« The Dan Bongino Show

Call The Democrats What They Are, Communists (Ep 2075)

2023-08-25 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the disgusting treatment of Trump, and the arrival of the police state. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Give way to hear the truth about amerika upon a showed its not immune to the banks with your host dan bungee. No guys forty thousand people wait in the chap before we even started what an honour to be part of this movement. Now with all you are, I'm really I'm sitting here, drink, yellow job out of my bond gino report cop I might fort One thousand people you all are loyal man. I love you all. I got a quick update on some style. First, death ratio between my blackout, coffee, black coffee, dot, com, slash, bon gino, coupon Bon Jean over twenty percent off, give your money these garbage companies, don't care about the country or coffee gray, coffee love, the country, black coffee, thou, canst, flashpoint gino, They show today we got a big show. Obviously the mug shot these single greatest fab pull. echo miscalculation in political history. Take tat thing: please straight everywhere, you
come into my new studio, a lot of you all, I'm going to be doing a lot of live, shows ripe. One of the things I didn't tell you to JO just justin's back today. By the way, everyone give a big salute to justin the chat they have just back. We missed him he's back today. Running the show which, over there so we're need to do a new studio is we're gonna, make dad I believe the centerpiece at a studio on the wall, the big mug shot, maybe with the gangster glasses on in the parental advisory lyrics. I haven't decided yet, but this is the single greatest f up in polish history and it is glorious to watch quick note about our new time and when it's gonna start, because I listened to your feedback yesterday to get of response today? Is our friends at relief family, just click on our switched boom Here's my relieve ban, help get me during a Well, chemo really sucks. They came You get sick allowed. You want to throw up which really sticks so this leave ban. I otherwise rather sceptical when I first put on my things, are going to work. You turn it on
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and use promo code by gino you'll receive twenty percent off plus free shipping so head to relief and arielle. I e f b, a and d relief and our spongy no promo code by genome for twenty percent off plus free been Joseph. It is your first riding in the studio. So if you would kind sir, a rich man as I could hear person, some of you We in the chat. I was in the chat about ten o clock this morning It's in a lot of it is Joe in florida. Yes, he is, he is down in florida and the state is better for it. It is good abd down here. So yes, that's what's going on quick note, the time change. We are moving to seven, but I listened your feedback yesterday and a lot of you a really enjoy the internet action in the chad here in this eleven twelve hour. You know where we go to eleven or twelve, so he's we're gonna. Do I'm gonna put off the move until we get the radio show this makes sense. been running on rumble at noon so
I'm still gonna go to seven I'll, give you the data are probably not. Next week's are still come back at eleven right everybody tracking within, but Once we get a hard day, we're probably to three weeks away about getting the radio show live on rumble, so you can watch just like you watch now, it'll be an hour later. The radio show starts at twelve. You can all join us for that and if you want you can come back later for the podcast at seven p m. I prefer to have you for both I'll. Take you for one, but that way those you enjoy chatting and I enjoyed shouting with you. We can go on. For three hours in four hours a day. If you want to stay for the whole day, twelve to three and seven o clock. At night, sir we're gonna hold off one move into land use. It was like eighty percent positive. Yes, you remember twenty percent abuse and I love the idea, but I can only get in the live chat at eleven, so I want to abandon you saw them you go so let me know your fee. Back on their just enjoy, read it and the shows for you folks shows for new ideas. Everything use for you trust me sound of money. They believe me get paid for it, but I'm good,
here because I want to be- and I really love hanging out with you all every day here it is the shot her around the world and I don't mean, lie gun, shot or they shot on how he go. I mean the picture like the photo, the biggest double barrel at you. the establishment you're ever going to see trump comes back. Twitter acts wherever that, how you call it last night in it just like earthquake, its social media though, observe now crap and their pants realise what, a bunch of deep shit for giving them this just glorious smug, shot august. Twenty four twenty twenty three years, trumps first post on twitter back, twitter last night, a licence interference, never surrender, Donald J trump dot com. When I last night Do the mug shot came out. I plastered
on every one of my social media platforms and I dont eight thousand beans to trouble ass night. Just for these great picture because we love this pressure, put it everywhere. Budgeting screen saver. Put it your kitchen frame. It bedroom. Put it, as your rapporteur, put it on your rumble, account put it on your facebook account. Give it to your kids, make your course resort of areas give here about big you baby cause. Listen now to pay our bullshit? It's over? You wanted. games. Now you want to humiliate us in front of the world. All pr! Bullshit is over. You understand this right. Liberal listen. My message now. I hope you understand there various stages of that then the generating of a republic and a representative democracy. We're out stage eight and it's all gone. Ten. It's all gonna write about. Stage aid, I would say ten, but I think we can still save this, but you need this stand out like stage four or five when a republic starts to collapse.
