« The Cardone Zone

Time, How to 10x Your Hours | Cardone Zone Ep. 183

2023-08-31 | 🔗

On today's episode of the Cardone Zone, Grant Cardone exposes a problem that has been with us since the beginning of civilization the procrastination and time management dilemma. While some complain that there isn't enough time in the day to complete tasks Grant asks the question, What have you done with the time at hand? It is raw and unfiltered, get ready you are about to enter the Cardone Zone.


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is brought to you by gc tv dot com. Go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing: it's real it's raw and it's right now Hey welcome to the Cardona zone, my newest podcast, where every week I'll bring to you a new celebrity artist, at least some of the top people in their fields, ceos from around the world running the world to give you their insights, their knowledge and their breakthroughs. Look. These people came from nothing just like ideas, so get ready with uncle gee you're in for the ride of your life or we're going to tenax everything. You thinks the way you work the way you act and the way you roll every single day make sure you subscribe and comment, love to see what you're talking about and get ready for today show successful people are willing to be uncomfortable. Those succeed war at one. Point or another in their life. I promise you willing to
with themselves in situations that were uncomfortable, whereas unsuccessful people see comfort from all their decisions. The decision is based on a model to be comfortable here. I don't want to go. in client, albion, comfortable. I want to sit in from tv, I want to find the most comfortable, so far can have Wanna work out, I get uncomfortable. I don't wanna go to this group. I want to stand on a stage. I don't want to speak to people see. You know the be uncomfortable. You gotta be uncomfortable discomfort an indicator of where you want to go, the most partner, one of the most important things I've done in my life, we're not the things I was comfortable, doing in fact many then made me so uneasy. I mean I was terrified whether it was owing to a new city? Call calling a client are hundreds of them meeting new people doing a new presentation. Venturing into new sectors are businesses that I knew nothing about most these things one comfortable for me until I repeated the action enough time and got familiar with it and baking
professional added. It's so tempting to become country, you're surroundings, your daily rituals, in your habits, most you're, probably not furthering your mission they're not even challenging year anymore. Many of you listen. This are bored with your own problems. Look. It feels good when things are familiar, it feels covering it's like now. Shrink the little boy right, but that's not what I'm gonna grow. So that's what people willing to put themselves in new and unfamiliar situations are woman meet new and unfamiliar people. They want to go to new parties the reaching up they're, not reaching down there, not reaching sideways. They don't have just there all bodies. Now they got new friends in addition to their old friends. What does it mean that they're always changing just for the sake of changing? That would be ridiculous. However, they know they getting too comfortable tube, acts too familiar cause the person who become soft and he starts to lose his or her creativity and hunger to stay out fraud to be challenged by what the other players are doing. So beware
to be uncomfortable in What makes other people uncomfortable as well. It's a sure sign that you're on your way to success, reach up in they ships. If it were up to me, this would be a base course: for every year that someone attended school, it would include drills in which people are encouraged to do things that they're not comfortable. Doing the successful constantly talk about having people around them that are smarter, brighter and more creative. That's just not blurred their use using their all saying. The same thing did us rather myself with great people bright people smarter, people than me. It's unlikely that you're here, one of them say had where a man you know, because I surrender myself with more people. Just like me, yep, that's right. I surrender myself what people actually that were dumber than me slow. or the me they didn't think big average people, on the other hand, quickly. If you look at their lifespan, his or her time with, like minded people you're only
trouble when you're around people. That think, like you do men, that's not expansive and even some people that I know, spend time with people that actually bring less than the table than they do maker, Amateur reaching up in all your relationships toward people were better connected better educated and even more successful by reach up in your relationships, you're going to have these people gonna have more to share with you, then you're proposed, equals or less dance, no offense. Okay, this habit is connected to their willingness to change, challenge, tradition, grow and do what others cannot fathom that's what you want to be around reach up, we're sideways, never down base your decisions on what will be the greatest investment to move you toward your ethical commitment to great six, As for yourself, your family, your business, people with whom you surround yourself, are going to have a great to do with whether you achieve your goals are not, let's face it, you don't want Oh horizontal, you want to go recall if you want to go visit.
