« The Dan Bongino Show

Communist Democrats Finally Come Clean (Ep 1966)

2023-03-10 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking hearing on Capitol Hill where the communists in the democrat party finally admitted they hate free speech and journalism. The video footage is troubling. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host Dan Ben, je no snack show today. Democrats are commies, that's separate. God knows what kinda using like to lighten the load. A little bit call themselves, Democrats, socialists or some other kind of euphemism, persuade our hard core commies, yes, Twitter file, hearings, up capitol hill folks straight commies straight comedies. your sources, please to the media, Babby jets up believable. This all our producers, I got that we got quest it's dan, someone asked the indeed said we got about two three hundred and same question about talker in the january: six videos, ok, ok, to that that will be coming later and they ask me anything section of the We got a lot of talk about forty one on neo caboodle yesterday and have you a job?
You ever see a human being so arrogant, and so unwilling to admit that it something wrong or his love. The way here, It's you did something. They are not perfect. Ok, it's tautological nobody's it's out! That's out of The sad admitted you did something: ok, ok, some of those cuts later loaded. Reddish up today show bite you. Express vpn profile, surveillance data harvesting or a lot of things not to like about the tec giants. Can you do about it when you rely on so many their products but the good news is you have options, you have to be a billionaire to take a stand. For less than seven dollars a month. You can join me and fight back against big tech by using express vps. How do you think big companies make all their money anyway. Well, they track your searches, video history and everything you click on making sell that personal data. You know that sleepy and helps you anonymize. Much of your on my presence by hiding your ip address.
That's why I use express repeated, have for a while and all my devices to make it much more difficult for them to exploit my data for their profits. I tat one, but not my foreigner computer to turn around. That's all it takes to keep people out of my business. You don't like big tech, tracking you and selling your personal data for profit sign to fight back spress bbn dotcom, slash bond gino right now to get three extra months free from express review. That's express, vpn beyond our councillors, bond gino, bioenergy. I now express vpn, dot, dotcom, slash bond, geno jaws big friday for me I'll tell you why in a second? So if you would say hey rich from that, comrade man yeah, at that soviet national, at the ready, we may need that mama, I'm sorry saw it is Thank you for your patience with me over the last month, while these little medical, many dramas obey deal but
into a lot not affect them, nuptial crying a whining there were all optional surgeries. I wasn't dying of a heart attack like people who are in real health crises. But I've been through a lot these s. Three weeks I tried to mrs little work is possible and our eyes, I say, is right. Because, finally, any get out would Paula tonight for the first time in a while get to hang out with some friends and relax, and I feel I feel almost like a hundred percent like ninety eight percent this is good as it gets. So our thanks rang in it now it may I just want to throw that out there so matter who is an actual journalist was up on capital held yesterday testify, twitter and the fbi, working together like communists to censor americans? The hearing was glorious, Michael shell, hamburgers up there too, and special vote. I've got, sclusively matter you be on my show, unfiltered on fox tomorrow, night nine p m. I am ecstatic about interviewing he's Even a conservative but he's an actual journalist so check
out. Don't miss that censure dvr got anna paulina loon onto fantastic congresswoman, about Biden, hires, everybody based on diversity, equity and inclusion principles, and it keeps screwing everything up. It's going to be glorious, though miss that so the mass came off completely yesterday and it was ass if to wash the commies Joe, themselves a straight commies they're not try to pretend that more they're not throw now talking point saying where democratic socialist you gotta be more like sweden right out there like. We want to be more like we want a warlike stalin. There are even given the guy, he can put open overplayed again Joe. Please he's up attention one more time like you I salute from gave where's your respective yeah where's. The respect is right we're talking straight up commies here they couldn't themselves yesterday, the hearing so right
for the hearing, journalist matter may be released and other batch of twitter files again showing the fbi and the age ass and other agencies quote often came with spreadsheets of hundreds of thousands of account names for Joe review kind of. The mob asked you to review say: can you were a view who you're paying for years annotations. Well, it's not you guys in the mob, happy a real shame if we burn your place down Ebay releases, this whole thing yesterday. Look at all these emails is amazing, Elvis Chan special agent in charge. Please see the below list of twitter account. You may do something about that. Just the mob. It's right there, folks, you could breeds. Are you busy males, there's another one? responded bag. The san francisco emergency operations centre, sent us the attached report hundred seven tweets. Maybe in violation of our policies? It's interesting. That's a twitter saying that this year be ice. In that
it goes on and on boxes, no doubt listen. if you're an imbecile a more on two. Now I don't want you want my show. Also of your conservative I'd like to talk to the show? I get that too, but this isn't the cutesy time shop, I'm not taken around That's good around these people. When you want stand we're dealing with shred of communists and enemies of the united states, freedom and liberty. You have Um differently: ok, you call them out in the harshest possible terms. You don't play cutesy time issue, an interesting, cutesy time we're dealing with straight up. There is no doubt, listen to me because you can shut your mouth. If you have your opinion is worthless, otherwise, either you have nothing now clear as day that the I did states government was weapon eyes, the fbi idea just and elsewhere to send or content on social media platform. That is now in dispute
