« The Dan Bongino Show

A Biden Bombshell? (Ep 1253)

2020-05-19 | 🔗

In this episode I address the emergence of stunning new evidence implicating Joe Biden in a quid pro quo scandal. I also address the FBI hiding this key witness in both the Spygate and Mike Flynn scandals. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about America on a showed, its not immune to the banks with your host Dan Bungee, no boy we work and on a potential Explode if bombshell here, no, I'm not kidding about Joe Biden. This could get really interesting. I Get right you that today, I'm gonna with Old, some information, not because I'm trying to keep it. From you, but because people I'm working with some of our investing there's out. There are still trying to verify it, but man it will change a whole lot about Joe Biden. Yes, this. Came out of nowhere literally before we got on the air, and you know how much I hate the use or over So the word literally, I welcomed the dim. GINO shall producer Joe? How are you today? Fine sir, my daddy, I'm do a pretty good. What's Biden, I've got to talk to you now buttons,
Well he s going to be much higher than from this Y all true, but I will keep it for you and we're going to work. Today, in conjunction with the Stephen Mcintyre Climate audit on Twitter Tipp to him, and if, as this could be bigger- and let's get right- you today show today show brought you friends who policy gps dot com. That's right, there's never been a better save money, Now more than ever, find they smart way. Support cash back in your pocket can make a big difference. One way to do that simply save on the things you already pay for like home insurance? If you wanna home, you re shopping your home insurance rates with policy genius could save you a good chunk of change, that's right and the best part, you barely need to lift a finger to do at first hand. The policy genius tat come answer. A few quick questions about yourself and your price even policy genius will compare your policy against options from top in to make sure you're getting the right home insurance coverage. This is key at the best possible price, save yourself some money pass find you a better rate than what you currently paying they'll. Do all the work to get you switch Yonah car to policies.
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I told them. You better, get fired a guy you're, not getting a billion dollars a portion don't tell me you don't have the authority to do that. I said yeah get not just plain and we're getting out of here. If you don't fired, are prosecuted and what would we do all you do have to video, ok cool. Can you right now on our right, and our case you say she's, like your master, what my shell ball of you gotta, let me know, give me like a hand signal. There are smoke signals a representative so binds on tape because not Brady's, really stupid, I'm not kidding, brightness brightness botanist, some liberals are smart in there just tactically good it getting such out, even though they lie binds smart he's, really dumb he's a Bragger he's a conceded old fool who likes to tell fairytales stories about announced credibility, so he's on tape. Bragging saying I demanded the guy looking into I saw the ukrainian prosecutors company my son, my son's company barbarism. I demanded be fire, which is a quid pro quo, or we're not going to give you the billion dollars. He saying
It's happened. This is important while he was vice president. Obviously, or else it would matter. If he's just Joe, Widened civilian like he is now running for president. He can threaten the ukrainian president. All he wants with with, The money- it's not gonna matter this happen when he was vice president, but here's the key again began. You're back climate order on Twitter, Stephen Macintyre, nice, nice Tipp this morning. Some adios emerged, which were in the process of verifying. Why about play it, and I want to be very careful. You know me. I always take the cautious approach in these stories till we can verify it. Am I going to play, but love you to come back tomorrow. We can verify it, listen to a wise audio important because for what we ve had up to this point, is the video of Joe Biden telling the story stew Quickly enough telling story of how we threaten the ukrainian President if he wouldn't fire the prosecutor looking into his son, any as one he's telling that story
He says you know I was on this plain. Wait now leave Words insinuating that he's in Ukraine, when this was happening. Joe audience, ombudsman and referee follow me here if it doesn't make sense, immediate It's not me, it's a dad doesn't make sense eyes. You gotta get this job. I was in Ukraine are produce evidence in a moment. His last trip in Ukraine, member the press Kyoto show canoes investigating his sons company that followed the timeline. Fired on March thirty. First of twenty sixteen the law. Ass time, Joe Biden in Ukraine, as vice president, before are the firing of joke the end of March twenty. Sixteen is December of twenty fifty so months, prior. So if Joe Biden story, he told that the Council of Foreign relations, well son of a bitch you better fire up or giving you the billion dollars. You remember you and I their weight monoplane. If that's.
Where is correct, then widened said that in December and months lapsed until Shokhin was fire looks like you follow me still, We we're gone, but what, if I told you some evidence may have emerged that that call happened march. Twenty second, twenty, sixteen just days before Shoguns fire. Whom they say I don't get you say: what will you don't know what I'm saying you go ahead, yet you understand how the Democrats Party line here. Follow me here, yes, is important. I needed to see at the Democrats. Party line has been well if Biden Saturday, you always said it back there, no one's ever said December. By the way it's just been. Insinuated. Because Biden said at the council foreign relations, it was a plane on the tarmac getting ready to assume he was in Ukraine less time using Ukraine is December, two thousand and fifteen, and it keeps the damn it
A tv we better get out. Well, I didn't fire. The prosecutor is Biden said that I mean it in fire two months later if some audio emerged suggests, now call was on March twenty second just a week prior Ok? What do you get get it, you did you pick it up or put not yet that's a big problem, big problem, that's a huge problem That's an enormous problem for the Democrats. You now we're going to have a really hard time running away from the narrative they use to impeach Donald Trump. What was the narrative? It was a quid pro quo was demanding political dirt. On Biden in Change for military aid, of course, that was a totally false story. We ve seen the transcript Democrats made that up.
