« The Dan Bongino Show

Are The Democrats Trying To Interfere In Another Election? (Ep 1751)

2022-04-20 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the question, “are the Democrat’s planning to interfere in the 2022 election?” 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about America on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host Dan Ben JE know. So we know the Democrats hate things like voter integrity measures, voter id. We get that they don't want you questioning anything about the election unless you're Hillary Clinton or Al Gore questioning election, you lost ripe. We know they love soccer box marks. a bird in their group, their facebook money going into Democrat district, but there was a story I saw yesterday about what appears be a nother measure for them to tilt the action coming up in their direction that shit, kingly, almost Nobody is talking about organ we need to show that today don't go anywhere today. Show brought you by Express BP and keep your online activity say, from prying eyeballs, get a Vps go to express VP
and dot com slashed by GINO today? Don't wait. Welcome the damn boy GINO show I've got that I've got an update on. The EU law must case with twitter and a German. You know. Mister wonderful from shark tank He was on CNBC just for laying for laying the Twitter Board, because they're going to find themselves in a lot of trouble very quickly, get that the Santa I again Saki screw up one more time at an update on the whipping case, so it is gonna, be a loaded show for you today today show brought to you by magic once in starting to incorporate magic spoon into my daily routine silicious, but I have noticed fewer cravings throughout the day and more energy to hold me over until lunch, explain: has zero grams, a sugar, thirteen or fourteen grams of protein forty calories and only for net grams of carbs in each serving its Kido friend gluten free grain free site, free and low, carb
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by the administration. Hiding about twenty twenty two election. Are they trying to interfere in the two thousand and twenty two election, like the media and big tech and others interfered in the two thousand and twenty election? Are they trying to do this again? Why don't they want people talking about it? kind of strange right eye. the story in the Wall Street Journal and I swear my first thought was highways that. I haven't heard about this before What the hell are they hiding by denying freedom of information, ACT, requests. Here's the peace, It's called voter registration drive spied Biden, Currently there mobilizing the federal government, the Bind administration to sign people up as note the wash your journal that may sound benign, but far from it? I mean the background here, according to the journal on what they're doing the by demonstration, because folks I dont
The Democrats, as far as I can throw them and given my arthritic shoulders even more my even on my right ones, a little better. I can't throw them very flock. Here's what they know. President binds ordering all agencies in the federal bureaucracy, to quote Spanish citizens opportunities to register, to vote, to obtain information about and participate in the electoral process. That language was from a March twenty twenty one. I get title promoting access to voting, and they know it may sound, but I, but it isn't And it may Conseil and abuse of power. But the administration they notice, making it very difficult for the public to find out. Where have we seen this played out before folks we saw this play out with bizarre box scandal. Remember Mark Zuckerberg Facebook that group they were affiliated with that were poor. all of this money and to get
the vote efforts and the money was disproportionately going to Democrat Demo. Districts at largely vote Democrat now, the federal government, if these federal government is using the federal bureaucracy. Agencies within the federal bureaucracy, whatever they may be. engage in get out the vote. Efforts by knows effort, our partisan based and, ladies and gentlemen, we got a serious, serious problem. Now, Why would I imply that? that this may be a partisan effort. You get what I'm saying right if it's a nationwide effort they get out the vote and it stunned done with no partisan intent. You may be able to pass muster on that, but the by demonstrations taking taxpayer dollars to get The votes for Democrats, we got a serious problem, a very serious problem
a guy. I'm like I said I haven't heard this story the story before so, These guys are wrote this article, they put it for your request for these agencies back in December of twenty twenty nine, they say our foyer request focus on agencies named. Excuse me in this Twenty twenty plan by the law wing group demos which bears a striking resemblance to the president's order more on then, the second demo, I urge the incoming administration to turn the bureaucracy into voter registration agencies. Not a single agencies provided the documents this group request requested and most of them haven't, spawned raw violating the law. I might add. So this group is like hey way way way way. You ve got federal, agencies engaged in what appears to be a massive get. The vote effort we
To take a look at that to see what you're doing, because the list of agencies that you guys Pushing for this voter registration ever see still look a lot like a left wing group called demos they put out a paper. showing that you should use these agencies to engage in a voter registration drove me. Wouldn't it be weird right. If CMS descent for many a centre for Medicaid Medicare Services was doing some kind of voter registration. Was there a week in a nod there to register people in Mary is over other areas: gee, I to know that Of course the left doesn't want you to talk about this, which we promptly given the double barreled family friendly and Talk about it anyway, whose, wherever the left tells us not to talk about this issue glee means you're worried about something. Don't you find it quite strange that leave. Well, foyer requests freedom. Information act request of the government.
