« The Dan Bongino Show

Cocaine, Dirty Money, And The Bidens (Ep 2063)

2023-08-09 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking new revelations about two major Biden scandals. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags. With your host dan Ben je know the ideology. I told you you're not wasting your time by the way, just let me say in advance: geek absolutely hates story. This cocaine story, it's funny, like d, He loves. You called your war stories more than anything. I could talk about neo all day this culture, story. He has no time for. However, either six extremely important because it be at yet another federal institution agency. Priority respected the secret service, that's cool apps over this store. You not wasting your time now. Then. We now call a couple weeks ago. I told What happened here and now Double sources are coming forward to this soldier of fortune magazine saying the exact same thing. Big show That is just one. My black, our coffee, stop giving your money too. Well, companies,
give a damn about you with a country go the coffee option makes delicious ball. Coffee and loves country, black, our coffee, gotta blackout. With our complex bond genome use cuban bon jean over twenty percent of your first daughter folks, it's gonna be a big show. You're, wasting your time on the show I predicted by economics, would fail its failing right now. My things bad enough, yet theory but they're. Getting there. Also coming true to your seymour. What I'm talking about today, stages, Ok, when you were a lot of us, are struggling to keep up with credit card payments every month. It's a frustrating cycle Stand there. Stressful could be, but there's a better way. the power of your home, the point you can control your finances, my friends at american finance. It can help you take advantage of the equity of belt, and you can I may say goodbye the never ending death. It's been holding you hostage now. Here's the best part their customers currently saving an average of seven hundred dollars every month. Their salary based mortgage selves will complete a no cause, no obligation mortgage review, showing you how you can see
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degrees. I got a fan boy, I'm always hot. I bodies like all he's emanating he, so I got a chill why MR guy explain those hot and cold proteins one day dan, I'm sorry it's he shall we go to the baby called shot programme. Delity like magic wonders for your by whatever why I exposed your body. If you can to extreme temperatures, is the best thing you can do, call plunges sought as if you can take it and your healthy. Those things will change your life. I'm just saying what back The content here you're not wasting your time on the show. I told you back in, like the first can we could July. I said: listen this cocaine! white! Our story is a big deal. Why cause it's not simple story about drugs being left in the white house. It's a story about sex. Ready procedures, dangers press? at the white house, some about white powder and the white house. No one seems to know it's about that. Ping of another institution. The upper level
at its of the secret service that seem to just go along with this story. We don't know who it is we don't know what is story, and I told there is no way they do know who it is both. Do we need the demo again, how the hell are you gonna, get a baggy, a non poorest object. To a drop boss without putting fingerprints on the bag? How to put it in your teeth? real? Are you going to do drop it with your elbows and even when you put in the box? How do you turn the key without leaving a fingerprint you're gonna. Do that what will your tongue I wasn't gonna blow, it was the right, story was so crazy from Beginning of what bothers me is this: is a great agency follow great people. I worked there for over a decade of my life. The people I work We are now in charge. Guy who were junior me, are now special agent in charge running major divisions in the secret service? There was no
the story was true. I was told a number of people. A number of people is but a bad day for the biden's by cocaine, gate twenty million dollars in payments. Now, bag, accords everything to divide this. Is bad day for rotting, real brains in the white house. This is what happens when you are corrupt garbage, but said to you that the stuff was probably left their intentionally. It wasn't an accident. You dont, mistakenly weave your ok behind at the white house. Why would bring it there in the first wave of a joke we're in the music visits were allowed to venture to say some people did some narcotic square, Yes, it's so behind you see that now you say jos, like a real music guy, like back in the day right over there, the lethal weapon do not tactics. People do not takes you, think someone they're, not cut its job of white ass, a gay, I'm gonna. some blow.
It was brought the white house, a reason yet for some. An immediate say, Biden orbit to pick up like a drop arrow. Oh look here, new york, ryan king august aid, which you have my math, is correct. That was all look yesterday. white ass cocaine may belong to someone and me Biden, family orbit sat psych. Almost the exact language. I lose key. How much you hey the story right now quite about a scale of what are we an eye these out Seven point: six thesis, here's a others source is keating who runs a soldier of fortune magazine so by the secret service publicly announced in July. Thirty. They closed the investigation without identifying a suspect authorities were able to follow enough clues come up with a name, yes, as a more carpet
Enough for their detective work to inform Joe Biden himself, keating said if you want the name joey bombards, he knows who it is. There was some within the Biden, family orbit wasn't hotter comporting with exactly what I've been told, there others need binding family. Let's just say, with drug issues,. remind me some I said July thirteenth. There was picked up by the media. Recent former secret service agent, podgy, no calls bs on claim that secret service has no leads. You might ask cankers dated July thirteen. Twenty twenty three. Ladies gentlemen, institutions have been destroyed, one I won. The secret service has to come clean I'll, say too that the rector Kim tito again, if you're not going to do the right thing, then you need to step up.
