« The Dan Bongino Show

A Massive Biden Scandal Erupts (Ep 1925)

2023-01-10 | 🔗

Another massive scandal has engulfed the hapless Biden team. In this episode, I address the controversy. I also address the breaking news about a Pfizer board member’s role in censoring content about the vaccine. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the bags with your host dan ben je na. As I always say chest out, chin up, we are racking up. The victories over the last couple of weeks haven't been the best couple of years in politics for us conservatives, but it's been at the. darn good seven attended I'll get to that lot to talk about, including again, it's not hypocrisy. They found classified documents in binding library. Of course they did, but their big hip there's no more a logo like raid. It's not him. I see its hierarchy. I care can't? Resize is set a lot to get to welcome to the deadlines you know show loaded show for you today. Don't go anywhere ratio brought. You buy a friends that a job tommy john dotcom slashed in winter mornings, a brutal, so here's my tip for tackling the day and comfort.
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john dot com, slash dan tommy, john dot com slashed then go today. Love Tommy, John see site for details, tommy john doe consulate check him out our eye Joe. Do it is showtime dan? Yes, Maybe it is, and the rules past the rules that the conservative wing of the republican party put for in this speakers, race, that, worn. Do that nancy, mace and tony gonzalez were speaking out at the weekend shows you republic, in congress. People, apparently we can voted against. It show your call Does your request, your emails to these other republic congress, people to say hey. This is what We negotiated. These rules are going to restrain the congress from spending money. We don't have you better, damn well vote warm words, the reasons are starting to come in conservatism looks like despite the protestations of the swamp and establish a way that's, losing their minds to the because the imf?
howard conservatives are acting like extreme is what fighting for conservatism it's the small victories coming up a lot more victories, but first I want to cover this story so yesterday's sitting around it ready watch color some some tv get a little bit jesse and a little bit. Talk iran right before I go to sleep, I got to sleep early kind of pathetic. I get it but sleeps important during the week. You gotta it worked at, I see breaking news that they. now classified documents at the Biden think tank, which is hilarious in and of itself Biden. Having, I think I know I mean that's like a whole other job we could do a show on, but apparently by now to think maybe so much a day or think form through a surrogate brain or some light ass they found class If I'd documents at you pen, I, u pen, had this think tank their widens classified. Documents from his time as vice president. Now I know the first question a lot of you had is, while they founded
Surely fellers right pursuant to a raid just like day aided moral largo, Donald trump residence when they were allegations. There are classified documents. There are no. No, that didn't In order to stop the nonsense, I know you said then surprise. That's not what happened at all. Well, some lawyers founded and are they turn stuff over, they turned it over and and of course, the left wing, media, goons and hacks and Tom Nichols of the world the death of expertise. Guy. They came out, said all love jody. Such an act of benevolence, love, binding legal team, turned it over immediately immediately. You guys know off the top of your head when Joe Biden left the office of the vice presidency, when these documents made it into his library or his collection. Anyone in ten years
I have a twenty seven few years yet to two zero one. Seven, twenty twenty three just had to check my phone is raggedy. Do a double check on that guises. The year two thousand twenty three was just a new year. I may be off by a few yeah. The math checks out geese as Joe confirms, ah I'll go into kind of the laughable media defense of this stuff in a minute. Folks, he's had this stuff for years for years, here's some early takeaways from this story and again I cannot emphasize enough. Please do not make the point to people about the hypocrisy of the media, Yeah, but you will my, I don't want to say: don't I'm not telling anyone what to say it's absurd if there is apocryphal the media, of course, calling for donald trump to be executed under the guillotine for allegedly having some classified docs,
mid said his more illegal residents. Biden did the exact same thing. Bill Clinton did the exact same thing. Obama did the exact same thing, although its hypocrisy, ok great, we already get that the point that some more sir, when I make off into the point where you guys want to throw up when I say it is hierarchy, You are a totalitarian tyrant like the liberal movement, the progressive movement is they they, they crave, powering collectivist individual liberty means nothing to them. They have power over. You need to show you what power looks like they needs timid date. You into silence subjugation, requires of intimidation or you're. Never gonna voluntarily give up your freedom. You have to be scared. when you were a hierarchical system like collective bizarre that crave power. They love stuff like this because an opportunity for them to show that yes, there hypocrites and no they don't give her starve
they don't care. Where a charge, your nod We don't believe in your individual liberty. They look out got caught, but maybe committing potential crime will see what happens with this case if this investigation, but does it matter we'll go rate? their fbi, guys well, read your guy side got ours, you're, summarily takeaway source. These documents were not found yesterday, folks, they were found six days before the midterm election, always not convenient six days where the mid term elections in november. Double checking on the date again fell as it is january, but if I could genuinely ten that is after november, if you can in the years before november, within twenty twenty three, that is after november of twenty twenty two That's kind of strange how we didn't you're about that stuff, because I
