« The Dan Bongino Show

A Deeply Impacting Experience (Ep 2116)

2023-10-24 | 🔗

Yesterday I saw something that deeply impacted me. In this episode, I address this experience, plus the traditional media's final collapse and more evidence of foreign influence in our government.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good way to hear the truth about america on a show that is not immune to the facts with your host dan von g no good morning, ladies and gentlemen, the enemy is obviously already here. In the united states right now, I would a conspiracy. Theory is ass. A man has pulled out of my ass on a tuesday morning, as I was bored the evidence is everywhere smacking you in the face? Let's just hope it doesn't result in worse things happening shoe I got a big shoulder, including very emotional moment. For me, Last night, the opening of police there are now describe administration expect this to happen at all at all, they show was my black, our coffee stop giving your money to all companies. Don't care about. You visit black outcome. We the council S, budget over the coffee I drink and use coupon code by gino or twenty percent off you.
First daughter, big, showed a day saw my movie police state with the nest, the last night hugely emotional experience, but then you saw it already. I didn't see it like that in a theater with a bunch of people and I didn't see it like dad cold. I'll tell you about it, a second cause. It's interesting. I had my first time doing: duenna move published book was my first. I'm doing movie today show brow you buy you whatever bone charge. Crazy days, we gotta recharging refreshing a natural way. To that end, I disagree. bone charge a holistic, well, this branch with huge range of evidence based products to optimize life in every way, one of my favorite products from bone charge, the info, had sought a blanket. I use it every day. It's amazing. How tells me stress on wind, after a crazy day, the sauna black, healthy, breakers, sweat and just relax and sweat out the problems in my life, which help remove some other taxes from your body. It sets up in less than a minute he's fast. I relax I'll, read something why
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Sponsor movies gone viral. I told you now. You know you go look yourself, don't believe me just put it waiter a true social and read the feedback. Here's a picture of me last night. Thank you! the drawn up on the screen inside the movie theater there paula next to me, and my daughter is alive. we come up with a bunch of people, get ready to talk to us and what I found so rewarding is the ladys in modern county were I just staring voters in promoting the republican party and a parking lot. So it's it offer to refer you all to be active too and not just go. Watch a movie to get stuff than active patty and her friends. I saw that on facebook that opportunity. Yes great, there are some voters. If you can, this is the difference between between us and apathetic terrorists. impish. Left were actually do stuff, instead of go around scream and free palestine or whatever folks. Response to a movie has been saying too quick clips. the ended a movie I perfume cry adieu to watch the movie I watch
How many say that to you, because I you may not have had some moisture my balls may or may not. It may happen. You know me I don't pretend to be captain a tough guy, idle emotional, sometimes I'd seen a movie and screener, because the first movie ever produced. I don't know shit about screamers. When I send you a screener is no credits is opening credits just starts. I don't want to miss the chapters in here. The movie just starts and is no music in it and the these green, or at least the priest greener. and the effects on computers. Aren't there so I never sought a movie with all like the emotional music and soundtrack built in the ended, a movie folks I knew there was not a dry I announced, and we do not plan this, But this has been happening in just about every theatre or across the country. Is a quick, web from daphne alabama eighteen,
I Dean wrote about it, we'll patrolling the show notes, people stand up at the end that movie hands over their hearts, singing a national at them at the end. I'll? Give you a quick piece of what happened and daphne. the the app then stuart last night to where I was a part of the movie there's no instruction in a movie. They get up.
