« The Dan Bongino Show

Are Liberals Preparing For A Civil War Here? (Ep 1979)

2023-03-29 | 🔗

The evidence is everywhere. In this episode, I address the elephant in the room. Liberals are promoting civil disturbances around the world and we’re next. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan VON g. No need you to get prepared and disdain for us today today, there's a lot going on folks and problem is when you see, what's going on, you can answer it may be mildly anxiety producing what's going on in the content, it today show, but I candidly and sincerely believe that we are coming to the end of a major macro cycle. That's owing to produce a better tomorrow. I promise you. I am not trying to put lipstick on a really fat disgusting pig. I really really mean that I feel like we're. Coming to the end of a macro cycle is about to get really painful It gets so much better. I got a lot to talk about an today. Show
got a lot to do with china. I ran dead. What happened asheville. A story about: u S, marshals in front of our supreme court. Justice assumes its all tied together and I promise, when you see it, you won't be able to answer I ve got a busy show today today show budget by my friends a brick house nutrition. Ladies and gentlemen, I have a protocol you're, the greens. This is it using products, it is stable of mine nutrition plan and call a dialogue on a really. strict. My calories we all know fruits and vegetables are the key to a healthy lifestyle. No serious person in the space going to tell you that not a doktor and not a nutritionist, nothing. I tell you to eat your fruits and vegetables fibre mac, nutrients micro nutrients is god's gift to us, feel the greens credible, is backed by a better health promise. Feel the greens is a science back formula, specific fruits and vegetables. one find that any other product. Folks, again, I swear by it. I've been using it for a long time. I get my blood worked. My doktor asked me all the time. What I'm doing
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Stay frosty. We are at the end, I believe, of a major macro cycle that macro site has created a generation of weak men and women. You see in front of you right now. People want to bring about the destruction of the united states, because we've created so much wealth and prosperity here thing they seem to worry about, is destroying it schumpeter, warned about this, that the problem with capitalism is going to create so much prosperity and wealth that you will get a notice. Every inequity out there, in other words, p who are poor and struggling and are still working to build and industrialized prosperous society Joe. They don't have the time to worry about tina century sis transgender basket, weaving they don't time. For that night, they're worried about their starving kid. There were about a cure for their kids call common cold when we didn't have anything like antivirals or antibiotics by their worried about. Surviving when our about that anymore
he's, probably ever the united states is obesity, so we find problems that macro. Cycle created a generation of weak men and women. Those weak men and women are trying to destroy the united states right now and when you see what I'm about to show you you're not going to be able to unsee it remember this quote by author. Michael: have. I ever forget this court hard times create strong men were about to see those hard times, Men create good times good, I'm create weak man where we are now and weak men create hard times what staring you in the face. Right now, Both the labour agendas, the liberal agendas now clear what happening in Israel, what's up, in france it's happening with, I ran in China. What's happened, with in what's hat
with the liberal media and illiberal activists covering me, murders and national, all evidence that liberals or their agenda is now clear. They wanted. the streets and weapon eyes government for a major crackdown on speech coming forward in the future. They are going to use the streets. And weak men are going to assess them. They are not ready. you're, not ready for the crisis staring us in the face. Its these stories together. Let's get right into him. Washed in times Really. Prime minister bebe Netanyahu moves to avoid civil war, The lays judicial overhaul plan amid strikes in protest spend wolfgang washed in times folks paying attention work always goes on a guy's going on in Israel, you're not paying attention. What's going on the united states, I don't care about far pulse you better please. Let me tell you something: at some civil war from the israeli left who
I continue to use the courts to destroy israeli society, Baby Netanyahu wants to reform the car courts to bring Back to some sense of accountability, the left is threat. the civil war in Israel there are factions from the military. They shot down. Society. Ladies and gentlemen, gets you had a little bit later, make a single mistake here in judgment. What the left Pulled off in Israel. Is the test run for the twenty twenty four presidential election. threats of civil war and shutting down civil society. Oh that's happen. Aids happen. Being right now in Israel, they are literally shutting down society, not figuratively com, in general, I strikes nobody go to work, you'll all starve, nobody deliver anything don't show up, for military folk
The iranians are watching this sworn enemies of Israel in the united states, so chinese communist party. I said, tie all these stories together. That story one. The left is ready to go to civil war if they don't get what they want and they're watching very closely right now what's happening in Israel, it will start. Protests, but given how they covered for the national vill murderer, and I want to get ahead of myself if it the violence they will cover or just like they covered the george lloyd rights to mostly peaceful. I want you to listen to their still. Try these stories together, we're about to stare down the abyss. It's going to create hard times. If you ready- and I know you are it's going to create hard man