Member very specifically have showed you the article. Quite a bed when they were allegations of a p tape and donald trump colluding with the russians too steel and election, which was Obviously, on its face absurd, I get to that story later to a lot to talk about that leads right before the election to make sure that maximum damage, then I was in new york, mac or something one of those outlets who read it. I showed you the article before yet strange how many whistleblowers or insiders leaking this story? That six days before the election classified documents were found in the bide library? so strange our only hearing about it now, here's another girly take away from this story. Who had access to that space. It you pen available by documents and we were told moral logo, their charms ledge holdings of classified documents and moral largo that we're back in a locked door, where moral go. Has secret service, their words,
This was a huge threat to our national secured, because people could access to it, which is highly unlikely by the way. This is. University pennsylvania theirs? As far as I know, they said Our security guard assign full time of year, if I'm wrong, correct me, but there was no good service there who had access to this. Interesting question in light of this? Just the news article, you should probably send to your liberal friends, be in the newsletter that a bungie dot com, slash newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe, it's free, of course belated revelation of classified documents found in private by an office turns legal and political tables situated. I note that the university of Pennsylvania received extensive chinese funding estimated some media reports at a staggering by the way, fifty four million dollars around it the time Biden, announces policy, think tank was gonna, be part of the universities, washington programme, who had access to that.
The question took her karlsson. Ass light on at last lesson is foxier. You may want to listen to this, because I am reasonably carpet that the chinese communist party was not donating to donald trump moral, a residents armoury. We are confident about that. Your check this out so is binding, was saying that it turns out that he was in you'll be shocked to hear this doing exactly the same thing that he accused donald trump of doing jobs. Storing classified documents in a private office at a fake think, tank there's been set up for him at the university. pennsylvania that things think think tank his copy. Pen, Biden, centre for diplomacy and global engagement at the university of pennsylvania. Now, I should not. We know exactly what these classified documents are an unlike michael bash loss and the former head of the cia, we're not going to speculate couldn't you seen, and they were very sensitive quote the class, materials, included some top secret files with the sensitive compartment information designation. Austrian is a sea I, which is used
for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligent sources What exactly were these materials worthy the nuclear codes for public and find out pretty soon, because there's no Jane merrick garlon will unleash one of his signature, predawn raids on diversity of pennsylvania. At any moment, National security threat may grow get right on that back. Patent, maybe a national security event. You know you're very impressed. Her nephew got in by pan as an institution takes an awful lot of money from the chinese communist party, not making it up. in recent years, pan has received more than fifty million dollars from anonymous chinese donors. So the question is those donors peering, the classified documents, the national security secrets that Joe Biden had been stashing at the fake think tank that pen set up for him Access to they have examined and documents now will any these coins since be asked by.
A guy no attorney general in name only the hapless, merrick garlic, how Cheer up no reward. questions will not be ass. Because it's hierarchy, marriage, I urge their tyrants and they don't really give a damn. If you think it's hypocritically up. Here's another couple: it early take away from this bombshell story that broke last night. Ladies and gentlemen, unlike Joe Biden, who was vice president now as hasn't, but vice presidents reach documents came from these aren't from his presidential administration. I want to be clear on that online. Joe Biden, Donald shrub was the present the united states at that time, remo. Documents around he was. He was the former vice president donald trump. As a former president, If had declared classification authority manufacturers, the ultimate dea classification authority down shop, whether you like it or not, could have left office with a bunch of documents and said these are hereby declassified and that's the way it goes down whether you like it or not. Joe Biden,
have any of that authority kind of it. convenient boy. The media's like intentionally by the way you're looking they see it going over. There have decided they miss it. It's like this. Do they know yeah, they wandered over their heads and they wandered over your head to job. I didn't have any d vacation power, the decline by these documents, the south, Is it a little bit of trouble? boy. Byron, donalds brought up last night on cnn and a good one. Tiggle listen. You remember, of course, You deal with classified information. What's your reaction to this oh, my reaction is pretty simple. I'm wondering why the vice president of the united states has classified documents out. side of the hands of the intelligence community. Let's been pretty clear. That president's do have some classified documents, but the difference between a president and everybody else is the president: has the ability to declassify information. The vice president has no
really to declassify information, so number one. What was he doing live classified information in its possession number two? Why did it take six years? And now I want to stress this- for the american people, Joe Biden left a vice presidency in twenty seven. he so it's taken six years for these documents to surface that is incredibly. Concerning employment, The three- and this is the one as most important everybody. Can back to the Hillary Clinton email saga, we know other presidents have access classified information What was all right on my long ago, but now the story just kind of seeps out and everybody say: oh, we just want to get down to the bottom of it and everybody's, giving the benefit of the doubt a vice president of the united states or a secretary of state or anybody else should not be having class I'd information period well Said byron, Donald nailed it right there, does it have the classification authority president shrub did kind of a problem.