I'd you! The secret service director you're, not a butler for Joe Biden, you swore an ode to the constitution. I know it's hard have to call out someone you like and respect Joe Biden, but that's your job. If you can't do turn it over to someone who will because your a decimate the credibility, this agency from this point forward and are wasting your time. Folks, I'm going to stay on the story, even ogee hate, but out of respect for gay I'm going to move on. I can talk about this a lot more, but They think things are a bad enough. Yet folks I talk about this all the time. You know I go I get it all the time people they see me in restaurants made occasionally in a bar haven't and adult soda were paul array of people say why ass. The happened. How much worse does it have to get? And I say to them a lot but we're getting there no you're getting there. The signs are a rather easy to see. You start to see. People
your political opponents waking up the things I ve told you a lot. You ve told them a long time ago. I e how you would we want to defend the police. You real, without police you're gonna have explosion in crime and, like barely just we have social workers that, while you're laughing at the stupidity and then crime explode and you're gonna, see lip start to echo. Your talking point kindly what we said about open borders, Biden and others that if you open the borders, you're gonna run, into a human or a refugee crisis, as people pour into the I did state some without the record. Its skills, some without lange the language capabilities, some of those speaking with some of them, going to be straight up bad guys, some of em deterrent. We ve only said this forever. The left is by people like her all, though their humanitarian thing to do. Ok, how many If you take it in, you haven't taken in any so he said: ok, what smart, move, these republican state governors, these red states ever data, saying listen! You say you think too
the good positive good? This is a philanthropic thing for society. Uncanny All the legal immigration k wearing send them to your cities, because you seem to love this and the beginning. They were, like we welcome you come on over. it's like the mayflower job, it's like, I was silent back in the day, gibberish you're, tired you poor the poet idea of the euro, the poem on the stairs. We love you, I so much and then all of a sudden when it became uncontrolled. Now there thereby, just like we say air, just like we said watch this video had to town hall. This is to choose its governor Maura Healy of then and then and now you're gonna, see on a beginning and a clip from a better go. So abrading sanctuary cities, you should do what you want their awesome, and now but a bunch of illegals are winding up on the streets of massachusetts, all of us She's has had a little bit of a change. To sounds like something I told you.
things are bad enough. Yet, are they getting there Yes, how did you know things are changing when liberal stuff? sounds like conservatives figure the sanctuary as of today close to fifty six hundred families with children are living in state, funded, shelters, hotel. Storms and other emergency facilities- Cross massachusetts, that figure is eighty percent higher than it was just a year ago and its unsustainable For this reason today
declaring a state of emergency in Massachusetts, you know if there's one way I couldn't kind of some up come up liberalism, it's a world, the void of consequence. That's what it is. What we want to tax the ridge while most businesses are run by people who be categorizes relatively wealthy when you take more money from them. Less money to invest in the business and the boys that, when the it's a coincidence happened by taxing the rich and they move out. Liberals lose their shit like they didn't know what was going to happen. Liberal liberal, what is a yeah? They did we have here. They did that date, it's up it's a world devoid of. pretending to be devoid of consequences, and that one If kick them in the balls, they pretend oh, my gosh, look what happened republicans did its. Same thing with an open border: hey. We warned you terrorists, drug, child sex trafficking, you don't know who these people are. We have a look.