hard women and strong men and strong women working. bring about a new era of american prosperity, afterwards, Titus story, then of civil war by the left here Tucker carlson: this is a clip from a. Bout. I think the Monday shell few days ago, across on that issue covered the fact it npr far left taxpayer for radical npr, which is spent there. Entire existence. Trying To combat this, in amendment and your god, given right to self protection, is now all of a sudden embrace, and got ownership further transgender left, waiter, they wanted firearms off the streets, they don they might firearms in the hands of their political ideological allies in their new crusade The story number one this is all an accident figures
no listening. Needless to say, to national public radio voice of menopausal liberalism, shootings targeting algae bt q spaces in a rise in anti trans rhetoric has inspired some queer people to take up arms rainbow read aloud in their back. In the heat of the appendix carrying in more ways than one watch out, this is in pr national public radio suddenly telling you that actually guns are good, encouraging people to go to the guns thorpe immediately, but not all people just transcript guns are bad, except in the hands tradespeople. What is going on here, so you may Think it strange radical frances left, but radically far left them pr, which is puss gun, confiscation and gun grabbing for decades. Now, all of a sudden, implicit,
Winking nodding that guns in the hands of their political allies may be a good thing. Wink a nod. This strange it all of tat, you many times what you mistakenly many times since It- and I want to sell condescending what many of you when you're, probably hip to this. If you listen to this show because talked about often what many would perceive as hypocrisy, I'm tiaras for guns, education for guns. Why they for guns now for transgender groups, it's not hypocrisy, it all out to them. it's an explicit demonstration of power. We just I want you to have the gods. If our p We need the guns to Engage in their new kind of st terror, well supported all the ways at least that collectivization of power, and we benefit. So you got the love
basically threatening civil war in Israel. You ve got group of media apparatchiks and useful idiots here now seem to be waking and nodding. At possession as long as gun, possession or in the hands of the people they like? Why? Why is Why are they all of a sudden? I they, for this Tired to this story. wall street journal opinion? How? U s? Regulators are choking off crypto. Labour operation, show boy operation chopin, Joe. We covered this. We first started out. Michel operation show point was a obama Biden, administration, effort to choke off acts, to pay day, lenders and gun dealerships. They basically threatened banks and said: listen We can't make the sale of guns and payday loans illegal. We're going to me it really difficult for you to process any kind of transaction. If banks do business with you banks, you're gonna, get it actually look see from us know what I mean.
operation show point tried to shut down the second amendment, while false just think what you journals, katy on notes doing the exact same thing with crypto. as they try to shut down crypto, listen, I don't care for your pro crypto currency de crypto currency, it matters not theirs. Nothing illegal about using Rip, though, now, if you're gonna sell crypto a certain way and use fraud like anything else, fraud is illegal, theirs I bring illegal about crypto currency and using by. Why doesn't the government like krypton, Why are they using the operation? Show point template I should have said this. Is the beginning there trying to choke off the crypto market by saying to banks right now, you're struggling When the financial crisis we caused, never let a crisis go to waste. Joe I've got an idea. we'll help you out bail you out with taxpayers money with what judge, charge
I do not have any of those crypto accounts. I get so weird we're a bank operation show point back again don't you do any business with those crypto folks. and by the way you better be doing any business with tech companies. We don't like that. May support free speech. Oh really, that too, oh yeah folks. combined the stories I'm telling you you gonna put state. This is why I'm telling you to stay frosty. There is a better to morrow. I had I promise macro cycle is coming to an end. You can see it with the left. This freak out As around the united states, we started liberalized, gun laws, so people can protect themselves and people are starting to wake up to the devastate facts of de I and tea and this stuff kids ban. you are seeing the left freak out. That's
Are these stories, madam, you need to stay frosty. They are promoting actively. What is effectively a cold civil war in Israel, I'm not sure if they want that to be a hot one, but they seem to have whipped the script on gun control. All of a sudden as law. It's in the hands of their people or what they consider, our people. And in your ability to speak out and engage in any kind of financial transactions without the government, people in on your cheque book, every five minutes. Let's go, god to its operation. Show point to point: all happens. Crypto check companies. We could speak freely now they're out that or address this issue He addressed this the other night in his shop folks, bill. This restrict act to shut down. tik tok in the united states. Let me come out publicly. This is important. This is absolute disaster, no republic in should vote for this thing. Folks, tik tok
is clearly chinese surveillance mechanism and a nuclear cultural bomb in the united states. However, there Is an easy way to deal with this problem actually divesting the chinese communist party routes and tik tok should be bought by a company with no. It's judgment the chinese communist party whatsoever period, there's nothing. You need to restrict it. However, the restrict act, Dockers gonna cover here in a minute combined with these their stories, is going to enable the united states government to do government first amendment and around You're gonna do an end around to be able to use the restrict act, shut down. Social media companies may True social. maybe rumble whatever b claiming they have ties to foreign government far and govern this thing is a disaster here. Listening,
