« The Dan Bongino Show

Another Bombshell in the Biden Crime Family Case (Ep 1381)

2020-10-29 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the disturbing revelation on the Tucker Carlson show that damning documentary evidence against the Biden family has strangely “disappeared.” I also address the abysmal performance by the tech tyrants on Capitol Hill. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee couple, big things today. Viruses I mean if this isn't an episode of the Twilight Zone. I dont know what is a march. In fact, last night? We can abolish these back former Biden, family business partners. Now MT blow, the whistle on their corruption and apparently is ream of documents he had showing just how corrupt abiden crime family was Fox NEWS, ship them New York, ally and amazing amazing they magically disappeared. It's just reared always super weird right box open. The documents are gone might be a member red instead be the land of the left socks where the left socks. Where they go Nobody knows remember that episode said the body is there, don't ever weird, while the left side of the same place to Tony balanced,
Paperwork goes. Apparently I got that stuff. And some good NEWS on it too. So dont worry have no fear. What else do I got the coup? do your car Davy Albert she'll, be all over. The you may want to watch is what Davy the coup. Yet, when it where the continent with the left this coup left this threats for I once after election day, of course, blame it on us, because that's what these lunatics do, but I got more It is there that that us, conservatives were a peaceful bunch. Thank the Lord, but the left this again planning for chaos after election. It again you been worn teacher bite. You Spress Vps Ladys, I was a hell of an opening. I have not been so brightly very expressive. European folks, protect your yes was a laugh. Nobody knows you're very shocking. I cannot say who you are? No one has any idea: they ve never already you before where's that left the coming from today's nobody by experts, be had for the third time they only paid for one three well now get raped, get a vip
and today and protect your online activity from prying eyeballs go to Express Vienna consolation punch. Finally, who is a mystery laugh. Nobody has any idea, of course, welcome the desire producer job. So, are you gonna do away with a man how Guy doesn't like say how by now, I know I know what you think, because I talked to job before the show and I might get all didn't sleep greatly. but I'm ready to turn it on its. Why he's laughed we gotta bring it right away and that's why he's a little stuck out above them like Rovera, break into writing Erika Mann, who stuck out of our ship this thing down? Could you be he's how it's done gave a near me to meet a bank or, I suppose, that's get to it. Gloated showed that a lot of sound lotta audio lot eclipse today show, but you by friends at job creators network, listen. I am not messing with you. This is game time now. Forget it again. This action time, the game's over.
Our action action time. This is the seasons are. This is the Superbowl right now early post a person voting. I can never say that early in Person voting has already said I voted already so did Paul elections over for us, but not familiar. people out there we need to turn people out? Good news is. We are turning out record numbers, there are many more states were early in pursing vote of early in person. Voting has begun now, just because you voted or voted or may about. It doesn't mean your job is done. We gotta get up, People now to show up and show up early. Please don't for election. They understand this tradition for a lot of people, but this isn't time for tradition. It is time to win. The country is at stake, cannot lose here. How do we do this? keep America, America Dotcom! That's out the folks at job creators network provide the most up to date. Voting infirmity, information you can count on either
If you ve already voted, you can go to keep America, America that come and figure out what you could do to get others to vote, but Sixteen election was decided by how many thousands of votes there. That's right now millions, thousands for Hundred thousand of you have already gone to keep America America that camp we gotta, week laugh there's still time. I want to see that number reach a million. Please make this the biggest get out the vote, effort and conservative history. One people can ignore anymore God you keep America, America, dotcom figure out what you can do to help get out. The vote commit to taking just one Personal Bonanno commit to taking TAT Darwin that out ten people, ten, maybe twenty someone complete and application for a male about. Do you can do a little? Do a lot? Do your part? How do you think what you can do and how you can help get. The vote go to keep America, America dot com. Please go now. Thanks, keep America, America, backup
our job. I was messing around with the candy bell again this morning. We check this vote to Canada. This thing actually ringside realised the lever work, listen actions. that sucker actually rings the candy. I was using that he gave me a little wrench, but the Bell Ringer thing rings. Yes, we're up we're like triple said he, even if the Bell Ringer Break. we ve got a registering the belgian case. Jos Technical Bell goes down look you call em out like a pro lucky, I don't They think on my desk: greater wouldn't but I do have some stuff. I have cool little like things for your grip checked at it and you ve got the others like alpha there, not a sponsor anything but they're, pretty cool, and you put this on your fingers and you get your forums. That is one of them always exercise re kind of your, but would also yet it we got the length roller here. You're, not! Luckily I don't have any dandruff. We got remote village share a watches. This is like the greatest desk ever, but thank you. Miss Paula for panic, supply
mean everything's, all cleaner rating and the gavel from who sent us the someone someone really nice Bob. Thank you Nick Annabel, of course, as you can see on the desk. Alright, let's get right to it, listen folks! I have been all over this story about the Democrats. Plans for post election chaos, The story has left this in the media, Davy Alba from the New York Times and others so paranoid amazingly, they keep trying to turn the story around on us making it a Republicans paths story what our republican pound stories- and why does this matter here while it matters Couple of reasons. This is serious stuff. We have left this group's one that personally attacked me and my wife, coming out of the White House I showed you the video calling my wife I it starts with an age and it rhymes with flow. if you know what I mean: dropping F bombs as throw Stuff address I, when I was at the White Ass the night president trumped accepted the nomination of the White Ass for the GNP. Not for the presidency we would
I showed you, the video being harassed, harangued and attacked by Black Matter, in a tea people leaving the white ass. They followed us for miles, I showed you the video so Ipod, victim of this, and yet people at the New York Times and elsewhere. Davy by an others if they knew specialist over there, they keep in a right to story blaming this. Like my gosh, you know you guess you guys deserve to be. tat your exposing the attackers why I will continue to expose these this, because, while we, the conservatives and I will vigorously strongly and on a principle manner argue for peace and com. Always after election day, the left one and the left we'll try to blame it on us. That's why it matters not one, because it could be dangerous, and I want to be aware, but number to the Republicans stories- are getting all we're on your games just stop that
takes you seriously anymore. So just stop that's. How does Republicans pounds work? We expect the story about left this planning chaos if their election day and the store. He becomes not about exposing the liberals, but about Republicans pounced on left this calling for left violence. The story becomes about our response to it, which is it actually went out, but the New York Times did exactly what we do it again if this- and you know what it's fine, because nobody actually takes the New York Times seriously and we have a far greater network. A people watch that examined are checked his story out again. More plan Four left this cast now replace this group and the Wash examiner story with a tea party group, and this would be a national story right now, protesters plan. To quote me: your tribe leaves after the election by Nicholas ROW and staff writer the worst examined. While can you imagine if their member? Obama Mitt Romney election when he was run a free election. Can you imagine story tea party?
