« The Cardone Zone

Grant Cardone's Sales Insights | Cardone Zone Ep. 194

2023-11-22 | 🔗
In this episode of the Cardone Zone, Grant Cardone widely acknowledged for his expertise in sales strategies and business acumen, delves into the nuances of salesmanship, drawing from his extensive experience and success in the field.    With his signature charisma and practical wisdom, Cardone unveils the secrets behind effective sales techniques, negotiation prowess, and the mindset required to excel in the competitive world of business.   Tune in to uncover the tactics and mindset needed to elevate your sales game, as Grant Cardone hosts this insightful episode.    For further guidance and resources to supercharge your entrepreneurial journey, follow Grant Cardone on major social media platforms @grantcardone, and explore grantcardoneTV.com or GrantCardone.com.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is brought to you by g c t v: dot com go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing. It's real it's wrong, and it's right now. Hey welcome to the cartoon zone, my newest podcast, where every week I'll bring to you a new celebrity artist, at least some of the top people in their fields, ceos from around the world running the world to give me their insights, their knowledge and their breakthroughs. Look. These people came from nothing just like I did so get ready with uncle gee you're in for the ride of your life or we're going to tenax everything. You thinks the way you work the way you act in the way you roll every single day make sure you subscribe and comment sales tuesday to get ready for today, the dynamics of any economy without sales people every industry on the planet would stop cold tomorrow, sales people or to the economy. What writers are to hold what it has been said that even god and the devil need good salespeople.
Selling is the last great, truly free enterprise opportunity available today, whereby an individual can work for himself be accountable to himself and make his dreams come true, Lurie, with a pin to sign contracts and a commitment to excel You can become whatever you want for those of you are willing to commit to selling as a career and who continued had a master it. There are no limits he's so and you'll be rewarded with all the treasures that exists learned, the group order selling and you will never. I promise you. You will never be without work, as you are needed by others. More than any other single profession. Learning control the entire cycle of selling from start to finish and you'll have the coffee. is to go wherever you want do whatever you want, sell. What ever you want, and no with complete conviction that you can have whatever you can dream of the world stops turning
salespeople if a product and sold and move on to the public factory, stop production stops and there's no need for distribution, no need for storage, shipping gets reduced and advertising stops the burden of the entire economy of our culture, today, rest on the ability of salespeople the economic engine of society were last completely on the ability to get products into the hands of consumers if humor doesn't by that means, salespeople, didn't sell the factories don't make it salespeople dry products, individual businesses, complete industries and entire economies like many people I wanted to sales when I got out of college, because I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life, added, hey I'll trust selling. Until I found a quote, unquote real job- I went to sales because it was easy to get into and I didn't have to
make any life changing decisions to do so. Even after making my decision, my family, my friends, teach earth. Rebuked me saying: grant get a real job. You're wasting your education see the problem for me was the so called quote. Unquote, real jobs didn't appear to pay quote, unquote real money. And they looked to me like boring traps that sat the life on a people The only thing I can assure sociate these real jobs with where the teachers who are promoting them to me, these quote, quote real jobs. Come with quorum, quote real tight those like doktor lawyer, accountant nurse chemists, engineer, stockbroker, chiropractor, etc. You can go on and on, but they had titles and at what salesperson see. The funny thing is every one of these professionals had to sell themselves in order to make. Success in their own careers.
their success in life, doktor lawyer, accountant nurse chemist engineer, stockbroker chiropractor Their success in life is utterly dependent on one skill, more than any other in that skill is selling sale. Or college, it's a phenomenal mistake that our culture today, in value selling enough to teach courses on it, not once throughout my entire for Well, education was selling even introduced as an option. How respectable and desirable can feel be if it's not taught in school, wondered there must be something wrong with this thing called sale of this not offered in high school or college. If the subject is it been recognized her taught by the great learning institutions in the world. It must not be a real career right wrong. No one taught me about money or investing a real estate in school either, but there are very important.
