« The Dan Bongino Show

Are They Finally Fighting Back? (Ep 2087)

2023-09-13 | 🔗

Are they fighting back? Finally? In this episode, I address the evidence that it’s happening. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON g know the funniest thing I find about liberalism, I mean it. Unlike the amusing like jerry, seinfeld comedy sense. Is it nobody's more embarrassed by liberalism. The liberals, no one I mean, think about the topic right when you address it with the liberal, and how they run from it. Lay term abortion, critical race theory drag queen story, our sexual indoctrination all due to a liberal is real about what they support and they freak out red and what a lay term abortions stop Debbie like stars, you can read that that's all, both discuss it. You guys actually support, is nobody is more embarrassed by liberalism and the liberal, its if we want to my new golden rules of the shell,
but to show you what I mean yet again no conservative is embarrassed by conservatism. Ask august supporter about donald trump hoddan bearers? Ask as a border. Why they support life, why they support the second amendment. They don't run from it school more than a our fifteen. Is there not embarrassed by it bill? Liberal is chronically embarrassed by liberalism is ho regional areas. The what That is your brother, my black I'll call. You have given your money to all companies. Don't care about! You go with a coffee option, analyze, rear conservative eyes, my friends, a blackout, coffee. like our coffee, thou accomplished by gino, use coupon code budget over twenty percent off your first though it a big show today a first, a quick that you, everyone who may my both to give to failure. Yesterday, mrs birthday came out yesterday, greener bookstores online. Whatever
I told you I was going to beat you up with it, but we were number one yesterday in our category. Thank you. We smoked everyone in a category on multiple sides, so it really. Yes, we did. Yes, we did. You want to know how I met producer, Joe it's in the book, I'm going to give this copy to Joe today. I said that I said Joe thanks, for in a friend I didn't leave the are out one time I signed a bookcase for being a friend, you afraid, lest the are out, asked them. today's: for being a fiend Joe is not a fiend. He is a friend story. How I met Joe is kind of interesting. Actually, so that's in there whole bunch of stuff to give to failure. Pick it up. Today, Last time you mentioned it today, so I also have a book signing coming up in carry north carolina, barnes and noble on kill their farm road. That's coming up! Guys are women, that thursday. I am, I think it's thursday, I gotta problem by the and ensure that way, but that's coming up in and I got a book signing. some beach coming up. I d show rod you by whose at american financing god net, you realize
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alright, Joseph well landlady showtime dancer. It is said I I appreciate that you done for the shout. I hope people read the book and find out how be think it ain't across past. Without you came out and you're like hey. If you need some pictures for your campaign, I'll volunteer my time I was there, I was very nice here. Exact, no money to pay you anyway, scipio. You would have added value Little did. I know we're gonna led to this, so that you saw there is nobody more embarrassed by liberalism other than the modern liberal folks? I can prove it to you. Just walk in front of any abortion clinic right any sign showing what a lay term abortion looks like they will. Let me We call the cops and you wonder why, if you doing that ended so poor and you don't even want to see the people to see the results of what you did then what you're so you're not proud of it, your horrified by you calling the police it happens. the time, never see those signs. You just show the sides of what are they term. Abortion looks like liberals are horrified by sea or
to use the same thing when you read to liberals what abraham candy and a lot of these critical race proponents or race, essential centralism proponents, because they change the wording all the time when you the whole thing to them. in hebron can these books that they support future discrimination as a quote remedy to pass discrimination. Your supporting discrimination like that, we're not teaching at this exactly what you're teaching its exact what crt years as race essentials. They run from it when you northern would drag queen story. Our looks like like the lives of tik tok account. Right era tick. Tock. Does this all the time they shows guy! In fish nets shaken his ass in front of a nine year old. Face delivers like take their lives. It tik tok account down. Put you support drag queen story hour, correct You just don't want anyone to say no what is more embarrassed by liberalism. Then the modern liberal enough embarrasses the modern liberal. More than that
so they want and kids libraries and kids exposed. Sexually exploited with you. Now listen, there's big debate on my show, arms, and I make it calls on the spot. John, the great senator from Louisiana Yonah he's a Republican yesterday decided he was gonna. Do exactly this! The demo That's what they're mine on the second floor, when he read from two books that the Democrats in the national education association, others they want in schools. Democrats, What these books in schools and libraries republicans say this is not appropriate material for kids, no one's banning these books. You combine anywhere, you want. I don't read menu ban. However, clearly inappropriate and it kids school. You wouldn't put hustler any kids school right. You didn't ban hustler, you don't put in the school. it doesn't mean its band. I wouldn't. screen the exorcist etiquette school either doesn't mean more this ban just weeds out appropriate for kids reagan with the head spent around a piece. You probably know for kids, okay, so