You can humiliate yourself and your kids in your grandparents and new neighbours by lying in front of the cameras and presented an emperor and presenting another alternate, look what kind of shiny red object story it's on you and your legacy going forward when everybody last in your face. It's not in dispute anymore, the government, was involved in a clear violation of the first amendment to the fbi and the age ass to censor people period, why you to watch this guy's rat the working his way up, even possibly surpassing Adam ship as one of the door most members of congress and if you ever seen an example of this? stupid smart person. It is sky who bought his way in the congress Dan goldman. Now, if you're laughing already you're, probably laughing Joe, you matter of you- recognize this this guy, I was one of the lead people hoaxes hid the the lawyer working adam shift and others, this
but he pushed the ppp pokes against trump more than this city. Now you think, any be humiliated and relegate to the scrap heap of soup, comedians who tried to do something with their last? You know you think it's funny. He pushed the people. No, no! He got elected the congress. Why because democrats morons and they love more on this guy's got what degree he's one of the dumbest people you ve ever seen watch this idiot yesterday the hearing that is hearing about twitter, censoring content and this goofball. Who is a good not be watching face plant in epic at epic fashion in front of everyone, here's? A lesson from this? Don't ever ask request the congressional hearing that you I know the answer to. He asked Jim Jordan euro of evidence of a tweet that they asked it take down this? Is you just making this stuff up? Watch sky get totally wrecked and humiliated. This was like big job
grew smile, the whole time check this out, twitter, twitter and even with twitter. You cannot actual evidence of any direct. Government censorship of any lawful each and when I say lawful, I mean non criminal speech because plenty and everyone is non criminal. I'll give you a german time expire. I'd, ask unanimous consent to enter into the record the following e mail from clark. Humphrey executive office, of the privacy whitehouse office J where twenty? Third, twenty twenty one? That's it administration for thirty nine, a m hey folks! This goes to twitter help I wanted to use the term. Mr Mr is laser. Mr Mr Gorman just use one to flag the below. Tweet and I'm wondering if we can get moving on the process for having it removed. Asap that p
but you re the below tweet and then We can keep an eye out for tweets that fall in this same john you're, a genre that would be great. This is a tweet on the very issue than that thomas. Couldn't you pass about for the performance of the record? Can you really really read the because I have not seen this? Can you read the tweet that its references, the judges rules we have a debt and of our euro maura. The verdict is in yes, its unanimous you're, an imbecile complete got humiliated. in these mahler hearings and other hearings. Just at a jerk too. I'm just an apple Sure. I love when these people get wreck here, dad I'll just a quick lesson. don't ask questions, you don't know the answer by the way the tweet in question was edge. from our f k. We're ok, junior about hey death of Hank Aaron is comin, applying that's a wheel.
if he is he's an even bigger more on that, I thought just rat completely Well, here's the great part about this goldman was celebrated golden calling out your duties got wrecked fuel cycle, He looks like a kindergarten level. I q idiot. I games like back. I really pisses me off. I'm sorry egg one more thing to which was hilarious. He he tried to call out matter ye be about the mahler indictments tat ye be just completely annihilates. Him he's a good We've been the indictment typees. Like I don't know, I was on the grand jury he's like I'm, not ass, you, I'm suvs, grew them years. Why would I agree or disagree? Their charges are proof as if he's got a job he's lecturing a lawyer about an indictment First is the conviction. The same cases referred to by the way, the russians, the The russian you today that the people they were trying to convict is up
and the show up in court, and they dropped the case. That's how weak the case was. Goeben doesn't even know that position idiot, so so eager here to advance communism in speech. Oppression in the united states is communist government and others that attacking sources. Now here is a delicate: from the virgin islands. You have freedom of the press, such as that in the constitute at a distress summit on that. I raised citizen the first month so freedom the present just checking it? They have constitution reductions. that's how you be as a journalist, and he has sources on twitter files. Here are the communist democrats, the commie straight up commies, who are defending censoring and on twitter, now demanding that, once their censorship was exposed by the constant She protected media suppose their sources here take a look who gave access to these emails.
It was the individual that gave you permission to access the emails or are tradition for my story as sources of twitter and that's what I'm going to refer to okay and did mister must contact units through toby again tradition from my stories. Sources such water, Mr Sharon, burger, did mister must contact. You actually no was brought in by my friend, very wise, and so the story there's been a lot of misinformation. This device, decent humiliation of mrs tying, the midwife thank you. Mister, maybe have you had conversations with? The law must ok. Mr Toby did mister must place. We conditions on the general idea of her. Second, as long as my time is not you are you. Are you trying to get journals? No, I'm not! I'm not like. You know! Well, she's really asking about the sources are. You ask. but the sources from Jordan. No, no, I'm not huge human.
