« The Dan Bongino Show

Best Of The Dan Bongino Show (HOLIDAY SPECIAL3)


Daily live shows return on January 3rd (01/03/2024)

In this special episode, we recap the year with Gui's hand-picked best segments of the show.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I hope you haven't a great holiday season, a merry christmas and you're going to have an amazing new year. I know it we're gonna walk home in this new year presidential election cycle caucus in just a few weeks, the election season. This started, I'm so honoured you made this show your home. We ve got some best of shows to keep you entertained during this holiday season. If you miss this stuff, you're going to see it here. This is some of the best segments, obviously called best stuff that we've done during the year and were based on your feedback. We appreciate it so much. We will be back with you. Live at rumble. Dot com, slash bond gino on january third, but for now hope you enjoy these check him out so dorms up on capital, hale, John durham, who was investigating the fbi buying on donald trump this and, as someone put on twitter earlier, You put my name, a merry go. Do the tweets someone put on twitter earlier, I'm glad there during the hearing, because its exposing stuff, we
what he knew, and maybe some new people will hear this and that's good, don't be a Debbie downer republicans do with a crap job, they're, not doing a crap job they're doing a fine job. The problem is a lot of you already know this stuff, so it seems like old news, but I just caution. Anyone who wants to be the Debbie downer, I'm not suggesting that you that upwards of seventeen percent of people who voted for Joe Biden after the two thousand and twenty election indicated they would have voted differently if they just would have known bout, the Biden, corruption. So please, I'm already seen it's like fashionable I'd I'd I'd over these years. Maybe in the chat you can weigh in again. You know to you- and I feel this is wanting. It drives us crazy. I just don't understand this impulse on the conservative side till I crap all over our people, even when they are trying to do something.
I don't get it there? Are people in this? Here is a total waste of time. We already know this stop yeah, you do cause you're smart every soccer mom does the fact that a pretty well respected united states attorney. Why didn't could have done a better job with it to be honest with you, but is willing to go up there and it just out the fact that the fbi spied on donald trump and had no information at all is kind of a big deal right yeah. Thank you. So again, I think he could have uses grand jury subpoena powers a little differently, but let's not nitpick right now, it's time for us before an election to expose these goons on the left and ndf beyond what they did here was just a quick opening statement by durham who get isn't a big showman at each artists. Internally, set it thoroughly Joe. He looked like you. Look like a monkey.
Rub club. It's like someone! How about my words is he looked so uncomfortable there, but I take a kind of added to the order that this guy's, not some partisan act, usually that is opening statement. Eggless. Let me give you some real life views on that it and any number of F b? I agents on who I've worked with over the years. Some have retired, some are still in place, have come to me. And apologize for manner which that investigation was undertaken? I take that seriously. These are good, hard work In the majority of people than the fbi, decent human beings to swear under their own stew by the law. I mean. Listen. This is this stuff matter smokes you gotta, be the game. Changer is gonna, flip the twenty twenty four election. No, but remember that Paul merely twenty per then a binds voters had no idea. Is whole families corrupt?
What matters is how you get the information. Here's I'm going to cover tomorrow. A couple of things this because I didn't have time today came on right before and I got other things I want to get too, including stunning audio from and blew up an alleged blackrock insider that James o keefe one covered their trust me on this one job. This is gonna, be the biggest swaggered of all. Is that anyone say that they first and allows twenty first, eleven o sixty displeased asterisk, this one double as yeah. This is like a double flags. This matter mark my words: if trump wins the primary a republican primary.
I absolutely guarantee you- and this is why this hearing is necessary. The Democrats unbelievably are going to resurrect the russia collusion hoax again, no way. Yes, they will what's going to be. The narrative gay justin will over commit. This showed a memory. Everyone got this remember the date. Everyone in the chat got it remember what I'm about to tell you, because when it happens, you're going to be like damn this guy's, pretty good. Here's going to be the narrative trump is working with a vladimir putin to hand over portions of ukraine to russia. They're colluding guaranteed guaranteed check out the people in that we got you gonna chaff leg into san yourself, an email, the chap that way. You can take a screen shot of the email and remember the day they will resurrect. Is russia, coax and out of again, but there is already- but this credit Does it matter, bro you're dealing
with goons an commies it does it back her. It does hit matter majority. Brenda Bob Bob just tell you. It's common jobs colluding with the russians to turn over ukraine to Vladimir Putin I'll cover calumniate and trump tower the beating again tomorrow too, because they brought it up again today, despite the fact, I've already debunked this a thousand times about constantly column. Like a metaphor, the trumped our meeting, just in a nutshell, column, neck, was a source for the obama administration which dorm tried to bring up in the trunk tower meeting was with a woman working with company workin for Hillary Clinton, agatha anathema. Ok, let's get to the important stuff here.
