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The Latest: What Happened in Iowa?


After a night of chaos and confusion at the Iowa caucuses, and nearly a full day since the results were initially expected, the state’s Democratic Party has announced only partial numbers, from 62 percent of precincts. We look at what the debacle in Iowa will mean for the results — when they’re finally released.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All the game to excitement issue, two Iowa. They show that the twenty twenty, where you could change dramatically, marks the beginning of the end of the tunnel from what happened in Iowa. Grant me a long night when I feel this is a real here when it comes to aid. The ILO carcass and be faced and people have in free and fair elections in this country and its to class to call so I'm just gonna tell you what I do know good afternoon. Thank you also I urge for taking a little time today to have a little bit about what happened. Last night, hey, it's Alex Burns political.
Order for the New York Times still stuck in a hotel in DES Moines at six hundred and forty p dot m central time on Tuesday, as we continue to wait for the final results of the Iowa caucus The story of today has been that, after last night's debacle wins Combination of human and technological error prevented the risk. From being announced. Everyone was waiting impatiently for a three forty five p m announcement from the Iowa Democratic Party Chair, Troy price, the reporting of the results circles. MRS surrounding the twenty twenty I would Democratic Party Caucasus were unacceptable. He comes out about twenty minutes. Late distort the briefing as chair of the party. I apologize deeply for this. He apologizes ask you. Now we have been working day and night. Take some annoyed questions from reporters and how can you would ensure Americans assure American set? These are verifiable ii,
accurate results. While we're gonna take time, we need to get these results dunwoodie. Now that we have the first batch, that's gonna be coming out here in a couple of minutes and since the results are about to go live so, of us still here into more immediately start hitting refresh on the eye, would Democratic Party website in here. In just a couple of minutes, we will be report, but basically, eighteen hours after we expected the result, they are still a long long way from complete sixty two percent of precincts from all ninety nine counties. Only sixty two percent of the precincts have been reported and look. I understand how much pressure that I would Democrat Party is under, but it seems like a highly questionable decision. To make people wait this long for any information and then release only an incomplete picture. Aways. Thank you all hopes. The results are coming in see later so immediately. You see cable television trying to make sense of it in real time and there you go see how to cinders, leading to state delegate equivalent
a few matters. Buddha generally mistake delicate equivalent, if he's not leading on the second occasion it gets into gotta take a look you're very closely, but my enthusiasm swarthiness still remains unclear when we will act we know the final results of the ILO caucuses. What is clear is that people are judged and Bernie Sanders or the two candidates who have pulled a head away from the rest of the pack and the Joe Biden has really fallen behind, but the latest at the importance of those results, really feels diminished in a meaningful way. As a result of all this chaos, quickly to things happen after Iowa, you see some candidates drop out and you see one candidate claim victory and try to turn that into momentum heading into New Hampshire. But the way this is played out, neither thing clear losers. Clear winners is really happening, yet there is still too much answer. About who the number one candidate will ultimately be in fact right now, Bernie Sanders is winning the popular vote, while people to judge is winning in the state delegate
That second number has as much to do with geographic distribution of a candidate support, as it has to do with the actual raw numbers of the vote, and it's that number the state delegates that is the traditional measure, of who wins Iowa. So what you're seeing right now is both candidates trying to claim victory? They're, not complete, but results are in from a majority of precise and they show our camp pain in first place. We see blue judge come out on Tuesday afternoon shortly after these partial results are announced and deliver an emotional speech claiming victory and validation and sounding for all the world like a man. Turning toward a general election against President Trump, a campaign that some said should have no business even making. This attempt has taken its place at the front of this race.
Replace the current president with a better vision. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is pushing hard the idea that the popular vote, the cabin there's a normal primary elections is the most important measure of support here last night in Iowa we received more votes on the first and second round than any other candidate, it's possible once the final results are in that split with sanders claiming the most raw votes, but Buddha Judge claiming the most state delegates will remain and neither of the top two candidates would ever concede that the other had one or may be. In the end, we will end up with one clear winner, a candidate who gets to take that big, traditional victory lab in the national spotlight, but we aren't there yet
so that's the latest. Tomorrow we had to New Hampshire, we'll start trying to understand what, if anything, these results mean to voters there and whether Bernie Sanders is still the favourite in a state that has dominated for years ago, a state by the way that takes a simple primary vote next Tuesday This episode of the daily supported by the new Showtime original series penny dreadful city of angels, what a gruesome murder shocks, one thousand nine hundred and thirty eight LOS Angeles, detective Thiago Veiga and his partner Louis Michener find themselves grappling with nazi spies, crooked politicians and powerful natural forces, Natalie Dormer, Daniels of Otto and Nathan, Lane STAR in penny, dreadful city of angels, preparing April twenty six. Only on Showtime, the daily listeners contrive Showtime free for thirty days, go to show time dot. Com now and enter CO daily offer expires. May twenty? Fourth, twenty? Twenty
Transcript generated on 2020-04-23.