Go. Then you gotta go vertical with your friends. You want to go up. You do this by associate yourself with bigger thinkers with bigger dreamers with bigger players. Looked black belts, don't learn new skills from white belts. They be reminded of the basics from a white belt, but remember that a white built cannot take a black belt to read belt. to a high degree of ran or black belt. Look. You can't becomes that's golfer by plane, would bogey golfers you get it. You have the interact with people who are better than you, smarter, then you who are more connected new reach. Don't reach sad waiting dull reached down it's. What successful people do in the seat only way to become better yourself. Thirty to be disciplined remember We're not talking about money here when we're talking about success. We're talking about success in every area of life, and to do so, you will not be able to compromise this thing called discipline. Discipline by definition, an orderly prescribe conduct that will get up
person an individual or an activity. What it wants discipline is requirement. For you to be attained, exploiter. Unfortunately, most peoples- disciplines, look more like bad habits instead of the admittedly on content ten ex actions that we have to make disciplines for you, discipline what you use to complete any activity until the activity, regardless of how uncomfortable, regardless of how challenging comes a normal operating procedure in order to ever attain keep success, you must determine which habits are constructive and then discipline both yourself, and your group to do those things over and over and over again until it becomes a discipline, If you find you don't have all the previously mentioned thirty two successful traits in habits, or maybe you see yourself having most or some of them most of the time, but then you occasionally fall off a bit. Look no Please don't worry about it. I dont implemented. Have these every second of every day, I would would
most of the people. Listening to this duncans, slowly display all thirty two these qualities all the time, but you want to I am aware of the list. You want to This was close to you. You want to keep these thirty two traits, so close to you that you're looking at him all the time that you're becoming very very aware. You're able to make new commitments to making these techniques. If you will these indicators, part of who you are rather than merely something you have to do. You want to make this part of your life, although I don't personally operate in the success column of all thirty, two of these one hundred percent of the time. I'm gonna tell you what I know but they are- and I know, I'm operating with the most the time in their becoming part of my life just like on breathing air. I make it to ensure that I spent most of my time doing what successful people do. So when I'm to buy property, and am I
I figured it out yet I'm like oh man, you don't need to figure it out. Dude commit first figured out later, I'm working on a project right now I dunno how to get the lending for it. I don't how to get the down payment forward. I dunno, when I'm going to do the duty, agents. I don't have a working into my calendar. I know a thing, but committed I'm in contract, I'm on a deadline to get it done, it can phone calls right now to figure it out. This kind of commitment ok and unjust using one of the traits. Now is an example of this kind of commitment, even knowing about what makes great people great people just knowing that that's one of the indicators put me back in the game when I was thinking figure out how to buy this property. Now you don't grant okay. What does One is that discipline commit first figured out later. Another with the number is right now I'll, go back and check it out here. I don't know somewheres in the twenty twenty six. Twenty seven, some like that, commit first figured out later due to show up all the way figure how you gonna play later on the number dead matter. I've read these
much. I keep em around me that I'm like ok, that's where you need to go. Do it rather than being tempted tobacco look none of the things and this list their not superhuman, but they're gonna make you up it compared to other people, like your superhuman every single one of them is attainable organic care how far out to reach it is start thinking and operating with keep them close to you until they become a part of how you operate use. All and use them all the time and use them at ten acts, and you will get everything you want life. Try to take this approach, be great, for to go to work and see how much you didn't get done in the time you have making a race a challenge, make it fun. The first thing you do when managing time and seeking bows is to decide what is important for you, in which Do you want to achieve success in what quantities right down there, things in order of importance then determine the total in time you have available and decide.
And where you're gonna alot time to each of these endeavours another. thing to do is log how you're spending your time daily, and I mean every single. Second, this role you see all the ways in which you are wasting time, those little bad habits and those activities that in no way can contribute to your success. Any act. That is not adding. Would you you're far should be considered wasteful, think xbox, online poker watching television napping drinking taking smoking breaks the potential this endless brutal? Isn't it? Yes, it is but look if you know manage a term. I promise you that your waste, your time, of course, will change throughout the course of your life and in your career. You'll get older the chief and then generate new goals, different things, people will enter your world? All these changes require that you continue to modify your priorities, for example,
I listened for years to parents who told me I didn't understand how to balance work with family, because They have children remain well. I recently a first job most assuredly. an event to demand more of my time and able to experiences for myself what I found not a problem with balance or work, but a solution based on priorities, my daughter, early, gave me another reason to great success, not excuse to avoid working more. She is sheer motivation for me to do well, because now for her as well as for myself, look, you can't be in your family for keeping you from green this success. You deserve this be the reason you want to succeed at a bigger level. It might seem difficult, but there always ways to make things work. Give yourself your family members on a schedule allows you to do those things that are a priority for you and them, for example, my solution when at my door. It was to add one hour to each of my days in order to spend time with my daughter, my wife
when I met and we create a scheduled there will allow me to have time with my daughter and my wife and not negatively impact the work schedule, the production schedule that provides for our financial success. The first my wife and I did was build our daughter, sleep schedule around our priorities. We agreed that I would get up one hour earlier each day and take my daughter on an outing just me and her would ensure that I would have quality time when I'm home my daughter before I go to the office and before I become consumed by the days events, vets and also would allow my wife's an extra time to sleep. It now been doing this with my daughter, since she was about six months all and it works beautifully each more I'll. Take my daughter to the grocery store with me and introduced her to all the people who work there at the grocery store. When I get back from our outing the rest of the day is mine to produce in the business world uninterrupted, because I get my daughter up so early we're vince in a position to put our debate before seven p m each night, denmark.