Second, how long has he had these documents? He left office and twenty seventeen How many more out their ladies when a raid is absolutely required. Anyone disagree, that's the standard. Is it not seems to be the standard here today? Are you saw it yourself? We covered it. Sadly, the moral logo raid and donald trump, when they were unsure of what documents where there were on shore, Joe by Has a number of residents is he's a very rich man. Who's got rich off the drifting of his son and is other and him selling his name. how many other documents are out there and other locations it. unquestionably time for a raid danube hyperbolic. I am not I am as serious as a heart attack. It is For the immediate appointment of a special council and multiple raids on all other Biden residences, that's the standard new rolls jack is Biden would say those carter.
jack new rules will the f b. I do that, of course, not The fbi is a destroyed wrecked. humiliating embarrassment of an organization. I told you should have been dishpan than a long time ago. They, a train wreck, we'll cut. Two for re. Do a raid. Of course. He won't you a array because he's apart the tyrannical hierarchy. That's hypocritical! christopher rate, doesn't care tat. It looks hypocritical he about kissing me ass of the tyrants in charge, so we could be. One of them is or another early take away from this. How could be be so irresponsible. When I get that Joe Biden himself here, take a facility You saw the photograph of the town, secret documents laid out on the floor and moral, a trying to yourself Looking about image, compassion. We happy!
how one anyone could be responsible irresponsible than I thought what data was in may compromise sources and methods. By that I mean names of people. I altered shudder and is totally irresponsible. Toto in jail totally boss, n n and a good question by buying what what what data within in we'd like to know that too demanding fbi raids immediately to uncover the p Both documents are not Joe Biden, that's standard new rules. He has no classification? Thirty, the fbi should be immediately raiding the residences and offices, Joe Biden immediately immediately, while they of course now their part of the problem. I want to remind you do so. You never think you're wasting your time here that my point in the beginning, when they Mara, lago scandal, broke out and a scandal of the fbi, not donald trump What did I say to you earlier, the president
as the classification authority, everything go. Presidents had this problem with the over classification of documents. This is at best at best and administrative matter. bombers had issues with it. Clinton said issues with a trumpet issues with it We have all had issues with. It would paperwork appear post presidency. That's a legit, we classified. I warn them, of course, and we were right again that once you set the standard at its criminal, not administrative matter, which it always has been that standard moving forward is going to be now republicans are going to call in the future for F b, I rates to Joe we're at that point. Only a few months later. Can you What do I know? That's on your list. Can you an n flag that, please is that enough? Or will you take that oh yeah? I can take that offer there yet consider it done soon as they are and- and I get announcement is that you can get them. Take that, like down till death, like that, you he's announcing it to his, whose what you're those same kids get here
the kid, is help it about out. I just God you have what fellows ladys, it wasn't: a few months. that I warned you this would happen. You were never wasting your time here. What gives you a couple more things as well. You know political playbook. The leftist the bible I so enjoy reading it, then why? you torture yourself, because it's so hilarious to watch these people fall into the stairs type of them every single time, which is Retie they do the same thing. This is: the version of republic, its powers, here. It is right here, needless to say, political paper, Newly empowered Republican see the circumstances here as a hell of a lot more than inconvenient zig zag joe. Seizing on superficial similarities between this discovery and the august
search and seizure, more than one hundred documents from Donald trump's home in florida, is a ah this. This I'm so predictable, so lame, so pathetic. Of course, the republican Pounds is a way to distract from this scandal and make it about the Republicans response. so the scandal making them seem like mercenaries, pouncing seizing weeping. This is what they do. I want to get through the second. I get the main export them dick iulus defences- or I mean I mean- reduce even for the left ridiculous, This is because the media is there obviously praetorian guard for the lap trying. To defend this enormous scandal by the Bye administration there. Really. These are funny even by the ridiculous standards I'll get today. Many of our states as was know my states household long before they were a sponsor. The food is great. It's while price, it's absolutely delicious. Nothing fights the winner blues, like the list,