Just ask any rich person see that doesn't mean those subjects are valuable. They are just as your selling the schools don t people how to make marriage successful, either for how to raise children, but what could be more valuable than those things See many young people attending my seminars have told me they were torn between going to college and continue who'd their sales career, my response It's always been the same. Look while the schools too, people very needed basics to get along the life and the work whirl, depends on that kind of tourism that you went to school. No school can make a great person, that's not what their. Therefore, you
learn absolutely necessary requirements in school. You might make some great connections, but schools are not capable of making a person successful. Only by application will you or anyone become successful, are great and any feel- and I assure you, You're not become great in any feel or highly successful in any endeavour unless you're able to sell survey the top one hundred most financially successful people in the world today, and I dare you to find one who had substances says to his formal education, Many of them didn't even go the traditional role of education. That is not suggested schools or bad or wasted time by any means, but is, The thing school is not the thing that causes people to do great things. Look around you and you will,
and the school systems we have today producing a workforce of people who are able to remember, what they read, but not able to apply what they learned while you will learn many very needed basics. You won't learn how to, for instance, balance a checkbook how to increase your net worth how to save money. How to negotiate a great deal, how to communicate how to resolve problems or how to increase your value in the marketplace. Those things are not taught in school today. You will only learned that, after school or by seeking other permission outside schools. These things, like the cheque book, increasing your net worth how to communicate, how to get away how to resolve problems, but the truth is that is what most people know they need. In order to rule, improved themselves, and that is what you have to have that is necessary to improve your abilities, basic edge
Asian, while very necessary cannot be considered an end all while there. some great teachers, incredible teachers in the school systems today is unfortunate that, due to the ridiculously low salaries, many of them are only regurgitating chris violence, enforcing students to study courses and subjects, though, ever be used in their day to day laughs. Ask any business owner. What is greatest problem is and will always be the same answer hey. I can't find people that I can depend on. They can think independently the can solve problems and can increase my business and expand. My company schools, teach students, english math, grammar chemistry, history, geography and more, and they are absolutely necessary, but then never take the time to teach something as important as selling
waiting and really meeting and employers needs the school. for whatever reason, just not set up to teach the things that may make the biggest difference in your life I don't know why that is. But I can tell you that I know salespeople, who are making more money than heart surgeons and with far less liability and much less stress, all professions rely on sales see. I know for a fact that, for a person to have a great life they'll have to know and apply the skills of any great salesperson. You can hire you're, a lawyer or an architect, but you can't get along and life without the ability to communicate, persuade negotiate and close see. These skills will prove more useful and more vital than anything. You'll, learn from a formal education, I'm not suggesting again that these other errors and knowledge or not valuable unworthy, because they are only demonstrate this
his valuable in this and a worthy and respectable profession, and a vital life skill for everyone. Rather than being an hourly working work, Maybe you can become a highly paid individual, no ceiling when you're earning potential, while others may beside the sales isn't a respectable career. I can tell you that I have been able to spend time with leaders and many professions from engineers to bankers, to actors to film directors to industry. and they valued me as a sales person. Every one of those people has had a bill, their career on selling in order to reach the top of their industry of those top producers in any industry, every one of them has been told
did they need to study books on negotiating and selling and persuasion and have why, because they understand, selling is vital to their success every person, no matter what his profession is, relies on this thing called selling the power attention wants to appeal to you and your interests so that you vote for him in the polling. Both the public speaker is hoping to convince you that audience. That is approach is the right way to try to convince you to change the employee designing a promotion will have to sell his boss on the idea that he deserves more money. The coach has to sell the team on the idea of the winning a you know, actually winning the game in implementing the place. The real state agent must convince you to buy a house or to give him a heard. The listing the mortgage broker wants you to finance a reef, and hence for the third or fourth or fifth time, and he selling the banker he wants. You invest
honey in the bank's mutual funds or to cross sell its products. The waiter is selling the special other day. The clothing person wants by a suit and then load up with three short to ties and hey, don't forget the credit card right at the end of the sale. Selling. Never ends includes you and includes everyone, those who cancer A persuade and clothes are the ones who survived the bess, regardless of their line of work. I'll, let you come to your conclusion about why selling is neither respected as a profession nor taught in schools. Maybe it's because there have been a handful of criminal salespeople over the years have ruined the reputation for many where these are salespeople their crooks, but you
fine criminals and con man in every field, including medicine law, dentistry teaching, politics in psychiatry. I'll tell you the fact of which I am absolutely sure. No person will ever gain true power or stature in this world without the ability to persuade another, the ability to communicate and convince others is either you're asset. Are your liability? No matter what your ambitions are in life, you required to communicate. Others in the better you can communicate. The more people will agree with you. The more you can get others to agree with you, the more you can have your way in life. and the more you get your way life. The more you will ultimately enjoy life, professional or amateur. This is the question here professional now step into my whirl, and let me in
male, the secrets of the professional seller and how you too can become one. Even if selling is it your career. You should be a professional at this thing in order for you get more out of your life, see. I tell attendees emma money seminar. Look if you want to get rich you want to know the ultimate difference between the rich and the poor. You have to learn how to sell. I became a professional selling when I was twenty six years, all after years of research and intense study on the on the subject, the hard work, well worth it, and the rest of my life has changed. As a result, the mai learning this little understood life skill and I promise you won't take you two years
every business, I've ever started. Every dollar I am ever earned and all the great things that have happened in my life were result. A direct result of learning disability called selling as a professional three quarters of population earth has no clues. There's six, Thus their families future depend on this thing called selling their eggs clearances and life in their career also depend on this thing. Called selling and look at beta, know how to sell, they can't be successful, if they don't even know that their futures or dependent, they can't be successful. while selling may not be your main occupation. Hopefully by now you have convinced this selling is essential to your life. Now I want to take you to wear the professional lives.
