« The Dan Bongino Show

Adam Schiff Is Hiding Something Big (Ep 1168)

2020-01-28 | 🔗

In this episode, I address why Adam Schiff is hiding this devastating piece of information in the impeachment sham. It will open your eyes to the Democrats’ plot. I also discuss the collapse of the Democrats’ impeachment case yesterday as the Trump team fought back. Finally, I address a troubling CNN video attacking Trump supporters. News Picks:

Why is Adam Schiff hiding this critical impeachment testimony?

This October 2019 article describes the shady connections between Adam Schiff and colleagues of the fake whistleblower.

Congressman Mark Meadows has an interesting theory on the Bolton book

Huge lines at the New Jersey MAGA rally!

NYPD Commissioner blames liberal bail reform policies for the spike in crime. 

Newspaper with a history of endorsing losing candidates, endorses Elizabeth Warren

Justice Neil Gorsuch savages activist judges in this article


Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan bungee. Now what is Adam hiding had kept you, my terrific, Georgia is in this case too Ever nine. I've got a story for you today. That's gonna break your bangles man. It's going each your lunch. It may, steal your lunch money to thereby GINO Show produced Joe our unanimous on this once I promise I haven't told Java you're gonna like this once you of all a video of a total disaster bow made of the impeachment Ouch yesterday ham, bond e, who finally the tribe team flipped this scrap and made this About what it's really about, yesterday Obama Ear Abiden era, corruption in Ukraine Amy I shove on that lots of video, including a disease.
Extra CNN clap at the end, which is going, you probably infuriate all and if you may have seen a ready, if not stay to underwrite, may, have arranged everything right by bodies that problem company manufacture his good. Bravo coming. And eventually you never want to tell anybody what a company is it in an advertisement, but like this company so much. I feel it's important to make a distinction problem. Company manufacturing makes and assembled rifles they make em here in Heartland was content and the We are not supporting rifles, ok that there not a great companies out there that make sporting rifles and hunting rifles. This is law. If saving equipment lifesaving rifles bill to a life saving standard, they put people before their products. They feel that their moral responsibility to provide the pious quality rifles that not fail the end user. God forbid. It's not a paper target, but someone coming
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USA check him out. You won't regret Rigel, let's go out right before, get the sleazy shift been his the big the big hides the big kind, fake magic AG eight hour. I know your pay, no attention to the Medina garden. I want to get through this first, because the impeachment share yesterday continues to fall apart. Public opinion, on this thing is turned down hill. I've always told you impeachment. A political trial is obviously not a criminal one. That requires you to The body politic against the present They haven't removed from office the democratic they succeeded in doing what turning the boy. Politics for the president as approval ratings go up and more Americans turn against this impeachment share. My know that makes you uncomfortable liberals, but it's just the fact that this thing is fallen flat and candidly. I know this upset. Do I know it and I know shout and fraud is bad. They should celebrate. That has upset you, but I'm gonna do it. Anyway. I am thorough
enjoying the fact that nobody cares about this impeachment, whom nobody that drives them, brought crazy. Why, even when they do care. I when they do to in you'll get occasional jam here and there from the Trump team as they now we're, given the floor yesterday to defend Donald Trump, bad, from the tables a little bit on the real scandal here, which is the corruption by the Democrats in Ukraine, where they tried to interfere in the twenty sixteen election, so PAM by the former attorney general for the great state of Florida, my home state, who is a lawyer, the trunk team took the floor yesterday in the Senate trial to who ask a couple basic questions about what is really going on with Ukraine and the Obama by the administration and man this wise, what Paul Paul, whether they felt the new road is road for the key word for the kids, it's you
he's roasting. This was a roasting arose thing of epic proportions of Hunter by pay specific attention in this clip of pan body, as she. Appropriately characterizes how Bore Members of these big international conglomerates, like charisma warehouse, Joe Biden, son, work Hunter how these are the best of the best in the business world. And even made out make zero skills- none ukrainian speaking no expert periods in the region- hotter Bind- was making the typical board number of these fortune. One hundred companies, we know their titans of their interests their highly qualified and, as such there well compensated. Even so, Hunter Biden was paid significantly more. This is how well he was compensated. So hundred by paid over eighty three thousand dollars a month while
The average american family of four, during time, year made less than fifty four thousand dollars. And that's according to U S since its bureau during that time- and this is what's been reported that is work on the board, the washing How sad quote what specific duties hundred bind carried? for very small are not fully known. End quote: didn't you reported quote once or twice a year here, tendered breeze. My board meetings and energy forms that took place in Europe end quote when, speaking with ABC News about its qualifications, to be on Christmas Board hundred binding in point two. Any of the usual qualifications of a board member. Hundred binding had no experience in natural gas networks variants in the energy sector, no experience