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ago, rogue e pointed out always accords guru. So just kurdistan, please, up humiliating yourself, but I dont know if you have a family, your kids stop embarrassing yourself. You don't know that by them you're even about the drop case. The trunk case could evolve, that could be five hundred. You have no idea, not just that you don't know that guru, guru Gerstein you have no idea. Second, so now it's the number, but not the quality of information. So what have we done? doubt that at the Biden think tank that the nuclear oh, we were falsely told: where marla. Go falsely told what We thought that there was just one document, but it was the nuclear codes or some nuclear process that the enemy or the chinese communist party got ahold of, then, is it No, you don't know that either. Ok, so you don't. The quality of information, and here are the quantity. Yet you feel as guru. They need you,
alpine to defend and kissed the ass of your golden calf, Joe Biden, you pathetic hack, his second defence, tank office is not a personal residents o also now. Also acted- moral logo which add a door. Mike I'm not making its uses if he shouldn't had he should add, but he isn t classification and us great service. You other. Have it at a university library, the campus of which took fifty four million dollars from connected chinese donors who or may not have access to the chinese communist party, again, guru, Gerstein, stop humiliating yourself. I dont know again You have neighbors are friends their reading this it's embarrassing burn He says it's not us it's not unusual for small numbers of emails or documents that are classified to get mixed.
Unclassified record wholly crying sounds like something we set out. This show. Sex breaking months ago, but that it matter what it was trump. It only matters now that a boy year. Joey botz got busted its hypocrisy, though it's sad demands straight up. Collectivist tyrant, We will do everything to defend it. They don't care who will steam doesn't care one bid that he looks like a buffoon he's doing. Its job is obviously to defend tyrannical collectivized. Our period, my guy she's handed him to a third party damage us better. You know dude listen, it is never ever
We're going to stop that's why the goal of this show is to make sure you have the information you need going forward to know the enemy you're dealing with and never get lost in. The side shows like it's hypocrisy. You are dealing with far different people, you're, not dealing with hypocrites. You were dealing with tyrants and don't you ever forget that then a message to the show. From the start I so moving on, I opened up the show talking about how the rules package that restrains the congress going forward that we fought for, and the speakers raised from, Spending money we don't or spending more money be known, have we're still spending money we don't have. They were major victories. Is it the be all and all is that everything should be led by the share pain, baby drake dead, move. Not that I don't know it's not the be all and now, but it's definitely something. and the victories are already paying folks this and it took us. Let us be clear: it took us fifty sixty years to get here when I,
change everything overnight? How do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time you chip away piece by piece. We are starting the rack up the victories, but first distant from us. I mean this is just a story of going in there. Just for my own personal satisfaction, self bothers you for its mind totally is another: do a gear job leslie stall, less, stall said it was member leslie starve. I'm cnn I. This sixty minutes, leslie star. Humiliating mess. Fake news specialist. She warned that the speed fight had embarrassed. The nation is still less stalls and embarrassment to humankind was stall should have been fired and terminated from sixty minutes immediately, not break his personal, not because I want or cancelled, but because they met is seriously claims to be a news outbid. How can you have,
this woman on after the way she humiliate herself with donald trump here? This is worth an encore here syrup episode we're leslie stall absurdly claims that they create very fly in for me, should verify information about the spying scandal that it ready been better verified. We knew the name of the spy figure The biggest scandal was when they spite of my campaign. They spied a man. And there is no real evidence of that was the is over the flows leslie says: right am my campaign in the general, and I say something You know this is sixty minutes and we can't on things. We can't bear wired on because it's bad for buying. We can't learn things. We can very leslie they sky to my camp. We can't various fight, only verify now. Listen, I don't leslie stall cancelled. Honestly, I watched sixty minutes to laugh. It's become my weekly Many see only liberal show I watch on Sunday night. I want because it's so hilarious, how they always
