« The Dan Bongino Show

A Plan To Preserve Liberty (Ep 1433)

2021-01-12 | 🔗

In this episode, I discuss the ongoing war on conservative free speech by the tech tyrants, media totalitarians, and liberals.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee earth. Ladies and gentlemen, a sincere heartfelt from the bottom of my heart a single? cereal, non material being a particle of my soul. Thank you very much. Thank you for the outpouring and emails messages I receive phone calls tax for helping support. I use me bout me and others in this fight, parlor for free speech and were basically the future of the country. as we know it- and I am not getting that is not intended to be hyperbole. Thank you. I've got a lot to get you today. Putting this impending impeachment of Donald Trump by the liberals, who have, of course, completely lost their minds, and I want to clear up some confusion. A bunch of fake news
boys. I'm in show you again how this attack on us was coordinated a lot to get too. I don't want to make this to all partnership all the time, but is unfortunately, is epidemic of. What's going on in the culture to absolutely clear few conservatives and everyone else- and we have to be ready, they show Bathsheba Express PPM. German get a gps today. Protecting data from online on thy spying in first surf surf the web in peace, go to GPS, dot com, Slash Pangaea, folks, listen! We are in real trouble, I'm in a way it out for you today. Real trouble come on. Let's get right, you have no more time to waste. Let's talk about censorship on social media sites and what you can do about it. The left wants how to remove any voices, they don't agree with Twitter and Facebook supposed to be open platforms and neither ten moderators, acting like the Epp, Ed section of the New York Times, so avoiding social media sites. Revolt, revoke you're right to free speech about revoking their right to your data. Yeah. How about that I tabled. We use Express BP and here ever wonder how free access, I think they
but make all their money while you're the commodity by tracking, searches, video history in everything you click on and then sell your valuable data, that's how they make their money when you use Press weekend, you anonymize much of your online presence by hiding your ip address, major activity, more difficult And saw the advertisers and Express BP and couldn't be easier to set up. I have it on my phone. You just have one button found a computer and you are protected, Express, VP and also encrypt one hundred percent of your data. you from hackers internet bad guys, it's fine, had to say no to censorship and take back your online privacy and Express Vps Thou com. Slash bungee note today by visiting special, like you get an extra three months of Express Bbn service for free again, that's express Vps, Thou com, Slash Mancino, Express Vps, Thou com, slash bond GINO to protect your data today. I welcome the damp GINO show producer. Josie
so let us go and get right. You adverse again. I just want to reiterate this: how much easier you ve made yesterday for me and my team, all the gratitude and everything and tell us where with you, The fight were listening to you, we hear you. I appreciate it means a world to me. Some. It made a really difficult weekend, a lot easier to deal with. Let me get to an important issue. First, before I get to the continuing situation and parlor what happen, obviously, behind the scenes in front of the cameras, the trump impeachment I want. about this briefly folks, because this is gonna happen, I warned you on the Friday shown Joam, this conversation rice. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are crazy. That unit there's no way they just won't stop. Now I want to ask you a very simple question requires lie It can reason something we do and dash the show that is not done by people in the left began to be journalist. Why would the left
the impeaching tromp, if their narrative about Trump is true. In other words, if Trump is politically finished, has no career, it's finished- is some kind of an international laughing stock not worthy of even paying attention to, and why does it need to be impeached? I'm just asking a simple question: maybe because he's not and the left understood that, but what would in impeachment do I'll just quickly, let's walk through the mechanic, so you understand the process here, unfortunately, were all too familiar with impeachment, because the left tried doing well didn't peach but tried to remove prison trump from office for a perfectly legitimate foreign policy phone call.
