blower. We not just that
sky is to be saved in haste to be promoted from priest. The Bishop Cardinal pop to save immediately. But now we ve find out an actual whistle blower experts. Using payments to how poor and others in the office of net assessments. Ridiculous payments for a whole lot of money. The government run. The office of lead assessments, folks, our government, tax dollars. Mackay, He was suspended a wild. Remember that guy, where they are Brenda and they said he disclosed sensitive data and then I was it and see I s or others in the report. It said he did not, so also. Why did they do any deleted? The knot? kind of illegal. Remember that job yeah do yeah, yeah, Adam lovingly disclosed sense of data. The report said he did not disclose sensitive data. They forgot to put the nodded their that's kind of like saying Joe Rob debate
And leaving out the Joe did not rob a bank like we left, it did not part out of that kind of changes. The story they just a little bit a little just to tat. I gotta tell you, as the UN, but I'm buying ombudsman, if I can t say it, there's an awful lot of crooks in the kitchen here, dude You know what I mean in this story. Also, ah, I'm gonna have a little bit. It didn't have the following you. You know what I mean: ok I don't want you to know that I have done no, no! No! I I do not. I ask you to be the body for reason. I understand. Let me die sub for you, because I do have a loaded, Newsday? Ok, I want to be sure you see exactly where I'm going with all right. Thank you so just way out where we are. We now know that government United, its government do already office of net assessments has been paying people for report,
Ok, fine! I have no problem with that intelligence reports. We know what are the recipients of that those payments which define helper ray grotesque amount of money, our whistle blower in that office has, since the problem with some of those payments in the veracity, the information how power was providing for that money can get it pay in the sky a lot of money in this report's kind of sack oak, We now know that in that office of net assessments, one of the military officials running it, this guy Baker is suspected to be able because today, but Ignatius who's, the same guy who wrote the washed and repose port that took down my Flynn, ok we now know how per maybe a leak or to Baker, I mean me. Maybe can we go Ignatius two based on Margo Cleveland latest report. It now, let's put the cherry on top of this little bad boy. Thanks, brow. Remember
calf. We collect. No, so carefully Catholic is a State department official who, in October before the fires, were meets with Christopher Steel the alleged author the dossier we know it's true- is really not the only author. We know the same sin blanks Similarly, I'm gonna get to this at another time, someone I may have some input into the dossier. We know Chris, Glenn Simpson did, but still me the State Department official he's alleged to be the author of the trunk dossier, any says to the Catholic collect the State Department, But she takes a note and I've circled for you here that one Simpson sources, a guy named trip, Nick off trip Nick off trip. Nick off you mean that Russian intelligence officers, so let me get this straight. Christopher steel is being By Simpson Hilary claiming now steal that one of the
forces for the negative information on drop in the dossier. The PPP tape and other bs result garbage that its aim, I should entail officer connected. The Putin is now fascinate. Russian collusion was a republic into parity. It's a democrat do stuff, but we'll leave that one for another day. I can't what does this have to do with the g, paying potentially for spying, For spying, trying to hide it and being very, very concerned about how, for let's go, the series of tweets by a great investigative report for the Daily Collar Chuck Ross treated these out a while ago, but they are definitely worth your time now. So this was shot. Back in May? May seventeen here's a series of three tweets and reads either that the key in this and let me see that leave these upper secondary. What I want to tell you I'm going before. I read these ok trip Nick. Ladies and gentlemen, the Russian Intel connected Guy. What not steals body Tribune
Stop with someone else's body who may I suggest, may have had a larger role in the dossier. Then their leading on and if this guy, what a larger role in the dossier was being paid by the office of net assessments. I e the: U S, government all, ladies and gentlemen, we had a big problem, though we ok, let's read these streets by Chuck Ross about your back off members still says it's his body because he wrote the dots. Always does you mean a guy being paid by the government that guy helper captured Nick off too of also has links to define. How are always guys. You mean a guy paid by the government that God help tab trip Nick off the can to a twenty fifteen Pentagon study on China, Russia issues helper was a contractor time for the petty office I've met assessment, crazy, crazy. How that here,
It was the offer to write policy papers to get close to. George Papadopoulos Chuck goes on happen. So hosted in a rage for sure break off to speak at the Cambridge, college. In seven aren't you thousand twelve thousand fifteen triptych off had visa problems GM Why is russian Putin connected Intel Guy Prior the twenty fifty visit, but those I cleared up. I wonder that happened. One final three. Helpers role and hosting trip. Neck off is significant for a couple of reasons resigned from the Cambridge Intelligent seminar in December twenty sixteen over what he claimed was undue russian influence open. He reportedly was concerned that russian operators were given too much of a platform. You read the platform You got money from the? U S, government, to pay. It's a host. That russian you mean a platform What is this all making sense? The you know like are the bells.
