« The Dan Bongino Show

Ahhhh, About that Tucker Guy


You heard it here first! There is going to be an orchestrated takedown campaign against Tucker Carlson.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Inflation has consequences are seen by the current bank crisis time too, by gold, like me, from brcko, it's gonna be a r c will help you convert an existing ira or four one k into an ira and physical, precious metals. The best part is tax, sheltered text. dance tonight. Eight nine, eight nine to claim your free information kid on gold today plus rating with a better business bureau? Birch gold is who I trust to protect my future and yours text, to ninety eight. Ninety nine eight today performance zone, a guarantee of future results, messaging data rate supply? dan. Jean welcome to the Bonn jean Aubrey andean bungee. Very, very careful about narratives coming out in the coming days, but this Tucker carlson thing some going on here behind the scenes? You are owing to see an orchestrated campaign on to take out tucker karlsson now there are two reasons for this two important ready I does down important number one is,
the orchestrated campaign to take Tucker karlsson out before he can join and other outlet start voicing his opinions, which establishment, Arians and swampy swine dangerous is One reason they're going to share their tool, but the most important ones can be signalled. Other talking heads out there that, Better shot up, you fill in the black about ukraine than the deep state. Oh yeah There is going to be an orchestrated, take down campaign against Tucker, you heard it here. First watch you ooh just what matter of fact already happening right now go put his name in a search engine read some of the articles gonna sound we suspicious some of these pieces there? establishment arians and want nothing more than this guided disappear. The pentagon just put in do me a favor. I could show you the articles, but there's odyssey too many put the shocking to waste your time. Do we have sooner at all on your phone right now, if you watch it go to you,
go to your phone, just put Tucker karlsson pentagon interesting pentagon people we pay when our tax dollars an hour, commenting about a noose figure in the media. Militaries do about what is this that north korea like well we're glad tucker thousands god inquiries are you? Are you? Are you death warrant, you go it baby people go above. Everybody bought this guy our baggage bob, you gotta, Bob you get above you get a bomb. We get a paycheck you'll get upon you get. What you get is that actually working the you get a bomb approach are really but it's for my wallet, churchyard baby, so this orchestrated campaign
what you're, seeing right now to destroy and decimate tucker carlson is credibility. I want you to be very, very careful because they need to signal to other talking heads you'll, be next people like me and others. However door tucker will will not be cowed by that. That's just silly come on up you that you're going to shut us up. No chance and you I promise you you're not going to shut him up either More in a minute, but first folks, inflation is consequences. The fed raise interest rates to combat out of control, government spending, long term hans diminished in value crippling banks have explained before adverse vacation of your assets is never been more important. The recent surging all prices show why go this historically been a great hedge against the stock market and against which candidly had purchased. from brcko many times, I'm glad I did if, before this crisis, the only company I trust the help you diverse, find gold is brcko. Group do would now before it gets worse. I
My gold from them, you can do the same text, and the end to nine eight nine, eight nine to get a free information can on gold, though wait any longer birch golden if you convert an existing ira, a four one k that side to a volatile market into an ira in physical, precious, metals, gold and silver and the best part, is tax. Sheltered text into nine nine. Eight. Ninety need to claim your free information can on gold. Today, don't wait with it. Plus rating, with a better business bureau and thousands of because farmers birch gold is why trust to protect my future and yours text dandy, and two nine, eight, nine, eight nine eight tonight past performance, not a guarantee of future result. Messaging data rate supply, there's another. reason: they're going there's gonna be sarka straight a campaign to take em out as well. They want to send a signal to any potential suitors for tucker cross, look walk, we're gonna come after you, while you come after us, what you re, either in the free speech, fight or you're, not that's! Ok, come after us. In this whole free speech, ecosystem or you want there,
People out there, companies I'm involve where companies are not involve wave companies that I have nothing to do with it all that all have Tucker carlson on in a moment they would have a man in a moment. You're not gonna, stop but they're trying to send a signal right now to crush him. The articles are going to look like this they're gonna be met to attack is credibility because when there's a reason The reason they want to take out his credibility is one thing. Liberal media journalists, hacks guph, balls, propagandists and prop prob the specialist. What thing they Norway's that liberals donor principles. But conservatives do I get it. That sounds like cheap insult as a throwaway line. I promise you it's a statement of fact it is it they statement of absolute fact. Here's what I mean by this latest jets. Look I don't care that you lie to them now, come on shit. No, no! They don't rachel, mad cow, is: we the singular most pop the single most popular liberal tv,
podcast us out there. They turn a tv show into a pod, guess it brought it up incredulous seas. We follow the gigantic racks up incredible numbers competitive. What hours on podcast, yet The weird thing is we got the whole spiky collusion thing, people hoax thing down from story. Correct rachel matter has got it wrong in every single turn, the hunter laptop Everybody knows the stories fake goods had. No, rachel models ratings whatsoever. However, when look at people on the right, some I'll leave out of this conversation or claim to be on the right move. Can people fun. Razors that we're be ass, turned to be. You know, weirdos in the end. What happened? What happens in your pocket ready job, yeah, I gotta see science, our baby, because servitors, don't pollard tolerate mistakes. Everybody screws up, everybody
they wore tolerate is a person who is an absolute fraud and a phone brought media hacks know that so the attacks talker are not going to be about anything other than him. Be he's a front this guy's. Definitely, if I issue, That is what they duggar causing. Is it it's wrong. He is not a fraud. absolutely the real deal better I can tell you from personal experience whether you like our aid. There is nothing you saying on the air he sank ass. He doesn't believe he is. absolutely the real deal drives. Liberals crazy, so the acts are gonna, look something like this: where does the go when they need someone to put a fake story up like the fake dossier and the yard. The fake ppp well the guy who basically got a role in starting that David from other jones. I got a guy with no,
human dignity whatsoever? None? No human dignity at all, a man. who replicates the characters of the wizard of oz by only had courage, you're, a brain or a hard, but David corn amy Without a single sliver of in greedy at all, who is what are they figures in promoting what are the biggest political hoaxes of all time. The collusion hoax, they go. I d him when they need to take so get out here. It is mother jones, tucker, carlson's, on cod overseas. Conning you all was his long strange trip or put up job you they deserve so by accident?. this is a mistake. To see a law amiss in fairy tales coming out in the coming days?
