« The Dan Bongino Show

Be Very Careful, But Don't Live In Fear Of Fear (Ep 2108)

2023-10-12 | 🔗

The left is seemingly unable to stop running cover for terrorists. In this episode, I address the latest news about the war in Israel and a shocking report regarding Biden's time as VP.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on a shows its not immune to the banks with your host dan VON jean, I you know, I have to talk about this stuff, it's hard for me to talk about the staff, because I don't want to panic anyone unnecessarily viper if you are necessarily I'll be accused, the vienna listened fear response from the audience and it's not what I'm looking to do, but I'm looking to do keep your inform, he an form, because if I don't do that, I'll have failed to do my job at my job is unimportant. My job here I am here: I've been given this platform, I believe, by a high power, because this is what I was meant to do. If everybody informed than there's? No doubt it is a lot of information going round about tomorrow. Friday made attacks around the countries. I can to happen tomorrow. I don't know, but I can tell you this: enemies out. There are known for head fix and just
we really careful about that. I got a big showed me a lot to discuss. Our trump spoke last night's audio clubs from at a prior. U n a lot to talk about So most all americans are gonna. Taxes for this year are from a previous year, unless of course, you son of a president or the wife of an express the irs and binds government want your money more than ever and, as you know, it's been reported there. Hiring thousands of aid on a table tax mitigation, company called america. First tax group, america, first tax laws and experts. You see me stand up to the irs and save taxpayers. Thousands at eight hundred to seven to seven six wondering whether you Oh taxes, Oregon o this year, america first cannot put. Those tat was back into your pocket where they belong. America first tax, professionals are also experts, stay taxes and can help protect you from levies, leans and garnish. Let's call eight hundred to seven through seven six, one, three, by using the same tax laws, the global elites use america first tax group could be your own prime tax army check him out. reduce seventy seven, six, one, three, that's eight hundred! U seventy seven, six one three or go to a
a first tax group, dot com now again call aid. Reduce. Seventy seven, six one three or go to america first tax group that comrade Joseph time been? Oh, yes, it is ok, So did you see this notification came out from near my pity? I pity orders all cops are important, uniform after eczema chief calls for global protests. Now, having been a member of the mai pity they all these things mobilizations, will are when, if you're a police officer- and you had a vacation or a day off that day off his cancel their levels immobilization. Now I dont know what level this mobilization wasn't hearing. It was one of the higher level ones. This is typically big deal the me. I'm wide peaty doesn't like to do this. This is kind of the inside baseball. You gonna get here. You're not gonna, get anywhere else, because it sounded boost for these denmark there. The reasoning why did doesn't do this is why any employer doesn't like to call a mobilization. There are points
there's your employees all four, Nobody wants to hear that their miami vacation or their vacation to the bahamas was cancelled, because this because here's what happens if the threat real and the cops up to work and they cancel the family, vacation or the family goes without them. What are you guys in the chat? Think happens what what happens if they get to work, and they gather the back home, the wife's pasted, the husband, what I'll bet you gotta go to work again, not and even happened. It was all bs man. what I'm trying to get at here is the n Y p d. Doesn't call these things often, so they probably know something and the animals p D there are the members of the n Y p d, the detectives a lot of first grade detectives, second graders as well. These guys I wouldn't make the case to you strongly or something the best terrorism investigators in the world, because there the terrorism part of the world, which is new york city, which
always number one or two on any threat level. Now So the guys who are feeding the information. The mit pity is one of the few police departments around the country that has direct channel two. Overseas intel hours something people are no. They don't. do the federal government's imo they can and they do, but it can go around them and use their own channels and they will thereby p d you get guys in there and I'm not listening. You know we got good and bad guys like anyone else. However, the mit he's got detectives in there of I have been working ten and fifteen years specifically on terrorism now, Even some of these have pr guys there, work, financial cases, computer crimes, bank, robberies, maybe surveillance, and then eventually you get to terrorism. Some of them are good, but some of them just aren't. Some of them are new. These don't have a body of experience
if they are ordering all their cops report. In uniform- and this is say a level one mobilization folks, they know something They definitely no something and they know being serious Why do they know something? Because Hamas is talking about it? Hamas commanders talking about it themselves. I'll show you the evidence in a second I just one. You to keep one thing in mind, these terrorists are known, forehead fix When I was in my last line of work, someone's the me what's the safest day to be in a presidential motorcade, is the day after an attack, because that's but everybody's on a war for some time, What these guys will do. These terrorists is call for the obviously friday. Thirteen there's gonna be a mass massacre and nothing Athens and again, all the m Y p d, guys and others are like oh man look at is this is just another false alarm and then what happens? The next friday they come in? telling you to live in perpetual fear folks, and I'm not going to give you.
