« The Dan Bongino Show

Are We Being Told The Whole Story About Those “Leaks”? (Ep 1991)

2023-04-14 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the suspicious circumstances surrounding the arrest of the suspected leaker of classified documents.  

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan Ben je. No do you remember braveheart the most. Have you seen that movie I've seen it probably four or five times start to finish rubber old one old, barber with spears and or severity haven't seen it sea. It is really good movie. I want to hold on this story I'm gonna hold until I draw any conclusions about the leaker or suspected weak are allegedly Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, correct, sure I'm ready to dive in a pool yet And I want to tell you why, because I, as someone said the chat, thank you all for joining the eleven a m chat. I approve she had then always brings the receipts. Yes, I do going to bore you with a bunch of useless speculation without producing some receipts as to why I'm speculating that we they want to hold not
jesting there's some grand conspiracy here, the individual rested another you do it, I'm just saying: there's something awfully suspicious about this thing and how it just snap crackle pop stay tuned, there's your but express bbn everyone's everyone's talking about our chat and a eyes can change the world tech companies are all investing heavily in asia for search, but guess what are the same? Companies have the power to censor so search results. That's why I use express bbn add a layer of protection between me and big tech. The express bbn pies my unique ip address and all my devices. It makes it difficult for big tec to identify who I am and match motive. My activity back to me super easy to use. Listen, I'm not that tech savvy. It is really easy. All they have to do. express vienna's tab, one button on my phone or computer to turn it on. That's it expressly being doesn't just protect me from big can also cribs one or two percent of my online traffic. Keeping me say from hackers prying eyeballs, the best part one expressive.
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these stories awfully suspicious about the suspected leaguer of these documents. Twenty one kid pops out Jim Jim shores, like oh, we got em coincidentally folks or maybe not coincidentally, right towards after the restrict tat, goes down in flames, which is it government vehicle to any the binding ministrations sensor. Basically, everything you do online that caused it. inflames your day, Joe you that is so weird. This guy reappears with these documents appear online and all of a sudden, the media by demonstrations. Like you see, we devil, need to be censoring stuff online Just say it I feel like I'm getting play. I feel like I'm play? I don't want you to get played. You have to agree to get played and not answer ready in a way, not ask any questions which, as you know, I ask a lot of questions. just start with this one You guys remember, discharges Bobby cut this poor clip at least a thousand times. Maybe it's, it is evergreen followed a murmur, there's jem from chucks humor tumors show rachel matter takes a long time ago, where Donald trump.
Was taking on the intelligence community, the eternal this community. Obviously at the heart of this legal, how my gosh catastrophic week we get is kitty, got all this stuff. It's so crazy, well sure I told rachel, maddow, hey man, don't mess with the intel community I'll get back at you quite a few different ways to take a listen yourself. You take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from sunday at getting back at ya, so for a practical, supposedly hard nosed business man he's been really dumb to do this. What do you think the intelligence community would do a sailor? My dont out I from what I am told they are very upset with how he has treated them. Either a very upset, or they upset about something now too does. It seems like an awfully coincidence well tie up with Google. All these documents got out there that may change the course of our activity with ukraine, involvement and other allies with some in the intelligence greedy agraea, I dont know so were told they arrested the weaker yesterday, the suspect,
is jack. Tis sheriff is supposedly a low level low, ranking member, I should say more per As a member of the massachusetts air national guard wow, you access to all that stuff. So weird was a secret service agent with tee ssc? I clears item accessing. That's what was he doing over there, listen now. Let me just say a broader you. I hope it's true. I hope, It's true, I hope by everyone else in the show, does as well that they got the guy. Plug the week I mean I want our secrets: are they could get people killed, you know I I just. Think it's really sad. I have to hope that we're being told the right story- now. Why would I said Is it just kind of weird that reply Ok, democrat members of congress seem obsessed with censoring what happens on line and the alleged league happened
in a discord chat room which is an online mechanism for people to talk and they can game with each other and that kind of thing, if you, if you haven't heard of discord very simple, that's what it is. It's like an old like for bus born in the eighties party phones used to call in the party behind everybody talk yet discord, to fancy aversion to that. The documents run discord and I find it on equally convenient that the ministry since pushing to restrict act. The restrict dec tori. They save you using its target tik tok, but it's really It's because it allows and unprecedented amount of government interference. Into digital speech and the restrict act is flailing now at losing support because people like me and talk or another Expose that restrict deck may be about a little more than restricting tik tok, and maybe about restricting you eve. Outside of tiktok it I mean conservative, so that's wailing, the restricted
