« The Dan Bongino Show

An Insurrection At The Capitol? (Ep 2086)

2023-09-12 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the insurrection at the Capitol yesterday, and the FBI doing nothing about it. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The truth to hear the truth about america on not immune to the facts with your host dan VON g? No, I I can't believe this guy did it again. I can I believe this guy did it again that can you imagine the balls on this guy, of course, we're talking about writing oatmeal brains in the white house it's nine eleven yesterday He manages to give the saudi excuse me the iranians billions of dollars and sends out a tweet praising the saudis on nine eleven, whilst simultaneously not showing up at either dc the Pentagon or new york city. or in pennsylvania. He gives a speech about nine eleven from what alaska and wise about being at the nine eleven site or nine twelve. The next day I mean this, this more on had one job here. one frequent job and he blew it in
twenty five different ways have you ever seem a bit canoe when the white house and this guy what a freak in train wreck- and I got a lot to talk about today today- shows tribunal. Spicy so get ready and it's god, because oddity of like a black coffee mere like I've called, we happen to be our first sponsor totally by chance, many sniffs left in a black I'll call me bag didn't need to many black coffee severity had like three four cubs utah. the same old, monotonous, liberal, flavoured coffee breads and stop giving your money to all companies. Don't care by. You go coffee, optional, azure, conservative values and my friends at black out coffin, proud to make recommend black Bobby, because I drink and I love it coffee. company one or two percent committed to conservative eyes in the country, from source in the beans to rose thing to customer support or shipping
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What comes out today, it's a birthday five. How could I have my book is born today? It has been birth today. So this is the books birthday september, twelve by new book too, the failure. This is an actual copy. It's actually got some photos in it for liberals, because I noticed, and read- You want to see him. What are you laughing at active in this field, such as true story? I love wanting invasion here that some lives. There's some pictures is a picture of us at the stocking change picture me fox and friends, the white ass. Theirs me when I was gonna concentrate. This is us the yellow shirts on during the campaign, so it's theirs my daughter, so I remember them yeah, pretty closer. There's me at the police olympics really grainy picture, but I don't know I'm pretty jack then? I was only like one. Eighty, my two or five now so man or maybe it'll, go over time, but I doubt it but the book you're gonna love it. Please pick it up today's. The launch dates out in bookstores everywhere everywhere you buy books unreal. I appreciated the other taste
quick story from the book. I think you're gonna, like I was I said this book to mark Levin's producer rich and he read it like a day and he said the most interesting chapter I song about china for our cat team in the secret service other than theirs we have a swat team, call counter assaulting and I want to get on it so bad, and I was training in nevada, so our trade and really hard. I was out of added a whole other story by. It was like a hundred degrees, and I'm running on bang it out. We work out, like I'm doing sprint work, I'm totally dehydrated, be I'm like a beef jerky, I'm in such a mess and tell me a user bad news. Uk go into the cat team. You have there now taken it out, the swat team from the president's detail and- speaking at a separate unit, so you have two choices. You can. you're goal become like a smart guy in the secret service or you can go to the president's detail. Ladies and gentlemen, I was freaking devastated g. Why do you think I was devastated
He has no idea, because I wanted to wear the black ninja suit and be like a swat cat guy. That's all I wanted to do you want to know the hard truth. I like the idea of kicking ass and taking names and the idea that, when the president needs help, he goes, for the secret service and when the secret service needs help, they go to cat of that shit. I was Yes, I am here to bust shit up and I couldn't to do it can do I why? Yes, yes thank you body, it's there recounter assaulted by the way. So what I do Well I'd, say two stories in a book and you can read it, but I feel like a jerk do and that's all just tell you, but you can read the whole story, really smart guy kind of a mentor and the secret service. You know what he said to me. Some of them advice ever god life. That's what I wrote my book. I thought it was a failure at the time in a what. sudan, sometimes in life. You should ask the question: what about one could do you. Should
yourself, the question? What can I live without? Yes, it was easy. I couldn't live without protecting the present twilight the secret service. I could live without the black ninja suit. The bd use sought, but I could live without it. Couldn't live without protecting the bread. So that's what I did sometimes in life choices suck, but some of the best advice ever got not what do you want? What can with without story in a book give to failure. Hope you pick it up today. I promise to haunt you were the too much I'm just be proud of the book is rock and on amazon, barnes, ennoble and anywhere you get your book, so we deeply appreciate it. I thank you so much or which one with the house, which one one Do it all. When I took the hose from the gas station there's a secret service chapter ii likes not nearly
is glamorous: try it out for the cat team and go in all rocky balbo in the sun. Where me and a friend of mine, we'll get gas up at camp david in the armored limos get gas. I get gas stations like anyone else and my friend drove off with the gases as well, Car have a tale station orders. I drove with the gas on got a tiger in his tank or method tickets. That was the guy appears multiple times in the book. He actually saved my ass in indonesia. We'll call antoni pretty sacred? what's that Israel may move Donnie. So thank you at my. Five minutes, always also work with give to failure, pick it up today. I deeply appreciate our eye. we both is he did it again? He did it again rotting, opium brains of the white house. Did it again this time about nine eleven? This guy is absolutely disgusting. Everything this guy and be this guy made, of course, Joe by mary is Joe.
