« The Dan Bongino Show

A New Report Exposes Massive Deep State Censorship Efforts (Ep 1885)

2022-11-01 | 🔗

In this episode, I address the shocking report by The Intercept exposing a widespread US government effort to censor people on social media. I also address the growing scandal surrounding the Wuhan lab leak, and the suspicious disappearance of a vaccine specialist. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts. With your host dan VON G, no boxes here, no more pretending a just shocking report out by the intercept places pretty left leaning out about the f word seat the I d h in your government has gone through the sensor. You want social media, you, yes, you I'm pointing out right there, although pointing with the fingers use the arrow him you all out there? It's now, it's only a matter now what we do with it when and if we back congress in the senate, your govern, is violating the first amendment blatantly openly and brazenly against you today show, but you express be built by express bbn. You don't like big government and big
expiring on you will get a vpn like I do go to express vpn dot com, slash bond geno. Today, doorway welcome to the damn boy, gino shelf folks, I've got a loaded show for you to intercept report that came out is just stunning. I've got some screenshots from it cement from She made a video showing you how we're always ahead of the curve year of an fbi visible we played yesterday. That's you and about exactly ass. I got that not date in the policy case and the left, this first to promote conspiracy theories, also they're doing with you on the laugh they are. The meltdown has just gone absolutely nuclear. At this point, ten only by relief ban, but I used to relieve ban this year. That is my actual relief ban. When I was gonna do chemotherapy this stuff knocked out there wash up immediately turned it on turning up there did you buttons right there at an even need to turn up worked minute? I turned it on check out We've been number one ft cleared, anti nausea wristbands been clinically proven to quickly relieve an affair
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Now, if you been listening to the show it broke, were you a long time ago, but now range thing, is even left. Wing outlets like the intercept, are starting to pick up shockingly and suppose a massive government surveillance network in clear violation of the first amendment against you. Then we have been warning about in sounding the break in alarm on and this show for the longest time. So I say to the intercept: welcome to the poor. eddie, bruce willis style from die hard. Where the hell of you guys been you gotta read this story. It's in the news letter today, if you ve, never open my newsletter. Today's the data start bungee. No doubt councillors newsletter, it's free. You can subscribe right there read this article is the first one I put up their truth. Cops leaked out means outlined e justice plan to police. This information wait. Why I was recently
and enjoy. The first amendment has not been repealed. There hasn't been a constitutional right. There hasn't right now he any updates on that. Now. He has an already thing either. So we have a first amendment but suppose not vaguely not regular Dato paisley suppressed vaguely prohibits the government regulating speech. It did you kid. of did we miss son. Not only they violate the first amendment de age and an I in conjunction with big tech. They did it again brazenly and openly some of you talk about moose, not some of them did it on. Government emails using them- This is how brazen. This happen they zero fear at all that they would get caught and to be clear, this war, back to the trump administration. I'm not sick
I think trump oversaw this in a heap eat while he daddy was oppressed. They should have known, but this one after the trump administration as well, which may My point is deep state. We need a thorough, thorough wash you the deep state This is not new. This has been going on for a while and the The administration is double down. Let's get to the first screens, from this pc aw only question going forward. I'm sorry, the only question going forward now that we know this is happening is what is that I'll pay you going to do about it when they take over. I don't want to hear about half measures. I want. entire units disbanded. I want peace Fired people reassign, and I want strong consideration of taking fbi missions and breaking them up over federal agencies is a total disaster. Screenshot number one, all the fears, are confirmed is: what happens when you give people power takes
control themselves. Lord act in his right apparent the d, just email, twitter,. forwarding information get a load of this job about a potential threat. A critical- u s, infrastructure! Oh my crap, a bride! citing f b. I wanted this out serious, so the fbi, worn, they d, age, ass, who went to twitter and some guys. you ve, got a serious threat here, brow go? U s: infrastructure, a twitter account they couldn't peril election system, integrity particles, and you better get that sucker downright away. The twitter user in question had fifty six followers. Fifty six million, fifty thirty six five hundred. Sixty thousand the six thousand. No My dear, I reiterate at fifty six he's our type orders you edit, that