Wife and I are able to spend quality time at the end of the day, not interrupted by a young child. We understand that this system will continue to change as my daughter grows older and that alterations will have to be made in it. However, the point is that we're controlling our time, rather than just haphazardly, trying to manage time our decision to set priorities and commit to a solution lets us be the boss owners to control loss of our own time, the busier become in life, the more you the man's control and prioritize, although I see We don't have this to some scientific formula that will magically make this easier. I can tell you one thing: if you start with a commitment to success in a greater control of time. You were create an agenda. There will accommodate how you use tat. You after the sad first, how you're gonna use your time. You must command control and squeeze every second of it in order to increase or footprint and dominate the market place,
Get everyone necessary your family. Your college associates employees to recognise and agree upon those problem. these, which are most important to you. If you do this. You will have people with different agendas, porn you and all sorts of directions. My schedule worked for me because everyone in my life, for my wife to the people who work with me, know what is it's important to me and understands how I value time. This allows us to handle everything else that comes our way in our culture were frequently encouraged. A slowdown, relax take it easy, fine, boughs and just be happy with where we are, and then what but we have This can sound great in theory. It can be very if a call for people who abandoned every decision to ever being control their lives but most p or can't simply relax and take it easy, since they never do enough to, be themselves of the meagre existence that comes as a result of mediocre actions, work should provided
purpose. A mission in a sense of accomplishment. These things are vital to single persons, mental emotional and physical wellbeing. People who promote the new age esoteric advised it slow it down. Take it easy courage and a mindset that is doing anyone any good, consider the types of traits this thinking is created and people laid This procrastination, a lack of earth, see. Swath tennis The blame, others, irresponsibility, entitlement excuses and the expectation it's up to some one else to solve our problems. Wake up now one's going to save you, no one is going to take care of your family. Are your retirement? No!
and is going to make things work out for you. The only way to do so is to utilise every moment of every day at ten ex levels. Only this will ensure that you accomplish your goals in your dreams, happiness, security, confidence and fulfilment, come from utilizing your gifts and energy to achieve what ever you ve decided is success. For you and it requires every bit of your time, which is yours, and only earth to control once you. Ten exactions start getting traction. You must. continue to add. Would year far unto you eat a start, a brush far or a bonfire or a burn the place down, don't rest and don't stop ever I learned this the hard way after achieving a lot of success and then resting on our laurels. For a moment, this, they calmly made mistakes. Do not do it stacking word until the far so hot and burn so brightly than not even your competitors, not even market changes can put the far out you're far higher
to continue to be stoked in there it's more, would more fuel and, in your case, more actions once you operating like this. It will become almost second nature to continue because you're gonna, be winning you're gonna county he would new actions. easier in most natural to continue taking mass of actions when you are winning and winning is only possible with more massive actions. When you begin to see things heat up, your quick, we become aware even obsessed with the possibilities before you and was or to see new levels of positive results. Your actions will start to perpetuate themselves like a fly we'll that once it gets going continues going by itself. Newton talked about the love and inertia. An object in motion continues to stay in motion. I keep They can action to. You can't stop your forward momentum. You might even find yourself operating unless sleep less food, because your lurie subsisting on your drawn generated by your victories. It will be about this
and people will start offering you their admiration and then their advice now be particularly aware, or wary of those who would suggest that you ve done enough or who advise you to take a little rest or hey it's time to take a vacation now. Is at the time for rest and celebration or vacations is time for more action. Andy grove, one of the intel corporation's first, employs coined the saying only the paranoid survive and, although I'm not recommending that you spend your entire career in a state of paranoia, I do believe that you must stay committed to taking action even after achieving success along the way. Continue to take more actions in order to achieve an exceed your goals. The time to celebrate or take vacations will come right now. You must keep adding would until the fires burning so hot tat. No one and now thinking put out your success. One of the problems with success is that it demands continuous attention. Success tends to bless those who are most committed to giving it the most attention. Success is somewhat like alone or gordon no matter
a green it gets or how beautiful flowers you must continue to attend it. You have to keep moving trimming, edging watering and planning, otherwise, your grand will turn brown and flowers will die. That's the case for success. There's no retreating for those who want to create it and keep. It is look at them if the belief that the successful get a kick back and stop making the very efforts they brought them. Their fulfilment in the first place always keep to four actions. Doing nothing, retreating, take The average amount of action and taking massive action keep them in mind. The ten acts rule means you're going to its success in quantities great enough that your conscience, in total control. The wannabes and people who get close are the ones who quit quit adding wood and they back off me. some action is designed to move. You pass your peers, pass the wanna bees and off the treadmill the best way to quit.
