« The Dan Bongino Show

2010 What Is Going On At Twitter? (Ep 2010)

2023-05-12 | 🔗

Chaos at Twitter? In this episode, I address the stunning news about a leadership change at Twitter. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Waiting to hear the truth about america on his shoulders, not immune to the banks with your host dan bonds. You know some tea and an meltdown continues its. He had an the drug news that word no dispute that From this point on, it'll be referred to as t n n, because that's what it is because trump on cnn, so now it's cnn I want to get to that- is meltdown still going out over there. Some food back yesterday I came out for donald trump for two thousand and twenty for a lot of great feedback couple of people at the other things to say to you, but that's all right. That's ok, told everyone you'll be comfortable here on addressed at all what the hell's goin on twitter, you know, I've been a huge supporter villon. I think you all understand that I mean the proof of the pudding righteous watch. This shows, but the the- We doubt about a potential replacement for him at sea or when I don't offer
Big in this out that he needs to take advice for me, but I don't know This one arm, I'm gonna, throw the red flag under the hood for a view on this. One big showed I don't go anywhere today. Shellbarks you buy relief, ban check out really bandit. Sport version lee benzene number one fda cleared, anti nausea wristbands been clinically proven quickly relieved by an effectively. van nausea, vomiting associated motion, sickness, anxiety, migraines hangovers morning, sickness chemotherapy and so much more to relieve bans. Sport make sure you never have to take it or leave ban off it's the first ever waterproof, wearable of its kind plus its retards, but, alas, about thirty hours on a full charge and the relief bans we can see must be attached to be smart watch. You don't need to choose between where'd, you relief ban, aware in your small watch. I use them What do the whole chemo thing? the larger right out, just like that, just turn it on turn it up. I don't even have to turn up that. We trust we're travel around the corner and what the best way to solve energy issue check out relief banned in their new sport version. We ve got
exclusive offer, just redemption gino show listeners if you go to relieve band dot com, slash bond gino, really and our complex bungee known, use promo code bonds. You you receive twenty percent off puss free shipping, so I had to relieve band dot com slash, bungie, no relief band, dot com, slash bond, no use promo code, bungie know for twenty percent off plus free shipping are a joke. Of its rise from simple. It is a good thing. why dramatic magic fide sir? No problem there doing that. For our part, we ve only skip the, you fridays, but there are some really really bad things going on radio thought it better that we just you know, but that's a rare thing so, yesterday I came out and supported donald trump or twenty twenty. Four. At this point, I think he is the best candidate? I listen. I love ron de santis, I said yesterday. If you
I need to get him to say anything bad about ron de santis. It's that's not me and down here in florida, I've experienced what he's done his best governor I've seen in my lifetime. However, thing trumps, the better candidate. This point, I think, could see at any other. Ninety proved it listen folks. Unfortunately, we're in a mannequin fight between good and evil. We don't get to pick like who's, the most moral or athletic or best look, and we have to pick the best guy for the best situation right now. Couple listeners I didn't like it out of you, obviously our trump fans, but folks I gotta be did the shows for you, and I will always say that Joe, is that not been our monster from day one the shows always for you than has been the contents for you. We don't want to talk about stuff, you don't care about. If you don't care about it, we don't want to talk about it. I want to be candid, though- and I don't mean this in a disrespectful way. One thing: that's not for you, My integrity, that's not that's! Not up for sale I gotta do what I think is right for the country and if
well people emailed me and said: hey a guy named David email me and I skype up. You know I'm not mad at him at all. He said I can't listen anymore, going forward. That's! Okay! That's! Okay! That's! Okay! I understand David. I respect you. I respect your opinion but I want to do what I think is right. The gang fight now for the country. I wish it work, but it is and sometimes you need the jetson. The sharks, man, I've. Just this the time around said the young guy would an unbelievable political career I just think he's a basque guy right now trump. We only, we probably only have a few more years to turn this mess around and like to see someone hit the ground running with no pressure for reelection raw everybody talking about him only wait for years is a downside. All we can run for reelection. I think that's the best thing going. No press you're too kiss anybody's ass. No pressure to you know, get ready back rubs just do what you gotta do uncleanness mess up and turn it over to someone else.
Of course, this all happened after the tea and in town all the other day, there still complete melting down a tea and it's just glorious to watch the viewer. Feedback on tee at an has so horrendous that tear As you know, what to do see n a n right now is. It is still removing the shrapnel from the review or bomb that one or here's anderson cooper last night on our our number, whatever twenty four of trying to clean up what they consider a big mess have given trump the opportunity to humiliate their network. Here's andrew cooper, one of the finest moments on tv you'll ever see check this out. Many of the things you mention have given him any platform to speak, and I understand the anger about that, giving him the audience the time I get that but this is what I also get and the man you were so disturbed to see and hear from last night that man Is the front runner for the republican nomination, for president and pulling no other republican is even close.