there are fifty six says it s most correct five, six point: zero: zero, repeating guess what the twitter you're in question had fifty six followers along with a bio that red and made you cannot make up the bio for the twitter users DHS enough b. I beata was a critical threat to national security. Red de? I must your we'd store locations, hole, it's be mad poets. Now I gardeners point. This is a parity account under banner image of blue supper? They thirty! Tom demonic sculpture featured at the entrance of the denver international airport. I know you got play with, because if you don't laugh, you cry visa, this sound saying this is the day just official. Apparently, an email thread road where sure if there's any action that can be taken, but we
it's a flag them for consideration. The twitter representative responded. We will. Scully bag. You all reagan, but is this It's like this, isn't even north korea. Now it's not kim jong. I dont think really cares about a twitter user with fifty six followers says hose be mad monsieur we'd location. I'm serious focused on the on killing and murdering bigger accounts? It may pose a threat to his is fascist, terrorist regime. This is unbelievable all your fears, have been absolutely correct. Why does the intercept? Theatres left wing outline everything you Thought would happen as happened, believe it or not, this story gets worse. Very rarely. Do I use more the whole screenshot, but this one boy. Do they deserve it? I knew that the chest was a bad idea. The minute
I got that badge we were in the treasury department and they said here's your new badge and it said department of homeland security. I said, oh boy, it's going to get ugly Eric Schmidt, the attorney general of Missouri as doing yeoman's work in his lawsuit. Again, the government for coordinating with big tech, support we accordingly records father federal court to previously unnamed fbi agents, Elvis Chan, l is chan from several. Go where we heard that name. Oh that's right on my show from fbi. Whistleblower call servant, so you know this already. If you listen to the shop now you're gonna know more so about these two agents in the paperwork, Elvis Chan and this. A woman now laura damn law, who is it? action chief, the fbi's foreign influence taskforce. Apparently? They were involved in high level communications that allegedly led to face look suppression of the war,
of the new posts, hunter Biden story. Why. So every single thing we told you about the fbi actively interfering in elections. Was true. This is the intercept by the way. They know that the hunter by laptop story is only the most high profile. Example of law enforcement agencies, pressuring tech firms. cases. Facebook and twitter account swag by de or its partners, is dangerous forms of this information or potential and influence were clearly Parity accounts or occur With virtually no followers or influence, you know me attack, entrepreneur, myself and being involved in the Early stages of the parallel economy the mid stages will be in its lights. They too soon
I have been warning you about jochen vouch for me for eight years now for the need to construct an entire tech. Allow financial economy away from these frigging crazy people, there, getting parity accounts kicked off twitter while it veering in elections and pushing big tech executives to suppress the Biden story. How is this not on the front page of every newspaper in america, american writer. How is that then? You have no evidence. They interfere In an election I mean they may have suppress the hundred Biden story. But how do we know that would have given us for an election result and we'd have donald trump and office right now, and inflation under control the border on their control, while I'm only taken the word of the people who actually responded, the Paul's new york post, seventy percent say truthful coverage of hunter binds laptop, would have changed twenty twenty election again at seven point nine percent at seventy nine percent, meaning you
eight out of ten people agree with me. It was appalled, can after the election to the federalist covered it up to. Seventeen percent of by voters said they would change their vote if they knew about hundred by the EP I am talking to you again The agency is a disgrace right now, it's a disgrace and sad. Did a good people work and there in the whistleblowers, for what it's worth My eternal gratitude to the number of people such as the small group anymore. Forget this rank and file. Stuff too, a large group of people over there who have completely cut. up, did their jobs taken there It is in their guns and abuse them for power. You're a disgrace to this country. A total disgrace in embarrassment from someone who did your job but actually believed in it. You're a disgrace. And to the DE age s folks involved in this you're, an even bigger disgrace. The fact that you,
We understand the constitution in your role in just one, Bring it down the toilet, ball we really should be embarrassed. You took an oath dead men. Clearly, nothing to you story gets even worse. Folks,. Apparently department, homeland security had this system. see, I say something: Net security branch and sister the warning that they wanted to shape the information ecosystem. They also wanted to monitor, and in spire innovators to partner with the government. You did and they wanted to surge this effort around elections and create a specific. dhs portal here. Look at this. In june, the same the age S, advisory committee, of cicero, included these twitter folks, they drive Report to the sis, the director This is a director calling for