of ukrainian regulatory affairs spars. We know he doesn't Speak Ukrainian, so naturally the media has asked questions about its board membership? Why was nor by non this board. If your last name wasn't Biden, do you think he would have been asked to be on the board of a race? I don't know, I don't know, probably not there. They are. I don't worry we're almost there. You sure, gosh. Ah, ah I guess you vague legalistic, thereby Juno's a big conservative This is only you right, wingers. You think that was devastating the guys. No skills he makes thirty
three thousand or she read twenty nine thousand dollars more in a month for a job The new treaty has no experience, for he only goes here apparently been accorded the worshippers twice a year. He It's more. In a month, Debbie The american family makes it a year. Points out himself. He probably would have got the job out his dad's, less name that this guy as no skills. Donor, zero, goose, egg, Zippo, nothing as no skills. At all any case, you think this is just thus here, CNN's Jeffrey Cuban one of the most far left this scale do anything defend the Democrats here is CNN. Jeffrey tube in dude rob Schneider, do remember the thirty five or whatever different ways to say dude. This is when you are in trouble. Doo, Doo, Jude, this is Jeffrey Cuban, say dude. This is bad. This does not
good and now America finally got to see it, except for the fact that the big three networks cut out because they don't want you to know how bad the hundred by deal was check. This out, I thought attorney general bonding did in effective job of showing how sleazy the hiring. Hunter Biden. Was I mean there is no way to address that up. He was given a great deal of money for a job. He was unqualified, and the only reason he got it is because he was the vice president's sought to bananas. Yeah baby heavy work. Finally, like someone at sea, and I give them no credit by the way is a flip. The script marble and undistorted ever had there not interested it really getting to the boy. But what happened, would hundred bye, bye even see it adds Cuban has to acknowledge what happened. Yesterday was a thorough, this environment and an eviscerated of the entire case. That's I'm how Joe in hundred by did nothing wrong
ladies and gentlemen, this thing reeks to the Heavens. It reeks of corruption. Insider dealing, swamp, penis, fetid, disgusting, backdoor deals. This thing is growth and it reeks of exactly what the Democrats in the media are falsely accused. Accusing the Trump team up. It reeks of illicit quid pro quo way, something for something deal that Hunter Biden got something a lucrative eighty, three thousand dollars a month job for something in return. The only question, ladies and gentlemen, is what what the only question is. What was the ukrainian company looking for in return? Well, this is where I want to get to cut number three of TED crews. You did a masterful job yesterday by the way
balancing the silly rapporteur, the media. Now because again up, I am come on how many times have you to say. This is somewhat ridiculous and I hate even repeat the obvious. The media is basically gone full time, liberal activists mode now, they're, not even pretending any more to be journalists, it's over journalism. Instead, we get that, but they are desperate to make this Biden story. Go away, and I want you to see in this exchange estuary how the media now is gonna. Try, change this narrative, as this gets worse because this boy, stories not going anywhere but miss folks, as I just explain to you, no one adequately explained. Yet what these something was. Or the other, something we what the something you quid pro quo latin for something for something a deal. I give you something you get me something we know Hunter Biden was given something he was giving a very
Who could a position on a board? He had no experience. For fact, indisputable, we get it check the box move on. The only open question is what was that something that job for I'm telling you it's obvious. It was for influencing the Obama administration to make the envy the into this company, which has significant allegations of corruption and hired Hunter Biden to make them oh away, any at questionably in illicit deal now the media now is going to try to lift the script and change the narrative tat. This listen to this report on what he says and how he tries to make This Hunter Biden job only about hey, you swampy guys in DC, while use connections to get your kids job not honour. Whose just smacks this guy down big time, and I will explain you how this is going to get. This is going to get worse, but check this out, for this is Gloria.
You still wonder why, John President, that's a crime, a nation should remain in prison. Might my children their nine and eleven? I am sorry that you want to throw a nine year old in prison, but at this point let me my third greater is basketball and soft Bolivar school, so so stop playing the nasty, no, no stop playing the nasty Washington game. I'm sorry, that's my most was attacking a nine year old gardener senator weeks. If you see here where this is gonna go. I was and is the right one. The shell were always at least a month ahead, if not a couple weeks ahead of the narrative, because I when we have a lot of sources number one and I'm just having run for offers a few times. We know what the listen forward- these media loons, all you have to do. If you rent for offices go in an interview with which supposedly journalists editorial boards of journalistic outlets, and you find that these are falling.
Tax or not interesting faction. You learn to pick apart every single thing. They say their new narrative is going to be our eye. Whatever hundred, news, this connections to get a job? That's a fact, but it happens all the time in D C, which to be fair, is a fact. The reporters statement is Incorrect but rapporteur knows that, ladies and gentlemen, the mothers, statement of people use connections in DC to take care of the people around mother. I wish you weren't true its gross its untoward, but it is true, but that's not what this is about. This is not about Joe Biden and is connections being leverage to get his kid job? Ladies and gentlemen, the job his son got was with a company that way under a very serious investigation. Very serious allegations. While people are Socio with the company.