is to show up at the. Why doesn't make sure Obama leave? Can you really will make Ladies and gentlemen, there would be a full blown FBI investigation people would be under the Gayety as they be the death penalty for party members involved in this debacle, if that actually have now, of course, because it's a left, leaning group he'll covered up and no blame are still be another New York Times story there. Vito pounces on labourers. running the paths on the White House, it'll be a Republicans odds on media pouncing on Republicans, pound story. So tell me again how all this talk about post election chaos is crazy. Talk, I'm just citing reporting about what liberal groups are doing. I have more Bubu you confused from the worst examiner p.
And again, just just listen to these leftist groups in their own words about their chaos plans post election, it's their own words there words? listen read for once New York Times. People quote this group is left this group. What's your name namely the group. I forget it: the peace, the group on its website promises a quote uprising, arrogant to distribute Tampa GINO pounces on liberals calling for an uprising or an uprising where they're going to make sure Trump leaves office after the election by the way. This is the same group that has shown up in Washington DC over and over accosting people scream, enabling when all this rioting went on so very serious, is not a joke. Quote from this group. Again left this which again no blame on us because that's what they do when we expose them, because there this themselves at the New York Times
is these tax on male imbalance in the? U S, postal service to the GEO Peace, long time, voters, suppression strategy, Europe has shown that he will stop at nothing to maintain its grip on power. The groups that are areas Europe will not leave office without mass mobilization, jobs and direct action again armor imagine for a moment if this was a tea party group s interests, each well talking Mass action against Obama, feed it leave the White As- and I quote, uprisings, I'm not kidding people would be. in shackle, yet handcuffs leg, shackles be imprisoned in ghoul centres, I Beria we'd be have to be a new soldier needs in writing stories about the gulags further republic two party are sent to the July because they talked about an uprising under Obama, but because its left, this I assure you, I assure you,
he don't sit in the left wing. Media will write a story about our responds to left. This calls for a quote: quote liberals media people, media areas. That means They said that or road it that's what the quote nations are, they are calling for. uprising, story will be about us engage you get an uprising, exposing people calling for an uprights if you like home, can understand saying people all over the world can understand that either because a media folks are insane anymore. tell me again now. I'm crazy, though,. I'm just citing reporting about what left this are planning to do. Can you name for me by the operator challenge out there? If you can give me a credible republican group, credible Republican without sight to me, lunatics credible republican group, that is
they're calling for an election day uprising? What we'll talk about it on the show you want, you can already be arrested by the FBI, unreal folks and they again they come after us. We're gonna put this on Facebook. By the way, I'm sure it will be checked by an independent fact, checker, who will say no doubt when they set up rising. What they meant Dame getting up in the morning in eating a bowl of cheerios. That's what they really weren't talking about political opera, really because they say they're going to remove him by quote direct action. Trunk threat, no! No! No! No, by direct action Play Mimi action of scooping the cheerios in the spoon. If you met after they mate with the uprising, they did cuz, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. That'll, be there fact check on Facebook. I got more on Facebook and twitter today as well. They're, absolutely pathetic and bear
hearing up on the helping all right enough on this, because we have a lot more to talk too, including, like last night, was, the sequel to the Babylon Ski files what are some of the great sequels ever yet alien aliens member aliens to say there was much better than the original shocker, the sequels Roma. Never better. It's happened a couple times up, so you had bubble insight and bubbling skis last night live here or maybe you number star wars reread the empire strike back so that Bob its key strike back. This is the were less. I was almost ass good. What am I talking about? Tucker Crow son had is, I guess, thought again for the second night Neuro, I'm an interview, exclusive interview, lieutenant me Bobby Linsky, who is a former partner? The Biden family is a very simple case: Bob he's alleging now that there are some very suspicious shady deals that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden more and then, with enemies of the United States, one of them being China. That's the story.
He tells the story can get wonky. That is the story. However, a story. You will not here in the mainstream media anywhere Cosette you busy writing Republicans pounds about media pouncing on Republicans, pounced stories, Too busy with that but when other media outlets, notably Fox news us insane. People. When we go on the air we report on this, because it's kind of a big deal now Joe, but a little bit of big the guy coming out, saying they potential future present United States may be bought by the chinese communist. Then our nuclear powered enemy- I don't Strolled out there in the real world you in the rope Well, there's another insane twist in Babylon skis Babo Whisky strikes back the sequel archives washed in his amateur peace. apparently a bevy of documents that we're ship by Tucker Karlsson stand
by the way this closure I work at fox. You will know that I am had paid, contributed their I'm, I'm I'm just gonna, be Chris clear. I have zero inside information on Fox from this at all zero. I have not the fox in New York and months. Nobody calls me about this. I am reporting on this story from Fox strictly as an investigator This is. I have no inside information on that. You have my absolute word, I'm strictly going on the reporting, Washstand examiner. found this out when you did last night, no one called eight tacos gotta. Think tonight I watched you just like you did but I want to make sure you understand that Tucker and says this is unbelievable. Folks confidential Biden, family documents have quote vanished. please read the shone out today. This story will be in their task. is to show notes, go to Bonn, GINO Dotcom, Slash newsletter newsletter is the shown outside referred of them intertwined
Because there's another store you gonna need you see in a minute to, but it talks about what happened so Tucker sent this in his after carry, he doesn't say who you PS, Fedex the aid but he doesn't mentioned what company it is they sent these coming documents: reams of paperwork about the Biden, crime family- from New York Office to allay where we're Tucker across an interview, Babo Whiskey and they just magically disappeared. Don't listen to me. Explain it, though listen a talker, because folks, listen, Greece be candid for a moment. Take off your partisan hats Joe Polynesian away or ombudsman ass. Please idle I don't think I want any stock and new or Fedex raving. I made some kind of mutual financial May, not an owner or in any significant way, either. Not sponsors, My show I don't care about their parties. They are unusually reliable. I mean seriously? When was the last time outside of someone like a porch bandits steely? What was the last I've Fedex called you said: hey, we don't know