Kennedy dissenters signal, an amateur read this now I debated this, but I wanted to edit because, honestly, it's just disgusting, I'm acknowledging it's disgusting? That's why I don't. there's nothing to run from, like gonna run from editing it, because I'm telling you it's disgusting and am editing it because it's disgusting ears, John Kennedy red on the second floor yesterday and the Democrats absolutely lost their marbles when this happened. I thought they were. out of his ear. Tiggle ass. Much take two books there has been much discussed the first one is called All boys are blue and I will quote from I put some lube born and got him on his knees and I began to him from behind
Of young and chest him wildly. He asked me to turn over while he slipped a condom on himself. This was mine, and I was struggling to imagine someone in such add one and slowly, was the worst pain I think I have ever felt in my life. eventually. I felt a mix of pleasure with the pain, close quote: all boys aren't boy. keep in mind that goes on for another minute and a half with another book called gender career and folks, I've had enough of I I dont want to listen to it. I'm sure you did want to listen to that either However, we have to listen to it because you have
the stance that the staff, the left these commies on the left, want in front of your kids. I hope you understand that That's what the left wants in front of your kids. They on them. Reading that we can't run from that and pretended sought out the. However I'm gonna edited it's a call I made because it's disgusting. Its gross material that should not be in front of kids this the kind of thing whether it was describing a gay relationship or a straight relationship that Twenty years ago you be arrested for reading than front a kid I really would be arrested now. Not only would you not be arrested, yours celebrated in what it is some kind of hero on the left. It's there Scots thing Can it shows you by the democratic response which keep us, whereas it was going to give us idea what they said? Then it will you the really you couldn't. You said it was inappropriate. I guess you just what the kids to read it
but not us what the adults to review, what the kids to read. It also in your country, fast now this time to say that I am an optimist and long on america. I still am. I know that talks a lot of you, but I mean it. I am long on american. I will remain long out america, but believe me. America's gotta be long on you if we don't do some, the cleanest, a quick like right, quick liberals, are more embarrassed by liberalism. Then any other group in america they're the ones trying to hide it conservatives, exposing liberals, as liberals hide in the dark from what their power bring down into your kid cerebral cortex how for some good news. Fighting back is starting to happen. There are some green shoots out there. because we need some republicans with freaking balls to start to do something. Now there are People out there fighting back and what I
I want to do is give a blanket like double middle barrel middle finger, every republican out there such because there are some people out there. Do some good stop, however, way, too many republicans acting like democrats with no democrats acting like republicans, which leads to a symmetrical warfare. We always lose. So what ass. You there's like this is goes arbitrary. This video here scott parents, whose up now fireball adam I beg pennsylvania, congressman. Finally, a lot of members of the house, freedom caucus, some tea party, guys and conservatives in the house. There is sadly small number- should be a larger number. Finally said enough, ladies and gentlemen, the government's going bankrupt. Now I don't scary, you! I don't want to I knew I had someone in here yesterday and they were saying what do I do my money? I know this is gonna get bad and I said you have no good options. You pull your money out of the bag. You stand a good chance of getting rob You leave your money in the bank, you stands a good chance of getting rob, I'm serious
rob by inflation, which, by the way I get into more detail tomorrow, ticked up today Why don't they said inflation was going down? I'm sorry, you fell for that too. If you did it signed up to report seven from three point, two. I'm sorry! If you fell, for that we're getting rob, we are going bankrupt how going to pay the bills? They are racking up. Thirty trillion dollars in debt hunter five thousands per household when you factor and obligations for social security medicare. The answer is they're, not gonna. Do that they're just going to print money, to pay the bills. I will not solve the problem. Nowhere does it because weighting of money is going to feed this inflation crisis, which is going to make your money worth, was either way you lose either they take what you have from the bag or they inflated away. So they took it by default and its worth anything? What do you care?