It's you must replied you it's not optional. It's not a question. It's an answer. it is a legal process, for some reason: agencies or not responding. bet they're violating the law, to hide what they're doing with this voter registration drive. I find that kind of strange I mean you want to send a postcard to everyone in America. Every Everyone, America, eligible, hey, here's we can register to vote. ok, you probably would have a hard time with that, but what it'd, be really weird Joe, if let's say those postcards only one hour to CMS Medicaid recipients in Democrat areas. That would be really weird real strange. May we already know they? voter Idee Democrats. eight any voter integrity measure at all. They love broad. They don't want
questions about elections. We know that. We know they loved you killed the playing field with theirs. your box type efforts? Folks, this would be a new low. I mean this is stunning: why isn't this a bigger story? I'm gonna, all of this and stay. On top of this, I have to become With you I haven't heard about this story, I know a demo send their group. I get that, but I hadn't heard about this, and this is really really troubling disturbing stuff. Now What could be going on there? While we know the left has achieved? We get that mean that in cheating in elections. I mean that's their thing. They bids, talking about elections and trying to steal elections for a long time. I mean look at the crap, They pulled in twenty twenty would beg tat the crap they pulled in twenty sixteen with their with the
Dickie- Collusion, also going to be an update on that at the end. If I can get to it, but we know they have this. At sea, because the show's over for them people- waking up there, efforts to sexual eyes, people's kids, their push to take over the schools and teach their kids their racist or see our t there. There I tax policies which are leading us to nothing more than government spending and mass inflation. open borders, policies being shown on the news now every night, because if drone and social media technology can't hide their sick agenda anymore. So they have to cheat to win and publicans or figuring out, I'm going to say I am- and I say this in its not an effort to play Wet one on anyone's caboose here, but I think Donald Trump, really change the game for a public and politicians, I'm serious instead of sitting back and letting the left's agenda run rough, shot and constantly playing defence, which we did in the past. You know it
but can vote as you know it. We used to poligized. Four things we didn't even doing the Republican Party Donald Trump Lip this script on that he created. I think a new generation of politicians have figured out screw this defence. As the events as a sudden boxing all the time. It's a good aspects when you're punch in the other guy he's Thinking about orphans himself, he's thinking about defence. The best defence is a good hour Is there no longer accepting these standard median out as here's? What I mean. Rhonda Santhosh down in Florida. We haven't done one of these in awhile, but this is a perfect example of Ronda. Santas strikes get the this guy gets it skipped. We haven't done one of those what he gets. He never ever stops going on office, which forces
The Democrats in the media, although there is somebody out there, the same thing- its forces them as there are I gonna to screw the sub so import. My going on the offence matters. whereas the Democrats want to focus in like a laser on one. The Santa's hoax, like Rhonda Santa's, gave out vaccine- to the public's in Florida, because they were a campaign donor which was like a total hoaxes. The biggest grocery chain in Florida, as their focus that the scientists hit you in another direction. Like the Disney thing or this you gotta saying the debt that's never have a chance to settle on one December. This narrative they would complaining about the redistricting in Florida. To say this is new congressional map and dismay his charge and hit some with a body blow as they were covered their face. You get what I'm saying. This is the way to do it. You hit, with so many fronts that don't know where to allocate their forces the Democrats
have done this to us for years and now The scientists and Trump have figured out tat when you flip the script with it Tipsy, do liberal the same phenomenon works in the other direction, impossible to get a narrative the stick if they constantly the defend themselves. Here's what I mean did one of the most anti family friendly companies in America, a company that has destroyed and decimated their entire reputation cell Stock, do not go to their Parkes anymore, can't This Disney plus Disney play, dizzy and has come out in favour. Sexual lies in kids in kindergarten? It's disgusting fighting against a descent. This is anti grooming bill. What I don't know what a four grooming its gross with Disney's up to decide this. basically seller. I daresay you play a heavy duty. Hob political hardball in the state
can do that too. So why you to listen to this? This is this at this point there is a real, the Creek District should long and short of it is ready. Creek allow. Disney in that area. The reedy Crete district to basically make its own you know, govern itself in that district, is Disney a lot of money, listen to the Santas. On that check. This out. I am announcing today that we are expanding the call of what they are going to be considering this week, and so yes, they are, be considering the congressional map, but they also will be considering harmonization of all special districts there were enacted in Florida prior to nineteen, sixty eight- and that includes the reedy, improvement district how it works. Left these in the media are so focused on the congressional map in Florida and calling round the scientists are racist, which is their answer to everything by the way which we already know less
I will be calling him a racist and as there focused on that he flips the script takes on Disney again and now they're back calling him like what an anti corporatist. I thought that was left a message you see how constantly keep some off guard. Thinking about running for office are supporting someone. This is the way you do it. You take this. The scientists model, and you go on orphans all the time and, ladies and gentlemen, it works. I believe in fact, and data I'd be ass posts malarial article Nick Monroe, Vienna bonds. You know that calm newsletter check it out. Most Americans still up the floor is eighty grooming law. Despite the Smear campaign new Paul, fifty, seven per cent of people support the eighty grooming law in Florida. Forty seven percent believe don't say: gay is a misleading label posts. We have lost.
