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China and Taiwan: A Torrid Backstory

2023-04-17 | 🔗

The posturing between the United States and China has been intensifying in recent weeks — China responded with condemnations and military drills after Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, met the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy.

Today, Edward Wong, who covers foreign policy at The Times, explains why China is so fixated on Taiwan, and how the U.S. got in the middle of it.

Guest: Edward Wong, a diplomatic correspondent for The New York Times.

Background reading: 

For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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when it comes to taiwan today, my colleague edward them on why china is so fixated on taiwan and how the? U s, got in the middle of it. It's Monday April, seventeenth, so Taiwan has been back in the news again for the past few weeks. Tell us why Oh sabrina, we sanitation spike this month over taiwan. Earlier this month. The president of taiwan tying one stop de los angeles on her way back to taiwan from central america. I want to thank speaker mccarthy for his work. Hospitality she went to the reagan library in southern california and met with how speaker Kevin Mccarthy the friendship when the people of taiwan in america is a matter of profound importance to the free world. This infuriated the people's republic of china
today china is condemning house bigger, Kevin Mccarthy for hosting the present taiwan had the reagan library, didn't we see any warm diplomacy, even if foreign diplomacy taking place between taiwanese officials in u S, officials, and they announced the started military exercises around taiwan and the time one straight sign is gender on aircraft carrier loans. Eighty fighter, Jed missions, forty helicopter flights. This is the latest in the kind of search intentions that happens periodically, and that has taken place in recent years The drills came with an ominous warning. China's military is ready, sir, brady fill it we're in this. Equal, where taiwan's something pretty minor and china reacts, and this brings up a question. A lot of us here at the daily have had, which is why,
is china's so fixated on taiwan. Will this is a conflict that dates back a century and a permeates chinese national in foreign policy and the question of chinese nationalism, and there are a lot of ways that you could tell the story, but there's a handful of moments that really define it, and I would start with what many people see is the root of the moderate fixation and that arose in the late nineteenth forties. Once again, as is comes, the planet was dreaming millions not of a single. Both them, what does the field? I hope so that time there was a civil war raging in china between the nationalist party, also known as the kuomintang and the communists in the spring of nineteen, forty seven becoming the quick offensive which left the nationalists garrisoned in manchuria day and compared the nationalist happening, going china for many years under third authoritarian system and their leaders I shall now many trying He saw this clarity as corrupt
serving only the interests of the lie and they were eager to have a new type of government and at that time mouths of was leading the communists and economists army in a fight against an air dollars now the communism yeah MAO tung is winning one victory after another, and many people in the countryside has, while some students, intellectuals and workers in the cities, were joining his cause and willing to fight against the nationalists. Red moreau was high and, above all, they knew what they were fighting for: the civil we're raged on for years, and eventually the calmness army got the upper hand. And now to doing declared the chinese. People's revolutionary war has now reached a turning point and in october of nineteen, forty nine are down for claims. The founding of the people's republic of china in beijing, in the face of china and brought the world's largest country within the communist empire, and so the nationalists had to flee and
left mainland china and went to the island of taiwan off the south east coast of china, general generation, returns to part as president of nationalist china, he takes office, In exile, Formosa island voters, ninety miles the chinese, mainland and there six settled down on the eye. In nineteen, forty nine, they went about. We fashioning there remain enter society on the island and they claim that were still the legitimate government of china. After that disasters debate, the hands of the communists? The nationalists have started a new from scratch and what did not look like it. the government that the nationalist set up on Taiwan looked very much like the government that they had been.
