« The Dan Bongino Show

Big Winners and Bigger Losers from Last Night (Ep 2074)

2023-08-24 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the winners and losers from last night’s debate. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan Ben je know the alright, so listen everybody's going to come out today with their show and be like big coverage of last night's debate that that ad folks, it was boring, I'm sorry Should we watch your shop hopeful? because you like me and our covered, it was boring. I'm sorry was boring I'm not here to give any body like bullshit heartaches for consumers boring. I really was I did it without trump, on the stage and assign even like. I guess you all know you probably already Norma trumps supporter. I get that, but it is it's boring trump is reset the political dynamic where people expect different performance value? Dad it's about the issues of oxygen. we about the issues of me as your question quick five seconds. What does you stood out last night? Ok thanks. nothing right! What's that? How do you know why
Ten minutes you can think about it. People member personalities all this book Shit, you're, gonna, hear from all these commentators. I want to hear about the noble once a year, but the issues? You know what they're Maybe you want. straight truth? all the bullshit theirs, to be entertained and they want someone they can relate to a mike. I set up a bit tat guy, but who also gives and exudes from power and authority who could be present. That's it that's a debate. All that other stuff is bullshit. We wanted but the issues really trouble. Everyone knows debate You totally blued up a number of questions on issues. the nuclear triad, it's all about the issues. No, it isn't you. That's all bullshit people do too much cable news commentary and they try. You know what it is. They want to make themselves appear serious to listeners on substances as you get of god. It is it's not about any of that.
That's why last night, if there is a winner, if there was a winner or less ice debate for vague one cup, take my word for it, a transparent just telling you break one. Why go to twitter he was trending number one is internet search person, I'm ready a fan of drugs, but he's winning drudge pole, which saw left these now. How about what Their metric, could you possibly wanted the guy? What are you one of the issues what which issued he went on someone tell me he was the best performer. That's a ban. I read a lot of go got a big big big showed today a to cover folks, black coffee, as you can see oh lotta, sniffs left in this blackout, coffee I had about twenty to upset. I'm kidding. There are three: are you tired of the same old, monotonous, liberal, flavored, coffee brands? Try this style blackout, coffee, it's my person favorite, listen, pause, colombia, man, she don't tolerate bad coffee. This is
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and you're a transport? No I'm just telling you from we're political tactics key if I'm wrong call bullshit. donald trump, is up by forty points. His biggest contender. Last night was wrong. Dissenters rightly said this disappeared, onstage and now the vacant wrong are gonna fight it out for the number to spot. That's just what happened I do not think it for me. I love round dissent is the greatest governor in the country is not even a close. Second, the guy gonna: be the future, their public important, but last night run to say this did ok. You bad, but rather said this can't do ok because power This isn't about doing. Ok, politics is The big mo and momentum and the momentum comes from being relate apple, but entertaining retaining what is this? The gladiator arena, yeah. That's kind of monarchy in europe, People want to hear about the issues please get out of here. That's not
people give a shit about? folks! They don't you. Why you're here with thirty three thousand others, four minutes in HU. Thank you for your loyalty. Yesterday, after yesterday's tech melt down by the way, I appreciate that you you probably do the hard reality is up on the stage outside foreign policy where, yes, there are significant differences outside of foreign policy. There is almost no different from any other candidate there. To tell you. They support school joys, tax cuts, alice budgets, you heard it a thousand times. Have you not what tommy what candidate kemal ass. I said. I support more government spending, higher taxes and public schools or awesome than anyone say that now now they did so not voting on the issues. What do you voting on your voting on relate ability and performance at this walking had bullshit army here this morning was revolting. Afore It was I'm really sorry, but most of the people
it is because I ran for office three times and lost, and I'm telling you you learn more by losing than you ever do by winning what unless I would say it is the perfect example, the guy I I don't think he's ever lost a race for political view, one by twenty points in florida, and you know He learned all the wrong lessons a lot to get you on this, but on the descent. This point last night, a minute folk. Some I get a lot of energy today have been like be and take it on him ted serious. You saw me into Chad, like ten fifteen this morning for those you get here early That's yet to me you know my debar gino show as me. randy santa's needs to get back to run the centres He won an election by nineteen points in florence. Almost twenty points, which is ridiculous. Above seen than ever happens. If what you mean by one point, Florida you're, a superhero as a republican, he one by one got run the scientists there was being.