man you were so upset to hear from last night. He may be present in the united states in less than two years audience that upset you? That's it sampling about half the country they are, Your family members, your neighbors, and they are voting. And many said their voting for him. Now, Maybe you haven't been paying attention to him since you left office, maybe have been enjoying not hearing from him thinking it can happen again. Some investigation is going to stop him Well, it hasn't so far so last night showed anything and showed it can happen again. It is happening again. and changed- and he is running hard you have ever right, be outraged. Name, angry, never watched this network again. Budget staying in your silo and only listening to people. You agree with it's going to make that person go away for awhile. If they don't know what to do. Man, I'm telling you there's still pick it out shrapnel Joe. They got the tweezers they like. I got a little bb here. A little chunk of them
but there are other order. They don't know what to do. They didn t A buzz saw a man. I can say this enough. The guy is a freaking buzzsaw, you're gonna put him up stage, you're gonna get worked, you're gonna get. man that's just say this, and I dont know why get this because I'm from the same part of new york, literally he's rum queen new york, but guys Queens are just natural ball busters that she's did we go in an area of new york, where you're never considered the toughest guy cause you're, not from the broken or the bronx. You always fighting people always and in you, for the richer sky, even though queens is kind of a middle class suburb, because I'm a cat, manhattan kids are more money. everybody from queens, everyone is a chip on their shoulders. Everyone there always wise guys. jerry seinfeld, what the queen's his their whole wise guys. Bad the way it is they re to the bizarre
I got more on that later in the day, coming up on twenty twenty four racists and I got to speak the truth now my shot. Having said that, however, I want you all to understand. Saying this I am a supporter of the said this I think he's gonna be a fantastic, fantastic paul vision in this future, both now and in the future. I liked Scott alot again he's got an amazing story that we should all right again where there is the most conservative guy, I'm not your vague prevail running to the right of everyone. In this room. Another guy with a bright future. Just not now these eyes. I want to be clear, always welcome on my show- and I say to any people out there who represent their teams. You come on. My radio show. You are absolutely welcome. You. Will a hundred percent get a fair share? It is my job to present information to the audience, but to tell you how to vote but to tell you, I'm gonna vote and a future who's to follow! That's! Ok! If you don't, I understand just telling you I've, I read it
and I know a lot of these guys. These players in this game, the right choice right now. what happened yesterday! This is a crazy newsday. I gotta get the questions to so a lot to talk about listen another one. I've been a big supporter of his elon musk elon musk is candidly that thomas edison of our time he just is coming guys can send a rocket to space project equally reinvent the electric car and transportation technology he's got this loop stopped all systems underground the guys working on some a he's got a thousand things going on he's what smart. She was one of the paper is a rigid changing payment systems before they want woke lights eyes, open about ilan mosque in his power to change, not just american society but the globe over and over, that's irrefutable, put it in a search engine. You will see I've spoken out so positively, but I think this may be amiss that now I want to say
This hasn't been confirmed yet from what I hear, but apparently either Stepping aside a ceo would that's confirmed, he's already confirm that any do we. that months ago, many took their paul but where's got out that the new person beneath while woman who's going to replace him is this woman amended. I reno I saw the article on I'll kick by the great Bobby bore academic newsletter. Today, if you want to read a punch, you know that consultation newsletter check it out. Folks it really does need to take advice from me. Ok, I just I promise I'm only looking out for him and free speech in you. This a bad call. Man that was journal first reported on the story she's the head of global advertising. In partnership. It b c. she's been a better advocate for their advertising. She was in the launch of their peacock streaming service, she's. Also, I might note doggies, highlight this right and out of it
to do that. You knew I was gonna, go there. How did you know that, guy this guy's in my head, this is really freaky did do echo reno is also the chairman of a world economic forum test wars, yeah that rapid the once recorded you go ray all day june yards on the appointment of a new ceo. Listen, I can't tell you what to do. Man the richest man on earth. I am not I donno cave myself, I don t want okay, this is bad idea. This is bad idea, she's going we, the ceo of the of the most important, I would argue free speech, form in the world? They keep a mine, I'm an investor in rumble. which I'm sure some people over twitter consider competitor. It does me zero good, financially to talk up someone else's company, but I care about movement before anything else, as why with the rumble. This is
a good idea. Folks, I'm hoping I'm I'm I'm saying I'm withholding any final judge, because I haven't heard that this is absolutely going to happen, but this is no bueno. Here's a p the video and covered on social media, while someone else that I saw it in on someone else from wasn't me, I want to be clear on that. It was gonna, give credit the right to bear mean just and put it, this is miss lindon, a yak arena at NBC, talkative all the social justice stuff. They did over There is no good check this out. Talk about! You know things than that. A company is doing to accelerated right accelerate what we were doing already, but realizing that, it wasn't enough, so would immediately started happening was that under the leadership of Brian robert censure, shell comcast's set up a fund,
to the value of a hundred million dollars to fight social justice and equality and an obviously supporting many many important groups. Folks, I hear social justice man, I'm runner for the health, because liberals neither mean social nor justice, what they mean is a bunch of race, identity, centred politics, sexual identity centre, politics, racist centralism, woke ism, that's what it is. The white male page Archy is the enemy you hear this stuff run for their health, We need a healthy free speech, centred parallel economy and we need peace. We trust very sorry, but you can see. Evidence have yourself. This is not sound like a person we can trust I trust the lawns judgment he's done? A lot of really great things, but I I don't know if this is an effort to you to make twitter safe with air quotes. Accordant illiberal terms for advertisers. Again,
