« The Dan Bongino Show

A Massive Election Controversy Is Brewing (Ep 1554)

2021-07-01 | 🔗

The latest election controversy is a humiliation for the Democrats. In this episode, I discuss the disaster brewing in this election and I also address the real reasons why the mainstream media decided to cover the growing scandal regarding the bio-weapons lab in China. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee now thinking this morning, you to one of the hallmarks of a tyranny: socialist society totalitarianism, one of the hallmarks of happening here. I want to start with that. I've got three things: three things to look for every single time in those three things are happening right here right now, not a joke. I'll show you the actual headlines, and I've got some video of surpassing Gorka, I hit he did an appearance on news backs that I'm telling you this thing does beg your bangles? You don't! I beg us, the bag Summer highlights from the Trump appearance at the border yesterday and ahead of the interview and a whole lot more than usual, but you may express Vps, you don't like the government big text by new either Why it's? Why have a Vps get one go to express VP, and Thou com. Slash mancino go today, welcome to the damned mancino show, because it is
loaded shall we got a big long weekend come up Please check out my show unfiltered. We have a new show for you, Saturday night, on Fox ten p m. I've got an apps lewd fire monologue. I've been working on out all we come out the beginning, you're not gonna, want to miss check it out, set your Dvr Unfiltered Fox NEWS shall attend PM eastern time. Ok, about you, boyfriends, a patriot, mobile, listen when major corporations going woke and cancelling free speech, we departed with companies deserving of our trust, you know many wireless company, sport leftwing causes. They do causes that threaten our freedoms and beliefs. Patriot, mobiles different patriot, mobiles, America's only Christian serve it of wireless company. They don't need a portion of every dollar. organizations that fight for causes. You and I care about right now. They have two great offers to choose for me to get fifty percent off the first two months or a hundred hours off any for both come with free premier activation, Did you get it got a patriot, mobile Dotcom, Slash stand for details, pager bubbles, the broadest nation,
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was tyrannical totalitarian regimes. I need you. aggregate into it into a trifecta. What are the three things they all have in common, all of em murderous forgers, fascist regimes, communism, totalitarianism. What are they in common. I would make the case to you and I for you to hear my you hear me out and respond back of. You think, there's more something. I'm missing, let me know, argue the hallmarks of tyranny, or this number one. There is no sanction between the private and public self. I'll, explain all its s number one number two there is no law there, just arbitrary enforcement of the law, what they call the laws meaningless. They just prosecutor over. They want number three indoctrination and media compliance with propaganda, speed on that. I think that's a pretty fair assessment of three common characteristics of every tyranny. throughout human history, let's go to them one by one, because I want to warn you that it's happening right now. We
descending added maddeningly rapid pace into third world status, I'm not kidding. We are descending into a vacuum of third world tyranny. So fast, it's hard to get a grip around. What's going on right now, if we lose twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four. I don't know what's going to happen here, hallmark number one of a growing tyranny or an established tyranny. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no distinction between the public and private self. What do I mean by that? Any out there listening, who grew up in a soviet bloc country- and there are many of you- grew up in Cuba, down here and South Florida. There are Cubans everywhere there all over. They will. gladly tell you stories of their parents are themselves living. Through the horrible Castro regime and all of the torture and political imprisonment and fear and what they did
you get away, they'll tell you, they'll talked you, but that's why they mostly boat Republican, because I can't stand socialist democrats. But what are they I'll tell you is there's no private self. What do I mean by that folks in a free constitutional republic? In a society that respects individual liberty, you have a private self, listen folks were in our house, we do We don't want people watching us could have bathroom brush your teeth, urine shower? Right? I mean the inhuman comes with being human Oh baby, everything you're watching you know I'd if you dont want everybody, does ocean outbreak in a law that everything we do. It human beings is always bear. You know, peaches and cream right. Yes and so be inhuman, but you're relatively calm border free society that there's a private self that you're ok there that's right and that this can be the high brow stubborn me. I'm embarrassed about it. You're sure sure you know next time you were in the bathroom. Let's put a video come out. I mean that well, why not? What do you care about? You decided I worried about
pretty comfortable in a free society right that those, instead by the US, to be in human, but are now proudest moments ever once heard allied tell me if it's your job, what I think is a man and his underwear and socks is a man at its worst is worth it's pretty much true underwear, socks, Blackhawks pulled up pretty much worse every you don't need a picture that on the internet, but what's wrong, you are, in other words, I it's no big deal you're a communist country and a socialist tyrannical regime. Everything's public, there's, no private self. Ever when you open up your garage door in the morning and you roll your car out of your roll, your car and your driveway, already your parking spot in Manhattan or whatever it is and you're on the your work, you know your private self has stopped. The new public self begins you're in work. People are watching you you're on the road. You don't go the bathroom in your car. If you had a after many car would use it. Of course you would you have windows into our people. Watch you, you know what to do now is a public so that
does it happen. Ladies and gentlemen, in communist tyrannical regimes, there is no more private cell, there's no more text there's no more emailing! Everybody is listening to everything you do all the time I only the gross examples, because it's hard for liberals to digest all this stuff because they don't the growing threat of socialism and tyranny? Kicking them, the colonies right now. Why am I bring this up? I heard something yesterday my friend Sebastian Gorka sent this over to me. I'd This is, I don't even know how to describe house fucking? What he says in this clip is again how nobody's picking it up is just bizarre. Brought on one another friend. My grandson inch feels great guy overt news MAX terrific post, so Goerck is on MID Stansfield end there. about the Tucker across in case. You ve been discussing over the past few days where Tucker Crossings alleging that he's been spied on by the USA, and he has evidence Gordon says something so stunning here that again
actually shocked. Even more conservative Alison pick it up Sebastian Gorka talking about the tea, a o now they spied on him. and others check this out. How did you first learn that they work possibly spying on you, while you're working in the White House and think about that? The ramifications to me are chilling that that could have been going on I got to know a couple of great patriots. One was a very senior form. A CIA official had been a station chief and worked in the Middle EAST. September the eleventh and another one. As a former member of the armed forces, with a special forces in intelligence background, and they told me after I left the White House that they wanted me to know. There is a pie?