Can you think I'm making this up? Here's a quick web from Maryville, tennessee friend, the mindset overdue over it's happening everywhere. Tiggle are very proud of it There was not a dry and the house folks, their screening on wednesday in theaters can only tickets, a police state, film, dot net, not dot com, police, state, film, thought, ned, I strongly encourage you listen. I I sat on a radio show yesterday. I say today
it is up to me. I'd be I'd. Be happy to give to give this thing away said, poured its unfortunate folks. These things cost a lot of money. I hope you understand that, and I'm not that red or not you. I despite illusions. Otherwise we do, ok, where you know we're fine. What am I rich enough to produce five six, seven, ten million dollar projects every year- and you know it's hard. but I'm hoping at some point. You'll all get to see it. It is an amazing amazing piece of work and congratulations, said the nash and nick searcy, my partners on it. I'm really proud of it like him back to his show, folks, the enemy is already here Listen to me, please. We have now been in a more perilous national security situation and we are right now with the meal, god in the white house. They know what's piling across our southern border, theirs
huge segment without giving away the whole movie at the end of the film that people were. Stun, because eighty like to see a movie called police state. It's about the border, the border wide open? It's not a little open its, not half ass, open the borders wide open. There are people right now in the country on the terror watch list, hundreds of folks there are people in the country on the terror watch us we don't know about it. Is this acted by many that some of the People who refuse to get fingerprinted in the country may have been on the terror watch list and are secreted around in cells in the country. Right now occasion, take I'm making any of this up, and I'm just trying to panic you for clicks, which I don't give a shit about. You understand that I'm doing cause, I'm trying to warn you right now that it listen likelihood of you being involved in terror attack or serious. Current, thankfully, is still low. I don't want to be dramatic with. However, it's not zero and the law
We of a terror attack happening to someone listening to the show These numbers work for liberals is actually very high. Individually, is very low and that what's traumatized me right now inside that someone listening to this is adley gonna be the victim of this, and it was all preventable. He was Your duty on fox yesterday about an internal customs border patrol memo that leaked out out of their san diego field office, intelligence division. Indicating that Hamas, hezbollah and others they absolutely no. The southern borders open and are looking to go game time right here, take a look arm of seeming p has a new bulletin out, and a headline is pretty alarming. It says in bold letters right at the top floor fighters of Israel. Hamas conflict may be encountered at southwest border. The daily collar gotta copy this material. It was distributed three days ago, Hamas has blocked or islamic jihad fighters exploiting the poorest border.
Get into the. U s part of the concerns that terrorists can see a. down there, one rather than numbers two point: four million encounters in a fiscal year and among them at least one hundred. Seventy two people from the terror watch list That is a hundred and seventy two who actually came face to face with law enforcement and didn't get away both it's the ones we know about. There was a woman being interviewed on fire this morning and she made a really profound point. I think you need to understand that a lot people in these country whose countries who are legally or even been encountered, refusing to get fingerprinted or there they get fingerprinted and there's no record of them because they come from countries that don't keep you think, there's a d envy database You know in the in the middle of downtown cobble they're, not to theirs record to cross check what do go to their google history there
People here right now who want to kill us right now and the Biden team is doing shit there doing nothing about it matter. They are doing something about it there it sent devising it by keeping the border up and use the actual memo again in case You they get of. This is a conspiracy theory say the eagle field situational awareness, foreign fighters of Israel, Hamas conflict- maybe eventually be encountered at the southwest border emotions that sounds to me like that could be kind of bad davy, got the symbols or idea occasion fears for like two mickey mouse clobber. Something here check this out. Territories, a regional affiliation folks, They know how times. I have to tell you: there's still: did they not the deepest fear, the Biden team as now? Is a terror attack on this soil. Why, because
scared about the terrorism cause they're scared about the political consequences. They know: something's gonna now listen, listen! This is where does show gets really important. Okay,. major major seismic shifts in politics typical happens, sadly, by tragedy, when I say seismic, I mean mass movements, you all track and with me, Mass amounts of republicans become democrats. Wig to become republicans These disappear republic? become democrats. These things sadly typically happen around tragedy for those viewers, students, say history, I think, tragically, sadly- and I hope this is impression- I hope it's reversed. My hope I am wrong on this weird. thing bad is gonna happen here soon with these lunatics, and I think it
could cause a major seismic shift in politics. Think about it. How many people, became democrats after the great depression, believing de are and save them from poverty starvation in death? they believe that falsely possibly Well, how do I know that My whole family were, after your democrats, growin up she only fight. I ever how to my grandmother fight, but this agreement who love The debt still. the vietnam war Its form, the generation of kids, some of em felt like they were going to go over to die for a cause. The united states was committed to that impact me, we lost my uncle over their names on the wall, Gregory emirates chow. in everything folks world. more to change breathing as well the postwar war to baby boom stagflation in the eighties under carter, changed