Emailing high ranking people in the United States government in an effort to get media, And using hunters name wildly we're under investigation or one that little fat Joe, is received a thousand times that Joe Biden Zack we in a video as well claiming when he was a vice president. You ve seen the vampire slayer pray during the prosecutor, looking into his sons, company drop the case or get fire. I mean that's So we see that so many times that kind of gets lost in the more ass a little bit. I hope that's not what this is about. Connections he's right that report, everybody would be locked up this is out using your connections to allegedly make a serious criminal. Vast irrigation go away. Your son is working at the company and your claim
during an election cycle. By the way, a lot of this ukrainian stuff was going on folks leave this segment here I want to get the shift. This is good at up to seven niner, you the best guys, the greatest source ever when he states will have on the show we can make. It appear. Right, you, nobody, you'd! All you wanna, come on. One day dies outcome on what they will have. My we're gonna, like this all case, die down. First, though, be like deep throat when a exposed deep throat years ahead of you have behind deputy there we'll bring em. I gotta put it like that. If there's a whole, we figured out, we was as a right ready yet is created well, yeah. I you know where he came to a book signing for us one times. Overcapacity boy is funny you're one of these days. Ok,
how can I support its before? I leave the site, but I want to leave this and I don't want you to forget this folks, please, if you're in your car, your home the watching us on tv by the way, if you have Comcast these are Do we call way to watch us on your tv got a menu on your comcast remote and go to school over to apps. It's right there in the menu screen use is an app already downloaded on your Comcast cable device. Menu apps Youtube can watch this showing your tv like it's a regular. I love we just figure this out a few weeks ago. I thought with the greatest thing ever: yes really course shaken up. But if you watch tv please take notes on this, I don't want you to forget. That there were three facts in this case which will never change. It doesn't matter what happens with both in it doesn't matter what happens? but other fake whistleblowers, there are three facts that are and move. I boy said them yesterday and I say again today, because it is your ammunition going forward to argue against these anti trump lunatics who keep making step up. Now. This
we gotta know wastewater knows what does it matter? Three fax number one. The ukrainian aid that there pledging was upheld and slow, to Ukraine, because Trump Latin investigations to the binds was delivered before the deadline. Deadline was September. Thirty. If the aid was delivered on September twelve, you can see we do facts here. I'm not succeed thing that there are various speculations as to the motives as to why the administration, the Trump administration, delay the eight fair enough. That's fine! You can speculate. All you want that is, I think, Crimes are not crimes, you may not like it, you may it gets sleazy. Maybe the Trump administration, the lady, because It really work concerned about corruption and abiding thing. You may think that I don't, I know Trump, made a big deal about foreign aid to many countries. I dont believe that I believe he was
sorry about binding Ukraine? Obviously we read the transcripts of the call, but having said that, the fact that President Trump, even if you believe, I thought about the weighing aid, because concerns about corruption with the bides, even if you believe that the aid was delivered and thought crimes are not a crime. Point number one. Aid delivered before the deadline in mutable immovable fat, not movable thought crimes are not crimes And they are certainly not high crimes- misdemeanours, treason of bribery worthy of impeachment. Second, again, There are no ukrainian victims in this case, because there was no crime. This may be. The it's important take away all point number two. They cannot find.
When I say they I mean the Democrats in the anti trump crap. They cannot find a vague, in Ukraine Ladies and gentlemen, if you world, this is Paula, listen Joe Police, as just like be a man be referees here chew over the audience here, I'm having a tough time figuring out why they never trump crowded the Democrats fight I get your point, you're saying this. I understand your point that president trouble political interest in in in hard Biden and figuring out, what They were doing over there and he may have leverage date. I get what you're saying I guess, free, but I understand what you treasure. Why do exist hard to understand. If President Tromp was trying to pressure, exert pressure on Ukraine, give us information on the pines and we're not going to give you the aid. How serious question here have asked you to open your eyes permitted? How could he pressure ukrainians
If the Ukrainians didn't know they were being pressure charged to do. Joy, but I asked the obviously drive and a new car watching, but it please take a SEC the ponder that again, I understand the point you're trying to me we can disagree and have an adult come station about I'm skin you as an adult. The answer is simple question: if the Ukraine No one has come forward and it they felt pressure matter. Effective, said the exact opposite the Minister of Foreign affairs, the ukrainian President, how There were pressure campaign, nobody knew about. I'm already, where I know you'll come back, gonna be you're, comebacks gonna be well they're just lie. Ladies and gentlemen, answer your impeaching, the president, you gotta find a bit. You could say that about anything right near right, job that job
You, I guess, a former federal agent. I can't imagine walking a case in the court, investigating a bank fraud. That's what we didn't see which are as financial crimes crimes a bank fraud I can imagine walking a case into court and saying judge. I have serious case a bank brought here against whatever Bank of Joey beggar, doughnuts and in the same well, where's the bank or they are they the complainant known all day day They are not alleging a bank front. Well, why not? agent Pollyanna wired. Well, we just think you're lying so you don't have a complainant. No, no. We don't worry the text what their stay at all. This is not an excuse that son of a european presence of mind or ineligible picture here right I mean, I'm all even double down again. I know what the left While there lie because there are intimidated, they're afraid of Trump and nobody's leap, nobody in the ukrainian government. We know they hate truck. They re not beds against them