a ball, buster, randy, This, unfortunately, is now playing its safe. You can play it safe when you're losing listen, this team, you pay we don't give a flying shit about my advice? Please take it. I am a strong supporter. I love you guys to and I'd like, I want to see trump wine, but I'd like to see you have a big future cause you're an amazing conserving, please my advice, cut the bullshit listening to wage you, many people in his ear on every answer. He needs to get to do in la ronde? This anti strikes again we're randy It says to the media and starts kicking s again. He needs to get out in front of the camera and say you know what I am
around thirty points, and you know why I swear. If he did this, this shit for him would turn around tomorrow. He needs to get out in front of the camera and say I listen to too many people. They are all in my ear telling me what I should and shouldn't do. You know what that's on me. I own it. It's the ronda sant this campaign, not the rani bag of donuts campaign, play it safe, and that was a mistake from this point forward. If we lose we're going down, swing it and we're going to start kickin some freakin ass again, that's it we're going to do The guy jumped ten points in upon they give be trump. and again I am a firm supporter, but folks, I'm not here to bullshit you either. Ok, there are doubts. At the supporters are watch. This show- and I love avenue here- is an awesome governor, but we can So why do we lie to each other either the campaign I heard it said yesterday and he was kelly and conway. No one had a better twenty twenty two them round the scientists and no one had a worse twenty twenty three folks than where's don't lie. We consider bullshit each other all day
Ah, you know, listen he's doing greater ease, not doing great last night. He did ok and you can't you? Ok, you can't. You can't just do okay, I'm a geek and I go out of water here I don't mean to scrub the whole shelf. Can you play that? clip of the hand raising thing where the scientists looks on certain issues. What I'm talking about a question is ass. It's a very simple question and I won't you to watch the said this moments. Gonna do some real damage. Again, he doesn't Look like the round to see this of all who shortages this hand up as a yes, it looks indecisive and now this shit supporters are like guy looks, indecisive and dissenters. Haters are like, while he really looks indecisive when they're both saying the same thing: you're not doing it you watch this, you see what I'm you all signed, a pledge to support. the eventual republican nominee. Is we're president Tromp is convicted in a court of law. Would you
still support him as your parties choice. Please raise your hand if you would. I you see what I'm talking about I say this with a pure heart. You know where I stand of ease. Welcome the governor on my show. He will get an absolute fair shake. I don't the trump about round. They say this. I won't talk to don't talk about to say this when drops on, I won't talk about the decisions. You are an absolute fair, shake isa. Great job you you just can't doodad fetish What do I tell you all the time on the shelf you p ones out there and chapters. Forty, thousand now watch now. ten minutes. It. What do I tell you on what are they was damaging political narratives in the world ones. It change your pre existing notion of who a candidate is the said. This a ball buster bs fire starter he's
reagan drew barrymore. In fact, here starter That's what he does you can't had been a guy with the shaky here Peter guy given candy answers. It's not. You can't just be ok, now The problem- and this is why trump is trump runs away. With this last night, he runs away with it. Because, even though we wasn't there and I the views on need, talker thing or be an exaggerated there. Unable to set it was viewed by a lot of people glad he did the talker interview. I would like to I myself, probably a little candid. Probably will envy bear, but good for talk of regaining innovative as you buy a lot of people, but tromp is declining. Run away winner last night because What trump wants to avoid? Paying This is important. He wants to avoid a amano amano. He doesn't want a one on one. He wants a one versus ten and
happened. Last night is the motto a model between him and the scientists. why does the motto amano network for tromp because after I what south carolina new Hampshire, everyone's gonna drop out, because they're going to run out of money. You following me at tat point. If the same, This is close. It's a dog fight and you get a barrack obama. Hilary thing we're goes all the way to the n. That's what trump doesn't want it costs money and time he wants to wrap it up early, so he to make sure the number to lay a runner up. always changing TIM Scott, vivek ramaswamy ron de santis that way they never get close to home. They stay in this thing, the entire time, but it doesn't matter he doesn't have to waste money, beat them up because their beaten themselves up for number two, not for number one. You dig in slide vague was stand up. I don't have you support him or not? A modest here's? What anyone you know where I stand of said hundred times, I'm telling you ve It was the stand out because
I believe in data and receipts trending on twitter. He was trending on social issues, although the truth last night as well, vaguely in just about every single drop. All that came out and everything Well, focus coopers, like I like this guy. now to be fair, fairer. My criticism do all these guys. Eggs gotta work on some stuff too, comes off, sometimes wait. You can, and I think it's a huge mistake again vague started, as is rash kind of young face, in the reason, I'm friends with this guy, but I owe you the truth and partner! Sound! Can then a lot of these things you you know I just be yourself yourself is got you know where you were, and I dont me at some cliche disappeared by reagan. Be regular. No, I mean be your actual true self that you started the race with when you spoke of cough coffin. You said that some are saying: don't think things through there's too much there's too much finger licking, I think I went on. That's gonna be
