« The Dan Bongino Show

Bombshell Report Exposes FBI Targeting Trump Supporters (Ep 2103)

2023-10-05 | 🔗

A new report just surfaced about the FBI targeting Trump supporters. In this episode, I address this terrifying escalation of the police state.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know every single thing: I've warned you about all kinect. Aim I had yesterday rebook I've written I get it works, sober and somber today, but its very Everything I have warned you about. spy gate scandal to the police. State movie everything I warned you about. We came to had yesterday in one of the most devastating new, peace is your ever going to sea and make no mistake it was not a leak. Don't go we are today? We got a loaded show, probably the most important move down in a long time. Almost Big smokes is all your fault. Cravings covered good, almost omaha steaks, commies promo code by gino, a check out for an extra
thirty dollars off your order, minimum order may be required against sure I'm gonna walk you through every single thing. Today, please Oh, go anywhere! We're gonna break the internet. Today, with this vote you know about relief banned. It help me get through chemotherapy this by actual. If ban here he most thinks it makes you know, she's, so relieved band, sent me one of these, and I was like, as this thing going to work, not only work. It worked incredibly well in my case. It worked better than some of the drugs they gave me turn it on. You turn it up right here: it's a number one. Eighty nausea wristband adobes quickly. Really effectively prevent origin, vomiting, associated motion, sickness anxiety, migraines hangovers morning, sickness, chemotherapy and so much more leave bands. Natural fast, acting molest as long as you need two hundred percent drug free, non drowsy and as zero side effects believe ban. it better be a business bureau rating and over one hundred thousand satisfy customers so they're about
you can trust. I trust him. I used plus relief and helps treat and prevent nausea. She can avoid nausea from becoming a problem. In the first place. My daughter use it when she goes on a boat, so she doesn't get nauseous when you don't have to go over it. You don't doug to over plan for niger relief or dose The six hours before a trip just bring relief ban. You gotta go garnish with offer just for damage. You know, show listen if you go to bandit consolation, mancino unused code, bungee, no you'll get twenty percent, Plus free shipping swayed to relief band doc slashed by gino use our promo code bond geno for twenty percent off plus free shipping, thanks relief and for everything you did for me. I appreciate her. I big chauvinism and wear off. Yes, we are often this is going to be one of them most dramatic, shows we've done in a long time, because every single thing we've been warning, you about the police state is now
making right here up your caboose reap at him right now that imagery ass? I told was not a leak to news. We there was a warning, also later I do my why they all suck segment and why we can turn this speaker vacancy into a huge win. A song we don't start falling in love with people and we start falling in love with principles. Why because they all suck ominous show you what I mean come on up later, so don't go away where, for that got a nail down. Scully sir Jordan bottle only two options: the fall in love with anyone, one I'm just telling we can win this day. Let's get back to this. Holy shit, the most damning
evidence yet surfaces yesterday that the police state is right here right here. I told you right now. Everybody is talking about this story broke last night. everybody's, like all my guy, some fbi guy leak to newsweek that the The eye is now going to be targeting magda trump supporters. It was a league, listen Tell me It was done intentionally. because if you understand what are my golden rules of liberalism, it is not about anything but hierarchy to them. they are in charge. They want you to know their charge. They want to give you the double barrel middle finger. They don't care, this was a warning shot. There is no way news. Weak newsweek got this. Italy
only cars are going to newsweek are going to rise. they'll, go in a bright board. They'll go the fox they'll go to Newsmax call it. A news rig. This was a warning. Here's the peace, donald followers targeted by fbi is twenty twenty four election meares. I told you folks I did this movie with danish police state for a reason it's out, because they had nothing to do some, because I was eager to make money off your ticket sales. I don't need it my is, are a public record because I'm up Public stakeholder in a public company- no it gives. A shit We need to see it you can watch about a minute and a half for this is a trailer for our new movie. Police state comes theatres october, twenty third, twenty fifth, the verge
premier two days after that. The website Police state film dad net. If you want to take a look very, is what's here now tomorrow right now, right now take a listen donald trump and the maga republicans. Representative extremism! that threatens the very foundations. Public
the d o j no not breach the. We want the subject to be on display during the walk of shame for visual impact. Any questions are we becoming a police state? The government told american citizens. They couldn't go to church on Sunday. I've never seen anything like it. It may be the russia other people grew up in, but now my work now there's a heavy banging at my door open up his fifteenth marked units on my property. I got swat in the back of my house. It took a battering ram to my door. Six, am I here around six to eight military style soldiers with the tallest one of them pointing an automatic rifle at my head shot you out and three dragged you out of your house. Half clothes refused to give you a warrant and ransack your house. Now, I'm facing fifteen years in federal prison for doing nothing other than exercising my right to free speech, no reason to read time. I hope that you remember Matt's name and the role you played in killing him.