What about your competition? The best waiter to to eliminate uncertainty is to build a far so large and so hot that every on in the world. Even your competition comes to by your fire for warp. Keep a man most competition is created by those who are unwilling to operate at the higher levels of action. those who are merely imitating the efforts of others. There can never be enough. Would on your far. You can never too much action or accumulate too much success, there is no such thing as being talked a written about excessively being covered too frequently, receiving too much authority or work too much these are simply claims that mediocre people make in order to justify their own decision to be happy with the status quo. How can ever take too much action when you haven't this ability to create new action? Look at the big players on this planet. None of them now
ever run on energy effort, people, ideas or resources they enjoy the gifts of abundance because they create abundance in their enterprises. So, instead of resolving these people, hating them man, meyer and emulate them. If you do you'll find that the more you commit to new actions, the more creative you will become. It is, though, europe education opens up new possibilities. Pour out from new commitments is not then necessarily the creativity that is so brilliant, but the ability to take ass of action that prompts the brilliance I recently met with very, very high profile pr firm, in LOS angeles, whose members suggested in this meeting that I might possibly or should be concerned with the concept of over exposure. Some I thought was an extremely strange concept. The notion of over it
osier, I'm sure you ve heard this. The idea that you can see or hear about someone too much about a product too much. This is based on a concept and a person doesn't continue to generate new ideas and new products. The underlying belief is that an overexposed person or an overexposed product will somehow lose its value, but consider the following coca cola: number, almost everyone on planet earth you can find coca cola products in almost every store, bore airplane and hotel in the world. Is it over supposed, should it had its products, should the company hold back and fear that coca cola will lose its value because too many people are hearing about it? It's too easy the gift, or maybe too many people are using. This seems to be fairly ridiculous. To me in there are countless other examples of products in companies that prove this point. Microsoft. Starbucks, mcdonald's, wells, fargo, Google, fox tv, more walgreens, exxon, apple, toyota, even some athletic and celebrity personalities over.
Exposure for most of you is not a problem. Obscurity is the problem. If you don't know me, then it doesn't matter how good my product is or how low my prices. Remember. If you don't know or know about me, then it doesn't matter how good my product is or how much it will do for you or how low the prices, and even if over exposure was a true problem which is not look. I'd still rather be overexposed than face obscurity, the same but true fact, is that most people don't even get in the neighborhood. Above Exposure. Most people never get inspired enough to build a bonfire so hot that others come to it There either miss educated, so we programme to settle for less fear that their actions will somehow get them out of control. I promise you. This will not happen to you. You mean build your far so big and so hot the unit, burn house down at least willing to burn the house down, but you incinerate everything in your path. Go
all the way go all the end and then keep going all in to your far burn. So hot the people stand around your foreign admiration of your ability to take action. don't worry about the resistance. You're afraid your face from either market or your competitors. They'll get out of your way. One they see, you're a force to be reckoned with that do not consider myself a great manager by any means. Neither have I been a great planner in fact I've, never even written a business plan in my life, for any of my businesses, however, have always been able to effectively manage myself well enough to build multiple companies, fronts rather than a profitable term management has never been something I considered valuable for myself, even though I do spend time on those things that I think are most valuable. I afterward questions about time, management and balance. It must seminars I have found throughout my career
the people who are most concerned with time management and balance in their last on the very same people who believe in notions of shortages that we discussed in the earlier chapters most don't even know how much time is available to them or what task are most necessary to accomplish in the time they have look. If you don't know how much time you have or need, then how on earth can you expect to manage time and balance it? The first thing you must do is to make success. Your duty, by setting distinct and definitive priorities- I can't do this for you, of course, everyone's priorities are different. However, if success as a main concern for you than I would suggest that you spend most your time doing those things that will create success. Of course, I don't know what success means in your life. It couldn't be. of a variety of people and things finances, family happiness, spirituality, physical or emotional. Wellbeing are, if you like me, it would include all them remember It can be all them for you,
Personally, I am not interested in ballots in my life. I am interested in abundance in every area. I dont think I should have to sacrifice one. favor of another looks what people think in terms of all, whereas, the successful tender place, limits on themselves and think in terms of one or the other day we believe that if I'm rich, I can't be happy or DR in my career, then I won't how to be a good father, a good husband or spiritual person. In fact, is it seem to me to notice that the people who put limits on them the most about what is available them, are also the most inclined to talk about balance. However, this is a flawed manner of thinking that neither time management nor balance will resolve lucas for I'm concerned is pointless for people to worry about time, management balance the question they should be asking is how, can I have it all in abundance. Successful people have attained the things they desire quantities so great that no one can take them away from them and how
a person. Consider him or herself successful if he or she is unhappy, what happiness is there in being unable to pay the bills or provide for your family or worry about your future? The mobile? You achieve one girl, you ve ever yourself, then it's time to establish a new target quit thinking in terms of either are and start think in terms of all in everything. That's right. but thinking in terms of either or in start thinking in terms of all in everything, as I was writing this eclat sent me a message asking man: do you ever rest, a joke wrote him back seconds later. Never do it, course like every other human beings? However, I know how much time is available to me. I know what parties are, and I know it is my duty, my obligation, my responsibility to go after them in the time I have. I challenge you a chance, I you to keep track of how your first spinning your time, your veil, butter and maybe journal it most people have