Joe, it's a plane ride and they thought it was taken off. They like to talk bad, we got em. We everybody liked tiktok play plates, shake it off at the sun. People start talking about. What's in the restrict active he's, this. You advantages social media before social media. You could pass something like the restrict act and if you can read about it in the new york times, the wall street journal didn't happen. I would social media people like make it snippet I'll go hey. Did you see this section two point three: sub a subdue six five. It says it. Secretary of commerce can do this now. Fire which supports every speech is covered this in their peace, the restrict acts vague and over broad language is a threat to the free and open internet the bill grant the secretary of commerce enormous power to regulate transactions with foreign technology companies by you, folks, but I trust foreign technology companies before. I trust that these secretary
of commerce at sea hard to hear. I should. so. Does things going down in flames so hold that thought for a minute? about the restrict act going down in flames. The sudden we got a guy who's alleged posted secret documents at a chat room, and now the governments, like man, really need to regulate those chat, rooms and media people. Last year, ban ya media people who is supposed to support the free flow of information, so show strange, so the restrict They were pushing it to basically banned you from social media conservatives. This was a perfect vehicle to do it too in power. The secretary of commerce yeah gulf war right and one of the stipulations in theirs. They had approved some connection to a foreign adversary right, the restrictive
So this is so strange because a couple of days ago, April, seventh, it's now one april fourteenth and I don't even know I lose track of time about a week ago, when we, the leak, was discovered this is so strangest reuters, article pop manic again look at the date April. Seventh russia is likely behind. U s military document, the? U s official, say thou key joking! You guys question sought a trick. Their foreign adversary, russia, maybe kind of swords yeah, they don't get bad guys like em they're, ok, good, just check one major, I'm not crazy. Now, it's really strange said the? U s intel community what reached out to reuters reuters journalism. Folks, here we go, and they said quote sure, or pro russian elements are likely behind the leak of several classified military documents posted on social media that for a partial month, old snapshot of the warring and a snapshot of the war in ukraine.
Three, you s, officials told reuters on friday. You? Thank you jogging says it sounds oddly familiar yeah, sounds like just about every other intel derived hopes we ve heard about. In the last ten years. We're didn't worked I could see. You are certainly sounds like it, It says, however, you think donald trump, isn't it vp tape and russia. Three. U s official still operate in. Benghazi was due to a video three: u S, official, really hot urban! laptop. Is russian dissipate? Three? Three? U S, officials told us now: listen my line of work in law enforcement you guys we're not in law enforcement, but feel free to answer the question because you very smart you get a source who comes into the police station on time and everything he tells you is fake, a civil one quarter sling and crack.
you go when you watch cielo for three four days, the guys headed to his job. At? U p s, they'll, look at you slinging crack to me. Okay, wait My time and find out, if you set a beef, would see love that then the next day, because a hey tommy there on the corner, he's slinging coke that is high on wall street guys, then you follow me to find that he's got a beef with tommy and he's not slinging coke at all he's an ice cream salesman, then Because you see cynthia on a quarter area, phidias deal gods. Anyone that he's gonna be for cynthia and cynthia works at the local post office. Now, I'm just here when he comes out again with information about key joe, you gonna believe it. You for it may be true. It may be true, he may say good like star wars, that is in fact true you may say Joe digs dog, that's really true. What's it all danger that kid loves? kids, a good document. The point on site is you to be sceptical right, because every day I've told you before sprague, not the media,
not suckers out there on the left. You like, we got a goddamn. You do that through a few stories here, some headlines. These are other things we were told by the entire community. fox news september. Twenty! Sixteen blame for benghazi. Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty and fear. Remember that guy after the Benghazi terror attack, remember that was guy with a video put him in jail. Nothing to do with anything Nothing to do with anything there was a chance. Attack on the special mission complex, the dude. The video had absolutely nothing to do with it. Then it stop them. put him in jail. Coughs cop arose that so Forgive me, I'm gonna do actual journalism, although I hate the word, because it means nothing any more, as actual journalists have destroyed it, but real journalism, all school stop and I'm good away. Who.
This is the ultimate app. creation of the bond gino rural. Let's go some other things. We were told mature when everybody reported it Senate panel backs intelligence agencies on russia, trump conclusions whose it writers one of the eighty baby So not only did the entire community tell us, there was collusion, the second intel committee back them up. Nothing to see here, folks the guy jack, to share its all good discord ban everything online. Remember this Jim! This wasn't three fellows. This was fifty one five one for the liberals watching this was fifty one intel officials, I mean at the highest levels of government who told us what at laptop story totally wrong
this information, despite the fact we had with we- have watched with this thing, Purse get you, the iron is guaranteed, as we had the actual receive signed by hunter dropped off by hunter and keep it am. I guess we had the receipt And yet what happened did matter? the one very serious intel officials, probably the same, monitor reuters that it was russian, this information or the leak, was from russia. This recent one, I'm sorry. Fifty one very serious people told us a completely bs made up garbage story. That's eight. Eight eight signals heil hitler- and nobody is talking about this- talking about it cause you are a freaking moron for g eazy. Some of you will get that p ones know exactly, but that's about it.