See no dream. I think you would agree. No dream can ever become a reality without successfully selling it Others there's there's no shortage dreamers on this planet. There are an abundance of people, they gave up on their dreams. And later someone came along and pick that dream up and sold it and it became reality so you need to know, first of all, the definition of a professional. This is a person the person engaged in a specific activity, as ones main paid occupation rather than as a pastime Now I m not suggesting that you have to be sales person as a main paid occupation, unless, of course, you are stand. What I'm saying here today, which is your life, depends on this thing called selling. Therefore, or your main paid occupation would be life itself and you would
no longer treated as a pastime? Ok, The definition is engaged in a specific activity, as ones main paid occupation lie. in this case, rather than as a past, I see it as well. experience at ninety. Nine percent of all the so called professional salespeople have only Slight idea of what selling is much less, how to actually determine and predict results now speaking to career salespeople Many of you don't know how to predict results and determine makes something happened. What I have said is not meant to fin you in any way but inform you, I'm not hit me, I'm not being critical, see if it does But if it does somehow offend you keep reading because Sometimes the truth is tough. To hear in this book will put you in control of your profession. Put you in control of your customer.
help you increase your income and transform you into a true professional, see the real proves, the real professional for the most part: Don't even call themselves salespeople, they call themselves litigators, negotiators, moderators, business owners, inventors politician coaches, fun, razors agents, actors, entrepreneurs, financial plan planners. Many other things. Consider, for example, Benjamin franklin, credible, salesperson job. I kennedy superstar stirred salesperson, martin luther King, oh my gosh, not many communicators better than that got bill gates when the software god bill gates was a sales person, so you and using a pc, Martha stir encourage men and women alike to get in the kitchen. These salespeople folks, all made a difference,
all highly successful and then there's the amateur, the amateur. The definition of amateur is one who gauges inner pursuit study. A sands are sport as a pastime, rather than a profession or amateur is lacking and experience and competence in the art or science, while how disgusting of a definition never want to be called an amateur again. Gotta tell you. I've met hundreds of thousands of salespeople over the last twenty five years, most of whom were amateurs and didn't know the first thing about selling, except maybe spell the word cell c is selling a pastime. Do you know? I know front in passing time watching tv? Do you you lack experience and competence in this thing called selling. If so, get honest with yourself, are you not clear about what you're doing when
and while your negotiating, do you struggled to get your way in life yet honest now this book will change your life. If you get honest, do you think there's no way you could ever be a sales person given stain for this thing called selling. I could never do that. Do you hate rejection and even. Even the idea, selling another's, like all man no way I can handle it see if any these, grab how you feel about selling than me, and you have some work to do, but we can sort it out together, because I can show you how to become a professional, but you have to get two things first selling his car, nuclear survivor, regardless of what you're doing as a career to you must decide to become a professional and give up any ideas that this is for others and not for you, so to think she had to do its critical and number two I'm gonna become a professional at it, not an amateur. I need this,
my life and I'm alone it. You have to decide that you want to are getting your way in life. You want to start winning quit thinking. You have to quit. Thinking that is up to two fate or the gods are my or my manager or somebody else is going to do this, the sales department will handle it. Look it's up to you and you, have to shift your thinking and get it the you're very life and every dream that you ve ever had pen solely on your ability to sell, if you're not getting your way quit making excuses and a sad now, To learn everything there is to know about the only secret success sales great shortage. You know for thousands of years salespeople have been amassing wealth and accumulating riches. in those same opportunity still exist today. She most but don't even know the the
the masses of wealth in the accumulator riches, because these people that have accumulated the riches weren't calling themselves salespeople. It is a real. The most salespeople today they can even a mass fortunes, but this is due to the short sighted view of the opportunities available for the great and dedicated people, you know, while there may or may not be shortages of water and oil on this planet, don't know, there's a shortage. They tell me there is two thirds of the planet's covered and water and I don't have much oil. There is no haven't you, my property, so. Just seems like we always keep coming up with oil while there may or may not be shortages of water and oil. I assure you there are vast shortages, vast shortages of highly committed, holly, dedicated and great salespeople.