you ve got a million dollars. If it doesn't bother you dog biscuit what do you care Ladies and gentlemen, if you seven that Vigo sidney. Road movie and nobody's got anything left and there's like a nuclear explosion or whatever happened in that movie. Why would you They are about. A million dollars in paper would mean a damn thing. Its freedom, was why would you care that what you're doing right now. Here's perry on this new spending bill everybody's, freak out about the government shutting down the government's going to shut down in the next five? to ten years at all. programs you relied on are going to be effectively bankrupt? I hope you, We stand that if we don't stop this now, so I what hundred percent support them saying they not going to sign onto this spending bill. If there's not at least a guy degree of spending reform in it. It's gonna be
governments shut down nobody's because gonna stop paying their pants to freak in bad. We need more. This check this out we're not interested in a continuing resolution that continues the policies and the spending of the vine, schumann pelosi era and we're not going to vote for it. We didn't vote for last december and we're not going to vote for it now so we're here to tell you the america. the people are sick of it. They can't border afford their electricity bill. They can't afford a gas bill and they damn sure can afford the grocery bill, we're here to put our foot down and say to this place right here. Stops now the power. the purse- is in the legislature and the way you stop all this craziness of the abide administration. The tyranny of the binary spread administration is to stop giving them money. Folks again, it's not gonna. Look like a traditional chapter, eleven bankruptcy. That's not the government, the government doesn't operate like that. It has the power, through the federal reserve, to printed
own currency bags can't do that. I wish they could competition for the currency, but they can. So what's gonna happen is the government is just going to print endless amounts of money, The pay, endless amounts of people who are gonna keeps spending more of that money, driving inflation, meaning the money they're spending is going to buy less and less that's what the bankers a bankruptcy is going to. Look like you're spent Power is gonna, go down dramatically Finally, we seem a little bit of fight back a little bit and I wish this would spread like kind of a positive virus around the republican party. There, coalescence say: listen, we're taking stand right here. I want you to think this through how this will look to the republic is out there gone, you don't know how to govern government shutdowns. This new and kiss. My ass, you don't know, you have no idea you have no idea how bad the situation really is. Your loss,
Indeed, see you got lobbyists up your ass all day, you guys have no idea how this is going to look to the average american utah. Red line in the sand. Today, it on the record. You are not going to sign on not a single republican to what effectively is a bankruptcy budget. We want it on the record that this is what's going down. The countries going bankrupt. Here's proposing and we're hold in the line, no matter what does either the government shuts down today or it shuts down tomorrow and by the way we have the power the purse. This is spending we agreed to you don't want to sign it you're responsible for the shut down, not us the balls to doing. We have also seen some fight. Finally, on impeachment now today Why title today show they fighting back impeachment. We ought to talk about this because yesterday we had a big paul lot people supported impeachment still feel that same way today I happen.
we agree, I think that's the way to go. I've changed my mind on this a couple of times based on new information. I know, and I've got you ready for this is important. God from some, let's just say folks, you're in the no They know the swamp that are not members of the swamp. Do you have to trust me on that? They know it well. I have told me that the bidens are now freaking out over one thing. This is why they're begging the media today, if you saw the storage you see this, did you guys see this? These pathetic losers begging the media. Really now, during the media to please fight back against impeachment. Why here's the dirty little secret! I filled in on this are terrified of the bank records. The bag god you're, not gonna, be able to hide their last refuge before they move onto their next to excuses refuge now. Is this well No direct evidence of payments to Joe Biden hold that thought, because one
That's the bug, they're going to move on to wear ok, there's evidence of direct payments, but he was dealing with the death of his son bow gel flag at any instant flag flying for instance, like it said why they're gonna, what may happen x ray? Ok, maybe you got paid, but he was too with the death of his son, beau, You're going to move on after that goes away. When that does we are going to move on to Joe flag is again double flag, double flag risky here, we're going move on to well, everybody in DC. Does it be next. Ok double flag. We ve raised above that's, but first is this: the sledge outspoken up. If we didn't we, although we do yes, yeah yeah. We love you Jeffrey eight thousand already do love you listen! what's going to happen with the bank records? there's no direct evidence of payments bad bull shit. What stay get the bag wreckers, which they need subpoena power to get
