« The Dan Bongino Show

Could This Be The Biggest Sign Yet? (Ep 2054)

2023-07-26 | 🔗

I’m fighting back. In this episode, I address my latest move to fight censorship culture. I also address the latest frightening move by China as they prepare for war. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben JE, no the and is tired of being tired, and as I tired of being tired of being tired of these commies on the left, there obviously communists. I mean there's any serious person in the chat or anywhere else dispute that there are obvious, see commies right now about everything, go hallmark. Benchmark of what a commie would do. The left is check. The box were already into the afterwards that book we're not in like the twelve that programme. The twelve steps are over twelve. That's the communist, wordy there so I got a little announcement today that in may you're, but it's just my little way of fighting back. Is I'm just getting so tired of this, and you know I didn't one thing: You guys will notice about me and ladys out there, and I hope you do these is it. You know,
monies great, I'm a capitalist. I enjoy making money in working for this programme and get up early in doing it, but I'm not in this for the money. There's far different reasons: amendments ran for office myself, I was an activist- and little things I try to do each day to set the you know some kind of an example. sometimes I'm not a great example, but sometimes I think I can set just little examples that we can do little things each day to kind of thing into the lab and fight back so wanted to something today I get to that big. Showed me a lot of this. We have another by the way I on this hundred Biden. Debacle fairly, is legal team looks like they try to pull a fast when yesterday will seek additional sponsored by black blackout, coffee giving you money woke garbage companies. It may terrible coffee anyway, go the bigger waiver. That's black coffee love the country and they love coffee, gotta blackout, our feed. Our council spongy no use coupon code bulging over twenty percent of the first order. Welcome to the show I got that I've got
Interesting opted for you on China, it's up to Joe you keeping track its four thousand five hundred and seventy four fourth prepared got it probably biggest sign, yeah yeah forty five. Seventy four that we are george world war three with china ever needed? story, gonna be hard for you do not agree with me. You think I'll be sterical about it, wants to show tell me when I'm down whose right newsroom by the way he looks. Mattresses, integrate, nightsy, helix, mattresses. the best they offered twenty unique matches for big tall short. Why special mattresses for kids to find the perfect fit, but I see by hills, it's a one hundred night in home, sleep shower no matter your sleeping position, I'm a side sleeper helix. As the answer for you, memory, foam, hybrid or Responsive to the individual would enhance coolly features. Keep you from overheating, Hillis about comfort and a great night see my yokes matches the best I've slapped that have the midnight locks. The set up was fast and easy. Don't take my word. without jake you and wired magazine of named helix, their number one matches, it'll take my words. A grey matches
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complaining that rfk is speaking, that of case allowed to speak in animal, make divide administration, hesitant about stopping information Are not pretending any more bear going. Full tyrant, they are targeting are f. K is shut him up because it'll make by an administration, the hesitant about stopping misinformation? I e shit date. All like that's what miss Information means that they mean these communist scum Democrats. I am so tired of I'm tired censorship, I'm tired of the d banking, I'm tired and de forming you should be tired of it too, but there are a little things: it can do every day to stamp on their toes and make this really hard for them. All. Kay addresses last night. He resolved, which shone out of the on a town or robert, have Kennedy junior again. Let me just put this kind of calves. add em. Buyer beware: I do not support are
hey can't campaign for the presidency support free speech, the fact that he's a victim of it care. If he's a Democrat, he deserves our support that our political support- constitutional support. Those are two different things. so the guy's been the subject of a massive censorship campaign, because communist communists, like stacy placid, don't want him to because he's speaking about their censorship It was him on anti last night addressing just this. What would you have done differently and when, at what point? In other words, would you have a wild, the experimental vaccine to be produced. Would it be only for older people? Would you have had mandate? Would you have any school shutdowns you know did and if you'd those policies on. Do you not run the risk? If there's more human contact, a virus, we did know a lot about early on. We still don't really even know nothing as far as I'm concerned. What would you have done differently?
