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Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017


Why the nomination of Betsy DeVos for secretary of education is President Trump’s most controversial appointment in an already controversial cabinet. Plus: the meaning of four hardback chairs in the Oval Office.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From the New York Times. This is the daily. I Michael born today that sea divorced how the president's picture Secretary of education came to be the most controversial appointment in an already controversial cabinet. The meaning behind the for hard back chairs that President Tromp has installed in the oval office and what they tell us bout his unconventional management style and the following legal future of the now frozen immigration, bad. It's too February SAM, I rise this morning to speak directly to my friends on the other, I did the aisle sometime around noon. On Monday, senator Chuck humor took the Senate floor. I understand my republican colleagues will go along with the president. Ninety percent of the time
and made an appeal to his republican colleagues, but there is certain issues that are two important: that's a man putting country above party to take a hard look at President Trump's incoming cab. There is so many billionaires with so many conflict of interest, and so little expertise in the issues Eight oversea democrats have found plenty of objections to the cabinet nomination so far, they prove just six of the twenty two, but no has created. So much anger and resistance, as Betsy Divorce For weeks now, demonstrations aimed specifically at stopping the appointment have sprung up around the country,
and now in Washington, shimmer speech. In my mind she is the least qualified nominee star unqualified cabin. It marks the start of a twenty four hour, long marathon of protests by scented Democrats to persuade just one at least one more republican to vote with them and against her today. What is it about? This woman, that Democrats and as of now a couple Republicans so oppose Dana. Thank you for coming up studio. Sixteen you ve been at times, about ten days. My fourth tax you're a brand new education reporter hats right, I asked went newest colleague, Dana Goldstein to break down this controversy, Dana who is Betsy divorce. Betsy too,
Ass is firm, Grand Rapids Michigan. She has become one of the nation's leading philanthropists focused on school choice. Now, when we hear that term, sometimes we think of charter schools and absolutely she likes charter schools, but even more controversially than that, she is a big spokesperson for the idea that we should have vouchers so that kid should be able to carry There are taxpayer dollars to really any type of school. It could be an online only virtual school. It could be a for profit school. Lydia School, so she really believes that these public dollar should follow the child to any type of school. Even if it's not a public school, no one in America, education with their viewpoint, has gotten to this. Of all or have Well Ronald Reagan, whether big fan of out chairs, he talked about it a lot. We must continue the advanced by supporting discipline in our schools, vouchers that give parents freedom of choice and was also
had strong ties to the religious rites, similarly to back seat of off, and we must give back to our children their lost right to acknowledge guy in their clash from Brown on a platform of spending too billion dollars on vouchers which is extraordinarily high. It's an enormous sum of money and to get that sum of money for something like vouchers, you really have to blow up our current system of federal funding for public schools by lot Republicans from kind of rural areas are really sceptical of the idea of actors. I mean, if you're from a sparsely populated community, there may not be I've had score, let alone multiple private schools or charter schools. For you to take it. Take your voucher too. If there is no place for you to take your voucher to the idea of school choice are vouchers as the big idea education reforms not really relevant to you, it's probably more relevant to you to provide your
one we're all available school with more resources, make sure there is better trained teachers there. So here we see a real tension in the Trump a coalition is the attention actually playing yet in the nomination battle it definitely. I come to the floor to announce a very difficult decision that you Republicans you ve come out and for they will not vote for backseat of ours are both from we're all state, and that is to vote against the compromise. A Betsy device? It Susan Collins from main and leave them are Cowskin from Alaska. I cannot support this nominee thanking stare the lack of evidence from the places that have tried vouchers that their uneasy. Yes, in terms of student achievement, different cities have shown different results and some have had better results,
and others, but they're not generally across the board, an option that leads to a much higher test scores for, and certainly it doesn't show that vouchers alone can kind of closed the achievement, gab so low, turned to that's it herself and why she's become, and if the word reviled is quite right, but why Such a divisive figure in this moment and education the sovereign they live caricature. I got six hours, I dont know anything about school, but I do think there should be a school. Probably Jesus Skull revolves around this idea that she is completely unqualified and unprepared for the job. Where does that come from and is at all accurate Betty losses involved in education for a really long time. She has been deeply immersed. Issue of school choice as a philanthropist. So too,
that she understands nothing about education or is completely inexperienced on the topic of education is not accurate and my view, MRS Divorce, if you ever take him out of student long, however, I have not I have any of your children had to borrow money in order to go to college, and they have been fortunate enough to have you had any personal experience. But the pilgrim she have had a narrow lens through which she has viewed education. It is the lens of school, a choice as vouchers of charter schools. You never attended a public school k, twelve school did you correct and your trolls did not either correct that the vast majority of american kids are an international neighbourhood, public school and she
good showed her hearing that doesn't know all that. Much about that aspect of the system which is most of it. She also flogged a question on the individuals with disabilities. Education ACT. I think that's an issue that is best left to the states. What about the federal requirements are federal law, the individuals with disabilities. Education actions is familiar with the fact that actually states and school districts don't have that right,
to decide how to interpret that law? It is a federal civil rights law. You must provide services to disable children's she'd. It was not comfortable with discussing that. When we talk about this nomination, I guess you have to ask and answer the question: is the american public school system broken and therefore doesn't need to be fixed? Certainly the biggest problem with our public education system, the United States as our big achievement gaps and which white and middle class students are performing much better than low incomes, students of color and the moral urgency around this problem? As what leads many people, including bats, each of us to say that time for a radical rethinking of this system. Now, whether the failure of our schools to closes achievement, Gatt Lee
to a policy. Like vouchers is a really big question. We don't have really clear social science that shows that vouchers can help us solve this problem. Part of the reason. Why is because we know that poverty accounts for so much of the reason my kids are struggling in school, today, barring a break in the republican ranks that sea divorce is expected to be confirmed by a vote of fifty one.