you stupid lines either and the tears with a terrorist only win if they kill you before you kill them. Ok forget stupid lines like that, but it is one of the goals of terrorism to make sure you live in fear tell you fears a real thing for years. A healthy thing to help you keep your head in a swivel, don't live in feed, fear thou, embrace it fear. we're keeps you alert, keeps you alive to be afraid of which sounds kind of oxymoronic, but it's true it's a natural part of why. Keep your head on a swivel during I'll make sure you know how you gonna get out of a place or duck into a place if you're in Restaurant sit looking at the door if you're in restaurant, make sure you understand that there's a backdoor outside the kitchen, typically, if you're the church understand that when the attackers come into churches, which they typically do, they always come in the back. Why did they come in the back in church? Anybody know Joe you, Churchill me this can where's everyone look in front I, why, whose front the priest
It's all right, so gentle play and drums chosen. The bad there not watching Joe. This way everybody's facing forward is why they like attacking churches, so so why they like attacking schools everybody's Hundreds in one direction or where better in a bar Jim start, shooting a place up just telling you be careful, but don't in fear of fear. That is actually what they want. Everybody hiding scared. We can fight these people, we're gonna, have to fight these people. But why we put this stuff out, but whose folks they're, putting this stuff out again. This is a this hysteria. By guys, were you guys get in this room for other people For the thousand time I didn't interviews morning on the great casey em, all station. We just one live on city your baby to be there, and they asked me about the situation one. So one of the most frustrating things about this situation have said for a few days now and I will be no peace this thing to death, because I its eyes.
Eating at my soul, like you wouldn't believe, is this: savage, doesn't care what side you're on here. Folks, you are not going to be able put up beside this, is free palestine, for they will shoot you dead. They don't care. You're, shake novara had is not going to help you here moss commanders going public? What I've been telling you this? coming here? Is a goal Bullfight may have to view it a little bit. So why should a screen here? Because it's not obvious in english but play that if you would. And the only were alone, we speak about the army of Jerusalem and the battle of the promise of a hereafter. How do we are not talking about integrating our land alone that we believe in what our prophet Mohammed said about there being no more Allah drew the ends of the world with one another. For my sake, not enough and I have seen eastern and western and dominion of my nation when reese those items that have been drawn near me.
the entire five hundred and ten million square kilometers of planet earth come under a system where there is no injustice. Oppression, no treachery, no zionism. No we're not talking about liberating our land alone, we're talking about planet earth, dog You don't have to listen to me. Listen to them all the time, in the world that, whatever political party you align with from libertarians to conservatives to me, oh conservatives or whatever it doesn't matter, bro. doesn't matter. Doesn't matter they don't care. You can negotiate with this. Guy are now I'm a libertarian, I'm trying tom, real, I'm genuinely trying to help you, man. I'm really trying to help everyone at the distant. This threat is real when you, stare at the demons- and you see the demons
you can never unseen. This threat is real. They don't care about the entirety of planet earth. What certainly we most- and I brought it up by yesterday, but I'll bring it up today is the drones. folks, the drones or a new technology. I don't what you're gonna put on these drones, but even minor explosive set off overtime, square, beverly, hills, louis nashville on a saturday night could call real death, real chaos and people would know what to do the problem. We drones Milosevic is there in the air. As I said yesterday, we can't fly their hard to take down. but small arms attacks or on their minds? If you ve seen some of the notifications lately, you know they're trying to obtain large fed weapons.
