« The Cardone Zone

Real Estate in the Election

2020-10-26 | 🔗
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
He has the magic touch when it comes to real estate patterns. Patterns of our society are being disrupted. One two billion in assets under management, Grand Cardo, changing the game of real estate. This is real estate. Investing made simple again: hey grant Cardone here welcome to the Cardone zone. Thank you so much for joining me today, I'll be talking about Biden or Trump in the effect of real estate, which president do you think will be better for the real estate game. Give me a call three: five: eight, six: five, eight six, six, eight three: zero: five, eight six, five, eight six, six, eight! If you're listening on serial it is radio? Thank you so much for having me in your car right now. As you may or may not know, I've been vine apartments investing in real estate. Since I was twenty, eight years old, but a single family home
Then another single family, home and then thirty eight units, forty eight units. Ninety two unison today our own about eighty five hundred apartments around the United States, mostly the southeast from Austin Texas, Alabama the Panhandle of Florida. All of Miami Tampa Orlando. We got property, I've had property in the Carolinas, Savannah, joy I had money apartments I bought in California, Arizona and I want to share with you how you could actually be working every day. This is what we need to show every Monday at twelve p m. good work every day rather than investing in the stock market with the extra money rather than parking money in our IRA are a o or just parking money. savings account. You can actually position your money into real estate that grow over long periods of time. Okay, today we're going, go about bud and trot, but
I just want to show you what we're doing here, let's say you were going to put You are in a position to put twenty thousand dollars a year in a retirement account which of people doing you're gonna do that for the next thirty years, and that's going to be six hundred thousand dollars. Six hundred thousand dollars. You gonna take paper put into effect a merrill. Lynch Schwab account some type of I feel that retirement are a key o forum. Kay whenever you might call it a Roth, ok illicit you, put: twenty thousand two thousand whatever the number is just do the math or items thirty years is gonna equal, sixty thousand dollars Understand that when you do this you're, not multiplying money, one of the beautiful things about real estate is, I can take six hundred thousand. We just gentlemen, are offices. On Friday he put six hundred grand.
Into a deal I'm doing right now. He's I grant what position does that represent the day? He did this the day he did it. Ok that represented. one point: eight million dollars. He took six hundred grand a body. One point: eight million dollar position in a piece of real estate. Now what happens. unlike this investment right here that may or may not pay him a dividend. Ok, that's a question mark. I don't know if it's gonna go or not. I know this, If you have money and Fidelity Schwab for a one k, a a Roth, you might well just competence say hey what am I earning on that account? Since let me just go back, let me go back to the Clinton's. Go back to the bushes. Go back to Barack Obama, the average account in America, the average real
Account under both Democrats and Republicans have earned seven point three percent annually. In fact, tell you what is its under Republicans? It's you let's go back, you go back. Nineteen, seventeen and Cuba, Can you show my my there? It is look at you, man, look at you! Look at you! guy commercial, real estate, perfect well under both parties. Just to put you guys at ease God what's gonna happen since one thousand five hundred and seventy nine. Where was I one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine? Let me see I was coming out of high school. three years in the college learned nothing. Between one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine and one thousand nine hundred and ninety two, the average real estate average no return with seven point: three percent between Eighteen. Ninety three: I started by real stay right here in two thousand,
it was only nine point. Eight percent notice watch watches getting better in it between two thousand one: the internet busted and two thousand eight. When there was a crash. then, with a crash, it still earn ten point, two percent, twenty thousand in two thousand we're coming out of a crash? Now I earn seven point: seven percent, and then in the last three years the average return has been six point. Seven percent. What is the point of that? Okay? the issue here is recessions, ok summit. Red red represents the Republicans Blue represents the Democrats. Obviously, and it shows you the rich, somewhere between seven and ten percent is what it is not really about. Red or blue folks is about the economy. Is the economy good or jobs growing or prices going up. Ok! So today I want to just you know
The reason I by real estate is number one I buy, because it's real okay number two You know it's a bad, because it provides me with cash flow. Now I have money in a fidelity account. That's connected to a four hundred and one k that I started investing in when I was twenty nine years old and I'm just going to tell you, most of the time number one. It's not real. I don't know what it's invested in number. Two: it's not paying me money every month. Every month I do not get a check from a stock or an etf or a mutual fund. I do not get a check every Much like I do and real estate. Also, I don't get the leverage. I think I have million dollars in an old account that are put in to four years, a million dollars it that
insane million dollars was invested. A real estate slid that over two really deal I would have three million dollars when the real estate number four ok real estate appreciates overlong paradigm periods of time. Ok, real estate will tend to go up in value even through the hill raise the Clinton's the monopoly. man goes through the bushes through the Iraq war through two thousand and eight. look at the returns. Can you bring me back I returned Francisco. Look at the returns on this real estate, seven percent a year plus leverage? A lot of this stuff had been sold yet you're. Looking to return, you can be looked at a casual turns our internal writer returns most the real estate that we I will buying a piece of real estate, I'm looking for five percent cash flow, plus a double. Ok, I'm looking for cash flow, I'm looking to be paid
every day every month to be paid every month, while I get a double some of them, state that I bought. Okay, I have been paid more than five percent. It's been ten percent fifteen percent. I have some deals that I don't have any money in and I'm earning I got a deal right now. The return is is into the infinite I have taken my money out of the deal. Not a taxable abet referred. The deal got money out of it. Not attack symbol of that and then listen to this. I got all my money back that I put in it say I put a million dollars in got my money back then our refinancing got more money out of it, not a taxable Abed and it's still cached Loi after apparatus money out of it so here is bad and here's drop. Here are the questionable, and I don't have the answer this. This is
my friends asked me all the time. Man who do you want to win so did all I do. Is I don't really care who wins? I just think about my investments, my business, my future, my employees, my customers, how's the country to me, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna do well either way, but I'd like the people around me. I'd like Miami Orlando Florida, I'd like the state to do well, okay, taxes. You know this guy's. Definitely this guy's definitely more favorable to taxes. I'm gonna give him an a on taxes. If you're a real estate investor, I'm going to give Donald drop and a plus on taxes. Even if you hate his guts, give him an a plus on taxes As you know, he hates the IRS. He tell talks to them, they're so unfair with me, they're so unfair. He cries like a little baby They they treat me I'm treated worse I'm treated worse by the Irish than any person December live no ban.