I've seen this movie now, two or three times the number will at this get getting goosebumps. It's hard to believe man that I raised my right hand swear allegiance to a constitution and protect and defend this place. Its descended into the police state. We all just read about in the encyclopaedia Britannica when we were kids. I can't believe this is happening, but it is what it is. This news regarding pop last night, folks again this was in a week. Making omen stateless was a warning this. Is done on purpose to scare you before the election, the only thing you can do is not live in fear. The federal government quote believes that the threat of violence, a major civil disturbances around twenty twenty four years, Presidential election is so great that its
quietly, created a new category of extremists and seeks to tracking counter donald jobs, army of mega followers. That's you for many of you, that's you and make you. We're stake! If you in the listening audience, tim scarred to sit this Vicki Hayley supporter or else you running your next. Don't you think for a second, but this only about donald trump, this about you, if run said this takes over in the polls it'll be about you next and him. this is a warning. Peace was set out, our purposes, wasn't it accident, because, Listen to this! This is critical. The fbi shifted the definition of
The government is the authority violent extremist groups twinkle political views. They know here the right of the january. Sixty api author report. And in these reported shifted the definition, listen to this of eighty governed it the authority, violent extremism From further rynch of idle ideological agenda is to further it's a political or social agendas for the first time such groups could be so label because of their politics. This not a freaking accident, the fbi Now, in an official report they co authored is now targeting people because of their politics. These gentlemen, you, I told you it's only a matter of time. Did I not before the the knock at your door, you think I'm fucking with you, you think I'm
senor time. You think These people talk to me in these whistleblowers this network. Now I have of people, you think you're telling me this stuff, you guy to you, and I should only a matter of time for their knocking on my door by the way, I have some very reliable people. I you know details. Could they give to you yet? I'm still waiting on the finals that day are terrified of this movie coming out going to try to do something about it. more? On ass, now here? Here's how I know This was not a leak. Warning a person who air quotes, leave this to newsweek, wants them sure that you understand that this could be targeted. Democrats too, but notes whoa likelihood of that all really So, yes, in practical terms, the source notes this
getting there talking about refers to mega, though the care we constructed language is wholly nonpartisan. This is a signal. Democrats, don't worry, although technically this political thing could target you to cause of your politics. We will really you This is an accident. Why you think they want to firearms list. Why do you think They want to change the definition of an effort fell. Why do you? think they have sister monitoring people and social media stuff in traffic. Why do you think the government's knee deep and monitoring facebook This is all in accident, you're, gonna. Try this guy chris for re to target, Democrats and republicans equally, this guy, doesn't we believe it is a real thing. He thinks it's an idea. Listen yourself! We look at anti for as more of ideology or a movement
then an organization hawks key tat: it the core, the base of a police state, the base, of a police state is selective prosecution. Prosecuting one side, bagger people, while giving the Democrats of past Joe. Do me a favor. Can you go back to that One way said, would apply to Democrats as well. The news we peace- this is a of course thing? Obviously, if democrats resort to violence, it would apply I'm too there's? No more likelihood of that. This is a sign brothers they're telling the devil right. Don't worry! Eighty four don't work be a lamb beat the shit out of these people in the street, but if they fight back Come in for them for political extremism, these bag of people you take. This is a leak. I've heard about a thousand. people call this thing a league is, Where did we
a fine boy police state. Now it's here right now. Ladies and gentlemen, selective justice, start nothing more than emotions is the key of a police state of Europe, see involved with liberals and you love them for their ideology. They get a pass. You ate mega people because there eighty Permit violent extremists is made that up you call for them We begin this right now how old You explain this clownish trial of well up in new york right now in front of a ridiculous judge who claims moral law goes worth: eighteen in dollars who smiles for the camera like a goofball. While a prison Your campaign is going on. You take their care. Its hierarchy, brothers,
its hierarchy, there, in charge, and they want you to know this image is nothing more than an apparatchik, this police state. He does it. Marching orders from dc he's a liberal. It was exactly what to do Are you to listen to this video they took over? a while ago. This is the judge in the trump case in new york. you to listen to him very clearly. say exactly what I just told you jury should worry fi my emotions are involved in a case I'll just overrule and based on emotion. Listen! you don't need to listen to me check this out, say somebody controversial, even longing taped Joe. He's got it wrong a lot. That's my! Opinion I do only several trials with personal. You re contract disputes, But I've had situations where, like my