reading ronald reagan, landslide two terms reagan, another term, george hw, w the devil. cried party was permanently altered after that. I should say that mug permit permanently stupid was for a long too well over a decade? the cold war slavery try moments in history that have change, the political lance landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we're in those moments right now. There is a piece It has gone viral everywhere, spent all over cable. It's been all over social media geese and the show notes tribe bon gino dark consolation newsletter, stop what you're doing timeout night you made me, stop the shoe, not keep issue. You need to read it. Not your boss met your dad deaf, we know you're preacher isabel few, watching I am your dad, but if you're not is about amused at school and that we know that you need to read this peace
all the day. The delusions die it's by constant. In case anyone viral for speech. He gave you be back. She played on the show. The reason you need to read this piece is because it highlights a book Joe remember the book conflict since by thomas all that I've been talking about forever ladies and gentlemen, the world is going To change after this after october, seven, terror attack that is practically guaranteed. That happened in the united states. This is an amazing piece about what's coming, he said, by saying this friend of mine, jokes, you woke up on october seventh as a liberal and went to bad that evening, as sixty five year old conservative. But it wasn't really a joke. and she was the only one. What changed. the best way to answer their questions with the help of thomas saw one of them
brilliant public intellectuals alive. Today, as we have been Talking about thomas saw for ten years. Ten Daniel shows only eight years old folks, my first appearance on fox news with neil cavuto twenty eleven ice Thomas saw you can go watch, it is still out there floating in the video ecosystem man is my intellectual hero. He has a book. or conflict divisions. it's not an easy read but it's a necessary one. Any talks about these two different things. What separates us from the left? I'm not going to go to all the fine points, but kissing The book, which immediately grab me to pieces, gone viral. He, about how the left has its unconstrained vision that This stuff is fixable, folks, poverty crime quality, that this stuff's not inevitable people simple terrorism and crime. Folks, it
the result of an unjust society. Are you for folks into chat if this is too much right now, then move because this is some deep shit? And if you understand this, you understand everything. Yes, you want more. No, you don't, because this is important. This is what separates the ladys from ass. They think the world is fixed. Not manageable terrorism. Just the result of bad organization and government, we institute socialism, everything will be ok, crime, don't you worry about? We get collective, smart people tat, they fix it. We we need to say the right things and act. The right policy spend enough money and we suffer no more social ills. This is the foundation of the aggressive mindset, added Bullshit it's what people killed in Israel? What's gonna get, you killed year You moved in the street because we are not unconstrained.
We are centres with water capability for good. But we are not on constrain ears, second part of it are we know better, this, is? U you'll go to the second that the next that sadness, this is folks. We are not fixable. We only manageable that weren't there three cuts from this thing. Ok go to go to. one funny that we are not. There would also totally screwed up people. See things the way we see it believed that most political problems of social problems? Will it didn't change in a proper way, never be managed. Beg you, they can only be managed. This approach is the best The conservative worldview. All we can do is keep a lid on a crazy. Do you get what they're saying? If you don't, Keep the lid on the crazy, then, should the crazy he's gonna happen, bro, you don't get, it
stop crime and rape and murder and killings. You. Can minimize it by man? Did you get Putting the savage jail, you can Most terrorism by killing is ready terrorists as possible. give him a frequent caller by the numbers book and make them better and getting sick combine with some freaking s'mores? stupid ass. Are you? This has been a wake up, call. Is it bad enough? Yet I don't know our people waking what I say. Is it bad enough? Yet people are going to change in mass sure. Am I absolutely sure that change cycle is started and that train is left the station for the lives that I'm sure there are two Conflict divisions is a deeper book about constrained, verses, unconstrained, vision, that's why
we'll conflict divisions, visually? The anointed is more readable, digestible book again the kind of the same thing, your both incredible pieces of work. You will these books in you will never be confused again. Why do Liberals allow open borders because if they believe it's just the governing problem overseas and we're in tie these people are entitled to come here for a better life. No they're, not you're, not going to fix the running problem overseas, because people are not unconstrained, think about any other problem, western civilization versus the savage all this which is this the savage because of poverty really to incredible. I grew up poor you guys didn't grow up super wealth either you ever have the desire to go crowd, someone's eyeballs out no bobby, be me. So we are now Joe. Never add that neither yeah I didn't have that either. with that peace man,
