« The Cardone Zone

Vivek Ramaswamy: 'Let's Get Rid of the FBI' – A Controversial Conversation | Cardone Zone Ep. 175

2023-08-17 | 🔗

On today's episode of the Cardone Zone, Grant Cardone interviews Republican presidential primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, as he lays out his presidential hopes and direction for our country in the years to come. Get ready for the Cardone Zone.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is brought to you by gc tv dot com. Go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing. It's real! It's raw! And it's right. Now the welcome to the cartoon zone, my newest podcast, where every week I'll bring to you a new celebrity artist, at least some of the top people in their fields, ceos from around the world running the world to give you their insights, their knowledge and their breakthroughs. Look. These people came from nothing just like ideas, so get ready with uncle gee you're in for the ride of your life or we're going to tenax everything. You thinks the way you work the way you act in the way you roll every single day make sure you subscribe and comment, love to see what you're talking about and get ready for. Today's show what a massive respect man, I'm a big fan. I appreciate man
yeah. Really really like you. You inspire me tremendously to become you know to reach for my full potential. Let me give you a proper introduction: american business leader new york times best selling author founder, ceo of a company to develop what five drugs, but that yeah five are fda approved. Yet in two thousand and twenty two, he founded a company called scribe, which is equity asset management company. You compete with black rock and state street in vanguard. You know just competing with giants like that. Had to get you ready for this Competing with now harvard law school graduate, twenty twenty four republican nominee, isn't it of the united states of america, phenomenal man? I appreciate their brother. Thank you, emerging as a a twenty twenty four geo peace start like nobody was paying attention to you just ninety days ago at my right to say that yes, there to say what so what happened do what? What click we can only really honest with you, I don't believe in it,
the sting, but I also don't believe in false humility either. I was pretty confident when we started this campaign that this was. The message was really going to do off the rest of the world seem very sceptical of it. In my experience, for that was travelling the country over the last three years. Speaking the truth, I mean that's what woking my book was all about. That is what near nation of victims, capital spun, whenever it three books in the last two years been to a majority of states in this country, I didn't expect to run for president. I started thinking about it when people come up took up to me at the end of those events and demand that I consider it say they listen. I really need you to think about run it for president, twenty twenty four and if a number of people who you dont know you're in different states across the country, tell you that at its hard to shake off and if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have taken this idea seriously. So I think what resonating with people? I think it is the fact that I really am not attached to a particular result here. My goal is to speak the truth at ever
step, and I would rather lose the election then to veer from my beliefs, but I think that it turns out that might just be the winning political strategy, actually an enemy a lot of people in politics who end up becoming superpower puppets I say that disparagingly against them. It's just how the system works. So what does that mean? Yeah I mean it's. It's not a term that you'll hear in politics either, but it's kind of one that I made up, but it kind of describes what's going on, which is there's a mega donor class that determines who should and shouldn't run they're the gatekeepers, typically even who gets in the race you take a tin can hat in hand ask for permission to run that comes with strings attached with what you can say on the hard issues, but the easy stuff everybody's pretty line. You know who can have a pissing just on who gets to boost the most anti woke thing they can say here in europe. In primary that's par for the course and that's fine and I wrote the book on woken us writer, wrote, woke ink, and so I, most of these convictions that others have adopted on the hard issues
right. In terms of how do we act really and a war in ukraine that we should not be an bit which becomes a no win war that we're on track, create another vietnam or the truth about what happened on january sixth, about bank bailouts about getting to the heart of what we will do as a nation to move forward beyond a politicize persecution of a former president, the united states that happens to be running against people. Like me, in this race, that's complicated, we got to roll up. Our sleeves on the climate called on electric vehicle subsidies have been, let's get to the tough stuff, and I think that's one where other candidates have a hard time if there are consequences, if their beholden to somebody else, and I'm not your saying because they connected to the super pact. They can't hit the ukrainian. The january six, the bank bail out the proceedings if you're depended on mega donors from buttering your bread, your restrained and what you can I didn't plan on talking to you about that, because I don't really know about it, but but these interviews always from our curiosity, who are
megan downers while others it is about you know- maybe a hundred people, roughly speaking, maybe maybe a couple hundred people in the republican party in this week with their counterparts in the democratic parties and under the overlap between the two parties and, in my view, was vacant come along if they want absolutely like any citizen in this journey, but I am going to speak that ruth at every step, and I'd rather invest my own money rather than beggin somebody else for theirs. First, to get this campaign off the ground, and so I put over fifteen million dollars of my hard earned money into this campaign. Already I've had us grew a small dollar donors that have lifted us up. We will we about seventy thousand small dollar donors, while congratulating the threshold for the first republican debates. Forty thousand we already past seventy thousand and growing in the beautiful part about this is forty percent of them are first time ever owners to a republican any kind well, while sets out we're bringing new people in that tells We can actually deliver a landslide election because I think there
other people. I know you're not supposed to say this, but I absolutely donald trump. Rather republican candidates can beat Joe Biden in a general election in a narrow. You know fifty point one style election. You do! The math, I think, it's possible, but I think, the only candidate who can actually deliver a landslide in twenty twenty four, like ronald reagan, dated nineteen eighty, and we see it in the data in the differences, young people, the forty percent of our donor. Many of them are young people coming along that never would come with the republican party. I personally think this has to be a landslide election. We need a moral mandate to revive our missing national identity, to shut down the administrative state. To do the kinds of things I want to get done, that's good acquire a moral mandate, its being unconcern brain does, I think, a big competitive advantage and unity. the people are on tv ads and I were new Hampshire. More than I am right, now, because that's what heaven giant super packs behind you can can buy you early in the rays. How important is that that the people get involved in this cycle, critical, critical,