I dont know what it is, but that's a left this narrative, but we have to do continue to do what we ve been doing it rumble and elsewhere and convince people. ad free speech is safe, rumble everybody's. Welcome. Everyone, listen to me everyone, you have liberals on Rumble who hate my guts and go on rumble to shit on me. They they they do it on rumble. We have other people, there's other people out there who claimed to be conservative who hate my got. You go on rumble and they hate my guts for very strange reasons. This attack from any reality at all, but that's for another day if a I'm joe seated uniform dog it about. I mean it anybody could go waited say I own a good chocolate is company: it's like this guy out. Would they listen now because one I wouldn't do it, because it's what we do over there. We twitter to succeed. We need to succeed. I needed to succeed. I dont care
what it does to me and my financial position and what we needed to succeed. And I'm sorry but we can't trust this person. I hear that stuff, I'm running folks a lot more, not today, title fortytwo expired last night. The invasion is begun. Just look at the video. You could see the drones. You know, do you really need any more evidence you I woke up this morning have been in this ongoing fight with former has been stephen king, you wrote a clown book or something one time tom. They get a freak and job because I can- stance, even king, his books kind of suck. I like that book thinner one time. that we, what I I was forced to read it when I was in when I was in high school at archbishop malloy by MR smith, has it was the only I didn't, but I was younger. I didn't want to read anything at all until I got to late high school and anyway, like I read a book and then all of a sudden, I had this profound thought, Joe. I said you know what I'm I kidding does my daughter, not know stuff is in cool that laugh
when I was like a sophomore and a half in high school, said to myself I was in a really really good high school, like an elite level, highschool one of the best in the country- and I was out of four hundred. I was ranked like one hundred so pretty smart, but I've nice like up his books. Margaret did didn't know a lot of stuff like some of the other kids. Do they always spent extra time and I said to myself right around at age- not knowin stuff is cool, so started. Reading everything get my midsummer and unfortunately, one of the things I had to read was thinner stephen killing it? I've been going added and I've been telling me every day how Biden is the most destructive force in in power. Is a nuclear political bomb, Joe Biden destroyed our border is destroyed. Our economy is destroyed the value of our dollar dollar. Here five minutes away from starting a global thermonuclear war. He's the first president: u s history, to willingly oversea, an invasion of the united states and further advance the cause. The guy is a medical nuclear bomb
sure how we're going to survive another two years I might get this tree from Jackie heinrichs about them. Here's the numbers at this is from illegal filing the case, liberals out there are clear but no draws right now, god are you just made this up? This is a legal filing. border patrol stations already capacity we twenty seven thousand in custody, as of tuesday over capacity in aid of nine sectors. For the past, seven days the border patrols average. thousand seven hundred fifty encounters a day above the average daily from may twenty nineteen. Ladies and gentlemen, you understand where outpace within the next decade You have. This keeps up to take any significant pop. a population of the entire world. The everybody. Gonna live here. What what's everybody covered here, How are we better get? Anyone is at all you know like about all these people, People who came here right, Joey, It is the right way. Man amy
The united states got a visa. The resident alien card studied for their citizenship test raised right hand pledge the leads us to the united states. Tears then that I've been to these citizenship ceremonies out of four paula system, touching day. If you have not been to one before you die, go to one. I don't If you know someone there or not, it is the most. I think that you will see so many tears. It'll change. Your life listen, listen to me! Please go to one before you die. Those are the real patriots, the people did it the right way, people who are blind. HU, a brown who are asian muslim, jewish christian orthodox. You'll, see them all. There be genuinely touched. This is, this is just garbage man. What's up, Now this just garbage time we gotta blown invasion. Nobody seems to care this issue I've been in the sense literal guard, there's garbage all over the border. Town being invaded this is really horrible
video from cnn here's a cnn commentator again just a laughing stock of a network to Vienna last night trying to gaslight america. Joe Biden had nothing to do with it. Despite lead. The boy, the wall trump build wrought in the desert. They the steel up, Fine, just let it right in the desert did nothing with it. God declared the migrants. Action protocols null and void remain in mexico, went out the window and basically sending a message telling everyone to come here. They amity We already played the video is this. and I'm comedy binds gonna do look at this crap. The reason why there is such a rush of immigration is, not driven by Joe Biden, has driven by very difficult circumstances and south and central america, but how you handle. The border does matter the? U s has to get the situation under control, but it's hard to go the control, if you can't have these tat by ports in agreement on building just even the basic building blocks and then try to go from there. I mean
we don't like to wear out, but so we can hold a buddy. My gosh man I mean this is like really he's got no. This is the kind of clowns shows that this is why people openly laugh at mach, immediately states, ted crews, let a reporter on fire, I just got. This issue has happened the little bit ago. You gotta see this one of these. These mass reporters tried to get into it. We ted crews, wondering tat grew man. The guy was a. I mean a a tier one level. Gold winning debater? The idea that you are going to debate ted crews is candidly hilarious. I want you to what happened when someone tried to test whether me may get to my my second sponsor. First, we got a big show lot ahead. Blackout, coffee, I did this today, yeah baby smell that coffee right there I got a little hole in the back, so you can smell the delicious. This is blackout, coffee You feel emotionally drained with all this drama, going on refuel, with coffee warriors patriots, coffee black, our coffee free,