explains everything. Human beings are inherently fallible. and unless you manage the horrors their capable and not some awful view of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, god it is a world full Beauty enjoy kids baseball games. Son sets amusement parks Your daughter movie, experiences, the national anthem, drop set your kids wedding, but he can give us a perfect world, that's got a name is called Heaven. That's not here, you can manage the imperfections or you can try perfect them and get killed them the process. Your choice. I hope this is a wake up, call for more stuff was released yesterday, folks,
and cnn just I mean you want to talk about showing their asses. I'm going to show you a piece of video that is really hard to digest. Even for my low expectations, a cnn, let me take quick break, I brought you buy contingency medical imaging, saint of is right. The website down contingency, medical, dotcom, slash mancino, because it every time I read this, I get a torrent of emails for people we appreciated and it makes it easier if write it down I cannot stress enough the importance of being well prepared, especially now. I know you get it now. Imagine needing lifesaving medications if China tax, taiwan and supply chains go then he can't get antibiotics maginot, contingency medical ensures. You have medicines when the unexpected happens, with three different emergency and about packs each one prescribed by licence physicians, and this by certified pharmacy. These
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but you know contingency, medical products are not intended to substitute for professional medical treatment or could solve with your health care provider. Thank you. Contingency, medical always get tremendous feedback on that, yet prepared so folks then happened. Yesterday again, I've been trying to temper the coverage of the horror of what in overseas with the savage because it's a lot take, it has been very emotional- has been a very emotionally draining couple weeks for me, I'm honored, you all have lived, do it with me, I showed you know. Deep appreciate every single thing that you ve done for me. Kept me say: can I tell you quit point of personal privilege. Would you mind if this stuff bothers you again? I read the chat just tell me, shut up and go on just fast and someone I work with, but if a higher person and in one of these companies I work with not some small potato person reached out to me yesterday and I it was a sea sweet. I person, I assume this was some really important business cause. I put a line of my schedule, accessories busy day and
where's and reached out and said you know I just want to see how you doing I gotta surprising bids whoever, like president trump reach now, just like hey man away when you get a cup of coffee suddenly was that weird, but a lot to me this person I work with who runs this major company, cecil rossi this story is really emotionally draining and to talk about this every day. I know it's hard. I know it's hard, but I deeply appreciate that you all hang in there and you know doc it taken his head on no in the country's got a serious problem. That of itself we're gonna fix it. So thank you. Red states, yo Cunningham covered it, so allow of these terrorist sympathisers out there. that they want to make up a story every time to minimize what happened with the eyeball gouging, the kid killing the woman raping and the hostage taking So the israelis, unfortunately they did- why
do this because they ve never done this in the past. That's a fact, They decided alright. We're gonna have to show you what the Hamas people film, with their own, go pro cameras and put on the internet. Journalists react to the raw video of hamas attack in Israel, the scr does indescribable. It was one guy in the roman. If this is too much I understand, but folks we can run from it I just saw indescribable raw footage provided by israeli authorities Here are some of the notes. I too Mass terrorist screaming allow walk bar as he frantic. tries to be had a dead man with a shovel the next one they don't get. Any better folks A father and two sons, guessing about seventy nine running for their lives and their underwear into it. Can it be a bomb shelter with an open entrance
moss terrorist rosa hand grenade into the shelter here. the father a badly entering the two sons who run back into the house Scarlet sons or screaming for their dad, saying, they're gonna die, hamas terrorists casually and calmly, takes a bottle of water from the family's fridge and drinks it as the two boys weep. I read one more of a lot of these. I'm not going to read them all. It's again. It's just get sucked area is their video by the way, folks ass terrorist enter a house where small girl seed smoke. I have a small. the scene hiding under the table after some talk, back and forth. They shoot and killer as she hides under the table. Hard to say how old she is when she looks about seven tonight,.
Do you understand thomas all spoke about the unconstrained versus the constraint vision and now all you will never fix these people. Ladies and gentlemen, all you can do. it's kill them, destroy them and somehow managed the problem. It is going to be a wake up, call for a whole lot of people who woke up on october. Eighth different people wait till it happens here, wait till it happens. There are some people, however, who wishes to anything stupid to wake up. I saw this is why try not to send my guys production content within my and our the shell, because it's a lot going on in their doing stuff. I had a squeezes in today. This just popped the cross, my screen This is cnn, covering the hostages. and the release of the hostages that we're take, and by these Hamas animals that shot point blank young
Girls, boys, grandma's, gouged, eyeballs, out, Their own video beheading people with shovels, shovel shovel. Your cnn, describing how don't worry like they take care losses, stuff like water, water and stuff. hey listen. You know also happy something stand out in there, the mundane necessity right you're talking about tunnels. We know these tunnels have ventilation. We know that they been known that air conditioning that this has all been reporting that we heard From the israelis over the years, but the fact that she sang she was held underground for more than two weeks that there were sham. There was antibiotics. There was a guard per hostage in the sperience. She had that were medics and paramedics. Now they say she is elderly, the other woman who was released also elderly and had medical means and that they had the medicine needed in and if not something similar to replace it. It is pretty soon
