« The Dan Bongino Show

A Watershed Moment Is Imminent (Ep 2090)

2023-09-18 | 🔗

Have things finally gotten bad enough? Are we about to witness a massive political shift? In this episode, I address the signs.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Give way to hear the truth about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host Dan VON. You know, I'm gonna get the whole show in an hour today. I just dont by the way just, so you know by physical internal status. Right now. I worry here by death, I had the longest weekend ever, but I slept last night like a champion about eight and a half hours which for me might as well be twenty four hours asleep. So why, got this morning. Did I not just save ii that energy saving just say? I look forward to his show this in a long time. I had I got so much. You call a credible and amazing weekend updates so much happen. In our view, are but he's talking about the hunter Biden, staff couldn't get whenever I don't have the time on friday edge. I've learned about it in a car, and I Don't like talking about self. I don't know. I hope you all understand are the growing
Sports roma stakes are opening put some sizzling. You september stay fired up, four fall grilling with fifty percent of all states during this stage, timber sale of it at all. My high stakes, thou com, key word by gino aright one day I gotta a to talk about again. I get that the honour by an update and the left a down on kooky lunatic stuff in liberal cities? I've got the receipts to back it up today. Show is bad Do you buy on this big monday? I gotta tell you there. We go and tat perfect time he'll sleep does I slept like it. champion my midnight lux he'll, sleep matters, agree day begins with a great night sleep you're missing out of you not sleeping on a huge matches, heels offers twenty unique mattresses for big tall shore wide, even special ones for kids find a perfect fit phillips. Prove is a one hundred night in home. Sleep shower no matter what your sleeping position helix is the mattress for you, memory foam hybrid, all the responsive to the individual, with enhanced cooling features to keep you from overhead
He was about covered care and a great night see my helix matches. The best. I've slept that set up for fast and easy, don't take my word for it and after jake you and wired magazine of named helix their number one mattress and it is take the he'll sleep. Was it he'll sleep accomplished dan find your purpose. mattress in under two minutes as a bonus. Helix is offering twenty percent of all matches, orders and you he pillows for my list he's gonna he'll sleep, tat, calm, slash danny, like the sign language go, and I know what the hell is. This is this. italian thing about this. best offer yet and it won't last long ill exceed our com, slash dan with helix hiv ally, eggs, better sleep starts now. I just Would my wardrobe in a week and all my gosh dude you have now by way Joe and Gay got a lotta shout out so without get up too much of the shows time. You know I only to weaken update on Monday and oh boy, you, my personal life, because go on politically, but this weekend was bananas. We did a cop. What book signings first I
put out a mass of apology from the bottom of my broke in hard on this. We did book signing in north carolina and for everyone who showed up and didn't get a book. I am so, deeply. Sorry, I don't want to throw anybody under the bus I just because it's not it's not cool but you. Do your own explanation. So The bottom line is ass. They only brought about two hundred and twenty works or something like that in a couple of back covers? Am I follow the money and others right? Here's thing. Folks, out of you, know this, but you can read these articles out there on the internet authors right now, I mean really famous authors are showing the book signings, when nobody there now oh no team bond, gino and the army here in the chad. Let me give you guys want to shout out Gee now are you coming override. Now you go, There we go. You are well slayers I tried to explain that store, thereby,
two hundred plus post was not going to satisfy the bog gino army and they said we had famous guy show gear in six people showed up eyes, that ain't gonna happen. There's gotta did do this habit. So. There's gotta be four five hundred people there so sure of Four five hundred people showed up. So all we Paul and I been trying to make it right. people drove Virginia some we went from Australia. It was like good. I am I to do oh geez flew from Australia. Carolina damn I've dude would have cancelled it in advance. If it wasn't my dad's hometown, because I noticed was going to happen, so my sincere apologies, if you show to I love you all, but I can only control and I can control. actually the villages reading a book signing there in florida they brought
Four hundred bucks we solved not only four hundred, but they sold. Ninety more before I even showed his book. Some people couldn't wait. Thank you to everyone. I want to auburn worry, go watch the game. Auburn kicked ass, a man was, you know sandford whenever, but everyone or mcgreevy, would open arms is speech, auburn, packed house also thank you to turning point for us is indeed a fundraiser for the great robinson dad. You did this two and a half days, yes, spencer, my daughter folks, it was crazy. They reside crazies. We can ever papa its thanks to our. Is it now from wisconsin. He knows we give the university was caught in a shout. I would also pay gametes had rather and in Josh I met kid just I'm sitting at an intersection and auburn get ready. Gotta games, some guy's dead. juno, oh my god, and is a hundred people around send out arrow? Looking like that day about you know I gotta
this is what happened last story. I promise you we're gonna get their real. Stop he's, I gave my rig up those Jimmy. I see this is tall kid, and he's like eighteen is looking at me. I reside this cat? So I guess this girl, and this guy in front of me, like the standby gino, like my dad this issue, so one walk into the kid doorway and I promised them cause. I'm a man of my word. I give my shout out if you watch the show so josh A man of my word shout brother, and it was nice media on campus of auburn university. I get to the big stuff. So big interview a trump this weekend I meet the depressed. they cover this at length. Tomorrow. I have the clips remit today, but that the interviewer was kristen, welcome from NBC and Kristen workers used to interview me she's, never mistreated me personally, but I mean I don't want to. I don't want a personal relationship with Kristen walter, I'm in politics sky, I'm an activist and crystal