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on code, Bonn gino for twenty percent of your first order. Pick it up today, stuff the real deal, love this stuff blackout, coffin check it out, like our coffee, dot, com, slash by gina, aright back to the show is mad ted crews who still got the fire summit I applaud reporters, okay, tat. What have you done over and set? It sounds like you want to know, put pen down pencil mack, a lesson because I'm gonna tell you, listen and learn check this out. What are you ask? Let me ask you something: what rate of illegal immigration do we have in twenty twenty, but you have to you know anything. I requested an of you do anything. How long have you been? in office eleven years now, and this is okay become the remote except you don't get to argue with me. You asked your question. You asked your question, you don't get! You want to hold a press conference, you can do it over there. You have to have a press conference, you can do it over there that's a hold on when I answer is question the talking point of the Democrats
this may be a reporter. Happily, parents is gosh. The problem can be fixed, there's one little. rob with that. It is an utter, incomplete lie and twenty twenty last year, the trunk present say we had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in forty five years. You ask: what have I done? I've champion, the men, but of border patrol. I chaired the of securing the border. I've champion remain in mexico and we turn this problem around and solved it and we went from Joe I didn't inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in forty five years and the first day at office in a political decisions to cause this problem, and you should be ashamed of yourself and your report- and you're not reporting back you're telling lies it. Let me just tell you quick ted story, I read for offices, you know I got into some let's say with this report or guy right about a main export. Some of you noticed story similarly, litigated another day why I for this guy up, and I mean
cursing at him. Everyday I'd lost that I that's me man, that's just who I am I'm sorry, some of you not too happy with the recent me and all of china and trying to control it. But as me, man and I lost it on this mofo and a lot of people are my campaign where too happy about it and member ted crews. And me we're gonna be on a monday or whatever, and this thing happened then I said to his people I said: listen. If he wants to bow, I totally get it. You know we're, probably not gonna win anyway and I want you to know- and a guy I was running against- was a very very well the guy, who is extremely influential and republican party, ever regardless of what you I think it ted cruz. You may not like I'm telling you right now. The guy was like hell. No he's still going to endorse your cause. Yours guy he's a man of his word good for him. Man liking this guy more and more every day and by the way what he said is true. This report could look this up at the reporters through dumb pew research centre monthly, my
when a counters at the? U S, mexico border, on your record eyes, gauzy! these human and for us right now, you'll see at the end of the trap administration. They were at risk good lows ride around that time. Look gets the opposite boom boom again many boom another. I we haven't seen break. I mean it's right there, man, it's right, they Joe the guy couldn't, I looked it up himself. Man do just going to look there, but because he's a freakin activist and that's exactly how they should be treated he decided to confront. Master debater, can't say those words together quickly been ted, you figure it out. You'd need at least double, we did that we're nato know. Yes, sir John, you need it
stay. What I one! Second pause between those two words: master debater tat grows so, Here's the great part about this whole thing. This political, I may not. The invasion going on in the united states is at the Democrats what they they're doing you're, not doing the Democrats. its genuinely they re I believe that their bringing in a bunch of new voters from around the world. Folks, I'm not going to debate this. They replaced It's real theory: I'm not play the audio and bore you again. They have repeated it off and over and over again the proponents of europe my theory or the waking Democrats just Please go daddy.
Your dad and put in the demographic destiny and listen to just endless clips of democrats, demographic destiny, demographic tested, a demographic tested, read the article in the new york times. We can replace them. really believe that this is going to result in long term electoral strengthened, but there's a small problem. This is why keep telling you this that you in the innovation that the united states is unacceptable, but the political modifications are not going to be what you think: here's political, a political tool- left the vladimir lenin folks, political other. notice, bullshit, Erika, right, playbook binding lasted over border blunder, the play hey boss, reporting this resenting a lot of these new migrants illegal aliens, and so they are. They note a lot of first generation americans, mainly hispanics Joe itself,
taxes are saying whole did we. now appear, we and our parents committee, or through a long process a legal process and theirs people just come through the border. Recourse is a lot of resentment Besides, the word resentment puts a lot of first generation. Hispanic stated the right way, a man, yes, sir, I know one of whom she lives easier. I met him. once or twice. You know what I know this is gonna. This is gonna soul blow up in their face. You have no idea, I told you his story. A couple of years ago I was at church and the guy was telling me about his landscaper, who came here illegally. The landscaper. don't tell me what is landscape became you whose mad at me, illegals who took his clients. I told you this story, guy in charge is mad at the he says, the illegal alien mowing is lawn, was mad because new illegals under caught him my price and took his clients, I love
Democrats think this is going to benefit them pissing off everyone, everyone why black hispanic asian jewish muslim, catholic, christian, hindu, indian everyone, everyone's demanded by I, I He did. He dared keys right. Joe Biden said he was a united he's, a united Genji you're, absolutely correct just not the way he thought what a humiliating, embarrassing massive, a media and have not just this by you. It's a good thing for today show the most destructive human being to ever. Occupy. The white house is also the most corrupt folks. that the media coverage of the biden- corrupt. In scandal, border line right now, hilarious. I put this new york times up article yesterday. You know you just new york times is good for like toilet paper. If you run out, I don't know what this thing is good for anymore loop, broad, water and impact.