mine's got a lot of pressure right here. I'm gonna give him like a. I might have to give him a c. I probably should give him a que because he's questionable you never know what the dude is going to do. Is he going to hurt us help us, I'm not sure he might not hurt us at all, but he does talk about raising taxes here, the also right here, the ten thirty one. Ten thirty one, which is a tax advantage exchange, he's already said he would the eliminated. I'm give him worse than anathema given money and ie for eliminating, I will give human a plus, because I know he's gone predict the ten thirty one why This is a real estate. He wants exchange prob. Into another light kind deal: opportunity zones; okay, this guy's going to get a big check mark because he's
one, that wind grid the opportunities zones, even though I'm a put an ex right right there I hate the in these zones. Are they dare terrible thing, but their tax advantage? There are basically built for tax advantages only and I don't like to pick real estate based on the tax advantage. I like to take real estate based on how good it is Biden will support the opportunity zones because it's good for everybody. He knows it, it's good for everybody, that's investing in it! It's good What's the word optics, it's good optics. I don't think it's good real estate be clear. I dont think opportunities under good real estate investments, but I think you're good for optics. If you're a politician, depreciation, this question mark he could emanate some of our depreciation and this guy we're tromp anything. He will increase the depreciation, which is a big tax, advance wages.
I don't know question marks on both these dudes right now. Why? Because we're going to coming out of Cobin there's ten million people out of work and one hundred and ten million people are out of work. Wages stay low, the problem, okay, either way, apartments can be and inflation it's because both these guys got a big problem both these guys got a problem and a problem is called in has got to be coming. Why do I say inflation? It's gotta be common when you Prince a trillion dollars. I think that's what we presented in this last cycle is that enough? No, probably not when you think you're done when you think you down with a trillion, just keep drawn zeros, I might not still have enough to have enough. Yet Ok, I thought I had enough and I know when you think you got enough when you right now, two trillion you're right down three more zeros and then do we just printed
trillion dollars. Okay, if you're playing a monopoly, explain I'll, explain inflation to you. Simply okay, we're all playing monopoly. We all start out with the same amount of money. We roll the dice three or four times we'll go around the board. Nothing really happens and then I walk and say: hey guys. I got five more ten more. I got a thousand more monopoly boards. Some guy nobody here and gave us all. million dollars more money, okay and we take it to each each person on the board gets another ten million. In addition to the two thousand dollars you started with the whatever right. That's inflation. Now, Everybody can pay more for everything that their buying you can go to jail for days at a time when I see it as they are
Am I go to jail? I could roll every time and come out why? Because you got a lot of money, which means the price of going to jail is going to go up and that is inflation with sophisticated daily pricing tools, apartments today or better position or respond to inflation. If I get inflation, okay, inflation Hit homes before they hit apartments when they hit homes they already have here in Miami by the way luxury homes are up. Forty five percent, since Covid Freaking student, but people they had a twenty million dollar Momo raise enterprises. Thirty million people running from New York to combat and I'll be talking about migration. Today, in the show, during the last six months of Federal Reserve, has acted aggressively to thwart thick athwart the co bit economic crisis when they did that what they did was they pushed rates to zero Ok, you're getting zero percent interest, basically everywhere. In the world today,
boring money for less money, went well for for less and boring money at two and a half percent about peace, a real estate that, before CO bid, I was boring money for four percent like what has that inflation is costly, less. Yes, the money cost me less, which means I can pay more for the real estate. You understand, people are buying homes that I do not Gabor ten million dollars today I can borrow ten million and Amber for Colbert. I can only by seven million our house when a house goes from set
ten! That's inflation! Even though you're only paying so much out a month. The asset is getting inflated. This is happening to you right now and the moves that they say. It's two point. Two trillion dollar that cares ACT is more like seven trillion dollars and more common. We ve had an enormous increase in a money supply, more money at the monopoly table and the federal budget deficit. It's just blown up which were not dealing with it all Patrick Lynch. Vice President research and analytics in no Milburgh communities an apartment. Research firm, like many observers, says these moves will create inflation in the future and am I What do you mean in the future about right now? How about this second and then will cause multi family asset class when homes I've been value. When you came down here to turn to Miami and you could buy house for four hundred grand before Cove it