they need. They have subpoena power, but they needed to be unquestioned in court. So there The Biden team can run away, go, there's no legislative purpose when peace that's a legislative purpose, ok, Here's the issue here: not going to be able to hide the money trail I'll, give you just quick example now what he pays for anything in cash they dawn and if did. They will have to show with massive withdrawals from the bank correct the way you're gonna get caught? So my guess is what happened is hunter Biden's text that he was paying half of pop spills? His dad's bills is accurate, you're getting the czechs, written from these bank accounts to things like joey bag, doughnuts, roof repair, and then, when you back in subpoena joey bag of donuts roof repair. What are you going to find you guys now is pop quiz. What do you think you're going to find the ideas and nothing more
oh you're, going to find joey beggar, donuts, roof repair has a receipt for work, done. Oh yeah, Joe Biden's house and call me cricket crazy old korean. Investigated with money trails never lie, they never lie. You know gonna pay a contractor in cash. They may, but I doubt it and a lot of Companies aren't gonna, take cash payments, you're gonna, see investments in Joe Biden name, draws at that withdrawals. At the exact same time, the bank records are dead. They are freaking out about the bank records. that's why you got dan goldman and by now, desperately begging the media not to do this, that's why I changed my mind on this impeachment thing he may, with industry, a trial, but if we can slowly and methodically do this over the course of the next year and expose the public to what the media want, which is true information about this garbage can in the white house, this guy
This guy will hopefully go away because he's damaging to the national security, the country. I want to show you what I mean next Scott parry. The double appearance on the today showed you light supper reporter about this but they had seated feder minting wholly dude right this guy fried or why feder men, like these circuits, are connecting man federal. is turned into like it's really a mess watching. sky on capital hill. Just totally fall apart. big shouldering oak away or, as you can tell a lot, I said I said to you in the chad super early. I had a lot of survivor, so black out today, maybe for black our coffee, the blogger com I told me about if people go up jump, then they say are extra sniffs or so from the bag. That's it they do it as he told me that, as that is it sniffs. He got a sniff that is so good, yeah cool stuff, but here's the day sometimes it now. You know why cause you want to calm down. I have the perfect product for you. Beam, dream african magically
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evidence you have, as opposed to allegations, shouted to the american public, would merit and actual impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden improve in today's just about some of you, I don't know it's been a burning meagre mccarthy for the sake of enacting political revenge. This union of ours is notable revenge. We have the bank accounts, we can see man, you can see that the homes that divides own can't be afforded on academic congressional or sent a salary. You also understand that it is not normal for family members to receive millions of dollars from overseas interests. Those things are normal. This not normal, have twenty so shelve countries. Companies these things are not normal ended alludes to not only just widespread corruption, but money laundering is not influence. Peddling itself is what we need to do every time for those, you think it's useless. It's not, as I said to you, the numbers matter receipts matter. We ve got to stop
up and recognise facts and received so we understand battle tactics in politics. Seventeen per and of Biden, voters according to a paul said they would have voted differently in the last election. If they do would have known about the Biden, corruption. Please, please god number, not using his name in vain. I don't do that. I am begging you for the sake of the country, and all that is holy. Please do not. stop talking about this under the guise of nothing's going to happen, even if we lose impeachment and Biden, is not arrested. If we can steal away, fifteenth percent of his voters and control control of this malian ballad scourge. When the selection by away inside and then we can, start cleaning this mess up. I'm not tell We have the d o js the answer, the f b. I z answer. I don't want to make you laugh. That's a! a comedy I I'm sorry We telling you that the very active use spreading this information out getting it out. There is making a difference if you think
Otherwise, then you just give it up. I know: that's not many of you out there, but there are glad to a guy, give up nothing's going to happen. being is gonna happen, but nothing's going to happen if we say nothing's going to happen in just give up by the way Furthermore, this is is real again. This is one of those. How is this real segments? how the hell is this real, this guy, you Yeah, I mean sounds like a child. He's asked the boy. Impeachment, and this is the best. This is the Democrats best response here check this out. The party has formally launched an impeachment he's going. Oh my gosh, you know it's devastating ou, don't do it. Please don't know! That's eight! Eight! rights of refugees,
fried for gays easier to use at the end of that. That's so crazy was at the end of the day. It's like the activity. Gomes lady who jumps in my radio, show all the time that long real crazy on these people just randomly appears so not so why I want you to watch the progression because I never ever waste your time on this show. If you are a listener to the show you know I have not messed with a lot of frank for gays. These appear lot of gazes. A lot of frankfurt. Gacy appeared in their folks, you Oh the deal I do waste your time told you what's gonna happen. It, one from no evidence now to no direct evidence, the direct, evidence is the bank records. That's why we need the impeachment power subpoena once the bag record start, showing payments that made their way into Biden. Then they're gonna go to bow. Oh, imho. He was troubled with bow. He didn't know what to do and then, when that falls flat, it's going to become while everybody does it they're all peddling influence in d c Biden. Just did it because eh, whatever