Out of the end ass, a it is the most aggressive cyber arm of the USA called the tailored access operations, the tea Oh and there was a small unit of contractors in the tobacco who had been tasked to actually Savell members of the tree administration me and Steve Banner and others, including wait wide ha. You did you make an arab Gorka, like I elevators at Yale, he's a he said here, he's they get it three letter acronyms, because he's Border Dona traveller, let's inventor three letter acronym. What's in there, They d be ass. What does the gps? I don't know? I just made it up just sounds really scary- to collect GPS tracking down at the table, does it get you? The t I'll get you later made that up folks, I know the rapporteur he's working with I'm not gonna, say who it is was seriously this is this? Is it Scary, stop! But there's
a porter he's working with who has given him. Some of this information, who is one of the best reporters you'll figure it out soon and will be covered, this story when she launches it she's got great sources. cork- has not making this up so there's an branch of the say the tee o was monitoring people in the Trump administration. Again, all mark number, one core lay of the stool number. One of any tyranny is no, I've itself, everything's public, the ruling regime, has access to your information at any time you're saying right here that what he thought was private was not because people in the USA, where spying on him, just like Tucker Carson alleged the other day, what's the difference between a tyranny away, the answer is there is none there second part to this house, eggs equally the USA Gorka part do here,
how they got a hold of his data, because USA is not allowed to spy on Americans on american soil. So how exactly did get a hold of some of their communications. I want you to listen to this peace, where this is part of this from Gorkum, where it talks about how the USA does this thing called traffic shaping. I Ass in the tea I'll check this out, they used are absolutely unconstitutional. There's a a dog they worked out. Cold traffic shaping weather whereby they know that they are not allowed to spy on. U S, persons in the United States, but they know the internet communications are. So locally global. So the annex They use its capacity to shape internet traffic, to move the nodes of connect sites, that of my email guy in Washington DC to New York, they routed through Malaysia and they say: oh look, that's a foreign communication therefore weaken intercepted. So with traffic shaping
They break the constitutional restrictions on the USA and they spy on people for political purposes asked approved a very, very highly respected. Journalists, as has the evidence, and she promised me that she will publicly at this. I was her. Sources are when she does that. I will have something to Do you see how marked number three- and I want to skip ahead here- we're talking to the private public distinction has arisen, everything's public, the USA is clearly a court. These allegations, spying on some people's there's, nothing private, but fact, number three media corruption. If we functioning media. This was a man worked in the White House. You may not like Gorka. I do he's a friend, I respect him, but you may not that's fine, but we would like That's fine! Do I'm not a tyrant liberals, I want my political opponents thrown in jail, but you would think you would take Gorka seriously in the White House? It's, not a stupid man, smart guy!