I think that I understand all the reasons why people want to be disengaged ride him and we have a broken system. Were riding broken rails, the electoral system and otherwise? But that's why we need a freight train, adding ethics, twenty. Twenty four has to be a landslide. We keep, cannot be small margin. a conversation earlier today actually in- and I want to put an optimistic note on this right- we live in a moment where we are repeatedly lied to, and I think this is the moment where We, the people say we can handle the truth. Never watch that movie. What's your Yeah you can handle. The truth is jack. Nicholson know he'd. Get me jack nickel It represents the Joe Biden viewed anthony voucher view why we have the noble lie it has you need beyond that wall? What worries says no we don't need you on that wall and, yes, we can handle the truth about what happened with the origin of covert nineteen, the truth,
what happened on January six, the truth about government censorship via tech companies to do it, the truth about the hunter Biden laptop and the bribe from ukraine and from china the true about Jeffrey Epstein, the truth about the nashville shooter, you name it published that man. Faster I'm going to nashville tomorrow to call for the police to release that manifesto. We he can handle the truth and that's him. or what the american revolution was about and the positive view of this is. We live in a unique moment right. There are rare moments in human history. I think we live in seventeen seventy five moment. I think twenty twenty three as its seventeen seventy five moment where there's election a city in the air and all the reasons we have to be discussed, The answer is: no, you don't hide from the electricity in the air you go outside you catch it. You do something with it and that's the choice in this republican primary. Do you want in
her mental reform working within the system? We have do you want incremental reform, or do you want revolution and I stand on the side, a revolution, the american revolution, and we are blessed tools in moments such as these, and if we wake up to that and say we're not going to disengage go indoors, clamshell and I'd button. we are about to actually rise europe as a people for the good for the ideals that make us american in a good way, in a way that engages in the not only the electoral process but exercising our voice as citizens, boys, an opportunity that we have. That gets the moment we live it so you said, something about donations, even control or manage or decide. and where your add on a stage during a debate yeah me. I think that it's it's a so they they haven't been super clear, but all the criteria that go in
They give to hit minimum donor thresholds of forty thousand for the first fifty thousand for the second sixty thousand for the third. The good news is that this, point having criteria like that are designed to keep you. Don't newcomers and outsiders out I'm an outside but we ve shattered it, and even I think, jammer professional politicians and vice presidents etc have been hit it yet some good there. Now. The next step is gonna, be the subject of metrics have even how the media covers. You write. The media is not taken seriously as a candidate. They just are there'll, be reporters though repeatedly cover canada the appalling way lower than me, that won't mention mean articles and I'm not whining about it. I'm just a laugh and about it again. but one of the metrics that they use is all right. How many unique donations do you have right? Are you actually is not just the pull numbers, but people actually parting ways with money? Some that's actually absolute dollars that people are able to re is actually one programme we launched as a lift the curtain on this one is there
the special class of political fund razors that get a cut of what they raise up to ten percent of what they raise? for you as a bundle or whatever they get to keep it My view is: why do I want to pay some member of a cartel, do that when everybody could do it, so we launch programme, the kitchen cabinet, honestly, anybody here, whose good at selling a message and raising funds join that for us You get to keep ten percent of what you raise for us. I saved them political car tell us doing it might as well open that up to every citizen to be able to do the same thing that just launched recently again You go to that website, the vague twenty twenty four dot com eurasia. At thousand dollars. You keep ten thousand dollars and people say who is that wild, no action? That's literally how the system works right now, it's just that a small group of people get to do it. Why should everybody get to do it? Right Biden has ten per and for the big guy, I say ten percent for the little guy. But let's, let's unleash ourselves in building what is again
Ass rude snowball affects us how the media covers you, then the absolute dollars right now, we haven't, but we are not on tv What I do and tv ads in national or other places the candidates are a german at a pot. Guess like this, what I'm talkin about this, that the business side? yeah? That's what I really want goes up, I want to give us some. That's that I want people to understand the annex on how locked down this is because I think the voter, the little got me understand competition. You understand me, pressed understand how rigged the system is, whether it is right. Did you trying to get a bank Why are you trying to get a check and accounting trying to get the savings? Are you trying to get five percent rather than a half a percent. We understand how stacked the deck is, whether you white brown or black, male or female, and so when, when you when, I think what we don't understand is how rig The political system is an you. You now see that from it, because a what you're doing yesterday
wait works as you ve got these professional mercenaries more like the political consulting class in the fundraiser class candidates are like commodities. They come in and their their lilla shiny toy, but these people continue to make money offer that system is an industry It is a massive ugly underbelly of an industry more. People will make money off this twenty twenty four presidential election in any election in human history. Many them are trying to make money offer me ok. So I see this gave played and then they have. their friends in the media. So a reporters funny story. The other day on Sunday A report from a major newspapers calls me says he's literally reading off of the bullet points of something that was handed over to him by a super pac consultant about quotes from my books that they're trying to play gotcha on and then he's like. I'm like, I don't remember, writing that I opened my book and, like it didn't say this in there, I'm in the middle of the interview was like: where does it say this in the book?
