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The Latest: A Call to ‘Fox & Friends’


President Trump called into ‘Fox & Friends’ this morning to respond to all that has been said over two weeks of public impeachment hearings. The conversation offered a preview of what may become the president’s impeachment defense.

“The Latest” is a new series on the impeachment inquiry, from the team behind “The Daily.” You can find more information about it here.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It started with a whistle blowers, complain about president trumps contact with a foreign leader, perfect phone call with president of Ukraine, like I've made perfect today, I'm announcing the House of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment way, there's our great pleasure to welcome the present United States, Donald Trump Bug Colony, MR trunk border. When are you good morning Julie Davis in the Washington beer of the New York Times the later is that, after two weeks of public impeachment hearings, president Tromp had a lot to get off his chest. Good beyond Fox in France today, as you said in your tweet, Slow NEWS, weak one by one. Ok, first of all, I don't know him he's trying to discredit the witnesses in the inquiry so far, Kurt vault her dough norm on this guy Shondaland hardly know him. I've had a couple of conversations with whether my see hanging around go to Europe?
in San LAN, with a woman, a review of its key, wouldn't even put up she's a bomb, a person you're not, but I said why are you being so kind? Well, Sir she's a woman, we have to be nice How about the guy, the telephone. How about that one? I guarantee that never took place. You said he didn't listen listening to me and he gave kind in. View of what the Republican and Peter response will be and what his reaction is going to be, as this whole thing unfolds lot of it. I do agree with you crave, which is that everything, the president did he did because of corruption in Ukraine. He did because He essentially was the victim of this scheme that Ukraine was trying to pull off, but most of it very adjusting, they have right from the Anti democratic national commit? Who has the surrender of the we I went in and they told him get out of here, you don't get it without giving it you. They gave the server to crowd
Why go whatever it's called, which is a country which is a company owned by a very well ukrainian, they'll want to see that serve? As you know, the FBI's never gotten that server. That's a big part of his old thing. Why Give it to ukrainian company, where you are, they did that. In short, he saying that Ukraine, Russia, was behind interference in two thousand sixteen election. So why? Wouldn't you evaluate or question or ask Ukraine to investigate, and why wouldn t be skeptical of the White House Meeting or sending hundreds of millions of dollars in american military assistance money to Ukraine. Are you surely do David to Ukraine that's what the word is. That's what I asked actually on my phone call. If you know I mean I asked at very point blank because we're looking for corruption, so this is interesting because of course does yesterday
the final days of the impeachment hearings of the weak as Democrats, our kind of wrapping up their public case. And getting ready to sort of sum it up in a big report for the public, their witness Fiona Hill, who was the top Europe and Russia expert at the National Security Council almost seemed to anticipate this. Some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct campaign against our country and that perhaps somehow, for some reason you cringes. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the since security services themselves, she told Republicans in the room this idea that Ukraine influence the elections. Idea that it was Ukraine that matter. Old and not Russia? It's fiction. The unfortunate truth is that Russia was the foreign power, the system us to be attacked our democratic institutions in twenty sixteen,
I say this not as an alarmist, but as a realist and the cost of this investigation, I would ask you, please not promote politically driven falsehoods, so clearly advanced russian interests. These functions are harmful, even if their deployed for purely domestic political purposes, not only is it fiction, but its fiction. That is essentially a russian. This information campaign that is designed to interfere with american democracy right now, Russia's security services on their proxies, have geared up to repeat their into. Events in the twenty twenty election, we're running out of time to stop them, and you know the times reported this afternoon that Fiona Hills testimony alive As with information that the american intelligence community has actually been sharing with senators and reason weeks and telling them over the last couple of weeks that they have discovered that Russia for years has tried to frame Ukraine
as the nation behind the twenty sixteen hacking to say that it wasn't us. It was Ukraine that framed us, but, based on what we saw on tv this morning, it seems like this is going to be central to the President's impeachment defence he's not dismissing. This is a conspiracy theory he's embracing it ass, a kind of the core of his own defence. Impeachment case and furthermore, frankly I want to draw you like the guy Camp David. You want to try what everyone- oh, I would look we're starting to see signs that this is also the story. We're gonna be hearing in the Senate. Ones house more likely, the nine votes to impeach tromp in the coming weeks, sending things to a trial. In the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans Lindsey Gram, who is the republican german the Judiciary Committee wrote to the State Department this week asking for documents about Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, who sat on the board of this ukrainian energy company? They are contact with the former ukrainian President
the contacts that other members of the Obama administration had with Ukrainians in the past, all assign going to try to lay out in hearings some sort of alternate narrative to what the Democrats have been presenting in the house, and it looks like that's the seem narrative the president was promoting today and that Fiona Hill and American intelligence officials have been warning about. I'm not a doctor, but if I was already prescription colony in every week to update the country about what's happening, might be good for your health that something they can number three now that I've been doing it for years and bent group with your group. I've been doing I stress really says it was up to me and it is up to me and we'll do it more often, but our funding it and you know what the dashboard we get to where we get the true word out and that's the latest slowly back when things pick up after congresses, holiday, brink.
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Transcript generated on 2020-04-23.