This is good news, for those of you choose to become great for those of you who become masters and professionals and great the whirl waits with his fortunes. While there are hundreds of Millions of people they call themselves salespeople there. Only a handful of grates the difference between the mediocre and the great sales. People lies in being committed to the profession first couple: bat with a desire to be great and the dedication to learn the trade. Despite the popular believe that there are limits and sales. I assure you that the only living a cells, personal face or those of his own imagination. The truth is, you can get paid. What ever you want in this. deal with no ceiling. You can decide what product she'll cell. Who you sell them to and with whom. You choose to work.
The truly great salespeople stand out, heads and shoulders. but the rest and or even in the same profession as the masses of salespeople. They think different, they act different. They work different to them thing called selling this job is effortless because they understand how to reach their goals and how to get their way these people are paid immense fees compared to their peers, makes selling look easy, others are certain that they do this because it so easy for them, because their some gift they were born with. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. She I've never met, never met someone that reach stellar stellar
levels of success who got there because of some lock or serve some. You know, god, given talent, I've just never met it. These people that become highly successful got there because they mastered the trade of selling. When the economy crashes, the grates, the professionals, the handful, they may experience small dipson production, but they while always survive, while the amateur loses their job. Great salespeople, don't have ceilings on their earnings and they know that their come depend solely on the ability to get in front of customers make them Delves known get agreements closer sale and reapers. Do those results over and over again the great salespeople aren't even stuck on one product. They can shift when markets change Only a handful of people ever take the time to really learn this game, and only a handful
ever truly master. When I was twenty five years old I made the commitment to know K and oh w, everything there was to know about the game is selling. I was finished with pumping myself up every morning with enthusiasm and hoping great results. I was sick of the idea of the o, do the love attraction thing and wished for great things. Hey what happened. I didn't know but I was doing- and I knew it on Tuesday s is great, but it's not a replacement for knowing wishing hoping and praying they're, probably all great things, but it's not a replacement for knowing the amateur, the amateur golfer he goes out and play golf every saturday with his boys is his posse. But can you play the game? No but he has fun at and he's enthusiastic about it does. It mean can play with a master who truly knows K anode w the game of golf.