explain exactly what they're doing check this out then reality- and you should know this if your opposed to tiktok as we are this bill really about banning tik tok. It's never about what they say it is. Instead, this bill would give enormous and terrifying new powers to the federal government to punish american citizens and regulate how they communicate with one another, for example, The bill and regulate quote certain transactions between persons in the united states and foreign adversaries. no what's a foreign adversary and who gets to decide who well the second. of commerce and the department in the day, and I The congress get to decide What foreign adversaries are that oughta trip a switch in your brain and then the friends, actions with foreign adversaries would include, quote any acquisition, importation, transfer, installation dealing in or use of any information and communication
technology, product or service include ongoing activities such as mandated services, data transmission software up repairs or the provision of data hosting services. Will that's pretty broad, under this bill. If you engage in any of that with a so called for an adversary as determined by in this case the binding ministration that would allow the secretary of commerce, Tito raimondo in the director of national intelligence April haines to decide whether you're, acting in the quote interest of a foreign adversary get that's another time that they exist the branches secretary of commerce and gets to define without the interference of congress. So start promoting a civil war using the template happening in Israel right now, general strikes don't show up for the military pressure police, departments are not show up as well shut down the allow you go great. If you can promoting gun ownership of which, by the way, I support. The second amendment by the liberals have wept on that kind of weird amongst your political allies,
off any financial transactions. You can't monitor choke off any speech, declaring any speech on any free space of free speech, site or even non free speech, site aligned. As far and this information, You see how that restrict that works. Remember the levels of clay anything russian. This information, they don't like Joe there's, no more Is that all there is that's right, one hundred Biden laptop election in two thousand and sixteen the election in two thousand and twenty it doesn't have to be far this information. It just says the foreign disinformation that the left says is far in this information. I e the dna, the intelligence community and others and the restrict that gives them a vehicle to what galway use a national security letter to get out as to your account and shut you down by them hold civil war continues felt like that happen.
Anywhere it sunlight. There were protein. Against tyranny and governing shut them down and shut down their bank accounts in their infirmary. Oh it did anybody Remember, shall we covered a dumb? Is this country of north of ass? We share a border. With account now that you have added a yes yes said that he had a chosen, my ear yeah yeah. We both she and I were terrible geography, yet too. True, doll, guess his name? Did they did that Truckers, you see, How the liberal left learns from everywhere. So you may say I will take to the streets to if they engage in these mass protests, really good you'll be the only ones who can speak and coordinators. Your account is declared foreign disinformation. You doing the bidding of the russians and you can exchange money either. Owen even crypto won't work, then the sounds really scary. trying to scare you, because I'm long on the united states and I
I think the reason and the reason you should smile and not panic, but be prepared. is the reason you're seeing this panic threats of civil war threats of arm trans people, an mp are we going To take revenge on people the reason you're saying it is because five, well the culture wars, estonia shift. Folks Florida was a model. They ve wrapped up tremendous success here against the d I gripped, the sea griffith identity, politics in general and the same one by twenty points. The left is terrified right now, don't be afraid, Joe, your reader or the apple, you'll, hear that expression in some form multiple times, don't be afraid. Oh yeah, at lights, can shine through man. I met your preacher. Am I trying to be some poet, I'm just telling you we're about to turn the corner. It's not going to be with the
hey. I got a couple more stories. I need you to tie in here to to show you exactly what's going on how they're going to destroy any semblance whatsoever of a legal protection for you to faith in institution going to collapse. Let me get to my next sponsor. First always appreciate patients. I want to be here to talk to you, my pelagia gray company, my pillow having a mass of close outsail happening on their all season. Slippers, listeners, We make the mai slippers the number one selling my pillow product. I have a feeling you must up when you about this offer, there dick uselessly comfortable. I wear At the time when you use my promo code, then you'll get the all seasons slippers for twenty five dollars regularly one forty nine. Ninety eight it's over one hundred twenty dollars in savings, limited and pears check out their sell out. Trust me they ve, sold out by slippers have an exclusive offer, afore layer design that you won't find in any other slipper. Their panted layers made these slippers ultra comfortable, an extremely durable. They help relieve stress in your feet. I feel like pillows on your feet there
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Folks is a scary stuff. You don't see the media speaking about these stories much, but if you go to I newsletter today, you can read about this For trans mass shooters in less than five years right bar really Interesting story store. You probably want to know about right centres, interesting every time it's a white male you'll hear about The identity, politics angle, but it's pretty crystal. clear, they're trying to bury the identity politics angle. Now it's almost as if identity, politics, works. When you trying to stigmatize a certain group of people, I e white males, but you don't like it when another group get stigmatized fascinating, how you flip the script. You think the justice systems going to save you here from the civil unrest their promoting stay frosty. Folks, it is not? This is broke this morning.