mistake to lick the finger where's, the wind blowing. Don't do that? Don't do that I let people get in my ear. I made a huge stay on an abortion question. I m p, a long time ago when I was run for office wasn't how I felt and folks I regretted it. I regret it to this day. I'm still talking about it here, the thing about stating what your true position is. If you stay, why true position is on an issue. You'll never have to remember what you're too physician has away. You told last thought, because you didn't lie about it by asking kids name. You have to think about it right now, about the finger liking that I think is go, and I will not judge him, but a lot of these candidates now TIM Scott, just appeared on the stages, even owings air. Totally, appeared on the state. for a guy. Would such an incredible back story because there you can get you can't finger licking what happens if you change in your way on every issue, you're making me assumption that voters are one issue: voters fight the wrong answer on this. On guns on Israel, on ukraine, on China, every
He's gonna leave. They are not gonna leave there are very few people who vote on one issue. Just answer. Like you would answer, so you don't have to remember your answers to keep up with the answers you to me. tromp was the huge winner and I got to say of the last night I think You mean changing my position on. That was correct. why would you show up everywhere? I'm gonna do get out for second place, and someone said yesterday: cable news channel they Something like you want to show up at the next debate closed what point gap I promise you show up, but can promise you today the vague gonna move up the scientists. probably gonna hold or move down and banking to show up at the second one either couple more thoughts on this last night's tiber isa hutchinson to get out of the race. It's embarrassing if you're like, whose hr isa hutchinson exactly I made I point nobody renewables. On the stage last night there,
absolutely no lane for this guy he's not going. at a cable news host job MSNBC. Doesn't like EM republic install like em, libertarian stone like em conserved stuff like some people from arkansas, don't even like I'm very due to my lying. There is no lane for asia Hutchinson at all, and then I don't know I don't know. I don't know it's a joke centre right, it's not even if they don't like em, they don't even know if I would have much preferred larry elder on the state who at least or some shit up you know Ass, it was like I was even their less, I think what happened was like a cardboard cut out doug sounds like a great guy, busted as achilles yesterday, but but but dude it's the goal it's time to go. I'm all about representative democracy. I can't tell you what to do. I'm just saying like yours, sucking up donor money, your second up Two- and these are all limited items and you just wasting people's time. You are you
I can when win you're, not even Can you get five percent of the vote? So why are you here you're not going to a contributor ship bergen doesn't need of these independently wealthy I gotta get out of the race, but I'll, get you some more video this in a second, but if I had to Why? If you winners last night. Rama swami. I think one, the debate again just based on data data gotta matter he was the most memorable, the most reliable and unease. retaining you know think Nicky Hayley one there was a winner last night you only because she didn't lose Nicky we its clear as day right now is not running for present? Ok, mickey Hayley is running for vice president. Nikki Hayley last night, again she's another one licking in a finger. When I get it, she changed suppositions, all the time to and go and after trump, what pretty ruthlessly they did afterwards after he put his faith in. You is kind, like a loser, move in my opinion by early I did one less. I proceeded lose. I oughta
think everybody up on the stage last night. Who comes out of this worse, Chris Christy, just a slob. He look like total asked last night, pants was my pants pencil. Sky princess. They go It says no, there's no grass roots support for him at all. He does not stand out for a guy with his pedigree lesson it should have been the end of it again. Think dissent is loses because he didn't win this. This had a shawl last night that he the rock star. The guy he was the one on one guy who could take on the lion. King Tromp was He points out and he didn't do it. You didn't when he had the opportunity you gotta The bald man you can't play not to lose when you're, not winning, think about what I just said. You can't play not to lose when you ve been are winning. When you are now beginning by forty, you definitely careful not to his usual. I mean do last night about vague
christy just look terrible plight. I can't we had originally lined up number one hears christie, look like pompous. Ass, just go to sketch looks terror. He thinks this is flattering. It's not. It's goofy check this out. I know I know a lot better than you. Do you ve never done it like you, ve, never done anything, to try to advance the interests of this government except to put yourself forward as a candidate tonight. Here it's a thing. We sit up for law and order. I did it as you it's a turning. I did it is governor and I am not going to bow to anyone what we President united states, who just respects the constitution, she said he's my son, the gdr and a break I set my god, sixty thousand one hundred people, I twenty minutes in its huge echoes yeah. Just like Christie did there the guy disease, not doing himself any favours. You look ridiculous clear, ease on stage just a yell at every one else and my illicit, because I'm a
acts and data guy. If Chris Christy thought this work. He did. This thing to Marco rubio in the last debate on the last hour and the election in our twenty sixteen achievement. Remember where did get creature Chris Christie, what he finished seventh in new Hampshire, whatever it's not working like try something else: try not to be the law. The loud bombastic I'm running for president. Ok, that may work. let me just doesn't work for this guy anymore. It worked in new jersey because he ran a local campaign about new jersey, working values, kind of like this at this ran a florida censure campaign about lard events. That does not mean it's gonna play nationally folks guys. Gotta get this out of their heads. They're, not running florida. New jersey campaigns, listen. That's one thing: I develop the national audience man, you know they haven't. I mailed hoss political raises, but two shows kick it here: across. The whole country is up because I pandering to people is because people crave authenticity,