All gonna be direct attacks at tucker, Carson's character and integra because they know can serve Still put up with that, the problem is the stories are garbage. Let me in ass a couple other miss directions. In myths and fairy tales now around there about Tucker karlsson. I gave sherman is broken, allow stories about fox in the past? I dont know the guy never met him, but this is actually done some stuff there, whether they like it or not, is turned out to have some air of of credibility to it. However, this peace and vanity fair, I'm sorry. It's just hilariously stupid the new fairytale about the talker thing. If you haven't heard It- and this is I know what it is always an agenda here: ok, remember the agenda first attack is credibility. Cause conservatives hate a phoney right the next.
gender by the liberal media, vanity, fair new york times, Washington post is called. What is it going to be it's going to be How do we now separate the conservative movement and divided, so it fights each other, so for as many issues as I've had over the years with people in the media and We ve had some issues evil, my old, my old employer we, why nose out by theirs I think they want more than a fire subversive, evangelicals christians are religious people thing, there's nothing more, there's nothing! They love more ice. Plainer pointed at night, no good. they were religious people rebelling. It's far back you that's where this article comes from vanity, fair, Tucker carson. prayer talk, may have led the fox news disaster that stuff freaks rupert murdoch out runs fox gabe sherman notes, folks, I'm telling you this is nonsense.
A new theories emerge Into the source gruber, Act remove tucker crossing over remarks carson made during a speech it heritage foundation, a gale on Friday night Carson, laces speech with religious overtones. It even murdoch found to extreme the source, was briefed on murdoch's decision making said, told the heritage audience at your politics had become a manichaean battle between good and evil, Joe wherever you out. There's words before verdict kid Battle between good and evil jaws ike, his head, like, I think I've heard about our show, I think, you'd, better fact. I've recorded the words at our. Shall I say that Because tucker and I obviously think alike, on the issue, I'm not by the way I'm not remotely suggesting tucker gets his material from me. I'm sorry if that came out the wrong way, I'm suggesting to you that there is serious chance. Tucker was fired for talking about what I've talked about on fox for ten years.
What Aisy Erhard talks about on fox every day her lover, Jesus Christ, what rachel copper, nobody talks about every weekend a lot of things go on outfox, but we are not liberals, important. We get the story right, there's a beef there. We want to know what the beef is. We can fix it. You this. Isn't it this a clear efforts to say religious people box sucks that that's what this is. This is one hundred percent be a story. I did it Whoa there for two years, I've been doing it's there. Since twenty eleven at his twelve years, I probably have fun, thousand television, appearances onward five. I have mentioned my love, of Jesus Christ? My lord save your honor, probably twenty many times and have said things about a religious good versus evil. Five, probably over a hundred. No one has ever ever, on my life reached out three, but like hey man, you don't do that religion stuff on the. I just did it for easter. You you guys saw the head. I just did it
Mr Weber, what it is break the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This story is one hundred percent. I'm telling you made up, I'm that score In short, I made it up I'm saying someone who told them this story is picking it up or has an agenda there's no This is true. Finally, there is a lot of speculation about whose replace talker, listen the guy's, not replaceable. Ok, I do you yesterday, I'm like a red. You yesterday show by the way, thank you it's our second show now, in less than ten days with over a million views on video along at audio, to have maybe the this time we did, video and audio and a million which is totally that is in one day, but we have chosen a million, but over you know a couple days a week but I was amazing, but I just in the beginning, how there are people out there who are the news they made it Thus the news, but they are the news, what they talk. Becomes the news, their army ten people on the planet. Who can do that?
be five of them here in the united states. There used to be howard, stern, not so much anymore used to be rush. Limbaugh, obviously not with us anymore. Right now This probably two rogan in the news the space, rogan and talker. That's it. He's not replaceable, but see there's a lot of speculation. This piece is in the news that are today could be. Daily mail wives are forced out. They go to a bunch of different theories. The religious thing is in there to impelling yeah, that's garbage. I got my dear. I just don't. I think you just wasn't controllable and break we. You know, that's. I wasn't either it's just the way it is, and I not sure that's you no bad thing. Maybe we just wasn't a good fit now. Maybe it will be at some other time. No idea. Alright, there's my little update on the story. Just be careful is going a lot of misdirection alot of agendas, I'm telling you they need to take this guy out. They don't.
hear anything about this guy anymore. The pentagon wants him out the fence. Contrary there's want em out, sir. Bees want em out Mcconnell wants him out. Lindsey graham wants amount, they want this guy. Put away and laid out to pasture. They don't want anywhere near a television cameras, get ten bond genomes. If you like to hear more subscribed to the advantage of shell wherever you get your pocket,
Transcript generated on 2023-05-08.