Ukrainian sat sadly came to fruition when we found out the Hunter Biden Laptop which, by the way, I'm hearing some of the information on their pretty devastating. I turned out to be true. Well, there's a couple reasons behind the process wise first, they would have to take a vote in the house like they did last time and they would have to have a trial in the Senate. There is absolutely no way that trial Whitaker by when President Trump is in office he's leaving office in January, 20th, How are you gonna have a trial while there is a significant constitutional argument brewing, whether that even constitutional to hold this the trial for a president being asked to remove from office whose not in all of this kind of an issue Joe now, let's President Truman from office he's not in office and hard to do as JANET twenty, a kind of creates a little bit of a conundrum theirs. significant constitutional argument here, the people- I trust, have told me it's absurd. You can't trust
in the Senate. A president who is not seated note are removed from office when he's got an office. So on the process side you may rushed through a quickie. Impeachment vote must see where that goes. There crazy don't expect anything saying from them they're trying to de platform all of America right now, but the whole the Senate trial to remove a president from office who will no longer be in office January twenty. It is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard now putting beside the putting up. Putting behind this excuse me the process, argument and getting through the argument as to why why are they doing this? You know, Nuke English made the point yesterday and fox and friends it it's a good one So what I just said- and president drop is finished politically and some kind of laughing stock like the left and the media. I want you to believe him by impeach him what's the point, but what does it do? Folks wasn't peach than there is a trial and he's convicted in their trial. It would make him an eligible,
again in an era of real real, fraught constitutional republic, dangers dangers to our freedoms, which is happening right now? We ve been told the lot of stupid things we just set up and laptop because we accepted sometimes that not you but the city, people out there just accepted because it said by the media. But I want to ask you this question: if Nancy Pelosi thinks that the seventy five million more people voted for an even more probably supported in turn are all gonna go away because he's such a laughing stock any so stupid again They try to make sure he doesn't run again. Interesting now make sure you're on the phone with your legislators or send an email saying that no we're not going to support this. This is ridiculous. I don't want to get out there because get that out there, because there were a number of pressing issues, but right now, that's the pressure. Pressing issue number two again
trying to tree eyes the dangers right now and the role that are all around us number two, ladies and gentlemen, there is a bevy of false information being propagated by people in the left. Wing media is fake. It is false. It's out there, it's everywhere But one that parlor had no moderation and somehow you know who is responsible for this violence. That is simply meant to tarnish outdoor ridiculous, so our story yesterday, just to show you another example of lies about me: Mark of invention, Piero and others. There was a story. that appear in the washed imposed I'll show you the headline here in a rumble. If you watch a video rumble dotcom, slash, Mancino washed imposed Paul far. He who was never spoke to me. Ever reached out for comment at all, but my name is in this ridiculous? If this piece is one hundred percent fake news just so, you understand we're gonna contacts on legal representatives now have this corrected talk radio owner orders,
servant of hosts to temper election fraud rhetoric. My name is mentioned here the stories about humorless, which is a company that owns westward one Westwood one. I do not work for Westwood one. It's implied in the peace that I do. Listen to me so you're getting the straight story. For me, this is another story and the reason Paul far he and others put these stories up is because they want people I get the show your listening to you right now. That's why, despite the fact that our show has always been critical and been fair, is an opinion show where I have shrunk opinions, but it is not a show that promotes fake news. Like this story, I do not work for westward. One They are a sales agent. For my show I work for me. They are. Partner, I guess you comin sales agent. I don't know what you'd call them. They in fact sell the show West one I do not work for West would want. I can't speak for eleven. Ben Shapiro, I dont think Ben
I'm not sure it's, not my business, They do not work for Westwood. One number one. The stories fake number two, the story implies that Westwood one cumulative basically same big bran, sir, some email to me ban and mark again, I can speak for the other. I know they are denying they got the email either mister, I'm assuming, but they said some email demanding. We start talking about the election and what happened Ladies and gentlemen, that is a hundred percent fate. Now Joe Just gonna throw this adding a because my sarcasm, hats gonna go back as yesterday was such a macabre shelve. I need a little bit of a break from this shirt. Misguided throw this area, there is a way. I know it's very complicated for report. Are porters airports like Paul far. He took confirm those store, he's right here by carrying Mazarine Joe. Now you are a producer with the show you work with us. Did you get that INA Nome? And now you never me about that now, not a crap
by the way this isn't a set up. I didn't tell Jos responses generate, do not tell gel before I'm asking monodist question and Joe did not know this question all the did you get that, even though no piloting get that Emily either did I so that's weird Washed imposed, writes a story implying alma. I somehow work for westward, I don't theirs. Is there a sales asian? Nothing more nothing. Secondly, that I was sent some kind of an email demanding bestow talking about the election, absolutely categorically false again Joe crazy way to do it. They just check. We may ask we get a hard core but added journalism, Ming or whatever. You call that's kind of like what you do Where did you get an email from cumulative? No, ok, thanks would have prevented you now my this story will be retreated. Fifty billion times before poor for Paul far. He has to realise the whole stories false. I do not work and westward waste.
never send me an email demanding. I talk about anything. Let me say third, and I want to be Crystal clear: RO my listers out there, nobody nobody Nobody tells me what to say on my shell. Let me take that accept those Paul. She was gonna. Take that back they had each trickery due to personal reasons. It has nothing to do with content and my actual parties absent, Paula, Asterisk Paula. Nobody tells me what to say my shell And everybody suggesting to you that my shoes, always somehow restricted. If that were the case, I would leave tomorrow from any company that dares to tell where nobody tells us what to say, and nobody ever will. I talk about what I want when I want on my shell and if we make a mist
egg. We clear it up and we have. I told you you unless we put their washed in times out our whether facial recognition can we put out the next day company denies we ve done this all the time I gave both sides of the stories about dominion. We ve always done that story We ve sat on because we weren't shore other people broke them. That was fine. You could have made gotta in clicks on. That's I'm not interested, I'm interested in the truth, but nobody tells me what to say, and nobody ever well. That story is absolutely false. I was never ever sent an email by Westwood, one dictating the content of my show or anything about that. That story is a hundred per cent. False again will be seeking advice from attorneys. Again I send sad. I gotta do this all the time where lot were really where work with legal fees to me.