racing. Human being I mean this guy's family probably said he perished in a car accident or something like that house republic report, finds no evidence of wrong doing by president Biden row up what you know I do this job so important and why you put this up today. Put that article up yes, because I was thinking about some. I thought As a former criminal investigator myself, I put a lotta handcuffs on a lot of bad guys, get somebody. I mean a lot of bad guys, ok, lot of bad guys, the less face they saw when it was free. Was this guy? What has two terms: and put a lot of scumbags in jail. This guy did- and I enjoyed it cause. I don't like bad guys. I hate bad. And binds the bad guys. So former criminal investigator, I said to myself joe- wouldn't it be great if our partners These Biden, crime, family deals and these million dollar business deals with foreign countries,
came forward and spoke about a Joe Biden connection would not be grateful that it be our joe, I know you think it right now, jos thinking you know, I don't a lot. I do cut audio before the show, and I've never seen this thou know much about it, I could have sworn you just send me some guy tony balboa Babylon, some bobby Lucy guy or something you have again josie you. He said something about this right would not be great, we'll have to play that we accept. Really great. If business partner, the deal actually command said Biden was involved. So jos judge all that Oh, I know you're like a scratch in your head, like I think we may be there. I wonder thereby one second folks, patriot mobile I don't buy you, but it takes a lot to shock me these days to see the kind three collapse institutions falling apart and incorporate walks? There's not defending it but financing that the structure, the country, that's gotta, stop we gotta fight back can. It starts with changing the way we spend their money for years, big mouth
companies have been dumping millions into left this causes and we had a team because another option didn't exist. Well now it does patriot mobile america only christian conservative wireless provider. They offer dependable nation wide coverage and all three major networks. You get the best possible service in your area. Without the work properly The push by left these working to destroy the country working overtime when he's the patriot mobile you support, accompany the police and free speech and religious freedom. The sanctity of life, the second amendment and a terry veterans and first responders europe? They want to proceed, U S, base customer service. He makes switching easy patriot mobile dot com slashed an or give them a call at eight seven, eight patriot get free activation today of the africa, then patriot, without com. Slash then, of course, seven a patriot thanks, patriot moments of great company dealers or customer service through so yeah, The new york times is like my gosh. We have no indication at all that job items involve none. These are actual journey. They call themselves journalists which is frigging hilarious by the way, as recent
we call me a journalist is worse in some. Wouldn't it be fantastic. Someone came forward and said what this guy Joe, his name is tony bubble. This year you saw this right, wouldn't it be fantastic if it was like? Oh shit, look there. Already a guy, they came forward and said Biden was involved. take a look. I haven't heard this in a while generated at email in that email. James change, Julia goes through intimate detail of what each individual requests were from a compensation perspective and how the equity in the enterprise would be divvied up very important may thirteen. that email was generated by somebody else to me. in that email. There's a statement where They go through the equity, Jim violence. Reference does your temper. It doesn't say binance as Jim and then it has ten percent for the big guy held by H. I one thousand per cent sit here and know that the big guy
infringing Joe Biden there, it's that crystal clear to me because I live- did I met with the former vice in person. no times, and I had been meeting and talking with hunter by an inch and Jim byron and rob walker and James juilliard bad, would not be totally bananas right right, so cool easy, maybe so knots of a guy actually came for. So I guess I was If I had a loaded chair a little bit was I cutting off folks at the top yeah. You gotta send me and send me in the chat as a were visited algeria heads because I was your courtney audio book yesterday at its more common. For me to set up higher on the microphone audio book is crazy to it's like an audio book. You ve never the gift of failure. Folks, this new unrecorded audio books- and I just totally golf scrimp- it's the first audio book you ever going to read where I live the book and I just add additional. I am the publisher! I could do it I want so I that goes well, you know, I don't think they like
When you do my they're gonna, like it trusts me, they call it. The directors cut. Whilst this is really the most disgusting president we'd, had: u s: history, overseeing innovation, the united states, the collapse of our banks, the deflation of the value of the? U s dollars through inflation, they just kill. Ass there just destroying us right now The guys in real trouble, thou there's this guy, a marker peculiar to cuba, Forgive me from say your neighbour on twitter a great threat. I saw yesterday about this whole thing. These guys and real trouble. Now again is he in legal trouble, knew why because we ve gotten a guy now in office, the attorney general in name only in marriage garland, who is a hack and a political goon, and who will do jack squad about investigating the Biden family. However, he might not We therefore ever we get a trumpet, ernie general john ratcliff type for someone like that, or even a cash
hotel. You are going to see investigations, and here is the problem, You you may see prosecutions. You may not get excited about eighty but these points out some interesting stuff. Folks, a lot that businesses- I was a financial crime investigator. He says all of these by male sees you can have any. I am not any I. It is cynical identification number. It's like a social security number for a business. He says that allow any employs we're on by migs payroll be identified, they'll be addressing for tax fraud. If they haven't accounted for the business of each llc, what are they going to tell people they did? Where? Is it We're just go, save some go to the next week, sk. I say something really simple here: he saying should these l l sees? They gonna be. Easily determine if they were real businesses out It's not hard business, social security number your ear, I am says you have ten million dollars in inputs. What exact?
