« The Dan Bongino Show

Another Epic Media Meltdown Explains Where We Really Stand (Ep 2135)

2023-11-21 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss two videos that pretty much sum up where we are politically.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON G, no, don't get involved in politics, don't run for office, don't be an activist or knock on doors or don't donate. Unless you understand the orchestra paid theory, my theory I did make it up, I don't even the name forward. My theory, though, is the sap shots and soundbites theory, but kind of the same thing sarber my voice, I'm so recover from singing at the morgan. What answer really loud? I vocal gourds alike, orchestra pithy- or you need to remember this? If you want stay, stand this in the social media age? You understand everything about politics and show you these two clips. and you ll see what I mean snapshot. in sound bites and the orchestra pit pillows six. Please tell us that only twenty nine idea using promo code, then this week only thereof
free shipping on all orders. Gotta might tell us that come right. Now, click on the radio, podcast specials one hundred sixty seven four? Ninety two, I got a stack show for you today, including mentioned yesterday how dumb liberals are I get it you're like do we do when a show on this? No, no! I have actual evidence. You don't want to show you what I mean. How, when liberals, my lot of em are useful idiots, but something once in a blue moon. They actually start to notice stuff, but only notice it when it gets bad enough and its in her face, and then they change are we there yet I'll- take my Paul again today- probably not, but you see what I mean: birch called against. Another government shut down later this month in our wise leaders there, whether where they always do spending more money while lawmakers a high five in your savings account could continue to lose value because more spending year weakens the dollar and the cycle diversify into gold. With the help of brcko group- and this you open a gold irae for every ten thousand dollars you spend by december twenty second,
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Law and greater. Let's go get this good man any real. As regards your jaw, folks. They have this thing called the orchestra. Pithy area roger rails, used to be foxy since past Roger s. Started fox and did the whole thing. He had this theory of the orchestra pit. I brought it up. Why wrote about it? My second book to fight, but it's fun, because it tracks my now? That's in soundbites therein the orchestra pit theories very simple you're watching in the greatest opera of all time, the guys that are just doing like a pavarotti and you're like oh, my gosh you're, crying This is the gradual, like lawyer, Guy falls in the orchestra bit. What are you number from to show. What are they write about today? Right about this, a crescendo at the end of this to know their rights A guy fell in new york is shipping because
everything in life. These days are two things snapshots and soundbites. That's it that's politics! That's why republicans do well in the memoirs we and stand that we can take a two second cod is something like Biden confused. britney spears for taylor. Swift bell, I doubt, would happen, stay tune. We can turn it into something. Bigger dams are just not funny. Snap shots and soundbites if, before someone falls in the orchestra paid, that's everything and I need you to always remember something else to these occurred. Some of my golden rules of politics. I'm gonna, make this real, simple voice. O measure how much you should care about something in politics: Are you ready by this measure, it by the overreaction of the left. If the liberals in the media start losing their over something it's as to me, I should
we concern than excited about it. I know that sounds a bizarre, but if doing this for well over a decade now in studying the psychology in Souci of co the media behaviour when they're losing their minds like they did over trump its. Trumps a threat to the old system, which is a bad thing, which means a good thing to ask is a threat to a bad system. What do I mean folks, these people are terrified that things been a media. That is our get bad enough out there- and even some liberals are starting to notice there breaking out of where everything I want you to watch the meltdown over the Election of Javier millay in argentina, whose trump like candidate and what's been a very left, leaning country for a long time. This the kind of foreign policy story that care italy allotted conservative radio folks not- gotta for me, we can know glad will stay away from me. The more concerned with domestic issues. Most of the time, the fact did the media's lose in their shit over this factor
This guy got elected in argentina, says to me they're afraid of a global revolution against socialist. I want you to watch this and you tell me good or
and then this guy got elected check this out a far right outsider compared to former president donald trump has been elected to president of argentina. Coming from the far right, Javier malays, far right politician of the far right politicians are right. Candidate, far right outsiders, extreme right wing media is just way out there on the extreme scale. Argentina has elected a right wing, populist, right wing, populist, right wing populist javier millay is a populist who lacks government experience and displayed erratic, behavior and foul language. This is a potentially a worrisome development he's promised to some radical measures wielding a chainsaw to symbolize his war on government spending threatening vital public services. He has absolutely no experience his screeds resonated widely. His screeds resonated widely with argentines, particularly young men. Controversial tirade against the political class have drawn comparisons to neighbor Brazil's former president, the eye or bolsonaro, as well as former president donald trump he's been deemed the donald trump of argentina. His campaign drew comparisons to donald trump here in the u S, fillet who has been compared to former president donald trump. We can guess who congratulated him by argentina great again, make argentina great
maybe these anti democracy forces will, in the end game overwhelmed, but that didn't happen in argentina, not even close, Why are they afraid? Why why always ask why left in the media, cause they're the same thing or terrified because again candidly folks, the left for a long time mastered snow, sites as snapped snapshots and soundbites snapshot he's, probably more correct when it comes to leopards, snapshots soundbites they may. Stood that what I would bumper sticker politics, Colleagues is tolerance, equity, fairness and peep. By that garbage they buy. It even the left doesn't care about any of that stuff. They never think about that ever that's. Never power is the only thing they care about what we power is not a bumper sticker. You gonna put out there. There were annoyed because now in the trump era we
we went from me going into a methadone clinic in arguing about the laffer curve. The establish my geo p in the past. They would bring a white paper in July. debate, and one why citizens warrant voting for them. Look. We got this white paper. Tax policy? Why arose people, not supporting us work, economic growth, gdp, then sharp comes in he mass. The bumper sticker politics for better or for worse and that's how you gonna like it he there's the snapshot sound by the un stands that that's politics. He wins. He wins in an electoral college, rout twenty! Sixteen higher ball scenario in Brazil, Javier millay, you seeing this revolution around the world, Finland, Sweden, even in germany, amongst It even in france, you're seeing this happening now, and they are very concerned that we're stealing away from them the same. lights snapshots.