and then he was, he was following or other wait a minute then I was like: do you even have the book that you're asked easy now have you open as no senor linen just reading off a memo at deadline that you have to publish a story which is really just fed to you by a guy who's, a repeat player in the political consulting class. It doesn't even come from the other candidates. Regular candidates are just puppets, it's their super pacs and their consultants that are driving all of this, and so I refused to play that game and that's what they dislike me right. Their whole game in the media right now is don't even attack. This guide right now just ignore him, and hopefully it goes away mean to you yeah. Exactly and and and that's what they try to do trump in two thousand and fifteen and it's like you, you introduce an outsider like an antigen to a body. It has immune response it's gonna what's happening now is first, you ignore it. Then you, criticise it yeah, then you lose nothing
exactly how this is that plot in some way the plot. When twenty sixteen, I always get but this time. So in one point there Do you have to embrace because, what's going to take to run, I mean what do I spent in total? The two billion the winner of this election is going to have to spend two billion dollars. The winner spends two billion yeah it voted validate so you're talking about tinville one billion dollars billions. I mean I mean, goes down a lot after the two for the next, but bit but it'll be billions of dollars, then what they spent. and they spent seven billion in in michigan on the senate, race, unbelievable yeah yeah. I mean a couple of these other races and it's an industry cause leeches in the middle, make a lot of the so my views on call in that bluff and I've anyway, the out there. You want to make money and do the same thing. The political cartel is doing but if they take twenty twenty four hour comes sign up for the kitchen cabinet. The result, you know, there's a standard legal process and everything you go through and then you raise money kip percent of what you re? They hate me for this, because it breaks up their cartel right right, envy
so the guys who actually wield power even more than the candidates and there's an analogy to the federal government here right, because then the myths The federal government is it's the president of the united states, who actually runs the show that it's the Biden, decisions that are holding this country back. It's not guys. That too, is just a farce, he's just a puppet. that sits on top of a machine that was their law on before he arrived, that will be their long after he's gone and to tell you if I'm the nominee and I'm expecting to be the nominee, but if I'm the nominee that machine isn't even going to let him run right because they know I would what about in the landslide? That's why they're in the documents case hanging over lording over his head right, keeping a lot of other stuff that they're not drop in on him. Now that hammer will drop, if a guy like me, the nominee, then they put up a new puppet without an ex puppet michelle. Furthermore, the gavin newsome. So that's just
This game is played is even in the government, the people who we think we elect to run the government like the? U S, president, are not the people who actually run the government its again, that in managerial class just like in the campaign is I'm seeing now it's the political can. Dont machinery, the super pack machinery that runs this. the candidates is the little toy, the puppet who sits on top farce. It's a game rebecca who are these people there like like it's a hundred p it's the same- it's the donors in the managerial class, broadly, whose funded by them. So it's the same kinds of people who come the assistant secretary under secretary of god knows what or ambassador, some second tier nation. That become the associate dean of whatever at a university that then guinea professional seat on three corporate boards getting paid. amid six figures for shown up a three board meetings a year its them. and a g class, and that's the real divide in this country. Right now. It is not between earnest, republicans and Democrats who disagree and policy
It is between the managerial class and the citizen is the great reset versus the great uprising. I stand on the side of the great up. I think Bobby Kennedy junior probably stands on the side of the great uprisings. It's not a republican versus democratic, the managerial class versus the citizen, This is the seventeen seventy six question because I go back to. Why said it's a seventeen. Seventy five moment right now: let's sitting there. This is the we live in? We live in a unique time. We shouldn't be frustrated or or or upset about this. I think we should be encouraged actually we live in a unique moment in history. Now will we buckle and stick to some sort of partisan divide about tax rates and say we're on the side of the Republicans and we favour reform. Adding reform is a false promise, made people who make Promise? Don't even know it's a false promise, but it's a false promise. Do you want reform, or do you want revolution? That's the question.