and relate ability christy shown absolutely none of it. these really said Candide I got another clip, abandon Nicky and go and attitudes to subvert. If there was a very, very weird nigh and again, I thought the debate over all I'm sorry. I thought it was really on memorable outside of a few moments ago,. No one's gonna, take our trump with that kind of bullshit you're. Just not Now all everybody could think of last night, you how many times I heard from Paula man how much more fun with this because trump here I mean that's what you're get about it. Wasn't everybody was think about about even said. The supporters are, you know, you're welcome you. They set great govern. Tell me they get out last night, and if you think that it's a problem for your guy now for job, it's a problem. I love the guy, wanted to have a future, but he's got to do better. As I was not a good night, I don't care what anybody tells you they're lying to you. I might hear to do that
Take a quick break and I got some more video for innovation. Revives been helping small businesses qualified to get a business payroll tax reform. You see the employee retention credit the is a attacks refund for businesses. They kept employees on payroll for parts of twenty twenty and twenty twenty one If you want a business and more than five employees, you could have money waiting to be claimed. innovation refunds in their independent tax, attorneys dedicated helping business owners navigate the complex filing process. You have a cph says you. My a qualified, we'll get a second opinion. asian refunds team will collaborate with you, sepia aid with says: you're eligibility, I've already Thousands of eligible businesses apply for the year, see innovation requires as not provide tax or legal divide advice. They work with it independent network of cash professionals and will share information with them to evaluate process your clients terms and conditions, apply go to innovation, refunds, thou com, the determined eligible qualify. You could be a new way to receiving money for your best. There's no opera charge, they get paid. Unless you get paid go to innovation, refunds, dot, com,
one in four three refunds: innovation ravens that come one for three refunds: thanks: innovation refund, he's a use! Another moment. Last night, again, showing you the response, the christie last night who's trying to be- and I listened right- you know I don't like Chris Chrissy as fairly obvious, but again I'll, give the guy affair shaky. Welcome on my radio show. He doesn't want to come on. That's why I dont think like is bravado and this fact it'd, be as all look at me, I'm a big guy, I'm so intimidating. It's all bullshit I've seen that a thousand times I've invited him on Tucker's, invited him on Levin's invited him on and he keeps jumping out. You said bad ass. You want to come on the show. I promised you and honest interview. I promise you that yeah, I'm going to ask you about stuff where you want to I do not want to communicate to you want from me out. Yet why nobody likes him. Eerie was just roundly boot and remember this every political campaign is two things, sound bites and snapshots nobody's gonna. Remember the white paper you presented on china,
policy, no one's gonna. Remember any of that people be entertained because they want to snapshot and a sound bite If this is yourself, you snapshot and you sound by any good check this out. I use reduce. Make me laugh because you see here you see here, that's the second. A work is ongoing. That's the sound by you and that's it. I would ask you again for like two twin, If time, because you matter to me- and I want you to do this- dump everything you here and on cable news right now, because is all bullshit ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you people don't know what they want is up politicians to give them they know they want now what I'll. Tell you. They were all that's dumb No, it's not new. They wanted a pet rock in the seventies, either joel. Remember the pet rock
I was calling for a freaking pet rock. You could have on your backyard and grabbed the one for free in a bunch of people Paden today's dollars, five to ten bucks for a freaking pet rock. You know why Someone made you believe you wanted a pet rock politicians. It's their job is to let you know what you need from them. You never knew you needed donald trump in the race until twenty. Sixteen, when a guy got on stage and just laid a wrecking ball to everyone else, and some people were like matter of most of all, because you wonder primary I call the We need a wrecking ball right now. I will never forget being in a I focus a narrow focus group. As a conservative group in dc talking about focus group stuff, there was some die hard conservative alum. was in air, jenny, thomas and some others, and we were talking about after romney loss and its focus. Dude kind of came in was like you got laughed out of their because
the presentation- was about how voters say they don't care about immigration, which you're in a worldwide. We wide I've, actually knockdown voters, doors having run for represents the dumbest shit. I've ever heard at the next election donald trump runs on what The wall and winds stage. We ve never one of war, pennsylvania wisconsin. It is not about the issue. I know that's hard to hear I know that's hardly here because you in the audience or substance based people, because you really involved. The average voter does not give a shit about most of these things. They care about your kitchen table kids and someone fighting for that's it that's it and nobody really stood out last night and nailed any of that. I'm sorry, a lot of it was just a lot of it. just boring couple. Things happen to with
fox fox, not mentioning that tucker interview, I think, was kind of petty candidly. Just balancing out listen! I have a lot of friends there. I worked there, long time I got, beefs. Okay, I have always said we need a healthy fox, along with a healthy news max and a healthy and and what else are we going to do Some of the decisions are just really weird mentioning. The trump interview on talker was just weird It's weird! You're a news channel a case that you guys the likely republican nominee. You may not like it that there are competitor, but in case you think, like all dead. wouldn't do that if they were a competitor, really want me to throw the bullshit flag right now, although I go here, it is the boss flags coming out. You know that his competitor rumble is twitter. Abbott an equity holder? Rubble? and we can't both coexist? I imagined it he's doing, the right thing is and are not met. He was weird, then this happened last night, don junior and Kim gulf oil. Why would you
not let them in the spinner. Our trump wasn't on the stage. Ok,. that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, he's also the leading candidate for the presidency and the republican side. By in some All thirty to forty points, you're gonna, just In talking to his son and his we say about it. Weird. It's not even good tv, so dawn. The security guy apparently kicked him out of spend room this. This is this is a bad luck check this out vision for five years. I have been unable to go in, and here I am yours- was security here, but they're telling him, but I'm not allowed to go in there because they ve been boosted while simultaneously again from the last two years perform as they had hoped