Two fifty there are only one hundred senators. The Thai breaking vote would come from Vice President MIKE pants. If that happens, it will be the first time in american history that vice president uses his power to secure a cabinet appointment will be right back. This path cast is supported by Eu Trade trading, isn't for everyone, but he trade is whether it saving for a rainy day or your tyrant. Each trade has you covered. They can help. You check financial off your list and with a team of professionals, giving you support. When you need it, you can be confident that your money is working hard for you get more than just trading with each trade to get stuck visit each tree dot com, slash pot cast for more information. Each trade Securities LLC member fin raw as Ipc, nor just literally blatant factual errors and exotic central to see that minimum warning or so called the morning. It was one of whose days or you can just tell the White House had
the New York Times nor need start at the top. I don't think the president on the bathroom devilry isn't where one there were two of my call exclaimed. Thrush and magazine government had been interviewing dozens of senior government officials and Washington insiders about the first two weeks of the Trump Administration and the uncovered some incredible details about the tumultuous start of life in the White House, including prison trumps fury when he learned that he was not fully briefed on an executive order which he signed. That did his senior adviser, Steve Ban and to the National Security Council and usually held by generals. The story is full of a lot of things with one detail today. Seem intent on pushing back on is whether or not he opens up her hands bathrobe one half of that team gland thrush is in the Washington. There were currently in something of a dispute with the weather.
Basic Jerry assurance by Sir over our assertion, based on a couple of sources that President owns a bathrobe, but you can't make this up and they will thereby there PS pictures on the internet of him wearing bathrobes and out of this too this dispute arose because we had a couple of sore as somebody who knows present, are really well who's kind of in the White House environment who said in its pretty innocuous, but that its illustrative of the kind of conflict we have with the fresh up. Who said that you know the president retires to the residents six thirty seven o clock most night. Sometimes these days later go upstairs. Watches tv tweets talks with AIDS and former campaign folks and often sits around in the bathroom right. We through that into the story. What do you think the objection is that image. It was a very of octave image, let's not as may be presidential as they might like. I think, if you actually the funny
That is, if you look at pictures of presidents, L B, Jane Particular, there are a lot of pictures and the residents wearing bathrobes. Member of actually a famous picture of the bushes, all kind of hang in there in bed right all sitting kind of on the corner of the bed and talking so it's not really. Not honestly in issuing, and we were not making the assertion that Donald Trump isn't working hard enough. Thus that wasn't what we were talking about, what we were saying this is a really new city for him all the people we spoke with having difficulty adjusting to Washington. He clearly feels more common traveling down tomorrow, Lago and my suspicion is going to be spending a lot of his weekends in MAR a Lago Florida is resort. There definitely supports the image of the Washington outsider to not make himself comfortable in Washington to go to MAR a Lago or New York when he can, and his aides seem to be inhabiting that same reputation at the moment of kind of being disruptive not being overly comfortable with the White House fumbling around trying to figure it out. How is that
ass, actually working for this team two weeks, and I think what we're dealing with here and there a lot of people on the hill Republicans in particular, who have noticed that the core team in the way doesn't really understand the way that the process works and send it appears that Steve Ban and whose the two strategies has a particular agenda. He came up with between two hundred and two hundred and fifty proposed executive orders extraordinary would yet, which is we? What we have here is the White House controlling things that are immediately at their grasp. Executive orders, belligerent conversations with foreign leaders say just using you know. I think another incredibly interesting feature of this White House is the coms team and tromp release. Aye, sir and Trump sitting across from each other have divided the day into three news: making portions for this. The first part of the day, like an nine thirty, when he will have his meeting with business leaders, you'll notice of a feature or military leaders,
Tromp uses it as an opportunity for five to ten minutes to make a speech and make news, so it gets up in the morning tweet something it makes news, then stands and from the cameras, so that cable then has video and then the middle, the day they control the second portion of day. The second third of the day is controlled by the briefing we Look at the objects of the brief in almost Mccarthy me who did this Ass, exciting lives get on Saturday may look at it as being bombastic and crazy. When I say we, I mean it in the sense of a movie, because I came out here, but from transports back as a way to get his message across in no uncertain terms to his base, and this