With the ability to you know these guys. This is why you need to be armed as well. Why do you need an eight hour? Fifteen? That's why? Because the guy with the high powered rifle staring down you, he doesn't care about gun control laws. He cares about killing you your choices, to shoot back or be kill. That's it! there's no option see why you Watch this video here This is a small arm attack. This is what happened in their kibbutz right. go on our right on the go on board a watchword. They do here, you'll see, there's this car. They kick Into the community, because the gates clause shows you how even minor deterrence like a game can delay them, but it delayed them If there was someone in a security presence up front, this may have gone down a little differently, but they go to the they way for this car to pull up obviously shoot up the car. They don't care that anyone's innocent. The guy could add a free palestine thing in a car. It all again my point: it doesn't matter they shot up there. Our doesn't make a difference: everybody's dead they way for it, but the gate they walk in our folks
massacre in this community is really unspeakable and given that we have suffered through now, for days of this horror. I'm really trying keep the imagery they're, not Because I want to minimize it at all, but folks, I think, for it's getting hard to tell Getting for a lot of us these small arms tactical assaults are really difficult to stop. the only barrier is sneak in a weapon. It is still a barrier. Some of these, We know weapons if its kalashnikov or a full length barrel. Are there not easy to sneak into downtown times square either? Not you will be able to put you, you know you could take it apart, put it together in a bag. I guess eta. Store somebody something come out with their, not daddy. It's the only barrier and its believe me, it's a small one but these small arms attacks were drones and explosives. This is how it's gonna go down. They ve got expire. in doing this, and when you have a blood lost, it doesn't make a difference,
really care of someone's hold their baby wait. I got my baby they'll they'll doesn't matter. This was tray. Yanks, yesterday's been do an amazing reporting. Yanks was off from fox. He was out there. but where this happen- and I want you to keep in mind the reason I'm using him and the imagery years babbitt's it's it's it's the best can a right now The reason I'm using yanks is we're, not friends. I don't remember one out for coffee together. They adapt but work together. At fox the text as real mutation for being kind of a just. reporter and not a bombastic guy. So when he's too About seeing a crime scene, it be an emotional about it. Here probably means it here. Listen to this Bodies littered the town of the area, You can see here its complete and total destruction all the houses are destroyed. Many were blown up with our policies or other explosives.
People were shot and killed in their beds executed at point. Blank range- this is, the most horrific thing I have ever seen. Youngsters in afghanistan with the taliban, the guy's been in every war zone, russia, ukraine he's been all. Were the world these colonies. The worst thing he's ever seen. This is I am cautioning you right now to just yes, The ask questions is fair task when questions is dumb. The details and all the horrors. Fine people are going to get details wrong that this stuff happened is salute the indisputable, we're gonna get lost with the science rose, you're going to find yourself dead to one day,
No problem people asking questions what I do have problems with our people discrediting the severity of the danger wherein, right now in an attempt to get some likes on twitter. It making stupid. Now? Is it bad enough? Yet the Biden world in chaos and by the way. Why is Joe Biden getting a pass other questions. I've had I've had for a few days and some people are Either side of this debate that really aside of this debate, but at least the bay debate about our involvement, that's what happened? People fairly enough said. You know what we should talk about: the intelligence failure. Now we can wait till later. I disagree. I want to talk about the intelligence failure now, what in Israel. What happened here, but I ve is that a lot of this is focused on Israel. Obviously, that's where they happen. Good question: did the intelligence fail? Why would we want to know that? Because we don't want it to happen again.
But have you noticed a strange lack of curiosity, ass, you how our cia, an essay d, I army, intel military intelligence in general notice. The strange lack of curiosity about our intel failure for there were twenty five americans kill. How did we miss this? where's the cia to occupied spying on americans, school board meetings, it's not a fair question. If you all in the chapel, like guess this is well, you noticed by It's a free pass on this one. the need in yahoo government no good question there divide and government? No didn't give you right job records, jack shit. Or maybe they did. they told you on Monday would all these I Amy and sympathisers in our government set out
A question to ask. That's why I'm skeptical of anything that comes out of this administration by them? It is a bad enough yet that they'll start asking questions by was I'm asking questions here's even cnn, shocked by the priority of all this stuff cnn, oh my guys, is eighty It is about the left, you, figuring this out now no more air sea and a squad come on guys skip the programme in this area this does. These last few days have been a real. I opening buried for a lot of people out of Democrats, a progressive in terms of anti semitism on the last one people who seem more shocked at dehumanizing language. By world leaders to describe for mass then want some us actually perpetrated on saturday, Death. Sorry is none of these issues like What to do? This
It is right in front of your face that these people, they they hate. You they hate anyone whose an infidel anyone who's, not a totalitarian islam or fascists. They hate every what they say. They said they scream death to america? You didn't notice. are democrats finally going to wake up. That is that at the party at the home of terrorism in the united states sanctioned legal political terrorism, sadly, is on the left. you're centre at Marcie again? another liberal lunatic, not bag. Is it Yet our people waken up- I don't know he was speaking at a rally of probably a Democrat, and he starts talking about
yes collation after Israel, which is brutally attacked. I want you to listen to our response in a crowd check this out. It was me eighty escalation of the current, by was united, says a joke. a right just look at his face. He so used to go out in front of democratic, liberal kooky groups spouting the talking you know to talking points guys right. your parents. Words we because the white patriot, he did ass, one are you there you're even over to respond. He didn't have a back up, talking point someone
sweet it out this morning, this wall street account. I read, it was a fascinating tweed, keel, the latest one The guy you said a right to use the website can see who's right now. Folks, wherefore ceremony get that is by disabled. Confused right now, because lips think for themselves their like the borg and star trek. They think what a hive mine and here, the thing they don't know what to think, because the traditional liberal talking heads have now seen their own families, some of em killed or friends. Them kill that israel are now like, hey, listen, maybe those end. The occupation talking point you're stupid an ellipse way. You could you ve told me to say that for years, what do I say now they don't right, you didn't know they do go to get the wash you two couples. Hilarious is that they are genuinely confuse they're, saying what they ve been told to be say, and the occupation and see owes you like about higher and this guy. He support. brutal savagery, the butchering of children, a raping of women. Like I don't know, I don't like way way. We said that a year ago, in uk Promotion, nobody knows
to do on the left. You see how people Your bullet is to be on our side and act with me. ro clarity in hard times, Folks, I'm so honoured you're here with me. And I'm so honoured in the last four days that not only have none of you left, but the audiences got bigger and more massive because this It's easy to speak with moral clarity. You don't have to Amid: u s troops, you don't have to go, a dollar to anything for you, Absolute, absolutely be able to say if one baby was shot in the face or decapitated or forty had their heads and legs cut off. We Probably shouldn't, kill babies there, no justification, you see, when you have clear europe, the worry about any of this sum hard man sought hard. I don't know he says a lot it. What a liberal juice may vote different. I hope so I hope.