oh clue what they even do with their time, but then complain that they don't have enough time? Did you know that every single person has a hundred and sixty eight hours in a week and based on a typical forty hour, workweek typical, the average average? U s employ only works thirty, seven and a half hours of the hundred and sixty eight hours available with thirty minutes for lunch each and it's pretty unlikely that most people actually even work, the average thirty seven half hours. In fact, the average visual spent twenty two point, three percent of his or her available time at work. Thirty three point: three percent asleep and sick, dean, point six in front a tv or online, and those comparisons assumed the person spends a hundred percent on his or her time at work. Actually working, then the very same people worry about balance in time management, but
imbalance is always going to occur. When you don't do enough with the time you have, while most people claim to value time, many most, in fact, don't seem to know very much about tat like who creates tat. Do you create your own time this? Some one else do that for you? What can you do to create more time? What does the expression time is money me? How do you, the time to make sure your time is money. What is the most important thing you should do with your time see all these questions are worthy of your consideration and require your attention in order for you to maximize time. Now, let's assume that you have seventy five years to live in this lifetime, that's approximately six hundred and fifty seven thousand hours or thirty nine million four hundred and twenty thousand minutes take any given day of the week you have an average of thirty nine hundred mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, fridays, saturdays, etc. Now here's the gary port of if you're thirty, seven years, all as you listen to this When did you know you only have nineteen hundred and fifty wednesday's laugh? What, if you're,
nineteen hundred fifty dollars left in your bank. Would you watch it slip away. What would you do whatever you could increase it? Actually, that can do more with nineteen hundred fifty weeks than most people will ever do The only way to increase time is to get more done in the time you have look if I could get fifteen phone calls Donna fifteen minutes and you get fifteen phone calls done in one hour than I have essentially crave. Forty five minutes for myself in this way the ten rule makes it possible to multiply time. That's right, the ex rule makes it possible actually multiply and control time if hire someone in pay that person fifteen dollars an hour to make fit being calls every fifteen minutes. Then I duplicated my efforts and my time then becomes money to really stan manage maximizes squeeze every opportunity. Out of the time you have. You have to fully understand and appreciate how much time you have available. You must first take control of your time, not
allow others to do so. If you listen to people discuss the topic of time, especially in regards to the amount they have at work, you'll probably hear a lot of complaining people act as though work is something to get through yet in reality, they spend very little of their time at work. Most people only work enough to make it feel like work, whereas successful people work at a pace that gets such satisfying results. That work is a reward. Truly successful people, don't even call it work for them. It's a passion, a hobby, something they want to do. Why, because They do it enough to win an easy way to achieve bounce is to simply work horror while you're at the office. This won't just leave you with more time. It will allow you to experience the rewards of your job and make it feel less like work and more like success. You must think in terms of being everywhere, all at the in time omnipresent this is the kind of thing ex mindset necessary to dominate your sector. If you commit to, you ten exactions consistently followed with more ten exactions than I assure you that you
we propelled into situations where you will find yourself everywhere. At the same time, the first thing you have to do is burst through obscurity. but the world know what you can do for it, then you must do that relentlessly. It might sound like a grind. It will only be a chore if your goals are too small to self serving and when their own attained approach, It won't feel like a grand when you come out on top. You might want to get rich, but why? What want to use the money for. Do you have a higher purpose? Is there something higher than you looking to serve after all, only accumulate so much personal web before doesn't really matter anymore. Maybe you want to mass riches in order to help more people improve conditions for all mankind that will require you'd, be omnipresent everywhere, all the time all at the same time. are your purpose. The more fuel it will provide for ten ex actions. This is what it in order to rocket to omnipresence
people of fame and influence achieve the status because they are compelled to fulfil their purpose by writing books. Doing interviews, blogging, writing articles, excepting speaking engagements, and saying yes constantly to get the attention for themselves. Their companies in their projects These are the results of thinking big. This is A grand this passion it's only a gram when your mindset and actions are too small, create enough of a pay off for you and your company, your capable you know capable of much more than you're doing now. Watch match your mindset with the right purpose and the right since you will start taking the necessary ten ex actions and find yourself simultaneously propelled anymore places. Didn't you ever thought was possible in order for your life not to feel like work are like you're running on a hamster wheel. You must in terms of the right volumes omni presents the goal of being everywhere at all times
then, at the same time is exactly the kind of massive thinking that is missing from most people's expectations of themselves and their dreams. You first must make a vow to have your brand idea concept. Company product service have a footprint on this planet to do so. To get involved with your community school system, neighbourhood, politics and everything you have ten and be seen at events right in the local papering, get connected to the players in your community once involve, you must do everything possible to stay active. Have people see you read about you hear from you and think about you. Say yes to every opportunity to get your word out, make yourself no right about you project talk about it, lectures on it. Even bark on this three corners. If you have to commit to omnipresence I didn't learn this incredibly important lesson myself until I was under a major tag by people who didn't want to see me doing well and
figure out how to counter their net. Of attack on me? got reaction was to retaliate immediately by waving footing physical harm, which I felt in a fleeting moment of insanity. How, for. My wife reminded me around saying the best revenge is ass of success. She asked me to move forward with such great momentum and how much of a presence that every time these people woke up turned the tv on or made a business move. They To see my face here, my voice and be reminded I well I was doing hearing truth, for my sane and positively if immediately put me at ease and made it clear to me that the best payback was force of any kind, but simply amassing more success. Then spinning energy. On retaliating, I spent all my energy resources and creativity unbecoming omnipresent and expanding my footprint people with her, I had never done business started. Saying to us. I see your name everywhere everywhere.