four years on these culture, wars, fights and now we're getting this trump descent this model and use of social media, of means of of of everything is have to be so serious. using means and stuff and satire member them there's nothing worse. People hate more in power. And to be laughed at nothing. Are starting to win and turn the tide because offence matters, the best defence is a good offices. You're, not gonna, be grooming, kids in our state, not in Florida, and it starts catch on a name. Are in a panic so much so Jen. Aki yesterday, ridiculously star crying about this bill, because Jen Saki in the White House, or a hell bent on actual lies in your kids. It is the most freaky thing:
I have ever seen in my thirty years. Follow. Politics I've never seen anything like this. They are obsessed with. Teaching, your kids about sex, telling them there's a I don't care about. Where you put your thing, I dont care still keep out of the classroom, its groves. Stop talking to kids about sex it's disgusting This stand where this is appropriate. I can't Imagine being in an I b m c suite with a bunch of Jack. It is talk about your five year growth plan for you, computer business for it may be added they go and hey who was lock in boats, less labour, their spouse, o me, you pay for who did steadily this
the weirdest thing I have ever seen, crying because they kid Did she has kids right crime because they can't talk to the kids it's about sex in school Jen Peppermint. You want to talk to your kindergartners about sex you. Do you. It's weird and super creepy, but you who do you keep that out of my kids classroom period, who is the great cayley, MAC and Amy with door in the shower? Kelly was on the candidates last night. And she addressed this Jenny. Saki wasn't a podcast appearance appears orders crying. crying. crying, because she can't at the White House can't force sexual as a bunch of kindergartners.
Hit the nail on the head with this last night? You may want to cry about. Someone could be some cry about your check this out when my daughter goes to school. I don't her learning about those things coming home in teaching being taught things that I then have to explain to her and of the issues to cry and get upset about John there's a war in Ukraine. There is bloodshed and our streets literally dying on the streets from crime that is totally out of control and rapid. There is call them, where more Americans have died on Joe Biden Watch than on president trumps. There is a lot to cry about. Namely, if you want to cry about one issue in this country right now, I think the press secretary should cry about the sixty two million children that do not exist. I've been aborted because of Roby wait a heinous heinous decision in this country that is exterminated about one fifth of the United States population. So if you want to cry, don't cry about
sing sexuality on kindergartners. That is sick cry about the sixty two million children who can't even go to kindergarten a key clap. Here we gotta try factor of applause. You have gone yards, yes,. people dying in Ukraine. You got there. Tens of thousands of lives being snuffed out, to the plague of abortion in this country and seeming crying about that in the left. This, fortunately, should we affecting many minority communities wanna see many cry it about that play of crime and minority communities Chicago and elsewhere. Wiping The next generation living in fear and I'll see him and cried about that kind of weird right all lives manner all live matter, including our citizens, in these minority communities being target
by crime every single day want to cry about something cry about that they're citizens too. This is their country too, are entitled to live in peace, alright more, but I still can't get over that story and more about that in a second. Let me get this he's got coming up. Saki God nailed yesterday by Peter, do see again on another question and just can't not die without. She always asked it work it up, I've got to say and I mean it. I know it's hard to be objective. She is seriously one of the worst press secretaries. I've ever seen she zero ability whatsoever to take the temperature down forbidden Kyoto, the other side's, zero liberals, lover No one else can stand there. That's why binds at thirty something percent approval, ok, This thing more that coming up according to line up there. He looked sleep he'll sleep as asleep quotation. Two minutes to complete and matches your body type in sleep preferences, the perfect mattress for you,
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A. I think. These border agents should soon remember the whipping saga people were whipped, the boy they were whipped, really, because it was just an investigation at determined that this was nonsense, which we knew from the start. They were rains reins on the horses you idiots on the left. But, of course, there was a race narrative class warfare narrative in an anti law enforcement narrative, so that story worked out great for them, even though it was false. oh Peter, do see confronted Jen, Psaki and listen. You know Joe Biden, a new both accuses border agents of whipping people now, obviously false. When can we expect an apology, core? Zero dignity, psaki? His answer was basically go pound sand check. This out, we've been told that the mounted border patrol officers, president accused of with the migrants, have been notified. They will not face criminal charges. So when is the president going to apologize to? There is a process and an investigation. That's gone to the Department of Homeland Security. I don't have any update on that.