inputs into your account. What was the output? Oh? Well, we did consulting on what you have been claimed that expenses? You? U tracking, you, don't you? U consulting you're theirs! whites, hotel rooms, you go overseas and meet with people. Where are these frances. They did we're going zero case. He notes one important thing to industry, these m per capita p? U k idea if you want to follow this is important. If any bags look the other way on any of this, The committee because of their subpoena power will be able to determine who did what? What banking Tax regulations may have been broken and squeeze the banks or bank employees to spill. The beads ass is added through yeah. That's it Yes, yes. yes, sir. Yes, sir, yes mortar here,
yeah shit is getting annoying for real. Thank you buddy. I know it is. I mean I've said that over know. What's going on and chat here, how busy we got them a grind there yet or what the whole family mcgraw. It's real, Nice, you get border nielson, s eyes, you guys regret you don't have to do that. I appreciate that. Don't worry! That's nice, like has been good. I don't I don't eat in any dinner, but at school? I appreciate that. Thank you on the chat listen say they gonna happen legally again that if I bet my right arm on it. I wouldn't do that. is tell any man at these banks. You're gonna, be in real trouble, They can show that they were effectively tools to money laundering, the catches going to do something about it. Now Here is the one angle I think: they're gonna have a big problem. The by administration is going have a real problem with local state. A turn Jan attorney general. he's attorneys general in the states. If they pay
and alvin brag, but without you'll crimes by name is in real trouble. Folks. I want more heads so reparations this whole thing with preparations total bullshit, it's going on in california, dumbest idea of averred. Let's pay. people who were not slaves from account. held by people who never held slaves to repair damage done that neither one did to the other utter I. If there was a if there was in a better way, to create animosity and and hatred in society and divide us. Making people pay for miss, eggs. They did not make the people who work there terms of those mistakes. I can't think Better way to do it, then, to do that. so it is friday we're in a good mood today. You can tell so I we trot out some thomas soul, thomas also he's great on his stuff. He was thomas, so he loved thomas. So whoever who said this at the show prep is that you as a jew, I think it was that was gym verde for him, a big gym, here is thomas saw on
operations that if we go to start pay and reparations, then Everybody's gonna get a check and everywhere he's gonna write a jack. That's the problem check this Slavery, the very big subject I have in my home, an entire bookcase of nazi things. books about slavery in various parts of the world various times in history, and the sad fact is that Slavery has been a universal institution for thousands of years. As far back as you can trace human history, But we look here is your slavery as something that happened: one race of people in one country when it the spread of it around the world a night in seventeen. Seventy six, which is when with publish the wealth of nations, as well as from the united states, got started. He said that western europe is the only place in the world where there is slavery. and even in western, even the western europeans had
numbers of slaves in the western hemisphere- s, but not in western europe itself. And so, if you're gonna have reparations for slavery gonna be the greatest transfer of well back and forth, between and and and and cross hauling, as they say in the railroads folks again these single dumbest idea and that's the point. You want stand. This is a dumb idea intentionally no one actually believes this is going to solve any problem. Nobody. There We will never give up the race argument. It see only cudgel. They have to divide america. Remember Joe after mama got elected a lotta, republicans really wow. This is great. We elected a black president, even in states that traditionally volume Republican, it's gonna, be O'Grady, it got even worse. Race relations got worse. The left will never give this up ever ever it'll, never stop. Every who will then want reparations for some historical wrong. Do what about american? What about american indians native americans meet report?
The list goes on what about asian americans unlawfully interred in during world war. Two I mean it's never going to stop. I saw this trending on twitter. This is this is amazing. It was Gaia woodson, this guy's amazing. He was Andy their fill shall end. Audience score silent. Man he's talking to this whole racial division in america, has been a civil rights activist black man which again doesn't matter to us, but the left is obsessed with This is one of those jawdropping wow moments. Heed the audience is just like this guy's good at this hour. You talk about remedies. We ve gotta, look beyond of saying that, Every solution has to have a a winner and a loser that blacks can only benefit. Wise lose. We have to be defined more than just victims of oppression, whites were out there. Worse, blacks are at their best.