frame stories to kiss the ass of the left. I just get a kick out of it. Leslie stall, I laugh at the most. The woman is an embarrassment. a straight up, humiliation, CBS and its glorious that she still there because she book wound herself so badly. That this is going to last You fire dan rather and keep our onboard. She as its an embarrassment that conservatives fought for a more. Sound set of rules moving forward the congress to prevent an immediate national bankruptcy. That's how you know it's a victory when the left freaks out here's another way. You know it's a victory because it wasn't it conservatives who now got key positions on committees. The select, urban moving forward the fee it rhino dan Crenshaw. They increase your as I had to go, molly and, as I said last week, as I says, the incredible
was mad, calling as terrorists, rhino republican congressmen, allegedly from taxes, Is terrorists and enemies, dank rancho was mad because damned crenshaw wanted to the chairman of the homeland security committee. They incur you're probably had some winked at a nod promise from cabin mccarthy and in fact, when we god. Seats on the selection committees have picked. These people then crunch a lost yesterday, that's a big AL. The story in the washing examined a right. Their victory your pilot up folks pilot up, then that's a nice little victory rules package pass Crenshaw goes down in flames, that's fantastic, but what else happened? well right. If the rules package was passed, they took a vote immediately on recent, in funding for those eighty, seven thousand, I r s, agents that are going to come after your wallet, your money and your job potentially, and your freedom. If you don't give them the money republican,
pass that yesterday now you're to pass the senate, probably not even if it does job he's going to veto it. So what's the point there symbolic victories, not nano better now again, how d It was a little bided time now, every single Democrat is on the record again voting against sending funding for eighty seven thousand iris aid and set a good start ordering the how auditing the hell out of poor and middle class americans president's on the record now to multiple times, we know how do I know all day and not second happen. The eighty seven, as an irish enjoying to target the rich tat you you felt at fox news, I arrest targeted the poorest taxpayers while millionaires one unscathed, that's what he's referring to. He fell for that. So here's the thing rich people have
yours and accounts and they beat the irs all the time the irs doesn't like to utter rich people. You don't know that it takes too long, and even if when they wind up losing money, can be spent two years in court are yet another, so they poor and middle class people who may or may not have the money to avoid legal representation should pay up right where you just you just We just found that out now. Oh sorry about that. Alright, let me get to my next sponsor and show you how what happened in the house. Great article by Dan horowitz coming up is a blueprint moving forward. How we can wrestle back our party. We don't need a third party folks, we have a party republican, The party we already have donor list. We have voter vault stuff. We have information that has value. That's our party, the liberals, don't split off and create the liberal party. They took back the democrat party, hijacked it and got all this crap Why can't we do the same? The answer is we: can the blueprint is right in front of us.
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He said: rhonda santas, I said, ok, cool I'll keep. My eye out, I will never forget, was in a jiffy lube, get an oil change. I'll, never forget that he wrote this piece. Twenty house patriots provide the blueprint for conservatives to reassert control over the failed g o p, and he makes a couple of great points. First point he makes in his screencap from the piece is a good one that to the establishment types out there their their argument. What are their arguments that dorothy wing and kind of the swamp. These have been using, gets us conservative and he saw its surface again last week during the speaker fight one of the arguments have been. are, you guys, are only ten percent of the senate, twenty percent capitol hill. So how come you such a say in the republican party. Ok, fair enough! Their math is an inaccurate. The problem and I brought this up yesterday. If you listen to show you, you can go back and listen yourself, proof alive. That's how this goes down the republicans.
on capital hill who are the swamp, he's never run swamis. they run in conservative districts is one of us for a balanced budget and amend school choice. Pro life constitute no carry, and then they get up there among evolved forbade, or what do they do Joe? They do Poppy self diminish their promise. A committee is, I'm a flip. They flip horror, which makes a great boy what they're going to sabotage our primaries How do they are then we should do And that they join aren t, we should have the joy there's. That's that's a glorious boy. Do you agree? but we know them there began. Can you prove what why didn't conservative district, A conservative candidate that IRAN, a rhino for about Budget moment, I think we should spend more just maybe a little less than a democratic. Constitutional, carry you. We don't get the social issues that sets us all garbage problem.