What did china hunter Biden, black rock and woke islam- have in common. Ladies and gentlemen, sadly, nearly nearly everything and everyone in politics is for sale know. Yes, I know that doesn't surprise many of you, but I think it would surprise you the extent to which people, even on your side of the aisle who pretend to be your bro. I'm in this for you, you know, will sell out. I mean cells, pounds of their flesh with a drop of a hat. The snap of a finger everything's for sale, this show is going to be good. So let's tie this together for you, this is like a really bad spy. Novel. Let's put this story up. First This sounds like kind of a big deal. I mean anyone here in a military, Jamie joyner, your family, but when I was in the middle of the shot I mean you don't need military spirits to read the story go.
Kind of sounds like this could be an issue now Joe you're you're a little older than the human, but I think a missile cry Listen kid Allah, I'll kill you. Thank you, I'm sure I could feel the every whose cuba that's good to know so that this happened before we're. Russians want and appoint nuclear weapons in cuba just a hundred miles from those kind of it problem. So this story in the washington times sounds like trouble. China ways putting military troops in cuba according to a new report that that's, as I dunno, that kind of sounds like a big deal of foreign occupied enemy at it and by the way, anyone out there suggesting well, it's no different than us putting a troops over in taiwan. No, no! It's different cuba. We Taiwan's that threatening to invade china. Ok, it's the other way. Rehab! That's upwards Everything ok This is a dread invasion of cuba. It's not the same. Even close, I get it. I'm a conservative. I believe
what have a conservatory in an especially a lot of foreign entanglements. We get ourselves involved in without an exit plan, but I'm not dumb either. You can argue against a foreign policy, but that's not the same thing. We are not threatening an invasion of cuba. Okay, chinese troops in cuba, one hundred miles from our shores. When I live in the state that it's right there that's kind of a big deal. So why is nothing happening? Why is the Biden administration taking it's ass right and just plain taking a seat and doing nothing ass. If to see, why are they doing jack swat about it? I mean J. F K was a democrat how to deal with the cuban missile crisis. This is all just as severe a spy base and military troops what's next hypersonic missiles,
Why is nothing happening? What let's put the piece together? Let's follow the money like we always do here is a club that explains why, of it. This is professor sorry from saying your name run now: really: d he Sheng in China. Now you speaking, obviously not in english, but you'll see the translation on the bottom is gonna, be tough on the radio? You can watch it on rumble, but you'll see the translation. Bottom, where this professor implies that these c c p may have been involved in setting up foundations for Joe Biden and by an egg and crime, I thinks it's really funny. They seem really happy. No one seems to want a place where I think Tucker played at once and that's it. You don't see a lot of this video around how nuclear powered enemies of the united states, including china's setting up a military base in cuba, they're laughing about how they, basically own job and you're, taking
yourself too good to me. My agent wasn't tommy a suitable burma. Arduous was made on the pilgrimage out too simple. Burma bench leave. Nations ETA cinnamon cannot buy them, sometimes and on the gene technology too good hey come higher common good there, she's of his home each year that say that kind of baden the earth. They turned was what we eat. I trench who yours my jingles. If I sleep on it, in the said the memo I think it's ruddy as hell. Why don't you you can watch set yourself? That's not new spread out there. You haven't heard about it in the media. Have you so China sets up a military bases going to on cuban edition was spy based Biden takes his ass, puts it in the sea.
They do nothing about it as its alleged that hunter Biden and by nature, including Joe Biden, we're doing business with the chinese communist party and the business partner. Tony Babo s key says Joe Biden was gettin, ten percent was Joe Biden is, is Joe Biden, a paid asset for the chinese communist party is Joe Biden committing acts impossible treason to the united states. I dunno I dunno, but the evidence is a little suspicious. Don't you they will be suspicious, because it's so strange how every time china comes up with Joe Biden, Joe Biden, seems to err on the side of the chinese communist party. Now you're pregnant object every time everything just you know, a normal person would start asking questions
money, china, by china, laughing about money to buy by being the big guy getting money from china working deals with china sign in emails? Cutting deals with china Biden always seems to defend the chinese communist party. Let's some basic. We set up a military base in cuba. I don't know man, it all sounds a little straight here. We just pull this pipe or for the show how to bar and see research here clips of does about a minute of Joe Biden taking every opportunity possible to do what you get if they defend china pig unless china is not our enemy, I believe, then, I'm even more convinced now that arise in china is included we positive vote for only china but the united states standards. It is in our self interest the china continued across china is a great nation and we should hope further continued expansion.