because you got a contrast that with what's happening above the ground right where There isn't water, never mind, shampoo, ok, they don't have water there, in toilet water. There is no morphine for any kind of amputations, antibiotics, no right, but how had stockpiled? All of that and has all of that underground and that's what we're learning from her into the point: and I want to play the sound from her on this because it gets at just how prepared they were for taking hostages you can on some people's minds. Folks Y Y, you would even air that baby. it's just unfathomable! Oh, they have shampoo, really out of sheer pool, I need. What they are better about. Why would they re about its because your legs were nearly blown off by a great age, or they only have a little shred hanging? What are they fiji. Why would they mean that while we should
item in the pelvis and they ve been bleeding out for a week or walking over they got shampoo is a problem like does it have the condition are built in? Is it the panting? What about if they have friends like frizzy treatment to in the tunnels. He said a right sounds like a vacation spot shampoo pool room service collar right in And, like you may get water water like our while water, it's so nice, it was really january. I don't steal the celebrated as these are our towels milestones the elite This actually aired on CNN. Don't worry folks binds gotta. Got a handle on all of it. I was asked about a ceasefire yesterday, which you two before than against and foreign against. In the same I don't even know but listen I'm trying to really they kept by getting. Can I get but the Biden teams have just shut up just shut up. Just please
stop talking just please stop talking Whenever Biden opens his mouth the world, the poor, more gasoline on the global fire. Just please stop talking I'll show you what I mean come on up next. They may take a quick break at that increased pierre finally guys. a bold statement on anti semitism, standing up Jean Pierre principle doing right thing for once you put that your trip. every ten years page, your mobiles been america's only christian conservative, whilst provider, when I say we, I mean the only one glenn in the team love you guys. You been piling on over to patriot mobile, get rid of big mobile patriot mobile offers, dependable nationwide coverage, giving you the ability to access all three major networks means you get the same covered you been accustomed, do without funding left when using support your mobile you're, sending the message you support free speech, religious rites, the sanctity of life, the second amendment and our military veteran and first responder heroes. They wanted
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folks back to show so by the guy needs, suggest. Stop talking time. He says something he causes international internationalist. Listen yesterday, my radio shown or of you caught or not, but it is a really important segment. I did theirs two theories. I about foreign policy, I say and obviously sarcastically, but I don't mean sarcastic. I call the vinnie theory versus the brok listener theory. the very serious based on this kid vinnie, I knew grew up small, It cannot fight at all. But the kid was badger, naughty badger nature fights anything the honeybees You start shit all the time you receive money, badger, it's a real animal. It starts What a time and nobody messes with the tiny honey badger, because you just it'll it'll it'll, like cut your, grab your dad's. If you know what I mean like you know so nobody messes with the honey better. That was this guy vinnie, this it very was one of the toughest guys you ever seen, but he never want to fight. That's foreign policy, as the crazy man theory ripe. No one,
it's a mess without trunk ass, he was like Veni he may not have been like a u f c fighter, donald trump, but he would tweet out some crazy take at night and you knew he was always down for a fight as solar monte found out in the russian marks on the syrian battlefield. The hard way or you can have the reagan, type approach. The brok lesser approach: will you the bleak bad, is m. F in town right, buddy messes with you ever because you're gonna get killed a view even try to like slap la brok, lesser across the face, the problem With Joe Biden Aziz, neither Vinnie was unpredictable. Unless there is strong, where are you be predictable and strong. You can be on predictable and strong you we predictably week and you'll be conquered or you can be predictable and weak. And maybe stave off being conquered, because people are afraid of what you're gonna do cause. They think you're crazy Biden is predictable and. and that's why we're in danger, because he opened
Mouth about ukraine and look what in russia invader remembered outline. if they invade ukraine only a little bit. Ladies and gentlemen, I am convinced that played into putin psyche to go and cross border. We don't, the goal is stored should around the world? We don't know. to be the world's policeman, but we certainly have to act like we're serious. If you're gonna toy with us, not Biden, areas, yes, a ceasefire which, by the way, is that more than hamas propaganda, a ceasefire gets. This is against Israel will not involve which our boots on the ground, bigger oh and clean up disperse, because this problem is only manageable. You either kill you people, are going to kill you period. Let israel do what it wants to do so they don't come, kill us next, I understand what you ve heard about this. It doesn't involve our guys, maybe Intelligence sharing, maybe some money, maybe some five. I stuff we do maybe and pushing of egypt and stuff.