pain. The attacks on us are getting ridiculous, but I can't take it another piece of fake news. I wanted a bunk, ladies and gentlemen parlor, which will be back on mine shortly and I'm I'm really. I mean I. I know I use the term begging lightly because I there's there's some there's a certain amount of subservience souci and with it, but I am begging you please don't let us suffer this alone, parlor. That com will be back up soon, we need you. I need you to open an account. I need your friends, your family, everyone. I need you. If parlor is allowed to fall, everyone will be. It's only a matter of time, as I told you before, the internet service providers jump in this frame sued parlor, I'm gonna, get to that column. In actually in its gas that next, which is the key that rather than a discovery of we have sued parlor, has sued Amazon who Paul this down. We will be back up parlor that can please keep checking and when you get back on, please please, please open an account. Having said that, let me the bunk another method,
that's being spread around by check, mark people and others who are just looking damage parlor even more. We were not half folks parlour was not Hap period at story is fake. It was not Your information on parlor is nowhere. It did the information. What would you made public on parlor to a post on parlor will be public presence of public post no different than a tweet or Facebook your information was not half its fake it a real story. It's just meant the pylon by people who don't like parlor to scare you We do not data minor, parlor, we're not owned by George Soros, at the rumours about are just endless there done to damages and please please spread the truth. We were not half the way say will be back on line. It was not half it's not owned by
George Soros, we do not have some of illicit partners, ship with space aliens. We do not sell your data on parlor, unlike just about every other social media company. I got more, but I don't want to make this. The parlor show this for me. I'm gonna get that just hang with me. I want to get to my second sponsor. Then I want to get to this this key. Where fighting back because we ve gotta holidays and we're not going to sit back and take it and let the liberal media tech totalitarian triumvirate of doom wipe us off the face of the earth. We have chewed Amazon, yes, you're taking out a trillion dollar company, and I want to show you a portion of the lawsuit omitted. I think you're gonna find really interesting and I will show you how you think Amazon was dealing with us and with us in good faith or
Do you see this may get my second sponsor? First, a friends, a b, C M short for Bravo Company manufacturing, ladies and gentlemen, be CM manufacturers, the most high quality high quality rifles on the market. I have two of them. They are absolutely incredible function, time spot on always accurate there for you in a crunch BC, em we're starting a garage by marine veteran more than two decades ago. Bravo company may factoring also known as BC em for sure builds a professional professional. I can't say this professional great product firearms built to combat standards. Bravo! Company manufacturing is not a sporting arms company. I can't say that enough. You wanna hunting rifle, that's fine! There. A lot of good companies do that's what they make. Bravo company designs engineers manufactures lifesaving equipment, assuming that when a rifle ease their shop, God forbid, will be used in a life. situation by citizen, responsible, citizen, law enforcement officers show a soldier overseas qualities all the management.
Their hand, assembled and tested by Americans in Harlem Wisconsin to a lifesaving standard. They put people before their products. They feel it's your moral responsible, provide tools that will not fail. God forbid. It's not just the paper target someone coming to do you your family harm, ladies and gentlemen. I pick mine up at the local affair fell. A guy could not is the praise of these products was my meaning laudatory, to say the least, These are unbelievable products to learn more about. Bravo company manufacturing had out over the Bravo Company em like Mary S, length Frankie like George, that come hats. Bravo, company M, F G D. Come we can discover more better product special offers, an upcoming news again, that's Bravo, company, M, F G D. Come could also check him out under Youtube. Channel Youtube accomplish Bravo Company, USA. I thank you b c m appreciates marksmanship. I folk showing you how this attack on parlour
our social media company, which I am an investor in which was ruthlessly attacked on multiple France in what appears to be a coordinated effort by totalitarian tech, tyrants, high behind their two thirty immunity trillion dollar subsidy from the government, while parlors attack and Democrats cheered on We Father ah suit against Amazon. We re using a W S, Amazon web services. They took us down, they took us With almost no practicable Paraca usable notice whatsoever and took us off, the internet will be back up. Please check you, please keep checking back. It may be today, maybe tomorrow, that your parlor p r earlier that come in please set up and we need need begging for your help to get us through this look at the lawsuit, if we're going to take this lying down Amazon. Now we're going to take on trillion dollar Amazon and we're going to win. this point, twenty one in a lawsuit against Amazon. I want you to listen as folks.