Here's, what I mean and why you to watch this year, here's a mulvey, a guy who's, mastered the trumping. Look at this watch. This scene ammo means. Obviously I love you in spanish. In case you don't speak spanish. This kid will get his kid crying as he sees mullay. While look I mean this is real emotion, Look at my lay like he understands the folks and here's. The thing like I dont idolized politicians is heavier mullay facon. This whole thing- I don't think so, but the point is care? looks genuine. That's all the moluccas, distributors, kids phase and look him alive. get some signs is shirt. Do you want stand like this is worth guys, This is like twenty million dollars in tv. If he did we'll get a look at a smile again. Is it real I don't give a shit. It looks real. I dont trust. Politicians at all? I assume everything's vague. The thing is what's real, the point is: Even if it's not he's pretend because he cares enough to Britain.
Europe was the same way. This is what the law An odyssey alot of people on the rocky will never understand about the trump phenomena albany this is what I said. A lot of it. Did I that I don't agree with every policy position? the bomb starting I you know, I disagree with him on abortion. He knows that we disagree on the air, but eventually, you gotta start to engage in the politics of persuasion and the policies Persuasion in an internet era are snapshots, pictures and short soundbites. That right, there were ten twenty million dollars and pr back They said a right that is it. That's gonna, a joy into show more especially thanksgiving he's. We call this week, we're gonna, take it slow, folks area the call week, giving a joy our families is stuff them. Let us begin said: a right party, z, exam opposite Every single sound by is shit. They'll. Give this whole
speech right on by dynamics say you are left the new love dynamics It gives an hour speech on how he's going to tax you to hell and liberals alike, and then at the end, these like, let me tell about angelo amtrak everybody's, a holy shit here is goes we angelo story again and that's all Nobody remembers he's exact opposite right. right. A kid tries to hug these likud licking sniffing slave. Like us like a dagger dog slip, it is under arms were said. I mean a guy's disgusting. He's grows compared with malaysia Again we don't idolized politicians, but I'm to give you a scoop of war. Twenty twenty four occasionally use a little humor here, how to analyze these elections, because if you master this, you will also see why some other republican candidates are not doing well there. guys in great conservatives what
eddie falls off this. There is right, if I show so arrives at trump bad haiti go bogs. Now, you'll understand, but your you'll see politicians coming before anyone else you, but like all. Now I get it. totally explain badal in texas, or collapsed and ran for present completely explained babe you don't have to like paid. Oh, I don't care if you like, the guy, almost peter crews, a texas break the others all low on stage would escape skateboarder. We so cool. Laugh all you want. They understood that, then he melted down a presidential campaign will regulate it but here is an example of on the other side of this How one single moment, if you don't come back with something quick this sound by ruined what otherwise would have been a great its appearance using a key hayley. This happen
that an nevada yesterday with a kid who was wearing a Nicky haley, he had at its all the internet remembers mad. Just like the orchestra pit check this out, I love your hat. you guys still for free. I love you. Yeah. What are you guys gave it to you for the kids, totally astroturf Nicky! I am pile and honour, probably a great event. I dont, like a book on republic, political violence, please try to make a point that in internet era, Kids are used to check talk in short form content. grow blogging, thirty, six in parts of videos, people are gonna watch that, because it's funny and ask a go, ask any ask your hayley supporters what we. that appearance about yesterday. They'll be I even say only support is war. Now they'll. Remember that given away as isn't gonna sinker campaign. No
Emmy people forget it and a couple days, but my point is not going to help you combine it with that ridiculous cod, like dogs, have the internet cheese, how to turn it around stuff like that just a year. then the differences that the bill- labour. This point folks was important. They did during her and trump. I promise you abortive. Had some snappy come back, we give it away three hats. What are we charging We should be charged to go up or why are they free? We can razor and everybody, but like happy because that's his job he would right? You would crazy lie about. Every trap, So why yet a pc will lose their minds at an conservatives would love it is embassy tackled what be like, if I signed that, how can we double charge you for that? I get so my that's like you gotta, be funny. You can't be such a staff. Ok, that likely explains the quake were seen in politics right now? We trump the black for look, even NBC boxes