now that same home could be five hundred thousand. and still be the same payment to this to the buyer. Ok, the payment didn't change any less This payment was what twenty two hundred bucks a month it five thousand dollars. When rates went down, the payments are still twenty. Two hundred that's inflation would then have. and then when the government starts being involved in overseeing the banks and saying hey. You got to put more money down. More money down on a purchase is inflation, better credit score. You can't be a six, fifty or seven hundred to get that deal today and you have to have a very, very secure job there inflating on credit. Ok, this will been cause or put me in a position once this stock, once these people or exhausted in the system. meaning once everybody goes out buys a home with their credit because they got a good job
once those are gone. The United States of america- this is by United States of America. As the USA, ok becomes a renovation. rents are going to flatten out for a while, and then I got a spike again. That's what's been happening for the last thirty years and you're not going to stop it to help predict the future. The guy Lynch I mentioned earlier, the. ass time. We experiences cause I'm reading reports all the time on this we ve seen in sea. Never give rise in inflation. He sought the gas pomp years and years ago, a decade ago, maybe eight years ago, gasoline prices went like eight us what seven dollars. We all seminar six dollars five dollars. What is it down there in Venezuela right now, Francisco, it was for a moment was for free to gas, because now there, a company
yeah. How much is a loaf of bread? yeah, because because what happens in countries that have inflation, that big becomes rampant, like hyperinflation people, like a name and keep up with you, don't want to confront it. A loaf of bread with two dollars announced twelve boxing. What just happened here so so there's There comes a time when you print so much money. We're paying money is not even worth anything. Look it Bitcoin since Cove it eight thousand is thirteen thousand dollars. Today, stock markets of seven hundred and Bitcoin had moved so that the game changer vote. You need real assets. Your portfolio, I'm not talking about a house in time, but you need re amount over your business seated real assets that cash flow, not a relay
set that you're going to buy today and sell them are a real asset that can inflate over long periods of time. Okay, personal consumer expenditures, price index rents grew slightly less than overall inflation. What does that mean The rents have grown less than the overall inflation food gasoline, not not included now price index. has grown less, which means rent is going to balance again. It'll happen in probably the next twenty four months. The CPR consumer price index indicates that rent screwed an average rate of six point, seven percent, but that was below the average yearly inflation rate I'm like come on. My rents aren't raised. My rents are not growing by six point: seven percent. Okay: let's talk to some of our callers here, I came out guys, there's a password on here. Can you let the first call in I see program?
Yes, yes, what's up my friend hey? Is this grant? Yes, it is hey. What's up grant it's an honor man good to talk to you, buddy, hey! I! I got a question for you: grant ok just get results. I'm in the military and Actually, in the Coast Guard here in Miami, I was going to ask you. I was going to refer back to a show that who had maybe in June it was titled starting mall yeah and- and you talked about. You know getting one. You know three or four unit. I know I read your book and I and I did the panic challenge in following you for a while, but I know dear how your kind of point of view is, but
I was wondering if you had that show how interested I'm available for the Ba alone and all the benefits that has a lot of things. I was just wondering what your take on what my situation is Jim here's, the deal. Ok internet guys we're talking about, but we're talking about. Tromp we're talking about inflation Inflation is not a bad thing. As long as you have inflation, it wages. Ok, now he's finished it and in a monsieur two things we need. I one is inflation and one is migration, and your question is you know: should you use a bee ba alone that break, so so in and how much you put down the alone, you can put Europe. Yeah good, so he's gonna go find a one unit. One year
our single family relatives or anything anymore out before you are going to fight for you get in, and you know I say The most important number real estate is the number of units, so not how much you pay does that of units. It's the multiplier is just because This is the multiplier, the most important, thing in a grocery store, is the of unity, sale! That's why you wanna great location, because you can sell more units. Amazon or Amazon works because its scales it goes wide on the top. If you're trying to get known in the world is not the quality of customers you have is how many customers you had the quantity of customers matters more than the quality. You can't get equality without that, so, if you're going to have inflation, let's say you going to go: do a VA loan I have. no problem with the VA loan. I have no problem with the no money down on a VA loan except?
that you're only going to be able to do this once or twice and then you're tapped out, so it's not a business, It's like Robin a a bank yeah. Maybe you can do it a couple times, but if you can't scale it in, do doing it, and then you don't feel good about it, don't do it not even a moral right. The problem. hang on one second: The one unit for everybody's ask it he's gonna no money down we're moving into inflation, let's say this: three hundred grand pose no money down the word thing you can do and real estate is over leverage, because, if the good piece real estate and you overleveraged and we go into down market. You lose the house, the other thing with the one unit is if nobody moves into the one you you're having to make the payments, so I definitely like this model better. The four units, but due to four units, is good.