he's telling you a well respected reporter. I know who it is. It is a well respected reporter. Who is numerous stories is telling him that he was spied on by a branch of the USA while the tee o using a technique called traffic shaping if we had actual reporters we'd, all They would be knocking on the NSA's door right now. Asking these questions is only one of the most serious allegations. I've heard all week, maybe all year, so the public private of distinction- is evaporating. That's, mark number one leg of the stool. Legged store stool number, one of a growing tyranny argue with me: labs, I'd love to hear it. What your argument, he's making it up. How do you know he's making it up you telling this two year, YO doesn't exist. Traffic, being doesn't happen. Fine prove it to me. You you can't because you dont want to ask the questions right, uncomfortable in it. What's this
can hallmark. Second leg of the stool of a growing tyranny arbiter. Enforcement of the law law doesn't mean anything Gentlemen: justice is supposed to be blind. When you have a constitution is supposed to apply to the poorest and the richest black and white Asian Muslim, Jus Christian. It doesn't matter what law applies equally. We dont selectively horse, the law based on your racial status, sexual orientation. Where you were born, we don't do that orbit. very enforcement of the law is a hallmark of communist and socialist regimes. show them the person. They'll invent the crime happening right now. Now we look at this from CNBC this morning, Alan Muscle, bargain. organization and see if I'll, that's it westward indicted by Manhattan Grand jury for what we do terrorist eyes. What are the trumpet
Zation at sea, for what are they alleged with terror ties what what are they doing where they laundering money for a drug operation charge? You hear anything about that without where the accused of a the need in here that unity of it and what not to hijack plain somewhere there. I hereby view that either it was a murder scandal that take out their political opponents. They are process, meeting in New York. They tromp organ, You should see if all waiting for it. Because the organization gave out free parking and stuff the people their alleging there's some tax violation. It yeah yeah that several jet folks, so let me get. Straight with New York. New York is the number one target of terrorist around the World New York City and new. City prosecuted by the way, chinese espionage is rife in New York. It's everywhere from the country of China, so we that, going on we ve got B. L I'm running while crime rates running crazy in New York, up close to triple did murders soaring and the priority
the New York up of the New York prosecutors in New York City prosecution? Let me get this straight. Are the Trump CFO for aid legit tax violation on free parking. Well done fell as well done you, are really cracking down way to do it priority Man, you gotta priorities that just think considering we have actual evidence of potential hunter Bide malfeasance that could be criminality and but he's done a damn thing about hundred Biden. Yeah! That's that's! That's pretty! That's! That's! Pretty strange! Again: leg number two of the three legged stool of tyranny. What's like number to arbitrary enforcement of law You actually believe this targeting vessel bargain the Trump Organization has anything to do with taking criminal
off the street. You are more on if you believe that stopless To my shall right now I don't I've. Really you dumb down the collective iq my audience- and I don't want that- and a demo server clean up Listening immediately. If you believe that here's the one arbitrary enforcement of the law she's been my guard, my friend, who actually stunningly got a piece of news week, which is left, leaning, he's a great guy bend my garden. I want you to read this piece of my newsletter No, that calm, slash, newsletter check. This out Biden has a new domestic terrorists she folks it. You know that, and it codifies the war, war on wrong thing? This is an excellent peace, so by just released is new domestic terrorist strategy And has been why garden says the strategy fails to clearly define who exactly it's targeting mean. The target could be ever moving and forever growing, but strategy strongly implies that the threat consists of at least the nearly half of the electorate that vote
for President Trump in twenty twenty. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president. The United States is drawing up a domestic terrorist, priority list, he's going to be allocating your taxpayers money, peers, the implication this document to investigate you, prosecute tromp, prosecute trumps, supporters, arbitrary enforcement of law. I'd say we descended into total. Tell Darien may chaos an essay spying on people or allegations thereof, media, not you anything that leads us nicely poorly, actually, the pressing segment, but a necessary one to number three, the third stool, the third leg of the stool of tyranny. You must indoctrinate the kids
We ve seen that I'm not gonna beat a dead horse through seniority, uncritical race theory getting everyone to hate one another, that's one of the ways to do it, but Doktor nation requires media corruption in compliance and when I say media I mean talking heads to people that have profiles and the media who go out there and lie to you on behalf of their Asters in big government a guy, saw yesterday doing exactly that who doesn't clearly you sell it claims to be a former FBI agent of Tourism Series on line, but it's James Harris on Twitter. I saw this yesterday disgusted and the radio show, of course doing there. bidding of his masters in the FBI he's trying to shoot down. Tucker Carson's allegations that he was spied on despite Tucker crosses evidence cause James Harris is not remotely curious about what then State James Harris is clearly not a bright guy. He says dear Tucker, and let me tell you something I know from experience. I love one FBI agents site their experience. He says if the USA was reading your two, why? Because they usually screw it up here, the USA was reading your or emails unlikely there.