articles from yesterday november, twenty it you know again got beat up for talking about the black vote. I didn't I I'm not call it out anyone people get very sensitive about this on a sailor, really care, I'm just telling you. I personally have heard but people who do a lot of business with the black community, knocking on doors anymore. I was years ago. I don't play my speech. For members of the black community. I do not just telling you people who do a lot of business with businessmen, black entertainers and others have told me that there's enthusiasm for trump like no Republican they ve ever seen hears NBC weight Enthusiasm from black voters presents an inflection point for the Biden campaign. Like voters says it's concerning using that isn't even considering a vote for binding, he takes it, a day that should have been a no brainer, like they vote for democrats, this voter in the past. But now we are you considering someone else. Here's what's happening is
bad enough? Yet we gotta take the daily pallaby chapters. Yet sixty one thousand sixty minutes in is bad enough, yet that there's gonna be a mass red wave, tidal wave. The word out red towards that. I hate red way. My Well opinion. No, are we gonna win the twenty twenty four election? I think it's a good chance is you're going a tidal wave? I don't think it's bad enough, yet here's the kicker, they still know. I take this paltry four times a week. They go electra. I'd magician man, you're going so fasting, and somebody made a donation with a vague toodles amory appreciated I don't think so, but Well look at who sat s but our of Louis shouted. They two bucks an aim in itself! I appreciate you don't have to do that by the way. Folks, but it's nice. We appreciate. That's why I'm marketing budget is zero because we don't have to you guys you guys been very generous to the show we don't have to spend anybody on marketing. You keep my budget, super love the black.
A black community you're seeing people was he going to get twenty percent of the black vote? I don't think so that article says there's a poll out now that he has two thousand two percent black support. I had to be candid whither. I see that highly unlikely. I see closer to fifteen I'm telling you the of its fifteen to eighteen, there's almost zero math for democrats to win, Is it just now in a word, because People are starting to notice and a lot of Black voters live in states that are dominated by liberals a lot and starting to notice how bad things are. All european is cardy, be video. You guys have that a sarson. I should soon as I ask him to get it and, of course they got they shouldn't. Party b's, rapper, anagrams, gonna say this. For the thousand time I go care, about musicians, wrappers entertainers sports stars. I dont It is for you, so we can all go over and be cardy be fans.
really give zero shits. I bring it up, because you need to see what the left is watching, don't be like them. they don't watch our stuff. That's why they don't know anything about anything which are approved you coming up in a minute. How What brings are morons? We Ok, that favour back alive. left, these love COS maybe they're gonna, hear this and you're gonna hear too, but the last will never hear what you're thinking it's ace. metric political warfare, you always win when we study them and they don't study us, listen eddie, be here waiting Up again, seeing and noticing, for the first time, she's comet our taxes before by the way how high they are, but here is noticing, like hey man, pay in all this money taxes, police earlier check. This out in Europe there is a hundred and twenty million budget,
There's a one hundred and twenty million budget cut into going that is going to affect schools, public libraries and arm the police department can all go fuck about the causeway like it is what it is, and a five million dollar budget cut in sanitation of a budget cut. In its asian best. We won't be drawn, were rats we're going to be drowning and fuck your rats. so we will be having a budget cut on the shares. My view, this is why I said I'm there's something. Not this year, both fucking ask me: I don't give a fuck the rest Maybe they said I forgot my endorsing no fucking presidents because how can a hundred hundred million dollar budget could in new york city for for fucking scope, libraries, police safety.