guys you're not over. Yet we are not doing the work. There are some guys over there and hostage rescue, but our guys aren't which those are our people Let him do what they need to do. the cease fire, no one should be. Talking about a ceasefire, Tomas propaganda, here's by I can't seem to make up his mind changes answer twice in the same answer check this out just to see fire deal while he shows each part of the The guy gives three different answers and the span of ten seconds he is obviously has a neural complex infected with oats from opium. Stop freaking talking just shut up. Stop talking Where in the white house? If you listening to me, I'm begging, you
please, god stop talking who's, the lord's name in vain. I am not please, stop this guy from talking he's gonna win site for three. Is a freaking emphasis? Will. Yeah cease fire? No, not a ceasefire list. But the hostages and at what a ceasefire what're you even saying. he doesn't know. What do you say if you're not To answer a prepared question at a microphone like a president, because you don't have the freakin cognitive capabilities to think on your feet and new create deadly a policy walkin shuffling off stage with you're stupid, ass Biden, shuffle. then just shut up Just shut up just shut up. This guy on the pipeline on ukraine on russia
on china. Remember china forgot about this guy's. Yes, we're going to defend taiwan immediately. They ve gotta clean it up by china. One china policy is not change, shot up. Please shut up. You are Are we to cause a freaking global nuclear thermo nuclear meltdown, shot up. Buffoon in the white house here bigger moron. Anyone changing a vote by the way. The single worst press secretary in the story of said beings: she's The question yesterday on eighties criticism, flowers, all over the united states are again it's You stay the only to the only form of discrimination. The liberal seem to love, is
the asian and eighty jew try to get the college they'll give you double barrelled middle finger, jewish, all, my god. It's open season on you things open season. Air capable a college. Them with shovels, kill the Jews and and leprosy like you did this is crazy, so she's ask the question: why can't you think this is a problem? I judge that thousands of young kids out their scream from the river to the sea, which is basically jewish genocide. Twitter is a creature up here. Made answer really really strong response. Your check this out I right now about casual rise of anti semitism going on Israel. A couple of things look We have not seen any credible threats. I know, there's been always questions about a credible threats, and so I just want to make sure that out there but muslim into
perceived to be muslim, have endured a disproportionate number of hate filled attacks, and certainly president Biden understands that many of our muslim arab. From americans in passing american loved ones and neighbours are worried about the hate being directed at their communities, and that is something you heard. The present speak to in his in his address. You feel it. Thank you. Maybe there has never been a worse press secretary in the history of the united states in this absence: maura folks, listen to me a lot of times. I tell you. The left down state them for being done there very tactical evil, but not dumb, I'm telling you this woman is just dumb. She is an idiot, She had a clean that up instantly because she's a more on this week. a white house run by king its areas
a walk ass into another world war if they don't shut up just shut up. Not only is it populated by idiots morons, an absolute imbeciles here is head crews on fox about another problem. administration has been infiltrated by Reining in separate does, as you know, the death to american crowd and obey you guys, but that sells I kind of a problem because I mentioned at the beginning of the shops. We get this Hamas Hezbollah purely try to sneak their people into the southern border problem. Any iranians would love nothing more than a dirty bombs in a big american city, and probably intelligence from the inside, because the administrations infected with stupid people and terrorist sympathisers take a we. I know also that, among other things, Three of rob molly's top advisers: his is inner circle his He relied on work iranian operatives, they were recruited.
by the government of IRAN, they were drawn, did by the iranian foreign minister. They reported to the iranian foreign minister. Did you go folks. I didn't see that upright. I'm really side are really thank. You yeah. I don't think you understand. I like deeply pack for me dad just what did you set? Is it's not yes, the rob molly cat Biden was using as an iranian negotiator inside his regime there primarily is being looked at for iranians sympathies whatever may be. Apparently he had three of his federal they are doing the same thing. You're telling me our governments. I ran policies being run by terrorists, sympathizers and you think we're safe. You did you hear what he just said that clip was important. I couldn't find the actual video, but I found an article. I set it to them.
the team of that you guys find me this video stat, our gut it has been entirely corrupted, ladies and gentlemen, and why they waste their time in the police. Stay going after Oh lifers parents at school board, trumps supporters targeting us the irs targeting tea party groups, everything we addressed in a police state movie, while the fbi's wasting their time on that we terror sympathisers in the united states government right now and we others worrying about tat, crossing the southern border. Why the administration does zero about it they see oatmeal god in the white house who can't shot his mouth for anything as finally figured out a way to navigate around a stage. Thankfully, now what I tell you about this by this bother me cause in last line of work, we would all get a run down. President walk onstage
makes remarked residents eggs hands. President work, ro blind, left or right? The president is briefed on this. The guy. Can never figure out his way around stage ever and shockingly did again. We'll get. Is beautiful, I'm not interested me marcus, I marked them the. He can't even figure he was just told the iberian there. He was just whole backstage walk out with this guy mark marcus. Whatever his name is he's going to introduce you. He can't even remember that this idiot is in charge as we are on the verge of something really bad happening that china, defence. Minister thing is going down again to hoax.
The iranians military concerns me, but it doesn't concern me nearly as much as a concerted russia, china effort to bus into another goal. Global conflict we are, real trouble right now and a case you, like any of this police states. Stuff is in any way died down. You are absolutely wrong. There targeting you, they are targeting you right now. Do you I did a little bit odd that I did ministration in the missouri v Biden case is currently a court or get to this in a second currently in court. I'd to censor you want social media recovered. seen starve election stuff- they are they all fighting the sensor. You because why big? Was there freaking tyrants who hate the first amendment, except see. We're go this thanks. If you're all about killing the Jews, rightly about killing two jews. First, amendment baby. That's all The first amendment
Riverdale say you have a view there's a ledge beat the shit out of some jews or kills him during the day They love you dil for you, judges We clear tell someone: I want that a mask is gonna really stop covered by that mother. get tat, guy or social media go on closure period say you want to kill the Jews river to see what exterminate the Jews don't worry.