Joe Biden demanded the firing of this prosecutor on a call a week prior to Wendy was fired and the prosecutor was investigating his son and he was there. Presided states, we gotta quit Bro quote problem and we chronology problem to now again at stage you tomorrow, as we can verify the contents of the call I'm not gonna play, but you may say: But why mentioned today because again had Tipp Stephen Macintyre? We have evidence, direct evidence that this call on March. Twenty second happened: we always produce evidence and receipts. Your folks come up scope to screen cap number one. Here we go evidence of the call happening, marched. Second, twenty! Sixteen years U S, embassy in Ukraine read out a vice in abiding call with petrol, perish Anko the President of Ukraine March. Twenty in twenty sixteen there it is
there. Now more there's a read out of the call now, there's an actual, Rita call planet. You would take on the read the audio. The alleged audio I'll say at this point, and we do. I don't need to be first. I just need to be right. The alleged audio, the Ukrainian. Security. Shokhin is brought up on a call. You know the one forgetting Biden, sons, company, ah ah, the alleged now That's interesting because in the actual read out which we have here are the call. You don't actually see anything about. The ukrainian prosecutor the actual read out the action read out of the grubbing up here. There's a readout vice president spoke today. Report echoed vice president, condemn the unjust conviction, incensing of UK, in pilot member of parliament. I said
Genco. I guess in Underline Russia obligation, is amazing to release her the vice president. Besides the importance of Ukraine quickly re establishing a stable government parliamentary called. Why may reading this fast, because I'm still waiting to read readability read out of the call a formal gone over to use what they talk about. I still haven't seen Jody. You see tat many precision and firing the prosecutor it on the leader agreed on that. You don't see it either any imports of fully implementing all I spent the making and send suffering the people in Ukraine restore Ukraine sovereignty either. Here's a lot, the two leaders also expressed deep sorrow for the victims of today's horrific terrorist attack in Belgium are registering. That's is an area that that that this aspect the gray, no mention whatsoever conveniently of firing of joke it. Now, if the call turns out tomorrow to be inauthentic, then have a reason. Reasonable, so called did happen, ever read out of it, but Audio was inauthentic, but we
no. This call happened just days before their prosecutors fire, which creates a real time line problem for the dims and their de facto presidential nominee, and if this call happened and had autos, authentic and show its name and then getting rid of show the prosecutor and fight Show came up and I call Joe Biden is going to have a real problem. Then As always I in my shone out, I always put please my shoulders, but you know that complex newsletter. That is the show notes. It's an email goes out. Every day we don't spam, you remarked but I'll, send it. Article overdue in case you want ever evidence matters. Liberals always try to catch you on one little thing. Despite losing the big arguments all the time, he was a wash the unease amateur piece by piece, clearly Joe Biden visited Ukraine six times in eight years, while vice president is peace. From October ten, twenty nineteen and you'll see his last visit. You can read the peace yourself, so you don't think I listen fact check me always always stones. Really. I
I am confident immaterial fact check. As you will see from the Washstand Examiner peace that his last trip before the fire. Of joke in March of twenty sixteen to Ukraine, you'll see if you read out with December seventh and eighth of twenty fifty, the next trip after that was until twenty seventy so again you see my point, Joe Biden. This story at the Council of Foreign relations- you have ever knew me, you have already role, or did you just tell me that the policy of the video to bind video? I can't our case for no problem so that the minutes so you get. The point. Biden says that this council afar relations speech. Where he's done enough to talk about this, he says on this point: and was waiting again. I think he does this Jos, not smart, but he's just the edge of sand Eighty enough where he knows not to indict himself and give the exact data the call, because just a week later show conspired. So what does he do
Tansy was in Ukraine, which pumps the timeline back to December. You get it near. Creating a chronological, disconnect saying our I I think he's default position was gonna, be I may have brought up, firing at this prosecutor, who I thought was corrupt, but they didn't fire. Until months later, we have submitted That may not be true tune in tomorrow and will follow up on that one. I've got some more debunking more material. I got the bar thing for me. I swear that he's gonna be a loaded show hang with. We may go over a little bit today, Tuesday, always appreciate your patient. We have great sponsors want to be your talk. You also brought you by a good friends at express Vps. Ladies and gentlemen, the time for a VIP It is now your privacy matters, keep prying eyes away from your online activity and online data. You don't need them. Look at any event me talk about how important it is to have a Vps a lot of people now working from home, it's more important than ever to choose a VP, and you trust we have right now, it's actually sitting right there. I use that yesterday, when I filled in
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fired another inspector general, the inspectors general are a group of federalism, I did invest the gaiters. You were basically like internal affairs officers. They look at malfeasance with The government investigate internal corruption and things like that ripe, so Out of agencies have them, we do have one and the secret service, but the state Department as an I e g, the Italian community has an energy while the stadium. It has one Donald Trump has been getting rid of a lot of these inspectors. Inspectors general because many of them in fact happen, abusing their positions for political investigations and have been league for Press that, in turn, by the way, a nobody disputes is even back Nancy Pelosi present. Europe has full authority constitutional authority to fires, actors general everybody understands nobody, questions that even Pelosi S question the question. Is: he recently fired the state Department, inspector general, and this came out all gosh they fired the state
inspector general because they were investigating, might pale for walking is dog. I don't Well, I don't know of tat story is true or not, but of course it played into the Democrat. Anti Trump vary too. To be fair, vital president trump, and I'm not messing with you. I must support the president, but if I dont President Trump fire, this inspector general for an, they getting one of his own. I promise you have my word. I would speak out against it. That's not right, but these gentlemen, that's not exactly the story we're here, let's go, the great Elizabeth VON Red State who, as a grey peace on this again, all apply the bomb GINO rule on an eighty tribe conspiracy theory way too before to seventy two hours and the real story will probably come so story, orders Trump fired this Spectre general because he was investigating trumps Secretary of State because music these people are making and walked, or dogs and stop now we see the real story here: Red State Elizabeth, while I have other you gotta get the title of the few of them ever be
today, I won't today. I'm show a little bit of friction forgot all about it. Gee wrongfully fire by my palm pale turns Dems may want to hold their fire. What does It has gone right, new peace. This is eve. Covering by the way in the red state how the Washington Post wrote about do you know of a left, leaning, full price, the activists suppose even neighbour others check this out from the reds therapies. Have Democrats, We want to hold their fire and take a look at the report which appeared the Washington Post on Monday Brian. Quality or the state Department under Secretary for management, told the posts that Linux. This is the Spectre general statement. Those fired had been fired due to quote an alleged pattern of unauthorized disclosure leads to the news media about investigations were in early drafts, form. According to the Washington Post Bullet, Te'O said that the officials had no evidence when it was personally responsible for the lease, but that the disclosures had the potential of painting the outcome of ongoing from okay. Here we go.