The person who knows what he's doing and every new odds of his career does I have to get enthusiastic. He is enthusiastic see. When you know somethin, you can predict the outcome. I know everything there is to know about something I know what's gonna happen as well therein. Last true confidence in freedom, see knowing four means prediction prediction means coffin and confidence means more sales, so we want. get you in a position where you not only now- the business but can predict a business you'll have more confidence about every year. Businesses and generate more sales and more sales creates more confidence and enthusiasm with yeah natural state, not one! You have to work up to it. Anything they endeavour. You must devote yourself completely if Europe
career salesperson, then you will have to devote yourself your energy and your resources too, career selling. If you are a career, salesperson, you'd, better, get it to your core. the year success your every moment possibility endeavour. Any chance, you have a making, it still depends on this thing, called selling and you'd better learn it. You have to convince yourself commit that this is the thing you have to in order to get your way in life, and that this thing is where you are going to make your riches or make your dreams come true, or just basically prosper and do well in a credible way. So how does a person actually commit? How do you commit me and how do I commit? What do I do what I had to do to commit? What would I do? When I commit his eye, eliminate any and all options and devote myself to
thing and learning everything I can about that thing. I become a fanatic abbot one hundred percent absorbed all in a super freak. If you will ask that question, I stop asking other people for their opinion. I stop looking on the internet, for what other people said or didn't say or mighta sadder I could do in research, do them in and I'm in all the way right or wrong. I'm in I don't stick my toe in. I jump in the pool and I stop questioning a discontinue. Looking at other options. at his commitment committing is as simple as picking a place to park. Your car find a spot pull in, get out, Keep looking for another space once you park, commit and be done with it. Committing is when you make a fish farm decision, a complete one hunter,
percent decision, and you stop wondering and then follow your commitment through with action. once you've fully committed to a partner in life. It's good advice to quit. Looking for new partners, you take what you have commit, make everything you can out of it. Could you find someone prettier, smarter happier, probably But hey is committing what have they were doing? The same thing with you could have found somebody purtier happier smarter, I absolutely to the listener. But look that means that your party, I'm not committing committing means you're all the way it means you're done lookin. It means you ve, you ve, cut off any other possibilities for now, no more alternatives, no more shopping and then I'll make that person that I'm with the prettiest the smartest and the happiness
I'd rather commit to the wrong thing all the way they commit to the right thing halfway. I must say that one more time, ok live by this I'd rather commit to the wrong thing. All the way now commit to the right thing halfway, greener asters is for that person is always looking for that greener pasture began. We think the grass is greener over, there is the same guy who never committed to taking care the pasture. He already has he wants a mediocre average and miserable always looking for greener pastures. What was even doing looking at another pasture in the first place, she look. He already had his own green pasture that needed to be mode needed to be watered needed to be weeded.
I remember a while there may be greener pastures. They are green because somebody committed to taking care of weeds grow in every feel and if you don't commit to it all the way, you'll neglect it, and if you neglect it you're going to get weed, it's an then it'll go brown and everything around you use look greener cause. It is because you didn't commit to taken care what you had Is there better opportunities around you? Probably why? Because somebody, taken care of those opportunities, their water and are feeding them their given them: sunlight and life. There sullen that opportunity and it keeps getting, while you're getting smaller? Why cause there aren't any greener pastures there weren't taken care of by someone see when you Neglect you'll immediately start to dislike. that thing which you neglect and then you'll start peering over looking at the neighbor's fence, thinking wow. What he has is better, it's only better because he's committed so commit commit all the way to your career
emit to learning something that you can about selling commit to learning about your product. You, your act or an actress. Your product is what right amid to learning how to get that into the marketplace. Your business owner and have products you sell commit to getting that product into the marketplace. You have to commit to your product, your service, your employees, your expansion. You have to put the stake in the ground, commit all the way do or die. commit to learning everything you can and watch how much green year career will produce for you. See. Whenever I commit myself to any law action, I found myself getting immediate results. There not delayed because I mean, away. If you commit and don't get immediate results, I would suggest that you have committed all the way when I'm not committed on results are delayed or even non existent. If
made it a hundred percent to the customer in front of me. Let's say I'm selling a product and there's a customer. I will get results with them, but I'm with when I'm with one. Customer and I'm thinking about another customer over here and thinking about another opportunity, and I can't wait to get home tonight. I'm thinking about that. I want to be with the kids and we're going to vacation, see I'm not with that person all the way and I'm gonna get delayed, salt or maybe even non existent results, I'm unable to make the best of what I have why my commitment dropped out, commit you have to commit, and you have commit all the way when I give my seminars are put on the small gold pen that I wear a mile parents as a hundred per cent. sales person once asked me. Why do you wear that? Pin I mean, do you wear for the customers to see I mean? What's the deal with the pen? What's it what's it mean and why and explain? Look yeah! You not! I I alike, customer c in the little pen and intrigues them and they'll. Ask a question
You know like hey what does that mean, but I don't wear it for them. I work for me I were to remind myself to commit to git in all the way, I don't get dressed for other people, I get dressed for me, so I feel good. so then dress professionally. I want to look good obviously, but for me first then them and I put that pin on the remind me- hey grant be one hundred per cent. You can't be one hundred per cent one day of the week or twice a week or three day every day sometimes I go into the restroom and look at the pen and say dude, you gotta crank it up. You gotta get committed and recommitted c commitment is a very, very personal thing and is the indisputable single record I met for getting results in life and separating yourself from their herds of others, while at the age of twenty five
I've been in and out of sales for five or six or seven years, and I realise that I was still all those past six seven years, looking for a real career, see no commitment equals no results. No commitment equals no or little results. I had made a commitment to sales. Yet now wasn't proud of my position. I didn't want to be a sales person didn't like the work I was doing so I didn't get results If I had committed. How can I beginning results anyway, at the very best I was average and I was average because I wasn't committed wasn't because sales was right for me a wrong for me or I could handle it or not handle it. Look first rule you have to commit. because I wasn't committed. I wouldn't get results, get it no commitment equals note.