We have an immigration system, you know what it's called they'll freaking. migration system we already have, one we, immigration system, you go to up word eventually with a visa or a green card. Legally and you get into the united states. We immigration system. It's called the freak immigration system, the devil, rats didn't want that they. In a world devoid of consequences, and then when the council, once a kick them right between the legs, they place Don't worry about it more a year didn't say, What you said in the past about sanctuary city nope, keep sending them send them the mouse and more to mass. It uses now send more illegal immigrants to massachusetts. Remember all politics, your local folks, nobody's to change their voting patterns until the politics hit them their kitchen table,
You want a national policy. You want people to vote on, it obamacare steal away their insurance, Ikebana obamacare did you want? aggression ate them hard, sending legal immigrants to where they live. You want to be. sanctuary city, take sanctuary this tree by bill knowledge. It. I don't worry folks, we only got arm p, and tactical gear crossing the border illegally. They caught them on cameras, falls body armor. They don't worry big deal suspected cartel gunman, basically trafficking. People across the border in like in tactical gear, get ready for war. No big deal. Arm gunmen in border towns, trafficking people illegally and by the way, at any of the citizens. Their arm themselves take away their second amendment rights too, so they can you What like foul language against these guys get the about a year, god they're dead, no really be scared than they really turn around, and I know that you write their justice. Abbe hate speech can't do that.
You be accused of being insensitive intolerant using hate speech, no big deal. In things are not bad enough yet, but let me tell you something: you Oh they're, getting bad enough when, when liberals start to sound like conservatives and the world of consequences, kicks them in and adds here's another one Here's, some guy tray on wider DC counselor! Again we were and in washington d c pay crimes, attic control, DC and other liberal cities. You're better do so then about it or there's gonna, be rebellion of your own people against the political leadership. Tray on Y, a democrat. hey man. I think we should call on the national guard when pearl, start to sound. Like conservatives, you know things are changing now who is the conservative who suggested the national guard? Does anyone remember I got the deck said some guy donal battle?
I don't remember. I died of barely heard of yes I'd I'd. Take your yes keys, correct! That was donald trump battle job? We said the same thing when liberals that sound like conservatives, the consequences cake, I'm right, the nuts and then they Then you know things are changing on that a change tomorrow, but I'm well, you things are changing here. Listen, I have spoken with these national guard and while I have to have more conversation between police and I have today and the mayor and my colleagues, we have a long way to get there. We there's no their police alone is not yet done so. First support from the fund, the police, the doughty fund, the police,
two more police, the now more police are enough and we need the national guard. Ladies and gentlemen, liberalism is a world devoid of consequences when the consequences hit them at the kitchen table things will change will be a consequence for the united states say that fast on, fortunately you're running out of time, and a lot of these liberal cities gentlemen appears to be a case of jury nullification that went on in portland. Eddie, no was you uh, you know, as a writer for a post millennial any does some free freelance stuff. As you know, was brutally attacked by some anti for people. We ve said father civil, ace in portland and if you if you are following the story like I was enjoy, finds anti famille militants not liable in Andy, no attack their friends. He declares, I am antifa.
During closing statements, defence wire, Michel burrows told the george, not only she self identifies a progressive and eighty fascist she's going to make yourself, and I am a tea for teacher to where, after the trial, the cinema serious time, everyone in the chat police forces a lot of you say to me in these liberal areas- and I understand folks, I may say this with respect them are trying to be an asshole I don't need a lecture on what it's like to live in the blue city. I grew up new york city, and I read represent maryland twice, I lived in both of those places for decades I bit not far from where joel Joe, can we all agree like maryland? Is outside of the mountains. It's probably one of the most liberal places on area yet hell on earth. Here you go, gumtree, baltimore, even baltimore county, is you know it's folks,
I've been around liberals, my entire life, I'm begging you to please get out. Listen. I get paid This is no bigger fight. I ran their. I ran in a blue stay twice, but I really do care about you. I mean that, yes, I don't know you personally, but I care about you I feel like. I know you interact with you in the chair I see you want my facebook page, my true social page. Rumble. I read your emails when it see you in nashville. A lot of you, I feel like I've got a good grasp about who you are you One shot on this planet. Enjoy your life and to fight for something that matters they will pay. you in jail in these places they don't care, they don't care they will put you in, jail for nothing. When you are attacked table, let table let the people who did it all
You have no shot their hats and if you agree with me, but a yes or no I'd love to see or taken, if you think I'm crazy, no, please get out they will take your money and it's not giving up. Just telling you that baker of war, a war analogies, because war is a unique car. Just it's the only way to kind of solidify what I'm saying if you are Not you are two armies fighting each other people in the world. Army doesn't get on the battlefield the same day and fight the other arm? This isn't I got a beggar thy two hundred years ago? We hit each other with swords. There are battles there are skirmishes There are some skirmishes where the terrain features of the battlefield, don't benefit you the other opposing armies abbess exemplifies the high ground. Are you going to charge now you get? back off and fight another day, you're gonna be dead. So