Now the real story again applying the Bonn GINO rule comes out. That is director General Linux may have supervise the departments responsible for a number of unauthorized, potentially illegally leaks of information media. If you I waited a few days. The comment on this you would have said hold on this, isn't about dog, walking or dishwashing. Don't do that and by the way, that's wrong hundred percent. If that happened, it's wrong those are being investigated. Those investigations didn't stop. Nobody gets a pass, casual republican or whatever, but now we find out that there were armed investigations into this guy's department and a series of unauthorized potentially illegally, and that's why they let him go
that story again will be in the show notes tonight, I'm begging you humbly and with the greatest of respect for a loyal, terrific audience, the best in the digital conservative podcast space. I say that without any caveats or provisos in their please please with these the Trump hoaxes just wait a few days. You will always get the real story later, if there's an event negation upon PEO, it's not going anywhere, whether they fire the inspector, General or not, it is not going anywhere. However, if he's been running a department illegally and potentially illicitly leaking it. Nation for the media, which is damaging ongoing investigations. That is a perfectly legitimate reason for president drop to exercise his legitimate constitutional authority and fire this person. Thank you period, full stop. Man is frustrating dealing with these media ass. They just can never get the story
right ever I move on his lap going on here, Judge Sullivan in the Flynn case. This is gonna, be one of those rapid fire shows where we're gonna just fill. You follow information like a fire hose, come and agile, Judge Sullivan as AB totally destroyed his reputation. He is the judge presiding over the Flint case, where the Department of Justice is prosecuting Flynn for aid. Dickie. This allegation that he lied to the F B. I, of course we went over that yesterday's show its alleged. If, when lied about cussing sanction sanctions on the phone with the russian ambassador? If you read the FBI Zone Paperwork On my show, yesterday and filling in four mark last night, the F B, I never asked land about sanctions according to their own paper, so have could lie about sanctions. She was never asked about. Is bizarre, but Judge Solomons not really curious about that, because he hates MIKE when he's all right. Accused him of being a trader to his country in open court, not kidding not a joke. He had Poligized, later cosy, humiliated himself in the bed, but Sullivan now realising government. Has no case against Might Flynn and made
these charges, up as This new Brady material, sculptor materials color. He will not let the Department of Justice amazingly dismiss this case now. As I said, yesterday? He has no authority to do this. The railways using rule forty eight that did that department of it's kinda only dismiss the case. With quote leave of the court he's not in there to protect the government. Is there to protect and defend it might Flynn from being repeatedly charge by government prosecutors and if the cases we growing it out and retrying it again and Flynn, then spends his whole life defending himself. This is there to protect, defend its, not the government Solomons there are defending the government's integrity, we think bill bars. Department of Justice is dropped in this case for political reasons, and therefore I'm going to appoint a nother former judge, gleam and this guy John Gleason, to look into this case judge. Solvent, suddenly admitting he's incompetent that he can figure it out himself he's appointing another judge.
Guy Gleason, who wrote an op ed. He was a former judge of former FBI agent, former prosecutor, who wrote an object Scully condemning MIKE Flynn just weeks prior sure this guy Gleason, though, will be a non partisan. Accurate is bigwig and who did not right now, because you gotta be a more onto really figure this one out, because it makes sense you only if you're in the more on imbecile class, Joe Sullivan, who hates Flynn acute we're being a trade around the banks will not let the Department of Justice draw a case in already admitted, there's no evidence to prosecute. There's more some evidence of government, malfeasance Sullivan still when prosecuted and is appalling. Another former judge there Skype Gleason, whose already put down a writing? You can't stand Flynn to then look into the flint case now big had Tipp at Techno Fog on Twitter, hoping this gem in a filing Gleason made through the court he respectfully route
permission to submit a brief honour before June. Can twenty twenty addressing three issues, this the Judge Sullivan has appointed to look into that. He can't figure out, because Sullivan has forfeited any semblance of in an actual non partisan, accurate. What are they he's. Gleason wants to do get a load of this had Tipp technophobe. Greece wants any additional facts. You hold development. I may need before finalizing my argument in opposition to the Governments motion in this case? Are you expletive kidding me. So Sullivan cares of the judge, capabilities to figure out the government is unlawfully at this point. Prosecuting Might Flynn he appoint another judge who now wants to retry the case. Keep that up again. Did you read what I wrote
by the way again had to Techno for picking this out? Technophobe twitter? He wants edition Factual developments, he may need before finalize use arguments in opposition to the government's motioning, the case, the judges. Completely lost their. Ladies and gentlemen, they want to be sickly retry this case I'll, be the real judge, Judge Bond GINO. Case courts courts in session. Here's what really happening right now judge settlement is completely forfeited, his role as a judge, here. He is engaged in a delaying tactic, delaying for what was going to die into the next segment you're, the Democrats, a ruthless judge, solvents all limited gems Dems. Now, They are hoping to delay and retry this case through the surrogate get now Gleason they're gonna bring and again another judge who hates Flint to re enter view right up all these new
essentially retry the case. To delay long enough to build enough political pressure if by news to win God forbid this presidential election that day, be able to come back and retry Flint again, based Germans, sick. We are in deranged sociopath territory right now,. They are delaying delaying delay. They want to go by men there and its transition team in there, with the hope that they can retry this case again, it's it's it's. This is like emperor palpitating stuff. This is worth looking at that kind of tyranny. Right now, you believe is the evidence is right in front of the judges face that the government charge with a crime he didn't commit lying about actions? He was never asked about the FBI, so people are chosen. The material revealed reveals the FBI.