I'll go. Basically, why do out to interview which is strange? Does I gotta tell you an interview, but how many times and then be sea. Despite me, having less than zero respect for NBC Christy worker I always thought was at least gonna. These attempt to try. And she didn't even try to beyond the interview was it describes. So a cover to morrow at length. everything she said that was just factually and accurate, and I'm gonna bring the receipts to show you she's. Just why don't Trust journalists there just wires, but there would did make news this weekend. First I'll get There are good stuff in it. It was a abortion interview, don't jive with at all, and I am not abandoning my support for donald trump I'll, explain why, however, We disagree on stuff too and try to get him in a different direction. He knows. I don't agree with him on this. Why? Because we ve about it on the radio? producer receipts, for that is a good start. First, this our job as a great answer. I've spoken to tromp personally about this and folks
I'm telling you for a fact and look anyone the I I'm not going. spinner wheels good stuff bad stuff rises best about stuff down? Opera is not afraid of going to jail, afraid, he's gotta go golden toilet ball or we'll. Never splendid! I'm telling you I've spoken to this guy many times and if he's what not an act. Its degree stacked I've ever seen, because one thing donald front doesn't do. Is he doesn't hold back when you feel some way if he was to tell you this man, I gotta stay out of jail, you he would have said something and We want to talk. To me gives the exact same answer. He does not fear going to jail he doesn't want to, but he's in no way scared of. Your christian walker asked them about this. I thought this was the best part of me and if you take a look,
facing foreign diamonds. Ninety wine phelan, each of you would say at the properly I'm facing forbidden indictments, she told the justice department to indict, am or marriage garland said lives indicted. Let me ask you this. Mr pray indicted their political up. All I just want to hear from you on this. I want to know what's in your head, when you go to bed at night, do you worry about going to jail? Noah Billy? I don't even think about it. Built a little differently, I guess, because I have had people come up to me and say: how do you do it, sir? I didn't do it. I don't even think about it. He does in folks. I don't know what to tell you I've been out, an honest and open supporter donald trump? You know that I don't hide my political stripes. I don't pretend to be a fake news. Specialists like Kristen all of american now with her just at unbelievable. Why again after tomorrow show you gonna, be convinced the media are all a job she beam and try to tell the truth. On her report.
In question averages lie. But he is not kidding. Legitimately not afraid to go to jail, he's told me this he's told said this in front of my wife. He said this in front of multiple supporters. He does onto is that stupid, but he is not afraid of going to jail. He knows he's on the right side of this and, if he's gotta be a political martyr, then he's gotta be a political martyr and he's accepted that fate I was kind of I thought the best interview, the best part of the interview. There are some other good parts to this part: listen I am an avid pro life for, and I feel that way it's not just an issue of faith. It's it's an issue of almost it's a it's an issue, almost a a agnostic of in its essence. In other words, yes Faith teaches me that life begins inception. I understand that, but I say
agnostic of faith, because what I don't understand is you don't even have to be a person of faith stand that it's probably not a good thing to kill babies in the womb. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, you do you really needed They really need some higher power to tell you that I'm glad my higher power does but do you needed a meaning if you're a die hard atheist. I disagree with your position, but you still understand how wiping out a human life in the womb, because its inconvenient for you is not a good thing. I don't get that I am pro life avidly pro life conception to natural death because ads continuum of life works out. We support the death penalty. Some of you know like that. again, I'm never going to lie to you. We don't have to agree on everything I have to agree on everything with dollar job. I didn't like criminal justice reform. However, ice or donald trump. We got the abraham accords. We got massive
tax cuts, we get economic growth back We don't have a war with software with china and hard work going on in russia. We got me. The regulatory reform we got role we wait overturned. Do judges appointed I support action. I dont want to date, Donald trump, the guy's gonna do shit. I don't want to. He's gonna talk shit. I'm sorry said that that's also while I grant this at this rightly said, does stuff? Do you know talk smack, he goes and does it florida one of these rare guys who support one, but I'm never can address the other, because then a treasure about I just use the other guy for now I think he deserves another shot. But I was really dig in this answer at all. He was asked about abortion bans at fifteen weak six weeks hard be bells. Are things by christa maugre go and
to her framing the question, which was ridiculous and obscene interested outright lie. She claimed I'll give you subtleties of her more. She ridiculously claimed democrats. Don't support abortion till up until pregnant up until our delivery, the birth of a child. That's just ridiculous, that's not backed up by The facts are just made it up. she just why did shrubs face, Our credibility. You can throw out the window, but this was not the best answer and explain why come back? Listen, President, I wanted give voters who are going to be weighing in on this election. A very clear sense of are all going to like me. I think both sides are going to let a limit to happen is you're going to have to splash us and you're. Asking me a question: what's going to happen, is you're going to come up with a number of weeks or months you're going to come up with a number that is going to make people happy? Because ninety two percent of the Democrats don't want to see abortion after a certain period of time.
