« The Cardone Zone

Special Edition: Sharpening the Iron with Tim Storey

2017-02-10 | 🔗

Sharpening the Iron with Grant Cardone and Tim Storey: The old saying that iron sharpens iron is true. You don’t know all your blind spots. Listen in to Grant and Tim talk about making your dreams a reality, turning setbacks into comebacks, and what you can do about blind spots—because we all have them.Tim and Grant will both be at 10X GrowthCon this March. What would you pay to change your life forever?

What will it be worth to take your income from where it is to 10X that?

What would you pay to spend three days with me?

What questions do you need answered?

What do you need to know to blow up?

What do you need help with? Social media, branding, getting known, closing the sale, building a team, investing?

What would it be worth it to simply know the mistakes to avoid?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey! Welcome today, I'm with somebody did I gotta tell you the first time I spend time with him. I was like moved to the cellular sixty trillion cells in my body. Got got woken up. Somehow Kim story is a guy that I truly admire. Definitely an individual that claimed author speaker, life coach worked with a list celebrities like Charlie Sheen and Robert Downey and Kanye West. All these trouble so so like like when I hooked up with the only man. I know you can help me TIM Great great have your buddy. I really really appreciate you in, and I was going to tell you it's been a a manifestation of a dream of mine to meet you and people like you frankly, so really appreciate you spending time with me and agreeing to be at the ten. growth come with me. It is a privilege. You know we're both excited about two thousand. Seventeen are away. That's right! You know
a lot of people talk about what can happen, but, alas, The people who followers are making it happen it's about making the right choices, so No, we get in a bad situation gives a bad choices. We get in a better situation because better choice. So we all been teaching my better choices, so so talk to me about the choice is ok like like when people you give give me an example of of people. You work with when they're, making good choices. When I make a bad choices wise, it happened in an end, and how do I flip and start doing the right thing. Ok, I don't like this. I think that life is. dying, so think about it. Good diner in in Miami, if we win the diner, we now have choices where we sit gay. And then also they bring a menu, and you have a chance, that menu and see what even order answer I interviewed some women.
at a diner in Beverly Hills, God may now some delays working ever years and they the ten most people. When you can't take the floor, they say: can you come back and the early they it can? You come back again, but they cut off order, so they had the menu for a long time, but they don't take the time to make the proper selection and that's what I think will were due on his people. become human doings instead of human beings, the grant we need to stop, look and make the right selection yeah
Not now do ok! So let's talk about this because when you go on stage at the tin ex growth gone, I'm coming in after every speaker, you less brown cabin Harrington, Damon John I'm in the list goes on. At the end I come up, I mean you do a culinary with audience. Yes, so little, let's get this one out of the way right now, because I I'm Tellin ya, I had been dummy man. Do you you do too much. You need to be more. Do less! Oh, my god, you be more Amadou more so so tell me about what is the problem with me being human doing, because I see a lot of people mandate, there. There thinking there study in the reading your talk and politically opener and allay where you live. They they they spend a lot of time in the in the concept and never never bring it to the street. Ok, here's the difference so green card down what you are you're moving at a fast, be like these be
you become number one in your space everywhere I go grab and I go all over the world. Seventy five countries, your number one in your space. Just so you know that. so you moving at the speed of light, but we need you to, but need to be awake and aware. At the same time like. Let me give an example. Johnson when he was run in the core that break back Lakers Shooter He saw the whole core right he's are worthy. He saw Cooper, he's our creed. I don't u bar. He saw nor mixing. He thought What was that? What you do your way and you are aware even just be Thursday, awaken aware, so you cannot be around p. People who die your senses right right,
people around their darling his senses. You will not be awakened aware, so I have got to be around people who keep my life very bright like to stay awake yet said. This is a great. This is a great thing because I mean look. I am like. I am move et. I move fast, but I am very awake a very aware it, no matter how fast I go. I am acutely aware of that. My surroundings, I'm always looking and one of the things I'm lookin for are the bad guy. As you are hard negative people, I'm looking for people that want to stop me slow me down that have wrong information, bad information, counter information in not people that are evil or maliciously trying to stop me, but the incompetent. Yes, I- and I think that is so small
because what happened is any, as you heard me say before in life, you got a plough the ground plan to see one of the sea, and then he read the harvest. You gotta plough. The got a plan, then you wanna, then you re, so we, a grand cardon harvest time. They should lapse from now until the end of your life, you weren't you bought off to harvest, so you don't have time to fill, Two wandering wander right. Yeah yeah, yeah examine you. Gonna sit bigger giant boundaries, because you got a harvest to harm is correctly takes time and you gotta pay attention. So so what you're saying? Ok, cause is really really really really the nights with Mayo gay people need to know what season therein exactly eight. So like I was telling my guys the other day could there were put in a sad together for the tin ex growth, cod and