On mainland china, for example, on Taiwan they had officials who they said were leaders of provinces in china. They had different offices running what they said were places I mongolia into bad in china, and they also had some of the most sacred symbols of the old china. They have brought treasures from the forbidden city accumulated by previous dynasties and brought them to taiwan, so both income, there s an culture. They were saying that they were essentially china, like taiwan Don't telling was a fully fledged version of china in exile right down to the most sacred objects of chinese history. That's right, rina, and this is very important. They said your b to one day deposed the kind and we establish control over china. So you can see why communist china
That would be annoyed by this right. Like a renegade, china that effectively lost the civil war, sets up shop right next door and claims that it is the real china for syria, there more than just a night, now sees this as important unfinished part of the civil war, and he has intentions to conquer taiwan and take it back into china. Ok, so effectively, you have two different parties saying that they are the real china in each side says it wants to take the other side, that's right, and how does the world. handle this weird situation of to china's or some nations decide to recognise the people's republic of china, but the united states actually supports taiwan, as the legitimate government of
china, and why does the EU s do that? What this point the americans were engaged in the cold war? They trying everything they could to hold back the soviet union and contains of communism in the world. So they didn't want to recognise the chinese companies, as the legitimate government and so we decide that taiwan, even though its an authoritarian government should be the legitimate ruler of china and this you're support of taiwan continued for many years. But then in the nineties sixties something started it remember, the cold war is very complicated and his son these asia, the americans, refining the war in vietnam. against the enemies, communists who were backed by the soviet union and by china,
and by night he sunny won. The war is going poorly for the united states and president Nixon and his aids thought that they could improve diplomatic ties with china, the maybe they could get the chinese calmness to withdraw their support from the north been the means. The soviets and that would hasten the end of the war in vietnam, so basically swallowed their dislike. For on communist regime, in an effort to contain the other and on the chance that it might end this disastrous war. They were engaged with that's exactly right and in addition to the urgent, problem. The vietnam war Nixon NOS eight were also beginning to recognise the potential power of china and they think that the country could be important partner. Take the right diplomatic steps so what does Nixon do
nineteen. Seventy one Nixon sent his aid Henry kissinger on a secret trip to china to start having talks with chinese officials on reopening diplomatic ties shortly after Kissinger's secret desert Nixon announces that he him. self will make a trip to beijing. There can be no stable and enduring peace without the participation of the people's republic of china and its seven hundred and fifty the people, any nineteen semi too he traveled stare his wage west shake ridges. Sixteen thousand miles the two years of hostility. He goes, the great wall, the president, said one would have to conclude that this is in fact a great verified, great visa, and he speaks a mouse
At the summit face to face two leaders who directed destiny of one out of three persons on the earth. It's a huge, taking evangel and in diplomatic, nations around the world, so Nixon here is switching sides, I mean effectively reversing dec aids of american foreign policy. Yes- and this begins a new chapter- U s: china, relations and a world diplomacy. actions of the? U s! Government that began under Nixon culminate Nineteen semi nigh the united states of america in the people's republic of china. have agreed to recognise each other and to establish diplomatic relations as of january, the first nineteen, seventy nine When President carter, united, formally establishes diplomatic Recognition of the calmness run government in beijing as the legitimate government of china
The government of the united states of america acknowledges the chinese position that there is, but one china and taiwan is part of china and he officially cuts off diplomatic ties with taiwan. Ok, so with this point, communist china gets what it wants right would on exactly sabrina. President carter did give china a big part of what it one, which was diplomatic recognition of its government. The carter also put the question of taiwan aside. Beijing wanted the: u s acknowledged that taiwan was ruled by china, the work harder did. It was a very complicated, evasive, maneuver He said in his own words, tat the! U s acknowledges china's position that there is one thing: china and is part of it, but that doesn't that the? U s endorse that position, carter, woods explicitly supporting beijing
idea that it was the ruler of taiwan. Now it just said it knew how beijing felt about the situation and that's the foundation of what the? U s, cause. It's one, china policy. So this is a real act of political jujitsu on the part of the united states. Right, I mean Carter said, debating. We recognise that you think taiwan is part of china. We hear you, but were not saying that we agree. That's exactly right, so Carter left the? U s government's position on taiwan's status intentionally big and that would have far reaching consequences in the coming decades we'll be right back.
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in a pot of water and then turn up the heat hill, eventually cooked it without jumping right, so we became that fraud for the past few months we reporting from inside the political establishment as they try? figure out their path forward behind closed doors. This season we go behind those storms, You can find new episodes of the run up on thursdays wherever you get. Your pockets You said that the? U s left its position towards taiwan ambiguous intentionally. How does that play out? Some one quarter makes us announcement, formerly establishing diplomatic type. China, not everyone in the? U s is enthusiastic about it and so on cursing congress are not happy with the recognition of beijing and this loss for taiwan. They want to protect taiwan in case the chinese communist party ever tried to me.