U s. Marshals were told not to arrest protesters outside justices homes. Documents reveal so show up supreme court justice, his home, literally with a firearm is that individual did Breton to kill them. Send hundreds more in front of their homes to scare you, your family, in your kids and your justice and sat on its ass. He was told to stand down. Ladies and gentlemen, the next president, whether its donald trump round, the santas nicky hayley tim, Scott or anyone else, your first job how many times we said this guy's, a mass mass purge of the government's swamp on week, one when they start flip, that about firing. Chris re fire Sky when they start out about him from fire, ten twenty people a day. Take the round the this approach in florida. Where you hit with so much so often.
at the media loses track on how to respond there too, stupid to keep up they are, I mean that, their intellectually not qualified, but if you give them the ability to spread around each other's talking point as a veto. This collective borg, like mentality they'll, pick up on it fast let him get their ceilings, What worries me? Here's the press. as we see this increase in this cold civil war in the united states that the left is going to promote. They are waiting. For twenty twenty four, which got me really frightened here: the media is going to excuse street violence as long as it's committed by left this we now do we really I mean: do we need to play the montage the mind again of most people say: peaceful, mostly peaceful cities down. There go let the left Uses and worships violence period- that's not open for debate. Ok, that's not for debate. The facts
really care. Hey, that's not open for debate the left. Worships violence. They always have. They need their shock troops industry. It will cover for them, no matter what. Both China and I ran are watching what is happening right here as left is brew up. This called civil war that is going to get hot and the media will absolutely excuse it. The nashville murders are a template. They are running cover right now for an individual, accuse the murdering six people and shoot Three: nine year olds. running cover for what effectively is a serial killer. and you're telling me when they burn american cities to the ground. cause in israeli fred.
Like right here, you're suggesting to be less gonna, provide fair coverage and call them out and stop this insanity. Before The chinese communist party picks up on. What's going on, starts world war? Three they. What are you crazy? They want Is there a friend a serial killer? You did they care about you and your family. No right And we see news here pervades tendencies: trans community amid focus on Nashville shooters, gender identity, you you have a serial killer. just murdered three kids in three adults, and what is this filth, this human garbage in the media, cover. They turn around and they don't focus on the victims murdered murdered
You will get to see a series of euros for nine year olds. What is NBC news? This disgusting garbage NBC news focused on we kenneth transmitted, be victims, their victims here really their victims. Ladies and gentlemen, they love identity, politics, the left as is the identity politics, if it's them in their called civil war. its civil unrest benefits are cause, but now it's interesting. your love affair. What identity politics is grinding to a halt? the trans identity, the murderer in this case as in fit their story. They want to tell you. Media is also quiet. The same grotesque media about a strange ass calm that I e b as a journalist who was exposed massive malfeasance between twitter and the government. First, amendment violations. The irish showed up at his door remedy all
we learn rearrested, targeted conservatives showed up we, a house call. Really strange at these media goons who pretend to be journalists or really now nothing more than communist apparatchiks. That's obvious at this point, promote Called civil war in the united states. We have a lot to say about it. Really strange. Outside of the wall street journal right, leaning out, someone seems to care much of the irs showed up at the door, The irish they'll show up at your door soon to now What are they doing here?. What is the media doing their use? And had to James linsey for putting this graphic out at the NBC news story. You're doing this thing called narva, then I attack reverse victim in offender reverse the victim and offender, and I attack refers recommend offend, omitted, described this in a moment because, where defeat
Agnes and its driving them, not the lib activist, media use. They use this than I attack reverse the victim at offenders. Strategy Over and over and it used to work itself Working anymore, it fail. when you immediately call it out and NBC news is going to flop. With this attempt to grow Cover for a serial killer and they are going to flop badly and you I can see it by the election results I'm going to get to that in a minute. Folks. Allow me get to my next sponsor. First patriot, mobile americans of americans have had it yet think done, supporting companies that rake in hundreds of millions, sometimes billions of dollars, while trashing the country to make their success possible its growth until recently undertaken for companies. I patriot mobile, a building a whole new economy on which embraces the values that made a mess the greatest country on earth pages mobile is america's only christian conservative wireless, provided he offered dependable nation wide coverage in all three major networks to get the best