We want to see china arising? China can be a significant asset for the region of the world. China is going to be about lunch, come on man, they're, not bad folk spoke, but guess what we're not occur. Whether or not our competition for china is not our problem. We didn't help. China is not a problem. The chinese launch. This all. Well, what are we gonna be worried? For We think in retrospect the newer naive about china, what a beautiful history we wrote together
Ladies and gentlemen, I love this country. I know you do too sarcastic funny. Time is definitely over right now. Do you understand how much danger wherein your kids are in and your grandkids are going to be in? You understand the danger, if even half of what I just told you was true by I I'm covered in all of it's true. I wouldn't have said it, but you understand the danger rate. If even half of what I told you was true, there was a man in the oval office. Who's been credibly alleged by the business partner to the deal, tony baba that his son and family members have been taking money from the chinese communist party, possibly change for mass and political favours, and that china has probably a blackmail file they stick on. By and now we ve got audio profess
These and other people laugh and about the whole thing we got the sun hundred by talking about an email, the did the water, I've been spied chief of China that he's connected to folks. None of this is made up so any of this evidence to your liberal friends and ask them to explain it. You have any idea who may be controlling us as china prepares to start war war. Three now do you see why I don't know three times a week, Joe, maybe more. I warn the audience all the time they get prepared. Folks, there are people in our government right now make no mistake. HU. I am absolutely comments, are being control not by some crazy spy beam from outer space by money and Male is very simple: they ve been blackmail, people keep evidence of blackmail. So if you don't do what they tried, the bribe you
Why do they use it as blackmail later on? You would think the media would be all over this, the swamp, but the media, the swamp and an entire political party. The Democrats are resolutely committed, despite the fact that this may result in us losing an actual world war, I, your kids, maybe grubbing up in a country, you don't even know anymore, can you imagine what it would look like if we worse than that the surrender all that will never happen are, you sure, How sure are you of that cause? That's kind of a black one moment? No, that's all. There's a ninety nine percent chance. This planes gonna be ok we gotta hydraulic rob. You mean there's What an android genzaburo about take it up. You understand the chance us losing a war with china is probably bigger than that one in a hundred? and that's the guy in the white house, like we as a blackmail file. This
a war and peace. Are you ok with that? This persecution I'll. Try is obvious to a lot of people of all races in incomes and liberals key poking to bear This is a huge mistake. I want to address something it's kind of like hagen like an elephant in the room, I gotta be our remit get a little tired of whatever influencers on twitter or others who are black. I am not black people think I'm black said often I'm italian and irish. My last name is bonds. You know I'm not black Babies on Wikipedia wants a long time ago as a list of prominent black and servants, I'm not black. I dont speak for the black community. I dont wait for the hispanic community anymore. And I speak for the italian or irish community which rights which I am I dont know what, thing about the irish community, the, because we know very little about the italian community. There are very, very few attacks. in july of roma have their world
Italians would throw my house when I lived in new york a lot of them, but I dont speak ready community. I speak for Dan. However, I don't treat act, voters any different that I treat italian or irish voters. So I'm getting of tired of people on twitter. Now that all pretending, because black or a sporadic that they speak for the black community. Either people aren't freaking robots, they're, not automaton. The melanin level of your skin doesn't mean shit. It doesn't mean anything other people may treat you poorly because of that, because racism is a real thing, but that speaks what about a soul than it does to anything about the melanin content your skin? Can we please stop with this over generalizing? It is ridiculous. Every time someone says hey while trump may be doing. Ok with some members of the black community and maybe moving up in the polls a little bit. It doesn't mean every member of the black community. It just means we're talking about polls, I'm really tired of a lot of these guys.