But alas, he again is it bad enough? Yet I don't know I don't know. I want to play a clip. trumpet the! U n a while ago, because again you have to speak clearly on this stuff. You have to speak clearly on this stuff and why he watches greasy iranians didn't like this at all. They don't like to be all doubt what play that way. When I'm next, and I want to show you again how the lamb and these terrorist murderers, how its end natural symbiosis they ve talked about forever. They share one thing in common, a hatred of liberty and freedom. All you have to do is listen to them. Take a quick break! Thank you! All! Seventy five thousand. I really appreciate your support. It means so much thanks a lot. I guess we're cos americans about eleven billion billion dollars a year, the which is Kids get sick them. School parents, miss work, they get sick to that
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rich history and culture into it. economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports our violence. bloodshed and chaos. The longest suffering victims of iran's leaders are, in fact its own people Rather than use its resources to improve a lives, its oil profits, go to fund hezbollah and the jurors that jail innocent muslims and attack their p. Full arab. and israeli neighbors the iranians didn't like dad pretended like check. His phone was moving around in his chair. You where's diaper, some like that. I'm trying to get at here is The only one other people speak clearly on the issue too, but this doesn't understand anything other than shrank. The savage doesn't understand anything other than threats to their own livelihood.
I know you get that in the listening audience and I don't mean sounded anyway condescending to restate the obvious, but this which doesn't understand negotiation and on standby, embody off so about land. You're gonna give them. This is not a land deal this about one thing: jewish christian blood in any blood of the non believers. That's what this is about. Make no mistake, speaking, who moral clarity you'll be safer and you'll never be on the wrong side of history. Really starting to me, I've been the last few days- have been really hard for me because sk provide- I woke up this morning and I put out o my twitter account, I've never been more clear, resolute when I know my mission is now and too many people are conflicting political. arguments of yesterday with with life or death arguments of tomorrow. I mean, imagine being in horror, movie, get ready of your head cut off and trying to negotiate about marginal tax rates.
to explain it to you. You have You need at time in human history because of the technology, a unique threat, now. You know I hate. The word unique. Has its error likely over used grotesquely over you, but it's real you have drone technology explosive? technology more powerful e s, p technology, mp technology, nuclear proliferation you have real issues going on right now the ability of people to walk across the border. There is a very unique threat right now, folks, I've been warning, you forever. Something is going to go down. What happens some goes down. People like thereby Juno's what we say, and sometimes you ve got. It went down how much else you need to go out. I told you they knew something. everybody was telling me they do something I did know what it was. I was clear on that. Maybe now we know, but
being assisted by left this in the united states,. Here's be elam leader, patrice collars. I want you to listen to all of us again. So there's no confusion out their whatsoever. Are there not come in for me? they're, just come in for the Jews. Oh they're, coming for you, you are you or the Hamas commander himself themselves. These lying and there finding a home with liberal, not jobs, we liberals, lunatics the b l unfounded patrice colors on Israel, the eggs It that please explain to me how these talking points or anything different than what the terrorists are. We listen. Thing I'll say is: palestine. Is our generation south africa and if we don't step up thirdly, and courageously to end that the imperialist project that caught Israel were doomed
and I think that I had learned about palestine for a long time. about it, been wanting to travel, and I was really really grateful when they dream defenders asked me to come on the delegation nothing would have prepared me for the level of middle earth militarization and the and the level of violence that we would witness those ten days inside of palestine and nothing whatever prepared me for the way in which we, this people's terror people, in terror on a daily basis. Nothing would have prepared me for how much clarity. I would have Why we have to be a part of palestinian solidarity? I play it's for you, because she's spouting the exact same talking points are the people who perpetrated the terror this week, the eggs- at once.