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is in violation of our first amendment rights to shake our junk in the face of kids refer, the victim and a friend of the real victim here are not murdered. Kids, it's the tennis, trans community. There really victimize here is a well known. Tactic is lindsey notes, abusers used to try and escape accountability for their abuse. Ladies and gentlemen, it fails when you call it out When you immediately caught it out and you notice- and you highlight what's being done like we're doing right now, what NBC lindsey does in the tree and we're christopher If I didn't seriously tweets today, which Emily covered a mouth about exactly this, is you stop? this chaos right away. they know we know, just angers, people. their flailing. It is very hard to reverse the role of aid
nine year old, who was just murdered and somehow move the attention from them to the trans community with saying people it doesn't work. Folks says why I'm really concern last night, I was Scott kind of was a very busy day for us. Yesterday did Hannity we and a lot going on. I had a couple things I had I had to do and I'm sitting there and nine m reading an article by south crop. I'm gonna get you in a minute who is a military analysed. is good one. You may not agree with all its conclusions, but is a good one. He writes the wall street journal article two rather lengthy one, better, Six, seven in a red, but it's about china, many get to that article folks, but I gotta tell you some response not talking: the hell out of me, if I may, for a minute, I'm sorry
they're watching tv. I was worried about my daughters, flag, football game, how I was going to make it on thursday. She has a game on thursday. I missed the one yesterday had a we had a tape, and it was just a lot going on And I miss thy mammoth, she added good defend supply and I missed it. I was pretty devastated by the whole thing: But I mean this article by China and now I know an easy way to say it you better enjoy yourself now. Enjoy yourself in your family, because I think the next two years work. see global instability like we ve, never seen before, all the stuff, discovered, oh yeah, the stuff I just covered, but There's a cold civil war that turns warmer hard here at forbid. It happens, our enemies are watching. You wanna, be you want back in that again, vietnam war,
the same time that the left we take the streets in the united states. You wanna, be an chaos again may already becoming I want a most important articles, you're going to read today, newsletters importantly You know that consultation newsletter, please check it out job. like as a piece of bread, bart back to where we started. The chaos in Israel is a dress rehearsal for the united states, have trump winds and twenty twenty four. Yes, sir, it is yes, sir, restless three concerning points and why you should get ready for major problem in the street during this Action cycle. folks. There are not even gonna wait for trump to win election if, when the election, if he does, we get through the primer they're, not if these Paul's or close in timber october or november of next year. Folks, you work
you're? Not going to tell him you right now. It's gonna make Israel look like like a kindergarten party at a mcdonald's read. This p Pollack notes: americans should watch carefully and take note for three reasons. First,. the binding administration seems to be fomenting the chaos in Israel right now. The jury Biden, statement yesterday by implying that baby Netanyahu is somehow summer right. Go fascists, winking nodding at it you ever in Israel in this shut down the country, while the iranians are problem, Planning for the civil unrest to make a move themselves. You keep going way Wakey Wakey, wakey. Biden reviews even me with no no, since he was I did last year there loveliness They're sending a nazi quiet signal to the left that aid that thing they didn't Israel that be really good. If we did it here kind of like we do
The george floyd riots. Remember that so weird pollack brings up a second point Second, the crisis in israel arrest the stability in the Middle east Israelis are now openly worrying about their ability to confront a potentially nuclear ran if there might in their own internal political struggle. Qaeda's sounds like what the left this thinking here. They love their chinese communist party, benefactors. I mean seagoing too bad for tik tok and all it wouldn't happen here, but it be great. I did if we were to as by Josiah very good. That's a michael, anton, my man, that's not happening, but it I did it is they loved their commies job. So you know think the left is taking on the same fight here bearing the same finally amos and we're doing such a great job in Israel of occupying Country to take care of our eye rainy and friends, we love so much. We love to get a bomb. We did that here.