go and fight somewhere else. Where you have a tactical advantage, you can be in florida. You could be in blues aids that could swing back colorado where we EL the shot new mexico places. new york or again they are done. They are done, and told the people there feel what I told you in the beginning, the baron if they cause until they feel it. we'll, never change anything. It is you that are keeping these people on life support by your more an ethical desire to do good, which I appreciate what you're not helping, if you if you can get out, I understand many of you, businesses and kids. I get it totally understandable if you can get out please get out, Are you gonna see more like this to play that lives of tik tok? Very This? Is california ladys right now I down the Middle EAST. Should you see this viral video guy the middle of the day field or by she screamed
for help, and what does every we do not understand out and watcher. They all the the So said so said nobody is going to help you there. fine yourself like Daniel penny. These subway of the subway, the guy who protect those people on the subway. You can fine yourself in jail. You gonna find yourself in jail, you can fight somewhere else, with a tactical advantage. I just don't want to see you get hurt. That's the only reason I mean it The only reason I say that I've been sir by liberals my entire life to real
really difficult in this case, almost there possible place to be limited, could break usually guy coming up Biden binding struggles with exiting the sticky genetics exit continue as we its can't stop the guy Could someone put an arrow on the brake and floor for this guy? Go this way folks feel the greens My single favorite preferred supplement product out there. Right now is brick outbreak, as citizens field spit it out there, I said, imagine you're at the doctor's office, your doctor, glances up from your chart, says: hey whatever you're doing, keep it up. That's the field of greens. Better health promise check out this. Summer, testimonial could have been made.
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gems got an announcer voice. Can we do that with the show? Yet? Because, because we witnessed becoming like a weekly thing. Here's job, it again, and I told you he's given a card on what to do and you can ever member. We have two of em here's yesterday and I resumed her again after the ceremony confused and he always does. This thing really looks at someone abroad. Tansy shock, seeing a magazine ever knows where to go here. What's that the. That was the fact that you, the guy he does the area where he pretends to recognise someone in a crowd. Be surprised, listen, that's a physical turkey does because he does
what to do next and he doesn't want to look confuse so we The tansy saw someone and that's what the roma, because it all now you'll, never unseen. Here's the day before he does the same thing He never knows what to do to get off the stage, because the guy's got spaghetti, owes for brains and we're looking at a potential nuclear war with china and russia, and we got rotting oatmeal brains in a white can't even walk of african stage. Here. Look at us here, we go again opium brains, but don't worry by economics, is working. The guy who's got spaghetti yos for brains is magically figured out how to grow the economy, despite still still recorded, nation prices have not come down the road, of change of inflation is come down prices, come down your wages are stagnant jobs.
there. There are the jobs there are not paying what they should be paying and if their pain they don't have. Buying power that they did gas price. These are going up, but have no fear spaghetti owes brains now makes us working. Here's bide nominee. Working. Why we know it's working because corinne job here, anyone changing a vote ever national, otherwise any linux, one in the chat, changing their vote. Why? Yes, your changing your vote, green job here is the worst press secretary in history advance it's no not changing your vote and she still as I'd love to see where we stand on that. Maybe you feeling there was someone else here's corinne job here telling us don't worry. Why not is absolutely spectacular doing great. It is negative. Four hundred percent approval rating just stick with nobody's changing their vote in their jack. Take a look at is why literally fuse the president's name with the economics that americans aren't very happy with Well, here's the thing now mix. Isn't it
working when when we say that you look at the data right hostile Cost is going down when we think about inflation when you think about wages going up, there is being honest way. These numbers in your head before we play this day by the gas price now is He when he gave the speech, was three forty, two, the gas prices, these three eighty three when buying, office. It was too thirty. Nine years by non check this out, I pay. This was per gallon of gas some form of aid for the decency gauss bottom line is they are still sticking to this talking point, even though left wing media continue to insist that here I call it by nominate because he's is basically branding this failed economy would binds name here, cnn, even start and recognised that this whole thing is a train wreck, you CNN, and about credit card that the united states topic trillion dollars
This time in history, credit card debt for americans has hit one trillion dollars to be exact, one trillion and three billion dollars. That's quoting the federal reserve bank of york that big number made public s, consumers praise for yet another potential rate hike as policymakers. Try to keep inflation in check our eye. One trillion dollars in credit card dead by economics is right on target. Don't you worry about it, but by economics is at least working because their picking a bunch green energy companies. It turned out to be real winners. I mean he gave a press conference with this bus company pro tara, this green bus company. We heard about it saying this is the future of our economy, thereby damaged baby slub illegal slap. That's thereby like it's a: u s! The asa certification of approval economics. It we say, love this company so much they did oppressor. Here's Biden tell em to protest people. This is where a bus company, you guys are great.