happening your package, I'm just tell it for my ex it's better gps. I'd never happen. We now I've had to steal them off my front. Porch that's happened, but when lost in transit is the fault of the care they never put. This is just crazy, like so. We we're here that it's like zero, zero, zero, zero, zero one percent of packages that get lost in transit and it's the fault of the carriage yet magically this package of documents about the Biden cried family seems to have disappeared and nobody knows what happened. Listening. Tucker explain this you going to be my wife check this out, there's something specific going on behind the scenes right now that we did feel we should tell you about it. On Monday of this week, we received from a source a collection of confidential documents related to the Biden family. We believe those
are authentic their real and their damning. At the time we receive them on my executive producer just in wales- and I were in LOS Angeles, preparing the interview Tony Babo Linsky about the violence, business dealings in China, Ukraine and other countries, so we texted a producer in New York and we asked them to send those documents to us in our in he did that so Monday afternoon of this week he ship those documents overnight to California, with a large national carrier, brandname company that we ve used. You ve used countless times whenever a single problem, but the binding documents never arrived in LOS Angeles. Tuesday morning we received word from the shipping company. There are
package had been opened and the contents were missing. The documents had disappeared now to its credit, the company took this very seriously and immediately began to search they trace the envelope from the moment our producers dropped it off in Manhattan. On Monday, all the way to three forty four m yesterday morning, that's what an employee at assorting facility in another state notice that our package was open. An empty currently had been open, so the company's security team interviewed every one of its employees who touch the envelope we sent. They searched the plain and the trucks that carried it. They went through the office in New York where approach or drop that package off. They call the entire cavernous shorting facility the use pictures of what we had sent so that searchers wouldn't know what to look for they. When following beyond, but they found nothing. Those documents have vanished. Now the New York Times the worst. By can I can I arms.
I put my social media parlour and twitter and Facebook yesterday, worse Parnell Parliament, where shoot me a review of my podcast. I never do that, but some people going to Itunes and they review it or apple podcast, wherever they call now really. In southern Sudan's always ahead of the new psych. Why? Because I get there so predictable, there's some predictable job. What's gonna be the wash pose New York Times coverage in this category Africa bears ok, it's not I'm not alleging that conspiracy and it's not a theory Documents are really gone. Tuckers outlying about it he's lying about kind. Active accompany the company could swim. There are making The story of the documents disappeared. Ok, I got back, that's Stella, that's your dinner but I was ECHO's. They don't want to acknowledge that this is strange. Stranger I'm not a conspiracy and conspiracy. Amassing aliens came and took it. Joe Biden himself was sitting there.
Nobody may Biden uneven nobody any good stories about anyways any matter, but like Biden and was in whenever a facade ready for the shipping company install metallurgy area, but the New York Times and other slime balls out, thereby further because that's where they do it's not a theory. and we don't know if there's a conspiracy, because I never said that and neither did Tucker. He just said what I said this is really weird right, like stuff doesn't typically just disappear with the package been violent, transit with a respected carriers. We re Johannes, come in salmon sense men, Why is this story important? Because we have it's in the media, the image No class of the media is strong believe, is a union of idiots and immediately the biggest union in America up pretty funny
Less Europe never ever left Euro- Jim, I'm sorry I'll make an exception. I, like the UK, there is a union of imbecile what what what your biggest membership? Definitely the media, thousands and thousands of members- because this is piracy theory by the media. Not us still allege where alleging conspiracy to think piracy theory developing in the media, including by people like Jonathan Shape, a noted russian collusion imbecile. I mean like that, that shop the cells in the media, local, six hundred? Seventy do John Jay member, the Imbecile Union, the media Jonathan CHE russian Collusion Ocean is our trying to filter out there. This stupid idea that my gosh, maybe Fox never had. This was like the dog ate my homework and other Fox and ever had. The diet has just made this idea now again. Folks, I can't be. here. I have no inside information on this from Fox at all. You have my word as Lord Almighty is my judge. I would never do that invokes even
I tell you the absolute I said that I have been a fox for a long time, if you're suggesting to me box when on the air and lied about paper. and in wide about shipping it and in lied about the shipping based on. You really need to see the help of a qualified mental health professional yesterday, because you're insane, What are you really and say something said Dan, rights and and and axons are not connecting showing you stupid that theory, you get the theory, Job Fox, maybe they never had. The documents in the first but they're making this whole thing up to attack by now. Of course, legal insurrection, the great bill Jacobson, has an article up today, who is really, unimpeachable sources bill, Jacobson Science, Michael microchips righteous article. This is in the show. No three Exclusive Fox news as copies of damning Biden. Family documents remove from shipping package. They ve learned from eight
extremely reliable source in a position to know that Fox NEWS did keep a copy of the documents. So And, ladies and gentlemen, can you just scrap the stupid theory that never had a conspiracy but keep in mind the people. Promoting this told you. The PPP tape was real, so there you go. That's why it's an important story will save these documents surface. I let me get to my son sponsor. We get really do have a loaded shown. I got a lot to get you. I can show ladys German brought you by our friends, our phone. So listen. We ve all got this device right. You found this is my phone right here picture my family and, as you can see,. Folks we take our phones to really gross places. Sometimes you drop on the counter. You drop of counter but bathrooms, while whatever's on account or you're, probably pick it up and you're far, which is kind of gross. Now I use phone soap every single day
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remember to use to co Dan to get twenty percent off and and free shipping. That's phone soap. Dot com today use promo code, then to save twenty percent clean. I found third in big thanks to fund, so you guys are awesome over there ladys. We appreciated our aid on the balanced he's here: Barber Linsky, Sceura bubble and ski strikes back the sequel to the bottom. Is you say so Left are also pushing on social media, twitter and elsewhere, Facebook, etc. Pushing and other diverse it'll, be there's a conspiracy theory, of course, which is nonsense. Gazetted conspiracy, theory, tony bubble is actually has documents packing hold that up and do you know what kind of an inconvenient talking Bobby but here's the rather than just want to show you this quickly? You because you know influential blue chip. Mark Twitter who exposed yesterday they live in the small bubble, but they, The majority of the tweeting leftist blue check twitter is very influential, even though the very small and they largely live in their moms basements eating still