it's not a good look man. I mean everybody's gotta come together right now, everybody's come together and put the petty grievances site? Ok, that time since I ve not been shown any animist a fox, even though the negotiations than work out, You haven't seen me sit near spend than wasting your time. I spoke about it for what day and a half I was moved on. I had no beef, a beef against me, fine go right! I really care. I don't need anybody out. Some here do in my own thing as a reason. that's just not smart and it's honestly, bad tv then a great interview. It could have been. I mean imagine avenue him in of a vague on camera. At the same time it would have through the roof. It's just bad business. Folks. Are you know? I hope I covered. The debate is as well as I could there, and I hope I didn't leave anything out honestly. I play more footage, but I'm just being candid with you, it's really a waste. Some of this You saw last night which, just just week
It really was, it was canned responses it. We stop. People clearly thought out, you don't think christie. Someone told chris Christine advance to use the chat. Jpg line against vague and comparing A vague to obama was just stupid. In my humble opinion, Well, the last guy who said he had a funny name and was skinny was obama s just let's just lame. It was just like that's just stupid man. This is a dumb comment and a challenge. Bt lie were correct. Chris Christie said the vague it's like I'm talking to Chad, jpg guy again just totally land. I do want to place one video take a quick break. This is a clip from from PA honour on talker. Yesterday, This is serious stuff. Listen! me. They know something. Told you before trumps life is an actual danger. and people knowing the threat. Let us listen to me, please! life is in real danger. It's not theoretical danger, its
spreadsheet danger There are very serious people from the iranians on down to lunatics, who would killed this guy in a hard be alive. people in the inner circle- if you know what I mean, no one this conversation with a number of people talk about, secret service bring about other people who know this. He's in Tucker karlsson, asked this question last night, in a way to pay very close attention to the answer about them being savages and sick because he's you ve done it all the time the service I'm looking for trajectory since two thousand fifteen, when you got into politics for real and then one there is short protests against you, massive protests were organised protest by the left, and then it move to impeachment twice and now indicted I mean the next stages is violence is. Are you worried that they're gonna? Try and tell you why, wouldn't they try and kill you honestly
their savage animals. They are people that are sick, really sick. our people who really sick folks he's briefed on this. All the time he's briefed on it all the time. Everything I've told you about trumps like being in danger, is some we dyke, all they gets. I dont need clear. I don't give a shit about any of that, stop and only click son. I don't need any other. I need this to stay alive and he's real danger, and he knows it he's briefed on it. These people tell him. What's going on. God knows it too. You didn't ask a question by accident. I want to show you were up against coming up next, the kids, never lying plagiarize in bride again kitty shower taking woman, feeling puts you all back in chains, Barack Obama took a shower raised loser next.
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We cannot survive for more years of the sky. We can't we will be a far different place. Swans and quick video, here, the media's now even local media. Finally, starting to tell the truth about how bad things are. here's by economics, inaction, people are taking loans to live. We to live on the high life might know, don't owe to live for like basic living expenses, because the dollar's values deflated away so bad due to inflation, The balloon is shrinking. While prices are increasing watch this. More americans are turning to loans to help pay for everyday expense, but a new survey from the federal reserve shows more loan. Applications are being rejected by major financial institutions. Otto loan requests and credit card limit increase requests are also at record highs, highlighting some of the financial pressure that americans are facing folks, loans to live man? That's where we are right now. That's
bad inflation is eating away. People's pocketbooks we cannot afford to lose, is Eric s. Worse. I want you to. Are you segment from fox news about housing voted can't buy a house or find yourself some basic, I mean this is a source of most americans wealth, the housing market. If you can by one you're, never gonna get ahead and you're. Definitely not gonna passed down any generational. Well here why? this is, how bad the housing market is right now, what the average cost of the houses and how much money you need for your monthly payments. Tiggle look: this is it Concerning reality, we tried to put this together for people to look at and sort of digest the environment right now, the average home price in america. If you can believe this, it's it's it's it's gone beyond four hundred thousand dollars. That is really something with a with a typical down payment. Mortgage rates is six point, six percent to me: to meet your monthly payments on a new home purchased like that, you would
need a salary of over one hundred and sixty five thousand dollars in this country, and that is the reality of the situation. That is why that affordability is going to levels we've over the golden sun affordability indexes at the lows ever ever ever ever I'll put it another way for you. Let's just say you want to buy a house right, you and you want to put twenty percent down your average payment right now, for the average person out there be two thousand three hundred dollars a month before the cold. I was nine hundred dollars a month, vocs economy, socks, socks, oxytocin stink, it sucks. You know, like tat. Word you now living in the same economy. We are. Economy socks? It is in awful shape, the story gets worse. This is who were running against this is why these guys onstage gotta, be ready for the big time or kindly step off stage, ace program and others it's time to go. You got your shot last night, the more them didn't happen. It's time to go. We don't have time.