you're gonna, be the future everything rotting, oatmeal brains touches. He destroys it's second metastasize in cancer. Take a look at right now run away behind China. Could you again, as in the game, is he getting this in the game? It's going to make a lot of difference, we're going to end up on into the future. I think, if you keep, we are doing when you making a thousand buses year? Where do you now you're gonna need more room for your custom. Roger of the I love the goofball laugh at fox news yesterday right is it- Joe behaves like a bad joke with its second non heath. Ledger joker sunlight that fox news. Green energy company Biden hosted the white ass fast bankruptcy. You know, folks, listen I think what makes us show a little bit different, as I explained to you the why, instead of just renew the news, ok Biden got behind this green bus company. That's now declaring rats, just like obama bomb got behind. Cylindrical enter one another green boondoggle
The reason this stuff doesn't work, ever taken in economics course back in the day, and they talked about the brazil. In computer industry had the brazilians wanted again to computers, so they subsidized their computer industry, lack where subsidizing green energy. Now, what what the subsidized computer companies had an advance over non subsidized company, so didn't have to compete on better computers. They just competed for government attention, like computers filtered their way onto the entire economy, peters sucked every business. They how much they heard which really. Destroyed and hurt the brazilian economy. This is why the governor picking winners and losers, rather than capitalism and merit picking winners and losers. This is why never works, it's complicated! the government new out a pic winners and losers, the people doing it wouldn't be in government. They be in business, there's a reason there in government because a sock everything else course. The national debts exploding You just a news. Spied now makes recess
concerns. Revive. Is the deficit swell the? U s, is now no big deal joe two hundred and fifty three thousand dollars for taxpayers turn you got that sit around and care somewhere. I bet you look good, is italian, geese taxpayers. So it's just that. I'm a taxpayer too we've got. Two hundred and fifty three donald have two hundred and fifty three k sitting in my safe, so much act now so, basically, where we all money we're never going to pay back, which means what we're going to have to print it, causing more inflation and higher interest rates. That's exactly as exactly what it means deficits exploded, the thirty two trillion dollars. Don't worry now, which only downgraded us the double a plus jerry says somewhere it's this arbiter, arbitrary, no big deal gay ass, just arbitrary, the fact
The united states is going to break in bankruptcy and what is going to be the largest de facto bankruptcy in the history of humankind and we're all just kind of whistling pass the graveyard upon capital ill. I gotta take care a medic care and in time amidst all such stuff. Do you understand? There's no money. Do you understand there is serious money, this is all printed glue. It's not. It doesn't by anything anymore, there's a reason: the purchasing However, your dollar is going down dramatically. Every quarter is because they're trying to play print their way out of a massive sovereign default coming. You know. What's next central bank digital currencies, because here's what they're going to do next they're gonna, their way out of this, and because there's gonna be massive inflation mass, inflation they want to be. control, the money in tax it and, if you can,
spend money in cash, but the government doesn't know about and everything's digital they can tax it. They can bump interest rates to whatever they want is not a damn thing. You can do about it, a play with jill rogan clip coming up in a second even rogan, and Oh, you know posts, malone, he's at singer, dude they were on the Joe rogan, show even they're worried about central bank digital currency, something I've been telling you about for a while stay tuned, we'll get to that in a second appreciate your patients' responses here you over the last twenty years- and I support my pillow As you know, we ve been able to launch a ritual, my pillow, but also the my pillow mattress, topper slippers and my pillow battles, but there's a lot more. In fact, my pillow is over two hundred products my pillow, so confident, you'll of each and every one of them. When you go to my pillow dot com, you'll immediate receive a free gift value to twenty dollars. Just by checking at the website no purchase necessary. That's right get everything from my pillow blanket seep asleep. Where kitchen. Towels mattresses do vase. What do we know how to say that pet beds body
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thing, pudding seniors out on their bots or kicking the euro, millions and millions of people off medicare overnight. I'm telling you Gotta get a lid on these programmes, people fifty five and younger the going to have to go in it insurance plans at individual retiring plans. That's it is not going to be fine benefits anymore, it's going to be defined contribution. There's no, the way out of this, I'm sorry. If you're in the chair listening to the show and you did agree with me. You ve got do the math and I get it. I understand I paid into so so secure ike. So did I am forty eight? I'm not young. I've been paying in the social security for thirty years. I'm sorry to tell you they spent the money now from our current financial, we can support our seniors if we don't go bankrupt. First, there is away, people fifty five and younger this is gonna, be able to continue none. You pay into lots of things. The government scrooge you over, you played employment insurance to most of you probably never took,