When we were denied access to work due to hotels we built our own. We have to communicate to our people just that their his how they achieved in the face of oppression, but if we can you to sit back and say all- the challenges that we face in an out of wedlock. Versa, violence that somehow a white of the the control of that is in the hands of white america, and they are until white people change, there's nothing that we can do. This sets up a terrible situation for this nation. The big crisis facing america is not racial. it is a moral and spiritual freefall that is consuming our children, the high The death rate among black families is homicide among silicon valley behind.
the level of suicide six times the national average and appalachia their prescription drugs and so, if we are to address this crisis that is causing chosen to tools. they ate sense of a personal responsibility or value for their own life. They will take their own. Four take someone else's so to suggest that we come together and look beyond race and realize america's johnny, because it's in a moral and spiritual freefall not ever could be defined by the worst of what we were in the past, but we should the fine by what we want to become in the future and that people are motivated to change when you give them a vision of victories out I suppose not constantly reminding them of injuries to be avoided. Bravo, robber, woods! Bravo!. folks were never gonna get. There were liberals around
We are never going to get to any of national race harmony but liberals around because you have. their stand, their goal is division and a non harmonious environment. You can not get that they are complete obstacle to racial harmony in this country. They hate racial harmon, The idea of racial harmony puts them at a business; they profit of division and hatred and anger and rage, damn shaman being such a different place more for in this country, are to get a lot more had, including all we living in a simulation. Yom obsessed with that idea drives Jim crazy. I found it. video. You gotta check out about it in the back. Screw and it's over again. The Democrats are making small banks bigger. I thought they were against too big to fail now there if for it now. Last sponsor refers, my pillow ever met of close outsail happening on their all season. Slippers listener constantly make them. I slippers the number one selling my pillow product. I have a feeling you want to stock up now when you hear this offer. use my promo code daniel, get the all season slippers for twenty five dollars.
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As of things like short selling, and they And the administration seizing the bank and turning it over stay with the banks are doing right now and how you could be screwed if you're in amidst size back people out. There are short selling bag stocks right now why you're, safe Three j p morgan now thinks regulators look at short selling a bite after you guys got richer acquiring first or public. I really brow jamie. I mean really. There short selling brags? Why? Why would bags want the banking business to go out of business? Think this through Their short selling mid size, bagful bags. Folks, was why, because the binding in a screwed up the whole bank bail out. If the icy thing there waitin for the banks to fail, hoping they fail, knowing the binding is going to come in and sees them and then do what hand them too banks, like J, p morgan at a disco, what a deal baby good to be connected in it. I love how the Democrats, where the party
tolerance and the little guy get up I hear you're, not the party, the little guy you dipshit, that is it the dumbest thing. I've ever heard. You may not like the republican, I get it. I got my beef with the swampy republicans do sometimes, but don't give me this bullshit, that the Democrats so the party, the little guy. The Democrats are not the point. Been score, went over the little guy forever. This big, too big to fail thing is a democratic. There are mid size bags and small banks to go. Wonder then bear about your expense. As you are, the refill, the fd, ic fun and then handing them over to bigger banks. That's the Biden team doing that ready for the little guy get lost with that. I don't want to get to your questions and we go to this video first simulation. I am a listen, you might imagine we got chatting. I can tell me I want some instant feedback in a chat. Ok, tug, tug mcgraw and there are familiar- you are, and people other than migrants can come into Sofia
You say you love the show so much sophie out. Thank you. I love the show so much too. So are we living in a simulation? This does not conflict. By the way my christian faith at all. There was there an intelligent design or out there, that is god, capital, gi god how we zine. They will never understand, but are living in a simulation. If you've ever seeing the double some slight experiment, where you realize quickly that out of things don't exist in particle form unless you observe them. What do you mean don't exist that sharon other room. Is there because I don't see it doesn't mean it's out there? No that's exactly what the double slit experiments as that chair might not be there. You flip a coin behind a couch, and you don't see it. While it's on or tails. Now it's on both its only on heads or tails. When you look at really, check this out. I found this video about all. We live in a dissimulation solely about a bit it, but I'm telling you
we are living in. It may not be a big master computer, but some intel If designer has living in a world dictated by. I believe simulation like rule that only exist when we look at it check this out
Fourthly, the idea behind dissimulation theory is that none of this is real and what were actually experiencing as a kind of computer generated simulation and before you jumped to the conclusion that there is no way you would fall for a simulation, your brain doesn't see. Doesn't move, doesn't feel you have body parts that collect that data, sensory, which your brain then translate, so that you can have an experience, even though this technology is kind of crude, it doesn't take much to trick your senses into thinking that you're about to fall. For example, people like to put the odds had about fifty five day, because we can prove that its true just as much as we can prove that it's not could explain a couple of things like the arbitrary speed limit of the universe wishes the speed of light, but also maybe the mandela facts, which is a collective, false memory named after nelson mandela. For some reason, a lot of people thought with dead for decades. Some other examples are loony, do bigger too, and I don't care what you say asked a college of solid system is the philosophical idea that you are, the only one can be sure exists because you can't remove your mind and put it into someone else. So how could you prove that everyone is as real as you most my friends who work and I t for the government nasa space acts. Most of them fully were in a simulation, listen