Who's going off. Yet a U S, government paid spy helper. We can always now alleged to be a source for the media to possibly spying for the government by the way being paid by the office of net assessments were a wish, blower discovered a lot this and was suspended, I believe in their effort the hiding that same guy, being paid by the taxpayer member we got here will repay, for which is bad enough, but now you paid for it. How poor, who is tight, which have Nick off, I believe, helpers. Information from Shrimp Nick off may have somehow found its way through the dossier. After help was the one getting paid by the? U S: government to develop said sources. Ladies and gentlemen, if that's the case now,
makes perfect sense why the Democrats are eager still to make sure this is the steel dossier, because that's bad enough, it's bad enough that Hilary paid a foreign Intel Guy Christopher Steel to join up information on entrepreneur off they interview crystal after that interview, Joe the Idee report. Was delayed. Do you think it's just possible Christopher steel may have noted in the interview with investigators looking into the despite a fiasco that some The information he came he said came from trip. Neck off may have came from helper paid for by you. Ah, ah Elizabeth athletes nervous, I'm just pointed out their folks
you heard it here first, I just want to show you to a headline from the liberal media, I'll wrap it up with his from not Fox with an F V box like Victor member when they freaked out what how presumed came out here. You have a spy gate, the fall! delegation that the FBI had a spy in the truck campaign. Explain all about the font. Helper
it'd spy Trop hears what actually happened, spider folks, they freaking out because of how far is being paid by already in a whistle blowers, suspended the hide it. Despite the Trump T, any information, steel, Saint came from trip. Nick off actually came from Halpern made it into the das. Here boy: do we have a problem? We have the? U S, government. Are we have our taxpayers money being used to lie to a fighter court on behalf of the political candidate to take down another one? The verdict is in a bad boy. Folks may have to believe the second part. Now, that's ok, thanks buddy, you can leave me asking for the bleak and there too.
I thanked flog. I think tanks for working with me on that helped make sense here that really data, which is too many too many cooks. Yet. Thank you a lot. You like that yet worked yet wait till that little doozy comes out. Remember this data. What's today's date, the fourth that, whatever the fifth fifth render them our folks. I get a move on to other stuff, and I want you to pay special attention to that story. Talk about a bunch of I did also by everybody that genocide I'll join. You sell, we love, Genji, sell this. How are you my wife, you see my mother law use it. I use the immediate effects before I go on. He sometimes I'm tired you, no one on puffy, bad guy stuff go, and so the immediate effect done right away. You gotta hot date. Whenever try immediate effects, gotta go on tv. Try immediate effect got a big business. The meeting try Jenny cell immediate effects. I take it over how much quickly Jenny Self help me Sid email. We got the job
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gonna genocide, g and you see other comment or Dan thirty a check out again, that's genocide. I combine thirty. I check out check it out. Gonna love it! Ok, we are loaded up today. So, let's so yesterday major League blow out on outnumbered on Fox, which was just a pleasure to watch, and here I know you get to see this- I don't I Jade Fox sooner full disclosure, my work with both of the participants in this kind of on outnumbered. You know, I don't have any more. I don't make my politics personal, you know I just don't. I've worked with them their. There are fine, but I gonna take the side of one of em on this, because the other side, I just think, is miss misleading Without further ado, this was a debate going on and outnumbered about Joe Biden. John Kerry Toolbar Son Hunter Biden, associate of John Kerry Devon Archer their society,
this business dealings in Ukraine with its natural gas company and watch the response. Steve Hilton? Marie Harf Har forgot uses this go to line. She uses all the time, I'm that sure she knows what evidence means, but she keep saying every every time she feels uncomfortable. She says: there's no evidence. I want you to watches they. They want to come back to this, but this Got good they shall. I go no longer check this out. Let her father element of girls, that needs to be looked into and again something Ukraine should investigate, which is John Kerry's corruption. He was secretary of state at the time. He was also invite. In channeling money to Ukraine. His former chief of staff was hired by charisma soon after Hunter Biden went on the board, they hide dont carries former chief of staff. While he was secretary of State, paid him money from Burma could have come from the? U S, taxpayer that money circle back to democratic senators. Who then
to the administration, calling for more money to be sent to tourism. All of that needs to investigated John carries, gave evidence that anything. You advice that I just nine hour is have you ever needs departmental now covering up the corruption to defend? Are you are you, nuts billions of the oil companies? We re talking about the news. Please don't accuse me of covering something up you. I can hardly knowing there's no evidence they were nuclear fad, over that the twitter yesterday? Well, let me just by may Joe and, by the way I'll say, been open invitation to resolve the bayberry on this topic any time this is You know where she's not here to defend herself, and, unlike you know, liberals I don't like to engage in these kind of these. Things have you would call works of a bit, but I know she says she wants come on the shore happy debater on. So let us be clear about this. We know for a fact.