Federal ban landed on your desk. If you were reelected, would you sign it at fifteen point zero to run a complete ban, I've ban it fifteen wealth of people. People are starting to think of fifteen weeks. That seems to be a number that people are talking about right now, and you find that I wouldn't. I would sit down with both sides and negotiate something and will end up with peace and that issue for the first time in fifty two years. Another step would, I wouldn't I mean to sanctify with those willing to sign a five weaken six week, betty support that tackling flooding or is a terrible thing in a terrible mistake Listen, I wholeheartedly and completely disagree with that position. I want to be on the record. I just completely disagree with that position. Ike. I can reconcile that with faith with morale. I can't I can't reconcile batter all sorry. and I won't. However, having said that, what can we do
talk about this honestly and openly we're gonna bullshit each other. I just stated unequivocally my position: everybody got it. That's a full stop period position. That's it. and I want to discuss with him. When I see him if he was open to it, I tol heartily disagree with that. Politics is a projection of power and if we can defend human life at all stages and there's no point any this exercise, I'm not going I children's life for anyone. Having said that,. As I have said to you many I mean I can't even I can't even count how many times I've told you download trump is not your traditional conservative. Any eddie. Do tells you otherwise. This line, I don't mean that as an insult I mean it is reality, donald Does it transactional? Guy comes from the business space, Recognizes something that a lot of people don't right now, which is the pilot?
so the abortion argument in some places of work and in some places they have? It he's tried it's kind of no pun intended to do the solomon split the baby, and it's gonna work, the damage rats or radicals on this. There is no restriction on abortion whatsoever, open Birth and even after birth, in some cases, Democrats will take none for Publicans descend say to come, so their complete radicals out of touch would probably eighty percent, the united states and nato care they are. The projection of their power and their powers about killing babies- that's it. our side- should be just as rigorous on this and if we're not willing to go and defend their position against people will in a murder, babies at nine months fully formed children. Then I'm sorry than we don't have a movement is useless. We get defend life who gives a shit about the tax rate but I mean I'm out of the venue me: I've been alive to pay taxes that point our present
just is. We don't want abortion because it's an abomination and that's it we're going to fight for it, and if the voters disagree, that's fine, as it cannot be. The only thing we fight for no cause there's going on but it don't matter, then I can. Are we not a conservative. so I'm a little bitter about this he's transactional and I get it. And is record on abortion by the way is better than a record on this. Now, for those their because again, there's so many people. This movement is the generated in his primary, sadly into these two factions, where no one can speak. Honestly, I love This anti stayed with that bill in florida. of what the others have done to he's done some good stop. However we'd be honest about trump anti abortion issue too, because we ve got both sides now at each other's throats. And if this doesn't talk about he's a fake go if you That's all right! You! Nobody tells me what to talk about. My show you guys
and none of these guys have done shit they've never with their name on a ballad levities geyser guys losers. Anyway, don't tell me what to talk about I've been a pro life are running on it in a blue stay where you are your finger up, your ass do enough it, so you can see your pie hole. The hell have you done. spoken a rally once but a young man in a thousand rallies. Where I didn't see you there. Yes, this issue matters to me. Having said that, you want to be honest about trumps record. Ok, you didn't like the answer. I didn't I get either he's also want, first president to speak at the march for life rally and roby weight is gone because it trump that's a fact. So let's have an honest conversation and cut the bullshit. Ok, disagree with the money answer, wasn't a good one. He should clean it up, but let's not pretend
and this guy didn't actually do stuff, while a lot of so called mormons like mitt, romney and religious people of faith, and even christians and others on a single him out said: oh we're going to do a lotta shit about abortion and didn't do a damn thing. How can we be honest with the fair? It was great florida, I love it would trumped. It was great you. It wasn't a great answer and we should give an opportunity to clarify just like give anyone else. An opportunity to clarify honesty, I'll be phonies. Ah you, well now, trump on abortion before ba you're, a moron. Here's to the other again to the twitter warriors for the other primary candidates who have spent their entire time as their candidate sink in the polls attacking other people rather than Joe Biden in what is the most ridiculous, losing strategy. I've ever seen. Have you This here
the receipts. Here's me interviewing donald trump about abortion, which I've spoken em about privately and publicly many times we disagree. We disagree on this position. Pegula so maybe you someplace should have been won. I the no exceptions for your governor heard and very badly, and I think that hurt You know that hurt scented candidate. I said her nurse and candidate, but the no exceptions when a governor went- and I said you didn't have to exceptions colliding the very hard, if not impossible, kept in certain sections to win without having the exceptions. On the abortion- and if you don't do that, I think it's a very difficult situation and you know why I beaten me just say I I disagree. I I love you, MR president, but I know I know you do. I think it's very hard to, but