Having sake, how could I have thought that I have a young The tool that can deal with that is called jury notwithstanding the verb judgment notwithstanding, the verdict I can say is no possible way that a reasonable jury would have reached a conclusion right following the war or my making. Ok I'm following an impartial referee, it's hard to throughout my own emotions. It This is the georgian in trump case. Do the vacant, judge the trump case Acknowledging he cared factor out his emotions. We haven't well by jury system for a reason in the constitution, because it collectively
of crowds. We don't just civilly and criminally penalized people could some judges a bug possess. living in the police state right now. here's your attorney general, the guy. Oh attorney, general in name only he's married garland hook. It seemed to explain why the While the president's son involved, in potential fairer violations, tax fraud, gun charges seems to have been that have to do anything. Republicans have to do to jump through legal hoops to clear their names because he's gettin a sweet ordeal eaters stay methods. Don't worry man just
It's I'm doing the right thing just take my word for it. Listen to this. We do not have one rule for republicans in another rule. For Democrats we don't have one rule for foes and another for friends, we don't have one rule for powerful another for the powerless for the richer for the poor based on ethnicity. We have only one rule and that one rule follow the facts and the law, and we re The decisions required by the constitution and we protect civil liberties. I know, think the guy's try and sergeant showed the whole thing. he takes read all notice that His boss has a mass of classified documents, scandal on his hands. There's a presidential election going on. He claims he's running for and yet he's not the one with his ass in court in front of judges like that last guy that clown he deserves. Can europe be blind to the whole thing is: is selective prosecution is the?
as in civil police, state man. Where we are, and what is the police state want more than anything in this seems counter intuitive, but I Did you to understand this, bond gino army were building man, I'm so proud of you all. Every I'd love every one of you, doing here is special. hundred seven thousand people, we fill the freak an enormous football stadium yesterday at eleven it What would know cable news backing or anything because of you I need you to understand it to take this messaging go forward. I don't know it's gonna happen. I don't know, that's not comes on my door next. These people are crazy and I'm not kidding. You need to take this message in go forward. It is, happened. It's only a matter of time. This chaos their causing in the economy in the streets in classrooms? It's all right. Done on purpose because of the
walking, dead theory. We don't get tat they don't care king dead theory. Why do governments socialist love, chaos, crime, eighty four b, Elam chaos in the classrooms chairs. he had thrown a teachers. Economic malays, border chaos why do they love it so much better, that episode of the walking dead, the zombie apocalypse happens second, the survivors they re into an abandoned prison, and they love it in there, because the zombies can't get in Why would someone walk into a prison of the mind or a physical prison voluntarily? because they were afraid of. What's on the out side, fear here is the currency of the left. always had shock troops in the street, so you will be the government for normal see again. This is me
done on purpose. These people are it's stupid. I want to show you what I'm talking about some of the most uses. This next segments gonna be a little troubling. You now before I understand somebody's videos are uneasy to watch but you need to see you you need to see. If we take a quick break shows been intense. Sixty six thousand really love you Thank you. I almost all americans are gonna taxes for this year over the previous years, unless, of course you this, The president or the wife of the next president, the irs and binds government want your money more than ever and, as you know, reported there hiring thousands of agents. Let me, too that attacks on mitigation company called america. First tax group america their tax lawyers are exports. They routinely stand up to the irs and save taxpayers. Thousands user number give call aid. reduce seventy seven? Six, one three,
whether you already o taxes rigging o this year. America first can help. Put those tat was back in your pocket where they belong america first tax, Professionals are also experts, it stay taxes and you cannot protect can help protect you from levies, leans and garnish column? reduce seventy seven six one three by using the same tax laws that the global elites use america first tax rules could be your own private tax army call today. andrew to seventy seven, six, one three at eight to seventy seven, six, one: three: a go to america. First tax group thou come today. America, first tax whooped outcome, all eight hundred to seventy seven, six one three or go to america. First tax group darker next summer, this chaos is intentional. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the point. The chaos the point what soros and is goons wanted. My walking dead theory, Israel, the only question I have for you is it bad enough. Yet is it bad enough?