I would have done everything differently. I mean number one, the first english ervic for the first thing that they should have done. Is to use other using internet many many ways, usually sensor doctors, positions or trying to say hey. You know I mean treatment, a protocol that actually works, I'm using therapeutics and work We were silence, we should it on the opposite. we should have used the internet that we now have this extraordinary resource to link ourselves fifteen million frontline, around the world and have them report. What treatments was that using what was working? We know now, dozens and dozens of therapeutic drugs that we're off dish of drugs that obliterated talking Hiv Q, rocks and reacted and drugs work? When I am dead of ear, many many many. This is why they want to shut this guy up. This is
why the symbiotic big pharma, big business in government there now all in bed together there, like it's like a train, each ones lips ass, though the next ones ass, that's what they do now. They work to shut people like this guy up, where's. This gonna spend too much time in this opening segment. Here's what I am talking about this this article I read yesterday, you know I've got a new book coming out, proud of it have put a lot of work into it called the gift of failure. It's available for pre order. Now the relief, state, I think, is the second week of september, so you can pretty much order now. You'll get it pretty soon One announced more the adoring, the publication, they d, I'm proud of the book. The book about all my mistakes. I got tired of people writing books about how wonderful they are. Sir. I wrote a book about all dumb shit- I didn't screwed up, and there was a lot of it, a lot from in spinsters stupid stuff. I didn't secret service. I wanted to you guys and expose myself to you to show
that you know what you can do. Big things when messing up big too, here about our successful and awful and greater volunteered to buy your awful mistakes and how you recover that's out of point of this. The point of this is my boy. he's comin out now and but people are ordering and a lot of people are honouring, what about stores and outlets in everyone? So I saw the sword what the blaze you can read my newsletter target. You know: target left. This communist company refuses in store sales of Glenn backs book weeks after A ban on mark levin was reversed. So I thought seven sidney. I call by publishing partner yesterday- and I said man I really don't like target. If the communists company is a communist company, it's made a lot of really genuinely awful moves in the last few weeks. I said: do me a favor? I don't want my book and target now I got to be candid with you. He's probably gonna hurt my book sales ban
maybe maybe not or not- around many we sell and targeted out, but probably cost us a couple days and copies you where there are and very specific state. So I told them, I don't wanna be intent. pull any sales from target, so you will not see my book and target I dont want. New business. We target, I told them, pull it have a partner in this I say: do not put my books in target if It doesn't want to make any money off conservatives you might be in their shopping for a book like mine, then fine. If the book fails because of it the book fails, but I'm not gonna, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing their target doesn't want books on it. For all these leftwing companies are a lot of what I mean civil moves, sell books to be candid are left wing, but they d least try to sell conservative books and don't screw, you know who people over them are targets. Just like me, open and honest about it. so I don't want my books and targeted. Don't forget it, I'm not going to allow play games and, if other left wing outlets want to toy would mean to wanted. That's what
both from there to a man really not interested. I think I opened up there. Oh that way in the beginning of the show today, for a further reason why you understand. I am not in the Still I make a choice the rails and money off you all. I love what I do. I'm fine, I'm just getting tired of this bullshit. You can tell what my tone the countries is fallen apart and this is a a thing about trying to suggest is going to change the world. I'm not even try suggest there are left wing elements that are going to sell the book they are, but these guys gotta learn a lesson you would think after targeted. After all, the crap with the sex sex, confuse, clothing or whatever that may be your identity, politics, clothing, scandal they have of it. I was gonna, you think they wake up and smelling, but they're. Not there are not there. Just doubling down on attacking conservative. I don't think I like your turn we're going to a dangerous place, guys rhetoric We dangerous spot right now, we're gonna live
It's coming up. We can dial a lot of this back and we can fix a lot of this. I'm sure of it but here's more evidence that we are going down an extremely dangerous road. This is what passes four main stream conversation on the left on MSNBC with the left's new twelve. that the communism programmer under with everybody in arizona. Nobody thinks this is even remotely unusual, here's an MSNBC guest yesterday, I know I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna talk about their multipart plan. The left were done to take to take this country on the path to communism. Here's a suggesting that we should use the patriot act, employ We should use the target domestic. supporters like terrorists and nobody this panel on MSNBC thinks this is even remotely unusual watch this in a battle for hearts and minds in there, People on the fence, gotta have leaders and messages and messengers and programmes they get to those people they bring them over.
intra community, organizing and into non profit organisations and away from the patriot front me I'll keepers, and I think that the rules that are important we ve talked about this before. After me Eleven, the the last didn't work like they made massive changes to respond to a new threat, and I think we have to face the fact that many of our structures, laws and policies may not work. After nine eleven, we created the department of homeland security. There was the patriot act. There was massive change in tyres society to face the number one threat or communicating isn't on one breath we need the same kind of tectonic tonic shift its getting
it's more and see something say something, but maybe our laws need to change. To respond to the fact that someone like mike flynn, the former national security director, is openly calling for violence consistently hosts. As you can tell I'm very frustrated, my nervous system is fried with stuff. That really is I deal with it all day. I deal with it all night, so much happens behind the scene so much. behind the scenes. I don't talk about on the show, because I don't want to make the show about my personal issues, but the attacks on us are just relentless it. Never ever stops
Some days when I show up the guys can probably tell I'm in a little bit of a saudi mood, and the reason is I probably, with the almost somethin Harry the day before, and I was it's just not stop. They have this multi part plant come after us with you, she back, I paul right off. Did you see what he just implying that, because he doesn't like general might plays calling for violence which is fake. That's ridiculous! There, implying that these patriot act tools of surveillance and are applied to supposedly stop terrorism should be applied against the american. domestic audience, because you don't like the political arguments there making and no one on MSNBC thinks my That sounds crazy. Do you understand We would say this on our show. We be immediately boycotted by every left wing, crazy, lunatic around values we should import. We employ. a police state to deliberate,
the target left this, because their ideas are freaking crazy. Do you realize, the insanity that would ensue immediately? There would be people knocking at our door, demanding investigations and public hangings April the insane the amount of animosity. It would be headed our way, but this is what passes for. normal conversation on the commie networks like MSNBC, yeah, sure, no sweat. We should just use patriot act to go after people, especially mike flitted decorated, a terry hero folks years their plan, censor, sensor everything you can throw the situational safeguards out the window, plastic and others the open about it. Now the Biden administration protesting, the Missouri Biden case, which call them four censorship: the bite administrations like we're going to do more. If we don't really care deputize private part, to censor what you get spanked in court doing
use ngos as well to boycott conservative valets like that global this information thing, but apple bound. We talked about yes, it, open eyes, the government to go after people- you don't like tromp mike flanders, your stone, deputize, the private actors in the media- the media as your propaganda tool to do deep, deep cuts into your their political opponents and make sure you tie them with labels, corrupt science, rob medicine, corrupt education. This stuff is happening right now. You got one up judy to turn this around and we'll run out of time,. Run out of time, so I want to transition to another topic. You that's important These warnings are get no, let me know, and the chap please chat, folks. Why? For yes and for no, please Are you tired of these warnings about china? Did you get it if you can? You don't want to hear it. Ok, mentioned again, but again, every single.