yeah I don't know, I don't count ronald reagan who did ronald Reagan, had the exceptions I had to accept. I dunno and you know you get through it. I think the abortion issue was a tough issue for a lot of people. I do think that wine listen you're, not wrong about the politics of and, however there you, I believe, is a bigger issued and so the bull shit artists out there again. You ve never run for office in a blue state as a pro life. Her for the bullshit artists out their claim. No, it's every call them out. There's the receipts ay holes right there. Have you done that? He's right about the politics which I told them and I think, he's wrong on the issue which I told them. the this primaries really disgusting. I gotta tell you I'm aware the I'm sorry, I'm I'm dead serious where p on both sides of this debate, pro trump and eighty trump think there
had a rough alienating. The other side. I don't understand what you're gettin out from we should speak up. when we and honestly with the said, it about abortion. Florida was a good thing. What trump did about abortion, everybody talked about getting rid of Roby way, you know did it shrubs judges, a point by people who recommended to him pro life. Judges Those are facts. I disagree with the answer which, yes, I confronted him on many times. the difference is he does stuff because he's a transactional guy, while others just talk about Alright, I got a lot more to get to. I don't want to beat this up too much because there's a ton of stuff hunter Biden. I get sorry lightness Joe Biden soon, the irs Ricky go areas. This is a b, the greatest self own in the history of president, your PA, they hotter bide, suing the irs lighten up the show.
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us alive man and it's no good and is no good, because this election season's going to get ugly folks. This is going to frosty like really frosty and things are going to have really bad? I I don't know by you, let me know, and chad you get the feeling, I'm getting I've said before something not right is going to happen. I don't wanna, be a negative nancy here, but something something good, is gonna happen. I can feel it I don't know if it's Biden, age or the danger surrounding donald trump, which have spoken about openly someone dropping out at the last minute of ST chaos. There's gonna be incident and the thing is, you never know what it is and toll it happens. I say that jody remember to Bernie, gets thing in new york. Anyone but remember the subway vigilante you, of course, where you world the time no you're right over there. You gonna make it So there was this thing in new york. You know nobody knew when new york was going to be bad enough and things were going to change and then the subway they call him the subway vigilante sky. Bernie goetz. I don't know if you remember this guys, but he was
rob than the subway think riddick by a bunch of kids screwdrivers. He winds up. odin, the kids it wound up like starting this big movement in new york, where people started to focus on crime and you never know when these moments are going to happen that are going to cause a chaotic like she waited equilibrium moment where everything changes like an extinction level event you don't what they are. I ll give you an even better example. Relevant politics are united. Then, at last friday, honour on a radio shop. I remember how the tea party started. Some of you were. Listen. You remember in the chat you immorality party started. Let me know This review is a new rubber. It started on. I believe it was CNBC rick's and tally, who is a financial commentator, was talking about the financial crash? Do you all remember it? Is him getting a couple of yeses in there for, guess he member lady member Bernie gets to no one I was going to change your No one knew rick's. Antillean CNBC was gonna change the course of the country either he want if was talking about
financial meltdown and how we needed this, like new tea party, like that, you know that at the time the original tea party during the revolution- that's woodstock- The keyboard you go back and look about making it up like who would have thought a a meaningless media head on b c by a financial guy was going to start a revolution that basically brought it serve at a party fifty. It's the new seats and thousands more across the country. I mean it literally change the direction of the country and made them working party a lot more conservative before We were all tax cuts, after that we were tax cuts per alive, Second amendment constitutional, carry it change the course of the country. You don't know. What's going to happen, I wrote down here. Here is some of the variables any of it. These conflicts the course of the country. you you not and turn it into a forty one state victory I mean for either party Which would be a monster landslide. for you and forty one of the fifty states. I was thinking of
You got the hunter Biden thing going on chewing the irs's today. I can't wait for the disclosure to come out on that. We'll get to that in a minute. got the borders situation, bring the receipts role in this by the way, which is its turn. Now. It's total abomination, you got reed chaos everywhere. So a video, just yes, even unto showing it so much stuff to show a cop in chicago being beaten, would like a four by four trying to arrest the guy you got the black vote, seemingly changing by the day, and I get fit the percent of the black vote now not even close. If we get Fifteen percent of the black vote. Fifteen. ladies and gentlemen, electoral politics in the states changes forever forever, never be the same, you got china. I know who cross the street tomorrow to taiwan, draw all your electoral politics out the window. Guidance, age outer registers over yet it you don't believe, are any use of any of these things could be accidentally tea party moment a burning