before we hit the breaking point where these people and implement their full socialist state that we can stop. It start rolling that ball back down the hill before across the other side. The answer is: it's not bad enough, yet watch, this video out of a circle k. People are fed up folks, you're, going to see more this stuff. They take it anymore, we're regional. breaking point and it's gonna be We take a look Watch what happens like yourself, the
go I warn you I warned you you're going to see more of this. People going to start shooting back. So this video at a fairly. Guy jumps on a lady's cars got two kids in a back in a car is better made then really matter skies. Part of a gang of probably like ten thousand
people would do the same thing decided a good idea to go jump on a woman's when shield in the back, breaks the windshield back at a car glorious ride, just fantastic scatter gun on sticks it in her face. Notice. Lady gets out of cargo because people are getting Star folks, this the chaos they want. This is all purpose man. This is it an accident there's a reason. Soros wants prosecutors and allow this stuff. Why It doesn't work for them. They just think you're stupid course. You saw this video. Sky in new york did that's front of his girlfriend coming out of a wedding. You see this one right. out of his girlfriend stabbed to death right? No harm I got news for you get stabbed in the hard man it's over eight saving. You.
Chances of living or one in ten million. Watch. What happens here. It is bad enough yet was about to find out I do not want them. You just witness the end: the someone's life there than the heart in new york.
Folks, let me give you a warning: as a cop and agent go love, the herself dispense base for a long time. You stand very little chance, a living. If someone Tax you with a knife, I don't care what you seen on tv in the chat, If you have any advice, chime right in I'm telling you right now my experience with knife self defense. You stand very little chance of living you give a guy a rubber nine fright. That'll ben savishna hurt you and you put a little ink on the tipp. you tell the most untrained loser. Try. stab me in homage to defend myself, you're gonna, having doubts all over your body, some of them on your chest, berries. Not like the movies come at me like this, and I'm gonna. Do this river. and that amateur do so. My kido move. Now it's it's an awful It's got a blood gutter on it. Then forget it. Your dad you're done
Here's my advice. You want my advice as a guy. He's got a deep body of experience in this space. Your approach should a man with a knife or woman with a knife, it don't matter, get fuck out of here run as fast, as you can get out you stand almost no chance. You are now Gonna block any thing. and even if you grab Hazan, he's gonna reaches other hand grapple with that we're trying to grab tourists with her a guy. guitar most likely on drugs. You will die? This is how bad this stuff is. Yes, And I get some of you in the chatter. Probably dig it. That's why you carry ok. To say, and totally some people won't. They can't some people live in these states. Some people don't have that upsets the obvious choice: You can knife and a gun I'll. Take a gun. Now
people, that's what's a safe distance for me away from someone in and I fight one none they're going to chase you down? But if you look at some of the data on this date. Twenty one fee, if you can maintain about twenty one feet? Yes, disco beyond you in seconds, here's a piece of advice. I'll give you, if you can. get away your stuff. In a closed down, a closed room and there's no way out, and you have asked movie no other option, including jumping on the ceiling and grabbing some there's no other way out if there, is absolutely no way out. If you ve, got a short on or a jacket or anything, I did take it off and use it as a whip. It is to keep you alive. probably a one in a million years. However, no, or how bad ass someone is people like getting hit with stuff, even if you,
I swing something adamant their face: it's their instinct to turn our eyes away. To do this too someone's idea. They can't stop if they will blake, no matter what it may. By you seconds. That's it to try. I grab something if there's no other way for you to get away, drop your sure, rip off your jacket and just swing it at their eyes. They will blink. I promise you it's it's too asked worst advice. I can give you cause, you will die. Why is this happening folks, because the sorrows prosecutors understood full well that if you can just let a few bands of criminals into the street varies. you people will change. Everything is what I call reverse broken windows; in windows, policing which cleaned up new york city broken windows, policing, feel free to look. It up the idea
if you arrest people for the little things, the big things take care of themselves. I'm gonna take a quick break explain this sentiment approved you on the other side of this that this reverse Broken windows is being done intentionally intentionally. the scared, the shit out of you in the streets, brought you by marriage share, regularly since the show you know passionate about encouraging you to support companies, share your values and stop giving you money, those at dawn You know where this is a huge issue: health insurance. You might be super eyes with some are making you pay for brand procedures for procedures. You don't believe it and this is one of the huge reasons why medicare so attractive for people It guess you don't want to use their own healthcare dollars for procedures that may be harmful. many shares a reliable, affordable alternative to health insurance. There are profit ministry. It's a community of like minded christians. More than four hundred thousand members now make Help save a lot. Many family save around five hundred dollars a month