Yesterday evening this was a bit wash, it was father yesterday, so keep him ass a couple days ago yesterday, being at six or seven p M Pacific standard time. This is weird folks web web website Buzzfeed posted, an article which screenshots of a letter from Amazon's a W S parlour in forming part This account would be suspended at eleven. Fifty nine p M Pacific and a time on Sunday, less thirty hours later, so keep at present there miss Paul I've kind of weird Joe. Don't you think that Buzzfeed had this? article up at six or seven p M Pacific standard time with the letter from Amazon A W S. Well, why is that weird and weird? They got a hold of letters or are leaked all the time. What which restrained Joe. Is it there, the art, with the letter was posted before parlor its I received a letter in an email which was see that seven nineteen Pm Pacific standards. An hour after the Buzzfeed article, one online meaning
a w S leaked the letter to Buzzfeed before sending it to parlor see exhibit a cash is really strange, so Amis on the totalitarian monopolised tech tyrant, which is engaged in full throat and open war on free speech by attacking PA parlour and fully wiping it off the web for a period of one and a minimum at this point is at least twenty four hours costing us by the way millions of dollars easily millions of dollars. It's really weird that they're telling the american public debt or we're all Amazon doesn't discriminate on political ideology were acting in good faith, yet Buzzfeed had article at six, P, M Pacific time, with the Amazon W S letter that was sent to
parlor an hour later. So how did tat happen? Exactly sounds off. We like to me that. That was leaked to the media, to let the media with a wink and a nod. No, don't worry left this media Luna takes it Buzzfeed, don't you worry or Amazon and we're on your side? see how that lawsuit works out apple you're up next and then Google goes I'm not trying to be anybody smarter hero here, I'm not worth it so bs even left us to do hero, worship, we're all fallible human beings. I'm telling you right now I don't care what it costs. I don't care if this
and I die without a penny to my name. This is the red line in the sand. For me, as I said to you yesterday, life has changed a lot for me, and things have never been more clear. I was put here. Do one thing and one thing: only the fight to fight the right way, not the way they fight against us. I believe that now, Whether I win that fight, I can't control the courts, may say well, Amazon. You know that is seems strange. You said you're acting in good faith, it really weird while you'll eat them. I mean someone looks like they leak the memo to Busby. That's really ain't strange strange! You haven't taken down or any other websites that have had some suspicions. I think you just seem to find
are there so offencive? I don't know if we win or lose that I don't see how any judge with open eyes could see it any other way. But I can't predict that I don't know I'm not trying to work the rest. It is what it is, but I'm not done. We will absolutely I want to tell you right now. I will leave this planet. Would not a penny to my name, faintness fight, don't underestimate my resolve or the people at parlor. We may not as have deep pockets like Amazon, but their deep enough.
enough scatter strangers want to reiterate one more time how Buzzfeed got the letter sent the parlor before parlor got the letter sent to parlor stranger. Let me move on folks. I want it again go back to a topic I discussed yesterday, because there is some more confusion out there be Ghana, assisted by media people who used to use do and by the way, it's unbelievable. I'm actually giving credit to the ACL you Joe, did you notice that the only civil Liberties organization that I've seen that actually spoken out against the banning of the resident and others is beneath acl you. This is a noted left this story, the shocking which, by the way, stop side shock jobs on trumped supporters. All the time even the acl you is suggested. This is a dangerous new front, unmarried, not the media that the media loves us.
People in the media, who are supposed to be free speech, advocates constitutionally protected by the way the media. They are that's in the casino left. This are watching to freedom of the press. In case you don't know, left this. Don't read the Constitution are protected by a constitution. They want to apply unevenly to others. They don't want freedom of speech, which is also when the constitution. Last time I checked you again left this are so they need some coaching here. They don't want that freedom to speak as freedom of speech reply, but I'm bring sub, because I'm seeing it again, I saw it since yesterday show aired that there are people out there arguing that this is not a free speech argument, because twitter feed Spock, Amazon, Apple and Google are not in fact, government ended. Ladies and gentlemen, please explain to me how that is. Can you name for me why prominent Democrat and Congress or the Senate or who ran? the president and the twenty twenty election cycle? Can you.
For me, one of them has been banned from Facebook and twitter away. Can you name for me one prominent Democrat and Congress in the Senate, one prominent demo. Brad Governor, but one problem. Democratic candidate for President twenty twenty, whose website was taken down. Can you point to me a facebook or twitter posts they made which was taken down which resulted in a suspension for them. I shall again I'll wait. If you have it, please send that, along our emails contacts on the website, the liberals, who listen I'll, wait to hear that I can go through for you a list of prominent conservatives in positions I just mentioned- and people who ran for present twenty sixteen who have Their tweets sanction, their Facebook pages suspended, who have had websites attacked can mention that so getting back to the point,
Seen by some in the media were eager to the french speech, censorship that this is now free speech argument. When it comes to the constitution, Then why do you have an agent acting as a de facto government twitter facebook? Amazon, others eliminating the political opponents of the people who are coming into power on January twenty and who are in power right now in the House of Representatives, notably the Democrats. Why so you're you're claiming it's not a first amendment article, because private actors act. hang on behalf of one political ideology and attacking another using governments subsidy in section two authority to do it- that that ok and therefore eliminates any first amendment concerns. If that's U argument, please Gulf. And another show whether stupid people listen because stupid people are still have attracted the stupid house. and I'm not stupid house and I'd- rather, you not be here. If you don't understand that, because if a lot of
but people listen, I'm doing something wrong, and I know that's not my audience as I read your emails and their brilliant. So we have companies trillion dollar companies acting on behalf of one political party who they have yet to attack I've seen no evidence, no websites pull down Tweet censored Facebook pages, pull that no Democrats, private, I can think of, and nowhere close to the grave down at the Republican. So you have you effectively have defined go trillion dollar companies that are acting as de facto arms of the government attacking one political party sounds to me. Like a first amendment issue, you have those come. these poor only in existence right now, as I mentioned yesterday, because of section two thirty of the Permits community communications decency, which allows these companies to clay Fourthly, there acting is dependent, non political PA platforms, making them viewed from lawsuits. If they didn't have this, he's companies wouldn't exist, so they were