Stand again. How dumb you have to be to be a liberal to fall for the she just. Did it folks listen. This is not some kind funny comical segment of me expose outdone. They are. This is a warning This is a cautionary tale. This is joke I may use some humor and sarcasm, but this is not a joke. You are dealing a party. Now the democrats at her straight up communist there's, no mask. There's albert The bees socialist democrats. They are straight up communist right out of the playbook censor content, defended, attack the source Suppose journalists who expose government malfeasance. it's hilarious, who she doesn't even know who bari wisest. She thinks the dude. very wise mister weiss she's, a woman while in there that there a crash. I don't know what a woman is so in their defence. This really matter now here she is again insisting. I sell areas lying in sicily,
somehow she didn't I didn't, get the source, even though she just asked him the source of his information check this out, I think the gentlelady for you. I just think this is interesting. First, the the ftc is asking for your background, and now they, the ranking member, the committee on the weapon decision a government is asking for your sources in I had ever ass runs for their source. Yes, I didn't ask for soil if this is astonishing, you just heard in these people act like this its not being video and digitally recorded, and then, when you, called out for being straight up commie, she denied is it because she realizes ban that may not look good I don't even want to tell you vote just watch the freak and video yourself. This is what we're dealing with on the left right. it's like Lucy lucy, loves to eat paper and in the paper on the floor. It is no one in the house when I come home other than lucy and she looks at you like turns her head away like what me it was other kids. There were no
kids here it was you It gets even better so that this this imbecile From the delegates from the virginals has even o bari wisest woman here, sylvia, garcia and other hapless democrat. They want to censor and regulate big tech jobs. Gonna, throw this out. There you you're a sensor and regulate big tack and cost millions of jobs. You just think you should maybe know what the companies you're going to regulate do. First, I'm just going to is back baby sorta that'd be a good. I think. Bigger good idea, very good, because a small company out their tiny called so stack there. Only You know millions of people who read it and that's where journalists go for freedom. We have that same thing locals by the way, but that's not the point here. here's, sylvia garcia just a little hint from a scarcely who sees this she's, not a stupider she's, not a stupid
more person. She just plain up stupid. If you dont know something you john have to advertise to the world that you're an idiot. They want a reg laid sub stack and they don't even know what it is. Take: a list you yourself posted on your your a b. I guess it's kind of like a web page and don't quite understand what sub stack is but she's mad that I posted on sub stacked. I e b it shall burn, and yet, I have to tell us you don't know what it is. You can judge Haven't you some advice, even know? You're democrat, you don't the highlight that europe, eighty you can keep to acquire. It's ok, because this irregular together with this hearing gets better final one. Here, here's debbie, while some the laughing stock of florida, a woman, it's been involved knee deep in so many political scandals how she doesn't pull the george santos and just kind of dialogue back and liked to sake. for a while right,
is beyond me: here's Debbie some shots again. Every time rude. Obnoxious, absolute before me in a thousand different scandals. here she is you're making the dumbest point of the day. By far whose journalist mad tell ye be exposed. The twitter scandal and therefore the first time people heard about it, and to his sub stack and twitter to follow him. Debbie. ass from a she thinks they evidence of a huge scandal that people seek out truth, the it's so great. That is not. Why would they do that here? Listen to this city, you violated your own standard You appear to have benefited from it before the release of emails and of the emails in august of last year you had six hundred one thousand twitter followers. After the twitter files, your followers doubled Now it's three times what it was. Last august, I imagined substantially the leadership which is a subscription increased signify.
Because of the work that you did for elon musk. That's that You actually said that out loud, evidence of what. You're, not challenging any. The information, tat ye be put out, you're, sick, We claiming that more people wanted to see it. It's weird: because you're she seemed to say anything about the new york times axioms trump. You're pushes new york times to new heights, where more people subscribe during the trump here, that's what they wanted. People hoax. The difference retire, ye be is Conservatives actually want to hear the truth about twitter. Ladies gentlemen, these people were hapless they're, just absolute buffoons. Performance you're dealing with straight up communist commies straight up communist, they're, not hiding anymore speaker, commies
biden- came out yesterday and again just advertise house did. This is again not as stupid. Smartphone Biden is This is just a straight up stupid person like sylvia garcia, wait. Do you hear about his budget and tax plan? you gotta savings account no boys, you better start they can precautions right. Now we get to my spine, first by gold and get a free, safe, the stored in a while fine, purchased from brcko group now to march thirty. First airship a free, safe, record your door just text dan than ninety. Ninety eight ninety, eighty at your free information, kid on goals and to claim eligibility for you, free, safe, Let's keep raising rates could see only tool. They have to keep inflation under control as now working. You see me pact on the stock market, hedge inflation today by owning gold, like I do better, multiple time customer but called a physical gold and silver in your safe or do an ira and precious metals. We can hold real gold and silver intact shelter. Retirement account I buy go. four brcko to protect my family. You can trust him to me.