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Whelming majority of the crime is committed by a small number of people. Any cops in the chat today give me a yes if you are in and if you're not well, don't give me in you're, not gimme, a wife or not you not without folks. You're a cop in the street or have been. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You know it's true. You can be in the worst neighbourhood new york city. I worked in it the same Five precipitously are broken, asked body any. Oh, my pity. What's that. precision the city they'll be like? Oh, my gosh to seven five. I worked here every two years, the crime. Through the roof- come in on the seat or four to twelve for peter midnight central nine. My motto: beholding, like fifty jobs on a friday, five king hold in twenty one in your sector, kidnapping, drug sale robber. You like this all happened in my sector. This, like five sectors that the seven five? Maybe six or seven and running on a vision of how many people have do you understand Crazy, that is, these, are jobs held over from the lash less shift because they were so crimes in the last shift. Baby leaving
to them. There were serious stuff attempted murder. We got a gun. I a robbery, a grand, larceny guidest. Stored this friday night, easiest thing. I saw you sit out there and afoot posts. Overwhelming majority of people you ran into were really really really good. People mean the overwhelming majority. You know this is bullshit virtue signal. You think we do that here. You do you're wasting your time. They were, they would tap on the shoulder I was there. I saw no tell me, you didn't happen. and they say you know, listen, I guys the arena corners, don't say. I said anything. This guy been harassing my daughter and way home from school. We did he's carrying illegally something this would happen all the time it was just the small number of dogs, ruining the whole neighborhood soros understands that the same p
Well, if you can flush him through the criminal justice system and get him back on the streets as quickly as possible, no care belle desk appearance take. Is you can keep the chaos going broken Windows was the opposite. It was. You dear that if you arrest guy for jumping turnstile get on the train, even though you only got him for turnstile jumping anything say jail for the weekend. Holding on that this guy who's gonna go rape, someone on the train of criminals a paper affair. He just jump to turn style, soda ray He was going to commit to train, never happen because it got locked up for what turnstile jumping it works. It works we words been. Try there now doing reverse broken windows, It is a small group of people that is now back on the sri, not jail and weaken, raping robbing and pillaging. Look at this article this, as someone said, the story from the irish independent for a while ago, but its working time, nobody burglaries in atlanta, parliament's after death of three criminals and a crash three people died and the burglars
ray plummeted. Why? Because they were marrying, probably fifty sixty percent of the burglaries themselves. Joel mind if we have a story, a neighborhood, you know well savannah park Joe and I we lived in maryland it's all. You remember the neighbourhood. I lived in nice neighborhood very nice ripe. Will quick story folk, there was a guy in our neighbourhood, trouble family whole bunch of bad stuff. It was a suicide that happened in the family. The kid was Stop. There was crime spree in the neighborhood people? Having stolen editor cars vandalism. The whole thing was this kid: I'm talking about like thirty forty incidents, we moved away it all stop. If you live in a you know exactly what I'm talking about that is. Why We have got to get back to law and order. You see poland these people off the street, one by one, you are going to see dramatic rig. since, in the street chaos you see now. Having said that, it's not bad enough, yet
pull are voting different. Are they gonna vote different? Twenty twenty four? I dont know I do No I'm trying to wake him up, I'm trying and grabbing no more like! Please, please, please wake up. Are they going you. I don't know. I don't wish want anyone, I don't. I don't is, can forgive so. Can I, however, these people are now can a change and those big a kick them eyeballs themselves. I wish it didn't happen, but it's gonna how Where does the economy have to get until people wake up this video one viral millions of views all over social me. Did you see this This is just a guy what the cost go. I mean it's just. regular dude. He went to costco discount store- and he said, inflation. Seven percent these I ps man, look at these price, Is I paid five bucks for this thing a month ago? This thing what nuclear tell me