but he is worried about the moral high ground. Follow me is an important point about to make don't get this I'll show you us. You know, everybody's, like all. Listen about the Democrats did this, but if we do, this will look bad in the media. So, let's not get into a tit for tat. We're going to take the moral high ground and in the media, recognised were the better ones. I call it the Mccain romney approach. Let's vote down. Obamacare member mccain. He used to get rid of obama said it wasn't through normal process. Is this? Is there I'm talking about this is level six when you're fired is pr fine. We want to look like the better people. We're done with that. That's over cutesy time is over. You understand that the republic up on the hill, Yesterday was not the breaking point and you don't understand. We are dealing with straight up commies, please kindly get the out go, stage left and get lost, because we don't need you I'm getting
impression from people on capital he'll. Not all we solve was bags up there that they now understand that this is. This is political battle, that's not going to stop until we make to meet their own cake. Okay, now the good news. Is she where they have to make up for crimes on donald trump. He complained about and put him in jail. While he's running as a political opponent to a democrat president, we don't after make up crimes. The good part about this I expect a Joe Biden, mug shot everybody the charter. Great, I expect the republicans out there play in messaging games. Bs, If you agree, no, no. You don't want to Joe Biden Mugshot put away. If you agree, I we are now expecting a job in a hundred bide mug shot at. If it's not produced, we will you. Will you done with We're done with you, you don't forget it just beaded get there. at this stage? We don't need you ok, because I've actually committed crimes.
Fara violations. Tax violations, gun charges, bribery charges. Ladies and gentlemen, we avoid that satellite navigating the following is going to fess up we expect the mob shots and heating costs. Now now we expected forget them off, well go left maria. Nobody cares nobody Who cares what the left this media thinks you want to see how crazy these Crazy, swab dogs in the media are here, is the his grief, the loser in media, Nicole wallis, who fail as they a publican can solve everything she thought she burned to the ground because she was a moron. Ask any what do you see? You knows her, so what did she do? She won over to start drifting off dumb, imbecile, liberals overtime, s NBC hears, wallace holding back laughter at the idea, the trump is gonna be in a prison in full? county to be processed holding back. after that, it's a violent prison where people have been killed
do you think you're gonna play moral pr games with these loaded text, put him in jail We want mug shots, we want handcuffs and we want him now. Listen to this idiot. just a few months ago, donald trump, the disgraced ex president, the front runner for the republican nominee for president four times indicted departed. His golf club in bedminster new jersey he's en route to fulton county georgia, the newark airport. We believe he will surrender himself for processing at an overcrowded jail with a reputation for violence and neglect a jail that is accustomed to holding defendants facing charges up to and including violent crime. We're. Stabbings are frequent. Actually through people have lost their lives in the last month, had jail where the disgraced ex president of the united states is heading right. Now Nicole, I'm sure you'll about listen, I'm on the web. You got your thing.
You think it's really funny trumps life is in danger. Like I said, holding back laughter, we got it burma notice some appalling for anyone to boycott nobody. Watches that's stupid, show any when a woman has no career she's a total joke in an embarrassment. No, let them lead, do their thing fellows. Let them do their thing. Just why you understand everyone in DC gives everyone my listeners be now in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine people ten minutes in watching knows the p Our bullshit is over it's over you, play games with law enforcement and every site go republic in state prosecutor round the country right now, where are you Where are you. No, it's a serious question. I'm looking to start some shit where Are you why are you out there urging a hunter Biden in your districts for very these crimes that we believe we may have committed. Where are you
mean stacey, abrams question that election. Why isn't she in prison. Why isn't she have a mug shot? I want mug shots, nothing less! I dont want bull shit. I don't want hearings of great if they serve a purpose. Fine, I don't wanna be, but you know dickie less about it, we want at mug shots. This is what the Democrats wanted, and this is what we're going to get folks. I thought I'd be depressed today, but I gotta tell you I dunno how you feel. Let me know in the chat: Gary about this, because now we the mess around right fellows. I mean why play the game anymore. Now we did David, lately show their asses to the entire world. They are absent communist socialist slobs. They know it. They humiliated the united states in front of all world there's no reasonable angel them anymore. I swear Why am? I honestly did I woke up this morning? Giddy about you in the show. You shall be the rest about this, like I was after twinkies, but even twig up in new york, Alvin bread and support
tyler jack Psmith worse, enough to realise that releasing a mug shot is the single dumbest freaking thing you could ever do. We want a mug shots. What do you think about a shirt If you share its committee dimension, we want mugshots. Was you guys abide that, but can we now I want to put you know: who's everybody's uses, mug shot. I feel graffiti do that all of our stuff goes to charity. I promise you, I think everybody the steel entity. I just think we were. We want mug shots. Doesn't we want that In other words, we don't need political statements reassured by our. I also we worry about shots. That's it you put honour, I would have the job all about them self. Drop yesterday going The plain of course came out, and basically This rate, the press reiterated again how he thinks the election was total bullshit. This was a great statement here check this out.