His job here at a comment on that? It's all! First amendment! So don't you worry about check this out as a president view, anti israel protests and sentiment on college campuses as anti semitism, so I'm not going to get into what's happening across the country in a different university is not going to get into the specifics. As the admiral said, the first amendment right right, that's what something and peaceful protest is really part of part of our democracy being able for folks to to to be able to express their feelings, I'm not going to get into any the you know specifics on that. The president has been very clear in wanting to make sure that jewish americans wanting to make sure that arab americans muslims are protected here. That is what he believes in that we they have the right to live their lives and to feel protection to feel like they're able to be part of a community. So just to be clear. She no comment on kill the jew stuff.
There really pissed off about facebook covered stuff, now weekly. Some of you and serious note, because I saw this We would all like you want to respond to some on twitter, but I feel I feel like it's important, this shows interactive ahmad. Above anything, I'm not like some superhero guy have no special powers, I'm a guy opening. Some content. I'm really passionate about the fact that now ninety thousand people are digging forty seven minutes in a lobbying with but I'm only human and some stuff does get to me, and I saw a couple people on twitter yesterday, posting some my man, but you will change their mind and the first amendment after involve Israel, one guy road yeah by Gina bike key by JO. If I check I Can it can anyone in the shadowy? Have I change my, has anyone ever told me. I now support centres as ever. If ever said that, on a show in the chat, can you cite the episode? I'm dead series cyclops
I would have to look at up and corrected and the reason I know it's going to happen because it never happened. Here's a difference remaining corinne, jean Pierre and the buying administration and liberal tyrants. You want go out there as motion outbreak annoy you actually can't threatened to kill someone, no matter who it is muslim. Arab, jewish, israeli christian, it doesn't matter, you can't threaten to kill. Someone, however, you can go out there and say if the Jews, if the muslims, whenever you like, is long threatening anyone, it's a pretty this last thing you shouldn't say shit like that. but you should say it And I've only said a thousand times, I'm a free speech, absolutist, whose only put my entire financial nesting in allowing people to speak or been banned elsewhere. So cut the bullshit and stop misleading people. I we do support crazies, be unable to say stupid shit, because you know what
they expose themselves, is crazy and weaken and put it on the shawl instead of going on the dark web and starting a terror cell and killing us all, that's why but here's the same white ass though, if you I gave screw the Jews. You re, ok, here's this! a white house believable Nevertheless, the white house covert censorship machine. It was the white house is digital director, a guy rob celerity. This is from court proceedings april, knight s facebook, what actions and changes you're making to ensure that you're not making our countries vaccine hasn't it sees problem worse. What are you doing in order to get those vaccines, sceptics off their notes, you tested in the electoral context words during election season. You deplore, the algorithm shift that promote quality news and information about the election, let me translate. The Biden white asked rob priority talking to facebook use, conservatives about the election. You did. That was great.
Because whoever you only did this. However, after an election, you helped increase scepticism in an insurrection that was applauded in large part by your platform, facebook and turn it off used to widen I want to share its is based and data that you're not doing the same thing again, the facebook exact, response understood so again, folks just to be clear korean. up here and the disgusting filth bag garbage oatmeal, god, the white house, you say the Jews. The jews why the Jews out I gotta get involved in that don't matter, we're not going to get involved in that. It's ok, first amendment stuff, but there comes to you about the vaccine, the elections, the inn insurrection. They are demanding facebook turns stuff, and they quote one assurances bull shit. These people are frauds, I will say again for the thousand time An absolutely free speech advocated absolutist on that matter. There is
Oh tyranny in human history that succeeded without suppressing speech. I'm gonna be no part of it. even if you're, an asshole or a moron. The white house, however, are absolute frauds. Poetry, figs and families who have screwed over american citizens on their first amendment right a thousand times over and I'm tired of the bullshit. For ever one these shelf tooling, how is it that these Democrats believe so much that isn't true. How is it? How is it the demo. it's actually believe that their coexist party, the tolerance, a party that is terrorists are wonderful because they provide prowl shampoo. Maybe we condition are built in how is it that a whole, democrats believe this stuff. The there's pretty simple. They believe the slime ball sleaze bag, media. is in the shown us today. Another green article on gino star constellation newsletter
Can trust the news media falls to new laws that, for example, rights, though seventy percent of them I e the moron class- believed that the meat it's a trusted source can, you imagine, is all fourteen percent of republican sosa, the smart people and twenty percent of independence. Actually believe that, can you imagine, even by being told the people hoax, was real can be told that the impeachment hopes was real. Imagine we are told that the insurrection was the worst thing since the civil war. Imagine We are told that the israelis bombed the hospital in gaza by video evidence. Otherwise, and you still believe now, do you see why you're democrat friends are all morons because seven out of ten of them, seven hundred out of a thousand a room actually believe the more on media tells him. The truth oh yeah, the covered mortality falls when they asked Democrats what's a covered mortality rate, it was like twenty percent. When in cases of over two hundred twenty people die. It was. It was how ridiculous, because there
we believe shit. There is a real because they believe the media. That is a real here's rachel maddow quick overview yesterday. This is, they act. We must stop there, was getting ready to put them all in prison and like execute him. If he comes back into office. This actually happened check this to put MSNBC on trial for treason, so he can execute that to put MSNBC on trial for treason so can execute that its remit. Another hour gore, not to put MSNBC on trial for treason, so that it can execute that you were there. Democrats are more on what it wants, the other one I'll give you to do the job, how many on our black men are killed by police there, like forty seven million a year, recycle levin, most of those cases. Where a did this, why they believe them shed a couple dad twenty thousand dirty? That's it up dammit ten thousand, by police in new york city alone.