and sanitation yeah nobody's talking about like yeah winger fun to worst week have been towards my book or something, but we don't got it, but we got it with the greatest nation. No, the fuck. We know we're going through some shit right now, Then we really want, though, really really really really really really really really really are suffering. Now,. Listen, I get it, I'm watching you all the chad right now, you're like watches this shit. Other people do ship. If she's got millions of followers folks, we have we We know that in the universe Twenty minutes you get sixty five thousand people. She added that on that chad thirty forty thousand people she's sitting there in shout a cap that mean that doesn't show perhaps uses ranting? That's it Forget audience. Man millions of followers cells out stadiums for these concerts and stop. That mean we admire. It doesn't mean anything. It means that
Is it bad enough, yet pro billy nod for big change, is getting there. It's gonna be at their when People on the left start talking to people on the left. I e what you just saw about our shitty it is they don't want folks, listen, man watch. This show it hurts my feelings a little bit. I would love it if left is no bigger. Capo. You give me a box and tell me you were a liberal, and I made you a conservative I've. I've had a wide like one people are so at the last four or five events tell me that, but let's have it. and there's, not a lotta liberals here and the chat, it's more we all of us just getting educate about how to take our country back, but don't hey back to favour man! No better! Mistake: that's. Why played Kevin hard yesterday, the rock Joe who bill build more stuff which we have later. Why do I play belmont puppy hates my guts? I don't care if he does, it doesn't because lip. Watch it.
I want to show you what I mean by waken up, because the crew, thing and now she mentions rats. That's Stuff is real that affects them. You walk into new york, city city, street, a city street and a rat steals your pizza. It's disgusting. This is the kind of stuff they hit. You in the nuts every day would be shitty. Three species you get older, so critical, especially that deep, comforting sleep, gotta, he'll sleep, dotcom, slash, dare take the sleepers like I like, I thought I was mentioned. The midnight locks lobby armies- side sleeper. I probably should be a slightly breyer's, better view, but Paul is by my side, sleeper elections, everyone's unique theirs several different mattress models to choose from base a new body type and sleep preferences ones, match your matches comes right to your door, ship for free when you receive you, hillocks mattress she'll, be obsessed with its quick finance box. More believe how? Well you sleep, you wake up I think, arrested and refreshed, eva tenure. Warranty and here
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restored. Sneak did is clean in a place. I know garbage bags in no fear it all waltz in right out, probably and thousand dollars worth sneakers going away out. Should we grab more gear oriented, it gets a go. Let's take all of it. Why stop they're, all my gosh restructure cause us about fixed a whole ragged clothes. No one Any rush whatsoever- I mean it California, this is what's happening. This is why people are starting to notice, is it bad enough? Yet I don't think so. Is it getting bad? It's gonna use another one. Look it is there not even hiding her face and this one expense of bags. Pocketbook shared value. Call in these days on him an alarm dude. Rip, I'm right off the shells. Nobody's up until now, doing anything therein.
Rush whatsoever faces, hang in right out there, you gotta do in the Biden. Tipsy do skip Peru, no neural run their moving as fast as Joe Biden extricated is. It says, our skippers, that we got it through the as they do in his skip road is skipper, comes later you miss the the two to wait on out illicit it is their new pose new york rank the least free state with high. acts is dead and regulations. New study in new york posts are people started a notice I dont know folks, liberals, I hate to say it a really dumb there dumb, I dont know any other way to say people ask me to be nice and you know, cool about starve and try to confer why liberals are dumb. I don't know any other way to say that their dumb other than there dumb they do. stuff. They say dumb stuff and I just don't know anything now. They know Somethin dan you're crazy. No, they don't. They choose to be stupid, all the time
say willing, ignorance about tat, policy cove id public safety military hamas. It doesn't matter. You tell me a subject I'll tell you how liberals are wrong, but wrong on purpose, wrong purpose, gazeta, go and look this stuff up. Why am I talking about this today? show always has a format I right that was a great transit. Thank you, I'm very talented. She only thing. I can't do anything else for I'm kidding, I'm not that guy, but you know, but thank you very much here. I always do listen. Whenever I play myself it's on delay, I gotta turn to violence. I know I said where I saw this yesterday: Josie s so much greater in the cabin ass, a phd master size, so a new met analysis came out about covered when I read in a whole tweet the covert death rate. Remember, we call started fellows. Remember recall jerry doors, logic, kids, I'd your wife, some of you will get there. Aren't you? how'd you get a door
walk outside, put a double mass, a ruin mask up here. we're not sacked. Do you don't want to slip it into every orifice in your body? It's going to kill you, and I said what did we say guys at the time. Did I not say maybe we should show on covered. we understand how many times that I talk about the are not new fatality rate. Why regional maybe we should not panic We understand the or not the lord, how in actually says this virus does nobody knew and how fatal is it before we shut down planet earth? but he said your kids, received their europe Colvin denier. I was like ok, dickhead, ok, so now amended. What's that oh yeah, we got banned. We got banned from youtube for actually daring to mention any this step cell, which She worked out great for us, namely three times Ten times the subscribers rumble. Whenever it new matter analysis of forty equality studies uncovered