I really believe this is a very sad day for america. This should never happen. The challenge, an election. You should be able to challenge an election after the election was rigged. Elections are stolen election and I should have every right to do that. As you know, you have many people that you've been watching over the years. Do the same thing, whether it's Hillary Clinton or the many others. When you have that great freedom to challenge you have to be able to, otherwise you can have dishonest elections. What has taken place here is a travesty of justice. We did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong and everybody knows that I've never had such support. That goes with the other ones. To what they're doing is election interference or trying to interfere with an election? There's never been anything like it in our country before this is their way of campaigning. This is one is, but you have three other instances of election interference. So I want to thank you for being here. We did nothing wrong at all and we have every right every single right to challenge. Intellectually dishonest dishonest. So thank you all very much and I'll see you very soon. Thank you for the seeds. That guy looks scared to you. He don't look scared to me at all.
he looks eight, I'm telling you everybody woke up this morning in the trunk team and elsewhere realized. Invigorated that now the gloves are off now. The gloves are all dead, references where they have to make crimes up. We actually have crimes on them. That's the difference. between hilary and all the other jokers in their involved with the election and all the by nonsense and spying nonsense on trump now What's a rallying cry, we want mug shots. Ears then pretty hilarious by the way and I'm on it In a second I'm going to tell what the democrats next move is there ex move. We can have the flag, this one, just scare ready for a pre flag flying because this is going to happen, but this is hilarious? Does this up yesterday here fanny willis the communist prosecutor from vote and vote mechanic. Georgia prosecuting trump,
exercising his first amendment right to speak out about the election here see is Larry silly utter twitter account questioning. like to georgia? determine who our next president. A team of loyalties to watch them count. Every single vote I get started fall we're having water leagues. What balance, the throwing out georgia, let's give an honest, accounting, no studs, you care, baked this up. You care back this up this loser? Communism is prosecute trouble for doing what you just did on twitter and what's happening to fanny was probably gonna run for governor next. This, all these years watch. This is who these areas are the job. It is why august stone or what? But it's eleven. Sixteen answer initiatives like this. For me. Please You, sir, this is, That's! Why he's gonna be there strategy there's a reason I opened up the show telling you take them our fight and liberal. you can wrap it up. Your caboose stop! Try
to look more or less better than these people, they are communist losers. They don't. care about moral winds, they care they care about, causing you pain and that's it set this deal before you're in a tree. Warfare fight with a bunch of people who will do horrible things to you, do you gotta stop worrying if the guy? Next to you, what he's doing is a scam and on his girlfriend, who cares just fight back that way, this is the perilous times we're in here gonna, be there next play they're gonna! Try They know they listened to They know they screwed up last night. I follow these idiots, and I want to tell you what accounts I follow on twitter because a block meets they know dude just laughed. because they absolutely no the mug shot, was a mistake, there's a huge. dresen, twinkies and jack smith? Didn't do it because they knew it would become a rallying cry. They move
our pictures and speeches and sound bites. Gave us. It was a ground ball above, so They're going to do now is now that they know they ve crossed that red line that because he's been cross and I can't go back and they know people like me, no one and they know now that the legal system is fair game and they know now that they committed crimes. They may be liable for their pitches gonna be Now we really need to stop trump from taking office because he's gonna use the legal system for revenge and retribution flag it market own. It love it be we're pretty woman the motions walking down the street, not that I've seen em movie own work add up. You know what that's. It only works. They are one hundred percent gonna run with this message going forward: they're not going to marry The fact that their communist better,
but as the system to imprison and attack their political opponents. There only get a mention affected overnight. We gotta worry about revenge. So now we definitely gotta keep this guy. I have always considered that the justice system of the generate never mentioning they degenerated it one I forget me. Evan play down the wild you by the way. Thank you to everyone. tips and achieve jar say it again, its deeply appreciated totally unnecessary, but thank you very much. and I encourage you if you would go to is donald J, trump dot com and donate to the campaign today, even if it's a dollar folks, it doesn't really matter a dollar. I am serious. It doesn't really matter like just get on the donor list, because there'll be able to say we got twenty, five thousand new donations, even if it's a buck, so let me go there, go to that and give a you know we gave a thousand last night and would give more as time goes on, but it's a big a few this whole machine? I do I can't besides you how important it is