Probably chat room people know exactly that's about here's another one, they went after trump for so long new york times, bob draper. Unwanted truce inside trumps battle with the: u s: intelligence agencies. Now It's this thing. Scientists think together here, ok, pull a balance, not a big. wrapping guy around christmas I'd rather give it to you in a bag, though some stuff on there. Whenever I look at a rap stuff, but let's wrap this up. Ok, So this is off we convenient time it there's a leak and discord chat, room of some documents the end community and cabinet bad administration are clearly looking for an excuse to spy on americans on line. The league is discovered in discord, a guy, conveniently locked to our. We got twenty one year old. I got an end.
If, on cue, after an intelligence, communities lied to us over and over and over again, I'm just suggested. Could they be lying to us again? I don't know- maybe maybe not. Maybe this thing is as simple as twenty one year old, who got his jollies leak in some documents. Maybe it is, he's telling you when a source lies you multiple times, I am a little sceptical and I get even more sceptical when I see this here's a little video had tipp Glenn greenwash green wild as a show on rumble, it is excellent if they get airs at seven p m eastern time, enabling greenwell system update. Glenn grimaldi does actual journalism. Here this is really weird. They got this these documents, showing pretty conclusively that were being lied to you about the status of the ukraine, more that the russians are doing far better than we believe, which is a problem which is your problem because you're not saying that The? U s of? U s. Citizens are gonna, make a decision about our tax dollars embodies about potentially world war. Three Joe. I think we the least know what's going on
such suggesting, we should get super classify briefings everyday, but you should at least be honest. We're not going out! Well backers! an opportunity say: ok, son nepal? Back or its time Double down correct, don't lie to us, don't pull us! Ok,. so all of a sudden. This part, you think the media would be fascinated. Oh, my god, Skies you been lied about ukraine, no, the media, pushing the pentagon at this briefing yesterday, Should we be monitoring what's going on in these chat rooms? Should we be shutting this information that this is the problem, the media? At its finest right, It's a little super cut the questions from the media data, the information figure, listen you're, so general writer. You say that there are strict protocols, place, and yet a twenty one year old airman was able to access some of the nation's top secrets. How did this happen and isn't this a massive security breach? What is your message to anyone who might be thinking of leaking these kind of documents in the future? Can you tell us where are the less people,
who have access to this type of information today, then there were a week ago. It's a follow on that. These Humans were available. long before april, fifth and sixth, or what took so long for o d in the intelligence community stood to locate these documents. Are you going to please this airlines servers record what technologies is the pentagon applying right now to both spot leaked documents online, an track potential indicators of leaking tight practices. Do you plan to be investing in more given the gravity of the situation or actively? down the distribution list. Now. Is this process this moving quickly or is it going to take for there to be meaningful substantive changes to the distribution and then you d or has duly taken additional measures to restrict the access to class information of others in the massachusetts, their national guard and serve as a follow on to highlight and brandy questions? Can you say whether a dirty has anyone looking at
chat rooms on discord, for example, or other social media platforms. Right now for information and, if not, should should deity have these people key mom says in a chat room something's not right here. We never met husky, mom, bud. Don't you find this awfully convenient to write again, and I not send this to you right before me, upon the area. Look at this and this pops exclusive from mbc- knows the bite administration, looking expanding, how it monitors social media sites and chat rooms If the EU s intelligence failed to realise classified pentagon document circulated for weeks, officials briefed on the matter say how fats That's really convenience oasis Titus together here, as it seems quite suspicious swampy republicans and democrats are pushing the restrict act. They can spy on new online, but they need a legit
these some connection to a foreign adversary. To do it better we too reuters that there's a really devastating leak of intelligence. It tells the truth about the status of the war in ukraine. They lead to rise to say the russians, data which would fit the definition of a foreign adversary. all of a sudden. The media people start calling for more censorship and spying on cheap. Rooms and other things we can go and speak freely and at Of a sudden, abiden administration gets the hugo's. We really need to be double and down in a reference to spy on these children I don't know, I don't know folks, but oh I don't know, I'm I'm really sorry that these media people are so willing to take the first version of events when they been lied to about in Gaza. Compression collusion the laptop about I am not willing to accept that telling you this kid didn't have something to do with it. I'm not even telling you that this kid isn't the primary guy here, I'm I'm telling you the intelligence communities lied to us over and over and over again. I'm holding on this story until