Life I lived. Who cares? Who does that? The answer is no one. so why do we have to join their team? They pretend to be us. This is such a great piece, great piece. He makes another point to folks they can the liberal wing, the conservatives I hate to say this- can then don't this the wrong way. But it's. tactically swat analysis, shrinks weaknesses, opportunity threats, putting them in a matrix. We It's a emanate. Emulates use me the liberal strategy for taking back their party. You are a committed group of frankly. crazies on the left, calling for deep, the police after birth abortion, You're a modern monetary theory and they got it all of it. till there was a public rebellion, the difference
is the ideas we have actually work supporting life. Balancing the budget allowing parents picked their school having strong police forces and save shriek. Some of the liberal craig these can push craziness and get their party moving towards crazy. Why can't we get our party? more towards sanity, here, and most of all the efforts of these heroes. Talking about the twenty and the speakers are set an example of how minority committed to its values can sum They use leverage to demand that the republican wing of the party back in the driver's seat, not the trunk, in what you a conservative vehicle in the country. They change the game, you're, damn right, they did and you should be very proud of him and chip roy on my radio show yesterday will put it on the weekend. Podcast for you to listen was an amazing interview. His answers were incredible. He is one of the twenty in the speaker's race that fought for all this stuff is a blueprint going forward. We just have to be committed. It's not going to happen overnight
folks! It took us forty years fifty years for the country to get lost in the sesar, poland, transgender, radiology sexual lies in kid. Cr t define the police open. The border fat now try crisis all this crap, it's not going to get fixed overnight, but it can get fixed and it's our job to fix it. Alright, I want to get this next door is one more thing we got to fix and one of the things we gotta move on is not just the ira. Now that we've got the rules package said the house is ready to do business of the new republican house. We have a four seat majority. They need to move on the border immediately. Why, ladies and gentlemen, is an imminent national security threat? Let me get to my last sponsor me to get to the store It's a bombshell story that again magically right over the head, As a side, both of them administration, new year's goals of taxing and spending, turning a blind eye to blind eye to inflation at odds with your goals of securing your savings. Of course they are because they spend more money. Inflation gets worse and you're saving
they're worth less as why, when I ve had enough of the games governments playing with? U yours things you retirement your wallet, diversify into gold, like I do with brcko ba or siege, I buy call them in a customer them rwanda. From a five thousand years. Gold is wasted, inflation, geopolitical turmoil and stock market crashes, and here's the great news you can still get it back. You can own gold and silver and attack shelter, retirement count. brcko makes it easy to convert nigh array of former came to an ira and precious metals. Here's what you need to do: text, andean the ninety eight. Ninety eight. Ninety eight claim your free information can on gold and then talk to one of their precious metal specialist. Now hold your hand to the whole process an a plus rating with the better business bureau. Thousands of happy customers and countless five star reviews, birch goal is who I trust and have trusted to protect my future and you'd get the information through a text and the ninety eight ninety eight ninety eight text and the ninety eight. Ninety eight. Ninety eight today past performance, not a guarantee of future result,
message and data rates applied thanks, brcko still heel and a little bit, but almost air away on, so we will get there. Processor died, but I feel great I've never felt betterment sleep and like a baby, they ve got a move on a border media. As I was saying before, it is an imminent. national security threat. How did this story not wind up in the front page just about every paper in america, In november alone, customs aboard protection caught twelve illegal immigrants on the carriage terrorism watch list. That's out last year, folks the date in this article january, eighth, twenty twenty rates in the newsletter who know member alone, twelve, really those on the terror watch list and Biden, down to the border for clown show to go, walk away, a fence paid for by donald trump and donald trump administration that they want a dab. Put up that he wants taken down and then they cleaned all this
it's of EL paso and did raids to get rid of the illegal immigrants to make it look like the problem. Isn't as bad as it was folks. The best time to watch local media historic times like this local media is largely dying. People to new international these programmes. Now here's a local media report out a texas hat tip research have found this weather on the ground or live in these neighborhoods called this thing. A dog and pony, show its fake visit found their way terror watch list illegals across him water check this out. It doesn't get to the heart of the issue and and quite frankly, the the processing that happens at the bridge of the mirror, is commercial traffic there? There are not Is there a process, individuals, and so maybe the tone of this will change when it goes to the I facility, but, but so far I mean is this. Is this is very much a dog and pony? Ladies and gentlemen, question every site
gold narrative emanating from the media. All this isn't a crisis, there's nothing wrong down their russia, lected donald trump question everything they are lying to you all. The time our terror watch lists people entering the country. We saw what a committed group of Christ, The terrorists can do to take. This three down a nine, eleven and elsewhere. How many more examples the you need? This has to be a priority. ties right after the irs arrests. These investigations into binds malfeasance question. Every single approved media narrative folks, they are largely all fake. They are lying. They are nothing more than probable. Like socialists, these media people you're not wasting your time here. This broke yesterday too, to see this one For me this clown, philip bump, I mean really a humiliating figure in the media were ease.