What am I was? U, we call evidence data points out. I don't know what euphemism Marie's immeasurably confused about what evidence means when we know for a fact that Hunter Biden was fact hired by our natural gas company in Ukraine, while Joe Biden was in the administration, as vice president assign as the point man on Ukraine and actually discussing natural gas that is in dispute. You can dispute that, but that would be just simply foolish I dont know how to discredit those are accepted. Fact. Ok, we know honey By was hired without any of the requisite skills on the board to meet the requirements. Any board member would have to add value to their company hunter. By now what skills in Ukraine? No skills in the natural gas arena at all, nothing hunter by was clearly hired because of his last name. I get that dispute amongst reasonable people. A fact We also note at Associated John Kerry, Devon Archer was also-
On the border, many get to a John Solomon piece: it omitted of berries, my the natural gas company. And we also know now- pursue the emails uncovered by John Salmon- that govern archer was actually seeking meetings with John Kerry and other people in the State Department and other beryllium lawyers and other representatives A lot of this investigation go away, poof into charisma for corruption, while hundred Biden in Devon, Archer and associated junk areas on the board. I say to Marie. You suggesting that there's no evidence does it mean, there's no evidence. There's no evidence. You saying no evidence is actually true. Do attacking Steve, like that is kind of pretty harp and our debate, you At any time, you want to re match on on the five or some I'm ready anytime now you're gonna get a big challenge. Any of the facts they put out there. You're gonna get a bit Everybody the army,
the bank records for the payments of the view that apparently, the only person to media hasn't seen this stop at an end, and I worked for the State Department is not under what is at me. I don't know what that means. You work for this. They departed so with the facts. Are you work for? they were so Hunter by didn't work for Burma is evident. I don't get it these two things are correlate a great you work for the state or even worse, that you're out. Well, apparently, with the evidence, so let us say good for Steve Way to hit that Yemen hit back heart, The time now, John Solomon yesterday, another tremendous Pisa. Boarding by John, whose just been back in and out of the ball park. Lately I'll have the sort of Look at the shone out. Please look at John has been just all over this he's. This new side of their John Solomon reports should be up in the show notes again subscribe to newsletter I'll, send em right, you're breaking yesterday,
and our own Marie read this or she didn't happy to debate at anytime time. Remember: twenty nine. In Headline John Solomon Hunter binds you. And gas firm press. The Obama minute in the end the corruption allegations memo. Shell. Fuck, you understand nothing. You ve been told about now. You understand why Ukraine Gate Whistleblower gate is such a big deal. You get there. I remember the golden rule. Democrats always Joseph always accuse you of what they're doing. So now we know do the prior segment. I here that You may have actually pay taxpayers the office of net assessments to produce information from russian against tromp. That was false. I would all that collusion, no trumpeted right. They didn't Ukraine gate there is. Are you crazy about by
and about the Dnc working with Ukraine, the impact the election. Target job, but David due to believe it's about job, so they just make it up through the fake whistleblower. But now we are finding out that the Ukraine Gauge story, evolving, binding and the hiring of his son they're paying for his last They obviously to access the state, the farmer John. What were we tall? We were told merely by Joe Biden. I didn't talk me my son, about this. We find it that was a lie. We find that so it is already admitted to talking to his dad about it. My dad is already admitted talking to restart about what are. We also find out there all of these claims by the Democrats, it this hiring of Hunter Biden and John carries body John. Call me they're Devon, Archer homes. Tat. It was no big deal had nothing to do, but they were not trying to leverage their contacts in the Obama administration Joe. It was just a straight up deal business deal because Devon, our
for an hour by hour. So in this sense, Poland qualified to be board members on natural gas company that they were hired for their mad skills that we find out John Solomons Peace at stake, when a portion of the peace here that Hunter Itunes names specifically about effect- was invoked by barbarism up as a reason that the State Department should help them According to a series of email exchanges. Amongst you s, officials again from We would call this evidence corner, a series of email exchanges. Among you S, officials trying to The meeting the subject life You mail exchange, simply red bereaves. So let's get this done. Keep out of a second here. So the book, our people that hired hunter binds? Kid specifically evoke the hiring of buying and his name to get a meeting which State department people while that's crazy. I thought that didn't happen quote per.