get a sperm set of facts from people. I actually trust that in the to me that this is the falling complete story, because it doesn't sound like it to me like it to me right again. election update the pros and cons the santa's trump fight get hot got a whole bunch stuff, including its stunning interview with. white house than are governed by whose we'd, better go by criminal straight out, forces what next buzzer always appreciated patients good companies. I wanna talk to you and these crazy days we gotta recharge, refresh in a natural way. You know, I'm into that. I mean the life hacking so I discovered bone charge, a whole well this brand with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize life in every way, but my fate new products they send me is bone charge infrared sauna black, it helps me eat, stress really busy day. I liked the cylinder it and chill the sauna blake
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offer comes in and they'll, basically recording transcribe official meetings with upper left white house executive office of the president officials. I see these guys before right this I is willing to go on the record and testify underwrote that binds the criminal. and what he's saying here is son is working for ukrainian gas company. Where hide fracturing would benefit them right. That's what you frank for natural gas. Are you make money and a little weird, but he these people are trying to say is was by making money off this deal by pushing the ukrainians into this energy space, while his son was profiting from very same energy company. Take a lesson herself so much. what went down on that trip that you're aware of thanks for have me jesse! Well, happen on their trip was Joe Biden is in the front of the plague. My job as await us not refer was being a bag and plain in the press. Cabin and if
Why? If Joe or senior ministration official came back and did a briefing and then I would recorded and make a transcript Well, that's exactly what happened that senior ministration official was solomon, whose now our national carried by so I didn't see anything wrong with it at the time years go by left the white house. I'm writing books and I get a hold of the hunter Biden laptop from Marco polo. There are nonprofit anticorruption, non profit, about a year and a half ago I started writing a substantial based on what I find and then I go back over what I knew happened when I was working for Joe, I found the transcript I wrote about that bring Think that's when shake Sullivan starts talking about fracturing and but because of what I read in a laptop and put it in my sub stack previously. Unlike wait. A minute. Joe Biden. New hunter by
was already on the board. On April eighteenth Joe Biden knew she directed Sullivan go back and talk to the press. This is it Spirits see this is a crime he's not equivocating, it all in one just think to death, but it's now clear as day that everybody who's been around Joe Biden, tony babo and ski to business partners. It appear Other sources on the inside Jim comber says of surface white house in order first, everybody knew Biden was a criminal was engaged in potential criminal activity in there now come here. It's his allegation. Am I just heard his words? He was there. This is what the entire community and that's why I don't trust What's going on here, that's why dont trust. What's going on with this, leaker will work. I don't I don't trust the story at all. I don't trust in one bid.
someone with an axe to grind who had some different position on the ukraine more. I don't know, but this story got wrapped up way conveniently just like the other ones and all these people When the press, oh you, promoting conspiracy theories. Listen! I'm! promoting anything, I'm doing you're freaking job for you and the cells you been, and you ve told us- is both over and over and over again about Gaza and all the southern crap- and you burn, not me I'm telling you this isn't the kid. We accord a law proceeding mobile figure that out where people be under of I'm telling you I accept nothing at first pass anymore because you guys in the entire community have lied to us over and over. And none of you should accept it either our aid sign for an election up. They haven't done this You know. I promise you here whenever candidate you support trump
santa's hayley tim scott beers, like he's gonna I've been as an exploratory committee of grandma swamis in the race where you are all going to europe. Everybody's going to get a voice here? I promise. I owe that to you all know where I stand on the trump guy we get. That I mean it's not. You know it's fairly obvious at this point: it's been, while, but everybody deserves our voice on this one. Ok, I want everyone to feel at home, so we're gonna do kind of a quick update election up. Pros and cons, because this is gonna be the most import. Election of our lifetime. You said that last time, yes Last time I met the to them I am an old, is a joke! There's it's it's a bit of a clown site for morons this makes the new york times like conservative review to miami herald, but the premises is peace isn't exactly wrong, so starboard. Some of the comments first were about to say, this trump, and I hope this helps both sides to tighten things up. Folks.
he's waiting too long if said. This is serious about jump in this race. He's gotta make a decision soon. he's gotta went out some kind of exploratory, I get it, there's a session going on or a govern Florida, I totally understand, but here from Miami Harold, what are you waiting for the scientists? Twenty twenty four supporters worry he's launching too late folks, the history of Joe. You and I've been doing this for a while right. Just in the eight years, Joe and I've been again many republican governors with the next big thing didn't even make It's iowa Paul anti skywalker cry. Chris is the or made it just wait to me. We could go on and on, and on the way, stuff, like next big thing, guys, who top here's the problem with waiting to I ran for office. How I met Joe, I ran for office. I want to do an interview, radio station, for the longer you wait for me.