spirits of role for the energy in shaping the information ecosystem. They wanted to monitor social media platforms of all sizes, get a load of this one. mainstream media ball news high. part of the media radio and other resources to stop misleading information by am I missing something up there's something I miss you you know It states north korea, China, to countries where the united states, china, communist party, north korea, cuba the swale socialism, yours. What does freaking difference? each interference ten yards loss of down very red, its joe Am I missing something? No, no you're not get back to that
go back to the last. What's gonna read this because, unlike wait, the report called on government law enforcement agency de hs to monitor talk, radio social media and hyper parties of media. I e conservative media wise. Listen, You got an election coming up in now, seven days a week from today You haven't voted? Yes, please do it now Many of you have early voting is started lock in your vote. I don't want anything to happen to any view on election day. Please lock in your vote now and demand do not ask king time is over demand of their congressmen congress women, and senators elected by the people. Involved in this effort, this entire entity within the de as the funded. All of it you want to work.
You go ahead and work for your work for free. The power of the purse lies congress. Ladies and gentlemen, this is worth the fight. There had meeting to monitoring talk, radio in social media, what He's going on. The fund did immediately. Immediately take of funds and give them two entities actually securing the country doing law enforcement counterterrorism because it's not these people. This is a shocking storing. I try not to do too much. I don't like getting into the hyperbole. And all the nonsense is it. Not only that folks are lying about it, they wanted to made a specific de age s portal. So they had a batch
to monitor talk, radio, to monitor social media. Just so they could have self pulled down. Rely in about a two folks You're lying about it last your top fbi, counterterrorism, official, came under fire when she Falsely then, to congress at the fbi's monitoring american social media. Just like that why about everything? Remember the meadow data thing with Jim clapper: are you is collecting met a data on america's. Now wittingly Why they always lie to you. They live about this to the interception In fact, the fbi spent millions of dollars on social media tracking software like bab election. Data minor whereof, we heard that that's I my show from karlsson, in the fbi. Whistleblower we're not.
honouring social media really, according the bureau's guidelines. Authorize activities include proactively surfing the internet define publicly access but websites and services through its recruiting, by terrorist organisations and terrorist crimes openly thing place, terrorist crimes, meaning concern. Britain's organizing and using free space to do so is park. It's even worse. Sorry, there long screenshots here if you watch and home on rumble it's a lot easier. Not only that member were kyle told us If you are a whistle blower, that they were pulling agents off legitimate or terrorism taskforce and terrorism roles and making them hunt down americans in their social media. Here it is, firm right here, another f b. Fish on a joint text. some tests officer the sky, Do the intercept, being reassign this year from the fbi's international terrorism, terrorism division with
primarily worked on cases involving all cater and islamic state to demand terror divisions to investigate americans. So, like someone you heard on my falk show this weekend from cancer about babble acts. The software used to survey american social media activity in what they're doing with it here is a little reminder what he said check this out. Their concern is why its public, obviously that's why you have whistleblowers coming forward with this kind of information? That's why it's being discussed when If the fbi lists on a list of eight different potential action crimes. Something like me information or disinformation, which are not. The crimes there only really criminal if their part of one of two the crimes that are listed on that list so that their just not the it is the purview of the fbi. They should be explicitly avoided for first him, considerations. So, hit the nail on the head in a ragged, foul agents of people on the front lines there concerned that this could be abused and it's not
we abuse in every field office and that's the real that's the real story, thank is at it as potential of being abused only in space Bulgaria's where management is willing to sign off on broader, broader searches, then, is appropriate. If b, field, office managers, poland, people off terrorism, Simon, stick, em on monitoring, americans using babble acts and otherwise oversee the a total disaster and a complete total disaster route and and she ripped up anyone whose down a decent job give them another job. In federal law enforcement. The agency has to be disbanded. The fbi right now you are not going to find a more destructive institution to american dot. Democracy in the constitutional republic. This story with at the age ass, chew and sesar. You are not going to find a more damaging story to the integrity.