A conversation. This is what are their email exchanges and care and trim on a blue star strategy sets a legal firm, representing charisma strategy from quest at a meeting to discuss with the novel It's a! U S. Government representative mistake upon alleging parry some corruption, a February for twenty sixteen email between state officials, red quotes, the two high profile. U S, citizens are affiliated with the company, including hundred Biden as a board member as possible, I can't be real right, that's not ever evidence, really it's made operate? Well, it's not now we Or tolls specifically not oh, it's not now, I'm sorry, I know you're as the audience buds when you gotta see corrected for that. We need to create a clear and clearly can we really know it's real. This data, and is clearly being contacted by a political
active strategy. Legal representative from bereavement trying to get a meeting with the State Department to clear up a charge against charisma corruption charge, while or Biden Endeavouring Archer are sitting on a border police were crazy. We heard. We were told that doesn't happen job that didn't happen. Greece, S, there's no evidence so that email clearly These rights is not only about clearly a fake, ok, but I get to the second. Portion of this peace. Do I get that I'd swear? They all went into second infomercial way, there's more act like this work ever AIDS,
Not err quote evidence forget for that. They show also, but you already nets read these repeated her ghetto agreed sponsors want to be here. We try to keep the shell light on on ads for you, but some companies really want to get in When I talk to use, we appreciate your patience that sweet. We use that sweet miles. We love, naturally be lost without it a next week by Oracle to number one cloud: business: visual system nets. We com come that's the place to go folks. We love naturally be lost without it Thus, if you dont know your numbers, you don't know your business, the! growing. Businesses have is knowing your numbers and these hodgepodge business systems. They don't talk to each other, one for accounting for sales inventory. They dont makes they don't match it's a big, inefficient mess. It harsher bottom line. Taste too much time in too many resources that hurt your business. It hurt your numbers, we, these nets we'd! Here we love it. Introducing that sweet by Oracle super easy to use its business management. Software handles every aspect of business allows you to grow increase. Your bottom line gives you the visibility and control you need with nets. We save time
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The real scandal, just like we were told, rushing collusion was about Trump do now. We find out real scandal, Baby Hunter Biden by using daddy's name and bereavement to try to get interviews access to the State Department to clear up a corruption investigation into the company. He was workin for crazy. Why? take away a number two about another well connected cat sit now this policeman Board Company B investigated by the Ukrainians, as apparently Joe Biden, pressuring the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor. Looking into it while take away number two quote from the John sounded peace, but the records do anything. Indicate that a hundred binds fellow American Board member is my Devon archer. We can associate John Kerry Folks, a very close one, secured a meeting on March. Second, twenty sixteen with Secretary stay John carry himself. How did that happen
should the serving on the charisma board. Archer an hundred vine, we're partners, an american fall firm notice, Rosemont Seneca, here's, an email quote: devil! archer coming to see asked today? That's the secretary of state at three p m needs! to meet and greet him at Sea Street, an email from carries office manager is again we call that evidence folks, I'm just put net That's a shorthand frequently used in the stadiums to describe the Secretary of State, the member states for the I thought I thought this was happening. So let me just add the charisma, errors and Associated John carrying the sauna, Joe Biden, while Joe Biden is the point, man on Ukraine, where tourism is located in guessing natural gas. As this point, man role is VP natural gas past tourism? Is a natural gas company turbines claim nothing to see Here- fault wash nothing's going on.