finally be watching too right yet, but take a hocker, the united states or engage in a world war causing the united states and potentially fail militarily and left. As I go exactly it's what we want, he notes third what's happening. Is a preview? What's going to happen here in two thousand and twenty four after two thousand and sixteen the Democrats refuse to concede the election. This is a template for what they're going to do next two pages, I want to talk. Now, for those EU concern saying, Damn we're not gonna, lose a military, five china. You sure that. How sure are you that? Why would begin to a military fight with china, the invade taiwan? Folks, we may not have a choice: You understand that. international.
Ocean lanes and traffic march. Were trade would be locked down in a china taiwan war? Believe me, the australians and the japanese you're not gonna sit around they're gonna be they'll be next. We're not going to be able to sit on the sidelines here and do absolutely nothing we're, not food What if they engage in any e m attack here battery technology? I call supplies antibiotics. These are all tied. The international supply chain, spokes. are you sure. Are you sure we would win this war with china if they were to bring it a left? Wants his cast me tell you how to be prepared, admit it, but this because important it's on the newsletter today against, should sir subscription article buds by south cropsey, what the? U S, can do to prepare for a war with china. The article candidly survive. Talks about how we don't have the merchant marine capacity if we work engaged in a naval war in China, with
were you in around china over the straight. We don't I, capacity to restock any of our ships. prince technology, is old. Denial of access to taiwan. Can we handle that right now? Are you sure, we don't have the supply chain here in the united states to build the stump up. There's only a few companies doing all this stuff, but this is the most troubling part, pay close attention to this and trying to scare you just trying to inform it. Beijing is studied, maskos, cold war mistakes, note the tendency among soviet strategies to wait patiently until their melody power exceeded the, u S, Well, it's never occurred, primarily because the west engage in a massive military expansion, the eighties at nullified soviet gains over the preceding two decades. I need, aren't gonna, wait patiently their prepared
Capitalize and apparent shift in their favour. He then goes on to speculate folks, a china may be preparing for an attack, maybe by twenty twenty five I'm sitting there watching my side, they get about my daughter's game thinking. Ladies and gentlemen, if there's another world, The breaks out the nuclear there ain't gonna be anymore flag. Football games. your job is gonna, be dedicated to producing weapons. And we may be living a far different world folks get prepared today it your medical supplies, Get the mp protection for your home. It's only a couple hundred hours. Do it now do not wait, get yourself. Some emergency food. get yourself. Medical supplies. What filtration charcoal ways, start, a fire and yet
I'm well better have the ability to protect yourself when a lot of trouble here. I think this is gonna, get a lot worse before it gets better. I do want to take a quick break you, but I just want to leave. You would again not trying to put lipstick on this thing, but a bit of News folks, this country was never more patriotic. When we came out of world war, two, it's one thing. My grandfather used to talk about. He'd, never talk about his combat time, but my my group, father my father, they loved this country and regardless your political affiliation, democrat or republic in whatever it was there, was a sense of national solidarity that we had done something important and that we mattered may be about to hit the skids. We're gonna. I'm out of it we're gonna come out of its stronger, an idea. This generation of hard times is gonna
a strong men, will create good times again all macro cycles. I I'm going to get too something coming up next Joe Biden again just once The disarm you because did this What did this arm you by the way, while waking and not in that the art. strange. Gender community is somehow it did not answer. to their anti gun crusade. Against that hypocrisy, that straight up hierarchy, empower right? There are play the audio coming up in him, I got a nice of facebook message this morning. About this product windshield wow, a guy said a bad. You were a kid in the damp adam and eve. except guys they really works like I know it works. We ever limited spy job opportunities and I'll take on companies will have to which your wise and ingenious when she'll creating device uses to Not a cleaning paths. Basically, run the one over the outside of the outside of when she, by a super strong, magnet