Thoughts or non existence. Results are poor results or hand. Night all the results of the horse power. I have if I have two hundred horsepower anomalies in ten of it, because my commitment is only to put my foot bear on the accelerator. I'm only gonna get powers of horse power out of the or ten miles an hour out of the two to one horse power and I got a card that can drive a hundred eighty miles an hour black. I won't committed the accelerator because I wasn't getting results. I didn't like my job and because at all I, my job reduce my commitment, even father. This a vicious cycle, no commitment was no results means and, unlike my job which means our father less commit. I'm lookin for greener pastures and this vicious cycle of destruction see to the degree I'm proud of your job, the job you're doing every day. You will not be successful. and to the degree you are successful. Ultimately, will that
how proud you or of your career. The career you're, is not the problem, your commitment to that career, Learning everything about that career too. Getting results in that career, that is the problem, I want to read this one more time to the degree you or not,. proud of your job, your position, your post, your career, Whatever it is you're doing, you will not be successful entered the degree you are successful, will determine how proud you are of your career Your career is not the problem. Your commitment to your career is the problem, so I decided one day after years of being average mediocre That sales was not my problem, the selling thing I'm a sales ban. That's not the problem that at that moment I decided that the problem was the lack of
if I was gonna do this for one more day, one not be completely committed, and in that moment, and it took a moment, I devote myself to learning everything there was to know about selling my goal. became. I will stand head and shoulders above every one else in this field, not just the people, the surrounded me, but every one in the field, and I will no longer be compared with others regarding selling. I decided at that moment to become professional and to be different in the typical average mediocre salesperson. See that's the moment when everything for me and it changed immediately and it changed magically right away. My energy change, my dress, changed my actions and my habits change. My language even changed and my results There were immediate. A meeting.
Lemme pastures became greed, green, my my potential exploded and result showed up. It was almost spiritual. In fact it was spiritual. It was so dramatic and that is the magic of commitment if you want to be successful at anything, you have to commit you ve gotta, be in it a hundred percent with no other fish to fry, the the burn. The ship condom. Integrity is what it takes to get you to a place where you'll do the things that will ensure results, no place switch back to no place to go home hate. This My last stand kind of commitment to get into the guy. Aim is, though, your life completely depends on it, because the truth is your life. does depend on your commitment, the life that you ve been drawn me of depends on you getting in all the way and doing it now. This is how I approach
anything from which I want results. This is how I approach the career selling at the age of twenty five, and that moment my life changed I'll. Never for The first time I experienced the magic and power of committee in a no some of you think amanda gas. During a time of spiritual and I'm telling you it was spiritual, whatever that means to you was magic. It was one summer I was working on an offshore crew boat servicing While rigs and I was not a salesperson- I was a hand labour by the hour, two weeks on two weeks off we're off the coast of louisiana, and we used sit around waiting for the rigs to call on us and we were supply boat. Would we would deliver supplies a boring job? we weren't actually working. We spent on fishing off the side of the boat. We drop a hundred foot line with like tat a different, a hooks on it. We're fishing for snapper and on one
took a lucky day. We reeled in hundreds of snapper. We just drop the line over wait, ten minutes pull it up in there be twenty snapper zone. While this day was just like, we just hit this incredible amount of fish, as we pack them in. with what little ice we had on board. I listen to the other crew members who were talking about I'll have enough fifty four weeks and in they were you, take all this fish home and eat it. Well, for some crazy reason, I saw value, unlike my gosh, we have so many fishers. No way we can eat all this there, just gonna give it away for for some crazy reason. I offered to bob everyone's fish with the idea that I would go home and sell the fish. On my way home.