lotta ukrainians, must shake oh, it's alleged by now you're the ukrainian parliamentarian, who is working to do, are destroyed trumps campaign. Nobody is like this in the ukrainian government, this pressure campaign, or this timid they should keep. Nobody are you ever. Produce evidence that there's a victim here that there is a cry ever. You can't just keeps everybody's lying and were the only ones telling the truth. Eventually in a serious thing, like impeachment criminal trial, where you could put somebody in jail to use a corollary, you eventually have to produce act, evidence for the cases thrown out. It's just the way. Just this works. Finally, immutable fact: number three aid delivered no victims, no crime. Point number three: the Democrats career
gin and the Biden potential corruption in Ukraine is very real. I'm not gonna show the art. You already know the Democrats involvement, the Ukrainian up in it the ukrainian involvement in the twenty sixteen election with the Democrats is already well documented the work. With Alexander Chaillu, put the Dnc. She soliciting information from Ukrainians, Ukrainians riding up ads the impact the election ukrainian element allegedly feeding information, effusion gps. None of this is mysterious. Tromp has every right to appropriate channels to find Out of a foreign government was colluding with the Democrats. I thought the Democrats cared about that stuff. Apparently not are this segments gonna? This is a bagel baker right here. For we get, to my second hand, was going to tease you. Why is Adam chef lying about seventeen witnesses Napier? We have testimony from seven
Jeanne witnesses knee impeachment. Try you do you do get your testimony from eighteen when this is. Why do we keep telling people? We only seventeen when this is quite don't go anywhere all right. Could I shall also partly by bodies that Jan you sell? Jan you sell this. Ladies and gentlemen, Genji cells got a special if I oughta uses stuff before I go into here, because I don't see everywhere we get bags of my eyes. It look like a train wreck. Before I go on tv, they go Yes, I'll. Jedi cells really help me out a lot latest trends and skin cares. Instant results. Pincher the brand new Jenny sell. Our from Germany Genji sell. Our age delivers next generation read nor anti aging effects with zero red sir irritation, plus the already complex, my mother and my love, this one provides higher isler acid, crucial for superior retinal effects.
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That's Jane! You sell that genuine backup and thirty check out check it out, and I love it were backed by the way Why has the noisiest chair in human history? We sit back down you may there did you hear that fault. It is that we have today. The new chair and arrive at this chair is so noisy. It's like the tin, and we need that Ireland is set back. Then you may try to make their noisy she's, just messing around now. You hear elaborate now he's messing around sheaves. She sits down nor the chair makes that I'm wondering if you can hear that email I saw you can hear the chair, sound challenges becoming part of the shop. Second extra guess void. Sturgeon
and so did that's how I know we get an aid coming up. His Paula gets up an agenda here, it's so loud, Sheesh sat down. She wants to know if there's anything else, someone a complaint about you hadn't sleep good last night. She knows that already we'll cut my throat was calculated. The allergies in Florida really brutal the shoes. Anyone out there. Allergy professionals have any idea what everybody in Florida is suffering from horrible allergies seriously. Email is I'd, love to know, because we want a my family's like hacking up a want, it's horrible! I get back to the material today. Why is Adam Shift. Claiming. He had seventeen witnesses in the impeachment trial when he actually had eighteen? This is good. Let's go to this Washington time story and I'm gonna Is this up via, and let me just give you know before, keep that up, that is by Alex Sawyer an essay Miller wash the Times House Democrat
Conseil testimony of the eighteenth witness from the Trump team who now? Why are they doing that? Let us put the lead right out in advance, so you know we're gonna talk about. Ladies and gentlemen, the testimony of eighteen witnesses devastating, I tell you it is in a moment, and I believe the testimony lays out the framework for what was a coordinated hit by the Democrats on trumped for this impeachment hoax. Remember why the reason I talked about body and the quid pro quo, Alex since first is, did they try this before? In other words, did somebody in some Democrat, Anti Trump focused, grew, probably led by Adam shift in the yellow, Anti Trump republican brigade? Did somebody say: listen. We may not be able to get him on this. Russia thing it may fall apart, but I have a back up plan if we can
Ledge that he's been dealing with foreign governments and and trading away things for favours from foreign governments. If we can allege that that's an easy narrative people understand when they run at a test, run before ok back through material. Keep that if they don't want you to keep this question in your head. Do out this segment? Did the Democrats try this in a test? before and only settle on the ukrainian quid pro quo when everything else fell apart. Ok back to the peace from the Washington ties, peace, What was the testimony of this eighteenth witnessed? The impeachment trap that everybody on the Democrats side is pretend didn't happen, So not only seventeen. You did not have seventy eighty one, eighty two, eighty who's, the eighteenth witness it was Michael Atkinson,