once you figure out how to raise money and get forty units, because forty units is gonna be ten times better than for units and or in an all. You're doing right now is go. Go! Do your first deal with four units? Maybe you can do to properties like that with no money down big ale by leverage can be your friend, and it can also beat you to death, because if you over leverage you going to have commissioner, do you have a deal that you're looking at? I don't I am here. Miami up I've been looking around. I do. I do think that if I can do like these, that get a couple proper. I can also overtime able, in the next five year, pay down from other equity and may be late. well. No, not money out go now. The first You need to be looking at deals not making up all these hypothesis about what could happen
over the next year to see a deal you need to look at deals like go. Go! Look at a deal. If I go to my me, what am I a mere you in islet empirical live in Bergen? you like, so where you gonna look: let's go may really hard Miami guards that that that's a place right does either they go. So I'm online right now see you're talking about deals and I'm looking at him. So here's the unit deal? Let's say it was four units three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. Seven thousand seven hundred and twenty five OPA lockable avoid boot near and business right now, Bro right So you need to go look at that deal. Then you need to go to the da and say. Would you give me a loan on that deal and they're going I like right, six units, no I'm alive in three of them. Take three walls down live in one of them. Call it three linen one call it one and then rent the other three
because that deal right here. I guarantee that deals. Gonna work. I don't even need to go, see at three hundred. Seventy five thousand dollars put no Down the Ba loans, gonna cost you maybe four grand twenty two hundred bucks a month, It's gonna rent you going around six units, you're going to read six units for one thousand dollars a month. I don't care, what kind of condition is in it's going to bring on Francisco. Am I right? I don't care, what kind of condition is Okay, you got other people, it they'll still pay still thousand dollars thousand dollars. That's six thousand dollars! Two payments: two hundred two hundred you're, make three make thirty seven a month. I go do that all day long. I fill it up and I'd sell it and try to do it. A second time and a third time, thank you for calling TIM and thank you for serving okay. Let's talk to Jose Grant from category the oil. dependent the Texas of the Canada, Hey Mr Grant, Cardone. First of all, I of the to say:
to speak with you, Sir Honor, to see you brother appreciate you being here. Thank you thanks, I just attended your book camp, total motivation, you know there's something I want to do it and I want to start some of my money and in card on capital, so I just gotta go the earth by. Maybe you could tell me what's the amount of target how much money do I got to be looking at putting in every single month to be able to build something substantial with you guys. yeah I mean how much money would you like to have? Is free cash flow. You know I would like to be able to have the can Three to five thousand dollars hitting hitting my bank account every month. Thirty six thousand allowed me already thirty six ten dollars a year, if you put in seven hundred twenty grand american you're gonna get thirty six grannie here,
You divide, you divide, you divide the amount you want to earn by the bye bye. What I think the cash flow of the deal will pay you ok, so you would take thirty six so for all of you out there. If you want to know what you need to earn so that you're paid an x amount a month, All I did was take thirty six thousand dollars three thousand dollars a month and I divided by five percent, because I think that's what our current deal can deliver to him conservatively. If, when he sends me a check for seven hundred and twenty he's, gonna get approximately three thousand dollars a month and that's a good start? The beautiful thing is the seven hundred and twenty that you send me the seven twenty that you send me is what two point two million dollars and real estate a matter of time before before that set Twenty is not seven twenty anymore, because it's back,
Now we do have debt, we got debt, we got a one point: four million dollars worth of debt on the deal, but who's paying the debt. You and not make the tenets are and any system time before I wait, I paid you'd be paid paid. Thirty six thousand dollars a year to wait for this to become a reality. I'm looking to deals in Calgary right now, there's one unit, one unit, seven, thirty. five twelve avenue four hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Here's a unit nano five thirteen street family apartment, building, four hundred nanny, nine thousand canadian- that's probably what for underground for and ran for one unit. Bugs form thousand for one unit only seven earn thirty one square feet.
Here's the deal right here, eight thirty, two for a story, North these Calgary too four million dollars for twelve units. Do on Iranian. Can you show my computer right now. It's right. There see investments. The just see that last that last point, travel showing this is the deal I bought right here we paid. Let me see, will this open, probably not there? It is come on open up boy, open up, open up, open up, come on open that door, oh no! I got to enter my data. They trying to get my information from me. A grand car down he's always up something in me so
You see these properties right here, I'm paying two hundred two hundred and fifty thousand a door and he's paying two hundred and fifty thousand a door for that which one you all want to be invested in that or that help me out here in case a basic question yet invasions real that hold on. Let me get you a good shot of it. Oh yeah, they only got three pictures, or that what does it tell you when they only got three pictures? How about this beast? I'm buying right now! Watch this. Let's see if I can find this monster, oh yeah, can they see this look at that base? If I could pull
that thing off so guys go location, go cash flow, go leverage, don't overleveraged inflation. Is your friend and it's coming to your down. Inflation, I mean to a theatre near you can I say, obeyed. And CO bid has helped You guys out their pay and for freakin mask that you weren't, even by before a mass that cost up penny your pay, your ban bags of Toilet paper caused nothing you're ban, you stuck in it. is come in. The dark winner is common, says Joe Biden. The dark winners here. The world is going to come to an end folks and when it does, you will live somewhere. Ok next collar about Davis in pits bird.