many about either you got screwed it. My fault, I'm just telling you the obvious the next step when this breaks It's gonna be a central bank, digital currency. Why folks inflation or deflation, the central bank. Digital currency enables the government to turn off spending was to turn on spend they can did the credit, your account, but they can make it that you have to spend within a certain amount of time. Are they going to pull it back? They're also gonna be watching you they're gonna be taxi instantly and they cannot. Devalue the dollar almost immediately, there's nothing! You can do to get cash out of the back here rogue imposts post, the guy's a singer the good for aid there, like a man, is cbc thing. Just don't sound good bigelow, though, how do you feel about? Governments
euro currency that there were no fucking way, no way, that's what I think I think that's checkmate. That's game over at is fuckin check, because if they apply that to a social credit, score decide somehow or another that you need. Some social credit score system is that for the benefit of society and they outline they can in our track. Your behaviour in your tweets and all you think, he'd get a score. if article ruling that they they just haven't, released a fuckin report guy. Well, they have the car. Every day there were, like days didn't send the report cards home to the parents yet raw, but it's already it's everything is already imprinted. Everything is already tracked. Everything is already there, but they just given that they just can. I show you to the same extent they would like, and what they would like to do is to do it. This trip you of your money and do a lot. you do and make sure that you comply so that all the other people also comply cause. They don't wanna be stripped of their money. Then I want everything
I worked for just be taken away instantly overnight and be powerless folks, as is I have top four I've issues on the ambitions you knows. Rain are talking about myself and a third person bob dost, thou top I've issues on my right. Our number one is the police state. This is probably three or four central bank digital currency will be the end of freedom. As you know, everything those two men just said is absolutely correct and accurate. They will be tracking every single thing you do in they'll be no way out. You want to buy a then again store. Ladies and gentlemen, they don't need you never permit. The better governments prohibited by law from establishing a list of gun owners there, You gotta have a list that gun owner or they gotta do. go to the cdc Zyobite I got a gun store, gotta be any cash. get a gun, show loophole which isn't even a thing now loopholes only the law they'll be able to track everything you do I liked it accurately said you tie it to a social credit score which is coming next, what do you get it?
I sure I could be allowed to take public transportation like they do in china. It's getting ugly folks, better, win this next election or say your prayers. The early two options speak it at the next election. I am increasingly convinced I can't guarantee it predictions ollinger all everybody's got. You may get the point, but I am increasingly leaning. I'm almost ninety percent short. This point, Joe Biden, will not be the nominees for the Democrats, folks, their trail a bite bags left behind by this guy is just being too hard to ignores people just sniff, the political death everywhere. Just before we come on here this morning, this story, pops by just the news You know the Democrats, they said. Ah, there's no evidence Joe Biden, nurse family, Joe Biden, better fitted from this whole thing. Well, now we got the bank records turns
twenty million dollars a bank records foreign oligarchy, moved millions to bite and tied firms before before meeting Joe Biden. Money gets Aid the hunter and by nato, Joe Biden, shows up at a dinner sounds like pay for play access operation. Does it not just before We came on the year. I told you the biggest problem the media and the donor class that'll ultimately determine if Joe Biden is, the nominee has right now. The biggest issue they have raina was they don't know? What's next. they don't know what else is out there, because this I was so knee deep and corruption. Folks, the evidence is everywhere. Look at this from this parisian executive, adam bazaars, keep talking about a list of the liberals deliverables he wanted, the date on this november. Second, twenty fifteen had their ponds monkey, but this way shut up on his eyes. Social media accounts. They were
ukrainian top officials, above with the ultimate purpose, to close down for any case is pursuits against ally in ukraine, in other words, get rid of the people involved. the gating bourgeois that is their literal list of the liberal bank, a call the list deliverables, the email sent two hundred by november. Second, fifteen. Oh look at this department memo. They did not or twenty second, twenty fifteen. Were they I commend the removal of prosecutor general shokhin. This is Going on, while millions of dollars or weaving their way little snakes into Biden, crime, family accounts. What else do you? Could you please We need to know about. Well. The answer is because liberals are.