day the signs are out there that we are headed to world war. Three, and let me take some, I watch the video and I didn't put it on because I wasn't sure where was from ok good you're, not cause, I'm not tired of it either. Ok, I appreciate that I watch the video I found that on social media, but I wasn't sure where was rum, So, if I'm not really sure, I don't like to put it on the air, because I don't want it to say. You'd ever want to find out later, like it's some crap propaganda video, but the video was about what nuclear war would look like. It's brief. What an actual launch would look like folks within hours the world would be finished. I'm gonna get you out of all. Of course. They are, of course, whereby we know that, but when you, surely watch what would happen. How with days, the black smoke from the fire from thousands of nuclear weapons going off the same time. With black out, those of most of the northern hemisphere, part the southern hemisphere too, and there would be no earth. Let there be no more wildlife animals would die. The estimates are for
I billion people would be In just a couple months, so the fact tat China may want to invade taiwan and Russia's already threatening war against you should be nuclear war against ukraine. Already up over the ukraine is kind of a big deal and we ve got. Oh me, your brains in the white house, whose already got a blackmail file this thick with ukraine in china, nobody's worried about this? I want to play, video, so bad to show you how bad the situation wherein right now so that we better you wake up and go. I better vote like my life- depends on it because it my I watched a couple of those videos, like that is using them gather horrible. They really get to you, dude out there was showing how us of nuclear submarines we have in norway around the norway, the region up there in the ocean with large and then their below
just from russia and china be launches from land based systems. Here thousands from I'm going off at the same time, a merry in cities. Vaporize fires are blaming the precaution alone, wiping out people miles from the explosion. People's lungs exploding, I mean I'm not trying to scare the shit out of you. Watch the video yourself you'll be scared. of yourself java, it is awful and it's another reason to say: hey, thereby gino has been talking about this every freak day. I don't think he's crazy. He's a new sign everyday. China's up this up here you go for a thousand five hundred. Seventy four rush. China's joint military jewels in asia are making and I got very nervous sum of war. This article is ready. from the halcyon days Joe of yesterday hope, yes, that's stress today, russia and china are stepping up military drills in asia and the pacific,
and their moves are starting to align the paragon. Oh, you think they're doing massive air, a naval exercises in combat games focused on safe guarding transportation here, Here's the worrying part is being done there, safeguarding maritime transportation as a locking reference to language the by demonstration jews. They it all respect the sky and the white ass. They already have a blackmail file on. this is why I am worried. Stories are everywhere every freaking day, man. We are staring down the barrel of the largest nuclear gun new ever seen in your lifetime. We are in big trouble if we don't square this shit away, quick, Newsmax china propagate The firm, promoted and organized dc protest folks
from two days ago, not all, he's china own biden, They know how to manipulate our media, because our media are a bunch of left wing goons. They are working hours system against us to foster the division. the country that exists right now. What changing times, where's the foreign minister. I talk about the other day out in chinese foreign minister purged by sea, in paying. Why was he purged because apparently it had, he had good relations with secretary of state tony blinken. What other I, who you need very well need anymore sides You need me more signs of I made the case. He hates the story, you ate the story or might my unnecessarily via upon my apologies, just embody where you're feeling at the start, faults in the job, I'm listen. I'm just here to protect. You is nuclear,
or inevitable, absolutely not is vision of taiwan inevitable, absolutely not but we have ourselves in a bad situation here. The scenario Should we find ourselves in is the chinese communist party is watching the division in the united states right now, as Donald trump gets closer and closer to the presidency, if Biden stays in the race and it looks like he's gonna win, they are terrified of trump. I believe they will make a move even faster so we have a really bad situation where where's trump gets winning we're in trouble as trump gets closer to losing. If that's the case or something would happen or he drops out we're, fill in trouble because now they know they ve got Biden in office for potentially five more years, and then they can really invade something He's gonna happen soon there watching everything watching divisions here too, like the video play next and they see this. Countries eating itself alive and its military, and they are just.