One of our markets by the way that I wanted to discuss today is the Pennsylvania. What's up yeah, how are you doing man? What's up big player, laid up in bed sick as a dog, getting the co tat later on the man, but you gotta. Let me give you a test right now. Man watch and put in a little thing in Europe in you, do key right now: you're positive that right and you'll get over it too, by the way you'll get over you're going to be just fine. How old are you hey? So I have a deal today. Just let me know when you're ready, I'm ready, alright. So it's on Loopnet, a twenty or you know, heritage apartment, and it's in the town, Mary, what's a location, giving address.
Let the market by the way, a thirty one again. Convert cobia covers not suppose affect your billiard, think tissue breeding, ya, gotta, ok, working to Euro one. Eater would he d are, does When I say the word, I love that name, because I made a bunch of money on a single word about guy got at twenty four units. Yes, sir, and I do have a model that can you I'd love to get your thoughts on that I could email it so real quick! I got my email up right now. That give me the address again: twenty one: it's fourteen
two Euro one either word drive up where the town was bound to me out of it Twenty ok give it to me one last handed one two zero one either would drive southwest when I finally get right. Ok, I get so look, you know you guys know how to read this thing. How do you, like the location, looks like it's out by itself? Cannot yeah, I like it.
I like it for a lot of reasons: the locations, one of them, but I thing is a screamer for a lot of reasons. So you know: okay, so the no on this deal. Just so you guys know it's one point: sixty five million dollars. It says it's a. Seven point six cap, which means the no on this deal, will be one point six one point sixty five times: no seven. six says the no on on this deal one one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars it is one. Percent occupied right now, and there are twenty six units. Twenty four units, only boy. Now this Is is the first thing I know if it's one hundred percent occupied there's another one hundred dollars a month, two thousand four hundred. If it's
one hundred percent occupied if something's either wrong, they're lying or the rents are too low. going to add they're, definitely lying yeah, oh they're, lying yeah, because if you look into the numbers they said that first of all, one of the leases is month to month and the person vacated. I think three, one of twenty. Though, that definitely a lie in my bottle, which I would love to hear talk about, the way I have another email it out like a tool to you. I assume you know everything works hey what you'd by, but I do at a miserable Europe. Ninety three percent knocking them. some vacancy just because that way, not a hundred. But let me just you this, I'm looking at the rent role right now. I just went popped into the current role. Unit, one eight you're going to do due diligence on the rent roll, not just the roof or roof.
One, a the guy is paying seven hundred and eighty dollars a month. He's got a deposit of three seventy five, that's a real rent. I mean that's, not there's laws. It you'll get that closing by the whale transferred EU the last rent, but on this thing, was may seventeenth unit to aid. The last rent Bob was February. Seventy that's three years ago and a rather more even dating back for your brother writ the rent or six hundred ten dollars. So when us seven hundred and eighty six, ten thousand seven hundred and thirty five six hundred and twenty six ten seven hundred and fifty eight hundred six hundred and seventy five, Unlike those are real now notice. somebody written this place in January, the first twenty. It must get a kicked out of us after Christmas, January first is not when you go rent an apartment, but he did. He spent eight hundred a month, which means most of these rents the most risk new Red one
January in twenty twenty. and it's eight hundred the highest in here. Oh there's, another one. I don't trust this neither one on one twenty one, one. Twenty two people moved on January on January. First, that's hard to believe but look. I think you could get a higher rent there. I don't know of any place in America, except maybe Pueblo, that the rents are six hundred dollars a month. Well, the thing that really caught my attention is: I did some due diligence on the ownership and the women that own the Building- God rest, her soul, passed away in November, and her son is the listing agent and it says the same ownership since the nineteen seventy. I think it was built in seventy four, so that tells me like hey they're, trying to get rid of this joint. They don't know what to do or they want to some cash during cove yeah.
Are you going by the deal or are you going to talk about it yeah? The problem is it's already under contract. I reach out to Broker he's like we got an Loi and I was like you know what keep me posted changes? yeah! I want you all found another hundred grand one job from another hundred grand say. Look manner for another hundred thousand offer. one point: seven million dollars; ok, cause. You're gonna, put four hundred grand down and its without a real increase and by the way, I believe, what they have their and Think, there's probably another hundred two hundred fifty dollars a month. I would from another hundred grants- must role. You gonna make sixty nine
thousand dollars a year about about four hundred thousand, seventeen percent return seventeen percent- that is Times eight- that is eight times thirteen hundred times. One thousand three hundred times. more than you earn from the bank it now why? What watch this? Let's say I can raise the rent one hundred dollars a month. That's another! Twenty, eight thousand a year A sixty nine grand right there, plus twenty eight thousand. If I just raise the rents budgets, razor rents, a hundred bucks a month. Equals ninety seven thousand eight hundred dollars you put four hundred ran down to buy the deal, you're you're, payments back in four years and yet the property with no money into
I'd be running all over that deal. If I lived over there yeah I'm in DC, I'm just back home in Pittsburgh. Now yeah. These kind of deals are all over America. Folks I should do. I should do a boot camp on this is what our to do. I should do what we did sign up sign up right? What would you by how much would you buy whatever how to find the deal? How to buy the deal? How to fund the deal? How to get a loan on the deal? How to manage the deal? How to raise the rent? How to present the lease? How. How to get investors like you guys, don't even you don't even need the four hundred grand on this deal. Do you need to figure out a mom dad Uncle brother sister? Don't get the Let you do the work you're out of that. I have to do that.