two possibilities: the purse you are emailing texting is an agent of a foreign power or a bicycle has determined that you are not wrong. Sorry, Jim, go back to FBI School, screw that up wrong, but he's doing what media requires he's doing. The bidding of his FBI, masters, which the media scoop Bob through properly indoctrinate their people and get them to look away. They grow civil liberty, violation, Tucker Carlson's evaluate no eyes. Accord is not determined. You were a foreign agents that is not necessary for a warrant. What is this sorry for a warrant, is, you are an agent of a foreign power and you violation of a? U S. Lodgings Harris clearly doesn't know that again, maybe he should go attend. The FBI Academy, refresher courses for talking heads who site their experience in FBI to mislead you. That is not the case. A Pfizer court winning you're a foreign agent is not enough to get a warrant James Harris a very simple question. Really, then, why
and chinese diplomats in the United States and Japan are Jim, any time Jim. If you like to answer that quite their foreign agents right there in Asia far about game. I run a chinese diplomats. The United States is an agent of China. That's what he does why you jail I've just checking value I agitated. ombudsman check there. You're an agent of a foreign power. You admit it. You are but why are you in jail? Whoever Ro Kennedy. U S. Laws is dunce away experience? What would we do it experience people in the media working for me. Yes, So my golden calf, lords and the FBI Joe Geese, says he's probably hanging out with frightful Gacy. Here they are. hobby sit around on eight eight. Do you know It stands for Heil Hitler
that day they want half mast. What he really means have stepped member that more on what I thought you were all morality I Guffey Year do right, please please just stay of TV, my gosh, if I ever people we now are you I applied for the FBI, the secret service called verse. I run into in a gymnast shriek and I'm not kidding. I was work. I haven't been after the gym. Much ease use my own Jim, but I wanna get I'll talk to some folks are brought into this young guy cool cat in may nineteen again, I want to go to the federal federal law enforcement. We suggest I say years ago I would have told you, the FBI, not now organizations totally foreign apart people
I gazed and this guy ruining hole image of the place it's really set. As you give the secret service. A sharp folks again are tied up saying at a move on I've got to this are speaking a propaganda. That's coming up next June Saki getting totally wrecked at the White House. This is great. No public private distinction, everything's public, all mark number, one of a tyranny: arbitrary law enforcement, hallmark number two or mark number, three indoctrination and media corruption. With the aid of experts. I today show rights reference at o max this and living with chronic pain is the worst I've really horrible thrice. It gets in the way of everything you can't work out You can't sleep every time you move, it hurts it's no way to live. Folks, perhaps been gone going for a few weeks, maybe years you, India, when, if you're looking to get rid of nagging muscle, enjoy pain immediately by providing long, lasting recovery, you need to try to natural break through pain, relief solution,
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So I guess we can try to imply that the Republicans where the party of defending the police covered over a couple days. I don't want to beat this thing to death, but it really is a new level of of nerve. I mean really. The republic is reaching its AIDS Democrats cities, the funding that police, its democrat, liberal hacks on the line. then squad members calling for defining the police there's not a republican city in the country. This defended the police and no real Look it's on the record calling for defending police and, of course, as liberals already it's I'm sorry. but they just are the they're just not very bright, delicate it was Republicans, did you have any evidence to back them up? Well, Peter, do see doing yeoman work over at Fox NEWS at the White House Briefing yesterday, with the Red headed propagandist, Jen, Saki and Saki, whose quite pathetic these days, you think, should try to save a reputation get out of their way Camp Saki was ass. I guess to go out defend this absurdity that Republicans are calling for defending the police. Peter do see reason
absolutely not of a check. This out pay very close attention to the part which she says: Zaki, oh yeah, job. Ran on funding the police. He did because I got video that too then sound like when I heard check this out measured at last reading that you think Republicans wanting to deepen the police, because they do not support the american rescue plan, which Republican ever said that they do not like the american rescue plan because they want to deepen the police. But first let me just now that the president ran and one the most habits of any candidate in history, on a platform of boosting funding. For law enforcement after a publican spent decades,
to cut the cops programme. There's record of that. That doesn't require anyone having new comments and then also stood in the way of crucial funding needed to prevent the laying off of police officers as crimes increased. That's a simple statement of fact. I understand what you're saying there. However, there are lots of examples of Democrats explicitly say they want to do for the police and the council was swollen Presley, Elsie Repose, reporters, Johan Omar. Are there any examples of Republican Congress saying they want to do for the police? I think most people would argue that actions are more important than words when you say that. Well, Why did we there at the time of the vote on the american rescue plan? You have the revolting leader in the Senate, which Macao he said he just didn't like, because he thought it was a classic example of things. Governments, democratic overreach in the name of relief and then can Mccarthy said he thought directly using corona virus as an excuse.
justify funding projects. While we are as the here there have been avoided. If you want to deepen the police again, I think actions speak louder than words Peter. So, if you oppose funding for the cops, her comes something that was drawn up clear cut by the pirate minister. This woman is pathetic. I mean what an embarrassment seriously. How does she look or family in the face? She no she's why this is not a stupid person or she's, not stupid, she's, not she's, right, which is even worse, it would please be more to admit to you. She was stupid because that I will be hard you a tribute to her militias intentions and malfeasance, but she's that stupid? She thinks you're stupid folks, the bill she's talking about the american families, Portugal, as plan that Biden, that they sign how many times You think the words police polices mentioned in that built. but still a little round. Robin Hood show how many times
The word police appears and binds porcupines primary thing tenant when he finds maybe give out just twenty. I will go twenty, twenty, ok, gay. What do you think how many times you think police funding appears in the workplace? Three? He says three justice, twenty, the AIDS or zero. The word police doesn't appear anywhere the bill ever so you're like weight get it just Are you saying that Biden spent bill had funding for the police and the Republicans didn't like the bill, given mine a pass so there, Is it like to their de funding the police it? It's really. The word police never appears in here. logic they're using and yes, you have. You have to be a tier one level, gold medal metal, winning embers sail on behalf distorted by the Saki said? No, this spending plan that we didn't I was gonna, give money to some cities. So what gave somebody those cities. They would have had some extra money. Therefore extra money they had. Would have been good.