to exist Dude Dunaway government to section two Eddie clause, gives them immunity from being sued claiming independent platforms while thus but obviously use that government subsidy to take actions against them. Opposition political parties, Democrats and yours claiming to me that this is not a first amendment issue, again, companies only allowed to exist because of a government subsidy applied unevenly that doesn't apply to parlor, because we were acting as a platform. and these entities took us down twitter pretends to act as a platform goes in attacks, Republicans with Facebook and yet they are given this implied subsidy. But the argument Are you followed my argument here that these are? Governments they found. Today's Europe, in fact verses in law, if In law, these government- these are, in fact acting is arms of the government. I cited the
yesterday Mars versus Alabama, where a private town, a private town that'd be a good idea to make really freedom restrictions, Otto, where private went up they lost hasten the nineteen forties in the Supreme Court because they were acting as a de facto government. Just like Twitter, Facebook, Amazon the others apple in Google or acting now. They are attacking political movement to benefit the Democrats. part of using a subsidy provided for by the government and to produce down. To give you more and at the same time, damaging the National Security United States by cutting off the communications channel from? President United States, still the President Donald Trump today. while the United States and people are starting to notices you don't let me get to my thoughts on the other side of this, I want to come back to my third peggy. This argument how these companies are acting as default governments de facto governments excuse me, but by default, the writings,
still there taking a government subsidy to act on behalf of government figures, fact their opponents. I got another, The other side of the said should scare you a bit too bad stuff folks. You know I've been going through a lot lately and dumb I've needed to help of farmers suitor was, and others, but I dont like taken pharmaceuticals folks, have actually try to Boy, this matter reliance and products to help me one of them, that's been a lifesaver. I don't mean that literally be vigorously. I might soon, but has been the relief, but is actually mine ready. You just turn round these buttons on the side. The other button is how you up there. You know that a third of Americans regularly suffer from nausea That's why I'm excited about our partner relief ban relief, as is the number one FDA cleared anti, nor your response been clinically proven to quickly relieve and effectively prevent Niger and vomiting associated emotions, Mrs anxiety, migraine
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ensure knowledge is never the reason to miss out on my support moments. Right now, relief ban has an exclusive offer. Just for my listeners,. Here's a where are: you are out the website if you got a relief. Dot com and use promo code bungee. No, you receive twenty percent off plus free shipping. In a no questions asked thirty day, money back guarantee, go to relief. Band relief band relief, Bandar COM relief, band outcome and user promo code bulging over twenty percent off it works amazing. We shall have to use it, but I believe nobody likes not. Obviously I force so get back to the show you do not only again of these companies acting with a government subsidy to attack a political party on behalf of another wing of government but they're, causing a significant national security crisis right now I want you to see this tweet that was sent to me by someone this from the L. A J Ai ass on on twitter is interesting.
Saw much more but much bigger, she's made in. U S, politics is equal to matter of NASA security for India, Israel in every other country, to maintain a sovereign communication channel for their leaders to reach people directly. The world cannot be ruled by american corporations. Ladies and gentlemen, is a significant national security issue. I would argue a crisis. You have private companies right now taking down communication platforms at the present the United States, Donald J Tromp, still the present United States is use. Can you imagine, God forbid, and I do mean God forbid. There was an attack on the United States And the president's channel and communication channels are delayed and getting out of the american people. Can you imagine if people die because of that delay, because they don't have accurate information
From the only one who has all the intelligence in front of him, the President s face, can you imagine what would happen? Has twitter and Facebook What about the legal liability that that they ve suspended the accounts of the President s age, including by the way the output is official? Not the real real Donald Trump Account was suspended too, but the official channel the White House uses to communicate with this with the people through one of the largest. Sadly, I wish it were, but it's true largest communication channels in the world Twitter. The present United States can't talk to people. Ladies and gentlemen, God forbid something were to happen. Can you imagine the legal liability on Twitter if the President Cancun out accurate information that results in tragedy.
Don't think for a minute: Amazon, Apple, twitter and others that, because these are billion, in some cases, trillion dollar companies at a job. I think these companies are smart. Some of them are really stupid. I don't think twitters legal department full of locusts, practicing workers on the left have fully digested the legal liability their company has taken on by shutting down an official, United States. Government communication. Shall I dont think Apple is really adjusted the legal liability they created when they sent us an email demanding. We act like put it on email to parlor, not did thereby GINO show they sent this amount of power. demanding. We act like a publisher and violate. U S law, section, two thirty, which demands we don't act like a publisher. I don't think Apple thought that through
I don't think Amazon thought that, through when somehow somewhere, someone leaked the letter to parlor the Busby, I don't know it did Amazon. Do it an employee of Amazon? Do it did someone in the media? We told you, I don't know, I have no idea, but somebody late it. Somebody like Did you do maximum damage the parlor before parlor could even respond, because we did at the email to an hour after the letter appeared both feel weird right. now in case you were under the illusion still that you're gonna get any honest coverage from the media. My account- and I am now posting on Twitter- had been crystal clear on this, and media people are generally pretty stupid. I wish that weren't the case they are their vindictive and dopey and frankly, quite silly people I mean my brain Spelter has job.