Like a narrow chops baby to get going yankee. I do you want to know, I think, they're gonna do some before twenty twenty four I I candidly and I hope believe me folks. I pray to my lord and savior Jesus Christ and I am not losing his name in vain. I pray to him and this I pray I'm wrong, but I think it could be within you months. The signs are everywhere. Now all articles, I'm showing you are from state. the media outlets some left wing some right wing. None of this, is made up. Of course it makes sense. Geese says it makes, of course it makes us do it now. you ve got to you, you got the guy in the widest you, gotta blackmail, file on the guy, he's gonna! Do what you want I mean this is just devastating here's the hell out of me every day. I had a gun
the story come up. This is the stand stuff their lips licking their chops over there. They re script growing on the country that is destroying this place and repetition. are you tired, the same old, monotonous, liberal, flavoured coffee brands I mentioned at the beginning. If so, try might try my friends at blackout coffee they care about two things he owned. This company have spoken to him. Often he cares about the country and he cares about coffee. He loves the coffee. I love the coffee. Everyone who loves coffee, geek loves it. My wife loves it. My wife's colombian she's really hard on coffee. If it's Had she touches again. We la black coffee, sent it to my brother in law to be so. What kind of if he was out of a black, our coffee from sort in the beans to the roasting process. Customer support or shipping blackout coffees gotten incredible work, ethic, they're dedicated to promoting conservative principles. They accept no compromise on taste or quality. Do me a favor check them out blackout, coffee, dot com, slash bond, gino use, coupon code, bungie know for twenty percent of your ditch, those other guys blackout, coffee loves the country, they love their coffee. The coffee is delicious, it tastes,
like a good quality, strong, tasting coffee, its black, our coffee, dot com slashed by gino or use coupon code bungee. No, four! Twenty percent off your first daughter back our coffee that consular spongy thanks black coffee. We approve the chinese communist party is watching his folks. By the way I got an election update coming up some interesting information, something I told you about. I predicted the election coming right up because it's common again, you not wasting your time. This is another segment on MSNBC. Additional hosting people on that crazy, left wing communist network. That suggests we should target americans with the patriot. At a minimum imply they ve also got people this race or on the network suggesting that the entire countries base. On white supremacy and basically were racists and all the others. Are you don't think the chinese communist party?
enjoying every single second of this as we eat each other alive. Take a look. President, Joe Biden is definitely stepping into this moment and marking what the family has been fighting for for years and dr you know, they've had to make some of these memorials bullet proof, as you know, is that the right thing to do and what does it say to you? I guess about society as a whole that that that does have to happen. But we know that we have in our society. The foundation is built on white supremacy, one racism. When I hate shred of black people and the history of hatred against black people, we have to make this memorials blip. Will we have put shields around them because there is a fight or raised the true history of our countries? We cannot work
feed. Our children lies about this country. We have to take the good, the bad and the ugly and makes us who we are. That's how we come to grips with Beth, how we think of the past and that's how we unravel who we are at this moment. The ugliness of this moment is the fact that we have to make a bullet proof that the truth of this moment is we have an opportunity to talk about it and confronted folks. Is this a problem guys? I need some input joke he just in chat, chat folks, I'm watching right now, Is this a real problem? I'm dead series are R a zero spain of mass shootings of statues, but I miss this budget. Laughing, but other than that effort around him up dead series. I haven't our peoples, shooting it that the book we need the process. Is this happening Are you aware, if you please, I know there's no links or anything in the chat, but just like can you I bought a town or city where this happened like
There was a shooting of a statue in eastern official high or something like that, I'm no by missing something. I don't think so. One shot abraham, lincoln, set you off. polly statues started, but this lady suggesting we're all races and white supremacist, Then the horses like they ve gotta, make I too support the proof, because, a mass spate of people shooting the statute, so no one in the shot seem sab somebody said eighty avail, guy gets rocard. I've never is I know I've. Never I'm sure there's been some rare. in case you were there, but this the think of our european societies communist party's, watching this, like what a bunch of depth the ex we better attack. Now, while this eddie it's a charge, a gay you have you follow the news: have you seen a job Jim hundred suggests patch me your lesson and are you this is so the bog s life for the radiation. Is there any example? Ok, but getting anything morons
when someone just bondage he's you a right to ban for stories far out succeeds the supply. That's how you a juicy small yea, that's how you get to fade, kidnap, lady, that's to fight racism and sit in europe. The bubble alice new- since it is this, I won't stop happens because that people want this to be true like this lady earlier or the butcher races crazies, but something. oh every! Oh every! I didn't! I just I just heard about that this year, just said that the summer thing I just figured out it's hard every eye was to informed by the media this phenomenon comp summer, I just I was SK review says it: justice had somehow make what the hell is that so the media's brought that up This is an important same. Here's another victim is censorship right here, while we're on the topic of the tyrannical left, potentially cause