What I've always respected about our side, the liberty and freedom fighters, the real one you, the real one,. Is we understand real new ones, that fake nuance. we understand real nuance like tat, There's gonna be civilian casualties. Yes, we should do our best to minimize mrs civilized man. Targeting civilians in any in any way is abhorrent targeting there are, however, going to be in a real world than a real fine casualties of war, the are unavoidable, but it and I ask you in the chair: of logic. If patrice collars was talking and categorical them is open to real new ones are fake nuance, She said to herself the terror. I saw where's that come from. Why in this situation in the first place. Oh, because the israelis are constantly under attack by terrorists,
group residing in their territory, that's committed themselves to the extermination of the Jews from the river to the sea I have an interesting for Six chapters of the book to leave our right he started in chapter seven patrice. Maybe get one do six. First. They share one thing in common, be elam anti. and the people who shot that baby. They hate you, oh care about your shade of our ashore at all or whatever papa ever allegiance to the republican party, so brands you have a libertarian great. I have a lot of libertarian tendencies myself in the economy. Global wars. They don't care not even a little bit. I don't want to get some others of a lot of stuff happens. Shriek vote, please the odd
of K. Stop this guy. I have I have vigorously defended aref F case right to speak and I will continue to, but I have warned you you know it. You ve heard it this guy. is not. One of us don't fall for these stun- oh my god, he's going to take away from voters? He's not? take away from voters. I respect the guy's running for office, I respect is right to speak. We play for them and will vigorously defend him rumble to the end no doubt about it, but that doesn't mean we should be supporting this guy. I got gotta be absolutely clear and I'll show you what I mean coming up with a minute where people are getting played by this guy. I got dad penn state abbott penn state, I went at penn state. I did my mba there. I gotta tell you I'm embarrassed by their handling of this riley gates thing I'll, show you, the vintage videos grab my bag. Yes, you are in order. I've for folks and a child. What's a time for tell me, are you know it
You think there's any sniff left job s. Real yeah try. What are we talking about yeah it? Why coffee, tired of the same old, liberal, coffee companies and suck? So I approve The personally recommend, as I drink it, black alcove drink it all that this morning. There is awesome folks, it is strong, but it's never bitter it's incredible how they made it so strong without these bits loved to cover, company one hundred percent committed to conservative vice source in the beads of you on the chat sites. you guys are gay. They law, the country made or high to look at the bag. It's a two way. That's not the apparent It stands for second amendment source and beans to roasting customer support, a shipping again incredible work ethic there
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who s ccs dot com. Slash then go tonight, banks usc every appreciate, ok, hopes! You saw this article b point. We put it up the other day. Or this is super important. Please do not fall for this. This is a. scam! Here's Scam, go in all manner of k right now and listened in its job flag, chats, there's flag at play, the job I want to see a flag it now here is going to be the talking point as we go forward, you gonna see it every day there are going to say- oh my god, Rfk is going to do so much damage if he gets in the race he's going to take all the trump support away. It's going to destroy job there. We go see the flags. I it's going to happen. It's going to have you're going to see these articles going forward categories and gentlemen, if let me just say some: if room they've made their flagship, I love it. You guys with the flags. This is like the byway family or if the mainstream media is telling you something its power probably wrong: you can
almost, never almost never go wrong. If the left wing lunatic media is telling you something you you do, the opposite. If their say are of K, man, you can It is better, be careful. This guy's gonna take our trump in a three way: race, remiss Debbie's. What Debbie he's gonna take out by a hundred percent. Let me ask you a question chatters question on gino army. Do you know a single trumps supporter at the embassy, I'm serious, if your let us now, I'm not I'm not taking around right. Do you know a single trumps supporter out there whose, like you know a man, I like that are of key better. You know have tromp I'm going I don't I'm not saying they don't exist? I know a lot of people, I don't. I few people say I like tat. I ve got in and I like you speak out against. By does anybody know
no! No! No! No! No, I am you see any ss geek. No ok walk now he's her trying to keep the casino, minimum that I've been hot. All we know is one yes, okay, so was one person now I carried to you if I were to ask that question and abiding chat room in my name- wasn't dead bond gino baton, Bonn, giorno! The answer would be about fifty. Fifty yes, dull police, You are totally getting play. Here's why I respect this guy I will absolutely platform this guy this guides. Can Yeah. I've invited him on my radio show, because I believe in here what everybody has to say. I'm and free speech as free speech, absolute but he is not one of us he's in close to one of us he's not even in the ball park of being. One of us here I mean he was on ahead of you the other day and challenges basically rosamond s, him so simple questions and he does I is an tell me.