Because then the extra money they didn't have could have been spent on the police. Later, if you like wait, what I thought The analyses that it's like saying we want to paper factory in Chattanooga? We want to spend a trillion dollars. The GEO p says no, no! No! I don't want to a trillion dollars in Chattanooga on a paper could factory and like well, Chattanooga is gonna, have to a trillion of the Roma you're gonna have to take it from the police. So you're funding the police. You like way, wife, what kind lady. It believes that the answer is Saki she doesn't actually believed she thinks you're an idiot. and then she says halfway through cheers, Alan and Biden, ran on fund the police in backing the police. He did because I action foxes, this video, you know we have this thing called rumble. I think I'll Youtube. video, this video platforms out there, you can actually go and check this. The sheep, this woman right, We think you're a moron, here's Joe
I endorse owned or in his own campaign talking about yes right, erecting money away, police. The barbarous here, Joe Biden himself check this out. Surplus military crippled for law enforcement. They don't need The last thing you need not farmer, Humvee coming into a neighborhood, is like the military invasion. I don't know anybody- they become the enemy, this post, protecting these people so much point. We agree that weaken redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely. these people just like your face? It's not because they're stupid it's because they think you're stupid, and sadly, some liberals take em up on the offer all right. I have possibly the greatest Republicans pounds ever, but it's important that it did. the stories intentionally hilarious, but if a very serious election issue. I can, I felt I don't we weren't a lot to complain about elections,
we are told my guy Edwards, we told I know no complaining about elections. Everybody said that don't you dare year has passed since we are Democrats are complaining about elections. Even when I was a complaint about all. I should let me get to my third spots of regret this, because this too, this is the greatest Republicans pounds It is a growing up. Cereal is one of the best parts of being a kid, but had to give it up because I realized it was full of sugar and junk. You really should be really just look at the back. It was bad. I mean I loved cereal growing up, but then I started getting the health and fitness, and I look- and I was like you so I dumped it. I don't have to dump it anymore, now, I'm back again magic spoon, magic spoon as zero grams, assure thirteen or fourteen grams of protein, and only four neck rams carbs in each serving forget. It's delicious! That's great! Stop at the stuff states! Really good awesome. It is only one hundred and forty calories of serving is Keto Friendly gluten free grain, free soy, free low carbon GMO free and my kids eat the heck out of it. The problem is they leave the empty boxes in the closet. Drives me crazy,
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Time is getting on. I gotta get out ahead of myself number one guys. The Democrats just got done. Scattered would six months of lecturing us about how we should never ever challenge in election. This is it. You all know that I don't want to keep repeating. Because you're there you lived, they just got discourse to show you the epic frauds. These people are, they are total phony. You question whatever you want. They question when he sixteen election, the George W Bush Al Gore election, don't listen to these losers. You quest whatever you want and I have questions about twenty twenty while they told us not to which is weird because their core nay, nay oral primary. Now that effective democratic summer, one what's number to the devil This is why this is such a humiliating facebook. Our question elections, while we're questing election number, two you're trying to push through HR one and Senate Bill, one
This massive federal take over of elections and their whole prime, for doing it is hey? We are wrong. least Smart Washington d c. We can figure this vague out its whole herpes. because clearly the joy that sentence- the double- that's, maybe more coherently serious, didn't you city, loaded things carry the figure out how to adapt to New York City election. You takes a bureaucrat DC, gotta be able to clean up elections all over the country, including New York City, New York City can't even figure out their own dart election. This I cannot express to you I get a lot of traffic behind the scenes from people, sick people, Phoebe stuff and it's for a lot of reasons, a lot of murder, crash sum of want to get on the show, above above above they pitch stuff. Do you feel content business. You know what I'm talking about their quality opponents want to get on to show due
so they'll send you stuff and ideas. So you get to see what their thinkin listen to me. You have no idea yeah how humiliating this is for the Democrats and how they are sweating bullets and clawing at their faces over the basing New York City may oral primarily on the Democrats. I'd eighty, driving them. It is under cutting everything the thing. They said what what happened? We very yesterday. These It's in New York at the Board of Election submitted a hundred and thirty thousand test balance to test the equipment. They sets is a federal Eliza wants is to figure out how to do it. They forgot to take has ballads out. That's right. They too busy You could be another buddy, it's not really three Bartley, it's like a two plus one
but its appointment. It's a tube we haven't got. A dupe was one of the keys rights, the Bible he's right through to busy investigating jobs. Here offer free parted. Katy would figure out how to like the mayor these these dip words they loaded does balance I never took the results out. So, of course, what happens every time? The Democrats, face plant in humiliating fashion. Well, let's go back now the show one of the hallmarks of a tyranny? Well, stool. They let leg number three, the stool, you need a media, corrupt media to cover up for the Power Party every single time, so every time there
Cried screw up, what is it? What is the media? Do they know right a story about the Democrats screw up. The story becomes about the Republicans reaction to the Democrats screw up to put on Republicans and we frame those ass gay get ready Republic its paths the greatest Republicans crowds ever you would take the story. Right guys would be Democrats in New York completely blowing on election, what a bunch of humiliating losers now, if not the story, it all. Here's MAX read what the hell trumpeted Oh please, seize on New York, election boyhood, proper, sees paths, leap, job ever every single time, every sick of everything. They can't write this story about Democrats
growing up because their Pravda there there their state their state, run media. So they have to write the story about the report, In response to distract you once, you see Republicans pounds, you can never unseen and thank you seriously. Thank you to my eyes. Who keep sending into our email. It's on the website. All these great Republicans pounced stories head there. There are areas. Once you see em, you will never sees paths, jump leave, look for Roma Republicans attack. It's the same thing every time. Here's another had to be found. This one hears the Washington Post absolutely hapless Philip. I mean one of the legendary losers of media and I don't know Simon Waxman, but he's a that we have have on the same. Here's a screen spill bump. Here's state media doing their job to hear so here is the worst impose headline spaces, folks sought a job we can make this up.