at the moment, where the world just changes and nobody's eyes that euro no with that moment is gonna, be my point. Until it and you know like all my gus, who would thought that what happened then boom changed everything. Here's what's that the final to define. What are you talking about the bertrand Russell turkey? Probably who say that it is a job wakes up that point the bertrand Russell turkey programme, a turkey, probably judgmental time how everybody I gotta turkey's or email and their friends come to reform? This farmer fattened this up? We don't have to do squat we play around. The turtles, the real thing that turkey think Bertrand Russell. An email and nobody's come over mister? Turkey is the greatest place ever tell him that in january that in november, when happens, oughta turkey's, for their heads. The last start you right now knows. When of that thanksgiving is common threats, Here's the receipts to back it up new york, post,
murders in staten island saw a hundred twenty nine percent. Twenty twenty three Why do I bring this up? Why you bring it up new york? Is this? Is an international shop shouted at? from australia by the way it came to barbosa north carolina people, listen olive. Let me explain you from around the world and around the country. Why staten island new york is important, Of the five boroughs of new york queen Brooklyn Manhattan, Bronx, staten, island, an island is always been considered. The safe place, it's an island! its people. Just have lived there forever. It's all spend the safest boroughs. It's almost like a refuge for everybody wants escape new york, but still be quote in the city. If murders are up a hundred twenty nine percent staten island the safe place. Ladies and gentlemen, things really bad. You may say gosh instead, What are we gonna change? Definitely the answers. the burning gets moment, sure here.
a new yorker, happens to be black again. Doesn't concern me your skin color, but democrats are obsessed with it. Here's a new yorker! I caught again asked regular on the street interview isn't new yorker simulation problem. This is no good again is the immigration thing, gonna be the issue, the changes. Everything can be crime. I dont know I have a feeling something big is going to happen here. Listen to this message is caused a border. These people like how come they get to cut the line in for millions of people waiting there waiting to come to america. The right way way: big, it
Pushing for the migrants are legal migrants, making everything they put them. First put america's americans last. We need to be america first, not america's laughs. Do you think that I see was responsive to messages like this? Now she covered little party conference are only cause us. She kept on top and the same thing housing for my brains, work per migrants, but what about our homeless veterans? What about homeless, americans? She puts them. What's the migrants first us lass. Now, because this show has a bullshit factor of zero and one ever going to lie to you because you? like, I told you in twenty twenty two and I'm telling you what twenty twenty four don't get. Excited think in all this. Is it man look a bit female new yorkers, really pissed off at immigration, they're gonna change, everything, we're gonna win new york. not so much of this new yorker state news article
greens assembly district, twenty seven special election results, yet a democratic one. Queens by the way, when I lived there, I'm a queen skid always been a queen skit love queen. One of the fibers in a europe that was public in area growin up there, special action. You think people are really pissed off any argument. The immigration crime, the taxes the democratic one. Everyone, a lady, a man? What does it mean? Give up? Let's This is all bullshit now tell me that they mean Let's not make the mistake. We made twenty twenty two. Get ahead of ourselves. Thinking is definitely a change. I don't need to vote now. You do. You need to vote, bring ten people because, stages, had an election in what used to be a republican area queens and a democratic one day, one more quick before daybreak. Here they are by the way in case you think. Oh, it's definitely bad enough in new york, it's just not new york city
response times to fires, medical emergencies, restoring alone, would fire death? My guys, they said People are dying, immigration, attic control, taxes, ETA control, the economy collapsing in new york. Democrats, the one special action, Shows you the power propaganda people die, and fired ass. They can pay the cops anymore. Slobodan Democrat Democrat. We take quick bring. I want to show you probably one of the most you guys agreed disturbing videos were Let me just warn you like this is now ok, good Josiah to like Let me just wanting advances thanks videos I bs and watch, but again it. Insanely enough. After watching this video, I still don't think it's got bad enough yet for people to change it could. Birdy gets moment. The tea party vote could be right around a corner. Sadly, don't think there,
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Sorry and ordered eggs is exclusive offers only available for a limited amount of time they fired up or for growing, fifty percent of all states during stake- timber sale of it that's all mistakes that calm keyword, bond gino, almost star? Come he word mancino. Thank you very much. So, are things bad enough. Yet they are not ideal. I always produce the receipts, their bad enough, yet their jaws, not less the elder ran others ran for governor california, but he's got all excited. California is so bad, but he's even again gave a new someone in europe. sky, just one special election, you things! One of these moments is going to be the tea party mobile happened now this past week, and so an innocent biker is right. By down the street these. These gave these criminals are in this car, their driver, car first day the hit some lady and start kherson area additives have away because the work on the radio but I want you to listen whole thing on pie, guess where you can hear it.