Oh noted, the gate they were setting him up in framing and for a crime, and the judge wants to bring in another two retry a case, the deal Jays already made. It is a total dog. What no before I move on to this delay, tat, because he's what they're doing with another delay cell he's trying to delay. This case shows Christopher Ready again. The second worst array you're, an FBI history after coming focused on a very serious note. This is the dramatic importance re now view voting. I cannot emphasise in strong enough terms right now that you get out and vote. I am not suggest be Crystal clear. I am not suggesting to you that the Republicans, the G Opie, the grand all party, is the solution to all your problems are not they have let us down. There is a boat load of spending went on. I mean bar. We had running the scent Intel Committee, a lot of Republicans of let us down. I am not suggesting they are somehow angels arrogant, fix. All your problem, smart, I am simply suggesting this. We live in a fallible world, full of fallible p.
But where are no easy solutions? Are only trade offsets it? Your problem we will never be solved. You will simply trade bigger problems for smaller one. That's! What living in a world of scarce resources infallible people meet the problem will ever be solved ever ever. I am sorry to tell you that we dont solve problems. We simply trade, bigger problems for smaller ones, and that is the essence of being human in a world of scarce resources. That's the reality, however, depressing that maybe what I'm asking you to do November, is to vote Republican down the line because, although Republicans may not solve all your problems, I'm telling you the Democrats are absolutely the cause of your problems. Now I'm asking you to trading smaller problem, rhino, fake Republicans. You saw this out for a bigger problem of Democrats. Tyrants, you want a shred. The constitution, throw the Constitutional Republic
in the garbage and fully weapon eyes, law enforcement and intel to imprison their political opponents. I cannot think of one reason to vote for any Democrat in the upcoming elections, not one if they take back the Senate. If they keep the house take back the scent and even if President Trump went, they will impeach him again and time. They may have enough votes in the Senate. If you dont vote Republican, they me have enough votes in the Senate to get rid of him. I cannot emphasise enough in a corner action. How important it is you get out and vote they. Delaying Judge Sullivan, is the Lange to retry Flynn? Who is now a political prisoner and Christopher, raise the laying to director the F b? I used the Lange something as well. I get that second, their duty rates of a loaded there pressure. They are supported by friends. You guys are lifesavers all max. They have cry of Greece be. This is good,
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In case was unhappy last and he said: listen, I'm basically getting tired of this week, Christopher Ray we're demand, he produced people and evidence any just hiding them and will produce them? I don't understand what Christopher ratings he's doing. Does he think we're going to forget? The answer is Chris raise the laying the production of FBI agent Bianca until after the election hoping job. I gets an office again in this all goes well, so Jim Jordan get tired of this. Sent this letter over the EFTA Already the FBI, he says please bacillus making former FBI assistant director bill, price step and FBI job here available for transcribed interviews about their actions related to Lieutenant General Flynn. Now, why is piazza important? Ladies and gentlemen? Piazza is a critical player here in both spy gate and the flame case, granted there both related, but for a moment let separate the two and pretend they're, not they orally, because the same players who tried to set up try,
Do the steel dossier were the same players who targeted MIKE Flint, Stefan how per that whole FBI? It's all the same player but for a moment separate the two and assume their two separate cases. Piazza who Christy away? Christopher Ray is apparently hiding whenever I told you they sent them through the San Francisco office and in with screen cap Bianca's picture on the same disco the name of his name on the San Francisco website and then all of a sudden. The next day disappeared. Why are they hiding this guy? They have their data to trying to send them to Jupiter. They kick at some point out ITALY's, probably send them to Alaska, get em farther away in the United States. They sent him to San Francisco. Why are they hiding number one? What's this role and spiky case quickly, because I cover this before. Bianca's. The guy who manage the FBI. Japonica manage the woods file. Ladies and gentlemen, when you get a Pfizer warrant to spy on an american yours
posted. Do it based on information from sources. You verify you not just allowed to say, hey Joe, cost told me. You know Paula with spying for the Russians. You have to say in a word spice call the woods Bob, you have to say data points Joe Use, I saw I meet on this day with this rush inspire us all up her meat. On this day, I saw Paula media there with this russian and any supposed to go out, verify that and they keep track of that inlet, similar spreadsheet. It's called the woodpile. Ladies and gentlemen, Piazza was possible for managing the woods file on the dossier. What's the problem, the woods for on the dossier didn't verify any other key allegations in the task of this violent trouble. Don't you think it would be interesting to talk the job here. Ask him why he didn't verify that. Just say it Joe I'm using it you'd think maybe kind of a key figure in this now you're that guides possibly check in the boxes
terrified PPP verified. Such a meeting with page verify, page trip to Moscow. Did this that I knew terrified, none of it, the what's file eighty percent of the stuff was unverifiable and periodical was the guy, so there, biogas, central role and spiky. This guy's got the keys to the kingdom and raise hiding them. That's why Jordan wrote that letter produce Bianca today this whole be reborn wide, open. You know judge you needs and some last night you are fox. I wonder if she said you know, I'm tired of people saying the truth, Gonna, come out. The truth is out there bingo nice job judge is absolutely right. The truth is right in front of us. The steel dossier was a fake. Bianca was responsible for the file was forced to verify the dossier and we can't seem to get all the Bianca. None of the truth
Out there for everyone to see, you may see Bianca's roles worse than this year. It is worse. The workers is also the guy who interviewed MIKE at the White House with Peter Stroke. You know the interview where the FBI alleges Flynn LAW about discussing sanctions, despite the fact that the form the three to four The FBI wrote some in the interview, makes no mention of sanctions whatsoever makes substantively it talks about expulsions of rest diplomats a separate issue. How could Flynn lie about sanctions. He was never asked about according to the FBI's own document who that document. Who wrote the trio too? Who was the no taken for the flicker view at the White House where they allege he lied about.