and would have the whole. I don't have time to go over the whole thing, but I've been obsessed with this idea: did she say, there's not wrong deaf, we live in a strange world that only seems to exist in many respects when you're actually observing it check it out. Talk more about that as time goes on, he's got a good feedback general, our eye. You submitted some great questions time for questions for dad dad b. I don't get debt with the rotting beggar bobbio, rapid decline. If area the dams will parade out Michelle obama as a candidate to save him, you think that's likely to happen. I have nightmares, then folks. Listen I I told you six months ago that this idea Is totally crazy and you're nuts not anymore the damage its hate tromp. So much. I think, there's probably thirty before percent chance. I could happen michelle obama, so good question. J g turner. Seventy four,
I love jawboning owning the losers, a and its trade deals, but I sincerely the question is commitment to safeguarding rights between idly by by found she and many governors destroyed america caving bomb stock bans had emboldened binds brace bent. How can I be confident? Listen. said yesterday. I am not here to tell you that trouble the messiah some godlike figure in everything he did was right. I hate criminal justice reform all add another one that the bomb stock ban is absurd found she thing, a horrible, no doubt But you gotta remember pretty much everybody screwed up covert. I'm not apologise for anyone, beginning the facts: in thing. We should await a little bit on that, although I too, at the time everybody thought this was a major accomplishment right. However, folks I don't think we have a lot of time left, I'm I'm sorry to say that. Then your long in the united states say that all the time I am long on the united states, our
you can't be long in the united states unless you win some short term victories. We been losing a lot of short term victories lately. We don't have a lot of time to turn this thing around the big mo israel. This guy there stands the presidency coming clean house right away. He's got nothing to worry about for reelection. I don't trust anyone. They answer your question. I don't trust anyone I watch I bought patriot, hey dan. I know there are a lot of self help books out there and improving your life, which ones have you read, and would you recommend Only one I would ever recommend it is one of the greatest books, maybe one of my top five, maybe top three, You ever read the road less travelled by m scott peck, brilliant genius level, stuff he was a harvard train psychiatrist, a medical doctor. The book is just outstanding outstanding is passed since genius. We talk about things like entropy in disorder. How every
single thing in the universe, move towards disorder, except the human race thomas, like God, deemed it that way, using balk at pickle jar opener. I just read the names hey dad I've noticed you been a lot more salty with their language. stuff these days and my complaining of the passion, but you do you do ok stay ferocity. My friend I am I'm sorry. I know some of you don't like my sincere apologies. I'm not it's not a concerted effort it, but I can't lighter this is the real me. I grew up in a different place you guys think it at a morgan, while in song this morning la morgan. I hope he feels better is vocal chords of bank. Now I went to the concert last week where that saw the way I talk to it. Sounds a little bit like my daddy and focused around my mama. but her words you'll, never know. Unless you come down yonder, I didn't come from down yonder
I have a different spot, and sometimes it just scattered. That's just me: I wish it weren't. We all have our peccadillos man, I'm doing my best. It's not some act, though I promise you I'll try to clean that stuff up a dandy. Did the deep state will release havoc as they didn't? Twenty twenty keep dropout dm wire free yeah they're doing it already. Thirty two The cia is already got caught. You know it skating in the in the hunter Biden letter, of course they're gonna, leak, some fake intelligence about trump cut a deal with she and china. It's gonna be crap what your favorite bible, verse Debbie while or three forty two timothy. I finished the race man finish the race by kept the faith. By far also, I am the way I am that Ruth named the life for all of you out there, some of you don't believe in Jesus simum, I'm not your preacher, I'm just here. I do
and I just ask you to consider one thing here: a lot of people die for their religion right, but nobody dies for something they know is fake. Why would those apostles and disciples be hung upside down what a beheaded who had seen Jesus if he wasn't, if they didn't see him rise from the dead. If you think about that, that's what converted me, how strong the christianity who died? It's like that. Oh yeah, he received you say he didn't rise from the dead, but we won't cut your head off now. He did no one dies for ox and also a bible, verse no matter what translation you look out of the bible, I am the way I am the truth and I am. The life is translated. The exact same way we're right. Alright, I gotta run I'm running out of time. You guys are awesome this week over a million views and the last two shows which is totally bananas. Please join us. Ray day for the live chat I am eastern time
build our com slashed by gino you humbly, I'm not too proud to beg. Please strive to the show why you hear it is free click that follow, but not that rumble page right at the top roma the three million subscribers. Also, if you do me a favor, describe it apple and spotify to too it helps to stay on the charts over there for the audio customers, love. Have any here folks, I will see you back here on the radio shown a little bed here on Monday good day, you just heard in Bonn gino.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-15.