Then they proceed to just run down an innocent biker you're going to see this year and I think the guy died or something like that. You need to hear the the bad enough? Yet this is our country So again is a bad enough. Yet clearly, not god
early foresee majority in the house. We know even run the Senate right now. Again, I m not suggesting view republicans or the solution or your problems. Simply suggesting view the Democrats are the cause of all your prompt. This is hard to watch, However, in a better way again I give you the good news and the bad news, and sooner or later on that excel spreadsheet of good and bad news. The good news allow away the bad news and will start to win and take our country back, but we're not do it by being naive about where we are just like that did with the opening would trump I give to you Information you need to vote is why support hears. Why? Here's the good stuff used the bad stuff. They are not backing down. Folks, liberals or doubling down on crazy, but it starting impact, more people who are being woken up by to play this friday on the pod gas. But I play it on a radio, but this Is amazed,
act voter on fox he's democrat. and he had some interesting words about trump And Joe Biden come an omen of body bag from Afghanistan ladies and gentlemen, some powerful stuff, and it goes to show you that people are waking up. The question is how many policy is the projection of power through votes votes or people how many are going to show up were pissed off. The answer is: we need to get more, However many we have it's not enough. The sooner this big I e, mostly geared towards donald trump, really I think I've seen. Yes, I have seen the pull out of afghanistan from Joe Biden and then I watched him check his watch during their funeral, the funeral of the serviceman, and I think if we were to go to a war on prime age to be drafted, and I don't want him to check his his watch while their bury me, I dont believe it he's a competent commander,
the chief and you probably my doubts on climate change. In the same way, he blamed the ballade. Have you seen one donald trump wow, I don't want him checking my is watch while I come moment a body bag and blaming my death on climate change. This I don't know this young man. I never met him in my life, but I get a tire policy. since our soundbites snapshots and that's a pretty damn devastating one I don't want him check at his watch what like a moment of body bag and blame it on climate change, your guy young man who claims that bit democrats and our trump supporter folks, devastating starve, is it me more gonna win in a landslide twenty twenty four. I just told you, I'm not sure we woke enough people up. Yet I'm tellin you right out. The awakening process has begun. There is no doubt about that. What's gonna be the question. Is
key titled to show the watershed moment. What's he gonna be. What's that watershed moment gonna be, is it going to be hunter it's gonna, be his age is gonna, be the immigration thing. gonna be sri chaos. Is it going to killing on the subway, I don't know I'll. Tell you another variable I mentioned in the beginning. That's just go away and always jenny, yo hilda alf on anyone I mean that the bottom of my heart. I don't wish that on anyone, however, everybody dies, we all Evan expiration date. I've had scares with it myself as you get older, I've got news for you, you're closer to them. Expiration date you have it fatal disease. Its the same way, those are the harsh realities of human biology. By is all he is clear, fully cognitively impaired, Another demonstration of the job
nature s. You shall my brought up repeatedly. That happened again. Take a look at it. You see how we get You don't know what to do again, guys this conversation is getting all coming into chad of your sick. It is yes, sick? These or no I'm not. I want to see more job. I get lost on stage if you ve done cinema rostov. You understand this. Guy has yet to get off the stage where he actually knows where to go. A lot of your sycamore. Well, yeah! That's! No! Yes, I think so we yeah you are cyclical. well you're. Not so yes was your second, I know you're, not folks, I think I know I think I can say that the question you understand His lot, an ok, no good, ok with you folks,
The guy is given instructions by both staff in the secret service? What to do every single time for the thousands of times There is no way to screw it up unless forgot, which He always does because the guy is a broad. Nope be brains right now, you're, spaghetti yos for brains, but you're, ok, good! You do want to see more good. I was getting a confused as a couple. Yes yeses in there people but I think it's important. We expose his skin, he doesn't know where he is I did I did. I did geeze right very ambiguous phrasing of the question, so thank you all in the chat for figuring it out. Listen please do your friend, daddy, boombox, you're, ok, I promise you I did this for twelve years. Guys get a little card about what to do of them. Don't even use the card because they don't need we told folks I've given We a thousand speeches, the light