axis machines getting worse still, a pr battles are overdue. What happened with space saxony lawns company last night we'll get. You take your safe, you with the Biden commies, though they're not going to come after me. I'm just a private company didn't do anything wrong. Oh oh you miss it. You miss the huge story. If you don't know what happened spacex last night, elon musk, like it conveniently time by the way they must have known. Tromp was going to get back on twitter because, all of a sudden, I d o j pops out with this crazy attack on spacex. Let me get to me. Experts, are first autonomy that I got a tunnel audio video as you can tell As I said, the chatter there's, a five cup black, our coffee. There folks. I get a lot of questions about this every time I do this red, so supplementary that use the website for first summit to say first could write this down contingency, medical dot, com, slash bond, gino every time I read this, I get at least a hundred emails. People are always accompany again. contingency, medical. I can't stress enough, the importance of being prepared. You know how I feel about this. Things are gonna break bad soon
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any guesses about that. That's no one! Guy has enough! No thank you. Thank you that, guy all caps. Do I really enjoy that. Thank you. of course, it is not a coincidence, justice. parliament soon spacex for, screw emanating against asylum and refugee and refugees and hiring? Let me translate this war. You ilan, must is being sued, space access being sued for hiring americans just like nobody is clearly read them I didn't tell you can read it there yourself, O J is actually suing spacex for hiring american citizens. Well, if you like, that's a crime, but what sort of crime You live in a police state and a police state. What's a crime, but you know what a crime is in a police state, any guess it's just a cuban at school you're! Smart whatever the hell they want beg you, sir schools serving you well, must take Fine political science quest. What's a crime, When a police state whatever, people in charge tell you it is higher
american citizens right now is apparently a crime which is weird? I forget to put this greg price or someone else I was like the had to forgive me. I forgot what that's because massa, which is a government entity. What are they requirements they do kind of the same thing. Space ex does is: if the beer, you a citizen because it's a national security work involving so weird. It's like right there and so crazy. It's like they're, just making it up right now and they don't even care that they look like the commies that they are right, on their website contractor job other than extremely rare exceptions? You must be a us citizen in order to work for nasa as a symbols or support it bogs, it's up their website. It's What's a crime and a police state where the hell are you goods and power say as a crime, What's a man on a serious note as all showed been serious, but are very serious. Note you think you're not next.
folks. If we not stop this now and twenty twenty four there ain't gonna be no tomorrow, never see rocky. there is no tomorrow follow and rocky run and on a beach, very thought, man It should be noted mar these people are done, screwing around and I know you're done screwing around the question is swampy up in dc at the point where they done screwing around here you don't have a lot left folks, This is another reason they gotta get rid of trump and they're. Gonna imply this now we definitely have to get rid of him strategy because revenge is coming, which is odd, because everything you're doing is revenge and retribution right. So they need to get rid of he will expose the police state now He knows where the bodies are buried and they know it. There really upset about this interview. This was grey. This was your honor with we trumped the other day. Just
Is this a rating chris wallace used to work at fox just a hapless buffoon when Chris wallace kept interrupting trump at the debate? I want to just show you this a remind you of how much some media people needed to shut trump down before the election about the Biden stuff that he's about to expose coming in office check this out. First, father interviewed man sixty minutes it was actually a ten. Can you will tell you, I mean talent last I may have been the only guy that he gave a good sixty minutes, a user, I've really other stuff. He was glad tat. He was way when you did what chris wireless was so upset him regarding this guy who wouldn't do as shown by the way? What do I think it I didn't? ankara's was because wouldn't do I wouldn't do a show. That was very obvious here. He kept asking him and him, but he wouldn't do the show. So I figured he's gotta like me, but he came from a different planet, but remember when I asked the question: why is it that the mere of moscow's wife is allowed to give you three and a half million dollars? Don't forget that
I was brought up now. It's brought up all the time, but that was brought up by me long before anyone ever heard of it. I said the mayor of Moscow, his wife, giving you three and a half million does. What did you do to deserve three and a half million dollars to buy and Chris wallace it. This doesn't This has nothing to do with the debate. I mean he fully got in the way of the question no well, it was. It was crazy and I said well whenever he got three and a half million from the mayor of Moscow's web. Now people forget that, will you go back and take a look? You will see and Chris wallace didn't want me to ask that question. I said I think it's a very appropriate question. To be much more appropriate than people thought. everyone in the media needed to keep drop out of office in twenty twenty and not expose the Biden crime family mob them. We fiasco by the way. I think we may break the wreck today we're not even have we do the show seventy six thousand eighty nine people watching. Thank you remember this was the moment the debate trump as Biden corner