at this, and I may not be a popular opinion, but she's donor money, it's this stuff, all matters activists in time, the volunteers airtime plus than debate. I'd like to see it leaned out to serious candidates doesn't show up fine, get to say at this stage the vague hail, in scot, I dont think the rest of another shot, the roads screwing around, this is serious thought someone this to me. Yesterday, a guy who, up as a john, To sum up, I forgive me- I forget his name but treated to me yesterday and he said hey dan? Is this normal? they found this email. Army bc candidly. I know the people in the female matter fact well for them. For a long time, and they said, is this normal, you're not going to hear this anywhere else, the yes, our approach is no or what folks is an email they found to the robert l peters addressed.
But a play, a news max clip from this. In a minute. Some great work by Marco polo didn't get enough credit by the way and James Rosen on this, but this is an email where the requesting to sign off protection for Natalie Biden and hunter by and they're doing is theirs we don't wish for. We don't want protection during strip during this time for someone said to me dan. Is this normal folks? signing off protection in my experience, meaning we don't want to protective detail here, but we wanted to pick up again later only happens for Basically one reason in my experience what What in the shadow of a guess as to what it is, Let's just say: you're you're, the head, burkina faso right you're, the bouquet so far so good. A government right and you ve. Yes, yes, rum, Bob. Seal skin cells
trying to hide something. Yes, sir. Yes, I just reading it. Yes, sir, I have never ever seen them sign off like this for family members or the vice president. Again. I know the guys in this detail. Now the president cannot sign or the president cannot sign off protection, it doesn't matter but rested on can This is super weird that on this far and trip they didn't The map protection for one looks appears to be four days that says to me. Ladies and gentlemen, something was up. That's why this robert Peters email is going to have the keys to all of the kingdom, and it is this. This area Joe Biden misusing. There is zero doubt my mind. They were up to something. I only remember one protecting do it it might. not going to say who was, but I was told that cause he's a slum ward in new york and went to go, collect the rent that he was embarrassed I'm just telling you what I heard I don't
because they signed off, and I wasn't air and it surprised everyone the detail. Leaders like yeah we're good today, already more good signed off. What do you mean he signed off I we heard later was like some slum. Lord beg. You'd old sign off unless you're up to shady stuff. Here's what eggs. Me believe this is gonna. Get even worse. Provide this. A great poor from James rose in news back he's talking about Other email address this robert Peters email address a fake name by news by the way at the marco polo found this a while ago too, and where they hid this email address your call: was it a Hillary Clinton thing? No, no, it was a government email so it was y dot e, o p, the executive officer, the present that white our stock of no no, they hid, mine's, email indecent. What's this exactly they dont you'd? Never find it listen to this issue.
Is a set of emails that one of vice president Biden, staff, aides, John S, flynn have sent to Mr Biden in the spring of two thousand and sixteen prepping the boss, for various meetings with top ukrainian officials and which use them its president's hidden account, the addressed for which was robert dot elder peters at pc? I dont go as you can see, flynn also copied hunter Biden, a private citizen. Time, when the latter served on the board of bereavement, the ukrainian energy company Now news max has learned through intelligence, community sources that it wasn't lead. I t unit of the defence department, the host the email domain for the Robert peters, address, agencies stated missions, however, call into question whether Its involvement in the provision of an email account for the vice president for such purposes was appropriate. Given that the office vice president is not in the chain of command and brazil. is no statutory authority or duties relating to the armed forces. Beyond the nomination of candidates for the service academies, the defence
information systems, agency or distant describes itself a combat support agency quote conducting operations to enable lethality across all war fighting domains. Defending the deal network from cyber security threats, fucking our nation's warfighters these see why they hid their everybody's going through these machinations about. Why was it in December? defence, intelligent strategic. Whenever thing, why is it because one thought they would find it there. That's why they don't get overly complicated by yet like Biden, smart, he you did a secret web address within the government domain there can business that he thought. No one would look. So we set up a fake email and an agency thought no one would fine So how did they find it because this area, it son, drop this freakin laptop off and left it there? What all these emails on there? That's how they would have never found it. Otherwise, That's how they found the robert peters, they at an affordable produces folks.