at that time. I had never really solve anything and didn't know anything about fish sales for absolute sure, he'll. I'd just calm offers fish, I didn't even know to whom, might sell these fish to all. I knew was that my good instinct, my knowing this was I me that someone would want to buy those beautiful red, fresh red snapper, We wanted and we were excited about him. Certainly other people would be well with hundreds of snapper piled. In the back of my truck, I realize I needed to create a market, fine customers and figure out how to convince them to buy my fish. I had to think fast because man looked ice. The ice was me. Not in any you no extra money for ice, so I had to think vasquez ice on the fish was melting, and I
Was it going to lose my paycheck and my inventory if I didn't move the product right away, as I thought about where I might find these customers are remembered how the bible salesmen used to come, knocking on the door of our home and how committed that guy was mean, those guys they, your call call pitch their book, don't leave until they get a sale and I was like well. I need to go door to door It's getting late and I decided I may have to use the door to door approach and even though I didn't like the idea, the door to door approach, look if it was good enough to sell bibles, it had to be good enough for me because I didn't have any other choices of commitment amount of choices, see as that I continue to melt it for me. more of a commitment urgency. I started to build. Ass through neighbourhood after neighbourhood, announcing I have fresh fish just caught in the gulf of mexico.
knocking on doors are rapidly explained that these fish had been caught in the gulf that morning, and it was the best money could by making big clay some learn how to sell, and I don't even know it after all, covered the houses in there, I started going to businesses and found out the businesses. There was more people at home and I found more prospects and I sold the rest of my fish and I did it before the last ice was gone, see that day, in four hours. I learned the value of commitment I had a fanatical have to get it done, no other options below myself up level of commitment and a metallic something commitment, equalled a meat It results in immediate results because my production equalled happiness cause. I was a happy gotta.
I'd made more money selling fish in four hours, then I'd made doing hard, labor work for two weeks and it all came after. I made the commitment to sell the fish. Actually I didn't ever make the commitment, So the fish I was forced into commitment to sell the fisher lose the money I put must in a position where I didn't have choice, but I had to sell them or lose them it was do or die after that, experience? I was pardon upon hooked on sales forever but I still wooden become a professional for seven more years. So the first thing you have to do in any career. is commit yourself to selling as something that is vital to that career and to your life, regardless of what your post or career actually yes expect.
If you're in sales commit all the way all in commit like a fanatic commit right now watch what happens. Commitment is like magic. In fact, you know what it is magic and nothing great ever happens until there is commitment. Most people don't attack their projects with. I have to get it done kind of urgency and therefore never get it done. What was out was commitment. Most people never commit like from and fanatics because they don't wanna be called fanatics because they think something's wrong with being a fanatic and then Come average mediocre, look, you wanna get fantastic, life become a fanatic about your life. You gonna become fantastic with income, then become a fanatic about your income.
You want to become a fantastic entrepreneur. Them become a fanatic about being an entrepreneur commit, and the first thing you will get is the power of prediction The moment of transition from an amateur to professional, that's following model Isn't it commit and become dedicated to that career? I begin. Studying the entire area are selling K. Now, I'm a professional sales person, I'm an amateur sales person, I'm twenty five years old, I'm starting to study the whole feel this is about. Seven years after the fishing. and I'm starting to like dedicate myself, I'm studying I'm listening tapes and watching videos, I'm doing everything to consume everything about this topic. A sum myself with data. I began studying the whole area of selling, I start taking notes every exchange. I have a record.
Customers and video and customers without permission by the way, I'm recording all these experiences on audio and video. So I can later go back and study them. I I studied them like a football team, reviewed playbacks of games. I didn't know it then, but I had gained an ability that most sales people never get from committing to learning everything and that ability is called The ability to predict see to predict is to know what's going to happen next, I stumbled across his skill and found myself gaining the ability to actually predict the outcome of future situations. Future.