one I gave was a turning point auburn that have oh yeah. Just a few days ago, it was very simple: I'm going to introduce you you're gonna come out grabbed the might take a few questions. stage left we're gonna do twenty pictures with the staff- if we're going to leave the room you're going to walk out the door that I need anyone to write it down there who is there? as albert einstein hell, Nowhere is it It wasn't hard. Thereby gino you're dead What are you doing the moment? Dirty ma? You will know who it is your question saying we're going to have pictures. This was not hard and you leave how come Joe. Care can't figure it out, because the man as spaghetti owes more brains. That's why it's it's gonna be a moment No, no, I'm tellin! You right now disguise one fall away from be an anomaly and always ill health on any one. I am so sincere about that
want to see the guy fall. Impostors zero, but now my bag, a donut I'm telling you the guy's one fall away from Being a nominee flag, it the chad flag, because it's eleven forty three on september, what a thank you Into chad place, we need em flag, one fall away from being a nominee. It's that bad right now seem to be getting in january. As a seven second delay, and even here we go our. I love you chancer. You guys always come through in the clutch, but see that's on me. I didn't realize it was a seven second, the way it's good to know, so what I'm saying now. you're, going to hear in seven seconds. That's pretty cool but you're, probably say the yourselves dan. I see all this stuff. The street chaos defending the immigration measures really come into an clutch. Now I see it the debt
crasser, deaf, we're gonna course correct. They are not folks, they are doubling down on stupid and crazy. dan His brain received stereo new york posts, socialists, want to hit new yorkers with new migrants. axis burnham where's, my twenty five cents laugh guy where's the way no issue thumbs down the ivy really show new york, someone centres think like a gag store, they do twenty five cents. I love it knew work is being overwhelmed with illegal immigrants. This an island murder rate, which is the safest borough. New york is through the roof right. They can't even cops overtime, who's, your pay for illegals. People are complain and everywhere, yet a democrat still one and the socialists now want to tax the people into europe, really special migrant tax to pay for their new.
Illegal neighbours while they obey the law, you figure those of you out there, whether chat or at home, who think man then don't stop on they're gonna go crazy with us, shopping, everyday, these lunacy Eggs are going to double down. Why? Because they won It is one especially russia veneer. Why would they stop ok, intimate terms! Why would they stop? I point, and this is not to dissuade you it's to activate you. the say: there's one way to make them stop and it's called elections and you to go out and bring ten people with you. There's no excuses, or the lot of the young ladys and men. A turning point at the turning point group auburn university, which has great bodily pact out, was empty seat in their standing room, only right, all young Stu mostly. I said that Ah, you friends gonna make funny if you're republican, the care, I'm really sorry, I don't care. Thank you. You do what you want to save your country, get out,
be the misfits, be the renegades take over just do what we know how to do, which is for liberty and freedom and don't worry about what these kids say about you you're on the wrong side of history,. Go out there and fight for their knock, stop. honest hunter buying stuff, so he showing the irs today is this could be another game changing moment, I doubt because no matter what you say, the democratic gonna pretend they don't believe in the by Crime found, they all know, binds corrupt everybody, is abroad. Taking kid sniffing woman feeling loser with potato brains. Everybody knows Everybody understands that or binds suing the ira. This is great. This is actually the best news you ve heard all day apple things on hunter. Before I get this video by great kelly and Newsmax, which again absolute We conclusively shows that Joe Biden was knee deep in this. We'll wins, paddling operation, minister that the minutes minute don't go anywhere.
but just a thought on friday. What happened on friday, the hunter by an indictment on the gun charge, We do not fall for. This is why on twitter, in truth, I put out this is like another trap. Again, this I've been on the gun. Charge was done for reason. Anybody knowledge here and on a radio show on friday, yet be a renegade other. You rent chat, you damn right, here's the reason, This disgrace. Special council indicted him on the gun charge. because, no matter what happens in the gun charge, it's the one thing that does not involve is that so his dad can't be called in to testify occurred, but it's not relish into the kids hunter, bind through the gun out and wide on the form it is. the only reason. Why is going with this because their protect, dad you hear me in the chat. This is a trap. The scam again
they are never going to prosecute this guy on this gun thing. If they do, it's gonna be another nonsense. No time in jail, bs pay, a fine crap, if even that, the old We reason he's going forward with this is because it doesn't involve the dad They will never seriously prosecute the tax cut. Where are they axa evasion charge with this guy in charge. I'm sorry to tell you that this is another trap. The eye arresting is glorious that he showed the iris, because now we have a discovery process. The problem the irs is being run Why Biden, people probably forego discovery? Just the screw? Everything over I mean allies, how little faith I haven't the government but I think him soon. The irs is greece because now we're going to see what happened publicly in front of everyone having and I got to show you this video active gregg kelly news max for getting hold of this.