This constitutional republic than this story at the intercept and shocking to find it by the way department of justice is trying to hide Elvis chant. What fbi agents, apparently involved than this collusion, effort with the. According to these reports with the big tech companies, they don't want Elvis chan in front of in front of any kind of committees or in court. I'll show you that in a second take a quick break here, get my bearings, I'm just the. I believe in this place. Folks, matters to me matters to me more than anything outside of my family and god. This is at the last best hope, for freedom on earth and it is getting pissed away by a bunch of kim jong un imitating fake law enforcement losers, a bunch of deep state maniacs Bunch of communists and our freakin government, who can our share in an era of tyranny. Quick enough and I'm not going to be part of it may take a break here.
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Joe no It's at all k, though he doggie daddy. Why there so paddock again about the eland deal. If only said this now, what three months straight once or twice a week, they don't have anything else. Ladies and gentlemen, we dealing with a group of unquestioned. It's not a debate. You want to debate I sit down and shut your mouth and a corner, not debate, stupid anymore. There's no question anymore, we are dealing with a bunch of fascist imitating totalitarians. We call us semi fascist when you look at what fascists do. Suppression of free speech, a love affair with political violence that is sclusively the domain of the american left exclusively. That is not our thing. You can't be serve it, a believer in big, our god, given right for every child. The god everyone when support
political violence and censorship. You can't you just now conservative, that new can cause To be, but I can claim to mickey mouse. That is Not the left, they lie This stuff, they will invent any used to censor you any exe used to justify violence against you. They also just make things up Did you see this? This is just an unborn, viable up there on this spot pelosi case shows a briefing today by law enforcement officials. and they indicated that he was walking but night paul policy by this alleged. tat, are inside the house that he walked in stairs. There was some shot, for this hammer, so I heard story again. I have no reason to believe otherwise until I'm told otherwise, I believe in evidence produce evidence and I believe it I believe in the barn, gino rule and I dont fallen any traps, and you should neither having said that,
it's kind of strange that political? I thought it was a good idea to start crap and all over people who started asking questions about who answered the door after nancy policies, wife, called nine one. One husband, she's be called my mama, and they said it was. it. Conspiracy, theory, which is really strange because let us call themselves reported that they enter through the front door, the police which someone they didn't the guy who open from the inside interesting. That's political support now, you go into the next day. They get you go into the the following report by political, and it's really strange- they say that mention a bunch of conservative commented that they were right Questions about the investigation based on false claims among
basis claims that a third person answer the door, dormant police, or rather the palacio. This is really weird. That's a conspiracy theory because it sounds like from your reporting that you started. It then We got that sound strange, so weird yeah, someone open the or they didn't specify who yeah interesting again for this is why they're all in on censorship. They want to cover up their errors. I politico who seemed to imply in their reporting that there was a mysterious person who answer the door and when people ask through the mysterious person what they said can spare it's a theory. we're up there. If you want to manipulate elections like they stole the last election, clearly by hiding the hunter Biden, information in conjunction with the gun carriers at the fbi, india, chairs and form intel deep stay. People wrote that letter and they in a sense or opponents Kim jong, and so this is what it.