DORA cookies or they show up their pushing this nonsense narrative now about Bobby Linsky, who was a former Biden family Business partners? I gave us a summons go and only with this tragedy. Now then Joseph is manufactured scandal again dreaded airport, you don't believe me, here's one of those blue checkmark eyes with an outside influence on twitter and an undersized influence in the real world. So this Alex in this area and blue checkmark twitter com, Of media routinely manufacture scandals, John service in Vietnam that was manufactured about joke. Is that was an actual scandal. Hilary it: Didn t mail server jar that was manufactory still haven't, found the thirty three thousand. Even in this area mortality. A hundred z emails, you may the emails about ten percent for the big guy too. We manufacture that email battleships and then they brow be mainstream. Media and do not covering those scandals to a sufficient degree. It's bad faith politics and a huge this service devoted to this Audrey again this just I didn't
intending to flow this way these are usually I do, but this is unintentionally sideways. You see you again how, like the new At times the washed imposed leftist are all the same thing: you're, not the big, no distinction between leftist activists, the New York Times in the boat, please you're, making a huge mistake: You see what they do here left is threatened. Violence and chaos if their lesson direct action, an uprising at an end. around these Alice and they got. Conservatives are threatening. If you like wait, why? What are you talking guys on drugs. That's another really now with this, you see, what's going on here, there's an it will scandal with a credible witness, Papa Linsky with emails, mails text documents and everything he produced calls on the record, he's not anonymous, hopefully more on that later, to he's not Thomas Miss and the left. This turn it around and make it about us. manufacturing scandals where you have Mazarine, who had just treated this a little while ago talk about a manufacturer
This is the same guy same guy coach, the same guy. These are true. There are two people in the world they both now. that Russia has compromised on trumped. This whole area is a clown. This area, blue checkmark guy on Twitter, who tweet but the people yokes member drop in the PPP overseas. She's got to take. I don't care is made up of totally completely fabricated, made up the same guy tweeting about the people's hopes. Is this ain't? I tweeted We manufacture scandal, create them. we're. Not I mean really. This is like Pizarro Superman World. I can't say that enough. Everything is upside down. Hillary Clinton. Emails, worries. Scandal. John carries service in Vienna. but he was always a scandal, not because because what people sharp with em said what discrediting their service. The p She was always fake any you. They turn around a blame it on us. They do this all the time.
That should tell you, by the way, they're afraid Ababa, Linsky, Tucker, this last night again in his intro, how D damning and devastating. This story really is. You can tell did every station level of the stories inversely proportional to the media coverage media bridge zero devastation, effective widen crime family? The Democrats in media are high soup it's an inverse relationship. Tucker talked about this less on his show how this media cover up the soviet style media coverage of the biggest scandal in modern presidential Israel potential President bought off by chinese communist. How is this and Then we ve never seen anything like this check this out. What today, a Senate committee confirmed it? The Senate reported this afternoon that all of tony babblings these documents are in fact real their authentic they're, not forgeries. This is not rush,
just information. It is real, so we have another recording for you from tony bubbling scheme will add that to the evidence by will play it for you in just a minute, but we can noticing that in a normal country you probably already would have heard it bubbling. Told a remarkable storage, Joe Biden, who once again could be president of the United States next week was planning business deals with America's most formidable global opponent and when he was, caught doing it Joe Biden the wide and then you would further he's slandered an innocent man as a traitor to his own country. It is clear that Joe Biden did that the son, a partisan talking point uttered in bad faith on behalf of another presidential campaign. It's true! So the question What is Joe Biden excuse for doing that? What is his version of the story? Everyone has a version and we'd like to hear it, but we don't know what job this version of the story. Is
because no one in America's vast media landscape has pressed Joe Biden to answer the question. Instead, reporters at all levels and their editors enter publishers have openly collaborated with Joe Biden political campaign. That is unprecedented. It has never happened. american history. This morning the big papers completely ignored what Tony Babylons he had to say. The other television networks not a single word about Bobby Linsky appeared on CNN or anywhere else news. We decide to cover it, but came nickel. The real story was about she went on somehow this is: soviet style suppression of informers of a legitimate news story days before an election. The ramifications of it are impossible to imagine, but we do know the media cannot continue in that it has no one believed the media anymore, and no one should he's not kidding he's not kidding. Just look at polling data. Do you trust me did remember that
Joe a couple weeks back, maybe three, four weeks ago we covered where post pandemic, what we're still in this pandemic, of course, but post onset of the pandemic. Precision matters. The reputation of companies which had gotten better and gotten worse and ended. The appalling Ghana to stop was obvious people, in the medical industry? The reputations got better wait a bit of it, but why and how do you feel about doctors are, we feel great, I'm a simple Paul there were only what two groups of people whose rights mutations after the onset of the corona vice pandemic up worse airlines at the media. Folks, this is paid job is business model. you were there story. You are you're only job is to tell people the truth, however uncomfortable it's like the airline you're. Only job is to put someone's caboose in a sea and fly them somewhere. If you fly
Somewhere else, they're gonna be pissed off I need to go to Where does give why you re allay their meal Only job is to tell you the facts: they don't even want to cover the biggest presidential October. Surprise scandal we ve seen in modern history and they want why nobody trusts them and her scratching her how come we're losing money I story, but a major left wing media publisher downgrading its staff. To give you listen, I don't wish job losses that anyone I'm not kidding even left wing media types they have to be in the media, be stupid! Do what you want? I don't care freedom of the press. I dont consume your garbage, but apparent Neither does anyone else for you a business and you here, figure this out, GOSH Fox NEWS I can't explain their success. Joe Tucker Karlsson,
the other night on the bubble and scared of you seven point: one million people who may have seven point: one million people you're talking large swathes of America through the judge, or why would they do that? Why maybe because you didn't see the story in the slime, so the washed imposed and the media. Scratch, whereas I can't figure out why Fox so popular. I'll show you a little bit too. by the sea and in fact check, I can't figure out he's he doesn't. He could not only want to mention their budget, but I can't figure out. Why is based prepared so popular gee? I don't Why is it maybe because we cover the facts, and this is the only place, would Fox and conservative media getting the fact, Daniel Dale sacked fact checker foreseeable. Maybe that's that's. Why carried they really don't do this stupid? They can't figure it out.