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all on the call at least suspected. It was elaborate costumes. valuable time in getting to the bottom of covert. These people may have been responsible. the proliferation of covert which lie the deaths of millions of people. Folks, I gotta take I dont know what criminal that it should be involved- and I am not weapon icing the government even against my political enemies and absolutely not for when there's no crime. However, I have to tell you you covered up elaborately the cover for the chinese communist party and let this thing spread promoted misinformation while they wiped out evidence, then there is No question in my mind that obstruction adjust charges should become a new one, zero to fancies back. Felt the need to defend themselves against robber redfield. and he's upset that redfield expose them now. What the keeper mine. There was a call early on in the pandemic that Robert
feel there's no disputing this fact was kept off that cop redfield it was because he believed that was a lab leak and made it want to hear it from she's the fancier near caboodle. Yesterday is straight up: hilarious found she was a sharp within the age and his boss, Francis collins fashion, excuses were joan call you're the freaking of the end, I d in your boss was ahead of the national institutes of Hell. You didn't think it was Orton that the head of the cdc centre for disease control fellows should be call about a disease, it's not in control. You did that It's important, I know a think, I know you, I know that's what he's kai understand absent we that, however, you don't think a big deal that he wasn't there at even push for any just one on the call, anyway, is excuses exactly that. I don't know nothin. These are
People decided will be on this guy, so pathetic this nibbling? Little weasel is so pathetic with service we ask you about what dr Robert redfield is charging that you frozen out that you did. want him there you didn't want and at these meetings- and that was deliberate. You know neo. I really feel badly about that because I know Bob along time he's totally and unequivocally incorrect. In what are you saying that I scooter him. I had nothing to do who would be on that call that coal was organised by a group of evolutionary varela in order to discussing the possibility that this might actually be a virus. That was actually engineered. So I put any body on the list of that call, nor that I take anybody else. So it's really unfortunate that
a public setting like the hearing that doctor redfield made that absolutely incorrect statement, the Thank you said so yourself. Who would you when you did you decide to be an article or did these are all of us? neil, I just said it. I didn't have anything to do about the decision who would be on the call, the evolutionary virologist doctor eddie homes, christian Anderson, all is the one they made the decision who's on the call, I didn't add anybody to the call to extract anybody from the you know going. You know really have you ever seen, a more sniffling weasel and this guy he was an upper level all the decade long high ranking official in the pub health infrastructure, the united states him. his boss run a call that the headed the cdc, was not on he's. Given No reason why he wasn't on it and the best
can do is of an ado ere. I mean Think about this for a second for all the liberal, morons watch the show and around defending this little by sniffling weasel imagine doing a call during the draft where the nfl right and you don't the general manager. General manager I who basically makes a decision, so you get a call about a trade, and you like, I don't I don't know what happened. The gm was in the bathroom betrayed you want. He does I surveyed the trading by narrow. You did you get Trouble for that enough now, with the libs, because liberals are dip, diplomats thirty They believe everything sky told them, because they're stupid their job dumb people. I would love to go control. It hidell. he should have held to account here: it's a question. I would ask doktor fragile just to be clear: Did this call anyway without the head of the cdc you didn't,
draw a line in the sand say no, we need him here. I was to draw that's the best you can do. here's a snivelling weasel again just straight up again direction. Lies misinformation, suggesting he didn't push locked down, which is co, Larry, stupid tiggle up. Do you regret, particularly the last one, the shut on the sweeping shut down that son had made things worse. Now I I don't neo and in fact I think we need to make sure that you will listen is understand. I didn't shot down anything I recommended to the president that we shut the country and the only way to do that. Your colleague means of essentially shutting down a country We know that we can do that if we shut down. While I think one of the things you really due to the extent that you could shut down temporarily
the country I think is employed. Well, if I knew time then Shutting down would have such a dramatic effect on controlling the spread. obviously we would shut down earlier. There are those who say you shut down you this destructive things by disrupt. The economy, the same, will happen: save so many infections by shutting down. Why didn't you shut down weeks earlier, but I don't regret saying that the only way we could have really stopped the explosion of infection. by essentially I would say shutting down, I mean essentially having the physical separation and the kinds recommendations. Them it may even be bad to adjust and hard. twitter. For that glorious video compilation and by the way that goes on, we had Reiki. We had to cut that short. What do you cut that we had to cut thirty seconds as more of that?