Situations. They haven't happened yet, and I started to know exactly what I had to do every day to create one, a certain amount of income. That was one prediction. Oh well, I'm gonna have to see this many people to get these results. I was gaining the ability to predict what people would say to me, I was gaining the ability to predict exactly how many people I'd have to see and what they would say to me and what I would say back to them. I was able to predict objections before they handled happened. I was able then, to handle them as they surface, because I could see it coming. It was, it was ass if things had gone into some kind of slow motion like I knew what every player, the customers, the managers, the people around me- the inventory, the environment. It's like. I was able to predict the field around me and what it would do the moments to come. What would happen the abyss
predict is the first thing happens when it when you become professional in your feel. I had reached this level of ability and I knew it at that moment. I had become a professional. I believe they ability predict is the first indicator of you cross in a line from the amateur to the professional prediction is the great unknown and unrecognized asset of the professional. You know. I've never heard this spoken about before in any of the cds or programs or seminars that I've been to. But I know this ability to predict exist if you've read about any of the great athletes they talk about the same finale from happening whereby they they are able to know everything, that's going to happen before it even happens. Wayne Gretzky and Michael Jordan tiger woods. All these guys have been quoted as having the experience of being able to predict where the play would move to and how that play would turn
and where position position themselves to make their score years ago, I was selling a product multimillionaires and discovered the ability to predict governed quickly that I had a very short period of time with these people money wasn't the problem with the time was the problem, and I disagree because I had a very short time, was to make my presentation and the town was such a good. concern to these people. I had to handle it in full time again was more valuable than money. I have this one prospect I was working with. In and knew exactly what his rejection would be. When I got him on the phone it was like, I could predicted monies. Not his problem. Grant time is his promise I heard this in my head right and he says to me, son,
Give you sixty seconds. Having predicted correctly, I handled him without having to think about what I would say or do see, because I could predict the next move. I could respond and with credibility, because I had studied so many other similar situations and prospects like him and had formulated and prepared solution. I was able to be responsible for the communication for the exchange and get results with him. This prospect, who started out difficult, became one of the best class. I've ever had and would later actually be responsible for launching my career in sales train. What career pick a career that heading time or shortage of time imposed on it for that talent that individual to sell their products to sell their I'd,
is to sell their dreams. None all people have had time caused them to stop them I'm getting what they wanted. So how does one gain this skill, a prediction? How do you get it. What? First? You have to start looking at everything this happening. You have to observe accurately without emotion or blame and make note of it. This is what I did ability to predict comes from assuming responsibility, for what's going on around you and leaving you can control. It cannot say that again, the ability to pay It comes from assuming responsibility from What's going on around you and believing rightfully or wrong you can control it, and that comes after a commitment Now, when you do this, you have to pay complete attention to everything. This guy
in on around you, and you have to record these encounters And once you do, this you'll start to see a very finite set of patterns and responses and noises when I started recording my and calls, for instance, in making notes of every exchange I had with these people. I immediately tapped into an ability to perceive patterns and then immediately became able to predict. my environment, look, it was so easy and so fast it was like my gosh. What have I stumbled onto. I carry around this little note book called in Directions note book in a right down a road down every objection. I would hear from people every comment they would make later. I would study these notes start to see that most of the people that I was working with these customers were all making very similar comments. Prior to this, I thought there could be it
of ten thousand things they were saying to me, but after I started writing them down, found out was very finite. Limited amount of of things. Was here noise, if you will. You know one of the things I work on my life today. More than any other thing is raising my awareness. I don't want to reduce my awareness they become more aware: prom withdraw alcohol, hypnosis, all those things or is it lowers awareness, even people telling you your problems. They lower your awareness. People, given you answers to your problems, lowers your awareness. If you a raise awareness you need to store becoming aware of, it's going on around you logging that information writing it down and come up with solutions, It was amazing when I started doing this, how where I became. Why customer would tell me some odd write it down. The next customer said the same thing. I write it down when I began
the big began to observe and take responsibility. What was happening to me, I was able to predict what they would say. More importantly, I was prepared to handle that situation now. Out of this point. russian. I had control, because I knew something to know. K N, o w is critical to success as knowledge equals power in life. Two no means you end up with fewer knows see if you're getting knows It means you, dont know something. If you don't have money, you have no money, it means you dont know something about money. If you dont have said because it means you dont know something about getting the deal. If you're an actor and you're not getting auditions. You don't know how to close that audition, some knowing as K and oh w is out, and there is how you get Ano fewer knows, and was means you would have a better life means you need to know more in order to get fewer knows
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-08.