all the death rate. Folks in twenty twenty four people younger than seventy. Seventy percent. Oh my gosh, it underwent set a waiver of MR alone. Oh that's a decimal, always it, in pursuit of said no, no visa? That's an order! zero point, zero seven percent. we locked down for that. He notes we take kids The schools member yesterday, even the new york times, acknowledging shutting down schools, the most of apart elliptical, educational disaster in the last hundred years, we forced everyone to take a novel vaccine that did nothing to stop transmission by the way shut? Economies, shipping lanes supply chains for a disease that kid the one in fifteen hundred people on their seventy folks I want you to understand, although do not provide,
corporate tory evidence here for republicans who were involved in the shutting down as a lot of them data to a lotta republic. Governors new in the chad know that I understand that towards the end when it became clear that this These was not his fatal, as everybody thought it was this virus. It was republic. And conservatives. Pushing open schools make no mistake. Liberals, why this thing to go on and on and on and on and on the shutdown, because They don't know anything for They want to be stupid here. play a bill. Maher clip get mad at me. All you want. The point is We need more of this because liberals listen to this guy. He doesn't like you, he doesn't like conservatives he's not our homey. That's not! The point by point is, stupid, is not going to stop. Liberals are never going to wake up and they are now it's never gonna be bad enough for them. Unless they understand they, ve been lied to and they don't work, still show
they want shows like this, where he's talking about exactly what I just mentioned check this out. But what about liberals hi information by the science people in iraq, and gallop survey democrats did much worse than republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question. What The chances that someone who gets covered will need to be hospitalized. The answer is between one in five percent. Forty one percent and democrats thought it was over fifty percent. Another tool eight percent put the chances of twenty to forty nine? So almost seventy percent of Democrats are wildly off on this key question and also have a greatly exaggerated view of the danger of over two and the mortality rate among children. Ok, serious time, which is hard from believe They just don't know anything
you just saw the data I am not suggesting view. They don't know anything about anything, I'm sure when it comes to light. Fourteen century women studies in egyptian basket, weaving I'm sure, there's a phd out there, who could probably decipher the rosetta stone on it. I have no doubt. I'm sure there are liberal doctors who are probably very talented surgeons. What I'm trying to tell you is with the big major issues that impact all of us: tax policy school choice and public education far. In policy. The middle EAST safety in policing, Covin, I'm telling you I can prove to you that liberals don't know shit it's when we take this poll, you guys are smarter. When I say to you when the porgy said it was ninety four percent who agree with me: it's not bad enough for a major sea change in politics, you're right. Ninety, four percent agree. Only six and think it is
Wonder understand what I understand: how will you going change everything when liberals don't think anything is wrong like, although the shutdown was great covered kills like a hundred percent of people, in fact, and you, like you would shit that was greatly down schools. All those kids die. Now nobody died. talking about redundancies reminded kid. They d number, it's the dodgers in which nobody talking about Now we've got to define the police they're shooting black men in the street if they were shooting black men in the street. Randomly I'd be arguing to defund the plate of a man that sucks you don't want dad. They're just shooting at black people, They don't know what you're doing This is why its em we're gonna, be bad anne of Austria Some of this I'll show you what I mean come on up and say I got another clip of more on environmental protesters. Confronted by a guy who hit some, which is obvious thing and they are like oh shit had he answered, I don't even know last breakthroughs less.
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counselor com- that's jenny, so dot com slashed in last sponsor today. What's up? Ok, just slowly, I came back to this again. How they don't know anything you can expect liberals to move away from their defined the police bullshit nor this other stuff, if they think police are shooting down randomly black people, industry It's not happening. What are gonna play: it's the coven corti be just figured out. You can't spend people's money endlessly. If you don't have it whether bill more finding out. That is allies on the left. Don't know shit about cove it. Nobody should, surprise here, as key and Jim nepal? This yesterday I said gay while we're on this topic. I left them your voice. Must you guys gonna find me that manhattan statute, article about that racism in the united states and democrats versus republicans wobbly you to read this proving my They don't know shit here,
actual construction of racism in the united states every bit of this. in ten african american survey, responders believe that young boy Men are more likely to be shot to death by police than die in a traffic accident. One. In ten disagrees. A highly educated sample of liberal whites, more than six and ten agree. In reality, considerably more young african american men dying car accidents at her shot to death by police uruguay? don't go anywhere chancellors. It gets better black trump voters, Almost thirty points more likely to get that question right and black Biden voters So in this isn't a racial thing, it's a liberal. They can herbert of white or almost fifty points more likely to get it right and liberal whites paid out. already thing man, they don't know. when you say: They live by this shot in the sound by which is great