Biden, spaghetti owes brains in alaska, not at any of the nine eleven size cause he's too frequent lazy to go. There suggested magically. He was there the day after a look like the gates of how it open up which it did, but he wasn't there to see it. Listen to this never forget, never forget We never forget he's your ass, precious livestock one too soon. When was that, browser in new york I remember standing there the next day and logic at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates to hell. It looks so devastating because the way you could story from where you stand, ladies and gentlemen, I was not there the next day I was not there. That day I was down John F kennedy airport looking over in their observe couple days after that, and it was the gates of hell, but it wasn't it It's a how for Joe Biden, because Joe Biden, never
fact saw that the next day Joe Biden is for crap is Joe Biden. Typically always is now the thing about Joe Biden, which is particularly disgusting, is not just this dreadful foreign policy, dreadful domestic policy, dreadful economic policy, school choice, policy, health care policy, regulatory policy and everything else is Just that he's a member of a crime family, drifting off in international influence peddling operation for many decades. Now just that? He lied about personal situations, horrible tragedies in his family to gain power, its action. that it said Joe Biden needs to make himself the centre of every single tragedy. getting away from the tragedy, even the people who actually live there, who lost loved ones or who died and were trying to memorialize him? He has to make it about him. He estimate What about him he'll, go to a situation and may be walter reed, we're someone lost the leg or an eye or someone's
arab quadriplegic, maybe a soldier and combat and I'll tell them. How is son, bow died and combat his son. Both died tragically, his son did not die in a war zone. Are that's The fact is, we can t The story is many times he wants. It doesn't change. It he'll tell story about losing members of his family, which he it very tragic situation. Unfortunately, Spend his version of events has been called into question many times as well. He'll do all the time, because Joe Biden is absolutely convinced, he's the centre of everyone's attention so on nine eleven responsibly, memorialize ing the victims here's joe by Joe Biden lying now. Here was Joe Biden. The next say so gives out a star trek, fannys star wars. Guy he's got horrible star wars takes, but it's ok. It's ok, I tolerate it. I tolerate it because I have to and I'm an equal opportunity, employer star wars is, I think, a protected category in hr up there with all those other things you're not allowed to discriminate. If I did I'd fire the guy, but I can, I don't want to be sued, so I
I tolerate his awful opinions, but he's not our track, I so unless oh Biden managed it a port himself from wash DC to ground zero. The next day. This must be fake. This is next day, here's a expand video of Joe Biden on the house for when he says he was at ground zero, take a lesson It is constituency of dive bar buildings in the state are still burning and in the autumn in american way, because at the end of his speech, for not abrogating convey The chairs liberties this nation has He says he was considering walking out of the show, luckily josie or for back up, so I've got a plan. It's ok he's very upset that if you he's being discriminated as restore star wars, taste, but thank you for playing a video
was Joe Biden the next day, so unless they invented some tell a transport, maybe they did. Maybe it was like the fly. Maybe a moron got into the cello transported with binding and blended the genes and that's how we got so damn you ever see the fly when they break. The genes and all the molecules enrico them. You ever seen a movie Jeff goblin, maybe that up and Joe, maybe by gotten the machine with a moron, and if the more Genes and dna got blended with em and that's how he came out so stupid. Can you imagine on nine eleven doing this? I mean it today was such an emotional day in the show, get this impeachment. I got a lot to get that he's a loaded. Shell is a big big news about peach men and I Become changed my mind on this see. I you know I am always open a new information cause, I'm a stupid, smart person. I think I'm a smart smart person smarts Percent, meaning, I know what I'm belmont joy, we the new knowledge supermarket, think they're good at everything. the guy's, an idiot folks,
and the guys out only an idiot he's navy who makes every freakin story about him. I want you to listen to peter, do see on fox here's, what told by the Biden team. Why by commander in chief, allegedly decided, to appear in either pennsylvania dc or new york. Breaking a street. Twenty to twenty one years, where the commander, in chief, go up and celebrate the worst terrorists, we ve seen in this country in our history. You think he would do that. Joe Biden has given a speech lie insane. He was their here's. The recent listen, listen, get your! I get you bag ready the yakin. When you hear this one check this out. Our focus last couple days has been on president Biden here in south asia and when I asked the white house official why it is that inviting was here and missing the nine eleven commemorations at the attack sites. Analogy that I was given is that twenty two years after pearl harbor presidents were not so going to visit hawaii. this is what we are doing now is
what we do in europe You stand right that either the pentagon is like down the block from d c use in new york terms every things down the block in new york. If it's less than five miles, it's down the block, I understand it's right there a wise, a big trip. Ok, and I think we should take the trip there. Why? Ok, that's why it was kind of a big deal in? U s history its on the block. All to do was show up you. Couldn't even do that because Israel, aesthetic, pisa garbage. That's what he's always been He is a lying woman grabbing kid sniffing plagiarized, bribe, taking loser. Those are all facts. The fact that they make you comfortable, is not my business as yours. Ladies and gentlemen, this is on top of imo you to keep in mind as you, to show up on nine eleven as he fail to tell the truth on nine eleven falsely claims he was there the next day, which is bullshit. Ok,