as they go on forever. He is just like the that attack delegate from the virgin islands where'd, you the information about as confirming smells resources value. I didn't debate locked of videos him demanding lockdown stuck in my lockdown is liberals are you. I can put the evidence in your face, but I can Make your drink it here. Let me get this one. Last boucherie video still pushing the absurd theory of the wet market? he does. He does it kind of in a cutesy way, and why you're going to see FAO Chi more and more because you can never get out of the media spotlight. He has. Nothing else is anyone ever had napoleon syndrome, its vouch, he he needs to be in front of the camera. It defines its entire life fowl she does push. He still pushes this natural, large and bad soup theory, which is an insane conspiracy theory, but he does it this way because he doesn't want to say it directly any more because he knows it's foolish,
keep saying, while china, one in a white doubt all the animals in the wet market. In other words, Joe hinted That's probably where the animal was we're, never gonna find it. Ladies and gentlemen, that's single dumbest thing. I've ever heard, you suggest to me that china again had evidence of origins of this thing being natural from a wet market which would observed them a responsibility and they were did out to promote delay bleak dearie their running away from all found she gets away with this stupidity in the media. Take a lesson, chinese did as soon as the outbreak occurred, they completely cleaned out the market of animals that should not have been there to begin with, because it was well known that saws kogi one jumped from an animal species.
human in a wet market setting, so what their religion, if anything, is that if, in fact, there were wild animals which photographic evidence from one of the investigators shows that they were there and they should not have been there. So, if there's anything that the Chinese at covering up there covering up the fact that they violated their own rules about getting wild animals from the forest or whatever putting it into contact with humans, that was the real problem. I just want you to understand, because this is what we do. We like to dig deeper, one of the stuff. All we want, but this not the purpose of the show you must use the tool sandwich vouchers, doing you're going to hear him tell the story over and over but he suggesting is at the evidence, was wiped out the wet market because it did liked from the fact that he's been hiding the lab lovely theory. The entire time read. The signs are everywhere this guy and keep her mind. This was all about from the start. Attacking down
tromp as everything in DC c I'll drop said it likely meat from a lab. Biden coming up. I want you to see the obscene thing he just proposed and all the bbc proposed, basically the sure, your future. If this thing he broke was passes. You can forget it. Because your business tomorrow it will be over. folks. Brick house, nutrition, rigour, contrition dot com, these slashed here, that's where you go pick up field agreed. What is real debate feel the greens is its upham at a very proud of this. I had a role in creating it. I know the that this company really well brick ass, interesting name, is miles away. Well years ago I was having this issue me and paulo a really busy. I was running for office and I am an avid firm believer in healthy, wholesome fruits and vegetables. Colors orange is the color and carrots as fido, pigments and blueberries and black.
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and just fifteen years ago six point trillion dollars of spending. How much a new taxes couple sooner five trillion in new tax. Good luck with that, now here. He is of course Biden because he's a lying disgusting. I just I just horrible, genuinely awful corrupt human being here he is in a tweet working again about fairytale economics. It don't exist to push through his communist budget trade off in his confiscation of assets. He says when I grew up trickled economics didn't work for my family. He ran to rebuild the backbone of the country. The middle class he's about to shrewd a middle class hard. trick about economics. He cites it didn't work form what is trickle down economics, nominal atomic soul answer for you to cut reviews quite a bit.
Look about. Economics is nothing, it doesn't exist. There's no such thing out all my liberal, professor Charlie. It's when you let them to keep their money and the benefits trickle down took about, though I don't you let the rich their money. So why would anything trickle down? Oh, it doesn't trickle down the riches. I'll give you all they do is at an end the theory is a rich actually pay. Forty two percent of their money to taxes, which then weirdly enough was trickled down through the millions and millions and millions of dollars a benefits ago, just kind of weird. It's like you're making this talking point up about trickle down economics because imagery is bad. It's not a thing It doesn't exist. It's a talking point Here's thomas all addressing just that present. Obama in december of last year, the market will take care of everything they tell us. Jobs and prosperity will eventually trickled down, to everyone else. In april of this year, during the bush years, the wealthy got wealthier, but put