for political campaigning, but they differ, between you and them as they stop at the bumper sticker. The modern, liberal and who do not you don't Stop at the bumper sticker You guys and Ladys go deeper. You wonder, stan why school choice works. You want stan. Why low taxes work? They don't understand shit there, stupid. I hate to say it because you can't run a society this way. I am not proud of it. What is true here, this this glorious is a budget Toby environmental protesters again and wants to electrify the entire economy. Despite the fact, that we have zero ability? We could power the world for about thirty seconds right now on electric, that's it it doesn't matter. These morons want to get rid of oil watches guy. Break them down fairly Well, don't you realize petroleum products? Aren't you scarcely may clothing like others, chemicals out of it, will watch. This is great
the foil, all your stuff is of the jacket of oil. You can use to decide the you're wasting everybody's time. All His diver engines are running all the time waste, the more blood the oil you know to lay down your clothes, your clothes Yang, the go airborne oil. No, they don't you. I understand that all the stuff they bob was transported by oil patrol. Products are, in almost I mean goods portion. Products and our economy have some nexus to petroleum products. They have no idea because well no shit. I love that he calls on matters better and these cars are idling here. You not as I of that daughters
this guy, where you gotta understand them he's in the browser dumb, is all wrong. the reason the browser dump is topical are borne down there, not they're, not borne down I think we gotta be candidature airborne with same capacities, you are. Their average I'd use is the same as anyone else's average like you, but when you, he's through in his liberal neighbourhoods and liberal schools, and the brook colleges when you raised with an exploitation narrative The entire world fits in this power spectrum right that people. Have power and others don't in everybody's exploited. When you raised with the exploitation narrative than you're victim. Do you want stand that the world becomes black and white. To you you're, never required police, the power, the guns. Therefore black, must be victims. The fact the data doesn't support that is irrelevant your life.
Explainable, not on the margins, but an easy black and white answers all time, so there's no need to go further, everything's I can wipe Israel. a wealthy middle eastern country, while they must? stolen it who they steal from other palestine, All they said but whenever says themselves well, did there you steal over that no additional do any of that. The so narrative explains everything with the left: everything governments in charge? Governments have benevolent force, I want you to watch is glories this I've never seen this explained betters Jordan, peterson, wouldn't petersen breaks It's down better than I've ever heard. I had to cut it a little short, but it's worth every second, it's over a minute. I try not to run. tim explaining the exploitation narrative power imbalances, and this perfectly explains why liberals don't know jack shit about anything ever check this out. People, and one is idiot, madame marxism, which is that the way
look at every social relationship with people ever have is through the lens of power, and the vat is? We can put that squarely at the feet of the universities. As far as I'm concerned is you know, marriages are patriarch. Lynch, detention and business is nothing but oppression, and you have to view every single situation that emerged historically as oppressor verses of grass and then once you get that which you getting about two minutes. If you say that the course the teaches that sort of thing you have it's demoralize about the whole world through and then you see, the situation is that the left have already decided. The palestinians are the victims and, as you pointed out, if you're a victim, then your morally righteous and even more conveniently. If you stand for the victim, then your morally righteous, regardless of what you do with your own life and that's pretty much what university students or talk from the time they enter the university classroom and that's how they in all orient themselves morally well and that at the hands of the radical left, bill and one of the things the Democrats also have to pay the price for
I would say, is their absolute refusal to draw a line between the mortar, the cracks in the extremists completely incapable of doing that. Guy, active forty senators and congressmen the last five years. I asked them all the same question polluting our kay he wouldn't answer either windows. The left go too far. What we certainly bloody well saw last month didn't weight. Has it got your browser, oppression, narrative, little mocked up, we might say and we're going. Their consequences are going to unfold pretty brutally over the next few months, given notice of what he said is so spot on relationship sociological, human relationship. We have the left swains by somebody being a victim and somebody being oppressed, marriage, occasion. Everything's big government, I mean she's, really big tech. Big farmer is big. Ironic gets you only one. They won't scribe that networks. That's what we the levelling out power, big business
Did they don't understand anything else, because our dipshit And that's why videos like the one I'm gonna play next hour. oh destructive and that's? Why? No matter how many times you play this stuff, the left us We want to see what it really is. that was a hijacking in these idiots again took video because proud of it. I want you to watch what they did. This hijacking out at sea, took over this, our freighter? There's no israelis on this thing. It doesn't matter left loves it because supposedly was bringing products Israel some like that, it's sick! These people are one less craig or that makes up before the holidays. You hear the jolly yells roma stakes. Have your wishlist covered with guarantee perfection during your boy friday and cyber monday sales go to offer states that kind of food is delicious. Take advantage of fifty percent off say why he's called mancino check out again additional thirty dollars off your score. Delicious deals on tender juicy extra aged steaks like your mouth watering, bacon, rap