guy is a kid sniffing plagiarize in lying woman, feeling racist comments, making showering with his kids loser and what why does he? three great salad, gas dip, wad edge by some in the corner on this point, ding and who rescued some chris. Why? I remember this if with shine it euro, mexico present in china eight your last year and no wonder you son goes entity takes out what he takes it The issue dollars takes out: dollars to manage. You makes millions of dollars and also weiler at him. Why is just out of curiosity. He mare of
moscow, wife gave you send three and a half million dollars as limiting deserve adversity. Do with burmese on one hundred and eighty of relapse into iran last autumn answer. Not none of that is to really living. They, after president, is totally president plays to allow you to have granted it totally discredit. And by the way I have they, indonesia, masturbation president dollars is not MR president masood miss an open discussion, please. How do I do it's fact? Well, news, and I raised an issue like husband ties, resident answer, discredited burglars array hundred eighty three dollars a month when we Our experience and energy that does not just son did nothing wrong. Parisian, MR president, is one of my answer. He don't want. Let me ass it because he knows I have the truth. It. His position has been
totally thoroughly describing a new grenadier by everybody will buy them. Only a wire allies drive about lying by everyone has discredited like matter fact is right and who tells us it I'd under oath? So let me tell you, there's mr listening to the people Listen I've read three times were office. I bid at a ton of debates twenty. Pray, maybe bore. If you like you, are debating the moderator, bad breath in your opponent. What you just heard, dear moderator, you're, doing wrong Nobody knows you guys at my back. I was using debating these are debating by these debated course. Wise while it is a vital surrogate. This is how now badly they to keep this guy out of office and keep him in jail in this new police state is why cutesy time is freaking over over you're either. Stem is huge
Bullshit time is over folks. I got the break, but I just one more before we get to break this. Is this is for pure entertainment value he's just a museum. I miss this with the debate and seeing them onstage. the he needed to debate and a republican debate here then I put folks, I think you all agree like it would have. Fun like ray I'm right I mean I do I miss that just I'm, just I'm not talking. Politics are just talking pure entertainment for a second. We all miss it he's the lion king debated, The june list is really funny supplies the junior this from a talker debate. I wanted to get to it. Yesterday we had so it's gotta him talkative. how cobble talks in Iraq times with the buzz fellow ladys. This is This is a big trouble check this out. We sent back to find an interest to say you think he's failing. He obviously is failing in its clear to everybody, but
that would make Kamel Harris the candidate. Well, not really I mean I guess, they'd have maybe a free for all a lot of people say she has to remain for certain reasons the candidate she has to. I don't think that's true. Actually, I don't think that other people would stand for She has some bad moments. Her moments are almost as bad, as is, I think, he's a worse. Actually, well she's in expressing our two. She speaks in rhyme. It's weird his word. But she has many moments had rhyme. Would you the way she talks to bus will go here and then the most well known there, because that's what mrs too and I swear staffing, is where this is not a president of the united states future everything You know the forty three rather clippers. This is petrol. Is ever He said there didn't rhyme at all. It doesn't matter nobody ever picked up if you notice on these ideas
We should remember that he goes on to say which she did say about the positive buzz. I did not have it I urge that all cottages peak trump here's a thing here not a natural political, give folks, ridicules a weapon as solid linsky ridicule is upheld. Weapon, Olenska ceta, because there's no response to it. your aids and the thing is just destroyed com allah ended. They eat the job there. We even makes sense. Eight isn't even matter he's got this natural instinct for these. These areas. Hilarious arrives in the bus plus. I want it. Some kind of next. I got video ashore. One boxes thing happening in the legs next election, People are discounting this. I've told you about this before the same people, me: trump cannot win and twenty sixteen are the same people in my ear now started support job. can't win, and I've heard it over and over again, something happening there. Discounting, I'm not saying it's gonna guarantee a win. I don't know that. I don't know I can't
predict the future, but there's some interesting happening in a community hasn't traditionally voter republican. Where should I mean come on I'll, get a job I thought you know where I'm going with this. When I talked about this before yeah, I have heard from a number of people in said community that I have no idea how much support trump has a lot of people don't want to talk about it, but it's a quick break for our couple sponsors we always appreciate. Patients are here to talk to you. My pillow You have to support my pillow, their employees and tough economic times MIKE, went down noses and continues to get back to listen with deals on its most popular products army to speak about the mai slippers are super comfortable, my pillow to point out one more. Here's, a great news: the mai, Hello, six pack battle sets back and stock the proprietor. Technology makes it extremely absorbing it still provides at feel for you want a tower set. Comes here. bad towels to hand thousands washcloth ready price. Seventy ninety eight for a limited time you get these six, tat was said for only thirty, nine. Ninety nine with promo code. Damn that's a fifty percent savings