Face right now and when you have designed a revolution. Yeah you say revolution like? I immediately think violence rhino. no, I do not mean violence. I I think I think revolution as in the american ideals of the american revolution right. I do not think this has to end in the way that in a way wait another twenty years. That might be where we are right This is our window to get it right by people standing up through knowledge through speech through unapologetic speech, without fear so. This is the moment where we exercise those free speech rights without apology. This is them where we actually stand up for those seventeen. Seventy six ideals take some personal risk. Maybe you take it the losing your job, maybe you'll, be very honest with you made the risk of your internet counts being locked? Maybe you may take the risk of being de banked. these are the risks we take, but we can make a sacrifice if we know
what we are sacrificing for- and that is this thing- we call america's I stand out to be very clear about this. I stand on the side of peace because you tell people they cannot speak. That is when they scream you tell people they cannot screen. That is when they tear things down. That is what gave us junior six. I don't want to see that happen again and started. Very clear about that, but I think we live in a unique moment where we reject the managerial class and the everyday this is the great reset. On the one side, it's a great uprising on the other. And I stand on the side of the great uprising, and I think the way we do it is by exercising to the fullest, our legal constitutional rights, which too many people are afraid to do today. Oh ok, so important part of that would be to go to support you. Obviously you know, I
I don't know how to support other candidates. I know they all want money. I mean this thing should not be an industry. The way it is it is making that honestly people volunteering would be amazing to write. I think volunteers are powerful if they're actually invested in the pause so certainly go to a website. You sign up absolutely we will use volunteers to But this message- and not in my case, is not talking about me cause this isn't about me. Yup Its talking about our actual message of truth spread the truth. There are two genders fossil fuels or a requirement for human prosperity? Reverse racism. Is racism, an open borders, not a border parent, Determine the education of their kids? Can elysium lift people up spread these? as the across our country, our constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedom in human history. And we will stand up for it and we will fight for it and we Well, not been me, I'm a vehicle right now,
on hearing to be your instrument, our instrument too, this done. That's the way. I see my role in this exciting that way we do this yeah. So, let's just if some of these issues, that you brought up a guy and I saw the the the x, I don't think I'm supposed to call them tweets anymore or access. You know, and let's talk about reverse racist. I have a huge audience of people that don't look like me that that follow me, some of them like me, some of them down, I never say at right way, I'd if I'd sure going this reverse racism thing that there's no such thing as racism. If your black, you cannot be a races leg, it would go nuclear. What you saying to me that black say that anybody can be racist. I've experienced it. I've experienced racism in my lab. Look First thing I want to say is we need to take this construct that, just because you, various racism, your life is ruined. I stuck my toe, I dont, let it ruined my day. Ok, we all stub our toe
It's like ok, has somebody said some racist things to me in the past. Yes, do I let it ruined my life or even my day? No, I don't, and I think by the way, What different today than even it was in the nineteen nineties when I was growing up in southwest ohio a little bit different in the year. Two thousand twenty three good things change move forward, but I've experienced racism. It's come from white people, it's come from black people I believe experienced more racism from black people that I have from white people in my life. I think about makes people upset to hear that. But I just as my experience right am speaking the truth and I think by people have experienced racism from indian american people and from white people and whatever to? But what I believe that we should live in a country where we don't judge each other on the color of our skin, but on the content. I've heard that you, you wouldn't believe in it. If you would worried that it still harder for black brown. You get alone to earn interests. Even on a savings account like a failure and I'll tell you why it is economic disparities. I'll tell you
those economic disparities begin with a broken edge. Occasional system which traps kids in the school districts where their board, that is the civil rights issue of our time right. Young kids, are trapped by their zip code. like a modern ghetto system. When it comes to education, the public schools that are spent in the most per student are once the poorest results, so I favour sculpture, son steroids, put money into Parents hands dissolve the department of education and for them to send our kids to the best schools, oh and by the way, take some of that money. When the public school with, without putting the kids account on our plan that kid graduates with Two fifty thousand dollar graduation gift when he graduates from high school, just by starving, The teachers union laden bureaucracy- you tell me the better you some money, then it goes upstream of egypt, listen to the family. If you grow up in
single parent household, I don't care what your skin color is your eight times more likely to end up in jail. You are eight times more likely to be a drug user, more likely to end up in poverty less. Equally to graduate from high school. So now, let's take the color blind what it? What happens? if you're in a single parent household got every every step, just goes off up the short off their authorities rights so sudden, listless trotted out that how do you solve that, like my eye was raised by a single mom? Yes, so, and by the way I want to be the first to say this: There are many people who succeed, despite that, that's a great thing, but that doesn't mean so we should wish for everyone else's his answer. I visited outside of chicago, I went to kensington the inner city of philadelphia. These are places where republican candidates don't go. There are women in those communities who are paid more money, not have a man in the house then to have the man in the house. So the federal governed