Buyers, conservative media so popular because we tell the truth than you one last cut from me from Babylon opponents. Estrangement, give way out a joke like me now what, by a totally insane I gotta use it, then that there is another piece of work, I from Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Babo Whisky, there's some new audio that's emerge disappears he appears to be a recording of a telephone conversation between two Biden: family Business partners, man by the name of Rob Walker, a James guilty. Are these There are two known partners: nobody disputes that of by family, an hundred bind it will involve apparent in some way, and this China deal where ten percent Money from the China there was gonna, be kicked up to the big guy, Joe Biden. Member Biden has
night. He had anything to do with his sons, business dealings despite the fact that email show that he allegedly took payments from it or was supposed was promised payments. Precision is so did that's you Totally false here's some new audio, these two business partners clear. terrified. Is, moreover, media story than a bubble is historic. Terrified of this show there I find that the media is going to do their job and verify the story. Verify the story. but there was nothing to verify. I thought this was russian information now right. Walker and guilty art, it didn't anticipate the media, go in full, so saying the Soviet ass when data and anti survey full problem, why Current guilty are wrong: He thought the media was the actual media and they are worried in this voice. Mail that they're gonna do their job and verify the story. How you can verify story? That's russian! This information, I don't know, maybe because it's not russian, this information,
listen to this segment by talker. This is pretty damning stuff check this out. I didn't have effectively admitted it was wrong and in private they ve set it up I have no place in the audio last night to show you this. We have more audio tonight, you're back to hear Rob Walker and James Gillies. Those are two of the binding families business partners on a call with Tony Babo Linsky their discussing how very worried they are that this story, the one we're talking about Now- would emerge into the press that have become public and they want to figure out how to handle the fall out from this are on. It was very new here. It is right that if the somebody comes out now avert prize, the story is made up that's all you got this love a situation where is escalating again because somebody allegedly one about three has qualified the year. The story,
and already happened upon. Almost touching I believe they are now. These are politically sophisticated people. Of course they serve the Biden family. There Democrats, it goes without saying, but their convinced in the call you started. This was just tape not long ago but if this story comes out, the media will verify it and it will blow up How are they going to do that? Show its russian? information, that's what they're much of the media. left wing media activists have told us really they call they ve river. So how can you ve If I, russian this information, move on move on board, We write any would move on that. Wouldn't you Go on say: oh you mean these. People are no there being by the way. Tucker says- and this is important- these recent phone calls or conversations between these two Biden Business Partners, and why would you be worried about that if it were fake in the store you knew was fate because you're there you're the business partner, and this
it didn't happen? Wouldn't you The eager like Babo Linsky, to clear your name. Come out and on the record say this never happened. These are fake emails check. My camp I'm just saying folks and asking normal questions for normal people. If I accused armored car of robbing a bank, he didn't rob an email Joseph too little gem, little John Rob a bank. Take your cut body and the emails fate I know Jordan Rob a bank choppy like look, my computer. I never said that emails statement, but that's not what they're saying there, conversation recorded now, whether worried media the media, verifying the story. I stalker accurately stated: oh how cute naive that is. Oh, you actually thought the media was gonna do their job at its root.
You don't we had a media it here. We have a meeting why the shows as popular as it is and why foxes Popular Ben Shapiro and others are popular. That's why. But you thought there was a media with the New York Times and washed imposed Sierra. That's all areas as really funny. by speaking of the media. Twitter left this, but they're all the same thing we'll get to that. That's my next block in a second! Let me get my third sponsored you catch a background, You said about narrow shared that was eighty play in the papers on what are you playing? There was that it was my part, guess he's listening to my pod, guest or in the pot guess taping tat. I never like alternate universes just get three. She also bite you buy. You hear them every day at the beginning of the show. You know they are who express Vps What is there someone out there kept the log of every single thing. You did every minute of the day, be pretty croupier. What
I told you, that's what happens every time you go online. Does your internet provider, like eighty your comp cases led to store logs of every website. You ever visited nasty. And can legally sell this data, anyone you know want them blog and all your data once that we use express Vps here they we were out your internet connection through their secure services, internet provider can see your log. You do online now. Many of you might be wondering well from routing on my data to a gps and does not mean the vip we can see what I'm doing a log my date. Instead, you are absolutely right to think that many peons claimed having no logs policy, but I've been caught. Logging customer activity express VP Is the only VP entrusted here in the Bonn GINO hassle because they use trusted server technology? They were the first major VP and provide an engineer all their vps servers to run in ram and makes it impossible. You hear that impact further vps service to store any data, including law.
of any express vps customer. That's why we use it enough to take my or express Vps word for don't do that de facto Express views and is so confident in their no logs claim they even had one of them. biggest is firms Price Waterhouse Cooper Audit, their technology? How about that check that out? Stop letting people keep logs of what you do online, visit Express Vps, dotcom, slash, bungee. No right now find out. I can get three months free. That's express the, and accomplish bond GINO Express Vps, Thou com. Flash bond GINO tools more figure out why Cnet Wired Name Express BP and the number one Vps in the world again express BP and outcome, Slash bond GINO to learn more ok, again speaking of left this media. types, social, media companies, but they're all the same thing with the same goals. The Tec, tyrants, were brought up
but all hell yesterday and dress down front of the United States Senate. for being exactly what they are, which is tyrants in the tech industry, social media, folks and companies like Facebook, Twitter and then Google people who manage youtube- Google were brought up there as well. This story about Babo this initiatives and intentional site where you know the bubble. It's U story is russian. This information, the fact that Abiden business partner saying they did shady deals with China, we're looking at once. That's russian this information. That is why allegedly Twitter Twitter, which is a garbage People ask why you still on, because I promote parlor to Twitter. That's why the only reason, better said they sanction this story about Babo and in the New York Post and ever actively ban the New York posts from their own account until they delete, between about the Bible and story. They
Are we getting because we're not sure where it came from a you know, allegations of russian disinformation and everything like that? Senator RON Johnson from Wisconsin, Ass, Jack Dorsey, who came in yesterday, look like he was that a biblical times or something which some some beard thing where we were well. I really did so Dorsey The ceo of Twitter, who pretty much hates conservatives I mean is evidenced by their business practice, was asked directly. Do you have any evidence whatsoever that this Babo Linsky story that you guys censored on Twitter is russian? This information, so here's where's, your lay out a conclusive case. You will come away totally convinced they had their doctrine or up that. This was definitely russian. This information check this out MRS Eichelberger Darcy? censored Sesar near coal stories or throttled and back it either. One of you have any evidence that your post is part of russian disapprobation, those
Males are, do you have? Any information was rather not offended. Word of mere russian disinformation oversee with without Oh I'm sorry, I screwed that what I ve been up all I want you to play the part where Joe, I don't have doubted your father, Jos, it my apologies. I know I sent you the clip where Dorsey lays out the case that they sanction the fourth largest newspaper. When the nice, if this was Joe Biden, the fourth largest newspaper in the United States, the New York posts, they answer them on the barber, Linsky Biden, crime, we are. They censored them because they had credible loads. The information that it was Russians, information that couples do that you only one. I got come on guys job. Ok, the I'm being a jerk is there is no cut, they don't have they may just bade her up Joe didn't forget it Paul Forget I wouldn't snap at already over there We want our big, a sarcastic jerk effect.