we're award three and a communist type situation over here. This It's a really important interview. I debated putting this in the show this morning because some of you may have already seen some of it on the weekend podcast, but I wanted to play just a snippet of it. I am dr peter mccall on. Let me ask you a question folks, I'll just start with the question sometimes, the best way to go. If you took the vaccine or use terrify desire, I've told you story with no need to repeat it again biggest medical mistake of my life. You want to poke fun, may go right ahead. I deserve it. Ah, I scared had cancer. Time, whatever it's not a sob story, you know, thankfully you now hopefully recovered forget from that, but I didn't Oh and I've always wait for the signs to develop. I didn't do it and it was a dumb ass, stupid move. I deserve everyone's emily for that it was just stupid, but you know make mistakes? I make a lot of mistakes and a matter of brought a whole book about my mistakes. and you got to learn from them, and I,
dedicated my life to get at the truth about this, because I am afraid that this stuff is still in me and may not be doing. What they told us its doing. So I had doktor Peter Mcmullen after the brawny james I am not suggesting is related to the vaccine, because I dont speak about things I dont know, because I want to make an asset of myself. I am, however, suggesting to you that there is a just fascinating phenomenon on the tragic side of young, healthy people dropping over hard conditions and especially athletes that is correlated at a minimum. It appears to be in love with the post covert here. So I don't I'll, buy you but I got me a whole lot of questions because folks they don't care dead. Rule applies, and I don't want to go dead and if these things got army, I want to know I'm in a play that in a minute let me just get sponsors. Let's get there responses to play about a two minute snippets that the whole thing if you want to listen a whole thing? It's on the
What channel right here on the sunday show. I encourage you. Do it's about twenty minutes long, but this segment will open your eyes to the three categories of people: dr Mercola. Believe you, your fit into view, took the vaccine and there's some good news, this guy's a hard export, so stay too folks, as you know our world can change it a moment's notice. It seems you could be on the brink of an economic collapse. Scared of you. the. U need emergency food right now. You are wrong. Please do not wait. Get supplied today. What my friends at my patriot supply their offering an enormous this count on their best selling three emergency food kit I told you about everything going on with china. If you wait sorry it's on you, I've been morning you over no get a dream emergency food kid at a minimum of one minute of one for every member of your for It is time you save twenty five percent for kids, the biggest discount the law for, but it doesn't come along every day. It won't last long. Do yourself a favor grab, a twenty five percent discount
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Now, the? U s, conceal, carry associations giving away the free, conceal, carrion, family defence got a chance and twelve, which aroused by the god of your choice, visit you Ccs dotcom slash there and you learn how to detect attackers before these you what the? U s? Ccs learned about school shootings, equipment and training, basics, the law and justice systems had a responsibly store, gone and a whole lot more. It's a great guide, fifty pages loaded with valuable information. go to. U s easier, dotcom. Slash then get the sweepstakes for chance to win. Twelve withdrawal is starting at midnight central July eleven. Twenty twenty three ends. I'd central august, thirty, first, twenty twenty three for official rules and other restrictions. Is it you c c: a dot com, slash dan thanks for your patience. I folks here it is the interview with doktor peter mink. allah after Lebron James son, the tragic incident was cardiac arrest seems to be doing
hey. Now I see you, there are a lot of people asking questions folks. This is not the first time. I hope it's the last time it happened, but I asked doktor mccullough about my worries about the vaccine, and this was the answer he if pay, really close attention to this, take a look there's some new data that came out in this sciencedirect dot com and they're, saying now that the risk of myocardial routines was no higher than other vaccinations and it was actually significantly higher and tweens teens twelve to seventeen, you're kobe, then after the vaccine. What what do you make? It says this is this? Is this a robust study? We should be looking at well to that in a minute. Let's just address your situation, dance is less than my talk to a really critical paper was published in the first time, there is smiling and colleagues from denmark. They had all the pfizer administration data and all the side effects. They figured out that there are three risk groups for the law:
the batches of vaccines that come from the companies and the first group about a third of, people. They have zero side effects zero. I mean none. another two thirds They have to moderate side effects like ashore on for a day or two, and then nothing happens after that, and sadly there is a third group for point to pursue about doses, the side effects, through the roof. My car died as blood clots, stroke, immediate death, what we ve learned is. Fortunately you're, probably in one of the groups were nothing's going to happen in it's because you got lucky. We think some of the batches are basically got super loaded with messenger ironic aggregation of liberty, where's it could have been contaminated with sea dna or other contaminants, they're not inspected by companies under EU way? There's no inspectors for cloudy purity or safety, so I think that's important important to know with me could I do. I have to tell you I'm a cardiologist I'm seeing this every day in the office. There's over too.