the intelligent, only merely inspector general, why we, the internal affairs officer for the intelligence community? Why is it important because Michael Atkinson was the former her colleague of many of the people involved in the spy gate scandal? As I've told you before, I worked on Beneath the national security division in the Obama White House, when the national secure the vision of the Obama White Ass was approving the words to spy on trumped in disguise, need deepen this thing. Michael Atkinson, the unspent
The general now for the intelligence community is the one who passed on the fake whistle blowers complain about the quid pro quo in the Trump call with Ukraine that never happen, so they bring out in sit up Adam ship and his crew, and they question and apparently Atkins testimony. I dont know if he just folded like a cheap suit. I have no idea, but it's not good, because Adam Shift is pretending. It's not even there. We only at seventeen what is actually at eighty one about package from the worst. In times peace began Missus a coordinated hit. Really go quote washed. In times, representatives share for California democratic other impeachment manages repeatedly talk about the seventeen witnesses. They interview during the house, secretive depositions part, so always apart,
I do not mention and eighteenth witness Michael Atkinson, the icy I e g, who, as fur and knowledge of the origins of the whistle blower complain that lead to impeachment. Isn't that fascinating? Well, ladies and gentlemen, we already know that Adam Schiff has two. I have us. DR screenshot, here by MRS Adam ship, we know recruited recruited to see staffers national security? Member, the dirty kept the National Security Council supposed to be working for the nations National security interests in the service of president tromp are obvious is the president, the lead representative on foreign policy, all around the world, the president says the National Security Council. Suppose we working for the way now in the interests of the american people. The interests of our national security been a sieve, has been
beekeeping and trying to destroy President Trump from day one. They need to be quarantined aside because they have been destroying the presidency. From day. One. We know Adam Shift actively recruited recruited to members of the national security, who conveniently work, colleagues of the fake whistleblower can in recruited to colleagues Sean
Scotland Abigail Grace shift recruited them to come over and work for him? Why? Why would he do that? Colleagues of the fake whistle blower were recruited to come over and work at Adam Shifts Office, despite the fact that they were supposed to be working in the nations National security interests for President Trump folks? This is all real. These are facts. What were they doing, what we re doing it? The National Security Council, the whole time Adam Schiff, found whatever information they had so ah you, but that he practically begged them to come over and work for him. You got that turnout at this is from the wash them examiner by carry pick it I'd screw. That is now Paul S fault that one's on me. I totally forget to put in our show, run that, but this is an article by carry pick it up.
By the way will be in the show notes today. This is older article from October, but its critical, please read it by The com for the show note, if you want to subscribe to the newsletter bungee, no doubt com, Slash newsletter. I will send these articles way. It's in October, article by the great carry picketing terrific report. Quote Adam shift recruited to former annex C age who worked alongside the sea. A whistle blower at the the the Obama trumpet ministrations the examiners learn Abigail Grey, to work at the embassy until two thousand eighteen was hired in February, we shall miss, go another initiate until twenty seventeen joy in Shifts committee staff. In August, woe wow check this. This same month. This is crazy. That fake so blower submitted his complaint. I too, facon wow. Isn't that knots Adams? Hey you to come out over all of a sudden, a fake. Whistleblower appears that's crazy,
similar was an annex c official who work with former vice President Joe Biden and wise expertise, Ukraine, the wash them Amateurs also report, ladies and gentlemen, don't worry it's a big coincidence, the fake. So blower knows and work with Joe Biden too. His colleagues leave in October, accuse me in August to go work for Adam Schiff, who hates the president and in all, Excuse me when they left that's when the fake whatsoever our complaint emerges about a quid pro quo. Joe wait, citizens, man stop with the latter. Hence I know what you're thinking you think they fought. If I'm getting this wrong, call me up, I know you think it Joe you think. Indeed, That sounds really shady. Stop it! That's what I would I get you're your credit you're crazy. This is all a jet John.
May, I know, can remove your head trust, you re read like add a teller rather you're just make. It is a massive. Where do you or jobs right? This is this. Is this beyond shady? forget about being in the shade. This is absolute darkness, artisans, and rightly so. To remember the headline here I told you to keep a question in your head. Was this a coordinated pre thought out hit on pay. Didn't drop trump from the start, fake whistleblower, knows these two see it they leave to work for ship in August, fake whistle, blower complain appears alleging a quid pro
while that there was an illicit deal with the Ukrainians. Now, let's get the part to look at this story from May of twenty eight ten by the New York slimy I want to put this- have may have twenty eight in import. May second pay close close attention to the date. Remember the question was a coordinated hit. May second two zero one, a twenty eighteen headline Andrew. E Kramer, Ukraine, so can you s missiles, stock image, halt, in cooperation with the Mahler investigation. Now you go on to read this peace you'll find buried in it. That
there's an allegation here, Joe that the Trump campaign, the Trump our team, is usually the administration that they may have been pressuring Ukraine with the threat of withholding javelin missiles unless they shut down the investigation into Bob Mahler. Excuse me, Interpol, Manifold, by bombing vision, of course matters. Yet it yet, unlike goodbye, sounds kind of like a quid pro quo. Now, of course, the arrogant Joe Joe, but this is made of twenty eighty. Again was this a coordinated hit.