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The old geo, p mindset. I know believe me. I ran these focus come up to you and I say to you with spreadsheets and stop they'll say than you fifty one percent of the male white voted for percent of the suburban female vote. All this up. Here's the plan with the algae or p miser. Many instruments, I baseball They never factor in the minority vote because its assumed we're gonna lose it others talk you hearing about he's gonna lose these downward independence. He's down with this group, listen cutting Of course we could lose. I can predict the future something at the elections. I hear you know away. So who knows? Having said that, though, listen to me, because I'm getting this from a number of different sources? The blue, community you're, seeing an opera swell of support for donald trump, both openly exe. Illicitly and implicitly some people who will just kind of wink and nod at it. I told you
My friend was shall remain nameless without a u s c event and ran into a rather prominent guy and a hip hop community. Who said you have no idea how many these people support trumped up. You can t it'll make it up whatever that's on you, that's all you you're, just gonna get please help me, the one surprise. Nobby I'm telling you it's happening here, up and down a georgius granted slotted enormous sample size, that of surveys on a nepal, but he drove through What this isn't that video, but he drove to parts of downtown lana your people line and up to cheer form, but this happened. you. The courthouse check this out yeah What we see they didn't listen in case you missed it if you listen apple or spotify or sound cloud or whatever, everyone scream and job was black
public its don't give a damn. We don't judge people by the melanin content to their skin. That's a racist democrat thing. Care is on our side, Liberals are obsessed with it I'm tellin you right now a black community. One thing about it, one thing about the black community: again, I can't speak for everyone. There, not robots or automaton left this tree people our way, but there are a lot people I've run into black? spanish in the asian community as well, a lot of minority communities who agreed by this system too. the same system mood there. Dumb ass idea was to put up a mug charlotte. Look we gotta! Now you got nothing. You got jack shit, you really. leave. That was a good idea. You morons, how do you think that looks The people feel agreed by the same system they wanted a martyr and you gave him one dumb asses. So
we could stupid, be single dumbest, political, tactical, maneuver, I've ever seen, and I to get to and debating with let's go to the next video here's. Why? Another reason there are black voters are passed you. Blackened hispanic voters who live in inner cities. These inner cities are being plagued by crime. How many more videos you need to see of shoplifting in malls people get an account beat out of them. Here is one of the mayors of one of these a minority, thus cities that struggling people I mean we're doing grey matter of fact, come and visit. You think people living in these communities want a year to scrap this. their message and you're wondering why Our voters supports moving towards trop, not away from listen to this. I would suggest that he thinks that this country is in decline come to cities because democratic mares across the nation creating great places where people want to be. We're closed, is happening and where
economy is growing tobacco Bobby does. That's why the back back up model easier, say steward gave us back up. Bought me a bakery there is over here there are not just for a second governments they rubber steward? Thank you for the back up. Molly just keep. telling people that how wonderful these cities are come and visit, get your ass kick lose your watch get mugged, lose your cell phone, it's all gray, blackboard is what they hear, that it's all a job guide. Bearing caught it Joe. Doesn't butter fingers like me as pathetic dab, dab, That's why I'm on it- and I fell receiver or even a receive down a block vote. This is gonna work everywhere you idiots are in charge on the left, yours. some sort, the net I'm gonna, give you a little debating tip whenever
left these running these blue cities that sock crime, through the roof economies, itzhak school systems, Itzhak they're, going to say to you that systematic racism, your first spawned should be well. Who runs the system there? Oh left these, I agree is definitely systematic racism. Liberals are the most racist people on platter you'd be or only answer do the brain on fox wants what a guy and gave me. You know what to say. I said I agree: systematic racism, Israel, who runs the system, is you do know what to do. I should liberals right eye totally agree. There absolutely raises no idea what to say he was sitting there like what is Hence our disaster. Like I don't know what else to do. I have no with the same. Here's, what I mean it This is my not get. It has got bad enough theory at two kathy. Will the governor new york one of the most liberal loser got probably the second or third worse, governor and a country. You got cabin nuisance, whittemore and pritzker
they're all kind of like tied for worse. So who knows it can switch in any given day kathy alcohol, because new york is turning into just an apocalyptic hell escape as illegal immigrants pile into the city. Thousands a day would nowhere to stay because of liberal policies. Here's cathy opel! they got bad enough yet folks, well, you listen to this where words or short club the governor of new york, actually blames Joe Biden and you'll see never a victory lab folks. Please don't take it away. you'll see. My is not bad enough theories real when it gets bad enough. you'll see more speeches like this Cathy Hokosa. The first is that this is all Joe Biden for this is real check this out this crisis. originate with the federal government and be resolved through the federal government. The borders and decisions about who can work, our soul, determine by the federal government.