thing, has just started. Oh by the way, what did you catch? You guys are nothing. What would emails through the desert pc. I address the robber peters. What were they about ukraine? We have just scratch the surface man How do I know that his staffer further. The examiner early Joe Biden is obsessed with and irritated by media coverage surrounding his son? No one, even once the mentioned at around look the articles in the newsletters did I don t know a newsletter. He is making out over this? Why? Because thinks he's she's no trouble. Why would he be we can out of design trouble the absent We know these f done this. He knows it any Was you damn? Well better get Peach they said he's even more rattle goes house investigators. god, you're real evidence of his own complicity in his family's overseas business dealings. That's you see now. get pissed off. When I read this, chat rooms are people, I know that's good
Everybody stop! Listen! I get it the report. Can party generally sucks, I mean what are they? Those are the show is most republicans are really democrats in D c. But no democrats are really republicans, but this is happening you bite. is clearly annoyed and irritated, because he knows this stuff is surfacing everyday. You rather not see, I'm not talking to you in audience, you all are great. I'm just saying like you got, read chat rooms and you get negative, Nancy's or you know, because everything is sucked in the past. They dont want to do anything in a future that doesn't make any sense this hurting right now. He's real trouble it better be rattle. Let me disease males are gonna, get this I'm surface It is just scratch. You have no idea how bad this is. Gonna get four by to be the nominee folks, They ain't going beat a that ex mines by the way the covert hysteria discuss this yesterday. The call- Hysteria is absolutely one hundred percent of distraction. Right now I have zero doubt nobody
She believes these masks work or do anything. I want to reiterate that whole segment yesterday, but they call it staring as one purpose, they need the police state back. to do the mail and balloting thing again to keep I'd the basement fully when the next election and keep jump in jail and out of office here, see at eindhoven airport august. the third I believe that was yesterday You're at a high risk of serious illness or death from covert nineteenth, it's time to dust authors and ninety five mess I treated out. Today. I want to say today allow Would you learn? You can go fuck yourself, banks, we will not be doing so again. Member said that sure beta breathing We will be doing any that cnn, but thanks for your thoughts, really appreciate that you see what The covert thing is now crazy and don't comply do now. comply with any of us, do not comply. I'm sorry If you comply you're complicit in the renault is choices here, you comply. You will be doing this for the rest of your life
every single election you every single like you bring back the covert bogeyman every single election. so explains the doubling down a police state tyranny. This in yesterday was a dark day grew up in new york new yorkers america's largest liberal city. Spend most of my life there. My heart will always be in new york so the orchestra different there, like texans, we're just different you probably tell by my domain am I generally bad temper. It's kind of a new york thing Rudy giuliani saved america's most liberal big city from itself. He did. Now he finds himself in jail, william up the national post cover this rooted giuliani, mug shot emerges,
the crats arrest the greatest. Ever? U s mayor them, ready with the greatest may, however, whether these mugshots its giuliani sidney power, jenna, Alice folks Listen take these workshops spread around everywhere. Least states. Here, man coming around the corner So, a year from now the police states here right now that's a lie. up of america's political prisoners. The constitution public is dead. Now. we are now a country that has political prisoners and you just our three mug. Shots are more while there are more. Of donald trump, of course, is gonna. Go today, seven again, I encourage and strongly not the post bonn they want to around and find out. Let em find out The secret service. I saw someone tweeted online, Eighteen usc. Thirty. Fifty six, I told you I was right, they can shut
oh prison down you, dick around foreign county jail. You take over europe. Prison you gonna find a place for everyone else, I'm not sure now they're going to do it? But I think it's time Folks, it's time because we're only steps away from what happened yesterday in russia, we are right, It may not be a political assassination. In that sense,. but we're only steps away from what happened yesterday in russia. the head of the wild new group, which is a group of vulgar group which is a group of mercenaries, have lattimer Putin uses around the world to enforce as well. Promotion who's, the head of it turned on him about a month and a half ago. In case you missed it. There was a attempted coup, They stopped short of moscow, but they really embarrass Putin, now Putin, needed the bognor group. So he had this temporary. brush my hey. We're augur smoke the peace plan. no one who knows putin dot that promotion can we get away with this.
Well yesterday we saw what happened were producing. This is plain, was shot out of the sky, but I guess I'm applying the bonn gino rules strictly here. because I'm not sure you being told the whole story this you air! This is before promotion eyes, plain being shy. Smote, as I said, is plain being shut up. The sky, but he was when he was ass, its in russia, but you can see the subtitle when he was ass. about the one thing he can't. Forgive it sure protect. This outcome is brushes felicia. He was written in ask what's the one thing you can't forgive haitian speak russian. Like me,. Johnny gov perused! That's all! I remember people thought yet, though his is betrayal, so promotions plain.