It's the inside one connected, so you clean both sides. At the same time, without I'm going to get inside rip your elbows and shoulders are trying to clean the inside of the windshield. Just follows along on the outside: it gets a nose saint crannies too It's my when has been a long time. Here's a reason they set us one. I live in florida, whereas I can tell you in the summer rains about three caught. Do you want karl, you want the when she gets nasty and he combined with your paul and increase up- and you can see every day, not dimension there, the bugs we have a few of those down here. I gave you drive a knife. Forget it, you windshields a mess. You go away, you can see any day it follows a car wash, but she is here's the catch. He has a ceramic finishes, don't like to wash your car because it scratches it up so you're saying to get some for the windshield guy centres to which you out and like we love this thing, that's how it started to restore when she was a fast is at least ass a way to get super clean, sri, free and safe. When she of we got to one for me,
Apollo go to which your while dotcom get this ingenious, clean device now That's when she allowed our com when she a while back on, you bonjean o b, o n g, I n o a checkout for a special discount as windshield wow dot com, appreciate you being a sponsored, really cool products, good smears, small business owners. Men are really ingenious. Ok, so this happened yesterday binds either did disarm new, while NPR apparently is winking nodding at all transgender movements. Despite what they read the news. Here's your by new will stop at nothing to take your guns, and I want you to listen to the end of this. It's fast Joe jobs, unaware that five, five six rounds. Seven six two rounds her. other rounds that are used and rifles that they blow up when they, Body blow up there, the explosive apparently yeah nobody knew such ass. I think I saw that a bond movie. What are the real Joe Biden, sizing Joe cut? This is point uk at every article of.
people say why do I keep saying this is not happening, because I want you to know who is doing who is helping to put pressure on You know, I know you see on television start just merely though in terms of is that it semi automatic, in effect. But the velocity with which you comes out of that muzzle what it when hits the body most bullets. We'd go just straight through an hour. We know, but up when is inside your body. in god's name, What in god's name is anyone need that for blows up in the body? Because I love her, we invokes god till we ve had a just a murder of six people, while the left wing media and his liberal clowns that he's there. You know golden calf, easier, told him now ah, ignores the story and focuses on the real victims. Rifle transgender community evokes god this race. Both,
blow up in your body. These are the idiots who want to take away your right to defend yourself, folks. I'm really glad to see one thing that the bed conservatives right now, just ignoring these idiots. I don't know mean ignoring that we're not taking the proper legislative and political response to them, trying to steal your guns. We are it's just the past republicans would be intimidated. Cause people speak out. You remember this Joe. You been followed polish raw something would happen involving a fire on the left is take your buddies guns and problems of your great great. Let's that that's happening now, it was happening as little as two years ago: yeah. It was but now everybody's getting it just ignore these we're not listening to anything. You say: you're, not taking our guns, you can basically kiss our butts When you're not taking our guns, we are going defend ourselves that didn't stop the Biden insanity,
he also said this. The guy can't stop lying. He is legit a sociopath pathological liar you just pulled this one the rump yesterday, where he just completely. Advocated a number and said that he caught the buds by a hundred sixty eight billion dollars, ridiculous and guess what In the process and cutting the federal budget one hundred and sixty eight billion dollars. You know why isn't medicare doesn't have to pay out those exorbitant and undeserved fees to pay out what a this worth. so folks who suddenly have patience, but it help the economy where'd you get that from just made it up now. Oh yeah did here's a university California santa Barbara website where they cover the federal budgets, receipts and outlays what they took in tax thousand, what they spent. So he says he cut federal budget by a hundred, sixty eight billion dollars, cod, meaning it would have went down.