Influencers out there trying to shit on this guy rigour, the black communities. I got it you, with the black communities gonna. Do you have no idea? If you did, you would change it and do it stop treating black Others, like there's some weird. upset the population. They are american citizens who want this same. Damn sir you what I do. Kids jobs, soccer gains, baseball games, basketball games, ah chess games wherever their kids are doing their kids school god. I read in maryland in the united states. Senator is the it as one of the largest populations per capita black voters anywhere in america. There's nothing. We heard about going up a knocking, don't talk to black voters any different, you do any one else. I am sorry, but it's just really on my mind all weekend with this year. Do you see through job? Oh my gosh, you sometimes,
around social media. Oh it's just revolting. They talk about black voters like we have to like talk to black voters, different like they. Why? Why do you have to do that? The fact of the matter is donald trump is being persecuted, No, that doesn't make us donald trump- is in jail that black voters are relate more because it involves jail. It just means a lot of black voters like a lot of white are struggling like the whole olive re, anthony song, weapons to be white and turns out parenthood, and even like a lot of us anyway. A lot of people feel like the system after him over so when they see donald trump getting f over. It's not because they're black, it's because they feel like they got left over sorry for them. But I gotta tell you all weekend I mom really getting annoying. I responded back to someone this morning not that about the black. Can we apparently you don't either? Apparently, Europe really rapporteur, be black influenza
you guys out away they about the black hole you so they get this straight. You ve got a formula to get black voters over to the conservative side, where we re. really why black voters why voters hispanic voters who care about the country asian voters, whatever the also We haven't either so maybe shut the fuck up. Ok, and let us just do our thing and treat black voters like we treat every other child, a god. How about that? By the way is one of my favorites here's here you know Mr Michel said, but on my radio show a couple times she tears it up here. Should michelle, g is Jesus like hey man, she's just like about a man down with this. By being at all, what should we just discount this well she's black, so we gotta talk to them. I'm not talking to make any difference to anyone else and apparently she's. Not How can anyone else like their different either round of applause after this one check this out? Like a kid.
Not a good that he be lobbying. Is this a man that care should be as black or she's a woman argue about it. You should make a result feels like a lot of people, but rather if a guy sticking it to the man, then the man sticking it to the man. It is water, you're, damn right, it's run by the way people aren't stupid again. Talking to black voters like there is somehow their brains operate different than you like. They don't have a mig. The or a cerebral cortex is racist, they're, not different their dad steer moms their uncle
their sons, their brothers, you think they're not capable of processing our fullest shit. The Democrats are the democrats thick and a guy in jail repeatedly donald trump sake, get him in jail for a job thing to what everybody knows was at minimum a shady election in twenty one, twenty at minimum at minimum, and yet Democrats have done the exact same thing a play in this. for those you missed. It is a little many super caught up. Democrats. None under arrest, are being prosecuted for doing the exact same thing questioning it like you, think black voters don't see this way their different than you think look ten to twenty nine electoral votes cast by florida were cast by elect there's not lawfully certified. I
boats from this data was concept which were not should not be legally noted today. Mr president, I objected certificate from the state of georgia on the grounds that the electoral, though no debate desired, objectives certificate from this data, in north carolina the fifteenth also in the state of north carolina, and I object. I object to the certificate from the state of alabama. The electors were not lawfully certified. Is it signed by a senator not as of yet mister? In that case, the objection cannot be entertained. The objection not we Jane, it's not an order valid even with the original shine by day and there's no detained by the joint session. So there's no debate, there's no debate. Sixty years no debate and the mass please come to order, you actually were junior center, but the russian teen titans training in the united states code prohibits debate in the joint session. I do not wish to debate. I wish to
is there one united states senator who will join me in this latter function? Everyone can see what's going on here, the Democrats, doing the exact same thing. By the way I titled today's video, the next evolution. Basically there plot to take down tromp, I'm gonna, get to that. Second, because what I warned you is going to happen is happening now again, you think blackened spanish hispanic voters in voters don't see. There's you think there are any different points, I'm really sorry, but that's a racist statement. It is in its very essence all we need to talk to black voters. There they they need to be treated this. Why do they need to be what what? What? What are you talking about their human beings
that if the same exact concerns you do job security health care? Really they don't care about this stuff. That's the damn problem is that was so freakin of forever. So terrifying of talking to people like their human beings. Have you talked to black people like they're? Not if you don't talk to them special then you're, not coddling them, and you don't care about. When you say it, we don't need to cattle black Will they have the same exact concerns white people in asian people? Do? Why do we need to make us? That's racist. Do nothing! You can just ignore the bull shit, I've, I miss you. You will never go wrong with this golden rule. Treat people like human, beings and disregard the skin color, and you will be a ok. I promise you will make eurobond, gino rule and the fact that trump has so many people, terrified of movement within the black vote towards trump?