I told you, nothing is gonna change until this gets bad enough. This is why I know it's a controversial theory. I know a lot of you in the chair. I don't like it, but I I owe you honesty. You know goes down here. I love I left maryland. I left new york, we're in a really bad spot. Folks, I was talking to a pretty prominent radio house last night Chad, an arm she's really worried. She's got a place in montana because she thinks this is really bad and said where I don't blame you she's in purple estate, now folks, I just don't want you will be the last one left behind in these states as a place club. I know you place collapses. I know you want to save it. I get it I lived there. Do you because my home, I live there. My whole life, but I gotta tell ya living down here in florida. You only got one life to live. You can fight the same. Whites down here you can. National issues still matter in florida and you can live in it. Where you have to worry about being thrown in jail, I mean, if
committed to getting thrown in jail for what you believe in up in new york. I understand that you are very brave for doing that. I'm not being not silly about it either, but you ve got one I for you in your kids. God wants to be happy, but he wants you to fight to and you can do both of those things. Just not new yorker. California, illinois. You care You need to move. You need to do whatever you have to do to get out of these places. because they're gonna get really bad. Before you see more speeches like this, she just The first one to break, I think, star, did decay in michigan in illinois in california, and they will over the next decade. They're gonna get a lot worse. You going to see a lot more speeches like this. Now again, getting back to my original point, the beginning of the shell kind of making circle here. I I'm done with cutesy time. Ok, to tell you there's some people on capital hill are taken steps in the right direction. This by
in the case against the Biden, crime family folks is starting to give us dividends. Okay, I get a lot of. You are angry, I read the chats and other stuff. Really none of this stuff is working. Forget it's a waste of time. It is not. I read that wash them examiner headline yesterday. People the white house are now starting to realise Joe Biden is in a world the trouble. He isn't it Potential criminal liability here with anything be done about it, we'll have to see happens when they win the next election. I wanted because and I won't mug shots. I want any talk. Bullshit Amado just didn't cutesy time back, robs nothing. Having said that, gotta get the evidence. First, we have to get the evidence first It is important. I played this good. The other day, when I'm playing it again, I really do this. This is new king. New was on Charlie Kirk's. Podcast is short, but it's important he says someone as information about someone in the oj pressuring the fallen county dna to arrive Donald trump for political reasons they get
grandeur, receded three. Play it again. Today Jim Jordan and a couple a really aggressive house republicans sent out a subpoenaed, fanny. Well us and said we were Do we want all the documents related to this? You want to talk atta collusion case? We may the first real bullets. Go collusion case in a potential crime against the people. Securing trop but listen to this first is important. then I am told this is hearsay, but I am told by reliable source, friday evening, somebody from Washington called it is your journey atlanta and said you have to indict. On monday we to cover up all, mistakes we just made with wise and she's and apparently measures are actually battle tuesday. They said you didn't hear me. You have to indict on Monday. And she saw that bulgaria before now, that doesn't matter shows this means is gonna, be eight or nine or ten o clock at night. It doesn't matter
We need the new, so you shooting autonomy that phone call when you don't imagine I'm telling you front. This is your sex, but a person who is remarkably lies in totally believe it, though, because that would explain why they leaked and they must stop on the clerk document. Why should I exhausted and why they had the eleven p m press conference. Mr speaker focuses, makes perfect sense. You understand what a monster collusion cases would be if they moved out. the judicial proceedings and took official action for political purposes if the direction of the white house, Oh my gosh that sounds like exactly what what they what they charge trump with Your actions from oppressive interfere with a government government is tat. This I man, it's so weird. We want handcuffs We want mug shots. No more talk, They want to mess around now it's time Listen. I gotta tell you something here too,
You may want to hear it, but this is really important, ready, kosher, we have an election coming up in twenty twenty four. I know a lot of you hate early voting, I get it, you can We in the chat scream at me, exclamation boys when everyone s fine I'll take it I'm just telling you the p. Our fight is over a lot of people. Like early voting because they say well. If we early were sending the wrong message and we should vote. I get that we should have one day voting apart. I get that, but I need you to understand what I said at the beginning of the show. Just the recent over this now p r wars are over, you are dealing with communist, they don't care you and your pr statements. They don't care I'm sorry to inform you I agree with you one thousand percent. We should have paper ballots voter idea? Why person voting, it should be a national holiday
everybody should show up in person. Their voting systems would be cleaned up tomorrow. The house the reality is we're not there yet I wish we were, but we're not I mean there can be exceptions. You got military overseas. I get that and you got people who are better but other than that we do that the election you clean themselves up overnight? That's not where we all right now. Having said that, the Democrats vote and I their votes early, there's a big initiative. Haven't. I wonder if I want to be clear with each year, because there's a lot of people who were asked to give payments on this I was asked by anyone to say this, you got me not wanda mcdaniel, not the rnc, not trump, nobody, I'm telling This is. I ran for office and if you go back your vote early. If they have twenty days of early voting vote. Stay of early voting, I'm going to tell you why these matters You can disagree with me all you want, but you know I'm right with the tactics when you ve
or vote early. Your vote is in body knows you voted candidates. No, you voted uk crossed off a list they don't have to. if a mail, or now to your house, to get you to vote that saves them sixty seven wherever the hell a stamp announced from seventy dollars and a mailer it safe. Some time because they don't have to send a volunteer to knock on your door. Folks, the Democrats, have mastered this system be mastered? The cheating part to day their votes early, you will save trump and any other candidate if he wins a geo o p nomination. If the santas wins, whoever the congressmen a fortune, by begging your vote early, day one of early voting. One other thing. It saves the candidates from having produce people at the polls in a pay volunteers, the whole time. A lot of these republicans don't have a lot of money. They just don't are not supported by soros types than everyone else. Please bank!