in tears and activists get answers and they art signing up for different campaigns. I saw it That's why, when I read for congress and almost that's the one race we almost one or more horseshoes and hand grenades, I get it. I got in first out of the shoot. I campaigned for like a year and a half the Congressional race was over. I got a new one. I want all the volunteers and I wonder how the money now there's a downside. The one The campaigns up and running along you gonna pay for it, but to save never had a hard time raising money sets an issue. It does have a name I d problem. Either needs to start locking up donors and activists, and if he It's against tramp tramp is a unique thread in a primary nobody has moose knots like this guy in a prior. Nobody. He is the tax predator, you may now I guess style, but the it's here. Have you seen him gay or about the scientists are run how many times you run a day on fox the hundred
it's all day, folks all day on fox bag. Adrian Petersen, running back all day, santa citizens to that. It's all day. is only so much political capital. You can hemorrhage from your bank account I'm not talking about money, and the thing with trump is he is the aid ex predator. He is not going to stop if this guy's gonna get in. He better get in soon member. This symbol, you know, lives, laugh, they thought this was hilarious. When I said this after the first debate with Joe Biden when everybody said trump loss- and I know you didn't lose it all- he's the apex predator, it take a less so trump isn't apex. Predator he's the lion. King Tromp went out tonight. He did what trump does I merry laughter. What an idiot Trop is the apex predator, the exposed by now when the greatest debate, but it was trump it was trumpet,
Given our trump like everybody on the left, swore did folks round the said this gonna get in he's. Gotta make move fast because I'm telling we're politics. What are we talking all the time you fellows a big mouth, the big more is a very real thing. It stands for Madame and once you lose momentum, man and your balls. get cut off. It is possible to get him back, asked Paul. asked Chris Kirsty asked walker. They would soon that's the cons we'll get to some pros for both of them in a second to. I want to talk about trump in a second, because he's gotta clean something up as well. They need to clean this up. Let me get to maya my next sponsor first folks, you tired of the same old, monotonous, liberal, flavoured coffee, but well you are later that crap right now and are tremendously
the black coffee, someone send a chat room and beginning to show what they said. Dan. You seem a little hyped up. That was because I have of course, a black out coffee they're not woke either. They are straight up. Conservatives and I love this country, and they want you to know it's all They hide it. Oh, let's be cutesy john blackout copies of on our. Then you tell everyone that this is what matters to us. Conservative values and we may coffee too, it's all I care about the conservatism from so seeing the beans to the roasting process, cousin supporter shipping black. Coffee is incredible. Work ethic in their dedicated to promoting conservative principles- and I accept a compromise and taste or quality. The coffee is delicious, its strong. I love that strong coffee flare, I'm more coffee. The tastes like coffee, you want water, you gotta by another branch or get black our coffee. You want coffee. their tastes like something out of a waterfall go get something else. You want a bull, strong coffee, taste, black, our coffee, that calm, slash, bond gino use cooper
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Actually what happened. You know the journal, David Mackintosh wrote. This piece of germany is not exactly wrong and it's something spoken about in the show many times outside of the perspective of the campaign. So no one Can you tell me how dare you never addresses before do not yet know now the bite? from plan to cut social security. Annie. its correctly, so that doing nothing with social security is a plan. It's a plan. Caught social security. Folks, it's just that fact you can read this peace yourself, mackintosh what they, regardless of your feelings, about marketing is a lie These social security actuaries Verde said: if we do nothing, they will in automatic twenty three percent cut in ten years. Well, then, I'll just take it from the general fight back. She they won't unless they pass legislation because prohibited for doing so. It's not exactly accurate So I really think they need to clean that up now. He
introduce a plan and I think he should trumped to say, listen, pete, who are fifty five and older, you guys ladys. You design your life around this programme. Here's how we're gonna fix it. That's a smart thing to do, but in a report in primary. We're voters really care about economic issues and limited government attacking the It is from the left in florida. I'm not sure, that's the best advice. Unease is odyssey. Bad advice, where you get that that dead voters want limited government, I'm gettin it from Odors wall street journal opinion. U s. Voters want limited government. contrary to common, believe economic policies and electoral strength of the republican party. They know Despite a few short dips around economic crises, the number preferring a smaller government over a large one ranges from five to twenty eight percentage points. Twenty twenty one independence reported the same preference by nineteen points
teams gotta be careful that the scientists team, as an ice amount and the limited government fight, this is still a primary. First again, it would be a home for everybody, balanced use of good stuff, the pros both of them are the has had a really good run down here in florida. This last I live down here. So you know a lot of people getting paid by campaigns to tell you stuff about both guys. The santas people get paid today by tramp tramp people It is just part of campaigning. It's fine! It's just part of the business right you want to you want friends, get a friggin dog, ok right, you been inescapable. This game politics, ugly, people too each other. It turns people into animals. It really does I ignore most of them. I'm telling you straight here. I've been down here, no one's going to tell me what the florida economic miracle is arisen, because I've lived but down here eight years and I came from a blue state where Joe lives. Sadly, for a day,