It's not open for debate. These are hooty people, are you have two choices? You can take away their power, and vote out their surrogates in government, or you can just sit back and let the beatings continue until morale improves. There's no option see you're not talk any sense into these people. You are not going to talk him into being freedom, loving, libertarians you're, not going to talk them into constitutional protections you're, not gonna, do it. They are obsessed with censorship. Here's a guy However, I can pronounces less because by civil vade on he's a blue check on twitter, clearly a smarter person and all of us he has a blue checkmark. He claims columnist at the guardian, Harry is with wink and a nod again. These are media people protected by the first amendment. Winking and nodding that hey listen. You know apple have the power to crush twitter or through
elon, musk's, reckless changes to the platform. If he degrades content, moderation, could violate the apple stores? Terms is service. You get that weaken and sound like something that happened to accompany. I used to be involved with parlour That's right parlour yeah, I remember, went up all in google, wiped them out of the app store and shut them down. You remember that you see how that was. It's you see Joe, how that was a template for the future, for them too,. use tech companies too answer platforms and ideas. They don't like what a cautionary tale, no, no, no That was a model for them there. It being out of parlor which round. The time is the number one up in the world. They had the power, wipe it out
Hundreds of millions of dollars, potentially in value, wiped out overnight freedom of speech wide down overnight. You see how this is a model, for that is a milestone, a cautionary tale. I want to place video quick before I get this. Here's MSNBC the hapless spend collins one of the big advocates for censorship anywhere in the meat. If you want to see what a communist looks like, No, I mean a legitimate practicing, censorship, loving communist, it's this guy. He does every then communist recommend censorship pressuring. medical opponents to this sensor here is on MSNBC met being down over lines take over of twitter because he wants to continue to do this. Views tat companies. The pressure people
shut your mouth. These left this they loved this stuff. You check this out the idea the world is secretly run by this new world order. And it is trying to censor you trying to prevent the war, from seeing what's really going on in the knesset policy, and people ask those people you're not spaces right now. Those people are at the top of that sphere there at the top of that king, where, when it comes to witness There is an ado stress this way: Aren't treading on twitter is the. Why about this guy? it's the lie that strengthening its trending. Where, as we speak, because he alone must pushed it on saturday or yesterday, side I just want to make it clear how they got to this place so first of all lies on the earth faster than the truth, and that's in part. Why there all these safeguards that elon must is trying to take down on twitter right now the lies that were pushed were from
of information they, for example, they said that policy in his under where, of course he was to three in the morning. At the time he was attacked that led them to believe this was a lovers quarrel between two different people that knew each other through They believed they knew. Each other is because the police put out a statement saying that they didn't really know who opened the door, so they that led them to believe there was a third person in the house. This is the this. Is this not do it did you guys catcher. Says here the lies, and it goes on to tell you two things that actually happened. Right this round, that is underwear and they were confused. Who answered the door, though our lies. Now. People speculating and I think, getting out ahead of the story about what the motors, where that's right, either, but that the grounds you just said two things that are true the grounds for you to try.
pressure, social media, using your media perch to silence and shut people up folks say love this They love this stuff. It is never ever gonna stop until you stop it. I got more coming up folks. They wanna Biden yesterday windfall profits tax on gas. You want your gas build, a double do would buy in suggesting here I got that and some panic dispatches for move on indicating the lab leak. Conspiracy theory was true. which we all knew beforehand, and everyone would have known again if it wasn't for this type of people on MSNBC, censoring everyone. They show brought to you by our friends that we, the people holsters. This is my actual. We, the people holster for my glock, forty three love that she seats printed with people up front. Almost every week you hear me talking about we, the people holsters were a great company there. This is one of the shirts actually made in the usa. I get that question a lot the house, has been a partner of the shell for a long time.