is just one of the budget. These republicans do it too. That is gonna, be the progression flag. It we'll be talking about it in the chat with me? these flags and forget these flying just a few months. I'm telling you guys guys it's a triple flag. On the same thing. We got flags everywhere. Ok, everybody swaggering everything. Now I love it here. The good news today, so we got it. A piece of good news, looks like the freedom carcass he's gonna draw a line on the spending. Again there should be. pop and share pay courts court how to them No, we shouldn't however, its good news. We don't need always talk about bad stuff. Second, it looks like the impeach greece, gonna, move forward, dragging so republicans like mccarthy kicking and screaming, but that's ok as long as they do what we needed to do. We can drag them. It's all right. another piece of good news this reading was of scene thing out of new mexico me to get to that in a minute. What happened in new mexico
a bit more on the impeachment, because I gave you some good news, but I gotta give you some bands. You have schumacher queue up sugar first, actually, Here's again more evidence years church humour that the democratic caucus over their ears, humor. You can tell Humor knows what's up that this guy's in deep shit here check this out The impeachment inquiry is absurd. The american I wanted to do something that will make their lives better go off on these cases in which Once The bottom line is, as we have said, in only accomplish being the government open in a bipartisan way you notice how they tie in this all the government spending all in folks. They are freaking out. Here's the a p drove the ape here. A p, claiming that there is no evidence that, without republicans reclaiming without evidence, see they're gonna, get that they're not going to stop These people are straight up communist alot of folks Ask me by the way: what should we do about
emma crowds who say, there's no direct evidence. Here's the odd to god answer what you should do all grimly ma can laugh at them- do not debated Stupidity laugh at them, and clown them. Oh geez, send Ella well ammo jeez send a screen shot of my no evidence other than this just laughed at them. Make sure you ridicule and mark them for what they are. Its Exactly what I did with the a p yesterday, They know their in trouble. They know their in trouble. The problem is we still have a few toolbox is on our side. Here's can book shop. king. Again again, I have to rank this guy, the top five dumbest republican members of congress right now, a guy who, easily walk at the lit me and corn, you I binders for a public evidence of Joe Biden, corruption, bank records tat emails photos waiting. Since ten twenty threes fbi, informant reports, Babo Linsky, swear in Devon. Archer
Ten bucks she's too stupid. Here's, the media left favorite purse can book. I even heard you're being cited by the absolutely hapless jessica, tar aloft who is just straight up, like propagandists for the left, an embarrassing barrister it that way. Being cited by tar love? You should probably retire. Here's can buy back on the on cnn again, happily claiming it's too stupid to look at the evidence check this out Two days ago, you said that the time for impeachment is when there is evidence linking present by into a high primer misdemeanor, he said quote bad doesn't exist right now. Do you still feel that way? Tonight, I have not seen any of it in some links to president Biden to honour binds activities. At this point, I will be getting a briefing later in the week, I'm looking forward to understanding more than what the oversight committee has uncovered. But at this point I am, I am not saying that evidence I don't even know again a guy who deserves nothing but ridicule. At this point I mean
honest to god, if you're you're invited all my show, but I gotta tell ya it's not going to be a friendly interview. Just warning you now because I'd What one thing I don't do is stupid. I cannot you stupid, and if you're these dumb. That's your aware of the texts, I pay half a pop spills. You are unaware of the photos, the archer testimony the babo linsky testimony and your one job in congress right now in a coma. We'll branch of government should be oversight, and you still or too stupid to read the evidence then, really need to resign. Honesty. Ride rather have a democratic there than this. Before he's just a moron once be excited by just a guitar law again, one of the most misinform liberals on television anywhere and acts? who propagandists probably no you did it wrong.
And I love how they said republicans by the way as if they're and meanwhile, if the Republican says something they don't like the same or probably all that guy's a liar where you decided have you decided I'm so ridiculous? aren't I got more on this, including a big update out of new mexico, where again, the fight back has begun new mexico. you now we got the democratic attorney general flippin, a double barrel middle finger This is really not anyway. This is why Joe you can on flag detail the thing by the way. I don't like it pleased because authority done ideals brown. I proved that this is I've already proven it. This is ted Lou. Did this the other day when he spoke, against the new mexico governor suspending the constitution in new mexico, he did because he knew this was going to backfire. Now, no democrats going to try this again as even Democrats flip off the democrat governor. That's why TED lieu did it for, as predicted and it's happening right now, A lot of again green shoots are happening. Folks, quick break. I get to that list.