There is nothing tat. Is the cod forth? largest newspaper in the United States cut down from twitter right before an election and the dopey ceo wood is seven foot long go too young and from his face now we don't have anything nothing, so you got rid of the new posts accounts or their ban from posting, because you just sweat, felt like it apparently, and they one section two. Thirty protection, we're not a publisher funny. It's really fun
Is the New York Post fighting back by the way everyone should go in New York? Was a beer, apost dot com and follow them on twitter? Now, because, apparently, the only one of the few honest papers left in America and I'll, let's do the Streisand effect where they attacked the New York Post and we make their account Add more pronounced near approach to up at about the state are being shaken down like the mob posted, a boy twitters running a blackmail, operation cooperate no traffic for you so apparently Dorsey and the leftist sleaze balls twitter, told the near ass. You can delete the tweet about the Bible, Linsky story. And then you can have access to your account and they bring up a point or might be for those who grew up in New York. Like me, being Paul, the mob was still pretty powerful, not as much as soon as they weren't say the seven these, but when I grew up there There is always the threat they would come in. I worked in a place and I'm going to say where increase, but
people would commit allied, say nice place, you got here. Be a real shame if it burned down. Why would it burn down now that saying? Well, I'm just saying We have a sanitation contract that you probably going I think you know new york- you, private sanitation- if you have like, Say Delhi, the private sector, You can rely on the New York City, sanitation, department, private sanitation, People come in and they put up a dumpster and I'll take care of it, so they made. An unending mob was big and the sanitation, private sanitation industry This is a real shame if the place would burn down because you didn't take our contract, there would be a shame you tell me you gonna Bernard, say that what I say we're gonna burn your place, The guy's got a lighter and is here now that's not all. Would you say you may want to use our sanitation company you ever you guys are priced really really high compared to competitors. Hey, listen when I'm gonna burn your place there. I went out with the bath water. That would you say, be real. Shame to twitter.
Be a real shame to persuade and delete that we reassure so from the New York poses a gray light trying out this from so twitter strong arm tactics, the centre, the post ever since they began reporting on the hunter by an email. First, it froze their account and ban their stories. Then, amid a public backlash, it agreed to freeze s, but only if we deleted original tweets checked where's, he Twitter CEO, sounded like every mob enforcer, shakedown artists in history paper you got their new posts changed. something happened to it: Dorsey, no, for well. Media outlets depend on social media, Google search algorithms, now, breeders access their reporting, damn right Be a real shame if you lost your newspaper, their shakedown artist, by the way airports get over it poster everyone. I mean. I don't understand why you ever Ali again, leave twitter and I'm not suggesting you should do fight there. All you want. I use it. Tyres, parlor into you, know, fight back against dopey lives, but my.
social media almost parlour and it will always be parlor on a pardon There's you now! But as we don't sensor free speech there, And our why this is hard for university, I mean you can do what you want. I'm just saying like you, you relying on the twitter golden calf. The gods of twitter to let you speak speak parlor all you want to. I did it. all rights. We have some more off fireworks yesterday and I'm going to get to the next time we get to my last foster, but some more fireworks at yesterday's Capitol Hill dress down of the tech times. We had MIKE Lee just nail Zuckerberg through the wall? I mark you think you can just name one liberal. You guys have sensor he's like. Oh, no, not really sure that's gonna find who get then a second finish. Our final sponsors Patriot, mobile leftist Corporate like Verizon, have empower radicals to tear our country apart by funding their efforts, most recently The ten million AL sharp than in others started with impeachment. Exploiting the pain
followed by violent riots and now the threatening violence over feeling that see that seat was filled on the Supreme Court? patriot mobile shares your values, monseigneur hard earned money. She's me to aid in the destruction of America. One plant baronet get the same. Since the same nation might service and support a company loves America at shares. Your values and supports our heroic poems switching is easy. Keep your phone number break. Your own phone buy a new one they now of their best offer. Yet whenever you want, they can do for you get a free month of service or free phone plus free activation with. offer. Then here's what you do go to Patriot, mobile dot com, Slash Dan, we'll call there? U S based customer service theme and nine seven to Patriot, that's nine. Seven to patriot. Veterans and first responders, save even more so please make the switch the names a grey company. By the way we would be doing something in the future with them, you can really like they put their money where their mouth is patron mobile dotcom, Slash Dan Patriot, mobile dot com,
Danner. Call nine, seven and two patriot make the switch today. Don't wait. Ok so getting back to the hearing a centre I leave is a really good guy. He was up there cities while shredding these utter buffoons, these complete tools and he gets Mark Zuckerberg of fake book up there. You know the fifth, the fake fact, checker fake and he asked them in. Listen since you guys censored the New York Post, bubble and story to you know soviet style, probably like sure you ve done the same two left this right by John Fair enough. Cause you sensor, storage, are questionable content and left this post questionable contest stories. All tat. You don't like the PPP dossier and how I m sure you said, Sir, that to Chris Vague book, you're saying you your fair and even keel. The across the board. You sent your stuff what its question. Also, I just give us one. No one. One this. I'm sure Zuckerberg read of the top to set out so listen unlikely