tells me we're doing something right by the waves at such a trump. They said this made a major move with the black vote down here in florida, female black voters, that what did he get fifty per, no, no work close, but he moved enough of a man school choices you to win the governors race in the first term, such as trump hotel, where people aren't changing. I get really pissed off about this topic is from foxes. We get polls show dwindling black support for by look at ease numbers, twenty twenty. by ninety one percent: support amongst black voters, we'll get it now. Sixty one percent look at trump: he want from eight to twenty. Now Joe I'm, not good man, but aid is more twenties. More than double eight writers carry this well yeah yeah is re, yet it Jos check it out as calculator who using here. That's gotta gets a good thing. So why we bitching about it on social media.
I'm really sorry, but I don't really care what color your skin is. Don't tell me like oh nothing's, going to happen. You don't speak for yeah, you don't speak for black people either. I speak for me about issues that people black and otherwise care about. So, let's cut the bullshit huh Are you forget the liberals, I'm talking about concerns you going on or weaken cause, there's a really, argument out there about what's happening. Someone said I should owed need. Suburban mom supports a moron on friday. That's. What I said of course trump should we We can get a lot of suburban moms yeah. It's a big problem, we was saying, is that the black vote may spanish vote would seem to be moving, maybe can compensate. We don't need at any one. Of course you need people what reading they I'm talking to black voters who are going to vote, even if he does well probably less proportions and suburban mobs, because every vote matters
We have so many negative nancy's. This primary is making me sick. I said on Friday. I'll say it again. I am not trying to be anyone's friend? I love you in the chat. I am loyal, but I owe you a quality, show full of facts and data and an honest opinion, and let me tell you something, as brotherly o told me brother LEO was a councillor in my school. I went to a catholic college. Was run by there by the merest brothers he passed. Brotherly oh said: he's they they do. This cancelling sessions all the time he said dan. Real man walk alone. Would you don't an opinion and you don't have enemies, then you don't have a show because you're fulla shit, I've said from the start the santa supporters you are supporting. greatest governor in the country. I love governor the sentence I choose We endorse donald trump. I love round the sand. Three, the nominee? I will vigorously support him too. If you don't like that, you're gonna. Take she
shots at mean, you think that's gonna help go fuck yourself. Ok, I'm dumb dead, serious! I love the governor. I loved the governor absolutely nothing bad to say about what he didn't florida. It's a miracle, but he did down here. I believe Donald was wrong and deserves another shot. If you don't like it, I don't give a shit, I'm not trying to be anybody's friend, I'm just I need to be an honest candidate host rather than a fence sitter, who tries to put his lips on everyone's ass to make everybody feel good. I'm not kissing up the black influencers or hispanic influencers. I don't give a shit. I care about people given rights and winning the damn election in saving the country. That's what I care about and of random this is the nominee. Then you would expect a full throated endorsement for me. After I happen, support trump. Now, I'm really sorry. If that opinion, does it make you happy all weekend I had a block like fifty people, because we block dipshit
twitter telling me what I said when they could just listen to the show themselves, probably tell I'm a little pissed off today cause I want to win folks, I want to win. I want to win a former f b, I agents become a close friend of mine called surf and he has his own show. The couchsurfing podcast he's become a real hero, guys, a whistle blower. He was an f b. I agent he nosy inside. He knows exactly what's going on in the inside of the fbi, he's done some damning interviews on exactly the corruption. He did this segment yesterday, it's about a minute and ten seconds of it about what you should do. The fbi knocks on your door. Now. Having said that, if the fbi comes to your door with an arrest warrant, a search warrant, it does you no good,
is going to get arrested on more charges. At that point, I am not telling you you're not entitled to due process. I mean obviously I'm a constitutionalist and please it's not what I'm saying at all, but I'm saying if this is some voluntary interview, my humble opinion, with this f b I now in this leadership I think you're crazy to talk to. I think you are, I think, you're in it. You have no idea what they are. Therefore they don't have to tell you the truth. You understand that right. Does everybody get that law enforcement is under no obligation whatsoever? To tell you the truth, I love law enforcement biggest advocate for the men and women in blue out there and not an advocate for corruption. However, and the f b I has been corrupted from the top down, doesn't mean everyone's corrupted, but the top ST go they've got to go at any age. You do complies with it needs to go to. I would not engage in any voluntary interview with the fbi right now until management changes over there,