spirit, is sure, didn't trickled down in July this past summer, Barack Obama we ve tried their way it didn't work. We were told that parity with start at the top and then trickle down close quote: where does this Trickled, where does this phrase trickled down? Come from? Oh, I don't know. I was as far back as far as the first as the arose will administration. There is absolutely incredible thing. It's the non existent theory that is constantly being attacked, some years ago. In my newspaper carlo, I challenge anybody site. Any outside of an insane asylum, ever made that argument. Nobody else, ever came up with a single person, so when Barack Obama says in this special I quote, we were told that especially will tell them. Nobody told him. Nobody, no economist has ever held that no politician has ever said it. I don't know of anybody. Who's ever said it. In fact, when I put this out there, I wouldn't wanna went out
ashley's than they collect data column? Berries wrote me as well so and so that the citizens, those that it but find me the praise new said it. I don't want to hear how you asia that bees it find me be and show me where he said, and that was years ago not one example has been offered. I can't say it enough. I hate to keep beaten is that there is no such thing trick about economics. It is, simply a series of words. Democrats put together to make you but Leave their some econometric plan of trickled down No such thing it doesn't exist. Eighty its use for Joe by their job, is it talking point machine because he's a very dumb human being and doesn't even understand basic economics? Someone puts a focus group tested talking point in front of him just say, trickle down, say fair share and this dance repeats he's just a machine. It's only does they plug a little code any pizza zimmer, Peter wealth. Brain doesn't work a rotting bag of oatmeal
who just moves from talking point to talking. Point three was yesterday trying to sell us. Five trillion and new taxes I can't believe you could actually run on this by the way. The fair share thing he's gonna, throw that talking point in their here check this out I plan to make sure the corporations began to pay their fair share, there used to be thirty, five percent. Down to twenty one percent. I she remained twenty eight percent, as can be real fight, and I believe you should be paid more than twenty one percent a clear under my plan, my maid commitment I ran, I haven't broken it, yet I never will no one making less than four hundred thousand dollars, we'll see in federal taxes, go up, not a single penny. Now, why do a foreigner thousand? Because I doubt anybody here makes four hundred thousand? I did it. the case that I'm not goin after remotely any event ordinary folks, because our paying their share
fascinating club. For so many reasons I could I could do an entire. Our podcast on justice clip how many false wait smith's directions! How much garbage nonsensus in this one clip I'm serious. I could do an hour on this, but the for some time. he says: I'm gonna bump the corporate tax up. Of course, liberals cheer heads yet those corporations. Don't you work for what sorry to think of that. From twenty one to twenty eight percent, It says at the same time amazingly, but it's not going to high taxes on anyone making more than four hundred thousand dollars a year. Might ask you guys a trick question. This is harmless, see which one he gets it first job corporations get their money stock odors. He customers at question time. You don't ya,
Joe stockholders, you right as a stockholders too, which is going to come up and a second to but you're. Both correct, stockholders pension funds, customers you'll get it from mars. You'll get it from our fairytale characters in a book they gain from customers startled somebody taxing the stockholders on unrealized gains in their stock. You not only destroy the company, be destroyed. Stockholder too, corporations, tax law goes up and it has to stay in business. Where did you get its money from attract gets its money from customers? You second met that, and I want you to pick up on something else. You said at the end, I wonder if any of you caught it here, This clause is the fact that he is proposing this massive tax hike on our this is in america. That's you You just doesn't want to tax people who were there not because he's basing it on any science or anything like that.
Here's van hollen, by the way, Chris Van hollen a yard, another ridiculous human being a democrat senator from maryland joe, while he was on bradbury essay was hilarious by the way prepare asked but the unrealized capital gains tax which we're gonna get you in a second but here's van Hollan again repeating the fair share, talking point because keep it mine. They have nothing else check this but the present the saying is we wanna ask the folks who have done super well, just to pay a little bit more of their fair share. We want those and to help make every family successful. not just the folks who are already doing very well, the fair share, guys again. Just like so they need the stupidity. Issues need deep. I want to show you this hilarious video. This is what happens when you ask a moron like van manhattan, what fair share is by the way there'll be a rebuttal about this on, my fox show tomorrow would bring it back
two weeks in a row, but exact Is a fair ship, what's johnson last gal sharply and other liberal more on what is Actually the fair share is and watch him completely belt down and then try to avoid the question check this out. Which do not pay their share. That's a widespread belief the politicians even know how much of the income tax burden the rich pay now do tat. One percent in this country pay very much less than ten percent very much less than five percent. So what's fair, the top one percent- should pay ten percent of americans, come taxes. Twenty percent there's a place somewhere around fifty percent. They don't pay five percent anybody could see that as unequal and unfair, so they should pay fifteen percent. He says, and the richest one and now pay less than ten percent then he said and five percent, but that so silly