suck a broad agenda of a fantastically. He lays out a litany of left this. They ve censored to check this out. Can you For me, one high profile person or entity. From a liberal ideology? Will you have censored and what particular action you talk. seller. I can Get you a list of some more desperate? There are certainly many examples. Bad you hear your democratic colleagues two when one arm chapter might label something as false. They disagree with or they're not gonna, get that I get that. I just want to be clear. I just asked me if you can name for me. One high profile, person or company? Will you have? I understand it did you're saying that they are on both sides- and I just I just want one name of one person or one entity,
center id to, I need to think about it in and then get you more of the list. But there are certainly many many issues on both sides of the aisle where people think we are. We are making content moderation decisions that they disappear. Which voices? Why? But is this one? can you use name one? I can't go through twice, right now, just in the last few days. Nl Donald Trump Rick. Recurrent out trouble me legions of other conservators at their contents sensor, New York, Post, relic, we write, leading, bury the let's go on then add on people, whether content censored Charlie Kirk, I bead really. We could do this all day. Mr Zuckerberg seo Facebook
Can you just tell us what any day now there are lots from Yale Michael is created again, just one are not only the less energy. Now, though, the response on the left, which again is so predict, I'm always like a month ahead of these people. Voting trust me when I say this This is not a self celebrated like Pat on the back like me and I'm so smart, I'm not so smart people on the left are just really stupid, but I loved it I'm ahead of them, because I'm so with it's, not that I am rather, normal, intelligent, I just read: This just really still been so I can predict their research response is gonna. Be again me me: would you but I dont blizzard I'm not bringing my name up here for just some bizarre reason. I'm insert myself and a story. I am the story on Facebook to fake book response which
parity by the media's, even though they finally admitted Scrimmages gets conservatives by scuttling. The Biden Babo is historic. Date meant that we know they did it put it out on twitter and social media, their people that in these stone, guy tweeted, they were going to stop distribution of this worry from going viral. They admitted there going to say. No, no! No! We don't discriminate against conservatives some of the top posts on Facebook every day or from conservative that argument may make sense are disputed. The second cause, I'm part of the story. You don't believe me you just inserting I'm not inserting my name here. Cbs news, inserting my name trying to say Facebook doesn't discriminate. Look at damp Inn check this out from yesterday. Facebook publishes it. In fact I tweeted it earlier today, the top performing link spy- U S, Facebook pages in the last twenty four hours- number one
Dios S, window, which I guess he's got, is good, which we can all get behind. I guess but number two, three, four, five, six they're all pages from day bon GINO, whose outcome innovative right way. You know, media personality number seven is Donald Trump for president number, eight is Fox news. Number nine is Dan by GINO number. Ten is David. J Harris Union is also a concern to those of the top ten performing facebook pages in the world. Twenty four hour or so The notion that Republican say that their being censored on some of these platforms might be considered sort of laughable? If you're just going to buy the that Facebook publishes may get. I know that it's only for the last twenty four hours so there's that window, but listen, I'm really sorry. Cbs news get number one. That's our facebooks day, that's facebooks top ten! That's a twitter Barnett! crowd, tangley tool by Facebook. Ok, so I think, he's a little confused about the actual waded became from. But
so it is crowd thing so I'll be fair to him, but here understand the difference between censoring conservative content, via the use of fact checkers, who are in fact checking their leftist editorial is that you. a victim a lot. I get your email, you post a story on Facebook that knots liberals. It gets fact checked by an opinion right. It's not a fact chequered. all the story then get squashed and there's a big Y, see why this is a fake story. On Europe day never happens. The liberal almost never. It happens to me all the time, but we are also talking about is, for book we admitting this wash the bubble is distorting the new airport. They minute it dont tell me they don't sir Conservative caught it now then address the fact that you keep coming up in this. way that your pages really popular. Ladies and gentlemen, it's not my fault, people on the right understand the share button. Forecasts a share, but p.
will share my stop. It has nothing to do with Facebook. Censoring me: it's that Facebook has here's. My personal account fake book has a share button People share my stuff, that's the Only reason we're the number one or two page in the country on any given day, because people like it and they share, its that face book now, censoring conservatives, David method to win conservatives on Facebook share. My view of the policy Do you want this is making sense, because I I'm too My may be invoked in these by left. This. Conservative content is censored. It happens to my page. They fact checked stuff. They put strikes against you on fake facts. Happens. Conservatives everywhere they Letra De New York. Post story
popularity. My page does not mean not. Censorship joins people who share right. That's it it's nothing, Facebook helping me you, Facebook, not sharing it people. Are you a chain that right, despite the censorship there you go, like you, I guess not be caught. Not the face was Nothing to help me right, they're doing everything you can pull? How many adds that they squash for us on Facebook alot? How many? What precise would you say, roughly half, maybe You don't even understand what goes on behind the scenes of fights fights with Facebook, again showing you have left this media types can understand why pages popular as Joe said right, despite faint facebook, not because of it. Here's the CNN fact checker disguise a tool by the way, but I got some. I put up a stuffed. The laugh at him he's not a fact check or at all here.