that up he cuts to deal with death to america iranians and sends out a tweet for mrs ministration praising the sound eyes, is international cosmic level embarrassment I don't know how much longer the Democrats are going to tolerate this guy. My guess is europe going to sea and listen, I'm not sure where we're going to go with this gases in the next few weeks, you're going to see a concerted effort to get rid of this before a sigh. I know yesterday we leaned into it, but it's still like on the fringes this getting a binding keg weaker in these others. I think soon it's going to turn into a mainstream effort that dump this guy off the ballot, because he's logic that pathetic ears, super cod had tipp Tom Elliot from graybeard. We love is super, comes here submitted about twenty seconds he came come. back from overseas re, told everyone he's going to sleep pronounced Mohammed, been someone's name wrong twice in a row
could barely get out a sense without mumbles re disguising mumbles from dick Tracy. But that's, it didn't just start there he's a minute twenty. If this guy humiliating us overseas, take a look, we need someone to take office this time around. One day one can stand on the world stage command the risk. the world leaders from put into our allies. And there was a moment that car people's attention in what she was trying to talk about syria and specific policy in syria ticketless. We could work together with russia, for example, to libya. We should be all the more we can save the lives of people in, for example, in libya, Libya, syria, does he know the
You will a more the famous african american baseball player. beyond the jealous already suggested. We call the leader of self switzerland, My good, my goodness, I'm I'm getting really anxious here about expanding swing keep alive. The truth and honour of oligarchy are the holocaust. Absolutely awful gin. There's no upside
you always honoured. Bravery is selfishness, selflessness on the sacrifices marriages, served my son, major, more wine steering and shall by seizing Cambodia, colombia- and I want to thank the prime minister of culture, colombia's leadership. Negotiators ass you share for hosting all of us are remote. As the dew doesn't even know what countries in only a matter of time. Before is a concerted effort amongst the main stream liberal lunatics on the left to get rid of this guy folks, the guy Can they can't he's in the mid thirties? Now I sent out a tweet, yesterday's a you know. This it's only a few inflation spikes away may be one from having approval rating in the twenties care who you run and against you can be run it against Mcgee you're, gonna lose a guy, has no chance. There's math for this guy to win unless they cheat with this mass mail and balanced system. Again,
If you pull the battery backup button, you gotta go back over the you lose back. How did you guys lose backup, monthly, already folks the zero chance sky went zero chance this guy wines, we got two motley, for the sky meant to keep them up here till the next segment come on, not least stay where you're supposed to sit there, they go. Buddy hang out there good job. The guy's got no chance. They are going to dump this committee that is too made again so fast, They realize this guy's down in the twenties. He is an inflation spike away from being finished. Guys in inflation, spike away from potentially losing seriously probable close to like forty states, the guy The disaster we always it on
Debbie dingle that congresswoman for michigan always saying that wouldn t michigan is definitely and play with trump on the ballot this year sky is in a world the trouble now folks, in a world of trouble, also because he has been at the tipp of his spear, the police data. To america's I say to you all the time there's them in theirs in us we're getting, screwed we'd all live in a constitutional republic. We don't we live in right now, what's become a dictatorship, sorry to inform you about the really tough stuff, but I've the receipts to back it up and they ve got jack swat. We live in dictatorship, the left lives, a police state where they are. In short, if you, are showing the liberal line you are safe. You are safe from any scrutiny whatsoever the waters in applying them verses. Us is here right now. How do you know you live in a police state when pull? go. Allies are above the law, and laws are disregarded to prosecute your political enemies, something happened yesterday today before I'm gonna. Go into there's absolute proof right now that these,
pull a screw and, as our don't lose back above its original bobby, I got form. Ah, how is it this freak in light is like so thin and I always matters if I tried to hit that thing I could. I know it is the second time today I think we re going to get back to something to show. You is an insurrection on capital here yesterday now was everybody arrested or their wanting posters out there. Water possesses the f b. I knock and our peoples door no ads. Although we not because the people occupying capitol hill yesterday were protected class. Crash, of course, Mccarthy, talking now about impeach reforming it too, that the second dukes is illogical. a quick break innovation refunds. Small businesses are qualified to get a business payrolls actually fund through the e r c, also known the employee. retention, credit, the employee retention credits, it's actually front for businesses are kept employees on payroll report. The twenty twenty and twenty twenty one