because- and I bet most of you dont know this- the irs says the richest one percent of taxpayers already pay thirty four percent. I sweat sharply and wanted them to pay them When we are, when I told them all, paying thirty four percent. Now I think that if you deal with the quality of their lives, He quickly changing the subject and he never would admit how far off he was again, not even a stupid smart person, that's just the stupid person right there. Here's a hilarious part about the whole thing, the rich tank thirty, four percent, the top one percent back. Then what The arguments about how they're not pay in their fair share. They pay forty two percent now I'll get to that in a second. I also have a up college cabinet. Video, just disgusting, and I got questions for their loaded, show, are still more to go An next sponsor, though, is let's get refunds? Dot come if you small business, you know the value of time. Innovation refunds does too that's why they made it easy matter
because you are to apply for the employee retention, credit or your see, gotta get me, It's not gonna get started in less than eight minutes see your business qualifies for your assistance. your business may be eligible for a payroll tax refund, of up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee, kept on payroll during copa, nineteen innovation. Grievances already helped. Clients came over three billion dollars and payroll tax free funds through the air sea, and we may be able to help your business too. four and charging they don't pay there. They don't get paid until your business gets a threefold many businesses, believe they will qualify based off, incomplete or outdated information. So don't let this opportunity pass by iran, tax relief is only available for a limited amount of time, so gotta go refunds star come. Let's get refunds, darkened basketball, backup. I just want to point out the interests of time again that I'll shoved into more on the top one percent- foreigners, now pay even more than thirty, three and thirty four percent. They pay forty two percent of their income, despite the fact that they only earn twenty
percent of the income so and by the way, the bottom fifty percent or ten percent of income and pay two percent. So you can but up with the fair share nonsense, but it just makes you look like an idiot to people actually know what you're talking about, but again the dumb people? Oh go right like your first year sounds good to me By the way. When you see the gory details of this fiasco, he wants a height the corporate tax rates Here's the corporate tax revenue after Donald trump cut that corporate tax rate it started take effect. The eighty together slight dip and I look what happened. Two hundred, thirty billion to twelve three. Seventy two three. Ninety five for fifty six, its way It's almost like when you cut taxes, businesses start to grow, grow at a really high rate, and what are they wind up doing? They wonder more taxes is so weird it. So it's almost like Joe Biden lying about businesses pay in their fair share. Here's a new york postcard
which of Biden's ridiculous five trillion dollar hacks a tax hike budget, excessive Biden budget plan would cause the national debt to hit fifty one trillion by two thousand and thirty. Three s, not even a real number. Is that even terrific. Fifty one trillion even me aside, even real it'd, our national, that, under the Biden plant use big deficit gardener folks, We want to see some more the low lights and binds budget plan here, the sum of their personal backsides. Here's one of em, ex Ike under binds budget calls for a combined federal tax rate of forty percent. the highest since nineteen. Eighty six, eighty feel by has its federal feel good about that five sense out of every dollar. You may go to the jail about capital gains, you want to invest in invested in stock or something you want. you're capital gains tax rate to be forty percent. Not what you think about that. I want you to think how do I have to earn after inflation, because, aside index for my to be worth something if I gotta give one out of every ten dollars of the process of the government. The
there is a whole lot. The whole lot we should welcome The corporate tax rate goes up is another jim. This is a classic attacks on realise gains to unreal. as gains. Maybe you bought it can you been holding it well, you're gonna pay attacks on the attacks on eleven cashman. I don't always Joe Biden, but what is this? loses value after I've. The tax on a basque, your problem, sorry, a more quickly before you get two questions. Imagine be undisguised parents, the guy who put the year socks on in the nfl depicting copses pigs calling capron member. This said sorry episode the guy who nearly destroyed the nfl on his knee, in this respect in this country get off your niece, you pathetic little slob get off your knees, you didn't cops or pigs will be the first ones protecting your sorry, ass.
his college capron escape go to goes to show you what loser the sky. It is adopt. The parents who took him in I gave him this unbelievable life. It's got. A big contract with nike was an nfl quarterback, hey, let's take a shot out of a reply, they're bunch of racists, that's what kind of loser this guy is. It is his journey embracing his blackness, despite resistance from many, including his white adoptive parents, I know my parents love me, but there are still very problematic things that I went through ngos for him to show that now this can happen in your own home and how we move collectively. We addressing the racism that is being perpetuated day, what a gem, what a nice guy! It's adopt, this young man. Get em into the nfl and everything as take shouted shot play the races, complete life. Loser. alright cyborg questions within eight, an at peace.