Economies only run in seven percent, flay strike and left in your face. Watch this Some one around costco here noticing these prices, for example, is madras lentils, fifteen. Ninety nine I bought those a year ago for six. Ninety nine. I keep getting told the reality. Six, seven percent inflation. You gotta be kidding me. Let's look at what else we got going on here. literally bothers chicken broth. Five sixty nine two months ago. Things, the flower vines were suddenly, my Folks, the guys in the store man he's store
economist paul tell me: inflation under control eaters doesn't give about you The economy is a freaking train wreck. The ten year treasury bill. the interest rate on it is exploding there some predictions. Now we could get to double digits. If we don't get a lid on this, you have any do the damage that would cause throughout the economy working but these ridiculous tweets about this garbage economy, NBC news student loan payments restart today, forcing borrowers to take on more debt and put our savings for a time it welcome. Other Now I bring our not having heard your hearing here. It is fox and I'm sorry I always a mess of geese camera work here, but he makes it happened. It's too for this again. I still I've been arrested. The lip, oh god too long, repayment- don't be a bum
here's your ass, we call it the rump here. If you take the ass rob to a freaking job, you won't get money. Bon genomics better the job. is there in the chad is a budget omics emoji jag off couldn't job. They are forced to make difficult life decision. you mean, like the guy in the store, twenty two dollars for a quick chocolate bill to pay you, student loans, cause you weren't. The college for night food century women studies. Hey? You're all loans, family bombs, republic you'd, stop Brian, yah, I want to say so: bad gas start w w crowds robust said, Joe stopped jelly
people, bullshit? What we'll you dead, he's, got a student body. Did this crazy thing. Yesterday he took his salary from Punch, you don't show it painted. bon dieu dommage freakin works your ass. Just get up fuck to too afraid job job get a job. Oh yeah I just fallen apart, were pussy, a new the girl Make tough choices they pay back to shoot most tough shed some light on It works. We'll tax, the rich more or will we There is a fascinating peace by framing the other day in the journal. You gotta tax, the more you know Top twenty percent are about sixty percent of the income. Yet they pace. many per cent of all federal taxes and ninety percent of all income taxes that
One percent. Are there definitely get Novo right? There about twenty percent of the income, one, the top well, he's person out of a hundred one hundred and twenty percent of the income yet taste forty percent of all income taxes for are paying a fresh air. You know what shut, your mouth. You know what the hell you're talking about you just that we can communist again, is the economy bad enough? Yet obviously not. Obviously not there is no point well out there who take over your brain is doing a good job I can't even say a freaking website. Do we have that? I had to go and ordered screw up god, I'm sorry, Did you see this yesterday? The guy can't even read a website for students. Still dad rum.
Dash love god. You listen to the city, China, from shave plan student, a jot, gov, sly, shea student, a dash, curves student, hey dash student, a not gov, slash, save and remember this war on can't even read a website when we pull this. Yesterday, too, you know the Biden to step way. I gotta do it. You know the two step starts to jog showed How vibrate me ugly? Has he didn't? We can check this out. This is great Thank you. three. Is that your thing that sound there for the two step? They did you get this The pact is: is it bad enough yet know there are still peoples,
this guy folks, it has to get bad. It's not bad enough. Yet I live the new york city. You not need to pull for tomorrow. remind me and run down, I need to pull. The electoral map, a nineteen eighty four four reagan, any the map for rudy giuliani reelection your to show what it looks like when things get bad enough time. We were not there either said the other day. I love bungee, no show but its depressing depressed at all. I get depressed but Countries gonna fix itself, but we're just there. Yet. when wherein really bad shape and things It's super ugly I'm telling you you gonna, have talking conversation about new jersey and new york being? play in a presidential election. You like them Republican when a new jersey in new york, it happened, they happen reagan one bottle.
happened in my lifetime? Wouldn't even at logo- we're not there. Yet that's how bad things homicides. The economy. and this is what I think is gonna be to breaking point. They contain assault on your kids, the diminishing the attack on parents, the justice department, a police state. I showed you two beginning targeting august supporters. They tie in january, six people, people who attended the lad mass schoolboy. Parents spy gable, donald trump people approach Did you create everybody's gonna, be on a watch list? And people are Yes, you're gonna be watching your kids to check this out. with a parental rights reason because it's become evident that is being used currently in the sanctions, queer people, and especially queer kids, who me more protections than ever before, like in saskatchewan in the? U S, parental rights are being used to wyatt any rights.