I go. I hear about grant cardone. I was completely focus on expanding my footprint and making myself known to the rest of the world. Then worrying about a small group of critics or criminals. My business blew up every front. Opportune He started flow in daily. We started getting tension not just from those we have focused on, but from people all over the world. As a result of this campaign, my books are being translated into chinese and german. As we speak now, inquiries are starting to come from france and mexico, south africa and other countries, or flowing in with interests for ourselves, training programmes, audio programmes and our books. We have people calling us from up here in the states in overseas you're, interested in tv programmes and me doing magazine articles now look not bring in here but I'm showing you what can happen. What will happen for you when you take the right action at the right level? It start thinking in the right size is omnipresent
should be your goal, all powerful companies, ideas, products and people or omnipresent they can be found everywhere. They dominate their sectors. They become synonymous with that which we represent real success, is measured by longevity, you wanna, get excited and passionate for the long haul them make omnipresent your constant go. Your name brand and reputation or your most vi well assets only if enough people know them and use them and remember the best way to even the score against those you have it in, for you is to me yourself so well known that every time they look up morning. When they wake up are right. Before they go to sleep at night. They see, evidence of you in the marketplace and your success. The word omnipresence invades the concept of being everywhere in all places at all times. All at the same time can you
imagine what it would be like if you your brand and your company could be everywhere all the time and how much power this would give you, although it may seem impossible. This should be your goal things that are assigned the most value on this planet are believed to be available everywhere. It is impossible to mass true success without thinking in terms of making your ideas products services are brand universal. The things upon which people depend most are omnipresent from the oxygen you breathe to the water you drink to the fuel. You burn in your car to the electricity that runs through your home to the most impress we branded products on earth. What these items have in common is that they are accessible everywhere. You see them constantly depend on them and have become used to meeting and in most cases on a daily basis. Consider something a seemingly obvious is the news, tv channels, newspapers, radio and the internet deliver the news, twenty four seven and that's usually what's on people's minds most frequently we see when we
wake up. We talk about it, watercolor we hear about it throughout the day and we watch it on television before we go to sleep. This is the kind of man set from which you a stop right to make your for available, like the news everywhere, you want people to see you so often did they think of you constantly in instantaneously. Identify your face or name or logo would not just the offering you represent, but even the offering made by those similar to many people incorrectly assume the day make a handful of phone calls, a personal visitor to send out a few emails and somehow will command people's attention, but the truth none of these actions will cause people to think about you enough are often enough to a considerable effect or you operating at the right level of targeting and thinking big enough, if you're not already need expand your approach and in larger footprint, with the goal of dominating and being omnipresent every
where all at the same time, my goal these days is to get more than six billion people to hear my name constantly know it: I hear it and then when they, think sales training they think of me, although this may seem unrealistic, probably an attainable. It is the right target. Thinking footprint and concept from our business to be everywhere, the mere women to do something. This big will be an adventure in and of itself, even before unable to fully attain this goal, I will achieve some greater level of success than I have now in the attempt. Will money come as a result? Absolutely will people by our products for sure will. I create success from ideas and get support for whatever I am trying to accomplish guarantee This mindset will then allow for us, my company myself, to make all our decisions with the goal of moving me in the direction of getting everyone on the planet. To know me my products, my company and my efforts. Every decision that we make it. My company is now based on this one mission introduced.