But this is a tweet I saw. I got post any more intuitive Zermatt, giving too many free material, but my account is still there. there's a tweet. I saw yesterday by his guys really Joel, guy so clever, James fell at body for wife, real however, guy this guy so funny blue Checkmark ice. You know Joe, that means automatically. You know, he's smart young, smarter than us because meeting at brilliant me. What are you and I know, but you idiots. He says: hey Data, that when I, when I hear he sub tweets, he quotes, might we re say this is my final post on this anti american platform? and he says hurriedly about you, so I tried to find one parlor not working. What's going on, I thought you invested in their platform please don't tell me you to seek a bunch of money into a platform. That's gone the fund that would be terrible for you, so very terrible
follows laughing lethal Apple NEWS, Lapland, son of a gun, Georgia, my Harry Legs, You see my enemy, Well, yes, John felt or whatever they may have never heard of ever, and I think thankfully, ninety nine percent of Amerika, as unheard of either John fell or fall per year, whatever spaces. God forbid, can you put up his easier skies hilarious he so funny. O jets are John felt its James spell sorry. James is Avatar, he looks like he's right. This is a very handsome man to clearly yeah he's body for wife. I social me he's a historian piazzas pronouns
their Joey's, he him in case you are confused by the photo biofuels wants you to pay him users, I'm sure the left or jump to donate a bunch of money after this today to him. So he met his is websites James, fell dot com, he's upping, how very the great white North. This is by the way that this is all that is twitter. This is public. Any by Lindsey Rights for the elderly times now noted fake news specialists, the Chicago Tribune time and in Pr John, bob whenever european yeah yeah, I don't think anyone else has been really funny guy, so all areas I put that up there today to show you this.
I suppose they added, I can vouch for night. I dont know John Fund do whatever his name is Johnny Felt, who this guy rights for mainstream media outlets or airports, mainstream balance. This is the serious coverage we're getting right now to a legitimate constitutional crisis in this country and ruthless, relentless attacks authority really funny how them what happened. I hope you didn't say a lot of money into it. I will sink every single time. I happened to this fight John because I live for something or Gemma whenever you dopey name is as I stand for something unlike you, a cowardly, twere poor. If I saw you in the airport, you would run away and never say a word to me, you're more than happy to confront me on a platform I might even on anymore. I might even there someone had ascended to be true
and happy to do that: you're, a chump and a coward. That's what you do this is the coverage we're getting from serious media people now. Well again, these people never confront uv email, and I dont really be clear, though my cover the about you know my folks, I'm not like into this whole, like me, be a tough guy at a summit. Any this about on saying like people see me, I see running the people all the time. They never say anything when I'm there ever. I don't know why I ran into Rick Wilson at an airport one time, but you do look like he was going to wet his diaper. Why what's the problem? They never say anything and pretty way, and they said things on twitter because they really funny like John Forward their whatever his name is credible in the movie
I said to you yesterday I say again today have an action plan going forward of things. We need the due process wise. Ladies and gentlemen, violence is left this whole Martin. We should call it out everywhere everywhere, because it's never did you do not. You do not want your kids growing up in that country, but we do need to take action. Because we can fix this believe it or not. I know it seems like we're in dire straits, but ladies we want to talk about dire straits. The Chinese Communist Party is arresting lawmakers in Hong Kong right now, No one knows where Jimmy lie is nowhere we're Jack mise. We don't stop Now that may be coming here next and the situation is dire cataclysmic, but there are pass. We can take a step farther may get to my last sponsored the needle joy in the show more joint
four friends magic spoon vote with the new year will be trying to eat better, but healthy breakfast doesn't have to be boring. magic spoon as the amazing flavors you love. This is a huge at my house. I just the only thing is my daughter's eat so much of it. Sometimes they put like the left over milk in the second and I put it down the garbage disposal site. I always see magic authors in their magic sport as all the amazing flavors without the bad stuff breakfast cereals, traditional break, pursued their loaded with sugar. There's not magic. Sport, magic spoon, ironically, tastes better and doesn't have the bad stuff. It is zero sugar eleven grams of protein early, three neck grams of cards, any any carbs needs serving know. It's true. Maybe vast, and you can finally build your very own custom variety box. You can choose from the best selling cocoa, fruity frosted and blueberry flavors plus Brand new flavors, my personal favorite peanut butter and send it s amazing
You may think is too good to be true, but it's not it's Cato Friendly Gluten free grain, free soy, free low carbon GMO free, like I said, the new in a black Icarus outrageous from another planet, so good now from this planet? I assure you gotta, magic spoon, dotcom, slash, bungee, no grab a variety pact. Try it today, doorway be Shorty Promo Code, Mancino a check out, say five dollars off your orders. They'll give your kids any junk. Breakfasts Europe give it to them even this year. We owe this to. You may need it before it gets your kids magic spoon, so confident no product is back with a hundred per cent. Happiness guarantee. So if you don't like it for any reason, their refund you money, no questions asked that's magic spoon duck. Slash. Mancino use called bungee, no to say five dollars. Are banks magic sport for sponsor the pod guessed right? Let's get back to this here talking about the action plan. you know I mentioned yesterday. I m sorry to repeat some of this, but it's important that we read. article on the show a while ago. I was sorry