The president, said that they were whipping people which would be a criminal, offense and they've been told they're not can be criminal investigation into that and I'll. Let the Department of Homeland Security announced any conclusion of that investigation. You have to use these officers of brutal and inappropriate measures now that they've been told they will not be criminally charged. Will you apologize and Peter there was an investigation into their behavior, so that investigation is playing out whenever there it's going to be announced the Department of Homeland, Anyone outside and I'm sure, we'll have a comment on it after that glass is people are just disgusting. They really they have no spine at all. None nuns RO dignity whatsoever, you These border agents, who, by the way their pay scales public ingo, look to see what they make. I promise you they're, not making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Their paid a rather modest salary to do an impossible job, secure a border nobody wants secured, but them by
ministration doesn't count. I meant by demonstration. I wish you and I wanted secured. Paid peanuts for the risk they take what themselves on the front line every single day for an impossible job, and you ve got these dip, wads in the White House, thesis filth In the White House calling these people in I that their slave drivers that they were whipping people knowing make no mistake. Knowing from the start, the story was false and when its prey, in false. Is that apology come and these people are filth, their filth and they discussed me and they should discussed you too. This is what left this vote for destruction of people's lives based on their ridiculous fairy tales. moving on now to do an update on the Eland story, because Elon Musk the story but YE law mosque in its potential take over of twitter. As I said, every single day covering this is not just about IRAN and Twitter, it is about elections, it is about the free,
love information? It is about the first amendment. It is about govern, Big tech collusion to suppress, freeze, each. It is about a lot of things. He learns fight is the very one regardless of your feelings about Elon Musk. he is looking to spend a lot of his money and a lot of his time trying to get twitter back to a free speech platform. Folks, his teeth is valuable. Elon musk time is probably the most valuable time in the world times same for all of us, but we're not paid the same for Elon. is considered one of the Tec geniuses of our time. The fact that he said In all of this time, trying to twitter back to a free speech, platter I have to tell you is admirable faction is reporting that he's going to make another move for twitter within ten days, This was coming out yesterday, so we get nine days left.
after Twitter adopted the poison pill to try to prevent IRAN must have taken over the company by destroying shareholder value, with the poison pill, which would create a dilution event and more stock hurting the shareholders. Folks. The twitter board is digging, deeper and deeper and deeper. can't emphasise enough that the Twitter Board has a do sherry, legal obligation to What's in the best interests of twitter shareholders, now They may have escaped lawsuits, which I'm not sure am just I'm sick, may may of escape lawsuits in turning down Ellen's by out offer. Maybe. they may escape lawsuits on that suggesting there were waiting for a better offer, but here's my question for you if I have a financial obligation to do it's in Jos, best interests in someone offers Joe a job for a hundred thousand dollars. Tell Joe to turn it down, because I think another offers gonna come in for one twenty, you twenty.
Well better, be sure that offer for one twenty comes in sir. and what happens when that one twenty offer, is from the same company that started two hundred offer and just up to one twenty sooner or later, at or tell Joe to take that offer or you're gonna be subjected to lawsuits by that's what's happening now,. The Twitter Board turned down the fifty for twenty per share, offer saying: oh, I dunno you know for the share responsible. You may have a better offer out there. We think the company's worth more so now a box is reporting that either gonna put another offer together with other investors, but what, if for sixty them. What do you do? so just to be clear. You got no other paper offers. None although you said you might and then you get another paper offer and its formula again at a higher price. You gonna turn it down, you think you're not going to get sued.