Billy worse than leslie stall, a guy with no credential those whatsoever any more to be writing for a paper even as bad as the washington post? This is from fair, We have twenty eighteen, this informal specialists, philip bub pushy, the russian trolls trying to hijack the election narrative timeline how russian trolls allegedly tried to throw the two thousand and sixteen election to trump. Now, of course, Joe remembers, he wasn't with us. Yet we laughed at this at the time talked about how absurd it was. It's kind of bizarre mark Zuckerberg spends millions of dollars. Through the sucker boxer scandal and facebook to our influence. The election. The democrat media proves yet the brush in trawls, who purchased a few facebook ads for eleven thousand dollars and was wisconsin. Some philip bump thinks it through the exhilarating. While this broke, yesterday january nine twenty twenty three same paper- Washington post
russian trolls on twitter had little influence on twenty. Sixteen voted hey! I want to do. Why am I wouldn't even do it? Why my input, I want to make one point to the liberals out through watch my show. I get your death threats, We all understand were laughing at you that you voluntarily for what? For six years Is your life chasing down ghosts in fairy tales about p tapes, russian trolls and you wasted with six years your life, you pissed your pants and your diapers. You crap yourselves all the time we met about donald trump and a story that was fake. It makes me so happy that you isolated yourself into a mental prison, sat in your car. his reading endless stories in the washed imposing new york times by philip bump. These other idiots. Maggie haber men and the other clouds, and that all of it was fake. It's it's so rewarding to me that you, a centrally did a ba
and a two year graduate program in a field that turned out to be fake, totally fake That makes me so happy makes me proud or to you, and I spent time, the last six years telling you the truth. You only beat the new cycle by what, for years in this case, yet the exact saxon tactics one day there yet some of what I might. Oh, yes, we're about. What two years away from them, acknowledging that everything about hunter was crazy, do so pathetic. Here's another narrative just quickly is from yesterday rang it alex parents. and bore censorship, the vaccine stuff, I saw it up in the wall street journal, obeying the infrastructure bill that some small the Republicans Democrats pass so infrastructure. What do you guys think when you hear for sure? What's the narrative roger roger right roads right. That's a union a thousand times larger Joe responded right.
It makes you hurt? Somebody does like always throw you roads and bridges. That's a good thing. We need roads and bridges fell for that too. you mean me trillion dollar infrastructure build, doesn't fun actual roads now well matter, divide administration specifically wants no money for road now come on then already yourself, wall street journal. the administration bite administrations plan to restrict new highways bag. and after Biden sign the infrastructure bill. Ninety giovanni senators back that spending blow out tax by the way and hope home, billions of dollars for stay projects, specifically roads and bridges, but a monthly The Biden, federal highway administration, cinema go to staffers, urging them to deny competitive grants to projects that add new general purpose. Travel lanes, aka, new roads, roads and bridges said projects actually specifically said
No, no roads is little censorship, but before you, their twitter files drop last night by alex parents and our experiences a former new york times. Reporters been exposing problems with the vaccine was And by a number of social media outlets uncensored for doing so because we live in a communist regime. Right now Problems only getting worse in the censorship update parents and has a substantial out covering the twitter followers check it out and linked to it. My newsletter today where he notes that doctors godly, but by the way worked under the trump administration, who is now exposed himself as a really horrible human being, I hated the FDA, he's also a visor board member no way, no way. That's crazy, yeah doktor, scott gambling, Who was a pfizer director as parents and notes with over five hundred fifty thousand twitter followers, Sweden like a tweet that might hurt the sales of pfizer's m rna vaccines. This was in the twitter job. So what did he do while the tweet explained? Clean natural immunity was superior to vaccine protection
there's by admiral brett garage, called on the white house to follow the science and exempt people with natural immunity from upcoming vaccine mandate. Parallel Scott leave quote secretly press twitter to hide those posts. They said come from an anti vaccine? Raspberries using it, as you know it with the airports like Robert our kennedy junior but from doktor break garage opposition. I briefly followed gottlieb as the head of the sta. Folks, again, I don't care who gottlieb worked for, unlike a leftist, I believe in principles and if you're going to push for censorship of ideas, we're going to expose you, I don't give a damn who for years godly by the way on CNBC pfizer board member, apparently here's guy. The Bonn CNBC awhile ago pushing the vaccine. In short, for brief segment. You probably see now that we know he was allegedly pushing start twitter