Actions they never asked them about. Who wrote those notes, Joe their delaying the production of Joe Piazza in front of congressional committees, now swear until after the elections making this all go away, because Bianca has keys to the king. Now I will provide one caveat here in the interests of doing actual investigations and investigative reporting than ever call me a journalist, its offensive there, the worst people on the planet most really it's an it's a sore. I will have to block you immediately and where we do Vestigation said we do reporting. There is one small possibility, small, but I don't. I don't think it's true and some of my sources of indicated its possible some of indicated? Maybe not. There is a small possibility, piano cooperating with the dorm investigation, small, which would make sense why re wooden producing
If that's the case, that would be very good news, but I want to put it out there, because I want to give you altered and explanations to this is a program. You know we don't pretend to be a news programme. I give opinions and strong ones, but we do facts news programmes, don't do facts anymore and there is an alternate expo asian Bill price stamp, who Jordan also wrote about the letter we just put up their Jordan, wants to see him too, and they want them to testify, price. Stephen p, I maybe cooperate. I think the chances are that are highly unlikely that why, because Jordan's that stupid he's been read and spiky from day one if they were cooperating he'd, probably about or they may have cooperated in the past. You scenario: we give you a third explanation, so one there the Piazza, because he has the keys to the kingdom. He interviewed flight at the White House and wrote, denotes notes you about the sanctions that don't contain the word sanctions. He manage the woods file any of the ice hide the bats Your number on the heightened, because I don't want the case- come at number two
cooperating. Therefore, the F B, I should I number three. Instead a job I number three He coerce some of you and the EU make what that Youtube. Tibet heap you cooperated in the beginning and someone got hold of him and told him the shut up. So I want to give you a full spectrum of what could be happy I'm leaning heavily towards number one that he's not cooperating. Maybe price step was in the beginning and now they're trying to get a hold of Jordan and their hiding. That's what I think really happen: let's the Big news from yesterday. I'm not delaying the just so much going on. I begin tons female about this. I wanted to make sure I could give this its proper due and proper time people emailed me yesterday, I got it was filling in for mark and radio at the Mayon show. I had to finish up the China chapter on my book with the with the WH, and I was just tired- the end of the night by man, I get a boat load of emails. People were furious, billboard the attorney general, who I think is doing a good job.
Hold on hold on, don't throw tomatoes. Yet let me play the video first bill. Barr gave a press conference yesterday about that dreadful, Pensacola terrorist attack in at the end of the press conference. He was asked about a separate issue now that we have the information that Barack Obama during the January fifth, two thousand and sixteen meeting in the oval office appears to have started the whole take down at MIKE Flynn. Are there going to be any potential criminal prosecution the gist of the questions. Bill bars, answer infuriate and a lot of people, let's play as to President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement. Based on the information I have today. I don't expect Mr Dirhams work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man our concern over per day. She'll criminality is focused on others. I Why you would be upset about that? I understand I receive emails. Light now focuses these are tough, say
for me I'll, be honest because, no matter what I say, you're not gonna like it, and I really appreciate the voice you ve given me and I want to lose people, but I have to be honest with you. I can't lie to you And mislead, you I'd be Rachel, mad cow, that, sadly, I believe what bar saying is correct. I again. I know that upsets many of you and I understand I'm not saying it's more right, I'm not saying Barack Obama and Biden where it fully corrupt. They were tweet out every morning how Barack Obama's most corrupt present New s history. The question is did Obama abuses power. The question is: did Obama a criminal act that we can charge him with an actual. I'm him invite and as
said in his speech at the breakers. Who is our policy two years ago it was a viral speech I gave on spike in. I was asked a question at the end: who's gonna wind up in handcuffs I got pillory people sent me hate me males for wheat. I said I don't think a lot of the political figures in are going to wind up in Hank US, I think the three letter agency people may my gosh Got negative emails for months. I said stand by that today and there's a reason? I owe you an explanation for that in light of what bar said yesterday, I want to give it to you now sort of clear where I stand and your free disagree and I appreciate your emails. I I never thought the polluter players on this we're gonna be found here you, have a crime because they believe they were smart enough to avoid criminal liability in their corrupt abuses of power. Let me give you an example of what I mean by that. So you understand, from an inside perspective,
being actually investigated criminal cases for over a decade of my life in the federal government, was it? Was it a few good men, the movie? It's not what you know oh it's what you can prove, I'm not sure, I'm terrible with pop culture. References, ladies, No, it's not what you know it's what you can prove. We know Barack Obama was corrupt. I prove to you yesterday and on Friday, show that Obama's administration at a minimum initiated through debate, maybe staff who puts this thing together on had to be on orders from Obama, somebody's team based on the run masking history, the survey, whence targeting MIKE Flynn? The question is this: break any laws. And the answer is, I'm not sure and here's. Why, when you work in the White House right