Again this disguise gonna take trump's support away, stop check it out. Do you still believe the nr raise a terror group. I support this kind of man and, like I do all the amendments to the constitution and annoy you. This was the second amendment you called in twenty eighteen. He said park when students are right behind our raise a terror group. Do you believe that? I dont considerably and are a terror room. He regrets tweeting, then twenty eighty. I don't recall tweeting twenty eighteen by if idea As I said John, I don't engender the may turn group and I support the second amendment to your group. endorsing AL gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie sanders over the years I
recall all endorsing Bernie sanders. I like Bernie sanders. I I voted for Barack obama, like. I don't regret that I don't folks guys- not one was okay period. The story, recall, say me and raised the terror group. It isn't recall endorsing every single Democrat that ran for present the twenty years he supports rock obama. That's gonna, take what you have to be a real tool, of a republican, a vote for this guy. Why do I bring this? today, and I've was of sight I put this here and because I did not want to missus story and the coming to an end tomorrow, because it goes To the argument, beginning of the week about the speakers raised going on right now, we still have a speaker do not. Fall in love with politicians fall in love with their actions and the outcomes of their actions. That is it that is it
There's a couple of smart ass conservatives, Betty's conservatives who gave a platform tariff cable At now. I regret shit what's What are you guys right to speak? Gotta lotta got to run for president is These decisions are bad comes to those decisions would be horrendous. We was president, but those are too from things, give I am absolutely in my right to question why he doesn't seem to recall calling me generate group, but he's I decided he has to say it all right. It is all right to say a bigger. God given right. He's, just as you said he, I am sorry, I tweeted, I don't believe it. fall in love with politicians. There are now People amazingly the tie, into the speaker's race going on. We still don't have a speaker. because these colleagues has the geo p nomination, but it doesn't matter, you got a hundred. Thirteen votes he needs two hundred and seventeen
just because you gotta majority, the geo peacock s doesn't mean, is gonna, be the speaker. Amazingly some of the same people who are telling me last week you cheer on this guy or as if, by the way, giving me and ultimate him. That's the quickest way for me to tell you to go out for yourself like instantaneously. You think spawn ultimatums you, you got you you're, you don't know me brow at all I even a little bit married. some of the same people. Are you gonna, get behind this guy. Behind when we get a good outcome, some of the same We'll tell me a better give. I've got sky are now complaining gates, endorse, galleys or said Scully, so we better them accordingly. this problem I cried out. Oh, I don't care what he says. All I care How does the outcome gets gullies. Any act, acts more conservative, the Mccarthy way to go back aids. If you- Scully city turns out to be a squish worse the mccartney.
Terrible job market. I don't I don't know, I don't need to applaud anyone or kiss anyone's ass. Bobby Kennedy gates Are these Scully snow one? and you should neither- I told before politicians. Suck I'm sorry they get paid the lie therein additives are to why I saw it. when I ran all these groups, so can be innocent the capitol hill club and you think, they're there to help you out there to help you they're there to help them will give a damn about you. They don't care about you, Once you keep that in your head, you'll understand. Alright, on a lighter note, it's been a tough so- I want to china dubious stories so this happening and stay. You know really gains the swimmer.