should not create an incentive structure of blame the families. I blame a federal government that creates bad incentives for these people, People get paid in many cases more money not to go to work than to go to work. That's a bad incentive and dogma. Kensington people get paid free crack pipes and free needles through the so called aid programmes instead of having a path off of drugs like air so I think we do have a bad habit in this country of paying people to do the exact opposite of what we should want them do what's best for them, And so these are solvable problems, or so I don't blame peoples there. You blaming, the victim. You know I'm not actually, but I think that if you just take that statistic on father lawlessness or or single parent households. The facile explanation for saying, ok, blacken you know, hispanic people are behind on economic educational. Achievement result! That's true,
but blaming that on racism today, as I think up lazy explanation, because here's a different prism, what black white brown asian. If you grew up single parent hustle, that's exactly the outcomes, you'd rage and then you just look at disparities in single parent households. It's like forty, five percent, black kids, vs, nine percent of asian kids or less than nine percent of asian kids. Okay, that explains the difference in results, and so we should want to fix that for all kids, regardless of their skin color. But how do you? How do you fix it? How do you keep the that man from leaving yet such a part of this part of this, we fixed by the government. You really honest about that. The government can stop subsidizing it, which is what we're doing today. I think the square Occasional system is a big part of this to you. Allow those para either do parent or single parent to send their kids still to the best school they can. They can't do that today, their stock in the art of school. we're reinforces the same culture, so the government can fix everything,
can we really careful about falling into that trap. We don't want the federal government fixing everything, but the federal government can get out of the way and can actually empower people too. make their own choices in a way that they're not economically empowered to do today. The rest of it is going to have to come from culture. Frankly, people like you pastors coaches teachers The national revival is gonna require everyone to do their part, and so, even if you guys vote for me and support me- and I'm your next president, I'm not letting you the hook that easy right you're not done? I still need you to Egypt. We each have to play our roles. but there is a role for the president to place not more important everybody else's. It's just another role and that's the role volunteering to play at least fix the bad policies and set a sort of national character, of example that reaches the next generation, and, dare I say I hope, inspire them and bring them along with us. That's the way I think about it. So much since I agree with you, kill the fda,
it can get rid of the f b. I you know you know we can handle the truth. I think the american people deserved another truth like so indeed, but but when you say like a single mom, I can see that okay? Are you saying, she's being rewarded right now to to manage the three kids without bringing the husband back or what I'm saying? Is you actually get more payment? If you actually have that single bear. household rather than a man who's in the house, but not earning as much as the federal government would give you. Instead, so there are many people in that situation that literally You get more aid because of the circle, dance therein, rather than having a working father in the house because of the way the math works that he might not be bringin enough money. to actually make up for it. You in the aid and how does that solve that problem? Why? The first of all you don't creed, the incentive structure in the first place and I think a lot of that came from a cycle of being trapped in those schools, why's that dad not earning that money despite work hard because he was trapped
poor educational system that gave him those poor outcome, so there's no silver bullet right. It sounded like oh taking away. The aid is the magic solution in the, run without any other solutions. Yes, that could actually leave people in an even worse, spot but note the way I talk about it. It's part of a comprehensive vision of also, You know it's a social combine that, with this right, take take a real family. Imagine now that they now have ability to send their kid that better school, a private school or charter school I've been really specific about this elsewhere. So I might as well be here take the inner city of of philadelphia right, thirty, five thousand or or new york forty thousand dollars per student per year, now you're going to a better school that
costs in many cases, fifteen to twenty thousand dollars per year. Let's say it's: twenty thousand dollars a year. Okay, under my vision, you take half the difference, the forty thousand for the twenty thousand that travels with the family, so that family just goes into count for that family. Ah, you star of the bureaucracy that we in the public school you mean pound that meaning education department, Barbara well, at what were first of all the step. One is the federal education department that spends eighty billion. You shut it down that gives people be cool, one other voucher to choose the better school that step one, but I'm going one step further, which to say that when that, when they leave the bad school right, discovered spending, a thousand a year and by the worst schools are the ones that, in terms of achievement of the ones that spend the most money when they leave that's cool, not only are they leading that school because they have actual school choice to be able to do it and educational voucher or equivalent to do it when they leave data, can take cash with them. The difference