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go allies of the regime are above the law. Yet the law air quotes is tailored to target your political opponents. It's hard, it it is the only receive you need. Here's proof, It was an occupation upon capitol hill. With Democrats who referred to as an insurrection, clearly an insurrection. The evidence here is not been doctored. This is video of a bunch of people taken over capitol hill. What happened is the f b, I lock in a mop or they get Isiah wanted posters out. The answer is absolutely nothing's happening at all, not even a little bit, because that's not what they do, the f b. I they don't go after Democrats. They only go after republicans. Here's a video evidence watch it yourself laughing
folks. Can anyone explain? We have sought an insurrection e Joe. You guys have any ideas that meat is by their venetian. They weren't. Authorized to be there. They say when they were told to leave. They were, applying offices on capitol hill, I'm a little on unsure as to how that sought an insurrection they arranged all right, then the dead did they not. I mean it this enrique terrio guy just got twenty two years in prison. Wasn't even in d, they were actually in d c in the capital in an office they weren't supposed to be screaming about some hiv funding package, that so europe. So you again, you know The votes for you take over people's offices. I can't write That was an insurrection. So what happened to them the edge jack shit up into that that's what I been a jack left town. Nothing happened, the fbi the answers, nowhere. Here's fbi, jude former aging cancer for now whistleblower treated our yesterday, hey FBI, I'm sure this
it down without planning and text messages and conspiratorial high fives, you should be, working hard by the evidence is fresh. You might have I leave it to your joke of a reputation, love, kyle, good man right, there's got his own. Show too happy I whistle blower on rumble. The evidence is right there be I we supporting phone records. Are we we're gonna find out who this was? Can we expect in Europe winter account. I don't working. Not all I don't see it says, see it so weird and you up. Thus f b. I can you send me a link to really gonna put the wanted. Posters are for the insurrection, anyone in the d artagnan a prosecutor, folks at them There is a family member, John Edwards. I use all the time The frail guy memory ran for the democratic nomination for president. If you remember that He was a vice presidential nominee under John Kerry, John Adams
I'd like a five hundred our hair carter. Whatever come owners breeze, John Edwards. I tell what for as crazy as he was yet a good point, he said: listen, there's two americans. That was his campaign speech. You know what johnny boy you are correct there to america's? Just, not how you thought there's can, but of america. Where were they I gave a weapon eyes, government and its liberal america. We do whatever the how you want occupy capitol hill, engage in an insurrection, murder people. What are you You get a slap on the rest, maybe a parking ticket lack of you do. You know not come off so proud, Well, maybe they give you a desk appears taken all twenty five dollar fine. but here's the? U america, the? U s: for the citizens of america or not privy to the liberal uppercross than the flog rye eating liberal class. Here's the you autonomously Politics, I don't really care when you live. Liberal american irregular regular taxpaying citizen illegal immigrant you're, not a criminal get special rules. This is what our
you watch this here's a lady lady was getting If you travel to Brazil or something like that, decide she's, she made a big mistake, Joe made a huge mistake in what she did. Oh I should have francisco is ever discussed here. You have to see that the huge mistake she made is she got out of her car for five minutes to go and get a burger. You dont want to do that san francisco, because this happens. Take a look at this
I think that I own it was just stolen, and I'm sitting here at the airport- and all I have with me- is what I have on in this hot and not like tiny purse with actually nothing in it. My computer, my ipad, my airpods, my bose over the ear headphones. All of my clothes, my prescriptions, my retainer, my passport, my passport legitimately everything I own was taken. So I got here to San Francisco. Two days ago, I got a rental car had a long layover. Before moving on, I was moving to bali. I had all my stuff everything to move there with me got a rental car was driving around parked this morning in and out, I was kind of hung over, went out with my friends last night, hard to get a burger and fries and went in. I was in there for four minutes just getting take out like grabbing something and going I'm up at the counter literally ordering, and someone goes who has the jeep outside I'm like, I do and they're like someone's stealing all your stuff. I run out there and this is what I see four masked guys with ski masks on grabbed all of my stuff out of the car smashed, the windows obliterated this rental car that I had and took all my stuff and now because I don't have my passport, I obviously can't leave the country and fly to bali and I'm like what the heck
now keep mine. If you're in a legal- and this happened to you, you would probably get some kind of special privileges like a trip, free somewhere and special working pay. There's probably delivered right away. I don't know this woman, nor politics on a really care and a wish crime on anyone, but, though, your big cities in america, then there is a them and then them in a? U ok there aren't you america's right now conservative america in conservative states and then liberal states where the citizens are preyed on and the criminal sir catered to folks. Look at this story. You know a key, that's that Paul I put at the end. We move after this, because it's gonna be so telling new york. And why pities about to cut overtime? Why? Because our having budget problems, why because a bunch of illegal immigrants are coming to new york and they knew work city of new york city council in the mayor, decided be a good idea. some want to effect that everybody gets housing in new york. Well, that sounds great. What what's the problem?