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it's coming up, make it a destination for the patriot in life. We, the people, holsters, dot, com, slash dan offer code, dan, twenty five alright! Folks, this happened and we just going to go over this quick, so Biden. There has never been a bigger moron in the white house in the sky. I'm sorry I mean his his. I q is clearly low. He is clearly worse off even with that sub standard iq based on the cognitive compromise. Yes, right now, his brain, isn't auctioning anymore, you can. oh by the way he speaks you can tell by. Failure to connect ideas anymore, so because job I Is this single? Worse? President? U S, history and so economically, incompetent he enjoyed remit it one in a war oil and gas and gay Prices have gone up because of it he will blow anyone, but the person staring at him in the mirror, which is Joe Biden. He did this. You are paying more for gas, because so this proposal, a windfall profits tax was
this hiding them responsibly, act in the interest of consumers, and their country. To invest in america, by increasing production and refining capacity, because they had, they don't want to do that. They have the opportunity lowering prices for consumers at the pump it's a down there pay a higher tax on their excess profits, face other restrictions mighty, we'll work with congress to look at ease up these options available to us and others as israeli unbelievable. It really is Sitting here is more, I did fox and friends so how to go inside quick and just get ready, and I'm just yellin over the d. Like if we just had a media, Joe, that told the truth for just a month, Maybe even two weeks came out blank did the airwaves with the truth about what these people are doing to this country. There would never be a Democrat, ever voted in again in u s, history.
they are such rose wires. It is so pathetic. Joe Biden refuses. Permanent new refineries and his team and then turns around and says, while they're, not refining gas, its age did it, you did it, You lying piece of garbage, you did it. Such a wire, to increase production. Your stop! production he won't permit. The gulf permitting an all time low. permit in alaska. What are you talking about? He shut down keystone, what kind of eddie? You believe this. he wants a windfall profits tax. Maybe if the media told the truth, they tell you We already did that job. you and I were alive Jimmy her past a windfall profits tax as well. Oh yeah, yeah is filled their remember that as corporate notes on twitter account the wind
profit sacks under carter raised only twenty percent of its projected revenue. Less than half of that was net revenue. Every boost domestic oil production. Three Twenty million barrels to one million, two thousand six hundred two hundred. Sixty eight million barrels Biden says: what do it? Of course he does because this is what happens when you are led by eighty, its idiots. They try the windfall profits tat they re it's nearly no money and shut down adoption thrill hard to believe how stupid people have to be to offer this stuff, here's biden again by the way, tat, is average gas price of well into the three dollars close to the fort alaric. Here's the problem, the Prices were to thirty nine. When he took office he's bragging about it,
that is more on today. The average price for a girl gas is three dollars in seventy six cents That's adding up to real savings for american families, the difference between those prices. Folks, how'd. Is, is adding up this, how the gas price was to thirty nine when he got an office asked prices are higher because of him he is artists actually constricting supply By his war on the gas companies, don't and to me list
after him check this out, no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling, including off shore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period. Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration? No, we will work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated. I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuel. There's no question: I'm in favor of banning fracking, no more! No new fracking! We are going to get rid of fossil fuels, the transition from the oil industry. Yes, I dunno what else you need to hear that we are. The man in the white house now is a single dumbest human being to ever occupy that office and combine that with his pen, for lying plagiarism and corruption, and you have a dish active whirlwind in the united states. A windfall stupid, like we have
not seen the new s, history. We cannot take What you want to have more years of this stuff, we can't two more years. Please please, vote next week, please I can't beg who, in a begging, I'm not too proud to beg. Save this place from this corrupt loser scan ugly out there. Now it's gettin ugly, because they don't tell you the truth about anything anything, member? When conservatives warn that the speed in corona virus appeared lee likely to have leaked from a lab and move on, and we were called spirits, see theorist. We were banned by fake fact, checkers we had, three c o of a of twitter and others banning people. We had facebook coming after people,
now a new report came out by the senate indicating at yet the culprit pandemic, was like because by a lab legal move on now rob swab as a show on. I think it's over the hill. It brings up an inch, think point here. Something Joseph if your listening to this show ever wasting your breakin time box, we, brought up well over a year ago the chinese communist parties, development of a vaccine, Time line was impossible they I do have known something happen because of how quickly they got moving on a vaccine they knew something was up I'll get to that in a second. Swab age. Addressing that exact point, the timeline doesn't work. They had vaccine door vaccine or their thereof, research on a ready to go before it