I'm not sure you're not gonna, be sued about turn it down. The first offer turn it down the second one, you're practically beg to be sued as a board member, they keep digging deeper and deeper and deeper. Now one of the ridiculous assertions Twitter Board continues to make. Is that now this company has value above which airline is offering, even though he loves offering more than its worth now. The stock is in what you are offering fifty four dollars, so you ve, no airlines offering a premium. The twitter, It keeps coming back to say not unaware we're meeting our fiduciary responsibilities, shareholders, because we believe the company's worth more. You do. That's interesting because nobody else believes that anywhere matter of fact, because but he is run so badly that people I've been losing money on this stark who bought in for a very long time, mister
wonderful from shark TAT Genome Kevin, o Leary Kevin, o Leary desirable. I met a minute twenty seconds, but it's worth your time Kevin O Leary, is easy to tell if you ever watch some odd shark take ban if he thinks you're company Socrates, the gay. Company sucks. Here's Kevin O Leary on CNBC yesterday talking about how are full of accompany this really is twitter and how they better park up real quick to these offers check this out this debate. I'm already content is not unique to twitter. This is up for all social media platforms in over the last decade, almost ten years, These companies went public and, if you compare its performance was talk about investors This is the most miserable investment you can put your dollars into social media. It has totally lag all its other competitor. never grew anywhere near as fast as Google or Facebook. Instagram or even Tik Tok that just cleaned out, right away to a matter of months,
ask yourself that the rotating suite of executives have come through this day? The stock options issued over the last nine years have created virtually no veil. For the shareholders. Now the best way Look at this is you gave him ok, one I'd get away, hey stick out and just start all over again and that's what you want must is proposing the biggest risk for shareholders here, whether you believe in free speech, issue or not. Is. It must goes away. There and the same miserable place they are now in others tastes hell at the very bottom of that is twitter. This had been a horrific place to try and grow a business it. Its change needs the walking stick, it needs everybody cleaned out there and I think privately. He asked me about free speech and who should be cancelled who's, not the reason this thing is under performance. They ve tried to do this duration by cancelling voices and losing millions of followers
There's no matter what gently here, You got a capital area because you know Dantes hell bent. That is Twitter Bell isn't yet. I get it, you may not. Even I've made some very good investments. That, or can you may say, Dan whenever politics guy Friends on abolishing sky Kevin, o Leary is a business guy. Who's made a fortune in business, he's telling you This investment is garbage. the Twitter Board, is claiming to have this hidden value in the company words, hidden. They must be hiding it's from the Twitter Board because they can grow it either. I got it a break for want of responses. But when I come back on the other side, he said something else in about options that again you're wasting your time here. I've been matching it now mentioning it for two weeks how in Orton. That is what he said. He didn't say that by accident, how the star
options Matter Stem argued that the second and I could buy Joe Biden probably I'd have to venture to say his most hilarious clip yet unintentionally, Larry, but the options thing matters can be important: stadium Policy genius aids, someone relies on your financial support, whether it's a child than aging parent or even a business partner. You need life. Insurance like insurance can give you peace of mind that if something happens to you and your loved ones, they would have a financial cushion for Randall Mortgage payments, their loans edgy. asian costs in everyday expense, support! See genius is your one stop shop, to find the insurance. You need. Importantly, the right price had the policy genius, Larcom policy, genius, dot com, just answer a few questions and minutes you compare personalized, quotes from top companies to find your lowest price could say fifty percent or more life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius of licensed experts of policy genius or on hand through the entire process.
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smoke by just about every other social media company out there and the only people that love Twitter are the left. This media times you can use it to manipulate elections. Said something in between about the stock options? Folks, Said to you for now a couple weeks is elands: offer the stock since that were given out to employees corporate additives, a twitter and others are nowhere else, has a hand in these options. They are worth But it's not like stock. Again, I'm sorry, I know the conservatives you get this, but there are liberals. Listening were kind of dopey and don't get it if you're given stock and accompany the new given stock. What it's worth its worth, a thousand shares in a dollar each. You have a thousand dollars right, the mark price changes two dollars, you have two thousand out: that's not the way stock options work, If you are given a stock option, an option to purchase the star, or given the stock at a strike price right. Let's
This strike price of the option is a dollar. Well, if the stock stays below a dollar and is these sense, you are not given anything you're, not given anything You say well with what a figure many option, a buyer? Why would you buy it for a dollar if it's on the market at fifty cents, you get it just go: buy it in the market, cheaper. All of these employees twitter. not all many of them and especially the executors our pay The options that are worthless they mean nothing baby. Nothing. Who knows how many options were given away to people who incentivize promotion twitter, whatever it may be. We have no, don't worry worthless Iran must is offering them a pool of money for the first time were there. Stocks are actually going to be worth something they have choices. Your millions at options or take zero M
area, Sir turning it down. That is how you almost. You almost half the respected there that they be the idea data off the like it. But you damn well better respected in the sense that you understand the battle features. Add the terrain features in the battle. I should say these people want to censor so bad to manipulate politics and elections. That a question or that they are literally leaving millions of dollars on the table to do it. It sick it sick. But they want to censor and they were to censor so badly, even at the cost of millions of not tens of millions, thousands, their own personal income, because I understand that twitter censoring people will make people believe BS like this from Joe Biden binding yesterday, I