Conservative tell Paul low and thanks for what you do, I well what's goin on. Why do you not show more the january six videos last night folks up, I don't know that hocker tee. I guess we're on the same floor. I should say, don't know them. I know them, but I dont know what they do. mike I'm guessing here, and I telling you I'm guessing basis are no inside information. Raw is that there are forty one thousand hours of video to go through so, of course, you're going to release the stuff. That's the most damning on the first night of footage of sickness being alive. Despite the fact we told he was killed there. The footage of I am of the yacu, went on charm and walking around by the footage of the allotted, people not all, but a lot of people milling around and not rioting. Many many were but I'm assuming that's what they're doing in there waiting for some other said that they have other stop. I don't know. I don't know I've been told me
I guess is that with all those hours footage you gotta make sure you get it right. So that's my guess, hey dan atta may, let's I love to read you new book, but am restless this in our region. Entire book, be available and audio it. Well, I will read it this audio book, ladies and gentlemen, is going to be a little different than audio books. In the past, I've read your books in the past, you guys know they work, yet a little ipad. You just read the book in split the page, someone I can do that now. What do you do? The book, then I'm gonna get us go off script in it, to realize. When I think things are interesting, can it be more like a podcast than an audio books? So you what you should do, is by the book, read the book and listen to the audio books and tell me what I'd better. It's gonna be one at my dog why hey! Why are the damn so bent on controlling our lives, because that's all ethos of totalitarianism and tyranny. Freedoms is a zero sum game. Your money
your kids, your health care. You can't make those choices yourself. They have to make them for you in your too stupid if you read thomas souls both vision, the anointed, your figure that out there how control is their guiding lodestar. That's it holly, J, wily, a dandy. Do martial arts the spoken about? Often yes, which one do you prefer well listen. There's a lot of good martial arts wrestling boxing tie boxing. Ah there either even signal problem, a god. Does some good work If you had to get a gun to your head, and they said you have to pick one and only one- it's by far brazilian jujitsu that's been involved in it, my entire life. It's why my elbow looks like this, but da it's Yes, it's basically teaching people how to fight on the ground, which is where most wide scope at daddy a dam which you prefer to train and resign jujitsu key or novi policies. Now I hear, the training I hate it. I can't stand it. I just
Think its realistic for me here in florida, nobody close down here in florida, and I mean clothes, I mean, like heavy clouds way. You know replicated ie, so I train ninety percent, no e ten percent key at best, add rate full, bruce idea. How do you measure sleep, I'm older and mid? Six, these, I don't need much deep sleep known you do. But I usually in the fifty to seventy minutes a day range of you increase your deep sleep. I'm You're with this or a ring that a fact it's interesting, I just got a new one. Yesterday's is the heritage stealth three, which I, like my own momus get beaten up a little bit from. lifting with it. That's how I measure my deep sea if these seventy minutes is about. Probably when I get every night, but you do need a lot of it, the more you can get the better up to a point: how buying he's my deep sleep, a few tricks black. it's everywhere blackouts in my room, blackout, shades earplugs, may not be able to do that. If you have young kids I put,
it plugs in also, I try to eat a litter bit of carbohydrate. At night. Before I go to sleep, to keep my cortisol down about a quarter, a half a banana brush, my teeth go to bed and I try to get to sleep before nine o clock. It sounds crazy, but it works for me and my deep sleeves gone through the roof, and so I feel so good at it. at canine handler. One idea after they leave office is a present, get to keep the same secret service theatre that protected him when they pick a new one to go with him. If he chooses to keep a secret service detail the answer, is kind the sort of now the press events, details phase with the president, So when I was on president bush's detail and president obama one, tell the story all the time. One day I showed up and president bush walked out of the residents three days later, when I went back to work president obama is no change for me at all there are some guys, however, the upper level of presidential protection division, grow very friendly with the president, its
common when they become a former president for them too, for some of those people to come with them that map and often but the secret service has no obligation, say yes and sometimes they dont. Sometimes they say now hey diana miles forest, when will you knew studio, be open for visitors? Gives you see syria, we gave it a key combined get over there. Man, give me the wrong key now, with gmos mike miles farce once come to florida and watch the shell so studios bought, purchased reclosed on it more Gas is it'll, be open in maybe around the end of the year. I don't know, maybe optimistic. It was a burger king before so. It's gonna require a lot of work. A lot like there's a ton of issues of this place, after really tight, not benefiting people. There is very strict rules people on exits and things like that is not a simple. Is this? Like everybody, you show up so on but will announce that page.
Age, Jemmy Dan Javert carry the three fifty seven sig around. What are your thoughts on it? Yeah That was our secret service round? I love that round. Here's my problem with the three fifty seven say ground is that it's really just a bottleneck. Forty and you wind up losing round capability of a round table. it's a big round I found the difference between that and a really good nine millimeter around. When you look at yale tat. We didn't the secret service to be so minimal. That is just not on did for me to lose around there too, in a magazine, so the great round I love it and my if it had nothing to do if it was space for space and they were equal size, my favorite round, but they're, not so ice. I carry nine millimeter now that's what I care at miles from up. That's it! Oh it's you say miles, get two questions in the folks action produce it and please don't miss. My fox show monologue tomorrow, fox
filtered nine o clock Saturday night. What's a police state look like I'm reproduce the evidence for the whole country and some new stuff. We didn't include the pod guess I got a paulina luna on the diver, to be higher is blowing abide administration and it scuse, what matter ye? Who was brutally brutally taken down or tried to be taken down at that hearing? Thanks a lot for tuna- and I shall pick it up my new book- they give the fairy re appreciatively, subscribed to the pod gas on apple spotify rumble. It's free rumbled outcome, slash bond gino. We really appreciate. I see you back here, On Monday day, sir, you just heard it in Bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-13.