a pandemic is that makes sense unless you knew something here, watch vanity, fair public. I spoke to experts who said that the time line of the chinese military vaccine development was quote unrealistic, if not impossible, if not impossible, So I bought you. This is a pretty damning story and I initially saw a lot of people just dismissing the report. Zoos republic have produced a report wherever second change anyone's mind. I chair idea. Everyone is complete. This story, which you know dances around this. This likely indication that these dispatches are indicating these conversations between the laboratory scientists in the chinese meant that something went really wrong in november of twenty nineteen, he said I am old enough to remember when you were instantly band and call the racist procedure thing that the child The communist party military, the developing maxine for a virus. They claim they didn't know about didn't it sets out its that's
Definitely racist, definitely racist november. when he nineteen they were already on this folks, a new report just came: the time line is impossible. you listen to show. You already knew this. They concluded this new Senate report. our committee, there, that sars and the covert nineteen pandemic was more likely than not the result of a research related incident associated with the corona virus. Research in will want china yeah thanks here. They know This is by the way this is Jennifer van lars reporting in red state go to my newsletter mancino consolation newsletter. Read this and read the next report too about the vaccine doctor who disappeared here. One? So they know to that? The zoo are probably no longer deserves a benefit of doubt, the zoonotic origin and several by
safety and biosecurity events at the lab. were noted in this report hold to keep this up. So what happened? How did they get? This Apparently, someone got a hold of the war on labs, dispatches that we're still on its website and translate them into english. There were a bunch of panic dispatches about security, problems, biosecurity events, the womb, lab was freaked out about its own security and the chinese communist party cracking down on it. They In addition, the rapid development of vaccine by chinese researches her because they had a head start was It is a factor supporting the committee senate committees conclusion the pandemics origin, the dismissal of zoonotic origin theory. Folks remember this story. Is by scott hounslow Jim. I newsletter it's from june
Twenty twenty one go back and read it. It is worth your time there was a doctor, the name of the doktor was jus use. Then. The chinese immunology, whose research had previously been funded by national institutes health grants that discussing this study of axiom for sars, he file the patent on behalf of the chinese army for anew? vaccine for sars covert too. for reference, the vaccine at its formula with developed than padded before the first who s recorded death of covert nineteen. Yes, you re that correctly he notes what we even at a single death in the? U s from covered the chinese government had developed in We tested a viable covered vaccine that it hid from the world owen Doctors, you use, then he ended up dead
from mysterious causes? Just a few weeks later, you got banned. If you should. This article, you were banned. You a fact check tab. You will call the racist. So it's just follow the facts quickly here. So you have a bunch of dispatch. from a will harm lab. Who are panic about potential? leaks and biosecurity incidents at their lab there indicating that their freaked out, because local chinese communist party, I was going to crack down on him. You then have an break of covert that starts the area near the lab. You then chinese military doctor who patent say vaccine. who may know about the lab league. Therefore he was working on a vaccine, at any mysteriously turns up dead have american communist members that the chinese communist party a lot of them. They are there the fact members in the media and a big deck calling.
It's racist and suppressing us for telling you the truth. It's not about right, because it is seven days. Alright, let me get to this folks. Freedom isn't free by the way it got coming up had just kentucky brown jackson, who the left loves her new supreme court justice. Just getting wrecked in court. He thought he was amazing. I need you to stay tuned for that freedom is not free. It comes with a high price paid by american heroes and their families. He was like navy lieutenant florence b chloe who was killed in action on march twenty seven, twenty nine in afghanistan. She survived by her daughter, kristin chloe, but chris is not left behind she's a multi year, scholarship recipient with folds of honour and active tenth, greater loves, volleyball track raw climbing mrs her mom theory the folds of honor, provides live change
scholarships for the families of our military heroes, like the chloe family. Folks, don't need a script for any of this stuff. Folds of honor, I think, is one of the finest charities in the world right now. I love having him on the show. I donate money to them. Every year give these kids who have lost their parents in combat the gift of an education. You could change their life. Their noble mission of folds of honor includes the families of first responders now, who are severely injured then service. The need is great and it needs patriot site. You join the folds of honor squadron today, please, where the recurring donation of thirteen dollars a month at folds of honor dot, org, that's folds of honour that work slashed, squadron folds of that org slashed squadron, folds of honor dot, org slashed, squadron again one more time. Folks, folds of honor dot, org slash squadron. Please join today. It's such a wonderful charity with good people in charge. They do the right thing. I can't recommend them highly enough. Folds of honor dot, org slash squadron thanks, folds about it.