in the forty thousand and the twenty thousand they get to take half the difference. Ten thousand dollars with them and put it in the kid's account there that that's an investment account when that kid graduates from twelfth grade. If that's just invested. Even normally that's a quarter million dollars in that kid's account when he graduates from twelfth grade my that's a good graduation gift. You go up in the inner city, you ve got to novel, they go to a better school, but you actually have a car. million dollar graduation gift, when you graduate study not close, what's a better use of money, the reason we don't have it is the teachers unions are dead, set opposed to it, because that is the bureaucracy that we need to starve and so to me this is where a lot of the work listen. Schools come from is they'll, say, odin a math is racist, two plus two equals for that's math, that's not racist, but what might be racist or inequitable is failing to teach a bunch of poor black, it's how to do math or to keep them but for an entire year were a bunch of kids,
It is charter, schools and private schools during a pandemic still got a full year. A school we're, never gonna fix that an equity in, they blow what I call woke smoke to deflect accountability for their own failures, and so I'm calling that bluff but I want to do it not just to name and shame people, but because actual solutions. We could bring to the table to deliver that economic empowerment now, all of this can be done by the government. Some of this is cultural and I think that it hurts to talk about. I think we ve got to speak about the hard truth. We ve got a fixed certain failing cultures in our inner cities as well, a culture of victimhood, a psychological culture of failure. That's out of this too, and that's not just the: u s president's job, though the president can be a national symbol of character, but it's gonna require cultural leaders. in other spheres of our lives: parents, teachers, coaches, people, who provide inspiration, the film the way movies portray people all of this
to be an element of our national cultural revival, but the president has a role to play and that the role and look into black would you support ending these bad schools, terminating their funding and teachers working there like they're? All, yes, do we have enough schools in the country to support the students that want to go to the good schools? Yes, we do actually and an end the trap that we ve created. Now. Is this legal? What happened a pensive annually We had a democratic governor, Josh shapiro, who pledged go it in an inch or so years that situation pennsylvania. They had access cash lying around by literally exe s money from covert aid during the covered pandemic, any We're gonna use that hundred million dollars to turn it over to give peoples. What choice so they're not taken away budgets from the public schools, their lives, We just giving poorer families is poor families. Here we're talking about the ability to opt out the teachers unions,
lobbied, so hard to prevent them from even using that extra money. So it wasn't even money there taken from the public schools but its excess money lying around observing it there's plenty of other schools that have access enrollment capacity, just giving families the ability to show up and actually go there. The union's got in the way of even that, and so that's how broken and rigged the system really is, because you think about it. Why do private sector unions intermittently wise there more colorable argument for that? It's you gotta their holders on one side and the seat. Your represents the shareholders and the new. You got. The unions representing workers that are engaging in a negotiation here, nobody's actually representing the citizens and the taxpayers, because the guy got elected whose supposed to be representing them only got alike. Because of the union's that actually contributor enough money to put him up there. That's than now negotiating with the union's under their sides of the same party. negotiating on both sides, its rigged and
oh suffers as a consequence. It's the kids and the families, especially poor kids and poor families. As a result, can the president influence the curriculums at the state levels only indirectly and I'm a tenth amendment, absolutist right so leave a drunken required the governors. The indirect way, is to stop the influence that there already having. So what the? U S, department of education does, as they say. And the eighty billion dollars a year and they say you only get that money as a public school if you adopt these toxic racial and gender ideologies, and that's why the public schools do it? so many people, the existence of school boards and some others does come from bad school boards, and I'm so grateful for parents who get engaged, but many of those school boards are really just responding, while van providing too the incentives that were created for exactly see you kill the head of the snake, that's the! U s! Department of education, shut it down! That's a big part of how influence. It indirectly is by stopping the toxic influence. Thirty have
every receiving eighty billion resist that yes, exactly right, I mean this is the deep state. This is exact What we talk about- and this is where I'm a little different than trump- I'm not blaming him. I think he was an excellent president actually to be clear. I'm learning from the foundation that he laid he put is the device on top of good priorities are good. I liked the way you walk the lines, but I don't know I'm just speaking truth. I mean I really love, but I voted for him right as I speak. He was an excellent president right, so I'm not going to sit here and bash a guy who is probably the greatest president we've had in the twenty first century, him in twenty. Sixteen was the single greatest thing that happened for this country to stop the inevitable marxist march through our government or institution. So I am grateful for that. But here's what I learned from it is he put betsy divorce on on top and said one the department of education, it didn't happen, they're spending more money than ever, because you cannot tame that beast, but you can slay it yet you can kill, can shut it down exactly that's! That is the right answer, and that comes back to that question. Do we want reform or do we want revolution?