This is why it is so amount of corruption. They won't cover up rotting metastasize in cancer on the united states. Is it well? We can't tide is directly to Joe by yeah, ok, sure the Biden family again sars we got Biden hundred Biden and text talking about given half as money to dad. But what? If we had the money guy, what if we had the money guy archer devon archer was the connections guy. What if we had the actual money guy? If the money guy actually went to the white house, which would lead you to believe that something I told you for the last few weeks is accurate and that summit I told you is what Obama knew about all of this, although fox news, money guy, the hunter I'd business partner blow the lid off binds family business dealings. You heard the name, Eric schwerin. You will he was the money guy. For this operation, apparently he visited the obama white house.
vp residence, at least thirty six times between two thousand tina, twenty! Sixteen all the money guy visited the obama white house kind of like I told you that obama new Schwerin was the founding partner and one of these big His the hundred by all look at this folk seems pointed by then president obama to the commission for the conservation of america's heritage abroad, an independent government agency in early two thousand and fifteen eric das for one of these the day after the election in two thousand eight hundred revealed about schwerin appointment. Tell me again please, so I can laugh in your face rock obama to know about this- is the money guy schwerin, the money guy visited the obama white house. Thirty six times got this nice cutesy little appointment. Listen peter Schweizer explain just how critic Eric swear. It is this interview, maria barter romo, on foxes, the money guy
as devon archer was the adult in the room in terms of how this business should be structured, and he confirmed everything that everybody assumed, the worst of, which is that Joe Biden was the product that this firm was selling and he unequivocally said any. You know people discussing are claiming that he was not involved with his son's business. is side totally and completely incorrect. I would have it. Next shoe that may drop is theirs. other individual involved with a hundred by name Eric schwerin. If devon arch Was the sort of business guy the deal guy in how you structure this europe? Schwerin? Was the money guy he's the guy that move money around and based on a hundred by laptop schwerin had access not only the hunter binds accounts, but also, Joe Biden account so when he testifies before the committee, it's gonna be interesting to see what he says and what pressure he might be under from this administration. Always the money guide
is that at the white house, gotten obama appointment, tell me again like a laugh in your face loudly and proudly, because you look like a total more on that morocco I didn't know. What's going on The media is not protecting Joe by the media's protecting Barack Obama The problem the media has now is, if they could, for Joe Biden. It get out of the race, Joe Biden and his team could flip on obama. They can that they need to protect obama. as a liberal I com, if obama, it down. So does the liberal movement he started. They need to protect him to protect the crown. are there any in all circumstances, but there now- a parasitic relationship obama needs Biden because when Biden a flip autumn and binding needs obama cause he needs is political clout. The problem is Biden can win, that's that
album and they know that alright moving on, I got another warning for you today by the way this one, even my wife, picked up on stay tuned I'll, miss the end of the show. My wife sent this to me and she you know my my wife's involved politics, obviously not to the extent I am, but when she sending it to you going hey, I'm getting a little concern. It's time to you know open your eyes, clockwork orange style, but before we get to that, these people are liars by the way the people on the left, especially these media people, protect binding obama have zero human dignity at all. When it The savage procedures like late term, abortion, bates, infanticide, the big, the killing of an innocent human life, a fully formed baby, the fact that the media that used to it allied itself with the democrat party that had this safe, legal and rare monster for abortion is now
all in on infanticide, child sex trafficking, voter fraud, ship, the police state should tell everything you need to know about the new left, and the media. How sick these people have got down all put. This together is at hapless Dana best if what she had cnn trying again to win that late term. Abortion is not something. Democrats are pushing for, despite democrats open pushing for lay terms we should use Dana bash owning herself with a then and now but we do believe. What's out establish extreme was what governor knew some Joe Biden: others basically project, and that is abortion on demand till the time a birth does. We think there needs to be a lemon at the federal level. And right now will worsen the paint capable makes a lot of sense? The fifteen weak limit. There me some type, a limit to rein in the extreme positions of the
if, like newsome and live by, I just want to say that I I have not talked to a Democrat who wants abortion on demand till the time of birth, but we're going to have to leave it there. We have a lot more to talk about next time. Your fellow Democrat running for senate in pennsylvania, John fetterman, has said that he does not I believe that there should be a government limits on abortion at all. There's been a bit, opening Dana bash in a debate with herself had tipp the town hall folks who put net together. Also me it's my last name this is warning number four thousand five hundred and seventy eight things are about to break bad I get asked this all the time, then what you're preparedness kit? Listen, I'm not some. Survival expert about like bear girls- and I just read a lot about this and I believe in just common sense. It is time for you to get prepared today, I get it to stuff, can be expensive. It's a pain in the ass at minimum a minimum a means to defend yourself at least three months of survival, food for every member, your family and also have some food. You can eat right,
know not everything has to be survival food. You should have your your. You know your closet, some stuff in there that some rice, some canned beans, canned foods, these these things can stay good for a year or more. Okay, have food? Have a water source have a way to purify water? Have charcoal get yourself a small grill away, start a fire, they are all critically important things to have around in case something breaks bed where, for a couple of months, you may forced to be off the grid If our satellites go down and our computers, systems and our water filtration systems are hack folks, where you gonna get water, never thought about that get prepared today, because china is preparing for a two four. war, computer viruses and biological warfare is obvious. I've covered it covered it ad nauseum, article, seven about it: the war signs are everywhere.