Is the bereaved of lawyers are invoking the very name of Joe Biden son to get meetings with the State Department to make the investigation into bereavement go away and, while the other, Board member connected to the Secretary of state. At the time, John Kerry is getting Some vip meet and greet with John carry himself as the investigation and pushed to make it go away. Go and I don't worry folks. This is about Donald Trump, all about drop any well bred, quote Paul glow Non core, it non pro non quo non deal. It's that What is all about again. We would call this evidence. I play that cutting ten of Stephen Marie. Debating on outnumbered, but I don't want to waste your time. I think there the fundamental misunderstanding at the end of that clip about what the word evidence actually means now, as I have said before,
because I believe in fair analysis and quality investigative work. Evidence is not proof. Series of data points and facts acting as evidence can be proof of a crime. Video evidence, confessions, fingerprints, DNA email chains tax. They can be proof if you meet that hurdle beyond reasonable doubt about willing to suggest that yet. What suggesting that there's no evidence of men, a similar malfeasance in the hiring of Joe Biden, Kin giant carries associate while a corruption. Investigations going on the company, you hire them and weather raising? U S, government to make their corrupt investigation go away, while Joe Biden on tape, the men the prosecutor, looking into it fire so there's no evidence is, is so beyond ridiculous- that I'm here
a hard time believe we're having this conversation, it's gotten that bad folks and working at the State Department does not make evidence, not evidence. Ok,. Can you imagine we mention it with some, like God, the they worked at the secret service magic? You know, God forbid, they had elapsed and a security plan or something just broke. Could I not all The secret service. That report is not true because I work it does it matter. Facts are facts. Are I first go to some good news? No, I the media is going to spend anyway, but this is a great story. You know a couple weeks back. I like to give you the real news, not the nonsense and ice. I told you a story to quit story. A word just kind of summing up for you, but I was in the german and about two months ago and a friend of my good friend, nice guy, but he came up to me and even a guy not worried about
action trumps gonna win a landslide and I went on a bit of a kind of a red, therefore, finally, seeing how that's the absolute most dangerous counter productive thing, you can save I'm not knocking the guy. He didn't mean anything by he's a nice guy and I asked his permission to use it on the show and he was fine with it. And I got a lot of ass. The email dad don't be like Debbie doubt vote, I'm not Debbie doubter, listen at all. I am just trying to. Give you reality. So you're not prepared for unreality like the Clinton's war. Member. The Clinton team came are awaiting a landslide trumps. Two chances of winning is the Washington Post. That crystal is article approaching zero, didn't even go to Wisconsin what happened. They lost. I need you to be a little anxious, I said you when I get the Good NEWS I'll give it here, because back then that at the time the polling data folks really wasn't that great and I'm gonna put
south there again for like two thousand time on the show, but I want you to hammer this into your skull. Yes, the state, I'd? Pauling data was off badly in the last election, in this piece. I'm discuss why in a second, but I'm going to suggest, That the data this time will be better. The data was bad and the last trump. Actually twenty. Sixteen. I know I ran in that cycle. I experienced at first hand because a lot of trump voters were first time, voters I knocked on doors I used to pay. You get a walk list when you run for office right. That walk list is of die hard republic. Voters! Why do you not gonna die hard republican voters before primary, because they are the only ones who can vote nor public and primary? I was paid all these houses would term signs. I call my campaign manager. Why isn't its name on the list. I'm wasting time on pass in ten trump houses. You screwed up the with she's Jimmy the I didn't screw. The list of those people do not, oh they're, not on the list. So I said
knocking on the doors of the Trump signs that work on the list of republican voters ensuring She was right, hello MA. Am you ve? Never in my life, why David Shrub sign example? Now, That's why the state poles were so wrong. Not the case now those People voted in the last election there going to be counted now. Now Suggesting the poles are spot on, there's always a massive trump on their account for a lot of reasons, but I don't want you to be fooled. By this I mean forgetting, nor the put no, no don't ignore the poles be a little anxious that way. You go out in grip, ten friends and vote. Gosh? If there's one thing I want to be proven wrong on its at my anxiety was misplaced. Please prove me wrong and wit and a landslide. How would be the greater