by someone who has been in this fight for a long time. We said one of the scales, the left. The media in the Tec, totalitarians have said skills, tragic skills, but skills they ve shown. says they shone. Re, showed the parlor this weekend to me personally. Is they know how to impose real material losses on people who know about financial losses in case was any lack of clarity on the left has been doing this forever. Organised boycotts by cards than others did make sure competition goes, it is, is taken from one and put to another using their government to use their government processes and though, as Tom From judicial wash out, we says the left knows the Sioux. Why not? Because they think they're gonna win every law suit, because the left understood a long time ago is Tom, says that the process is the punishment. The lot of you dont have money right, Jack, Joan donate money like me, Impala, due to defend ourselves
spend a little legal fees that would be bankrupt again. It's war, its with its really legal work, using process to bankruptcy. So what people do they cower in fear because they have to? some asylum, not all matter back, some conservatives to fight back and some even without money have said screw. You take me to court, but there lot of, and that is just fold instantly the fake rhino class, which incentivize is the left to do what to do it again. They know how to impose real material losses on their opponents. Tommy turn that strategy around on them. We have lawsuits too. We can use the process, We can't take it anymore. Latest dramas, isn't a twisted sister song. Ok, we can't take it anymore
red line in the sand, has been crossed. If we don't push back or ideological opponents, they will have all of you all of you soon de platforms, unemployed and begging for mercy, I told you yesterday show which I encourage you to listen to how they come in for internet service providers. Next, you gonna blog up you gotta business. Your business made opposed supporting president By now it's a free country were allowed to score political candidates. We are wait till they find their posts in the internet. Service provider gets pressured to take your website. That sounds a little dramatically and a lot of things sounded dramatic until this weekend, where they wipe clean off the face of the earth up until this point at least a very prominent competitor to twitter and Facebook. That seemed crazy to fines imposed financed,
losses on them to time to re, evaluate all your business arrangements. Ladies and gentlemen, time to do what me Impala did yesterday and if continued this morning. We reached out to Oliver significant business partners and let them know you either stand for a free country free and open dialogue or you don't, and if you don't and be. There's no amount of money. I won't spend they get away from me. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you need to do the same thing. you have payment, processors and new business Square.
Air or some other companies and square on by Jack. Dorsey from Twitter really interesting. Make your safe. There said square square. Dorsey company is re payment processors. You have a legal team, then everybody's entitled the legal protection in the United States. Really because that's interesting is one of our lawyers. You know that didn't quite work out you better check on this stuff affiliates. You have channel distributors better, make sure that these people stand for a free and open country, because if they don't they'll come for you next. What about your bank? How
long. Is it before conservatives RD banks? Oh damn. That won't happen. Really that's one of my friends who has a firearms company who is intimately knowledgeable about operation, choke point in the Obama administration You're about that a payday lenders and firearm companies couldn't get access the bank's out. What you miss that story, the left, weird, how that already happened, under the Obama Biden, administration and think we're not going to see more that better check what your bank I would. We will not be left left, voted folks. Secondly, on the action plan here continued from yesterday stuff, I left out folks, the twenty twenty two elections,
around the corner. This is no time for way. Dan. That's a long way. It's not a long way off its here right now. We have mid term elections coming up. Time to get every single republic in member and United States Senator on the record right now in your local officials, to where they stand in this fight. Where do you stand, section, two thirty: where do you stand on our free and been internet. Where do you? stand on all this Do you stand on the protection of people's political beliefs, the right to legal protection, the right to speak freely, where stand on tech, tyrants ability to shut down national security in the President S. Where do you see if you sense, I'm not kidding if you Sense one iota one shred of wavering. They have to be primary starting today.
You can volunteer your time and you can volunteer many. Ladies and gentlemen, I ran for office. I don't speak with forked tongue. I put my name on a ballot three times it didn't work out, but I got in that ring. I'm always to be in that ring, and I need you to get that ring right now, either consider running yourself and standing for free and open United States where people can live free of reprisals for their political beliefs from fear. Reprisal too,. and get your congressmen Congress, women and centres on the record now and if you think, they're shaky at all willing to take a stand, get that primary campaign ready today they cannot win. Having said that, as I said yesterday, sadly, because I don't have easy answers, for you are convenient or cutesy ones, if they wind, sadly, even though their horrible, because their weak kneed
don't have the colonies. They need to put the United States on a path back to freedom, a path we fallen off a long time ago, they will still be better than the Democrats, who are the absolute cause of all the problems in your life. But, having said that, we have He has to get rid of him now, the primary season is when it happens and it'll be starting early in twenty twenty one. The time is now. Get them on the record. Get them on email, get them on the phone use. What ever social media channel you have whatever email is you have to get their response spread around the republican clubs in France? If they are, not on our fight for a free and open America where you can be conservative and live and not live in fear live free from the fear nickel reprisal. If they waver on that at all spread that around and let's get primary candid sub right now, there's no time away. Finally, one last one, they didn't,