report. Florida was tops, wreak atomic performance over the past decade, yeah its number one it's a florida is folks. The home values down here. Businesses now there are downsides, have been a lot more traffic that I've seen since I moved here, but flesh look into work in florida and your emmanuel, labour, or even higher in europe in a kind of service spaces to this is almost Endless pools of money down here in florida. We just passed a six week, abortion banned too. We have that video that I take as whether the one of them name insurrection on the floor. We do have an ok This happened this well yesterday use these are good news for the scientists. The economic miracle all Well, I'm a major pro life advocate. Now we have a major densely populated of extra we important state that just pay the ban on abortion at sea
weeks and of course the liberals lost their mind, engaged in another insurrection on the house floor. Did you see this video check this out? Members will proceed to vote all members voted. Have all members vote. Have members loaded the clerk will lack the machine and record the vote. five years. Seventy seven showed mehmet fails members. We will take a short recess ten. And then we'll shards it would you please secure the chamber and remove the gallery, so we get other insurrection. It's like Oprah, you get an insurrection tennyson! You get an insurrection by really getting an insurrection. Now I'm gonna give you some stunning numbers to next, but it just in the chat couple of floridians in what am I said: yeah no kidding like you could fight. If you're Can I have your age back technician down here in florida, because it's hot all the time? There is an endless amount of work for you, this problem.
a thousand companies in this county alone are all making money. I mean that's why? It has been a real miracle and I, credit a lot of what the sad december scott. Did you one just santas? Let's be honest about now: here's something that I think benefits trump, What I gotta tell you to say this gets a lot of credit. Any deserves some of it, but I A lot of this is trump These numbers are shock. This is from interactive paul's its we look at this number did a gaze like dude. Can't be real. It's real there's a link right there in time, are. Eighty that long ago, folks, but only about five years ago. Ok, the damage- Yes, the Democrats in florida held a voter registration edge of two hundred and sixty three thousand people. That's a decent some. People more red should Democrats in products I was here. I was in florence. by twenty twenty? It was dammed its plus ninety seven thousand. Now you see in the trunk perfect right
December twenty twenty one, the geo p. Takes the lead by forty three thousand by April, of twenty twenty three this month. Gnp as a voter registration edge Four hundred and fifty four thousand nine hundred and eighteen people for a net change of seven hundred. Eighteen thousand. Listen that extraordinary, you're talking about a deep sea do flipper ru a voter registration like I've, never seen a lot. Do it dissenters, but I'm telling you a lot of that is from the synthesis policies and people moving in, but don't accept any political narratives that tell you otherwise private. people getting paid daddy, vantage, isn't from everybody, moving it it's partially, but that's seven hundred eighty thousand slip folks trump flip, an unbelievable amount of his speech.
Excel florida. Voters over the geo pay you just did the sad. This got a lot of black voters to flip on the school choice issue, but I insane amount of people flip their registration over to vote for trump. It isn't just all people move it. Those are the pros I let me get to my next sponsor an arm I didn't apparently joe, I dunno. If you saw this, I mean you cut the clip. I don't know if you're listening, sometimes you got headphones on or maybe you know, feeding a dog or something I he. He he doesn't want it He doesn't want to sniff now anymore, he's out. this is our licking things now, which is Joe. That about am I make it about. It ain't, never gonna get this up its troops. So this is the pros section. I just gave you that I want to say this, but the process are gonna, be running this guy who's apparently I want to start licking now, which I'm not good. With that, I'm not good with them. Alas, sponsor my patriot supply dot com. This is getting
to trust anything in anyone these days, you think, after the show, The issues are collapsing all over the place. Let me ask you prepared for the worst, because you know what could happen. Don't get caught unfair aired. Folks, you ensure everything. Your life, the matters, ensure your food supply, just think about what I'm telling you sure, you're, your health, your teeth, your house, your car. How do you every food supply do it today? I do wait. I don't speak with forked tongue. I am a customer. My patron supply is knocking, at two hundred dollars off their popular three month, emergency food, My patriot supplied dotcom grabbed the special price before that your three month emergency food kit provides over two thousand calories each day for optimal strength and energy. When you need it most best of all, it's delicious, your whole family will love it. They have breakfasts lunches and dinners, most important of calories, two thousand calories a day, calories or survival. When the panic it don't sit, a government food lines, go to my page
supplied dot com today and save two hundred two hundred dollars on each kit. Your your family's going to need get at least one kid per person. Don't put off your preparedness, go to my patriot supply dot com, my patriot supply dot com, get some water. It's my bag, gino report mug, you guys go to punch. You know report the chat room budget report that come help. You don't use drugs. Have a good one for you, better aggregator, bungie report that come trudge when four left Here's a good news that we run against this guy who was said yesterday. I was in ireland that we should see. licking the world show by not a joke check this. That is not the video. It's the other one right. Now, there's nothing or new achieve. Clearly we do together. I really mean it