Yeah, well, we all have to do that. I have to raise money at some point. If I want to be a big boy, I got to get other people to help me become a big boy. I don't know why people are so worried about help. Man like when you're a kid man you're going to climb a ladder. You didn't do that by yourself the first time. Okay, thanks four colony and appreciate folks, you watching the cartoons every Monday I come to you to talk about real state, ok, Joe bad, if he makes it another six days could be D, president of the United States. He will no longer have a head out in his basement. He will build up out in the White House. On November? Third, Donald Trump? What is he, but it have people call Don. Yeah, like Donald, don't like Daniel Nano.
Just go into the White House and make his big claims about the universe. on November third November for either way you you're funny situation you going to you going to wake up on November fourth and say that you going to be a checking account or savings, account your job, your wages, going to be like dude. I got to do something different. The only way you can do something different is to start investing. You got to something for those of you that are look into by real estate. Right now want to show you a graph that you need to be an understanding. This is where money is going much he's going down in value and it's also on the move. Can you bring up the migration chart? So it's I'm looking at a right now see these migration chart red and blue. You got it all mental up to Francisco good job, why you going down right now? Why you going down why you need going now? I want to see the chart.
now the red means I'm believing in the blue means I'm gaining red I'm getting the hell out of their where's that California yeah ok looks like that might be Wisconsin or Minnesota looks like Chicago. Ill in no wise. They they They annoyed in Illinois peoples. They shit Man week I mean we kill more people in the annoyed and Illinois do they do in Iraq during the war We got what we got up there. We got people leaving pins Albania, New York, New Jersey cannot connect Connecticut. You know what Connecticut is friends you don't eat now. Is that shit they live. man. There was no wall there, no wall. I came. I came guys remote breakin bag.
Came through. I say no wall. I thought there was a while and he's like hopped over he flew over. Ok is brother, flew Immobile, pushed him up over. that's ok! Now the blue is Idaho. Arizona. we got Utah things Utah right into built, no Colorado people going on something smoke. We legally taxes, Big Texas, in South Carolina North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida, Florida is number six by the way number six most migration into Texas, Florida Carolinas go down a little bit. Let me just show you my notes here inbound sixty nine percent ain't. Nobody going to stay in Idaho, don't believe that number you going to go to Idaho for one winter and then you can be like what the fuck did. We think what what it is. The dog get me? I got the I'm spending more on coats and
all the you like this, like this ceiling shit is called. Then you down into the zone, Arizona until August Arizona until August unevenly like well Oh shit is hot can be like a hundred and seventeen degrees. but let me tell you: what's gonna win the Carolinas you're gonna win Tennessee will win for years to come, nor Carolina will win for years to come, but you know, people they go from New York to South Carolina. Go back to the map this, what they do they from Connecticut Pennsylvania, New York down to the Carolinas like? Oh, this is really cool. All these southern people with their accents. They redneck people Oh, it's so nice and then going to be. Like I'm bored, I shit in the woods Then they're gonna come down to Miami where the water is. so once these migration patterns, because this is what people are moving to, the state of Florida has over a thousand people a day coming every
single day notice the size by the way, taxes in far behind but notice the size of Texas compared the size of Florida guy. What is what is on both sides? The Texas all three sides, axis Florida. Don't even have three sides: there is water, water and water Half of Miami is actually a swamp, there's not even that whole tip of Miami Naples, Florida and Miami are separated by swamp that doesn't even have internet connection like there's nothing there do you be better off in a desert in Afghanistan, there's no connection in that swamp and you will get eaten up by mosquitoes by themselves. Then the alligator gets you for bleeding, okay, so the bound States, Illinois, California, New Jersey, Maryland.
Not all Maryland. We bought, if he's a real estate, Maryland sick, because this conservative K Pennsylvania Democratic states are bleeding out people right now, so you want to pay attention to this. When you make your investment. Let's talk to Avery and Alabama, hey Avery! What's on on how how you doing yo. What's up, how are you doing? I'm doing what I'm doing well, thank you for taking my call. God bless you man, God bless you brother, God has blessed us both. Now we got to go out and prove it. That's right! That's right! Hey! I got a quick question for you, I'm from South Alabama la lower Alabama. I got a question about okay. Let me ask you a question: how do you know somebody? How do you know when somebody's a redneck for sure Regan How do you know when someone is a redneck. how do you know?