spect the people who stand on the side of reform. But if you stand on the side of the american revolution, the seventeenth his six ideals that were on the same team and not going to come from somebody who's come from within the political establishment. It's not going to come from somebody who grew up within the system. It is going to take it outside an outsider was not beholden to anybody, but also announced who has a firmly rooted conviction in the laws and in the constitution in its approach, we're combination right. I I went to law school. I've been every three books. Written constitutional law goals and otherwise the quoted by judges, federal cases and read the last two years on one hand, but I'm not just an academic right out. then a ceo of built, multi billion dollar businesses created thousands of jobs in this country. That's what calls me into this is, I think it takes both of those things right now to get It's job done and I think we all have to look ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves: how were we going to do our duty in playing our small part in reviving this country and as ridiculous as it might have sounded
for thirty, seven year old, outsider guy, like me to say it. I honestly believe it especially when I think about reaching the next generation reviving national pride amongst young americans. Nerves, leaving, I guess, there's you meant to do it. You're pitches, strong brow. I do your very charismatic. Strangely condensing, thank you man. I presume that end The other thing. I will say, though, down to be honest about this, in respecting it every every audience and every voter out there. My job in this is, I just want you all You know who I am and what I stand for. Everybody in this country knows that and then if this isn't what they want, I'm good with that of your height, I'm fine. With that I put my head on my pillow at night and sleep. fully, but the system is so rigged in broken there. designed to stop you from knowing that right and
pritchett conversations like this one you have. As you know, we take questions from the people online. Everything else that's good right. We are more that because the rest of it is designed to be filtered and rigged to stop you from no at me or the other candidates in this race, it's all distorted and if we cut them A distortion of people don't want what I have to offer. They want reform of a different kind rather than in over the revolution that I stand for fine, I'm cool with that. But I'm gonna tell you what I stand for You guys put me there, that's what I'll get done and I think people are ready for a revolution. I think you know this education thing. We took our kids out of schools five years ago six years ago. They immediately improve by not being around the other kids and frankly the parents and the confusion. How old are they? If you don't mind me asking there, there are twelve and fourteen. Now, okay, they've been out of the system for six years, and you know my family said they're they're not gonna, be socialized, unlike exactly what we want and ran on since the others, so much confusion, there's so much confusion in our system
so my older sons, three and a half now and were seriously. I never. I if asked me before. We had kids. Why? Because their homes, schooling, I would say no way and yet that's exactly the option were considering The best thing we did for our family was to homeschool their kids. It was better for our family. Now, unfortunately, you know there there's no government aid to support that, but buying actually part of the school choice program right. You heard that out that money with you put an educational counter, the kid he gets to go to great college with some. The despair with that quarter million dollars. I talked about brilliant, but in the meantime that should actually support parents who need to make that choice. I wish I had more time with you yeah we gotta, unfortunately, flown by. We get a rock and roll soon, but I am so happy I, u want to eliminate the up here. Yes, I do. You may talk about the details of that a little bit while epa. What else you want to kill the f D, a f b, I c d c, I r s a t, F department of education, nuclear
Regulatory commission and we're just gettin warmed up the answer, and in and out for me, these are slow you guys need to send a message on talking to the listeners writer you guys have you have the boat when your pocket? You can't just have ideas, ideas. You have to fund them You spend fifteen million your money over fifteen yeah. How many interviews. Are you doing today, five, six, seven yeah, I mean easily easily in town halls and everything else haven't. I worked from seven a m to eleven p m, usually most day seven days a week, occasionally will take a day a month off, but we stop at nothing on this thing and it lifts me up with it people of this country say this is what they want. I am your instrument work through me. To get this done. Inform me, men out, will tell you Even the f b, I shouted down. People say that extreme neuro extreme, is this. a squirrel, let me tell you what's not extreme, is having a government that actually presents the will of its people. Shall give you specifics? There's thirty, five thousand employees and the fbi. Twenty.
I was one of the more in back office functions. That's where the political rot comes from. They are going to have to go home and fine, honest work in the private sector on pragmatic, the fifteen thousand agents that are on the front line, many them good people, most of them good people. the move them two more specific agencies that haven't been polluted. Like the? U S, marshals, which is good. It on child sex trafficking, rings movement. the e, which is investigating some of the same cases. The fbi is the drug cases, but in a separate silo move some of them to the financial crimes enforcement network, underneath the? U s: treasury, which has actual expertise to go after white collar client crime and large scale theft This is in some sort of political slogan. This is actual vision of how it's done. We don't need the fbi. self as an institution that is still the edgar hoover building that people walk into and report for duty every day built in the shadow of J grover. We don't need it, but that I mean people suffered to the contrary. The fifteen thousand people who really matter we're moving them too
other agencies that haven't been corrupted. So this is zabels aliases, extremists are impractical. No, this is far more practical and effective, but also legal and constitutional than what we are actually doing. Today the current status quo. So that's the kind of leader I want to be is yes, idealist in my convictions, but deeply pragmatic and how actually implement. How would you manage the fed and their overreach with raising interest rates, crushing the middle class right now, their ability to even gallop labour markets has become impossible at seven percent interest rates. I know this is such a good question I gotta go. I advise you pray rock and roll soon, but this is such a good question. Let me just take this in at one too is so here's the deal the fed has been for twenty five years, trying to hit two targets with one arrow and they ve been missing on both inflation and unemployment,