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the terrorists who should be instantly shot dead on the safe when the minute they land, but this viruses. Have this kind of security here they go taken over this freighter there. Like all look, we heard some Jews were here: let's go get the Jews while there are no jews on this thing, but it doesn't really matter. They'll kill anyone because their efforts savages that's what they do. Their demon savages three guys point netteke, guys back as you train now. Well. Attack takes any more on that matter: This is real. This isn't like a hollywood move, you waiting for stephen seagal an undersea to come out like don't. This is actually real. Look at these poor guy, guys working now he's got to deal with a demon, savage you're, probably being tortured right now, because why because they did they again. The left deja vu greater freedom fighters, their freedom fighters, folks, their fighting exploitation. That's it We're doing there fighting the occupation began to unbelief. taken over this whole ship. Somebody's been
probably dead right video, the whole frequenting, because I'm proud of, Yes, this got a ceasefire, definite ceasefire, for the have all these people should be killed. What exploitation looks like just not the kind the left thinks. This story was hard man. I wanna, I'm gonna go through this fast by. again how people are so stupid, left so desperately wants to take over the healthcare system in the united states has been a dream since hilary care. Why? In the shadows, The idea why why does the left want the healthcare system so bad? You know. when you control people's lives. Folks, you control everything. If you can. all the healthcare system. You control everything, determine when people live or die. I read this story. yesterday I was on the air in the radio show. You haven't hurt this story and you still support government run healthcare. You need to get
my chat, I'm sorry, you know welcome here anymore. You really stupid. you're the story indy gregory in the uk Then the national health service, they have government run healthcare. Indeed, Gregory was an eight month all the eight month old, died november. Thirteen to say days And he was born with mitochondrial disease prevents cells from producing energy, her parents, and they saw medical center in england They disagreed if she should be kept on life support the parents. How much you want to save her life. The government run healthcare. The innate just turned to the courts to ship the parents of decision King authority, the uk, high court agreed over of the paris wishes and ordered life support. Remove way why Oh yeah! Oh it gets worse even though the story gets worse While we re just start, continued treatment would be futile. Other experts disagreed include
At the vatican's bambino cosu pediatric hospital, therein and religious mission. They specialise in treating children with rare diseases like that get a load of it The doctors are offered a treatment plan that can help in the four free wouldn't cos. Uk anything you italian. Many were made her a citizen, so she could be lifted from england. What happened next? He gets even worse folks, The age went back to court same court. And a judge to insist, it remained in these best interests to die in the EU. The kingdom. The court agreed overruled the his desire to take indy to experts in rome. The judge ordered they could take her only one place to the hospice to die. and in case the parents got any ideas, folks but saving their daughter, the parents
Sent a hospice with a security escort and a police presence in the died within two days under the watchful eye of the government. It said it was looking out for a best interest you want government run healthcare here. I read that story yesterday on the air, when I am and do it again, the radio show. I I let me take a quick poll because I'm really interested government run healthcare folks. Yes, we love government run healthcare, ah fuck. No, we don't want government run healthcare the middle have to see those poor. So you think the same government that shut you down. cried the economy over. Covered virus at any one in fifteen hundred fatality rate for people under seventy gonna. Let you live in spend money on you. That's a lot of work knows right now
can you think conservatives be treated well you think you live in new york city you're, going to that, the court looks at your social media posts supporting trump. You think they want to help your kid in last, don't be stupid. I know. That's not you you're! My chat. And you believe this and you won't come a run, help each Bobby find a definition. I mean stay here if you'd like, if you look at it, be converted, but if you convert others to govern, run health gauge populism. Well, that's a lie. Folks, the Biden lighting now is getting absurd. This guy, this guided the fact that this guy is still the present. The united states and its not resigned yet is at. This point I think it is right to watch his quick segment. This guy just keeps going downhill. It keeps getting worse and worse Here's garee job pierre anyone, know any change your vote by the way it worse britain to act. Hello, besides sucks the worst press secretary in the history of the united states carry job here here she is, would make
your dumbest moment yet Joe Biden check this out. I would put the president stamina president's wisdom ability to get this done on behalf of of the american people against anyone. Anyone on any day of the anyone I would, I wouldn't put it up against the seven year. Oh yeah. Definitely socks Here's yesterday, because you in the chat now have a name Joe. You got this. You got the sound there for the skipper. Ro we ve got a sounder. I was totally unaware. Now We single time I see this, I will think of you all in the chad, Joe by uncomfortable nervous, stick which will now call the deep seated skipper, oh, he did it again check it out by two years there. It is as bad as skipper room this dude. As the biggest nervous take I've ever city. Wasn't look young girl, the Joe Biden scheme
ro ogilvy, so young and for us they now now you're, not enough, thus up discovery and a fall in your face, It's crazy moment, though yesterday had happened at the event, had to oppose it old donald trump out. There's like the greatest means out. Their poppy. Try oh papa trouble, does great means, I didn't he is you're the one who got this on video body. Pardon turkey jewel see. This is a big like It is a bad thing like that. Turkey people said they were embarrassed. They bring this turkey out to get pardon and turkey has, like no love for binding in all. This actually happened check this out. I hereby pardon. Liberty and bow.