How do you know somebody's redneck or not. Wait it out. Thank you. No oh, it doesn't mean just one. I just thought you could clue us in maybe okay, alright, let's go talk to me Alabama. I got a question on is the dose in Alabama market. I know you had to show that spoke a little bit on market, but I really want to call in and and talk to you they watch it. Kind of what you had to play is supported if two large hospitals I know you like having markets around hospitals because, frankly, they're not going anywhere it's supported by a lot of medical facility A lot of pressure- restaurants, not much retail, I wouldn't say the job market- is coming back. I think where women one per cent of the pre corona virus,.
Employment levels, yeah the unemployment rate. for the rest, I love you comparison anywhere else, I'm in Alabama I would say a cheap replaced layer, just want to know what you thought about that, because I know you had a few properties. I believe mobile or their fucking member yeah, yeah yeah. So look Bottom line. Is I love Alabama? Okay, if you look at a map, the United States of America? U S a map, you don't want. Just look at your state. You want to look around ok of people going to go. There he's already said this Alabama as some of the lowest unemployed. In the United States already back, Pre CO bid numbers within a point come to Miami are Vegas. Look a Vegas, there's still a twelve percent. They were for before this thing out another points to get where Alabama is. So. If you look
let me just pull up a map of the? U S. What I want to look at what Alabama and the reason I invested in Alabama. Khazar, look what's around Alabama: ok, not dimension jobs that are going there, the car manufacturers that are moving in there, the cost of living there. Because when somebody's in Silicon Valley, and they very moved. Austin see they move from this corner over here they move from appear San Francisco, like, if you guys look at the migration charts on this interactive charts. There's interactive charts online to Just red lines coming all the way across the country and people that are even allay our going to Phoenix Tucson. Ta Colorado. Some come on all the way to Austin Toyota Kay Over here about eight years ago, moved Indy into a Dallas Texas Right, going to see all this population growth coming across the country now watch when
I look at Alabama, I'm like do they nobody going to Mississippi look around the state, okay, Oh hell people coming into Tennessee man, they're moving into Tennessee, and then things get price, Tennessee and they're, like let's go down to Huntsville Alabama, let's go down to Daphne, not mobile, maybe okay, because Mobile Mobile, you just to know where you're at right right here see mobile. I'm coming in on the map right here notice, how Alabama is to this entire South Beach, not South Beach, but Pensacola the Gulf Coast of Florida. Ok now, when I start looking at your map it, I answer your question about Alabama. Unlike When I see Mobile, Pensacola, Panama, city Destine, I'm telling you this whole coastline in the next decade is going to explode. It's going to explode. Unless these storms keep coming through here, scaring people to death and raise an insurance prices up.
So you gotta do your due diligence and you gotta start looking. You gotta start going to these cities interested in Alabama, get on a plane and go to Daphne Alabama, ok and you'll see. Why invested there Go right here. Look at this little does little pocket writer, Daphne Alabama across from Mobile EAST Coast, spanish. I've been trying to buy real estate all along this coast, Fairhope Daphne Spanish, port, okay, and then I started looking at stuff down here in Oyster Bay, Orange Beach? You just use a map, you can do this from your home and you can shop. Today Bob property. We bought a thousand units, twelve hundred units actually all down Pensacola and we ve been through this
now, they're, not a big problem. Okay, so Fort Walton, Destin Miramar Beach. All this is real estate, but you just got to pay the price today, so you have confidence to pay the price in the future when you go, invest in these markets. Now, when I did when I moved to Florida by the way you can call us call us three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight. When I moved to florida- and I. Investing in Florida. My first invest sincere. I looked at my mammy shit about everything here. I looked at Tampa shit about There looked at Orlando should shit about everything there, but I didn't I was a coward instead. What I did was that a more conservative approach and I went when I so prices increasing seven years ago in these markets I went like the little dumb dipshit than I am. I went and bought in the tertiary markets outside Daytona Armin.
Beach, the palm coast about I don't got three or four thousand you sitting up your right now. Shit about down here, but I didn't. I was scared Now the reason I did it and the reason it worked for me is because I knew that they would not build this coast. I knew that the builders would start in Orlando and Tampa and my Amy, where there were jobs. I stayed out of that and waited for the migration up into those more gets so no migration patterns. I'll just tell you for some of you not asking this question right now. Every thank you for colony, Hope that helps you find a deal over there. Avery is too big for you I'll buy it with you. The entire West coast of Florida is over built right. Now Trying to buy dealing tamper right now and for bars, just because it's over build does not mean you don't want to bother. You just need you need to understand when, more supply inventory
Then there is money. Prices are gonna gun down, when there's more money than there is supply, price is going to go up. Okay, a lot of product over here, you're going to have softness over here, we're probably going to have softness in Fort Lauderdale and this whole market right now, because they built a lot of stuff. But ten years from now. Let me see if I could show you this interactive map migration interactive and bring another call around. Please. Because, even though we might be building too much today, it's like highways, you think it's too big today and the next thing you know is like damn: they should have built it bigger. You got somebody on give me a rate right, oh right, Rhode Island. What's up oncology here, what's going up there.