was shot out of the sky, and the reason I say is plain is because I am absolutely strictly applying the budget, or will we really sure promotions that as promotion. How much are you want? Do you understand that history of promotion being declared dead. Promotion was declared dead in twenty nineteen in africa. Do you know that this is still Male peace is it my newsletter? I read it. It's good bye, dot com, slash newsletter quote in better be alive? Bognor fighters threaten a march on Moscow. If the to claim. The mercenary was on board. The doom plain brought down by bombs. Smuggled in wine, creates as well was ready. Faked is death in flood. The second plain folks, bungie, no rule twenty four. Seventy two hours before you draw a conclusion on these things your promotions dead many nineteen in africa, if you couldn't Back and look in search engine, it yourself proposed was declared dead too,
this kind of weird, because he was still alive yesterday when he was killed again soon. We're getting killed. Is it only happens once that's? Why you kill you? Take it twice since impact. Amateur she's a little gauge runnin around these hastily. He's skill set it right. He bought by sure don't get dead and maybe I don't know telling you now I m not sure promotion is dead. We did There was a rush to ship and right. Having said that, sadly, whoever was on that plane is definitely dead. Gay if you would, I mean this plane was clearly taken out of the sky by a bomb or as some kind of surface air missile, but it probably was a bomb, as you can see, check this out said many could see it go into the ground. This is not up to the plains. Coming down vertical, you can see fire in the explosions. Clearly in the back of the plane, like that, I mean listen not a pilot, but that does not appear
be any kind of unnatural occurrence whatsoever. You could see the way it just kind of falls to the ground. So again it definitely precautions plain, there's, no disputing that plane, down. However Are we really sure that's promotion is on that? I'm not sure I'm gonna go era, but don't worry folks. It was all over it yesterday, the kids plagiarized lying sociopath. Think I finish the number one of my class when I finished at the bottom. My class I was raised in the porter weaken the black. the hispanic community, lie, woman feel or in the white ass. He was all over this yesterday in a world war, three could have started yesterday's the fog nor group. Besides it may wanna a mutiny or a coup on Moscow. Don't worry, he was taken like a spinning class and he's like you. I didn't see the whole thing I was busy working out die. He didn't say that ok listen to yourself,
Mr president, the ever went back in russia is for you. I don't know what happened must first didn t, let me hear you must have happened. Russian I dont know not working John. That on one single, Do they can look at each other? They? stare at each other. This guy
I mean it's almost like a permanent motley for the city and the white house? Why this the first time with the two lease? Thank you too, steward further I got to. Why would you say that entire world is listening as we could be on the casa again of world war. Three and you make an announcement. I was working over nobody. What did your work out? So let me he's out there areas he's on his bike these spinning like a jack in us and his staff can come in and go bro. We got a problem. The van our group had just got blown out of the sky and russia and there are threatening retaliation like nobody thought. Get this guy skinny legs off the record thing and make a statement. I know that the rigour really don't interrupt them, he said is spreading class. He's a isn't. He's in round three of his tour de france, it. What the hell is, this guy right. This guy
freaking, lance Armstrong, stronger, some mean gimme, a break Joe me one. We too. Why did your man you got? You got hands, I feed over them, how much better so I can show totally miss. I won't be going through, like I feel, go poor folks. The guy in the white house is a complete train wreck right now, a total total mass. That's why everyone on the stage last night, it's gotta, be deadly serious. It's time these people to step aside man, I didn't get to have the stuff I wanna get today as I gotta talk about maui tomorrow, what else did I miss today, a lot of stuff? Some abner cnn, I'm gonna get Tomorrow we dont questions tomorrow they are opening up the way we all at the time. I would do it on the fly to get into chat early. If you submit some questions, what we'll think about it, but I also wanna talk about tomorrow as well. By had some options going forward if he wins washington's washington is a good good cut. Good coverage of any self pardon. What's going on and with the state charges a whole bunch of things things we ve already addressed before too, but I got
special announcement was an eminent, you in the chair for a minute here. So listen, I'm we I'm taking a move in the time next week in the show and is for a reason, folks, It runs into the radio show, and yesterday we had a technical mix up. It was not rumbles fault, it was with some kind. my army meltdown and everybody in my area went down. So we can get a line. He can't do to show in the promises to tide of a window, and I like I you know, rip the off man. Ten minutes of the show and that's bullshit by the union. You come here for me and you wait for me. In the end, the chat I better freakin produce no excuses, no bullshit Now that this isn't bullshit place. My fault my show in the story, but I can't control a time and the thing is the shows, become so big with eighty one thousand four hundred people watch you now that. I really think we should be in primetime, saw I'm working on it. I think we're going to move the show, I'm thinking seven o clock then
support about it is. I have the radio show too, so I can post some of that so Monday door in the morning and the afternoon you're not without any content. It will all be originally yet. Some of that sum, working on it now Let us know your thoughts in the chat he's going to read them. I I know you up: at folks, say you gotta understand like it's really hard for me to do that and get all the days by the time some of you get home and watch the show. Some of the news is already dated, and the thing is If we're going to take on the big boys were rumble and elsewhere, we got beyond prime time. I know it's kind of a ballsy move, but the show as for you, and I think, is the right one so working on some stuff right. Now, I'm not going to leave you without content during the day either, but let us know how you feel about it, but I'll deeply appreciate fuel, Follow us along maybe matter the world may be everyday, thanks I'll opportunity, and I really
I appreciate a rumble dot com, slash bond geno, join us for the chat. Click that follow button, you'll get notified me go live so deeply appreciate your support. You guys and ladies mean everything to me and thanks for tolerating that mix up yesterday I see you back here tomorrow, you just ten bungee notion
Transcript generated on 2023-08-26.