Thank you. All god bless you always good. Let's go lately. Ok, what select the world I'm not down, what that he should go back to sniffing its equally gross, but I No one is saliva on him. I don't know what he was going to say because the weird thing, Joe you listen to it Weird thing is, he says, he's probably say I want to light the world. Let's go like world or something, but he changes from light to lick, not from like polite vertical. Ex himself in the wrong direction. Queue up. There are those who want to do so is it the again? Is a citizen I can play well an audio, but for that watch it on rumble. By mrs the irish, the speaker over there? He the kind of vector Biden in the right direction because he's constantly lost. No, I told you having been an agent, this really unusual for these guys to get lost like this all the time, the guys always law
Do you think the guy never knows what he's going the guide never knows what he's gone. it is the weirdest. Are they give em like footprints eight years we can never knows these cognitive, we impaired by the way, who's ever elected, better shut this down in a military stat. This is what then, he apparently so this on Rubio street putting out in their feed this we ve got russia and china threatening nuclear war right now. I really don't want to hear about your division, sexual identity, politics thing. This went out on the navy suite. Take a look at this. I was able to to play on the uss Gerald r ford last fall and the coolest thing I did on board was thrilled to participate in a lgbtq spoken word night, and I was able to read a poem that I wrote to the whole ship and that was probably the culmination of the deployment. That's the coolest thing you did on board. You know what to call.
thing you do in our board should be learning how to kill the enemy at sea. Call me crazy. I get sceptical. she's in a second, but I just want to go over it. It is fast, the biggest phony in the house, the big, phony in e o c. No, no there's an even bigger phony. Its is O connor it ro khanna is the biggest fake fraud ever known, exposes he's Democrat, I'm really getting this guy's drill here play the video ro condoms. As you know, we gotta get senator democratic senator from California Diane Feinstein out she's too. ways attacking is followed Democrat and whatever o connor says something yours have to ask. Why cause there's always an agenda check this out why are you asking die in fine sign to resign First of all, let me just say this: I have an enormous amount of respect for senator died Feinstein. She has had an extraordinary career in public service. She's been an icon on issues of gun, violence and women's rights, but
has become painfully obvious to many of us in california, let It is no longer able to fulfil their duties ass, she doesn't it. Clear return date. We, we been able to confirm judges at a time where women's rights and voting rights are under assault, no kind. Its voting rights are under assault, you dance, we find out from Kim straw? This is awfully convenient. Show that ro carnea that cabin newsome. The governor, who will make an appointment, Feinstein steps down, is vowed to appoint a black woman owen. Canada happens to be co. Chairman of house rap, a black woman, Barbara, please campaign for the seat of rare earths. Interesting. We o connor babies, kissing cabin nuisance. Ass were potential potest run zero, have some cabinet seat lined up his phone ro qana, two member after january six row, Connor thought it would be called who attack parlor because he didn't, like the parlor, hosted on free speech platform at the time periods parlour
hosted by amazon web services, amazon, to deny parlor services until january, twenty? First less they come To removing all post related to incitement of hours notice, you didn't care, it was just parlor. He went because he's roquat and he's a total fake, and here's the same roquat descent of just a few months back twitters duty. Protect free speech, censorship. censorship, a hundred story may have helped my party, but it was banned for democracy, cut the crap dude just cut the crap, The routine is so pathetic. Row commie totally totally huge enormous fraud. by the way. Now I'm really worried about central bank digital currencies, Paul crewman says it's a curse. You're cdrom guy see their supper. He's like all. You guys worried about that government monitoring what you do with your money. It's a conspiracy dear He says it's a right wing thing for a while, and the theories are getting crazier. Now. I'm really worried folks, there's paul krugman is that five things krugman been wrong about
Then I'd the recession convinced the euros about the dye criminal. from Piero predictions ethics indeed, as an economic success story and he thinks this internet thing is a really going anywhere good job krugman. Now I'm really concern kramer record right. Joe graver treaties about about boeing. Yesterday, music, you knock it on a boiling point. That did you see that it's time for questions for death Third, a paper bag. Radio show afterwards fired it up again, Are you get to the very real depression at these times? I'm a christian, so I pray alive, but finding peace for even a moment is difficult. Show me to them all at show me listen. I did a locals video before I came on the air today and the answer is, I don't? Sometimes I'm having a really rough couple weeks. If you really want to know I thoroughly enjoy being here, I always promise you. I would never fake it emotion,
bar physically. If I couldn't do that, you're not going to do it but time and going into a lot. I care really talk about wise, not that I never heard anything from you. It's just fur. You're not given permission to share stuff. It's disrespectful. Do it right. We all agree here of polish. Tell me some about a person Gonna share with the oil doesn't work that way, but they go into a lot and sometimes it's hard, but when I really really need to chill out, I definitely go on a bit of a slight digital detox. I just put the phone away for a little while that that that helps. A lot is thinking Sometimes the occurs: a curse, hey m, o. How is it possible the fbs and I caught the january six piper? I don't think they want to catch the january six by bomber rapid, really don't I've already. You there's no way they don't have surveillance footage of him get out of a car. Something else there's no way. I they want to catch him that opens up a whole other Hannah once Julie Kelly's got great stuff on it.