poppy trouble, I sat Magee, said a ride like I bet they regretted making up that turkey. They don't expect Turkey to go, you gotta throw me a molly, but we can't you know you can't like to launch a motley and I throat lately I mean come on. It's like you know, standard operating procedure that. Look at that soft hands right there. There we got some of you guys. Sometimes these days. I bet they regretted making that turkey atmosphere here. What what is this? We get another one, rivers as binding as well all go away. We hear the fighting confuses britney, spears, fortalice, regional, brittany with the knives and stuff like that. Retain very well look like each other. They like really different years, this guy still shockingly the commander in chief check this out and by the way is my birthday today they can actually want. You know it's difficult. Turning, sixty five at all,
either turkey federation of liberty bell liberty about a love honey. Chris baffles Evanna eyesight, I should like to see the play I cited fowls. legs. And the more american just to get here. Liberty, bell had beaten, provides competition, a car to show of patients and be willing to travel over a thousand miles. You could say even this hearted and getting a tip to the renaissance store or prepared reproduce: tour she's down, kind of warm in Brazil right per hour. that's the taylor swift or why didn't this. Guy is sky, is just a moron
Finally, finally, the media is starting to fight back against these idiots corinne jean Pierre and Joe Biden. This was good folks James rose, it asked for but the single best question I've ever seen in the brady press room yesterday, this he's good he's been good for a long time I met in a play, corinne jumpy, its answer was there was no answer at all. It was just like. Well, we love the people are whenever this absolute goal. Press room yesterday check this out. In february the president cannot in interview, I believe it was seven telemundo and asked about the disney state of his job approval ratings. And he answered in words to this effect. You know anyone that believes the polling these days and he talked in some detail about the difficulty of getting people on the phone and compiling accurate pulling whenever you are asked about the presents dismal job approval ratings,
you say we're not gonna. Look at polls, we we look at his accomplishments when you are asked about various domestic policy initiatives, you will say these poor, very well, people support what the President wants to do. If you look at the individual subjects on the poli, they support with the president's agendas. once and for all. Our only certain poles valid in your eyes, the ones that support you reject were pulling down, and that shows that president Biden has been stuck for two years at below. forty sinners approval ratings are valid, finally Well, to ask real questions about these fulla shit. People in the wider is it. being bad enough? Yet it's? Why play this last? I don't know, but the pole numbers suggest we're getting there. Why we stand a damn good chance of winning a twenty twenty four. The only question is: how can the wind be. I swear. I want to hear anything about a red way red waves owing to dissuade people from go into the poles
I got a special surprise, for you will not work be off thanksgiving, so us, furthermore be show on thanksgiving on thursday will be a show tomorrow. Podcast They live show we want special for you. On friday, I've been getting so much interest in the self defense segments that this and chester's. How? If you know it, tell me your quarters, we're gonna, do an episode with the world famous fighter and her gray c of the gracie family guy. Is one of the best mix, martial arts, ground fighters in the world. He says a super nice guy, too we're going to do a show and we're going to go to clips and we're going to go through the basic self defense stuff he's gonna do demos and staff will play the clips. What people did write, what they did wrong? It'll be a right. We call chauffeur friday began. haunted demand for it. I think you're right, We gonna like it. I think, once you see a to you, convince yourself that in basic per Heroditus is right up your alley. You're gonna have to do this so that a special for friday, I'm really
excited about it, so still message: show it to your wives, your kids, this guy really great it not just doing brazil jitsu grappling in self defense, he's good at tea Those aren't the same things. Okay and I got us sure for you. Thank god. Miss polly for this one. So She runs the store. The dog dead, shirts, Annie cutesy time is over shirts folks had been selling like no shirt we ve ever so before. All of proceeds again, go to charity, so you know I want we're down when all the shipping in the production stuff the website is stored up on gino dot com policy like egg everybody some money off. So it's gonna be ten percent off this black friday. Through cyber monday, we ve got christmas ornaments stand ones. You show christmas ornaments. All of that stuff goes you I said our proceeds go to chairing. We got mugs, we got hats, eye, tracker, typepad
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chat with me every day. I love talking to you. I was in there this morning chat with some folks who really appreciate I'll, see you back here tomorrow. You just heard Dan. Bon Geno show
Transcript generated on 2023-11-22.