they are my life I'll replay this cut. Having said that, though, there is some good news out their peace by bright bar in the shadow of death. We worth your time folks forget the National Posada national Election, the national poseur relevance that doubt those you should forget. You need to pay Can't shoot the swing stayed Paul's. It's an electoral college election it is not a national election for president. That's a myth, It is a series of fifty stay elections that determine the national like it's, not a national. Let the popular vote does not matter. John Multi, great peace Before twenty nineteen, twenty twenty shrinks, they Paul show why the media have really wants trumpet peached. Now I have three screenshots from this peace that are worth your time. First, let me tell you the Good NEWS. The good news is this here: screenshot number one remember, there's always a bit of a trump under count,
he's in a lot of trouble, Joe Biden and others and Bernie Sanders to trumpet the swing states quota. Now the swings they appalling from the far left New York Times shall explain, why the media's, desperate the sea trump impeached among likely voters, remember what I just said, folks, those likely others were not there and twenty sixteen ever voted, but they'll be there now. Now we know them among lie: The voters trump is losing by only two points to quit, Ojo in Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin Folks, within a margin of error. Albanian Michigan, Slow Joe, is up by only a single point. Trump leads! North Carolina by two. That is very good news. Here's where it gets even better cause Joe Biden this disturbance and see how the shows weaving together it's gonna. Yeah Bernie Sanders only Beach trump in one of those two states Michigan by three points there too,
Wisconsin Trump beats Bernie by four in Arizona North Carolina by one in Pennsylvania and two in Florida, nice huge numbers there. That's why we still doubt the vinyl occupational folks, Give me the reasons why I think this a bit of an underground here. Bottom line is stay anxious, but I want to be panic: we're still a decent shape. Here's a second take. It gets even worse for some of the other front runners against Trump. As for the current demo, erratic front runner, Elizabeth Warrant, Trump least by two to four it all of those states. If that result or where their die fats, Scary enough for the media latest pulling its Trump Winning Nevada, a steady look. One he sixty? This is at least the double bought guy coming, you can always say God we have people permissible means,
may. I say to remind him of his you yeah now every You like this peace alive, no fee continues. Eddie gives There are reasons why, even with those solid numbers within the margin of error in the swing states and crushing Warren in the swing states,. Maybe adding Nevada, why that may be an under count to check out there four points. I might get a red every sentence of it, but it's worth you Tom, you want of in detail, read the peace its up at the shown us today. Reasonable wanna, maybe an undercurrent here pulling its historically underestimated trump strength. By about five points, now, folks, factoring in what just told you about how likely voters, even if that's just two or three points trappers, either way. You are tied in every one of those states. Ok, number to trouble doing remarkably well in the middle of it many Europe's! If, at all
Certainly, and with his equivalent vindication, if not in the house, that in the Senate great point take away number three while Bide might have to have the best shot it stop. Tromp, everyone knows it's only on paper finds a terrible campaigner. The fact is some looted at least three for hard countries that we know what is a huge liability, Well said, Dorothy Well said, take away number for most importantly, chancellor, even AL comparing right now he's got out the trail he's the babies, are talking about. His record. Is accomplishments he's that outcome. Dressing himself of this far left opponent and he's not doing what he's doing best selling.
Is vision, is ids is common sense, just left for America. We know he's a great guy he's not doing that. I was busy being president at fighting off this ridiculous impeachment, which is going to end badly for the Democrats, in other words folks. This may get a whole whole lot worse. For the Democrats. Little bit of good news doll, light tat, puts you at ease, just smile a little bit. No, it's never the kids Asked your fee, the media wants you to believe it is, but stay anxious, anxious people when elections complacent people get their boats, kick Don't forget that? Oh, oh, oh I I did not want to forget this either. This is huge vote product very fast, James, ok, he's always out their breaking news on CNN, otherwise he's a captain of hidden video. I wanna play this little doozy for you from ABC News about Jeffrey, have seen. I want you to pay particular attention to a bill Clinton,
angle. You may her under show a little while ago check this but it just broke before I get on the earth and when a play it for you, I want you the kind of hot wash through your head tomorrow, I'll figure. In a little more of Projectoscope, I've had a story of three years of had to synergy with Virginia robbers. We would now put it on the air force almost hold, whose Jeffrey Epstein no one knows who that is. This is the stupid story than the palace found out that we had her whole allegations of Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways we resolve free. We would merely interview Kate will say that we got also forced the story and then and then I'll endorse what was also implicated because of the plains of she told me everything she had pictures everything she was hiding for twelve years. We convinced her to come out. We convince it is up to us, it was unbelievable, will be had Clanton with everything they had to build quivered stuff too.