Who strongly objects, she's a female, obviously the swimming against men who wouldn't so. I got a lot to swim against the dude. I think I should swim against women. There are others that all testosterone, lung capacity, muscle shrank bone density thing. It's gotta names it's called biology was is going to speak up They need turned into a big debacle. They had a table set up. One is talk about europe. regular common sense policies like maybe we should have women compete against women couple a lunatic showed up and I stated and watch the video we're gonna play next. They probably should have they decided going to turn over the table and in the world now consequence, they'd be celebrated, but its inquiry work out. That way, we can work out how we check this out. Have you What
There are two transport: you are transport, they got the fact that the time you're hot and right now I don't even like you're trying do you wanna know back in a flash me like that, and we need the same are rather less environmentally sound,
I believe with someone are we being detained? Yes, we are making arrest of the people. Okay, you can put into them. I just don't want it to be an all around fun being arrested the time. He said a right notion. Your folks. What what are you see in that video go on and the? What do you see in that video? There jets, are aware mass, of course, the same people who believe a microscopic virus can make its way around a mess with all basically relatively that big compared to a virus. This aim people where it of us and I think tat this is smart, ass generation. Now the smartest generation. I encourage you to watch the great roger scare, anybody in shadow, roger scary, listen, my radio show roger occasionally make an appearance on the radio show roger scare. We love roger sky. There's got these I kind of like lessons he puts on line
and there really short and brief, but listen for the generation of mask wearing table turning smart asses, who thought they could destroy people's property and not get arrested? Now you have a criminal record because you're a moron encourage you to watch this fine tutorial to about thirty seconds and spread. This do your friends and you won't have to find out we're talking about how we can find out and how much we can find out what it takes to get there so first to decide how much do we want to find out? So let's say, guys I want to find out at level of seven goes. I find that level on my ground. Like a war, is always to my great line. Where is it My great yet, why come straight down for their sex with my father? Well, why? Don't you tell me How much I have to fuck around to find out what I need to find out
She could see the more if I, the more gonna find out and also if you stay here and you never thought around your neck, find out so I hope This was the result. All thank you now you roger for that valuable lesson. I encourage all the smart smartness generation morons out there and this the kids out their fight for liberty. In freedom on campus man. I love you got a lot of balls ain't, easy to be a conservative out there on campus that the smart ass is wearing the masks flipping. The tables watch roger valuable lesson, F round you're going to find out- I have a couple more things, Need a little bit of comic relief yesterday, it's been a hard day can always get that, of course from the white house, a green job. Here anyone changing their vote now, Joe gay anyone Jim gear change. You develop. Please inform me the attacks, up here is given a press conference yesterday, journalists? Actually, as some journalists
I've question, which is always a surprise Ok, listen! You guys keep talking about lowering the national debt deficit except the devil. it's three hundred billion dollars more than it was last year You got an explanation for that, so it's more if you get more like not let more is which mean eighty decrease. It is actually more so crazy. Are, of course, who I never ever ever escapes that talking point or had just rock and rolls with the talking point anyway check this out the CBS with a budget deficit totaled one point, seven trillion, which is an increase from three hundred billion last year. Why did the increase in the us economy is doing so? Well, the president has said so a couple of things. As you know, the president has when it comes to the deficit, he has done a record amount of work and reducing the deficit, as you just laid out and up
one of the things that we have seen as that congressional democrats continue to do the trickle down economics which we don't. We know it doesn't Right, we have heard, is called mega dynamics rate. What's she can't get off the dog boy met to take it off boy. She cared no matter what fires away with this. Well, yet we are three focusing on deficit reduction, by the way? It's only get worse for the Biden administration. Look at its article, two federalist The no evidence crowd is running out of reasons to keep saying no evidence, as vice president Joe Biden emails, his brother and son about far business more than twenty twenty two point. Nine times funny with no twenty nine thousand times. I felt kind of a problem. What were they emailing about? tat. There was no evidence of a relationship between into all this happened yesterday to the overall,
committee put out a an interesting tweet folks, Joe on flag. This one. This was a big flag. I told you this was going to come out here. Guys on unflagging is on flag. It I told you this was coming out. Then I told you The ukraine documents they were swirling away in the pen Biden centre. Clearly clear at this point are related to Joe Biden taking money from ukraine. I think what Joe Biden was doing was selling information a ukraine request provide information through his son hunter, all love, breaking yesterday by the house oversight committee discover No information about the document scandal by his attorney turn. He said that the discovery of the documents occurred on over second twenty, twenty two with the pen Biden centre the committee develop some evidence showing the timeline of events that advice at least five white house employees really
It is legal team, omitted months of communications, plant in coordination among wise, ass officials of vp, staffer and pen bind centre employees and his personal attorney to go and get those boxes event forward depend Biden centre. So reasonable explanation as to why this many white ass employs and lawyers were so concerned with these boxes, they believe, can and only personal documents, immaterial thereby judo shows right again you all our success months ahead of the news one. I tell you a while ago what was Biden hiding classified documents in the pen Biden centre for because they were likely ukraine documents with information. He was trafficking to ukraine and getting paid z appointment in ukraine through his son. I'll look at this. Always the managing director of the pen Biden centre, whose
by the name of doktor, Michael carpenter,. It is right there. Where do we know from I don't know Joe, maybe this video, where he's on stage Joe Biden talking about fire and a prosecutor in ukraine, looking into his sons, business relationship the anti says. Michael knows that's the same Michael carpenter, but yourself There is another billion dollar loan guarantee, and I got commitment from Portugal and from The arts did, they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so they said they added. They walked out the press concerning us and I'm not going to work or when we're not going to give you the billion dollars. you have no authority you're, not the president. The said I should call him I said I'm telling you now get two billion dollars. I said you're not getting the billion I'm I will be leaving here. I think it was what six hours I looked as I'm leaving in six hours and the prosecutor is not fired. You're, not getting the money.