Move against it. So ninety three nine the same year that the court administration formerly establishes diplomatic ties of china. Congress passes this legislation the taiwan relations act. Did he say commits the? U s to protecting taiwan in certain ways without saying explicitly. that its military will come to Taiwan's defence. This act does that the? U s must give weapons over the fence of nature to taiwan. It says that it must maintain a capacity to defend taiwan if there's coercion, and it says that it will work to make sure that any friction or tensions. I want a resolved peacefully. To run counter to the? U s diplomatic efforts towards china, because china, in the: u s have just spent the entire decade of the nineteen seventies, hammering out diplomatic relations right and now, of course,
It takes any military action against taiwan. This new condition basically says that the? U s might take action to defend taiwan. That's right and increase is due trust between the wheelers in beijing on a one. in the? U s and taiwan on the other hand, and then the coming decade. Something happens within Taiwan that makes china even more upset. So remember the ritual nationalists, leaders and taiwan had the singular focus. Are we taking china and these new generations of people in Taiwan who were born on the island. Clay never been to china. No interest in claiming ownership of china. There were more interested in their identity, as taiwanese people and in governing themselves in taiwan, and Ninety nine is there: was this ground so support throughout the island for the leaders to install new political system, People want a democracy and they wanted multiple parties and general
Reactions up until this point, Taiwan is basically seen its future is connected china, but now taiwan in way, is striking out in a tone which is probably very threatening to china right right and, of course, China's watching very carefully and wish for democracy culminates in the first democratic presidential election in nineteen Six people in taiwan. This is their proudest more. The taiwanese elected the first native born presently dung play I play swept to victory with almost fifty four percent of the vote is china? trembling because of our democracy led on wage. Tells you proud china's aging leaders locker and his size of victory and leadership style sent a message to be jane. the Chinese? People are saying that, while Taiwan wasn't going to openly claim to be independent country. It would push
the boundaries and edge away from this idea of one china. How does china react while, of course, economist, leaders are anxious on the chinese mainland. The communist leadership is not just a few mean over the democratic frenzy on taiwan. They literally gone the list. Two biggest action came in the months before and then a round the election when china,
a very aggressive step, a shot missiles into the waters around taiwan. China's military exercises serve those to taiwan that independence is not an option in the. U s sees this and a response by sending warships to the area around Taiwan. To tell beijing to back off. The end here is to demonstrate the presence and commitment of the united states to peace and stability in the region was to? U s: naval battle groups. Now in the cells, china, sea, the roar of nerves intensified. So this is that u s policy of look but don't touch right in some people say that this moment was the first speaker. in this three way, dynamic that the? U s established with its policies on taiwan, and this is the type of Should we actually involving military forces that becomes a defining? pattern. Our relations in the coming years. Right pattern is that china has this unfinished business with taiwan.