part of the day is, I think, a little bit more flexible figuring out a way to make news and seize the new cycle for the next day. So this is a guy who has a very specific view on how to project the power, the presence and one other thing from loves the oval office, I'm not so sure he likes the residents amounts are sir. He likes living in Washington, but he loves to. Is he used the term branding power of the oval office, and he has told his staff he wants to have as many televised events in the oval as possible. All your information came from inside the White House, but it wasn't an especially flattering portrayal of this administration. How is the White House responding to your putting well. I will say that the people it was an entirely inside the White House. We interviewed quite a number of people. There are quite a number of people who are in the next circle hook who advise people in the White House, and I would say that in general and even
our vetting conversation now and make this really clear. Turkey, as we got the present the United States, calling things fake news and lies whatever we get a near to that. Every single fact in this story, including the bathrobe by the way, was presented to two top members: the President's team, twenty four hours in advance, so they get review it. Of course you know some of the points, the amended and corrected. We changed in the text, others they agreed with or said, was unobjectionable others. They said they didn't know. But in terms of our overall framing, we got very little pushed back in the wake of this story. Apart from the official version that you're gonna be hearing West Wing, I'm sure the general reception of this is that we get this right. You were from a lot of people who told you that the team does not think things are going well and that they kind of recognise that things are a little bit chaotic does present.
I think that things are going well. I think on one hand he does and on one hand he doesn't think in general. I think I hope our story reflects that paradox they in general, like the fact that they have put Washington back on its he'll, but I think starting to understand the implications of of having a chaotic internal structure with an incapacity to control the levers, a government. So I'm not hedge. But I think this is where they feel ambivalent and uneasy right now things think they're on the right path sure they know how their engine works so one. How much of this sense of chaos it seems you found is the result of what seems like the present and his team trying to cram. One hundred days and a one hundred hours and how much is it just this particular team- is both that's a great question and I think historically, it's gonna be a significant one. Look. This is a group, a very small group of peace,
who hadn't had any previous experience is one of the reasons why they were able to perhaps when this year, and rather than make a major adjustment on entering the White House and organise themselves in more functional way they ve Canada their way again and I think one of the extraordinary is that we have in the stories of these four hard back chairs that are and in a semicircle awry de the president's desk, and I think that symbolizes how small the number of employees Lord advisers. The president has really no more than six or eight people. He really trust to do anything and, as a rule, a combination of bravado, genuine confidence, a desire to fulfil that these campaign promises to live up to the image of strength. And rank inexperience essentially that you know the metaphor that I keep coming back to is carpet bombing the world, while you are still building.
The airplane in flight- that's vivid, I think. Well, I think if we had nothing in two weeks, I think vivid would be a great description for the first two weeks. Is the term presidency? Are you convinced that are gonna change, how they operate of even want to change how they operate Did you just gave me the next ten stories I'm gonna write because I dont, I think, that's the big question right I mean the question is a line, and here I wrote that you know he is a man of flexible ideology, but fixed habits right that that to me is kind of the that's. The push pull here is this guy? Who is, after all, the ultimate survivor in business and politics? Does he have the capacity to make the adjustments necessary to be, carbon president and, frankly, I think that's the story, raw than be writing in one form or another for the next six months,
That's about it, for the daily pure is the latest on the immigration back. Are you when is set for six p dot m today and it's a big one, the Justice Department is asking a federal appeals court to immediately reinstate the band after it was blocked by judges in Washington and Minnesota Immigration LAW gives the President broad authority to stop people from entering the country and legal endless have said it will be tough for opponents to get the executive order overturned, but legal challenges have so far been successful
and opposition is growing high, ranking national security experts, law professors and more than a hundred tech companies, including apple Facebook, Google and over, have told the court they believe the restrictions are unconstitutional. Today's hearing will be done over the phone. Each side will have thirty minutes to present their arguments and the whole thing will be life streamed, Michael Barbara, sooner more, do you avoid tough problems and shy away from a debate? Do you think uncertainty limits potential? Neither do we have a university of Chicago Booth, school of business. We believe in asking questions and questioning answers with campuses in Chicago London and Hong Kong. The booth NBA is for people who see challenges as opportunities and want the skills to make positive change in any market anywhere in the world, ready to find your community search Chicago boost at eighty. You today to learn more
Transcript generated on 2020-07-19.