the entire planet, to grant card out. Although targets have to be funded. Money is not our primary interest, we know profit. we'll come as a result of our efforts to be everywhere at the same time, we don't ask what a project will cost now or whether it fits budget or, if you have time to do something we ask. Does it help us accomplished? the mission of omnipresence. We don't stop to figure out whether I want to travel or what I want to do to speaking gig when I want to talk to a smaller group or a large group or what the outcome may be. We we do not allow any excuses and distraction they could limit the expansion and omnipresence in the same way. Any attempt you make to him yourself, your brand, your product or your service, be omnipresent, will automatically guy your actions and decisions. Is this kind of too big for most people. It is. Is it absolutely necessary well
not if you want to sell for average. However, if you're considering average go back and re read the chapter or why average goals or certain fail you, and why normal does not work, Show me one great company that has not accomplish omnipresence coca cola Mcdonald, Google, starbucks philip morris. Eighty anti lazy boy, bank of america walt disney fox tv apple, earns young ford. Motor company visa amount can express macy's walmart best, buy these names are everywhere each of these companies or in every sense, some on many multiple street corners and most available around the world. You see their ads. You know what they're logos look like you can even hum some of their jingles and you user names to describe not just their products, but in some cases even there predators products as well. There,
So individuals who have accomplished this thing called omnipresence so well that a whirl immediately recognises their names, Oprah bill, gates, Warren Buffett, george bush, Barack Obama, abe, lincoln, Elvis the beatles led zepplin walt disney, will smith, mother teresa mohammed Ali, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, and I could go on and on whether you like them or not. Each of these people has created such a name for him or herself that People now know who they are. At the very least they recognise their name and align it with something of importance. The way they now manage and control their brands will determine their long term. Success and survivability. My father always gave me the following valuable advice: son, your name is your most. Orton asset people can take anything it s. thing away from you, but they can't take away your night now, although I agree with my dad's emphasis on the importance of name and respect in, of course, becomes less important.
No one knows your name. Unless pete Oh, who you're no one will, attention to what you represent you have. People to know you, which means you have get attention the more tent You get the more places you will be. The more people you are with the more you can be everywhere and all This will improve your chances of using your good name to do good work. Have you ever heard? The saying is enough. If you can just help one person, although is surely a good thing to help one person and certainly better than helping no one. I personally know they believe helping One person is enough, I know it sounds good and that this saying emphasizes the importance of helping others, but look there's six point: eight billion people on planet earth and most of them need some help. our goal must and can be bigger than just one person and should be in order. There's to happen. People must know who you are and what
represent otherwise you will not, regardless of your product or your service, your idea or whatever you have. You can't even make a dent in the people that need help. Successful people persist until successful the ability to persist. Given path, regardless of setbacks, unexpected events bad news and resistance to continue steadfastly are firmly in some state purpose, or course of action. In spite of condition, is a trade to those who make the list. I sure that I at least am more persistent than I untalented. This isn't a trait that people do or do not have it's something that can and must be developed. Children seem to display this quality innately until they come to see via socialization parenting or a combination of both that it's how most people act. However, this quality of persistence, is necessary to make any dream a reality. Whether yourselves person or state person employ employee you
at the learn, how to persist to all types of situations. It is as though this planet has some kind of force or natural tendency almost like gravity the challenges people's ability to persist, like the universe is just trying to find out what you're made of as it continues to cause you over and over. I know that any endeavour attack will require for me to persist with tunics actions all resistance, morse intimate support, I don't try to eliminate resistance, merely keep going until the course changes in my ideas are maintained instead of defied. I had a head facebook, whose support I tried to gain, but could not. Rather than deleting the person. I asked my follows on facebook: what they thought of a situation elect and bury this guy and further support me, is something in depth. Supporting me simply persist with so much success that any remaining resistance will cease. To exist. Persistence is a great advantage to anyone who wants to multiply his or her success because mode
The people have given up on this innate ability to persist when you retrain yourself to do ever is necessary to ensure that you're, the best mental, emotional and financial position to persevere. You will find yourself on the list of not just the most persistent but the most successful. Once when I was in vegas a man sitting next to me said these casinos will always make money, because the people that play here are never willing to take risks and love. it's great enough to wipe them out, I'm not suggesting that you go out and try to take a casino down. However, the man's observations reminded me of how many of us are taught to play it safe to be conservative and never really go for it in a big way. Look life is not a great deal different in vegas you're gonna have to put something on the line to get a return, In point, you will have to take a risk and the successful or wounded a risk in a truly big casinos of life and business come on you, really take enough ristocrat. The success you won't need must be.
never go far enough in getting recognise. Gaining attention are even making a big splash, see they're trying to prove to conserve a reputation, a position or some already achieved state there trying to protect their hand? The successful are willing to take gamble, to put it all out there in no, regardless of the outcome that they can go back, They can do it again. They other themselves, to be criticized too looked at seen by the world, while the unchecked, as for whole back and play it safe, remember the old saying nothing ventured nothing gained at this? I miss vital that you get your family and friends to be supportive of you taking risk and in no longer playing it safe in your life and in your career, a bookseller survive. I introduce the notion that successful salespeople money the unreasonable with his or her clients in order to concentrate a sale.