so up this bright barred story about these harvard lawyers as a court a case in the Supreme court's argument. Is there a skip ahead? Here is a case in the supreme court about the er about the affirmative action, the case they're getting crushed. You can't justify discriminating against asian americans for college admission in favor of another racial group. It is strictly prohibited by the constitution. So the if you read this bright bar piece, the harvard lawyer was extragalactic should I trying to advocate for racial preferences and discrimination. The harvard lawyer was struggling to explain to SAM Alito supreme court justice why they should continue discriminating against people. They don't have a reason. What they're doing folks is because asian american, some of whom have really scores, but their over represented, meaning people are going to discriminate against them. They have to find a way to keep asian american just like they did. Keep that site. They kept Jews out of college back in the day.
They have to find a way. So what they do, is they score them. Lower asian applicants on personal criteria so that's kind of strange or semele. Do I see how is it all? These asian people are so too herbal personally, you keep. Ah, you know score. In poorly on these pearls. The guy couldn't explain it. They could explain it each argue that I don't it's just a little thing. We use had no statistical effect on the outcome so illegal. Then. Why are you doing This is a suicide mission for the left. I told you at this left this world culture was eventually going to eat it Because liberties is zero sum game? When you take away some from asian americans and others, and you attempt to give it to you other racial group. You are scrimmage aiding again said group, the former there is way to do that. That's why Don't allow Racism and discrimination can tangier brown jackson
left largest, got wrecked in court yesterday by this trying to explain away your listeners, scrape she's god, don't worry, listen. She says that they are the advocate for for eliminating racial discrimination and affirmative action. It's just one of many factors that are used, and then the warriors. I really because the fact that you're talking raise is strictly prohibited by the constitution. Check this out, you haven't demonstrated or shown one situation in which, all day, get, is race and take from that stereotypes and other things there looking at the a person with all of these characteristic is move. Our point is that all those other characteristics are not borne by the constitution, totally wrecked totally wrecked the strike right. There are left, loves her by the way, kentucky branch action, a lover, anxious, wonderful- and let me get to this last. I go back to the nineteen forty five stars
whitewater. I wasn't I was Charles gonna get with this is just I want to leave on this one because I awoke so let just be clear from the start. I dont do speculation by nineteen, forty five pretty decent website adversary- yesterday that the british government to be clear. I want sure we are absolutely transparent- is not confirming yet this hack, but former prime minister liz trust. There are allegations out there that her phone was hacked. Maybe I russia, which makes me instantly kind sceptic all the information that comes out you gotta, remember, although you know HANS your Biden, you know this information stuff was not said. The russians will puts out? There is well the kind of message people's minds keeper. by this story, is fascinating. Now what you read it and evaluated for yourself. It's my newsletter today, so there our farmers hacked and kinda com, if you check him out of social media eyes, and they get their hands on this stuff and right.
After the Nord stream explode member, the Nord stream pipeline the sabotage the pipeline The allegation here is that trust sent a message to our: u s: secretary state tony boycott right after the explosion. What did it say? Well, accordant did the kinda calm again, I can for many, it is useful story, interest that you have it on your own. How did the russians? No? He says that the uk blew up the Nord stream pipeline in partnership with the? U s because this trust used or iphone to send a message to secretary blinking, saying it's done. I made it after pipeline blew up before anyone else knew kinda comrade I cloud access rocks. I can I can confirm. I just find that story fastening. That's the kids will see or not die confirming this, yet any kind of actual will see what happens
alright. Folks, thanks again for tuning in check you out on the radio show a little bit later, I got tudor dixon on don't miss out. I got the f b. I agent called serafin coming out to talk about this their steps to intercept story at the beginning of the shell syllable. You just heard in bonn, gino.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-26.