The reality is that there should be do any this plain financial god from on high. They should be focused on one job, stabilize the: u s, dollar, as a unit of measurement period, against goal silver, nickel, agricultural inform commodities. That's it stabilize the doll It actually means something against goods of real value commodities, real value, that's it I dont need. Then three thousand employees, which is how many work in that system today. I need less ten percent of that, so what it will do in ninety percent, headcount reduction of the? U S, federal reserve single mandate stabilize the dollar in this reveals part of the problem actually, because when you a bunch of people who show up to work who should have had that job in the first place, it's not just their headcount costs that the problem is that they find things to do
actually are far more destructive. Then just having not existed in that bureaucracy. The first was puzzles. I've had gotten costs too. that's what I think about it, and it gives you a sense for how I look at near the FDA, in india, in the and otherwise, in a very similar light, whew hot you would want to know what, where covered, came from I believe we now know where it came from now. We finally do Four years later, I can tell you that in mid twenty twenty, but now we need to know the circumstances under which it was released. I believe it was there's really The likelihood that there were some intentionally to it, I do I do China's intentionally flooding mexican drug. EL south of our own southern border, with synthetic materials that create fetnah so the bar in southern border with chinese chemists who lives out of our own southern border. Pumping fetnah went into our country across the southern border. It's happening every day, there's the deeper questions. We have to ask why if there was, some intentionality to the coven nineteen pandemic if they are intentionally
as they absolutely are, sending raw materials for synthetic met, federal south of our own southern border, and then there was possible for ninety percent, or maybe it's eighty percent of our pharmaceutical supply chain from any classes of drugs, who's to say that lace, that, with the same fetnah that their lacing purkis set with, it's crossing our southern border. Now that sounds like the stuff, a crazy conspiracy theories, but actually ever think it Logically, based on the truth, it's not that unthinkable. If we escalate our attention with china and in and I think that they're the ones escalating the tension with the Chinese, bible and wine over half of united states. So these are the questions we have to grapple with. And these are not easy questions to grapple with their ugly the hard, but we, as I said at the beginning, we can handle the true. There is no such thing as a noble lie. We live in a moment where, where the people who led the gun
then the managerial class, in the universities, in corporate amerika and in the federal bureaucracies they believe the public can handle the truth. If we believe we can handle the truth, some of it might be ugly. Some of it might be uncomfortable, but the first step is just telling that again, that is how we move forward as a country. That is why I am going to nashville tomorrow. Demand the release, of the shooters manifesto that the fbi and the police committed to you believe that manifesto aside, I genuinely dont know I genuinely don't know. I think that the the default assumption was that it was a transgender individual. harboured some animistic committed, create eight com against a christian school, but I dont know actually- and I think that This is part of the problem. Is we start making up our own theories? That that be my best guess right now? But if we don't want somethin like that, to happen again. You could virtue signal and talk about some anti gun law. That's the wrong way to deal with this year with a mental health epidemic. We can handle the truth, somebody wrote something down in a note book, the traditional,
police as they release it, release it to the public, and I understand, is a consideration. We may be painful to the victims and their families. We have to do it with decency in respect for those families, but we the public. We have to do it, proof and that's what it's what I wanna restored in the government of any one thing, it is restoring truth, man. I really appreciate your time they are just quickly. Ukraine ended are our let it go and ended, and it in and out would you ass good questions and you have done a what job you mean by part? if he, if he wins your part, oh yeah, yeah. Absolutely I've said that I was the first person to say it in fact, and I've written on the pages of the wall. your journal, here's the exact legal argument for why in both cases, should they be pursuing him the way they are now? absolutely not. This is a dangerous precedent in united states. Do you think the last, The action was rigged by big tech. Yes, it was a hundred bide, laptop story. If,
it had been allowed to be shared. Donald trump would be the current president of the united states. No doubt about it. Where do you stand on abortion pro life without apology, and I think that I picked that up at ST x high school in cincinnati, and I actually think more people are pro life in this country than are willing to admit it. That's the other, I will say yeah I want, and I have found that incite dont think this has to be this divisive issue. We ve made out to be ok, I can do to help and support your stuff Bob I love your message. I believe in it my wife has speaking to eight hundred women. So if you want to come in and say hi to him, okay are all voters. Think I'll same closing is that we have been taught to believe that our diversity is our strength or diversity. not our strength. Our strength is what unites us across our diversity. The pluribus odom means from many and I believed those ideals still exist in our country. I believe me
each of us share them in carbon. I believe we still have a window to work with where we together can revive the twenty years from now the ball games over, but I think this is our last best chance to still revive those ideals of the american revolution, revive that one nation under god- and if you guys do your part, I promise you. I will do my. I appreciate your time lebanese alliance. We have a big audience right now and ex so not all of you guys listening your support means a lot to me. I I do not take that lightly. It lifts me up and it will lift this campaign. Also thank you guys today show is brought to you by gc tv dot com. Go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing. It's real it's wrong, and it's right now the cartoon zone get ready with uncle JI, we're going to Tenax everything said in a way you roll every single day.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-19.