When I told you yesterday with holding your financial support from the Tec Titans, I know all of you can't do everything. I can. I understand Why? I gave you a portfolio of options to start tomorrow. One has to do one of these things start posting on twitter or stop posting on Facebook. continue buying anything from Amazon, stop buying apple products everywhere. can pick one of those things and our are in the seventy five million rage if we can get millions people to do this. It will impact real and impart real financial losses on these companies to the right way to the right way. A real free market twitter had a rough day yesterday. Folks, at one point was down twelve percent. I wonder why. That is. Why didn't stop jump oh celebrated. How wonderful twitter is, ah there so
they're getting rid of all these conservative lunatics there. So terrific really is such a good business model. Why is it this twitter stock was down twelve percent of one and I think the last time I checked this year's down. Five percent: why? Why is that by wiser? That sounds like a pretty stupid business decision to me it's one, my story, Ladys, Germans, important one. I want to show you this quick video when our sanctioning racial discrimination in the country, whose we are certainly not me, and not. This show. Now we meaning Joe Biden job I who will be the President states in January twenty listen to this clip where job I openly recommending racial discriminate, decided joke, not editing check this out. Our focus will be on small businesses. Are mainstreamed, aren't wealthy and well connected, but her face real economic hardships through no fault of their own. Our priority will be black. That
you know asian and native american own small business, women, own businesses and finally, having equal access to resources needed to reopen rebuild but we're gonna make a concerted effort to help small businesses and low income communities in big city, small towns, rural communities that are faced systemic barriers to relief that I just here Joe and the incoming soon to be present United States is so unclear that I just here Joe Biden, say that their basically going DE prioritize aid relief to white males, won't businesses, then somebody said no that's exactly what he said? Oh you, the flowery version, where your binds us we're going to prioritize blackened Letty what business meaning technologically right, if you're using reason, they're gonna deep our ties business is owned by white men. Did I hear that right Town Hall, as a peace. Up about this Ivan this
say you should probably red. Please subscribed to my newsletter folks. May the keystone in their budget that consolation newsletter. I dont know what channels we can have communicate with you after this week about them serious, but down as an interesting piece out there. Talking about, we're now openly advocating racial discrimination, and I fear that that I miss something Biden pushes the of discriminating based on race and sex and stimulus plan, town all Dhaka, some people out there, the rhino class, thereby GINO, skies falling Chicken Little Weena lose in our country? You keep telling yourself. Let me get to one more article. I kind of a humorous note, because we could use that. His article I saw on the hill. You may save insist sound that funny. What's so funny business. Colin Powell, I can no longer call myself a fellow republican nail, Colin Powell has officially left the Republican Party for the fortieth time in ten years. I care I beauty
accurate Jos, lab egg. It's it's a Tuesday, I'm trying to like again we recorded early. Forgive me if so, but we added medical thing Alice radio Wednesday, but I am just checking when point nay, search engine? That's not Google! When you called not Google from now on Colin Powell leaving Europe- probably he said this- I'm not kidding five ten times, every election, he vouch for the democratic says, he's leaving Europe. Why is this story anymore? Why he's left there ever reminds me of that article about I've read once it there that line about really terrible economists that they predict Twenty two out of the last five recessions, this guy's fall, This gap is always zoom out of recession. Epizootic, I told you, they say it every two weeks, so where there's a recession like look, I call that this guy is, the reporting of Republican Party, forty seven point, six times in the last four years? That is still a story folks at the helm,
get it it's not a story anymore, in power leaves the Republican Party every five minutes. I don't but now the last Republican even voted for my gosh is a rough times. I get it back, go out at some cadet is humorous, savvy humorous story. All power reminds me like I had a party. You know that guy joke monument of their party here this guy House Party right just been Adobe's plebeian summit and everybody leaves and there's at one. you left babyhood, humanity, kilos or Budweiser. It's three four Five in the morning, your kids are essential. Beer cleaning up as your cleaning up your given him the slow head. These gotta go he's. Ok, I'm leaving. It starts a new conversation And in that- and it goes, ok, I'm definitely leaving any cracks and other media like at this point. Please go call and please go we're good. We got you.
twenty seven times we gotta you're, not a republic. We all understand. Please go house parties over thanks, I folks and a very There is no please. I subscribe to. My rumble account rumbled, how I know about a lot of asked, but I can't survive this without you show that is I don't wanna go off the air. I need your help I like, when I do like talking to you now know how much this time I have left to do. Rumbled com, slash bungee, no rumble dotcom, slash punch, you know, I don't mean that we're like my time next week. I promise you. I died All is like your papa, I could say reminded me now we're sorry. I said I had a medical thing. Promise you I'm ok, beat and along I dont know along scan, alas, I give it Josie some you're, not telling me body that he knows it's a matter of doubt about diet here, rumbled dotcom, slash, podgy Jos relief man but we still have a working business bar. You gotta give me a heads up. Rumbled outcome,
less by GINO. Please watch a video version of my show their please do not watch it on Youtube. I dont care. I don't need the clicks there. I dont need the money. I don't need anything. I need to win this fight rumble. It does not discriminate based on political affiliation. I'd prefer you watch it there. Please subscriber almost any millions inspires me better. You owe me, maybe at over a million by the time the stairs rumble that conflict punching on. Please check out bonds. You know that calm and buying GINO report. Dotcom mancino report is our news. Aggregator get the best news today, it's like a morning newspaper for you, but you know that guy you have original content. I really appreciate you go indirect and listening to my show their thanks. A lot will see autumn day in Bonn, GINO.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-13.