Clearly flies in the face of what most of us are taught. That is to be reasonable. Illogical being unreasonable requires that you act without rational consideration and not in accordance with realities, and, yes, that's what I but you do when. people see this definition, they get confused and think that until now them be crazy, but look successful people recognise how vital it is to act with. How reason they They cannot afford to act in accordance with the agreed upon realities if they do, the successful people, if they do they supposed impossible can never become possible for them being a extra, require thinking and acting unreasonably otherwise. We will end up the same way. Everyone else does forced to survive on successful people's left overs unreal. nor does it mean being mentally unstable and let's face it, who just a little off the rocker, but that you
used, to any longer validate the alleged sanity of reasonable actions that will never get you what you want anyway. Most of the world is playing in accordance with some set a stupid, useless roy. This double rules that only ensure that they will continue trudging along in bondage is a mere slave. Think about it we have cars, airplane, space, travel, telephones, the internet. In addition, thousand other things we take for granted every day. If someone hadn't done something that another person labelled unreasonable man would do nothing exceptional if it were, for the willingness to be unreasonable, so be one of the unreasonable once they are usually the people who make a huge. difference in our world and make the six let's be dangerous, since for a trial. Someone has been trying to keep you from danger be careful as the march for their parents repeat their children while buying products from entire industries that they have created
just a safe, prove a home in order to protect a child. Unfortunately, many people get to the point where there so intent upon avoiding danger that they see to truly even live their life. If you look back over your life, you'll probably see that you have done yourself just as much are even more harm being careful them by being dangerous. Think about it. What was the last time you ve got: hurt you're, probably trying to protect something at that time, afford even happened. Being careful requires you to take actions cautiously and there's no way that you will ever hit. Ten ex activity levels are taxed, gulls by being cautious mass action demands that you throw caution to the wind, even if it puts in the path of danger work, with powerful people is dangerous. In and of itself, do you want to get investment dollars from a billionaire a cell, The page four million bucks a year you wanna take your company pub,
is so you'll have to be willing to be dangerous, because more will be expected of you when you go to work for a millionaire or get a million dollar salary or start to raise money from billionaires or when you go public to do something. big. You have to embrace danger the way to ensure the danger doesn't kill. You is to be sufficiently trained so that you can get into the ring and come out the victor the success fully inconsistently committee commit activities, some of which requires them to put all on the line. This goes back to the car, After being all mean that I described earlier and also so the operating with some level of danger in refusing to play it safe, look on six as for people, rarely commit to anything entirely there always
I can not try and when they do, committees normally and destructive acts and habits. Commitment is actually one of those things of which there is a massive shortage. Far too many individuals and organisations failed to ever commit fully to their activities, duties, their obligations and responsibilities to ever see anything through all the way to acquire. success. It is vital that you quit testing the waters temperature you simply, us jump in devoting you doktor, something all the way means there's no back out. It's just like one. Jump, a dead body water once you decide to go for you cannot stop yourself mid air sea I would prefer a person is able to fully commit over one who is completely educated about the right way to do it. Commitment by definition, is plunging him or herself completely to a position issuer action. Successful people see pass the problems a the keep their focus on the promise that they made to themselves or others they
It's your on the outcome of the action, the entire tat. When I commit ensuring successful myself, my family, the project, my company, it means I will do whatever is necessary. I have pledge myself to make that pledge a reality and fulfil my commitment. Commitments are not something for which you can make excuses, nor are they something you negotiate with are with which you give up, commit fully as though you are already successful and demonstrate that commitment all those with and for whom you work, as they say in a half measures, availed us nothing Four members. This means a keg sober if you're drinking even a little bit. In the world's or sets an achievement, half measures veil, nothing in terms of results, except for tiring. the person engaging in the half measures. That's why people refer to work as though it were an illness
only those who go all the way and see things through all the way until their done experienced, rewards at the workplace has to offer Till inaction is turned into success. It's not a done until you make it and your client, a client or the potential investors and investor you have now I'd gone all the way this might seem harsh, but You call decline fifty times and didn't get the deal done. Then you might as well not called that person at all. This is the point which people become reasonable and therefore don't make. The fifty first call commit to be completely unreasonable and going all the way until done, don't accept exe uses. no saddling is allowed under, go all the way there this only two times for the successful now in the future, the unsuccessful spend most of their time in the past and guard the future as an opportunity to procrastinate Now is the period of time that successful people utilised most often to create
futures they desire in order to dominate their environments, cannot do what unsuccessful people do, which is to use any excuse. I can think of to put off the task This should be completing now immediately instead
I just acquired the discipline, muscle memory and achievements that result from taking massive action, while others think plan and procrastinate taking actions immediately right now allows the most successful to design a future they desire. Now, today's show is brought to you by gc tv dot com. Go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing: it's real, it's raw, and it's right. Now the cartoon zone get ready with ample g tenax. Everything gets in the way you roll every single day.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.