of all the dumb things this man has ever said. This one has to do The king of stupid statements emanating from the soup cooler of Joe Biden check this out I was listed. Ours had the great pleasure of being listed as the poorest man in Congress for thirty six years. I still Megan how a lot more money anybody else, because I was going to senator sour no kidding I didn't think you make money wire in office, but anyway The point of it is, is off a lot of people are heard It's big difference poorest man in Congress in one respect, Joey's kind of correct them in Joe Biden the name Joe Biden, and the associated assets with the name Joe Biden may make. In poor by congressional standards, because they all get filthy rich over there, but job the big eyes very rare. Now the big guys like Clark, Kent, Superman Kind of thing, you're meant to There are two different people
big guy. This super superhero version of Joe Biden any Clark Joe by but dear we the same person, I've always wondered. I am a comic book. Buff was growing up how people recognize that Clark was Superman with glasses on the same guy. be a lady's face. News is powers from Krypton two opposite Barnes and lowers chin the same dude glasses now Joe Biden, What does he put the aviators on and he's the big guy? Now, if you believe this, you are probably a twitter user who didn't see the story before the election about Joe Biden, Son Hunter binding engaged in an international multi million dollar drifting operation with enemies of the United States where he's alleged, to have taken significant amount of funds from enemies of the United States and other countries as well. The Ukrainians as well- and
in is alleged to have passed money onto the big guy as alleged by Tony Balinsky. The business partner of the deal course you would egg he'd have a little more self awareness to say dumb stuff like that, but he figure, he puts the aviator Zani could turn into the big guided and no one will notice that there are two different people. What scammer We got an important election coming up. We had a very important election coming up and twenty twenty two Now I know I told you at the beginning that the Democrats are obsessed with on levelling the playing field and tilting elections in their direction. I get that. But you are never going to get me to tell you to give up. I'm sorry, I got an email from a guiding the day. I'm not vote anymore. I don't believe my vote counts I don't know what to tell you man, I you wanna, give Give up, I died legitimately, don't know what to tell you if you're committing to I'm giving up,
Canada, maybe just Trudeau, take I dont know what to tell you I'd legitimately dont know what to tell you why when elections in Florida we ve. elections around the country. We have a fifty. fifty Senate and what we do Few votes have taken the house alternative is full democratic control, and I wrote down a list the things you can get in yet more inflation. You like that: more illegals, on the contrary, more fraud, more sex in schools, more seniority, more taxes, and more mass mandate again not suggesting to you that election, These are an issue and election integrity. I just open the show talking about it literally opened the show talking about it. And I M not suggesting to you either that the report Bookends are going to be the solution or your problems, however, am suggesting to you with absolute certainty that the cause of all your problems are. There rats in charge now have two choices,
your chances, what one side or definitely get screwed by the other side and taken my chat. Here's what I mean folks, Washington examiner, please, story of being the newsletter again. Spongy know that calm, Slash newsletter, just click subscribe. It's free want spam, your inbox ETA, dear dear telly,. Forty two arrested at the border under by more on the terror watch list, Accordant D just data could I could see, lives are and where they have, the data from binds the age s, ok, to be clear. I think it's about twenty or so now we're cod at this the boy than the other were caught entering of illegally. Nonetheless, but by different means. These are just the ones we know about. You are more this false, please I'm begging you, again with humility and respect, I'm telling you the Republicans, are the solution to all your problems. We got our own swamp to deal with their, but the Democrats,
are unquestionably the cause of this nurse Where else to go, we can either fix this place or really is over. There is option see There is no option b forget about some, never gonna get to see. I say so. just so option B. It's fixed this place or nothing. My community about grappling when I was doing procedure. Jitsu people ask me new gas agony like rules or guidelines Forget it, I guess maybe Three rules are grappling stay, off your back is rule number one room. Or to refer. to rule number one rule number three: if in doubt, check back with rule number two in rule number one those are my rules were grab. That's the rules here do about voting. You gotta vote. Folks. We need you terawatts list. both sliding the country. How many do we not know about by the way You gotta ways you know, got always people who away. So we don't know about them, so
probably figure by simple math, and we SAM speculating here because we don't know you can't prove counterfactual, but if we caught forty two people the terror watchlist. How many and got away. Eighty hundred twenty five hundred. The answer is, I don't know you don't either because they got away. my more this. Here's more what's come in the twenty twenty two election. We don't show up and show up in mass grab your kids grab. Your mom grab your neighbours grab everyone put them in the van and taken through the polling location, and vote early. Some people say I don't vote early in protest. Folks. Something could happen to you, God forbid you get in a car accident. big fan of early voting either? I think it's socks. I've been a victim of it in my own election, it causes a bunch of headaches for candidates who have the staff poles for like fourteen straight days, and we don't have money rich guy, raged lover early voting staff. The
walls forever, but please show up early you something could happen. Here's what else you can accept. You can expect the mandates to combat if they win in twenty twenty two. Why there are already going crazy that they can't force people to wear masks on airlines. Look at this. story furious liberals revolved after Trump appointed Judge List, Mask Mandy, calling them aid it. Airlines. here's a guy on twitter I this guy is just like his is opinions on, social media about are just because laugh at him now Eric Figel, Ding, Doktor, Eric thing, A blue checkmark ice, of course, he's gotta be important. He is so upset. He can't order you to put a face type around here I will not be flying Alaska AIR until they reinstate public safety measures against covert boycott scare Eric. Please do that. Please of why Alaska AIR much, but if I do it would be really great to not have you on the flight, so I said:
we're that boycott a hundred percent? Thank you doctor, Eric Figel Day please stay off Alaska, that's a ok with me. They are losing their minds deserved. Set, would put it. They want you, when the diaper, too we face diapers, seven diapers, crotch diaper, here birds of a job divers over the eyes? You never know where you can you can use like you know you can. You can feel your way around here, the diaper over your face. You dont, want to get in your eyes. I mean the mess thing at that I can't want forever. At the best thing. Many this audio, quick, video coming up of Leicester Hole through embassy, again suggests falsely as most of these media people do that there is a strong body of scientific evidence approving the efficacy these mass. That is not accurate straight up false thing to say: There is not a large body of evidence proving this at all As I have said before a what
well fitted mask. There is some evidence that, on the transmission side, if you're actively coughing, it can mitigate things. So, if you're sick, put it. If you have to go out, put a good mascots there zero, strong, robust random. We control trial evidence if these cloth masks are doing anything to mitigate spread of twelve zero there. Just why I'll play that coming up in a second alas, sponsored you here at the beginning of every show, so I love Avenue because it's important to have a visa. When did we decide to stop upholding free speech? Is a basic right was playing our right now? Big tech companies and social media side sets a really dangerous. Press luck doesn't matter, your politics are, who you voted for. Everyone should have the right to express themselves freely. Sadly, the big tech monopolies instead opted for silencing tactics and censorship, the fight back against big. tat control the internet. I use expressway Pierre everyone.
How free to access tech giants make all their money. They track your searches, your video history, everything you click on. They build a profile on. you know that none they sell off your sensitive data. I might have in that. You should leave. That's why you express BP and when you use it on your computer, fraud, you anonymize much of your online presence by hiding your ip address, makes your activity the trace and sought to advertise it. She was used once more here expressly crypts, one hundred percent of your network data to protect you from eavesdroppers and cybercriminals. VOX is really easy to use. I can use it ain't that tech savvy judge eggs one collect to protect all you devices. That's. Why expressly pianist rated number one by business insider, so allowing big Tec to revoke your right to free speech. Why not revoke their right to your date? Instead secure internet today with the vip- and I trust the news for online protection- is an express gps dot com, Slash Mancino GINO Express BP
and dot com, slash bond GINO to get three extra months, free with my exclusively at Express VP, n tat, calm, slash bungee, no right now to learn more thanks expressed me. Ok here is Lester. Hauled men see, of course, the media ass. The pylon with ongoing this information campaign about me insisting somehow that there's some phantom body, a research, no one scene, proving the efficacy of these. These things here check this out. Many health experts foreigner that legal decision may not see with science than an upward taken in cases around the country, the new freedom. two doth face master on planes. They warn may also put small children and those with, Burma's immune systems at risk and I'll late were the Justice Department may appeal the judges ruling I told you yesterday the just the Biden, Justice Department, appeals. This ruling, ladies and gentlemen, is going to be a disaster for them before the election, but they don't care goes back to me telling you make it
emails all the time Dan stop warning Democrats about what they're doing wrong it. Does matter. It it matter they can't stop. do you understand these people are in a cult it doesn't matter they know they are going to get annihilated in the two thousand and twenty two election day Demand you put the face diaper back on, even if you tell them get the hell out of office. The only thing that will stop them. Our real material losses. I can't say it enough when they lose power. They lose ass that's they lose jobs. In some cases they lose lobbying gigs. When that happens, this will change. Which makes it even more important. You vote in two thousand Why did you here's another thing will become in your way more taxes? he's already talking about raising the corporate tax out after effect paraphrase rarely backs businesses, who do you think the businesses get the money from o me? Yes, that's right, be in you
that's where businesses get the money from so I'm businesses have to pay higher taxes, they charge prices and they pay their employees lest she, Oh Christ, don't tell you that, because the ready? It's ok, I'm a public and I care about the truth. I'm a conservative first and tell you the truth. When you tat corporations, which are just groups of people who get their money from people and their value from employees, they pay employees less in charge. People more course, Democrat won't tell you any of that. They just love a quick, easy knocking points if we lose in twenty twenty two you'll be getting more taxes to, and I've never seen a study more. I should say Why that's a better example of the difference? tween blue state, big spending, high tax policies and red state than this so they put out a less Paul poor Bernard covered, the wash examined again be the newsletter re read: states Blue states for low taxes and the best economies. So The list,
swiftly in the annual report time for tax day. The american Legislative Exert Exchange Council report said aid, best states for economies and taxes are republican control, while free state in the book On ten October, by Democrats, the worst being New York now Joe, we haven't said this in one but some limit. Circles mobile: we call that a clue Oh yes, sir. We have said that a long time, yet that's an old timer we ve been using, haven't beginning. That would be criminal investigator at all Joe's learning these skills. That would be called a clue at the top tat top ten its aid of ten or control by republican policies. Right and Republicans worse, ten states for their economies are all led by Democrats. We call at a clue but Democrats on call at a clue because their clue less they don't get caught, so I could they lie to you all the time. Ok, there are also line? Is why brought up the corporate taxes by them?