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grissom. I thought it would be a good idea because she's probably a moron, I I can't imagine her chief council told her. This was a good idea. I've heard she's a lawyer to where it is burn or law degree and our law school should suspend suspenders. She should be arrested, they should polar degree right away, lou on gresham governor mexico's as you can carry, and this really a temporary period of time, suspending the constitution in new mexico, which she, of course can't do you dumb to realise that here is the democrat Democrat attorney general mexico, a man by the name of Raoul Torres, say my office will not defend your administration, a buck reference cases challenging the public health emergency birds judge one flag it. I tell you this when I was ten lou, It's already aids instantly inflow german flag to the radiation. Jamie. Go that way outta. Why did taboo and other Democrats come out early and say it's a bad idea. Lotta people say other doing the right thing. No, they are not doing the right thing
igloo knew right away. This thing was going to get so we smoked in court the first person arrested. We're carrying a weapon legally was going to the police. We're gonna be sued police. I was gonna, be sued the governor can it be sued? The attorney general is gonna be sued the day. I was, gonna be sued. They were good get smoke. The everybody knew it move Gresham is just too frequent stupid because she's a maura. She is really really dumb, so even our democratic attorney general's, like I'm, not put my office. Illegal liability for you idiots here is the dumb gum of new mexico on cnn even see it is like this is work it out, like you thought, is it here check this out? We also govern governor constitution of of new mexico in the constitution of the united states and you're, an attorney do you think you're on solid constitutional ground. Here
I'm we're gonna, see I mean look. I wouldn't do it. If I didn't think I had the right to have the, whereas the right, whereas no rights, data, mexico, public it's a suspension, it's not a bad and we'll see what all these court actions do. You know. Typically, we will do this by its. We ve done a lot. We try to keep these four very special occasion, but this woman so stupid the birds, but I got override you. I think it's three I hope this is the rare three. the events of three months, We have already had an outlet for two weeks Oddly events, three the events are rare, but I tell your backup model out original these out, you know
This was like the the kids book, they'd be like kissing or something if liberals ran this show not an issue. There's a divide right here. Your dog alone we going to put put the dogmatic? We baseball card game is kind signed by the gig me that for christmas, there's a divide here between these two ok. But let me tell you something this: is it poor motley, even though we ve done couple mothers Joe is hesitating- and I love god, because I don't over using elements that the show don't arrest, they get all, but I Joe. I think its thinks all right even gone with a lot of might leave this week. This woman is so stupid. She clearly deserves the dead. The triple motley in this end back up money to. Let me try to not hit the ball, yes, no pole, There's no Paul again. Looking bad nepal better, be careful time and accurately slipped out of the way but some are no pull for. You know soup, for you appall nodding folks, The woman is an eighty year she's getting destroying this leave this year. This
is why the Democrats were freaking out. It is not because they are doing the right thing. I am, begging you as friends of the show. Please trust my instincts. Please trust my instincts on this stuff. I can. Read these people like a book. I worked with them in the white house. I ran for office against them. I've been on the radio interviewing these people for years. They are, is predictable as the morning sun I move they're, getting ready to dump bar by by the way washington, post article again, nother predict come true. No ojo stroke of genius on my part, you put the unpredictable I can do is red the headlines, washington, post. yesterday, David geishas President Biden should not run again and twenty twenty four. I predict that I just told the writing on the wall, or in this case the wash the postwar they want this guy out. They want this guy out and you can
expect the heat to get hotter as this idiot, while after today, inflation number, which again I get into detail tomorrow on the shore. because I like to talk about that and economics in a little bit of death. the inflation numbers devastating. I told do again in another unflagging the moment will do tomorrow that inflation was not done. Oh, you know what you're talking about a lot of lefties. It's been on a downtrend since last year. I said, really only me we're going to spend another one point: seven trillion dollars: we don't have an that's going to curb inflation and sure enough inflation creep up again. Exactly like I says, because I believe in this crazy thing, you know what it's called guys. You have any idea what it's called. It's called math yeah. Oh, it's a new thing, snow, Joe, not expecting anyone to know about new thing. The last two years, or so you print the bunch, your money asked the go somewhere. It goes into people's pockets, that goal spending which drive
the price of things there now by that That's how inflation worse, yes, but that's It's too easy to understand, it is better what does the dire. I move on carbon free gowns continuing why Anyone know why anyone would have tell me the chatter sixty six thousand five hundred loyal viewers who I loved, you dare tell me a job eddie why you have sixty seven thousand out. Everybody I have an idea why the covert hysteria is pick it up, anyone anyone any yet. Yes, yes, Correct, kids. Yes, there you go. Who is aware? Who is it that was politically right? You are a hundred. Incorrect and you are politically right in this case election time, who else we gotta shout at someone else. We've got curious cat election time again, you're all correct. You could expect a call but hysteria go absolutely bananas
because they needed because they want what question do they want? Why? Yes, yes, yes, mail in ballots! Why do they want mail about? Sorry too? The questions today show. Why do they want mail in ballots? Because it's easy to cheat? chance. There's you know you guys clearly the attention they I mail in ballots, and the only way to do it is to say kobe, you're going to get infected. If you show up at the election booth you're all going to die, it's true it's so true by the way is large, is here because crazy. Such is here. I want you to watch this hilarious club. Is the media in canada? This teresa met teresa tam. Excuse me threesome major three, so one public health officers administers whenever a big canada heresy. The media noticed a media question. I'm so glad you all are idiots wearing mass like morons. This is this is the. This is how the question starts out at is: yes,
We all need the. Does there myself again, like idiots and put up. What's this stupidity, I want you to see out of media and public health, It is an official feed off each other stupidity to hide the covered stuff right, but or like should seize the get. You all crazy check this out by just one year old girl, I'm asking what his lonely receive correspond. Most government ministers are and are not now most mps are almost people on the street are not masking is, is earnestly the guidance on going forward at this point Has treated him so it is a labour protection. We hope people have developed the habit to better use mask asked me that during the rest was revised these and not just for covered for further or the other respiratory pathogens that will be transmitted around this time. So I do think now is the time to get umass mass ready, if you don't already have them in our own particular contacts we sunday in AL
area, that's been an uptake in some of the covert ninety and indicators. For me personally that there have been cases around even my work, colleagues, so that's one of the reasons why we are wearing mass. Today, Did you hear that we're getting wait? Did you guys the beginning of that is of a before I get to gdp, and a common voice is funny, but did you here, the beginning, the media, no scrutiny by this media person all about domestic work at all. None theo, question air quotes because it wasn't a question. It was a statement by the media, but I'm sure glad to see all you imbeciles we're basques, I'm with no grasp of the mare science once or media version Never at all costs is through these. actually work are a good deal with greece. You ever notice how all of these public health people they all talk like em, pcs, they all
what were you ever see? Those like chat bought things where you type in tax and then and then they just spouts out disliked. where murmur and every day all talk like. This is no emotion, because you know why these know the reason. There's no emotion cos I believe this. They noticed political. They know the mask is a fear tool and they know it. That's why they don't enthusiastically speak about it because they know it's bullshit. They don't actually believe it That's. Why you're freaking out about the covert thing, because I listen. I had some. not this specific story to be clear. I don't like telling you know, get out there and be hyperbolic about but I've been hearing some whispers about things like this for a long time, the money portion of it. but this was a really really explosive story in the new york posts, turns out to be true. I want to get out ahead of it. appears to be more than credible. Based on the person who came forward rate.