Hundred peer reviewed publications on it and The bottom line is covered. Nineteen vaccine causes more my occurred, edison. Anything we ve ever seen. Applause away, other vaccines with cold, nineteen before the vaccines who just a handful of cases, no serious cases now there are fatal covered nineteen vaccine marker died is all over the place. Recent paper by Cho income, from korea for her and eighty one cases did twenty. One of these kids died despite full, like some work, gosh. You know, I hope he's right. This is a guy respected doktor mccullough. For a long time. This guy took a big big hit. Two is mutation because he told the truth now, reputations. Only grown with true tellers and people interested facts, but there's no quest in that the hijack medical science establishment hates this man for speaking out about what may be problems,
this vaccine back and I was interesting with what he said: did you catch? It has some of these she may not have been quality tested. It may have been super loaded with these liquid nanoparticles list, this guy is one of the premier cardiologists around the world that described the man is brilliant is an understatement. This is the key stuff. I worry about now. I trust the guy you're you're too your own opinion about him and about the vaccine and everything else, of course, obviously, but hope he's right that alarm majority of us may wind up in that first group, but we don't have any side effects, because this here's the hell out of me and every time I see one of these stories in I freak out I make a lot of mistakes, someone an arrow on the show, all the time, I guess said, run an entire book about it, because it does nothing bothers me more than the talking head class, pretending they have some. Of X, men like superpowers, because they want to
since themselves, from the audience to Bela. Look at me, I don't screw up. He should come here. Give me all your money, that's what I'm doing out here. I mess that up men and I live every day with the ramifications I hope you if you want to listen, that whole interview check. My sunday show you can listen. About twenty minutes of it there's a bevy of information, it got a ton of use, it gets up to like wacky like four hundred fifty thousand views or something like that check it out. It was done on. My radio show will have him back, maybe next week or so really joys commentary. Let me move ox. We got an election coming up and that's where ties into this whole shall we don't get this guy out We could be looking more censorship, more tyranny, communism and potentially nuclear war with china. We know rotting, oatmeal brain in office out quick. So cover the election. It's obviously going on right now, listen one other thing: I warned you about a few weeks ago on the republic inside I say running like it's a bad thing like some kind of cautionary tale, but I kind of brought to your attention is it.
There are a few lines in this rates than the lane theory of pollen go campaigns, maybe over simpler, kate oversimplification. I get that. I fully understand that, but its helpful for at least kind of civil fine in the abstract order, but right now you have the trampling that's just trump he's in visas. All lane he's got the man a crowd he's got, a lot of you, no old school geo peers who see, as I see him as some kind of a rebellion figure. So you got the trumpet right. Then you ve got a very important. You ve got the I'm not trump blame, but I want to be the runner up guy, because a lot of these states zone have winner takes all primaries. I'll get to that in the second round at an lane is canada be enough of an outsider kind of renegade candidate that I made yeah, but a nip at people seals and stay long enough to get to a show on fox now without is that kind of does that sum it up? You guys the trump lane I want to be the run around
the trump and in the third line is I want to show on fox. I need to stay relevant long enough to know what do you think it is the job you ve been through like a thousand elections, everything that's kind of like generally, where it is the number two enough effort, What those three lays already been occupied: try obviously the trampling the second barbarism round the said she was always a runner up. The third guy. The third lane was thought to be reviving folks. Tat baby changing the vague promise, swami. Even NBC news, I mean you know: NBC embassies try to create a bunch of rivalry issue, but you're not wrong. With this. The poles are showing the right. The vague rama swami, a longshot candidate, sends in the geo p campaign vague. Maybe moving into that number to spot again, it's not a knock on the santas. This a trump support around the sand has been amazing, governor, I'm not knock em a guy, but is political troubles in the have not gone unnoticed by people, don't put a lot of faith or stock and poles, but vague is creeping up and we'll get the point now
Where did the scientists team ass to be very careful? Because you don't want to fall into that? kind of djibouti, scott walker, mon, where you been like a has been before you weren't, you don't want that, so he still time, but he's, worry now not only about trump, but about vague and we'll see in that third blaine who comes out comes out of that would like. I said, the fox news of the news max. You hope, because is always someone in it for that, but a vague he's We some heels and I die predicted this predicted this a while ago books have actually I've run before and I can kind of. smell the big mole on the campaign trail big mouth being momentum and this its skies and interesting way of talking to people. very reliable. He could find seven, the number to lay very quickly. also he's running against them. You know it
and they're also running against this guy? Who is a big civil rights advocate on the left, so this guy is going to be a big trouble. I mean I mean he clearly was a leader in the civil rights movement. Believe it or not. He did it again check this out before the lesson I learned from another, not like real leaders in surprise mobile. I came out of some rights movement as a kid defender and I used to it's the same thing it. He passed something good you make it go away. He never goes away bogs how many times Joe, how many times have we get out do this. This guy was not a civil rights wider warrior advocate this is the who said obama smell good and showers there's a guy who told black people you put back in chains. This is the guy brag about
well aware, being a slave state. He was from the south. There is zero evidence whatsoever that this guy was a warrior for anything other than a warrior against civil rights. He is a bullshit artist, none of that It's true! I wasn't like of civil rights leader like the biggest, but I was a public defend. Firm there is no evidence. Area of this is true. This has been above two thousand times any can't stop talking about This is the kind of stuff that's gonna get this guy mangle than the campaign go in, for because I got Imagine our people in the black community specially folks in the black community who have lived through disgusting time in our history of Jim crow Indeed, Europe, segregation in this country, the light thing. They're, gonna, wanna, hear I got to imagine this is true. Here is a fake.