applied to illegal immigrants, so there now billions of dollars in the whole trying to finance a bunch of illegals in the country who chose not to obey the law. So where are they to cut back. You guess ladies and gentlemen, the citizens of new york city, because or police, Barbara gotta get monster budget cuts. How do you damn apples, here's the kicker how many times do I gotta tell you it's not bad enough. A lot of you don't believe me, some of you do some of you, don't even see it on the chat. You ve heard this a thousand times right. How many times if I told you all, I lived in york, city and its bad enough. Yet no it's bad dan I've heard a couple: people complaining yes Conservatives are complaining and I dont know ill on anyone, conservative illiberal there is not enough people. There aren't enough. People choose me in new york who have been in acted enough by the suck to make its. Bad enough to vote different you don't know that I always being received here. It is maria madman on twitter
Only thirty eight percent of new york city residents want a border wall in the most recent poll they haven't had enough, send them more. Yes, Yes, marina, send a more I'm sorry about your. We should have take what what's so, taxes should listen. I grew, I'm sorry You think this is wealth and a source of prosperity, illegal, baby and illegal border crossings then contribute because. You're the sanctuary, cities, texas, you take him in there. The eight percent say no border wall. There you go when I tell you, I just make up or fabric and hope you understand that nothing thing I tell you is pulled out of my caboose okay I tell you it's not bad enough, because I live to new york city when it was bad enough anywhere, not even close, we're not even close. It is not bad enough for them. Yet
it will be soon. Downside key once you know what the downside to the border? Well as they does it matter they live in this socialist utopia, you gotta watch theory betterment of video again until take them and kick them in their fat bottoms as he said, and locked the gates behind them. The modern liberal is incapable of understanding reason, you're, not dummy, I've got to figure it out, you're, smart guy. That's why you don't get it if you get it I'd have to fire you because it means you're, a moron. You will never get it. You will never get it folk. True! It's about here the compliment, but a true one. Folks, I want you to remember this example. Liberals never understand the concept of opportunity, cost everything in is a world of unlimited resources. That's not the world we live in We live in a world of limited resources, everything's limited. Why, rare earth minerals everything, there were no unlimited assets, none petrochemical,
We have managed to survive because we re combined assets into new and bigger things. sets, meaning materials, molecules, chemicals, that productivity, but there's a thing, while the opportunity cos you engage in some economic behaviour? You're not engaging in something else. So if I own delhi and I'm in the back and I'm flip bagels, when I should be managing italian. It goes out of business, you can say I did myself a favorite and hire a beggar flipper. No, you didn't. your value added, which managing to place not flipping, damn bangles. That's why you're out of business every handicap spot they, take it anymore. A lot parking lot by someone not here handicap. It's not free, takes away from someone who actually is handicapped every All are taken away by an illegal immigrant for housing. Is a dollar less to pay for security in your city period period?
big up day by the way and that new mexico case, which I am not letting go, quick breakthrough couple sponsors, bijou patients, omar stakes, fall, grilling is in full swing and the growing personal, my station helping you keep the fires that public some sizzling your september. I dont overall to omaha stockholm and tied by gino in the search bar. Fifty percent of all states. That's right, they're, turning september interstate temper with me watery deals on all your favorite tender juicy extra eggs, the extra age sticks and as an added bonus, you also get to free ten, outspoken, new ships with like packages Like the guarantee perfection grow back, the packet, this perfect sampling of ev. This package is a perfect sampling of everything they may so. My states unforgettable roma stakes. The possibilities are endless: endless flavour and endless value on incredible entre, scrumptious sides decorative desserts and more now, is the perfect grab some extras because all their mouth watering states are fifty percent off during the state timber, sailor Ben every bites, backed by that one or two percent unconditional guarantee good.
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You want a lot of. You were thinking in the chad, you guys if you're thinking the same thing. Let me know why, for yes and for no, you dig in it you might be thinking to saving I'm ok, grady, okay, to enforce an unconstitutional water. Well, ok, congratulations you're supposed to, but why are they arresting this woman? Why aren't resting this woman for usurping the constitution, to attack people's constitutional right. That's what I'm thinking it's! to make us that you're thinking to save dig into Chad I'd all I'm with you get in my view to, like you, know pile on this guy, I'm glad you did the right thing and said this, but this is like this reminds me that Chris rock segment I take care my kids, you supposed to take care, you kiss, I mean you swore to uphold the constitution and the new mexico governors acting like a pirate. The question is: why isn't she bit arrested yet. Here's the sheriff in new mexico saying she actually want forces thing but again mentions nothing about arrests, which should be the logical next step. Take a look
the people are afraid now he'll not be able to defend themselves having their concealed carry when you guys show up after it's already haven't talked about that. That's a quick answer, we're not enforcing the order of charity mentioned for the special session of the governor. Ninety of the time this news broke Friday afternoon, it's Monday morning, have you heard back from the governor. Yet your statements have been released. We would like to see the commercials are. No. I haven't done a lot of people. Ask me how I feel on me. Shot demurely doesn't happen. We in turn in my revision. In my ear of the solutions, Is it looking very seriously with elephant items in january? First of the twenty twenty three, but on a or what do I do for the citizens of concision severity of the county that I serve it's not good enough, I'm sorry angers, not good enough.