Wow. That's the bottom line that Europe has an Clinton stuff too crazy. We'll get you a little more that tomorrow, I've gotta some other stuff I need to get to all right. One final, sponsoring another story on very important: to see a story about nominate tied to a former federal agent that died tragically, but this is worth your time so stated. Our final sponsor today, folks, is our friends at public wreck. These are the most comfortable every day pants you are ever going to find folks. I, when I was instructed the secret service academies really tough to fine pants, get a tactical everyday comforted a pants to where you know we had, albeit a u pants, they were a comfortable, they even breathe. Ah you don't have enough pockets, it which is poorly designed. While that problems all been solved. We public wreck there. Best pants other love thy where these older than think about your favorite pay, raggedy, sweat, you have our comfortable, they lounging, but you're, not
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really horrendous. In Mexico there were nine: U S! Citizens killed in Mexico by Savage Animal, La Cartel gang there's differences The story right now at Fox NEWS, has some coverage of being the show notes: Danielle Wallace Fox NEWS: nine Americans, including six children, children, killed as a Mormon as Mormon off shot group caught in cartel crossfire. I mean what kind of savages you have to be really. This story is just hard to believe the family that was killed at the Lebaron family and apparently he's lived in the northern portion,
Mexico sooner reason for a long time is their unsure. Yet if this was a targeting or a case of mistaken identity, but folks, the details of the story are horrible and because I try to keep the show relatively family friendly, I'm gonna leave out the horrible details about what these cartel did this family, as they were travelling back the United States, but folks Trump put out a tweet over this, and you know this is one of the times. I really love this guy. I really really appreciate what he's doing quote this is
I'm from Mexico, with the help of the United States to wage war on the drug cartels and wiped them off the face of the earth. We merely await a call from your great new president. You know what's good for you, folks, when I was in the law enforcement academy, in federal law enforcement, training Centre and Glenn County Georgia. Learning how to be a federal agent? What are the stories that was frequently told by people about the danger of what your doing being a federal agent was the story of a heroic de agent in former, I believe, marine by the name of Kiki Pomerania. It's a sad story like that
back, his so horrible, but I want to show you why we need people like Trump right now. He could come arena with the age and who had uncovered. I mean massive drug trafficking. Are he was a real threat to one of cartels down there in Mexico well being at the age, and he was targeted, he was targeted, he must take any was kidnapped by gunmen. He was tortured over thirty hours. There was a doctor Valve who kept him alive so they can continue to torture. The condition they found his body and in a plastic bag is not suitable for me to talk about in the show, and it was. It was one of the most disgusting and disturbing cases. You're ever gonna hear about. If you don't know the story of Kiki Camera, I suggest you look it up. Well, I was Doin the Reagan and begin wasn't have in any of that sort,
Launched operation by India, which was one of the most massive murder investigations we had at the federal level in U S history and they got most of the dogs. Who did this the much pigs, the cockroaches in Euro area writer, some a semi, though called dogs or guide dogs, our great, let's call them roaches flies flies landing on dog turd sets a kind of people least savages. Are they got them? It took a while, but we got them. We made sure politicians went down law enforcement, people who are involved in it yeah yeah. They were law enforcement officials and Mexico Cartel members and they crushed that cartel. Now a cartel is replaced later by another cartel, but they became the word got out after that you don't with the United States Folks, we can't ever citizens mode down by cartels
suggesting you know: we'd need thermonuclear war here, there's gotta be a pretty heavy response. You, the coffin business in Mexico, may get busy. Surely sleep there you My vote read: that story will hopefully be some updates on that Sir hey thanks again for tuna, and I really appreciate it. Please discards, my Youtube Channel Youtube COM, slash congenial! I really appreciate it we're trying to get up to three hundred thousand subscribers we're almost there. Thanks to you and your loyalty. I really appreciate it also subscribe to the audio version. The show apple, podcast, Google, part guess and elsewhere It means a lot thanks a lot folks. I will see some of you at the Patriot awards in tamper tomorrow, Fox nation. So if you want to check that out, please go ahead I'll, see their sale or bring a backward
happy to sign. If we see you all on Wednesday, taking you just heard TAN Bonn, genomes yeah, you can also get Dan's podcast, soon, Itunes or sound cloud and follow then on twitter. Twenty four seven at De Bonn, GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-02.