and the kid might have- and I'm sorry but kids do have autonomy. We've already established this, for example, if a kid needs a blood transfusion and the parents don't want to it's, not the parents' strength to refuse a blood transfusion for that kid, because it is life saving in the same respect. If a kid only needs to like use a different name and cronin in school, there might be a reason and a good reason: they're not coming out at home and they need a safe place to be themselves and so to hell with this idea of parental rights when it comes to kids who have their own consent and in their own bodily autonomy and their own autonomy to their personhood that need to be protected But our lives keep it up there's only so many kids you're going to do this to changing their name nor pronouns behind their parents. Back my telling their parents how it's like a blood transfusion,
What transfusion might save a kid's life cutting off their nuts? Won't? Eighty, eight thousand, that's eight eight. Eighty, eight frank for gays who tried to kill my gosh Gacy in the show. Nineteen. Oh man, everybody thinks this is crazy, so many people this is eighteen, thousand people watch. So not folks. Is it bad enough yet someone maybe this last night they said His is going reverse a little bit. Reversal of this fox article about Joe Biden building the wall. All look it's so bad, then you were wrong about the immigration. I have not wrong you're falling for this Gonna build these damn wall bill. Some nods, Hence we deal they'll, show some construction, the wall or be like some nonsense. Stay put up, they'll, take a few pictures. This thing come right down if he gets reelected. There is
a chance. This is gonna, get built or get. in any way that would stop immigration widens doing this. Does this pole numbers are going down? This is a real Joe Biden is yahoo peace, Biden says it would not be another photo border wall built under his administration. I left a bunch of people think This is a window. Going to build that damn all this is offers show this reconstruction to about their folks. They'll billboard twenty feet of it with a big hole in it. The gate they can open for everyone go. Look we're doing here. It's gotta do said all right, it's gotta be seven trillion, here's the scam, I'm glad you said you ready scam. Folks, get your pens outright this down to job. You got flag. these Levin forty six! Thank you. This is like toper, fifth or sixth. Eight, wherever whenever data is watch, It's gonna happen. They're gonna now put this in in an appropriation.
the walls not gonna, be a wall at all. It's gonna be some technology thing in a wall with big gates in it, so they can open up, rob, Look if you're going to say way way way way. This doesn't sound like a wall. That's gonna, stop immigration sounds like some kind of political thing. white house agree job we're gonna go to see. You say public goods or water fund border security. Am I right off, except folks into Chad. You fly the flags everywhere flag. It right now get right now. You're. Thank me in a week for this, you see, republic is You don't think it's weird that this happened when we're forty something days from another government shut down for a funding fight. Oh oh thanks, stan he's right again Georgia's unflagging right now is a bridge flag right now. This is a a predictive unflagging because we don't, even because I'm telling you it's going to happen, because I'm always right. Thumper bony europe, you watch these risks.
happen d, keep your eye africa, Jim you too, for the korean pierre clip keep your eye out. For the courageous be equipped with she says. Republicans. I want to fund border security because they fund is fake one now I told you beginning at the shop, and I mean it. Some of you are taken his personal I gotta do the right thing. Man do fall in love with personalities and capital hell folks. I now about four days on this because It still happening there are people out there who are either promo cart the pro gates, pro big jor pro emma rob, or email me left and right that this guy I don't care what they said. These guys all suck, thank god people start a tweet out what I said yesterday starting resident, we use them. They are too. this is a gavel, treat him like a hammer,
if this were a hammer. This is what a politician is for you. You you and your arm moves the hammer and makes it do the hammer. Does that hammer nails by itself you use the hammer. The hammer doesn't use you have out there are using you they're, getting you to fall in love with them to make irrational decisions if they are doing, something that turns out well and we get jordan. war, Scully, sue would be better than mccarthy. I, like Jordan. What then great they were a good hammer and new nailed an alien. If they do something that results in a piss poor outcome, no good. I don't care who they are. These. eyes, all suck all of em. He's a perfect example. I've been through this folks a thousand times. I'm begging you to please trust me Someone comes from me. Oh my gosh. This
Guy tony bologna on capital, hale man, The greatest speech holy shit, the sky, so awesome and I go to she sees liberty score. I of forty two men while could have obey. Well many times. I heard this about trade gouty. I got describes skies a kiss. rob on capital, oil. There was gouty yes, really go and after gates and by the way, I'm not celebrating gates or town telling you how people use the love gouty. He was the gates of his time and now they love gates and now, both of whom are at each other's next, so whose right the edge it doesn't matter. The policy outcome that matters the football not destroying it. Here. This