Oni rotting, oatmeal brain old white guy telling them he was a civil rights advocate and taking stolen valor away from those who actually, where the guy is full of crap, and I'm going to make a prediction ready for it. I'm not gonna, be the nominee he's not. One. I could be wrong, I plug it. Not gonna be denominate folks, I've gotta be denominated because he's a rotting bag of oatmeal and his brains, his brains spaghetti right now, they're like Oh spaghetti owes the guy's brain does not work, but it's not just that this we're Biden stuff happening today. I put this off to the end, because I gotta tell ya I dunno about you. Let me know in the chat and check your salary is merely scrolling. You secular storm, strong, I mean I'm get a little sick of it not just we got a cover it because we gotta do. We gotta think these guys up, but I everyday I can't make it. The lead story, the so much else going on the honour by
stories, a train wreck- and this is happening today- is that you get a would flag that this couple. Are you guys got a flag thing in there? Do you dead people in a job? And I love you, you, you're a damn of we gotta stay on top of it, though so here's what happened yesterday, hunter binding all right now. Apparently he's gonna they're gonna display deal will see if the judge accepts it for the tax evasion in the pre trial, the version of the gun charge, but here's happened yesterday. New york posts hundred vines lawyer accused of misleading a clerk to block release of damning evidence here it is, in a nutshell, It's alleged at least and hundred binds lawyers dispute. This is so we get both sides on the record here that hunter lawyer called dick the courthouse and got them to pole, an amicable brief by republic in congressional folks on the ways and means committee that It's damning as to why the judge shouldn't accept the plea deal and its alleged that the hunter Biden lawyer pretended to be a lawyer.
Fraud. The house ways and means comment now: allegation hunter binds legal team denies it. Having said that, gods and explaining to do they got some swayed to do Ladies and gentlemen, they all oh each other, all these people. Why do I always tell you? Follow the money? Follow the money making it rain, follow money follow the connection. Wendell use ball bribery we're by lawyers, serve the assistant, delaware prosecutor, who allegedly throw off, rose the big rob looky here, that's so so we're former deputy council too, that we pay alex macular, sir, does the assistant usa of delaware, alongside leslie, wolf, worked on the criminal probing divided and allegedly prevented investigate. It should ask you about the big guy job? Sure it's a coincidence, so nuts, I'm sure the? U f, o hearing today happening exactly when one hundred Biden deal is
I'm sure. That's just a coincidence. You I'm sure. That's all just a big coincidence, my one pig about this. Still. I had huge question about this. I was working criminal cases at the federal level this may sound counter so josie audience. Ombudsman stop me does make sense alive. at times when the statute of limitations- let's say Joe rob a bank five years ago right and the statute of limitations is five years, so how many f b I arrested of robbing a bank if the case gets complicated. What will typically happen is, as a process peter the prosecutor go to chose lawyer and say listen. I need you guys to waive the statute. Mutations extend the statute of limitations. Now you may Why the hell would you do that? Let it expire and they can charge because folks body You guys know. What do you think will happen if Joe say your attorney says when I wave and at what do you think's going to happen data governments get at them the cup It's gotta turn around right away. Do what
charge. Joan area immediately bring died of this happens all the time. tories who don't want Joe charge because their work and a deal you get a job are going to say, hey we're way the statute for now. Take your time Come actors happens. Folks, all the time that didn't happen in this case we are happened in the in the hunter Biden case junior this they go two hundred, an attorney hydroplanes attorney, says: yeah well, waved the statute of limitations, no problem and this idiot U s attorney work in that case lets it expire anyway. If that doesn't wreak already inside deal. I don't know what you guys all follow me. Finally, jaguar they day today, honor pines journey, apparently, according to our task committee, already agreed to waive it and they let it spire anyway wasted David wise, what a joke so the best, partner, devon, archer.
to testify monday about this thing. Careers. Pierre. Had a lot to say about. This was good Joe oghee justin, While I can it s a question perform and ask after you just want to change your vote. The reasons this was very thorough and she did good job, georgia, when you agree you seen this in a very she's asked. Devon, archer, the business partner That's fine! On monday, unlike in all newman a verdict like moment. Man did is crazy. She's, like a lawyer, if she did such an amazing job answered quote here, check this out. There's going to be having testimony for the oversight committee, I'm sorry the one hundred bucks, the wounded. You consider him my exert reliable. What I don't have any comment on his death does. Fellas That's a deficit, has several good. She so good at this man, very talented. So you up
it folks the guys that are cognitively healthy. I just want a motor through a few days to a couple of big stories. Do I don't want to leave anything on the table to the man is falling apart. Beginning in segment he's, I don't think he's gonna be the nominee. The hunter stuff is oatmeal. In his spaghetti, owes brain the guy just keeps making stuff up. He can't give his speech out saying at least ten things at a really stupid, the dumb shit. They can This guy's mouth is really hard to get if harms around areas yesterday, not saying you covert, he was a real tragedy, a hundred people hundred that no under an alibi. is it twice ear tag, illicit till feeling, the profound laws, the pen, make us imagine over one hundred people dead, ass one hundred empty chairs round the kitchen table. Two hundred he says it's what they all these, and I put this in because you screw so much is easy. its is if you like, screwed up the first seven caught himself, any
and Joe. He ever says it's one hundred empty seats around the table. Oh my gosh one hundred people die covered. What a tragic you may want to check your where's, MR president, are not even a covert alarmist and I'm pretty shows that Andre people what a cook here no numbers it out. In their, why goose egg numbers about its drugs, you do what is this guy combined? What is it does have its drugs? Can someone explain to me what exactly is shrugged suit is the day. What's this What sort of strategy care numbers, either or healthcare statistics areas bragging about ending cancer. It great news for me, I'm listening die. My first rule the shows don't get dead. So apparently I Joe Biden Listen to you do anything at all Joe. What would you do I share? cure cancer. Looked at me like why cancer, because no one thinks we can, We can and cancers reno the dead, they ended care. Yes, yes, this is awesome going to live. Folks is so great job I Thank you Joe thank you.
