« The Dan Bongino Show

Bonus: The Bongino Brief - Oct 17, 2020


Something has to be done about the tech tyrants' interference in our election.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey Dan Bongino GINO here with little extra bonus, there's a new way for you to listen to my content. If you haven't Alexa device Every morning we post was called the Bonn GINO Brief, a quick highlight of one of the biggest stories we talk about here on the gas designed for your Alexis Flash briefing skill right. Are you gonna hear today's bond GINO Brief and after that can I tell you how to get the brief on your device? Dan bungee? No welcome to the Bonn Jean Aubrey on damned Barcelona. As I told you folks, none of this is information. Election interference would be allowed to continue without the cooperation of these, social media, slobs, twitter and Facebook is just disgusting again. This is why I involved would parlor. This is why an and rumble by this is why believe me, it is nothing to do with the cash or the money or the egg, or none of that this is everything to do with fighting a good fight. We have to give people some alternative. What else you going to do these companies?
you too, just like the media, it's disgusting. So what happened? Actually, the Soviets would be very proud. They should play the Soviet national anthem. Every time you open, twitter and Facebook every single time you could teach, Audio? On mute off? You here the Soviet national anthem, because the Soviets would be proud. So what happened. Yesterday, you saw the New York Post story about the Biden family, taking money from Ukraine today taking money from China, potentially splitting it with Joe Biden who could be in the back pocket Chinese Communist Party and you're about to elect a President Scranton kid kid. What Tucker? I'll, send who has been at the forefront of the fight against these tech. Tyrants. Where time somebody beautifully last night at the beginning of his shop Ladies and gentlemen, this is an existential fight. Now something has to have and these companies either have to be broken up. What they have to be so, she's so heavily by the Federal Election Commission for unclear, General Election interference that they can bear they recover. This is absolute.
The unforgiving message has to be sent today check out talker A major american newspaper published a story, apparently in entirely accurate story about a presidential candidate, the Tec Monopolies Control, american media, feared this story might hurt that Canada, whom they favour so freely Before a national election, they shut the whole thing down. They prevented the pub from reading the news they didn't apologized for doing this, they didn't bother me. Reasonable sounding justifications for it. They just did it exactly as the chinese government does. These are monopolies, they have all the power you have none. They dont have to care. You think, and they don't. This was mass censorship on a scale that America has never experienced on two hundred and forty five years and as a threat to all of US democracies, only function when there is a free exchange of information between citizens. We no longer have that. This is a dark moment.
I mean it could be candid with you, I'm anxious a major some frightened where this is gonna go can you imagine a meal Your company in America Switch serve the US now as a public square for information, twitter and Facebook, where people exchange information generally in conjunction with Google, the world's largest search engine. When you find information to you south from an election hiding a story a me, you're, breaking news story from a major american newspaper and locking out the accounts of Cayley MAC and any team trump. The locking out a link provided by the House Oversight Committee to a guy dot gov address this all happened yesterday. If you this is. A story or will we intend to it again, you drove the story. How can you be like that's already been done, but that's not really gonna happen. Nobody's gonna, believe it know. What's happening is happening right right now you are going to have people who,
for Joe Biden in this election may find out if they are lucky enough after the election that demand they voted for is in the back pocket of America's pre eminent enemy and nuclear power more in a minute. But first, let's talk about pressure. You probably been using a regular brush and you think that's how it supposed to feel. But if you want your mouth of your so clean and it's like you just left the dentist, then you need to quip electric toothbrush equip electric tube precious time. Sonic vibrations, with thirty second pulses, to guided dentist recommended to minute routine spin called the two
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Here's Andy Stone from Facebook on twitter I'll show you this clown isn't a minute at Andy M stone from fake book. He tat really treated this out. Admitting Facebook interfering in an election. To quote, while Well, intentionally not linked to the New York Post, I want to be clear that this story is eligible to be fact check by facebooks Third Party fact checking partners this, this. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform wholly Moses. who was Andy Stone from Facebook? Let's look at his profile and these on all these communications at Facebook and I'm nigh of the House Shorty Pack, Senator Archer and the deed, triple see the democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for you, liberals, the thing you don't know what that means so he's a democrat activists were working as the communications directly from Facebook telling you The democrat nominee for president
That a major expos ay about him could potentially being blackmailed by the chain, he's government because they have. information and others that that stories going to be totally blacklisted. By the way we will be putting this on Facebook. We're daring you to sanction, asked for information. We just told use in the store we're dead, You to do it on dairy. You do it. As you are creating a series of enemies for people who defended you in the past. I hate what you're doing this country, but I've defend, Everybody's ability to speak freely? The question now is: is the damage caused in the twenty twenty election, oh catastrophic that even your allies are going to now turn their backs on you. I think the answer is yes. In case you missed it by the way, here's a screenshot. What happens on Twitter is happens now, for that
Kind story to about Hunter Biden, be it in the back pocket China. This is what Happens if you try to share the story on Twitter warning, misled it may be unsafe. The lake your choice access has been identified by twitter as being protected. spare me or unsafe, totally Jackie Alice and made up. Ladies and gentlemen, totally ridiculous. We are in a very, very dangerous place. This is the public square. Folks, I told you that It's like in the early eighteen, hundreds, some private penny buying up all the streets were. You know there were no telephones, raining you gonna campaign. You went through the town square and you made your case. You got in your soap box. Magic. Someone come it already say. Now we bought up all these streets yeah we're we're twitter Twitter before Twitter and socially, you're not allowed on the streets to make your case. Well, what about we know that those treaty that we bought those up to bed of echo.
Jerome, you can yell from your window if you're lucky, that's what twitters done through the country. The I did. States has an interest first in the preservation of the republic and free speech. Now, although these are private companies, the question now is: have they done such incalculable d? image in a major election that something has to be done. I think the answer right now is clearly ass in Bonn Jean Osier. If you like, to hear more subscribed to the embargo shell, wherever you get your bike, ok, That was today's bungee. No brief! Here's how to get it and listen to it. On your elects, a device on your phone or ten, open your Lex app click. The head. Berger Menu in the upper left hand corner select settings then select flash briefing after that click add content.
and used a magnifying glass in the top right to search for the Bonn GINO Brief selected. The button. In a brief press, able to use and you're all set, then when you are ready to listen just say to your device. Alexa play my flash briefing
Transcript generated on 2020-10-23.