the story of my newsletter today, bonds. You know that consolation newsletter, you wanted get out the stories in the new york post now I already know the f b I's corrupted me know. The d o j is beyond corrupted. That's that that's not even a question we ve had suspicions. Cia may play a role and spy gay now, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the cia is going to have to be guided till I'm If this story is true new york, Oh just christian, said: cia tried to pay off, analyse to bury findings and covert lab leak was likely accordingly, whistleblower. I'm hearing this whistle blowers more than credible The whistle blower was not approach by members of congress The whistle blower approached members of congress. In other words, this wasn't solicited information, hey guys give us this winkie winkie, not not. This person came forward Apparently, this is a career person at the cia, claiming that they were offer dead at sea offered to pay off, analyse in order
bury their findings that covered Eighteen leaked from the lab and move on china. According this whistle blower fault we leave this up. Here is is freaking devastating. If true devastating. Totally unsurprising, by the way, because our government is entirely corrupted anyone in the chat surprised by this story? Anyone any of your good sense a big gas and all caps. If your stun anyone surprised it goes on that a senior level cia officers. When I heard this is not some tomato can tell them Ask committee that they to pay off six analyse who found that sars covert too likely originated in the war on that. Nobody. Here a single person who surprise bonds and that, if they change their position, the virus jump from animals to humans. According to a letter, said It is there to see a director, william birds. Folks, One of your thinking, the obvious right now,
You know where my mind is rosy and the chat you know where my mind is, you guys are with me every back. Sixty seven thousand, you know where we get where I'm going with this. If you can't trust the cia about basic science, about where this thing came from, despite the fact tat. It was a war on lab where the virus originated. Studying this wanted corona virus, which only a moron which had to sit here history of safety problems by the way. You can't trust that our most trustworthy information coming out about ukraine, member, we were told ya ukraine's make. progress, they're winning who are they making progress? Ladies and gentlemen, I gotta tell you right now. I don't trust anyone in the governments of the EU. I mean how embarrassing is as we pay these people these central. intelligence agency to give us what what do you think the scent intelligence agencies. Job. Is anybody want to stab? I guess that gaza Don't do it holy shit, Joe smart, he says intelligence, I I'm studying they would get, they would do intelligence. So, what's the point,
intelligence, if it's the sepia no not certify publicly counted, but they said, propaganda age. What's the point, two we do the the two point: four percent of people, according to MR chap I've got others every. You guys messing around tat, they were able so ministers, I love avenue here in the chat, but if you would make yourself I just want to show you kidding or knowledge. You really surprised by this that the cia lying about over you huge ire, love avenue here, don't get me wrong. I gotta believe your messing around correct, you boys were that's insane. Be a hundred percent? Who are you Why are these rebel? I use it? by guy messy, weathers big progress. Is it like an algorithm issue? There's no way, they actually believe this. This is crazy. here's how I know they're freaked out about this whole thing too? the binding ministries and remember this: is this department, spokesman, Matt Miller, one of the most obnoxious tool bags ben anywhere near capitol hill. The pentagon everywhere
areas. When he's asked a question, a straightforward question: how much money did we? hey to these rules on labs and these people working with them to develop discovered virus watch him freak out, and I'm going to tell you why he freaked out it's really important as do what I just told you What is more here why he freaked out on the other side, is check this out How much money went from usa idee to this too, It will on end to their collaborator roth behrendt at the university of north carolina create the tools.