you swore to uphold the constitution. The governors violated arose and is using the collar of law to attack people. Civil liberty should be arrested. and by the way, I'm not the only one saying this it matters, I don't care if I'm the only one saying it or not, if I believe in it, I'm going to say it, but you've got People who are moderate republic in saying the same thing if you're going to go out and arrest. Donald trump, claiming ridiculously that use the collar of law to violate people civil liberties, on voting by train steel, an election which is absurd. Then how the hell do you not, as is the fbi not knocking at our door? The answer Because there's two america's this is Emma America, the us america and if you are a liberal, like michel Lou on gresham, you can do whatever you want. I gotta be any penalty at all. Genuine gonna go Pizza and other try and a couple good legislators that Lord block seventy lord block over their chump I doubt she's even going be impeached,
because she's a Democrat and she's a protected class folks, Speaking of impeachment interesting segue unintentional came out this morning, a pair Mccarthy is going to move on and impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, thou gonna. Take I've been all over on this in I have to be transparent with you as the information evolves. I know what I don't know. I am not an attorney. I spend a lot of time in the justice system, but I am not an attorney and I know and understand the limits of my own knowledge. I was initially for impeachment. I was for impeachment, even though I know he won't be convicted in the senate Joe, but they want not going to happen, but I was impeachment, because I thought you know what let's get this: information out there from in front of the american people, and then I dont know what information came in about his polling numbers sky dropping into the thirties. I to myself? Maybe it's
We don't impeached sky and just run against the sky in the public space. but yesterday I got to thinking about subpoena power the thing about it: being a power with congress. Is it has to have a legislative purpose? ok follow me: if this gets boring gustave it he's a legislative purpose, congress kid subpoena key and say give us your bank records because they just don't like they can and I said some legislative purpose of geese involved in some fine- Joe fraud and financial congressional committees do an investigation. Then they can. Subpoena gave it as a legislative purpose. you following me: here's the problem, I ask you to fight every single subpoena, saying, there's no legislative purpose, but I have discussed this before by the way. This is a new, and I got to thinking yesterday if you in- each this joker, which I they will have the votes to impeach, just not to convict kind indicting, but not convicting. What are they yes, yes, they will have subpoena power. We
There's no way. There's absolutely zero chance that the demo- that's involve, won't be able who obliged by the subpoena power. Why? Because they, just convicted navarro entered are trying to ban in over the same thing. Ignoring a congressional subpoena now go and say: oh no, congressional subpoenas worth. Is they literally just prosecuted a guy I'm starting to change my mind a bit on this. I can be persuaded on this. I stay I'm always open to new information, but I did Impeach Wendy announced here this morning to start an inquiry? Maybe good thing, because it that's subpoena power, and I just ask that you consider that too. We should always be open to new information. Now, we gotta do it because we gotta stop stuff. Like this from happening here is a school all day and golden one of the five dumbest members of congress disguise a gift. Our media watch him sentence midst. changes story on Joe Biden from there's; no evidence abides involvement,
she made interview is how long this clip Do you know direct evidence, tat Joe Biden? Videos are not the same thing. Sky knows there screwed listen to this. There is no evidence, none whatsoever, and I don't care how much they say. Otherwise, I have looked at it. There is no direct evidence that president Biden was involved in any way shape or form in hunter violence, business dealings. this guy. I think he calls them the fao g of congress. That tony fogey of congress is next thing. You know he's going to be recommended mass if he hasn't already. They change the story mid interview. He knows there's trouble now and by the way. Ladies and gentlemen, Ninety nine point, nine percent of criminal cases do not require direct evidence. I've never had one that had direct evidence directly, evidence, in other words a guy, comes in a more directly. by the way is a loose term. What does it actually mean? We're comes in and says hey, I did it. Here's wife, in your you a bunch of circumstantial evidence. That's how you
your case beyond a reasonable doubt. Guy says he robbed the bags aid as the mid to it. You ve got video him in the area. a guy with a black mask. You find a black bask in the you find dna on. mask the match The guy threats from the black mask appear near the bank in a corner of ghetto. a car guy seen driving away get away, car says. He knows this guy is at direct, governance its evidence. You shall go men's play in word games because I know this guy is screwed. well really bad shape? I'm starved, think about the mpg. I need you to follow. The path was ninety nine plus percent in the last yes or no, quick god. Room Paul again, yes or no. Why? Yes, and no obviously, peaches guy, yes, jimmy impeach peaches, guy, no genuinely- I want to see others turns out because they are oh crowds, the knowledge of crowds is always far superior, so
I personally am leaning now towards ye. Ask president subpoena power. We need to go well. That's pretty overwhelming early. Only moses I need I swear to you. I thought that would be closer. I really dead. Man You know what good guide to see that as why ass I did break the chat, moving so fast. I cannot. Even all I see is one. Why? Because it just why moving down so fast yeah why did you all right? Thank you folks. I appreciate that here, is more proved by the way we send a beginning. Show liberals live in this fairytale land than theirs opportunity cost. Here's the thing about my thesis that I covered in the beginning, and I've had four forever now, because I grew up in new york city before It turned around and voted for giuliani people are not going to change your voting behaviour until some impacts them directly and eyes as as. She's. It pains me to tell you this folks. Until it gets worse in every neighbourhood, new york city.