Folks, this is how grafting influence peddling and bribery works with public officials greg hell eightys it up. Why in the c span, video hunter Biden comes in greece, up. This business sky shakes his hand, dad comes over to say, winkie winkie nod, nod law com. his dad, but he never talks this, because he doesn't have two hundred years the show he is access to that end Joe Biden, leaves with the talked honour, winkie wiki, not now this damning video. We expect the urine Think from the left and christian welcome. Of course, not their active is still defend this stuff, but this is really good stuff watch this speech in south carolina. Look who's watching Joe the rope jewish musing everybody after this speech see where we have shaded there as hunter watching every step of the way. Next, video,
as jokes mousses at the right time, Hunter is still my hunter moves in our eyes. hunter moves in as soon as it turns to business, washing, listen here. Work some countries. It is my job, those right back to smoothing and watched the man's step away to conduct business separately. You see it right there, that's how it works. That's half before circumstantial by devastating folks red kelly's. Dad was re kelly, the police, commissioner, your gregg Kelly serve this country,
Kelly is not some crazy. The range lunatic gregg Kelly's round smart guy he's maize vice these fiery buddy brings the receipts and what he said. There is absolutely accurate you combine that, with the suspicious activity reports, the ten twenty three, the whistle blowers, the b. I informed the bank wrecked It's the photos, the voice, males the tax refer, the pictures, the laptop the Biden. Tapes were poorest genco, it is apps the clear beyond any remote reasonable doubt that, by was running an illegal drifting influence operation at about the white house, unlikely, the united states Senate and one people involved in this was most likely. The captain of this thing was his son hunter by their widens cases by the media that there's no evidence what are used was happening. There I mean You realize the suspension of disbelief you have to
engage into believed that Joe Biden was not need, deepen and influence peddling operation. You just saw how it works on tape. of course, devastating video it, doesn't matter kristen welcome and they don't care folks iraqi, sent away to think anybody at all. southern not that we're not convincing them, they already know binds it binds head of the binding criteria. You understand that right. They already know that their just trying to be communist agitators and that fact from you by pretending that tape is devastating all right. I wanted to end on this one because again, fighting is a sociopath. I've said before he cannot stop lie. He is a sociopathic liar. He no cause act relationship with lying at all the very kind of definition of a sociopath acquire, even though everybody knows he's lying. He can't stop. You know. Scott Peck wrote this, below the lie and
a damning indictment of all these people. We interviewed or absolute liars. They they're lying. They know, you know they're lying and they lie anyway. That's fine so for anyone out there voting in the next elections. While I dont like down of shopping on voting for character and Joe Biden, I've got news for you voted for some, but it sure sitting character. This guy's, a kid sniffing women feeling lying plagiarized, lunatic hearing again false We claiming for the price, the hundredth time that he was professor at this university. You talk classes or something when none of that ever happened, it's been debunked. I even liberals here. Listen to this, Democracy is under attack. we are afraid for it. I taught us universe for years. Niceties political theory. I always hear every generation suffice for democracy, hawks Roy
adding oatmeal brains is a sociopathic pathetic liar he never caught a single class. It doesn't matter as no cause and effect relationship at all, with the true again you for we have you want to vote, for, I told you I thought I want to save the country binds the worst present. Wherever I had s. History is not even a closer he's, even worse than obama. He is you argue all you want, but he's worse than obama, I'm as the second worst compared to this lunatic. don't tell me, you're voted for a character in the script, kid, the guys. Tiredly fulla shit. All the time reading. He says it's a lie: everything your problem. With donald trump, as he tells you the truth. Even with conservatives ease to my eyes to transactional for some and I get it. Some of you don't agree with that. I told you I didn't We would that answer either. Intelligent. We felt you know gonna get to have a job. I am,
thank you so much everyone who made the book a huge best seller, less we give to failure far superseded. My expectations are made first non political book, so I didn't think he's gonna blow up like a dead and it did so Thank you very much for having picked it up here, just read the reviews on on any of these websites. You know about a huge fan assemblies lefty size, but the reviews are pretty amazing. people really surprised by the book some Found that in for inspirational lot, alas slatter tears in air. I really happy I'm a little nervous about how is going to go so super impress the nicer subtitled book, the gift of failure, and if this Fails we'll have to rethink the name. I don't have to rethink the name because of you so thanks for supporting about. Please pick it up. I today, where we get you certain bookstores, and I have a book signing tomorrow in jensen beach sets tomorrow at the edge your coat comments. I believe it's at five o clock
and nobody on my twitter feed. If you scroll down, I have the book signings and one in naples coming up. I think this weekend so I'll put that out on twitter are true social. If you wanted take a look, and I will see you on a radio in just a few, thanks so much for tuna force. You know I love your base were shown up the sweet sooner. you just heard tan VON Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-20.