Now you may say well that sounds kind of serious was termed administration, withholding javelin missiles for ukrainian defence against the Russians. If they didn't shut down the investigation to manifest while the problem is, the story was a flop, not based in fact than they couldn't find again. Any Ukrainians to a test of this was actually true jaw rife speculation in New York, times kind of sloppy work, rice so Joe that quid pro quo. What rapidly fell apart now. This is where this gets crazy. Look at his letter, bye, bye, men and, as noted democrat hack, will allow me one of the worst senators in the history of the United States Senate. He sent a letter to the ukrainian prosecutor. Makin obviously read the whole thing, but the second part of his lip over to page do here. He said since this on May. Fourth, just two days later, look at the date of the top twenty eighty. Basically,
He hated everyone from the Trump administration are acting on its behalf, encourage ukrainian government or law enforcement officials not to cooperate with Bob Mauler Bob Mendez Dick Durban, another Democrat Hack and Patrick Lady Mother, Democrat Crazy, They were just ready to go with that right away after that New York Times story. Now, with someone tipped off here, Joe with someone tipped off, remember date. The New York Times story may second of twenty eighteen, with somebody tipped off that there may here. I think we got Trump Just remember the russian collusion hoax by may have twenty eighteen is almost entirely collapsed. Everybody knows it DC the insider crowd. You know cause you're watching my shop, you know and twenty sixteen it without, but
you know that's going to collapse, so why are they preparing narrative number to die if we can't get among collusion, we'll get him on foreign quid pro quo and with this kind of test run. This javelin blue in exchange for us wrap in the matter for investigation. This is where this gets crazy. So again, remember the data, the New York Times, article may second of twenty eighty. I want to put up this ABC article about love partners, the Rudy Giuliani Associate, who is who is making just ridiculous allegations.
The President, you know this guy. He work which will be on is alleged to be used, as I know about it. Why met the president comes out later it and meet? The present? Are all there are set out story died too, but is a fascinating peace in a b c about love, partners, left partners and eager form in his is partner. Here they have these alleged recordings of President Trump, what the heck, what they do and recording president Trump. So here's the title, the article take her out a recording, appears to capture trumpet a private dinner saying he wants ukrainian Ambassador Marie evolving fire. So these guys Partisan foreman, who are supposed to be working with Giuliani to uncover allotted this ukrainian malfeasance in the election day
data recording of the President now Joe I talk to you often I can tell you with absolute candor. I have never once recorded Jos Converse outside of this ship why? Because why would I be recording job you're, crazy record? Somewhat, is if you're trying to embarrass summer humiliate them or use it for some kind of evidence? Why, with a recording trump? Oh, let's go to the peace and see the date on this. This is where it gets really crazy. The recordings appear to contradict statements by Trump and support the narrative that has been offered by partners during broadcasts interviews in recent days. Familiar with the recording data recording was made during an intimate April, thirty, twenty eighteen dinner at top internet Why Crazy, I don't you. In light of the New York Times, comes out with a story. May second treaties about this is not correct. Time about
are there's an illicit fuel going on with ukrainians how to restart this segment. What's the question, the question was this a coordinated hit on the Trump team from the start, I'm going to let you answer that one, but I'm just going to lay out the timeline again and I want to move on some other stuff. So one April thirtieth of twenty eighteen, a guy who is pretending to be a friend of the Trump the Partisan, this guy eager who are working with Giuliani. I my we got information, Ukraine's really bad Democrats, our record. The president illicit way
Couple days later, the New York Times right, it's a story, hey. I think we got a quid pro quo in in Ukraine. The president's pressure in Ukraine and his team to dump the matter for investigation is holding up these javelins she's, not true. He wasn't holding up the javelins the missiles. Then we see a couple days later, a couple, a hack, democratic centres, three them to be precise, writing a letter to the Ukrainians. Hey. We need information about this quid pro quo, which fell flat without a test run. What was porn is doing, recording the present April thirtieth. Twenty to what was he doing so exactly was poorness working with without a test run that fell flat because the javelins weren't delayed.
But a test run where everybody involved in the anti Trump Cabal to impeach him said hey this one fell flat with the Javelin man afford thing, but next time they have a change in the presidency the annex c, o B, listen in alarm call with Ukraine. We can get some traction on this if we can just get trump dimension by not here in that one anywhere I who, and big fat had Tipp to the legendary to seven. I was at a test run. I think the answer is Crystal clear and then, when the test run, didn't work out, Adam ships had let's make this next.