real headlines unwashed imposed on top of each other washed imposed deadline, one by Simon, Wax Right, choice, voting, went smoothly in New York, but it wont say our democracy. Here's headline number literally the next day, fill a pub New York. May our election is abbess. This doesn't somehow prove Donald Shrubs right up one of the biggest airports, history I mean: are you build a bad thoroughly humiliated by his own existence. I dont know why we wakes up in the morning. I really doubt I really doubt the pain be a credible, but that does improve Donald Trump right. What Trot, but I want to tell the said these are. Actions of EU federalism will be a disaster that we now have the ability to federalized elections and these?
its can't even hamlet New York. In it. You are DC people to handle what they could even handle on their own city, but I think it proves Donald Trump Right proves: Philip Pompous, Philip bump everyone, a really laugh. I don't even like giving them the collects. Put up a fella bump articles, its comical, they quite basic. I'm overnight down, but I'm dead, serious behind the scenes. The Democrats or panicking over this in New York has just makes them look like complete before the big it about media cover. Ups like three, the stool of tyranny, very serious story here, folks: why is the mainstream media now All of a sudden, our propaganda stay run media in the United States, the tools of China Why all of a sudden are they talking about the real harm, lab league and functional wasting your time here.
something we ve been discussing on this show for a long time. What did I tell you said folks? It's not the lab, we that's the controversy as controversial, but it's not the big conquerors. Big controversy is. Did we fund a chinese military forces? That way, the lab a good report do I respected CBS Catherine Heritage used to work if she does good, where she's not partisan at all, but Actually. Stun CBS letter put this on the air. Finally, mainstream media would say CBS restarting realized for some reason. I get to that. If this clip that we got a problem, we may have funded we: U S, dollars a buyer weapons research lab in China. That sounds really serious. Why? Because it is this report. Airline CBS hears about a minute of it check this out.
Aid department. Investigators also found the womb Hon LAB, had military ties and did high risk research on corona viruses, their hiding lab records, their hiding Michael Records CBS News- has also learned that one of the- U S- government top labs Lauren Livermore issued a classified report. last year, they found the lab league theory was plausible. Why now why now. Zeb anything to do with the story. We ve been governed by General Van LAR Red state for the last week or so about the alleged affection of major chinese intelligence figure to the United States, given this all up in the media. and we're getting when that they can cover up for the chinese government any work as we have a potential intelligence. The factor here I know there's pictures of him that have surfaced in China. They real or not. I don't know, maybe defect, I dont know nobody can confirm
The- U S, government is not come from there saying the opposite, but that the reason as propaganda. Pravda media tries to cover up for China and Communist all the time if they finally realize they run out of weapons to cover up for Joe Biden and the Democrats to try to make it lively theory go away, cuz, it would approve Donald Trump right. Are they out of weapons studying new story, my newsletter by said, Arthur for them are today, and I encourage you to read I ve been doing great work, new whew, bad woman worked with chinese military on weapon in corona viruses using? U S government money, while It's a headline for you might be the l e mail, you asked me about five. Six more sense is to meet the daily males, are rather lengthy requirement for a headline, but there's something better than a headline that lays out the whole story. Right. What have I said to you now
weeks controversy number one on your scale of concerns not did at least from the lab. Was it Bio Weapons lab here, screenshot number, one from this stunning peace, She says, as the post reported a chinese military scientists names you use, and we ve been talking about Father patent for a groan of ours vaccine on behalf of the poor was Liberation Army into people's Liberation Army of China in February twenty twenty. Jus is deceased. Nobody issued any report on his death. There were no tributes, The four says which one would expect for such a decorated military scientists. You use them as a military scientists he's dead. Serious circumstances nobody's mentioned that in the Chinese Communist Party. Why not?