even in the secret service, which is not on the political side. Obviously it's on the security side, but you're around the president all day, especially on the road where you really around them in the White Ass they move around and I have a little bit space on the road Europe by right. On top of him all the time. The president doesn't isn't this supervisor of the secret service. Here the Department of Homeland Security falls under the present I state, but we work for the homeless Security Secretary you're not supposed to listen to the present. If the president says something, that's probably not smart and will cause a safety problem for himself Just telling you, in my experience, working with the secret service that if the president wants to do something, even if it's pretty stupid, the secret service most of the time is probably going to do. Joe, you follow what I'm saying here that there's a soft power there s near, there's a
galaxy to the office that frightens people. I M not suggesting the people in charge. When I worked, there didn't have the guts to stand up. There was something overtly Danes I was gonna, get him hurt, Amelia tell him now, but there are a lot things we did security, wise and probably one of the best idea and Do it because the president says I'm doing it when I'm finally tell you is think about the rush of phone call. This may a little complicated buddy. I'm telling you it's worth your time. If presidents in the White House, and he says to Susan Rice and others who were known. You know, but kisser said the president. They defend President Obama, no matter what he does. He robbed the bank in a video. They call of Robin Hood. Forget The money, the port, if the president's around just psyches around us and the secret service and hints at something, had like to go to that. Cemetery in visit this. The grave at this part well, MR for this kind of dangers, open area, as
I said I'd like to go to a similar. Can you imagine, President Obama in that office would Susan Rice and Others Brandon and other weak kneed, totally spineless, full and preservation? Some like hey, You know. I heard I heard a rumour that might Flynn was on the phone with the russian Ambassador Kisyak I got the redoubt colleagues seem like anything, but you up be really interesting to find out the motivations about what Putin was thinking about with the sanctions you day. All of a sudden, the president frames his request, not say: hey go Wiretap MIKE Flynn but you know, might find talked about sanctions on their call he's not the national secure adviser. Yet an Putin responded. He responded. In a reciprocal fashion. Just like it would be really good. If you get what I mean, we get a nod, it would be really we understood. Putin is motivations. What I'm trying to
You is a pressing and I say as a lot of power and is is he masks his corrupt motives in a fake. Was I legal package. They're not going to be able to charge him with a crime. I know that's not a satisfactory answer, but a bar by defining played all press conference and interesting later on. Goes on. I don't want you to be mad at him for this, I believe, is Brennan and others nailed to the wall, because there was criminal leak, David Ignatius washed imposed, and somebody swore out a warning court under penalty of perjury. That was clearly false. I believe he has some people nail to the wall. Will they be enhanced I don't know, not my job, my job, just to tell you the truth, but political side. Ladies and gentlemen, there is always gonna be cover part later in the Sir, brought up an example of what he was talking about. The former governor vat neutral
Chris Christie, who is a sum of his aids, were convicted in a court of or tried in a court for shutting down traffic to a bridge, supposedly in retaliation for the GO mayor, other towns, some political stance. Complicated case. There was no question what these AIDS Chris Christie did New Jersey was really stupid and abuse of our none. Nobody is questioning the Supreme Court just pass this conviction now, because What was an unquestioned abuse of power, whore, and this judgment criminal violation they charge them with, didn't exist, they didn't benefit from it. Financially, there was no crime So what bar is telling you is not every abuse of power is in fact a crime. I'm I guess, I'm deeply sorry to have to feed you that bad news, but he's
wrong he's not wrong and that doesn't mean remember: Nixon, never spent a day in jail. I'm telling you The Democrats fear most is not Barack Obama in handcuffs they dont. A second happened. I've told you that for three years, two years since that speech, that's not what they fear most. What they fear most is Barack Obama Are there sire their golden calf, their messiah they'll kill you he's there Ronald Reagan, what they fear most. I promise you is Barack Obama's legacy being forever linked to the title most corrupt president. U S history because he is that is what they fear most market. They know about was never going to jail, they don't want the guy they were going to celebrate for generations as this El Blazer, Barack Obama, this renegade, some of you get that this renegade
They don't want him in history books to be remembered like makes it as the most corrupt present. U S, history, and they fear that's exactly where this is going in. The bar investigation- again, my sincere apologies for not giving you answer you want, but it is the answer you need. I. Finally, by gets I've got some other glaciers is flawed in New York. Things blown up and running this video TIM ranks is really important for power through stuffing finals partially day, Lifelong learning, German. The corona virus pandemic has sparked a massive increase in the number of cybercrime complaints flowing into the FBI. That is really unfortunate. The agency's internet crime complaint centre. Typically receives a thousand complaints a day before the pandemic is now receiving three to four thousand corona related schemes. Domain name, spoofing personal protective equipment, vendors and scams, promising Government checks and fraudulent activities after covered are everywhere everywhere. I have life walk, I have it,
leave me not only for me, but for my wife and for my children to steal your kids identity. I had my He stolen! It was an awful experience. They bought a bunch of because they programmes at a cancel. My American Express card over is terrible support understand our cybercrime and identities after affecting our lives. Every day we put our information at risk and the internet and cyber criminals keep finding new ways to steal identities. Good thing, there's lifelike life lock is a leader in identity theft, protection lifelike, he takes a wide range of identity theft like yourselves, the security number for sale in the dark wept if they detect your information has potentially been compromised, essential and alert. I get him on my phone, it's great, you have a dedicated restoration specialist. God forbid. You should become an identity victim and they'll help you resolve it. No one can prevent all identity theft or mater all transactions at all businesses. I had life lock long before I have em now lifelike can see rats you might miss on your own if you just wandering around credit. Think about I use lifelike and I was afraid, it's that investigated identity theft, that's how good they are joy. Now it's