So here you ll notice the receipts and allies, Joe Biden sick it's the trillion dollar budget in two thousand and twenty two, the estimate for two thousand and twenty. Ray is six trillion six trillion again and in the proposed budget for it. Twenty four is six point: eight troy. I understand they said it didn't, seem to be cutting their six six billion and six six billion. It's actually more I'd, add an I might he he putting the right graphic up but as it is a it's an hour, it keeps telling me, though, that is the correct graphic the budget's going up and he's proposed, another eight hundred billion in spending from where we are now so we're he's. It gives us a job keys. I do know this the right graphic. Any Dan. I know you a hard time. Get your arms around this one, but by this fuller
he's right. He doesn't say much but he's correct. Now again, where do you get it? You just made it up now so we're clear. The a working party, whenever you may think of on, is trying to yet some spending cuts to get control over out of control spending see in this wash intangible but as you'll see in this wall street journal article biden- whose hilariously claiming he's cutting the budget just making those numbers up there. Pop's actually trying to cut the budget, Biden who still won't negotiate as a note Biden, Democrats have consistently shown no interest in negotiating with the glp additional to go along with increasing our debt limit. Then you make it up- Of course he made it up. Let's get away with it. In guns in the media
and I wanted to cover this yesterday, but so much going on, especially with the the murders in nashville effectively a serial murderer, media's running cover cycle, we're not going to happen, but the case against rob, as predicted sorry not by just maybe just about everyone else which was garbage case against trump put in front of a grand jury in new york by twinkies. Alvin brag is a disaster there is crime. There is no probable cause of a crime. There is not even reasonable suspicion of a crime. Twinkies made the whole thing up, as evidence of that you can indeed a ham sandwich as they set in front of a jury. Khazar adversarial. They can't even died job there. You go, get a ham sandwich new posts- Grand jury won't hear evidence in trump hush money. For the rest of the we. Why? Because they don't have the votes. That's why they have the votes which is studying
because very sixteen to twenty two remember grandeur. You only need twelve people, you don't even unanimity! You're, not even victim of a crime. you're, just saying, there's probable cause a crime was committed. They can't even do that told you I was going to happen. This is going to be a total political disaster. However, trump team. They got to square away their social media. They posted an article that had a picture up and it wasn't their fault, but you can't let them take away see the left loves his darvill. This is why I brought this article. What were they reversed? The victims in the cases trump is clearly a victim of police state abuses. Don't post stuff, I'm not knocking the article, the author of the article you can put up whenever they want I am simply suggesting they shouldn't posts that even implies violence, because it gives the left the reason to switch around all look where the victims trumps inciting violence. Don't do it
address this in an interview and handed me the other night. The post check this out. They have to understand that when the story was put up, I put up a story. We as see pictures. We put up a story that was very exculpatory, very good story from the standpoint of what we're talking about and they put up of me and you know where I was holding the baseball bat- it was at the white house- make him by america, because I did a lot of by america things and this is company that makes big baseball bat, then they put Next to the picture, a picture of albion brag. I didn't do it: they did it the day the people to do the paper or somebody. Pictures together, but I was holding a baseball bat in order to promote maiden, wasn't on your post, a true source. No, no. What they did is we posted the story, but they had a picture up They then put a picture up, or the picture was that nobody noticed you saw what they know. He was bad. These were two separate pictures that he's thou wrong here.
two percent accurate they weren't his picture They were embedded in her article. However, they have to be careful here. Do not give them people any ammunition to flip the script and do their dark, don't their color. saying don't get in their way. Please get in their way, get it together. One a brain more quote from one more piece: myths are the audio video chat, in our view, it happy they started, scandals gonna get really ugly. I believe of him and Joe Biden Biden situations far worse, so whenever they do to trump there's gonna, and political pressure and a month implying that span the natural public administration to do this thing to bind the binding team knows that transfers be politically. Sometimes he picked up on this dress. This in the end, we had to check this out an hour ago appointed a special council to look at the two issues. One of the issues is about that
I came in a shoei which has become a problem for Joe Biden's mike pence volunteer documents that problem for him than for me he's gotten places. The biggest problem was probably for hillary, wouldn't be what you want to go into that and the emails and everything else, the trumps stupid. He realized if he wins, and at his political opponent, Joe Biden administration, targeted him for classified documents. He realized If the standards now set. if they're going to say no, no abiding didn't do anything political issues the enforcing the rule of law. You guys swallow me that trumps get The exact same reason, next time well Biden, said this: with the rule of law. We gotta go after him. Do he sat down and be very savvy at times you understand binds got a real process. Hillary Clinton, by the way I feel you ever do it in a really appreciate it. We had a spectacular mom. Thanks to you, we subscribe to the pod. Guess it is free so so much. You have no idea how to set number for all week on the charts. I so deeply appreciate it. They subscribe an apple spy,
If I end rumble, it is absolutely free, rumble, dot com, slash bond gino, he added one hundred thousand new subs, just in the last three weeks. Thank you so much. It means the world to us. We appreciate your support. I'll see you back here, Tomorrow, you just heard in Bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-29.