To make calonna viruses that are weapon eyes more deadly. So I first of all reject the implicit accusation in question and I do not have on my finger. I do not. I do not have an eye fingertips that particular details of euros are. Certainly, are you saying for certain they know the usa idea. Many other points that I want. I started writing go please tell me, do you know? Why are you aiding that? No, I am what I say I must say I am. I am happy to take questions from those in this audience. I'm happy to answer them put appreciate that they treat every person in this room, including myself, respectfully. I call on you. I'm now find someone else go ahead for respectfully, please tell me, are you deny? Is your deny its an undeniable denial Let me tell you what's going on here: I'm going give you the scoop. Everybody ready for this is really important. You understand this in a tie. This whole story together for you what their freaking out about notice. He
the absolutely never answers the question ever. There's a reason. The united states government through carve out was funding not just one but a lot. This lab activity around the world on gain function, research for viruses. Now Why would the united states government be doing that from what I am hearing from reliable people dna it states government, was try to spy, which you you could it to you to determine if you agree with this or not I can tell you is what sources are telling me. The united states government wanted to spy on what for and governments were doing to create bio weapons in order, to do that. They use carve out carbon slight. These third party entities non government organizations, research organisations who are actively working with
who s intelligence is making sense, while working with foreign governments doing virus research ears Wakey wakey nod nod, the foreign governments to get the money from these? U S, ngos! telling these ngos a word doing it all gain a function to see how these viruses could mutate in effect, humanity. You get you guys, follow me Government knows the entire time that this is a buyer weapons facility but needs access to it to see what they trying to create. So they can't directly funded, because its problem on paper somewhere, that we know they are creating bio weapons, so they funded these third party entities that then worked with them and try to get them to gather intel. Never thinking. One of these things was going to escape from the lab and kill millions of people, but did so now. Instead of again the government coming clean and say my bad
did find this. We were spying on them for bio weapons programmes. The government does what it does best, which is why the cia, if that story is true, was probably involved in this. You get. It therefore probably wait out a whole load of money to pay. These people are attempt to pay these analyse, to say, don't say thing about us funding. The nuala lab did not come from there. You get it you guys track in this story. It is one of the biggest political scandals of our time. Its huge we funded be covered virus creation. We funded Everybody knows it. We funded to carve out working with intelligence trying to get an in the bio weapons programmes, while we absolutely knew they were working on bio weapons. This is exactly what is happening right now. That's why. miller. This goofball is totally freaked out completely. Freaked out about what's going on here,
know what to do funding this thing. It is clear. his day picture hey a man, as you can tell. I had a lot of coffee folks thanks again, I'm again, I'm not going to oh. What's that I went to go check the books. That obama was book signings coming up for my new book give the failure is jos, copies of joint paper Let's see we got thursday September fourteen its tomorrow right. Yes, it is their position, number fourteen five p m, barnes, Noble carry north carolina. Thirteen and killed their farm road I'll, see you there fly out after the show tomorrow, and I've got another book signing coming up choose September nineteen. So that's coming up to five pm. jensen, beach, treasure comments on north west federal highway, the barnes ennoble agenda, beach, five o clock, tuesday september. Nineteen, I really hope,
see you all their I've had. Are we had tremendous turn out. I think we shall eight hundred bucks in a box. I think we did the wages or something like that crazy, so I see there of the sale a lot of locals going to the jensen beach, one lot of people going up. We got a ton of emails about the Kerry book signing of the sea there and please a pickup find out how I met producer. Joe and dumb, samantha from levine show. He was I have to send out a piece of the book today? Were I admit it? I knew we had made it with the podcast Joe when you read that we have read the book yet so you don't know this, but. you know what I do. We made it I was sitting up in, he could castle in new york on a low vacations, whereas I got married at dawn, listen and rustling bond, radio, and he says you noticed guide, thereby gino was on talking about benghazi and folks.
And I was the moment I knew we'd broken through, so that in a book you that story and never realised- and of course I was gonna- take over spot- have to be the tragically. Rush. Wait you, sir, that's stories in their time of others. You learn a lot about me you're serious, you you're a natural chapter that said pretty good stuff. If the failure pick it up today really appreciate thanks for your patience with me in a book. I know it's annoying people thought him other books and stuff like that I'll be a mark of his radio show, namely thirty two talking about a pm eastern thompson. added thanks again ever tuning in folks choice every day for the chad eleven, a m rumble dot com, flashpoint, gino, quick, that green but seventy thousand also awesome. I love crack and seventy it makes me feel good click that far Why didn't you get a notification every day we go. I really appreciate you all your great thanks for making this a number one best. Seller really preacher see you back here. Mom you just ten von jean Ojo,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-14.