The twenty five percent of your first year go now got a lifelong dot com slashed by GM. That's life, lock, dot com slashed by GINO today for twenty five percent off now: riskier identity. That's yours! It's important! Lifelike that calm slashed by GM, ok, three pager! You believe this power three pages. This is how much the show is grown, we're into three pages. Now I wanted to get to this because this bail out curve the virus one virus bail out, that's being proposed for some blue states is an absolute now, not doing it. I'm sorry, I'm not doing it. I grew up. I pay taxes in New York, my entire life. Move to Maryland than other blue stay. We confiscatory high tax rates. I am, I love those two places. I love people who work there. Very nice people there some action, some good people in government up they're, not very many, some good. When I left I now live in Florida. I love Lord, it has no state income tax. We have a really good governor and ran to say this. We have sadly concern
it is in the state I moved away from that. I didn't want it. We have a sister Federalism, where states run their own state governments independent of the federal government. I did not want it. I did not want New York, ridiculous taxes or their what I consider to be suffocating out of government services because events service anything it creates more relations and government creates a bird there's, not you're. The irony about New York in Maryland is you're paying for a bit a government that judge the suffocate you and regulate you to death. So you getting more you're, actually getting less for your money. Joe is still cup and Marilla. Now, unfortunately, for him he has shown how there is this. Maybe now there's this talk of bailing out blue states. Why not No, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! I'm not doing that one. A journal, excellent story I was really upset and gets what yes reaches its accurate shift a bail out New York, a comparative law.
The population growth in spending over ten years to see what I escaped from and why I now live in flood, which is imperfect. We ever issues down here too. I want you to see how bad The finances are in New York and how grossly your politics, have mismanage that state through the years. The numbers speak for themselves. Let's go to the screen cap from the peace. Listen to this in two thousand and ferocious ten years ago, New York's population of nineteen point three million was larger than floored is eighteen point: eight million by mid term. Nineteen, just ten years Florida had grown to twenty one point: four million, while New York had barely increase to nineteen point four million. Yet when a Cuomo New York recently signed the budget, get a load of this for twenty twenty one of us hundred and seventy seven billion dollars. That is even you're than last year's paper. Over a six billion dollar deficit before the corona virus. Florid is budget. For twenty twenty one member Florida has
people than New York New York's budget hundred and seventy seven billion Florida has more people, yet their guns around the set aside. The budget expected to be about that parliamentary never ate ninety three billion. I absolutely the right so. Hundred seventy seven billion ninety three billion just seventy seven billion ninety three billion. So just to be clear, I ask New York like snake Blueskin, to get away from confiscatory taxes in the government's suffocating my business opportunities moved to Florida I'm supposed to pay again for some allocating business opportunities and high taxes in New York. No thank you hard pass. You re We're Florida, where bigger than New York and our state budget is almost half of what theirs is by the way Roger better and they governments more efficient. You got that
local votaries job there, the voter registration, you give underage dynamic, you want to vote abortive elections, Dounia fantastic, fantastic. I want to get my pistol permit down. Here my conceal carry done in about out twenty minutes. We went to pay our trade policy, the tax collector walk in in a waiting room? Mr Bonde, you don't come on and sat down twenty It's late or out of the office couldn't be more efficient. Where I live now local government but very local down here, even nicer called the local police, if not on your door? The boys, knocking on our door? How can we help you had the power I'm sorry, but I'm not kidding little many dispute with the name, nothing we're not gonna door. Right from our eleven. You know what happened this Florida more per, you New York try to New York City. You. Carry permit nope, try opening up a business in New York. Good luck! Try to pay taxes
try to call the try to get any kind of government benefit New York. You pay for good luck with that, motivates good boy put cupola. Thank you for the rescue bought tat that everyone anyone whose walked into motor vehicle and New York good luck. Member politicians should we should go the want white stone. Didn't you get the ticket act like eight hours later went right. Did you tell me you get when you get a ticket now, sir, Remember sixty two! You look at your ticket unipolar. They take it thousand four hundred and twenty six policy. Ok, I was actually still was it in there. I want my license here. I just did that. How are we you in winner seriously, don't exaggerate Heller? Ten minutes I was in our twenty minutes, twenty minutes in and out the local dv here and Martin County. I'm not joking, and we pay here for you pay double they get screwed by I'm so animated by Europe
bona now I'm going to go into all was rejected, we believe more numbers point since suit in ten New York is increase their spending by forty three billion, that's five, written. Seventy thousand additional dollars per New York resident ten years, I'm not making that up. In ten years, New York has increased spending by five hundred, Seventy thousand dollars for every new residents Florida in ten years, has increased their spending per new residents with five Seventy thousand no ten thousand four hundred dollars and it gets worse forced to pay for profligate New York, no way no chance. No thanks. Here's another one: New York has a twelve point: seven percent income tax. Factor in state local there's still being a deficit New York bags.