because he was developing a vaccine because the vaccine would be a precursor to any by a weapon. Again, as I can't say enough, you what by a weapon without a vaccine right, you wipe out your own country too. Over the chinese Workin on a vaccine before this became a pandemic. Was it because This was a by a weapon. Are we ahead of the curve? Again, it gets even better What if the vaccine scientists from the p ally that I have no doubt, was workin on weapons zation in these things you? Zander is now dead, then away to cover up the column. What did you use and was working with jeeringly? You know the bat lady that was Workin Repeater Dash ACT. We took our taxpayer dollars and you go half lion centred over there, where they work together. Those two well Jennifer Van a screenshot number two former pieces. Pretty this positive there. she's NBC News is now reporting not about Zhao developing the vaccine for the p allay or about the interesting development timeline
We, the jargon is now dead and at least one other chinese military scientists perform Corona virus research with doctors. Jeez angrily They wanted to do a shocker. Of course. The fact that with Jean was knowingly working with the chinese Army, the delay, I quote, of research is a big deal out of itself now vehemently she's denied on an of itself. Given how Emily she's denied that on numerous occasions I just that been highlights for another. that I did on numerous occasions, I totally screwed up ring that lessons their denying why the denials. If Ye Zhang Lee was doing anything with the military as she's proclaimed in the past, and why does she keep denying? She was working which you then, who is now dad last screen shot from the Red STAR pieces of reds richly pieces ashore? One.
It Margie Jeeringly told the former State Department official by name a Jamie met, so she said you know in the beginning of this covered nineteen, we heard the rumours claim that our laboratory? We have some project blah blah with the army, blah blah. These kind of rumours, but this is not correct. Why is she generally dinner Working with a p l, a scientist who is working on a vaccine because they were created, a bio weapon? There I mean what do you need to hear my gosh? What have we done? all of a sudden a media reporting on this now is done. We talk about this by GOSH. It was a your weapons facility, you paid for it, and I find that I let me get this. U trump clips quickly and I want to get to a society which had to be made
Then I want to get to a new study. Just came out about masks and your kids. To be a censorship tests for Facebook and screw too bright here. We're going to Gus an actual journal of the American Medical Association JAMA. New jobs study a pediatric on masks and we'll get to see if Youtube and in partake down said see how much they believe in science. Patsy, that's coming up quickly stream videos, so here's tromp yesterday really nice clip would hand, and he had a great interview had a lesson in the short. How did he taxes. and Sean asked him if he has made a decision about running for president two thousand and twenty, for which I want to be crystal clear. I hope he does. I really hope he does check this out. I can answer, but I have to ask: where are you in the process or have Let me ask you this without giving the answer, what the answers have you Your mind, yes,
I think you got a right. That's good to hear, puts a smile. My face, remember what he told us in our interview interviewed him on the on the radio programme. He said I gets gonna make you very happy well, he knows I want him to run so what also make me happy affirmed? Iran he's made a decision. I think he's doing. Witchcraft there's another videos, the good ones, it's kind of funny, but it's true troublous times about at this speech. Yesterday at the border with Governor Gregg Abbot from Texas how he had been building the wall, the wall was almost done. The portions he had financed using these funds allocated he basically simple point which is factually correct that if Biden would have done nothing, I just went to the each we'd have a better border situation out at Biden. Doing some. Actually was doing something bad check this out All right now to do is go to the beach and he wanted just done nothing. We would
Now the strongest we ve never had it was even better and better and that it is only through its go to the beads. Still nothing Trop left you, the perfect situation. Thou their border was being built. Numbers with, to about thirty thousand illegal crossings, are up to one hundred. Seventy thousand. Now you don't have to do anything it steadied. Joe Biden is the adult this guy. Kick it out. So this guy could screw up make an ice unbelievable. I get this german study of next, which should really make you long and strong about Putnam Mask on your kids. Let me get my last month: first a frenzy teeter. You know I love teeter inversion tables. I use it twice. A day house me along gave my spine, really crazy, I had to now. Teeters bring you a fantastic new piece of exercise. Equipment is a simple machine, called the free step, recumbent crushed trainer,
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ask, you know, screw to watch my show every single day, because I'm a conservative and they discriminate against people are based on. They sesar they do because their soviets, Facebook does the same thing there rapidly destroying our society with their anti science. Eighty civil liberties, So I thought this morning. Let's do a little bit of censorship test. There's a new study I saw so just published. You see today right there publish my June thirtieth twenty twenty one is a charmer. This be my newsletter. Please read it printed and give it to all your school districts. Ok, but you know that consolation newsletters how you access my newsletter. It's right there in the notes right there. You can't miss Starling print this up headline experimental assessment of carbon dioxide content in inhaled air with or without face masks and healthy children. So you don't want your kids inhaling alot of carbon dioxide, we breathe and oxygen. We breathe out carbon dioxide.