I mean: what's this, I he's on a personal vendetta against cover. Look. I was there. I was there when he got there he's had a personal vendetta, I'm not a psychiatrist. I can't tell you why he can't stand to see other people succeed. What if you me Matt gates, defended katie hill? Remember who gave us to the term throttling he defended her. He defended congresswoman Jayapal he's got a crush on a o c, but he delights in attacking republicans. I can't tell you the psychiatric diagnosis. I can just tell you it's dangerous for the republican board All right, I am- I mean I was told you weren't you ten years ago to Gouty the future and This guy's a ban people. Well you they were gonna, run due to fire. He's too you gave us a shithead. and he loves a yo, see who's right. Joe. What's my answer shit I don't care if gates, loves a yo, see or not
I care of us. We get a more conservative speaker, you to do the same thing. They all sat here was gouty by the way whose attack engaged by the way this same one. Five six years ago, during despite a drama when Joe and I were need, deepen, is telling you if the I was doing just the peachy job, remember this I am, I am even more convergence that the fbi did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got and that it has nothing to do with donald trump. I was a superhero. You see happens when you get lost in personalities, you and or above that. they need us, we don't need them, they are tools, nothing more. It was Tucker when confronted Gouty on Fox. He confronted Gouty about gouty saying the fbi had done a good job and
howdy kind of questioning that the whole thing against tromp was a which on out of which- and I want you to watch it- Tell me who the superheroes are take a look it point blank is not a witch hunt and people say this is not, but of course it was a witch and by definition, when did that dawn on you Well Tucker. If you think about the four points, normal one, what did russia do? I am convinced that russia try to interfere with the fundamentals of our democracy. So point number one bit: there we were asked to look at. What did russia do number two with whom of anyone I was for almost every witness interview and I'm the one that asked the question and the answer was no one. What the trunk campaign did anything with russia now to the unmask he's in the lake, so I dont think asked What did russia due to our country in twenty six sane or try to do? I don't know, That was a witch, but we I have evidence that they did hack the
and see, servers or John put s disease. Also. How exactly did rush skew. The election were interfere anymore. a dozen other countries try to interfere everyday, I'm on totally confused naughty. Those are two separate inquiries. I don't think they impacted the results of the election at all donald trump, one, fair and square. What did they? Try? do we spent a year we wrote a report. The Senate wrote a report. I don't think there's there's not much quarrel on the intelligence of did wrong. Should try to interfere so there is means there is with me. I mean lots of countries with their michalek. Lots of countries interfere all the time I want to know is there any evidence that they have the decency server. That's the Democrats, the central allegation and we're hearing from the crowd strike. I know there is no evidence, so I dont know what this is about.
Well. We couldn't answer that because remember the the fbi did not gain access to that server that even try to gain access to their server. I d they gave it the crowd strike and we will never know the answer to that question. Folks. That's why I can't let this go this week is too important. We gotta speed, This fight coming up. Next, we do not get lost. In the personalities guys will always sell you out always always. Here's That these guys cannot get past the personality fines. We have no speaker now. I don't give a shit how we got here at this point. Nowhere complaints you this guy pissed, undisguised, curios, whatever, where we have no speaker, we gotta pick one weep, you to work This is the consent of the government house of representatives. You represent us all. I gazed satellite majority. We I can't genius and the secret service. Doing this, I don't like.
this guy out of work and with so I'm do I really crappy job that the president can kill it. a general use. Guy mike waller congressmen we're katy turn and savings Supporting sir Jordan, because you want Accountability for the eight lawmakers euphoric is recording. Also just we clear new gang and waller they want they might. What kicked out because, while you know like to repeat in cheerios, I don't like the way Well, they went down either, but we're here and now we need a more conservative speaker who gives a shit what I think, let's get a more conservative thinker, a speaker. What is this? An frank measuring contest- oh look at me, might be real. get off your ass and get a new speaker in their own taken? toys and go home lol. How is this guy, I've
Cinema TV again another tv guy, just do your Job involve first speaker, you got a personal breed We're gates tugboat, Two amount outside you can settle it. However, you want, I don't give a damn pain. we get the country moving. your frigid back to work. walk it NBC involve first speaker, you don't Scully, sir Jordan find vote for someone else Why? What sanctions again for why? What modern day break What are they violate? None. I don't like him I don't like getting over me. I don't care, do freak and job pathetic. You want gates, kicked out
Good luck, you're gonna have to get two thirds of the conference to do it. You've got one hundred and forty seven votes you're going to waste time on this. Good luck. All right, I gotta run radio show to do. Ladies gentlemen, a hot showed a thanks. Everyone again about my book to give the failure is blown up. pretty embarrassing some of this stuff, but the secrets restoring seed. We really catch on is like a rocky montage air me train of forty cathy. They day, people like hidden see it's kind of a forty one, so check it. really appreciated thanks, so much and please subscribe You are the show rumbled outcomes, I spawn geno. Click that follow button is absolutely free. Join us for the chat every day and alive show at eleven a m. We so deeply appreciated. Ninety two thousand today, what a day really appreciate folks see you here tomorrow, you just ten bungee notion
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.