it'd be a sucker, here's cow telling you exactly what to do book market geek. Can you make this a clip today? This is super important check this out. This is the real problem, with a lack of accountability with your federal agencies, and this is why trust in the federal system has to be absolute because people have to know that you and reputable things, and not going after people who are dealing with the face act. I'm not going. Two people were protesting abortion in front of a clinic in a peaceful way while praying cannot be the way that they engage in this sort of thing so unfortunate. If you can call the sheriff's department- and I encourage you to do so- and just say: hey, there's somebody here- you know they will try to have made it and they have different. They may be able to call from there the department. They may be able to call from the local police and no sir the field office and be able to do that, they can give you name. The only way that you'd really be able to check that if they gave you a full name, and they said I'm this person, I'm Russell gooch and from the atlanta field office. You can look up the phone number four. land, a field office. You could call their and ask if they have a rustle good! She was now out there. Would you ring
on his cell phone and patch me through to his cell phone. They actually do the ability to do down every up, yes, which works. That may be it. need to use if they're coming here asked you they're gonna come in a rescue, it won't matter, but if they're coming to talk, would you want to validate who they are and you're going to do it on your on your personal camera, and then you want to tag me on social media cause. I want to see that too, by all means the other answers this. If they claim to be feds, just don't don't answer the door, you don't need to talk to these people, there's no upside The back I had, or you had other then you may be able to catch them is something shady, but the downside is that you can beat. can a federal agents. Folks, I can't disagree with anything. He said I was a federal agent gs. Eighteen, eleven one month shy of twelve years, sound like I did it for a cup of coffee. I was a cop and a cadet with the police department for four years before that there is no upside. If you are an innocent person, was there a website for your guilty person either to be candid with you, but there is definitely zero upside whatsoever if you feel like you're being politically targeted and the fbi eyes at your door,
to speak with them. I'm I mean I don't know why anyone would say anything if there is not an arrest warrant and you're not being detained. I need you to understand something and I want to walk you through your rights quickly. Ladies and gentlemen, the miranda warnings that you ve heard on tv you right to remain silent. Those are right, When attorney that's real, that's an actual miranda decision in the miranda decision. They have to read that to you. If two things are in effect, custody, meaning you're, not free to go, you're, not free, you are being arrested and they are going to ask you questions. Ok, if they don't read you your miranda and you're, not in custody, and you are not being arrested, then they can't take you or talk to you,
just walk away, you understand that you don't have to talk to them. Even if you are arrested by the you have no obligation whatsoever. This speak at all at all, I'm just addressing the custody part if they re do you miranda you're, probably under arrest. You start on after talk, however, you don't even have to stay there.
If they're not reading you miranda and telling you you're being detained about suggesting, be rude, I wasn't going to do you any good either I mean just morally. You know you don't know what they're there for they could be there on some terrorism investigation I mean not every agent I mean they. They still have res bank robbers and stuff like that. You don't have to, but I'm just telling you there's, you have no obligation whatsoever to stay there, none unless they tell you you're being detained and you definitely have no obligation to talk. Even if you are detained that advice by kyle is darn right spot on call the local fb, I feel lovers say you're in Jacksonville Florida put a The search engine nearest fbi office say an agent whatever your name is jones. Please give me a second. I've got my hands out out just gonna call the local office. I hope I hope with that. You know it
it doesn't matter call the officer of two agents here: I'd like you to identify them their names are. Can I see your credentials please? They are obligated to show them to you and yes, sir. Those two agents are in fact in our office: you'd be crazy not to he can please put this on it. How important put this on the clubs today. Please you don't know why. Why do you know
if they're not they're there because look what happened yesterday, department of justice, three defendants: according to seventy year old women remanded immediately into custody for protesting abortion you're going to talk to the f b. I you think justice is fair of face act, violations or burn a courthouse down in portland what happens? Well, it's not that you probably get a cash award from the department of justice attacked a white house that a point where Donald trump has to be evacuated into a bunker during the Antifa floyd riots, no big deal anyone in jail over that nah protest, an abortion clinic your seventy year olds and you're, a woman you're to find yourself a jail remanded to custody immediately. He was certain of it. You said it right stay out of DC folks, it is occupied territory.
You get arrested anywhere near washed in d c, you're going to jail, not for a crime you're going to jail for your political police, and you have no way out either you gonna get a fair jury. A fairy usa assisting- and I say to turning fair judge. Good luck with that stay. The hell out of that place no matter what do yourself a huge favor, ten bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-30.