Angelo Foolproof, let's go higher Samina, see staffers an aching, coordinated, a fake whistleblower. That way when Trot, makes us call of even mentions by we're going right back to the quid pro quo. Again we like that and this guy porn is wound. That's crazy, always recordings scam. People are such suckers for this stuff. Unbelievable facts matter line that up and you can answer the question again I'll leave you here we get a move on. Was this a coordinated hit? I think the answer right now is quite obvious or less sponsor exceeded video come enough, don't go anywhere, one of the worst I've ever seen, but whatever I mean, I gotta give interesting angle on this other media. We, the people, all stirs the back. They are back their lots of Ulster bran institution lot of em. Look the same thing: you see the price, starting it just thirty, seven dollars. We, the people, holsters or custom, made right here in Amerika.
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Since a panel on down my men show, you know my history with on my men for those of you who been regulations, I had a blow out with diamond before I sign with Fox news items to do some commentary on CNN, and I believe I was banned from CNN after that, which is a all k with May lemon that nobody was talking about that night. So I had to call him out for what he was, which is it. You know tv hack who doesn't know a damn thing about anything, but they had a panel last night with Rick Wilson, another guy I've never heard of before, but Don Lemon- and this is I mean this- is really nasty stuff. They the panel just the generates into a full blown attack on how stupid. Oh, you, Trump supporters are out there, which would be interesting to my doctor friend. Do tweets me at night is probably the small,
No you are is but an smartest guys ever matters. A big advocate for present trunk z, beliefs policies are actually working and I believe in fact, that data but again work clearly not a smart, is Rick Wilson that this other gentlemen and up and down Mammon tv guys, are checked this panel and get ready to be really upset. You may have seen a ready, but this is worth repeating. This is bad news check, Donald Trump couldn't find Ukraine and a map. If you had the letter you and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it, he knows that this is you know administration defined by ignorance of the world, and so that's partly him playing to thereby recent playing their audience enough. The credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump, this once long process more one- and there are we all your latest Will you with their geography in your maps and your spelling? no, my wrap your reading, Urim, zero energy
no in other countries, Ok all those lines on the map. Only then will lead us nowhere. Ukraine is sorry. I apologize don't worry about it. Works hard. I blame Eric boy. Are you going to hold a vote those goods are That was a girl. What I needed that you're all credulous Boomer robes, apparently now a couple had taken
as on this because you're gonna, see a lot of this anti beat, and I got it- went viral for all the wrong reasons on Twitter. Listen pilot on request bricks. Does this all the time? It's Rick's thing you know, and I honestly I think he enjoys the attention so anything tweeting their makes any difference at all. I'm pretty much insomnia leave Wilson aside for a moment, but a genuine question here to take waste number one What do they think they get out of this? I'm not sure, obviously, obviously, Wilson Age, trumpet the other guy I'll show you tweet in a minute fairly is a big fan either. But this goes back to the Hilary deplorable comment, the comment a binding the other day we play this week, insinuating that euro morons, you know the comments overall bye by booty, judge and others I'm.
Genuinely not sure from a tactical political perspective. If your goal is to influence fifty one percent of the electorate to go out and vote for the guy, you are supporting, rather than the guy Wilson down lemon and there is hate. Do you sincerely do you think this helps now listen one to throw stones about commentary. I listen to people all the time. I don't know I'm not asking, though I've got a thick skin on it. It happens. I get attacked all the time, but when it wait when Joe and you can vouch for me on this- you been here a long time and then you know you don't fudge the numbers here. We always make the distinction we try to. When we are told, think about dopey, radical anti four left this and the Democrat body Politic. I say all that, I'm not talking about rank and file Democrats. I, they had a lot of you out there in the country have sincerely EL views. I disagree with you, you, maybe you
if you are concerned about gun violence, because you have kids the same reasons that we just I just don't think you're solutions are gonna help because they're not solutions. I get that we make. These guys? They make no distinction at all your basically all a bunch of quote credulous. Rumour robes, and they I mean they just laugh at you. They think you're moron! Well, we'll see how Tom you will see how many people show up in the election who really want to be told their credulous boomer rooms for number two more serious part of his two: here's, a tweet by the other paneless. Some. Now all members names. Three can I got this was the other gentlemen on the panel requested AOI Ali was hot. Forgive me from seeing your neighbor he's had was a hot Ali, so tromp president Trump treated out. The clip and apparently Ali got a little sensitive about that. He says tromp treated our sea and include for two days ago. Friends are now concerned about my safety area.