At bobcat bruno, hey dan, but all the talk about, but I was wondering what you're a dull beverage of choices. Listen if I got Turning my man card, it's okay, I drank to kill or for every stroke, but all love cassandra's in asia drink a lot at dawn who LEO ally secure straight I'm putting his fancy. Margarita is all that crap at whatever that is, and I don't need the sugar in it. I just drink it with a rock in it. That's it but I was given me brutal hangovers. I mean moon Will we get. And he glanced saturn. I don't wanna, be a church hung over its in this respect. We would like a slob so I started drinking wine, a cabs I like opus. I like came ass to chemists pretty good. I just try never drink like avenues, but I like wine cabs a lot- and I find if I have a glass of water for I go to bed zones and overdo it- I can enjoy it not wake up the next day, be a total train wreck. So up ass, my uncle choice, dan at ellie be three
even if we study I down in america what to prevent other countries like china from developing it, while we're on pause, allowing them to destroy us yeah, exactly don't put a question mark at the other that that's a statement What has me concern? exactly. What has me concerned that, even if we this thing down tomorrow and by the way unfilled my show tomorrow night. I have an entire monologue on this and I have this x and actual export. Not like a Tom Nicholls expert. You know an actual some of you get that you. I'm an actual expert coming on to tell you how dangerous stuff it a. I don't miss the shell unfiltered saturday. Nine o clock, though message
Power of Titus I worked in a prison dan, currently a jail of this heart and with the drug use in the young there, the showing their lives any ideas on how to help the community besides lock in them up. This is a very sensitive topic with me, a spoken about it with Joe alot Jos friend. It's been a problem and people of my family, and I find that once they go down that road folks, there's almost sadly nothing. You can say you can love them, should love them. You should, but you just have to know that they have to hit that bottom on their own. They just do I, but it's not, which is one example either this I can tell you about a hundred friends, friends of friends, people. I knew the gym family members close family members once
or down that path. There's nothing! You can do you gotta. Let them hit the bottom, but the best way to stop it is to intercept them early and speak to them early and often about the dangers of these chemicals. In our body I talked to my daughter, even my daughter drinks, energy drinks. I tell her why you drinking that you're burning out your adrenal gland bad. I don't care, I'm going to tell him the truth as if they make dumb decisions that can make them on their own at six. Fifty seven, eight last one, hey down with the government trying to go digital observant alternate currency. We could go to if the guy It goes digital folks, there's no way to go alternate currency, That way, what are you gonna do? They would make Essentially if the government goes digital, I suspect that they would somehow find a way to ban crypto. Now it crypto is not. distributed through one server, so there's no way to take it away from you. The problem at some point, there's gotta be an intersection point if you're not doing it two point transaction with someone personally, where the crib are you gonna wanna go buy something, and if its it
Tax regulated enterprise would attacks. Ideas can be no way for you to use it. that's. Why I'm so worried about central bank, digital currencies and nepal. Crewman jacket himself into debate. Debate patiently haven work it sir. alright folks thanks again for tuning in don't miss my show tomorrow. If you really want to know what's going up with a going on the day, I unfiltered fox, and I also got a special guess: Dana white, from the: u s, c, forward to doubts about their new acquisition of the double w e. That's gonna be pretty awesome, so don't mess that anna So please subscribed to the show here, rumbled our council, bon gino join the live, chat. Eleven every day. We really appreciate you following subscribe. It means a lot. I will see you back here on monday you just in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.