With this in detail yesterday, but on the two front war. Biological viruses and computer virus sky news disease ex colon uk scientists begin developing vaccines against a new pandemic. The work being carried out at a government. High security are important down. Labyrinth, a complex and welsh and wash your interesting disease ex prime number, one problem or to computer viral warfare? Although China, japan, sensitive defence. Next, what networks official say folks have already told you about how china has these malicious code. Embedded in our military systems here, they're not just do Yet here you may wake up. day and find out your phone doesn't work you waters. Who did in your house, china invaded taiwan. What are you gonna do rush online to buy?
preparedness, food nor that other stuff. All that's right: your internet doesn't work. This is it's too late when that happens. This is what I was telling you this morning. Policy when she sends me. This trio disclosed tv new china's. Stockpiling, gold, oil and food while economy slip into deflation. Folks the chinese communist party gets more desperate. They are living through a demographic time bomb right now,. the timeline for them to invade taiwan and initiate this world war. Three two prong plan, biological Few to warfare is gonna shrank and shrank and shrank and shrank and shrink why you think china's stockpiling, gold, oil and food there not doing because they're trying to make jewelry they're not doing Because they're trying to have a mcdonald's party and they need some extra burger me they're doing it because they can't see
themselves without it and they know if they don't win this war in taiwan fast, they could find themselves subject to enable blockade where they'll be starving! in school around with this any more. Please get prepared today I'm going to do a special segment. Let me ask you: let me ask in the chat you guys down with this. Yes, if you're down with it, no, you don't think it's a good idea. I'm going to watch the responses right here so accompany came to me that does apparently stuff, I had not intended duty segments because I'd snooze worthy to me, and I want you to be safe in the event of an emergency, but they said, I think we should do. Is segment short, one, five minutes or less about exactly the stuff you need to get prepared products and place in a willing to put together like a kid to do it and I say this is a good idea. I gotta if the audience would be interested at some. That would interest to where they had a wife. stop shop, say, preparedness care, like came in a case of sunlight that, while
Is that what you guys a lotta? Yes, I like it, I know, is a good idea about short yeah who want to keep big it. Like a boy like drama thing, but the but he came to me. They listen to show every day, and they said you know it's thing to talk about it's another thing to give them actual, stop here's the purification tablets from the water, stops. Here's a filtration tag, here's the actual survive for food. Here's the up if you know that whatever the fuck the waterproof matches, so I It was a good idea, glad you guys seem delighted to exact tonic questions about that. I mentioned my dad it yesterday too, on the radio show. How are you too, but I really want to meet a blade that lay down my diet and everything. You know I saw hope, I'm wasting your time with them. What's that adult get that kid? Yes That's actually a good idea. He just named it we'll call it the don't, get dead. Kid! Sorry folks in return on there, but I'm glad you like it will get.
Going here really appreciate all your help and following the rumble account here in subscribing means a lot. If you could join us every day for the live chat at eleven, a how many people, seventy one thousand one hundred seventy six people here, gosh, it's good to talk, everyday eleven, a m eastern time rumbled! I com, slash, bungie click that follow button. If you would, in the upper right hand corner it's free you'll get in Vacation we go live every day and if you wouldn't and follow us an apple in spite of eye is well really helps to stay on the top chart. I think we were like number four podcasting news the other day, so I will be the second conservative park. So I deeply appreciate they see for tuna folks. I see on the radio show later back here tomorrow, You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.