vote early? One more point on this: again My wife on my honour nobody's, told me to tell you this. I'm telling you because I ran, and when republican show up on game day. It's one of the reasons. Why were already fighting an uphill fight. I'm game they inevitably about a half. A percent of the vote maybe a little more. So when he gets in a car accident. The kid get sick weathers, really bad attire blows out. They run out. I guess they don't make it on time. They get kept him work overtime. We, is about a half. A percent of that vote. Please, no way I early voting sucks, I'm with you, one thousand one million percent, but that's not. The fight were playing now we want to win or do we want to make statements because no it gives a shit about statements anymore. We can get back to making so it's after we win, but we gotta. When first because
everything you feared and twenty twenty four is coming back is one thing to you don't understand, we running right now, not just against the police state wealth taxes. our public schools, teachers, unions, we arrived, against covered madness to we lose. The selection, I guess to you. Walk down are coming back school closures. Man idiocy see mandate it will and if we don't win, here's a loan report out of use of you, you think I'm making any this up about them. ask hysteria, do not comply he's a local partners. All mass mandates are coming back not for me. They check this out. Having nineteen cases has led to pandemic era, mandates returning to some places and mask mandates are making to come back and some parts of the nation as a new sub variant rises, while infection rates are nowhere near pandemic levels, this
I can cases, has doctors on alert and warning against panic, though many remind the politics to practice good hygiene by washing their hands frequently just inside the did they made the new variant joe. Can you confirm fever just as the new variant of cold, it is called e too, action variant round to just give everyone in the chad give adjusted for funniest commented the date Everyone should spread that around very easy to very deadly. Allow She invariant round to no do not comply with. not doing basque, where they do you like that, does what he writes the lot of zog. We too varied coming. Again, we are also voting against craziness, Ladies and gentlemen, know that There's a big emotional rollercoaster by ETA I'm a christian. My lord saviours Jesus Christ, Unfortunately, a sinner trying to do better. I screw up so much and
I'm trying to stop screwing up as much as I screw stuff up, just looking at me right right here. Every day kind of reminds me actually of Jesus here too, someone sent me this. Thank you. This was a listener sent that we got all kinds of gizmos up here from listeners, but Stephanie not to gizmo my illicit if we're not willing to protect human life, especially from the abomination of murder, partial birth, abortion, which is the same thing other forces movements totally useless? Forget it? Here's women, patty disgusting, liar unofficial twitter. Yesterday, no one support the abortion up until birth. Really peppermint that's interesting is here, is a screen from Hillary Clinton in the boston review, Hillary Clinton and the unqualified right to abortion. I I arrives at so crazy. I judge so weird I a godsend, saki said hears us
I have a john fetterman. Who's. Obviously got cognitive issues are a senator from pennsylvania, democrat side, so we got Hillary, here's fetterman saying yeah yeah. I don't support any restrictions on abortion whatsoever. Someone should show this to saki check this out. Are there any limits on abortion? You would find appropriate. I don't believe so. No, I believe there is between a woman and her physician. That's so strange and psaki told us that never happened. I know that no Democrats support this. We got Hillary we've got fetterman. I would play some of it. sort of place saki here he's we're, because here's jen saki asked by Peter do see when she was the press secretary. This exam question about limits on abortion and if she shall confident that no Democrats support this kind of stuff on did you know no democrat support abortion under the brother. Then why? When she this answer the question don't take my edward just saw herself won't even answer, of course, should take a look into position,
Choice has evolved over time, so just checking for his official position does he support any limits on abortion right now, Peter the president has spoken it talked about his position many times he supports the writer. women to make choices about her own body with her doctorate. I know that one of the problems of the endorsed the primary this week, TIM ryan, said yesterday that he does not support any limits on abortion. Is that where the president's thinking is that the president has stated his view many times, the president's the up until the moment of birth. The president has spoken about this many times Peter, and I would refer you to his own comments about abortion. thanks. You see the bull shit here. These are the people you're running against covered law. downs, vaccine mandates face diapers on your face before police abortion, up until birth, otherwise known as murder wealth. acts as this is what you're running against the police state, locking
europeans, targeting ilan moss in space acts target in catholic school nuns. This is what you're up against the two thousand and twenty four. This is why I say it's not good enough for you to vote. Bring ten people with. You beg your vote early, please I'm begging you I get early voting sought. This is no time for pr messaging anymore. That fight is over a fight. Now is we want mugs and we want change, and we want this entire upper structure of the and of justice, and the fbi that have sat around while is urban weapon, eyes and shut down our throats absent will be gone and if you're not when commit to that. No more half measures on this. No more, then please, since stage left, because we don't need you folks. Thanks again for tuna, and I will keep you updated, we will be back here in eleven next week. Don't worry, I will not do any changes before. I tell you way in advance. Eleven. A m eastern time join us for the Chad and I'll keep
updated on when we're going to move some of the radio show to rumble too cause. That's going to be really cool. We can chat all day if you want to hang with us, we'd love to have you a rumba our complex bonds. You know you see that follow button right there we really appreciate it. If you would click that that green follow button, it's free and you get a notification. We go, live and play download the rumble app it's been rock and on the abstracts we deeply appreciate it. I will see you back here on monday, good day, just ten born jean Ojo,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-26.