People are not going to vote differently. I dont want it about asking for just telling you it's true. Listen to me. It is in bad enough. Yet, however, In a one piece of work, but of a green shoot, coming California, California, in proposing for a while the ridiculous, absurd idea of reparations that people now who had no responsibility for slavery whatsoever, should give money to people who were never slaves for it. the human tragedy of slavery, none of them ever committed or more victims up its them most thing: I've ever see that you, should pay someone for something you didn't do not matter. Bag for something a lot of your ancestors didn't do either you should pay people. not victims of. It is the most bizarre thing. I've ever see. You say no, no, it isn't damn well, not the conservatism airs, but liberals, no dad it's fair
absolutely fair people love the idea reparations you need to read the pulse. Eighty five point: seven really is at the bar guy, who figures that are we have poor, bad guy in the chatter like he actually did by the way these votes. We take a real like when he gives you a ninety five point: seven percents, a real number. We. shouts out out to us it Elias Elias, the bad guy who made this but you're the best man. This he's got like some, the rhythms, run it on our shadow. Whenever you think nepal, numbers thou, quick, says a real ball, I agree with you. I think we should start moving forward with this impeachment, but get this washed its I'm sorry you my newsletter today, but you know that consultation is there forty voters opposed cash reparations for slavery by two to one boxes: california, its legs, Seventy five percent democrat and water saying no to reparations. You know why think back to my head. parking spot analogy when you have it
the cap parking spot. You find people who aren't really handicap taking your spot. You get pissed off because they took something from you care reparations every tax, here in california, would be on the hook, the room, Milton friedman old saying the thing about, liberalism. As you think, you're spending your neighbors money, but your neighbor saying the same thing: everybody caliph What do you do not stupid? They realize it's gonna, be paying each other and the government gonna take your cut to distribute the money. This is huge scale. Obviously suckers or followed for this ended doing it by the way? The reasons is unpopular time with the economy struggling, I don't spend. At a time of economic segments, causes fifty fifty someday, you'll love it some he hated. but this is a very short but interesting hit tv channel for appearance by stephen, more my cable news here, more talking about the biggest problem. We haven't abide. The country by far they get inflation. Now, that's big, but it's not the biggest.
oil prices, gas prices, big, The biggest productivity is the biggest problem, Ladies and gentlemen, wealth is measured by productivity, product but he is measured by production. How do we produce stuff with people and ideas? Ladies and gentlemen, before five million people? Forty five million people- have disappeared from our workforce and don't come. Back under by. Let me tell some you think inflation, a problem. This is going to lead to a greater russian, like economy. If we don't solve the productivity crisis, sir, here listen this. We ran the numbers on this. You know, there's something like for five million people still that is actually disappeared from the labour force. We don't know where they are and they could be and should be working by every you know demographic, statistical or not, and so we. Take you out into account
the job market similar the jobs are still out there from skilled people. That's the good news, but I agree with you. I think the days of work was being able to one from one job to another and keep getting pay raises. I don't think they're out there so much anymore. and this not forget that every single month this year than the initial jobs report has been revised, lower its three hundred forty thousand fewer jobs and initially reported hoax. Production. Gdp is measured out what we produce when people are combined with ideas. Stuff is produced. What a human being is combined with glass and computer chips paper, use, phones and cameras and computers when combined with ink and metal and would they produce pan. no human beings, you better get better ideas, quick, because you re not need to turn your idea and action. in real trouble product
he is the biggest problem under this rotting bag of oatmeal in the white house, people she from the workforce. Is you don't have to worry the welfare state is back. That's why america's you're here, there's the grid third class who doesn't want to get off their remedies, why you're student loans repaid here's, the heavy, The guy we used to put up on fat web guide alone- repayment- don't be a bum, get europe to a job. and you'll make money. None of this is are Take your ass: you see ass, get out of the sea? I go to work get a free hand job It was four to five billion people. Ass remove from the sea. I get a job get her out of the sea. when you move it to a job? You get money
and when you get out of this hell hole or you don't Do these abiden teamwork. Pay people to do nothing? That's why. bond genomics get Urim, aren't you now know ass a cash, the no sea and you'll be ok. Ok, ass out of the sea Go to work, get a job; you're afraid your job, This is hard. Why nobody, the republican party ever want to say this. I know I got more stuff to get to ansari in a chat I just sometimes I just can't get this out of my head. Why does nobody I have like a hundred jobs right now got a movie coming out a book coming out. A radio show dealer would rumble all the time dealing with a thousand different things. My own business I get a free. John, don't even need the body jack. I just Because I don't want to be a lazy bomb, get a free
good job job. Or are there to america's by the way job one last time, just get a job this is how this happened to speak to america's again elon musk, who is clear, in our america, what is our america conservative political prisoners, targeted political enemies isla he's gone over to the dark side of it. parkside, meaning you know he bought twitter and at least alleges he's tried to move in a more freedom of speech direction. Liberals want that cause. They love censorship and the police. They, you on is currently an enemy, the state. I think we all get that right You know I have on my twitter and shrewd profile public enemy number one the funny about it even may legitimately be public enemy number one right now, of you, MR but Elizabeth Warren, is now looking for an open investigation into elon musk. Here's j opera. On cnn, asking tony blake and like