Here's to be intimidated and bullied by bad faith actors. You cry fake victimhood, which is what he's doing right now by the way think about a harmless silly. Thirty second clip, while endorsing tromp accrual vulgarian who debases everyone, listen. I just said to you: do you man you're on CNN. You wanna be funny insults from support, as you think it's a viral clip. Is it? Do you think this show, as moments we go on. I read to you, do you, but I'm going to say by the way, caviar full stop period. We We have done this over and over and I'll do it again. It is worth repeating we disavow and any you're, not welcome threats VI, I would say yes of network we ever ever period full stop no further. Obviously, but having said that, this show I could go through them all day me, Paula, probably Joe to oh yeah. We get
threats, all kinds of you and your men and you folks, listen to me If you're gonna go on the air and do that stuff, then don't call and victim status later. They I'm sorry it's horrible. I wish you wouldn't happen. We disavowing one thousand percent, but then come back and send tweets that your somehow the victim you want on the air and called sixty plus million Americans a budget. Opie rubies and made fun of em and laughed about it again. We fully
guess about any. No one should be threatening, but now you're claimant victim status think it out of the public space. This happens to us all the time. Sadly I wish it were and it is part of the business we get Facebook messages on my page all day about every should have heart attacks. We should be gay its. I wish it didn't happen these gentlemen, but stop with the victim stuff. Ok, it's pathetic. I know, and I gotta get to this last. One had Tipp again to the great at Techno fog at Techno, underscore fog on Twitter, don't know who he or she is just. No. To really gonna count for information. He had covered this jam. Yes, remember five accord scare you all know the Pfizer Court scandal the FBI. The OJ in conjunction with intelligence officials, obviously spider.
The tribe Tina. We now know that day Horowitz Report and how I did it was getting a warrant through the Pfizer cordially the foreign intelligence surveillance courts. Now defies the court claim there are now really upset about it, and even pointed in ass the gator showed a look at what happened. You lie to that's what I'm an old collusion thing was a hoax. That's what happened! This is funny the guy they of point showing you again how the swamp is deep, deep. They have like mangrove routes at your in Florida. You know how does not have at the roots go deep. A swap is deep. You can't do that to swap rats these you're, like the mangroves. If Lord and protect and all other beautiful man goes, we love them. Comparing actually offensive to the Maghreb. Mangroves outside of my house are now deeply offended. I compare the deceased my breath, but they go deep so who does Pfizer Court appoint to look at this malfeasance
Joe. This is crazy point. This guy David Chris, who Techno Fog Twitter found, is that this is a screenshot from his twitter feed Techno Underscore far David Chris, now, apparently due to some, but for years or whatever they got a hold of some of his aim else please emailing Stuart Evans and Task WA. We involved with the involved with J and FBI in the spy gate scandal to and David Curse, the guy who must be looking at this malfeasance he emails. I get a lot of this one David, hello d, O J rejected. I have been asked by the imposed to write it up at on the forthcoming Pfizer memo from Chairman Devon Newness says: if you get stuck, Anything in the draft. I will modify or cut for you owe this guy, oh wow, what you think this is trouble
the guy you're supposed to be looking at the Pfizer abuse that Devon Nunez, exposed, was writing the d o J, F B. I personnel involved in Why is this scandal and misleading defies the court and is riding through them asking for their feedback? An operator's riding in the worshippers retraced avenues Ladys in general, this is not a joke. This is the guy. The Pfizer courts That's our dude! That's our! Do I get Throbs It is for seven million way to say dude. This is one of us. I confused do things that you can't be this stupid like too read this. Is your guy? You can't be they stop all it gets better. Here's another one had to techno fog, beautiful another great catch David ass, we wrote the operator has little boilerplate. They hear favorite Chris served as a national secure advisers to the Clinton campaign, and twenty sixty Joe this is-
all crazy talk creating Chris David Chris, the guy the fires court, wants to look. Abuses that defies the court on the Trump team now wrote in bed get out ahead of a new nets to expose the abuses. There was also a national, secure adviser to MRS Clinton. Us all a coincidence. Folks nothin see here man, nothing, don't you worry it's all I reject the deep state. Isn't real, that's dead, the swamp is all our imagination part this is recording days later. A media reports appear days after that Democrat senators or Legend quid pro quos. It falls apart. It resurfaces out swamp rats, go to work for Adam Schiff in the same month of fake whistleblowing.
Worry media people know reporting necessary. It's all one big, a sobs fable, gavel to the melon tat. This was a great show. Sorry, I know self praise thinks, but this if, if you are not convinced after the show that there is an ongoing coordinated effort amongst fetid stinking swamp rats, to destroy this president, I'm sorry I mean this. U, Syria We need help denying its existence. This makes you look for you can justify it all. You want. We don't like tramp, he Sage case a decade or what fat justify it all you want, but pretending it doesn't exist, you're just a moron, I'm really sorry. The facts are irrefutable. I folks
yet for unity, and I really appreciate I have promoted while, but please check out. We ve been exploding by the way by GINO Report, DOT, com bond GINO report that. Your conservative alternative to the now sadly left leaning Drudge report. There was a it came out yesterday on Twitter. Air traffic has exploded, we're up five thousand percent as people Exit Drudge Report and make our budget report their homepage. We really appreciate it: Thou had Tipp to map Colombo, arrive, great work, aggregating the best conservative news of the day by GINO Report that completes shaken up. We really appreciate excellent folks, I'll see automatic you just heard TAN Bonn, GINO yeah. You can also get dance, podcast zone, Itunes or sound cloud and follow then on twitter. Twenty four seven at De Bonn, GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.