They had all these words, hundreds and hundreds of words pitch in a deal on my guys. We earn harvest mode yeah. I do not need to plant the seeds now this is going to an audience. It should already know me we should be saying now by now by now, but yet it now orderly reserve. One reason I should just been taken right because I pay I've already done the planning in the watering one hundred percent happens. Is it people forget planet water and they stay plough minded right right. You gotta get harm is minded Z because when you are plowin planting watering payday he's on his way yeah so now pay day is coming tonight. You gotta harbours you harnessing through your books, You hardly do you network, you hardly Tiggle lectures, you conferences, yeah yeah, look you produce modeling on the side. I know I do you know
I'm doing in an undue. An arab add man exactly so, but but you know what you just said like harvesting through your connection so guide the collaboration, the number of people that has said to me yourself included less Brown, Damon John Kevin Harrington, TIM Grover. They wrote relentless work, Michael Jordan, Kobe, Bryant, gunning Tom coming, you don't know, Tom Baton did two hundred and fifty four million dollars and sales last year has now brought his net. Profit is half of that and he's like you'll, never find him on Facebook because you didn't have time a guy named Bobby Castro. His company was valued at six hundred million dollars. You can't biased time he's not going to go on somebody stage. I call him up and say: hey Bobby up, would you be there? Would you talk he's like I'll? Do it for you? So I'm harvesting. Now more than money, but connections, can you talk about the importance of
who you network with? Yes, in what happens is that you could be the right person with the right plan, but you need the right partners and what happens is that we begin Rama upon each other, so grand when I with you, you get with me. We begin to sharpen each other. Irish happens: I'm right right right? So when you run with the grace and people are thinking great, but you again to sharpen each other so really the tax conference? It is a gathering of world shakers we decided to take it to another level- the Roma upon here, you go again around? Didn't I totally agree agreement. You too, I know, I know good people, because when I'm around good people, I think faster. I feel, like my iq goes up. My vocabulary changes. I mean. I definitely have these experience. Some people
I just feel really good around right and is thy Pat on the back we're buddies. You feel good, I feel good. We could have a beer together. Other people I get around. Also man, I've become acutely aware. Other people I gotta, get doubtful uncertain. A lack of confidence this is the difference between people who stay at the same level of others. I'm tired of entire Tardily bloated, totally regular targeting broke well, yeah, yeah yeah. Maybe the next choice to come to a conference like tenant- and the I just gotta be around. She could you know my story when I got only I coca, I was still in my early twenty. Quincy Jones in my twenties, but they also soon in my twenty those guys they met heard me their the rubbed off on me. How can I be normal after being around those kind of people right now
Now I ll tell you what I don't see, how you pulled all those great people and because I, if I pulled Leon man when I was twenty five God Abbe, do that's monthly around down really do yeah! Really right do I love that. I love that TIM story, always lobbying with you man. It's always. I know you got this year, make your dreams a reality. I want to make sure my audience knows about that programme. I think it's fifty nine dollars did I dont how to make your dreams reality? Hey. Let's stop his dreaming in less manifest within an hour spirit, since we were kids Yeah good clearly there's a disconnected map as yet there is clearly a disconnect there's something missing in the bridge. because everybody has something they want to what what do people learn in make your dreams a reality One of these is a guy. You gonna, get as you been teaching a dream. T get a team around you, the health
who is your blind spots and also, I teach then Grant had a clear, the clutter, others. We too many people's dreams are clattered man when they tell me their dreams, I airplane or in them all right, the seven eleven the clutter. I not a clear the clutter and make it very specific. oh buddy, you been doing it a long time. Man- and I can't thank you enough for for making time for me today and make in time for me in Miami, I look forward to seeing you there look forward to hear from me. I look forward to learn and from you and I look forward to doing a q and a with you too, to next growth. Converts newtonian, Kiley, page Lovey appreciates man eating. I can do for you. Let me know. Ok, thank you. Thank you. As TIM story, folks, author, US life coach,
Work with Oprah Leah Coca, Robert Downy, Conway, West Deion Sanders Natalie Coal, Charlie Sheen and he's gonna work with you at the tin Ex growth conference in Miami, be there get your ticket get it now. I see there. I'll see you there. Ok, Jim your os ended. I gave you wish Asia and talk to you soon. I body either I do for you, I mean ok, ok, thanks a lot. I briefly
My love that do business owners and entrepreneurs pay attention in this message, my name is grant car down. You hear me every Thursday on Jimmy Settler Show- and you probably me, on tv turn of businesses around pay attention to this message, I'm bringing to South Florida the ten ex growth conference. What is the tin Ex growth conference is how to connect your business in twenty seventeen and guess what is becoming too south Florida with twenty two of the best most influential business experts in the industry of business today. These are industry titans, like Damon, John and less Brown and Kevin Harrington and nineteen more names right now you get fifty percent off the ticket. You get. Nine thousand dollars were the bonuses and its local, requiring you not to travel anywhere I'll, see you at the tin ex growth con dotcom as ten ex growth con dotcom to next growth conduct gum
Transcript generated on 2020-12-15.