thing and nodding like- why are we investigating ilan because he didn't contribute to a war effort, they could allow a war machine, it could lead to a nuclear war. You believe this now this is actually happened, not see, dig a look at this. Are we don't have every right to mister Asher? Sorry, it was from yesterday Jim put that in radio show yellow soon on the radio show is that but then I run now wherever it is told me my firefox. I do this all the time. Just look it up, you'll see it. He had taken up. Ok, in the show I am going to get to the surface. This is a little funny and then we'll get back to the video. So you know the jennifer grand home, always total disaster. Our energy secretary, the woman's, been a complete, embarrassing. She's the one who possess about oil prices started laugh and she did they commonly cackle prices. If I only knew that you're freaking job your job, is, do actually know. That's your job as the energy secretary. Nobody, oil prices, this story nicole raymond red states, a classic. It's in the news,
better, please read and regional areas. So do you, Are you going to take an electric vehicle road trip, this department of energy secretary round the country? Now is a guys, don't security advances in the past? You know how they work, you send it dance team out? That's why they're comin advance team you show as you can read the story, so this person like show up a gas stations in short one, how easy it is to charge a vehicle about it. work out, Apparently, your advanced seem realise that one of the stages of the work of plug cigar around What are the charges was broken and the others were occupied, so it departments ever tried parking, not electric vehicle in one of the charging spots to reserve a spot for the approaching energy secretary or that didn't go well already guess powered car block the only free spot for a charger. In fact, a family box out on a during hot day, with a baby in the vehicle. With some have said, they decided to get the authorities of up and they call the police. good job. A holes at the department of energy well done highlight. All the failures of electric vehicles. Are you found that thing already
when we get to allow many that abortive shortly operator, lest I should It's one, I think, a lot of stuff to get through and I'll play to that I'll play that that video from tapper, because it is telling if you're in the other america you in deep trouble, I got this email from a border patrol guy this morning. I'm just gonna show you a snap out of it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is wrong. really really bad stuff. This is what's going on in a border arena. Radio show later your check this out. If you get the red state article still up on the screen, really bad stuff disguise communicated with me before he said, This in any of the personal matter. What country there from his now allowed it we base We become transportation. For these people most or not, all of us, are either assign processing or given vans to pick these people up and drive them the other stations to be processed and our stay Should there be process any means by process we basically take biographical information swazi address, they claim they'll be residing in as well as a court date immigration judge going the address they give us, then its bye bye.
As reported the address of their choice most of these court or at least the euro, then even shot through their corday, who knows probably not at your border. And the more that folks, new york city says or whatever new year. Thirty, eight percent of them say no border wall and I'm more glad you like that are so rare that makes it totally nike's fault I didn't go on. I wouldn't run down because I dunno it was a like a zone this morning. So today was leg day at you're like their runaway squats. I did. I did high rub squats with light weight with I get the eternity, the blood flow restricted on my leg holy motions, my legs: I d never had a public tat, my life of forty eight. They were a monster day is a video cap or on cnn and tony blanket unbelievably pushing that, if you don't contribute to the war effort, a nuclear war, you should be prosecuted. This is outrageous. Take a look at this space. Sachs, ceo, elon musk
has recently confirmed a report that certain walter isaac since new biography of mosque that sneer musk blocked to his starling satellite networking. Crimea. Or to disrupt the major ukrainian attack on the russian navy there. In other words mosque effectively, sabotaged military operation by ukraine. A: u S, ally again, structure, an aggressor country that invaded a? U S, ally, There be repercussions for that jake I can speeches, specific episode, here's what I can tell you starling, has been a vital tool for the ukraine needs to be able to communicate with each other, and particularly, the military, to communicate in their efforts to defend all of ukraine's territory. Remain so, and I would expect it to continue to be critical. their efforts. So what we would hope and expect is that that, taken
Gee will remain fully available to the ukrainians. It is to what they're doing boxes really incredible Can you imagine this interview being conducted during the iraq war? I was not a supporter of the iraq war ear. Remember no Blood royal could imagine a media person asking if you contributed to the iraq war. You were given the the bogeyman treatment where you see I want, is a democrat war effort everybody's all in the war machine it even support the iraq war. You go back and look wriggling, credible man, unreal hey folks, thanks again for tuna in again, I'd so deeply appreciate if you pick up a copy. The book, if not I understand you know, I know times are tight. I get it called If the failure- probably mile I benefactor mama's guaranteed to be my last, a lot of work and a lot of jobs, but I'm really proud of it. Stories in here. I, the you, gonna, learn a lot about all the stuff. I screwed up the parlor
story. What happened with that? I know a lot of you still have questions fairly end up with a lot of misinformation there about that. I get that my time, nypd gettin just lie humiliated and street alive. When I was a young rookie I know a barrister story sometimes, but they all. Ah I come out on top in the end, because I dusted off some proud of the book. are they give the failure out today? Please pick it up be great to get a number one I'm, just a competitive guy better times are tough totally get it. It's your kind of material great. If not I get that too. But I really appreciate thanks for your support or listened Skype did show follow rumbled outcome slashed by gino, quick tat, green, follow button, it's free and we'll see backyard Lemme naomi should that they should do you just one gene ojo,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-13.