you, Joe by real I you Joe thank you. Let's go brandon. Where were we have adopted a number of points? I've been bred, l gb, baby guy ended, kids are gonna live folks. Forever? Is Joe Biden ended cancer? Thank you. Just have a first, it proposes show goes completely off the rails cell. Twenty twenty four everything is gonna, be about race, and I mean everything you gonna see a double I believe it or not and tripling down on attaching re stories. Everything hallmark, coffee cups, religion, holidays easter eggs baseball cards. It doesn't matter every He's gonna be racist because here's the re, the recent up their terrified losing even more. The black vote to trump who I'm hearing bind the seas performing very well with black voters every thing is gonna, be racist. Now, here we go,
acts yos sophie, kind alex samson casting himself as a fighter trump aligns with the eu see you now that you have see ultimate fighting championship. You know Dana. Why not all thing we love! You have seen the mme event apparently trot. Like the: u have sea and the w w e ray of real fighting and entertainment, fine right This is actually a savage trying to frame this crop up may, I guess likes. You have c here's the court whose audience is typically young, overwhelmingly male, it's a natural platform for trump, whose paints. He's young white men as a particularly support group. Yes, you see there racist, so gay pulled this This one he's a gay man that you see it Definitely all about raises all a white guy thing at all so geese. Like then check this picture. This is for me a pianist usc champions mike I check this out. Is white supremacy everywhere, as you can see, you see the picture. I comments on my screen order check this.
we'll get a job white supremacy everywhere. Oh my gosh job jones clearly. Why always israel at assign you clearly what we are to have a good nearly always progress, There are a few white guys in there I could go on and on about is definitely a racist organization. You right, bali shows up because it's a bunch of white people around crazy- and I was reading this article this morning about about taylor, swift and again everything is going to be about race. Moving for talking bout. Her unimaginable global flame bob for fame boiling down to one thing. Tell us If this a single white woman in a pop medium, deputy, obsess politically divided moment when our fight to protect. Or identity is deeply unfashionable. My gosh you can't win is the craziest with these people. You're a white person you're like I patriarch, whose king advantage of your privilege right at your white,
you succeed and you're only succeeding, because it's unfashionable to be a white person in your business that you took advantage of that. I don't get it. Why don't you get a you cannot possibly when they they did? This scenario regard no matter what you do you This is going to come back you and then adds folks us and we got an election coming up Minnesota's over and over again you got one chance to save this. They we lose we're gonna, be in deep trouble, the countries always salvageable. I always think we Get it back there, miss. I need you to think about this. Like a guy or a young kid caught in a reptile. Ok, you can always get them back the longer you wait, however, the longer they get pulled out to sea and a more difficult gonna be nepal, a man and the more advanced swimming skills. It's gonna take to go, get them you understand what I'm saying we lose this next election to good, take twenty years that doesn't mean give up this its embassy time. It's not. You know
crying and moaning snowflake time. If we say but now, while the person still near the shore, we don't have to swim like Michael fell to go, get them, got a chance in the sub coming election start playing. my ten ten and ten rule today, ten facebook, post ten facebook. post or social media oppose ten phone calls. Ten, as to friends about their voting plans for two thousand and twenty four. We all do that it could make a difference of a couple of hundred thousand votes. The left. Does it all the time geo tv baby get out the vote. Folks, thanks again for tuning in, I really appreciated. How do we do initially checked? Would you like to show today, little down today, fifty nine thousand little baby at seventy five thousand yeah a little bounce? Maybe I didn't perform for you too. Well today, it's alright folks! You know, I understand almost sixty K, but the newsday was a little slow
the I try to bring you the best stuff every day. I struggle over this every day. If you want to kind of like get into my head, I do I struggle over what to cover and what not to, because you guys really matter to me and I want to be sure you never ever ever feel like you're wasting your time here. Ever every morning I get up early. They tear and I myself over. What's good we're talking about, I believe, if I said other chronic, I was so super confident everything you guys understand that no, my comes a man Now I just sat- sometimes it's a lotta guess, probably the weakest newsday we ve had for a long time yet. Wasn't, I do is ironic, leaves a lot of stuff to check about. It was just some of their was only marginally interesting and I'm like I can bring an end to the audience. I gotta bring up some hot stuff, so keep your eye on china's story, though more on that coming up Can we please give us a follow on rumble. I deeply appreciated rumbled outcome. Slash bonds, no join us for the chat every day, ten a m. It starts with just the dingey. I come on eleven a m eastern time. Give us a follow. It is free,
Well that calm, slash, mancino, please give us a following apple and spotify as well hopes to stay on the charts over there. We really appreciate, I see on the radio, show, but later and back here at eleven a m tomorrow. You just heard in Bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.