So what are the key? Take away from this report about masking your kids, despite there being at very low risk of dying corona virus. Let's do again centre, a test? I much read the actual science and watch this thing get banned from screw too, because their communist quote from the report. most of the complaints reported by children can be understood as the consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air when they have a Stipe, IRAN. I do that in their quote back to the peace. This is because dead, space volume of the masks which collects exit carbon dioxide quickly. After a short time. This carbon I ask mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask. This was more pronounced in this study for younger children. This leads in aren't you impairments attributable per capita a recent review
concluded. There was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We just that decision makers way the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements. Accordingly, we suggest that children should not be forced to where face, masks. Binging dinging. Go to my newsletter. Print that hand At your next school board meeting and ass, these scientists on the school boredom laughings are not scientists, they can barely red themselves many. These liberal School board, members, what you to hand the mad I want you to. I want you to have them, get on the record, refuting that science, because they say there the science right, that's Such Java decided, In all of the American Dan Bond, GINO dot com, conservative articles Association said Journal of the American Medical Association. I can't believe I'm gonna get through the states is right. It couple quick stories to wrap with today. I saw this if
ox factors that calm again be in the newsletter folks, the russification of work is continuing and I am very scared right now. I'm very scared for the future. This country, if we don't have a deadly lethal military that will deter global threat, smokes. We have nothing. So I saw this story. Fox news had to produce a brain and producer Jim both sent this my way airforce or as is physical fitness test to allow walking and planks so If we were now running any more were walking, that's the physical fitness test for the day least military in the history of humankind, walking folksy another. Didn't me, seven too quick to mess with your guess but Joe, but I do know the difference we walking and running. No, I don't mean like how it looks. I mean really: what's that, there's an actual difference between walking we're physiologically, there's a difference between walking running. Is that just speed, speed, walkers, walk really fast,
everybody. What is it now little fidessa, really it down irony. This by us as ones that we were was in a secret service caught him. You had a guy there doing. Kettlebells knee was really smart because the actual there is is theirs are you running is walking one foot is I'd, make contact with the ground or all times when you're running, there's a tie, we're both feet or in the air, and I thought that's pretty interesting gets she's, probably right, folks. We we run because its harder and what our AIR Force Marines Coastguard Army Navy. We want them to be tough We want them to be bad. Ass is again a noble folks. Nobody, nobody, as greater respect for the military than me you may have as much you cannot more. I'm picked out. This is disgrace to our fighting men and women fucking test a walking test. I have a little.
asked about tests. If you have severe arthritis are falling apart and arms it's from death and you can do something: it's probably not a physical fitness test. I've seen it in that way we can walk. It's not a mandatory requirement for the military. We need people who can run, who can move? Who could shoot. Might be my time in the secret service rousing structure in the account I love my form. Agency? I love the guys in women there, but we had people the academy I mean some of em couldn't do adorn pull up. You know like all. We'll get them took note of digital getting them to. They should be in here in the first place, you understand President God forbid, as a heart attack Donald, a big me you're, seeing down of rapid person, he's a big guy, Donald Trump is an enormous sky. Folks, like hey look at me, I know trump. If you see if he doesn't do justice, is
really big dude. If you kid pull up and he has a heart attack and you have to evacuate. Or someone his size out he's tall How are you gonna? Do we Katy would pull your own body when I saw it I wanna agency, we gotta water stuff down some. No, you don't. Since the war suffocation of America, it's gonna leave, where downfall it's a physical job. Be exactly. I last story related to my prior line of work political. I discussed this lesson. I would Jesse waters in the seven p factual Kamel hours people are already evacuating her office drove political, healthy environment, Well, a horizontal is rife with the said boat people are leaving her office in droves,
this person, comma here as the vice president right now, is uniquely unqualified for this job. She does it active part. She doesn't talk, depart she's, rue de people, I've gotta be inside. Spock. Nobody like sir. They are leaving in droves. tell you why these stories, even weirder, they ve only been in office what six months right voluntary office six months. People leave all the time to be fair Very few people leave after six months number one you see in the in short here, just six instead, the age or leaving others have left already to top advanced efforts. Carlini should our Gabriel friendship Whatever parted ways they sure they were long planned, departures ridiculous. They were. long plan, because they haven't been in their long road bitterness. Exports of John. How long did they planted today? They got in. They got in January planning my departure for July. You believe this crap photo. You really
kebab. If your liberal, you really this stupid, one quick point will run. I got Michael laws by the way my radio show today, if you wanna tuna from my daily wire, really quartet, but my experience with staffers and I worked with a lot of my parliamentary work. Nobody wants to work for number two. Vice presidents are no one. So why do people do it? Because they hope one day mess get a promotion and go over to work for the president or or. the vice president will run one day and they'll be a presidential staff. The fact that people went over there to work for our entered the parting already, even though she could potentially run for President herself says to me up, close and personal. They now she is not have. Pressure is not presidential timber that even vice presidential timber. What a mess.
My folks thanks again for tuna, and we will have a show tomorrow, so don't forget to be fresh shouting, no, no, no tricks! Tomorrow, no stance we will be here tomorrow. Radio show as well and, please be sure to say, You're Dvr Watch live, my fox shows We got a monologue this week about the cops it's gonna be flames in working order a week unfiltered with me, Amboise GINO Saturday night, ten p m eastern time. No mistake. Oh yeah I'll be all right I'll, be on additives. I to be guessed Kosovars I gotta go on that votes will be a long day. We see me up to ten o clock at night. I see all about you, just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-24.