I pose challenging challenges. Companies massively profitable coverage check this. What about people who had covered. Why should they be forced to want to come back to morgan stanley to get the vaccine if they ve already got antibodies in you, don't necessarily need you know to introduce a vaccine We do believe that the immunity that you get from the vaccine is more protective any that you require through natural and sat there. Ok, that's not right there. it's not sites. Actually, eighty sign that's actually totally inaccurate. The opposite is true. here's another jem from CNBC, where I guess reporter he hears asking them. Some questions may have gotten and about the government, pressuring social media companies- two squelch information on the vaccine, so notice. What scarf got cleverly does here? He invokes the hackers veto. What
hackers veto he's the hackler scholarly he doesn't like the information from the pro science crowd. That was actually exposing problems with the vaccine, so hackles them when he hackle them and you handle that new, create security situation. The actors veto is an you then use the security situation you created bright, hey, there's a security situation. We should now that person on campus notice how employs the heck, was reno here saying even though the coroner's report they're the ones pressuring twitter, that some lunacy who were threatening him, which he should ever do period we ve been. clear on that from day one, and will remain clear on that but he uses these threats come along with being a public figures, sadly, which they didn't ass kind of. Some wink nod to censor people check this out on top, because the last night new york times reporter former your concord Alec barents. Instead, you got him kicked off a twitter. This is a kind of a convent conspiracy theory that somehow you told twitter
get rid of him, because he was asking too many questions about the efficacy and safety the covert vaccine. You just want to respond to that and tell us your son, you look, I'm not gonna collar directly. Mad and an he's starting litigation too. For not so another is not respond. I've raise concerns around a social media a broadly and I've done it on these networks around the threats that will be. made on these on these platforms and the inability these platforms to police direct threats, physical threats about people, that's my concerns around social media, and what's going on in that egos system? That's necessary. That's weird guys was bred garage are threatening godly because that's That's that's, threw him and barents and were the ones who, according to the allegations here, he pushing the sensor. Was it where they threatening him
Some crazy person threatens you, which is unforgivable incident happened, but but sadly it's part of being a public figure again, I could play for you every single day. I could show you tweets facebook messages threatening. We don't could it's part of being a public figure. I wish you weren't, but it is how pathetic Here's a gem by the way from project veritas remember this. This was a pfizer scientists who was caught on a hidden camera, say that pfizer had some concerns about links to my o, cardenas and potential links you you may want to check this out quoth. She is a senior associate scientists with visor, He goes on to explain a task that is currently taking place: adviser knotted germany,.
But it is good to see that is leading to heart attacks and I didn't get it may appear later, that's more so for younger people. That's where we're looking into written about were doing reaches sense. Three thousand samples tat. They will be able to accede base right, just sent that already has, alas, bad simple relax. I'll external testing was, in my opinion, that might all something from the market and tell him you know
This is going to be the most significant public health scandal of our time. They have zero doubt about that. I wish it weren't true. Unfortunately, it is It's a couple of quick notes and I'm just going to skip ahead here. The post millennial story adley, the friends of mine friends of the movement, friends of trump friends of liberty and freedom, two very passionate people, diamond and selkie. I got to know them, everybody knows and will listen to this show well diamond. Was fifty one years old. I woke up this morning and saw she tragically past. I couldn't believe it yeah. issues fifty one years, all the air and his right. She was a choosing a friend to the movement, we spent a good about it. Time together. At events at various conservative advance, she was always always a
real law of light in the room? I remember her at a christmas party for the sean hannity show years ago. We spent a good amount of time. Talking together was always eager to help so rest peacefully with the lord. It is a major loss for us. I saw that last night at the details have been sparse, but I think that privacy, the family, it's probably got them. Let them grieve right now. So odd you're gonna to be missed by folks. I really appreciate you tuning in today. Thank you. Very much has been incredibly busy news. We can just just do this monday and tuesday. If you would I fully subscribe to the podcast. We deeply appreciate its free keeps us on the charts. It means a lot to us on apple spotify. We had a great week last week, a huge come. I cannot rumble rumble dotcom, slash, mancino ice. Allow see here to morrow. You just heard it in Bonn. Gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-10.