opinion guy doesn't give a damn about facts. He's. Does this all the time Daniel Del he says this is yesterday by the way so high for this guy was that of one one hundred thousand through the audience. I am. He he hesitated to talk about the budget. I am sorry that the You don't put this guy on the Mount Olympus of intellects Daniel. They can't even fact check you. Gotta do is only job right. He said quote on Twitter. I hesitate to talk about in Bonn GINO but genuinely curious. What is it about on? Gene other puts him on this facebook list so frequently, where the mainly similar oriented accounts. He can't figure out the people to share blood get this. I included a response for reason, because I get this all of their ears. Other confused liberal on Twitter, who can't figure out why conservatives would find my conservative shell interesting is puzzling, Joe this guy. He responds to this. Is that ask H Uk asked cock, he says
talking about me, I'm very likely budget or buying amplification, add clicks and followers ship and letting the network effect. Do the rest. Someone needs to follow the true, please ask Cock MR asked Hocker whatever your name is. Please follow the trail we never, never ever However, may I bought follow, is our ads are rejected about fifty percent of the time and our marketing budget is of this equipment? am I had compared to our revenue, our mark budget is less than one percent of the revenue generated on our page at whip most of the edge being rejected by Facebook. The stories not about me it's about the each I'm being exerted inserted into the story goes we are willing on Facebook despite them not because of them, and the left cannot
possibly figure it out- borders have called me repeatedly honest: what's this grid sauce to your facebook page, what the truth that oh, I'm not give you know who they are. Then they were nice on the phone, so maggot abashed and they did some of them seem genuinely interested. But this Daniel Tale figure it out. He can't figure out why what we were ahead of the impeachment oaks and head of the spy gate. Hopes we D. collusion hoax early. gee. I don't know why would people want to turn it to show? Because you wanted the truth and you got it. I don't know I'm just guessing folks man, we do have a lot more stuff. It would definitely not gonna get all this today. You know what I wanted to do the GDP story. I get that tomorrow, because its import can we just do quick, the Deaf sixteen story, Bala Physical Story, you might
but I had to do the GDP explosive GDP growth numbers. If your voting, the economy vote tromp I'll, get the morbid yeah. Sorry, my oh you morbid dislike wanna call story. yesterday opposite a rally present drop in Arizona and it S. Sixteen Britain is loud and present job cuts, more confused, because I think that they are put not some guy gets Yahoo overhead. I think they told him what really happened, but do me a favor play the video for our pay. What really happened? I got the inside scoop on this because I was there when some of this stuff happened when I was in the secret service check this get the president the little this about what you got there. Did you see that camp because they never do it again
They know. What is your anything that's good. You gotta check that out, video channel rumbled outcome, slash budgeting to watch a video, the end you gotta watch! That's enough! Six! overhead, a Trump rally in Arizona, but it's not display. Well it wasn't this. I bought a display. This baby, no enemy right. There extreme is engaged in an inner sap and the others were signal flares found the story of beauty I wanted to quickly. You dress it today, because examiner again in the shadows. Please read the story: the GDP article B in the show notes here will be highlighted and about GINO Report, but you know that come to make sure of guinea understands before the election economic growth, President Trump. That's it equal synonymous, fighter, J, intercept pointing near the top rally in Arizona, that's without what it we're signal, airs from an exodus of sixteen you could see in that video telling this air? craft that has violated can do something
and from it by its open jargon aside, something I'm letting you went on secret secret service jargon, I'm it's in the article. You can see it it's out there, a mine and policy, but there are two year farce. Add presidential sites. You naughty affairs are their camp. Mary flight restrictions, planes and aircraft cannot enter this temporary flight restricted zone over the present. Why? Because we don't want eleven type episode. You don't know good, so we there's a t afar, the tee. How far the way, it's enforced is v. I note a lotta jargon here folks, but if you want to sound like the core kids, at no time is short for a notice to airman a note. Goes out and these channels to the pilot, saying don't fly here. Well, not everybody Seize the modem so occasionally you'll see these press, It's your sites when you're not supposed to fly over the president people, do it nine hundred and ninety nine out of a thousand even more nine
ninety nine point. Nine, nine, nine out of a million of these are just mistakes. You get it Pilot didn't see the notice any fly overhead and that's what happens in Essex. He'd comes in. Buzz! Is you and puts a signal? Flare, which is probably pretty scary- and they tell you- land, your plane stat, so what we happened last night. Is this place? didn't see the note and entered the tea afar and It's not communicating heap of whether you didn't have is communication device out. Whatever was wasn't listening. Why didn't hear it lay Luckily, there was from what I am hearing was a non. It was just a mistake again, guided see the note employ overhead by mistake, but it's right away quick states, a funny story, and I tell the stir and must be this happened to me. Once is the reason I want to address that I was Obama Bloomberg when Obama the present United States. It Martha's vineyard once I'm on a golf course, and I, dealing with these Massachusetts State Trooper
we're really cool guys, but man. This one guy was like right out of the State Trooper textbook Joe Square Jaw like grizzled, you know, presented fifties but still jack like six five. You know that the hat everything so maybe an elite advanced Marthas vineyards he'd cars, always a police car to Markets- are you ride with him? So I'm with this state Europe, whether for like two weeks, this guy doesn't say a word. Nothing! He has say anything he hello and go by super nice, not rude, but just in saving, so about a week or so ago. This golf course with Obama, Whereon Bonanno, whenever the seventeenth or whatever it was, and I'm the lead in one of these t far VI patients happens. So I'm the least economy on a radio which everyone can hear, and a year Pisa, like by GINO from the sack regime, is a review. You know he's ok, what's up with that plane It is time as playing come in, come in low slow. It is the biggest am I.
We're on it. I'm talking on the cell phone to a guy at the year at the local trick on the existing community law and slow is bad because it's coming in low because it could grant and slow is even worse because then you know so always bad because then they can come in here like a bolder. Things come in, come in five minutes, go buy, it still come in there's a balls. I this place at a right for it. They punch you know. What's going on, I was going so I go over the radio and in the back, state, trooper car. I had left a lunchbox radio, so this state trooper can hear everything we possibly to leave. you're everything gonna hear me talking. Five ten minutes go by is plain- is not leave its headed right for where Obama bomb Bloomberg Guard. This golf course I had to make the call so I said over the radio. Like you know, we get, we gotta launch the intercept, our rapporteur, after Aithra, Riverside Authority to rapid bosses. This golf course
this guy out here about shoot him out of the sky. That only happens that movie, they gotta, know lab, but Buzz is the guy. If you ve ever heard a raptor overhead and a golf course loud its louder that was yesterday. The job rally was he's now. It turns out again of typical was a mistake. I was didn't pay them to their notice, but I go back in the car about an hour later. I see the state. Your brother said not put a couple words to me too weak and he turns around grizzled face probably chewing on a deeper shot. Mama Is that you on radio, their corn and that raptor, I said yeah I'd already forgot about it- was like an hour later itself like that, would happen all tat. I might get yeah. That was me. Why is it that was the coolest? A thing thing I have ever seen in my life, I think about the guy coffee that x their greatest I'd ever greater true story. True story!
for, if he didn't say after you said the actual thing, it was a lariat outcry about arguments. I voted going leave you a little positive stuff that I'm got that we got a busy. We now have some news tomorrow. We on the show to wait for some other stuff to come out, so I'm don't Missis Shaw. I've also got an update, The Miami Dade situation in Florida with appalling Miami date? Blue, in Florida Map, looking good for the Democrats at all, it's getting worse so dont, Mr Marcia, thanks for students. dragged to the video. Shall please it's all free rumble, DEC, Slash Mancino, trying to get two hundred thousand subscribers. Please help us out so subscribed to the audio show an apple podcast in and elsewhere really appreciate, folks or seal tomorrow. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.