not much man. I gotta I gotta be awfully. Ok. Tell me about the deal it's up: two properties on one lot. It's the asking price is five. Thirty, nine. and Anwar is thirty, two thousand Trying to twenty five percent hold out the two thousand: how many units to units it's it's! It's too probably a lot, but if a total of seventy seven units, he said seven right, it set a unit. okay and the Noi thirty, two thousand thirty, two thousand. How much is the rent there? The rent average about nine. Fifty fifty dollars, so because they all different sizes, the we have three units that are three bedrooms one bath and then the other units are all two bedroom one bath, okay, good! So I'm
I must say eighty four thousand, you gotta of thirty two grand if you divide What do they want you to pay for that thing hold on you come up with your number and I'm going to come up with my number. Where is it located. It's in Rhode, Island, Rhode, island, okay, I'm gonna, give it a I gave it up. Is it a good location yet you look at how that I, actually I'm only a guess. It's twenty. Seven years old. How old is it gets property if no, actually, nineteen, twenty five votes is lousy like low you again and they want. They want five hundred thirty three thousand dollar four point: thirty I don't even know the property. I was within six thousand out thirty three.
Yes, so I'm actually going to a closing today, I'm doing a ten thirty one exchange, because I'm selling my fourplex that I got Five years ago, and with a temporary one exchange on the policy on that problem. This commercial deal, I've never done commercial will be my first one. I actually already spoke with the with the agent and the Father, and Ready to go, I mean I got the phones available, so I'm just kind of doing my due diligence, and yeah pretty good pull the trick on this yeah. What are you? What are you do it? You aren't? You Canada wanted to bring it up to you to see because to profit? locker, it's all there. What are you doing? You alone? You, you know I would. I would make this seven unit, someone lot. Ok, make sure you got your debt, a tie, the deal up and take forty five days to figure out where you can get alone on this thing, and I bought this piece of property fuel
the location you, like the asset, you think you can raise I'd go by this thing. I'd buy this before it by one unit. I bet one. I want you to flip a deal, ok cool ok, good luck! When you, let me know if I can help you folks this migration chart right. Can you can you full expand this? I just pick man hat you see, We ran, or mostly blue, where are they where these people in Manhattan go by the way. This is eight years old. Okay, if I show you the one today in two thousand and nineteen what's happening, two thousand and twenty what's happening out in New York, you're, going to see blood red coming out of there them a red noticed notice, where they're going, though Miami Wes Palm Beach, ok, Little bit tamper, Orlando, Nobody gonna move from New York City to our land, like how do you make that movie? Milady cultures
Ok, they're, also moving across the country, their goal allay they're going to Santa Cruz, their move it eight years, all about away so those people that moved there eight years ago, could be balancing out now saying: hey, I'm going back to Texas. So if you find I pulled this up off of Forbes, but if you find some more current maps, I thought I had one this morning picked out for you here. It is show this Francisco state to state migration. New York, Georgia, Texas, contributed to Florida, you mean make it bigger, you got it. There you go California Florida and allay contributed to Texas. Why would I lie not l a loss in a knot Louisiana? Why would Louisiana contribute to Texas its next door
when Katrina hit New Orleans them because beneficiary was used? This is New York and Washington State contributed to California, so just because peace, might be moving out of California. You gotta millions of people. We have. Negative migration out of California for the first time in thirty years,. that same number will show up in New York and New Jersey here in the next eighteen months. So no your migration know about inflation, know about location. Listen is migration, inflation location, get money invested in real estate, Biden or Trump Democrat or Republican. The returns in real estate for the last thirty years has been seven percent annual good.
Return, you asked me at the damn good return, particularly when you're, when less than less than less than a quarter of a point by bank. seven to eight, the nine and the ten percent returns were in environments back in the ninety S, eighty s and seventy s when you could earn ten percent of your month, ten percent on your money at the bank that does not exist today going forward. I promise you real estate will be a great place for you to take cash garbage Paper made up promises, God in God, we trust they printed that to convince you. It was good. I promise you real assets. Real sets with real tenants in good locations where there's jobs and job, around it. As a necessity to live someplace to raise my family,
Those kind of real assets will prove to be great hedges against inflation. It would be a great place for people to migrate to, and if you pick the right location, you're, going to make money for yourself, your family and your future. Ok will certainly be a lot better than just sit around and cash bindings Grand Cardona every Monday. I do this for you too, my name is Grant Cardone every Monday. I do this for you to hopefully convince you to get your money out of Wells Fargo to get your money away from the Bank of America or Wells Fargo will not give you a loan to borrow money to buy wells, Fargo Stock, but Wells Fargo, we'll give you money to buy a piece of real estate is simple:
trump. On November the fourth people will have to live somewhere folks, good, investing! Thank you for watching again. This is real estate. Investing made simple, with Grant Cardone subscribe great and keep yourself and your money growing at grant. Cardone com forward podcast now get
Transcript generated on 2020-12-11.