Local taxes in New York, big government deficit wait, I dont high taxes where the keynote demagoguery, community, tax people, more no devil, big taxes, big deficits in New York. He's, got a balanced budget. You know what I regret to say: taxes, it's gotta, be high right. Democrats tells taxes are the key to balance into budget zero, Yoda Lou. No state income tax at all balanced budget. You may say can't possibly get any worse. All your believe me. It does. Here's one more little kid bit Florida. We have We have an elderly population in Florida, which is probably not a secret only population, twenty percent- York as elderly population, twenty percent smaller than Florida florid as lively
We have no there's a lot of retirement communities down here. We have. The village is a lot of other folks moved far weathers nice tax, as you get a New York's elderly population, is twenty percent smaller. Big, you may say, while Medicare, which is a government, sponsored disastrous health insurance programme for the elderly. Being that fly, is elderly population is alot larger than Joe, would be logical. Would it not disabled? Clearly Medicare spending in Florida be much higher. Stage or older people. American sounds logical is requested here. You be wrong of theirs, because you're thinking ecologically shame on you New York's, better, spending is twice as much as larger, despite having an elderly population, twenty percent more when our financing it I'm sorry, no dice, not interested folks. I'm sorry, I love my New York friends, but they and it wasn't you and are a lot of good people in New York, but the others voted you out and voted in people and I'm sorry, but I am not financing that financing
and no one else should either. If you know what this is given one last thing, because I'm get tired of this guy to this clown Joker, Ryan programme. Images is a total failure. Even for president for two minutes he's a democrat congressmen. He tries to champion himself as some kind of like you don't hero with a middle class. This guy is so tough for totally completely fake plastic and fuller crap. So we get on the house floor, go she Asia for one of these six million different bail out packages and he has an absolute meltdown, try being a middle class guy, usually set on the House format of the Bonn. This stupid of me in a second check this out, your tax cut, where aid. Three percent of it goes to the top one percent of the wealthiest people passport a few months, global pandemic, thirty six may
people, unemployed, ok, here we go again with this stupid talking point from this total fraud phony. Ladies and gentlemen, if you, if you can do things like simple math and analysis or even have access to the internet, this talking point about how the Trump tax cuts largely benefited. The ridge is ridiculous. Number one, the Democrats, the Democrats, the Democrats for the third time, not the applicants. The Democrats want to repeal the salt adoption, the limitation, the saw that state law TAT, thou long story short is largely a tax caught for wealthy people if they get rid of it. The Democrats want to tax cuts for the wealthy people. I they saw the. In other words, if you pay a lot of state local tat used to be able to deduct among you have on your federal tax reform, the trunk tax cuts. Stop that Essentially, some wealthy people are paying more. I ran the pay less. I am principles on the side of tax cuts.
But because I think they can spend their money, but in the gunman did Democrats want to repeal TIM Ryan's, party are. I'm not kidding are championing. Eight eight rid of the salt limitation, which would give a tax cuts to the worthy dense their thing. I just showing you their lives. Secondly, how different? the superior here. Let's look at the actual Trump tax cuts bracket, The show you again how TIM Ryan's lie. The majority this tax cut. What do the middle class invest? Imperia, the top rate fell from Thirty nine point, six to thirty seven, so the wealthiest I've got a tax cut of a two point: six percentage points, while the thirty three percent racket drop the thirty two, so those a little less wealthy gotta one percentage point cut. Now get to the middle class, Joe, the twenty eight said Bracket dropped, the twenty four, so
middle class folks gotta for percentage point tax got, I'm pretty sure, that's bigger than two point: six and one other middle class bracket, the twenty five percent. Rapid drop? The twenty three again? A twenty two excuse me, a three percentage points cut the fifteen percent Brad to twelve percent another three percent cut and the lowest bracket remained at ten percent. So, ladies and gentlemen, the middle class, if you'd, just google it just quoted any internet search engine and Google, the trumpets cuts tax cuts, it's you, you know, TIM Ryan is lying. The biggest percentage point cuts in taxes What do the middle class? Not the rich who in fact had pay higher taxes and blue state because they couldn't paint get take the Dutch anymore on their state local taxes, which Democrats want repealed People are wires
you may civil where'd you getting their number eighty two percent of the cup to the richest, because folks, if you a billion dollars a year and you get a two point. Six percentage point: tax kind, lesser! tax caught in the middle class by the way. It's a lot of money, because you make a billion dollars you make a hundred thousand a year and your upper middle class- and you get Bigger percentage point cut your tax that's only gonna be about three thousand dollars: the billionaire probably going to be a lot of money, but it's not it's a factor of them. Making more money, Contemn Ryan, that figure out fractions cash, the middle. Last got the biggest cod. Just look it up what a sums tired of this guy screaming and yell, and like a lunatic on the housework, I folks say on four June and- and I really appreciate a police subscribed to my Youtube channel- is free we'd love to get the five hundred
the subscribers we're almost there half a million, a big number. It's you that comes Bonn GINO. It's always free, of course, subscribe and I can watch our new tv. You have Comcast savvy, just go to apps Youtube player shall run your tv nice for and really appreciate. It see you just ten VON Gino. She followed then on twitter, twenty four seven at the Bonn GINO.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-27.