Son of a bitch fire they put in place someone was solid at the time others still day. So they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally and with people. But of the three institutions there is now some backsliding, the courts there and yes, and they had made the commitment that they wouldn't do that, and so, when we left the first thing I spent a lot of time, as did mike because this was his territory. Is why, because this was his territories. People like charlie corruption and civic tory. I appreciate put in a sound effect together. It's obviously edited but sat edited for content for a fact
talking about Michael carpenter, businesses, territories. I thank you Runs the pen Biden centre where they sk whirling away the ukraine documents because this is his territory. What does Michael carpet? You know why folks and listened not appear not to be a deck here, but. Why is why am I the only one talking about this. I was a criminal investigator, but you need, I of those skills to put this together this case a bite me yes, I'll be tape, is famous everybody seen it all. You have to who was listened to the rest of the tape too and out he's talking about fire in the ukrainian prosecutor. Looking into this deal with Michael car The right onstage who then want to take over ten Biden centre where they squirreled away, documents alleged to be about ukraine and then, as the
beside committee reported, a bunch of lawyers and white ass people freaking out over months ago get back there. they know between. There is no reasonable explanation why this many employees were so concerned with these boxes. If they were, only personal documents. What's the big deal, I I'm not trying to be a know it all. I miss a lot of stuff too. I get it. You can't like go and changes in this business. What we have to talk about, what are we not going to talk about it? dead, but this is the most obvious scandal in american history. Joe Biden got acts The classified information about Create in russia and basic he appears to have been selling it to ukraine to his son. Someone that about it of ukraine, wanted and fired and carpenter problem We know about the whole thing, sober we know about the whole thing he went over to attend
widen center, and it appears that state took all the documents and brought with them. This is depots, is scandal in political history brow you just got Look at it now when frustrate I don't know what the house is doing behind closed doors, so no one with tiny one there, I'm sure they're on this. I hope, but this is such an easy scandal. The dismantle. yeah, I'm gonna go to add the jeff courting that could cause there's going folks. One ass. They want to leave you with some good news, some really good. I get this question a lot fairly. enough, then voting system is screwed up. What's the point, I get it brothers and sisters because my elbows don't work art pound, I'm with your brothers. I get it It's a fair question to ask if the system is unfair. What's the point, however, there is good news. I need you to be realistic to
Florida has done a lot to clean up its voting system. Can you cheat? Of course you can shoot in even the most secure system, it's hard in florida, Joe she has taken some big steps. Remember we have to have a clean voting system in fifty states. I'd love to god willing. Please. But if we have enough in swing stage, we can still win a national election. Even a cheated. I dont want that, but I can't make the the perfect the enemy of the good, Huge news out a north carolina. We now have clean up scenarios zone, arizona, big changes in georgia, big changes in florida and carolina the general assembly just overruled the governor, the democratic governor tried to block these election reforms. Listen to this sucker box out. retention of election records for twenty two months. Now the combine. With the voting rights act,
clarification to authority and restrictions on some of these Paul observers is more than not pretty good restrictions up at once. You get the second part There's more to this same day, registering addresses are now checked, return mailings we trigger retrieval, voted regular ballots, exceed after absentee balin challenging period to five days, to close it. Seven thirty, all absentee mail accounts must be received, makes it a misdemeanor crime for any one of them. The board of elections to a fix, a tracking code to an absentee ballot provide The new process for removing non citizens from fraud or less an impulse a pilot tests for signature, verification on male and envelopes. This good stuff. Is it the best stuff? No, is it good stuff? Yes,
I'm just telling you the reason we got these voter reforms in florida and georgia. North carolina is cause you voted despite the cheating gotta a load of new republicans in a north carolina and changed the whole system. I it is cheating and times we have to win in spite of it when we went in spite of it. We should change it so that we can minimize the cheating and that's what's happening. This is really really good news. give a pat on the back to our people. Are the republican legislators are north carolina they're? Getting our folks, I gotta run back here to morrow again. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. For sticking with the show you nowhere stan, I mean states first guy, but I am also a humanity first sky and I'll, never on the side of the savages, and I'm glad you with me in this fight hundred two thousand four hundred people here at such an honor. the fill this football stadium every day were patriots like you love your join us every day. Eleven a m rumble dotcom, slash mancino. I was in the shadows
ten o clock the park in which some folks I'll see you there set up an account download the rumble up. It's all free rumbled outcome, slash punch! You see you back here. tomorrow. You just said dan bungee nausea
Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.