the height the corporate tax and if we lose losing twenty twenty to have the vote, and I get it there, the crisis thing or that that's great make those businesses pay more okay, you're a moron and a sucker they're not going to pay more you're going to pay more. Why? Because they're already paying more now they are yeah. They are the Democrats, the see this show corporations can't possibly be paying more Donald Trump cut. The corporate tax from thirty four twenty one percent, twenty seventeen Sylvie caught the the tax rate clearly means corporations were paying less. I'm sorry, you're, really not their bright. Cutting too ex rates, a lie: the time that all the time, but a lot of the time, leads to higher tax revenue. Why? Because, when you cut the taxes on people. The money goes back into the economy. With the economy grows, you're getting a bigger piece of a larger pie. You don't believe me years the data right in front of you,
yes, again, liberals data facts. I know it's not your thing, but just try it for once: open those eyeballs, clockwork, ard style. Whilst we journal corporate tax form worked. Revenue is surging exceed even went the c b o and critics predicted. So here's Will your number except Donald Trump cut the corporate tax rate. Again from thirty five to twenty one percent she's corporation you're gonna get over the Gonna pay. Even less did they well here's what they estimated look at the numbers, so did the tax cuts. The c o alarmist said: here's what they'll rays and twenty twenty one twenty two and twenty three days. These three hundred twenty seven billion three hundred fifty three billion three hundred eighty eight billion you want to see the actual numbers so when twenty twenty one they raised, three huh seventy two billion and on our job looks like more than three hundred twenty seven day. Yes them he had just yet
The seventy two audit. Okay, thank you can keep your eyes on that. My eyes are getting a little bad as I get older, so I remember they told us we would lose money after the tax cut. That's weird because it's actually more than their estimate twenty twenty two, it says the actual protects revenue is four hundred and four The four billion the Cvo estimated three hundred and fifty three billion again Joe, is at its it's more more ideas shown them yet it on the high side. Thank you. One hundred, hundred billion more again, as I've told you repeatedly after the Reagan, tax cuts, tax revenue doubled after the Bush tax cuts, tax cuts went up dramatically. We had, the largest, something like the largest to a four year, run in american history and income. Backside Donald Trump cards to court the tax rate and tax revenue goes higher, even higher than the c b estimates by a hundred billion dollars, but yeah, don't don't let facts get in the way of a good argument. Why it's very simple folks,
you got the taxes on say: steal. The scissors are cheaper for the barbers when the bar where's can buy better scissors, they could do better haircuts when they can do better haircuts. They do more business therefore raise more money. raise more money by doing more business, they pay more taxes and then they buy more. and better scissors. After that, from blue by more steel, which even the tax rates lower on the corporation side, the economy grows bigger. Would you I mean you have to ask yourself right. Would you rather have saved Eighty percent of a one hundred dollar economy well. Let's use their national numbers. The tax rate was thirty. Five percent would rather thirty five percent of a one hundred our economy or Eighty percent of a ten thousand dollar economy. While, if you are, Roy, you like, like my gosh, rather have the thirty five percent, of course, because math is it really your thing checked out and get back to us?
I focus thanks again for tuna in. We really appreciate and hope you enjoy the show. Today. We really really bus that our body to put together a good, show the YAP. The new cycles been kind of punishing, but when you go and look Out there you need to know about, including that voting, that voting think that Syria summit to stay on top of that thanks In an end, please, to my show on rumble rumble: calm, Slash, Bonn, GINO, we're gonna get the three million subscribers you're really appreciate, radio show just retain VON Gino.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-06.