Frustrated by the role of the united states and each country is responding to others moves with taiwan in the now. That's right and a sense of impending conflict has gone a lot higher recent years, especially be you seen a more aggressive leader emerge in china, siege in king decree, leader, china, has made some very bold statements on taiwan after took power in twenty twelve, he said that the problem of taiwan cannot passed on from generation to generation and for some people that suggest ass. She might make some bold and decisive move on taiwan in the near future to resolve that issue and then in the EU, ass. You also have this transition from president obama to present trot, who is a lot more confrontational with china right trump
campaigned on how he was gonna. Be tough on china, that's exactly right! So, for example, after Donald trump won the election twenty sixteen officials who worked under pressure, Tromp took a much more assertive position on China and they really framed china relations as in intense competition push out any room for cooperation between the two nations. By the end of that the administration they were trying to figure out ways to strengthen taiwan The government there as a bulwark against china and other the region- and the united states are both more aggressive in this moment. That's exactly right and we ve seen the bite administration continue to take a sort of actions around the taiwan strait, fight and officials have continue sending warships through illustrate as a signal to beijing and present. Binding himself has said four times now that he will have the? U s: military,
in taiwan if china were to try and take military action against the island. So at this point in the story, it almost seems like the. U s is just as fixated on taiwan as china is why, I think there are several reasons for that. Sabrina some? U s, national security officials thing taiwan is an important strategic point. You contain china, so, for example, they want to make sure The chinese military cannot extend its reach. Beyond taiwan and into other island change in the far pacific, and they say As long as taiwan remains autonomous and has robust military forces, it'll be difficult for china to do that. So
and check on china's military power is actually in. U s. Officials also have begun to realise the importance of taiwan in the global economy. At this point, Taiwan has the world's most advanced and my conductor, industry. And, as you know, these chips tat their companies make are used in everything from appliances in our house all to the most advanced military systems that the united states and other countries? deploy around the world, so there you are seized the tony semiconductor industry as something that must protect any views it as a sector that china cannot get its hands on So when we started this conversation over taiwan, the big Question was who was the real china, but why you ve laid out here, is really much better
within that right I mean Taiwan has come to represent much more for the? U s in china, it's really come to symbolise this battle between the two superpowers overnight: eerie power over the economy. I mean it really feels like it contains the fate of the future of the world at a lot of ways sabrina why I talked to us officials here in washington. They also speak about it in these very high stakes. Terms and some of them are openly speculating on whether the u s and China will end of fighting a war over taiwan in the coming years. But no one wants that war. When you look at the actions that the? U s in china and taking You can tell that they want to make sure they don't cross tat line the move up to the edge, but you're not willing to take the next step. And weird, is all of this leave taiwan, but, of course, the tyrant don't want war over their island, so even today you see
how eyes leaders trying to very carefully calibrated or actions. We saw that recently when how speaker Kevin Mccarthy met with presents, when in southern california presents I could have invited him to taiwan, but she chose to me it's him on you as soil. Instead, I suspect tat. She knew that beijing see this as a less provocative action, and she appears to have them right. We saw how the chinese ray Did they sent warships and aeroplanes around the taiwan strait, but that was a much less intense military action than other thing. They ve done in the recent past so Taiwan was kind of just testing the line right gauging how far it could go without provoking the full fury of china? Yes, and I think, size. Calculation is example of the tight rope that taiwanese leaders and citizens have walked for decades, actually, because I would think that taiwan would be in a pretty vulnerable position, but
you're talking about taiwan, is having agency in many ways its counter intuitive, sabrina many people of Taiwan, as its tiny island of twenty three million people living shadow of china and its true at beijing has taken steps to diplomatically isolate them from much of the world, only see themselves as being much more than a pawn in a geopolitical contest between superpowers and despite all the pressure on, and they manage to build port economy over the years, they create a new government and they put democracy into practice and imaginative armed conflict over their island through all these decades, so how to Tony's officials and citizens these days, many tell me that the fate of the island is really in their hands. Thank you. Thank you it's always great. To talk to you.
We'll be right back. Mrs Davis is the world's most powerful artificial intelligence, Simone the nun devoted to destroying her and finding the holy grail from a co executive producer. big bang theory and the co creator of watchman and lost comes the new peacock original series, MRS Davis, an epoch, quest of biblical and binary proportions, stirring, Emmy award nominated betty gilpin simone mrs David streaming April twentieth only I'm peacock here Well, you should know today, over the weekend, Sudan descended into violence with street battles. Reaching for control of her to the capital. For years ago, sudan with inspiration to the world when its citizens
hold a widely detested ruler, omar Al Bashir, the revolution fall eighteen months ago, when them terry seized power in a coup. The military post to hand back power to civilian leaders this week, instead to generals. Each commanding Different factions of the armed forces are now battling each other for control of the country score. the people have been killed in the fighting and hundreds injured. Today's episode was produced by stellar tat, Mary wilson and enchantment, with help from the vendor plug, it was edited by m J Davis. Lynn Fact, checked by Susan Lee, contain original music idea, powell, Marian Zono and rob, Numerous though it was engineered by Chris. Would our theme, music is by Jim Burke and Ben lands. Work of wonderingly special thanks to Amy Chin
That's it for the daily I'm so, municipalities, cinema.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-19.