Sir, the raleigh, this ready police use every possible. This is why the crowds believe dumb shit they believe the new york times too. rail rallies, bombed, ass, but all killed. Five hundred people in bomb hospital was a parking lot It wasn't five hundred people and to keep them it wasn't the israelis, it was actually the palestinians it was. I was Hamas is one own or the islamic jihad. It was their own freakin rocket. So where's, you believe the new york times that had a correct itself, embarrassingly editors, no gaza hospital covered we made a bubu get a load of this case, The funniest part to you in this folks in Chad, In this. What's the best part of this whole thing, we're we Rely too heavily. I know it's all bad, it's hard. I know its top brave read through that coming My personal favorite about this new york times creation is we relied
we're heavily on claims by Hamas does. the devil. They were left with an incorrect impression. Would you be by saying the israelis bombed the hospital with no evidence that actually happen, that yeah I'd call an incorrect impression rivalry like right. Like you eddie it's, this is, the re. This is almost like What are those like when you break with a girl, and you don't want anything to do with you. You know one or two feel bad about yourself, so you it's you it's me, not all. It's me I broke up with you. This is the new york times say it's like in reverse. We left the readers with an incorrect impression, like the budgets. We told you, the israelis bombed the hospital. You believed us with we relied heavily enclosed by Hamas. You mean these show. Shove will be heading guys or these shooters of seven year old girl, course they're going to be a source of reliable information arrival. Yeah I get the edges. Sorry, we love you guys with the wrong impression. Don't worry. The associated press is here to save the day when it comes to
and ass. He again, why are democrats freaking stupid because the associated press wall that reporters call him ass? A terrorist organisation knots If we, as you matter, carry group, you know like salvation army is up. You know when you're, not beheading people with shovels and throwing grenades at the bomb shelters in shooting if kids in their underwear and seven girls and stuff like that but don't worry folksteads, then that the left winger, and the lebanon lunatics by gay. global jar democratic, state senator they got it. I didn't want to censor the new york times for being wrong. They do want to censor the new york times turns out Amy corbett. She wants a sensor rumble in substance yeah. rumble in substance Story, you must must read Alaska the new york times and I want to censor them any more. Information in new york times what's out as a okay, even if only The violence, that's fine. Let me say one last thing is kind of funny issue:
Representative, my college, georgia's tent district to his name and the speakers, were his look at his platform but she did in every plot. secret side deals and no more having to listen, afraid, frank, it retreats no humbly buses. Many buses are short, but. I don't know this guy, but I I have already Yup vote for speaker. If I was were just for this alone, no more having to to Frank was exactly I do not make this up You can see on the screen. Watch it on rubble actually gave his supper karma. For dinner I get it. Is a body sorry for what we gotta live a little bit make a joke at eddie? It's I don't know what else to do with these more the boy capital hey thanks so much for tuna and please go ceased. Police state police state film. That now that is another showing tomorrow exclusively in theatres? actual showing.
can see it online as october. Seventh is friday. Can LISA friday police state film that net we place you can buy tickets police a film that net, I promise you that will be a dry in the house and I stand up and seeing the national anthem at the end thanks for tuning in rumble dot com, slash bungie, know, give us a follow spread. The word to your friends join us for the chat set up an account. It's free every day at eleven am easter, rumble, dot com, slash bungie, I'll, see Back here tomorrow, you just ten bungee notion:
Transcript generated on 2023-10-26.